Music files that won�t show up in playlists in LMS

2020-11-26 Thread nnck

Hi everyone. Can anyone offer help/ suggestions for downloaded music
files that won’t show up on a playlist in LMS? By that I mean the files
seem to play alright, but the titles don’t show up on the playlist. They
seem to be ‘hidden’ in the playlist between other tracks/titles. 

I have a handful albums downloaded that behave like this and I’m trying
to correct them. I’m using LMS 8.0.0 but I’ve seen occasional files like
this using any version in the past. 

Is this a common problem or easy fix? Can I fix these with a program
like mp3tag? I’ve tried removing all of the tags and then adding them
all again but no luck.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't get LMS 7.9.0 to work on iMac upgraded to El Capitan version 10.11.5

2016-06-30 Thread nnck

Thanks everyone. I think I've got it sorted now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't get LMS 7.9.0 to work on iMac upgraded to El Capitan version 10.11.5

2016-06-30 Thread nnck

I'm pulling this from the thread you linked to rather than just
responding there. Hope thats ok:

mherger wrote: 
> > I just updated my iMac with Mac OSX 10.11.4 (public beta 2)
> > since then, LMS 7.9 (very last nightly update) won't start. I use it
> > with a Squeezebox Touch through Ethernet network.
> Sometimes there are issues with LMS on recent OSX versions and 
> permissions on the logs folder. Please try the following two commands 
> from the terminal:
> sudo mkdir -p ~/Library/Logs/Squeezebox
> sudo chown $USER ~/Library/Logs/Squeezebox
> You need to run these as the user who installed LMS.
> -- 
> -- 
> Michael

I'm not the most computer savvy. How do I get to the terminal where
those 2 lines of code are entered?

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't get LMS 7.9.0 to work on iMac upgraded to El Capitan version 10.11.5

2016-06-30 Thread nnck

Howdy folks. I recently had to have a new hard drive installed on my
late 2009 iMAC after it failed. When the new hard drive was installed, a
new OS was included which I believe is the latest version of El Capitan
10.11.5. Previous to this I was using LMS software 7.9.0 with this same
iMac running OS 7.6.8 Snow Leopard.

When I got my iMAC back with the new OS, I tried installing the LMS
7.9.0 software again but it just doesn't seem to be working properly.
When I open it up in the system preferences, it wont allow me to choose
a media library (the +/- boxes to browse and point to my music library
are just greyed out, no response). If I 'Start' the LMS server software
it tries to run for a few seconds and then just goes back to Stopped

Can anyone help me to troubleshoot why this is happening? Is there a
known incompatibility with OSX 10.11.5. Thanks again

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-04 Thread nnck

Sorry about that. The firmware update notices for the device I was
referring to are for 7.8.0, not 7.9.0.

Anyway, so far, so good with 7.9.0 LMS on the computer. I really like
the latest version, so it is highly unlikely I would WANT to go back to
7.5.5. And at this point it is probably pretty unlikely that I would
NEED to either. I'll likely just hold off for just a short time, do
another rescan or 2 of the library, and make sure everything is working
properly. After that, I think I'll be comfortable with it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Ohh yeah, and I forgot to mention that it's totally cool that the image
file I sent you was of some use to you as well! Thanks again

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Hey, don't get me wrong Michael. I am super-psyched that this is working
right now. I think I'll still be up playing around with it tonight in
the wee hours. I see already it has some cool new smart search functions
where it guesses what artist or album you are typing into the search
window. Like a lot of the other better search engines. Maybe a fairly
common thing these days, but a very nice touch.

I had sort of given up that I would ever be able to update the LMS
software. I looked back at the case I opened with Logitech when I
started having scanning problems with 7.6 software. It was back in 2011,
and they basically told me they couldnt help me and I should just keep
using 7.5.5. Couple that with the fact that I use the Squeezebox *every
single day, for hours and hours*. I'm a long-time music collector. These
days I mostly collect LPs, but I still have a collections of several
thousand discs. And when I'm not playing LPs, I spend a lot of time
checking out new music wirelessly. This may sound ridiculous, but I use
the Squeezebox so much that I have been afraid to upgrade the operating
system on my iMAC. Because the one time I did that, 7.5.5 server
software stopped working, and I already had it in my mind that if I
upgraded it, I would run into scanning issues.

Anyway, for now I am having fun with it. And I have one more question
for the moment:

The Squeezebox device itself is now continually prompting me to upgrade
the firmware to 7.9.0. For now, I am ignoring the notice. Just being
overly cautious, but in the event I do find I cant use 7.9.0 and need to
revert back to something earlier like 7.5.5 again, is there any issue
with having the updated firmware on the device itself while having an
earlier LMS version on your computer?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Dont want to get my hopes up, but it may have worked this time!

I removed the suspect image file from the folder. I'm sending that image
file to you in your dropbox Michael.
Next I just started up another scan using 7.9.0 with all the debugging
on, etc. I had to leave for about an hour or so, but when I got back it
looked like it had completed. I'm sending the new scanner.log to you as
well Michael. I'm wondering if you can tell me what you make of it.

One odd thing is that according to the Media Library Statistics on the
first tab of the Squeezebox preference pane, there are actually a
handful of more tracks scanned using 7.9.0 than 7.5.5, but there are
actually about 200 fewer albums in the new scan vs 7.5.5. A little odd?

7.5.5 had 33983 tracks in 3933 albums
7.9.0 has 34086 tracks in 3748 albums

I dont want to get bogged down in that too much. I think i will just use
the new LMS 7.9.0 for a while and see how it works out for me. If there
are no serious issues, I will then upgrade my Macbook Air to the same

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Hi Michael. When I have some time next, I will remove that image file
(if I can find it) and rescan. I will send you the image file if you
like (again, as long as I can find it). 

A couple of posts back someone else was also asking me "We didnt know
how many files, -where the artwork is stored -and the filesize..." 

I just have all of my albums each in a separate folder within a single
large Music folder on the iMAC. I assume the image files are just in the
folder along with the album? If not, then I wouldn't even know where
they are. I will check on this one when I get back home.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

DJanGo wrote: 
> Over the night.
> We didnt know how many files, where the artwork is stored and the
> filesize and some other useful info about your setup to answer the right
> amount of time.

I made reference in an earlier post. There is about 370-380GB worth of
music files. 33983 tracks on 3933 albums. What other useful info might
you need to make a determination on how long the scan process should

Again, Im a bit of a novice with the technical stuff involved here so
sorry for the basic questions. But how can I know if the scanning
process has locked up? If the time count on the library scan just stops
in the Squeezebox system preference panel, and I don't see any new
information scrolling across, has the scanning stalled? Maybe next time
I just let it sit there for a few hours and see if it starts back up

Maybe I will try the idea of a full scan on a small subset library and
see if that completes to the end. Might be worth a shot to see if 7.9.0
is even working on this computer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Mnyb wrote: 
> Are you sure it's actually stopping there , if you haven't used the full
> text search plugin before it migth take time to complete ? 20 minutes is
> not that much ? Are you scanning over a network or do you have the music
> files locally on the computer ? full etc search plugin can be disabled .

No, I guess I'm not 100% sure. But the time count stops changing and it
doesnt appear to be doing anything. Is there some way of knowing if it
is still doing something when the time stops counting? How long should
it take? 
It scanned for about 20mins or so today, like I said. When I tried
scanning yesterday using 7.9.0 I let it sit at the last step for about
45 or 50 mins. The scanner.log file says it was at the precaching
artwork step that time. But the same thing was going on- Time was no
longer changing and I guess I cant know for sure if it was stuck or

How long should I let these steps go before I assume they are stuck?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Michael- I did one more scan in LMS 7.9.0 with the Database Memory
Config value to "Maximum". So I am sending another scanner.log to you. I
tagged the name of this one with 'max' to keep them straight.

Scanning stopped at 'Building full text index' again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Well as luck would have it (or unluck - it's a long story), I had some
extra time this morning so I did another clean install of 7.9.0 and
scanned the library again. Hopefully the debugging options on the scan
and artwork entries worked properly this time. The scanning got hung-up
at a different step this time (why would that be?). It was stuck this
time during the 'Building full text index' step. 

I let it sit at that scanning step for 20 minutes or so; the time
stopped changing in the scan window and there was no indication that it
was doing anything. Is it safe to assume it isnt going to continue when
you see something like this?

I have another scanner.log file I am sending to you, Michael. I zipped
it this time too, but I still cant seem to atttach it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Seems strange, Michael, as I'm sure I had set the 'scan' options to
debug and hit apply before i did the scan on 7.9.0. And afterwards, I
did a clean install of 7.5.5. So unless the default is for 'debug' on
these options in 7.5.5, why would it do that?

I'll try again when I have some time. Maybe tonight. I know this is a
slow process, but I'll keep plugging away at it.

I'll set the artwork options to debug as well then? You do at least see
from the last line that it was stuck in precaching artwork, correct?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-03 Thread nnck

Michael- I am also posting 2 scan logs to your dropbox because I think
they are too large to upload to the forum.

I didn't make a zip file when I did the scans, but I did a "Save copy
as..."  I saved a copy of the scanner log (with debugging on) for the
v.7.9.0 file (nnck_790_scanner.log). Afterwards I saved a copy of the
scanner log when I did a clean install and scanned in v.7.5.5
(nnck_755_scanner.log), since this one is working (debugging was not
turned on for this scan).

After doing a bit more reading, I'm not so sure the scanner log files I
have are showing everything they should be - should there be a line for
EVERY file in the music library?

If I didnt do this properly, please let me know what to do and I will
try the scans again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-02 Thread nnck

Thanks for the suggestions and I tried a few things. but in the end I'm
not sure what I accomplished.

I installed 7.9.0 for this instance since I read that the scanning is
faster. I went into the Advanced tab and set all of the 'scan' entries
to Debug as described. And then I went ahead and let LMS 7.9.0 scan my
library. In the end, it got stuck during Precaching (last line of
scanner log said: (619) Starting precacheArtwork for 2730 albums).  I
aborted it after it was stuck there for about 45-50min. 

And now I'm not sure what to do with the info from the scanner log.
There were a number of instances with errors, warnings, etc. As i said,
it is a rather large libraray. Since the scan was set to 'debug' I'm not
sure what it did, if anything. Should I post some of the lines from the
scanner log here? Several different types of errors appeared like,
'Invalid Replay Gain Tag', 'Couldn't Find Required File', 'Warning: APE:
[Invalid UTF-8 value', 'Unable to read at least  bytes'.

In the end, I had to revert back to 7.5.5. Still looking for more
suggestions. Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-02 Thread nnck

Michael- I don't want to get too much into why I'm running LMS on 2
machines. It's mostly for convenience. But it's a bit beside the point
and might just derail the conversation, and it's not really pertinent to
the current problem really. Bottom line is I haven't even been using LMS
on the MacBook Air until a few days ago. For the past several years I
have been using LMS on my iMAC where my rather large music library is

I did indeed say that I have been using LMS 7.5.5 on my disk-based iMAC
for a long time now. When I first got the Squeezebox I was keeping up
with most current LMS versions that were being released, but at some
point the newer LMS versions started giving me these scanning errors
that I just described. I do recall contacting Logitech customer support
by email and phone at the time to try to resolve the issue. I had a case
assigned to my complaint, but there was never any solution. I also
recall that soon afterwards, Logitech officially stopped supporting the
product so it seemed like my chances of getting any sort of answer were
running out. My only choice at the time seemed to be to continue using
the last version that successfully scanned through my library, which was
probably 7.5.5. 

My music library is relatively large, although I am sure there must be
others like me that have large collections. Right now, I have about
370-380GB stored in a music folder on the iMAC that gets scanned by LMS.
There are almost 4000 albums and around 35-40K tracks in the folder. I
generally add 3-5 more albums to this folder every week.

I do appreciate your help with this Michael. I agree that it would be a
good idea to understand why the problem is occurring, and that's my
general philosophy with most things. However, I would need help to do
that in this case. *Right now, I do not even see an option to scan with
logging set to debug. Where is this option? (or am I not seeing it
because it is LMS 7.5.5?).*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-03-01 Thread nnck

Well I gave this a try but it didn't work out so well.

Since I successfully installed LMS 7.8.1 on the MacBook Air, I tried to
take Michael's advice and install the same LMS software on both
machines. So I installed 7.8.1 on the iMAC (OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard).
This just served to remind of why I had hesitated to update LMS software
on this machine for the past few years. Each time the server scanned
through the music library, it got hung up during the scanning process.
Eventually, I had to abort each time. I tried scanning with 'Use iTunes'
checked and unchecked, but it still hangs up (not even sure what that
checkbox is doing). Last time I tried it was stuck during pre-caching
image files.

I have a pretty large music library on the iMAC and scanning is quite a
long process (some attempts didn't get hung-up until over an hour's
worth of scanning), so after a few tries I just had to go ahead and
revert back to 7.5.5 on this machine. It then scanned everything and
seems to be working as normal again.

Does anyone feel it would be simple enough to determine why the scanning
gets hung-up so that I can 7.8.1 on the iMAC? Other wise maybe I stick
with LMS 7.5.5 on the iMAC.

Also, if I do have to use 7.5.5 on the iMAC, should I install that same
version on my MacBook Air? Michael mentioned I should probably have the
same LMS vesion on all servers.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-02-28 Thread nnck

I have one follow-up question:

Since I updated LMS on the laptop to 7.8.1, the Squeezebox device screen
regularly pops up saying an update to the firmware is now available.
Should I go ahead and update the firmware? Although LMS software on the
laptop is now at 7.8.1, the LMS software on the iMAC where all of the
music files are stored is still on 7.5.4. I will try updating LMS on the
iMAC soon when I have some time. In the meantime, will an upgrade to the
firmware cause any issues between these 2 computers that run using
different LMS software?

Is it always a good idea to update firmware?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-02-27 Thread nnck

Thanks so much for the suggestions. I just did some simple google
searches and came across a page explaining that there is sometimes a
problem with the folder: /Users//Library/Logs/Squeezebox.
This link in particular helped me a bit:

I browsed to that folder, went to Get info, and in 'Sharing &
Permissions' added my user name with Read & Write access. This seems to
have fixed the problem! I was a bit surprised.

Is this what you were referring to? Regardless, it seems to be working
now on my laptop for the first time in a couple years. Thank you again!

So can I assume I can upgrade to any current version of OSX and I can
get the LMS software to work on that computer once I follow the same
procedure on the Squeezebox folder? As I mentioned previously, I have
been reluctant to upgrade my iMAC because the one time I did it, my LMS
software stopped working. The old OS on that computer is starting to
become an issue for other reasons.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-02-27 Thread nnck

mherger wrote: 
> > Can someone help direct me to determine what to do to get LMS
> software
> > to work on both computers again? Thanks in advance, and happy to go
> over
> > any details that I missed.
> It's most likely the well known and documented problem with permissions
> on your Library/Logs/Squeezebox folder. There are several threads about
> this in this forum.
> -- 
> Michael

Michael- Thanks. Can you perhaps direct me to one of these threads?
Preferably one that explains things in very simple terms. I feel like I
am reading a different language with some of this stuff.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Help a newbie get LMS software working on Macbook Air again for Squeezebox Touch

2016-02-27 Thread nnck

Hi. As described, I am very much a novice with this sort of stuff, so
apologies in advance. Also, for the sake of completeness, I tend to be a
bit long-winded, so again…

I have had a Squeezebox Touch for several years now. When I first got
it, I had Logitech Media Server software installed and running on BOTH
my iMAC and my Macbook Air laptop. I was able to switch back and forth
between using these 2 computers with my Squeezebox Touch (I think both
machines were using LMS software 7.5.4 or 7.5.5 at the time). I dont
want to go into the details why, as this will get very wordy, but it was
very handy for me to be able to switch back and forth to play different
music content on the 2 different computers. 

Fast forward a few years and I had a hardware issue with my Macbook Air
while under warranty; Apple's response to my problem was to give me a
brand new Macbook Air on which they basically copied or ‘re-wrote’ the
entire hard drive to mirror what was on it previously. I felt it was a
very generous solution to my problem. However, from that moment on (this
happened a couple of years ago) the LMS software on the laptop would no
longer function. For the time being I have been using only the iMAC with
my Squeezebox Touch, but I’d like to see if I could still get LMS to
work on my Macbook Air again as well. 

The new Macbook Air Apple gave me had the OSX 10.9.5 Mavericks
installed, and I had always assumed that was the reason that the LMS
software would not work properly anymore (the previous laptop had been
using OSX 10.7 Lion). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling LMS software
on the laptop, and also tried installing newer versions, but nothing has
worked. Previously, I think it had been using LMS 7.5.4 or 7.5.5 (can’t
recall for sure). Currently I have 7.8.1 installed and the server wont
even start up (when I click on ‘Start Server’ it immediately just stops
and says “The server is stopped.”) 

My iMAC which is still currently functioning ok using LMS software 7.5.5
is still using OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. A couple of years ago, I
upgraded the software on the iMAC on a whim (I think it was to 10.9
Mavericks), and the LMS software on this machine also stopped working,
so I had to revert back to Snow Leopard on the iMAC again. I have been
afraid to upgrade the OS on the iMAC since then for fear that the LMS
software wont work again on either machine.

Can someone help direct me to determine what to do to get LMS software
to work on both computers again? Thanks in advance, and happy to go over
any details that I missed.

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