Wow!  Seems it's been a busy weekend for da list!!

My "vote" would be to leave the list "as-is".  There are a lot topics I learn 
from that I didn't know I wanted/needed to know about until someone else 
brought them up.  On the other hand, if there are topics I'm not interested in, 
I do know how to use the delete button.  Kurt usually puts enough in the 
subject line to know if it's a topics of interest or not, so read or "delete".  
No commentary is asked for nor required on any of his postings.  Seems to me 
the topics are prolonged by complainers, whiners, etc., whereas the topic would 
naturally have ended if no comments had been posted.  Just my opinion.  But 
then I always respect others' willingness to learn and be open about and have 
differing opinions regarding various topics.  The one thing that irritates me 
are direct attacks from one member to another because "they aren't doing it 
right".  Those tend to drag things on and on and on.  And since we have such a 
GREAT leader to moderate these things for us, why burden yourselves with 
"patrolling the troops"?

Bottom line:  Mike does a fabulous job and I vote to keep things as they are.  
I like learning about new things!
