RE: [SLUG] How to Use VNC !!

2003-03-03 Thread Adam W
 I have installed VNC version 3.3 on the master machine 
 running Windows 2000.
 I have also installed VNC version 2.8 on the slave PC running Linux.
 I opened VNC on the master PC and entered the IP address for 
 the Linux machine, and I got connect failed after I connect.
 Is there anything I have to do on the Linux machine, like 
 start a client ?

You have to start a VNC server on your linux box.

It should ask for the screen ID - usually set to 0
And a password.

It should then connect itself to X windows.

 Also how do I do these fancy X forwarding stuff with VNC ?

I didn't have to do much fiddling with it to get it working... Hardest
thing was finding where it was on the HD! 

 No help manual was installed from the software I installed.

Checked the vnc sites??

There are different sites also... Not
sure about the But tight is great!



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Nortel and Cisco VPN

2003-03-03 Thread Jean-Francois Dive
And just remember us where linux is in the picture ?

Honestly, to troubleshoot that, we'd need to see a packet dump and
eventually the config of the contivty and the vpn3k,

A hint, ipsec dont like to be nated, for your problem, this is the wrong
solution  for the problem, you can define: traffic selection can be
specified up to port level if you need (like traffic going from
to , tcp, src port 10, dst port 20), so i reckon nat should be 
excluded from the picture.

Have a look at for sample configs involving nat and

Finally, i am sure you have a support contract with both organisations
(cisco and nortel).


On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 12:37, Dinesh Birlasekaran wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to do a network printing from one to another site via the static nat 
 option.  But so far not any luck.  Can anyone help on this issue?
 The problem
 Printer --- Cisco 6000 -- Cisco VPN 2005 -internet-ipsec-tunnel- Nortel 
 Connectity -- Cisco 4000 --- Server
 Office 1 Local IP -- Cisco 6500 -- Real world ip -- ipsec/NAT on the clients 
 side-- Real world ip-- Cisco 4000 -- Office 2 local ip
 Now I want to print from the server on the right hand side to the printer on the 
 left hand side?  I am able to access the web, ssh..etc.  The left hand side (i.e my 
 other office), has given me 2 ip address, one for the users static nat for all and 
 one for printer.  I have natted the printer ip on the cisco vpn 3005 as to the local 
 ip of the printer(this is the only way I can go about it, the other office doesn't 
 want to do a network to network).  Now if I do a print job on the server, to the 
 given natted ip for the printer, I am not able to get a response.  Does anyone have 
 any ideas?
 Thanks in advance.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] (M\$) new symbol?

2003-03-03 Thread Doug Foskey
Am I the first to think of this one? (M\$) means 'no MS' with a bit of poetic 
regards Doug
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Setting Up Debbie

2003-03-03 Thread Chris Deigan
Okay Terry,

Basicly - as for the network, during the setup (before you reboot), you
need to load the module for your network card. On an old system you're
most likely to have a generic ne2000 or 8139too. If you get the right
module installed and Debian can make an eth0 of it, you will get network
config after the hostname config.

Apt-get sources in aust, there are a few.
But unfortunatly I think all the apt mirrors will have woody on them by
However, run apt-setup, and it will set up the sources, otherwise
theres: (Perth -- use this if you have iiNet Bliink ADSL, as it
doesnt count to your d/l limit!) (Sydney) (victoria) (brisbane)

^^there are a few, but you'll want to probably use http for most of them
- as with ftp sometimes you'll get Too many users for the more popular

Anyway - if you are new to installing Debian - take a look at which has some good guides, etc.

Good luck going to Deb!

On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 10:21, Wendy Davies wrote:
 Hi Folks (Its Terry)
 I've got Debian 2.2 onto hardware (lol RH8.0 barfed horribly).
 Some requests (please reply to this email as I'm not recieving list
 1) I can not actually see individual packages to install. All I get
 under dselect is generic title like all, uninstalled, etc. What am I
 doing wrong?
 2) What do I read to figure out how to set up the ethernet card (I have
 a basic 3 CD binary set) and networking. I thought there was a network
 configuration program. This might be solved by getting one to work.
 3) Assuming 2 is successful, can someone send me the australian apt-get
 sources (stable).
 I've tried the archives, but too many results. I would have thought
 asking for debian networking setup would have produced something
 useful, but it has everything but.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: SLUG CD distributions (Was: Re: [SLUG] Where Can I get Red HatLinux 8.0 ?)

2003-03-03 Thread Chris Deigan
Arg, forgot the mailing list :)

On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 14:55, Chris Deigan wrote:
 Sorry to everyone -
 I meant in the way which if every distro gave $5 off SLUG membership
 regardless of who makes the profit or who makes the CDs.
 If somebody buys a $35 redhat book set, or one of those minibooks from a
 newsagent, how can slug cover its cost of handing out $5 :D
 Hope that clears that up
 On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 11:52, Peter Hardy wrote:
  Good morning!
  Did I mention that I really, *really* detest top-posting? :-)
  On Sun, 2 Mar 2003 21:12:45 +1100 Jon Biddell wrote:
   So why offer the discount at all for one distro ???
  Basically because that's the only one anybody's bothered to brand with a
  SLUG logo and distribute.  The last time the committee spoke about it,
  we were all for packaging other distributions in a similar way.  Anybody
  setting out to do so will get at least as much support from SLUG as
  Bruce did (which admittedly wasn't a great deal - but that's because
  he was so damn good at doing it on his own).
  So yeah.  Now we've done it once, it should be much easier to do it
  again.  If you want to see $favourite_distro in the shops as well, talk
  to Bruce, and mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There are one or two fairly minor reasons why I personally would
  choose Debian for something like this, but that's drifting off-topic,
  and dangerously close to yet another distro flamewar.
   =Thats like saying, by burning your own cd-set you've saved $5 
   =off slug membership.
  Not at all.  Putting these CDs in bookshops is a great way to get Linux
  out to people who might not see it otherwise.  The membership discount
  lets them know about SLUG, and what we can offer.  It also,
  incidentally, hopefully gets us more members. :-)
  Is anybody reading this after buying the CD?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Which Red Hat Book Sluggers Recommend !!

