RE: CS>Re: Cold Fusion/ Hemp

2005-07-08 Thread lkfields
 I wasted (no pun intended) 5 years of my life smoking dope.  It may not
"make you lazy" but it sure does rob you of your drive.  I found I was
motivated to do nothing but look for the next joint.  FINALLY after 5 years
I suddenly realized "THIS IS YOUR LIFE" and if I didn't *do* something it
would be my life for the rest of my years.  I joined the Navy and kicked the
habit.  It was difficult to do.  I am glad I left that lifestyle behind.

Personally, I don't care if weed is legalized or not.  People will find a
way to get high (legal or not) of they are so inclined.  Keeping it illegal
doesn't stop it.  


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] doesn't make people lazy, it gives lazy people something to do for an
If it messes up someone who isn't me..they just don't do it.


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RE: CS>CS & Heartburn

2005-06-25 Thread lkfields
Is she new to taking CS?  When I first took it it gave me some terrible
pains in my back.  I drank LOTS of water as I figured this was the release
of pathogens and my kidneys were not up to the task.



From: Nancy DeLise [] 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 2:20 AM
Subject: CS>CS & Heartburn


My friend has been taking CS first in the am, then she tried pm, and it
seems it gives her heartburn.  Has anyone had this experience?  Any

Thanks, Nancy

RE: CS>Study Shows the Effects of HCL (Stomach Acid) on Colloidal and Ionic Silver

2005-06-23 Thread lkfields
The test was done to see which is more effectiveparticulate silver or
silver ions.  Some argue that particulate silver is what kills bacteria
since HCl renders silver ions less effective.  The test showed that HCL had
an effect on both particulate and ionic silver with ionic silver MORE
effective on killing the bacteria.

At the very beginning of the page the researcher states emphatically that
this cannot be construed as an in vivo test.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Study Shows the Effects of HCL (Stomach Acid) on Colloidal
and Ionic Silver

Not really.  The amount of HCL added was far below the stomach content.
Thus solubility was compromised since silver forms solubility chloride
complexes at higher concentrations.  Secondly, the test was done on a gel,
thus activity was greatly influenced by mobility of colloidal vs silver
chloride particles vs dissolved silver chloride.  Third, there are not
normally any bacteria in the stomach except when attempting to treat an
ulcer or taking it for food poisoning, and what happens after it reaches
the blood stream is most important for in vivo comparisons.  So I am not
sure what this test is to prove, unless it is to show the effectiveness of
each product as a disinfectant on surfaces contaminated with hydrochloric


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RE: CS>? When making CS

2005-06-22 Thread lkfields
I don't know if you can or not, but I love my Silver Puppy.  Just plug it in
and it stops when it is ready whether I am there or not.  


I am not the seller, I am just a happy customer.





From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:34 PM
Subject: CS>? When making CS


Goodevening everyone...I have a question. When making CS if I needed to stop
the process, and say go somewhere to run an errand, does it hurt to just
restart things and pickup where I left off a couple of hours latter.


RE: CS>Re:CS>Post Polio Syndrome

2005-06-18 Thread lkfields
Chiropractic.  It really will help may sure the nerve impulses are making it
to the muscles.

-Original Message-
From: William Amos [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 1:37 AM
Subject: CS>Re:CS>Post Polio Syndrome

My wife of 43 years who developed polio at age 15 was diagnosed with PPS. in
the later years. The only thing she took at that time  for the muscle
degeneration was valium.
I guess that is what led me into searching for altenative medicines. Today I
would think colloidal gold would have been of some help.

Has anyone in the group had or know of someone who has had this condition
and what if anything can be done about it?...thanks ...Debbie

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2005-06-15 Thread lkfields
I bought the Silver Puppy and it came with a stirring mechanism.  Love it!

-Original Message-
From: [] 

recent research indicates stirring is very important.

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RE: CS>fleas and ticks OT

2005-06-15 Thread lkfields
Ahhh.  Sugar ants won't eat the grits.  Likely other critters got the grits.
Try Terro.  I got mine at Walmart but other places like Ace hardware carries
it too.  It has sugar so it actually attracts the ants.  They carry it to
the queen and she dies.  It WORKS.  Just place it in your cupboards and
counter tops.



From: rose [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>fleas and ticks OT


their ant bed is our roof...they have invaded under the shingles...we live
in the woods and everyone around here is having more ants then they have
ever seen...even in town.



2005-06-15 Thread lkfields
A remedy that I *know* works.  Especially with the dreaded fire ant!
Instant Grits.  Buy a box of instant grits.  Make sure it hasn't rained
recently or won't in the next 24 hours.  Sprinkle about a tablespoon on the
ant mound.  The ants will carry into the mound and give to the Queen to eat.
She eats the grits and then when she drinks the grits swell up and kill her.
I KNOW it works.  I have tried it three times.  I did have to repeat
application on one ant hill but it killed them too.  I haven't tried it with
regular sugar ants.  I might mix the grits with some powdered sugar..



From: rose [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 6:41 PM
Subject: RE: CS>fleas and ticks OT


as for ants: I use Aspartame


RE: CS>Interesting Overview of FDA abuses

2005-06-11 Thread lkfields
WOW!!  All I can say is if you don't have a CS generatorget one.  CODEX
is around the corner folks.

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten [] 
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 11:24 PM
Subject: CS>Interesting Overview of FDA abuses


This is interesting, well-written, and, in my view, accurate.


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RE: CS>determine if you are consuming enough water

2005-06-05 Thread lkfields
Or you could just make sure to drink half an ounce of water for every pound
of body weight.  I weigh 140 pounds, I should drink AT LEAST 70 ounces of
water.  A gallon for each person is also a good average.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>determine if you are consuming enough water

I assumed that you would just use your TDS or PWT tester that you use 
for making CS...


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RE: CS>CS for bird's ailment

2005-06-02 Thread lkfields
I would dab a Q-tip in some CS and swap the growths.  I am sure that some of
the CS will get in its beak and the bird will ingest some of the cs. Keep us
posted and let us know how it goes.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
My granddaughter has a very 
young pet bird that has papillomas, wartlike growths, around its face and 
beak.  Has anyone used CS to treat such a problem?   Would you put CS in 
its drinking water, or swab the growths with CS?  Or both?  Any 
ideas?  Thanks in advance.


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RE: CS>mercury and silver

2005-05-30 Thread lkfields
You'd be surprised.  I had a tubal reversal for $1,500.00 in Mexico.  Would
have cost $10,000. here.  A month later I was pregnant with our beautiful
little girl.





