[sqlalchemy] Re: SqlSoup joins broken in 0.5.3

2009-03-31 Thread Jonathan Ellis

You can't just throw filter expressions into the join call in modern sqla.  Try

== db.devmap_manufacturer.id).first()


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Stu.Axon stu.a...@gmail.com wrote:

 Heres some input that used to work, and the error that now happens

 from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup, MetaData

 db_uri = 'postgres://user:passw...@'
 db = SqlSoup(db_uri)
 db.devmap_device.manufacturer_id == db.devmap_manufacturer.id).first()
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File console, line 1, in module
  File string, line 1, in lambda
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\util.py, line 212, in go
    return fn(*args, **kw)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py, line 870, in join
    return self.__join(props, outerjoin=False, create_aliases=aliased,
  File string, line 1, in lambda
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py, line 52, in generate
    fn(self, *args[1:], **kw)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\orm\query.py, line 1069, in __join
    clause = orm_join(clause, right_entity, onclause,
 isouter=outerjoin, join_to_left=join_to_left)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\orm\util.py, line 439, in join
    return _ORMJoin(left, right, onclause, isouter, join_to_left)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\orm\util.py, line 416, in __init__
    expression.Join.__init__(self, left, right, onclause, isouter)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\sql\expression.py, line 2482, in __init__
    self.onclause = self._match_primaries(self.left, self.right)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\sql\expression.py, line 2528, in _match_primaries
    return sql_util.join_condition(primary, secondary)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\sql\util.py, line 114, in join_condition
    col = fk.get_referent(b)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\schema.py, line 860, in get_referent
    return table.corresponding_column(self.column)
  File c:\python25\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.5.3-py2.5.egg
 \sqlalchemy\sql\expression.py, line 2683, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self.element, attr)
 AttributeError: '_BinaryExpression' object has no attribute


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[sqlalchemy] time to remove create_session?

2008-06-27 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I replaced create_session in sqlsoup with scoped_session, which
appears to have been the only reference to it.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: has() and multiple tables

2008-04-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 4/7/08, Jonathan Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm confused -- this sample does correlate actions with tasks, but not
  tasks with connections.  Intuitively it seems that X.has(Y) should
  always add a clause to the the exists for y.y_id = x.y_id.  No?

Mike cleared this up for me in IRC:

X.prop.has(criterion) just means,

exists(select 1 from child where child.id=parent.x_id AND criterion)

so the more elegant way to do this is



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[sqlalchemy] Re: has() and multiple tables

2008-04-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 4/8/08, Tim Lesher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yep--that's what I'm doing now.  It has the effect of creating another
 nested subselect, but I'm not too concerned about that as both are
 relatively cheap EXISTS queries.

I wouldn't be surprised if PG's optimizer can inline it anyway.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: has() and multiple tables

2008-04-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 4/7/08, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 7, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Tim Lesher wrote:

 for this kind of thing, you're joining across three tables, so you can
  put an extra join condition in the has():


  or do it with join():


  I have an intuitive sense that there should be some nice syntax to get
  has() and any() to join across more tables but its not occuring to me
  at the moment.

I'm confused -- this sample does correlate actions with tasks, but not
tasks with connections.  Intuitively it seems that X.has(Y) should
always add a clause to the the exists for y.y_id = x.y_id.  No?


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[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy advanced tutorial at PyCon

2008-01-28 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Hi all,

Michael and I will be presenting beginning and advanced SQLAlchemy
tutorials at PyCon in March.  The beginning session will cover similar
ground to my OSCON tutorial last year:

What would you like to see covered in an advanced SQLAlchemy session?

Here is what I threw together for the tutorial proposal, as a starting point.

SQL layer
 - building a select
 - updates
 - deletes

Advanced queries

 - Selects, subselects
 - Labels and aliases
 - Self-referential
 - add_entity, resultset queries

Advanced mapping

 - adjacency list relationship
 - composite types

 - Inheritance patterns
 - Joined table inheritance
 - Optimization


 - __init__ and create_instance
 - writing a second-level cache as an Extension


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Implementing ranking

2007-12-23 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 12/19/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could someone tell me how to simulate the rank() function? I am using
 PostgreSQL which does not have this a s a native function.

SA doesn't give any special support for this.  You'll have to rewrite
your query.  For example,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 0.4 beta2 released

2007-08-14 Thread Jonathan Ellis

  im not sure try/except is faster here - im pretty sure a missing
  key is likely and exception throws are very expensive.  would be
  worth a try to see if the missing key exception actually occurs
 i'll have to check, last 3 years i've being doing everything assuming
 that a (lookup:exception) is faster than
 (lookup-if-lookup:lookup-else) in both attribute and dict lookups.

Only if, like Mike said, the common case is for the key to be present.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using a non-string in sqlalchemy

2007-08-06 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 8/6/07, malkarouri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 rec = Record()
 setattr(rec, col, val)

 This works if col is a string (the column subclassing SQLAlchemy's
 String) but not otherwise. I can identify the type of the column as

I think most people just use a higher-level forms api.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: right outer join (newbie)

2007-08-02 Thread Jonathan Ellis

There are good reasons to support full outer join.  Some are suggested
in the comments to that one article. :)

I don't miss right joins though, I find left join more natural.

On 8/1/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 we currently dont have a right outer join.  but this is not by
 accident...theres really no use case for a right outer join, which
 are more easily written as left outer joins.

 some good articles on whats wrong with RIGHT outer join as well as
 FULL outer join:


 On Aug 1, 2007, at 5:56 PM, mc wrote:

  I read in the docs about joins and saw an example for left outer join,
  though I didn't understand where the left was specified.
  How is a right outer join specified?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 0.4 MERGED TO TRUNK

2007-07-30 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I can probably do this tonight.

How many people are still using 2.3?  Decorator syntax would be nice for this.

Also it would be nice to not have to remember that I can't use genexps
in SA code.

But 2.3 is a pretty good base, I don't miss much else from 2.4. :)

On 7/30/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ive considered this so if someone is willing to submit a patch that
 would be great.

 On Jul 30, 2007, at 1:46 AM, Michael Pearson wrote:

  Are there plans to print warnings when deprecated methods are used?
  I've just spent the morning future-proofing our code against SA 0.4
  and would have found this useful. I may attempt a patch myself, if
  people agree that it'd be a good idea.
  Michael Pearson


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 0.4 MERGED TO TRUNK

2007-07-27 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I'd want to make sure this didn't hurt performance first.  (Seems
innocuous enough, but if it's in any sort of inner loop the extra hash
lookup might be noticeable.)

On 7/27/07, svilen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 one suggesstion / request.

 As your changing everything anyway, can u replace all important {} and
 dict() with some util.Dict, and set() with util.Set?
 util.Ones can point to dict/set.
 The reason is so they can be further globally replaced by user with
 OrderedOnes, for example to achieve repeatability - tests etc.

 example ones are:
  mapperlib.Mapper.save_obj():  table_to_mapper = {}
  mapperlib.Mapper._compile_properties(): self.__props = {}
  sqlalchemy.topological.QueueDependencySorter.sort(): nodes = {}
 these give 90% repeatabliity, but i could not make it 100%. )-:

 On Friday 27 July 2007 07:36:50 Michael Bayer wrote:
  Hey ho -
  after around 400 revisions the 0.4 branch is merged to trunk:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: no RowProxy.__getslice__

2007-07-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Well, the docs you link say slicing should be done via __getitem__
now.  Which is also present in dicts of course.

Why not approach the problem from the other direction?

except AttributeError:
  ismapping = True
  ismapping = False


On 7/25/07, Catherine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whoops!  Never mind; deprecation is a really good reason.

 __getslice__(   self, i, j)
 Deprecated since release 2.0.

 The trouble is (and, sorry, this is getting beyond SQLAlchemy-
 specific), that leaves me without any good ideas for how to
 distinguish sequence types (lists, tuples, and user-defined objects
 resembling them) from mappings (dicts).

 Also, I don't need to at present, but it still leaves it impossible to
 take a slice from a RowProxy.  It seems possibly useful.

 TypeError: unhashable type

 So, for the moment, I'm looking into whether I could write a patch for
 that, then try-and-catch to do my duck typing.  If you know a reason
 RowProxy's -shouldn't- support slicing, say so!

 - Catherine


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Model to Dictionary

2007-07-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis

why not just pass model_instance.__dict__ ?

On 7/23/07, HiTekElvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anybody know a way to change a model into a dictionary?

 For those to whom it means anything, I'm hoping to pass that
 dictionary into a formencode.Schema.from_python method.

 Any ideas?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Insert through ORM performance (was: Performance question)

2007-07-22 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 7/19/07, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm amazed at the speed of mysqldump and its reloading.  It packs a
 bunch of rows into one INSERT statement.  I don't see why that's so
 much faster than than executemany but it provides another potential
 avenue for speed.  I'm not sure if MySQL is the only engine that does

Here's an exhaustive set of timings on the options you have with

summary: COPY is fastest; that is what pg_dump uses.  multi-row
inserts in transactions got within a factor of 3.  naive single-row
inserts were 30x slower than COPY.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: multiple mappers on une table problem.

2007-06-19 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 6/11/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 secondly: a non-primary mapper is just an awkward way of defining an
 ORM query.  Since we support generative queries now, you can just
 make a Query object with the criterion youre looking for and just
 hold onto it...youre just adding a single WHERE criterion, so
 my_secondary_query = query(MyClass).filter(table.c.tipo=='p').  much
 easier.   ideally Query should be replacing 90% of all non_primary
 mapper use cases.

So in your mind, is my non-primary example over at
part of the other 10%?  I don't think holding onto a query is as
elegant as being able to say user.max_order in a eager or lazy
context and having that Just Work, but maybe I am missing something.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: PROPOSAL: whack query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), select_by(), selectfirst_by(), selectone_by(), get_by(), auto-join feature

2007-06-12 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Cleaning out my inbox...

FWIW I'm +1 on removing the old-style methods, +1 on .first instead of
.scalar, +1 on adding .one, and +0 on renaming .list to .all.

Did you make a decision for 0.4 Mike?


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[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy at OSCON

2007-04-27 Thread Jonathan Ellis

As I understand it, the schedule is still tentative at this point, but
the fact that I'll get to teach a SQLAlchemy tutorial is not.  (Like
my PyCon tutorial, this will be aimed at those who have not yet used

O'Reilly Open Source Convention 2007 at the Oregon Convention Center
in Portland, Oregon, July 23-27:

- Tutorial
 Title: SQLAlchemy: Taming ORM with Python
 Date: 07/24/2007
 Time: 1:30pm to 5:00pm

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connection handling, re-establishing connections?

2007-03-29 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 3/25/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still, all of these measures require that we actually get an error
 thrown to detect that a restart took place, which inconveniently
 usually happens not at the point of cursor() but at the point of
 execute(), and we dont have any frameworks in place (nor am i
 terribly comfortable with) to handle error was thrown, reconnect and
 try execute() again.   lots of things can go wrong with that, namely
 transactional state getting lost, mis-interpreted errors resulting in
 double-executions, race conditions, etc.  so i dont know if theres a
 way to recover from DB restarts 100% seamlessly.

I agree, trying to make it seamless is a waste of time.

I'd just like to see it be able to re-connect and work again on new
queries, eventually.

I'll have a look at the ticket but the Fairies intimidate me. :)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 3/8/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hey list -

 I continue to be troubled by the slightly fragmented nature of SA's
 Query object (and the cousin SelectResults).  When I work with
 Hibernate, I can see that their querying interface is a little more
 consistent than ours.  We have flags that are used for some things,
 generative methods for others.

 so id like to look into defining the next generation of query.  Id
 like it to have a quasi-generative approach, like Hibernates.  this
 means you can say:

q = q.where(something).order_by(somethingelse)

 but also, its the same as:


 so its really the same instance (this is not how SelectResults works
 at the moment).

I like the select results way better.  That way you can make a base
query and then modify it easily; if you're modifying in place, and
you add another where clause, you can't easily re-use the pre-modified
version again.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 3/8/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how often do you have a base query hanging around, vs. doing brand
 new query object each time?  with the full generative way, if you
 are programatically building up your query, now you have to say:

 if somecriterion:
  q = q.where(something)
 if someother criterion:
  q = q.where(somethingelse)

 q = q.order_by(something else)
 q = q.options(foo)

 ie you have to keep remembering to say q = q.etc, otherwise you are
 just throwing away your newly generated query objects.  this seems
 inconvenient to me.

 id like to see what cases make you want to have a base query that is
 reused, and consider how that might not be needed either.

for instance, i have an application in charge of building zips for
users to download from a queue of requests.  the requests are
prioritized, but to prevent starvation of low priority requests, i
have another thread that just processes them in order of request time.

so i have the base query that's just a module-level variable, and the
main threadpool adds on the priority clause, while the other adds on
the request-time clause.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sa newbie

2007-03-06 Thread Jonathan Ellis



On 3/5/07, dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to track down the syntax for using a 'like' clause with sql
 soup.  I'm trying to do something like
 select book_sku from books where book_sku like 'abcd%';

 best i can tell, my syntax should look something like:
 skus = db.books.select(book_skus.like('abcd%'))

 but I'm getting an error, so obviously not.  Pointers?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to do aggregates with mapped entity objects?

2007-02-27 Thread Jonathan Ellis

You don't, it doesn't work that way.

You can map the aggregate as a (SA) property of another class, or make
it a (Python) property/function of the Expense class.  Either way
you'll have to create a select object, either for the mapping or a
manual query.

On 2/27/07, Pradeep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a expenses table with a amount field. I have mapped that table
 to a Expense entity object.
 How do I sum up all the amounts using my entity object.?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Auto-joins via FK

2007-02-27 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 2/27/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shouldn't SA be able to figure out the following joins without needing the
 explicit join params?

no, SA never tries to guess how you want to join things because then
you'd have to add a way to override it when it guesses wrong and it's
simpler to just make things explicit in the first place.

the join function will automatically do FK-based where conditions,
that's probably what you want.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to get column names in result

2007-02-26 Thread Jonathan Ellis

You can see what columns are part of a table (or a select!) with
.columns.keys() or .c.keys().

On 2/24/07, vkuznet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 a very simple question which I cannot find in documentation. How to
 get column names together with result. This is useful for web
 presentation of results using templates. I used use_labels=True,
 indeed it construct query with names, but my final result contains
 only column values. What I wanted is to get
 as a first row the column names.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Complicated Mapper with Count Function

2007-02-26 Thread Jonathan Ellis

you need to use an outer join (or a subselect) to get a row to come
back even when there is no match in the right table.

adding from_obj=[outerjoin(product_table, stock_product_table)] to
what you have now would probably work.

(personally i think a subselect would be better style here but i can't
predict if it would perform better.  since you are so close to having
it working the other way maybe you should just run with that. :)

On 2/25/07, Koen Bok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all.

 I have to make a complicated mapper, and I need a little help.

 We have a list of products. These products have stock, each individual
 stock item has an entry in the stockproduct table. So to get the total
 stock we need to count the items in the stock database. We can filter
 them by a particular stock.

 So I made a function to create a mapper to do just that. But there are
 two problems:

 - It's not working well, because if the count function equals 0 (no
 stock) the product does not appear in the results.
 - I have the feeling this can be better optimized, but I can't see it
 (maybe put it in a join or subquery?)

 The function

 def productStockMapper(stockList):

 or_list = or_()
 for stock in stockList:

 s = select([product_table,
 group_by=[c for c in product_table.c]).alias('count_select')

 return mapper(Product, s, non_primary=True)

 The tables:

 product_table = Table('products', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('name', Unicode(255), nullable=False)
 Column('code', Unicode(255), unique=True, nullable=False))

 stockproduct_table = Table('stockproducts', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('stock_id', Integer, ForeignKey(stocks.id), nullable=False),
 Column('product_id', Integer, ForeignKey(products.id),

 stock_table = Table('stocks', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('name', Unicode(255), nullable=False))


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to force a clean refresh of a lazy loaded attribute

2007-02-26 Thread Jonathan Ellis

you could certainly write a helper function if you find that you do this a lot.

I'd be -1 on making it official, it just seems messy to me.

(defining collection only as list is sucky; defining collection
as anything you can iterate over is problematic because an instance
that is itself in the session could define __iter__ and then your
semantics are ambiguous.)

On 2/26/07, Manlio Perillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This works, thanks!

 However, for non scalar attribute, I would like to simply do:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: select ... having problems

2007-02-24 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Something like this should work:

select(['count(distinct flow.node_id) as nodes', ip],
from_obj=[flow.join(id)], group_by=[flow.c.src_id], having=['nodes 
5'], order_by=[desc('nodes')])

If you wanted to do it w/o text blocks I think you'd have to create a
subselect first to pull the nodes column off of.

On 2/23/07, Arthur Clune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This should be easy, but I'm having real problems with it. I'd like
 to do the following SQL (this is from MySQL) as a sqa query:

 select count(distinct flow.node_id) as nodes, ip.ip_addr,
 ip.country, ip.domain, ip.isp, ip.city from flow, ip where flow.src_id =
 ip.id group by flow.src_id having nodes  5 order by nodes desc;

 I can't work out how to do the 'having nodes  5' bit at all. All
 help gratefully received!

 For info, the tables look like this (with some fields missed out for

 Tables are pretty straightfoward. Slighty edited, they look like this:

 owner_table = Table(node,
  Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True),
 [more stuff]

 # location data based on the fields from ip2location
 ip_table = Table(ip,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('ip_addr', String(16), nullable=False, index=True,
  Column('isp', Unicode, default=0.0),
  Column('domain', Unicode, default=0.0),
  Column('country', Unicode, default=None),
  Column('city', Unicode, default=None),

 flow_table = Table(flow,
  Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column(owner_id, Integer, ForeignKey(honeypot.id),
  Column(ip_proto, Integer, default=6, nullable=False),
  Column(src_id, Integer, ForeignKey(ip.id), nullable=False),
  Column(dst_id, Integer, ForeignKey(ip.id), nullable=False),

 Then I define the obvious mappers.



 Arthur Clune


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[sqlalchemy] Suggestion to support full outer joins

2007-02-20 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Instead of isouter argument to Join, have join_type.  Default to
'inner' but could also be 'left', 'right', or 'outer.'  (Or even
'natural' but that might be confusing b/c of Join's default behavior
of joining by FK which is similar to but not the same as natural

(Of course, it's quite possible that SA already supports full outer
joins and I just missed it, again. :)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Suggestion to support full outer joins

2007-02-20 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 2/20/07, Jonathan Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Instead of isouter argument to Join, have join_type.  Default to
 'inner' but could also be 'left', 'right', or 'outer.'

should read ... or 'full,' of course.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA skips integrity referential?

2007-02-16 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 2/16/07, jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gary Bernhardt wrote:

  Referential integrity isn't being violated here - SA is nulling the
  foreign key before deleting the row it points to.  Try adding
  nullable=False to the declaration of attivita.cod_specie.  That should
  make it fail in the way you expect, because SA will no longer be able
  to null the foreign key.

 This seems to me a trick to avoid integrity referential.
 I expected the nullable=False was the default behavior for any foreign
 key otherwise the referential integrity is violated here?
 I'm very, very surprised for this behavior.

Guess it would surprise you to learn about the SQL 92 ON DELETE SET
NULL functionality too. :)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: postgres, autoload, and odd datatypes

2007-02-16 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I'd prefer to not have them loaded at all (maybe with log.warning)
than to have them loaded with a known-to-be-incorrect type.

If you really don't want to manipulate them from Python, not loading
them is the Right Thing.  If you do want to manipulate them then the
Right Thing is to add the necessary datatypes.


 I found the discussion last month regarding the lack of support for
 specialised datatypes in the postgres reflection code.

 I have a lot of odd datatypes in my schemas... besides inet, there's
 postgis datatypes and tsearch2's tsvector, etc. However, most of these
 odd fields are never manipulated directly at the python level (they
 tend to be updated internally via triggers); and the ones that are
 touched (like 'inet' for example) work fine as text fields. Postgresql
 does the coersion.

 Thus, my quick little hack to make reflection work without having to
 tediously override the table columns, or create new datatypes, is
 simply to make all unknown datatypes be 'text' datatypes:

 --- postgres.py.origFri Feb 16 09:52:59 2007
 +++ postgres.py Fri Feb 16 09:55:26 2007
 @@ -392,7 +392,10 @@
  elif attype == 'timestamp without time zone':
  kwargs['timezone'] = False

 -coltype = ischema_names[attype]
 +if ischema_names.has_key(attype):
 +coltype = ischema_names[attype]
 +coltype = ischema_names['text']
  coltype = coltype(*args, **kwargs)
  colargs= []
  if default is not None:

 I realise this is a bit dodgy, but it has simplified things for me
 greatly. I'm wondering if something like this might not be a useful
 concept for an some sort of autoload option... rather than crashing
 with a KeyError. Either a default datatype to substitute, or even just
 ignoring fields of unknown datatypes.

 (Also it would be very helpful, especially when autoloading a lot of
 foreign key tables, if that KeyError exception was caught and returned
 a more meaningful error message... like what table and field name is
 the problem...)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Reflection including Relations

2007-02-16 Thread Jonathan Ellis

You say defined manually... automatically.  It can't be both. :)

SA won't try to guess what properties you want on your mapped classes,
because it could guess wrong.  (Believe me, whatever pattern you are
thinking of, someone could find an exception where automatically
setting it up is not the right thing to do.)  Explicit is better than

On 2/16/07, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --On 16. Februar 2007 17:09:12 +0100 Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  SA provide reflection support through Table(...autoload=True). Is there
  some extension for SA to include reflection support for relations?
  Otherwise you have specify the relationships using the 'properties' on
  your own.

 Sorry for this weird posting. Of course the  mapped class
 should obtain the additional properties as defined manually through
 'properties' automatically from the knowledge of the relations of the table


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA skips integrity referential?

2007-02-16 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 2/16/07, jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 Guess it would surprise you to learn about the SQL 92 ON DELETE SET
 NULL functionality too. :)
 Seems to me the SQL92 'ON DELETE SET NULL' is an explicit functionality,
 instead in our case, SA does this functionality in implicit way. :-(
 I hope there's a sort of configuration to disable this functionality.

Sure, set a NOT NULL constraint on the column you don't want to be
null.  Which you should really be doing anyway. :)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA skips integrity referential?

2007-02-16 Thread Jonathan Ellis

If you want to do things the hard way, you can do this by turning off
cascade on the relationship (cascade='none').

But you can't have your cake and eat it too, you'll have to manually
handle adding new subordinate objects to the session when saving, etc.

On 2/16/07, jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 On 2/16/07, jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 Guess it would surprise you to learn about the SQL 92 ON DELETE SET
 NULL functionality too. :)
 Seems to me the SQL92 'ON DELETE SET NULL' is an explicit functionality,
 instead in our case, SA does this functionality in implicit way. :-(
 I hope there's a sort of configuration to disable this functionality.
 Sure, set a NOT NULL constraint on the column you don't want to be
 null.  Which you should really be doing anyway. :)
 No Jonathan, I don't want this column is set as NOT NULL, I have to
 allow null values for this column and I don't want enable the ON DELETE
 SET NULL functionality.
 I would like SA have the same behavior as PostgreSQL has, I like the

 pg delete from specie where codice='89';
 ERROR:  update or delete on specie violates foreign key constraint
 attivita_cod_specie_fkey on attivita
 DETAIL:  Key (codice)=(89) is still referenced from table attivita.

 Is there another way to do that?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Announcing Elixir!

2007-02-15 Thread Jonathan Ellis

For instance, I remember reading somewhere that AM wasn't very good at
playing well with the rest of SA when AM wasn't enough, so I never
bothered looking at AM very hard.  I don't see anything on the elixir
site about this issue, but maybe I am looking in the wrong place.

On 2/15/07, Jonathan LaCour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jonathan Ellis wrote:

  Is there a what's new and improved in Elixir document anywhere?

 Well, its pretty much entirely new and improved over TurboEntity and
 ActiveMapper, in that it provides a totally different way of doing
 things.  The extensive documentation and examples on the website will
 probably give a reasonable idea of how Elixir is different from both
 ActiveMapper and TurboEntity.

 Jonathan LaCour


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how do I set an engine to autocommit?

2007-02-01 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 2/1/07, Kumar McMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the fact that the deadlock was solved when I added the connection to
 the transaction tells me that psycopg runs in commit mode
 automatically (even though dbapi 2 says it should not).  The psycopg
 docs reinforce this too :

Wrong; psycopg2 does not autocommit by default.  It automatically
_creates new transactions_ but you still have to explicitly commit()
or rollback().  This is what DBAPI2 calls for (and is really the only
sane thing to do in non-autocommit mode if you think about it).

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[sqlalchemy] pool echo

2007-01-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis
Minor question: wouldn't it be more consistent to either apply echo to
all pool logging, or get rid of it and let logger settings control it?
 Here's a patch for the former.

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Description: Binary data

[sqlalchemy] Re: any particular reason for creating unused lists?

2007-01-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Reasonable people can differ here, but I agree that if what you care
about is a side effect, rather than a resulting list, using a for loop
is more clear than a list comprehension.  (I suspect it is also more
performant since you are not allocating and populating a list object
for no reason.)

But in this case I think it's clear that the best way is to simply write



 there are several places of such unused lists being made.

 i pick a random occurence, in this case InstrumentedAttribute:

 def _adapt_list(self, data):
 if self.typecallable is not None:
 t = self.typecallable()
 if data is not None:
 [t.append(x) for x in data]
 return t
 return data

 why not just
 for x in data: t.append(x)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: is pool supposed to be able to handle its target db restarting?

2007-01-25 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I'm restarting it after the first fetchall() finishes.

My experience with postgresql/psycopg2 is that you can tell the
connection is dead when you next try to call cursor(), but that isn't
happening here because of the queue problem I described.

Here's the output with pool logging on, if that helps:

 e = create_engine('postgres://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mozy', pool_size=1,
max_overflow=0, pool_timeout=None, echo=True)
 e.execute('select 1').fetchall()
 2007-01-25 15:03:10,704 INFO sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4
Created new connection connection object at 0xb79ca020; dsn:
'dbname=mozy host=db user=neptune', closed: 0
INFO:sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4:Created new connection
connection object at 0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db
user=neptune', closed: 0
2007-01-25 15:03:10,704 INFO sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4
Connection connection object at 0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db
user=neptune', closed: 0 checked out from pool
INFO:sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4:Connection connection object at
0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db user=neptune', closed: 0
checked out from pool
2007-01-25 15:03:10,705 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..14 select 1
INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..14:select 1
2007-01-25 15:03:10,705 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..14 None
2007-01-25 15:03:10,709 INFO sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4
Connection connection object at 0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db
user=neptune', closed: 0 being returned to pool
INFO:sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4:Connection connection object at
0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db user=neptune', closed: 0 being
returned to pool
# [db restarted]
 e.execute('select 1').fetchall()
2007-01-25 15:03:30,690 INFO sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4
Connection connection object at 0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db
user=neptune', closed: 0 checked out from pool
INFO:sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x..b4:Connection connection object at
0xb79ca020; dsn: 'dbname=mozy host=db user=neptune', closed: 0
checked out from pool
2007-01-25 15:03:30,691 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..14 select 1
INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..14:select 1
2007-01-25 15:03:30,691 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..14 None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /root/SQLAlchemy-0.3.4/lib/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py, line
686, in fetchall
for row in self.cursor.fetchall():
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: no results to fetch
 e.execute('select 1').fetchall()
# [hangs]

On 1/25/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 if you close all connections (i.e. return them all to the pool), and
 then go to get them again, it can handle a restart *if* the dialect
 knows how to detect the conditions whereby it should invalidate() the
 connections.  which is generally pretty spotty, i dont think PG knows
 how to do it.  also i dont understand the error condition you are
 getting, the connections should all be getting returned above ( or some
 exception would be thrown).

 are you stopping the DB while the first fetchall() is executing ?  or
 in between ?

 On Jan 25, 3:54 pm, Jonathan Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  from sqlalchemy import *
  e = create_engine('postgres://...', pool_size=1, max_overflow=0,
  e.execute('select 1').fetchall()
  # restart db
  e.execute('select 1').fetchall()
  # error gets raised, ConnectionRecord apparently doesn't get returned
  to pool because:
  e.execute('select 1').fetchall()
  # hangs, pool overflow=1 (so new CR is not created) but nothing is in the 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLite, append_column?

2007-01-23 Thread Jonathan Ellis

SA doesn't support doing ADD COLUMN or almost any other ALTER command.

If you ran the ALTER manually then created a new Table with autoload
it would of course load the new version, but I'm at a loss to see why
you'd need that.

On 1/23/07, Basil Shubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, there is no way to add new column to existing table?

 Or I can use ALTER TABLE and how to save existing data on table alter?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Extracting date parts from datetime with postgresql

2007-01-22 Thread Jonathan Ellis

date_part is a synonym for extract w/ more normal syntax

so you could write func.date_part('year', mydatetime)

On 1/22/07, laurent rahuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Here is my little trouble. I want to extract some parts of a datetime
 field in a postgresql database.

 I played around with the func.year(), func.month() but it sounds like
 postgresql doesn't understand the resulting query. For example, a
 func.year() call is converted into :

 select year(myDateTime) from mytable;

 This works with MySQL but not with Postgresql. The error is function
 year(timestamp without time zone) doesn't exist

 I guess the resulting Postgresql query should be :

 select EXTRACT (year FROM myDateTime) from mytable;

 Any clue ???




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[sqlalchemy] Re: transactions

2007-01-20 Thread Jonathan Ellis

yes, you should, and your commented-out code looks fine

On 1/20/07, jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a question about transactions
 I need to insert data into two tables (anag and user), sice I need to
 insert the generated primary key of anag into user.
 I have to flush anag to have the id to insert into user table.
 What happens if there's an interruption in the middle of this, for
 example, immediately after to flush anag?
 Should I use create_transaction() to avoid a such thing?

 #transaction = session.create_transaction()
 anag = Anag(
 name = data.get('display_name')

 user = User(
 anag_id = anag.id




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[sqlalchemy] Re: Simple transactions

2007-01-18 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 1/17/07, Miki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# Notice we didn't commit yet
This means that if someone is querying the table in the middle of the
transaction it'll get wrong results.
(I'm not a DB expert, this might be total nonsense)

no, it just means that queries run in the same uncommitted transaction
can see the uncommitted data.  this is the way transactions are
supposed to work; only connections _outside_ the transaction shouldn't
be able to see it.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Accessing DBAPI cursor object from connection

2007-01-18 Thread Jonathan Ellis


On 1/18/07, Sean Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to access the underlying psycopg2 connection to get at a DBAPI2
cursor with the ultimate goal of using the copy_from/copy_to protocol for
moving large amounts of data to/from the database.  I can't seem to find a
way to do that from a db engine or connection object.  Is there a way
(assuming that I am using postgres)?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Postgre e pg_largeobject

2007-01-17 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 1/17/07, Antonio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

and now, how can I retrieve the file (res.pdf.data) in a file or send it
as output in a html page (sendig the right headers) ?

Nothing magical:

file('foo.pdf', 'wb').write(res.pdf.data)

see your html framework's docs for instructions on sending back binary data...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Postgre e pg_largeobject

2007-01-17 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Oops, I didn't notice at first that you are using pg_largeobject...

That's not a good idea, you should really use bytea (for SA, that
means declaring filepdf as a Binary column itself rather than linking
to pg_largeobject) unless you are planning to manually seek inside the
lo (i.e. with lo_lseek, etc.), and it doesn't look like you are.

I don't believe SA really supports using pg_largeobject, they're kind
of obsoleted by bytea.

On 1/17/07, Antonio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to read a pdf file saved in a postgresql table :

pdf_tbl=sqa.Table('pg_largeobject', _mdata,
sqa.Column('loid', sqa.Integer, primary_key = True),
sqa.Column('pageno', sqa.Integer),
sqa.Column('data', sqa.Binary)



fax_tbl=sqa.Table('faxes', _mdata,
sqa.Column('id', sqa.Integer, primary_key = True),
sqa.Column('sender', sqa.TEXT),
sqa.Column('pages', sqa.SmallInteger),
sqa.Column('received', sqa.DateTime),
sqa.Column('filepdf', sqa.Integer,

sqa.mapper(Fax,fax_tbl,properties={ 'pdf': sqa.relation(Pdf) })



and now, how can I retrieve the file (res.pdf.data) in a file or send it
as output in a html page (sendig the right headers) ?

tanks in advance ...

sorry for my english ...

#include stdio.h
int main(void){char c[]={10,65,110,116,111,110,105,111,32,98,97,114,98,111,110,
116,46,105,116,62,10,10,0};printf(%s,c);return 0;}

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Profiling mode

2007-01-17 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I finally came back to this.  Here's what I ended up with:

# I tried to enable profiling on a per-engine level before resorting to this
# hack. (Monkey-patching classes by scanning the gc! Woot!)
# Per-engine profile turns out to totally not work because there's so many
# layers of clever stuff going on (well, primarily PoolConnectionProvider
# returning proxies instead of real Connections) that it's really impossible to
# decorate Connections in a general manner by relying on
# Too bad, because it was rather more elegant.
# This will work no matter how many layers of proxies there are...
def enable_profiling():
   import gc
   for o in gc.get_objects():
   if isinstance(o, type):
   if o == Connection or Connection in o.__bases__:
   o._execute = _profilingexecute
   o._executemany = _profilingexecutemany

where the _profilingexecute methods do pretty much what was discussed before.

On 10/30/06, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

id look into building this as a ProxyEngine.  _execute and
_executemany might be better targets for profiling but its not super-

On Oct 30, 2006, at 6:38 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 For me it has been useful in the past to track overall database query
 speed so I could optimize the query taking the most aggregate time.
 (I.e., execution time * times executed.)  It looks to me like this
 could be hooked in to SA pretty easily, with just a minor change to
 Connection._execute_raw, using statement as the key to aggregate on.
 (You could even define two _execute_raws and pick one at runtime to
 avoid any overhead when not in profiling mode.)  This seems to work

 start = time.time()
 if parameters is not None and isinstance(parameters, list)
 and len(parameters)  0 and (isinstance(parameters[0], list) or
 isinstance(parameters[0], dict)):
 self._executemany(cursor, statement, parameters,
 self._execute(cursor, statement, parameters,
 end = time.time()
 profile_data[statement] = profile_data.get(statement, 0) +
 (end - start)

 Of course, this only tells you what generated SQL is slow, not what
 code caused those queries to run, but it's easy enough to grab caller
 info from the stack.  But am I missing other code paths that would
 have to be tracked?

 Jonathan Ellis


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Profiling mode

2007-01-17 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Thinking about it more, I should probably just override the methods of
Connection itself and not worry about subclasses.  If someone is
overriding _execute*, he can do his own damn profiling. :)

On 1/17/07, Jonathan Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I finally came back to this.  Here's what I ended up with:

# I tried to enable profiling on a per-engine level before resorting to this
# hack. (Monkey-patching classes by scanning the gc! Woot!)
# Per-engine profile turns out to totally not work because there's so many
# layers of clever stuff going on (well, primarily PoolConnectionProvider
# returning proxies instead of real Connections) that it's really impossible to
# decorate Connections in a general manner by relying on
# Too bad, because it was rather more elegant.
# This will work no matter how many layers of proxies there are...
def enable_profiling():
import gc
for o in gc.get_objects():
if isinstance(o, type):
if o == Connection or Connection in o.__bases__:
o._execute = _profilingexecute
o._executemany = _profilingexecutemany

where the _profilingexecute methods do pretty much what was discussed before.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: adding a foreign key constraint to an existing table

2007-01-15 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 1/15/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2. no support for CASCADE in the DROP statement right now.  someone
fill me in, is DROP CASCADE part of the sql standard ?

yes, at least for tables.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to query like sys_id=42 AND ts_created 90 minutes ago ?

2007-01-12 Thread Jonathan Ellis

You can shorten it a little by having the db do the date operation:

History.c.ts_created  func.now() - '90 minutes'

On 1/11/07, Chris Shenton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got a bunch of history and other timestamped information I will
 need to query against. The columns are created with type DateTime and
 get set upon row creation:

   history_table = Table(
   'history', metadata,
   Column('history_id',  Integer,primary_key=True),
   Column('system_id',   Integer,
 ForeignKey('system.system_id'), nullable=False),
   Column('ts_created',  DateTime,   
   Column('ts_updated',  DateTime,   

 I'm going to want to do lots of queries on this 'history' table for a
 specific 'system_id' and a 'ts_created' within some duration in the
 past -- like 5 or 60 minutes.

 It's taken me a while to figure out the SQLAlchemy syntax to make this
 work and it seems a bit verbose:

 datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=90)))

 Is there a better, more concise way to say this?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Mapping special child rows

2007-01-12 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Okay, I have another question related to this.

Now that I have max_order defined, I want to do a query on it (give me
the users whose max_order==5).  My code is

max_orders_by_user =
max_orders = 
   'orders':relation(class_mapper(Order), backref='user'),
   'max_order':relation(mapper(Order, max_orders,
non_primary=True), uselist=False),
   'addresses':relation(mapper(Address, addresses), backref='user'),

It seemed like if I labeled the column something unique in
max_orders_by_user, then I should be able to use that in select_by, a

So I changed that to max_order_id and tried
max_orders_by_user =
max_orders = 
# mapper as above

and got
sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: Cant locate property named

I did get it to work with
session.query(User).select(max_orders.c.order_id==5, from_obj=[max_orders])

Is there a way to do this with select_by?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Composite primary key

2007-01-09 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Well, you could specify the primaryjoin as described here:

but I suspect that your existing mapper will Just Work if you switch
to a composite FK, rather than 3 keys on individual columns

t_bovines = Table( 'bovines', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('entrydate', Integer),
  Column('key1', Integer),
  Column('key2',  Integer),
  Column('key3',   String),
  Column('var',  Integer),
  Column('val',  Integer),
  ForeignKeyConstraint(['key1', 'key2', 'key3'],
['enterprise.key1', 'enterprise.key2', 'enterprise.key3'])

t_entreprises = Table( 'entreprises', metadata,
  Column('key1', Integer),
  Column('key2', Integer),
  Column('key3',  String),
  Column('lname',   Unicode(30)),
  Column('fname',   Unicode(30)),
  Column('street',  Unicode(30)),
  Column('country', String(1)),
  Column('zip', String(5)),
  Column('locality', Unicode(30)),
  PrimaryKeyConstraint('key1', 'key2', 'key3')

# similarly adjust surfaces

On 1/9/07, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have to load a table from 2 different data-sources witch each having
 3 different primary keys. This is because those 2 datasources are
 already exported from 3 databases from an archaic application.

 From those 2 datasources I created  - after normalising - 3 new tables.
 The main table keeps the 3 primary keys as one composite primary key.
 The two other tables have those 3 fields as foreign keys. Now, if I map
 those table definitions onto a table with relations, sqlalchemy
 complains with the following error:

 sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError: Error determining primary and/or
 secondary join for relationship 'bovines' between mappers
 'Mapper|Enterprise|entreprises' and 'Mapper|Bovine|bovines'.  You
 should specify the 'primaryjoin' (and 'secondaryjoin', if there is an
 association table present) keyword arguments to the relation() function
 (or for backrefs, by specifying the backref using the backref()
 function with keyword arguments) to explicitly specify the join
 conditions.  Nested error is Cant determine join between 'entreprises'
 and 'bovines'; tables have more than one foreign key constraint
 relationship between them.  Please specify the 'onclause' of this join

 Ok, so I have to specify the onclause. But how do I do that? For
 reference, here is the (non-working) data definition:

 t_bovines = Table( 'bovines', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('entrydate', Integer),
   Column('key1', Integer, ForeignKey('entreprises.key1')),
   Column('key2',  Integer, ForeignKey('entreprises.key2')),
   Column('key3',   String, ForeignKey('entreprises.key3')),
   Column('var',  Integer),
   Column('val',  Integer),

 t_entreprises = Table( 'entreprises', metadata,
   Column('key1', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('key2', Integer, primary_key=True, default=0),
   Column('key3',  String, primary_key=True),
   Column('lname',   Unicode(30)),
   Column('fname',   Unicode(30)),
   Column('street',  Unicode(30)),
   Column('country', String(1)),
   Column('zip', String(5)),
   Column('locality', Unicode(30)),

 t_surfaces = Table( 'surfaces', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('entrydate', Integer),
   Column('key1', Integer, ForeignKey('entreprises.key1')),
   Column('key2',  Integer, ForeignKey('entreprises.key2')),
   Column('key3',   String, ForeignKey('entreprises.key3')),
   Column('var', Integer),
   Column('val', Integer),


 class Bovine(object):

 class Surface(object):

 class Enterprise(object):
def __repr__(self):
   return [Entreprise %s %s %s] % (self.key1, self.key2,

 usermapper = mapper(Bovine, t_bovines)
 usermapper = mapper(Surface, t_surfaces)
 usermapper = mapper(Enterprise, t_entreprises, properties={
'bovines': relation(Bovine),
'surfaces': relation(Surface)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: customize table creation

2007-01-09 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 1/9/07, Daniel Haus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi alchemists!

 Is there any way to have SA do some custom work before it creates a
 table? I tried to subclass Table and override create, which
 obviously doesn't work that easily. Any suggestions or ideas?

 The background is, I have some objects that dynamically add columns to
 the table on demand, which seems to work fine. Now, I need to ensure
 that these objects can do their work on table creation. And doing it
 manually would be painful...

You're trying to dynamically add columns to the table in the database,
or just to the Table instance?

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[sqlalchemy] Mapping special child rows

2007-01-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Say I have tables corresponding to users and orders from test/tables.py.
I have dozens or hundreds of orders per user.  I want to show a list of
users with their most recent order, but because I have so many orders
doing an eager load to orders is a bad solution.  Having a manually
defined python property to pull in the most recent order is also bad
because I only want to do a single query.

So, I tried this

  'orders':relation(mapper(Order, orders), backref='user'),
  'max_order':relation(mapper(Order, max_orders, non_primary=True)),
  'addresses':relation(mapper(Address, addresses), backref='user'),

But that's about as far as I got -- I couldn't come up with a max_orders
select that would work.  First I tried

max_order_id = select([func.max(orders.c.order_id)],
group_by=[orders.c.user_id], scalar=True)
max_orders = orders.select(orders.c.order_id==max_order_id).alias('max_orders')

but max_orders.select() generated

SELECT orders.order_id, orders.user_id, orders.description, orders.isopen
FROM orders
WHERE orders.order_id = (SELECT max(orders.order_id) GROUP BY orders.user_id)

which selected every order rather than just orders 4 and 5.  (The
subselect, with scalar=True removed, correctly selected those IDs.)

So I thought maybe adding an alias would un-confuse the subselect-in-where:

o2 = orders.select().alias('o2')
max_orders = orders.select(orders.c.order_id==max_order_id).alias('max_orders')

but this made negative progress:

sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLError: (OperationalError) no such column: orders.order_
id 'SELECT orders.order_id, orders.user_id, orders.description, orders.isopen
FROM orders
WHERE orders.order_id = (SELECT max(o2.order_id)
FROM (SELECT orders.order_id AS order_id, orders.user_id AS user_id,
orders.description AS description, orders.isopen AS isopen) AS o2
GROUP BY o2.user_id)' []


- I take it SA doesn't really support subselects in WHERE clauses?
- Is there an alternative way to map max_order that I'm missing?

(I could work around the subselect problem with a postgresql function,
but I seem to run into a lot of places to use this kind of
optimization so I'd prefer to avoid that.)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to order by a field in a different table?

2007-01-06 Thread Jonathan Ellis

A query that doesn't rely on broken GROUP BY might look like


On 12/28/06, Mart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks, it worked!

On Dec 28, 6:47 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 actually the GROUP BY wont go through as a keyword argument to
 query.select() at the moment, so youd have to use the full select
 statement.  but also, i dont see why youd want that GROUP BY in the
 query, you dont have any aggregate functions in your column list and
 also GROUP BY requires all non-aggregates to be part of the group (at
 least in postgres).

In MySQL and SQLite the GROUP BY removes the duplicate entries. (For
every post in the topic there is a row of that topic in the result.)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: remote nondirect access to DB

2006-12-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 12/8/06, ml [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jonathan Ellis píše v Pá 08. 12. 2006 v 11:05 -0700:
  On 12/7/06, ml [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I want to have a client application accessing a remote Postgres database
   but I don't want to distribute the user/password to the DB. I want
   clients to authenticate against some other table of passwords so there
   must be a stub between client and DB which will know the DB user/pwd.
   How can I manage this in SA?
  You can write your stub in SA easily; your client should interface
  with the stub not via SQL but via a simple protocol you define that
  limits it to predetermined actions.

 How? What protocol? Any clues or examples are welcome.

You get to make one up!  It's your app!

The point is, if you trust the client to send valid SQL you are
screwed whether or not the client logs into the database directly or
not.  So instead of insert into users (name) values (...) your
client would sent NEWUSER ... or something.

If this sounds intimidating, I would suggest picking up a book
covering client/server programming.  I believe Programming Python and
Core Python both include chapters on socket programming.

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Proposal: session identity_map no longer weak referencing

2006-12-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 12/8/06, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when SA was first released, someone immediately suggested that the
 identity map of Session be weak referencing, which appeared to be an
 obvious improvement, so that you could load as many objects as you want
 from the session and whatever you didnt use would just go away.  but
 now it appears that the more intuitive operation for a Session is that
 things that get loaded into it, stay there, until you say otherwise.

 So id like to make the session act this way, again like
 hibernate's...more explicit.  what you load into the session stays
 there until you clean it out.  that behavior is more predictable than
 what we have now.


 Of course we can always add an option weak_identity_map if people
 really do want the old behavior.

-1, it's only a matter of time before this would bite you

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy limiting

2006-12-05 Thread Jonathan Ellis


On 12/5/06, dischdennis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What exactly is the SelectResults extension and where can I get it?

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Re: columns inheritance

2006-12-05 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 12/4/06, ml [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm looking for something like Postgresql's CREATE TABLE a ... LIKE b.
 Is there any similar construction in SA? I created a simple function

 def inherit_table(name, table, *args, **kwargs):
 args = list(args)
 for c in table.columns:
 for c in table.constraints:

 return Table(name, table._metadata, *args, **kwargs)

 but I is it clean?

Other than calling this inherit_table when it doesn't really have
much to do with inheritance (either the pg INHERITS or class
heirarchies), I think this is as good as you're going to get.

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy at pycon 07

2006-11-29 Thread Jonathan Ellis

My proposal for a talk on SqlSoup was accepted.  It looks like someone
else's talk on SA itself was accepted too.  Woot! :)

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy at pycon 07

2006-11-29 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Right now you can only see the status of proposals you submitted
yourself, but the final schedule is probably only a couple days away
from being announced.

On 11/29/06, Karl Guertin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 11/29/06, Jonathan Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My proposal for a talk on SqlSoup was accepted.  It looks like someone
  else's talk on SA itself was accepted too.  Woot! :)

 I'm not seeing a list of accepted talks on us.pycon.org; any links?

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Clases with __slots__ attribute

2006-11-09 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 11/7/06, juanvalino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've detected that when a class has __slots__ attribute, a mapper
 cannot be build because the sqlalchemy tries to create a magic
 attribute and fails:

 File build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py, line
 672, in init_attr
 AttributeError: 'MyClass' object has no attribute

I think you'll have better luck making a class w/o __slots__ than
changing something this deep in the core of SA.

(If you must have __slots__ for some reason, you can always subclass
it to get a slots-less version.)

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Select statement should not be in its own _froms list

2006-10-30 Thread Jonathan Ellis

I'm getting this error trying to map Select objects.  Here's a test case:

from sqlalchemy import *

e = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)

md = BoundMetaData(e)
sql = 
id   integer PRIMARY KEY, -- auto-SERIAL in sqlite
titletext NOT NULL,
published_year   char(4) NOT NULL,
authors  text NOT NULL


b = Table('books', md, autoload=True)
s = select([published_year, count(*) as n], from_obj=[b],
s = s.alias('years_with_count')

class YearWithCount(object):

mapper = mapper(YearWithCount, s)
session = create_session()
q = session.query(YearWithCount)

# sqlalchemy.exceptions.AssertionError: Select statement should not be
in its own _froms list

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Profiling mode

2006-10-30 Thread Jonathan Ellis

For me it has been useful in the past to track overall database query
speed so I could optimize the query taking the most aggregate time.
(I.e., execution time * times executed.)  It looks to me like this
could be hooked in to SA pretty easily, with just a minor change to
Connection._execute_raw, using statement as the key to aggregate on.
(You could even define two _execute_raws and pick one at runtime to
avoid any overhead when not in profiling mode.)  This seems to work

start = time.time()
if parameters is not None and isinstance(parameters, list)
and len(parameters)  0 and (isinstance(parameters[0], list) or
isinstance(parameters[0], dict)):
self._executemany(cursor, statement, parameters,
self._execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context)
end = time.time()
profile_data[statement] = profile_data.get(statement, 0) +
(end - start)

Of course, this only tells you what generated SQL is slow, not what
code caused those queries to run, but it's easy enough to grab caller
info from the stack.  But am I missing other code paths that would
have to be tracked?

Jonathan Ellis

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Select statement should not be in its own _froms list

2006-10-30 Thread Jonathan Ellis

Heh, that was easy.

I'm curious now, though, why it can't find the primary key with the
revised select you gave.  (Works fine when I manually tell the mapper
what to use.)

On 10/30/06, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 interesting !  that answers that question (i.e., the question above the
 assertion statement) changed it to a continue in rev 2072.

 however, your mapping isnt going to work with those textual columns anyway
 since it cant intelligently construct an aliased select from it, you have to

 s = select([b.c.published_year, func.count('*').label('n')], from_obj=[b],

 i guess you already knew that.

 On Oct 30, 2006, at 6:19 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 from sqlalchemy import *

 e = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)

 md = BoundMetaData(e)

 sql = 


 id   integer PRIMARY KEY, -- auto-SERIAL in sqlite

 titletext NOT NULL,

 published_year   char(4) NOT NULL,

 authors  text NOT NULL




 b = Table('books', md, autoload=True)

 s = select([published_year, count(*) as n], from_obj=[b],


 s = s.alias('years_with_count')

 class YearWithCount(object):


 mapper = mapper(YearWithCount, s)

 session = create_session()

 q = session.query(YearWithCount)



Jonathan Ellis

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