Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-10 Thread Scotty
Thanks for clearing that up for me! 
Have a great day!


From: Marshall 
Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 7:07:34 AM
Subject: Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

Not here it is not.  First of all the notion of good and bad bacteria is 
flawed, most bacteria can be good or bad depending on where it is at, and 
whether it is in aerobic or anaerobic mode.  CS tends to kill all bacteria 
regardless of whether it is aerobic or anaerobic.  But it will only kill if 
it comes in contact with it, and if in a solid or semisolid matrix, its 
effectiveness is reduced to near 0.  In normal human intestines it is 
restrained in movement, and has almost no effective kill.  If you have 
dysentery then it is very effective.  A win/win situation.

If you have examined the droppings of bees you will find that their 
intestines contain near liquid goop. Thus CS would be very effective in 
killing bacteria there as well. Not a surprise once you think about it.


On 3/7/2011 6:33 PM, Scotty wrote: 
So does this mean that CS kills good bacteria in humans   too? This 
seems to be a controversial subject. 
>Have a great day!

From: Marshall 
>Sent: Mon,   March 7, 2011 10:15:20 AM
>Subject: Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites
>I had this tested some years ago. The results were disastrous.  
>However it was not sprayed, but instead feed in a feeder.  I don't 
>see any way you could spay them when in the cocoon stage, since 
>cells will be capped at that point.  Although the caps are porous 
>that the pupa can get oxygen, I don't think any CS would be able 
>get in.
>What happened is that the CS killed the bacteria in the bee's gut 
>required for their digestion.  The hive ended up with masses of 
>bloated with honey, who starved to death.
>On 3/7/2011 12:41 PM, nessie wrote:
>> Hi gang:
>>Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if 
>>  on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
>>If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be 
>>  Thanksnessie
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Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-08 Thread Marshall
Quite possibly it would interfere with their digestion as well, 
resulting in starvation.


On 3/7/2011 8:54 PM, nessie wrote:
I actually didn't want to spray the  live bees or have them  drink the 
I only want to spray the cocoons and  houses to kill any mites, while 
the  Mason bees themselves are still in the cocoons..
Will the c/s kill mites that may be on the cocoons , or on the  bee 


On 07/03/2011 10:15 AM, Marshall wrote:
I had this tested some years ago. The results were disastrous.  
However it was not sprayed, but instead feed in a feeder.  I don't 
see any way you could spay them when in the cocoon stage, since the 
cells will be capped at that point.  Although the caps are porous so 
that the pupa can get oxygen, I don't think any CS would be able to 
get in.

What happened is that the CS killed the bacteria in the bee's gut 
required for their digestion.  The hive ended up with masses of bees 
bloated with honey, who starved to death.


On 3/7/2011 12:41 PM, nessie wrote:

Hi gang:
Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if sprayed
  on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be appropriate?

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Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-08 Thread Marshall
Not here it is not.  First of all the notion of good and bad bacteria is 
flawed, most bacteria can be good or bad depending on where it is at, 
and whether it is in aerobic or anaerobic mode.  CS tends to kill all 
bacteria regardless of whether it is aerobic or anaerobic.  But it will 
only kill if it comes in contact with it, and if in a solid or semisolid 
matrix, its effectiveness is reduced to near 0.  In normal human 
intestines it is restrained in movement, and has almost no effective 
kill.  If you have dysentery then it is very effective.  A win/win 

If you have examined the droppings of bees you will find that their 
intestines contain near liquid goop. Thus CS would be very effective in 
killing bacteria there as well. Not a surprise once you think about it.


On 3/7/2011 6:33 PM, Scotty wrote:
So does this mean that CS kills good bacteria in humans too? This 
seems to be a controversial subject.




*Have a great day!*

*From:* Marshall 
*Sent:* Mon, March 7, 2011 10:15:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

I had this tested some years ago. The results were disastrous.  
However it was not sprayed, but instead feed in a feeder.  I don't see 
any way you could spay them when in the cocoon stage, since the cells 
will be capped at that point.  Although the caps are porous so that 
the pupa can get oxygen, I don't think any CS would be able to get in.

What happened is that the CS killed the bacteria in the bee's gut 
required for their digestion.  The hive ended up with masses of bees 
bloated with honey, who starved to death.


On 3/7/2011 12:41 PM, nessie wrote:
> Hi gang:
>Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if sprayed
>  on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
>If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be appropriate?
>  Thanksnessie
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Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-08 Thread Alan Jones
My understanding is, the CS would kill the gut flora if it got in contact
with it.

But I believe the CS is absorbed before it gets that far in the digestive

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Scotty  wrote:

> So does this mean that CS kills good bacteria in humans too? This seems to
> be a controversial subject.

Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-07 Thread nessie

I actually didn't want to spray the  live bees or have them  drink the c/s.
I only want to spray the cocoons and  houses to kill any mites, while 
the  Mason bees themselves are still in the cocoons..

Will the c/s kill mites that may be on the cocoons , or on the  bee houses?

On 07/03/2011 10:15 AM, Marshall wrote:
I had this tested some years ago. The results were disastrous.  
However it was not sprayed, but instead feed in a feeder.  I don't see 
any way you could spay them when in the cocoon stage, since the cells 
will be capped at that point.  Although the caps are porous so that 
the pupa can get oxygen, I don't think any CS would be able to get in.

