2001-06-14 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 14/06/01 22:43:29 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Well, Marx *did not*, by any stretch of the imagination, urge a "racial 
 against the Slavs.  "Generosity" has nothing to do with it. >>

Okay, well the following quotes are to be found in the Neue Rheinische Zeitun 
No. 194, which was edited by Marx, and the article was written by Engels (it 
concerned the revolutions of 1848 in Austria-Hungary).  If this doesn't sound 
like an invitation to genocide than I don't know what is, and Engels calls it 
"a step forward" at that:

"The combatants divided into two large camps: the Germans, Poles and Magyars 
took the side of revolution; the remainder, all the Slavs, except for the 
Poles, the Rumanians and Transylvanian Saxons, took the side of 
counter-revolution. All the earlier history of Austria up to the present day 
is proof of this and 1848 confirmed it. AMONG ALL THE LARGE AND SMALL NATIONS 
HISTORY, AND STILL RETAIN THEIR VITALITY - the Germans, the Poles and the 
Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary.  ALL THE OTHER large and small 
revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now 
counter-revolutionary...the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and 
HIDEBOUND NATIONS, DOWN TO THEIR VERY NAMES.  The next world war will result 
in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary 
classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And THAT, TOO, 

Or how about this:

"A year before the publication of Capital, Marx enthusiastically recommended 
to Engels a new book by Pierre Tremaux, called "Origine et transformations de 
l'homme et des autres êtres". It was, Marx said, a "very significant advance 
over Darwin," for it gave a "basis in nature" (in geological and chemical 
changes in the soil) for differences of nationality and race, showing how, 
for example, the Slavs had been Tartarized and Mongolized, and why "the 
common Negro type is only a degeneration of a far higher one." 

Some terms for Slavs in Marxist writings: "Slavic riffraff", "retrograde 
races", "cabbage eaters", "ethnic trash".

While I know that these thoughts weren't integral to Marxs work they do 
illustrate how entrenched European racism was and continues to be in even 
"progressive" discourses coming out of the West.  There is almost always an 
assumption of superiority in the progressive nature of the institutions and 
beliefs identified (rightly or wrongly) with the Western tradition, whether 
they be of the "left" or the "right".  I think it is incumbent upon all real 
revolutionaries to recognize the deeply racist and imperialist character of 
even the most "progressive" governments in Western history and the 
catastrophic nature of imperialism upon the peoples from whose perspective 
history is rarely told (i.e. the overwhelming majority of the world's 
population, including the lower classes in the West).  

Did you know that Mao's greatest influence was Li Dai Chao, a Chinese 
communist who believed that even if the comunist revolution came to power in 
a European country, the rest of the world's people would still be forced to 
resist the West because it would inevitably adopt racist positions vis-a-vis 
the non-white world.  Of course I'm grossly oversimplyfying because its 
nearly 2 am, but you get the point I hope.  No one is beyond reproach, and I 
could even call you "racist" as well for claiming that "Dalits" are a single 
race/people, when infact this is a caste designation (which is actually 
closer to the concept of a class as understood by leftists here than the 
concept of race as is generally understood).

<< And, of course, capitalism WAS revolutionary in overthrowing the ancien 
regime. >> 

This is pretty dogmatic of you.  What, pray tell, were the benefits that 
capitalism bestowed upon the people of the Third World?  What did the last 
two hundred years of the globalisation of capitalist world history do to the 
global South (other than impoverish it, humiliate it, and destroy it)?  Maybe 
capitalism has been revolutionary in a Euro-American context, but what about 
in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or even Eastern Europe?  Can you honestly say 
that people are better off now than before the European and American onslaugh 
on these continents?

<< The 
 liberation of the Dalits will not come by their imitating the worst features
 of their op

