Re: CS>niatonin

2021-10-13 Thread hanan bissar
Makes sure you have food in your stomach when taking zinc.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021, 12:58 AM Max  wrote:

>   Katz on niacin and melatonin for covid
> I would ad ivermectin, quercetin, zinc, vit D and Vit C with silver
> only  in the first week..Zinc makes me nauseous, and suggestions?
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
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> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>re:topical use of silver

2021-10-08 Thread hanan bissar
Elizabeth, I had a plantars wart for over 7 years on my foot. During those
years I sporadically used CS for various things. I was trying everything I
could think of to get rid of the wart aside from going to a doc. The wart
finally disappeared after my consistently dosing CS every waking hour for 2
weeks straight. I took a mouthful and swished before swallowing. I wasn't
doing this thinking of the wart, I was actually dosing to ward off chicken
pox that my son had gotten at the time and since I had never had it before,
I was vigilant about dosing the CS to keep myself from getting it. I did
actually end up getting a very mild case of chickenpox with about 5 pox
total, whereas my son was completely covered from head to toe.

As a plus, the plantars wart totally disappeared and has never returned.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021, 10:56 AM Elizabeth Williams 

> I would be very interested to know anyones experience on using CS
> topically for warts or skin tags, or if anyone has another suggestion would
> love to hear it with an open mind.
> thank you
> Elizabeth

Re: CS>no pandemic

2021-10-07 Thread hanan bissar
Perpetuating lies is not going to end this bs either.

Max, until you can provide actual evidence by way of a photo...because if
they can supposedly see these nano particle virus with their super duper
microscopes then they should also be able to provide a clear photo of it in
all it's spikey splendor... I ain't buying it.

Finding a bit of genetic material is not the same as finding and isolating
a complete pathogen. I mean, don't they say that we are 98% genetically the
same as a chimpanzee or whatever? So according to your logic, we are

If you're truly searching for truth, which I'm doubtful of, you will need
to understand that you cannot take at face value anything that any
"authority" is putting out there. You must think for yourself.

And don't bugger your head too much as to why they sometimes show us
information which would appear to against their best's like a
child molester who abuses the child and then cuddles and consoles them
afterward. That's exactly how you manifest a mind controlled slave.

Zinc everyday...silver when you forget. Works for me.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021, 1:44 AM Max  wrote:

> Hanan
> Sorry about missing your correct gender.   I agree with most of what you
> say here until you get to the personal anecdote.  After all my friend of
> many years died from covid, several others have been incapacitated, and
> my wife has patients that were fit and now can only walk 30 yards before
> they run out of breath. Anecdote is, however, the thing that people
> respond to.  "I literally cried when Derick, once the lead quarterback
> in his college football team, cant even walk down the street with me and
> our dogs   dreaming of great things to come. His doctor said, he will
> never be the same, will never play football again, now that his lungs
> are permanently scarred and his heart is operating at 45% capacity.  His
> fianceblah blah"
> Why would you say "if covid is so deadly" when I have said its not
> deadly, but is a trigger for immune dysregulation that kills primarily
> the old and sick?  Compared to the flu, experts say covid is probably
> less dangerous, while it is 1000 times more dangerous for people over
> 70.  This is not the same as the flu. It has a unique clinical course.
> You and others keep saying you can kill it, whatever it is. But Im glad
> you arent taking care of my friends because the infectious stage is not
> really the problem.  You would need immune modulators and anti
> coagulants to save lives.  If you were to actually try and treat
> somebody for covid, you could easily fail, coming in with a bunch of
> silver and stuff when they get really ill and have already defeated the
> virus and are into the inflammatory stage.
> There is minimal excess death, as I pointed out with actual numbers, but
> this is not really true for older age people. The numbers add up. Those
> are three or four million lives that left someone heartbroken.The
> pandemic has a clear epidemic curve.  If this curve was invented
> anew...a fake pandemic... by every country and province taking data,
> then it would not have the classic Gompertz shape, it would be an
> invention.  Likewise if it was only a result of testing.  It would not
> show seasonality...they would invent something to show an effect of
> masks and lockdowns and injections.  But this is not the case. Do you
> grasp that?
> Why is the PCR test not good?  There is more than one reason. The cycle
> threshold is too high, false positive rate is dependent on how, who and
> when you test, the primers are apparently too  limited, with a lack of
> checks and so on.  Not long ago I posted the link to the retraction
> report detailing the failings.  That doesnt mean it doesnt find bits of
> the virus in question.  That doesnt mean the PCR test measures NOTHING.
> It could, for example, test a part of a lab engineered coronavirus.  The
> test could be based on genetic sequences that were known  months before
> that guy died in Wuhan.  Or years before.   Understanding the full
> implications of the PCR test scandal is a lot more complicated than
> saying its entirely useless and therefor there was no virus and therefor
> the vaccine is a clot inducing bacteria.
> When you dismiss the doctors fighting for ivermectin, when you dismiss
> Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech, Michael Yeadon, Peter McCullough,
> Dr Cahill,  you are dissing the very people who expose the debacle. The
> people who have worked out protocols to save lives.  This is working
> against your future.  Without those people, weve got nothing.  There
> would be no uprising without them.Claiming there are no viruses, no
> specific antibodies, no mRNA vaccine, just shots of bacteria...this is
> not going to e

Re: CS>no pandemic

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
 Nobody's denying there were deaths. But the numbers show that there was a
minimal increase, if any from previous years.

People died from BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA, like people do every year.

And they died from having their lungs blown out on mechanical ventilators.

And they died from dehydration in elderly "care" homes.

And they were outright murdered by medical staff. Richie Allen has had
quite a few testimonials to this from people whos parents were murdered in

I'm not all on board with the terrain theory. I think it's both terrain and
germ but I have seen nothing logical or valid concerning "virus"...and
especially nothing valid concerning Sars CoV-2.

Yes, we know about their gain of function games. But tell me this Max, if
this "Covid" is so deadly, how come after 18 months of never having worn a
muzzle, daily use of shared touch screens with people who have supposedly
had Covid, not washing my hands any more than I ever have
come I'm still alive?

There are already know bacteria that can cause all of these terrible
symptoms associated with both the "Sars CoV-2 virus" and the quaccine.

Zinc and silver can kill all of it.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:25 PM Max  wrote:

> Dave
> You mean...there is no virus, no deaths from ARDS? No thrombosis, no
> epidemic curve anywhere?  A fake so that people would take a
> depopulation shot?   Theres a problem with this theory.  It disqualifies
> all the good work that experts are doing to expose the truth and find
> some justice.   Like this video by Joel Smalley showing the actual
> pandemic and the likely effect of the vaccines.According to you and
> so many others on this forum, all that work, that expertise, is worth
> nothing.  You cant look at this video and see a possible vaccine effect
> because there was no pandemic either.   I dont like that small minded
> cancel culture. If there is gain of function and germ warfare lab stuff
> going on, how are we going to stop it if you manage to convince the
> people there is nothing to worry about because viruses are just
> endogenous signals, health signals as one guy claims?
> Maybe you are right, but maybe you are wrong and those experts who are
> trying to expose the uber global crime are right. You should  present
> supporting information.  But so far you dont.
> What caused the excess mortality in the elderly who were blue from lack
> of oxygen?   How many do you expect to be killed by the vaccines, the
> vaccine mortality rate?   Quickly, if we assume there are about 150,000
> vax deaths in the U.S. (extrapolated from FDA conference and Dr Rose),
> and since the overwhelming deaths occur within weeks,  we could double
> or triple that to account for deaths yet to happen.  Then you have a
> reduction in the population of 0.1%Not significant enough to improve
> the overcrowded conditions and over exploitation of resources. I
> think we need to find better ways to reduce the population, in much
> larger numbers.   The injections appear to fail at population control,
> so far   In the animal kingdoms, overpopulation is balanced by
> catastrophe...maybe we could find a better way
> Actual data says something caused about 3% of all cause mortality,
> globally.  The (non) death from this (non) virus amount to about 0.05%
> of the population.  Based on that data, it seems reasonable to say it
> wasnt a REAL pandemic, as averaged across the total population.   But to
> deny the existence of waves of death in the elderly and the people who
> died of a suffocating viral pneumonia, whatever name you prefer, is not
> smart.
> The people who deny there were deaths wont help fix iatrogenic mortality
> either.
>The same mentality that can deny covid death could just as easily
> deny vaccine death. If you dont believe data, how do you prove there are
> vaccine deaths?
> regards
> Max
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
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> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>hanan

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
Well first Max...I'm a female.

2nd... I've read the documentation on the CDC website and it clearly states
that the original Wuhan dude was diagnosed with Sars CoV-2 using PCR. matter what your Yeadons, Malone's, McCulloughs and Bhakdis say
about the Sars CoV-2 being a fact, the inventor of the PCR clearly stated
that it is not meant for diagnosis. Did your heros miss that fact?

Believe all the lies you wish, use all the hocus pocus remedies you prefer.
As my teenage son likes to say so often, I don't care.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 5:45 PM Max  wrote:

> Ive noticed that Hanan complains that others post on covid and not
> silver,  while he makes post after post on covid and rarely on silver.
> His covid stuff seems to revolve around negating the existence of
> viruses, antibodies and the pandemic.  This is a problem because the
> great people that have been fighting the mainstream narrative, like Mike
> Yeadon,  Robert Malone,  Peter McCullough, Sucharit Bhakdi, The Hart
> group and many moreseveral of whom are treating physicians, all base
> there arguments on the existence of the virus.  So if you undermine all
> of this, then you undermine the resistance.  An analogy is if there
> was a group fighting, say, the health detriment from 5g, going against
> the big corporations and media and everything, and in the public sphere
> people were saying there is no such thing as millimeter wavelength
> electromagnetic radiation.
> Hanan probably means well, but is acting in a de facto troll like way.
> Please consider it Hanan, and keep an open mind
> On 10/6/2021 2:27 PM, hanan bissar wrote:
> > Linda,  I appreciate  the explanation. I still am finding it odd that
> > the majority of posts here are about everything else but CS...ya
> > know...since it's a CS group and all
> >
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
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> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
You see Max, you make the fatal mistake of believing what they tell you.
They came right out and told you that there's a unique "spike protein" on
this unique Sars CoV-2 virus when they have never actually isolated the
supposed virus at I have to mention yet again that they discovered
SARS-CoV-2 using the PCR!!!???

