Re: CSWhat color is Silver?

2000-01-01 Thread tgw0
Color is based on the consistency of the water, since water is never the
same the results varies from time to time, the main thing is, does the
colloidal silver work for you, that what is important.

Ted wrote:
 Fred...what have you found in PPM when you tested the yellow or honey colored
 CS?  It sounds like you are assuming alot of things simpled based on the
 color.  I can see the little wafts of color coming off the positive silver
 wire, when I hold a flashlight against the glass container I am making the CS
 in.  I let the distilled water take on a light yellow hue before removing
 from the heat.  The substance stays a crystal clear yellow hue, and does not
 come close to settling out or leave any residue in the bottom of the
 container.  I really don't follow what you are saying about the particle size
 in light yellow CS being a problem.
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Re: CSWelcome to the 21st century!!! NOT

2000-01-01 Thread tgw0
All any test or exam ever proved is, that at one point in time a person
remembers something. Try giving a person the same exam or test a year
later and see what happens to the score?



 Hi Silver Drinkers!
 Yeah Marsha, I know.
 Part of the problem is with the fact that 95+% of the folks I have
 dealt with do not do their own thinking. They seem to adopt someone
 else's ideas as their own without checking out *why* that someone
 else has come to that particular conclusion.
 This last few days I have chatted with 9 folks on the subject
 and explained exactly the reasoning I use to come to the conclusion
 that all this hoopla is a year early. I then have said,Okay, explain to
 me *your* reasoning for thinking the new century and
 millennium are starting in a few days.
 None of the 9 could actually explain why they think that.
 The two best explanations were:
 1)  ABC and CBS are spending 24 to 30 hours covering the New
 Millennium-- They must know what they are doing.
 2)  The year 2000 means we have been counting for 2000 years.
 (And this is after I explained that when you are born,your
 life hasn't spanned a year until after year 1 has ended.
 You haven't spanned 100 years until the *end* of year 100.
 All the sources I looked at defined a century as a period
 or span of 100 years. A millennium is defined as a span
 of 1000 years.Following through... the first millennium
 ended at the *end* of year 1000 and the second millennium wont
 end untill the *end* of year 2000.)
 One thing that helps me minimize my frustration with all this is
 to remember that the average person only scores 100 on the I.Q.
 Oh Well,
 Happy New Anyway!
 Marsha Hallett wrote:
  Boy, the world is full of idiots! The new century and millennium begin on 1
  Jan 2001! This is the start of the final year of the twentieth century. I
  can`t get over all the blather and to-do...
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Re: CSRe: SAMANTHA!!!! URGENT!!!! Re: CSFlu/peroxide

1999-12-30 Thread tgw0
The reason a person should use 35% food grade is because there are no
stabilizers in it, mix one oz of 35% with 11 oz of distilled water this
will give you 3% volume.  Always treat 35% peroxide with respect it is
like a strong bleach only better, it is produced in Nature naturally.

Ted wrote:
 Thank you for the warning, Mike.  My food grade is 7% and I diluted it.  By
 the way, we feel better already having used it.  Thanks again for the tip,
 Chuck.  I REALLY do appreciate it!
 In a message dated 12/30/1999 9:29:02 AM CST, writes:
  Hi, Sam,
   Just wanted to make *ABSOLUTELY SURE* that you had the right
   instructions before you went ahead and did this. The food grade
   peroxide I've heard about from this list is all 35% and *extremely*
   caustic. If *that* is what you're using...
   DO NOT put that strong of peroxide in your ears or anywhere! OKAY?
   Diluting it to about the 3% level is, I believe, the recipe folks are
   talking about. Chuck might be mixing it a bit stronger, or his food
   grade peroxide is not as strong as some of the stuff other people
   have gotten.
   Whew! Don't try this at home, kiddies. grin
   Mike D.
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Re: CSDowsing????

1999-12-27 Thread tgw0
Remember the good book was written and revised by men and therefore
subject to their interpatations. Trust your own institutions they come
from the universe and you will find they are correct.