Fwd: To All African Student Conference [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-14 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 14/06/01 17:33:22 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< To All African (Black, African American, New Afrikan, Continental,
 Caribbean, Latino, etc.) Student Organizations and Leaders/Organizers
 29 June marks the 60th birthday of Kwame Ture, formerly known as Stokley
 Carmichael.  You perhaps have heard of him and his work with the Nonviolent
 Action Group (NAG) at Howard University, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
 Committee (SNCC), the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), the
 Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), the Black Panther Party (BPP),
 the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG), the All-African People's Revolutionary
 Party (A-APRP), and a host of other movements and organizations in Africa,
 the African Diaspora and the world.
 For four decades, Kwame inspired, mentored and organized progressive and
 revolutionary students in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and
 the world.  He challenged them to work, study and struggle on behalf of
 African and all Oppressed Peoples; and to organize, organize, organize!  He
 made his transition to the ranks of the Ancestors on 15 November 1998 in
 Conakry, Guinea, his beloved homeland.
 On the occasion of Kwame's 60th birthday, the Kwame Ture Work-Study
 Institute and Library, the Alliance for Global Justice, the Black United
 Fund of Illinois and the National Black United Front invites all African
 Student organizations and leaders/organizers to attend a meeting from 29-30
 June 2001 at Bowie State University in Bowie, MD.  The purpose of this
 historic meeting is to provide African student leaders/organizers from every
 corner of Africa and the African Diaspora an opportunity to meet each other,
 to discuss how to build a militant and massive All-African student movement
 for the 21st century, and to plan an All-African Student Conference to be
 held in 16-18 November 2001.
 The tentative/suggested agenda includes:
 (a) Brief Welcome and Acknowledgement of Messages and Solidarity Statements.
 (b) MicroSoft Powerpoint Presentation titled:  "Did You Hear the Thunder? A
 Brief History of the Worldwide African Student Movement - 1900 to the
 (c) Discussion about the issues and concerns that affect African people in
 every corner of Africa and the African Diaspora, and what African students
 must do to help address/resolve them.
 (d) Brief reports on the movement to free political prisoners and prisoners
 of war the struggles: to break the embargoes and travel bans against Cuba
 and Libya; to build the Student Sweat Shop Campaign and the Movement Against
 Environmental Racism; to demand Global Justice and to help build the
 demonstrations that are planned for 29-30 September 2001 against the
 military-police-prison-industrial complex, the World Bank, IMF and WTO; to
 free all political prisoners and prisoners of war in United States and South
 African jails; to help the Zimbabwean, Azanian (South African), Palestinian,
 Indigenous, Dalit, Irish, and all Oppressed Peoples return to and reclaim
 their land; to stop the "Drug War" and dismantle the prison industrial
 complex; to stop the US military exercises on Vieques Island in Puerto Rico;
 and other on-going actions and struggles.
 (e) Discussion about the role that African students can and must play in the
 struggle: (1) to demand that the transatlantic slave-trade, slavery,
 colonialism, settler-colonialism, segregation, apartheid and neo-colonialism
 be declared crimes against humanity without statue of limitations; (2) to
 demand that racism, racial discrimination, caste-based discrimination,
 gender-based discrimination, and related intolerance be declared gross
 violations of human rights; and (3) to demand that reparations and
 compensation be paid to the victims of these crimes against humanity and
 human rights violations, and to their descendants, collectively and
 (f) Report on the 3rd UN World Conference against Racism (WCAR) that will be
 held in Durban, South Africa from 31 August to 7 September 2001, and the
 efforts to build an International Day of Action Against Racism (IDAAR 2001)
 on 31 August 2001.  Discussion about how students can participate in the
 Youth Summit in Durban, and how they can help build IDAAR 2001 on their
 (g) Discussion about how best to organize an All-African student movement
 for the 21st century, and how to organize an All-African Student Conference
 on 16-18 November 2001.
 (h) Discussion of other agenda items and concerns.
 This historic Planning Meeting starts at 5:00 p.m. on 29 June 2001 and ends
 at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, 30 June 2001.  All African stud

Shanghai Cooperation Organization [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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China and Russia join Central Asia in new grouping
By Jeremy Page
SHANGHAI, June 15 (Reuters) - Leaders of China, Russia and four Central Asian 
states launched a new regional organisation on Friday to combat Islamic 
militancy and boost trade and investment among the resource-rich neighbours. 

Five years after its modest start as body to broker border disputes, the 
Shanghai Five -- China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan -- 
welcomed new member Uzbekistan and renamed itself the Shanghai Cooperation 
Organisation (SCO). 

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said the "six good neighbours" signed an 
agreement to fight ethnic and religious militancy while promoting trade and 
investment in an area whose vast oil reserves have revived international 
competition for influence. 

"The signing of the Shanghai Pact has laid the legal foundation for jointly 
cracking down on terrorism, separatism and extremism and reflects the firm 
determination of the six states on safeguarding regional security," Jiang 

"Our cooperation within this area will be further strengthened," he told a 
news conference. 


Security is of paramount importance at the meeting, which is seen as a test 
of China's ability to hold a large international event as it campaigns to 
host the 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing. 

The Shanghai government shut down major roads, closed schools and encouraged 
businesses to take a day off on Friday to guarantee its guests a swift and 
safe passage. 

China's financial capital is due to host the annual summit of the 21-member 
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in October, where new U.S. President 
George W. Bush is due to meet Jiang. 

An unspoken aim of the new body's two strongest members, China and Russia, is 
to stem growing U.S. influence in the region, where the Russian and British 
empires jostled for power in the "Great Game" of the 19th Century, analysts 

The United States is already the largest foreign investor in Kazakhstan's oil 
and gas industries and has provided millions of dollars in military aid to 
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. 

Jiang and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin met in Shanghai on Thursday to 
kick off the summit just days before Putin is due to meet Bush in Slovenia. 

They stressed shared opposition to U.S. plans to build a national missile 
defence (NMD) system, one pillar of a new alliance based largely on fears of 
Islamic separatist unrest and opposition to U.S. dominance. 