So, they in fact have not discovered any new virus, therefore there is no
unique spike protein and therefore them telling you that the vaccine is
going to cause your body to manufacture this unique spike protein is
bullshit...unless, what I've heard it hypothesized is correct and our own
cells already have spike proteins on their membranes and once they become
poisoned the spike proteins detach themselves.

The elderly and others get sick and die every year from bacterial
pneumonia...cuz they don't know how to use CS in a nebulizer once they get
sick and it progresses into the lungs...again, between 250K-650K die every
year from "influenza".…likely die from bacterial pneumonia and shitty
medical care.

I am sticking with my theory that they are actually injecting people with
thrombosis causing bacteria.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 2:11 PM Max  wrote:

> There was a pandemic
> It was a pandemic of the sick and elderly.  Key data is the excess
> mortality and the clinical experience.   Excess mortality clearly shows a
> pandemic which spread around the world.  Excess mortality is rather small,
> so its not a hugely dangerous pandemic. In several countries there has been
> no excess death.  Much of the death was falsely attributed to covid.
> According to John Ioannidis who did extensive work on this, covid was
> undercounted in some countries like Africa and overcounted in many western
> countries.  There is evidence of mass malpractice, the over dosing of
> certain drugs, miss-use of ventilator protocol and a big problem in the
> handling of covid in care facilities.
> Its fair to say the virus, whatever name you want to give it, does not
> kill, its not a killer virus.  This view is highly supported by  the paper
> discussing the disease phases, which I discussed previously, and which was
> provided by Cyndiann.   By now, everyone should know that the virus or set
> of circumstances leading to death  is a trigger, like a fuse on a bomb, the
> bomb being hyperinflammation caused by the bodies immune system. But there
> seem to be features of the viral trigger which can lead to this
> dysregulated immune response in an unusually aggressive way.  This may be
> related in part to features of the spike protein, which may cause similar
> problems by the injections.  Blood clotting, immune suppression,
> autoimmunity and  more.  Covid is in fact quite dangerous for the elderly
> and unwell.  Likewise, the injection is very dangerous, having killed
> approximately 150,000 in the U.S. so far.
> Clinically doctors around the world reported a unique feature of covid
> which is extreme hypoxia, even among the still ambulatory.  The time
> sequence of covid is unique, with an often precipitous decline after the
> virus has been well defeated.  There is unusual loss of smell, which I
> believe was also a feature of sars cov 1.  There is thrombosis. The disease
> is treatable with Ivermectin and other immune modulators and
> anticoagulants.  If there were no disease, why would it be treatable?  Why
> would there be efficacy of certain protocols?  Why would there be unique
> disease symptoms?   Why would Michael Levitt be able to devote a year and a
> half showing the outbreaks follow a pure mathematical curve, (with no
> evidence of influence by interventions, masks etc) if there are no
> outbreaks?
> Now there is growing evidence that the later pandemic waves are caused or
> exacerbated by the vaccine. See Joel Smalley.   To deny covid is to deny
> vaccine harm, both stemming from the spike protein.
> People seem driven by emotion and have shelved discrimination.  Emotional
> bias reigns supreme, suppressing rational thought.  The cognitive
> dissonance must be extraordinary.
> On 10/6/2021 9:23 AM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:
> agreed, if this was a pandemic there would be dead people laying on the
> streets and they wouldnt be firing medical workers.
> --
> *From:* hanan bissar  
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 6, 2021 11:21 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: CS>
> There's no fkn pandemic!

Re: CS>hanan

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
Linda,  I appreciate  the explanation. I still am finding it odd that the
majority of posts here are about everything else but CS...ya know...since
it's a CS group and all

As I've posted before, I try to remember to take ~30mg zinc daily as I have
found that zinc is key in keeping my "immune system" working well. There
have been many times when I have lapsed in my zinc intake and have caught a
"bug"...and that's when I bring in the CS.

Do you take zinc daily?

What makes you think this "Covid" bug is more deadly than other bugs? ...As
I stated before, 250K-650K people die every year worldwide from
influenza...likely due to bacterial pneumonia. It's estimated that there
are 1Billion cases of Influenza worldwide every year.

What makes you think "Covid" is more deadly or more "contagious"?...seems
you are a TV watcher...that could be the reason. I believe I've also stated here before...the Wuhan dude was
admitted into hospital with Bacterial Pneumonia...they "discovered"
SARS-CoV-2 in his fluids using PCR...a tool that is not meant for discovery
and diagnosis...only amplification and manufacturing.

I mean, have you read anything on the CDC or who website on exactly how
this novel coronavirus was "discovered" or how they supposedly isolated it?
It's all been manufactured.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 1:25 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> Whether there's a "real" pandemic or not, isn't the major issue of the
> day.  Like it or not, "the pandemic" is front and center in our lives.
> It's on the news every hour of the day.  Stores are back to "suggesting" or
> "requesting" or "requiring" masks again.  All federal offices, on all
> federal property, require masks.  In some states and cities, proof of
> vaccination is required to even ENTER buildings - both public and private.
> Some of us here are further along on the CS research side of things than
> others, and I'm sure are comfortable working with that medium to deal with
> protecting themselves.
> I'm pretty far behind on the CS learning curve, though, and I'm looking at
> the whole range of options that I have, that can address the illness that's
> going around.  Call it a pandemic, or Wuhan Virus, or whatever else you
> want to label it there's something that is making many people - including
> some of my friends - sick.
> I'm happy to have a group like this, where we can talk about everything
> that may possibly address the pandemic/virus/whatever?
> It happens that Ivermectin is a hot topic right now.  We chose to follow
> an Ivermectin-based protocol starting in January, when we were casually
> exposed.  When I submitted a new prescription in August, for the first time
> a pharmacist grilled me on why we're using a drug.  Since then, there have
> been all kinds of moves to try to restrict its use for Covid-19 prevention
> and treatment, despite the continuing stream of positive results coming
> from all over the world.  Some pharmacists are refusing to fill valid
> prescriptions (that's called "practicing medicine," and is mostly illegal,
> but); the alphabet agencies are demonizing this Nobel prize-winning
> drug as nothing more than "horse dewormer," and the compliant media is
> carrying that water.  Last week, I learned that the state medical board has
> issued a blanket warning to all doctors.  Our PCP now tells us he must have
> documented proof that his patient is sick with the Wuhan Virus before he
> can prescribe Ivermectin, or risk action by the state medical authorities.
> Everything I've learned in my research says that we have our best shot at
> staying healthy if we move to Phase II of our protocol "at the onset of
> symptoms."  Getting to a doctor and getting tested can take days.  My
> friend was fine on Monday, got sick on Tuesday, was told to come in the
> FOLLOWING MONDAY to be tested, and by then the illness had progressed to
> the "Covid pneumonia" stage.  She has had Multiple Sclerosis and has other
> co-morbidities, and she had to wait A WEEK to get a test!  We don't want to
> wait that long.
> Perhaps, in a few months, I will feel confident enough to try making CS
> again.  It's been a long time, and I never felt I had the hang of it.  When
> life got in the way, the gear got stuck in the back of a cupboard.  I
> expect, at that time, my posts to this group will be riddled with "newbie"
> questions as I learn.
> Thanks for listening.
> Linda
> --
> *From: *"hanan bissar" 
> *Date: *Wed, Oct 6, 2021 11:22 am
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: CS>
> There's no fkn pandemic!
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021,

Re: CS>

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
Elizabeth, It seems this list is overrun with shills. May they all get what
they deserve in this life and the next.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:23 AM Elizabeth Williams 

> agreed, if this was a pandemic there would be dead people laying on the
> streets and they wouldnt be firing medical workers.
> --
> *From:* hanan bissar 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 6, 2021 11:21 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: CS>
> There's no fkn pandemic!
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:20 AM Rick  wrote:
> Since the main focus is temporarily focusing on helping to resolve this
> pandemic, I see no foul or difference in what most other are posting. Sorry
> about my rapid input of government articles, but that was meant for anyone
> on the fence and for our resident vaccine zombie.
> Nothing more from me for today or possibly a couple of days
> Keep it up are an inspiration and are helping me to spread
> the truths
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 12:08 PM hanan bissar 
> wrote:
> I'm sorry Rick, us this the Ivermectin group or the COLLOIDAL SILVER
> group?
> I think I've had well everyone.
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 8:00 AM Rick  wrote:
> The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication
> of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Re: CS>

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
Hopefully my last post... Go look at the WHO documentation that states that
they declared "Covid 19" to be a "pandemic" after only 5000 deaths
Worldwide from Dec 2019-March 2020 

Every year there are between 250K-650K Deaths worldwide from influenza in
the same 3-4 month timeframe ..No mask mandates, no economic shutdowns, no
quarantine, no mandated vaccines.

Zinc and silver work to inhibit and kill bacteria, "virus" and fungus.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:20 AM Rick  wrote:

> Since the main focus is temporarily focusing on helping to resolve this
> pandemic, I see no foul or difference in what most other are posting. Sorry
> about my rapid input of government articles, but that was meant for anyone
> on the fence and for our resident vaccine zombie.
> Nothing more from me for today or possibly a couple of days
> Keep it up are an inspiration and are helping me to spread
> the truths
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 12:08 PM hanan bissar 
> wrote:
>> I'm sorry Rick, us this the Ivermectin group or the COLLOIDAL SILVER
>> group?
>> I think I've had well everyone.
>> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 8:00 AM Rick  wrote:
>>> The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication
>>> of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Re: CS>

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
There's no fkn pandemic!

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 9:20 AM Rick  wrote:

> Since the main focus is temporarily focusing on helping to resolve this
> pandemic, I see no foul or difference in what most other are posting. Sorry
> about my rapid input of government articles, but that was meant for anyone
> on the fence and for our resident vaccine zombie.
> Nothing more from me for today or possibly a couple of days
> Keep it up are an inspiration and are helping me to spread
> the truths
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 12:08 PM hanan bissar 
> wrote:
>> I'm sorry Rick, us this the Ivermectin group or the COLLOIDAL SILVER
>> group?
>> I think I've had well everyone.
>> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 8:00 AM Rick  wrote:
>>> The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication
>>> of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Re: CS>

2021-10-06 Thread hanan bissar
I'm sorry Rick, us this the Ivermectin group or the COLLOIDAL SILVER group?

