CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks,

Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope that those 
that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see the 
end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.

A number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 
being demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...

One of the latter points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
decade of experience for me, is that our group has been and always will 
be divided between those who want more free-flowing discussion and 
others who want us to remain closer to the topic -- and neither group 
will ever be completely satisfied with any compromise that I ever 
strike between the two extremes! 

(Yes, there are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
ground, too! )  

So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope 
will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
even half-way successful in its mission...


Remember, first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
do all my "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
regulate your own behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
culture I try to instill in the membership by public guidance and 
private coaching. Your self-control is the price I demand of you for 
the privelege of staying in the group.  

Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership 
of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
should and could with our efforts. Here's why:

Inevitably, easily half the questions people will ask have a non-CS 
related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My friend has ... will CS help?" 
"Does anybody know anything to do for ...? Whether CS is useful in each 
case or not, a lot of the time there are non-CS-related answers that 
these people need and deserve to hear. I've never prohibited non-CS-
related information that might be able to HELP somebody.

Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
yet are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
interesting to many of the rest of us.

The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic discussions? Make them 
fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information and pointers 
to other resources so folks can continue their research elsewhere.

For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would require 
some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.

Another point to consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
discussion to their own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
instructions they receive upon joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
get the conversation moving in a direction that will help them. When 
they do this they normally get answers. If they don't, the conversation 
moves on without them.

This is not an organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
passively and have all your questions answered, but rather more like a 
cocktail party, with folks milling around and talking amongst 
themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up the microphone and ask a 
question about the main topic is welcome to do so, and they'll get 
plenty of help as long as they need it.

If I demanded that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
question, it would be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
whole lot more people than we probably do when things get too noisy for 
too long. 

Who's to say what's the right balance? Ummm... Well, me, I'm afraid. 
Which is why I'm asking questions.


Now, as I consider specific actions or possible changes in policy in 
response to the present complaints, I think we might all benefit from 
some analysis to see just how things really look.

I've surveyed list traffic for the first 23 days of August. Here are 
some statistics:

*** Posts per day:

average 24.26
min 8
max 50
stdev   10.68

There've been 5 days over 30 messages and 8 days under 20.

*** Counting threads and posts:

Threads ranged from single unanswered posts to multi-day 40-post 
behemoths. For this analysis I looked at Subject: lines and samplings 
of posts, but did not account for subject drift within threads or count 
threads with "Unidentified Topic" or "Silver Digest" titles. 

On topic threads have a significant CS component. Threads for Other 
Questions offer information not related to CS but relevant to health-
related questions raised by members. Off topic counts everything from 
Kurt's polemics to computer questions to humor and chit-chat.   

On topic: 44 threads; 194 posts
Other questions: 32 threads; 198 posts
Off-Topic: 30 threads; 136 posts

Frankly, I'm not willing to analyse and rat

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread dee
I go along with all that you say Mike, and appreciate your tolerance to 
OT subjects.  I for one am  only on *this*  list (and silverpets) and 
because it *is* an alternative health list (when did *your* doctor 
prescribe CS?) it is the only place I feel there may be someone with 
enough knowledge or experience to help with other alternative health 
matters.  I am therefore grateful that these questions are allowed.  I 
also like to hear from people like Kurt  because who knows what is going 
on out there, and I for one like to be kept informed about what could be 
happening.  He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so 
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

M. G. Devour wrote:

Hi folks,

Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope
 that those 
that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see
end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.

 number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 

 demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...

One of the latter
 points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
decade of experience for me,
 is that our group has been and always will 
be divided between those who
 want more free-flowing discussion and 
others who want us to remain closer
 to the topic -- and neither group 
will ever be completely satisfied with
 any compromise that I ever 
strike between the two extremes! 

(Yes, there
 are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
ground, too! )

So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
even half-way successful in its mission...


 first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
do all my
 "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
regulate your own
 behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
culture I try to instill
 in the membership by public guidance and 
private coaching. Your
 self-control is the price I demand of you for 
the privelege of staying in the group. 

Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership
of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
should and

 could with our efforts. Here's why:

Inevitably, easily half the questions
 people will ask have a non-CS 
related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My
 friend has ... will CS help?" 
"Does anybody know anything to do for ...?
 Whether CS is useful in each 
case or not, a lot of the time there are
 non-CS-related answers that 
these people need and deserve to hear. I've never

 prohibited non-CS-
related information that might be able to HELP somebody.

Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
 are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
interesting to

 many of the rest of us.

The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic
 discussions? Make them 
fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information
 and pointers 
to other resources so folks can continue their research


For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would
some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.

Another point to
 consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
discussion to their
 own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
instructions they receive upon
 joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
get the conversation moving in a
 direction that will help them. When 
they do this they normally get answers.
 If they don't, the conversation 
moves on without them.

This is not an
 organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
passively and have all
 your questions answered, but rather more like a 
cocktail party, with folks
 milling around and talking amongst 
themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up
 the microphone and ask a 
question about the main topic is welcome to do so,
 and they'll get 
plenty of help as long as they need it.

If I demanded
 that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
question, it would
 be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
whole lot more people
 than we probably do when things get too noisy for 
too long. 

Who's to
 say what's the right balance? Ummm... Well, me, I'm afraid. 
Which is why

 I'm asking questions.


Now, as I consider
 specific actions or possible changes in policy in 
response to the present
 complaints, I think we might all benefit from 
some analysis to see just how

 things really look.

I've surveyed list traffic for the first 23 days of
 August. Here are 
some statistics:


Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread David Bearrow


It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize. 
Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and 
responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day 
before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent 
it or I would have heavily edited it.

I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post 
should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out 
there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and 
extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no 
longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites 
devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do 
not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post 
questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects 
that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course 
of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen 
to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the 
question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with 
a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email 
bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This 
type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create 
a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the 
person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and 
that person will never see the counter post.

If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started 
posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite 
pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food 
supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He 
usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there 
into science fiction land.

I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My 
beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about 
chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to 
share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing 
which excludes argument.


At 12:03 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:

So, I'm open to specific suggestions or ideas. In light of the points
I've made above, please tell me:

How much traffic is too much? Off topic versus on-topic?

Do you feel my basic policies need to be changed or updated?

Should I do a better job of enforcing them? How, specifically?

Should we stop answering non-CS-related health questions entirely?

Should we ban *all* politics-related posts, no matter their importance?
Or is the existing policy (brief, occasional, little or no discussion)
good enough if it's enforced?

Should I more vigorously police the "style" of certain messages so as
not to scare new people off or annoy the regulars?

Any other points you think I've not covered yet?

Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. It's not a bad thing
to air grievances and sound each other out every once in a while,
though I *will* get riled if folks make a habit of spouting off their
objections on the list instead of privately! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Faith Gagne

Dear David:  Very well put.  I do have to agree.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Bearrow" 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...


It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize. 
Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and 
responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day 
before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent 
it or I would have heavily edited it.

I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post 
should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out 
there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and 
extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no 
longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites 
devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do 
not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post 
questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects 
that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course 
of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen 
to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the 
question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with 
a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email 
bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This 
type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create 
a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the 
person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and 
that person will never see the counter post.

If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started 
posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite 
pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food 
supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He 
usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there 
into science fiction land.

I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My 
beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about 
chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to 
share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing 
which excludes argument.


At 12:03 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:

So, I'm open to specific suggestions or ideas. In light of the points
I've made above, please tell me:

How much traffic is too much? Off topic versus on-topic?

Do you feel my basic policies need to be changed or updated?

Should I do a better job of enforcing them? How, specifically?

Should we stop answering non-CS-related health questions entirely?

Should we ban *all* politics-related posts, no matter their importance?
Or is the existing policy (brief, occasional, little or no discussion)
good enough if it's enforced?

Should I more vigorously police the "style" of certain messages so as
not to scare new people off or annoy the regulars?

Any other points you think I've not covered yet?

Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. It's not a bad thing
to air grievances and sound each other out every once in a while,
though I *will* get riled if folks make a habit of spouting off their
objections on the list instead of privately! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Darn_itsme

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was attacked 
and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I happened to be 
very interested in this as my husband came home and told me he heard 
somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small blurb about it in 
the local newspaper and I found another article from another source in my 
inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on this list, I was really 
hoping for some useful information since I happen to like feeding my family 
food that won't possibly eventually kill us.  Especially since this popped 
up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read those 

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's up 
to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the moment, his 
article continued to back up other sources that showed up all in one day.

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has (thank 
you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Rowena
Okay, I will put in  my little piece too.  

I've been with the group for a few years now, and was recommended to join after 
I bought my CS generator.  It has not been a disappointment.  Mike is a great 
moderator.  It's nice to feel that pretty much any subject can be raised, that 
there isn't someone in charge who has a strong opinion that weeds out any 
comments that don't fall in line with his own ideas. He will act behind the 
scenes if necessary, though.  And people really helped me get the confidence 
with  my CS making.

