Re: Putative new Sloan album

1995-12-05 Thread Shant Pelley

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Joe Clark wrote:

I remember a while back there were rumors about a few demos they
 had and that maybe they were going to release a  new album on Murder.
 Any new news of this?
 i would say, don't look for it right away.  i imagine there's various
 legal things that would have to be worked out with geffen before they
 could release such a project.  also, it's going to take some money,
 etc etc etc.  but i think it will happen.
 I sure as forking hell hope that none of youse is pulling our legs, which I
 strongly suspect you are.

*this* on the other hand, is NOT a joke. sloan DO have plenty of 
unreleased/unrecorded material, and have yet to *officially* break up.
i would think other than the fact that andrew is in toronto, the fact 
that murder is an mca distributed label, probably causes more problems in 
there being a new sloan album being released...but i've heard the 
possibility for something in the future from both patrick and 
chris...but who am i to really say.

i want the double-live album! it's gonna be right up there with the best 
of them! alive by kiss, frampton comes alive, the nuge's double live 
gonzos, and sloan rocks birdland!!! ;););)

...and just for the record deryl...the above live album does NOT exist!
(clear enough?)

Re: Putative new Sloan album

1995-12-05 Thread Waye Mason
Actually, SLoan did a set of 16 track preproduction recordings with 
Brendon MacG way back before PopX I and as I recall, tho don't hold me to 
this, it filled an whole 90 minute cassette... that was one of the 
reasons that they had the gear here to do the Smart Bomb EP for TH.  
Anyway, I almost stole the tape to make a duplication one night when Nick 
H was staying in the old Murder/Decent space (now Mokka) during the PopX 
(he was doing sound)...  but for some reason I thought, no there will be 
other more legit opportunities,  which goes to show, never ever listen to 
your angel, always listen to your devil...  also, rumours abound that 
sloan may be doing some new pre-prod this month... :) 


 Waye Mason : The shooting goes well.  I borrow a .357
: Magnum and fire a hot slug into the forhead
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   : of a life sized stuffed Barney.  This brings
  P.O. Box 36082: peace upon me.
  Halifax, Nova Scotia  : 
  B3J 3S9   : Kumbaya, motherfucker.

speaking of the CASBYs..

1995-12-05 Thread sizzle teen
the other day, i tried voting for the CASBYs by visiting cfny's 
homepage/web page/ whatever the terminology is.  i had to get my vote in 
for _twice removed_.  but they have this system where you're only allowed 
one vote.. no prob.  so they ask you to enter an alias, then your e-mail 
address, and then your full name -- first, then last.  ok, so here's how 
mine looked:
 alias:  sizzleteen
 e-mail add: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 first name: carol
 last name: nishitoba
and then i click on register me.  and then i get this error message 
saying that i'm not allowed to have the word shit in my name.  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]!!?!?  um, no matter how i go about it, i can't avoid having the 
word shit in my name cuz gee, it's in my last name!!  the name came 
with the parents, i can't do anything to change it!!!

.or is this some kind of discriminatory measure put on by cfny to deny 
4'11 japanese-canadian females the access and right to vote?? ;)

...sizzle teen

p.s.  the inbreds were doing their laundry on ytv news, and both mike and 
dave have super friendz t-shirts (and dave was wearing his proudly :) )

carol nishitoba ! me and stupid his mind was fucked up but
2A e.r.s., co-op!  aren't we all in our own way?
 *moving to ottawa* !

Re: fuck radioblaster!

1995-12-05 Thread Warren Rodericks
On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93 wrote:

 First of all, I fuckin hope Catano was joking in all of his bitterness, 
 if not he can bite my ass.  Secondly, I'm going to tell you all what 
 Radioblaster is all about.

Hey...there'll be no ass-biting on my time pal! ;)

 1)  I had no idea that Mudhoney had similar Big Muff shirts until 
 somebody told Maritess ( our guitarist) that last week.

I just wanted to point out that those old TH shirts, the John Boomer 
shirts, looked alot like the star wars logo. I don't know if it was 
intentional or not, but it was the impression I was left with. Is this 
included in the 'RIPOFF LOGO CRAZE'?

Other ripped-off logos on t-shirts:
Punchbuggy-PB gas stations
Treble Charger-Dragon Ballz video game
Sloan-Suzuki (this one is a matter of opinion)

Actually, I don't care either way. I am only posting this in an effort to 
avoid studying for finals...


|Warren Rodericks |Mom keeps beefin...BOY GET  |
|3B Actuarial Science | A JOB!'...But I just wanna   |
|University of Waterloo   | jam, Damn I know I'm slam.. |

Sloan joke

1995-12-05 Thread Matt Hennessey
Hi this is Matt from P.E.I.
Umm...I know you guys will probably hate me but I have to 
bring up that Sloan hoax thing up just so I can tell you a story that 
happened to me today.
One of my friends from Summerside (1 hour away from 
Charlottetown) skipped school to come and visit for a little while.  
Anyway, the first question that popped out of his mouth was Where 
can I find the new sloan album shaken by...I dunno something.  
Imagine my surprise to hear those words come out of his mouth.  I 
then asked him where he heard that and he said it was all over 
This proves how quickly rumours get started, yes I was one of 
those suckers who believed it (hey I'm from a small city sitting in 
an Island) and I did tell one of my friends.  The fact is there is 
only, correct me if I'm wrong, five sloan netters here on p.e.i.  And 
I know Melissa and Karen caught on right away, I'm not sure of Mark 
from Summerside, and Deryl has no friends to tell...just kidding 
Deryl.  So that left telling one person this little thing it 
spread like wildfire.
Brenden, this has been real fun during exam time, but now 
look what you have done to me.  I'll have to walk all over 
Charlottetown putting up posters or something saying THERE IS NO NEW 
That's the price of being a sucker I guess.
And oh yeah, I think RADIOBLASTER rawk and I hear no 
similarities with the Hermits.
Thanx for reading this otherwise useless post.


Re: another rip off

1995-12-05 Thread niloc
  hi all, Hayden's a really good one for rip off shirts, try OhHayden!
 after OhHenry! and his new one is a bayer logo with hayden in there
 instead of bayer.

 I have come up with the soloution to the bars and the underage clubs: coffee
 shops with stages:) Think it would work?:)

that'd be cool. 
now all we'd have to do is get rid of the smoking...
has anyone ever heard of a non-smoking venue?
i understand the town pump in van. tried
it for a spell but it failed miserably.


i don't know if this worked the first time so here goes nothing

1995-12-05 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Jon Bartlett wrote:

 but maybe you can go down to myron's or something.  jon (in catanostyle)
that's a good name for a band.  glad to know i have a style (i think...)

i never know how to interpret these backhanded compliments of yours, jon.

let's see what you nutty chuckleheads think about this:
-there shall be no more than three (3) posts a day per person to 
the sloan net.  offenders shall be warned and then removed from the 
this might cause some people to think before they post, it would 
eliminate the dreaded 2 line/word posts and would cut down on that 
traffic that some litle babies are whining about (digests are for weinies).

i've seen/heard of his idea being implemented on some other high traffic 
(and i mean high traffic lists, like the 250 msg a day punk list) lists, 
and sloan net is NOT high traffic at all, so maybe it might be too much, 
i don't know.  but maybe people would start to listen to those rules of 
sloan net that james sends new subscribers, like reading all of your mail 
before you respond to something, and hen maybe including several points 
in one interesting post, instead of four really dumb ones?

anyhoo, this will only work if james actually unsubs offenders, otherwise 
it'll be back to the same old say mould in no time.

just a thought.


ps - oh, and to deryl, if you don't think people jump on my ass, you 
really haven't been around here very long - and the difference between 
your random acts of senseless profanity and what i do is the fct that i 
actually try (i don't always suceed) to make some sort of point that is 
grounded in the temporal plane with what i write.  there is a difference 
between whining and criticism.  
gordon, ned and tyler are three good friends of mine and i think 
that preppy relatives are one of the best bands in this town - my post 
was merely to express my bewilderment at what is to come.  for fans of 
PR, this will be a very different show indeed.

pps - i think the nutty chuckleheads is a good band name as well.

Re: new sloan album

1995-12-05 Thread colin mackenzie
hey send one our way will ya

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Jon Bartlett wrote:

 yeah, the new sloan album is great.  i got a copy the other day and
 i've got to say, it's a heck of a lot better than anything they've
 ever done.  i don't think it sounds at all like the champs though.  it
 sounds to me more like zombies oriented.  like a zumpano thing or
 something.  later, jon


1995-12-05 Thread Andrew P. Rodenhiser
A happy 28th birthday to some other guy named Andrew, who is a year and a 
day older than me and used to play drums in a certain local band which is 
defunct and does not have a new album coming out.

Peace to all (especially that Deryl guy!)
Remember Montreal

The other Andrew
People say you have to travel in order to see the world.  
Well I think if you stay in one place long enough, 
you'll see all that you can handle -- Harvey Keitel, in _Smoke_
Andrew P. Rodenhiser, Ph.D. Candidate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada   or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Zines/BrokenPencil .......

1995-12-05 Thread murderecords

   What's happening ? I have been meaning to do this for a while but 
I you know how it goes. Anyway there is this magazine called 
Broken Pencil out of Toronto and they review zines and stuff so 
everyone one here that does one should send theirs in so it can be 
reviewed / acknowledged. Their address is:

Broken Pencil
PO Box 203, Station P
Toronto, Ontario.
M5S 2S7

   In the little blurb they ask to include the name of the publisher, 
classification (rock, dishwashing, etc.), main creators, price and 
address, all in that order.

  Hopefully everyone will send in their stuff don't forget that you 
can also send suff to the Zine of Zines, Factsheet 5 and their URL 
is -   . Check that out for 
more info.

  By the way, I'm totally sorry if someone has posted such 
information already. Talk to you later.


ps. Sorry for the non-sloan content.

Murderecords Box 2372 Halifax Central Halifax N.S. 
B3J 3E4 Canada. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]