I think I've had well everyone.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 8:00 AM Rick  wrote:

> The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication
> of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
JJM...Would you mind making reference to exactly who and what you are
talking about!!!

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 8:08 PM JJM  wrote:

> Claim taken out of context and therefore misleading. --- It's a scientific
> theory, based on studies of other similar stars, that our Sun is due to
> expand past the orbit of Mars in about 5 billion years, consuming planet
> Earth in the process.  So if I go around claiming, "The Sun going to
> destroy our planet!",  I've taken a key point of the scientific theory out
> of context to make my claim.
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 9:27 AM hanan bissar  wrote:
>> Nice copy and paste Cyndiann but if you go read the primary citation of
>> the will find that it exactly state that vaccines are
>> "unavoidably unsafe".
>> I'm not gonna cite it here for you lazy azz mofos...go look it up your
>> lazy azz mofo selves.
>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 6:03 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>> wrote:
>>> The Supreme Court has never held or decided or even affirmatively stated
>>> as a proposition of medical fact that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”
>>> Those who make that incorrect assertion have misread or misstated the
>>> Supreme Court’s decision in* Bruesewitz v Wyeth,* LLC, decided in 2011.
>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 9:02 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Find my own kind. You mean people who are alive?
>>>> The rest of you will be dead soon enough. Just don't drag innocents to
>>>> death with you.
>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 7:02 PM hanan bissar 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> should go away if you are "so tired"... you are
>>>>> obviously not wanted or needed here.
>>>>> Find your own kind.
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
>>>>>> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
>>>>>> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look
>>>>>> at where it's coming from.
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
>>>>>>> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
>>>>>>> higher risk of dying in the very
>>>>>>> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never
>>>>>>> addressed these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person
>>>>>>> worthy of respect.
>>>>>>> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips <
>>>>>>>> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror
>>>>>>>> at what you have done and the people that died.
>>>>>>>> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few
>>>>>>>> are still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around.
>>>>>>>> Intentionally passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be
>>>>>>>> illegal somewhere. Bad enough you all put your families in danger but 
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> need to be in prison for their deaths.
>>>>>>>> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof
>>>>>>>> of how FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you 
>>>>>>>> jerks
>>>>>>>> and fed them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check 
>>>>>>>> gets
>>>>>>>> you in even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. 
>>>>>>>> Now
>>>>>>>> you have bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> people die but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola
>>>>>>>> know it's all lies and don't care because they are making a ton of 
>>>>>>>> money
>>>>>>>> off you all.
>>>>>>>> Stupid is as stupid does.
>>>>>>>> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know
>>>>>>>> was never real. Dummies.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> There may be some time left before your brain is completely
>>>>>>>>> shrivelled but you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> André Juthe
>>>>>>> +46736232019
>>>>>>> Myrvägen 26
>>>>>>> 74732 Alunda
>>>>>>> Sweden

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
I did have her blocked and then I unblocked because I thought that might be
why some of the groups messages were going into my spam folder.

I don't know, I didn't come here to argue with people...I just remember
there were some real smart people on this list way back when and I was
curious to know what their thought were on the past 18ish months.

I might have to bow out.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 6:26 PM Deborah Gerard  wrote:

> I'm telling yah...just block the idiot she can go off into a corner and
> talk to herself! This will never end you are not talking to a rational
> human being anymore.
> On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 09:24:23 PM EDT, hanan bissar <
>> wrote:
> Cyndiann, I'd much rather be dead than have to spend time on this planet
> with the vast majority of complete morons like yourself.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 6:02 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:
> Find my own kind. You mean people who are alive?
> The rest of you will be dead soon enough. Just don't drag innocents to
> death with you.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 7:02 PM hanan bissar  wrote:
> should go away if you are "so tired"... you are obviously
> not wanted or needed here.
> Find your own kind.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look at
> where it's coming from.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe  wrote:
> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
> higher risk of dying in the very
> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never addressed
> these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person worthy of
> respect.
> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips :
> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror at what
> you have done and the people that died.
> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few are
> still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around. Intentionally
> passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be illegal somewhere.
> Bad enough you all put your families in danger but you need to be in prison
> for their deaths.
> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof of how
> FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you jerks and fed
> them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check gets you in
> even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. Now you have
> bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and that people die
> but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola know it's all
> lies and don't care because they are making a ton of money off you all.
> Stupid is as stupid does.
> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know was
> never real. Dummies.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar  wrote:
> There may be some time left before your brain is completely shrivelled but
> you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
> --
> André Juthe
> +46736232019
> Myrvägen 26
> 74732 Alunda
> Sweden

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
Nice copy and paste Cyndiann but if you go read the primary citation of the will find that it exactly state that vaccines are "unavoidably

I'm not gonna cite it here for you lazy azz mofos...go look it up your lazy
azz mofo selves.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 6:03 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> The Supreme Court has never held or decided or even affirmatively stated
> as a proposition of medical fact that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”
> Those who make that incorrect assertion have misread or misstated the
> Supreme Court’s decision in* Bruesewitz v Wyeth,* LLC, decided in 2011.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 9:02 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
>> Find my own kind. You mean people who are alive?
>> The rest of you will be dead soon enough. Just don't drag innocents to
>> death with you.
>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 7:02 PM hanan bissar 
>> wrote:
>>> should go away if you are "so tired"... you are obviously
>>> not wanted or needed here.
>>> Find your own kind.
>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>>> wrote:
>>>> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
>>>> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
>>>> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look
>>>> at where it's coming from.
>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
>>>>> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
>>>>> higher risk of dying in the very
>>>>> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never
>>>>> addressed these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person
>>>>> worthy of respect.
>>>>> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips <
>>>>>> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror at
>>>>>> what you have done and the people that died.
>>>>>> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few are
>>>>>> still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around. 
>>>>>> Intentionally
>>>>>> passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be illegal 
>>>>>> somewhere.
>>>>>> Bad enough you all put your families in danger but you need to be in 
>>>>>> prison
>>>>>> for their deaths.
>>>>>> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof of
>>>>>> how FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you jerks and
>>>>>> fed them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check gets 
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> in even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. Now you
>>>>>> have bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and that 
>>>>>> people
>>>>>> die but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola know 
>>>>>> it's
>>>>>> all lies and don't care because they are making a ton of money off you 
>>>>>> all.
>>>>>> Stupid is as stupid does.
>>>>>> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know was
>>>>>> never real. Dummies.
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> There may be some time left before your brain is completely
>>>>>>> shrivelled but you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
>>>>> --
>>>>> André Juthe
>>>>> +46736232019
>>>>> Myrvägen 26
>>>>> 74732 Alunda
>>>>> Sweden

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
Cyndiann, I'd much rather be dead than have to spend time on this planet
with the vast majority of complete morons like yourself.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 6:02 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> Find my own kind. You mean people who are alive?
> The rest of you will be dead soon enough. Just don't drag innocents to
> death with you.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 7:02 PM hanan bissar  wrote:
>> should go away if you are "so tired"... you are obviously
>> not wanted or needed here.
>> Find your own kind.
>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>> wrote:
>>> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
>>> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
>>> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look at
>>> where it's coming from.
>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
>>>> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
>>>> higher risk of dying in the very
>>>> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never
>>>> addressed these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person
>>>> worthy of respect.
>>>> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips <
>>>>> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror at
>>>>> what you have done and the people that died.
>>>>> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few are
>>>>> still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around. 
>>>>> Intentionally
>>>>> passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be illegal 
>>>>> somewhere.
>>>>> Bad enough you all put your families in danger but you need to be in 
>>>>> prison
>>>>> for their deaths.
>>>>> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof of
>>>>> how FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you jerks and
>>>>> fed them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check gets you
>>>>> in even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. Now you
>>>>> have bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and that 
>>>>> people
>>>>> die but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola know it's
>>>>> all lies and don't care because they are making a ton of money off you 
>>>>> all.
>>>>> Stupid is as stupid does.
>>>>> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know was
>>>>> never real. Dummies.
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> There may be some time left before your brain is completely
>>>>>> shrivelled but you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
>>>> --
>>>> André Juthe
>>>> +46736232019
>>>> Myrvägen 26
>>>> 74732 Alunda
>>>> Sweden

Re: CS>3 stage disease

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
Ok genius... exactly what are "antibodies"?

