Thanks Dee!! :)

---- dee <> wrote: 
> I go along with all that you say Mike, and appreciate your tolerance to 
> OT subjects.  I for one am  only on *this*  list (and silverpets) and 
> because it *is* an alternative health list (when did *your* doctor 
> prescribe CS?) it is the only place I feel there may be someone with 
> enough knowledge or experience to help with other alternative health 
> matters.  I am therefore grateful that these questions are allowed.  I 
> also like to hear from people like Kurt  because who knows what is going 
> on out there, and I for one like to be kept informed about what could be 
> happening.  He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so 
> whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
> is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee
> M. G. Devour wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope
> >  that those 
> > that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see
> >  the 
> > end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.
> >
> > A
> >  number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 
> > being
> >  demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...
> >
> > One of the latter
> >  points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
> > decade of experience for me,
> >  is that our group has been and always will 
> > be divided between those who
> >  want more free-flowing discussion and 
> > others who want us to remain closer
> >  to the topic -- and neither group 
> > will ever be completely satisfied with
> >  any compromise that I ever 
> > strike between the two extremes! 
> >
> > (Yes, there
> >  are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
> > ground, too! <grin>)
> >   
> >
> > So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
> >  
> > will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
> > even half-way successful in its mission...
> >
> >
> > Remember,
> >  first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
> > do all my
> >  "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
> > regulate your own
> >  behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
> > culture I try to instill
> >  in the membership by public guidance and 
> > private coaching. Your
> >  self-control is the price I demand of you for 
> > the privelege of staying in the group. 
> >  
> >
> > Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership
> >  
> > of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
> > posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
> > should and
> >  could with our efforts. Here's why:
> >
> > Inevitably, easily half the questions
> >  people will ask have a non-CS 
> > related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My
> >  friend has ... will CS help?" 
> > "Does anybody know anything to do for ...?
> >  Whether CS is useful in each 
> > case or not, a lot of the time there are
> >  non-CS-related answers that 
> > these people need and deserve to hear. I've never
> >  prohibited non-CS-
> > related information that might be able to HELP somebody.
> >
> > Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
> > yet
> >  are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
> > interesting to
> >  many of the rest of us.
> >
> > The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic
> >  discussions? Make them 
> > fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information
> >  and pointers 
> > to other resources so folks can continue their research
> >  elsewhere.
> >
> > For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would
> >  require 
> > some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
> > saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
> > besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.
> >
> > Another point to
> >  consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
> > discussion to their
> >  own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
> > instructions they receive upon
> >  joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
> > get the conversation moving in a
> >  direction that will help them. When 
> > they do this they normally get answers.
> >  If they don't, the conversation 
> > moves on without them.
> >
> > This is not an
> >  organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
> > passively and have all
> >  your questions answered, but rather more like a 
> > cocktail party, with folks
> >  milling around and talking amongst 
> > themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up
> >  the microphone and ask a 
> > question about the main topic is welcome to do so,
> >  and they'll get 
> > plenty of help as long as they need it.
> >
> > If I demanded
> >  that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
> > question, it would
> >  be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
> > whole lot more people
> >  than we probably do when things get too noisy for 
> > too long. 
> >
> > Who's to
> >  say what's the right balance? Ummm... Well, me, I'm afraid. 
> > Which is why
> >  I'm asking questions.
> >
> >
> > Now, as I consider
> >  specific actions or possible changes in policy in 
> > response to the present
> >  complaints, I think we might all benefit from 
> > some analysis to see just how
> >  things really look.
> >
> > I've surveyed list traffic for the first 23 days of
> >  August. Here are 
> > some statistics:
> >
> > *** Posts per day:
> >
> > average     24.26
> > mean        22.04
> > min 8
> > max 50
> > stdev       10.68
> >
> > There've been 5 days over 30 messages
> >  and 8 days under 20.
> >
> > *** Counting threads and posts:
> >
> > Threads ranged from
> >  single unanswered posts to multi-day 40-post 
> > behemoths. For this analysis
> >  I looked at Subject: lines and samplings 
> > of posts, but did not account
> >  for subject drift within threads or count 
> > threads with "Unidentified Topic"
> >  or "Silver Digest" titles. 
> >
> > On topic threads have a significant CS
> >  component. Threads for Other 
> > Questions offer information not related to CS but
> >  relevant to health-
> > related questions raised by members. Off topic counts
> >  everything from 
> > Kurt's polemics to computer questions to humor and
> >  chit-chat.   
> >
> > On topic: 44 threads; 194 posts
> > Other questions: 32 threads; 198
> >  posts
> > Off-Topic: 30 threads; 136 posts
> >
> > Frankly, I'm not willing to analyse
> >  and rate each of the 554 posts in 
> > the sample in detail, if it's okay with
> >  all of you. I do need to get to 
> > bed sometime this morning! <grin>
> >
> >
> > As I see it, lately we've averaged about TWO DOZEN
> >  posts per day, and 
> > between a third and half of them are the usual lower
> >  quality, for a 
> > variety of reasons. But, then, the percentage of CS-related
> >  questions 
> > people ask that get answered and discussed is very high.
> >
> > It's
> >  my normal practice to ask for OT threads that drag on too long to 
> > be ended,
> >  but it's been weeks since I've needed to, as most such 
> > threads have ended
> >  of their own accord within a (mostly) reasonable 
> > timeframe and total list
> >  traffic has averaged low to moderate. Self-
> > regulation does seem to work,
> >  after a fashion.
> >
> > So, I'm open to specific suggestions or ideas. In light
> >  of the points 
> > I've made above, please tell me:
> >
> > How much traffic is too
> >  much? Off topic versus on-topic?
> >
> > Do you feel my basic policies need to be
> >  changed or updated?
> >
> > Should I do a better job of enforcing them? How,
> >  specifically?
> >
> > Should we stop answering non-CS-related health questions
> >  entirely?
> >
> > Should we ban *all* politics-related posts, no matter their
> >  importance? 
> > Or is the existing policy (brief, occasional, little or no discussion)
> >  
> > good enough if it's enforced?
> >  
> > Should I more vigorously police the
> >  "style" of certain messages so as 
> > not to scare new people off or annoy the
> >  regulars?
> >
> > Any other points you think I've not covered yet?
> >
> > Reply to me
> >  privately or to the list, as you prefer. Even if you've 
> > already "said your
> >  piece" I'd appreciate your reflection on my thinking 
> > thus far and how (or
> >  if!) I'm addressing your concerns.
> >
> > There's more for me to say, and I
> >  will. I've seen some very nice points 
> > being made and suggestions offered that
> >  I'd like to comment on, but I'm 
> > going to stop for now and get some sleep.
> >  <Yawn!>
> >
> > Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. It's not a bad
> >  thing 
> > to air grievances and sound each other out every once in a while, 
> > though I *will* get riled if folks make a habit of spouting off their 
> > objections on the list instead of privately! <scowls at David!> 
> >
> > <grin>
> >
> > Ultimately I alone have to decide how things will be run, but your 
> > feelings
> >  and thoughts are important to my thinking.
> >
> > Peace,
> >
> > Mike Devour
> > silver-list owner
> >
> > [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> > [
> >                         ]
> > [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To
> >  post, address your message to:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic
> >  messages to:
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic
> >  List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >  <>
> >    
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   