2003-03-03 Thread Chris Deigan

I would recomend the Linux Minibook.
I bought the 2nd edition (this newer one being the 3rd), and it was

It covers a fair bit about Linux - Plus it also has Mandrake and another
CD with it (6 cds for $19.95 + book more useful than a redhat x86
install guide, bargain!)

You can buy it on the web or at most news agents.

Also note that in the long run it would be handier to have three cds
that work in all cd-drives rather than one dvd that only works in dvd
drives :)


On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 18:01, Louis Selvon wrote:
 I am thinking of getting either one of these two books:
 1. Red Hat Linux 8 Bible, or;
 2. Red hat Linux 8
 The first one comes with 3 CDs to install the Software, and the other has a
 DVD. I'm not sure if the DVD package includes the Software install as well.
 If anyone has bought either, please let me know the recommended one.
 I am thinking of leaning towards the Bible one though unless someone else
 thinks the other book is much better.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Emacs mail

2003-03-03 Thread Angus Lees
At 03 Mar 2003 08:38:40 +1100, Alan L Tyree wrote:
 What do emacs users use for mail other than Rmail. I find that I am
 spending more and more time in emacs. VM? MH? any other?

Rmail sucks.  its basically emacs' mail(1).

VM is good, but uses its own format to store mail.  It was important
to me that my mail client didn't do that (since I like to be able to
change mail clients easily).  If that doesn't bother you, I recommend
you give VM a try.

GNUS is good.  I haven't used it for a long time, but I see many
people who use it.  Since its heritage is as a news reader, it deals
with mailing lists extremely well (scoring, filtering, etc).  I
believe it does IMAP, etc (it supports many backends).  Apparently it
can even view an RSS feed as a mailbox, which is quite cool.

Emacs' MH is supposed to be good if you use MH already for mail, I
don't (and never have).

Wanderlust is really good, particularly with disconnected (offline)
IMAP.  Its on a par with evolution feature-wise, except that for some
reason it can't read mbox files directly (need to bounce through an
IMAP server or use Maildir or something).  Seems to combine many of
the good bits of GNUS, with a reasonably easy to use gui interface.
The only downside (other than the mbox thing) is that its from the
Japanese Free Software Alternate Dimension and so its a little hard to
find english documentation (basic user docs are fine; advanced
customisation examples are scarce).  It took me a bit of customising
before I had it up to the standard of my previous mutt configuration,
but now I'm very happy with it.

Another Japanese Free Software Alternate Dimension product is Mew.
Wanderlust borrows many of its keybindings, etc from Mew which is why
it feels a little unfamiliar to mutt-trained fingers.  I don't know
much about it, but I don't know why you would use it when wanderlust
was available.

Otherwise, you can use mutt with your editor set to gnuclient -nw -f
post-mode or something (post-el.deb for debian users).

One of the main advantages to using emacs for mail reading (I found),
is the easy customisation and heavy integration.

For example, It was a few lines of simple elisp to have the
appropriate bug numbers become hyperlinks to the Debian BTS, or to our
company RT web pages.  I have the BBDB address book automatically
tracking names, companies, x-face images, last subject line, whether
I've seen the person on a Debian or SLUG mailing list, etc - which is
much better than a manual address book.  Adding support for the new
Face header (base64 encoded PNG) was a simple matter of
cutting-and-pasting half a page of elisp code - no recompile

Wanderlust/XEmacs configuration files availble on request, if anyone
decides to try wanderlust, I strongly recommend they grab my ~/.wl,
rather than grope through automatically translated Japanese web pages
as I did..

 - Gus
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Change MTU for eth0 on debian woody?

2003-03-03 Thread Felix Sheldon
Hi all,

Is it possible to configure the MTU for an ethernet interface in
/etc/network/interfaces? Or is there some other way?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Change MTU for eth0 on debian woody?

2003-03-03 Thread Kevin Saenz
don't you do that in /proc/.blah :)
 Hi all,
 Is it possible to configure the MTU for an ethernet interface in
 /etc/network/interfaces? Or is there some other way?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] gpm/debian

2003-03-03 Thread David

I have three debian woody boxes running though the one KVM-switched

On one of them, gpm works fine. On the second it is obviously
misconfigured, and on the third it conflicts with X-windows.. or at least
I think it does. The first two boxes don't have X installed.

Can anyone suggest why the same mouse would work on one box but not on
another with the same version of gpm and Debian?

In both cases, /etc/gpm.conf looks like:


Thanks, David.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Change MTU for eth0 on debian woody?

2003-03-03 Thread Felix Sheldon
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 21:29, Kevin Saenz wrote:
 don't you do that in /proc/.blah :)

I dunno, wouldn't have thought so :P 

ifconfig can do it, so I suppose I'll put a call to that in a startup
script somewhere.

  Hi all,
  Is it possible to configure the MTU for an ethernet interface in
  /etc/network/interfaces? Or is there some other way?
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] php4.2.2 for RH7.3

2003-03-03 Thread Barry Steele
does anyone know where I can locate a stable php4.2.2 rpm for RedHat

Barry Steele

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Re: [SLUG] Change MTU for eth0 on debian woody?

2003-03-03 Thread Peter Hardy
On 03 Mar 2003 21:27:30 +1100, Felix Sheldon wrote:
 Is it possible to configure the MTU for an ethernet interface in
 /etc/network/interfaces? Or is there some other way?

You want the mtu option in the interfaces file, like so:
iface eth0 inet static
mtu 1490

I'm not sure if you can use mtu with dynamically configured interfaces. 
If not, then use the up option to run ifconfig when the interface is
configured, like:
iface eth0 inet dhcp
up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 1490

or something.  There's lots of other funky stuff you can do in the
interfaces file.  I highly recommend browsing the man page some time.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Change MTU for eth0 on debian woody?

2003-03-03 Thread Felix Sheldon
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 22:18, Peter Hardy wrote:
 On 03 Mar 2003 21:27:30 +1100, Felix Sheldon wrote:
  Is it possible to configure the MTU for an ethernet interface in
  /etc/network/interfaces? Or is there some other way?
 You want the mtu option in the interfaces file, like so:
 iface eth0 inet static
   mtu 1490

Tried that, but it didn't seem to work. I'll test it again. The man page
didn't mention an mtu option though.

 I'm not sure if you can use mtu with dynamically configured interfaces. 
 If not, then use the up option to run ifconfig when the interface is
 configured, like:
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
   up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 1490

Yay, that sounds good. I swear I did RTFM, but didn't see the up option 
as being relevant at the time. =)

 or something.  There's lots of other funky stuff you can do in the
 interfaces file.  I highly recommend browsing the man page some time.

Will do.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] How to Use VNC !!

2003-03-03 Thread LS
Louis is my reply.

 You have to start a VNC server on your linux box.
 It should ask for the screen ID - usually set to 0
 And a password.
 It should then connect itself to X windows.

Louis I just did that and it did not ask for a screen
Id. It only asked for a password. I can't paste the output
From the cgiwin/XFREE86 Linux machine. But I saw this

New 'X' Desktop is : linuxhost.linux:1

I then went to my Windows master 2000 and started VNC there.
For the VNC Server I entered :


It started thinking and then I get an error message

Failed to get server address. Did you type the host name correctly? .

I then tried the following:


And this one actually worked. It asked me for a password
for session. I entered what I entered from the Linux machine.

It went in and opened an xterm. I thought that it would show
the Linux graphical login screen, and once logged in it would take
me to the graphical display I see when I logged in from the Linux
machine itself. This seems different to the way cgiwin/XFREE86 works.

But I'm sure it has it's advantages.

Now how do I kill this session. Does just getting out from Windows
kill this session, or I have to do something at the Linux machine.

Anyway I still need some feedback how to get Tetraterm working
with between Windows 2000 master and the Linux slave. That way I can 
decide what I want for my live server.

  Also how do I do these fancy X forwarding stuff with VNC ?
 I didn't have to do much fiddling with it to get it 
 working... Hardest
 thing was finding where it was on the HD! 
  No help manual was installed from the software I installed.
 Checked the vnc sites??
 There are different sites also... Not
sure about the But tight is great!

Louis Ok I'll check out the sites.



SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] Which Red Hat Book Sluggers Recommend !!

2003-03-03 Thread LS
I have taken you advice and bought the Linux minibook
instead from the quoted web site.



 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Chris Deigan
 Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 03:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [SLUG] Which Red Hat Book Sluggers Recommend !!
 I would recomend the Linux Minibook.
 I bought the 2nd edition (this newer one being the 3rd), and 
 it was great.
 It covers a fair bit about Linux - Plus it also has Mandrake 
 and another CD with it (6 cds for $19.95 + book more useful 
 than a redhat x86 install guide, bargain!)
 You can buy it on the web or at most news agents.
 Also note that in the long run it would be handier to have 
 three cds that work in all cd-drives rather than one dvd 
 that only works in dvd drives :)
 On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 18:01, Louis Selvon wrote:
  I am thinking of getting either one of these two books:
  1. Red Hat Linux 8 Bible, or;
  2. Red hat Linux 8
  The first one comes with 3 CDs to install the Software, 
 and the other 
  has a DVD. I'm not sure if the DVD package includes the Software 
  install as well.
  If anyone has bought either, please let me know the 
 recommended one.
  I am thinking of leaning towards the Bible one though 
 unless someone 
  else thinks the other book is much better.
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] gpm/debian

2003-03-03 Thread Chris Deigan
On the box with X, put in gpm.conf
and point X to /dev/gpmdata (no need to change the driver in X config).

Try running gpmconfig on the 2nd box. Also if you disconnect the mouse
while gpm is running - if its anything like my MS Optical (laser) mouse
you'll have to restart gpm for it to initialize.


On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 21:45, David wrote:
 I have three debian woody boxes running though the one KVM-switched
 On one of them, gpm works fine. On the second it is obviously
 misconfigured, and on the third it conflicts with X-windows.. or at least
 I think it does. The first two boxes don't have X installed.
 Can anyone suggest why the same mouse would work on one box but not on
 another with the same version of gpm and Debian?
 In both cases, /etc/gpm.conf looks like:
 Thanks, David.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Audio Mastering Tools/Suites

2003-03-03 Thread Raena Lea-Shannon
You wrote:

[SLUG] Audio Mastering Tools/Suites
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 13:03:03 +1100
About to set up a new Audio Editing machine (bootleg mastering),
considering the OS options, would like to go for a flavour of *nix
with a GUI but am not really up to speed on the quality and/or
usefulness of any of the nix based Editing Suites. (as it's only
bootleg mastering, it doesn't need to be multitrack, and only
requires stuff like filters, EQ, compression etc etc)
Alot depends on how audiophillic you are. I run SuSE 7.3 on a celeron 
600 with el cheapo no names soundcard (media electronics?)and 20 gig HD. 
(One day I would like to afford an Audigy Soundblaster card and run a 
AMD MP 2*** but for now...)The SuSE Gui is very nice imho. SuSE seems to 
cater for audio stuff. There are several apps for this kind of 
mastering. I use Broadcast2000 to record vinyl to wav.I use about 2% of 
its functionality. Bcast2000 is based upon a sound studio edit suite. I 
use XCDRoast to Burn. And I use  oggenc to compress files.

I believe the latest apps in 8.1 are a step up.I am about to upgrade to 
find out for myself. There is an app called gramofile that is clunky 
looking but geared to filtering noise scartch etc from vinyl and other 
analog media. Not sure if SuSE still bundles with that. Check out their 
web site.

XCD Roast is a very simple to use GUI for Burning.  Again in 8.1 this is 
supposed to be better again. You can burn to TAO, DAO.

For CD rip/burn and cleaning up uncompressed mp3 downloaded files the 
command line cd paranoia is very good for the perfectionist. XCD Roast 
GUI app is fine for me. To uncompress mp3s there is no GUI but mpg123 is 
very easy to use.

If you want to compress files the Linux open source way there is the ogg 
vorbis Project (open source version of mp3). If you  know nothing about 
that then check out

Suse 7.3 has no mp3 compression software due to the Fraunhofer Inst LAME 
licence fees. But there are plenty of Mp3 compression apps in RPMFind or 
look at Freshmeat. But ogg is really where it's at.


Also, if there was tools to create ISO's from the WAV's direct on the 
machine if you could let me know.

There is a command line app mkisofs. XCD Roast enables you to select all 
 Win and Unix iso formats Rock Ridge, Joliet when you burn.


Linux developers seem pretty enthusiastic about all things audio (gdam 
*Geoff and Dave's audio mixer* is a celebrated DJ music industry 
example). Hope that is of some use.

Raena :-)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [Re: [SLUG] Red Hat 7.1 gdm.conf file for XDMCP Enabling !!]

2003-03-03 Thread James Gregory
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 11:35, Louis Selvon wrote:
  Where is it for RH 7.1 ?
 I suspect it's somewhere obscure in /usr/X11R6/lib/something. locate
 gdm.conf or find / -name gdm.conf will find it for you.
 Louis Thanks for that. But after browsing the forums and emailing the support
 staff for my server, I found out that they do not install the X Window system
 on the servers they give. So looks like I've got to install it first. What's
 the easiest way for me to do this remotely ? Can I use up2date to get the
 files, and what are all the rpm files I need to install either Gnome and/or
 KDE ?

you can use up2date. I prefer to use apt-rpm. Google around for it, I
think freshrpms have a good page somewhere. They also have a repository
for various redhat versions. You could upgrade your server to redhat 8.0
over the wire if you like then - but I'm told that doesn't work so well,
so read up before you try it.

 Here's what I suggest as an alternative:
 Get teraterm and ttssh (only because I know for a fact that it can do X
 forwarding). Start your X server. Run ttssh and connect to your server
 in the US - set ttssh to forward X connections. Start whatever program
 you need to use accross the internet. Crank up the compression settings
 on teraterm and you'll find this is generally a less painful experience.
 Louis Where can I get teraterm ? You say start the X server. Once I install
 Gnome or KDE isn't the X server always up and running across a live server ?

google for teraterm.

and no. The X server is the piece of software you run on your local
machine to display stuff on the screen. I have a vague memory of having
explained this in a previous email.

 There's probably some additional gotchas, but that's the basic principle
 - forward X over your SSH tunnel. 
 Louis I have Putty that I use to connect remotely. I can do both Telnet and
 SSH. But I think I will permanently disabled Telnet on the server. For that I
 just set disabled to YES from the /etc/xinetd.d/wp_telnet file on this
 server, and that should do it right ? Do I need to restart Apache for the new
 changes to take effect ?

That's right, but you need to restart xinetd for changes to take effect,
not apache.

 If you're doing remote administration you *need* ssh.
 The ssh that ships with cygwin will do this as well IIRC.
 Louis How do I run ssh with cgiwin ?

ummm. Type ssh :)

  I initially tried VNC for this but never got it working. So I gave up. But I
 am feeling confident with cgiwin/XFREE86.
 there are two really nice things about vnc - first is that you have a
 persistent session, second is that you can tunnel it over ssh. Might be
 worth persisting with, depending on what you really need. Getting ssh to
 forward X is probably the easiest.
 Louis Well if I get some help on this one I will definetely give it a go

There are some exellent documents out there which explain the process.
It's fairly straightforward. Probably moreso if you use the linux stuff
rather than windows.

 So which is better then using teraterm or VNC or have both setup and then
 I see which best suits me ?
 I just bought a Networking guide for homebased setups, and it has a copy of
 VNC on there. VNC 3.3 for Windows, and VNC 2.8 for Linux.

Don't bother installing the linux one. There are rpms for it.

 Actually it might be a good idea for me to try both VNC and teraterm for my
 local network to see how it's setup, and then I can progress with the live
 server. But I want to at least install an X Window on the live server at this
 very moment. I am on holidays now so have time to do this right now.

good plan.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [RE: [SLUG] Telnet Issues Between Home Networks]

2003-03-03 Thread James Gregory
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 11:46, Louis Selvon wrote:
 Louis For me it's for experimenting before I try anything on a live server.

well then, I suppose the answer to your question is yes, you do need
sendmail, apache etc

 I actually already have rsync installed on the live server. How do I run rsync
 to ftp files over ssh from remote to a live server ?

rsync -e ssh

refer to the man page for the rest of the options. There's lots of them.

 Will install rsync on the home based network as well. I will also setup the
 ISP stuff on the remote Linux machine so that I can talk from remote Linux to
 the live server one. This is sure going to be fun.

barrels thereof.

 BTW: On a side note where can I get MySql as freeware or shareware ? I don't
 think RH provides this. My live server came with it. I need this as all my
 Perl/PHP development uses MySql as a backend DB.

install apt-get. Then type apt-get install mysql-server or something.
Mysql will be on your installation CDs. Just use rpm to install it.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Re: How to Use VNC !!

2003-03-03 Thread James Gregory
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 18:59, Louis Selvon wrote:
 Hi James et al:

Hi Louis.

 I have installed VNC version 3.3 on the master machine running Windows 2000.
 I have also installed VNC version 2.8 on the slave PC running Linux.
 I opened VNC on the master PC and entered the IP address for the Linux
 machine, and I got connect failed after I connect.
 Is there anything I have to do on the Linux machine, like start a client ?

yes, you need to start a vnc server on the linux machine. Probably best
to read the docs it ships with. It's pretty easy to get running.

 Also how do I do these fancy X forwarding stuff with VNC ?

You don't. X forwarding is an alternative to vnc. Actually, maybe that
should go the other way around.

 No help manual was installed from the software I installed.

ok, well you're running an ancient version. I suggest you just get the
rpms and install them - on my machine there is a separate docs package
for vnc with its docs.

Alternatively, there are heaps of docs on the internet, but IIRC you can
just start the server, set a password and connect directly with the

The only gotcha is that if you setup an initscript for it, you must run
it manually first time. Otherwise it will hang on boot waiting for you
to enter a password.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Re: Got TeraTerm + TTSSH

2003-03-03 Thread James Gregory
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 18:11, Louis Selvon wrote:
 Anyway I'll ask for feedback about how to use it after I have installed X
 Window on the live server.

probably just this from Cygwin

export DISPLAY=:0
xhost +

etc etc.

 If anyone can tell me how to find out and get all the rpms I need to install
 Gnome or KDE for Red Hat 7.1 remotely that would be great.

google loves you, there are heaps of places to get that stuff - being one of them.


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] anti spam question

2003-03-03 Thread Rev Simon Rumble
On Mon 03 Mar, Kevin Saenz bloviated thus:
 I am looking for a good antispam application.
 Can anyone point me in the right direction?
 I have spamassassin it seems to be letting a lot
 of undesirables in.

Bogofilter rocks!

I use it in combination with a bunch of procmail rules and
Spamassassin (set to a relatively high 8 threshold).  The only piece
of the puzzle that gets false positives these days is the procmail
rules (which look for things like opt-out phrases, sometimes used in
legitimate mass mailings).

It took a while but I now get very few spams through to my inbox.  It
helps that my bogofilter is fed by an obsolete email account which
seems to be on every spam list going, so the spams get to it before
they get to my real account.

Rev Simon Rumble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send email with subject send key pub for public key.

Given the choice between two evils, I pick the one I haven't
tried before.

- Mae West

Description: PGP signature

Re: [SLUG] gpm/debian

2003-03-03 Thread dazza
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, David wrote:

 I have three debian woody boxes running though the one KVM-switched

 On one of them, gpm works fine. On the second it is obviously
 misconfigured, and on the third it conflicts with X-windows.. or at least
 I think it does. The first two boxes don't have X installed.

 Can anyone suggest why the same mouse would work on one box but not on
 another with the same version of gpm and Debian?

 In both cases, /etc/gpm.conf looks like:


Did you start up the box with the KVM actually set to it?

PS/2 meece don't tend to work unless they're detected at poweron, I've

Try killing GPM and reloading, perhaps?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Audio Mastering Tools/Suites

2003-03-03 Thread Denis Crowdy
Sweep is great and definitely worth a look at, but beware of the addicitve

There are certainly lots of filters and other processing plug-ins
(ladspa -

Denis Crowdy

On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 01:03:03PM +1100, Craig Mead wrote:
 About to set up a new Audio Editing machine (bootleg mastering),
 considering the OS options, would like to go for a flavour of *nix
 with a GUI but am not really up to speed on the quality and/or
 usefulness of any of the nix based Editing Suites. (as it's only
 bootleg mastering, it doesn't need to be multitrack, and only
 requires stuff like filters, EQ, compression etc etc)
 If anyone has any information/feedback about any of the options out there it
 would be appreciated.
 Otherwise, Win2K might have to do.
 If specs are going to matter, it will be
 Athlon 900 (shall go XP 1.8 or above when the funds allow)
 512MB PC133 (to be expanded if required)
 22GB of UW SCSI in a Raid 0 over 5 discs
 SB Live Platinum
 Also, if there was tools to create ISO's from the WAV's direct on the *nix
 machine if you could let me know.
 (ps. yes I know I can google for this info, but I'm asking for personal
 opinions on whats good)
 TIA, Craig
 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
 More Info:

Department of Contemporary Music Studies
Macquarie University
NSW 2109 Australia, ph: +61 (0)2 9850 6787, fax: 9850 6593
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Emacs mail

2003-03-03 Thread Alan L Tyree
On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 20:26, Angus Lees wrote:

 Wanderlust/XEmacs configuration files availble on request, if anyone
 decides to try wanderlust, I strongly recommend they grab my ~/.wl,
 rather than grope through automatically translated Japanese web pages
 as I did..
Thanks for all that Gus. I gave up Rmail for the reasons you mentioned
(it sux), but I spend most of my time in emacs so miss the convenience
of getting mail directly.

I would very much appreciate a copy of you .wl file.


  - Gus
Tel: +61 2 4782 2670
Mobile: +61 405 084 990
Fax: +61 2 4782 7092
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] libstdc++

2003-03-03 Thread scott
Hi all,
I have a problem with MCafee uvscan, on my Debian woody box.
When trying to execute it, it says can't find shared object
I can't find that .deb package for woody. I have tried linking to the above mentions, but it had unresolved symbols.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Would I need to compile from source 
(Undesirable method).

I would contact Mcafee about updating their software but I need it 
resolved quickly.



Scott Ragen
Support Manager/IT Administrator
Roadtech Systems
PH: +61 2 9807 3516 FAX: +61 2 9808 5294
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] libstdc++

2003-03-03 Thread Steve Sloan

Had the same problem with a RH8.0 box. Ended up copying the file from an older ver of RH and worked fine. Not sure 
if this was a good move or not but it worked.



Hi all,
I have a problem with MCafee uvscan, on my Debian woody box.
When trying to execute it, it says can't find shared object
I can't find that .deb package for woody. I have tried linking to the above mentions, but it had unresolved symbols.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Would I need to compile from source 
(Undesirable method).

I would contact Mcafee about updating their software but I need it 
resolved quickly.






LanSol Computers
283 Sir Donald Bradman Drv.
Brooklyn Park SA 5032
Ph 618 8238 3406   Fax 618 83538479
Mobile0414 398166

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] php question

2003-03-03 Thread Simon Bryan
Hi all,
I have had a number of php scripts written for me by a person on work
placement, however they have now gone. One of the scripts reads the users
download total from the Squidalyser database, however it does not do any
authentication so anyone can view anyone elses download total.

Users authenticate against the NT server. Is it possible in php to
automatically detect the logged in username by reading it from the
environment? I can do this with windows scripts.

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramata
ICQ#: 137562751

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] php question

2003-03-03 Thread Phil Scarratt
PHP automatically parses the environment into either $_ENV array (or 
$HTTP_ENV_VARS if PHP version is pre 4.1.0). I think the environment 
should show who is logged in.


Simon Bryan wrote:
Hi all,
I have had a number of php scripts written for me by a person on work
placement, however they have now gone. One of the scripts reads the users
download total from the Squidalyser database, however it does not do any
authentication so anyone can view anyone elses download total.
Users authenticate against the NT server. Is it possible in php to
automatically detect the logged in username by reading it from the
environment? I can do this with windows scripts.
Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramata
ICQ#: 137562751

Phil Scarratt
Draxsen Technologies
IT Contractor/Consultant
0403 53 12 71
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] libstdc++

2003-03-03 Thread Peter Hardy
On Tue, 04 Mar 2003 08:42:39 +1030, Steve Sloan wrote:
 Had the same problem with a RH8.0 box. Ended up copying the file from an older ver of RH and worked fine. Not
 sure if this was a good move or not but it worked.

Probably best to install an appropriate package rather than just copy
one file across.

The short-term solution would be to grab the package (libstdc++2.8) from
a potato repository.  That should work, but it's possible you'll have
Longer term would be grabbing the source packages and compiling a binary
package suitable for woody.  That's a lot easier than it sounds, and
should work better than just installing an old .deb.

Longer term than that would be bugging McAfee for a newer build. :-)

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] re: php question

2003-03-03 Thread j

its $_SERVER iirc scince 4.2.2 now if you 
make a quick page ?php phpinfo(); ? and scroll down to the buttom their 
is a list of all the server vars. php also has some win32 api calling functions 
but they probably wont be much help as its server side 

[SLUG] Redirects in Apache

2003-03-03 Thread Howard Lowndes
I want to set up a permanent redirect in Apache so that:

brings up:

but when I do a straight redirect of / to

it just keeps the extension the the root URL and promptly bombs.

What is the correct method for doing this where the base domain name and 
the root of the extended domain name are the same. is a virtual host BTW.

LANNet Computing Associates - Your Linux people
Flatter government, not fatter government - Get rid of the Australian states.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary, 
and those who don't.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] MD security checks.

2003-03-03 Thread mkraus
G'day all...

Attached to 

Michael S. E. Kraus
Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
p: (02) 9955 8000

Security Warning: World Writeable files found :
 - /lib/dev-state/log
 - /var/apache-mm
 - /var/prelude/socket

Security Warning: These files belonging to packages are modified on the 
system :

Re: [SLUG] MD security checks.

2003-03-03 Thread mkraus
Erps... didn't mean to send that...


Michael S. E. Kraus
Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
p: (02) 9955 8000
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] winbind and samba

2003-03-03 Thread MacKenzie, Chris J
Title: Message


I'm experiencing 
problems with getting winbind to resolve groups from our windows 2000 domain 
controllers, and was hoping that some one here might be able to shed some light 
on what I'm doing wrong. I'm running samba v2.2.7 on red hat v8.0 and I have so 
far only managed to get user accounts to resolve but when I attempt to resolve 
groups, all I get is the gid number.


wbinfo -r 
I've included 
extracts of the relevant config files below. any help would be appreciated as 
well as reducing my panadol intake :-)


 workgroup = 
 security = 
server = *
passwords = yes smb passwd file = 
 pam password 
change = yes
 username map 
= /etc/samba/smbusers
 obey pam 
restrictions = yes
 local master 
= no
 domain master 
= no 
master = no
 wins server =
 dns proxy = 

CONFIGURATION HEREwinbind separator = +winbind uid = 
1-2winbind gid = 1-2winbind enum users = yeswinbind 
enum groups = yestemplate shell = /bin/false

# Share Definitions 

[stuff]comment = 
Docspath=/mnt/data/stuffguest ok = nopublic = 
novalid users = TESTDOMAIN+cmackenzie writable = 
yescreate mode = 0664directory mode = 

[test]comment = Permission 
Testpath=/mnt/data/testguest ok = nopublic = 
yeswrite list = @'TESTDOMAIN+Domain Users'writable = 
yescreate mode = 0664directory mode = 

requiredpam_nologin.soauth service=system-authauth account service=system-authaccount service=system-auth session service=system-authpassword service=system-auth

passwd: files nisplus winbind 
shadow: files nisplus 
winbindgroup: files nisplus 


**This message is intended for the addressee named and may containprivileged information or confidential information or both. If youare not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender.**

Re: [SLUG] Redirects in Apache

2003-03-03 Thread David

you could try

RedirectMatch /*

Being in a VirtualServer shouldn't matter. It works for me.

I'm not sure what difference there is between RedirectMatch and
RedirectPermanent though. Some erudite person might tell us ;-)

BTW, I have an idea that you might need the full URL.. .including the
http:// part. But then I could be wrong. That's the way I did it. Once I
get something working I'm inclined not to mess around any further.


On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Howard Lowndes wrote:

 I want to set up a permanent redirect in Apache so that:

 brings up:

 but when I do a straight redirect of / to

 it just keeps the extension the the root URL and promptly bombs.

 What is the correct method for doing this where the base domain name and
 the root of the extended domain name are the same. is a virtual host BTW.

 LANNet Computing Associates - Your Linux people
 Flatter government, not fatter government - Get rid of the Australian states.
 There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary,
 and those who don't.

 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
 More Info:

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Redirects in Apache

2003-03-03 Thread John Clarke
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 11:27:41AM +1100, David wrote:

 I'm not sure what difference there is between RedirectMatch and
 RedirectPermanent though. Some erudite person might tell us ;-)

RedirectMatch is similar to Redirect in that it's a temporary
redirection by default.  That can be changed by putting permanent
between RedirectMatch and the regex.  See:

for more detail.


GPG key id: 0xD59C360F
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Follow-up to: Problem accessing User directories in /home

2003-03-03 Thread Bill
Hi Luke,

Thanks for the reply. Info as requested hereunder:-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /etc/fstab
none   /proc   proc   defaults0 0
none   /dev/ptsdevpts mode=0622   0 0
/dev/fd0   /mnt/auto/floppy auto   user,noauto,exec,umask=0000 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0  # Knoppix partition
/dev/hda5 / ext3 defaults  1 1  # Mdk 9.0 boot 
/dev/hda6 none swap defaults 0 0# Swap for both Mdk 
9.0 and Knoppix
/dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 ext3 auto,users,exec 0 0 #Mdk 9.0 Home 
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 vfat noauto,users,exec 0 0  # XP partition
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5 ntfs noauto,users,exec 0 0  # XP data
/dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs noauto,users,exec 0 0  #XP data

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -ld /home
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Feb 26 16:04 /home/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -ld /home/bill
ls: /home/bill: No such file or directory
(Appears that problem is with Symlink???)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mount
/dev/hda5 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0622)
/dev/hda7 on /mnt/hda7 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev)
/dev/hdb1 on /mnt/hdb1 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev)


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 23:12:13 +1100 (EST)
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Problem accessing User directories in /home
To: Sydney Linux Users Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 28 Feb, Bill wrote:

  Recently I corrupted my fstab file in Mandrake 9.0, and had to 
recreate it.

  Since then I cant log into my /home/bill directory from kdm or gdm.

  I get the message No write access to $HOME directory (/).
  KDE is unable to start.

I think that's reporting that it thinks that your HOME directory = /,
not /home/bill.
  My installation is on hda5 and my /bil account is on hda7 with a symlink
  from hda5's /home.

  I can access the directories through a file manager.

  /home and /home/bill show privileges as rwx r-x r-x.
They're not directories?

  If I create a new account it is created in hda5 /home, not hda7.

  I tried copying the hda7/bill directory to hda5/home/bill but I still got
  the above error.
Can you cat /etc/fstab, and also do an ls -ld /home /home/bill and post
that output?  Also show us the output of the mount command, in case for
some reason /dev/hda7 is being mounted read-only.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Errors Running VNC on Live Server

2003-03-03 Thread Louis Selvon

I have installed VNC on my live server.

I ran the following command and got this error message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# /usr/local/bin/vncserver
vncserver: couldn't find xauth on your PATH.

Can anyone help on this ?

Also for X window manager a member from the forum where my server resides
recommended AfterStep ( .

I have installed it and can't work out how to use this after reading the help

Do I start VNC first, which is not even working, and then use this AfterStep
tool ?

It seems to me I am still missing X ? How do I check if X is installed. I
thought installing this AfterStep would take care of that.




SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] php question

2003-03-03 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Simon Bryan wrote:

 Users authenticate against the NT server. Is it possible in php to
 automatically detect the logged in username by reading it from the
 environment? I can do this with windows scripts.

$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[external_user] I think.  It's in the docs, anyway.

#include disclaimer.h
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Evolution Can't Start: (Cannot access Bonobo/ConfigDatabase, not upgrading configuration.)

2003-03-03 Thread woody+slug
I have 3 boxes, all debian woody (how apt;punny)

1. (cyclops) P3 600 i810 256Mb RAM
2. (wolverine) Celeron 300A 192 Mb RAM
3. (storm) P166 128Mb RAM

All have same packages installed, give or take autoconf, netscape, vnc.
All have been installed in the last month.
(1) and (3) run evolution
(2) ran debian woody evolution 1.0.5 and now runs everything else, galeon, openoffice 
etc, but evolution (1.2.2) now dies with:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ evolution

Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
(Killing old version of Wombat...)
(Cannot access Bonobo/ConfigDatabase, not upgrading configuration.)

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot access Bonobo/ConfigDatabase on wombat: 
You have mail in /home/woody/.inbox

and an X window pops up with:

(-) Cannot initialize the Ximian Evolution shell: Configuration Database not found. 

I have searched and tried everything:

A) killev;oaf-slay;rm -r /tmp/orbit-woody ~/.gconf ~/.gconfd

B) purged all packages down to oafd
B2) and removed all the directories which weren't removed by apt because they weren't 

C) both the debian evolution packages (evolution 1.0.5) and the ximian evolution 
packages (1.2.2 apt-got from ximian/debian/)

D) checking /etc/ and re-running ldconfig

E) running evolution on cyclops (always works) as the same user

Any ideas?
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] new kid on the block: College Linux

2003-03-03 Thread Andrew Fries
I thought I'd bring this new distro to Sluggers attention! It's
developed by a small team at a college in Switzerland, and it's based on
Slackware 8.1. Their goal was to create something easier to install than
the real Slack, great for learning about Linux, yet still useable on the
desktop. And that's exactly what it is. They have a custom installer
that more or less takes care of setting up the video, sound, etc. There
are a couple of bugs here and there, but the thing is useable. 
There are some nice touches like preconfigured flash and java plugins
ready to go out of the box, latest version of Open Office, and
LinNeighborhood. It feels fast and perfectly stable, but since they
wanted to be 100% compatible with stable Slackware, most of the software
is not up to the latest versions. KDE on 3.0.1, Mozilla on 1.0, and
kernel 2.4.18.

As it stands, it's already a good, useable system that does exactly what
it aimed to do. It allows even someone with only moderate experience to
install their very own Slackware system. And because it's free it could
be quite handy for small non-profit organisations that need to do office
work, web browsing and email jobs without worrying too much about
setting it all up. In fact, it could be useful for anyone who'd rather
have stability and modest hardware requirements rather than latest toys.
Perhaps Computerbank would be interested?

They also have lots of plans for the next release, due in a couple of
weeks, including the current kernel and more up-to-date desktop
environment. I hope I'm not revealing any secrets when I say they are
considering going with Gnome2.2 instead of KDE, and if that goes ahead,
they might become the only distro out there I can think of that would be
solely Gnome based. I thought Jeff would be interested! 

Anyhow, if you'd like to check them out, they are at

I have always tried to live in an ivory tower, but a tide of shit
 is beating at its walls, threatening to undermine it.
  -- Gustave Flaubert
-- 12:58:20 up 16:25, 3 users, load average: 0.04, 0.11, 0.05--

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] FXS format in Linux

2003-03-03 Thread sfg
A VNTD* has sent me a document in FXS format which is winfax. Getting
even this is like pulling teeth. Is there anyone out there who knows how
to read it in linux? 

The gimp fails.

file XXX 
XXX: data

Help appreciated.


VNTD - very non technical dude.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Searching the slug archives

2003-03-03 Thread Bruce Badger
Is there any way to search the slug archives.  A search tool, that is,
rather than just poking thought the archive?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives

2003-03-03 Thread Andrew McNaughton


On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Bruce Badger wrote:

 Date: 04 Mar 2003 16:26:31 +1100
 From: Bruce Badger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives

 Is there any way to search the slug archives.  A search tool, that is,
 rather than just poking thought the archive?


 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Andrew McNaughton   In Sydney and looking for work
Mobile: +61 422 753 792

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives

2003-03-03 Thread mkraus

This may be a little off-topic, but I've also noticed that the search 
tools for the archives don't really work.

May I ask how the archive is stored? Is it in an RDMS or flat file(s)?

I'd be interested in programming a more reliable search engine if it uses 
an RDMS. If not, I'd still be interested in looking into it.

(FWIW, I've commercially programmed a small job search web site which was 

All the best...

Michael S. E. Kraus
Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
p: (02) 9955 8000

04/03/2003 04:26 PM

Subject:[SLUG] Searching the slug archives

Is there any way to search the slug archives.  A search tool, that is,
rather than just poking thought the archive?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives

2003-03-03 Thread mkraus
Erps... searching seems to be ok now...  blush

I have been frustrated in the past by the search engine though - was there 

problems noted with it previously that have now been fixed?

Michael S. E. Kraus
Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
p: (02) 9955 8000

04/03/2003 04:40 PM

Subject:Re: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives


This may be a little off-topic, but I've also noticed that the search 
tools for the archives don't really work.

May I ask how the archive is stored? Is it in an RDMS or flat file(s)?

I'd be interested in programming a more reliable search engine if it uses 
an RDMS. If not, I'd still be interested in looking into it.

(FWIW, I've commercially programmed a small job search web site which was 

All the best...

Michael S. E. Kraus
Capital Holdings Group (NSW) Pty Ltd
p: (02) 9955 8000

04/03/2003 04:26 PM

Subject:[SLUG] Searching the slug archives

Is there any way to search the slug archives.  A search tool, that is,
rather than just poking thought the archive?


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives

2003-03-03 Thread mlh
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 04:26:31PM +1100, Bruce Badger wrote:
 Is there any way to search the slug archives.  A search tool, that is,
 rather than just poking thought the archive?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Searching the slug archives

2003-03-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

 This may be a little off-topic, but I've also noticed that the search
 tools for the archives don't really work.
 May I ask how the archive is stored? Is it in an RDMS or flat file(s)?

It's a mhonarc mail archive (html, but with useful comment bits in it to
denote context) with a namazu search backend (namazu comes with a mhonarc
plugin that understands the archive format and contextual hints).

It generally works pretty well, but there are some funny, non-obvious things
that namazu does from a searcher's perspective.

- Jeff

 Laughter is a force for democracy. - John Cleese 
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Which Process to Kill?

2003-03-03 Thread Mick Boda
Dave replied 
I had to kill esd for xmms/mpg123 and so on to work.

Here are the running process  no esd unfortunately (and still no sound)

1 1198  1296  194  652  868  apm  interrupts  modules sys
1050  1199  1302  195  68   877  bus  iomem   mounts  sysvipc
1051  121303  27950  cmdline  ioports mtrrtty
1075  1201  1304  3733  959  cpuinfo  irq net uptime
1124  1203  1306  4771  968  devices  kcore   partitions  version
1167  1205  1324  5785  993  dma  kmsgpci
1170  1212  1335  515  8994  driver   ksyms   scsi
1173  1213  1350  567  809  995  execdomains  loadavg self
1175  1215  1352  6829  996  fb   locks   slabinfo
1193  1216  1387  612  839  997  filesystems  mdstat  speakup
1195  1219  1390  616  849  998  fs   meminfo stat
1196  1222  1439  633  858  999  ide  miscswaps


 I posted a while back regarding difficulty with sound under RedHat 8.0.  I 
 have an intergrated AC97 sound card.  XMMS gives me following error
 Which one do I kill?
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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[SLUG] Overclocking under LINUX

2003-03-03 Thread Mick Boda
Hi all,

I wanted to get back into overclocking, but it crashes linux redhat.

Is there anyway to hack the kernel so that it thinks it's running on a faster 

Alternatively there is an Epox motherboard (8K9A+) with locakable PCI slots, 
that can unlock athlon XP processors without physically cutting and joining 
bridges, would this scenario then allow Linux to be overclocked (assuming the 
motherboard has some sort of CPU blocking technology)


SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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RE: [SLUG] gpm/debian

2003-03-03 Thread David

On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Anthony O'Hara wrote:


 I've noticed similar behaviour with the two kvm switches we
 have at work (connected to a variety of Windows and Linux boxen).

 I've had some success with resetting the switch itself to get the
 mouse functioning... On ours, pressing both console buttons
 at the same time does it. You may need to look up how to do it
 for your model.

 Goodluck! :)

That Worked!

Was it a fluke? Was it just the incantation that I uttered will facing
East? Should I burn incense and offer up a prayer?

Mine is a Belkin KVM btw. Four port, not sure what model.

(PS: hope you don't mind me posting that private email back to the list. I
thought you deserved credit)


 -Original Message-
 Of David
 Sent: Monday, 3 March 2003 21:45
 Subject: [SLUG] gpm/debian

 I have three debian woody boxes running though the one KVM-switched

 On one of them, gpm works fine. On the second it is obviously
 misconfigured, and on the third it conflicts with X-windows.. or at
 least I think it does. The first two boxes don't have X installed.

 Can anyone suggest why the same mouse would work on one box but not on
 another with the same version of gpm and Debian?

 In both cases, /etc/gpm.conf looks like:


 Thanks, David.

 SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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Re: [SLUG] Which Process to Kill?

2003-03-03 Thread Philip Derrin
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 06:33:49PM +1100, Mick Boda wrote:
 Dave replied 
 I had to kill esd for xmms/mpg123 and so on to work.
 Here are the running process  no esd unfortunately (and still no sound)


Those were not the names of running processes; they were the contents of
the /proc filesystem, including (among other things) the process ids of
the running processes. One of the numbers in that list may have
represented a running esd.

You can get useful information about the running processes, including
their names, using the ps command. Type man ps for more information,
or ps ax | grep esd to look for a running esd (ignore any lines with
grep in them).



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