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 6:07 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> They who? Minerals are not antibodies you goof.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 7:21 PM hanan bissar  wrote:
>> And Max, you seem to have missed the point that they have never shown
>> proof of discovery of a "Sars CoV-2" virus...or any "virus" capable of
>> causing infection or disease.
>> If I'm mistaken, please present the actual evidence here.
>> I do believe there are pathogens which can cause all sorts of disease in
>> our bodies if we do not keep our "immune systems" up to speed.
>> My current research and questions, which follow along with other research
>> and questions I've posted here, which no one seems to take much interest
>> to try and find out exactly what these "antibodies" are that are
>> spoken of so frequently and to be of such great importance in our
>> "immune system".
>> Today I looked a bit more into "antigens"...they are just "foreign
>> proteins". So if "antibodies" are magically created in our bodies to fight
>> off proteins, are "antibodies" created everytime we eat?
>> I know for fact that both zinc and silver disable pathogens in the human
>> body.
>> I wonder if all these "antibodies" are just minerals that we naturally
>> consume in our diets.
>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 10:44 AM Max  wrote:
>>> Hanan you seem to have missed the simple point that there are two more
>>> stages, the inflammatory and the clotting stage.  According to doctors the
>>> fall into hyper inflammation and serious outcomes can be sudden and
>>> precipitous.  Your protocol is missing two ingredients that could save
>>> someones life. You didnt even mention quercetin.  By the time you reach for
>>> silver to kill a virus you wont need it.   Thats about a week in to a month
>>> long potentially killer experience
>>> On 10/5/2021 2:52 AM, hanan bissar wrote:
>>> Take ~30 mg zinc daily. If you do come down with a boogie bug (cuz you
>>> have lapsed in your daily zinc intake) then nebulizer silver.
>>> Real simple.
>>> On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 4:23 PM Max  wrote:
>>>>  From Cyndianns excellent link
>>>> "As there is growing evidence that the manifestations evident during
>>>> the early inflammatory  phase  are  driven  by  host immune  responses
>>>> rather than ongoing viral replication or viral virulence  factors,
>>>> there  is  support  for  trials  and re-search  exploring  the  role
>>>> of  different  immunomodulatory therapies at this stage. "
>>>> With this link Cyndiann is at once undermining the vaccine push and
>>>> vindicating her injunction that we shouldnt call the vaccine a
>>>> therapy.
>>>> The cause of the severe or dangerous phase of covid is not caused by
>>>> the
>>>> virus or viral virulence factors, nor is it caused by a lack of
>>>> antibodies, as made clear in her referenced paper.  What is needed are
>>>> immunomodulatory therapies.  The vaccine is not a therapy here and is
>>>> not permitted in patients at this stage.   Immunomodulatory therapy
>>>> includes sunshine, walking if possible, a good clean diet or fasting,
>>>> budesonide and ivermectin, herbs like licorice and maybe antihistamines.
>>>> As Cyndiann has pointed out, ivermectin is being actively suppressed, a
>>>> criminal action just to boost sales of the injections.   She also
>>>> pointed out that the entire expenditure of the U.S. population on
>>>> doctor
>>>> prescriptions for ivermectin, which are not needed, and overpriced
>>>> versions of the drug is half of what one man, bill Gates made during
>>>> the
>>>> pandemic.  The CEO of Pfizer could have bought everyone ivermectin on
>>>> his vax profits. Trump could have taking 1/1000 of his warp speed
>>>> program and gotten ivermectin for everybody.The failure of the
>>>> vaccine is illustrated by Israel which has cancelled the vax passport
>>>> unless you have booster shots, while the epidemic ebs and surges
>>>> regardless of vaccine status.
>>>> Exposing these uber criminal acts is easier when we work together like
>>>> this.  Thanks Cyndiann!
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Max
>>>> --
>>>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>>>   Rules and Instructions:
>>>> Unsubscribe:
>>>>   <>
>>>> Archives:
>>>> Off-Topic discussions: <>
>>>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
Jimmy...From whom, about what?

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:00 PM JJM  wrote:

> Citation, please!
> Jimmy
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 7:00 AM hanan bissar  wrote:
>> The supreme court stated that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe".
>> If anyone should be held accountable for deaths from "Covid", it is the
>> medical community who murdered thousands with their unnecessary and
>> dangerous mechanical ventilation practices, those "health care workers"
>> that allowed thousands to die in "care homes" because of malnutrition and
>> dehydration during lockdowns and those injecting people with toxic
>> substances.
>> And all those child abusers forcing children to muzzle themselves should
>> be tarred and feathered.
>> Silver is nontoxic to humans.
>> Why are you and other lie-believers on this list?
>> Seems odd that you would target this list with an apparent very small
>> following without being compensated.
>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>> wrote:
>>> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
>>> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
>>> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look at
>>> where it's coming from.
>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
>>>> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
>>>> higher risk of dying in the very
>>>> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never
>>>> addressed these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person
>>>> worthy of respect.
>>>> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips <
>>>>> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror at
>>>>> what you have done and the people that died.
>>>>> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few are
>>>>> still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around. 
>>>>> Intentionally
>>>>> passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be illegal 
>>>>> somewhere.
>>>>> Bad enough you all put your families in danger but you need to be in 
>>>>> prison
>>>>> for their deaths.
>>>>> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof of
>>>>> how FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you jerks and
>>>>> fed them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check gets you
>>>>> in even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. Now you
>>>>> have bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and that 
>>>>> people
>>>>> die but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola know it's
>>>>> all lies and don't care because they are making a ton of money off you 
>>>>> all.
>>>>> Stupid is as stupid does.
>>>>> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know was
>>>>> never real. Dummies.
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> There may be some time left before your brain is completely
>>>>>> shrivelled but you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
>>>> --
>>>> André Juthe
>>>> +46736232019
>>>> Myrvägen 26
>>>> 74732 Alunda
>>>> Sweden

Re: CS>3 stage disease

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
And Max, you seem to have missed the point that they have never shown proof
of discovery of a "Sars CoV-2" virus...or any "virus" capable of causing
infection or disease.

If I'm mistaken, please present the actual evidence here.

I do believe there are pathogens which can cause all sorts of disease in
our bodies if we do not keep our "immune systems" up to speed.

My current research and questions, which follow along with other research
and questions I've posted here, which no one seems to take much interest to try and find out exactly what these "antibodies" are that are
spoken of so frequently and to be of such great importance in our
"immune system".

Today I looked a bit more into "antigens"...they are just "foreign
proteins". So if "antibodies" are magically created in our bodies to fight
off proteins, are "antibodies" created everytime we eat?

I know for fact that both zinc and silver disable pathogens in the human

I wonder if all these "antibodies" are just minerals that we naturally
consume in our diets.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 10:44 AM Max  wrote:

> Hanan you seem to have missed the simple point that there are two more
> stages, the inflammatory and the clotting stage.  According to doctors the
> fall into hyper inflammation and serious outcomes can be sudden and
> precipitous.  Your protocol is missing two ingredients that could save
> someones life. You didnt even mention quercetin.  By the time you reach for
> silver to kill a virus you wont need it.   Thats about a week in to a month
> long potentially killer experience
> On 10/5/2021 2:52 AM, hanan bissar wrote:
> Take ~30 mg zinc daily. If you do come down with a boogie bug (cuz you
> have lapsed in your daily zinc intake) then nebulizer silver.
> Real simple.
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 4:23 PM Max  wrote:
>>  From Cyndianns excellent link
>> "As there is growing evidence that the manifestations evident during
>> the early inflammatory  phase  are  driven  by  host immune  responses
>> rather than ongoing viral replication or viral virulence  factors,
>> there  is  support  for  trials  and re-search  exploring  the  role
>> of  different  immunomodulatory therapies at this stage. "
>> With this link Cyndiann is at once undermining the vaccine push and
>> vindicating her injunction that we shouldnt call the vaccine a therapy.
>> The cause of the severe or dangerous phase of covid is not caused by the
>> virus or viral virulence factors, nor is it caused by a lack of
>> antibodies, as made clear in her referenced paper.  What is needed are
>> immunomodulatory therapies.  The vaccine is not a therapy here and is
>> not permitted in patients at this stage.   Immunomodulatory therapy
>> includes sunshine, walking if possible, a good clean diet or fasting,
>> budesonide and ivermectin, herbs like licorice and maybe antihistamines.
>> As Cyndiann has pointed out, ivermectin is being actively suppressed, a
>> criminal action just to boost sales of the injections.   She also
>> pointed out that the entire expenditure of the U.S. population on doctor
>> prescriptions for ivermectin, which are not needed, and overpriced
>> versions of the drug is half of what one man, bill Gates made during the
>> pandemic.  The CEO of Pfizer could have bought everyone ivermectin on
>> his vax profits. Trump could have taking 1/1000 of his warp speed
>> program and gotten ivermectin for everybody.The failure of the
>> vaccine is illustrated by Israel which has cancelled the vax passport
>> unless you have booster shots, while the epidemic ebs and surges
>> regardless of vaccine status.
>> Exposing these uber criminal acts is easier when we work together like
>> this.  Thanks Cyndiann!
>> Kind regards
>> Max
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>   Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>>   <>
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: <>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar should go away if you are "so tired"... you are obviously
not wanted or needed here.

Find your own kind.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look at
> where it's coming from.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe  wrote:
>> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
>> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
>> higher risk of dying in the very
>> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never
>> addressed these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person
>> worthy of respect.
>> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips > >:
>>> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror at
>>> what you have done and the people that died.
>>> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few are
>>> still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around. Intentionally
>>> passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be illegal somewhere.
>>> Bad enough you all put your families in danger but you need to be in prison
>>> for their deaths.
>>> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof of how
>>> FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you jerks and fed
>>> them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check gets you in
>>> even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. Now you have
>>> bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and that people die
>>> but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola know it's all
>>> lies and don't care because they are making a ton of money off you all.
>>> Stupid is as stupid does.
>>> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know was
>>> never real. Dummies.
>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar 
>>> wrote:
>>>> There may be some time left before your brain is completely shrivelled
>>>> but you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
>> --
>> André Juthe
>> +46736232019
>> Myrvägen 26
>> 74732 Alunda
>> Sweden

Re: CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
The supreme court stated that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe".

If anyone should be held accountable for deaths from "Covid", it is the
medical community who murdered thousands with their unnecessary and
dangerous mechanical ventilation practices, those "health care workers"
that allowed thousands to die in "care homes" because of malnutrition and
dehydration during lockdowns and those injecting people with toxic

And all those child abusers forcing children to muzzle themselves should be
tarred and feathered.

Silver is nontoxic to humans.

Why are you and other lie-believers on this list?

Seems odd that you would target this list with an apparent very small
following without being compensated.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 12:37 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> No, there aren't. Fake shit.
> Look at who is in the hospitals, it's you idiots.
> Tired of seeing shit posted saying it's the vaccinated in there. Look at
> where it's coming from.
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:31 PM André Juthe  wrote:
>> Cyndiann, over 140 studies shows the problem with the vaccine and
>> statistics from all over the world shows that vaccinated people have  a
>> higher risk of dying in the very
>> disease the vaccine was supposed to protect them from. You never
>> addressed these facts, and therefore you are not trustworthy or a person
>> worthy of respect.
>> Den tis 5 okt. 2021 kl 21:28 skrev Cyndiann Phillips > >:
>>> I'm not the one with brain problems. One day you will be in horror at
>>> what you have done and the people that died.
>>> You all chased every sensible person from this list, hoping a few are
>>> still lurking but they might find it too sick to hang around. Intentionally
>>> passing on fake science that kills people, it's gotta be illegal somewhere.
>>> Bad enough you all put your families in danger but you need to be in prison
>>> for their deaths.
>>> It was just in the news how a Facebook whistleblower showed proof of how
>>> FB allowed fake news to go to conspiracy theorists like you jerks and fed
>>> them the wrong info on purpose. Not knowing how to fact check gets you in
>>> even worse trouble. That isn't the only website that did that. Now you have
>>> bitchute and many more, who know they are posting lies and that people die
>>> but do it anyway. The websites like natural news and mercola know it's all
>>> lies and don't care because they are making a ton of money off you all.
>>> Stupid is as stupid does.
>>> All it would take is some checking to see what you think you know was
>>> never real. Dummies.
>>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 5:44 AM hanan bissar 
>>> wrote:
>>>> There may be some time left before your brain is completely shrivelled
>>>> but you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.
>> --
>> André Juthe
>> +46736232019
>> Myrvägen 26
>> 74732 Alunda
>> Sweden

Re: CS>3 stage disease

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
Take ~30 mg zinc daily. If you do come down with a boogie bug (cuz you have
lapsed in your daily zinc intake) then nebulizer silver.