What happened is that the CS killed the bacteria in the bee's gut 
required for their digestion.  The hive ended up with masses of bees 
bloated with honey, who starved to death.


On 3/7/2011 12:41 PM, nessie wrote:

Hi gang:
Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if sprayed
  on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be appropriate?

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Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-07 Thread Scotty
So does this mean that CS kills good bacteria in humans too? This seems to be a 
controversial subject. 
Have a great day!


From: Marshall 
Sent: Mon, March 7, 2011 10:15:20 AM
Subject: Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

I had this tested some years ago. The results were disastrous.  However it was 
not sprayed, but instead feed in a feeder.  I don't see any way you could spay 
them when in the cocoon stage, since the cells will be capped at that point.  
Although the caps are porous so that the pupa can get oxygen, I don't think any 
CS would be able to get in.

What happened is that the CS killed the bacteria in the bee's gut required for 
their digestion.  The hive ended up with masses of bees bloated with honey, who 
starved to death.


On 3/7/2011 12:41 PM, nessie wrote:
> Hi gang:
> Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if sprayed
>   on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
> If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be appropriate?
>   Thanksnessie
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Re: CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-07 Thread Marshall
I had this tested some years ago. The results were disastrous.  However 
it was not sprayed, but instead feed in a feeder.  I don't see any way 
you could spay them when in the cocoon stage, since the cells will be 
capped at that point.  Although the caps are porous so that the pupa can 
get oxygen, I don't think any CS would be able to get in.

What happened is that the CS killed the bacteria in the bee's gut 
required for their digestion.  The hive ended up with masses of bees 
bloated with honey, who starved to death.


On 3/7/2011 12:41 PM, nessie wrote:

Hi gang:
Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if sprayed
  on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be appropriate?

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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

CS>c/s and Bee Mites

2011-03-07 Thread nessie

Hi gang:
Does anyone know if c/s will kill Mason Bee mites if sprayed
  on them while they are in the cocoon  stage?
If the answer is yes, what strength c/s would be appropriate?

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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-21 Thread ccdirectt
Do a  search on NEEM OIL  This stuff is good for
Insect repellant,regrowing hair tons of other stuff.   has a lot of info on it.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>mites and fleas on domestic animals

2006-09-20 Thread Leonardo van Goens
Wendy wrote:

>>Our female is scratching too but no visible signs of anything.<<

>> But CS just popped into my head and I wondered if anyone had ever had any 
>> success with this??<<


Sure thing:

Our cat was fighting his way into the new neighborhood we moved to, with other 
cats. He lost (being in-experienced) and he came home all scratched and bruised 
up. Moreover he was infected with scabies.

So we sprayed CS over the wounds and over the scabies-stains, and the result 
was instant. Cat does not like to be wet, but he allows the every-evening 
treatment. We see a clear (although a bit slow) healing process. 

We have not used any other medicine; we stick to CS, as we know the miracles 


Our dog is a tick-theatre (or hotel if you wish) and we have to wash her 
weekly, in this very dry climate where we live. Carefully spraying CS into her 
ears does away with any infections after taking those parasites out, and seems 
to avoid new inhabitants.


So yes, CS does it!




Behold the turtle;

it make progress


when it's neck is out.

Re: CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-19 Thread Deborah Gerard
thanks for posting this Rowena I have a friend who has a rescue farm and the 
sheep are just bombarded with fliesdo you know if once this is made do you 
spray the sheep with it or give it orally?..thanks again deb

Rowena  wrote:  Just to throw in another line of thought: 
for a problem sheep get with flies 
of some sort (possibly blowflies) in which the baby flies burrow through the 
skin and ruin the hides.
A New Zealand farmer was shown on Australian ABC TV once making his own 
homeopathic preparation for his sheep. Organic farmer, I think, so poisons 
were not an option. A good few years ago now, so details hazy.

He crushed one of the offending flies, likely in alcohol, and then went 
through the homeopathic succussion process, available on the net if you do a 
search. He gave this to his sheep. His sheep were not bothered with the 
flies after that, though the sheep on his neighbour's property were.

I tried to find a site that might mention this. Didn't so far, but these 
were interesting:

I haven't used CS on this. I had this problem with my German Shepherd, and
discovered it was flies biting her ears and creating the sores. My vet gave
me something that repelled the flies, and the sores healed. I don't know
what was in it, as it was a couple of years ago, but probably nothing good.
I wonder if something mixed with citronella would work, or if citronella is
harmful to dogs?? Also, wonder if this problem occurs more in shepherds --
my other dog was never bothered with them.

> I have noticed him scratching in other places but I cannot visibly see
> any indication of patches, bad skin or fleas or flea poop.
> One of my vet herbals says to put 1/2 tsp of oil of oregano in 1/2 to 1
> ounce of olive oil and apply to the ear which I did to the outside ear
> flaps where the hair is yesterday and today and I will keep at it and
> see what happens.

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Re: CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-19 Thread Rowena
Just to throw in another line of thought: for a problem sheep get with flies 
of some sort (possibly blowflies) in which the baby flies burrow through the 
skin and ruin the hides.
A New Zealand farmer was shown on Australian ABC TV once making his own 
homeopathic preparation for his sheep.  Organic farmer, I think, so poisons 
were not an option.  A good few years ago now, so details hazy.

He crushed one of the offending flies, likely in alcohol, and then went 
through the homeopathic succussion process, available on the net if you do a 
search.  He gave this to his sheep.  His sheep were not bothered with the 
flies after that, though the sheep on his neighbour's property were.