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Re: CSanthrax/terrorist [OT]

1999-12-27 Thread tgw0
For those who are wondering how effective CS can be against virus, read
Dr. Len Horowitz Emerging Viruses. If he is correct in his statements
about Aids, Ebola and Vaccinations, you will soon get your chance to
find out.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Quite possibly, but it is my understanding that CS is effective.
 Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America wrote:
  ? ?Has anyone heard anything more about the anthrax threat.? Someone
  claiming to be an undercover intelligence operative posted warnings
  about a terrorist plot to hit the major population centers with
  infectious biohazards.? I was wondering if anyone has more
  information.? I can not remember if it was this list or the silver
  list.? Since we are approaching the New Year, I would appreciate any
  information that would enable me to protect my family, friends, and
  neighbors.?Does anyone know whether the zappers (Hulda Clark
  frequencies) would be useful for immuno defense against
  anthrax??thanks,,?JD??ps.? if anyone wants to write me personally
  for security reasons, I will maintain confidence.??

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Re: CSFW: The man who regrew a hand. (Actually the tip of one finger) darn.

1999-12-27 Thread tgw0
You may also wish to check out the work of Dr. John R. Christopher, who
wrote the book School of Natural Healing.


James Allison wrote:
 Actually, I have a copy of the pictures of the finger of which you type, and
 they will be posted on my website within a week.  I am going to be a
 distributor for the company that manufactures the bandages which promoted
 the healing.  It's pretty awesome stuff!  The bandages that were used are
 called SILVERLON and they are made for a company called Argentum
 Research, Inc. which is located in Lakemont, GA.  The inventor is Dr. A.B.
 Flick M.D. and the contact for the bandages is Roger Sayles and last but not
 least, their website is at
 My main question is not of the miraculous healing, but of why the FDA has
 approved the SILVERLON bandages, which work because they are 99% pure silver
 and 1% silver oxide and yet the FDA supports the bashing of silver in it's
 colloidal form.
 On a side note, thank goodness we're finely getting back on topic.
 Yours in health,
 James Allison
 Allisons Apothecary - Your On-Line Apothecary
 Visit Us Soon -
 Home of the $29.95 Colloidal Silver Generator
 And Wonderful Prices On Quality Products Like
 MSM, Ionic Mineral Waters and Apricot Kernels

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Re: CSPain Pain Pain

1999-12-12 Thread tgw0
If a person continues to have a health challenge, then your are not
looking for the cause, infections have a root cause, I suggest you look
at the nutritional habits of the individual, I believe you will find the
answer there. If you have any questions email me privately.

Ted wrote:
 In a message dated 12/11/99 5:00:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
  How much do you use,Edith? I have a three year old that has ear infections
  also. We have tried many products. Does the CS drip out eventually. Where do
  you purchase your particular brand of CS?
  Thanks for your input. 
 I use an eye dropper and put several drops in with cotton behind and then put
 a heating pad on top.  We do this a couple times a day for a couple of days
 whether he complains of pain or not just to be safe.
 A couple months ago he had one and his eyes looked that red and feverish and
 of glazed.  My daughter brought him in the wee hrs of the morning for me to
 care for.
 I put in the CS then waited 3 hrs did again and 3 hrs later put in some ear
 made with several herbs.  Shortly afterwards the red eye thing cleared up.
 He has had a terrible history of ear infections with much medication.  We are
 this continues to work due to the amount of drugs he has already consumed.
 I bought this from the AIM company, the one that sells barley green and
 fiberblend if you
 are familiar with that.  I think the name is Earthwise.
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Re: CSNeed Advice- CS Turning Color

1999-12-12 Thread tgw0
I would try a different source of distilled water, also it depends on
the time used and how much you are making, my experience tells me it is
usually the water used.


Nichols wrote:
 Help for a New Lister
 I recently built a CS generator (B Stenulson's Pulsed DC model using a
 Radio Shack 555 IC). It seems to produce clear yellow to light brown CS
 but the CS turns reddish brown then silverish black in a week or so. CS
 is stored in  a brown glass bottle.
 Any suggestions?
 I am reluctant to take this internally.
 Troy Nichols
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Re: CSPain Pain Pain

1999-12-11 Thread tgw0
I never understand why some people think more PPM is better.  As far as
I am concerned 3 to 5 PPM is adequate.


D G wrote:
 fifteen hundred ppm?
 jesus crimminey.  thats bullion almost!!!
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Re: CSRe: Nellie/Milk

1999-12-09 Thread tgw0
If you have a need for milk, try raw goats milk, put in 4 drops of 35%
H202 in a qt, this will kill any bacteria, this is as close to human
milk that you can get.


Sharon L. House wrote:
 I recall reading in a book many years ago that the phosphorous in
 pasteurized milk is unavailable because in the process of pasteurization,
 the enzymes are killed off. One of which is (I believe) phosphatase.
 Phosphatase makes the absorption of phosphorous possible. In fact, the
 criteria of whether the milk is adequately pasteurized is the destruction
 of phosphatase.

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Re: CSRe: WaterOZ

1999-12-06 Thread tgw0
Anything over 20PPM is a waste of CS, 3 to 5 PPM is more then adequate
for most problems.  When I feel the need I take a 4 oz glass of CS and
sip it slowly of the course of the day, it works for me.


Scharbach wrote:
 Please excuse me for not answering more quickly than this, I was hoping for
 some additional information.
 The reason I am/was hesitant to recommend WaterOZ at this point, is that a
 good friend got quite a scare from their (ionic) silver. I wanted to
 wait until I had
 all the facts before posting.
 At this point, it looks like that's all it was, a scare, but it has made me
 wonder if
 with the higher ppm (60 tested by our own Bob Berger, 100 claimed) we should
 be careful of taking large amounts of it (a cup or more a day)
 The homemade CS that most of us are making, is about 5ppm.
 Just a thought.
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Re: CSNebulizer Instructions

1999-12-04 Thread tgw0
What do you really have to loose! When a person reaches a point with
their health challenge, if it were me, knowing what I know about CS, I
would give it a try.

W.T. Shoultz wrote:
 To All Listers:
I need some help...actually a co-worker does.  He is 66 yrs. old and has
 had laryngitis (sp?) for about 3-4 wks.  Yesterday after his Dr. visit he
 told me that they found a lump/tumor in his lung and they are about 99 %
 sure it is cancer.  He used to smoke heavily (3-5 packs/day) for at least 20
 yrs.  And to complicate matters he has done a LOT of work with asbestos
 while he was in the Navy.  Even as far as to use a sheet of asbestos
 insulation for a blanket many times.
 My question is...
   Do any of you know if this nebulizer set up would benefit him?  I've told
 him about IP-6 and some of the other 'cancer-killers'.  Having just read
 about this nebulizer and breathing it directly into the lungs made me
All comments appreciated.
 Thanx,  W.T.

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Re: CSRe: Bil, Sludge Honey

1999-12-04 Thread tgw0
I make 2 ltrs of CS in 40 minutes 3 to 5 PPM. I notice others spend a
much longer time.


Robert Ratliff wrote:
 I tried the honey trick and got gold water, but it took the same amount of
 time to brew 8 PPM. about 1 1/2 hours. I'll bet the particles are larger.
  -Original Message-
  From: Dick Jaffe []
  Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 1:08 PM
  Subject: Re: CSRe: Bil, Sludge  Honey
  I use only a tiny drop of honey on the end of a toothpick and I
  make my CS in a
  24 Oz. Simply Home Campbell's soup jar.  I can't recall now who
  gave me that
  honey trick but it was emphasized to use only a tiny drop.  My 10 minute
  solutions are clear and very pale yellow, not milky.
  2001 TV VCR wrote:
   Thanks for the tip.  I have tried the drop ( I used
   a big drop) of honey when making 16 oz. CS
   and it came out a real milky colored yellow.  The
   electrodes sure were clean though (no sludge).
   Obviously having any form of food in the mix
   could cause unwanted silver compounds to be
   Anyone want to comment on this?
   - Original Message -
   From: Dick Jaffe
   Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 6:26 PM
   Subject: Re: CSRe: Bil, sludge
Try using a drop of honey on the tip of a toothpick stirred into the
water before inserting the silver electrodes.  I've been
  doing that for
several years and get about a 10ppm solution, pale yellow in color, in
10 minutes.
Fred wrote:
   Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
   without the sludge using low voltage?

 The process of generating colloidal silver is the same as
 the plating process - ions are released and travel to the
 negative electrode where they collect an electron and turn
 back into silver. You can not stop that process! The fact
 they are sludge instead of nice shiny silver is that conditions
 are not right for fine crystal growth - normal silver plating uses
 cyanuric acid to provide good conductivity of the solution and
 to assist in forming fine grain crystals. What you get are more
 like snow flakes, weakly bound/random crystals!

 See my other post why the HV AC process avoids sludge
 formation, by blasting the sludge forming metal particles into
 the solution as quickly as formed. This unfortunately makes
 metallic particles, not ions of silver, but at least no crystals! (took a day off from work today!)

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Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2

1999-12-04 Thread tgw0
I make 3% H2O2 from 35% food grade, mix one oz with 11 ozs of distilled
water, I then use an eye dropper and put one drop at a time in each ear,
it foams and is slightly warm, I do this till it stops foaming, it works
for me.


Janet Lubart wrote:
 Can someone please advise? I tried the hydrogen perixide in ears for 10
 minutes, in two hour intervals 3 times last Monday for the flu. Symptoms
 came back Tuesday though I felt better Monday after the trearment. Are there
 any limits on this type of peroxide use? Help! My symptoms have been going
 on for 3 weeks.
 You all are a terrific bunch! Thanks.

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CS[Fwd: [RF]: Soy noarc]

1999-11-28 Thread tgw0
To those who think rapeseed (canola oil) is not toxic.  I suggest you
read this article.

Hi folks,
Its not really healthy.


Best regards,
William Beiriger

---End Message---


1999-11-27 Thread tgw0
where do you order this pwt meter from?

Trem Williams wrote:
 The TDS-1 lists for $14.90.  It's not much of a meter.  Too inaccurate.  The
 PWT meter is 10 times more accurate.  It lists for $44.50.  But I guess you
 can't look a gift horse in the mouth; after all, it is a free ride.
 - Original Message -
 From: D G
 Sent: Saturday, November 27, 1999 10:54 AM
 Subject: RE: CSTDS
  i'm getting a meter from the site that is offering free ones worth (they
  say) $59.95.
  i'll post the results when it gets here and i make a batch.
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Re: CSrapeseed

1999-11-27 Thread tgw0
they used rapeseed in the making of paint, would you put this in your


Mary wrote:
 Liz, I have come across various sites that say it is very dangerous.
 .  Where flaxseed is a beneficial food, I think rape/canola has been
 reclassified as less beneficial, perhaps even of negative benefit.
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Re: CSOT/Kris/Soy Canola oil

1999-11-18 Thread tgw0
Rapeseed was not an appealing name changed to Canada oil then changed to
Canola oil, used in making paint, should you put it in your body?


Katarina Wittich wrote:
 Hi Kris,
 you had a post a while ago that mentioned that soy and canola oils are bad
 for you. Can you tell me more? I thought canola oil was the one oil
 preferable for use for high heats.I know that rapeseed can be toxic - but I
 thought the processing took the toxicity out and that canola oil was okay --
 other than one bad batch somewhere that poisoned people.
 I'm also curious since you seem to have read a lot about SLS and SLES
 whether you think that ammonium laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate
 are also bad for you. And in your research did you find any difference
 between the lauryl sulfate and laureth sulfates? Trem sent me an interesting
 article saying that sodium laureth sulfate was harmless, while laurel
 sulfate mught be bad stuff.
 Take care,
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Re: CSVaccines

1999-11-16 Thread tgw0
They could, but there's no money in it. 


 Sam Earle wrote:
 Since we're discussing vaccines and bacteria on another thread, a
 question occurs to me for any and all to tackle:
 If scientists can identify, isolate and kill or disable specific
 viruses in the lab for the purpose of making vaccines, why can't they
 identify, isolate and kill viruses in the human body?
 Any takers?

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Re: CSsilver

1999-11-13 Thread tgw0
Trust if the CS is working for you, thats all that really matters.

Ted wrote:
 I have doubts about CS now. Anyone want some used silver wires?
 In a message dated 11/11/1999 7:54:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
  Did you recommend colloidal silver?
  James Osbourne Holmes
  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent:  Thursday, November 11, 1999 4:08 PM
  Subject:   Re: CSsilver
  In a message dated 11/11/99 11:43:36 AM Central Standard Time, writes:
 I just spoke with Marsha and she is down for the count.  The flu or
   something has her.  So if you don't here from her right away you know why.

  Oh, Oh looks like CS order of the day.
  Thanks Donna.
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Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2

1999-11-03 Thread tgw0
Most Health food stores will carry it, cost about $14.95 ltr.


James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:
 I know someone provided the info, but I lost it.  Where to get 35% food grade?
 James Osbourne Holmes
 -Original Message-
 From:   Marshall Dudley []
 Sent:   Wednesday, November 03, 1999 9:06 AM
 Subject:Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2
 Yes I have.  The people I know that take it take the food grade 35% DILUTED 
 to a reasonable level.  I have been told that the 3% you get at the pharmacy
 contains chemicals to stabalize it and they should not be taken internally.
 This is something that needs to be checked as I have not confirmed this 
 Do not use 35% directly, it will burn your skin!
 Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC wrote:
  Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen peroxide internally?
  If so, for what and how much. I have heard that bodybuilders using steroids
  take a teaspoon to control the severe acne associated anabolic steriods.
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Marr []
  Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 8:55 AM
  Subject: Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2
  On Tuesday, November 02, 1999  4:30 PM, wrote:
  Date: 2-Nov-1999 17:30:39 -0500
  To: m...@jazz {}
  Subject: Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2
  hi..regarding your h2o2 plain hydrogen peroxide? how much did you
  give him each time...what size is he? if lt works that well..l want to know
  all about it..thankyou. inga.
  Yes, plain hydrogen peroxide, 3%, which I bought at the local pharmacy.
  I gave him about one capful for both ears.  I poured in enough to fill
  the ear canal.  My son is about 48 lbs. and about 46 inches tall.  He
  mentioned there was some pain with the first application, but none on the
  third.  I have also used this when I felt the first onset of a cold.
  Mike M.
  Reposted from previous email:
  From another list, this suggestion:
  To all of you that have an ear.
  Sick to day, Well Tomorrow  I promis you!!!
  For the past 21 years now I, and others have been attacking the the
  Common Cold  Influenza(s) Virus where they begin their breeding
  process. ( not where they have already spread to =
  We have found that the inner-ear (middle) harbors the only perfect
  environment for these microscopic killers to begin their breeding.
  Common Cold Cure:
  We find that by administering a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into
  each infected ear for 10 minutes or longer until the bubbling  stinging
  subsides that the temperature starts dropping within just a few minutes
  and that all of the effects / symptoms are completely gone within 12 to
  14 hours.  We have had 100% results with using this method.
  Influenza(s) Virus Cure:
  You'll need to repeat the same process two or more times at two hour
  intervals until there is no more bubbling when you put drops in infected
  ear(s)  We also have had 100% results when using this method in curing
  the flu.   If you don't have an eye dropper, use the bottle cap to
  administer the H202 and be very careful to not get any in the eyes.
  (flush with water)
  I have written to a multitude of people about this amazingly simple cure
  including the FDA-NIH  to AMA president Thomas R. Reardon MD. I don't
  think that the AMA wants to inform the public about this because there's
  no money in it for them in doing so!!! ( Narcissistic )
  Please tell others about this.
  Larry  the molecular man
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Re: CSOT - Sick child h2o2

1999-11-03 Thread tgw0
The best way to take H2O2 is start with one drop of 35% in a glass of
water 3 time each day, increase one drop each day until you either reach
25 drops 3 time per day or until you can no longer stand the taste then
reverse the process back to 0.  I reached 15 drops 3 times  a day and
could no longer stand the taste. Airlines use H2O2 to disinfect their
water tanks, once you know what H2O2 taste like you will never forget


Fred wrote:
 Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC wrote:
  Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen peroxide internally?
  If so, for what and how much. I have heard that bodybuilders using steroids
  take a teaspoon to control the severe acne associated anabolic steriods.
 As Marshall stated the drug store 3% grade is not suited for internal use!
 However, I did a lot of research on H2O2 for medicinal uses and feel I
 must extend a greater caution about using the 35% 'food' grade - IT IS
 EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! The bottle I bought had a slight leak on the way
 home and when I removed it from the protective plastic bag the label crumbled
 in my hand, appearing to have been burned! While trying to spread it out to
 read the cautions my hands started stinging/burning and turning white!
 I went to the web to research what was happening and discovered that
 oxygen bubbles form under the skin, causing the burning  sensation and
 that a spill on your clothes could cause them to burst into flames. It is an
 extremely strong oxidizer and thus a fire hazard and needs to be stored in
 your freezer for safety. It will not freeze until far below 32F!
 If you buy it, you should immediately dilute it 10:1 with distilled water.
 As to
 drinking it, I can not tolerate more then 3 drops of 3% in a glass of water, 
 I gag on the bubbles in my throat. There are many uses for it and excellent
 results (many books are available about internal uses) but it is so hard to
 tolerate I gave up on it and rely on Cs 100%.
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Re: CS**CS and baby chicks??

1999-10-26 Thread tgw0
Hi Debbie:
I do know that H2O2 will solve any disease that chickens may have, you
may wish to check this out.


Debbie McDonald wrote:
 CS friends,
   Can one give CS to baby chicks, would it help with coccidiosis? I am
 new to being a chick mom and just wondered. They are about 10 days old
 Thanks much, Debbie
Debbie McDonald
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Re: CSthe 12th planet/ off topic

1999-10-26 Thread tgw0
Sometimes called planet X, supposed to be inhabit by our creators? 
Visit's our solar system every 26 hundred years?  Who knows for sure if
this is true or not?


Sharon Morrissey wrote:
 Enki and Enlil, call home!
 It's been too long G
 Sam Earle wrote:
  Also, folks, mainstream science via the popular press has reported the
  mathematical probability of a 10th planet (or 12th, if you prefer) 10 times
  the size of Jupiter, way out beyond Pluto's orbit, that's deflecting the
  orbits of comets and distorting all their calculations for the solar system.
  We may meet the Anunaki before we're finished here.
  Can't wait.
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Re: CSOff Topic: fasting question...

1999-10-21 Thread tgw0
Hi Mike:

If you were to use Celtic Sea Salt you would hardly taste it, it works
like a very mild laxative.


M. G. Devour wrote:
 This lemon juice/maple syrup modified fast seems do-able after a
 couple of days of easing into it. However, is there any way to
 make the morning salt water cleanse a bit less ghastly tasting?
 Could I substitute pretzels and beer? GRIN
 Seriously, though, two level teaspoons of sea salt in a quart of
 water tastes pretty bad to me! I couldn't choke it all down.
 Be well,
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [   ]
 [Speaking only for myself...  ]
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Re: CS-Ear infection

1999-10-15 Thread tgw0
Hi Rob:
One other thing you may wish to try is one drop of tea tree oil to 8
drops of olive oil, use cotton batten if necessary to keep oil in the
ear. Alternate with CS. Hope this is of some help to you.


 Rob Lowe wrote:
 My wife has an ear infection. The Doctor prescribed an antibiotic
 which she is unwilling to take due to previous unpleasant experiences
 with thrush.
 Apart from taking an increased dose of oral CS, has anyone any
 experience in placing CS directly
 in the ear. As a rough guess I would say that it would be safe and
 effective. If you can place it directly in the eyes
 then its use for ears should be effective and safe?
 We use a home brewed CS which is around 10ppm.
 Anyone help!
 Thanks, Rob

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1999-10-11 Thread tgw0
You may want to try 1 tsp. MSM 1/4 tsp. Vitamin C in 4ozs of CS 3 to 5
PPM, you decide if it's beneficial for you or not.


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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V99 #643

1999-10-09 Thread tgw0
Hi Katarina:

If you want the Bob Beck device to work effectively then do it for two
hours per day for 90 days, this way you will only have to do it once
every five years.


Katarina Wittich wrote:
 Hey Vilik,
 Can I join you at the movies?
 Trying to figure all this out is so stressful that I think my blissfully
 ignorant husband has the right approach to all this -- which is always -
 lets go to the movies. However, he does have me for trickle down effecg and
 has learned a lot without having to plow through it.
 So -- doc wants me to bring up alkalinity because my urine ph is very acidic
 and he is a firm believer that acid matabolism (whatever that means) leads
 to ill health and may be a reason I'm having such a hard time getting rid of
 the blastocystis. However, he also reccomends it to any patient with an
 acidic urine ph.
 I agree that I have no idea what is true or not in this very unsubstantiated
 controversy. Only things obvious to me is that I am better off without
 dairy, alcohol, processed foods, refined wheat and that the more fresh
 veggies and whole grains I eat the better I feel. I can also tell that
 regular bowel movements make all the difference in the world to how I feel
 and that if my digestion is off everything else goes. I haven't been able to
 figure out how to keep my digestion on-  but I'm beginning to think that
 taking too much of anything on a regular basis might not be a good idea for
 me -- that variety allows my body to blance itself.
 Anyhow, the new regime.
 I did the eight day lemon water and maple syrup and cayenne fast to clean my
 system out. Also morning oral salt water flushes.It felt great. Midway
 through I added my new parasite killing regime. I'm only a couple of weeks
 into it - but I am much less bloated than I used to be - so we'll see.
 It's a killer regime - but I think that's the point.
 six days of one capsule of East Park Olive leaf extract every hour. Then
 down to two caps three times a day
 I felt a lot of die off the first few days of taking the olive leaf extract
 -- and since I am now candida free I figure it must be the blasto dying.
 Hulda Clarks Parasite regime:
 Two tsp of green walnut hull tincture in water am and pm on empty stomach.
 3 capsules cloves three times a day.
 7 capsules of her american kind of wormwood in the evening on empty stomach
 for 14 days
 500mg of grapefruit seed extract three times a day.
 750 mg of artemesia annua three times a day
 Artemesia annua is chinese wormwood - this regime is said to be 90%
 effective against protozoa. For the first 14 days while I do the Hulda Clark
 wormwood I am only doing the artemesia annua in the morning and midday -
 then I will go back to three times daily.
 Zapping with Bob Becks silver pulser for two hours a day -- ugghh. don't
 know how long I'll keep that up.
 so who knows if it will work, but I do feel better than I have for a while.
 Have you had any luck with yours? I assume not?
 Take care,
  Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 12:29:17 -0700
  From: Vilik Rapheles
  Subject: Re: CSRe:acid vs alkaline
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  Katarina, Ivan, Mike and ALL!
  Ivan...superlative post. You summed up all I have so far discovered.
  Mike...while headed out for that organic unpasteurized acv, read up on
  the before meal cocktail recipe (I think it's Bragg's) of acv and raw honey.
  I can't remember exact proportions, something like a T of each in warm 
  1/2 hour before meals. (Anybody out there know for sure?) Bragg claimed it
  cures what ails you. There may be some magic pH balance in the combo. Sure
  couldn't hurt the average person who isn't avoiding honey.
  Katarina wrote:
 trying to figure this acid/alkaline out has been driving me crazy too.
 Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Do you test your various ph's
 and what do they say?
  They say, Leave me the h--- alone and go to a movie or something!
 One thing I've wondered about and nobody really discusses is the issue of
 needing enough acidity in your stomach to digest properly and to kill off
 parasites and unwanted bugs, while at the same time wanting your general
 terrain and blood to be alkaline.
  I don't think these are connected, as Ivan stated. However I also wonder 
  taking alkaline liquids and diluting digestive juices.. I felt so bad on
  coral calcium...and I don't know whether that was one of those mythical
  healing crises or what...
 I wonder if the vinegar helps in the digestive process but can be too much
 if you are already leaning toward acidity?
  Or...does the body process acvinegar as an acid at all?
 My doctor wanted me to take alkala water between meals to bring up
 alkalinity -- but as someone with a parasite already I worried about it
 making my stomach 

Re: CSSauerkraut

1999-10-08 Thread tgw0
Hi Liz:
I would like a copy of your recipe.



 Liz Pavek wrote:
 We eat sauerkraut by the case.? My husband is full-blooded Czech, so
 it's the staple menu, like meat and potatoes.?
 The FRESH sauerkraut is the most beneficial, since it has not been
 heated, but I think the canned stuff is plenty tasty, if not as
 His mother used to make it in large stoneware crocks.? If anyone is
 interested in the recipe, email me, and I will tell you how we do it
 in Czech country (rural southcentral MN, around New Prague, Veseli,
 and other old Czech settlements).

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