Real simple.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 4:23 PM Max  wrote:

>  From Cyndianns excellent link
> "As there is growing evidence that the manifestations evident during
> the early inflammatory  phase  are  driven  by  host immune  responses
> rather than ongoing viral replication or viral virulence  factors,
> there  is  support  for  trials  and re-search  exploring  the  role
> of  different  immunomodulatory therapies at this stage. "
> With this link Cyndiann is at once undermining the vaccine push and
> vindicating her injunction that we shouldnt call the vaccine a therapy.
> The cause of the severe or dangerous phase of covid is not caused by the
> virus or viral virulence factors, nor is it caused by a lack of
> antibodies, as made clear in her referenced paper.  What is needed are
> immunomodulatory therapies.  The vaccine is not a therapy here and is
> not permitted in patients at this stage.   Immunomodulatory therapy
> includes sunshine, walking if possible, a good clean diet or fasting,
> budesonide and ivermectin, herbs like licorice and maybe antihistamines.
> As Cyndiann has pointed out, ivermectin is being actively suppressed, a
> criminal action just to boost sales of the injections.   She also
> pointed out that the entire expenditure of the U.S. population on doctor
> prescriptions for ivermectin, which are not needed, and overpriced
> versions of the drug is half of what one man, bill Gates made during the
> pandemic.  The CEO of Pfizer could have bought everyone ivermectin on
> his vax profits. Trump could have taking 1/1000 of his warp speed
> program and gotten ivermectin for everybody.The failure of the
> vaccine is illustrated by Israel which has cancelled the vax passport
> unless you have booster shots, while the epidemic ebs and surges
> regardless of vaccine status.
> Exposing these uber criminal acts is easier when we work together like
> this.  Thanks Cyndiann!
> Kind regards
> Max
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>For Cyndiann

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
There may be some time left before your brain is completely shrivelled but
you'll need to put a stop to your fear addiction.

Re: CS>Who's exempt from the clotshot? (Millions)

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
I have no sympathy for the willfully ignorant, only for the harm they will
cause to the innocent children.

I will be claiming a religious exemption when/if push comes to shove.

My religion is called Truth and I am exempt from their lies.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2021, 1:15 AM pal joey  wrote:

> Millions of "guests ", Congress, Xiden administration,  the homeless, just
> about everyone except "Workers" who foot the bill for their own demise.

Re: CS>Globalist's Covid-Crime Against Humanity

2021-10-05 Thread hanan bissar
Very good! We must keep an eye on the outcome. Thank you for sharing.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 8:06 PM S Khanna  wrote:

> Very encouraging!
> On Sunday, October 3, 2021, 10:43:02 AM PDT, Ed  wrote:
> -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe: Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>

2021-10-04 Thread hanan bissar
Interesting, thank you for explaining your experience. Are you healed of
the hepatitis at this point?

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 6:23 AM pal joey  wrote:

> My use of CS has been inconclusive (to me) I was making gallons of it, and
> drinking it, with no noticeable relief from hepatitis C.  I admit I'm no
> expert,  but I followed all instructions, and tested it, going  along for
> months or years, I've forgotten now, but clearly no improvement.  Otoh,
> there have always been debates here about which is best, and I didn't feel
> like I had the luxury of continued research; I needed help immediately.
> So, I fell back on my tried and true protocols of oxidative and vitamin C
> therapies. I'm sure by now,
> that the dedicated members here have sorted out the details and developed
> best protocols, but again, I don't have time and money to figure out what
> is best re CS.
>  I referenced yt vids of actual doctors promoting h202 inhalation, and
> offered my own experience,  but if you're still not convinced, then its not
> for you. Just like CS is not working for me at this time.Even if i had
>  proper CS as a plan,, I would still be looking into other plans as
> backup.   I know without doubt that titrating
> to bowel tolerance with vitamin C works from a 25 year history of using it.
> I also know that oxidative therapies help, again from 25 years of intense
> experience. And I consider inhalation of h202 much less toxic and
> problematic that the hand sanitizers people are asked to use when entering
> a grocery store.  And also more effective.

Re: CS>Are my posts being seen? Yes

2021-10-04 Thread hanan bissar
Awesome...I hope he continues to get better!

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021, 5:52 AM Ode Coyote  wrote:

> yes
> This from here, posted on PrepperNet
> Day before yesterday, Sodaman was called up by a friend saying her fully
> vaxed husband with co-morbidites from cancer treatments was deathly ill
> from COVID after being sent home from the hospital. [not because the
> hospital was full, but because so many staff had quit over the mandates]
> He was found to be nearly unconscious, barely breathing, too weak to sit
> up in bed and getting worse.
>  Sodaman went to Walmart and bought an ultrasonic vaporizer, filled it
> with silver water, set it up next to her husbands bed so the mist would
> settle mostly near his face where he would breath it in all night.
>  Next morning he was MUCH better, sitting up and talking, fully aware.
> Updates when I get em.
> Sanford, NC·Posted Fri, September 24
> This morning, out of bed, breathing easier, lungs pretty clear, no fever,
> walking around...stuffy nose and occasional cough.
> Sanford, NC·Posted Fri, September 24
> Ode
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:
>> I've seen, and just responded.
>> Linda
>> --
>> *From: *"hanan bissar" 
>> *Date: *Sun, Oct 3, 2021 4:48 pm
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *CS>Are my posts being seen?
>> I posted earlier but did not see it in the archives. Please let me know
>> if you see this post.
>> ~Hanan

Re: CS>Dr McCullough

2021-10-04 Thread hanan bissar
So Max, if you believe in "Covid" and the Sars CoV-2 virus, then that would
mean that you believe that the PCR is capable of discovering and diagnosing
a that correct?

Because according to the primary documentation on the CDC website, it is
stated that the Wuhan dude was admitted to the hospital with bacterial
pneumonia and they tested some throat or lung fluid and voila!...
eureka!... discovered and "diagnosed" the first case of Sars CoV-2...USING

Your thoughts?

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 6:25 PM Max  wrote:

> One of Dr McCulloughs more informative and powerful presentations
> On 10/3/2021 6:02 PM, Max wrote:
> > I think this video with Dr Marik and Dr McCullough gives a good
> > explanation of covid, why the conventional narrative is criminal, and
> > ways to treat covid.  It gets technical, but lots of insight is still
> > available.   I notice the great results from Curcumin and Black
> > seed. For people who dont believe there is covid or any sars cov 2
> > virus, I wonder how they explain the clinical experience of these hard
> > working doctors who tell us covid is not the regular flu and requires
> > a multi drug approach
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >  Rules and Instructions:
> >
> > Unsubscribe:
> >  
> > Archives:
> >
> >
> > Off-Topic discussions: 
> > List Owner: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>Bad news from my PCP

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
Sorry if I missed the discussion but where is the "covid is a 3 stage
disease" coming from?

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 3:27 PM Max  wrote:

> hanan bissar says
> "I thought this group was about CS?"
> quite right Hanan.  Its a silver forum.   We can say that since covid is
> a three stage disease, and silver may only address stage one, that
> silver alone may not be sufficient.
> Was there something you wanted to add?
> Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2
> Curcumin modified silver nanoparticles for highly efficient inhibition
> of respiratory syncytial virus infection.
> Yang XX1, Li CM1, Huang CZ1.
>   The tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) assay showed that the
> curcumin modified silver nanoparticles (cAgNPs) have a highly efficient
> inhibition effect against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection,
> giving a decrease of viral titers about two orders of magnitude at the
> concentration of cAgNPs under which no toxicity was found to the host
> cells.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>CS messages going to Spam folder

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
Some are, some aren't. Any idea how to keep this from happening?

Re: CS>Inhaling h202

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
Umm...what's wrong with using CS?
Why are people speaking about everything else but the many uses of CS here?
I'm confused.

My son had a boogie bug a few weeks ago. Cough, likely slight fever, runny
nose, complained of his arms aching. I had him nebulize CS every couple
hours and he was good as new with no residual cough or anything, in 3 days.

I snorted CS up my nose by dunking a q-tip in CS and snorting it up each
nostril...every few hours to ward off getting sick. Never got sick.

No way am I inhaling h202 unless I'm out of silver.

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 4:18 PM pal joey  wrote:

> I learned of the protocol of inhaling h202, from the bill munroe yt
> videos. I was using this religiously in the early months of the scamdemic.
> I have the misting bottles that nasal sprays come in. You want the kind
> that has a removable nozzle. Wash it out thoroughly, and fill approx
> halfway with 3% from the drugstore. I don't worry about this kind, vs food
> grade. People talk about diluting 35% food grade h202, but few of us know
> for certain thats what we have when it arrives, so trying to make 3% is not
> guaranteed accurate. So I stick to 3% in the brown bottle. I'm not
> overusing it anyway, and I've used it for several years with no problems.
> Plenty of yt vids of doctors demonstrating it. You can carry it in your
> pocket, mist your shirt, hands, and face before you go in a public place,
> do it again when you come out. Empty your lungs; mist as you inhale near
> your mouth, hold a few seconds, repeat.You could even do it in a crowd,
> and people will think you're just another drone on prescribed meds.
>   On a side note; several years back, I used to
> make CS, and drank it often. On a few occasions,  I added a few drops of
> h202. What I remember most, was that it became "energetic". Its been a long
> time, but we had discussions here about it.

Re: CS>Several Bacteria can cause blood clots.

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
Just found this on relationship of graphene oxide and bacteria:

"To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate
GO-dependent selective growth of exoelectrogenic bacteria and the formation
of a self-aggregated hydrogel complex of the biomass and rGO."