From: Charles Sutton [] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 9:48 PM
To: William Missett;
Subject: Re: CS>mercury and silver


I have about six.  I'll bet that even in Mexico it is more that 25 bucks

- Original Message - 

From: William   Missett 


Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 10:09 AM

Subject: Re: CS>mercury and silver



I had all mine taken out 30 years ago.  My dentist wanted $175 per tooth to
do it, I went to Tijuana for $25 a tooth. 


RE: CS>Re: CS vs. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE)

2005-05-30 Thread lkfields
I could be wrong.but I believe that GSE is used in topical creams and
lotions to prohibit mold growth.  I used to buy it for making my soaps.  CS
works topically and internally.



From: angel nest [] 

anyone has the scoop on the difference between cs and gse?


RE: CS>mercury and silver

2005-05-30 Thread lkfields
Nor is he likely to no matter the amount of evidence.  It would put him out
of business.





From: Ode Coyote [] 
I have a mouth full of metal.
Since using CS, not one has developed a leak in several years...nor have I
needed any more metal.

My dentist refuses to believe it...but can't find any places to put any

My 2 cents.


RE: CS>algae and cs

2005-05-28 Thread lkfields
Algae is not a fungus. Algae is an aquatic, plant-like organism. It is
introduced to pool water as an airborne spore. There are three main types of
algae: green algae, yellow algae and black algae.  Pink algae is a bacterial


-Original Message-
From: Betsy Coffey [] 

If algae is a fungus, why then is cs helpful for
candida? I would think if it is for bacteria and not
algae, it would be harmful to use for candida

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RE: CS>progesterone creams

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields
EXACTLY!!  Dr. Lee has a page that has a list of creams that *will* be seen
as a natural bio-identical hormone.  They don't sell the cream but he has a
comprehensive list of those that do.


-Original Message-
From: Denise Every [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: CS>progesterone creams


The important thing to look for in choosing a progesterone cream is to find 
one that is "bio-identical" - from all that I've read, this is a crucial 
factor.  The bio-identical creams are made from plants such as wild yam or 
soy, and are molecularly identical to the progesterone made by a woman's 

Creams that are simply made from wild yam or soy, though, and are not 
bio-identical, won't make a whit of difference because our bodies can't 
convert the plant estrogens into a form our body can use... so they are 
worthless, really, in terms of any hormonal effects.

A really good book on the subject is "Natural Hormonal Balance for Women", 
by Dr. Uzzi Reiss, here's a link for it on Amazon...


- Original Message - 
From: "CH" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: CS>My symptoms - please help!

> Hi, Lori,
> I said I was perplexed...meaning don't have a clear understanding of the 
> rights & wrongs of progesterone.  :)))  The creams didn't work for me.
> Will check out the website.
> Thanks,
> Cindy
> -- Original Message - 
> From: "lkfields" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 7:04 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!
>> Cindy,
>> This is old school thought.  Progesterone balances everyone's hormones. 
>> It
>> is the same kind of thought that prescribed estrogen to menopausal women 
>> and
>> gave them higher risks of cancer.
>> Men use progesterone to help prostate health.  Progesterone helps men in 
>> a
>> number of ways.  Check out the website and see what is there.
>> Lori
> --
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RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields
Oh Cindy, I am sorry.  I guess my post sounded short.  It was right around
supper and I typed a quick response.

I can't say that I *understand* all of it either!  LOL.  I do know that a
lot of MD's don't have current information either.  

I tried a Mexican Yam based cream and it did nothing.  So I can relate.  The
newer creams that use new technology are much better.  I have a friend whose
husband uses it to stop his hair loss.  She said an added bonus was
increased libido!  Another friend and his wife use it.  He called me three
days after she started the cream and he said "let me just say...I am *very*
happy!" ;-)


-Original Message-
From: CH [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>My symptoms - please help!

Hi, Lori,

I said I was perplexed...meaning don't have a clear understanding of the 
rights & wrongs of progesterone.  :)))  The creams didn't work for me.

Will check out the website.



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RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields

This is old school thought.  Progesterone balances everyone's hormones.  It
is the same kind of thought that prescribed estrogen to menopausal women and
gave them higher risks of cancer.

Men use progesterone to help prostate health.  Progesterone helps men in a
number of ways.  Check out the website and see what is there.


-Original Message-
From: CH [] 
My gynecologist has said that progesterone is given only to those with a 
uterus - I'm perplexed why women without a uterus and men use progesterone 
creams but they do.



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RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields

Did they do food allergies as well?


-Original Message-
From: ..::( Jason )::.. [] 

I just saw an allergist. Only thing that came up was dust mites, which I
already knew about. I was disappointed in some senses! Was hoping to get
some clarity there.

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RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields
Not wild yam and not a prescription.  It is a progesterone from soy.  I use
Arbonne's cream.  It is a balancing cream that has plant based estrogen (to
block the estrogen receptors from taking in the artificial estrogens in our
environment) as well as several different herbs and natural progesterone
from soy.


-Original Message-
From: Kate Strong [] 

Hi Lori,

Thanks for answering this, I do know John Lee, I have one of his books, Ive 
read umpteen books on hormonal balance only to be more confused. LOL. This 
is great news, I will ponder again taking progesterone cream. Now youre 
talking about cream from a compounding lab, not wild yam?


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RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields
Hi Kate!

Chasteberry is an ingredient on some of the natural progesterone creams.
But the answer isn't just getting rid of estrogen.  It is very complicated
and I KNOW I won't do a very good job of explaining.  The website I cited
( has an articles section.  

Estrogen dominance will use up all the progesterone in your body.  It is the
lack of progesterone that results in the breaking down of the sheath that
surrounds the nerves.  Progesterone also works at promoting bone growth.
Estrogen *does* stop bone loss, but it is the progesterone that promotes the

Here is Dr. Lee's definition:
Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen dominance is a term coined by Dr. Lee in his first book on natural
progesterone. It describes a condition where a woman can have deficient,
normal or excessive estrogen, but has little or no progesterone to balance
its effects in the body. Even a woman with low estrogen levels can have
estrogen dominance symptoms if she doesn't have any progesterone.

So it is of utmost importance to get the progesterone too.


-Original Message-
From: Kate Strong [] 

Hi Lori,

I wouldn't have thought taking progesterone cream would be the answer to 
oestrogen dominance. I would have thought taking something like vitus agnus 
(chasteberry) would be more of the answer? Helping to eliminate excess 
oestrogen. You think?


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RE: CS>My symptoms - please help!

2005-05-25 Thread lkfields
I hate to see all the pain you are going through.  I am hoping I can offer a
little help.
Dr. John Lee identified over 15 years ago a hormonal imbalance in most
people in the industrial world.  He was suffering from many symptoms and
through his research uncovered a HUGE problem.  Due to an over abundance of
petroleum based products in our lives, our bodies become estrogen dominant.
Petroleum based products can be plastics, fertilizers, additives to food
Estrogen dominance is characterized by many of your symptoms.  When you
related low libido, that sent up a big flag for me.  
Prolonged Estrogen Dominance can lead to Fibromyalgia or a breaking down of
the lining surrounding the nerves resulting in lots of pain.
Estrogen dominance can also lead to fuzzy headedness or not being able to
think clearly, forgetfulness, ADD etc.
Be aware that if you decide to use a natural progesterone cream that the
first month your symptoms will get worse.  Then after your body is able to
balance itself the symptoms can vanish.
The dark circles under the eyes could indicate allergies.  A good allergist
can identify what allergies you do have if any.  If the body is constantly
having to fight off the effects of food you are allergic to, that would lead
to a lowered or compromised immune system.
I wish you well!


-Original Message-
From: ..::( Jason )::.. [] 

The closest thing I can come to is either Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue, or
Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Candida, and ???  Seems like I may have a lot of
different things going on, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY MY BODY JUST WONT

My muscles hurt when I use them, specifically my shoulders, neck and arms.
And I am talking about light use - like reading some magazines or driving
for 30 min.  I was in some fairly severe rear-ending car accidents in my
earlier years, so theoretically this could be causing some of my muscle
pain/weakness all these years later?  Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

My energy levels are also at an all time low - it is as if my "chi" or life
force is just COMPLETELY DRAINED. Hard to describe, but my "life energy"
feels like it is not even there at all. No excitement, no happiness, no
creative drive, no ANYTHING. I feel like a walking husk, like everything has
just gone flat line. Is this what Chronic Fatigue feels like?

I have a LOT of anxiety that appears to come from a biochemical / biological
level. In other words, I don't get all worked up about something and thus
experience anxiety. Quite the opposite: it's a nice day, I am in a good
mood, yet I have twisting, nervous anxiety running through my system.
Frustrating and hard to deal with to say the least.

My libido has never been so low in my life - it as if it is non-existent.

When I eat sugars or alcohol, I get the dreaded brain fog that Candida and
Fibromyalgia sufferers experience. This leads me to think that I have
Candida at a bare minimum.

These vary in intensity, but are always there to the point that people often
comment with things like "wow, you look tired!" or "wow, you look terrible!
Get some sleep!" etc etc etc. and it is not only very frustrating, but also
very embarrassing and self-esteem sapping.

When I eat wheat (like the amount in an order of tempura shrimp), I get
upper extremity muscle pain, and very uncomfortable anxiety that almost
seems to come from a nervous system level. Hard to explain but it as if
someone is sticking a fork in my whole nervous system and just twisting.
Very uncomfortable, and usually is accompanied by stomach upset/nausea.

I am sensitive to many fragrances, detergents, etc so avoid all those, but
also have problems with dust mites, diesel smoke, etc. If I eat food that
was wrapped in certain types of Saran (PVC) wrap, I break out in hives. This
was recently discovered to be a sensitivity to phthalates which are
chemicals put into some plastics to soften them. See and for
more info on phthalates.

_  ___ _  ___ __ _  _   _

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RE: CS>? about ciprofloxacin

2005-05-21 Thread lkfields
Can I get up on my soap box??  


IBS is a symptom and not a disease.  So why prescribe a DRUG for it?  Does
the drug get rid of the problem?  No.  It covers the symptom while the real
problem continues to erode the health.  The real culprit is our eating
habits.  Not enough green leafy vegetables, fiber and at least 60 ounces of
water.  When your friend first starts to eat healthy she will have a flare
up and her symptoms will appear to get worse.  She needs to keep at it.
Drinking the water will really help and she needs to build up to a gallon of
water a day.  In addition to all that a regimen of Colloidal Silver to help
her body heal itself can only help.


I am not a doctor.  I am just relaying what has worked for me.





From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:51 PM
Subject: CS>? about ciprofloxacin


Hi group,

I have a freind who was put on this drug for IBS bowel problems...can I get
some opinions for her.

Thanks in advance Deb

RE: CS>Re: Clifton Mining/Silver Biotics News

2005-05-19 Thread lkfields
You can buy it here:


-Original Message-
From: Albert Peirce [] 
: Re: CS>Re: Clifton Mining/Silver Biotics News

I knew it was legal in Mexico, but I have been trying for two years plus, 
through my little network of Latino Mom and Pop tiendas and they have had no

luck. Their suppliers all seem to be located in Chicago and if they can't 
find it, I figured that at least the borders were secure against any 
incursion of innocuous chemicals, albeit not illegal aliens and potential 
voters! Regards, Al

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RE: CS>Gall Stones

2005-05-19 Thread lkfields

I am not a doctor, and am speaking from experience only.  My mother had gall
stones and had her gall bladder removed when she was 18 years old.  Yeah,
really young to have that kind of surgery or problem.

She is now 65 and has never had a problem since.  She is eternally thankful
she had the surgery.  However.  she is also careful about what she eats.
She has never weighed over 109 pounds once she had her babies, and she
doesn't eat gobs of greasy fried foods.  She eat healthy and exercises.

I know of other people that had their gall bladders removed and they live in
pain and torment.  However they also still keep their old eating habits
and don't exercise.

This may be a blessing in disguise.  This may force your son to look at a
more healthy lifestyle which includes alternative type therapies.


-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
My worry now is what can be expected since his gallbladder is history? 
Anything I should be telling him about? Anything CS can help with that 
might happen?

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RE: CS>Need help with kidney stones

2005-05-15 Thread lkfields
Water, water and Water!  I would make sure a good bit of my liquids would be
CS.  I had a kidney stone and it is not fun.  Just make sure you keep
drinking the water.  


In a message dated 5/15/05 10:57:55 AM Central Daylight Time,

Help! I have a kidney stone that is killing me. Any suggestions on any
treatments are welcome.

RE: CS>Rats!

2005-05-13 Thread lkfields
How is it used?  Sprinkle it over an ant hill?


-Original Message-
From: Marshalee [] 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Rats!

Aspartame, is the best ant killer there is. Also fries human brains.
No wonder my sister is such a mess. Glad I left and moved back here to
BTW, CS is good for killer bees and probably termites.

> Huh?  Please clue me in.  Will it work for fire ants?

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RE: CS>Rats!

2005-05-13 Thread lkfields
 Huh?  Please clue me in.  Will it work for fire ants?


-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes [] 
Aspertame for ant poison,

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RE: CS>Urine is sterile

2005-05-12 Thread lkfields
 I have to agree.  In an emergency situation where nothing else is
available...well ok.


-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
but solid or liquid, excreta is excreta, and bodies get rid of excreta for a
reason, and I personally don't want mine back.

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RE: CS>Recycling Urine

2005-05-12 Thread lkfields
ROTFL!  Oh that is funny. Had a good chuckle

-Original Message-
From: Marshalee []
Hmmm, hard to believe he turns 31 on Friday and is the daddy to four
munchkins of his own...
He told me that now he knows why I hoped he`d get a son of his own.
Revenge is mine, thus sayeth the mom... :o) Marshalee

RE: CS>just an observation...

2005-05-12 Thread lkfields
True, drugs kill the pathogens and the body does the healing.  What I am
saying isis it really the drugs doing the killing?  For instance, with
my gums.  The swelling is the bodies reaction to the germs.  The swelling
serves to isolate the infection so it won't spread until the body can deal
with it.  Right?  So in comes the silver, kills all the germs and the
selling goes down.  Well, swishing with peroxide doesn't get those results,
applying antibiotic ointment doesn't, applying alcohol doesn't, taking a
antibiotic doesn't.  This leads me to believe these things don't really work
as well as we are led to believe.


From: Marshall Dudley [] 

  I ask this because I am floored that the CS works so quickly.  If the
drugs were *really* doing the job at healing..wouldn't we see such fast
healing rates? 

Exactly what drugs are you talking about?  Very few if any drugs promote
healing that I know of.  Antibiotics kill pathogens, but do not promote
healing. The only things that I know of that really promote healing are
natural herbs and miinerals, such as aloe vera and CS. 


RE: CS>Recycling Urine

2005-05-12 Thread lkfields
I thought it meant urinate ON the list owner! LOL 

-Original Message-
From: Albert Peirce [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Recycling Urine

If I were making an educated guess, UO, since we have been on the topic of
Urine Therapy for weeks now, probably is an acronym for "Urinate Off", i. e.

Piss Off, for those of you of less delicate sensibilities. Regards, Al
- Original Message -
From: "Faith Saint Francis" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:01 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Recycling Urine

> UO = please? You Owe mebbe?
> (Dutch born boy)
> Faith
>>From: "Jim Holmes" 
>>Subject: RE: CS>Recycling Urine
>>Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 15:23:53 -0600
>>Move it, lest we UO the list owner.
>>-Original Message-
>>From: M. G. Devour []
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:33 PM
>>Subject: Re: CS>Recycling Urine
>>This topic comes up frequently everywhere I've been in the alt-health 
>>community. I have heard about it from so many people I consider 
>>reliable that I can't dismiss it as I might have at one time.
>>As bizarre or distasteful as it may sound to the uninitiated, I 
>>consider it just one of the many interesting "secrets" waiting for us 
>>"outside the box."
>>Migration of the subject to the Off Topic List would probably be 
>>wise... soon.
>>Thank you folks,
>>Mike D.
>>list owner dude
>>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>>[Speaking only for myself...   ]
>>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>>To post, address your message to: Silver List 
>>Address Off-Topic messages to: OT 
>>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> _
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

RE: CS>Recycling Urine

2005-05-12 Thread lkfields
Not as funny as peeing in mom's face!  LOL.  My son did that until I figured
out how to change a baby boys diaper.  LOL.   

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:07 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Recycling Urine

  My very earliest memory is peeing in my ear and laughing like a madman [er
baby] at the expression on Moms face.
 That was FUNNY! [And quite a good shot]


At 06:22 PM 5/11/2005 -0600, you wrote:
>My parents tried to get me to squirt it in directly, and then laughed 
>like hell when I missed.
>-Original Message-
>From: Elaine []
>Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:04 PM
>Subject: CS>Recycling Urine
>My parents would have us urinate in a pot and then put drops of the 
>urine in our ears when we had an ear ache.  Worked quite well.
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to: Silver List 
>Address Off-Topic messages to: OT 
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.8 - Release Date: 5/10/2005

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CS>just an observation...

2005-05-11 Thread lkfields
I am completely floored at how effective and how QUICKLY CS works.  I burned
my hand day before yesterday taking something out of the oven.  I sprayed cs
topically on it several times that evening.  It was a superficial burn but
in the past would blister and then form a thin scab then heal.  I sprayed
the cs on it periodically that night, and then a few times the next day.  I
was stunned to find that although it really hurt I had No blister form and
no scab.  I am looking at it now and it has a shiny place on the finger
where I burned it but that it IT!
Then today I noticed that I had a place on my gums that was getting a bit
swollen around where two teeth meet.  Normally I floss, scrub with
toothpaste and baking soda, and repeat.  The swelling usually subsides by
the next morning.  I did my normal routine but noticed that the swelling was
quite painful.  So I tried again.  Then I remembered I could use CS on it
with a cotton swab.  It has been 2 hours later and the swelling is GONE.  I
am stunned.
OK, so this makes me wonder.  see the body can and does heal itself.
Most infections or illnesses are cleared up within 10 day to two weeks.
Most doctors know this and try to get their patients to wait at least that
long before treatment.  Most people however want the pill, so a prescription
is prescribed and the meds are taken.
Is it possible, that the meds are really NOT working but the body's natural
ability to heal itself is (despite having to fight the drugs)?  I ask this
because I am floored that the CS works so quickly.  If the drugs were
*really* doing the job at healing..wouldn't we see such fast healing rates?

RE: CS>Heads up-MA

2005-05-10 Thread lkfields
Could you share with the list?  Many of us have loved ones with cancer.


From: Laurie Bartlett [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Heads up-MA

Can you email me privately regarding your friend your referring? I have
something else that will help him along with the CS.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:55 PM
Subject: CS>Heads up

Hi all -- I have referred a friend of mine to this list.  I expect that he
will subscribe in the next day or so.  He has just been diagnosed with
cancer of the stomach and esophagus, with possible metastasis to the liver.
They cannot do surgery -- I believe that chemo is his only allopathic
option.  He is in the process of that, but his doctors have told him that
there is virtually no hope.  If there is anyone here who can be of help to
him, please be looking for his intro post.  He has an 8-year old son.  He
desperately wants to live long enough to raise his son.  Thank you.   MA

RE: CS>Eye inflammation

2005-05-10 Thread lkfields
And I was thinking...the urine probably worked because of all the CS that is
passed out of the body in the urine! ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:47 AM
Subject: CS>Eye inflammation

The CS is best used IN the eye. Drinking it is good, but it has its best
benefit for eye issues when put directly in the eye.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>toddlers

2005-05-09 Thread lkfields
Oh wonderful. Sigh.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>toddlers

lkfields wrote:

> I buy my CS from a local Chiropractor.  It is Water Oz

Water Oz is not CS, in fact it has absolutely no CS in it at all. It is
silver citrate, and can and has caused argyria.

> and is 100ppm (they
> say). is their website.  
> Anyway, my question is...I want to give this to my 2 year old little 
> girl.  Should I give her a teaspoon a day in her juice?  Should I just
give it to her plain?
> I want her to have it daily as we do.  However I am unsure as to how 
> much to give a small child and how.

I would not give silver citrate to a human.


> Lori
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to: Silver List 
> archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to: OT 
> Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: silver-digest: Uncontrolable granddaughter

2005-05-09 Thread lkfields
Ode I gotta agree with you.  My parents were pretty strict with us, but the
"baby" of the family was a different story.  

My youngest sister figured out that my mother was afraid of the "empty
nest".  At sixteen she moved out of the house and into the home of her
boyfriend.  She told my parents "I am not moving back until you buy me a
car".  You cannot imagine HOW astonished my two other sisters, and I were!
If we had done that my parents would have said "fine, have it your way".
Instead they went out and bought her a Mazda 626.  For that time period it
was a VERY nice car.

Through the years it has been one demand after another.  Now for the folks
who think it is incredibly mean and heartless to demand your children
respect you and that parents should cave into demands and give bribes for
good behavior or love... I'd like to share what happened to my youngest

Not that I am a saint by any stretch of the imagination.  I was a rebellious
youth, but I waited until I was on my own to experiment with alternative
lifestyles.  I learned pretty quickly I did *not* want to live that way.
Six months of living on rice and eggs and having to roll pennies for gas
money put a whole new perspective on the druggie lifestyle.  I then joined
the Navy for the next 8 years.

My youngest sister did not fare so well.  My parents continued to spoil her.
As an adult they began to pay all her bills while she worked and kept her
money for herselfin her own apartment!  She married a solder, got
pregnant and when the baby was 3 months old left the solder.  She moved in
with a boy of 17 years old in HIS MOTHER'S HOME.  They were both partying
hardy when the father of the baby sued for custody.  My mother bailed my
sister out of that trouble.

Then my sister gave the baby to another sister (there are 4 girls one boy)
for 6-9 months.  My youngest sister then led a real life of debauchery in
Washington DC.  She realized suddenly that she missed her son who was in
Indiana. She took him from a good home to live with her lover AND her
lesbian friends.  My mother found pictures of the orgies that took place.
And CONTINUED to foot the bills.  Eventually my youngest sister had two more
children.  All with different fathers, and played at being a "escort" and
stayed on drugs and on and on and on.  She is 39 and has never changed.
Each time someone tries to step in to show her she needs to change, my mom
is quick to run to her defense.

My parents have no time for any of the other grandchildren because they are
always taking care of my sisters children.  They don't participate in the
lives of any of their other children because they are caught up in the drama
of the youngest.

My heart breaks because she was the cutest sweetest thing.  My parents
ruined her.


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest: Uncontrolable granddaughter

  When the baby bird becomes too demanding, loudly squalking that they know
everything and wants to grab all the worms...Momma bird gives baby bird a
little nudge.
 Baby bird discovers what it is to fly or die.
  16 year olds can legally emancipate themselves, or a parent can
'emancipate' them.
 Squalking is a declaration of independence.
 Honor it or suffer.  Your choice.

 "Controlling" others is a study in frustration.
 Controlling you is your only real choice. If that requires excluding
another from your peaceful environment to maintain be
[You can always sent em a peanut butter sandwich/tattered blanket/tent just
before they starve or freeze. Providing steak is counterproductive]

 Teanagers should run the world while they still know everything.
 Old people forget in the face of reality.

If someone insists that they're right..they are.  Finding out 'how' right is
'their' job and they'll have to do can't.  Your job is done., you want an SUV?OK cool..go buy one.  End of story...go play
'your' harp in the yard and see how well the rain keeps it in tune.
 No problem.
PS  Give back that old rusty trusty Toyota...I'll drive it.

..anyone who fucks with my head at the mall gets to walk home. [They might
find the locks changed and a sleeping bag on the door step with a 'take a
hike' note pinned to it.]  Go find another airstrip baby, you ain't flying
that crap through MY head space. [Where "I" am the traffic controller.]

 I can always love ya from a distance..and eventually will anyhow 'if and
when' you grow up. ['They' determine how far away that is and when.]

 Ya can't buy and sell love, especially with abuse as the currency.  If you
accept an exchange like that..YOU'RE the turkey on a learning curve. [Gee
whiz! Step aside and let that crosswind blow by!]

Nothing that anyone 'says' can MAKE you feel ANYTHING..unless you volunteer
 Who's wearing a sign that says, "Kick me and MAKE me cry"?

Well, kick ME and you'll s


2005-05-08 Thread lkfields
I buy my CS from a local Chiropractor.  It is Water Oz and is 100ppm (they
say). is their website.  Anyway,
my question is...I want to give this to my 2 year old little girl.  Should I
give her a teaspoon a day in her juice?  Should I just give it to her plain?
I want her to have it daily as we do.  However I am unsure as to how much to
give a small child and how.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Symptom Castror/Ricinus oil

2005-05-08 Thread lkfields
Ok, I'll try it.  My husband has some health food store grade castor oil.
He uses it for his fish hook bone spur.  It has helped reduce the


-Original Message-
From: Faith Saint Francis [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 8:54 PM
Subject: CS>Symptom Castror/Ricinus oil

Lori wrote:
>>I want to get rid of the problem and not treat the symptom.  I don't 
>>want to
wear a pair of oily socks to bed each night.<< and >>internal problem..<<

Ricinus Oil does work from the outside to the inside. It is NOT working on
any symtoms. In my experience, the complaints are done away with.
The again, I can only offer, it is up to the one concerned to accept,
persevere a bit, and come out better or even best.

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: Silver List

Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>OT: Help With Dog Injury

2005-05-08 Thread lkfields
OK, you will think I am a nutcall a chiropractor and see if he will
adjust the dog.  We do it for our patients for free.  A patient's dog had a
similar incident.  She took him to the vet for many shots and meds.
Expensive.  My husband adjusted him once and the dog was fine.


-Original Message-
From: Raine [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 6:03 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: CS>OT: Help With Dog Injury

My friend has a dog who was hit by a car yesterday. A financial emergency
(that also occurred yesterday) makes a trip to the vet impossible.

He is walking fine, eating, pottying, doesn't favor the rear, left leg/hip,
but it will "give out" on occassion. She also says when he sits down, the
leg/hip flops to the side. (Also, afterward he developed a lump on his neck?
Any idea what that's about?)

I've offered to help her treat him, and am hoping to draw on the wisdom of
others who may have experience here.

A bit of info on the dog; he's about 6 months old, Rott/Shepherd/Chow mix.
We just adore him- he's my surrogate fur-child, so my heart is just breaking
for him.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have, Raine

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: Silver List

Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: silver-digest: Uncontrolable granddaughter

2005-05-07 Thread lkfields
Well, I'll probably get flamed but here goes

There is not much your daughter can do.  Your Granddaughter doesn't mess
with daddy because she knows daddy won't put up with it.  Your daughter on
the other hand does put up with her shenanigans.  My mother used to tell us
that if you don't get your children to respect you by age 13 they never
will.  My mom was very strict but very loving.

When my son was 4 years old he got mad at me, raised both fists and shook
them at me with the most hateful look I have ever seen.  At first I was
heartbroken that this cute little sweet baby would do that.  Then I realized
that if I didn't nip it in the bud at 4, he would be hitting me at 14.  So I
could have run off crying and lamenting that my 4 year old hated me or I
could do what I did and wore his hind end out with a hickory.  He has never
done it since, and is the most loving sweet boy of 10 years old.  He
recently had to see a psychologist for a reading disability.  The
psychologist congratulated me on such a nice well mannered child.  Of course
I said that my son is naturally a great kid (he is) but the psychologist
stopped me and said "no, Mrs. Fields, that doesn't happen on accident."  And
you know what?  He is right.

It could be mental illness, but my gut tells me this girl is playing your
daughter.  What clues gave me this intuition?  She obeys daddy, she gets
good grades (obeys teachers) and participates in sports (obeys coaches).  If
this were TRULY a mental illness, her disobedience would be uniform.

Mom (your daughter) needs to start the tomato staking form of discipline
right now.  The caving into demands should STOP, no SUV, no car no nothing
until the daughter starts to respect mom outwardly.  She should not be
allowed to go ANYWHERE without mom (only to school).  Any trips to the mall,
any trips to the skating rink, any trips to the bowling alley, to friends
etc should be accompanied by mom.  Mom can say "when you earn my respect by
respecting me, you can earn some freedom."  

I practiced the tomato staking with my step-daughter.  She was 13 and wore
all black, rebellious, stayed up all night watching MTV, verbally insulting
and totally irresponsible.  I went EVERYWHERE with her.  The cable was
disconnected, the staying up all night ended.  It took about six months and
she began to wear nice clothes, was pleasant, began to get great grades.  It
turned her around.  I explained to her that responsibility and privilege is
like two elevators.  As one goes up so does the other.  She had to prove to
me she could be responsible and then I could give her privileges.  It was a
word picture that was easy to understand.  She graduated high school (only
3rd person in her entire family history to do so) and went onto college.
She married her high school sweetheart, they have two kids and have a great

The nice thing about tomato staking screaming, no spanking, no
grounding Just close parental attention.  And it works.


-Original Message-
From: Helen Woodward [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 1:57 PM
Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest: Uncontrolable granddaughter

I have been on this list forever and make colloidal silver and this list has
so many wise people on it that was wondering what list that I could go to
that would help us know what to do with my granddaughter who will be 16
soon. It is not just being a  teenager since she has always had a bad
character. She makes my daughter miserable and she told her that she didn't
love her or her father any more and that all she wants from them is
financial support. They just bought another house in a upscale neighborhood,
she said she was ashamed to have friends over to her other house. She harped
and harped on this and now it is a suv, her other friends that have turned
16 have a used SUV. It's like she gets in my daughter's ear and repeats the
same thing over and over. She is beautiful and is good in sports and makes
good grades. My daughter teaches at the high school that she goes to.
Last night she called my daughter at 10 PM and wanted her to come and get
her at her friends house and she didn't do this and this morning when she
picked her up she started in on the suv again. They had gone to a store and
granddaughter called her a "dumb but) loud enough for people to hear. This
is so severe that my daughter called me this morning crying and said that
she made her so miserable that she wishes she had never been born. Her
father is a military man and tends to ground her for long periods which
punishes my daughter also to have her around all the time. He wanted to
ground her last week and I got into it and told my daughter that if you are
too strict sometimes it backfires and she begged him not to ground her, I
probably should not have gotten into it. In the halls at the school she told
my daughter that she wasn't going to swim practice to be a life guard and
she told her she w

RE: CS>lyme mom

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
God Bless you hon!  My kids need me around too!  You might look into natural
progesterone...  it has been linked to the


From: [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: CS>lyme mom

Does anyone know if the salt/c protocol can be combined with taking ionic
silver and using bob beck protocol? How much peroxide is added to silver. I
was told to dip a toothpick in 3%H2O2 and add to silver during the stirring.
Anyone done that? Is there any natural alternative to gatorade without dyes
and sugars? What's the dilution of gatorade to silver? I live in Florida and
during the summer I am in the sun most of the day for 3 months as my
children participate in water sports. Is there any concern of agyria with
taking large doses daily of silver for a lenghty period and constant sun
exposure? Any successess with the bob beck protocol and lyme? My scalp and
neck have been severly affected with lyme with
fibrosis,edema,burning,crunching. I have been told the  pulsers can not be
used on the head and heart. I have 6 children that need me well. My
circulatory and musculoskeltal symptoms are severe. I need answers to these
questions to plan a course of action, once again. Blessings, georgia 

RE: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
We have eaten low carb before and now eat VERY low refined carb diet.  I
think it may be the vitamin A.  We eat almost no beef, but eat deer instead.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
 She started taking vitamins and cut beef out of her diet completely and is
on a low carb diet.  She no longer is afflicted with this now but we are not
sure if the vitamins, stopping consumption of beef or the low card diet is
what help, or something else that changed that we are not aware of.  I
believe however that the vitamins may have been the major thing since that
is what she did first and they seemed to improve very much during that time.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
My father's family is from Colombia.  They moved to the States when he was
14.  So it is probably genetic as we don't live anywhere near where he grew
up.  I eat totally differently than my grandparents and even my father.  My
grandparents ate a lot of their traditional foods which were quite bland
(not Mexican) and consisted mainly of rice, chicken and fruits and veggies.
My father loves Southern cooking as do I.  However my father doesn't eat a
lot of health foods and I do.

Making my own bread provides lots of adequate vitamins, and coupled with
plenty of green leafy veggies leads me to think it isn't a dietary problem.

My lower legs are scaly looking (yet not dry feeling) so I think maybe the
Vitamin A will be the ticket.  We shall see.


-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Oh my feet

Lori writes:
> ... My grandmother had it and my father has it too. 

Whoa! There's a genetic and/or environmental factor here that runs in the

A genetic problem that interferes with vitamin A somehow? Or a food
intolerance or allergy?

A dietary habit?

Living in the ancestral home?

Something in the water?

It does not affect your Husband, right?

I think you have some good things to try already, but this certainly makes
it an interesting problem...

Please let us know of your results.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: Silver List

Address Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
I have tried castor oil, I have tried emu oil, I have tried olive oil.
Honestly, and I am not trying to sound contrarybut honestly, I don't
think this is externally related.  I have tried vaseline, I have tried
mineral oil  The best thing I tried was Mary Kay's Extra Emollient Night
Cream.  It got rid of it as long as I used it.

I want to get rid of the problem and not treat the symptom.  I don't want to
wear a pair of oily socks to bed each night.  My husband is a Chiropractor
and we live a very healthy natural life.  We eat good wholesome foods, I
make our bread from freshly ground wheat, I cook from scratch.  I make our
own soap and we use products that don't contain harmful chemicals.  I am as
healthy as a horse except for these blasted feet.

Sigh.  I am going to try the Vitamin A, then the electrode therapy and the
spray that was recommended.  I really want it GONE.

It really is extreme.  My grandmother had it and my father has it too.  I
had a set of sheets that went only one direction on the bed due to the
pattern.  A hole was worn through the bottom sheet where I lay in the bed.
I was stunned.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Oh my feet

Castor Oil will make your feet look like brand spanking new, just
like a baby's, if you soak a pair of socks, put them on each night, and
cover with plastic bags, and a rubber band to hold in place.
 You would need the cold-pressed kind, found at health food stores, not the
heat, or chemical processed, drugstore variety. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
Mine is much worse it seems.  Epsom salts does not help.  My heels are so
dry the calluses crack and get so scaly.  The cracks sometimes get so deep I
bleed.  But thank you for your kind help.


-Original Message-
From: sarah [] 
   I had the same problem for many years.  I started soaking in an epsom
salts bath for sore muscles and I noticed that my feet got softer.  Then I
started using coconut oil and the foot problem is now gone.  I think it was
the combination of the two.
Hope this helps,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
I'll try it.  I do have the bumpiness too.


-Original Message-
From: starshar [] 
A web search should bring up the connection between the dry, cracked skin on
the feet and the need for high dose Vitamin A. Another clue for this need is
a condition of 'bumpiness' on the backs of the arms and on the thighs.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread lkfields
 How often do you need to use it now?

I must have missed the post about the thyroid.  I will go to the archives
and look it up.  Thanks!


-Original Message-
From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Anyway, even though I thought my condition was due to a systemic glandular 
condition that had nothing to do with microbes, I thought what the heck, 
I've tried everything else. The next morning when I awoke, my feet were 
about 75 to 80 percent better. I couldn't believe my eyes. I sprayed my feet

twice after that and all the scales and dry skin completely vanished.

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CS>Oh my feet

2005-05-05 Thread lkfields
 I have to tell you, I have tried so many things for my feet and they just
get worse the older I get.

My feet are very dry.  The heels get the worst calluses you can imagine.
Each month I have to soak my feet in warm vinegar (plain water won't work to
soften the callous) and then use a blade to scrape off the calluses.  My
husband is grossed out by it.  When I was in my early twenties I would sit
and rub my heels across the concrete steps of my apartment to keep it down.
I wear shoes all the time, I wear slippers, I keep my feet clean and dry.  I
had a nurse look at it once and say that it looked like a fungus was causing

With the idea that it might be fungus caused, I have been taking 1 Tables of
CS a day and applying CS directly to the callous via a cotton ball.

Which leads me to my next ailment.  Plantars warts.  I had one when I was in
the Navy 20 years ago.  I dug it out and it went away, only to reappear and
bring friends.  I have tried the salicylic acid pads, I have tried wart
remover, and I have tried to have them frozen by a medical doctor three
times.  All to no avail and they multiply.

I think the daily CS is helping to reduce the warts.  Hard to tell.  I have
not applied the CS directly.

I REALLY would love to have nice lovely feet.  Any advice?


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RE: CS>Immune system and CS strength

2005-05-04 Thread lkfields
Thank you Ode!!  My friend *does* indeed use salt to make his CS. 

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
##  I 'think' that VERY fresh CS might be 'more' potent, but that's a matter
of several hours.
 Otherwise, I have yet to find a shelf life even in samples stored in clear
glass on a sunny window sill for several years.
 CS made only with distilled water and pure silver is NOT light sensitive.
 CS made with salt or baking soda IS light sensitive.


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RE: CS>CS questions

2005-05-02 Thread lkfields
Thank you for this balanced response.  You really helped me to understand
much better (and more accurately) what is going on with CS.


-Original Message-
From: Terry Chamberlin [] 
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 6:38 PM
Subject: CS>CS questions

Lori said,
"I have two questions concerning Colloidal Silver. The first question deals
with immunity and CS. I know from experience and research that heavy use of
antibiotics results in a compromised immune system. The immune system comes
to depend heavily on the antibiotics to fight disease and soon the
antibiotics become necessary to fight off even the simplest of germs.
Does this happen with CS?  Why or why not?"

First off, the immune system does not become dependent on antibiotics
anymore than it becomes dependent on chemotherapy or radiation.
Antibiotics attack everything in sight, and damage ("compromise") the immune
system so that it does not function right.
CS aids the immune system in more ways than simply killing pathogens, as
seen by the incident of folks experiencing improvement with health problems
when they take CS that are not related to pathogens. I have seen several
doctors who are convinced that silver is an essential nutrient that our body
needs, just like iron or selenium. Dr. Carey Reams taught that our
bodies use ALL minerals (in the right form).  

"I have heard comments from several friends about colloidal silver having a
shelf life or losing its potency. A friend that has made CS for years states
that towards the end of his bottle (8 ounces) he can tell the CS is not as
potent anymore, like it has lost its charge. He notices that it is not as

Recently a man called me to order a bottle of CS. He had started to come
down with a cold or something, and the last of his CS nipped the cold in one
day, and he didnt want to be without it. I didnt recognize his name, so I
asked him where he had obtained the CS he had. He named a HF store I used to
supply that went out of business a while ago. I asked him to describe the
label, and he described a label I havent used for over four years. I am
personally of the opinion that some CS does not last as long as others. (My
personal belief is that low-voltage CS is not as stable as higher-voltage

"A friend that owns an herb shop says the CS is susceptible to light and
must be in a dark glass container and must be handled carefully. I have read
online that the CS does NOT need to be in a dark or amber colored glass. My
question is.. Does CS have a shelf life? How long is it? What things besides
freezing effect CS?"

After I had started making higher-voltage CS, I put a clear-glass jar of it
in the window with the date on it and left it there for 15 months (forgot
about it, actually). After 15 months of all day, direct sunlight, it had a
very, very faint yellowish tint to it that you had to look at from several
angles to see.
When I was making 30-volt CS, I could never have done that. The purity of
the water also plays a big part.

"Why would CS become "contaminated" and not useful anymore? If CS kills
whatever germs it comes into contact with, how could CS possibly get
contaminated by a Q-tip or cotton ball coming into contact with it?"

To come to the conclusion that a batch or bottle of CS has lost its potency
has nothing to do with it being contaminated. The not useful aspect
would simply mean that the silver particles had lost their charge and fallen
out of the water to the bottom of the bottle. In that case, some folks would
suggest it be shaken up to make the silver particles evenly distributed. The
contamination from a cotton ball or Q-tip, or from someone drinking right
from the bottle would not have to do with pathogens, but minerals/chemicals,
etc., that *might* join with the CS to form some kind of compound. I
personally dont believe this is likely to happen, because compounds are
usually created during the electrical brewing process, not just from being
poured together. Nor do I fear the toxicity of any of these accidental
compounds that might happen from a Q-tip or my saliva (geez, theyre already
in my mouth).

Folks, you dont need to be careful or paranoid about CS. No, dont use
rusty tap water, no, dont cook it to death, no, dont use Sterling silver,
no, dont brew it in metal containers, but other than that, dont worry
about it. Pure water, Fine silver, reasonable brewing time, glass brewing
containers, light color, any DC voltage. Make it and drink it, clear,
yellow, gold, murky, occasionally brown. Ive made and drunk it all, many
times, and theres nothing blue about me.

Terry Chamberlin

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CS>Immune system and CS strength

2005-05-01 Thread lkfields
 I have two questions concerning Colloidal Silver.  The first question deals
with immunity and CS.  I know from experience and research that heavy use of
antibiotics results in a compromised immune system.  The immune system comes
to depend heavily on the antibiotics to fight disease and soon the
antibiotics become necessary to fight off even the simplest of germs.  Does
this happen with CS?  Why or why not?

I have heard comments from several friends about colloidal silver having a
shelf life or losing its potency.  A friend that has made CS for years
states that towards the end of his bottle (8 ounces) he can tell the CS is
not as potent anymore, like it has lost its charge.  He notices that it is
not as effective.  A friend that owns an herb shop says the CS is
susceptible to light and must be in a dark glass container and must be
handled carefully.  I have read online that the CS does NOT need to be in a
dark or amber colored glass.  My question is.. Does CS have a shelf life?
How long is it? What things besides freezing effect CS?  Why would CS become
"contaminated" and not useful anymore?  If CS kills whatever germs it comes
into contact with, how could CS possibly get contaminated by a Q-tip or
cotton ball coming into contact with it?

I have searched online for these answers and I will have to tell you the
information out there is varied and contradictive.  I value the opinions and
findings of the many learned people here on list.

Thank you so much in advance for any help you can offer.


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RE: CS>scam

2005-04-30 Thread lkfields
It is very real.  A friend of mine sold a set of snowmobiles.  The cashiers
check she got was fake.  No, she hadn't sent off the snowmobile (they never
want the goods)
 but she was out the full amount of the cashiers check when it was
discovered the check was fake.


From: S Khanna [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: CS>scam

If you want to read something funny about scammers, go to:  . One woman's story about how she dealt with them
when they claimed to want to buy her horses.


RE: CS>off topic - a scam?

2005-04-29 Thread lkfields

This probably bogus email... But you could hit "reply all" and see what
comes up.  Then go to their ISP and report them.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: CS & bladder infection

2005-04-29 Thread lkfields
Sol, I don't have the book, I was commenting on the original post.  I think
Grace? has it?? 


-Original Message-
From: sol [] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS & bladder infection

You didn't say where I can get a copy? Or if there is a bibliography giving

Lori Fields wrote:

>The book may have been could have meant the UTI itself 
>is harder to treat due to the difficulty of getting the cs to the location.
>-Original Message-
>From: sol []
>I see you give the book title, but is there any bibliography in this 
>book that gives any place to check these statements? I can't find this 
>book at
>>"The Colloidal Silver Manual: Introducing the Powerful Natural 
>>Antibiotic They Want to Take Away From You".  On page 35 of this 
>>manual there is an article on successful uses for colloidal silver 
>>(Pre-1938).  T

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>off topic - a scam?

2005-04-29 Thread lkfields
Look at the original message.  It says it is from so and so
go to earthlink's webpage and look under "contact us".  Send them a copy of
the email.  They can track it from that.

I had to do it once when a teenaged girl on a list was threatening
suicide... I tracked down her ISP, called them.  They tracked her to her
father's email, called him and gave him a heads up.  He wrote the group
thanking us.  :-)


-Original Message-
From: Marshalee [] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>off topic - a scam?

How do I do that, Lori??

>"Just send us your banking information and "  we will take every 
>penny you have.  I would report them to their ISP.
>-Original Message-
>From: Marshalee [] insured to your name 
>waiting remittance into your bank account. Due to the mix up of some 
>numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award from public 
>notice until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to 
>your nominated bank account is this is!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>off topic - a scam?

2005-04-29 Thread lkfields
"Just send us your banking information and "  we will take every penny
you have.  I would report them to their ISP.


-Original Message-
From: Marshalee [] 
insured to your name waiting remittance into your bank account. Due to the
mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award from
public notice until your claims has been processed and your money remitted
to your nominated bank account is this is!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour