[sqlalchemy] Re: DynamicMetaData question

2007-03-14 Thread Gaetan de Menten

 I think its more
 confusing for the API to break backwards-compatibility every 5 or 6
 Also i think adding a whole new class DelayedMetaData,
 which is literally just to avoid passing a flag, well i wont say
 insane but its a little obsessive.

Agreed here.

 Hey list, are you confused by the current system ?  Please let me know.

Count me as one of the confused users. I must admit I only read
through the docs quickly (but don't we all do?) and missed the mention
of the threadlocal nature of the DynamicMetaData, which I thought only
provided a way to delay connecting it to an engine, which was the
feature I needed.

 the only change I would favor here would be to merge connect into
 MetaData, BoundMetaData and DynamicMetaData stay around for backwards
 compat for probably forever, and perhaps we add another method called
 connect_threadlocal() or something like that for people who want
 that behavior.  i would like to have just one object that does the
 whole thing, now that some of the early FUD has subsided.

+1 for the connect method on MetaData

 but I need to get at least 20 or 30 users on this list telling me how
 they are using metadata.

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] Re: DynamicMetaData question

2007-03-14 Thread Gaetan de Menten

On 3/14/07, JP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 13, 11:59 am, Gaetan de Menten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I only discovered (or at least understood) this thread localness of
  DynamicMetaData, and honestly, I don't understand in what case it can
  be useful. It seems like the thread localness is limited to the engine
  connected to the metadata. So what I'd like to understand is when
  anyone wouldn't want to use a global engine? As long as the
  connections are thread-local, we are fine, right?

 Not me -- I have cases where the same schema is used with two
 different databases by two different apps (eg, admin uses a main
 postgres db and public uses a local sqlite cache), so the current API
 does what I need, but (if I understand what you're saying) only
 allowing the connect string of a global engine to vary per request,
 rather than allowing completely different engines, would not.

Yeah, I figured in the meantime that this case could cause problem.
The point I have is that this case is _in my opinion_ much less common
than the case where you need to delay the setup of your tables and use
the DynamicMetaData for that. So I think it would have been better to
have a DynamicMetaData with threadlocal=False by default. If that were
the case, people would not have to connect the metadata to the engine
in each and every thread. Now it's too late if we don't want to break
backward compatibility but simply adding a connect method to the
standard MetaData, as Michael proposed, would suit my needs just

Anyway, I've already rambled too much on this issue... Thanks for
having taken the time to answer my question.

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] Re: DynamicMetaData question

2007-03-13 Thread Gaetan de Menten

I only discovered (or at least understood) this thread localness of
DynamicMetaData, and honestly, I don't understand in what case it can
be useful. It seems like the thread localness is limited to the engine
connected to the metadata. So what I'd like to understand is when
anyone wouldn't want to use a global engine? As long as the
connections are thread-local, we are fine, right?

On 3/12/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Er well the whole point of DynamicMetaData was to replace the old
 ProxyEngine, which was intended to emulate SQLObject's i dont know
 what its called object which is what TG was using for thread-local

 Also, it doesnt entirely make sense that the threadlocal engine
 strategy would conflict with dynamicmetadata's thread local-ness.
 if you have one engine per thread, and that engine is on the tlocal
 strategy, it should still be doing its thing within the one thread
 that its used within.  so feel free to try to reproduce that in a
 ticket or something.

 but also, the threadlocal engine strategy is the thing here thats
 kind of like, you probably dont need to be using it...its basically
 SA 0.1's built in behavior kind of ripped out and put over to the
 side, where people that really want that sort of thing can use it.
 but ive downplayed it a lot since then, since its kind a confusing
 feature if youre not the person who wrote it (or read/understood the
 entire source to it).

 whereas DynamicMetaData i think is in pretty wide usage as a thread
 local construct and its pretty straightfoward.  the non-threadlocal
 use case for it is not as obvious to me.

 On Mar 12, 2007, at 4:58 PM, Jonathan LaCour wrote:

  Random question for the list, and an idea.  I have an application I am
  working on that needs to be able to dynamically bind its metadata to
  an engine based upon configuration.  Logically, it seems I should use
  `DynamicMetaData` and just call metadata.connect(engine) after I have
  loaded my configuration.
  However, I had written all of my code depending upon a threadlocal
  strategy as defined by using `strategy='threadlocal'` in my
  `create_engine` call.  It turns out that DynamicMetaData has
  behavior by default as well, and somehow these two things
  conflict.  My
  problem was solved by making sure to pass `threadlocal=False` to my
  DynamicMetaData constructor.
  Now, here is my question: why does DynamicMetaData have any
  behavior at all?  It seems like the primary reason one would use a
  DynamicMetaData would be for being able to delay the binding of your
  engine to your metadata.  The fact that its threadlocal is easy to
  and I don't see why it has any threadlocal behavior at all.
  Am I missing something?  Wouldn't it be better to two separate
  types, one for dynamically binding your engine, and another for
  threadlocal metadata?
  Jonathan LaCour

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-10 Thread Gaetan de Menten

On 3/10/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well initial response to this post has been overwhelmingly low, but
 thats fine with me.   After trying to tackle this today, I realized
 that I actually didnt want to add a brand new query object and go
 through a painful deprecation procedure again and all that...and I
 also observed that the notion of a query being against a single entity
 is pretty important..things like get(), load() and all that dont make
 much sense for multiple entities.  Also, all the things Ive wanted to
 do are not actually that hard as we already have code to do most of

 So I did not add any new classes or modules, no new methods on
 session, I didnt go with my modified generative approach (its just
 like it always was) and changed absolutely nothing about Query thats
 already there (well one little thing i dont think anyone was using).
 But I added a whole lot of new methods to Query, essentially
 everything SelectResults was able to do.  I was concerned about having
 just too much crap on Query but i think it turned out fine.  Plus I
 added a little bit of hibernate-like capabilities to query multiple
 entities and extra columns too.

Well, this is just Great ! I also felt those methods belonged in the
core somehow. Thanks for all your work!

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy and Elixir at FOSDEM 2007

2007-02-19 Thread Gaetan de Menten

Just to let everyone who might be interested know, I'll be giving a
talk about SQLAlchemy and Elixir at the FOSDEM 2007.

It'll be in the python devroom.

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Activemapper and multiple Foreign Keys

2006-11-06 Thread Gaetan de Menten

On 11/6/06, percious [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think I have reached the limit of what activemapper can do for me!
 Consider the following example:

 class Alarm(ActiveMapper):
 class mapping:
 __table__ = Alarm
 alarmID   = column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 variableAID = column(Integer, foreign_key =
 variableBID = column(Integer, foreign_key =
 variableA   = one_to_one('CitectVariable',
 colname='variableAID', backref='CitectDigitalAlarm')

Maybe it's just a typo for your example, but shouldn't that be
'Variable' instead of CitectVariable?

 class Variable(ActiveMapper):
 class mapping:
 __table__ = Variable
 variableID = column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 name   = column(Unicode(256))

 which will produce an error something like:

 class Variable(ActiveMapper):
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\ext\activemapper.py, line
 284, in __in
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\ext\activemapper.py, line
 196, in proc
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\ext\activemapper.py, line
 181, in proc
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line 607, in
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line 619, in
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line 671, in
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\interfaces.py, line 39,
 in init
   File build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py, line 190,
 in do_ini
 sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError: Error determining primary and/or
 join for relationship 'variableA' between mappers 'Mapper|Alarm|Alarm'
 and 'Mapp
 er|Variable|Variable'.  If the underlying error cannot be corrected,
 you should
 specify the 'primaryjoin' (and 'secondaryjoin', if there is an
 association table
  present) keyword arguments to the relation() function (or for
 backrefs, by spec
 ifying the backref using the backref() function with keyword arguments)
 to expli
 citly specify the join conditions.  Nested error is Cant determine
 join between
  'Alarm' and 'Variable'; tables have more than one foreign key
 constraint relati
 onship between them.  Please specify the 'onclause' of this join

 Am I missing something here?  I know its not great database design, but
 I have what I have so I am going to have to use it.Am I going to
 have to dig in and put down some bruteforce SQLAlchemy tables?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: TurboEntity announcement

2006-11-01 Thread Gaetan de Menten


Well, thank you for that. It's exactly what I needed.

The funny thing here is that I've been working on developping
approximately the same code for the past two or three weeks, with
exactly the same syntax... And I was about to announce it in a few
days (after cleaning it up and documenting it a bit)... I got a first
working prototype yesterday. I've looked briefly at your code and it
seems like we've taken drastically different approaches for exactly
the same goal.

Anyway, I'm too far in the process now to just let it go, so I'll just
finish it as if I didn't know your project existed, then I'll look at
what you did more thoroughly and either contribute to your project or
try to convince you to switch to mine. ;-)

PS: I hope I don't sound too frustrated here. Of course, I'm a bit
frustrated not to have been the first here, but I am sincerely happy
somebody did what I need.


On 10/30/06, Daniel Haus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 TurboEntity is a high-level declarative layer on top of SQLAlchemy,
 inspired by - but somewhat thicker than - Jonathan LaCour's
 ActiveMapper extension.

 Features currently include:
 - automatic polymorphic inheritance
 - easy specification of relationships
 - automatic creation of primary keys
 - automatic creation of foreign keys
 - automatic creation of secondary tables
 - relations can be specified across modules

 More information, documentation, examples and baloons for the kids can
 be found at http://turboentity.ematia.de/

 And here's the blog post. Comments are open!

 Please let me know what you think about TurboEntity and if you find it



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[sqlalchemy] Re: TurboEntity announcement

2006-11-01 Thread Gaetan de Menten

I'll send you a copy as soon as the basics work. For now, the system
is in place but only ManyToOne work. I wanted to also implement the 3
possible types of inheritance before publishing my code, but well, now
the circumstances are different... I'd be very glad if we could mix
both code bases.

FYI, the main difference in my code is that I don't defer classes, I
only defer fields, and create them as soon as what is needed for a
particular field is defined. So I had to implement a very simple
dependency system... It felt like a better approach but I'm not
really sure about it...


On 11/1/06, Daniel Haus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's very good news, maybe we can pull together the
 best pieces of both approaches? I'd really like to see
 your solution.



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