I tried to find a site that might mention this.  Didn't so far, but these 
were interesting:

I haven't used CS on this. I had this problem with my German Shepherd, and
discovered it was flies biting her ears and creating the sores. My vet gave
me something that repelled the flies, and the sores healed. I don't know
what was in it, as it was a couple of years ago, but probably nothing good.
I wonder if something mixed with citronella would work, or if citronella is
harmful to dogs?? Also, wonder if this problem occurs more in shepherds --
my other dog was never bothered with them.

> I have noticed him scratching in other places but I cannot visibly see
> any indication of patches, bad skin or fleas or flea poop.
> One of my vet herbals says to put 1/2 tsp of oil of oregano in 1/2 to 1
> ounce of olive oil and apply to the ear which I did to the outside ear
> flaps where the hair is yesterday and today and I will keep at it and
> see what happens.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-19 Thread Gail Evans
I haven't used CS on this. I had this problem with my German Shepherd, and 
discovered it was flies biting her ears and creating the sores. My vet gave 
me something that repelled the flies, and the sores healed. I don't know 
what was in it, as it was a couple of years ago, but probably nothing good. 
I wonder if something mixed with citronella would work, or if citronella is 
harmful to dogs?? Also, wonder if this problem occurs more in shepherds --  
my other dog was never bothered with them.


- Original Message - 
From: "Wendy" 

Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 11:38 PM
Subject: CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

I just noticed our shepherds ears are crusty and bumpy on the outside of
the ear flap. He's been itching a lot, but life has been busy ;-( The
inside of the ear seems fine believe it or not.

I'm not sure if it's mites, fleas or flies. Of course diet is the root
cause of any of this and we've been lazy and they've not been getting
their veggies and oils much the last couple months with their raw meat
and bones. Our female is scratching too but no visible signs of

I have noticed him scratching in other places but I cannot visibly see
any indication of patches, bad skin or fleas or flea poop.

One of my vet herbals says to put 1/2 tsp of oil of oregano in 1/2 to 1
ounce of olive oil and apply to the ear which I did to the outside ear
flaps where the hair is yesterday and today and I will keep at it and
see what happens.

But CS just popped into my head and I wondered if anyone had ever had
any success with this??


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-19 Thread Barbara
Wendy, dogs are carnivores and they have no nutritional need for carbohydrates. 
 None.  Are you feeding about 10% of organ meats? This is very important.  
Weight wise they need 10% bone, 10% organ meats and 80% of muscle meat and if 
you are feeding diary, then cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and eggs.  


 Of course diet is the root
cause of any of this and we've been lazy and they've not been getting
their veggies and oils much the last couple months with their raw meat
and bones. 

CS>dogs and ear mites or flea bites and CS?

2006-09-18 Thread Wendy

I just noticed our shepherds ears are crusty and bumpy on the outside of
the ear flap. He's been itching a lot, but life has been busy ;-( The
inside of the ear seems fine believe it or not.

I'm not sure if it's mites, fleas or flies. Of course diet is the root
cause of any of this and we've been lazy and they've not been getting
their veggies and oils much the last couple months with their raw meat
and bones. Our female is scratching too but no visible signs of

I have noticed him scratching in other places but I cannot visibly see
any indication of patches, bad skin or fleas or flea poop.

One of my vet herbals says to put 1/2 tsp of oil of oregano in 1/2 to 1
ounce of olive oil and apply to the ear which I did to the outside ear
flaps where the hair is yesterday and today and I will keep at it and
see what happens.

But CS just popped into my head and I wondered if anyone had ever had
any success with this??


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS:>Dust mites/secret ingredients

2006-07-04 Thread Harold MacDonald
 To quote from the book"The hundred Year Lie" by Randall Fitzgerald;
The EPA is prevented by law from revealing fragrance ingredients to the 
public.In 1999 this secrecy proved detrimental to the public health.Two 
products designed to kill dust mites entered the market place and quickly 
generated hundreds of health complaints from consumers.It turned out the 
"fragrances" in these products were responsible.Though the EPA recalled the 
products from distribution in 2000,it never revealed exactly which chemicals 
produced the health problems.
According to this author,there are over 100,000 man made chemicals in our 
environment with thousands more coming every year.

CS>Mold mites?

2006-03-01 Thread jrowland
In replacing the bathroom linoleum floor, black mold was found in the 
immediate area of the toilet, where the wax seal had failed.  I was 
surprised to see tiny white mite-sized creatures going on about their 
business there, in the midst of the mold.
Any idea of what these are and how they seem to be unaffected by this nasty 

(Of course CS was used to clean the area!)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Does Silver Kill Mites??

2005-11-17 Thread Langsley
Hi all.

I originally saw this claim in a Sharper Image catalog we received in the mail 
but I just checked their website to see if I could find the claim there as well 
and this what I found. I "highlighted" the anti mite claim.

"Naturally antibacterial."

"Sharper Image's Contour-Foam™ Silver slippers feature insoles of 
viscoelastic foam that's infused with microscopic particles of silver — the 
antibacterial product of the latest nanotechnology. These ultra-fine 
nanoparticles cannot be seen or felt but they really enhance these slippers by 
killing or reducing the growth of odor-causing bacteria and of fungus that can 
irritate your skin. This "nanosilver" is a mineral that is safely used in many 
everyday products — such as adhesive "silver" bandages — because of its 
all-natural anti-mite, anti-mold and anti-microbe properties."