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 3:20 PM hanan bissar  wrote:

> After a conversation today with a fb friend about the mRNA ...I did a bit
> more digging. This is my reply to her trying to explain to me how the
> "synthetic mRNA" works
> I'm trying to get a grip on this "synthetic mRNA". Found this description,
> "mRNAs are synthesized in vitro by a phage RNA polymerase transcribing a
> plasmid containing the mRNA sequence..." at
> <>
>  So I looked up definition of "phage" and found this: "What exactly is a
> phage?"
> "Bacteriophages, often called “phages,” are an abundant type of virus that
> infect bacteria and other one-cell organisms. They inject their DNA into a
> host cell, hijacking the host cell to copy their own DNA and make more
> phages." at
> <>
> ... so a phage is just a "virus"... something they have never really
> identified well? I'm still confused.
> And another response of mine ...
> So, after reading up a bit more on how they gmo corn crops by inserting a
> common soil bacteria gene which has ability to be insect resistance...and
> then going on to do a search for "can bacteria cause blood clots"...and
> finding well, yes...there are some that can!... It is my belief at the
> moment that in spite of all this high tech sounding "synthetic"
> jargon...that they are simply injecting people with a certain bacteria like
> Bacillus anthracis or the genes from the bacteria that will cause blood
> clots.
> And a paper on different bacteria that cause causing thrombosis:
> At this point, I am not buying the boogie woogie spikey protein theories
> nor the graphene oxide boogie woogie. I would bet that they are simply
> injecting some known to cause blood clotting bacteria into people. Maybe
> they're testing out which bacteria is most effective between the different
> vaxxine makers.
> None of the explanations make any sense as to the mechanism of how the vax
> "makes your body manufacture the spike protein". All the explanations
> involve "virus" which many believe don't exist, that they are just pieces
> of our own cells.
> Would love some feedback and curiosity on this.

CS>West Nile

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
This is another post I made last week that I think fell through the loop. I
think I've been using the wrong email address at times...the one with
"groups" in it. Anyway, are other people here seeing the same upsurge in
"West Nile virus"?

A supposed upsurge of WNV in my area. Peeps talking about it on my NextDoor.
One poor woman has been in and out of hospital for months, stating:

"fever, muscle loss and weakness, joint pain, sore glands, headaches,
extreme fatigue and at one point a rash. I also developed rhabdomyolysis"

She's been double jabbed.

This is my last comment on the thread after urging people to look into CS.

Please understand that it is not my intent to be argumentative nor to be
contrary for contrary's sake. I have a genuine interest in health related
issues and a natural desire to want to research as much as I can about the
true nature of any given disease.

I have been trying to research how they actually test SPECIFICALLY
for West Nile Virus. I have read statements by supposed authoritative
bodies that claim they can test your blood for the specific antibody that
will disable the specific antigen of the WNV.

I have tried to research about these "specific" antibodies and all that I
can come up with is that there are 5 antibodies that they are aware of:
IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE...each more or less prevalent in different parts
of the body/fluids.

IgG is the antibody most prevalent in the blood and the one they test for
using blood tests for any "virus". The IgG class of antibodies is composed
of four different subtypes of IgG molecules called the IgG subclasses.
These are designated IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4.

According to:

"While all the IgG subclasses contain antibodies to components of many
disease-causing bacteria and viruses, each subclass serves a slightly
different function in protecting the body against infection. For example,
IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses are rich in antibodies against proteins such as
the toxins produced by the diphtheria and tetanus bacteria, as well as
antibodies against viral proteins. In contrast, IgG2 antibodies are
predominantly against the polysaccharide (complex sugar) coating (capsule)
of certain disease-producing bacteria (such as, Streptococcus pneumoniae
and Haemophilus influenzae)."

>From this information and other sites, including pharm companies
descriptions of their "diagnostic" tests, there is ZERO indication that
these tests can distinguish between any bacterial or viral infection.

Now, Christina has stated that she also developed rhabdomyolysis.
According to; "Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially life-threatening
syndrome resulting from the breakdown of skeletal muscle fibers with
leakage of muscle contents into the circulation. The most common causes are
crush injury, overexertion, alcohol abuse and certain medicines and toxic

There ARE documented cases of rhabdomyolysis from the COVID VACCINE.

You know where I'm going with this, right!(edited)

Re: CS>Are my posts being seen?

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
Thanks everyone. My earlier post just seemed to disappear into the 4th

I revised it and reposted it under "bacteria can cause blood clots"

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 3:32 PM Theresa Swift  wrote:

> Yes
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 5:51 PM Pat K.  wrote:
>> I see your posts.
>> -Pat
>> > On Oct 3, 2021, at 5:47 PM, hanan bissar  wrote:
>> >
>> > I posted earlier but did not see it in the archives. Please let me know
>> if you see this post.
>> >
>> > ~Hanan
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>   Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>>   <>
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: <>
>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>Several Bacteria can cause blood clots.

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
After a conversation today with a fb friend about the mRNA ...I did a bit
more digging. This is my reply to her trying to explain to me how the
"synthetic mRNA" works

I'm trying to get a grip on this "synthetic mRNA". Found this description,
"mRNAs are synthesized in vitro by a phage RNA polymerase transcribing a
plasmid containing the mRNA sequence..." at

 So I looked up definition of "phage" and found this: "What exactly is a
"Bacteriophages, often called “phages,” are an abundant type of virus that
infect bacteria and other one-cell organisms. They inject their DNA into a
host cell, hijacking the host cell to copy their own DNA and make more
phages." at

... so a phage is just a "virus"... something they have never really
identified well? I'm still confused.

And another response of mine ...
So, after reading up a bit more on how they gmo corn crops by inserting a
common soil bacteria gene which has ability to be insect resistance...and
then going on to do a search for "can bacteria cause blood clots"...and
finding well, yes...there are some that can!... It is my belief at the
moment that in spite of all this high tech sounding "synthetic"
jargon...that they are simply injecting people with a certain bacteria like
Bacillus anthracis or the genes from the bacteria that will cause blood

And a paper on different bacteria that cause causing thrombosis:

At this point, I am not buying the boogie woogie spikey protein theories
nor the graphene oxide boogie woogie. I would bet that they are simply
injecting some known to cause blood clotting bacteria into people. Maybe
they're testing out which bacteria is most effective between the different
vaxxine makers.

None of the explanations make any sense as to the mechanism of how the vax
"makes your body manufacture the spike protein". All the explanations
involve "virus" which many believe don't exist, that they are just pieces
of our own cells.

Would love some feedback and curiosity on this.

Re: CS>Are my posts being seen?

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
Thank you Deborah and Pat. For some reason your replies went to my spam
folder and I still don't see the post I made earlier anywhere. I'm going to

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 2:51 PM Pat K.  wrote:

> I see your posts.
> -Pat
> > On Oct 3, 2021, at 5:47 PM, hanan bissar  wrote:
> >
> > I posted earlier but did not see it in the archives. Please let me know
> if you see this post.
> >
> > ~Hanan
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>Are my posts being seen?

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
I posted earlier but did not see it in the archives. Please let me know if
you see this post.


Re: CS>Bad news from my PCP

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
I thought this group was about CS?

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 2:07 PM Max  wrote:

> you can still get veterinarian ivermectin without prescription. Hydrogen
> peroxide nebulization is easy and inexpensive.  There are many herbs and
> vitamins showing beneficial effects against covid, notably vit D which
> you can get for free by sunbathing.  Remember that covid is a three
> stage disease, so first we can reduce viral loads in our nose and
> mouth...whatever the virus or combination of microbes may be that cause
> covid.   This can be done with dilute iodine and other benign
> solutions.  Salt water for example
> After about a week, switch focus to anti inflammatory protocols.   Stage
> three is blood clotting.  Nattokinase may be helpful
> ones chance of dying from dementia, heart disease, cancer and air
> pollution are higher than from covid.  Many of the causes overlap,
> notably the chronic inflammation problem.  Too much or an exclusive
> focus on covid is not proportional to risk from all causes of death
> =
> vitamin C is useful.  Dosing every few hours is the secret to high blood
> levels.
> Magnolia Compressa and Champaca contain Micheliolide which you can
> search using pubmed to find interesting anti covid, anti cancer properties.
> the inexpensive tea 'Traditional Medicinals, Seasonal Teas, Breathe
> Easy,'   has Bi Yan Pian which is an extract made from Xanthium fruit,
> Magnolia flower bud, Siler root, Forsythia fruit, Wild chrysanthemum
> flower, Schisandra fruit, Platycodon root, Fragrant angelica root,
> Anemarrhena rhizome, Schizonepeta herb and Chinese licorice root.
> methylene blue helps restore oxygen carrying capacity of blood. See for
> example 'A Literature Review Supporting the Addition of Intravenous
> Methylene Blue, High-dose
> Intravenous Vitamin C, Intravenous Glutathione, and Nutraceuticals, to
> Standard Care for
> Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients'
> ==
>   lactoferrin had remarkable efficacy for preventing covid infection,
> working better than anything else we observed," Sexton said. He adds
> that early data suggest this efficacy extends even to newer variants of
> SARS-CoV2, including the highly transmissible Delta variant.   I note
> that the mouth wash 'Stoppers 4' contains lactoferrin
> A German university study reported that water-based extract from the
> common dandelion can block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell
> surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. According to the
> European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy, the recommended dosage
> of dandelion leaf is 4–10 grams steeped in hot water, up to three times
> per day. Other natural compounds from citrus peels and fruits, licorice,
> and pomegranate peels may also produce benefits
> more herbs and vitamins of interest.  Research using pubmed or your
> favorite;  holy basil  ginger  black pepper  honeysuckle black cumin
> licorice  melatonin, DHEA, quercetin,  vit D,
> Knut Wittkowski has an invention;
>   2 mg  alpha cyclo dextrin   +  1 mg capric acid   ~ emulcify reduces
> metabolic syndrome, reduces viral disease.  You can probably get these
> raw materials for DIY
> ===
> "We demonstrated that glycyrrhizin, the primary active ingredient of the
> licorice root, potently neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by inhibiting the viral
> main protease. Our experiments highlight glycyrrhizin as a potential
> antiviral compound that should be further investigated for the treatment
> of COVID-19."
> ===
> Increase your fatty acid intake
> Optimising your fatty acid intake by balancing your levels of omega-6
> and omega-3 can aid in reducing systemic inflammation. Increase omega 3,
> reduce omega 6
> Effervescent glutathione capsules. Glutathione is a potent antioxident,
> normally present in the surfactant liquid in the lungs. People with
> severe lung infections and
> disease tend to have low levels of all antioxidants including
> glutathione. This will help reduce
> the inflammation in the lungs. Glutathione can be used in a nebulizer
> Theranaturals,  Reduced L-glutathione is a possibility
> L-Malic acid has been found to be extremely low in the infected; levels
> become progressively lower as severity increases. L-Malic acid is an
> essential amino acid in the
> body when the immune system is struggling with any type of systemic
> inflammation. This amino
> acid is rapidly consumed during inflammatory states in order to provide
> energy and materials for
> the proliferation of and phagocytosis capacities of immune cells.
> Supplementing L-Malic acid is
> strongly suggested
> You can get Hydroxychloroquine/ Ivermectin on line through

Re: CS> Gene therapy

2021-10-03 Thread hanan bissar
John's Hopkins has recently been ordered to pay 1 Billion dollars in
retribution to Guatamalans for purposely injecting them with syphilis.

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 10:26 AM Max  wrote:

> On 10/3/2021 4:50 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
> You are an idiot
> I feel quite bad  on a regular basis for being an idiot, however even
> idiots can sometimes be correct.  The average IQ in the United States is
> 98.  This is serious.  The majority are easily propagandized.
> Pfizer paid $4,660,896,333 in criminal fines.
> They have a record of about 70  criminal prosecutions
> Pfizer, the world's largest drugs company, has been hit with the biggest
> criminal fine in US history as part of a $2.3bn settlement with federal
> prosecutors for mis-promoting medicines and for bribing doctors.
> Pfizer is also paying $1bn in civil settlements to Medicare, Medicaid and
> other government health insurance schemes to reimburse improper
> prescriptions. But they are so embedded with medicare that if the full
> felony criminal prosecution is levied Pfizer would collapse, so they are
> considered "too big to fail"
> Prosecutors said the payments reflected the "size and seriousness" of
> Pfizer's infringements. Tom Perrelli, the associate attorney general, said
> it was a victory for the public over "those who seek to earn a profit
> through fraud".
> "Pfizer  set a record  as the largest healthcare fraud settlement and
> criminal fine to date."
>This amounted to a loss of about three months profit and may be
> considered the "cost of doing business"
> "The company plead guilty to felony charges"
> The biggest ever pharmaceutical lawsuits

Re: CS>How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart

2021-09-30 Thread hanan bissar
The link opens to a different article. Would like to read the one
pertaining to the spike protein's affect on the heart if anyone can find it.

On Thu, Sep 30, 2021, 10:26 AM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> hyperlink, please.
> --
> *From: *"T. J. Garland" 
> *Date: *Tue, Sep 28, 2021 9:28 am
> *To: *, "Robert Dotson" 
> *Subject: *CS>How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart
> *Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon*

Re: CS>Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed

2021-09-29 Thread hanan bissar
I was able to block cyndiann. I feel so much relief.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021, 6:53 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> Every time you post you kill someone
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 6:21 PM T. J. Garland 
> wrote:
>> *Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon*

Re: CS>

2021-09-29 Thread hanan bissar
well good luck getting a judge in the jewdicial system to declare any of
the bogus bs going on right now as "illegal"

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 4:01 PM Linda Ellis  wrote:

> I just heard an interesting interview with author/political
> strategist/Middle Ease specialist Joel C. Rosenberg that fascinated me.  He
> has a new book out called "Enemies and Allies," and he talked about his
> ON-THE-RECORD conversations with Heads of State across the Middle East, as
> well as many officials in the Trump Administration, including Trump.  While
> I think this book (I've ordered it) focuses on the Middle East, I feel that
> I've learned a LOT about what else has happened re: Covid etal.  While
> Trump was way down on my list of the available Presidential candidates in
> 2016 (but about one step higher than HRC), over four years, I was
> pleasantly surprised at the campaign promises he kept.
> For my own study, I created MY OWN timeline of what was happening with the
> Wuhan Virus, and when.  Trump was actually further ahead of most of the
> world in response - you won't hear that from the MSM.
> As to the vaccine - in large part, he was listening to the health
> professionals around him, who convinced him of the need to develop these
> vaccines in "warp speed."  You may remember that he, himself, chose to take
> Hydroxychloroquine and Zpac in the early days - when the "health
> professionals" were dismissing them.  I can't verify, but I've seen reports
> that he took Ivermectin at Walter Reed - also dismissed by the "health
> professionals."
> But there was the legal paperwork going on.  As I understand it, there are
> legal clauses which state that the "emergency use authorization" for theses
> vaccines become IRRELEVANT and ILLEGAL if it turns out there's a treatment
> available for the virus, that works!  Back to my timeline.  As I understand
> it, the "green light" to work on the vaccines were started BEFORE evidence
> came out that things like HCQ and Ivermectin (and now N-Acetylcysteine)
> showed promise.
> If those cheap drugs work, that basically negates the whole purpose for
> the "Emergency Use Authorization" for this "warp speed" vaccine development
> that the Trump Administration had authorized.  It makes all that vaccine
> work ILLEGAL.
> Now you have a good idea of why I have such suspicion about the goals of
> the modern Western Medical world.
> Linda
> --
> *From: *"pal joey" 
> *Date: *Sun, Sep 26, 2021 5:15 am
> *To: *
> *Subject: *CS>
> Yes, I agree, Trump , for what ever reason; stupidity,  greed, whatever,
> has sold us out. I consider him a problem now, same as the rest. If he
> would admit that he screwed up, I'd think differently,  but he's doubling
> down.  But that doesn't negate the early animosity of the Democrat base.
> They seemed to hate him for all the wrong reasons , and now they
> participate in this horror show, even with him as ringleader.  Its like an
> episode out of the Outer Limits.  I observed how he was set up
> by Fauci and Birx at that conference,  Re: the use of MMS,  where they gave
> him just enough info to hang himself by saying "bleach".

Re: CS>antibodies

2021-09-29 Thread hanan bissar
Appreciate your reply Max and will take a look at the video.

I didn't explain myself clearly enough in my other comment... I'll try to
do better here...

I heard it hypothesized recently that our cells emit a spike protein when
they are dying.

The maker's of the mRNA vaccine say that this vaccine will cause your body
to produce spike proteins so that your immune system will learn to
recognize it and develop antibodies to disable the spike least
that's my understanding of their claim.

My research has brought me to the point where I have not found any evidence
of a Sars CoV-2 virus. As stated at the CDC website in statements on how
the Sars CoV-2 virus was first discovered, they state it was discovered and
diagnosed using PCR. I hope we can all agree that the PCR is not a
diagnostic tool, therefore their "discovery and diagnosis" is bs.

Therefore, their claim of the Sars CoV-2 virus having some special "spike
protein" is also bs.

I am hypothesizing that our own cells already have this "spike protein" on
their outer membrane for the purpose of keeping foreign material out...a
protection. And that when a cell is poisoned, the cell disintegrates and
the "spike protein" breaks off.

So if this is true, then the pharm statements about the vaccine causing
your body to manufacture the "spike protein" is somewhat true. But all it's
really doing is poisoning your cells which leads to your destruction and

Now, about this antibody/antigen thing...
I've been trying to research that as well because the "scientists" like to
tell us that each specific virus and bacteria has a specific antigen and
that our immune system creates a specific antibody to disable the specific a lock and key scenario.

I've found no evidence of this specificity. All I've found is that
"scientists" are aware of 5 different antibodies and each has a few
subsets. And each of those subsets is capable of disarming both bacteria
and virus depending on it's structure but I have read nothing to indicate
that our immune system can produce unique antibodies for the hundreds or
thousands of different bacteria/virus.

Perhaps some bacteria are distinct in character under a microscope so that
they can be cultured and identified. But neither bacteria or virus can be
identified through PCR or through antibody testing as their is no unique
antibody for each unique bacteria/ far as I can tell.

To sum up...I think the "spike protein" unique to the "Sars CoV-2 virus" is
pure horse manure.

I think our own cells all have spikey proteins on their membranes.

Ugh...I'm sure I still didn't explain that very well, my apologies.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021, 3:52 PM Max  wrote:

> Hanan, your hypothesis is that the vaccine is simply poison and does not
> cause your cells to produce any of the spike protein of sars cov 2?
> You might like Dr Syed Mobeen.   I didnt find an exact answer among the
> videos I watched, but you might be able to.  It seems to me that scientists
> are able to detect that antibodies produced are able to attach, neutralize
> etc the sars cov 2. Obviously we dont want just any antibody, it should
> bind to the pathogen in question.  If you say the sars cov 2 virus spike
> protein is poison, and the mRNA vaccines induce this poison to which
> antibodies are made, then you are back in agreement except that you
> stipulate the antibodies are naturally caused by cells dying from any
> cause.  This doesnt seem logical because there would be no specificity.
> On 9/29/2021 1:38 PM, hanan bissar wrote:
> So, some podcaster I listen to...not sure who but it might have been Jason
> Christoff's podcast, mentioned something about when cells are
> poisoned/dying, they emit a 'spike protein'. If true, then it makes sense
> that they can state that the vax makes your body produce spike proteins, as
> the vax is poisoness to our cells.
> I've been trying to research this a bit more but haven't found exact
> information on dying cells emitting spike proteins. I have found that cell
> membranes do have proteins that are shaped and designed to keep invaders
> out.
> Anyone have more research on this or curious to help investigate?

Re: CS>Unemployed for

2021-09-29 Thread hanan bissar
So, some podcaster I listen to...not sure who but it might have been Jason
Christoff's podcast, mentioned something about when cells are
poisoned/dying, they emit a 'spike protein'. If true, then it makes sense
that they can state that the vax makes your body produce spike proteins, as
the vax is poisoness to our cells.

I've been trying to research this a bit more but haven't found exact
information on dying cells emitting spike proteins. I have found that cell
membranes do have proteins that are shaped and designed to keep invaders

Anyone have more research on this or curious to help investigate?

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021, 12:03 PM Jean Baugh  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to know the percentage of people who regret taking a shot and
> dying/bad side effects/or destroying their immune system.
> There is a rumor NAC will stop the spike proteins and clear out your
> liver.  Of course, just like Ivermectin, they want to ban it or make it a
> prescription.  I think we should dismantle the FDA for all they do is try
> to make vitamins and herbs impossible to get, takes payoffs and go after
> anyone or anything that helps people.
> Jean
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 10:54 PM Rowena  wrote:
>> Oh lawsuits coming out of his ears but who is to pay for them? He thinks
>> he will win. Nobody so far before him has.
>> He is now unemployed, of course, so  nothing will last long.  He will
>> have one last interview then curtains. I don't know who is to pay  his
>> rent, however noble his cause. It's not even as if he will be entitled
>> to unemployment benefits, having 'put  himself out of work" and not
>> being willing or able to produce a vaccination certificate.
>> He says he chooses death over the life of a lab rat.
>> Australia today.
>> R
>> On 27/09/2021 2:29 am, pal joey wrote:
>> > Hell yes, He made the right decision.  I'm seeing some glimmers of
>> > hope and light, and we might come through intact, if we stand united.
>> > He would be putting himself at risk if he caved. I suggest lawsuits.
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>   Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>silver effect on sperm

2021-09-28 Thread hanan bissar

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021, 5:09 AM Ode Coyote  wrote:

> They used pretty high concentrations and direct exposure.
> 98% of silver is eliminated within 48 hours.
> If you want to get preggers..don't use silver for a few days ?
> ...and don't inject your testicles with 50 PPM silver that night. [ouch]
> Ode
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 7:33 PM Max  wrote:
>> Internalization of silver nanoparticles into mouse spermatozoa results
>> in poor fertilization and compromised embryo development
>> Of course this does not apply to the Silver List members for whom silver
>> is non toxic in any way at any dose
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>   Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Brighteon

2021-09-26 Thread hanan bissar
Too bad no one mentions taking CS to ward off the boogie bug.

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021, 8:05 PM T. J. Garland  wrote:

> *Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon*

Re: CS>Why we're divided

2021-09-24 Thread hanan bissar
cyndiann...please run and get your boosterhurry!

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 2:36 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> RIght now, every 10 days more than 8000 unvaccinated Republican Voters are
> dying of Covid. That's five times the rate of Democrats.
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 5:27 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 3:02 PM pal joey  wrote:
>>>  I think the Demonrat political machine was so good at ginning up the
>>> hate for DJT and his supporters,  that its become an addiction, and a
>>> password to be in the "club". Yes, oddly enough, they are pro EGT, aka as
>>> "vaccine", but their leadership had a lot to do with that.  But I just saw
>>> a quote, something like this: Those who support the mandates would be 100%
>>> against it, if DJT mandated it; But the people who are against it now,
>>> would be against it either way.  Its the emotions of fear and hate that are
>>> driving their obsession, and refusal to accept additional information.
>>> It's not just our resident vax zombie . I'm seeing this in my own 2 younger
>>> sons, friends and family of people I know.  The media has learned to push
>>> their buttons. This list has multiple effective prevention and treatment
>>> options, all geared to help us to -not- become a burden to hospitals and
>>> Healthcare, and everyone offers to share any thing they know, and yet she
>>> cusses everyone for doing what we've always done-even before and since this
>>> scam started.

Re: CS>Pandemic Podcast

2021-09-24 Thread hanan bissar
I'm sorry for being a Debbie-Downer, as they say, but I don't believe we
can win anything through the jewdicial system.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 9:31 AM Rick  wrote:

> True, but.
> Action is far more positive than sitting back and waiting for divine
> intervention. If you believe in God, we were given free-will to decide
> to-do or not to-do within our lives. You have to be making positive action
> for God to touch your life in the present (one view/belief).
> The more cases that can be filed then brought to life, the less and less
> can be ignored.
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 12:12 PM hanan bissar 
> wrote:
>> These supposed lawsuits have been going on for over a year and a half
>> now...good thing we didn't hold our breath.
>> Nothing but hopium.
>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 9:06 AM Rick  wrote:
>>> Interview with International Lawyer and Co-founder of the Coronavirus
>>> Investigative Committee. Clarifying the PCR test, asymptomatic respiratory
>>> fraud uncovered, class-action lawsuits, uber rich NGO heads are the
>>> puppeteers of the pandemic, politics not healthcare, and judicial
>>> corruption.

Re: CS>Pandemic Podcast

2021-09-24 Thread hanan bissar
These supposed lawsuits have been going on for over a year and a half
now...good thing we didn't hold our breath.

Nothing but hopium.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 9:06 AM Rick  wrote:

> Interview with International Lawyer and Co-founder of the Coronavirus
> Investigative Committee. Clarifying the PCR test, asymptomatic respiratory
> fraud uncovered, class-action lawsuits, uber rich NGO heads are the
> puppeteers of the pandemic, politics not healthcare, and judicial
> corruption.

Re: CS>From Navy Surgeon

2021-09-24 Thread hanan bissar
This is my unpopular opinion on our current situation. Note, I belong to no
pre-scribed religion, never have. My religion is Truth.

I believe the Creator has put a preditory race of people on this planet in
order to kill off the "human race". We, as a whole, have proven ourselves
to be unworthy of the bounty the Creator has provided for us. We've turned
this beautiful planet into a shit-hole with our cities and technologies.

We've had plenty of time to change our ways.

Times up.

Once the preditory race has killed us off, they will kill themselves, as
that is their nature.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 7:15 AM V  wrote:

> Its the Navy Surgeon, yes? Interesting
> Yet despite all this it rolls on!
> Their ears are stopped up totally. This is being and will be jammed down
> everyones throats till we get right with God. An unpopular view but one I
> have come to believe more and more. I had been deep into non-duality and
> new age stuff most of my life, then in nihilistic despair discovered the
> Orthodox (original is the definition) before the insistence on Papal
> infallibility split the one original church. There are many who will be
> triggered to shut out God but there are very good answers to the objections
> trained into us. But it takes time and open mind and heart to look again
> deeper as I did, struggling with those pat arguments and realize i rejected
> Him without knowing what I was rejecting fully. Like the vaccine issue if
> you dont look hard at all sides you cant make sound decisions. Just a word
> of encouragement for those who are inclined to see why the evil actions
> persist despite every effort to bring truth and reason to the table.
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 7:42 AM V,  wrote:
>> I copied and pasted the link and added an A at the end and got a list of
>> possible videos. Could you give the title to search that way?
>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021, 12:16 AM Ed,  wrote:
>>> This is so bad, it works half the time for me- suggest you make sure the
>>> url is the same looking as below- then is will work, but clicking it
>>> doesn't work, it will work if You play with it enough, it is a very good
>>> video
>>> On 9/23/2021 11:12 PM, Ed wrote:
>>> somehow the A was not attached at the end, here is the proper link,
>>> sorry*A*
>>> On 9/23/2021 9:05 PM, hanan bissar wrote:
>>> Says have another link or title to search?
>>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 10:11 AM Ed  wrote:
>>>> -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
>>>> Silver. Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe:
>>>> Archives:
>>>> Off-Topic discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>

2021-09-23 Thread hanan bissar
CADid you get your booster yet? If not please hurry and get
keep us all safe of course.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 4:55 PM Cyndiann Phillips  wrote:

> I believe in science and doctors.
> You are so delusional that you don't mind killing people.
> Sick fuck.
>  Virus-free.
> <#m_-3766605140883731187_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 5:46 PM Smitty  wrote:
>> Yes, keep her on board for entertainment.
>> She, like many others, believes the
>> pro-vax media
>> On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 11:19 PM Cyndiann Phillips 
>> wrote:
>>> You need to go. No more trolls pushing fake news on here! All of you.
>>>  Virus-free.
>>> <#m_-3766605140883731187_m_6579112903919838750_m_883671745247750547_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 4:21 AM pal joey  wrote:
 Be nice; We want to keep her around, to keep her from causing mischief
 somewhere else. Imagine if she was nursing Grandma.


Re: CS>From Navy Surgeon

2021-09-23 Thread hanan bissar
Says have another link or title to search?

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 10:11 AM Ed  wrote:

> -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe: Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS>Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2

2021-09-22 Thread hanan bissar
Still trying to get the hang of how this email list works...

I read someone's comment on the archive, on how silver is toxic to aquatic

Just wanted to mention that I had a baby red ear turtle that was not
thriving... wasn't eating much and looked sickly. After researching a bit,
I learned they are susceptible to respiratory infections. I put his little
face up to my nebulizer with CS, several times a day for several days and
he was as good as new.

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021, 2:02 PM Rick  wrote:

> Very true just as should the run-off from factory meat farms, the many
> drugs passed through human urine into the wastewater that they say
> wastewater treatment plants can not filter out. Same as the damages caused
> by Fracking with so many chemicals being injected underground and into our
> natural water systems and coming up through plumbing and making those in
> Fracking areas sick and their water also spewing gasses which can be lit
> right at the sink. And corporations dumping their waste products into
> rivers and into the ground which poisons the groundwater, soils, kills
> fish, and harms other wildlife. Same as the Flouride waste put into our
> drinking water which is NOT good for our teeth or our pineal gland. So so
> so many things we do to save a buck and increase profits over health!
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 4:52 PM hanan bissar 
> wrote:
>> Hahaha...
>> "A proper disposal protocol should be developed for Ag containing
>> products to avoid causing untoward imbalances in the environmental
>> microbial pattern when discarded after use."
>> On Wed, Sep 22, 2021, 1:01 PM Rick  wrote:
>>> Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2

Re: CS>Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2

2021-09-22 Thread hanan bissar

"A proper disposal protocol should be developed for Ag containing products
to avoid causing untoward imbalances in the environmental microbial pattern
when discarded after use."

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021, 1:01 PM Rick  wrote:

> Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2

CS>Hi Everyone...been a long time

2021-09-20 Thread hanan bissar
This is Hanan...I was on the list about 20 years ago and somehow found it
again this evening.

CS is still my go-to remedy for any boogie-bugs that may have infiltrated
me or my children.

I do try to take 25mg zinc daily to keep my immune system strong.

My teenage son had a case of the sniffles last week...cough, achy arms,
likely low fever. I had him nebulize CS every 3 hours or so and he was good
in a couple of days.

I personally just doused a q-tip in CS and snorted it up my nose every few
hours and I didn't "catch" whatever he had.

I tried to reorder electrodes from silvergen awhile back but can't seem to
get a reply to my emails. Anybody know what's up with them?

Good to see some familiar names... Marshall, Ode Coyote, Nenah
Silver...hope everyone is doing well!