We have lost some great members along the way, people in practice or with 
experience, who had very useful input.  And new members have come along.  My 
impression - and I haven't been keeping any vigorous survey - is that while 
people may join and inject a new feel foreign to the existing group for a 
while, they do in time get a feel for the group and kind of fit in.  

I can't keep up with every post all the time, so go largely by the subject 
lines.  So if you don't look after your subject lines appropriately, you may 
not get read.  But at least you got your comment off your chest, and you are 
not taking up valuable archives space, because there aren't any archives.  And 
if anyone was consistently cross they would tend not to get read.

Some groups are tightly moderated and done well and are useful, with watchful 
eyes kindly reminding transgressors of the rules, the manners, the subject 
lines, whatever.  Some are not so much moderated as censored, so your comment 
may not even appear.  This group must be just about the most comfortable there 

"Out there" in forum land there are some nasty characters who have to speak 
contemptuously of others' opinions in one way or another like some sort of 
internet bullies.  We seem to be a pretty friendly bunch, pretty well mannered 
at least.  The character and comments vary over time, as people come and go, 
and people who came to learn about CS and succeeded stay to chat about other 
things too.  I think this is the group where I have had the biggest input on 
the widest range of subjects, and I've appreciated it.  It has led me up many 
different paths, and some of you have consistently turned in posts so valuable 
you have your own box where your posts get preserved. Others of you have your 
posts forwarded to my private little share-circle of health buddies around the 
world, which is the equivalent of having a gold star stuck on your essay; these 
posts are also preserved.  And as various ones remind us - the delete button 
works for when the sheer weight of input gets too much. 

Every now and then I think to myself that I really need to thin out my groups.  
But I know I will stick to my CS group.  Daddybob has a policy whereby even if 
he is not active on a group, he remains a member and looks in every now and 
then.  That's kind of what I do now - when a group gets less interesting, or if 
I feel the weight of posts too great, I set my preferences to no mail so that I 
can look in on the archives from time to time, or start to receive the mail 
again, and can still access any files they may have.  Some groups I don't go 
"no mail" on are the Rife forum, microelectricity, Frex, Crock Lakhovsky and 
now DMSO (again).  And the silver list of course.

Thanks Mike.

Speaking for myself.



Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Faith Gagne

Dear Debbie:

You are discussing everything but Colloidal Silver.  Do you use it?  Do you 
buy it or make it yourself?  Faith G.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was 
attacked and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I 
happened to be very interested in this as my husband came home and told me 
he heard somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small blurb 
about it in the local newspaper and I found another article from another 
source in my inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on this list, 
I was really hoping for some useful information since I happen to like 
feeding my family food that won't possibly eventually kill us.  Especially 
since this popped up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read 
those posts.

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's up 
to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the moment, 
his article continued to back up other sources that showed up all in one 

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has 
(thank you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Darn_itsme
From this list I have learned to buy it, use it and make it myself.  Am I to 

be attacked now?

BTW, I have also been here for years.


- Original Message - 
From: "Faith Gagne" 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

Dear Debbie:

You are discussing everything but Colloidal Silver.  Do you use it?  Do 
you buy it or make it yourself?  Faith G.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was 
attacked and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I 
happened to be very interested in this as my husband came home and told 
me he heard somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small 
blurb about it in the local newspaper and I found another article from 
another source in my inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on 
this list, I was really hoping for some useful information since I happen 
to like feeding my family food that won't possibly eventually kill us. 
Especially since this popped up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read 
those posts.

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's 
up to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the 
moment, his article continued to back up other sources that showed up all 
in one day.

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has 
(thank you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Helen Martin

well..  I don't have time to edit this list of all the off topic
stuff..   because people refuse to actually use the subject
line properly you can't just wholesale delete..  
 I'm have many other responsibilities in my life..  I came here
to learn about CS, not every other alternative health idea that comes to
somebodies head..  
so, I'm gone..   again...
thanks to the folks who have actually taught me about CS...

Helen Martin
Nanaimo, BC Vancouver Island, Canada


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Starshar
Hi gang,

I've been on this list "forever", except for the long period of time when 
Comcast blocked it (stifling rant on that topic).

I love this list! I think we have the best moderator on the 'net-kudos to 
you, Mike!

I love getting all the varied bits of info that you nice people throw out for 
all the rest of us.

And, yes, I do get a little crazed now and then when the "off topic" gets 
overwhelming. When my keyboard needs to be replaced, it will be because of the 
death of the delete key first.

I have been on other lists where the moderation got so tight that the list 
eventually just died out. I hate to see that happen!

Mike seems to step in when the heat gets quite high, and he manages to be so 
tactful that almost anyone can hang in there peacefully.

If this were a referendum, I'd vote to keep the list as is-just reminding 
others about that wonderful little key called "delete"!

Just my 1+1/2 cents worth,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread marmar845

Well, I've been mulling this over -- and for me, I guess I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much like the list the way that it is.    I agree that it's easy for a list to become stagnant if there's too much restriction of topic matter, and I think that the current rules and regs pretty well keep things under control.  But I do understand David's position, and actually agree with his points regarding Kurt's posts -- but it's an easy matter to solve.  David, if I understand you correctly, it's only Kurt's posts that bug you, yes?  So when you open your inbox, you can check for and delete all of Kurt's incoming email.  That way you don't have to read it.  Or better yet, you can set your email program to block all of Kurt's mail so that it doesn't get into your inbox to begin with.  Problem solved.  I think that's more reasonable than asking Mike to spend ever more time trying to meet all of our individual needs.  I do think that we all can do a better job of changing the subject line when we respond to posts and the subject matter is morphing.  That way folks can more easily delete posts in their inbox in which they have no interest.  I guess where this is leading me is that as list members we need to accept the responsibility for our own use of and participation in the list, rather than asking Mike to do it for us.  MA
-- Original message from David Bearrow : -- > Sir, > > It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize. > Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and > responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day > before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent > it or I would have heavily edited it. > > I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post > should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out > there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and > extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no > longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites > devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do > not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post > questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects > that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course > of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen > to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the > question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with > a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email > bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This > type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create > a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the > person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and > that person will never see the counter post. > > If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started > posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite > pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food > supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He > usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there > into science fiction land. > > I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My > beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about > chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to > share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing > which excludes argument.  

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Peter Converse

Well said Debbie,

The bickering, bickering and more bickering is a waste of energy, time and 
thought; profiting no one.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was 
attacked and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I 
happened to be very interested in this as my husband came home and told me 
he heard somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small blurb 
about it in the local newspaper and I found another article from another 
source in my inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on this list, 
I was really hoping for some useful information since I happen to like 
feeding my family food that won't possibly eventually kill us.  Especially 
since this popped up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read 
those posts.

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's up 
to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the moment, 
his article continued to back up other sources that showed up all in one 

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has 
(thank you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread cking001
Hey Mike!
Cut the silverlist traffic by a third by starting another sub-list.
Call it the "Bitch-Box"...
For ALL complaints.


Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

On 8/24/2008 12:58:12 AM, M. G. Devour (mdev...@eskimo.com) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope that those
> that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see the
> end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.
> A number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are
> being demonstrated, although not by
> anyone's specific remarks...
> One of the latter points this discussion shows, confirming over a
> decade of experience for me, is that our group has been and always will
> be divided between those who want more free-flowing discussion and
> others who want us to remain closer to the topic -- and neither group
> will ever be completely satisfied with any compromise that I ever
> strike between the two extremes!
> (Yes, there are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle
> ground, too! )
> So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
> will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum
> even half-way successful in its mission...
> Remember, first of all, that I don't
> see messages before they go out! I
> do all my "moderating" after the fact. I

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
Thanks Dee!! :)

 dee  wrote: 
> I go along with all that you say Mike, and appreciate your tolerance to 
> OT subjects.  I for one am  only on *this*  list (and silverpets) and 
> because it *is* an alternative health list (when did *your* doctor 
> prescribe CS?) it is the only place I feel there may be someone with 
> enough knowledge or experience to help with other alternative health 
> matters.  I am therefore grateful that these questions are allowed.  I 
> also like to hear from people like Kurt  because who knows what is going 
> on out there, and I for one like to be kept informed about what could be 
> happening.  He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so 
> whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
> is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee
> M. G. Devour wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope
> >  that those 
> > that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see
> >  the 
> > end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.
> >
> > A
> >  number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 
> > being
> >  demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...
> >
> > One of the latter
> >  points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
> > decade of experience for me,
> >  is that our group has been and always will 
> > be divided between those who
> >  want more free-flowing discussion and 
> > others who want us to remain closer
> >  to the topic -- and neither group 
> > will ever be completely satisfied with
> >  any compromise that I ever 
> > strike between the two extremes! 
> >
> > (Yes, there
> >  are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
> > ground, too! )
> >   
> >
> > So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
> >  
> > will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
> > even half-way successful in its mission...
> >
> >
> > Remember,
> >  first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
> > do all my
> >  "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
> > regulate your own
> >  behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
> > culture I try to instill
> >  in the membership by public guidance and 
> > private coaching. Your
> >  self-control is the price I demand of you for 
> > the privelege of staying in the group. 
> >  
> >
> > Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership
> >  
> > of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
> > posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
> > should and
> >  could with our efforts. Here's why:
> >
> > Inevitably, easily half the questions
> >  people will ask have a non-CS 
> > related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My
> >  friend has ... will CS help?" 
> > "Does anybody know anything to do for ...?
> >  Whether CS is useful in each 
> > case or not, a lot of the time there are
> >  non-CS-related answers that 
> > these people need and deserve to hear. I've never
> >  prohibited non-CS-
> > related information that might be able to HELP somebody.
> >
> > Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
> > yet
> >  are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
> > interesting to
> >  many of the rest of us.
> >
> > The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic
> >  discussions? Make them 
> > fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information
> >  and pointers 
> > to other resources so folks can continue their research
> >  elsewhere.
> >
> > For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would
> >  require 
> > some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
> > saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
> > besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.
> >
> > Another point to
> >  consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
> > discussion to their
> >  own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
> > instructions they receive upon
> >  joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
> > get the conversation moving in a
> >  direction that will help them. When 
> > they do this they normally get answers.
> >  If they don't, the conversation 
> > moves on without them.
> >
> > This is not an
> >  organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
> > passively and have all
> >  your questions answered, but rather more like a 
> > cocktail party, with folks
> >  milling around and talking amongst 
> > themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up
> >  the microphone and ask a 
> > question about the main topic is welcome to do so,
> >  and they'll get 
> > plenty of help as long as they need it.
> >
> > If I demanded
> >  that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
> > question, it would
> >  be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
> > whole lot mor

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-25 Thread Ruth Bertella
Wow!  Seems it's been a busy weekend for da list!!

My "vote" would be to leave the list "as-is".  There are a lot topics I learn 
from that I didn't know I wanted/needed to know about until someone else 
brought them up.  On the other hand, if there are topics I'm not interested in, 
I do know how to use the delete button.  Kurt usually puts enough in the 
subject line to know if it's a topics of interest or not, so read or "delete".  
No commentary is asked for nor required on any of his postings.  Seems to me 
the topics are prolonged by complainers, whiners, etc., whereas the topic would 
naturally have ended if no comments had been posted.  Just my opinion.  But 
then I always respect others' willingness to learn and be open about and have 
differing opinions regarding various topics.  The one thing that irritates me 
are direct attacks from one member to another because "they aren't doing it 
right".  Those tend to drag things on and on and on.  And since we have such a 
GREAT leader to moderate these things for us, why burden yourselves with 
"patrolling the troops"?

Bottom line:  Mike does a fabulous job and I vote to keep things as they are.  
I like learning about new things!


Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-25 Thread kmilkowski
Hey thanks, Ruth! You're my newest bestest friend!

 Ruth Bertella  wrote: 
> Wow!  Seems it's been a busy weekend for da list!!
> My "vote" would be to leave the list "as-is".  There are a lot topics I learn 
> from that I didn't know I wanted/needed to know about until someone else 
> brought them up.  On the other hand, if there are topics I'm not interested 
> in, I do know how to use the delete button.  Kurt usually puts enough in the 
> subject line to know if it's a topics of interest or not, so read or 
> "delete".  No commentary is asked for nor required on any of his postings.  
> Seems to me the topics are prolonged by complainers, whiners, etc., whereas 
> the topic would naturally have ended if no comments had been posted.  Just my 
> opinion.  But then I always respect others' willingness to learn and be open 
> about and have differing opinions regarding various topics.  The one thing 
> that irritates me are direct attacks from one member to another because "they 
> aren't doing it right".  Those tend to drag things on and on and on.  And 
> since we have such a GREAT leader to moderate these things for us, why burden 
> yourselves with "patrolling the troops"?
> Bottom line:  Mike does a fabulous job and I vote to keep things as they are. 
>  I like learning about new things!
> Ruth

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour