Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread russ e rosser

What method do you use?  Tx. --Russ
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:49:46 EST writes:
> I vote for clear. I use store bought steam distilled water. Never 
> made 
> anything other than clear cs.
> Hanan
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
> to: 
>  -or-  
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-12-30 Thread russ e rosser
Contact me offline, and I'll try to put you in contact with a man who has
cured just about every condition incl. cancer using magnets & RF.  --Russ

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:47:35 -0800 don tunney 
> Dear Brooks - On behalf of the newly formed Global Health Research
> Foundation Society (non-profit) of the Comox Valley I respectfully
> request consideration.
> *
> Global Health Research Foundation Society
> Purposes:
> 1:To research the use of radio frequencies and light waves 
> for 
> the control of
>   viruses, bacterium, fungi, yeasts and insects.
> 2:To determine the safest methods to use this technology.
> 3:To determine the most effective benefits of the technology 
> when used within the
>   health system and the environment.
> 4:To explore complementary modalities including older 
> therapies 
> from ancient cultures.
> 5:To share this information for the benefit of mankind.
> 6.To educate and train practitioners
> 7.Proactively provide this information to educate the public 
> in 
> the prevention and
>   maintenance of good health by working with other services 
> such as School Districts
>   at a provincial level.
> 8.To investigate the cause of disease assisting people in 
> maintaining optimal
>   health levels.
> 9.To focus on preventative and maintenance measures to 
> assure 
> good health.
> 10.   To contribute scientific complementary and alternative 
> options that are not
>   harmful to either health or to the environment.
> 11:   To apply these findings in  a clinical environment.
> 12.   To provide an integrated medical/research facility to 
> accommodate this work.
>25th of October, 2000
>The Global Health  Research  Foundation  was  founded  in  the 
> year  2000  for
>the purpose of researching and providing complementary and 
> alternative health
>care methods.
>The focus of the research will be in the use of  Photon Resonant 
> Light Emission
>therapy (Rife Technology) and other modalities which are 
> currently considered
>as "alternatives". 
>The objective is to provide scientific evaluations of different 
> (currently unused)
>therapies and to bring those modalities which are proven to be 
> effective to
>mainstream medicine as new tools worthy of serious consideration.
>At present, an interim Board of Directors and a steering 
> committee are active
>in the formation of this needed foundation.
>The research center will be centered in the Comox Valley.
>Norm Paulson,
> Founding Director, Global Health Research Foundation
> With the work I have doing has the commitment of three Doctors
> who will participate in scientific evaluation.
> Dr.Barbara Fehlau MD (also holds two Masters - microbiology & 
> immunology)
> Dr. Chris Kind - ND
> Dr.Heather Maranisomo - ND
> Also the Board of Directors has Bob Davidson who has a Masters in 
> Microbiology.
> **
> So it looks like I am going to receive my wish for scientific 
> evaluation and
> for that I am truly thankful.
> Have a wonderful 2001 Brooks.
> Don Tunney
> On behalf of the GHRF Society
> >To the general List membership:
> > Late this afternoon, our CPA told me I 
> still
> >had  about $5000  to $10,000 in uncommitted (spent) grant money
> > my personal discretion---should be postmarked to 
> registered
> >non-profit organizations (501-c types) before midnight of the last 
> day
> >in December. .  There are few restrictions, excepting the 
> recipients
> >must be legally recognized and registered non-profit entities.  
> They can
> >even be outside of the U.S.
> > One other proviso:  these 
> grants/donations
> >must be made to organizations/individuals who are active in
> >education/work/research/service, etc., in
> >the ecology, environmental,  community support, or   native 
> flora/fauna
> >fields of activity.   Please NO RELIGIOUS   organizations.  
> These
> >will be in the form of small ($1000.) gifts.
> > I felt it would be nice to poll the list and have 
> those
> >of you who have a favorite---or one you know to need additional
> > send me an email OFF-LINE, with just a sentence
> >endorsing your reasons for being especially interested in your 
> choice.
> >I will make an effort to tell those receiving grants/gifts that
> >you (individuals responsible) were the cause of their donation.
> >Additionally, I will make a genuine effort to notify each of you 
> whose
> >charity benefited..that yours was one of the lucky ones.
> > I wish each and every one of you the 
> warmest and
> >most pleassant
> >of New Years. Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
> >p.s.  Be quick.I


2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser
Hi, Brooks--

The following was posted here:

"MSM can also be synthesized from petroleum by-products, from natural
gas.  When a friend says, "they have found MSM for a few dollars a pound"
that is what they've found, and it doesn't work the same in the body!
The synthesized version is not the same. MSM cannot be taken alone,
why Gary mixed it with Woolfberry, Vitamin C, etc. and certain co -
nutrients to activate it.

"If someone tells you they've tried MSM and it doesn't work. Chances
are they probably used an adulterated version without the activating
co-neutrients. They need Sulfurzyme! What they took doesn't work!

"Read the book the "MSM Miracle" by Dr Jacob and Dr.
Lawrence. Very good book. Dr Lawrence told me, after he spoke after a
YL conference last year, Sufurzyme is the best source of MSM that he
knows of, in spite of the MSM advertisement in his book, for an inferior
product, installed to defer publishing costs. Dr. Lawrence said  he would
advertised Sulfurzyme in the  book he coauthored, but Gary didn't want
Sulfurzyme advertised that way! To me, sulfurzyme is nothing short of
a Miracle!" 

Therein are ambiguous derrogations of MSM products because of 1)
synthetic origin, 2) impurity ('adulteration'), 3) LACK of impurities
(co-nutrients)!  Of course, if two products are identical, their
different origins wouldn't matter, but labels aren't nomenclature; to
wit: the diverse & discrepant products bearing the label "vitamin C",
"vitamin E", etc.).  Should I infer from your reply that *purity* is the
only quality issue?  Tx.


On Fri, 29 Dec 2000 20:12:59 -0800 BROOKS BRADLEY 
> Dear Russ,
> I am somewhat puzzled by your statement 
> of
> inquiry.  Maybe a brief explanation of the DMSO--MSM connection 
> might serve
> to clarify the situation and bring the whole situation into better 
> focus.
> All commercially available DMSO, of 
> which I am
> aware...".comes from lignin, an organic cement-like substance that 
> binds wood
> fiber together.  the first step in the process was extracting 
> dimethyl
> sulfide (DMS) from the lignin, which was then oxygenated to form 
> DMSO.  The
> company (Crown Zellerbach) was exploring the solvent potential of 
> DMSO for
> industrial use."  .Quote by Dr. Stanley Jacob in "The Miracle of 
> MSM".
> In the late 1970's, Rober Herschler suggested 
> stjudying
> the properties of DMSO metabolites. ---"we began to look at 
> dimethy
> sulfone, DMSO2---another scientific name for MSM---which is the 
> major
> metabolite of DMSO.".* Ibid.
> As far as I knowthere is only one source 
> type, for
> DMSO and its metabolites..and that is from plant-derived lignin
> fractions.  Attempting to "synthesize" this material from other 
> sources would
> appear to be the height of follysince the "parent material" 
> (DMSO)
> derived from a 'throw-away' product Crown Zellerbach was trying to 
> find a
> viable commercial application forin the first place.  Lignin, 
> from trees,
> is one of the most abundant organic derivativeson the planet.
> I am afraid the public is being subjected to 
> powerful HYPE,
> generated by commercial interests eager to get people to "Buy my 
> Dog"he
> is UNIQUE.
> There are few---if any---mysteries about the source 
> of DMSO
> or any of its metabolitesincluding MSM.   All of them 
> (metabolites) are
> derived from DMSO.
> At some future time, when we all have more time, I 
> will spin
> some interesting stories as to the "exact" differences between DMSO 
> and MSM.
> I hope this helps.  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > Brooks--
> >
> > I've heard that some MSM synthethised from chemical parent 
> materials is
> > inferior to more "natural" forms.  What do you recommend, or what 
> did you
> > use for the laxative results?  Tx.
> >
> > --Russ
> >
> > On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:30:38 -0800 "Christiane Osowiecki"
> >  writes:
> > > Brooks,
> > > I am very interested!!  My daughter 4 1/2 is always constipated.
> > > (remember
> > > that she is a kidney transplant, and has liver disease)  The 
> doctors
> > > haven't
> > > ever had an answer as to why, but there are many factors.  We 
> have
> > > tried all
> > > the 

CS>Your 'reputation', as far as I'm concerned...

2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser
Dear Mr. Bob--

The following says it for me, too, Bob!  Your remarks to the list were
among the most explicative.  The assertions I've implemented were your
quotes.  Your departure from the list parallels the careers of great
men--recognition is often POSTHUMOUS!


Ole Bob has been of PRIMARY assistance in my voyage from a Newbie to a
Silver Specialist.
Bob, it was you who first taught me about the RS Motor that could very
easily be adapted to a vessel and used to constantly stir the liquid!!
Bob, it was you who first spoke to me of the distance between
Bob, it was you who first spoke to me of the "wetted depth" of those
Bob, it was you who first spoke of "clear" colloidal silver, instead of
Urine Yellow stuff!!
Bob, it was you who titilated my considerations of going to HVAC!!
Bob, it was you whose words finally convinced me that I would be better
off just producing LVDC instead!!
Bob, it was you who offered to test my unworthy samples for a reasonable
Bob, I'm just one person who has held on to your shirt tail as I worked
my way to production of what I consider a reasonably good product!!
Bob, it was your wit and inate caring that made this trip both fun and
Bob, leave if you must, but remember that there are many people out in
the lurker zones who have clung to your every word and witicism, who
waited for you to get back from your short vacations so they could hear
your discussions once again.  Don't let just one person's criticism cause
you to throw in the towel, you've had too great an impact on the lives of
those whom you have helped!!  Both my wife and I have benefitted greatly
from the improvements that you instituted in my silver making.  Perhaps
my wife is still alive today because of those improvements.
You've shown us your great heart and your concern time after time after
time, and been of service to God knows how many people.  Please continue
that honorable service to us ignorant masses out here, continue to offer
your wit, and continue to care enough to ignore solitary criticisms by
people who probably just had a bad day themselves.
Al Riley

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>"Beware!--Antacids can Dilute Vitamins and Minerals!"

2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser
- Forwarded message --
From: "Royal-Health.Com" 
To: "" 

Beware!   Antacids can Dilute Vitamins and Minerals!

Antacids such as Mylanta and Maalox often are used to
neutralize stomach acid in conditions such as heartburn
and acid indigestion, as well as stomach ulcers. A potential
problem is that antacid use may affect the body's absorption
of folic acid and several key minerals.

Folic acid:  Folic acid deficiency is said to be the most
common vitamin deficiency worldwide. This is one reason
that folic acid supplementation may be recommended if you
take certain drugs or have medical conditions thought to
deplete the vitamin. It's especially important that women
of child-bearing age get enough folic acid to help prevent
neural tube birth defects.

Folic acid is known to be absorbed best under somewhat
acidic conditions, so it stands to reason that antacids,
which lower stomach acid -- might be a problem. Surprisingly
though, a test-tube experiment suggests that antacids interfere
with folic acid absorption primarily by physically binding to
it. The antacid studied contained aluminum and magnesium
hydroxide (the most common type), and the aluminum was found
to be the binding agent.

The decrease in folic acid absorption was small, so this may
be a problem only if you take an antacid regularly and your
diet is marginal in folic acid. A simple precaution that should
help when taking this and any supplement is to separate meals
and antacids by a couple of hours*.

The recommendation to take more calcium to prevent
osteoporosis has raised concerns that higher calcium
intake might adversely affect magnesium in the body.
However, the calcium present in some antacids or
supplements may alter the absorption of magnesium,
this apparently has no significant effect on overall
magnesium status.

Phosphorus and calcium:
Aluminum-containing antacids can deplete phosphorus,
which further leads to calcium depletion, especially
with long-term antacid use. In this case, increasing
your intake of calcium and phosphorus would be beneficial.

Zinc and iron:
By reducing stomach acidity, antacids might interfere
with the absorption of zinc and iron and possibly other
  minerals that are absorbed best under acidic conditions.

The calcium itself present in some antacids may reduce
iron absorption. Though findings aren't clear-cut on
calcium supplements, most studies suggest that they
also may interfere with iron absorption.  Calcium
supplements or antacids containing calcium should be
taken apart from meals.

If you take calcium and iron supplements, calcium carbonate
may be the form least likely to affect iron absorption when
both supplements are taken on an empty stomach.

In some cases, calcium may reduce the absorption of manganese.

Calcium-containing antacids may reduce the absorption
of chromium, according to an animal study. Since the body's
absorption of chromium is low ordinarily -- reportedly
less than 2 percent of dietary chromium -- this interaction
could be important in humans. Take calcium-containing
antacids or calcium supplements (especially calcium
carbonate) 2 to 3 hours apart from chromium supplements
or meals.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>List: This guy's a friend of mine...

2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser

If you haven't seen John's website, International Advocates of Heath
please look.  He has provided a platform from which we can coordinate
ACTION with solidarity to protect our rights to the nutrtiional
supplements on which our families' lives depend, which are under
relentless attack at the international level (Kissinger said "...if you
want to control a population, you control food").


- Forwarded message --
From: John Hammell 

IAHF List and other vitamin consumers and freedom loving people world

Please go to and be uplifted by

the photos from our anti Codex pro vitamin, pro Orthomolecular 
demonstration against the Pharma Cartel in Berlin Germany last June. 
Participating in this demonstration was the most uplifting moment of my 
life, and we must all savor such moments and gather strength for the
remaining ahead.

THE CRY OF THE INVISIBLE: How Vitamin Consumers World Wide Can Break Down

the Walls of Oppression

As Christmas nears I find myself thinking back to a Christmas I once
years ago in a situation that is
painful even now to reflect on, but I'm going to anyway because more
need to hear the Cry of the Invisible.

The young man sat naked in his own urine on a rubber mat in the corner of

the cinderblock walled room. Obscenities had been scrawled on the walls, 
written in blood and feces by his invisible breathren, fellow inmates
in a hellish existence, suffering pain from a broken brain, a broken
and a beaten down spirit. From time to time a goon would peer in through 
the cross hatched metal wires embedded in the safety glass observation 
window, and the young man felt like a fish in an aquarium as the pain of 
his existence contrasted with the joy society conditions us to expect to 
feel on Christmas, and when one's reality is incongruent with that 
expectation, it only worsens any depression a person may happen to feel, 
and that was the case with me many years ago before God's vitamins and 
orthomolecular medicine brought me back from the dead.

Can the flickering light of hope exist behind the walls of our
hospitals and prisons? Can it be found out on the street amongst the 
homeless warming themselves over burning trash while sleeping on park 
benches, in doorways, abandoned houses, and under bridge abutments? What 
about those people sleeping in doorways using cardboard boxes for 
insulation, pushing their earthly belongings around in a stolen shopping 
cart, tormented by hidden voices, tormented by hallucinations, severe 
depression, paranoia, hunger and pain? What, if anything can be done to 
improve their lot?

What, if anything can be done to make audible the cry of the invisible?
will be their champion? We ALL must be, by forwarding this message of

The young man cried out in mortal anguish, trying with his plaintive
to knock down the 2 inch thick steel door that only reinforced the prison
of his own imbalanced mind and body, serving to heighten the feelings of 
hopelessness and pain, the feeling of being cut off from the world, from 
life, from humanity and hope.

It was Christmas day, 1978, and I will never forget that prison of pain. 
Too often hope is killed behind those walls. Too many have been murdered
the white coated Nazis, and the killing must stop.I will never forget the
years I spent needlessly mired in the hell of the psychiatric system,
for wont of a few vitamins of which I have a genetic need.

How did I escape that hell?
How can others escape?
Are we all to lose our access to the vitamins we need due to Codex and
EU Anti Vitamin Directive that stands to be finalized by March?

Am I to be forced back behind those walls for lack of vitamins?
HELL NO, I WON'T GO! We're all going to win this battle TOGETHER!

As I reflect back on the past year and remember the most uplifting as
as the most trying moments,
what stands out in my mind as the most memorable time was the anti Codex 
demonstration in Berlin, at the end
of our demonstration when we let fly thousands of colorful helium
along with two cages of pidgeons to symbolize the fact that the Pharma 
Cartel can't suppress the truth 

Throughout history new ideas in science and medicine have always been 
Think of Ignaz Semmelweiss back in the 1840's.
He was the first person to realize the importance of good hygiene in 
hospitals, of the need for surgeons to wash their hands before an 
operation, of the need for clean bed linnens and towels. His theories 
regarding contagion turned out to be 100% correct but at first they were 
horribly suppressed.

He observed doctors in his teaching hospital in Vienna practice
on cadavers, then, without washing their hands they'd go across the hall
deliver babies, and the babies and mothers were dy


2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser

I've heard that some MSM synthethised from chemical parent materials is
inferior to more "natural" forms.  What do you recommend, or what did you
use for the laxative results?  Tx.


On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:30:38 -0800 "Christiane Osowiecki"
> Brooks,
> I am very interested!!  My daughter 4 1/2 is always constipated.  
> (remember
> that she is a kidney transplant, and has liver disease)  The doctors 
> haven't
> ever had an answer as to why, but there are many factors.  We have 
> tried all
> the prescription and over the counter remedies..all to 
> varying
> degrees of success, but none to any substantial benefit.
> This post comes on a day when she is having an exceptionally 
> difficult time.
> I have MSM powder here, but wanted to inquire about a specific dose 
> to try.
> Do you have the dosing brought down to an amount per KG (or even 
> lb.) of
> body weight?
> Also, I am aware that you are not a doctor, nor do you claim to be 
> one, but
> are you aware of any contraindications of using MSM with a kidney or 
> liver
> that are jeopardized?
> Thanks to you (as usual)
> Christiane ~:-}
> - Original Message -
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 12:21 PM
> > To all interested list members.
> > Recently, one of our staff, while conducting an
> > unrelated protocol, discovered a very useful---and
> > repeatable---methodology for controlling chronic constipation
> > (especially among the geriatric population).
> > His serendipitous discovery lead to a more 
> controlled
> > evaluation of 19 experimental volunteers.  All (ages varying from 
> 35 to
> > 75) suffered from chronic constipation.
> > The experimental protocol involved the ingesting 
> of 5 to
> > 10 grams (depending on age and body mass) of MSM crystals 
> accompanied by
> > 8 to 10 ounces of water.  The response time depended upon the 
> degree of
> > systemic dehydration---and the severity of lower-bowel impaction
> > complications.  In a majority of cases, relieving bowel-action 
> occurred
> > with 30 to 40 minutes.  In many cases.10 to 15 minutes.
> >   Analyses directed at determining the exact mode 
> of
> > action revealed a simple, and obvious, systemic 
> responserestoration
> > and stabilization of proper body-systems' cellular hydration.
> > Further analyses revealed an interesting 
> corollary;
> > a majority of all serious constipation cases occurred during the 
> winter
> > months.and or among those persons having central air 
> conditioning.
> >  Existing general research appears to confirm 
> our
> > experiences, in that a major problem expressing among the general 
> human
> > populations, is a pervasive, chronic dehydration.  This is
> > complicated---especially among older persons---by the fact that 
> the body
> > goes into a moisture-conservation mode when faced by reduced water
> > intake.  This process is especially damaging in that the histamine
> > levels elevate as the body rushes into "drought management" and
> > institutes a "brain-first" water priority.  Additionally, as this
> > process occurs there is, rarely, an associated rise in the thirst
> > reflex...especially in COLD weather.
> >  Additionally, this problem presents very 
> serious
> > challenges (especially among older persons)in that active
> > perspiration decreases under sedentary and 
> "temperature-controlled"
> > conditions.resulting in a reduced thirsteven though the
> > indidvidual is literally "systemically dessicating".
> > The only viable approach we have been able to 
> invoke has
> > been to establish a  "non-variable"  water intake schedule which 
> insures
> > a minimum hydration condition.
> > Interestingly, once stabilized, a majority (all 
> but one)
> > of these chronic constipation sufferers, were able (during the 45 
> day
> > follow-up test) to TOTALLY eliminate constipation complications 
> through
> > the simple expedient of ingesting 1000 mg of MSM crystals (twice 
> daily)
> > accompanied by 8 to 10 ounces of water.  It must be disclosed that 
> the
> > minimum water intake was INSURED to be 70 ounces daily.
> > As a point of interest;  a rather pronounced 
> number of
> > ancillary health complications experienced (from among the total
> > population) "spontaneous remission" during this 45 day test 
> period.  A
> > follow-up evaluation revealed that 8 of the participants have 
> since
> > ceased the MSM/water protocol-and ALL have experienced a 
> relapse to
> > their former state."You can lead a horse to water, 
> but"
> > Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver

Re: CS>Anyone put heir herpes, ie: simplex I or II into remission with CS?

2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser
DC would likely conduct preferentially through nerve fibers if it weren't
completely short-circuited by the bloodstream.  --Russ

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 11:20:30 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> I use to have outbreaks of cold sores (simplex I) about once a month. 
>  Since
> starting CS 3 years ago, I have had only one outbreak, and it 
> occured when I had
> stopped taking the CS for a few days, and it disappeared in less 
> than 24 hours
> once I begun taking CS again.
> I don't think it can get to the hiding place in the nerve ganglea, 
> but it
> certain can stop active outbreaks.  I suspect that the use of the 
> magnetic
> pulsar may be the ticket to an actual cure.
> Marshall
> wrote:
> > If you have please post your experience at in the 
> Alternative
> > Therapies Forum. This is very important. Over 45 million people in 
> the U.S.
> > alone have simplex II and God knows how many have "cold sores". I 
> started
> > this "crusade" about a week ago, and I really hope others will try 
> cs - it
> > truly is working for me.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Hanan
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail 
> message to:
> >  -or-  
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive: 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Alert

2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser
I'd say complimentary!  --Russ

On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 17:27:51 -0600 "V. Richter"  writes:
> Russ or anyone with a comment,
> What is your opinion about the benefits of both zapping and LVDC 
> therapies?
> Are they redundant, synergistic, complementary, ?  Presently, 
> I'm doing
> both and taking advantage of your previous suggestion of using 
> sponges to
> regulate the contact resistance and it's working well.
> Vince Richter
> - Original Message -
> From: "russ e rosser" 
> >
> > Like a broken record, I must keep referring to the AEU research 
> about the
> > antiseptic power of miniscule DC electrical current against "ALL"
> >
> > As usual, the battery electrodes would be inserted into small 
> sponges
> > moistened with salt water.
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
> to: 
>  -or-  
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Research Paper available

2000-12-29 Thread russ e rosser
Barb, Dear--

Because of the visible cloud, and the conductivity of the electrodes at a
distance, I assume you're salting the water.  Sea salt might cause
bonding to any of its 93+ minerals.  Colloidal particles should be too
small to see (except as Tyndall effect) and if they're so densely
proximate as to visibly nebulize, they tend to agglomerate.  I just made
CS machines for Xmas recipients, using only rectified wall power &
constant fine if you limit the running time to avoid
very high ppm.  You need?  --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Alert

2000-12-23 Thread russ e rosser

If CS isn't yielding timely results against a case of strep, your warning
that CS may not work on some strains might help avert a dangerous delay
in applying an alternative.  

Like a broken record, I must keep referring to the AEU research about the
antiseptic power of miniscule DC electrical current against "ALL"

As usual, the battery electrodes would be inserted into small sponges
moistened with salt water.  

Possible ways of conducting current through the throat might involve
garling sea salt water while holding a silver electrode in the mouth
(immersed, contacting only the water) and the other electrode in one hand
(or against a higher part of the body if more power is desired).  

...Or one might try placing both electrodes on opposite sides of the neck
(avoiding the carotid artery & jugular vein area) while gargling the sea
salt water (to assure max. conductivity inside the throat).  The greater
proximity between electrodes means higher power, so in this case drier
sponges and/or weaker saline would be used at the outset.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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CS>Brigham Young Univ. study...!

2000-12-20 Thread russ e rosser

Who posted the Brigham Young Univ. study showing CS outperforming the
usually prescribed antibiotics for numerous, common pathogens?  I find
that somehow I didn't save it, and it's the single most cogent pc. of
evidence of CS efficacy I could think of to present to the uninitiated! 
(A proctored study of its non-toxicity would be the ultimate
complimentary datum.)  

Judith?  Brooks?  Barb?  

Thanks.  --Russ

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 20:34:10 EST writes:
>  sorry about that. I was so shook up I pressed the wrong keys!! 
> Many years ago I poured some coca cola into a plastic
> sandwich bag...and then watched the bag disappear! That cured me...I 
> thought"what is it doing to my stomach lining?"
> love and peace
> Kiasi
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
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CS>Re: I read the email to a friend...

2000-12-20 Thread russ e rosser
... the one about Santa being jolly because he knows where all the bad
girls live; she replied, "Ho' ho' ho'!"  --Russ  

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 20:34:10 EST writes:
>  sorry about that. I was so shook up I pressed the wrong keys!! 
> Many years ago I poured some coca cola into a plastic
> sandwich bag...and then watched the bag disappear! That cured me...I 
> thought"what is it doing to my stomach lining?"
> love and peace
> Kiasi
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
> to: 
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: Anti Codex Web Radio Broadcast Wednesday Noon-1pm US Eastern Time/Listen World Wide Please Sign Anti Codex/Anti EU Vitamin Petition See Article on Safety of Dietary Supplements

2000-12-19 Thread russ e rosser

- Forwarded message --
From: John Hammell 
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 11:52:53 -0500
Subject: Anti Codex Web Radio Broadcast Wednesday Noon-1pm US Eastern
Time/Listen World Wide Please Sign Anti Codex/Anti EU Vitamin Petition
See Article on Safety of Dietary Supplements
Message-ID: <>

IAHF Webmaster: Put this under breaking news, Codex oversight, all

All Webmasters: Please post.

Everyone: Web Based Radio Broadcasts which provide an in depth expose of 
the Codex Vitamin Scam are few and far between, so it is very important 
that we all tune in to the one tomorow Wednesday December 20th Noon-1pm
Eastern Time  to hear Gary Null interviewing a 
number of health freedom fighters from different countries, each
valuable insight and information on how we can best fight back against
EU Vitamin Directive and Codex.

SEE program times in different time zones world wide below, and tell more

people please! The show might be archived on the web, but never count on

The EU Vitamin Directive will be shoved down our throuts by March of next

year unless stopped now. Consumers world wide must help people in Europe 
fight back because what happens in the EU will heavily impact Codex in 
2002, but we can't wait that long!

American vitamin companies are being lied to on the Codex vitamin issue
pharmaceutically dominated vitamin trade associations CRN and NNFA and 
consumers are being lied to by so called "Citizens for Health". These 
pharmaceutically dominated bodies are lying to people by saying that what

is happening at Codex "can't impact US law". It can, as you will see from  "US Law Not Safe" section. The exemption clause in
Federal Statute that allegedly protects our laws from harmonization to 
international standards is nothing more than a paper tiger. It does not
FACT protect our laws! Due to the threat of trade sanctions imposed by
WTO, Congress has changed our laws many times already and this has been 
thoroughly documented by Public Citizen and other groups. Our sovereignty

is being destroyed,and there is a need for more cosponsors on the
Sovereignty Restoration Act sponsored by Ron Paul which would get us out
the WTO.

You can listen to this show at from noon-1 US 
Eastern Time, see below for showtimes in different time zones world wide 
and tell your friends!


At the same time it is very important that more people sign the Anti
anti EU Vitamin Directive Petition at
English version of the site is at  
text of petition below, also see Ron Law's excellent article on the
of dietary supplements which accompanies the petition.

Codex Vitamin Scam

N. America:
East Coast Noon- 1 PM Wednesday December 20, 2000
Midwest: 11 am- noon
Mountain: 10 am-11am
West Coast: 9am-10am

England and Ireland
5 Hours Ahead so
5-6 pm

Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway
6 hours ahead so
6-7 pm

South Africa 7 hours ahead

Sidney  16 hours ahead (other time zones in Australia figure per Sidney)
6 am- 7am on Thursday December 2

New Zealand 18 hours ahead
8am-9am on Thursday December 2
Food supplements have shown to be extremely safe. Yet there are 
international efforts in progress to limit nutrient dosages
and types of ingredients, both at the European level (Council of Europe, 
European Commission, European Parliament) and
world wide, through Codex Alimentarius.

The reason for these legislative efforts is trade, more precisely the 
facilitation of international trade.

Pharmaceutical lobbies are working hard to limit the scope and 
effectiveness of food supplements, presumably because
healthy people do not buy their medicines as readily as sick people. 
Government nutritionists are not of much help. They do
not generally recognize the vast preventive potentional of supplements 
supplying high doses of selected nutrients and
natural co-fractors.

The needs of consumers and of alternative health practitioners are not 
taken into account in the legislative talks.

We have therefore drafted a petition which we are asking you to sign, 
demanding that legislators take into account freedom
of choice of the consumer.

Who are we? La Leva is an association of consumers concerned with freedom

of choice.

Why is consumer action so important? Please read this article for some 
background information.

What are the statistics on supplement safety? Read the article by Ron Law

comparing the safety of food supplements
and pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of actual death statistics.

What are we asking f

Re: CS>tummy bugs

2000-12-19 Thread russ e rosser
Prezactly!  It's interesting that 1 1/2 years before the latest,
under-reported! epidemic of "flu-like symptoms" (esp. in the west), the
WHO was in Alaska & Spain exhuming bodies in of the 1916+ flu pandemic
that killed scores of millions.  And why?  "Because there is no known
cure"  No one asked WHY they wanted a virus that had no known cure,
the public** just assumes the "authorities" are taking care of them. 
Later, the WHO reported having "isolated"*** the virus; however...

*** "isolated" means 'reproduced'; presumably 'mass-produced' 
** "public" means 'the ignorant masses who live not by rational critique,
but by decisions based on superficial appearances.'  --Ballantine's Law

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:12:51 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > What is that pathogen, pls?  I'd be interested to know (and so 
> might the
> > World Health Org., for *other* reasons) HOW it withstands CS.  Tx.
> We don't want the WHO to know that!  A little genetic engineering of 
> some
> beasties and CS might no longer work for us.
> Marshall
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tummy bugs

2000-12-18 Thread russ e rosser
On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 20:38:16 -0800 BROOKS BRADLEY 
> This said, there was a very pronounced difference between both the 
> number of
> different pathogens, their individual populations and 
> vigor.occurring
> between control animalsand subject animals receiving CS 

...In what part of the animal...their stool?  Tx.

> Therefore, the conclusion may be drawn that "some"
> prophylactic response (in the lower gut) does accrue from the use of
> CS

Here's an intractable Q, speaking of prophylactic CS use:  I understand
it kills flora as well as anaerobes, so what regular dosage is advisable,
if any?  Tx.  


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tummy bugs

2000-12-18 Thread russ e rosser

> quantities as low as 1.5 ounces were successful in a "flooding 
> coverage" of the
> duodenum and upper stomach---in dogs---within 45 
> seconds

> In fact, alimentary 
> insults are
> the MOST EASILY controlled of any we have ever evaluated.  

Could you pls. comment on CS' ability to reach the *lower* GI tract at
effective concentration levels, before diffusing into the bloodstream
through the upper? 

> Excepting one (non-pathogenic) bacteria---which 
> proliferates
> in silver solutions, we have never tested colloidal silver on a
> pathogen.which it failed to control.  

What is that pathogen, pls?  I'd be interested to know (and so might the
World Health Org., for *other* reasons) HOW it withstands CS.  Tx.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Electrical question--

2000-12-15 Thread russ e rosser
Marshall, Ivan, Roger, Bob, Mike, et al--

Excuse my tardiness in APOLOGING for misinformation about CS polarity,
and THANKING YOU for the tutelage.

Urgent electrical question:  In a SPARK GAP, a HV pulse initiatates a
plasma arc, which can then conduct current.  The min. V required for
*striking* the arc depends on the gas, pressure, and electrode distance. 
What determines the min. V for *maintaining* the arc?  Does it vary
inversely with amperage?  

Thanks for any assistance!  --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS polarity (was CS and saline solutions)

2000-12-13 Thread russ e rosser
Ron, Roger--

Am I going nuts, here?  Theory has it that electrons jump from - to +;
silver particles ionizing accordingly.  If you use batteries & a little
salt (just for visibility purpose), you can easily see the cloud
emanating from the - electrode.  How can this possibly be otherwise?? 
Tx.  --Russ

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:06:26 EST writes:
> In a message dated 12/12/00 10:29:51 PM EST, writes:
> << Subj: Re: CS polarity (was CS and saline solutions)
>  Date:  12/12/00 10:29:51 PM EST
>  From: (Ron Hackley)
>  Reply-to:
>  Hi Russ and all,
>  I've been using VOM's for forty some years and I darn well know how 
> to use 
> one and
>  certainly how to read polarity. I've been making and using CS for 
> four years 
> or so and I
>  think I know how to make it as well. I have two electrodes; the 
> silver 
> electrode is
>  connected to the positive terminal, and I have a stainless 
> electrode 
> connected to the
>  negative terminal (for those of you who are going to freak about 
> using 
> stainless for the
>  cathode, this was discussed a year or so ago on this list and 
> seemed to be 
> perfectly
>  acceptable at the time, and it is much easier to clean; for the 
> most part it 
> becomes
>  plated with silver that is pretty firmly attached). If I turn the 
> stirrer 
> off I see silver
>  coming off the positive electrode (the only one that's silver so 
> duh!). 
> Discussions here
>  have also pointed out that the CS ideally has a positive charge 
> which is 
> believed to help
>  in whatever magic it does; I'd think that would be kinda hard to do 
> if it 
> comes off of a
>  negative electrode. If I'm doing something wrong then it is amazing 
> that I'm 
> making CS.
>  Would a few of the experts please verify that I am either right or 
> wrong 
> about polarity (I
>  say the CS comes off the anode or positive terminal). This is kinda 
> important, especially
>  when talking about electrodes being applied to the surface of the 
> skin.
>  Thanks,
>  Ron KC7ZWA
>   >>
> Ron. You are correct. Several years ago I used the same set up. 
> Roger
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Argyria-large particle issue

2000-12-12 Thread russ e rosser
Barb, will you please tell 'em I was KIDDING?!?!?  We've just suvived a
verbal duel with Rosemary of Sunnybrook Farm...


> > [waving arms & panting!]  --Russ
> Even drinking the largest-particle electro-colloidal
> silver I could make (dark purple or brown), I would
> still need to drink more each day than I am able to
> drink, over an very extended period of time, before
> argyria would reach the level of faint possibility.
> The discussions of argyria that have occured on this
> list and elsewhere have demonstrated to me that nobody
> even knows what causes argyria.
> The two schools of thought seem to be that, 
> 1. Argyria is caused by ingesting large amounts of a
> silver salt (over an extended period of time), which
> somehow photosynthesizes into silver metal (catalyzed
> by light) which is trapped in the skin pigment.
> 2. Consuming large amounts of silver or silver salts
> in particularly large particle size (such as
> mechanically ground up silver) for an extended time.
> Neither of these eventualities are related to the
> consumption of electro-colloidal silver. Neither the
> amount of silver nor the largest possible particle
> size of electro-colloidal silver is remotely close to
> any known intelligent theory of the cause of argyria
> (excepting inane claims made by the FDA).
> The fact remains that, "We could not locate a single
> case of orally consumed colloidal silver manufactured
> in the last 25 years causing Argyria in our review of
> the literature.” Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. Director,
> Life Sciences Division John Hopkins University.
> Terry Wayne
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
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Re: CS and saline solutions

2000-12-12 Thread russ e rosser
You CS maker is labeled wrong--use a VOM.

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:56:42 -0800 Ron Hackley  writes:
> Russ, thanks for the valuable hint, but... my silver comes off of the 
> positive terminal on
> my CS maker. Why would you make the silver on the eye electrode 
> negative? Wouldn't you
> want it positive?
> Ron KC7ZWA
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > 
> > BTW, I've disinfected an eye inury with DC current, too.  
> This method
> > should actually work on anyone, too, with no danger!  I let tears 
> pool up
> > into the inside corner of my eye, and held the POSITIVE electrode 
> in
> > contact with the saline.  The negative wire is inserted into a 
> sponge
> > moistened with salt water, and held in one hand.  (I used this 
> polarity
> > was because I had only the bared copper wire to work with; 
> however, if
> > you used 999 slver wire, you could use the *negative* electrode in 
> the
> > tears--thereby absolutely disinfecting the eye [probably all the 
> way
> > through!] while making CS on the spot!)
> --
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Re: CS & saline solution

2000-12-12 Thread russ e rosser
Tell him I was kidding, Barb!  --Russ

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:03:34 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Russ;
>  Argyria comes from silver nitrate not colloids.
> "Ole Bob"
> >
> --
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> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2000-12-12 Thread russ e rosser
HeathShield makes self-sterilizing plastic by entraining silver ions. 
This is also a water purification method.  A friend of mine makes a
medium that' s even better, though, using a lithium ion entrained into a
ceramic element (similar to Katadyn or Doulton/Berkefield).  This filter
removes fluoride 99% of pathogens 99.9% per EPA testing!  Counter top
or under sink models are available for about $130, good for 2500 gal. 

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 11:37:25 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Hi Ya'all,
> If you haven't visited the and looked at the
> silvernews, you have no idea how fast silver is gaining acceptance.
> how about silver saran wrap, silver particles in steering wheels, in
> paint, in chickens ad infinitum.
> "Ole Bob"
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS & saline solution

2000-12-11 Thread russ e rosser
> Marshall,
> Yes, the particles are bigger if CS is overcooked, but
> I have seen no evidence at all that it is toxic,
> dangerous, or even less effective. 

BUT DON'T FORGET THE EVILS OF AGYRIA  [waving arms & panting!]


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS and saline solutions

2000-12-11 Thread russ e rosser

I've used CS on my eyes many times--no pain whatsoever.  You might tell
him to expect some sensation, but sa for pain, naahh.  --Russ 

BTW, I've disinfected an eye inury with DC current, too.  This method
should actually work on anyone, too, with no danger!  I let tears pool up
into the inside corner of my eye, and held the POSITIVE electrode in
contact with the saline.  The negative wire is inserted into a sponge
moistened with salt water, and held in one hand.  (I used this polarity
was because I had only the bared copper wire to work with; however, if
you used 999 slver wire, you could use the *negative* electrode in the
tears--thereby absolutely disinfecting the eye [probably all the way
through!] while making CS on the spot!)  Your kid would touch the sponge
only as easy or hard as he wanted, according to the sensation.  By the
time he felt the slightest tingle (NOT pain, BTW), he'd already be well
above min. disinfective current levels.  
On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:33:29 -0600 "Lewis Ted (x5710)"
> Hi gang,
> I seem to remember a discussion quite a while back about whether or 
> not CS
> was effective when added to a saline solution (such as for use in 
> the eyes,
> nose, etc.).  I don't remember the outcome of the thread...was it ok 
> or not
> ok to combine CS and saline?  Does the saline reduce the 
> effectiveness of
> the CS? 
> The reason: my 5-year old has had an ongoing bout with some type of 
> eye
> infection.  We've given him an antibiotic eye drop, but it keeps 
> coming
> back.  I'd like to try CS eye drops to see if we could stop it, but 
> I'm
> afraid straight CS might be too painful.  He's pretty squeamish and 
> might
> not let me do it more than once.  (I'm assuming it would take 
> multiple
> treatments.)  I'd like to prove to my family (and myself) that CS 
> really
> works.
> Any thoughts or suggestions?
> -Ted

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:OT unexpected reaction

2000-12-11 Thread russ e rosser
The citizens *might* have used the black PVC for waterproof burial of
certain items.  --Russ

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:01:59 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > During the roundup--in which the US Marines 
> participated!--hardware &
> > plumbing stores' supplies of black PVC pipe became deleted.
> What's with the black PVC pipe?  Was it being used to hide and store 
> handguns
> by citizen's, or taken off the shelf as a possible component of a 
> pipe b*mb
> or something?
> Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS Bio Availability, Was: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2000-12-11 Thread russ e rosser
"Ivan Anderson"  writes:
> The amount of drug absorbed depends on the following
> factors[13,14,73-78]:
> ...The degree of the drug's ionization and the pH of the absorption


Please explain the relation between + of - ionization and pH.  This has
escaped by comprehension for some time now...   Tx.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:OT unexpected reaction

2000-12-10 Thread russ e rosser
> > Australia has taken the guns away from law abiding citizens who
> > registered their guns legally.

During the roundup--in which the US Marines participated!--hardware &
plumbing stores' suppiles of black PVC pipe became deleted.  

Last month, the news reported that Australian authorities are "at a loss
to explain" the sudden ~40% crime increase since the gun ban, following
many years of steady decrease (duh!).  

The best way I've seen to stay informed of CONTINUAL anti-gun
legislation--so you can voice opposition to congessmen--is via short-wave
radio.  My favorite: the Sangean 818-CS because it's got digital tuning,
SSB reception (so you can hear HAMs, too) and a built in cassette
recorder so you can SHARE info with your media-brainwashed acquantences!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>premonitions

2000-12-06 Thread russ e rosser
Yeah, I mentioned the ELF part of the spectrum, but not WHICH spectrum! 


On 6 Dec 2000 14:39:17 GMT writes:
> Dear Russ,
> I think more than ELF waves are   involved, I think  one gets into 
> quantum
> effects as well when dealing with precognitive issues.
> barb
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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2000-12-06 Thread russ e rosser
"Marsha Hallett"  writes:
> Dear Russ, I wonder if this is the reason I can sense stuff happening 
> before
> it happens? Such as quakes, plane crashes, storms, etc.
> Marsha

ELF waves are known to emanate from the sites of imminent earthquakes;
just prior to them, want ads for lost pets increase because animals also
respond to these emanations.  Living things can dectect energies for
which no instrumentation yet exists, which explains dowsing.  You'd be
extraordinarily useful for measuring "subtle energies," and I see much
need for such gifted people.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:self serving misery

2000-12-05 Thread russ e rosser
Drinking water: Yes, it's important to flush out cellular wastes, but
conversely, it's important to have alternate periods.  Too much water can
interfere with nutient transfer to the cells because of excessive
DILUTION.  --Russ  

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 07:39:12 -0800 (PST) Susan 
> Gosh Barb, what an inspiring post!  I've saved it to reread when
> I need it.
> Didi anyone see a news report SUnday night about drinking water?
>  I didn't but a friend of mine told me about it.  Of course they
> talked about things like drinking distilled water over a
> prolonged period will kill/wash out all the good stuff in your
> system, and that mineral spring water is the best thing to drink
> (and after that, tap water, but I don't think I good joke mine
> down - so much chlorine it's like drinking pool water), and then
> it was stated that recent research has concluded that the human
> body needs only 4 8oz. glasses of water/day to function
> optimally: apparently they stated that any more than this is
> detrimental.  Well, I drink an awful lot more than that -
> usually around 96oz. or even a little more - to flush out
> toxins, especially when I'm detoxing something.  This report I'm
> sure is scaring alot of people.
> ANy comments?
> Susan in Indy
> "It is no sign of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly
> sick society". 
> Dear Janet,
> From my research into thyroid disesase which has been rather
> extensive 
> due to
> my mother-in-law having it to the point doctors scared her into 
> thinking
> she had only 6 months to live over 12 years ago.  The nodules
> indicate 
> infection as in Hashimoto's disease.  
> First line of defense is fight off the hidden infection and the
> nodules
> should dissappear.  Other symtoms of graves disease can be
> contolled 
> with
> diet.  For hypo you avoid goitrogens and with Graves you would
> want 
> them,
> and these include all the members of the crucifer family. 
> Cabbage 
> juice
> alone can stun the thyroid into underfunctioning.  
> Learn where the points of the body are for the thyroid from
> reflexology 
> books
> or accupresure books and rub these points religiously.
> Remain calm and act on nothing out of panic and never, ever give
> up and 
> go
> into hoplessness.  As for hypothyroids or those destoryed by
> medicine
> alternating hot and cold  packs over the thyroid all day long to
> stimulate
> blood flow and therefore more antibody activity to the area.  
> Sleep in
> magnetic collar.   take up qigong, I realize that this is not an
> easy
> quickfix, but getting well from many disorders has to become
> like a 
> career. 
> It is just the way it is.  The quick fixes of drugs and surgery
> lead to
> long term problems that are harder to fix or nearly impossible
> to fix 
> or
> reverse.  So consider all this time to heal self a longterm
> investment 
> in
> yourself and your well-being, no whining about learning a lot of
> new 
> things
> and having to work at them.  I was a basket case several years
> ago, 
> facing
> living in an environmental medical unit or riskin a fatal asthma
> attack 
> if
> I took off my filter mask.  I no longer need masks or inhalers
> or air
> filters or medicine on a dialy basis.  I still have asthma but 
> know 
> more
> how to treat it than any MD and more than I ever did as
> respiratory
> therapist many years ago, and I will cure it totally when I get
> time to 
> get
> NAET treatments, but it was a terrifying time when anything and 
> everything
> could trigger spells where I   could not breathe.  I hid in my
> bedroom 
> for
> months and read up on allergies and the immune system and began
> a 
> jouney
> that led me fully into the camp of alternative medicine.  But it
> was a 
> lot
> of work and it is still a lot of work as I still have a lot of
> problems 
> not
> yet resovlved and know way of knowing how I went from being a
> healthy
> athlete to a an ashtmatic, with fibromyalgia, arthritis,
> sinusitis, 
> with
> apparent low thyroid and so on all almost over night and add in 
> polycystic
> ovary disease to boot.  And carpel tunnel and bone crippling
> heel 
> spurs,
> and  myopia.  I have had a lot of problems to work on likely
> that were
> tirggered by environmental toxins I was exposed to when I was
> ignroant 
> of
> the threat.  That led to low thyroid that led to
> underfunctioning 
> immune
> system and other bad aspects of diet and I was a mess.  Now that
> I am 
> more
> knowledgable I am slowly with daily intensive effort reversing
> all 
> these
> problems.  I am even revesing what few visible signs of aging I
> have
> accrued.  My fine lines are reversing, and the HGH sutt is
> helping,
> Colloidal silver helped a lot in beating back a tendancy to
> chronic
> cystitis and frequent attacks of acute bronchitis.  Now I am
> feeling 
> and
> starting to look 15 years younger, it is all a lot of work and 
> discipline

Re: CS>Re: sea salt

2000-12-05 Thread russ e rosser
Hain says "Made FROM..." 'From' means 'away;' it suggests 'departure'...a
far cry FROM saying 'IT *IS*' evaporated sea salt.  You've got to
consider FDA "terms of art" when you read labels.  Their meaning is

IF ANY ONE WANTS TO ORDER the real thing, it's available in sizes from 2
lb. bags to 40 lb. cases. (20 bag) PLS LET ME KNOW.  I'm glad this topic
is rvcing recognition--its a health fundamental.


On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 21:31:15 EST writes:
> Just noticed that the Nutritional facts list Iodine as 45%, and 
> sodium as 
> 25%.  
> Bought some sea salt tonight, but in looking at the posts, wonder if 
> it will 
> be of value as sea salt.  Purchased a small round box at Hy-Vee, 
> 26oz, by 
> HAIN Pure Foods, is Iodized sea salt.  Box says "made from 
> evaporated sea 
> water."  Ingredients:  salt, calcium silicate, potassium iodide, 
> sodium 
> bicarbonate.  Was $1.49. 
> Is there a better product, maybe check the health food store? 
> suzy 

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Re: CS>Dental

2000-12-05 Thread russ e rosser writes:
> On Monday 11-17-2000, had the remaining teeth pulled (13 with 
> mercury 
> fillings)...
> In the process the 
> upper center jaw was broken in several places.  
> Started flushing the mouth out with Colloidal Silver on Wednesday, 
> Also used one 9 V battery with the little paddles and moved it all 
> around the 
> face... 
> Saw the dentist again today, and 
> he 
> indicated he has never observed such fast healing.  
> The bones are actually starting to knit 
> together in the 
> front.  It has been one week today, and ...
> chewing looks like a possibility again.  
> I know several people who had trouble 
> just swallowing
> water, even after a month. Not sure what has caused the rapid 
> healing (never 
> healed well before), whether it was the CS or the battery, or both.  

Thanks for reporting, Suzy.

The mouth tissues were probably affected mostly by CS *contact*, and the
jawbone from elec. *penetration*.  (The penetration issue is why I
introduced the simple DC "wands" to the CS list.)   

Someone here speculated about CS & DC having the similar healing effects.
 I aggree, e.g., because silver affects  microbes electrostically.  The
best explanation I've found connecting electromotive force and cellular
processes is in the profusely footnoted literature surrounding the PAP/
IMI machine (, patent # 5,556,418). 
There are multiple, albeit unintentional allusions to Body Electronics. 
I'm now working to bring the PAP technology into better fidelity to the
B.E. paradigm in a home-made facsimile, with a few additions to round out
the range of healing influences.  Upon completion, we should then have
inexpensive access to something unequivocally...'miraculous'.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: sea salt

2000-12-04 Thread russ e rosser
Yuk!  --Russ

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 20:49:27 EST writes:
> Bought some sea salt tonight, but in looking at the posts, wonder if 
> it will 
> be of value as sea salt.  Purchased a small round box at Hy-Vee, 
> 26oz, by 
> HAIN Pure Foods, is Iodized sea salt.  Box says "made from 
> evaporated sea 
> water."  Ingredients:  salt, calcium silicate, potassium iodide, 
> sodium 
> bicarbonate.  Was $1.49. 
> Is there a better product, maybe check the health food store?
> suzy

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Re: CS>trouble making CS

2000-12-04 Thread russ e rosser
Someone posted success w/ American Fare DW from K-Mart.  --Russ

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 10:25:52 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> I would try different brand of distilled water.  I have tried 5 or so 
> brand
> here, and only one seems to be any good.  It is Crystal Springs, but 
> is not
> available most places.
> Marshall
> Susan wrote:
> > Marshall (or anyone),
> >
> > Maybe you can help me.  I'm not sure I am using .999 silver
> > wire.  I use the 3 9v battery system and have never had any
> > success.  I tried a couple years ago with the same outcome as I
> > am again experiencing.  After an hour (or less) there is a thick
> > coating of black "fuzz" on one electrode (I use 5.5 inch silver
> > wire - not sure of the guage, probably 12 or 14).  Sometimes it
> > is so thick that there are actually black "tendrills" that are
> > connected to the other electrode.  The water stays clear and has
> > a *very* unpleasant taste (I strained it through two coffee
> > filters).  I use distilled water from the grocery store.
> > Could it be the quality of the silver?  Or the water?  I have
> > been looking forward to have unlimited CS - when I tried it
> > last, I finally gave up.  I don't have the money to buy CS at
> > the store or buy any more silver right now.
> >
> > What's your opinion (anyone)?
> >
> > Susan in Indy
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail 
> message to:
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> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive: 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS producing a burning sensation

2000-12-04 Thread russ e rosser
Suzy--It most certainly is NOT.  Once it's dehydrated, it's never the
same.  Whole sea salt is moist, grey-green, and clumpy.  E.g, DeSouza is
white, granular, & free-flowing.  They evaporate it in ponds, then "wash"
it twice--this rinses rare earth minerals out with the algea residue.  I
get mine imported from Japan, Peru, or China.  Celtic is good too, of
course, but who can afford it?   BTW, they're trying to import a
glass-bottled, 100% aqueous form (which would be IDEAL), but the #$%^&*
FDA is hindering it!  --Russ

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:26:41 EST writes:
> Duncan, is all sea salt the same?  Thanks.  suzy
> > Hi Tony and all;
> > 
> > Just wanted to add, always, ALWAYS use sea salt in everything you 
> would
> > normally use salt in eh?? 'S good for you.
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Tony Moody" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 1:26 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS producing a burning sensation
> > 
> > 

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Re: CS>HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

2000-12-03 Thread russ e rosser
If HGH & BGH are identical, couldn't HGH be obtained from the same
veterinary sources that industrial dairies use?  However, isn't that
synthetic?  I've been warned about syth hormoes in general.  --Russ

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000 14:26:54 -0700 Karl Kristianson
> Hello!
> HGH is Human Growth Hormone. It is produced in good quantity in the 
> body
> in the pituitary gland. When we are young, the pituitary releases it
> appropriately so that the body can use it. As we age, for reasons
> unknown, the pituitary releases less and less of it into the body, 
> even
> though it still produces plenty.
> Several companies sell HGH releasers. IE, they don't create HGH, but 
> try
> to get the pituitary gland to release it, so that your body can use 
> it.
> Some of them may work, but I can't recommend any.
> DO NOT buy the HGH sprays, etc. They have an amount of HGH so tiny 
> as to
> be useless. The body of a mid-aged adult will have about a half gram 
> of
> HGH circulating around in the body. Frequently, HGH sprays will give 
> you
> NANO-GRAMS of HGH; totally useless. PLUS, they charge an incredible
> amount for the stuff.
> The other way to get it is through bovine colostrum (colostrum is a
> milk-like compound produced by mammals (us, too), with special 
> growth
> compounds in it during the first day or so of nursing). After that 
> time
> it turns into normal milk. Normally, HGH is destroyed in the 
> stomach.
> However, bovine colostrum has trypsin (trypsin is one of the 
> digestive
> enzymes) inhibitors in it, so some of the HGH survives to reach the
> intestines, and be absorbed.
> I take about 10 grams of powdered (by a low heat process to preserve 
> the
> growth factors) bovine colostrum today. Bovine Growth Hormone, and 
> Human
> Growth Hormone are the same, so I suppose it should just be called
> Growth Hormone. The colostrum I use is standardized to 15% IGF-1 
> (Growth
> Factor).
> If you take this much daily, you will get an increase in muscle 
> mass,
> and a decrease in fat.
> You can take it in capsule form, also, but you'll pay 10 times as 
> much
> as getting the powder.
> Hope this helps.
> Karl Kristianson
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Rosemary Jacobs

2000-12-03 Thread russ e rosser
BARB--I know a man who has claimed to have perfected this.  He started
doing it over the phone, using a sample of the subject's hair, or a
possession, etc. with EM  devices of his own design (he's a retired
aerospace engineer who invented the guidance system for the Stinger
surface-to-air missile, still in use).  Later, he incorporated sacred
geometric objects on the device's plate (like radionic devices, I infer).
 However, he eventually graduated beyond the need of ANY

I can send you his book _Our Electromagnetic 6th Sense_.  He began this
avocation intuitively, then considered his hypotheses empirically
substantiated by the discovery that our brains innately house several
billion magnetite crystals.  He posited that these crystals are
responsible for the so-called "6th sense", and would ordinarily respond
to consciousness-raising frequencies from the earth, were it not for
continual jamming by deleterious, man-made background radiation.  He
identified and quantified EM frequencies associated with successively
high consciousness levels, and began building devices that produce them
at levels sufficient to overwhelm the synthetic noise.  (He says most
intelligent people are on level 7; he made machines that would elevate
the wearer to 20+, according to their "readiness.")  

Years ago, I asked if this force was unipolar magnetic with a
high-frequency ripple, and he replied you see why I'm
so interested in PAP-IMI, which derives its frequencies from natural,
noble gasses, and transmits them via magnetic fields (I would prefer a
half-wave rectifier, for N pole magnetism only)!

Subsequently, whenever I've called to ask about EM devices for enhancing
health, horticulture, etc.; he always ended up saying 'Russ, why bother
with all that--you can do it with your mind'...?!?   He seemed to have
acceeded too high for me to converse with meaningfully.

At that time, he was builing a chamber that would purge low-consciousness
patients of all their "judgements", consequently, of all their ailments. 
He explains health in terms of "somatids", microscopic
(interdimensional?) like forms in the blood (interestingly, the last Star
Wars movie refers to this in different terminology).  He says someone
with a "balanced" immune system is invulnerable.  I have a CD that sells,
into which he mentally imbues the (radionic) "frequency" of an
immune-balancing mixture of 72 herbs; osetsibly, anyone within a square
acre can benefit when the CD is played...  


> I am actually working on a technique to help people at a distance 
> with or
> without their cooperaton or knowledge,  I am working on stealth 
> spontaneous
> remissson technology.  WHen I get it figured out I will let you know
> volunteers for healings I might need with feedback to see if it 
> works.
> Barb
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Newbie questions

2000-12-03 Thread russ e rosser
I think one of us should make Steve's machine for you, with added
stirrer.  I'm awaiting his plans, and could make two as easily as one. 

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:54:25 EST writes:
> I just discovered the benefits of colloidal silver and I'm so 
> pleased.  I 
> picked up a bottle at the health food store and it was expensive but 
> very 
> worth it.  I'm a believer now.  But my budget won't stand for many 
> purchases 
> at their prices.  
> I have read with interest that many of you construct your own 
> machines but 
> I'm not very mechanically inclined and would prefer to purchase a 
> machine.
> Which brands do you people like?  I understand that particle size 
> should be 
> very small, like .001 microns.  How do you know if they are that 
> small?
> I thank you all for your kindness and help.
> Namaste.
> Virginia
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: natural chelation

2000-12-03 Thread russ e rosser
I've always been dissatisfied with my acuity of concentration.  If I
wanted to remove my fillings, I could probably do it myself by reversing
the polarity of my oral electrolysis technique while flushing my mouth
with continuously running water.  It was posted here that a guy had a
cavity that "turned to silver" from drinking, huh?

> I saw a
> book on it in the store tonight that says that rebounding on a 
> rebounder
> results in a sort of natural chelation.


Booklet, _Oral Chelation and Age-Less Formulea_ page 29: 
"Vitamin E ... chelates heavy metals suchy as mercury." 


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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: 160 Volt, current limiting, "Molecular Enhancer"...

2000-12-03 Thread russ e rosser

Thanks for your offer.  Have you tried drawing it (e.g., w/paintbrush),
saving it as a file name, clicking the "attach" button on your email
program, and selecting that file?  I've attached an example of this;
click on "Show Attachments" or the like... 

I've waned to go the HV route for some time for the same reasons AND
smaller particle size, but not like "Ole Bob's" designs--thanks!  My
address is:

Russ Rosser
304 Old Camp Rd.
Gadsden AL 35904

BTW, here's an email about a LV current control circuit:

"The LM317 circuit in the positive supply side
produces good colloidal silver, with a 1200 ohm 
resistor between the adjust and output.
You can also use the LM334 IC and a 68 ohm resistor
in the output and adjust circuit for 1 ma or 34 ohms for 2 ma.
However, the LM334 can't handle a lot of current so I like the 
LM317 for short circuit protection."

In case you're interested in the Molecular Enhancer, here's my

Based on the premises 1) that cells must have an optimal mV potential
across the membrane in order to propertly intake nutrients & secrete
wastes, and 2) that parasites can feed only in a discharged environment,
the "Molecular Enhancer" charges the entire body with manifold AC
frequencies simultaneously (from 60 Hz to well into the MHz range, at
least), ostensibly enhancing immunity & overall energy level, when used
for minimum of 20 min./day (no known maximum).  

TO USE: plug it in, then remove the bulb from its holder with both hands,
then place bare feet--one at a time--on the lower part of the glass (over
the foil & away from the copper).  To release, repeat the process in
reverse order.  Jugs of water also "structure" when placed on the glass
for 20 min. or more.

TO BUILD: One lead of a large neon transformer [A] is attached to an
aluminum foil sheet [B], sandwiched between 2 glass plates [C & D],
approx. 2.5'D  X  2' W.  A specially cut copper sheet [E] (note zigzag
sides & square-cut corners) lies on the top glass [D], in the upper
right-hand corner.  Note tab on right-hand side of the copper sheet, bent
upward.  A fairly thick piece of plexiglass [F] lies over the copper
sheet (the inventor routs a concave shape into it--probably by heating &
melting the copper into the plexiglass--which helps to position the
copper sheet).  The copper tab extends upward through a slot in the
plexiglass, and is attached to leads from the other side of the
transformer and the neon bulb [G].  (The whole thing is mounted on thick
plywood, not shown.)


On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 22:40:58 -0700 "Steve & Jackie Young"
> Hi do-it-yourselfers,

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Re: CS>skin infection

2000-12-02 Thread russ e rosser
On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 21:47:00 -0700 "Marsha Hallett"
> Are you sure it isn`t a bite? My brown recluse bite was nasty like 
> that...
> CS does stop venom.
> Good luck!!
> Marsha

Excellent point.  Ozone has also stopped venom, as well as HIGH VOLTAGE
shock at the site.  

Dawn, is it still spreading??  


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Re: CS>Rosemary Jacobs

2000-12-02 Thread russ e rosser
Quite correct and prudent...and judicious as always, Mike!  If handled
disputatiously, this controversy could endanger the freedom and even the
existence of this forum.


On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 17:38:54 + "M. G. Devour" 
> To James, Russ, Barb, and any others who are inclined to try to
> convince Rosemary Jacobs of the virtues of CS... 
> Please don't use the silver-list, or material from the silver list, 
> for
> that purpose.
> My aim has been to provide people interested in colloidal silver 
> with a 
> congenial place to discuss it, free from the spam, virulent 
> debunking, 
> and widespread hucksterism that dominates unregulated forums. 
> Challenging Ms. Jacobs to duke it out will unnecessarily provoke
> hostilities -- that will inconvenience the members of our list and
> that I will have to deal with. 
> I'm sure that we can count on Rosemary Jacobs to reveal the dangers 
> of
> colloidal silver, if and when they can be proved. In that way she 
> can 
> provide useful information that we should continue to monitor.
> As long as we are able -- and free -- to explain our reasons for not 
> accepting her specific claims and let people judge for themselves, 
> we 
> should continue to do so, quietly and with respect.
> Thank you.
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
> to: 
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT- MSM Blood Pressure Effects

2000-12-02 Thread russ e rosser
A friend mentioned having no success with pure MSM, then tried a product
called MSM Plus, which DOES have additives, namely minerals.  Now she
won't consider switching...  --Russ 

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 18:36:34 -0500 "KIM BROWN" 
> Alvin,
> There could be additives I suppose but now I'm wondering what is the 
> better
> product.  I am hearing that some have had no change to their blood 
> pressure,
> we have for the better, some said it was DMSO that helped spider 
> veins not
> MSM, MSM has helped mine, and some say MSM is bitter when it should 
> have no
> taste at all, mine doesn't.
> I am not putting down one product over the other but the material I 
> have
> read says that MSM helps these conditions and is odorless and 
> tasteless.  I
> am pretty confused to be honest with you.
> Best,
> Kim
> > Hi Kim
> > I think you will find that there are other additives in
> > your MSM...I use it daily and put a Half teaspoon
> > in water and stir within a short time it dissolves and
> > the water is crystal clear.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>trouble making CS

2000-12-02 Thread russ e rosser
Groovy...I'll do it!  Tx.  --Russ

On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 15:33:00 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Russ;
> There is something wrong in my writing or your translation of my 
> writing.
> The $0.99 motor shaft is a perfect push on fit for the #14 solid 
> copper wire
> insulation. Radio Shack Part # 273-223.
> Yes it is solid wire and the 1/4" empty space is what slides on to 
> the motor
> shaft. I have made dozens of them.
> Solid core, right? YES
> .
> Cut the wire to the 2 1/2" length before sliding the insulation 
> back.
> > So 1/2" copper is exposed, right? Yes, 1/4" in the vise and 1/4" 
> in air.
> Any bare metal will silver plate in just a few seconds.
> The stirrer is the copper filled plastic coated wire.
> "Ole Bob"

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Re: CS>fungus

2000-12-02 Thread russ e rosser

Have you applied the zapper across your finger...sandwiched you finger
between the electrodes?  --Russ

On Sat, 2 Dec 2000 16:15:51 EST writes:
> Hi Russ, Thanks for the info. I Do not have a zapper, I use a Beck 
> Sota cs 
> machine to make my cs tho. How do I make or get a low voltage 
> treatment 
> gizmo. The finger iseems to be developing more blisters today. I am 
> very 
> unhappy about taking this drug and prefef to rely on the wonderful 
> knowledge 
> that I get from my cs friends who helped me get rid of untreatable, 
> MD 
> standards, vertigo. Betty

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>trouble making CS

2000-12-02 Thread russ e rosser
On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 09:47:40 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"

> Russ;
> One must secure about a 4" length (or longer) of #14 copper house 
> wire that has a plastic sheath.

Solid core, right?

> Then strip off about 1/4" of insulation and clamp the bare wire into 
> a vise.
> If the wire is not straight give it a heft tug with a pair of 
> pliers. Then
> slide the insulation off another 1/4". 

So 1/2" copper is exposed, right?

> Cut the wire to about 2 1/2" 
> long
> near the vise end as the end with no copper wire will slide on to 
> the motor
> shaft.  

You mean the insulation should be sild off the wire an additional 1/4"
AFTER the wire is cut to 2.5", thus leaving 1/4" of empty sleeve at the
end oppostite the vise, right?

> Now on the end with the copper make a 15 to 20 deg. bend 
> about 3/4"
> from the copper end.

Do you attach the 1/4" of insulation sleeve to the motor shaft w/crazy
glue (as I know of no mechanical hose clamp that's that small)?  #14
insulation is bigger than the tiny shaft on the motor I bought.  I'm also
unsure about stirring w/ bare copper, as friction between the copper &
water will cause some charging & colloidalization of the copper.  Since
you're already allowing for a couple inches of plastic in the water, and
plastic is what's being glued to the shaft, why not just drill a tiny
hole (one that fits the motor shaft *snugly*) into a narrow stip is rigid
plastic (of the same dimensions as a paint stirring stick) and glue that
to the shaft?  For that matter, my original idea was just to use
wood--e.g., a paint stirrer--since I'm doubtful as to the durability of
the glue bond to plastic.

Regards, Russ

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Re: CS>Argyria...CS website needed!

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser should we proceed?  Last week, when the discussion of CS safety
arose, a link to exhonorating tests was cited.  That's the kind of
content that should be posted, for starters.  --Russ

On Fri, 01 Dec 2000 13:17:22 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > She says that contrary info is advertizing, thus non-obvective.  
> Wasn't
> > it Duncan who said he could construct an objective CS webpage if 
> we
> > helped with the costs??
> I can eliminate the costs.  I can supply him with a free web hosting 
> for the
> site, and can register a domain name for it as well.
> Marshall
> --
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Re: CS>misinformation on CS

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 11:01:49 EST writes:
> More serious than the attacks on CS by that obsessive MD who runs 
> Quackwatch... 

I heard that he's NOT an MD anymore, having had his license revoked! 

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Re: CS>trouble making CS

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
Radio Shack sells a *small* DC motor for 2 bucks.  It's rated for 1.5-5
VDC, so you can run it off a single battery & suspend it over the top of
the glass of disilled water.  For a stirrer, I want something I can
attach to the tiny shaft w/ crazy glue.  Plastic may not stick; I have
some oak...  --Russ

On Fri, 01 Dec 2000 21:07:21 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Susan,
> You are making CS but you are running the process too long. The 
> black that
> you see is normal for a system that is not under constant agitation.
> This is typical of what happens when people do not understand the 
> process.
> To know what is going on you really should have a current meter in 
> one of
> the cell leads and stop the process when the current reaches about 4 
> to 5
> milliampers.
> This black stuff is silver and the correct name for it is "treeing". 
>  It
> happens in most electroplating systems and that is   what making CS 
> is.
> Do have a larer pointer to check for the tyndall effect? If not get 
> one.
>  I know some people say it is very simple but they have been doing 
> it for
> years. So to cut the learning time get digital multimeter and learn 
> how to
> measure current with it. Then you can control the process.
> "Ole Bob:
> --
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Re: CS>Argyria...more choir-preaching?

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
Barb, I'm fwd'ing this to Rosemary.  We should all be CC'ing our
rebuttals to where they'll help others, not just among ourselves!  The
email address given on Rosemary's website is:


On 1 Dec 2000 0:58:43 GMT writes:
> I read her story.  
> She apparently got one of the old forms of colloidal silver 
> that
> was produced either chemically or by other, cruder means...
> apparently in suspension with other things, in the nose drops most 
> likely
> ...stabilizer proteins make agyria more likely.  I checked my 
> books on
> Colloidal Silver, and they go in to this in depth ...
> ...It also states that it is the charging of the silver particles that 
> is the key
> to it all.  The older methods of making medicine of silver did not 
> take
> charging of particles into account.  Clearly this woman is 
> bitter with
> some cause to be sure.  But her vehemance against alternative 
> healers and
> what she calls "quacks" is unjustified; she got her problem through a
> mainstream doctor getting medicines from mainstream drug suppliers, 
> not
> alternative people...  
> Methinks she is being manipulated and or used... 
> She got
> turned gray by the mainstream medical crowd, that is ...
> killing thousands of people a month with FDA approved drugs.  Heaven 
> help
> me from FDA approved drugs; I will take my chances with things I make
> myself.
> Barb

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Re: CS>fungus

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
Hi, Betty--

Using DMSO to help CS penetrate has been suggested here.  However, fingi
have been reported slow to respond to CS.  

If your current method doesn't serve, I'd like to know how your condition
responds to low voltage electric current (from a 'zapper', 9V battery, or
DC power supply) because:

**  electric current will definitely penetrate all the way through the
tissues, and 

**  Einstein U. reported (according to Dr. Beck) that a few microamps
"kills ALL...fungi."


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Re: CS>fungus

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
Using DMSO to cause CS to penetrate is consistent with methology
discussed here.  If it doesn't serve, however, I'd personally like to
know if the condition responds to electric current from a 'zapper' or a
simple 9V battery (or low voltage DC power supply)--because 1) the
current will conduct right through any depth of tissues, and 2) the
Einstein U. experiment reported that this electric current KILLS ALL
FUNGI (according to Dr. Beck).  BTW, this treatment is easy, quick,
painless and *free*.  


On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 15:43:34 EST writes:
> Hi all, Been getting so much good info from you all. Thanks. Have had 
> for the 
> past month a very obscure type of fungus on index finger. Very deep 
> blisters 
> and horrilbe itch. Went to 3 MD's Saoked it it cs but the cs was not 
> getting 
> down to kill the fungus. When I finallyfound the MD who cut it open 
> to run a 
> culture and find out that it was a fungus he pput me on Lamisil 
> 250mg. I  
> didn't see much change but caught up with the cs and dmso info and 
> started 
> soaking the finger in a shot glass  about ten times a day. Just got 
> back from 
> the MD and he was very pleased with the way it looked so I told him 
> and he 
> didn't mind the cs soak but was very unhappy about the dmso. Said 
> I'd turn 
> grey. I told him I didn't agree so he had the nurse give me some 
> silver 
> sulfadiazene, one percent.ointment.. Being the maveric that I am I'm 
> more 
> than a bit conscerned about the salve and the pills than I am about 
> what he 
> thinks. I do value your opinion so tell  me what you can . About 
> both. You 
> and your wonderful wisdom and cs has solved so many situations for 
> me and 
> mine so thanks again. Betty Ft. Lauderdale

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Re: CS and the Big C

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
> >Seems
> >Brazil nuts grow in...
> >...a central region with selenium-rich
> >soil 

Y'know how people are always saying 'Bananas have potassium' or 'Spinach
has calcuim', etc.?  We know that this wouldn't be true if there were
none in the soil.  Regarding the converse, however, to what degree do
different plants exhibit affinities for particular minerals?  The
president of TRC (which provides "plant-derived colloidal minerals" to
many bottlers) once made a loose sounding statement: 'The species of
plant has NO bearing on its mineral content; whatever's in the soil will
show up in the plant.'  (The shale that Rockland mines as a dietary
mineral source originated as prehistoric grass.)  So if you had
selenium-rich potting soil, could you grow wheat grass that's better than
Brazil nuts?  

This relates to the question of the best mineral form.  I & others more
knowledgeable have postulated that whole SEA SALT represents the ultimate
full-spectrum mineral supplement.  Would a cancer patient eat Brazil nuts
because they provide a better *form* of selenium than sea salt, or
because of the high *concentration* of selenuim relative to sea salt? 
And to what extent is this concentration a function of soil or of plant


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Re: CS>Argyria...CS website needed!

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
In , Rosemary mentions a person
dying from taking 10g at once (maybe he choked on it!), but admits that
"recoveries have been reported with much higher doses."  So *agyria* is
the ONLY downside she attributes to CS, and hers is the only verified,
tangible case!  (Asked if there are others, she replies: "So far I am the
only one willing to speak out. There is at least one account ..of a woman
with argyria becoming reclusive.")

What's wrong with this pic?: Based on her singular case, she's shouting
"Fraud!" to the *world*.  Meanwhile, CS users circulate myriad success
stories among *themselves*.  For many, this website might be their first
introduction to CS.  How will they benefit if cogent rebuttals are
preached only to the choir?  This is how good people become enslaved--the
political deceivers are FEW BUT ORGANIZED.  

She says that contrary info is advertizing, thus non-obvective.  Wasn't
it Duncan who said he could construct an objective CS webpage if we
helped with the costs??  Propaganda like the above saddles us with the
*responsibility* to respond (Ezek 33:6)!  Where do we go from here??  
Speaking of rebuttals, when Rosemary's data is interpreted properly
rather than prejudicially, it actually verifies the SAFETY of CS, based
on medical opinion!  Note the quantities and compounds cited these

"In one instance 4 grams of injected silver arsphenamine produced
argyria. In another it took 20 grams. (7)(According to Hill and Pillsbury
six grams of silver arsphenamine are equivalent to 0.9 grams of metallic
silver.) (8) In 1998 a Japanese man developed argyria after ingesting an
estimated 55 grams of metallic silver over a fifteen-year period. He
consumed sugar tablets coated with silver as a way to stop smoking. (9) 

"A Spanish woman applied a silver nitrate stick to the inside of her
mouth and developed argyria after using about 1.5 grams over a
fifteen-day period. (10) A German woman did the same thing for nine
years. HER *DOCTORS* ESTIMATED that it took 124g of silver to turn her
gray. (11)" 


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CS>Re: The best FORM of CoQ10?

2000-12-01 Thread russ e rosser
> I still buy "The Miracle Nutrient Coenzyme Q10" from Amazon. com. 
> Usually
> buy 3 at a time and send them to people I think will get help from 
> the info

On a recent informercial an MD was selling CoQ10 dissloved in soy oil. 
He says it must be oil solublized in order to be bioavailable, and the
usual "dry crystalline" form is only 20% usable at best.  Does your info
touch on this?  (I never *perceived* any positive results from taking the
yellow powder capsules from BioDynamax.)  Tx.  


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Re: CS>Christmas trees

2000-11-29 Thread russ e rosser
You shouldn't have to--need of TP indicates layers of fecal residue
building up on the colon wall.  --Russ

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:58:21 -0500 writes:
> You don't use TP?
> Hmmm...
> That explains a lot!
> No wonder...
>   Chuck

> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 15:55:19 -0700, "Marsha Hallett" 
> wrote:
> >Yes, that sad, pathetic time when millions of innocent trees will 
> die for
> >such a silly purpose...
> >Almost as silly as being made into toilet paper.
> >sigh
> >Marsha

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CS>No scab over cut...

2000-11-24 Thread russ e rosser
A couple wks. ago someone posted an observation of a wound to which CS
was applied (I forget how; possibly w/ a dry Silverlon), to the effect
that 'When it knows it can't become infected, it doesn't bother to
produce a scab to seal it over.'  Yesterday the back of my hand lost a
3/8" dia. skin area, a pretty large area to leave exposed esp. when doing
manual work).  I connected a Beck blood electrifier to two small salt
water sponges and touched one to the wound & the other to the opposite
side of the hand.  Today no sign of infection or discomfort but,
interestingly, no scab--only a moisture layer.  I wonder if this layer
constitutes any kind of germ barrier.  If it's plasma, it's surely not
acidic like skin.  I wonder if the electricity 'confused' the would into
thinking there's no problem.  

A while back my arm was gouged by a sheet metal edge.  After letting it
bleed some, I placed & held the cut skin back into position and applied
the Beck sponges as above, while mentally envisioning the wound
re-fusing.  It did, without antibiotic ointment, peroxide or even
"cleaning" it, and there was never the first sign of infection, including
pain.  However, the current situation is just an open wound with no skin
to reattach.  ??


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Re: CS>Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality

2000-11-22 Thread russ e rosser
> "Dean T. Miller" wrote:
>> wrote:
>> wrote:

> > >Absolutely...
> > Are you sure?...  
> > Two coils, huh? ... 
> > I don't think ...
> unless...
> I suppose... 
> I believe...  
> In that case... 

Heck with it--I'll just use batteries!!  {:^\   ...No, I'll email and ask if he'll kindly volunteer to
test his GFI by plugging a transformer into it, dipping one hand in salt
water & grasping the bare positive lead, holding the other in his mouth,
and with the other hand, manipulating the transformer using a hammer &
blowtorch alternately.


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Re: CS>Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality

2000-11-22 Thread russ e rosser
On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 04:55:47 GMT (Dean T. Miller)
> Also, I've never seen a wall-wart to fail by putting out high voltage
> (I have hundreds of them) -- they've never let the smoke out of
> equipment they're powering.  If they fail, they won't put out
> anything.

Precisely what I've also experienced (unexceptionally) & posted; for this
reason, I've expressed gratitude to the listers for alerting me to this
safety issue, which otherwise would have never occurred to me!  

BTW, what percentage of your hundreds of transformers still function...? 


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Re: CS>DC across lymph nodes modality

2000-11-22 Thread russ e rosser
<<...the GFI box senses that you are about to get fried...and shuts 
the circuit off within about 10 milliseconds! You might
just begin to feel a tingle if you are very
sensitive to electricity, but it will not persist long enough to do any
harm!! >>

Thanks a lot, Marshall!  So would every garden-variety GFI, sold in
hardware stores throughout the civilized world, feature same type specs?


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Re: CS>Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
Very enlightening, but would any of this apply to 'wall warts', which
never have a 3rd prong?  --Russ

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 17:40:55 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > Doesn't a GFI just have an internal breaker that's set at a usable 
> amp
> > rating for appliances?
> No, a GFI breaker is a "ground fault interrupter."  It senses if 
> current is
> going to ground instead of back the other wire, and breaks th 
> circuit
> immediately if so.  I am not sure where they normally break, I 
> thought it was
> about 5 mA, but this site claims they cut out at 2 mA.
> > If so, it would be triggered by the buildup of
> > *heat* which requires precious milliseconds, if not seconds.
> These devices are not sensitive to heat and do not use heat like a 
> normal
> breaker.  They work in about 1/50 second although
> claims they operate in about 10 
> msec.
> > If the
> > wands were in series with the short, I'm afraid *the body* might 
> supply
> > enough resistance (up to 1 Meg ohm, initially) to delay the 
> breaker
> > response.
> 120 VAC and 1 megohm gives .12 mA.  That is not enough current to 
> make it cut
> out, a fuse blow, or to even feel.
> > The bottom line, of course, is to stop current flow >5mA
> > through the wands.
> 2 mA is less than 5 mA, if that is a correct figure.
> >  Amid any uncertainty as to freak circuits that might
> > *possibly* arise, a fuse in-line with a wand would *definitely* 
> eliminate
> > ANY conceivable shock above its rating.  Cheap, too, BTW.
> I disagree.  How fast is the fuse, usually they can take seconds to 
> melt when
> near their rating.  Also they don't even approach their rating until 
> you are
> far above the 5 mA you indicate you want to guard against.
> Marshall
> see also.
> --
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Re: CS>Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
Doesn't a GFI just have an internal breaker that's set at a usable amp
rating for appliances?  If so, it would be triggered by the buildup of
*heat* which requires precious milliseconds, if not seconds.  If the
wands were in series with the short, I'm afraid *the body* might supply
enough resistance (up to 1 Meg ohm, initially) to delay the breaker
response.  The bottom line, of course, is to stop current flow >5mA
through the wands.  Amid any uncertainty as to freak circuits that might
*possibly* arise, a fuse in-line with a wand would *definitely* eliminate
ANY conceivable shock above its rating.  Cheap, too, BTW.

Pls. correct me if I'm wrong; thanks for your input!


On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:53:31 -0500 Marshall Dudley 
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 22:02:51 -0800 (PST) John Kolb 
> > writes:
> > > ...If the supply
> > > is equiped with a 3 wire plug, connecting one side of the
> > > secondary winding to green wire safty ground, and having proper
> > > sized fuses in both sides of the primary winding would provide
> > > a great amount of protection. Using a style of power transformer
> > > where the winding bobbin is divided providing a solid plastic
> > > barrier between the primary and secondary is also good, but
> > > beyond the control of those using wall warts.
> >
> > 10mA borders on dangerous effects, but pathogen destruction 
> requires only
> > "a few microamps".  So far, we've found a fuse as small as 31mA, 
> but a
> > 5mA fuse in-line with a wand lead--or both, for redundancy (in 
> case a
> > fuse were over rating, or a fuse holder had a freak internal
> > short)--would take care of it ideally, right?
> Would a fuse be fast enough.  OK.  Why don't you just buy a GFI 
> outlet and
> use it?  Safe, cheap, and easy to install.
> Masrhall
> --
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Re: CS>Re: pH and food was CS and Brushing your Teeth

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
...and oatmeal, OTOH, leaves acidic residue after oxidation?  So, this
explains why alkaline--make that alkalizing--foods should be taken with
grains & meats to obviate the body's needing to rob CA fm bones for blood
homeostasis?  --Russ

> Most fruits are acid as eaten, but alkaline in ash, and thus 
> alkaline to the
> body.  
> Take citric acid
> When we oxidize it we get:
> 4H2O 7CO2
> carbonic acid can be used by the 
> body as
> for ph control, or breathed out.  
> Vinegar is acetic acid: CH3CO2H which once again when oxidized by 
> the body
> produces nothing but CO2 which is exhaled and water which is 
> neutral.

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Re: CS>Advice needed: CS + DMSO?

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
"V. Richter"  writes:
> A friend of mine ...
> had great
> success with mixing CS half and half with DMSO.  He has internal and
> external infections, caused by foriegn material throughout his body 

Topical application over the internally infected areas, right?  Tx.

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CS>Advice needed: CS + DMSO?

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser

A friend is developing lumps in her legs (by some accounts, an indication
of malignant tumor activity somewhere in the body).  Among other
modalities, I thought about trying to deliver CS to these sites, not only
for its anti-parasitic activity, but also its obvious (although
mysterious) healing properties.  

Is it reasonable to mix DMSO to act as a penetrant? and would MSM be
redundant in such a mixture?


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Re: CS>again

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
> The difference between how a single atom ion of silver acts vs a 
> multiatom
> ion of silver is dramatic.  

(If David Hudson--and my comprehension of his thesis--is correct, then
throughout history, very few have ever, actually witnessed monatomic
silver.  Isn't silver in the same "platinide" periodic group as gold,
wherein single-atom ions become nuclearly unstable?  --Russ) 

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Re: CS>Ad for CS

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
Pls. iterate what ppm test method/device you use?  Tx.  --Russ

> I ordered their 10 ppm and 50 ppm for testing, which I have done.

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Re: CS>Re: pH and food was CS and Brushing your Teeth

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
Hmmm...  Vinegar has a taste I call "tart".  I , perceive the same
tartness in raspberries, pineapples, etc. (all of which give me mouth
ulcers if I eat very much).  I've inferred that this is caused by
preponderant acidity (citric, etc.).  If this is incorrect, then either
vinegar isn't a net acid, or this "tartness" is coincidental to some acid
foods, but not necessarily indicative.  Again I say, Hmmm...

I've got some litmus paper; when I get a change I'm going to compare
pineapple to oatmeal.  In the meantime, I'm betting that metal would
corrode a lot faster in pinapple juice!


On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 00:55:37 +1300 "Ivan Anderson" 
> Indeed,
> And it is full of lovely enzymes as well!
> Ivan.
> - Original Message -
> From: "russ e rosser" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 November 2000 05:18
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: pH and food was CS and Brushing your Teeth
> > Thanks, Ivan.  I postulated my inferences as such, which is why I
> invited
> > critique.  I hope Suzy saw this.
> >
> > Now, you're saying that tart-tasting pineapple slices, if 
> thoroughly
> > disrupted, would test as more basic than mild-tasting oatmeal?
> >
> > --Russ
> >
> > On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 01:56:30 +1300 "Ivan Anderson" 
> > writes:
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "russ e rosser" 
> > >
> > > Hi there Russ,
> > >
> > > I'm afraid you have some of your facts back to front.
> > >
> > > > > If the acid were then ingested, what does it do to the pH 
> level
> > > of
> > > > > the body?
> > > >
> > > > As I understand it, the post-digestive state of different 
> foods
> > > > determines their ultimate effect on body pH; e.g., citrus 
> friuts
> > > are
> > > > acid, which require alkyline to digest, and so alkyize the GI
> > > tract.
> > > > OTOH, meats & grains are alkyline, which require acid 
> digestion,
> > > so
> > > too
> > > > much causes acidiosis & resultant colon trouble, gum disease, 
> etc.
> > > > Perhaps someone can critique this summation of what I've 
> heard.
> > >
> > > In fact most citrus fruits are ultimately alkaline in nature, 
> that
> > > is,
> > > when separated into their component molecules the alkaline 
> minerals
> > > out
> > > way the acidic compounds. Most fruits are alkaline, but some are
> > > not,
> > > such as cranberries. Meats and grains are mostly acidic I 
> believe.
> > >
> > > All foods require an acidic environment in order to be digested. 
> The
> > > effect that the pH of a food has upon our bodies can be summed 
> up
> > > like
> > > this. The stomach produces acid from substances in our bodies 
> and in
> > > doing so produces (necessarily) an equilavent amount of basic
> > > (alkaline)
> > > solution. This base is recombined with the acid in the intestine 
> -
> > > net
> > > result - no change in body pH. Being a closed system the net 
> change
> > > in
> > > pH of the body is determined by the sum of the acid or base 
> ingested
> > > and
> > > the acid or base excreted or expired (including exhaled and
> > > perspired
> > > and chemically used as energy).
> > >
> > > The body regulates blood and plasma pH in two systems, breathing
> > > (exhalation of the acidic CO2) and via the kidneys and urine (
> > > regulation of acidic H+ ion). The production of energy in the
> > > muscles
> > > produces acid waste. If the introduction of acid food and acidic
> > > waste
> > > is not countered by its subsequent elimination, then the body 
> will
> > > resort to other methods to regulate the pH of the fluids,
> > > precipitating
> > > these acids to insoluble compounds (so they no longer influence
> > > fluid
> > > pH) by complexing the acid with alkaline metals.
> > >
> > > The most usual metal (and most prevalent) used in this 
> precipitation
> > > is
> > > calcium, which is withdrawn from the bone matrix (and thus is 
> the
> > > precurser to osteoperosis) and the resultant calcium precipitate 
> is
> > > found as plaque in the arteries and spurs, crystals and cysts in 
> all
> > > parts of the body (contributing to arthritus, gout etc.).
> > >
> > > The most important way to eliminate acid is to breath properly 
> and
> > > get
> > > plenty of sleep (sure!).
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Ivan.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > > silver.
> > >
> > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail 
> message
> > > to:
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> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > >
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> >

Re: CS>soy

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser
I've heard it specifically cited that too much soy in the diet can cause
hypothyroidism!  I backed off after hearing that medical discussion on
talk radio.  American Longevity sells an ostensibly complete protein
supplement consisting of WHEY with "a little soy mixed in too round out
the protein profile."  I also spoke with a rep at the Life Extension
Institute about their HGH precursor, which (like so many other such
products) is just an amino mixture.  When I asked about the soy powder I
already had, he said it is deficient in glutithione (I think); so asked
about WHEY, and he conceded (although losing a sale) that would suffice. 
I currently using a drink mix called Whey to Go and a lesser amt of Bragg
Liquid Aminos (from soy).  

BTW, non-genetically modified soy products are becoming very hard to


On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 21:19:56 +1300 "Nick Grant" 
> Ivan and others
> I read a little of the site about soy.  I thought I was doing really 
> well
> not giving my children cow's milk.  Great.  Now soy is on the no.1 
> hit list.
> My eldest child cannot drink fruit juice of any kind as it gives him 
> cold
> sores around his mouth.  Having said this, this problem hasn't been 
> there
> lately.  Maybe its the CS.  Anyway, he would drink about 2 glasses 
> of
> organic soy milk each day.  What can I give this kid to drink, apart 
> from
> water which he drinks a good amount of?  He is a really fussy eater 
> and I
> thought I was doing well getting this into him.  He does display 
> symptoms of
> hypothyroidism, but so do I ,and I don't drink soy as a rule.
> On the subject of hypothyroidism, can anyone tell me a safe 
> alternative to
> thyroid supplementation.  I (and my son) have a extremely low body 
> temp,
> which is supposed to signify hypothyroidism.  Not that doctors here 
> believe
> that.  Both our hair analysis indicated hypothyroidism.
> Thanks
> Tracy.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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Re: CS>Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality

2000-11-21 Thread russ e rosser

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 22:02:51 -0800 (PST) John Kolb 
> ...If the supply
> is equiped with a 3 wire plug, connecting one side of the 
> secondary winding to green wire safty ground, and having proper 
> sized fuses in both sides of the primary winding would provide
> a great amount of protection. Using a style of power transformer
> where the winding bobbin is divided providing a solid plastic
> barrier between the primary and secondary is also good, but
> beyond the control of those using wall warts.

10mA borders on dangerous effects, but pathogen destruction requires only
"a few microamps".  So far, we've found a fuse as small as 31mA, but a
5mA fuse in-line with a wand lead--or both, for redundancy (in case a
fuse were over rating, or a fuse holder had a freak internal
short)--would take care of it ideally, right?


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Re: CS>zappers

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser
That's precisely what I don't assume:  A. Einstein U. affirmed that "ALL"
monocellular pathogens (beginning with HIV) were killed by a few uA of
*LVDC*.  Owing to the simplicity and universal availability of LVDC, I
think it's in humanity's best interest to examine the notion.  

If your "problem" is requires periodic, preventive maintenence, it might
present an opportunity for comparative experimentation.  I know for a
fact that a few minutes of 12VDC completely dispatched my my
"irreversible pulitis", which should have required antibiotics, pain
killers and an immediate ($$$) root canal...but the problem hasn't been
recurred, so I can't compare a Clark zappers' efficacy.  I also can't
imagine anything working better.  

Perhaps high freq pulsation has a broader area of effect--like a
broadcasting tower--than DC, which probably travels more directly between
the wands (which is why I suggest moving them slowly & constantly). 
Clark zapping might therefore reach the sinuses better.  But again,
Einstein U. reported that the two contiguous electrodes had killed ALL
the HIV in the petri dish...Brownian movement? field effect?  Empirical
tests are what we need!


On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 19:19:42 GMT (Dean T. Miller)
> Hi Russ,
> On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:13:34 -0600, russ e rosser
>  wrote:
> >Now that I have a definitive explanation, two related questions 
> pester
> >me: What happened to all those Rife freq's, 
> Rife and Clark found differenct frequency ranges that kill parasites.
> I don't personally have the time to duplicate either of their work,
> but have read that both sets of frequencies apparently do the job.
> >and has anyone compared this
> >kind of zapper's effectiveness to straight DC?
> Although I've worked with DC all my life, I've never intentionally
> connected myself to a DC source for more than a few seconds.  :)  
> I have found that zappers having a poor shape for the square wave are
> ineffective for my problem, and you could say that they are in 
> between
> a good zapper and DC.  Extrapolating, DC would also be ineffective
> *for my problem.*
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: pH and food was CS and Brushing your Teeth

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser
Thanks, Ivan.  I postulated my inferences as such, which is why I invited
critique.  I hope Suzy saw this.  

Now, you're saying that tart-tasting pineapple slices, if thoroughly
disrupted, would test as more basic than mild-tasting oatmeal?


On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 01:56:30 +1300 "Ivan Anderson" 
> - Original Message -
> From: "russ e rosser" 
> Hi there Russ,
> I'm afraid you have some of your facts back to front.
> > > If the acid were then ingested, what does it do to the pH level 
> of
> > > the body?
> >
> > As I understand it, the post-digestive state of different foods
> > determines their ultimate effect on body pH; e.g., citrus friuts 
> are
> > acid, which require alkyline to digest, and so alkyize the GI 
> tract.
> > OTOH, meats & grains are alkyline, which require acid digestion, 
> so
> too
> > much causes acidiosis & resultant colon trouble, gum disease, etc.
> > Perhaps someone can critique this summation of what I've heard.
> In fact most citrus fruits are ultimately alkaline in nature, that 
> is,
> when separated into their component molecules the alkaline minerals 
> out
> way the acidic compounds. Most fruits are alkaline, but some are 
> not,
> such as cranberries. Meats and grains are mostly acidic I believe.
> All foods require an acidic environment in order to be digested. The
> effect that the pH of a food has upon our bodies can be summed up 
> like
> this. The stomach produces acid from substances in our bodies and in
> doing so produces (necessarily) an equilavent amount of basic 
> (alkaline)
> solution. This base is recombined with the acid in the intestine - 
> net
> result - no change in body pH. Being a closed system the net change 
> in
> pH of the body is determined by the sum of the acid or base ingested 
> and
> the acid or base excreted or expired (including exhaled and 
> perspired
> and chemically used as energy).
> The body regulates blood and plasma pH in two systems, breathing
> (exhalation of the acidic CO2) and via the kidneys and urine (
> regulation of acidic H+ ion). The production of energy in the 
> muscles
> produces acid waste. If the introduction of acid food and acidic 
> waste
> is not countered by its subsequent elimination, then the body will
> resort to other methods to regulate the pH of the fluids,  
> precipitating
> these acids to insoluble compounds (so they no longer influence 
> fluid
> pH) by complexing the acid with alkaline metals.
> The most usual metal (and most prevalent) used in this precipitation 
> is
> calcium, which is withdrawn from the bone matrix (and thus is the
> precurser to osteoperosis) and the resultant calcium precipitate is
> found as plaque in the arteries and spurs, crystals and cysts in all
> parts of the body (contributing to arthritus, gout etc.).
> The most important way to eliminate acid is to breath properly and 
> get
> plenty of sleep (sure!).
> Regards
> Ivan.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser
Thanks, Dean--

Now that I have a definitive explanation, two related questions pester
me: What happened to all those Rife freq's, and has anyone compared this
kind of zapper's effectiveness to straight DC?  --Russ

> Hi Russ,
> On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 12:14:50 -0600, russ e rosser
>  wrote:
> >Dean, can you delineate the output specs (or cite a url that lists 
> them)?
> > Is it sq. wave DC pulses?  What V, freq?  
> The zapper produces square wave DC pulses with roughly a 50% duty
> cycle.  Clark's original design called for a 9 volt battery power
> supply, which produced pulses having about a 5 to 7 volt peak, and a
> frequency of 30 kHz.
> Current designs, which are deemed more effective by many people
> (including me) use a 12 to 15 volt power supply (car battery voltage
> -- nominally 13.5 volts) with pulse peak voltage at about 10 to 12
> volts.  These designs also use a lower frequency, with some at about
> 11 kHz, while others use 3 kHz or even 1 kHz.  My current zapper
> varies the frequency from about 1 kHz to about 3 kHz every 2 seconds.
> (I added that on 3 days ago, and haven't taken the time to tweak the
> circuit so it isn't the frequency range I really want, which is 1 to
> 10 khz.)
> Most zappers use a resistor in series with the wands to limit the
> output current to roughly 1 to 4 mA.  This limiting, of course, will
> round off the leading edge of the square wave, which reduces the 
> power
> available in the higher harmonics (that's why I wanted the frequency
> sweep -- to hit a wider range of "kill" frequencies with adequate
> power).
> The rise time of the square wave should be as fast as possible, but 
> if
> a 555 timer IC is used, there's no worry on that point.
> Several commercial zappers highlight the fact that their zappers 
> don't
> use much power, and a 9-volt battery can last a long time.  IMO,
> that's getting the zapper idea backwards.  
> In order to use little power from a battery, you have to design the
> circuit to: 1) put little power into the wands and 2) make the rise
> time of the square wave very slow, rounding off the pulse too much,
> making the zapper ineffective.  I have two "store bought" zappers 
> like
> that -- and they had no effect on my sinus situation.
> >7 on - 20 that seconds?  
> No, minutes.  
> Clark's protocol is:
> Hold the wands in your hands for 7 minutes,
> Wait 20-30 minutes,
> Hold 7 minutes,
> Wait 20-30 minutes,
> Hold 7 minutes.
> The reason for the repeats is that larger parasites have smaller
> parasites within them.  So microscopic worms have bacteria that prey
> on them, and killing the worms will release the bacteria.  In turn,
> bacteria have viruses in them which get released.  This has been
> reported by Rife, Clark, Naessens and others (and mention has been
> made of E. Coli bacteria having an E. Coli virus).
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
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CS>Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser
Yes.  Try them & see; let us know what works.  

Although current is the danger, voltage pushes the current.  The
(unlikely but possible) danger of a transformer shorting is the sudden
jump from 9-12 to 115V, which would multiply the current commensurably. 
Batteries couldn't do that; their max. voltage is fixed.  You should
determine empirically what voltage with your particular body resistance,
current tolerance, etc.

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 22:19:11 -0600 "John Draper" 
> Russ,
> Thank you for the information. I have access to Beck's Gray's 
> anatomy
> diagrams.
> One question though comes to mind right now is, couldn't a person 
> use
> batteries instead of a tranformer to avoid risk of electrocution? If 
> so,
> what is the voltage required?
> Thanks,
> John
> - Original Message -
> From: "russ e rosser" 
> To: 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 9:01 PM
> Subject: Re: DC accross lymph nodes modality
> > If you make these, be advised of the "current" discussion: It's 
> not
> > impossible for a transformer to short input power to the leads.  
> In this
> > unlikely event, you could die painfully.  One of the posted 
> suggestions
> > for limiting the current should probably be incorporated 
> imminently.
> > Wherever the sponges contact the body, current will pass between 
> them.
> > Beck included a lymph node chart from Gray's Anatomy with his 
> blood
> > boxes.  I have a new edition but no scanner; let me know if you 
> need a
> > photocopy...
> >
> > --Russ
> >
> > > Hi Russ,
> > >
> > > Please explain the procedure you use of putting DC accross lymph
> > > nodes to
> > > create cleansing reactions and also nullifying deep dental
> > > infections with
> > > LVDC - I'm interested in both of these.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > John
> >

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Re: CS, plant growth

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser
I gather that at the least, CS certainly seems to attack organisms that
arrack it might be sold as a fungicide, etc.  Who's to say
that Dr. Clark's principle doesn't apply to plants as well as mammals? 
Microbial assault might be culpable for poor plant growth, more often
than not.  --Russ

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:38:04 -0800 (PST) Terry Wayne 
> Listers,
> I have repeatedly read that CS is a plant-growth
> stimulator. Does anyone know where that idea came
> from? Any research findings? Would it be reasonable to
> assume that I could advertise and sell CS as a Plant
> Growth Stimulator and feel safe that I would not be
> harrassed by Them-That-Must-Be-Obeyed (sic)? It may
> come to that, eh?
> Terry Wayne
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
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> To post, address your message to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>(OT) Trouble in Iowa

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser
I believe this determination has been suggested based on 1) a statistical
correlation between mass increase in chronic/degenerative disease and the
ongoing decrease in the earth's field, and 2) efficacy of magnet therapy
(esp. matress pads) in reversing the same maladies.  --Russ

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:49:56 EST writes:
> Hi Duncan, can't honestly say we have examined or even thought of 
> "magnetism 
> deficiency".  Would this appear as a communicable disease, or show 
> up in 
> normal blood values in any way?   Thanks.  suzy
> In a message dated 11/19/00 11:10:27 PM Central Standard Time, 
> writes:
> > Generally speaking, stress of every type is often a precursor to 
> overt 
> > symptoms and depression including depressed immune responses and 
> > hyperactivity.
> >  
> > While we all get stress, everyday stresses, pollution including 
> > electromagnetic pollution, sugar, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol 
> are the 
> > top six causes.
> >  
> > You've already looked at pesticides...
> >  
> > ciao
> >  
> > Duncan
> > 
> Reminds me,,,the earth's gravitational field, on  a scale of 1-10, 
> is 
> currently at 1.5
> We can expect problems relating to magnetism deficiency, too.  Look 
> that one 
>'s true. Causes mass extinctions and illness.
> Duncan

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS, plant growth

2000-11-20 Thread russ e rosser writes:
> Already been done by Beck and his zapper. Sota site used that form of 
> ad.
> Call it a tree or rose spray...

I recall the blood electifier jack labeled "plant growth stimulator;" it
has been stated that a little current through the soil is accelerates
growth.  --Russ

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Biomagnetic Transcription: Implications?

2000-11-19 Thread russ e rosser
"Judith Thamm"  writes:
> Dear Russ,
> Putting this into much simpler language, there is an old and often
> quoted folk tale that it is dangerous for a very young person whose
> strength of mind is undeveloped to be in the room touching an 
> elderly
> strong willed extremely ill person; the ill person was considered 
> able
> to 'steal' the strength and health away from the young unsuspecting
> person.

I didn't order the e-book, which might address this issue, but there's
something I wondered about that wasn't covered in the excerpts Duncan
posted:  Suppose the quantum of inductor tissue is *finite*, and thus
*transferred* to the receptor; do the two tissues' health states tend to
equalize? or is inductor tissue's health multiplied, like lighting many
torches from one?  Dr. John Ray says energetic healers often die from
cancers for failure to seek a proportional amount of personal attention. 
Would one's hand become cancerous as the colon improved?  The excerpts
noted the effects on the receptor exclusively, but it would be
interesting to monitor the inductor tissue for any corresponding


> Judith.
> > Duncan's fascinating article posits that healthy tissue can act as 
> a
> > or FILTER to pre-condition a magnetic field for optimal effect on
> > afflicted tissue of the same type.
> >
> > Since lower & upper mT limits are mentioned, the conversion rate 
> to
> Gauss
> > is needed.
> >
> > Thus far, people have focused on the effects of magnetic fields on
> > tissue.  Conversely, the BET theory invites study into how tissue
> affects
> > magnetic fields!  Perhaps magetic fields can be used to transduce
> (or
> > heterodyne) the informational content of Kirlian auras into more
> > quantifiable forms, and open up a new, 'bio-informational' lexicon
> > (analogous to Rife frequency tables).  Identifying & reproducing 
> the
> > electromagnetic pulse of "health" might engender a new generation 
> of
> > biomagnetic devices.
> >
> > Noting how much of the article is theoretic and interpretive, I 
> see
> other
> > questions as implicit:  What other energy forms might also serve 
> as
> > information carriers--DC current passing through one's hand in
> series
> > with an infected area?  The article doesn't suggest passing a
> magnetic
> > field through a healthy person's body to the corresponding part of 
> a
> > patient's body, perhaps because of the 2-3 cm rule.  However,
> distance
> > would not impede the conduction of *electrical current* from a
> healthy
> > subject's liver to that of a patient.  RATHER THAN DONATING 
> WE
> of
> > information are transmissible from the "inductor" tissue, besides
> its
> > health state--perhaps the mental will or attititude of its owner?
> How
> > much of what's passed along is physiological, and how much 
> reflects
> the
> > owners' *perception* of its condition?  For that matter, could
> current or
> > a magnetic field or an electrical field convey *thoughts* from 
> head
> A to
> > contiguous head B?
> >
> > Answering these questions might resolve a mystery that's been on 
> my
> mind
> > for several years:
> >
> > I know of two figures who have challenged the orthodox notion that
> DNA is
> > the prime determinant of one's health potential: 1) Dr. John Ray,
> who has
> > claimed not only that bodies can be healed by enhancing their
> alignment
> > with DNA instructions, but further that the quality of one's DNA
> > blueprint can be enhanced, in turn, by improving its fidelity to 
> an
> > etheric, *Body Electronics* paradigm; and 2) Dr. Bruce Lipton, who
> has
> > argued that f the *cellular environment* (incl. emotional) is
> primal
> > because it prompts the cell to create whatever DNA is needed to
> provide
> > instructions that the cell then obeys.  Both seem to indicate that
> the
> > body's essence is information, and that our infirmities consist of
> > garbled translation between this transcendental model its 
> corporeal
> > expression (and/or between successive generations of corporeal 
> DNA).
> > Suppose all informational souls share common factors or
> > 'commands'--"HEALTH", for example--which could be
> electromagnetically
> > restored.  Inasmuch as this parameter is individuated, perhaps
> > a ratio of electromagnetic values that could be adjusted
> energetically,
> > ocne they were tabulated.
> >
> > --Russ
> >
> >
> > --
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> >

Re: CS>Re: DC "zapper"; AC adapters ('wall warts')

2000-11-19 Thread russ e rosser
> Would a surge
> arrester [placed before the transformer] make a difference if the
> transformer failed?  
> Judith.

(I assume you're asking about the simple, DC wands.  A surge arrester
might avert premature transformer failure.  If the transformer failed by
"opening"--as they almost always do--it would simply go dead.  If it
failed by shorting, the surge arrester would allow you to enjoy smooth,
surge-free 115VAC coarsing through your writhing body until the rectifier
diodes failed.  That might happen quickly (although it wouldn't seem so
at the time), but diodes aren't designed to act as fuses.  If the
transformer were high quality, and equipped with over-rating diodes, YOU
might go dead!  

The answer is simple--a fast acting *fuse* on an output lead from the
transformer.  Finding one as small as ~5mA would be ideal.  George Martin
uncovered a 31mA fuse in the Mouser catalog.

That's a jolt, but it'd be brief.


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Re: CS>development work

2000-11-19 Thread russ e rosser
I've emailed his old addresses, and am awaiting a reply...  --Russ

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 11:47:00 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Russ;
> How can I get in contact with your friend.
> "Ole Bob"
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > A friend once reported proving that HOT water yields smaller 
> paticles.
> --
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CS>Re: "Golden Rice"

2000-11-19 Thread russ e rosser
> > I saw a television commercial recently from the "Biotechnology 
> > Commission" or something similar promoting 
> > "Golden Rice," which is a GE modified 
> > rice now containing beta-carotene that will 
> > "End World Hunger."  At what 
> > cost, I wonder.  

...Having first done all they can to CAUSE "world hunger" (and to inflate
the *perception* of it...same thing WRT shortages of "the *world's*

There comes a time when a certain *source* of a technology has
demonstrated such persistent contempt for any consideration besides
short-term profit, that their *technologies themselves* must be presumed
deleterious until proven otherwise.  Companies like M--- make it hard
to remember that no science is intrinsically evil.  When you follow the
money trail, M's motives evince a conspicuous pattern: no chemical use is
ever discouraged; instead, ever MORE chemicals are pushed to reverse the
ongoing damage caused by the previous.  This way, they get paid for
causing AND "curing" the world's worst problems.  

Two examples: 1)  Earlier this year, the European press reported that M
is getting into water purification, and thus views water pollution as a
financial *opportunity* (while every other Earthling sees it as a mortal
threat).  Note that this compounds their incentive to continue selling
the pollutants.  2)  (A friend who has acute, multiple chemical
sensitives has researched this assiduously.)  THE CHEMICAL CO.S *PROJECT*
CHEMICALS SOLD PER GEOGRAPHIC AREA.  Actuarial correlations between
specific chemical sales and public disease rates are thoroughly
documented & cataloged.  The pharmaceutical industry classifies these
toxic effects as "illnesses", and synthesizes drugs against the symptoms
have therefore bought up ~80% of pharmaceutical co.'s for purposes of
'vertical diversification'--to be paid as directly as possible for
causing AND "curing" human misery.  

If this seems unjust, please note these 3 fascinating passages from
Revelations, with concordance definitions included, which provide insight
into the imminent advent of the "kingdom of Heaven":

18:23  "...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy
*sorceries* (pharmakeia: medication, pharmacy) were all nations

11:18  "...and thy wrath is come...that thou shouldest give reward
unto...them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy
them that destroy the *earth*."  (ghay: soil; solid part or the whole of
the terrene globe)

18:9...  "And the kings of the earth, who have ...lived deliciously with
her, shall bewail her...saying, Alas that great city of *Babylon*
("confusion"; a type of tyranny) ...and the merchants shall weep...for no
man buyeth her merchandise anymore."

I think the identities of the contestants--the "merchants", and "those
who fear thy name"--are clear, as well as what will beget the enemy's
demise:  One faction pushes Ritalin, Porzac, Haldol, Zolof, etc., infuses
medical patients & the food supply with superinfectant-breeding
antibiotics, and floods the environment with 600 unprecedented substances
each year; while the other (e.g., via this list) EXPOSES this cycle of
destruction and the harmless, inexpensive, non-patentable, DIY
alternatives.  The Truth--and WE--are prophesied to win, but we must
realize that we're part of a titanic struggle for world dominanace, and
the immense forces we oppose.


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Re: CS>Commendations & Thanks

2000-11-19 Thread russ e rosser
> ...and when everyone knows how to make 
> their own Colloidal Silver generators, and 
> does... well as zappers, then we'll live in an infection-free society. 
This would transmography society unrecognizably (esp. in view of the
research linking cancer to parasites & virii).  Along with saving 90% of
the $120B that we spend annually just to maintain our health status quo,
the resultant augmentation of human vitality and the virtual elimination
of sick time would compound the GNP--ergo personal economic
oppurtunities--incalculably.  Moreover, it would MAKE THE BUSINESS OF

> ...I'll do something else.

Doctors, too--but they'll apparently have to be *forced* into a better
society through information WARFARE.  Expect resistance!


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Re: CS>zappers

2000-11-19 Thread russ e rosser
Dean, can you delineate the output specs (or cite a url that lists them)?
 Is it sq. wave DC pulses?  What V, freq?  7 on - 20 that
seconds?  Your sinunitis testimony alone ought to arrest any objective
sketpicism.  Tx.  --Russ

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 04:49:21 GMT (Dean T. Miller)
> Hi Tracy,
> On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 16:56:17 +1300, "Nick Grant" 
> wrote:
> >Can anyone please tell me if they have a zapper, found it useful, 
> what
> >works, and doesn't work and how they use it on themselves.
> I have a zapper (several, actually).
> I've found it useful (it's the only thing that's cleared up my
> chronic, debilitating, sinus condition).
> I'm not sure what you mean by "what works, and doesn't work."
> I use it by holding onto the two "wands" with my hands.  Most of the
> time I also rest the back of my hands (which are holding the wands)
> against my cheekbones.  This increases the amount of current from the
> zapper, and apparently the current's going through my head, and
> especially my sinus area.
> I try to use it 7-on, 20-off, 7-on, 20-off, 7-on.  But sometimes (too
> many times) I'll just do the first 7-on.
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)
> --
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Re: CS>development work

2000-11-18 Thread russ e rosser
A friend once reported proving that HOT water yields smaller paticles.  


On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 19:13:47 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Hi Ya'all,
> Is there anyone on this list that has done any kind of study that
> compares any given protocol to make CS when the water temperature is
> varied???
> I would appreciate any data or observations that you may have. It 
> might
> just be the change in T.E. with temperaure.
> I want to improve the HVAC ARC CO2 method to get faster "knowdown" 
> of
> pathogens when doing culture studies.
> "Ole Bob"
> --
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Re: CS and Brushing your Teeth

2000-11-18 Thread russ e rosser
> If the acid were then ingested, what does it do to the pH level of 
> the body?

As I understand it, the post-digestive state of different foods
determines their ultimate effect on body pH; e.g., citrus friuts are
acid, which require alkyline to digest, and so alkyize the GI tract. 
OTOH, meats & grains are alkyline, which require acid digestion, so too
much causes acidiosis & resultant colon trouble, gum disease, etc. 
Perhaps someone can critique this summation of what I've heard.

> After seeing what [muriatic acid] does to old varnish, I don't 
> think I 
> could ever feel comfortable getting it close to food.  

OTOH, if I had a coating of varnish on my innards, I'd want it stripped
off as expeditiously as possible!  :)  Seriously though, toxicity is
always a function of dosage/concentration.  This is why
alternative/preventive health enlightenment emphasizes *balance*.  E.g.,
each type of germ (except WHO-engineered like e-bola, etc.) has its
*role* as scavenger of dead matter in the body, whereas the alopathic
mentality of "see germ, kill germ" lead to teh development of broad
spectrum antibiotics, which destroy our symbiosis w/numerous healthy
flora strains.

> Regarding other acids, Grandma used to mix  (apple cider) vinegar 
> and honey 
> and take several tablespoons daily, as a folk remedy for arthritis.  

Herbalist Hanna Kroeger recommended a tsbp twice a day after parasite
cleasing  prevent recurrence (and/or jasmine tea).

> CS as a 
> gargle and for cleaning the tongue. He thinks it makes a great 
> difference 
> with breath. 

Some one posted that CS works as a deodorant--in seconds.


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Re: CS and Brushing your Teeth

2000-11-17 Thread russ e rosser
> In the meantime I used muriatic acid from 
> the 
> hardware store, which I mixed to get 5% solution.

Muratic acid is used to clean radiators & does it compare
to HCl?  I'm curious about the similarities & differences of various
acids.  E.g., apple cider vinegar--primarily a malic acid source--is also
known to aid digestion.  Various acids can ionize minerals, but one
source says fulvic acid is best for dietary bioavailabilty (I mix sea
salt & a.c. vinegar for a mineral supplement)...


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CS>Commendations & Thanks

2000-11-17 Thread russ e rosser
Hello, All--

I'm relatively new the Colloidal Silver list, and wish to thank the
participants for exemplifying an essential character trait of a high,
progressive civilization.  A recent anecdote illustrates what I mean. 
When gas prices began to take off, I did a spate of talk radio shows
(short-wave, internet) about the century-long history of 100+mpg
carburetors and their suppression by big industry.  This generated an
impressive list of respondents (engineers, machinists, NASA scientists,
back yard experimentors), all of whom agreed to freely promulgate rather
than profiteer from any breakthroughs we developed.  (If you patent an
idea, it'll be bought & shelved; if you hoard a discovery, you can be
personally excised!)  

When it comes to introducing methodologies that endanger entrenched
financial empires, either we'll ALL have access or NO ONE will.  So it is
with CS, which at the very least, threatens the entire antibiotics
industry.  Those who contribute their findings here are among the first
to grasp a new & broader definition of "profit", one that recognizes the
*indirect* benefits of living in a society that has *collectively*
benefitted from a better idea.  Nothing against Ayn Rand--enlightened
"selfishness" simply recognizes the necessary reciprocity between
personal and societal welfare.


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Re: CS and Brushing your Teeth

2000-11-17 Thread russ e rosser

> She recommends using 
> food grade 
>  HCL vice Cs 

Hydrchloric acid...what?  T.  --Russ

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Re: CS>Re: Long Term Effects...*HA*!

2000-11-17 Thread russ e rosser
Hypocrisy & double-standards!  Side effects of ANY substance are weighed
RELATIVE to their benefits, and CS's side effects must be evaluated
RELATIVE to those of alopathic alternatives.  In general,
pharmaceutical's short-term side effects compare *pathetically*; and in
practice, the industry keeps their long-term effects a "dirty little
secret"!  (Remember the Harvard study earlier this year identifiying
doctor-prescibed drugs as the 2nd leading cause of US deaths.)  

The fact CS's long term side effects are thus far "unproven" (after 80
years!) simply means that industry-sponsored studies haven't yet proven
the *desired* results.  The very dearth of negative results speaks for
itself, when you RELATE this to how *readily* proven the hazardous &
toxic side effects of most pharmaceuticals are!  Moreover, given the
hostility the FDA/AMA/PMA bloc has demonstrated toward CS, and their
history of requisitioning & manipulating studies to discredit their
chosen targets, you can bet that ANY NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS OF CS WOULD BE


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Re: CS>Suzy--Bioelectric therapy

2000-11-16 Thread russ e rosser
Congrats.  BTW, I doubt if your rig will work for long: I recommended
galvanized steel backing plates because copper corrodes quickly--esp. in
a saline environment (as beach dwellers will affirm)--and copper oxide
(the green patina you've seen on old pennies) is non-conductive.  --Russ

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 01:26:58 EST writes:
> Russ, thank you for the further explanation.  
> In repeating the process (and explicitly following your example), it 
> works 
> flawlessly.  No Bite from the 9V.  The sponge was just slightly damp 
> with a 
> very mild salt water solution.  Tried the process first from several 
> positions on the right hand, and then also again on the left hand.  
> No bite.  
> This was a single 9v, clip connector (5 in a package from Radio 
> Shack).  The 
> wires are 5 3/4 inches long, with a small wire nut attaching to a 
> longer set 
> of wires (12 inches).  The longer wires were taped to two pieces of 
> copper 
> (2x3 inches).  Sponges glued to the copper.  The handles were two 
> small 
> pieces of wood that hubby glued to the top of the copper pads.  
> Will repeat the process tomorrow, and if the same results are 
> obtained, will 
> add one more 9v battery, and repeat the process with two batteries. 
> Thank you so much for your detailed insight.  suzy

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Re: CS>Suzy--Bioelectric therapy

2000-11-15 Thread russ e rosser
Hi, Suzy--

Despite your phenomenal conductivity, rubber sponges are *insulators*
when they're new & dry; at these low voltages, they CAN'T hurt you. 
Fortunately, the Einstein U. experiments showed pathogen destruction
way down in the micro-amp range, so any sensation at all would
indicate an efficacious power level.  

Current will flow through the body from one electrode to the other, via
the "path of least resistance" which is usually the blood--keep this in
mind if you're trying to circumvent the chest cavity!!!  Holding an
electrode in each hand will likely pass right through the heart!!  That
we're using continuous DC rather than rythmic pulses may be advantageous,
but in your case the whole enterprise demands circumspection!  Just
remember that if you contact the *sponges* only, and never the metal
backing plates, their conductivity depends entirely upon the electrolyte

Varying the wetness and saltiness of the water is all the voltage
regulation you need, down to ZERO.  In your case, you could start with
very *weak* salt water (make sure it's completely dissolved), OR JUST
PURE WATER, initially.  Dip the sponges & press together to wring them
out; if you can't feel anything, dissolve more salt & repeat...   After
the wands have been used, they may have enough residual salt to need only
re-wetting with pure water the next time or two.


On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 09:09:29 -0800 (PST) Terry Wayne 
> Suzy,
> I am constructing a device for a friend. I bought a DC
> adapter which has a switch that gives a range of
> voltages: 1.5v, 3v, 4.5v, 6v, 7.5v, 9v, and 12v. Using
> this gizmo, a person could start off at the bottom and
> work up until comfort became a factor. In your case, I
> would not position the electrodes too close to each
> other. I personally place the electrodes (2 TENS unit
> electrode pads, but you could use the sponge idea) on
> each side of my abdomen. When I place them much
> closer, it becomes uncomfortable in a minute or two.
> (But this is with 12-volts. I haven't tried it with
> lower voltages.)  Have you tried it with an electrode
> on each side?
> Terry Wayne
> __
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Re: CS>HealthShieldNet

2000-11-15 Thread russ e rosser
I've had a persistent idea along the lines of suppression
avoidance--simply write everything in the negative.  E.g., 'if you want
to kill intestinal parasite infections, DO NOT build the device as
shown...DO NOT place electrodes on either side of the abdomen, slowly
moving them over the entire area so the current takes multifarious paths
throughout the abdomenal cavity...  ...DO NOT place silver electrodes in
distilled water, and connect them to 3 or 4 9V batteries in series
...Despite the findings published below, we DO NOT recommend that you
drink 2 oz. of colloidal silver X times a day until symptoms subside,
followed by...


On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 09:38:25 -0800 (PST) Terry Wayne 
> Duncan,
> I like your HealthShieldNet idea. But I was recently
> talking to the folks at SOTA, and they told me about
> the kinds of limitations on a website that they had
> discovered must be observed to stay out of firing
> range of the gov't suppressors.
> I was mentioning that I had been considering setting
> up a website to market my CS and other products here
> in Canada. I knew that I could not advertise the
> health benefits of CS on the same site where the CS
> could be ordered, but I had planned to refer visitors
> of my site to another website that had CS info, but
> was not selling CS (actually set up by my brother in
> California). The SOTA lady informed me that I could
> not even LINK to an informational site. My brother's
> site, which featured copious CS info, could send
> people to my site if they were interested in ordering
> CS, but I could not send anyone to his site to get CS
> info.
> The site you are setting up, as I understand it, will
> be mostly or totally informational? Perhaps you could
> feature all kinds of information on a huge range of
> subjects, with links to those sites that market those
> products (but which provide no info themselves)? If I
> knew what customers had found me because of links on
> your site, it would certainly be worth some kind of
> commission from me to you.
> I would be interested in your comments.
> Terry Wayne
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!
> --
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Re: CS>double ARC HVAC CS

2000-11-15 Thread russ e rosser
I wonder what form of human waste was used.  Whereas Asians have been
known to dump raw sewage on their crops, I'm interested in *worm
castings* from humanure as a source.  --Russ 

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:59:20 -0600 "Robert L. Berger"
> Russ'
> When I went to Europe during WW 2 I walked through a grass field and 
> it
> touched the back of my hands. I soon developed what I thought was 
> poison Ivy,
> so I went to the medicsThey informed me that there is no poison Ivy 
> in
> France. Then then asked me if I had walked through a particlur field 
> and I
> hand. I was informed that due to many years for fertilizing with 
> both animal
> and human waste the grass is poisnous to some.
> Just like in Asia we cannot eat there groundproducts without very 
> carful
> washing.
> "Ole bob"
> --
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Re: CS>BET comment (important!)

2000-11-15 Thread russ e rosser
On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:59:21 +1300 "Ivan Anderson" 
writes:<< A healthy hand is probably the most we can hope for in BET.>>

Maybe, but not for the PRINCIPLE that it suggests.

The *form* in which a scientific phenomenon is first discovered usually
represents only the merest of its possible *applications*.  At this
juncture, BET should be regarded not as a limited technique, but an

Heretofore, *all* health methodologies have been predicated on OPPOSING
DISEASE.  Now we're confronted with the possibility of PROMOTING HEALTH. 
BET provides afflicted tissue with a model, an energetic exemplar. 
According to the theory, the inductor tissue *informs* the recipient
tissue.  Instead of merely controlling the secondary effects of tissue
damage--pain, infection, etc.--it "reminds" tissue of how healthy tissue
*should* exist.  

By implication, this frees to realize the *IDEAL* mode of existence,
according to the best energetic model we can find...or GENERATE; unlike
ALL extant modalities which, at best, aim only to reestablish the status
quo of health.  

Experiments should be conducted into:

**  additional cellular information sources (besides tissue physiology),
including tissues or objects under the influence of mental imagery,
electronically generated magnetic resonance patterns based on comparative
measurements of "inducted" & non-inducted magnetic fields, etc.; and...

**  additional forms of carrier energy, including modulated DC,
"inducted" RF, etc. Pulsed CB radio output has been used to cure
infectious disease & cancer; perhaps a healthy person should be
interposed in series with the antenna while envisioning "perfect" health,

Such experiments could be delegated, conducted, and compared on a low
tech, DIY basis...perhaps a dedicated list server is indicated, after


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Re: CS>double ARC HVAC CS

2000-11-14 Thread russ e rosser
> 10 years ago I had a 12 ft  x 28 ft hydroponium 
> and
> everything grew in course sand. I had beautiful veggies. I made all 
> of my
> nuetrant solutions from chemicals. Never gave thought to bacteria.

Bacterial process is important for *creating* natural fertilizer.  My
friend composts his own, and his produce from regular hierloom, seeds is
unbelievable--5 lb. oranges, 50 lb. radishes, etc.  He's a purist and a
full-timer, but very "fruitful."

I bought an EarthBox ( to back-engineer.  It provides
maximal water conservation and automatic application of granular,
chemical fertilizer.  I'd just like to be convinced that this methodology
were conscientious.

I've no doubt your veggies were "beautiful" is everything in
Safeway.  Commercial agricultural soil is dead, so factory farms are
inferior, albeit large-scale versions of your hydroponium.  

Plants can, of course, utilize chemical fertilizer, but it kills SBO's
("soil based organisms," scavengers that would otherwise keep human
digestive tracts residue-free) and earthoworms, and poisons ground water.
 With proper cultivation and no chemical insult, living soil yields
plants too sweet for pests to attack.  But dead soil yields crops that
require pesticides for their weakened immune systems, which exacerbates
the cycle.  Hydroponic waste water is a notorious pollutant (except where
organic fertilizers like seaweed & bat guano are used, but they're not
chemical, and not usually sufficient alone).  

We might not always have access to chemical alternatives, and my friend
has demonstrated that live fertilizer is superlative, but laborious.  A
1999 report verified the superiority of organic produce in manifild
nutritional categories.  Can you suggest a resolution to this dilemma? 
(I've always wanted to test the efficacy of "humanure" composting using
English redworm ["manure worm"] vermiculture...)  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>electrical conduction through body

2000-11-14 Thread russ e rosser
> Even touching both sides of 
> a small 
> 9 V battery causes a tingle with the right hand. Or is this a normal 
> situation with most everyone?   

Is that with dry fingers?  --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT- fasting

2000-11-14 Thread russ e rosser
Kim--I, for one, regard fasts of reasonable, lesser duration as THE most
beneficial althealth practice there isbut a protracted endeavor like
30 days would be perilous for a slim guy like me.)  BTW, what other list
are you on?  --Russ  

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 20:57:57 -0500 "KIM BROWN" 
> Hi guys,
> Out of curiosity...because I'm on another list...has anyone here 
> ever fasted for 30 days+???
> I don't think it is a good thing to do and would like your opinion.
> Thanks,
> Kim (I love this list!)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>double ARC HVAC CS

2000-11-14 Thread russ e rosser
Excuse me if I'm ignorant of a former discussion...but are you sure it's
a good idea to sterilize the soil, and disproportionalize the mineral
content thus?  My friend who's a horticultural prodigy goes to great
lengths to augment & enliven the soil's bacterial constituency.


> I set up a two arc HVAC CS system and ran one gallon for two hours. 
> The
> results are not very good. I will use this stuff to water my plants.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Another form of prevention

2000-11-14 Thread russ e rosser
"Duncan Crow"  writes:
> Thanks Russ,
> I'm with you on the anyone who 
> read Dr. Becker's books would be...
> I DO believe in reversing the DC electrodes 
> occasionally. And I use cotton.


SO--How do you use DC, if I may?  I advocate dense sponge rubber
electrodes because:

1)  they have a built-in power regulating feature, in that they can be
partially wrung out & still hold the desired amt. of electrolyte
solution, and...

2)  they maintain their shape & properties while being slowly rubbed over
the skin--a measure that (I conjecture) is necessary because constant DC
(unlike hi-freq/hi-voltage) would otherwise take a narrow, stationary
path through the body.

Regards, Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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