My understanding is that silver only kills single celled organisms. Does anyone 
on the list have any documentation of silver killing organisms as complex as 
Registered Linux user #280295 

RE: CS>Does CS Kill Mites in Bees?

2005-02-14 Thread Medwith, Robert
Hey this could be a New tool for getting rid of the African Killer Bees

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of hj
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 7:54 PM
Subject: CS>Does CS Kill Mites in Bees?

Anybody knows whether CS will kill mites (Verroa and others) in bees?

Thanks much,


Re: CS>Does CS Kill Mites in Bees?

2005-02-14 Thread M. G. Devour
I'm sure the other member I'm talking about will chime in soon, but 
just in case:

DON'T DO IT! One of our members had the embarassing experience of 
killing and entire hive of bees for a friend due to the CS's killing 
the beneficial gut bacteria they need to digest their food.

It's a GOOD thing that you asked!! 

Who was that? Marshall? Trem? Somebody?

Mike D.

> Anybody knows whether CS will kill mites (Verroa and others) in bees?
> Thanks much,
> hj

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Does CS Kill Mites in Bees?

2005-02-14 Thread hj

Anybody knows whether CS will kill mites (Verroa and others) in bees?

Thanks much,


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Re: CS>Mites & Cats

2003-09-23 Thread Wolf Creek Ranch
>I've read the recent posting for handling mites on dogs.  Any differences
when >dealing with cats?

Some have had problems using essential oils with cats, tho many of these
have used them excessively (diffusing in the household 24/7 with an indoor
cat or shaving cats and using straight tea tree oil on them), but we have
never had this problem.  Granted, we do not use the essential oils straight
on the cat and always dilute.  Technically, you can eliminate mites with
just the olive oil - the essential oils are good for soothing and healing.
As with dogs, you still want to address the issue as to why they got the
mites - diet and vaccines being major contributors to either good health or
poor health.

Happy Howling,

Julie & Critters
Wolf Creek Ranch
Home of Whispering Winds Wholistic Animal Sanctuary
"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person
doing it."
"Don't dream a dream, live a dream and let reality sleep." ~ Enyo Johnson

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2003-09-22 Thread Brooks Bradley
	Although it is not a natural remedy, we have utilized a 
commonly-employed heart worm protocol for dogswhich have 
demonstrated to yields quite effective results without inducing high 
stress or complicating side effect.  The protocol used was 1/4 cc (that 
is one-fourth of one cc) of Injectible Ivomec for Cattle (1% solution 
strength displayed on bottle label) for small dogs [ 30 lbs or
less] and 1/2 cc for dogs 35 lbs and up].  The material is administered capsule or mixed with buttermilk or sweetmilk.  Dogs accept 
it without reservation. Repeated in 30 daysit should control nits 
that hatch after initial dosage has passed through the animal's system. 
 Incidentally, this protocol has given (at least for us) control for 
heartwormsequivalent, or superior to, ALL commercial heartworm 
tablets/medicines-a majority of which utilize Ivermectin (IVOMEC) as 
the effective ingredient.  We purchase generic Ivomectin for 29.00 for 
50 cc, which yields 200 doses.  An equivalent dosage of any of the 
commercial products offered by Veternarians would cost about  $12.00 per 
single dose.
	While this information is well known among many dog breeders, 
fanciers and owners of working dogs...a majority of dog owners (many who 
cannot afford continual heart worm protocols supplied via veternarian) 
are totally unaware of this circumstance.  One word of cautionfor 
some, unknown, reason some Collies have presented with reactions to 
Ivermectin---some of them serious in nature.  At least this has been 
reported to us.  None of OUR Collie crosses and/or  Shepard-type dogs 
have displayed any adverse symptoms whatever.  If in doubt, just make 
sure your dog is among the breeds listed as compatible for taking 
Heartguard or Advantage.  Actually, recent research has determined that 
it was the STRENGTH of the dose of Ivermectin that was was of 
consequence to Collies.  The initial dosages in most commercial 
preparations were considerably (4X for example) greater than requjired 
for effectiveness.

		Brooks BradleyP.s.  If you desire to research this topic 
further, just call up the Google search engine and type in "Ivermectin 
for Dog heartworms" and you should get a considerable amount of 
informationmuch of it quite useful.

BioSil wrote:

Hi there!

Can anyone help with a natural remedy for mites on a dog.  Apparently a
little sausage dog who belongs to a breeder - she's been battling the
condition for over a year and the dog is just scratching itself into

Many thanks
Yvonne :o)

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and viruses,

Viruses are on the edge of being defined as alive.  They contain dna or


and they can reproduce, which pretty well puts thm into the category of


They cannot reproduce without a host, but then that is true for all


which are alive.


mamapug wrote:

Would the word "destroy" sit better??
Either way, silver works!!

 My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS be
said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal studies
many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you can't
kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
sloppy wording?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mites & Cats

2003-09-22 Thread Connie
Essential oils can be toxic to cats (and small dogs).


From: "penc" 
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 18:49:20 -0400
Subject: CS>Mites & Cats
Resent-Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:50:10 -0700

I've read the recent posting for handling mites on dogs.  Any differences
when dealing with cats?

CS>Mites & Cats

2003-09-22 Thread penc
I've read the recent posting for handling mites on dogs.  Any differences when 
dealing with cats?


2003-09-22 Thread Wolf Creek Ranch
> Can anyone help with a natural remedy for mites on a dog.

Hi Yvonne ~

To eliminate mites use:

1 tbl Olive Oil
6 drops each:  lavender, tea tree, clove

Actually, most any oil will smother the mites.  Lavendar and tea tree help
heal the area, cloves are great at eliminating any parasite eggs.

On rescue rabbits with ear mites, we used olive oil and tea tree.
Eliminated them with 2x/day doses to their ears, along with the scabs, etc.,
within 4 days.

Bottom line is this dogs health/diet (translation immune system), which
should be addressed to prevent future infection.  CS is good in the dogs
waterer, to combat any infection the mites create.

If the oil is too messy or the dog is covered with mites, I would make up a
16 oz. 50-50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, putting in 10 drops
of each essential oil above or any others that might be handy - eucalyptus,
rosemary, peppermint, etc. and spray/rub into the areas that are affected.

Happy Howling,

Julie & Critters
Wolf Creek Ranch
Home of Whispering Winds Wholistic Animal Sanctuary
"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person
doing it."
"Don't dream a dream, live a dream and let reality sleep." ~ Enyo Johnson

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2003-09-22 Thread d.linen

Ear Mites and Sores
A soothing oil for the ears bothered by mites or when foxtials have been
removed is Mullein Oil. Soak 4 oz Mullein flowers in just enough olive
oil to cover for 10 days in a glass jar in the dark. Shake or stir the
contents at least once a day. Strain and apply to the ear. To help an
earache make garlic oil, same method. 

BioSil wrote:
> Hi there!
> Can anyone help with a natural remedy for mites on a dog.  Apparently a
> little sausage dog who belongs to a breeder - she's been battling the
> condition for over a year and the dog is just scratching itself into
> oblivion!
> Many thanks
> Yvonne :o)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marshall Dudley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:05 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>CS and viruses,
> > Viruses are on the edge of being defined as alive.  They contain dna or
> rna,
> > and they can reproduce, which pretty well puts thm into the category of
> life.
> > They cannot reproduce without a host, but then that is true for all
> parasites,
> > which are alive.
> >
> > Marshall
> >
> > mamapug wrote:
> >
> > > Would the word "destroy" sit better??
> > > Either way, silver works!!
> > > Marshalee
> > >
> > > > OK,
> > > >   My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS be
> > > > said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
> > > > mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal studies
> > > > many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you can't
> > > > kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
> > > > sloppy wording?
> > > > TIA,
> > > > paula
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> > > >
> > > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > > >
> > > > To post, address your message to:
> > > >
> > > > Silver-list archive:
> > > >
> > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > > >
> > > >
> >


2003-09-22 Thread BioSil
Hi there!

Can anyone help with a natural remedy for mites on a dog.  Apparently a
little sausage dog who belongs to a breeder - she's been battling the
condition for over a year and the dog is just scratching itself into

Many thanks
Yvonne :o)

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and viruses,

> Viruses are on the edge of being defined as alive.  They contain dna or
> and they can reproduce, which pretty well puts thm into the category of
> They cannot reproduce without a host, but then that is true for all
> which are alive.
> Marshall
> mamapug wrote:
> > Would the word "destroy" sit better??
> > Either way, silver works!!
> > Marshalee
> >
> > > OK,
> > >   My son keeps reminding me viruses are NOT alive, so how can CS be
> > > said to *kill* them? Anybody know or have a guess at what the
> > > mechanism is of CS disabling viruses? I notice in the personal studies
> > > many references to CS *killing* viruses but my son insists you can't
> > > kill something that isn't alive, so what does happen? Is this just
> > > sloppy wording?
> > > TIA,
> > > paula
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > >
> > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > >
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > >
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> > >

Re: CS>Dust Mites

2003-06-18 Thread Malcolm Stebbins

I doubt it, but sunshine knocks them for a loop.

At 11:02 PM 7/8/03 -0400, you wrote:

Dear Brilliant Ones- Here's one for ya:
What would happen if I sprayed my
mattress with CS?  Would it  kill the
dust mites?  Gladys

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Re: CS>Dust Mites

2003-06-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
That is a good question. I would say try it, but then how do you know if
you killed them?


Gladys Williams wrote:

>   Dear Brilliant Ones- Here's one for ya:What would happen if I
> sprayed mymattress with CS?  Would it  kill thedust mites?
> Gladys

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dust Mites

2003-06-16 Thread Tony Moody

Dear Gladys,
The CS might be worth it.

What seemed to work for me was a combination of spraying the mattress with a 
digestive enzyme sold as a pet odour sanitiser and sprinkling clove powder 
on the mattress. I suspect that the enzyme attacked the deposits and debris 
left by the inhabitants, coverting it to compost,  and that the cloves 
killed or discouraged the housemites.

May you be happy,

Gladys Williams wrote:
Dear Brilliant Ones- Here's one for ya:

What would happen if I sprayed my
mattress with CS?  Would it  kill the
dust mites?  Gladys

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dust Mites

2003-06-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
CS would probably not kill dust mites directly, though I have been
surprised by the claims that it can bring about the death of termites
and bees by wrecking their digestion.   Could be true of mites but I
kinda doubt it;  these things can live for YEARS without much food -- so
I read -- and then go on a frenzy when some living thing gets into their
realm.  Seems the CO2 coming off a living creature sets them into
activity. . . .  

Try using EM1 Extension;  this will microbially consume the dead skin
("dust") that the mites live on,  in addition to your attached skin and

Vinny Pinto's web site has all kinds of information about EM1.  I have
used it and it works very well. 


> Gladys Williams wrote:
> Dear Brilliant Ones- Here's one for ya:
> What would happen if I sprayed my
> mattress with CS?  Would it  kill the
> dust mites?  Gladys

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Dust Mites

2003-06-15 Thread Gladys Williams

Dear Brilliant Ones- Here's one for ya:
What would happen if I sprayed my 
mattress with CS?  Would it  kill the 
dust mites?  Gladys

CS>Mites, etc.

2002-12-27 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Sadly, mites, ticks, fleas and other creatures that can get under our
skin and into our blood supply are ubiquitous.   They are probably in
your carpet, couch, and so forth.   They are very, very difficult to
eliminate.   Called "dani" in Japan, they are a dreadful problem in
modern apartment buildings;  concrete and glass, closed to air
circulation, these units are breeding grounds for dani.   

EM1 probiotic mixture (see is useful because it eats up
the food source of dani -- the dead skin and such that they need to

I think probiotics are the wave of the future and may be more important
in the long run than CS, esp. on a day-to-day health maintenance basis. 

Trem wrote:
> Hi Catherine,
> He may be wrong but there is a lot of info that says smallpox is not very
> contagious and is very difficult to transmit.  I wouldn't discount his
> information completely since he did seem to try to do scientific experiments
> to show what he thought was the culprit.
> In any case I hope never to see a bedbug.  After reading his info I think
> they're probably more tough then roaches... which I also haven't seen except
> in Mexico.   His notes on bedbugs are very spooky.  Makes me never want to
> go to a hotel again.  And if so I think I'll sleep in the tub while standing
> up.
> Trem
> - Original Message -
> From: "C Creel" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 5:38 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>small pox cure..
> > <<>>
> >
> >
> > We in alt med have enough challenges as it is without websites
> > promoting ridiculous nonsense like this.
> >
> > Catherine
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: CS>Re: Dust Mites

1999-11-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Sam Earle wrote:

> Dust mites don't cause dust; people cause dust. Mites eat dust. Dust is 90
> percent dead skin cells and hair fragments, which is protein on which dust
> mites feed. The rest of Marshall's statement is correct - dust mites excrete
> toxins that irritate some people's airways and cause allergic reactions.

I have researched this and found that you are indeed correct.  Apparently I
confused the idea that their excretement is IN dust with that it IS dust many
many years ago.

Thanks for straightening me out on that.


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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dust Mites

1999-11-13 Thread Sam Earle
> wrote:
> > Rob,
> > inform me/us - what diseases or what do dust mites do?  I must have a
> > of them!!  I hate cleaning!
> >
> > jeannine
> >
> >
> Their waste products (dust) contains a protein which many people are
> to.  Primary problem is they cause dust and allergies.
> Marshall
> >
Dust mites don't cause dust; people cause dust. Mites eat dust. Dust is 90
percent dead skin cells and hair fragments, which is protein on which dust
mites feed. The rest of Marshall's statement is correct - dust mites excrete
toxins that irritate some people's airways and cause allergic reactions.

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dust Mites

1999-11-11 Thread Rob Lowe
Allergies, allergies and allergies which can be pretty serious for some
people including asthma.
It's the beasts droppings that seem to do the most damage. From what I've
been able to ascertain,
the critters live on dust and our shed skin etc.etc.
I suppose we must have some immunity to them after thousands of years and
you would think that
we could co-exist, but.they can cause big health problems!!


- Original Message -
Sent: 11 November 1999 10:23 AM
Subject: CS>Re: Dust Mites

> Rob,
> inform me/us - what diseases or what do dust mites do?  I must have a
> of them!!  I hate cleaning!
> jeannine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Dust Mites

1999-11-10 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Rob,
> inform me/us - what diseases or what do dust mites do?  I must have a zillion
> of them!!  I hate cleaning!
> jeannine

Their waste products (dust) contains a protein which many people are allergic
to.  Primary problem is they cause dust and allergies.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Dust Mites

1999-11-10 Thread DeathBH
inform me/us - what diseases or what do dust mites do?  I must have a zillion 
of them!!  I hate cleaning!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-10 Thread BinsMom1
My son is allergic to dust mites and we have found that washing his bedding 
fairly frequently is the best technique for getting them to a manageable 
Christ, my all  <><

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-10 Thread O2 Communication
What a wonderful product!!!   Does anyone know what has happened to Dr Hulda
Clark after her arrest?
-Original Message-
From: Creston []
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS-Dust mites

HI All,

Rob, I searched for [ "dust mites" and CS ] on the net

one of the items showing up is this link to Dr. Hulda Clark:

Here is an excerpt from it...

How you can use Colloidal Silver

Add to drinking water when on holiday of camping, sterilize anything
from tooth brushes to surgical instruments, spray on garbage to prevent
decay odors, on dish cloths, cutting boards, add when canning, preserving or
bottling, spray in shoes, between toes, add to bath water, gargle, douche,
colon irrigation nasal sprays, drop onto bandages and plasters to hasten
healing time soak dentures, spray refrigerator, freezer, food storage
containers, stops mildew, mold, wood rot, fungi. Use to spray pets bedding,
use in cleaning and mopping solutions. Spray onto the top of open jam jars
etc., spray food lids before closing. Spray air ducts, use in the final
washing rinse, in dishwashers. Spray around plant roots to stop tot, spray
foliage, inside gloves and under fingernails, rinse fruit and vegetables,
use in shampoos and rinsing water, spray pets, carpets, wipe telephone
mouthpieces, headphones, hearing aids, spray mattresses and allow to dry to
kill dust mites, clean combs and glasses with it. Excellent for diaper rash
and to spray inside diapers. Clean toilet seats with it, floors, underwear,
pillowcases, etc., etc.

If you want more information, and no one on the list knows, try doing a
search on the net.



From the lack of response to my previous posting it would appear as
no one knows whether CS will kill dust mites or not.
Soyou will pardon me if I have another go, as I
am seriously concerned about the health problems that these
little monsters cause.


RE: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-10 Thread O2 Communication
Perhaps it's testing time!!   There is a powerful vacuum cleaner which
apparently sucks them out of mattresses (Kirby cleaners) into a bottle-like
container.   Might be worth trying if anyone has one and checking with a
magnifying glass that the critters are present before zapping them with cs?
 -Original Message-

From: Rob Lowe []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:20 PM
Subject: CS-Dust mites

From the lack of response to my previous posting it would appear as if
no one knows whether CS will kill dust mites or not.
Soyou will pardon me if I have another go, as I
am seriously concerned about the health problems that these
little monsters cause.


RE: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-09 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Catching them is easy enough; getting them to hold the electrodes is a real 
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Marshall Dudley []
Sent:   Tuesday, November 09, 1999 3:50 PM
Subject:Re: CS-Dust mites

 << File: ATT3.html >> Interesting.  I also found:

 A combination of proper frequency, amperage, and voltage, disrupts,
metabolism enzyme found in internal parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses,
other one celled pathogens.  The unit is not frequency specific, ie.,
  from 77 Hz (molds) to 900 KHz (dust mites) are killed.


I wonder how on earth someone would need to zap for dust mites.


Creston wrote:

>   HI All,
> Rob, I searched for [ "dust mites" and CS ] on the net
> one of the items showing up is this link to Dr. Hulda Clark:
> Here is an excerpt from it...
> How you can use Colloidal Silver
> Add to drinking water when on holiday of camping, sterilize anything
> from tooth brushes to surgical instruments, spray on garbage to
> prevent decay odors, on dish cloths, cutting boards, add when canning,
> preserving or bottling, spray in shoes, between toes, add to bath
> water, gargle, douche, colon irrigation nasal sprays, drop onto
> bandages and plasters to hasten healing time soak dentures, spray
> refrigerator, freezer, food storage containers, stops mildew, mold,
> wood rot, fungi. Use to spray pets bedding, use in cleaning and
> mopping solutions. Spray onto the top of open jam jars etc., spray
> food lids before closing. Spray air ducts, use in the final washing
> rinse, in dishwashers. Spray around plant roots to stop tot, spray
> foliage, inside gloves and under fingernails, rinse fruit and
> vegetables, use in shampoos and rinsing water, spry pets, carpets,
> wipe telephone mouthpieces, headphones, hearing aids, spray mattresses
> and allow to dry to kill dust mites, clean combs and glasses with it.
> Excellent for diaper rash and to spray inside diapers. Clean toilet
> seats with it, floors, underwear, pillowcases, etc., etc.
> If you want more information, and no one on the list knows, try doing
> a search on the net.
> Greetings,
> H.B.
>From the lack of response to my previous posting it would
>  appear as ifno one knows whether CS will kill dust mites or
>  not.Soyou will pardon me if I have another go, as Iam
>  seriously concerned about the health problems that
>  theselittle monsters cause. Rob

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
Interesting.  I also found:

 A combination of proper frequency, amperage, and voltage, disrupts,
metabolism enzyme found in internal parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses,
other one celled pathogens.  The unit is not frequency specific, ie.,
  from 77 Hz (molds) to 900 KHz (dust mites) are killed.


I wonder how on earth someone would need to zap for dust mites.


Creston wrote:

>   HI All,
> Rob, I searched for [ "dust mites" and CS ] on the net
> one of the items showing up is this link to Dr. Hulda Clark:
> Here is an excerpt from it...
> How you can use Colloidal Silver
> Add to drinking water when on holiday of camping, sterilize anything
> from tooth brushes to surgical instruments, spray on garbage to
> prevent decay odors, on dish cloths, cutting boards, add when canning,
> preserving or bottling, spray in shoes, between toes, add to bath
> water, gargle, douche, colon irrigation nasal sprays, drop onto
> bandages and plasters to hasten healing time soak dentures, spray
> refrigerator, freezer, food storage containers, stops mildew, mold,
> wood rot, fungi. Use to spray pets bedding, use in cleaning and
> mopping solutions. Spray onto the top of open jam jars etc., spray
> food lids before closing. Spray air ducts, use in the final washing
> rinse, in dishwashers. Spray around plant roots to stop tot, spray
> foliage, inside gloves and under fingernails, rinse fruit and
> vegetables, use in shampoos and rinsing water, spry pets, carpets,
> wipe telephone mouthpieces, headphones, hearing aids, spray mattresses
> and allow to dry to kill dust mites, clean combs and glasses with it.
> Excellent for diaper rash and to spray inside diapers. Clean toilet
> seats with it, floors, underwear, pillowcases, etc., etc.
> If you want more information, and no one on the list knows, try doing
> a search on the net.
> Greetings,
> H.B.
>From the lack of response to my previous posting it would
>  appear as ifno one knows whether CS will kill dust mites or
>  not.Soyou will pardon me if I have another go, as Iam
>  seriously concerned about the health problems that
>  theselittle monsters cause. Rob

Re: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-09 Thread Creston
HI All, 

Rob, I searched for [ "dust mites" and CS ] on the net 

one of the items showing up is this link to Dr. Hulda Clark: 

Here is an excerpt from it... 

How you can use Colloidal Silver 

Add to drinking water when on holiday of camping, sterilize anything from tooth 
brushes to surgical instruments, spray on garbage to prevent decay odors, on 
dish cloths, cutting boards, add when canning, preserving or bottling, spray in 
shoes, between toes, add to bath water, gargle, douche, colon irrigation nasal 
sprays, drop onto bandages and plasters to hasten healing time soak dentures, 
spray refrigerator, freezer, food storage containers, stops mildew, mold, wood 
rot, fungi. Use to spray pets bedding, use in cleaning and mopping solutions. 
Spray onto the top of open jam jars etc., spray food lids before closing. Spray 
air ducts, use in the final washing rinse, in dishwashers. Spray around plant 
roots to stop tot, spray foliage, inside gloves and under fingernails, rinse 
fruit and vegetables, use in shampoos and rinsing water, spry pets, carpets, 
wipe telephone mouthpieces, headphones, hearing aids, spray mattresses and 
allow to dry to kill dust mites, clean combs and glasses with it. Excellent for 
diaper rash and to spray inside diapers. Clean toilet seats with it, floors, 
underwear, pillowcases, etc., etc. 

If you want more information, and no one on the list knows, try doing a search 
on the net.



  From the lack of response to my previous posting it would appear as if
  no one knows whether CS will kill dust mites or not. 
  Soyou will pardon me if I have another go, as I
  am seriously concerned about the health problems that these
  little monsters cause.


CS-Dust mites

1999-11-09 Thread Rob Lowe
>From the lack of response to my previous posting it would appear as if
no one knows whether CS will kill dust mites or not. 
Soyou will pardon me if I have another go, as I
am seriously concerned about the health problems that these
little monsters cause.


RE: CS-Dust mites

1999-11-08 Thread O2 Communication
Hello!   Yes, I've seen a photographic enlargement of one of these scary
looking (prehistoric) monsters!!
Hideous bedmates!

I know that golden Products (Neolife) produce an environment friendly, non
toxi product called "Care"  which nails the critters when sprayed over a
mattress, but t'would be wonderful to know that cs could do the same for us!

 -Original Message-
From: Rob Lowe []
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 1999 4:30 AM
    Subject: CS-Dust mites

It is a fact that most of us have millions of UNWANTED bed-mates each
night when we go to sleep.

From my reading, dust mites cause most of the allergies and ill health
even in people
who are considered to be quite healthy.

My preamble is to put what I consider to be a very serious question to
members of this list;

Will the spraying, or fogging of bed sheets, blankets, pillows,
mattresses etc. with CS kill them, stop them breeding
and consequently eliminate the droppings-(faeces), which can also cause
ill health?

I realise that part of the problem is that you can't see the little
'crittures' with the naked eye, so
I suppose that ignorance in this instance can be painful bliss!!

If anyone knows of any research done in this regard I believe it would
be of enormous importance to CS users.

After seeing a photograph of the beasts-(which look like prehistoric
monsters), I'm almost afraid to go to bed at

Help me to get a good nights restPlease!!


PS: I'm using MSM to good advantage so far as the allergy bit is

CS-Dust mites

1999-11-06 Thread Rob Lowe
It is a fact that most of us have millions of UNWANTED bed-mates each night 
when we go to sleep.

>From my reading, dust mites cause most of the allergies and ill health even in 
who are considered to be quite healthy.

My preamble is to put what I consider to be a very serious question to members 
of this list;

Will the spraying, or fogging of bed sheets, blankets, pillows, mattresses etc. 
with CS kill them, stop them breeding 
and consequently eliminate the droppings-(faeces), which can also cause ill 

I realise that part of the problem is that you can't see the little 'crittures' 
with the naked eye, so
I suppose that ignorance in this instance can be painful bliss!!

If anyone knows of any research done in this regard I believe it would be of 
enormous importance to CS users.

After seeing a photograph of the beasts-(which look like prehistoric monsters), 
I'm almost afraid to go to bed at 

Help me to get a good nights restPlease!!


PS: I'm using MSM to good advantage so far as the allergy bit is concerned.

Re: mites

1998-05-22 Thread STEPHANIE J DALLAM

>>  Does anyone know a practical, proven way to stop mites from living  in
pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, etc. (without removing and boiling them)
Even if you did boil them, they would immediately be recolonized when you
put them back on your bed.  There are mites everywhere in our homes.  It is
best to cover mattresses and pillows with zip up plastic covers - these
permenantly separate mites from their food supply (flakes of dead skin -
which we continuously shed).  The mites will then die and not return which
the bedding is covered.

Stephanie Dallam RN

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour