2006-03-30 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Looks strange, many changes now, today, in short time. But I cannot
> judge what is changed, some one should take a look at it.

That may have been me

When I saw there was the spam warning I had a look and discovered 
many pages were completely replaced with

I went back to the history, and selected the history state of the 
document before the porn spam and just copied the text and edited the 
porn versions

You should see the porn ones as the previous history, and the current 
version and the version previous the last one should be the same.

Not that I know anything about Wiki, but I like SQlite!

Re: Re[2]: [sqlite] To whom to inform on a bug?

2006-02-14 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I tried the data you mentioned in SQLite Explorer and the SQL 
statemen worked correctlyt: 

>   select * from tResult where tex like '%ra%'

returned the expected record perfectly

Here is the output of the command line test

SQLite version 3.3.3
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .schema
sqlite> select * from tResult;
sqlite> select * from tResult where tex like '%ra%';

> Script:
>   select * from tResult where tex like '%ra%'
>   result = 0
>   select tex from tResult where id  = 3229
>   tex = "...Oracle..."
> Soft on broblem:
>   sqlite3explorer,
>   and my soft

Re: [sqlite] String to numeric conversion

2006-02-08 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I'd say leave it as it is  .. ie "12.34" is a string "12.34" is a 

This way you have all the options you need and it's up to the coder 
to decide what they want.
If "   12.34" is a string it's fine
If "   12.34" is *NOT* a string, then TRIM it and pass it SQLite 
cleaned up

If you change it, what happens if "   12.34" *IS* a string? It'll get 
converted to a number and you'll lose all those useful " "'s 
which may not be want you want.

In the new case, you lose a choice (actually you lose real data)

> Ticket #1662 (
> complains that SQLite is not converting strings into numbers
> if the string contains leading spaces.  This happens because
> SQLite just hands the string to strtod() and strtod() does not
> recognize numbers with leading spaces.  (Actually, strtod is
> not used - our own internal implementation gets called, but
> it works about the same.)

Re: [sqlite] Slow query after reboot

2006-01-19 Thread Chris Schirlinger
We have the same issue, to get around it we fire a thread when the 
program starts, intelligently "touching" every table that the user is 
likely to access (As Michael Sizaki already mentioned a select 
count(last_column) from big_table; will do it)

Since a user is very unlikely to run a program and start doing 
anything complex within the first 10 to 20 seconds, by the time they 
DO try and run a query, it is the "second time" the query has been 
run and this we get the benefit of the Windows XP cache and thus the 
fast speed

> I have created a client application that is always running on a users
> desktop. The application accepts user input and then uses SQLite to
> perform a few simple queries against a single db file that contains 4
> tables. The performance is fantastic after the initial install and
> normal usage. When the user leaves for the night and tries a query in
> the morning, the app hangs for 20 seconds and then finally comes back
> with the results. If the user then duplicates the query immediately
> afterward, the query is almost instantaneous. In addition, if at any
> point the user reboots the machine and then retries the query, the same
> delay happens.  The time is spent in the
> method.  Does anybody have any thoughts on why this is  happening?
> Thanks for any help.

Re: [sqlite] Problem with import

2006-01-19 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I created your schema and saved the single line you provided to a
file and it all imported fine:

sqlite> .nullvalue NULL
sqlite> .separator ;
sqlite> .import text.txt Cliente
sqlite> select * from cliente;
|32769280 /34724873 - PUBLICO||1977-08-17
OR|2005-12-29 00:00:00|1|PRE - PAGO LANCAMENTO24 HORAS|2005-04-30
-12-29 00:00:00|1899-12-30 17:08:25|ADMINISTRAÃ+O|ANGELA|ALTERACAO

The raw data you provided contains text. The strings are not encased
in quotes or anything like that so while the example record was fine,
if any of your other strings have a ; in them, I imagine that'll
break your import

Oen thing, your line ".import datafile.txt Cliente ";" "NULL"" didn't
work for me, I used separate commands, .nullvalue and .separator
Not sure why, I don't regularly use the command line importer

> PLEASE, read my e-mail, i really need help  ;-)
> I am trying to import data from a file using sqlite3 command line, and
> the tcl bind. But I aways get error about the Number of  Columns. Sqlite
> always says that I am trying to put less columns than the number of
> columns defined in the table.

Re: [sqlite] Performance problem with 3.2.7

2005-11-21 Thread Chris Schirlinger
Are you wrapping the transactions in between Begin/End Transactions?

INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (bar);
INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (par);
INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (tar);
INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (far);
INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (car);
INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (jar);
INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES (mar);

Check out this document for more info

> I'm sure I must be doing something wrong.  This is my first attempt at
> working with SQLite.

Re: [sqlite] Unable to load DLL Help!

2005-11-19 Thread Chris Schirlinger
>  [DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL (sqlite3).]
> Im assuming "unable to load dll" is not the actual problem, the dll is in
> the correct directory and was working fine until today. I tried an old
> version of sqlite3.dll (before the autoincrement feature was implemented)
> which seemed to work ok, but the database im using uses that feature so I
> need to get a more current version working. Any help is much appreciated, I
> need to solve this problem ASAP. Thanks!

I just struggled with this same error (different system, .net 2, we 
built the SQlite DLL ourselves)

The error in my case was the SQLIte DLL had dependencies we didn't 
realize it had (A bad project setup so it was linking in stuff it 
shouldn't have)

It was misleading, since we were getting dllnotfoundexception on an 
assembly that existed, calling an assembly that existed calling a 
Win32 DLL that existed that was looking for something that *DIDN'T* 

That error only signifies a missing DLL somewhere in the dependency 
list from what my research turned up, I'd take another look to make 
sure some hidden dependency hasn't crept in somewhere (Not necessarly 
in the SQLite DLL, but could even be in ones called by it)

Re: [sqlite] Optimal page size

2005-10-25 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> For what it is worth I did some trials in matching page size to the 
> underlying virtual memory page size and was surprised to find that I did 
> not measure any significant performance change.  My guess is that it is 
> the structure of the data in your application which would be sensitive 
> to page size.
> JS

I will concur with this :)

Our tests were done by three different people (Who all wrote their 
own test programs and had their own ideas about what would be the 
best way to test this) 

We discovered it made no difference at all in one case, and a small, 
yet noticeable difference in the best case.

Someone already replied here saying a 15% speed increase is probably 
the best case. I agree that's probably the best result you'll get, 
but add a rider that you are unlikely to get that much. 

You will probably get better savings fine tuning your code and 

Re: [sqlite] Optimal page size

2005-10-25 Thread Chris Schirlinger
We found the best setting for page size was to match the size of the 
cluster size of the drive the database was expected to run on

4096 in Win32 machines and 1024 on nix ones (I think, I am no expert 
on Unix style OS's)

I would think, if you set it to the exact size of a number of records 
all you'll get is the OS ignoring that and loading the chunks of data 
in the HDD cluster allocation size 

Clustering the records of your DB will also reduce load times 
significantly, in that if the records are all near each other on 
disk, you can get one single READ of a HDD allocated cluster yet 
retrieve multiple records (if that makes any sense :) )

> I could not find a document explaining how to find the optimal value for the
> "page size" parameter.
> Should I set the page size to match the allocation size (cluster size) of
> the file system ?
> Should I set it so that each page contains exactly a given number of records
> (i.e. no record is split between two pages) ?
> Thank you, bye

Re: [sqlite] Re: Multithreading Question

2005-10-24 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Well, I guess I was not clear in my explanations.
> I'm already doing my own locking, that's the problem!
> But I'm not sure how to improve it.
> At which stage the data will be saved it and.
> that will froze the application because the search/select already get the 
> database lock.

How about putting the update into in it's own thread and just wait 
till any locks are released?

Re: [sqlite] threading and win32

2005-10-19 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I'm using threads and SQLite on a Win32 system

I can tell you that things may work 100% for ages, then one day, the 
moons align and the threads will fall over each others feet

It may happen later, rather than sooner, and may not even happen in 
your lifetime, but it'll happen :)

> I wasn't doing a very good job paying attention to the FAQ about
> threading and SQLite when I wrote a bunch of code on win32.
> I'm sharing sqlite3 database handles between threads, although I am
> ensuring that no two threads are executing against the sqlite3
> database handle at the same time.
> The threads are in fact interleaving, and the sqlite3 database handle
> is indeed being shared between the two threads, and everything is
> working as I'd like it to work...
> Is the warning about threads in the FAQ specifically apply to Linux
> systems?  Or can we pretty much say that my code is going to
> eventually break on win32 and I'm lucky that it hasn't already?
> Wilson

Re: [sqlite] Speed Test Done !

2005-10-05 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> You can load sqlite into memory?
> I do have 2GB of RAM.

You can pass ":memory:" to the sqlite_open command to open a SQLite 
database in memory I think it is

I imagine this will speed up your retrievals but without an index it 
will still be slower that it should be. 

With an index I imagine your test should have been sub 1 second to 
return that select statement

Re: [sqlite] any suggestion for the database file extension?mine is xxx.drh

2005-09-27 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I recommend not using SDB (on windows machines) 
SQLite DataBase sounded like a good name too :)

That is the default extension for something called "Appfix Package" 
and in certain circumstances, Windows will automatically back the DB 
up every time it is changed thinking that a DLL or Application has 
changed so the System Restore can roll it back at a later date

Re: [sqlite] count(*) slow

2005-09-15 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Interesting. But, with the above suggestion, every INSERT or DELETE 
> would slow down anyway as much as it would have were SQLite to maintain 
> meta information itself, no?
>  .
> Hence, it might be worthwhile maintaining the meta information no 
> matter what... most of the folks won't ever notice it, and everyone 
> would marvel at how quickly COUNT(*) was returning the results.

I cannot say I have ever used COUNT(*) in any program I have ever 

I can say however, I tend to use INSERTS fairly often

IMHO, not maintining the meta info (which speeds up a process 
everyone does at the expense of speed in a process less people do) 
seems like the correct decision

[sqlite] Maximum num of tables?

2005-08-22 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I looked around, the FAQ, Wiki and history of this list but didn't 
see any solid reply 

Does anyone know what the maximum number of tables a SQLite 3.0 
database can hold?

We've got one that has 11k or so and it seems fine, but I am worried 
we may hit a limit

Re: [sqlite] beginnings with sqlite

2005-07-11 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> When I launch the program with the Terminal, if I write:
> ./quickStart test.db "select * from personne", all occurs well, I
> receives the data contained in the table "personne". But if I write
> ./quickStart test "select * from personne", therefore I the extention in
> the name of the data base does not put, I receives the same error as
> for XCode: SQL error: No such table: personne

My guess is you now have 2 databases

One called "test.db" containing the table "personne"

And one called "test" containing no tables. 

SQlite doesn't care much about the file extension, it doesn't really 
have one it defaults to if you don't supply one

Make sure your XCode loads "test.db" and see if that work

Re: [sqlite] Access Violations in sqlite3_step when in DLL

2005-04-06 Thread Chris Schirlinger
On 6 Apr 2005 at 3:13, Dan Kennedy wrote:

Date sent:  Wed, 6 Apr 2005 03:13:58 -0700 (PDT)
From:   Dan Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: [sqlite] Access Violations in sqlite3_step when in 

> Exactly what are you calling sqlite3_free() on?

Sorry, I am probably being a bit misleading there. That Free was on 
any error message returned from SQlite3_ErrMsg which we call if the 
result from SQLite3_Open isn't SQLITE_OK

In theory it's never called, we never get any errors out of 
SQLIte_Open, it just AV's

We call SQLite3_Close and pass the pointer that is returned from the 
open call. I havn't seen any errors on close. We see errors on Open, 
Step or Get_Table depending on what we use (ie, if we just Open and 
close, the AV occurs eventually on one of the opens. If we try 
Get_Table the AV will happen sooner and happen on a Get_Table)

None of the code we used (and I even tried other componants and 
wrappers in case the one we were using is suspect) has ever caused 
any issues previously and we've been using it for months. Only when 
called from this plugin are we seeing problems.

I've tried 2 wrappers and one componant and still get the issue

Re: [sqlite] Access Violations in sqlite3_step when in DLL

2005-04-06 Thread Chris Schirlinger
Sadly, I have narrowed down the issue to some sort of memory clash 
between the SQLite3 DLL and the EXE that is calling our plugin

I can change the code to retrieve data from almost *anything* 
else from faked random data created on the fly, through ASCII CSV 
files loaded into TStringLists to ADO connections to large (slow) 
access databases, and it works fine

However the second I start using any functions in SQLite3 a crash is 
sure to follow.

In the simplest form, calling SQLite3_Open followed by SQLite3_Free 
is enough to eventually cause an access violation (eventually, not 
necessarly first time you call the Open, could be the tenth. or so 

Anyone have any ideas as to the best place in SQLite code to check 
the memory management so I can pose intilligent questions to the EXE 
developers? (Or any other ideas as to where to look before I delve 
that far?)

(Note this occures on all test machines, think we have ruled out any 
sort of memory chip failure)

Re: [sqlite] Access Violations in sqlite3_step when in DLL

2005-04-05 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Sounds like the calling type is different. Do you know if the EXE is
> calling your stuff using stdcall or cdecl, and does it match your
> functions? If you don't specify, your functions are cdecl. I've seen
> this kind of thing when they don't match. It may work a couple of
> times, but eventually something blows up.

No, I am not actually sure what they are using... though they havn't 
supported delphi DLL's for long... normally they supported C dlls... 
hurm, that's an avenue I hadn't thought of. thanks...  

I made sure OUR call types where correct but never thought about what 
they were using

Someone also mentioned ram. The machine(s) we are using seem stable 
for other processes but won't rule that out

Looks like I am going debugging :) 

[sqlite] Access Violations in sqlite3_step when in DLL

2005-04-05 Thread Chris Schirlinger
We have been using SQLite3 for a while now without issues. We are 
running a EXE calling a DLL (Which calls a DLL which eventually uses 
the SQLite functions)

These two DLL's are both written in Delphi - in Windows (with a 
delphi wrapper that runs the SQLite DLL)

This code has worked fine under fairly nasty conditions for a LONG 

Recently we tried to tie in with a third party program that calls one 
of our DLL's (which access the SQLite3 DB and returns a data set)
[Note: We eventually started a fresh project for this DLL, so there 
was less of a chance legacy code was the issue]

We don't control the EXE that calls our DLL, basically we export a 
couple of functions determined by the third party. The EXE that calls 
our DLL is written in C++

Now the issue is, randomly, but ALWAYS within a few dozen calls, the 
function sqlite3_step access violates.The first 10 calls 
(sqlite3_prepare -> sqlite3_step -> sqlite3_finalise basically) work 
fine, then maybe the 11th sqlite3_step AV's

It can be the first, or the 40th but is guarenteed.

We tried using sqlite3_get_table and it does the same thing, same 
sort of AV

We tore out any SQLite3 code but kept every other line of code, 
returning some made up garbage data. The code worked fine without any 
SQlite3 calls, it seems entirely located in sqlite3_step or any call 
that uses it...

Now having used SQLite3 for a while, I'm not convinced the issue is 
in the SQLite3 dll, but maybe the pointer populated by 
sqlite3_prepare is being trashed by one of the various parties... 

Has anyone had issues like this before? Or any ideas as to what we 
can try next?

Re: [sqlite] Database Version 2 or 3, can you query for it?

2005-03-01 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Is it possible to query the database to see if it's 2.x or 3.x, we 
need to
> know if the rowid's are 32 or 64 bit and we don't know what version we
> might be running on?

You can check the DB file header. The first 16 characters are "SQLite 
format 3\000" if it is version 3+

Check out 
for more file header information

This reminds me of a related point I ment to ask about

Is it possible to determine what the version number of the DLL 
(Windows) is? The DLL doesn't seem to contain any version information

Re: [sqlite] Re: sqlite performance variationin linux and windows

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Schirlinger
On 25 Feb 2005 at 10:33, Neelamegam Appadurai wrote:

> But still, For the same application on windows, performance of sqlite
> is slower compared to file system read or write which we were using
> earlier.

Hurm I cannot think of anything obvious. I know from experience that 
SQLite is faster than a multi-file fake DB, faster than pretty much 
anything on the PC frankly

How much data do you have in your DB? Over 6 million records or about 
200 meg DB I noticed a slight reduction in speed but nothing to be 
worried about

How many DB's do you have? Opening and closeing a SQLite DB isn't 
slow, but if you have a LOT of them it may be an issue

What exactly are you doing that's slow? Runing a select statement on 
2 million rows, returning 2,000 records should be under a 1/4 of a 
second (not talking test data or systems here, this is what we get in 
our program including display of said data)

Are you doing Updates? We get about 8000 records a second 
Insert/Edit/Delete on a 2 million row DB. This is with transactions 
which are VITAL (But I'd think vital for Linux too)

I don't really know much about Linux unfortunatly so can't really 
think of any differences that would account for a speed difference

Re: [sqlite] Re: sqlite performance variationin linux and windows

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Schirlinger
On 25 Feb 2005 at 9:38, Neelamegam Appadurai wrote:

> Could anyone please give me reason for variation in performance
> between linux and windows.

How are you testing this performance? Do you have a program written 
in windows and another written for linux? If so, the code/mechanism 
of DB access may be the issue

Is it the same phisical DB? Same schema? Same machine specs? Same 
amount of data? 

All those things could contribute.

Re: [sqlite] sqlite performance variationin linux and windows

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Schirlinger
On 24 Feb 2005 at 19:08, Neelamegam Appadurai wrote:

> Can anyone please help me how to increase the performance on windows
> enviroment

Have a look at this Wiki

Some basic things to be aware of in there with regards to Speed and 

Re: [sqlite] Relative efficiency of joins, subselects, and union/intersect

2005-02-23 Thread Chris Schirlinger
On 23 Feb 2005 at 18:36, Nathan Kurz wrote:

> But maybe I'm not really understanding the advantages of the in-memory
> database.  Is it in some way inherently faster on lookups than just
> setting SQLite to use a really large cache?

Well the way I think of it is the if you don't need to keep the data 
for longer than the existance of the program in memory, you could use 
SQLite In-Memory 

If you want to persist the data beyond a single running of the 
application, you store it on Disk

I don't really feel that a large cache and in-memory SQLite are 
really ment to be interchangable uses of the program, I feel they are 
kinda ment to do different things (Large cache=speed up disk access, 
In-memory=fast DB access but we don't want to keep the data)

I certainly wouldn't use an in-memory SQLite DB if I was trying to 
speed up access of a Disk bound DB, lots of reading and writing there 
for little gain IMHO

That's just what I thought when I saw it in the docs though :) Sure 
there is lots of fun stuff you could do if you had the memory 

Re: [sqlite] How to I set pragma page_size ?

2005-02-11 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> I have a Delphi SQLite wrapper.
> It can Open database, run sql-s, etc.
> But I don't know, how to I set page size, because when I do open in 
> database, the pragma is not working, and when I try to exec sql before 
> open database, the wrapper is say: database not opened...
> Anybody have an example in any language in any wrapper ? I want to see 
> how to you do !

Page size can only be set before any tables have been added to the 
database as far as I can tell

The pragma command is:

PRAGMA page_size=(Where  is the size, 4096 or something)

Perhaps a better idea would to look at some of the componant sets out 
there,  Something like the will 
automatically create the DB if ity doesn exist and then you can make 
sure you ExecSQL the PRAGMA the first chance you have

(If you run PRAGMA page_size without a setting, it will tell you what 
your size is. Note: If you set page size then close down DB without 
creating a table it is RESET back to 1024)

Re: [sqlite] exact copy of an existing Table

2005-02-10 Thread Chris Schirlinger

> SQLiters:
> what would be the most efficient method for creating an exact copy of an
> existing table with all the columns and data of the existing table?

You could just do this from commandline in SQL like so:


That makes a new tables, same schema with the same data (in the same 

No indexes however

Re: [sqlite] Speeding up your SQLite DB (Windows mostly)

2005-02-10 Thread Chris Schirlinger

> standard VCL stuff so there's a little overhead. But surely not as dramatic as
> suggested. But there's one condition. Use transactions! Without them, you'll
> never get a good performance.

Perhaps not dramatic no, but I was getting to the point where I am 
setting DB page sizes to match OS Cluster sizes to get any drop of 
speed out

Maybe what I was saying could have been better phrased, I wasn't 
attacking components directly, but really pointing out that for EVERY 
drop in speed, you could do well looking at sending well phrased SQL 
directly to the DB and accessing the returned pointers yourself or 
with a basic wrapper

Components are definitely with their uses, though I am biased for the 
argument that if you don't REALLY know how it works at least at a 
reasonable low level, you may not be getting the most you can

And transactions BOY HARDY there is something, never thought to 
mention them though since I felt it was kinda a "given" :)

And as you said, its fun :)

Re: [sqlite] Speeding up your SQLite DB (Windows mostly)

2005-02-09 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> I wouldn't sell the BDE-style components short, as they may be useful
> for some, if well-written and well-documented, but I like simple. 

Oh quite true, but in my case (and really what I was trying to get at 
in that monotribe) was to get the speediest database access, you'd be 
better server looking at accesing the DB natively.

The biggest speed increase I found was replacing some old "IF 
Locate() THEN Update() ELSE Insert()" with INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sql 
which sped things up a LOT

Componants out there now needed to roll their own Locates and Seeks 
which are generic, and not necessarly the fastest way of doing things

> I'm a big fan of small and lightweight, and have chosen that route
> myself. If you're talking to a bare-bones DLL interface, be careful
> of memory leaks. Much of the "Delphi wrapper plus" code I've tried
> has problems I've caught even as a rank beginner. 

Yeah, tell me about it :) I am going through ours as we speak (or 
rather was, got bored and saw I had new email) fixing it up, 
indenting, fixing the hints and warnings (hate those) and making sure 
it is bug free 

> Thanks for mentioning the bits and pieces. I'll keep them handy.

welcome :) Someone told me to make a Wiki of it so I did, its 
somewhere now in the Wiki area

Re: [sqlite] Speeding up your SQLite DB (Windows mostly)

2005-02-09 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Make a wiki page.

Not a bad idea :) Done

[sqlite] Speeding up your SQLite DB (Windows mostly)

2005-02-09 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I've been posting a lot on speed and SQLite, just thought I'd dump 
the results and findings into one message including a nice example on 
how dumb you can get in the hopes no one else falls this low :)

After several weeks of playing with SQlite3 we have finally gotton 
what we want out of a DB. For single user apps (I can't talk much 
about multi-user, that wasn't what we were doing) SQLite is 
fantastic, fast, easy to use and has great functionality. (hell, it's 

Here's the various things we discovered to speed up the system the 
most. This relates *mostly* to Windows and Delphi enviroments but may 
help others:

1) Talk to the SQLite functions directly if you can, ExecSQLing stuff 
down to the DB is better than trying to use some faked Locate or Seek 
function. Even if you have to change the way you code, I recommend 
>From what I experienced, the exported functions from the DLL were 
simple to use and did everything you wanted, though perhaps slightly 
differently from the Delphi DBE way some people may be used to

I found a simple wrapper class worked better than trying to use a 
bunch of componants pretending to be the BDE, but of course, a lot 
depends on what you want to do and how confident you are using 
exported DLL functions

2) Indexes and DB structure are important. Fairly generic DB rule one 
I suppose, but this is an SQL DB, its VITAL you add the indexs you 
need, and even MORE important you *DON'T* add the indexs you don't 
Plan your DB before hand with n eye that everything has a function, 
if you don't use it, don't have it. There is more about this on the 
SQLite docs

3) The default cluster size for a Windows NTFS system seems to be 
4096 bytes. Setting the SQLite database page size to the same size 
will speed up your database on systems where the cluster size is the 
same (Note, Linux cluster I believe to 1024 which is the default for 
new SQLite databases)
Easiest way to tell your cluster size is to defragment your drive and 
analyze. It tells you in there

To set the SQLite page size, create a new *EMPTY* database and do a
PRAGMA page_size=4096;
Now create your tables immedeatly (if you close down the SQLite 
commandline program and reopen the DB, the page size is reset to 
1024). The page size must be set before the first table is created. 
Once that tables made, you can't change the size

PRAGMA page_size;
will tell you what it is currently set at

4) SQLite doesn't support clustered indexes (simply, indexes that 
force the data in the database to be physically layed down in the 
SAME order as the index needs it to be in.) 
This means that if your index is sequential INTEGER, the records are 
physically layed out in the database in that INTEGERs order, 1 then 2 
then 3.

You can't make a Clustered index, but you CAN sort your data in order 
so that any historical data is ordered nicely. Of course, as the 
database matures, you lose that, but it helps

Someone else posted this, and it is a nice example to use, so I will. 
If you have a table WIBBLE whose field KEY you want to access a lot, 
it would be nice if everything was in order. Using the command line 
tool, you can create a fake cluster by doing the following:

   create table wibble2 as select * from wibble;  
   delete from wibble;
   insert into wibble select * from wibble2 order by key;
   drop table wibble2;

5) Ok, as a reward for reading this far, here is the dumb thing.

Be *VERY, VERY* careful what you name your database, especially the 

For example, if you give all your databases the extension .sdb 
(SQLite Database, nice name hey?) you discover that the SDB extension 
is already associated with APPFIX PACKAGES.

Now, here is the cute part, APPFIX is an executable/package that 
Windows XP recognizes, and it will, (emphasis mine) *ADD THE DATABASE 

This means, stay with me here, every time you write ANYTHING to the 
database, the Windows XP system thinks a bloody executable has 
changed and copies your ENTIRE 800 meg database to the system restore 

I recommend something like DB or DAT. 

Have fun people and thanks for all the help :)

Re: [sqlite] speedtest result is obsolete

2005-02-09 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> I think you people are missing the point here, the performance increase 
> you're seeing is all down to OS caching and will vary across different 
> ports.  It's nothing to do with sqlite, and will affect every package.
> Therefore the only way to fairly compare mysql/postgress/sqlite is to make 
> sure the machine is cleanly booted, before running any tests.
> ( well and then maybe run the tests twice in succession, so the caching 
> effect can be taken into account )

This was what we found, and we tested dozens of databases and home 
grown systems

Some tools did better with initial cacheing and some better once 

All our speed tests started on a clean boot, then we tested several 

Even delphi wrappers for the same back end (in one case SQLite) 
differed in the speed they worked at. Has taken months to get to this 
point where we are finally happy with the results we are getting from 
a DB

Re: [sqlite] speedtest result is obsolete

2005-02-08 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Another trick you can pull is to create an index that
> contains every column in the table with the cluster index
> columns occuring first.  That will double the size of your
> database.  But when SQLite can get all of the information it
> needs out of the index it does not bother to consult the 
> table itself.  So the index will always stay clustered.

Interesting idea. Will check that out

I did the clustering trick (insert into wibble select * from wibble2 
order by key1, key2;) which basically sorted the table in the order 
the query wants it, and there was a noticable speed increase

Sure, the table will slowly, as data is added, become less and less 
"clustered" but frankly it's something I am willing to live with 
considering the user would have to use the program for 10+ years 
before the data they added would compare with the data that's already 

Now the slowest points of the operation aren't DB access and 
retrieval any more, but application+parseing of the data once 

Way to go SQLite :)

Re: [sqlite] speedtest result is obsolete

2005-02-08 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Doing a keyed search is no guarantee that you won't touch *every* single
> page in the table, if the rows are inserted in random order. Try this:
> Assuming key is the key field you want, the records will be inserted into
> wibble in key order. Selecting by key will then touch the least number of
> pages, speeding up the select.

Ahhh excellent idea, this seems similar to a clustered index,  where 
the data is actually stored on disk in order. That is actually what 
we wanted, but SQLite didn't seem to support those sorts of index

> Why? Does you program require the machine to be rebooted before use?
> I'm not trying to be facetious, but your test seem very invalid without
> further explanation.

No perfectly understandable. This is not a test for SQLite in 
particular, but was an issue I discovered a long time ago when doing 
speed tests

Speed tests on any system. SQLite, basic files whatever, are *SLOWER* 
on the first time you run them due mainly to HDD caching, and 
whatever other caching the program does with the data. We would get 
lovely 20k per second record update on stuff and then on fresh reboot 
discover we dropped to 20 records per second for first 2000 records

Unfortunatly, our program has the following requirement, user turns 
on machine, user immedeatly does some NASTY damn data retrieval or 
update, closes program and turns off machine

This first retrival is our issue, and is slow. What I have working 
now seems to be good however.

We did several things:

1) Set the page size of the database to 4096 which matches most 
peoples NTFS partions and has sped up the initial access nicely. Wont 
work for everyone but most I think

2) spawn several threads as the program is opened, atrifically 
caching the data before the user has a chance to push any buttons and 
wonder why they take 2 seconds to respond.

Gonna try your ordering idea, that will help IMMENSLY for the initial 
DB though I can see how it would slowly fall out of order as the user 

Frankly, SQLite has been the closest I've seen to resolve this issue 
(well it DOES actually solve the issue). Love this DB :)

Personally I think it asking a bit much (I mean 20 million rows on 
some guys Windows 95box? and you want it HOW fast?)


Re: [sqlite] speedtest result is obsolete

2005-02-07 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> I did a small test to see if performance was linear with time.
> I wanted to make sure it was suitable for my application.
> It seems with both indexed and unindexed tables it doesn't take
> significantly longer to do the 1,000,000th insert than it did the
> first.

I've discovered there are oodles of factors with this sort of thing, 
all with depend on what you actually want to do. With 2 million rows, 
a simple select statement (select * from wibble where key = 1) 
returning 2000 records out of a dataset of 2 million+, takes between 
3 and 10 seconds

The *SECOND* time you call this, it's instant due mostly to SQLites 
caching and HDD caching, however in our case, the 10 second wait at 
the start was a major issue

The only way we could get correct test results for our purposes was 
to clean boot between every test, and then the results are 
depressing. Still trying to get past this

Re: [sqlite] speedtest result is obsolete

2005-02-07 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> I would be interested to know the results for very large data sets. 
> Indications on the list have been that performance suffers when the number 
> of records gets very big (> 1 million), possibly due to using an internal 
> sort.

I must say, with a 2+ million row data set, we aren't getting 
anywhere near these sort of speed results. 

Probably in the order of 10 times slower if not much, much more. 
However, I havn't written any generic tools to reconfirm this, rather 
this is based on the results our current SQLite3 project is spitting 

Re: [sqlite] still struggling with "Database schema has changed" errors

2005-02-03 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> I am using SQLite 3.0.8 in a Win32 threaded
> environment.
> I keep getting random "Database schema has changed"
> errors even though I am using thread local
> storage to make sure sqlite3_open() gets called
> on each thread and a there is a sqlite3* per thread.
> Has anyone had any luck with resolving SQLITE_SCHEMA
> errors in a threaded environment?

The docs for SQLite mention that you need to specifically compile the 
libs (DLL) with the THREADSAFE preprocessor macro set to 1 for you to 
be able to use SQLite in threads

Not sure what the DLL's on the web site are compiled with, perhaps 
that's the issue?

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-03 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Did you try, you can create it dynamically in your 
> code or use it as  VCL-component.
> It also works in Delphi6
> Use the Database component and the Query component, you get a 
> tdataset-alike resultset.

That's the one we were using initially that seemed slow. I tried the 
version for SQLite 3 but I don't think it is completely working at 
this point. It seemed as if they where still converting from the old 
style 2.8 callbacks

Eventually we discovered a wrapper that, while it doesn't have the 
same functionality as the Aducom stuff, it was faster so I stopped 
trying to work out what I was doing wrong and swopped over

The wrappers don't even have a decent name :) they were from off the SQLite wrappers 
page. Work fine so far

RE: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-03 Thread Chris Schirlinger
Tried to compile your wrapper this morning with no luck

The code seems to be written with Delphi 7 or higher? We are still 
using delphi 6 which doesn't have the SysUtils data structure 
TFormatSettings, and the functions FormatDateTime have different 
declarations (only 2 paramaters)

Those where the only issues I could see at a glacne, may try and hack 
that out at a later date when I get more time

> out of curiocity, can you give a try to my delphi wrappers? 
> (not Tdataset replacement, though, but they should be quite fast for this 
> reason. also try the "serverCursor" setting, which allows you to step thorugh 
> the result set one at a time, meaning there is no double-buffering required:
> rs:=db.createStatement;
> rs.serverCursor:=true;
> while not rs.eof do..
> let me know how they fare speed-wise, as I have not tested any other 
> wrappers..

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-02 Thread Chris Schirlinger
No, the DLL wasn't the issue (heck the entire program is a DLL anyway 
and that's worked well for ages)

We eventually discoverd through profiling the Delphi componants we 
had started using were the slow point, tossed them, and tried someone 
elses version (some stuff adapted by someone called Tim A.) and they 
work MUCH better

It seems the chokepoints where in the wrapper code itself, perhaps in 
the mechanisms calling the various SQLite functions. I'd dig deeper 
but frankly the wrapper we have now lets me get to the bare bones 

I am pleasently surprised about SQLites power now, for a large single 
user DB it works nicely.
Sure, when we tossed a further 8 million rows into the DB it is slows 
down, but still ~1 secondish for a 3k select statement

Still trying to wrench every piece of speed I can from the DB, and 
some functions don't seem to be working? (or I am misunderstanding 

For example:

 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk ON myTable (Field1, Field2) ON CONFLICT 

runs but doesn't create the ON CONFLICT part. When you examine the 
schema you see :

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk ON myTable (Field1, Field2);

Also any INSERT statement evaluate as if the default is still FAIL

Still not really required, INSERT OR REPLACE works well. Was hoping 
setting the default CONFLICT handeler may speed things up a bit

> I wouldn't think DLL calling overhead would be significant
> when dealing with things as slow (relatively) as a database.
> Is it really necessary for it to be a DLL?
> You might be able to statically link it and remove that overhead.
> Are you using COM or ActiveX to call it? If I remember right
> they had a lot more overhead than a vanilla DLL.
> Sounds like a job for the profiler!

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-02 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> H  The fact that the freelist size is different
> suggests either a bug in sqlite3_analyzer or a corrupt
> database file.  What does "PRAGMA integrity_check" say?

It returned a batch of Page not used (from about 4 to 48 I think).\

That was it

> What OS did you say you are using?

Windows XP professional on both test machines

We are currently examining the componants we are using to access 
SQLite3. We are accessing the DLL more directly now through exported 
DLL functions and getting better speeds

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-02 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> > CREATE INDEX myMyIndex ON myTable (myKey);
> > CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [pkPrimary] ON [myTable] ([myKey], [NumOne]);
> > CREATE INDEX myNumOneIndex ON myTable (NumOne);
> Why did you chose these indexes? 
> Updates and Inserts are faster with fewer indices.
> Perhaps they can be reduces?
> You do have a rather large database, you'll have to be pretty
> aggressive to get good performance from it.

Yeah, originally there was (and should be) only the one UNIQUE index. 
I added the other two during a test and when someone here asked about 
the schema they were still in

They have been dropped now, and the single unique index is the only 
one remaining. It is about the bare minimum I think I can get away 

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-02 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> Out of curiousity, have you tried doing a plain INSERT instead of INSERT 
> Since you have no unique fields in your table, I'm not exactly sure how 
> or why you might get an
> INSERT failure, but perhaps Sqlite is doing some sort of data comparison 
> on each insert.

We have one multi-field unique index, 

> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [pkPrimary] ON [myTable] ([myKey], [NumOne]);

Interestingly enough, on further tests (one developer forgot to 
create the index and was duplicating their data every time they ran a 
test) we discovered that the INSERT OR REPLACE INTO was not really 
much slower when it was doing it's job correctly

He was getting 6 million records inserted into the DB in about 16 
minutes. With the index added it dropped to about 18 but at least it 
was doing the right thing

Thats still only about 2500 records a second, but getting much 

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-02 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> The myMyIndex will only slow you down.  myNumOneIndex
> will help if you have queries that use the numOne column.

Hurm, yes that makes sense. it wasn't supposed to be there, but was 
added just incase it helped, which it didn't

> What is the output from sqlite3_analyzer?

Unfortunatly didn't space well :( 
/** Disk-Space Utilization Report For test.sdb
*** As of 2005-Feb-02 22:13:52

Page size in bytes 1024  
Pages in the whole file (measured) 282059
Pages in the whole file (calculated).. 282014.0  
Pages that store data. 282014.099.984% 
Pages on the freelist (per header) 00.0% 
Pages on the freelist (calculated) 45.0 0.016% 
Number of tables in the database.. 2 
Number of indices. 3 
Number of named indices... 3 
Automatically generated indices... 0 
Size of the file in bytes. 288828416 
Bytes of user payload stored.. 135341808   46.9% 

*** Page counts for all tables with their indices 

myTable 282013.099.984% 
SQLITE_MASTER. 1.0  0.000% 

*** All tables and indices ***

Percentage of total database..  99.984%  
Number of entries. 10659384.0
Bytes of storage consumed. 288782336.0
Bytes of payload.. 213059020.0  73.8% 
Average payload per entry. 19.9879298841
Average unused bytes per entry 2.90023344689
Average fanout 94.18 
Maximum payload per entry. 262   
Entries that use overflow. 0.0  0.0% 
Index pages used.. 1763.0
Primary pages used 280251.0  
Overflow pages used... 0.0   
Total pages used.. 282014.0  
Unused bytes on index pages... 253006.014.0% 
Unused bytes on primary pages. 30661696.0  10.7% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages 0.0   
Unused bytes on all pages. 30914702.0  10.7% 

*** All tables ***

Percentage of total database..  59.5%
Number of entries. 2664849.0 
Bytes of storage consumed. 171823104.0
Bytes of payload.. 135342313.0  78.8% 
Average payload per entry. 50.7879857358
Average unused bytes per entry 6.38924982241
Average fanout 94.18 
Maximum payload per entry. 262   
Entries that use overflow. 0.0  0.0% 
Index pages used.. 1763.0
Primary pages used 166033.0  
Overflow pages used... 0.0   
Total pages used.. 167796.0  
Unused bytes on index pages... 253006.014.0% 
Unused bytes on primary pages. 16773380.0   9.9% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages 0.0   
Unused bytes on all pages. 17026386.0   9.9% 

*** All indices **

Percentage of total database..  40.5%
Number of entries. 7994535.0 
Bytes of storage consumed. 116959232.0
Bytes of payload.. 77716707.0  66.4% 
Average payload per entry. 9.72122918969
Average unused bytes per entry 1.73722624268
Maximum payload per entry. 13
Entries that use overflow. 0.0  0.0% 
Primary pages used 114218.0  
Overflow pages used... 0.0   
Total pages used.. 114218.0  
Unused bytes on primary pages. 13888316.0  11.9% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages 0.0   
Unused bytes on all pages. 13888316.0  11.9% 

*** Table myTable and all its indices *

Percentage of total database..  99.984%  
Number of entries. 10659380.0
Bytes of storage consumed. 288781312.0
Bytes of payload.. 213058515.0  73.8% 
Average payload per entry. 19.9878900086
Average unused bytes per entry 2.90019757247
Average fanout 94.18 
Maximum payload per entry. 61
Entries that use overflow. 0.0  0.0% 
Index pages used.. 1763.0
Primary pages used 280250.0  
Overflow pages used... 0.0   
Total pages used.. 282013.0  
Unused bytes on index pages... 253006.014.0% 
Unused bytes on primary pages. 30661302.0  10.7% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages 0.0   
Unused bytes on all pages. 30914308.0  10.7% 

*** Table myTable w/o any indices 

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-01 Thread Chris Schirlinger
Ok I hadn't toyed with those. Just tried it, the speed for queries 
hasn't increased much, but a little

However, I started getting hard drive thrashes for 10+ seconds from 
time to time. Will investigate the cahce further to see what suits 
this app

> Did you try increasing the page cache size. Your data set is very 
> pragma page_cache = 2;
> This should at least improve the speed for queries.

Re: [sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-01 Thread Chris Schirlinger
> What speed were you expecting?
> Are you comparing it to another database? If so what are the results for that
> database?

Anything better than what we got. The results are the worst we have 
gotton from any DB or any self rolled data system (Jet is better, het 
shouldn't be better)

After more tests, it is dipping to 10 records per second update time. 

Based on the speed showen on the web site, I was expecting to at 
least get 1000 records a second updating and somewhere above 10k when 

I am assuming we MUST have mucked something up

[sqlite] Not getting the speed I think is possoble. Basic select statment slow?

2005-02-01 Thread Chris Schirlinger
I've got a 6 million row DB in SQLite 3, but getting... odd results 
which don't match up with the speed tests I've seen

The statement:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myKey=1000

takes between 1 second to 4 or 5 on spikes. The returned result set 
is ~2000 records. I havn't seen more than 2000 recs/second usually 

Similarly, the query (A basic APPEND or INSERT) 

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO myTable (myKey, NumOne, NumTwo, NumThree, 
NumFour, NumFive, NumSix, NumSeven) VALUES (1000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 

is doing at MOST about 300 records per second and at worst 100 a 
second. I have about 3000 inserts/updates all wrapped inside a single 
Transaction unless doing a complete population of the DB in which 
case it is batched but still all wrapped in transactions

The schema is VERY basic:

CREATE TABLE [myTable] (
[myKey] [bigint] NULL ,
[NumOne] [int] NULL ,
[NumTwo] [real] NULL ,
[NumThree] [real] NULL ,
[NumFour] [real] NULL ,
[NumFive] [real] NULL ,
[NumSix] [float] NULL ,
[NumSeven] [float] NULL 

CREATE INDEX myMyIndex ON myTable (myKey);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [pkPrimary] ON [myTable] ([myKey], [NumOne]);
CREATE INDEX myNumOneIndex ON myTable (NumOne);

Now initially I didn't have anything except the UNIQUE index, though 
adding the second two hasn't made any difference once way or the 

Personalyl I'd LOVE for that UNIQUE index to be a clustered index (it 
was elsewhere) but that just doesn't seem to be an option

Any ideas where I am going wrong here? Or are these the numbers I am 
expected to see?

(Note: I am using transactions in case I didn't make that clear, I am 
also doing this in Delphi using the open source componants, 
but at the raw end it seems their code is mostly fairly close to the 
bare bones of the DLL exported functions. Doesn't seem to be an issue 
there but who knows)