But Jiang's meeting with Putin, the first of three planned for this year, 
also struck a conciliatory note on China-U.S. ties, roiled by the April spy 
plane showdown and human rights disputes. 

Jiang called for a "constructive" relationship with Washington, according to 
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. 

The chief concern of most member states is the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan 
(IMU), which has led armed incursions across the region over the last two 
years in an attempt to create an independent Islamic state. 

Underlining its determination to crack down on the group, Uzbekistan jailed 
73 people last week for up to 18 years for aiding IMU gunmen who killed 20 
Uzbek soldiers in a raid on the south of the country last year. 

China fears such unrest will fuel a separatist movement in its northwestern 
region of Xinjiang, where Muslim radicals from the Uighur ethnic minority 
have carried out bomb attacks and murdered government officials. 

00:51 06-15-01

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2001-06-16 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 16/06/01 15:52:50 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Dalit
 to me sounds a great deal like the argument put forth by the early Zionist
 movement.  >>


I think you are still missing the point about "Dalitism".  The Dalits are 
representing the lower castes in Hindu society, they are not an "ethnic", 
"religious" or "racial" group but a layer of Indian society that is the most 
oppressed.  Consider the following description by a close personal friend of 
mine Shivrang Setlur speaking about the politics of class and caste in India:

"Being from the South [of India], where anti-Brahmanism is an established 
political reality, I think there's a little more perspective on the whole 
phenomena that leftists and other activists in the North [of India] miss 
picking up. Like the fact that Hinduism ain't an organized religion, and 
there is no caste "System", there is a similar world view and social 
structure that results in hierarchies in local society. Many groups that are 
considered high in the south are considered low in the north and vice versa. 
It varies. the only common denominator is that there is a hierarchy and 

The Dalits support the rigths of the lower classes and all those marginilized 
by the Westernized neoliberal portions of the Indian elite.  Louis if I were 
you I would reserve judgement on Indian politics a little more before jumping 
down peoples throats.  Its easy to brand someone a certain thing without even 
trying to understand their views.  Yes, I too am uncomfortable by the attacks 
on the Hindu religion made by the Dalits, but then again there is no 
essential "Hinduism" and the whole notion of "Hindu" as perceived in the West 
is largely a construct of misguided Western attempts to explain religion on 
the Indian sub-continent in Judeo-Christian terms.  Furthermore, the Dalit 
attacks on this tradition come from within the tradition, thereby producing a 
healthy debate over the nature and future of Hinduism and its relationship to 
Indian statehood.  S...wait, learn, and be patient before casting 
judgement on the Dalits or any other force in modern day India because the 
categories that make so much since to both me and you in our own respective 
contexts do not necessarily mean or translate into the same things all the 
time in the Third World.  Unfortunately (or should I say fortunately?), most 
Western intellectuals still haven't learned how little the labels they have 
learned in the academies of Europe and America actually apply outside of 
these bubbles.  Essentially all I'm saying Louis is for you to rethink your 
position on this issue and try to break out of the current framework you are 
working within.  If it doesn't work out fine.  But there is no reason not to 
try  : )



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12 Arrested at US Embassy in Slovenia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Protesters arrested at U.S. embassy in Slovenia
LJUBLJANA, June 16 (Reuters) - Some 500 anti-globalization protesters staged 
a peaceful demonstration in the Slovenian capital on Saturday as U.S. 
President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir met in a nearby 

Large numbers of riot police prevented the protesters, most of them 
Slovenians, from marching on the historic city centre. Police helicopters 
circled overhead. 

Earlier, police arrested 22 Greenpeace activists during a 20-minute protest 
outside the U.S. embassy in Ljubljana. 

A Reuters reporter saw two activists led away by police after they scaled the 
embassy fence and tried to replace the U.S. flag with a banner reading "Stop 
Star Wars," a reference to U.S. plans to deploy a missile defence shield. 

The remaining protesters, wearing the dinstinctive white overalls of the 
environmental protection organisation, were arrested on the street soon 

The Slovenian Interior Ministry said the police had detained 12 Austrians, 
six Slovaks, two Britons, a Czech and a Spaniard. They were expected to be 
released later on Saturday. 

The incident passed off peacefully but a strong force of police in riot gear 
took up position outside the embassy after the 20-minute protest. 

Slovenia has mounted its largest-ever security operation for the Bush-Putin 
meeting, at which U.S. missile defence plans and Washington's rejection of 
the Kyoto treaty on global warming were set to be among the major issues. 

The two leaders met outside Ljubljana at a 16th century hilltop castle in 
Brdo pri Kranju. They were scheduled to hold a joint news conference after 
their talks. 

11:05 06-16-01

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Seoul Activists Burn US Flag [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Seoul Activists Burn U.S. Flag
.c The Associated Press
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Activists burned an American flag and the effigy of 
a U.S. missile Saturday to protest Washington's plan to build a missile 
defense system, which they say is hurting stability on the divided Korean 

Dozens of students later hurled garbage and brandished wooden sticks at riot 
police in sporadic street clashes. Police fought back with plastic shields 
and batons. 

A mob of demonstrators stomped on a policeman. But no serious injuries were 
reported. At least one student was hauled off by police for questioning. 
Traffic was blocked for hours. 

About 2,000 students, labor activists and civic group members marched in 
downtown Seoul, demanding a better social welfare system and protesting 
layoffs amid government-pushed corporate restructuring. 

``We oppose (President) Kim Dae-jung, who is ruining the lives of workers,'' 
they chanted. 

Shoving matches first erupted when police confiscated an effigy of President 
Kim that workers had intended to burn. 

The protesters included activists who oppose the Bush administration's 
missile defense program, saying it was jeopardizing reconciliation on the 
divided Korean peninsula. 

The communist North, along with Russia and China, vehemently opposes the U.S. 
missile shield project. 

``Let's repel the MD (missile defense) and advance national reunification,'' 
the protesters chanted. 

They set fire to a large U.S. flag and a tall effigy of an American missile, 
together with a photograph of President Bush, who arrived in Slovenia on 
Saturday for a first-time meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The 
meeting was expected to focus on the missile defense plan. 

Also Saturday, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions vowed to step up its 
struggle to win wage increases and fight the government's corporate 
restructuring that it says is causing mass layoffs. 

The threat came after the government decided Friday to arrest the 
confederation's leadership, accusing them of organizing illegal strikes at 
the nation's metal, chemical, aviation and hospital industries. 

Operations at Asiana Airlines, South Korea's second-largest airline, remained 
crippled for a fifth straight day as union members continued their strike 

After overnight talks failed to resolve wage disputes with the union, the 
airline canceled 34 of its 69 scheduled international flights and 173 of 217 
domestic flights on Saturday. 

U.S. officials say they need a new missile defense system to protect U.S. 
territory and their allies from missile threats from such rogue states as 
North Korea. 

AP-NY-06-16-01 0823EDT

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2001-06-16 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 16/06/01 16:27:43 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Dalitism has
 relatively little to do with religion; my quarrel with it is that, while it
 rages furiously against "oppression", it does so without any class analysis,
 or class solutions, other than to demonize the exploiter.  >>


as far as anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggles go, there is 
frequently a lack of class analysis as other forms of oppression become more 
palpable.  There is a fundamental distortion in the colonial relationship to 
subjugated countries that makes pure class analysis only one of many forms of 
oppression.  I agree that any real and substantial opposition to the current 
neoliberal system cannot be fully consumated without an elucidation of how 
class serves to oppress.  However, I believe that emancipation will not come 
from nearly ridding ourselves of one characteristic of oppression, but only 
through a collective effort that confronts capitalism in all its oppressive 
manifestations (i.e. clascism, racism, sexism, imperialism etc.).  I do not 
think that Dalits would be fundamentaly opposed to a class analysis - 
although I can't speak for them personally - but I do believe that they 
contribute much that is progressive.  I agree that their demonization of the 
upper-Hindu castes is perhaps sometimes too harsh, and ignores their own 
struggles to forge an independent path for India in the global system, but it 
is difficult not to sympathise with many of their positions.



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Puppet Governments and NYT Propaganda... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-15 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 15/06/01 06:33:17 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Baltic States See NATO as Shield From Russia
 Macedonia Seeks NATO Troops to Help Disarm Albanian Rebels

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Senate Approves Legislation to Penalize Failing Schools

Both Sides Attack Bush Plan to Halt Bombing on Vieques

House G.O.P. Rushes to Get a Rights Bill Before Rivals

Medicare Agency Changes Name in an Effort to Emphasize


Deep U.S.-Europe Split Casts Long Shadow on Bush Tour

Baltic States See NATO as Shield From Russia

China Said to Sharply Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Macedonia Seeks NATO Troops to Help Disarm Albanian Rebels


Banks Get Business at the Expense of Elite Firms

Pilots Reach Tentative Deal With Comair

G.E. Purchase of Honeywell Appears Near Collapse

2 California Utilities on Divergent Paths


U.S. Crackdown on Net Health Fraud

Oracle to Unveil Its Latest Software

Free Speech Advocates Laud Decision on Student Web Site

Indexes Drop as Poor Forecasts Pull Technology Down



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Come See

New York's Frontier Theater and Film Inc.'s documentary


In its Premier Canadian Screening at Bloor Cinema's on June 26th, 2001

Producer George Bogdanich and author Scott Taylor will be available to answer 
your questions following the screening.

This is a truly amazing and accomplished film detailing Western complicity in 
backing right-wing separatist movements throughout the former Yugoslavia.

"Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War" is an information pact documentary that 
chronicles the tragedy and untangles the often confusing roles of various 
players in the region.  It is an excellent resource for activists and has won 
international acclaim for its presentation of the facts.

Tickets are 5$ for students and 10$ for adults.  If you are interested in 
purchasing tickets ahead of time please call (416) 533-7862 and leave a 
message for Kole.  Otherwise you can pick up your tickets the day of the 
screening at the Bloor Cinema (506 Bloor St. West near Bathurst).

This screening is sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace and 
Freedom (WILPF) and the Association of Serbian Womenv (ASW).

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In a message dated 15/06/01 02:29:31 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at


5mn grant for SME development
 WestLB plans to open a Belgrade office
 Montenegrin Privatisation Council agrees on sale of 51% of Montenegro 
 Federal government adopts draft Law on Co-operation with ICTY >>

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June 15, 2001
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Households report 4.5% real decline in income for Apr
Entergy to appoint Bulgarian subcontractors for USD 75mn of their energy investments
Government allows wider GSM bandwidth of MobilTel 
PM Kostov: UDF ready to support a programme cabinet without BSP
Simeon Saxe-Coburg most likely to win the vote but not to have 50% majority in parliament
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

Deputy finance minister calls for lower budget expenditures
Cabinet hopes to foster 130,000 job openings in SMEs until 2004 
Pliva takes over two German pharmaceutical companies
Rovinj Tobacco Factory nets a profit of USD 40.7mn in 2000, up by 82.4% y/y   
Podravka food company buys 1.5% of its shares for USD 1.7mn
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

Economy Ministry estimates losses from crisis at DEM 800mn
President Trajkovski officially requests NATO's help in demilitarization process
NATO's Robertson, EU's Solana urge fighting sides to show restraint
UCK demands deployment of NATO troops in Macedonia and participation in political talks
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

BNR governor sees a stand-by agreement with the IMF signed this fall
Romania will launch next week an Eurobond issue
BNR will cut the compulsory reserve ratio for ROL deposits by 3pp as of July 1
Rompetrol to issue a EUR 50mn Eurobond 
SocGen, RPPF and EBRD want to sell their stake in Arctic
Ruling PDSR is to merge today with the smaller PSDR
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

The debt swap to take place today, results expected on June 17
Parliament approves the revised budget for 2002
Foreign reserves decrease by USD 164mn over June 1-8 to USD 19.6bn
The Parliamentary commission approves the bill on liquidation of Emlakbank
Friction emerges within the ruling MHP
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

EAR contracts EUR 5mn grant for SME development
WestLB plans to open a Belgrade office
Montenegrin Privatisation Council agrees on sale of 51% of Montenegro Telecom
Federal government adopts draft Law on Co-operation with ICTY
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

Broad money is up 0.6% m/m and 13.5% y/y in May
Government starts to prepare spending cuts
Pension funds Pocztowo-Bankowe and Arka-Invesco to merge
Government agrees to a sugar holding with 28 plants
Rzeczpospolita's poll: SLD/UP may win an absolute majority of votes
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

Agreement on payback of Russian debt to Czech Republic allegedly prepared
Czech automobile industry in upsurge, sales soar by 22% y/y last year
Cities of Usti Nad Labem and Melnik decide to sell their minority stake in CS to Erste Bank
National Property Fund and TelSource finally sign contract for joint sale of Cesky Telecom
Civic Democrats (ODS) to discuss stay-in-power agreement on Monday
If you are an ISI subscriber get the full daily report after 8:00 GMT at

Final indu

Fwd: Castro leads Palestine rally [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-17 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 16/06/01 08:09:00 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Castro leads pro-Palestinian rally in Cuba
 HAVANA - President Fidel Castro led thousands of Cubans in a political rally 
 late on Thursday to express support for Palestinians and condemn alleged 
 Israeli "genocide" in the Middle East conflict.
 Culminating a week of official acts of solidarity with Palestinians, Castro 
 and other senior communist leaders sat at the front of the demonstration at 
 the "anti-imperialist" square opposite the U.S. diplomatic mission in 
 "We want to demand the end of the genocide against our brother Arab nation," 
 one student orator, Dayron Roque Lazo, told the 10,000-strong crowd. "Long 
 live the heroic Palestinian people! Long live the Arab peoples who fight 
 against imperialism! Socialism or Death!"
 Cuba broke relations with Israel in the early 1970s and has been a staunch 
 supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization's fight for an 
 independent state.
 At Thursday's rally, speakers alternated with singers, poets and pantomime 
 artists acting out scenes of violence in the Middle East. Most of the 
 speakers also condemned Cuba's political archfoe, the United States, for its 
 backing of Israel.
 The state-organized demonstration followed a week of pro- Palestinian 
 activities in Cuba, including a two-day U.N.- organized regional forum on 
 the Middle East question, and a round-table discussion on state television 
 also attended by Castro. >>

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Castro leads pro-Palestinian rally in Cuba

HAVANA - President Fidel Castro led thousands of Cubans in a political rally 
late on Thursday to express support for Palestinians and condemn alleged 
Israeli "genocide" in the Middle East conflict.

Culminating a week of official acts of solidarity with Palestinians, Castro 
and other senior communist leaders sat at the front of the demonstration at 
the "anti-imperialist" square opposite the U.S. diplomatic mission in 

"We want to demand the end of the genocide against our brother Arab nation," 
one student orator, Dayron Roque Lazo, told the 10,000-strong crowd. "Long 
live the heroic Palestinian people! Long live the Arab peoples who fight 
against imperialism! Socialism or Death!"

Cuba broke relations with Israel in the early 1970s and has been a staunch 
supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization's fight for an 
independent state.

At Thursday's rally, speakers alternated with singers, poets and pantomime 
artists acting out scenes of violence in the Middle East. Most of the 
speakers also condemned Cuba's political archfoe, the United States, for its 
backing of Israel.

The state-organized demonstration followed a week of pro- Palestinian 
activities in Cuba, including a two-day U.N.- organized regional forum on 
the Middle East question, and a round-table discussion on state television 
also attended by Castro.
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Re: Putin Cites 1954 NATO Document [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-17 Thread Petokraka78


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IF that's the same document I'm thinking about, it was commissioned in the 
wake of the change of power in the Soviet Union (after Stalin's death).  The 
document was basically a paranoid rant about how this undermined the excuse 
for NATO's continued existance since the new Soviet leadership was much more 
willing to dialogue.  In order to maintain NATO the alliance had to think of 
new ways of justifying it to Western publics.  Its pretty obvious that the 
stability of NATO as an alliance was in question even before the 1990s, but 
the Soviets in the end always provided a ready excuse.

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June 16: OCAP Assembly Report [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-17 Thread Petokraka78


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["The people of conscience in this province have decided to go on the 
offensive and strike this government where they can't ignore it: the economic 
infrastructure and activities of the interests served by Harris' agenda."]

In a message dated 16/06/01 21:48:07 Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Delegates from community organizations, first nations, students, and
 labour unions gathered in Toronto this June 15-16 to discuss tactics and
 concrete strategies for province-wide economic disruption commencing this
 fall. The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), in the face of
 increasing police repression, presented a platform to step up and take
 down the Harris government.
 The theme "The Long Retreat Is Over" pervaded the meetings. After five
 years of fighting for services and spaces destroyed by Harris' policies,
 the people of conscience in this province have decided to go on the
 offensive and strike this government where they can't ignore it: the
 economic infrastructure and activities of the interests served by Harris'
 Toronto has committed itself to kicking off the actions with a disruption
 of the city's financial district, the heart of Canadian capitalism.
 The attempts to repress a strengthening resistance to the crimes being
 committed by the Harris regime will not stop what has already begun. As
 Sue Collis stated before her arrest last night, "The only thing we regret
 after June 15th 2000 ... is that Harris is still in power. Take note that
 this anniversary marks a beginning. The long retreat is over." This
 sentiment will carry OCAP and its supporters through the current
 crackdown, and onward to province-wide economic disruption this fall.
 OCAP members John Clarke and Gian Mura, along with Ewin Gibb of the CAW,
 will appear in court in Oshawa this Monday morning.
 Sean-Lee Popham appears in Oshawa on Thursday morning, June 21st.
 Sue Collis' bail hearing has been put over until Monday morning, when she
 will appear at College Park at 10 am, Courtroom 501.
 The arrests of this week, along with the costs of organizing province-wide
 action, have renewed OCAP's need for funds. If you can support the
 Coalition please contact us or send cheques made out to OCAP to the
 address below.
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
249 Sherbourne Street   Toronto, Ontario   M5A 2R9
 416-925-6939   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ** >>

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Delegates from community organizations, first nations, students, and
labour unions gathered in Toronto this June 15-16 to discuss tactics and
concrete strategies for province-wide economic disruption commencing this
fall. The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), in the face of
increasing police repression, presented a platform to step up and take
down the Harris government.

The theme "The Long Retreat Is Over" pervaded the meetings. After five
years of fighting for services and spaces destroyed by Harris' policies,
the people of conscience in this province have decided to go on the
offensive and strike this government where they can't ignore it: the
economic infrastructure and activities of the interests served by Harris'

Toronto has committed itself to kicking off the actions with a disruption
of the city's financial district, the heart of Canadian capitalism.

The attempts to repress a strengthening resistance to the crimes being
committed by the Harris regime will not stop what has already begun. As
Sue Collis stated before her arrest last night, "The only thing we regret
after June 15th 2000 ... is that Harris is still in power. Take note that
this anniversary marks a beginning. The long retreat is over." This
sentiment will carry OCAP and its supporters through the current
crackdown, and onward to province-wide economic disruption this fall.

OCAP members John Clarke and Gian Mura, along with Ewin Gibb of the CAW,
will appear in court in Oshawa this Monday morning.

Sean-Lee Popham appears in Oshawa on Thursday morning, June 21st.

Sue Collis' bail hearing has been put over until Monday morning, when she
will appear at College Park at 10 am, Courtroom 501.

The arrests of this week, along with the costs of organizing province-wide
action, have renewed OCAP's need for funds. If you c

Fwd: san: [Fwd: Sue Collis OCAP Arrested June 15] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-17 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 16/06/01 21:48:52 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<  Sue Collis, an OCAP (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty)
  organizer, was arrested this evening, June 15, 2001,
  following an OCAP rally at Christie Pits.
  The rally was to kick off OCAP's fall campaign of
  economic disruption and protest against the Mike
  Harris agenda.
  Earlier this morning, John Clarke, OCAP founder and
  Provincial Organizer was arrested along with other
  OCAP members.  Clearly the police strategy was to
  take the steam out of this evening's rally. 
  We had originally obtained a permit from the Toronto
  School Board to hold the event at Central Technical
  School at Bathurst and Harbord.   The Board of Ed
  cancelled the permit, probably under police pressure.
  When we tried to speak to the Bd of Ed at it's
  meeting on June 13, two OCAP members were arrested.
  I do not know what they were arrested for as nothing
  occurred at the School Board meeting.
  We went to Central Tech this evening to hold our
  meeting outdoors.  The place was surrounded by maybe
  a hundred riot and mounted police.  So, we went to
  the park nearby at Christie Pits.  The cops, led by
  Steve Irwin, head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad,
  followed us.
  There were maybe 400 people at the rally including
  the undercover police and maybe 50 riot and mounted
  police there.  I doubt if any of Canada's political
  or union leaders could draw a crowd like that in
  Toronto.  Many union activists spoke as well as
  Dudley George's brother.
  Maybe four people were quietly arrested before and
  during the rally.  Sue was arrested as she walked
  to the subway station after the rally.
  I believe that the police have two objectives.
  First, the short term objective is to harrass
  OCAP and it's widely popular campaign to fight
  the Harris government and all that it stands for.
  The second objective is to warn or frighten public
  sector workers, teachers, health care workers, as
  well as the poor and the aboriginal peoples who
  might possibly be tempted to stand up to the
  Harris globalization agenda.
  Tomorrow, June 16, we go ahead with our Provincial
  Conference to plan for the fall campaign.
  Bob Olsen, Toronto

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 Sue Collis, an OCAP (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty)
 organizer, was arrested this evening, June 15, 2001,
 following an OCAP rally at Christie Pits.

 The rally was to kick off OCAP's fall campaign of
 economic disruption and protest against the Mike
 Harris agenda.

 Earlier this morning, John Clarke, OCAP founder and
 Provincial Organizer was arrested along with other
 OCAP members.  Clearly the police strategy was to
 take the steam out of this evening's rally. 

 We had originally obtained a permit from the Toronto
 School Board to hold the event at Central Technical
 School at Bathurst and Harbord.   The Board of Ed
 cancelled the permit, probably under police pressure.
 When we tried to speak to the Bd of Ed at it's
 meeting on June 13, two OCAP members were arrested.
 I do not know what they were arrested for as nothing
 occurred at the School Board meeting.

 We went to Central Tech this evening to hold our
 meeting outdoors.  The place was surrounded by maybe
 a hundred riot and mounted police.  So, we went to
 the park nearby at Christie Pits.  The cops, led by
 Steve Irwin, head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad,
 followed us.

 There were maybe 400 people at the rally including
 the undercover police and maybe 50 riot and mounted
 police there.  I doubt if any of Canada's political
 or union leaders could draw a crowd like that in
 Toronto.  Many union activists spoke as well as
 Dudley George's brother.

 Maybe four people were quietly arrested before and
 during the rally.  Sue was arrested as she walked
 to the subway station after the rally.

 I believe that the police have two objectives.
 First, the short term objective is to harrass
 OCAP and it's widely popular campaign to fight
 the Harris government and all that it stands for.
 The second objective is to warn or frighten public
 sector workers, teachers, health care workers, as
 well as the poor and the aboriginal peoples who
 might possibly be tempted to stand up to the
 Harris globalization agenda.

 Tomorrow, June 16, we go ahead with our Provincial
 Conference to plan for the fall campaign.

 Bob Olsen, Toronto

   Bob Olsen, Toronto   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-06-17 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 17/06/01 02:13:53 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Date: Sun, Jun 17, 2001, 1:06 AM
 This is enough to make us want to storm the Swedish Embassy in Ottawa. 
 since Sweden does not have an embassy in Toronto, we in the area should meet 
 a rally and perhaps some direct action at the Swedish Trade Office (Canada) 
 located at  2 Bloor St. W. Suite 504. Email any responses to me and, if
 possible, anyone included in this email. Must act to voice our outrage! We 
 protect our comrades, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters who care about 
 planet. We can’t let fellow activists be murdered in the future. Maybe the 
 protester who is still in critical condition will die!! 
 The police are using every brutal tactic imaginable---from vicious dogs, 
 bullets and batons, to REAL 9MM BULLETS!! 
 said MONDAY, at 12 NOON, but is this a good idea? Is there enough time? How
 Please, please, please show support. Help get out the word about this 
 If you do not live close enough, find out the closest Swedish Business,
 governmental or corporate organization (EVEN IKEA) and target it with a 
 with ANY direct action tactics desired! I’m not suggesting any tactics, it 
is up
 to the groups, but please DO SOMETHING!! 
 If you can’t go to a protest, write emails and letters. But try to get out in
 person. See addresses at bottom. 
 Please respond!! 
 Peace, love, solidarity, and ACTION. 
 Your brother-in-arms, 
 Lysander Zimmerman 
 P.S. I am writing this email from the Mennonite Church where all the Hamilton
 War Show protesters are staying. We had a great day at our Festival of Life, 
 our evening was ruined by the news of these shootings!! 
 Embassy in Ottawa, Canada. 
  377 Dalhousie Street 
  Ottawa, ON K1N 9N8 
  Tel +1 (613) 241-8553 
  Fax +1 (613) 241-2277 
  Contact the Embassy 
 Swedish Trade Office (Canada) Inc. 
   2 Bloor St. W. Suite 504 
   Toronto, Ontario 
   M4W 3E2 
  Fax +1 416 929-8639 
 Tel. +1 416 922-8152 
 Johan Ögren, President 
   Tel. +1 416 922-8152 
   Christina Keighren, Consultant 
   Tel. +1 416 922-8152 
   Hamid Shirazi, Consultant 
   Tel +1 416 922-8152 
   Carolina Schwartz, Trainee 
 Read this bullshit article on the CNN web page. Notice how the drive home the
 point that the protesters that were shot were ANTI_CAPITALIST. I guess they
 deserve it then!! TO HELL WITH THAT!!
 Then read the feature article on   
 on  . 
 We have to do something. Sweden was considered the most “democratic 
country” in
 the industrialized Western world until THIS!!! It WILL happen here and in 
the US
 next! It already happened in Kent State in 1970! We have to voice our 
 Action in DC:

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From: Lysander Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, Jun 17, 2001, 1:06 AM


Fwd: Legal Update [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-17 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 18/06/01 01:27:26 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Legal Update
 OCAP Organizer, John Clarke's bail hearing will take place in Oshawa this
 Thursday, June 21st (or possibly, Friday, June 22nd- this will be
 OCAP member, Sean Lee Popham's bail hearing will occur this Thursday, June
 21st. Both hearings will be held at the courthouse on 252 King St. W. in
 CAW Flying Squad member Ewin Gibb and OCAP member Gian Mura were both
 released this weekend on their own recongnizance, following their
 arrests on Friday, June 15th, en route to the Christie Pitts rally.
 OCAP organizer, Sue Collis, who was re-arrested after she spoke at the
 Christie Pitts rally on June 15th, will have her bail hearing in Toronto
 Monday morning, June 18th at the College Park courthouse (Yonge &
 It should be noted that Sue Collis had asked at her first bail hearing in
 Oshawa earlier that week if she would be in violation of her bail
 conditions by speaking at the June 15th rally. The Justice of the Peace
 clearly stated that she would not. Her subsequent arrest for breaching
 bail conditions as she departed the rally is the most clear indication yet
 that OCAP has graduated in the eyes of the authorities from the status of
 painful irritant to that of political liability.
 As always OCAP will continue organizing undetered and unrepetent. Please
 pledge financial support for our members' and organizers' legal costs- it
 is needed desperately.
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
249 Sherbourne Street   Toronto, Ontario   M5A 2R9
 416-925-6939   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Legal Update

OCAP Organizer, John Clarke's bail hearing will take place in Oshawa this
Thursday, June 21st (or possibly, Friday, June 22nd- this will be

OCAP member, Sean Lee Popham's bail hearing will occur this Thursday, June
21st. Both hearings will be held at the courthouse on 252 King St. W. in

CAW Flying Squad member Ewin Gibb and OCAP member Gian Mura were both
released this weekend on their own recongnizance, following their
arrests on Friday, June 15th, en route to the Christie Pitts rally.

OCAP organizer, Sue Collis, who was re-arrested after she spoke at the
Christie Pitts rally on June 15th, will have her bail hearing in Toronto
Monday morning, June 18th at the College Park courthouse (Yonge &

It should be noted that Sue Collis had asked at her first bail hearing in
Oshawa earlier that week if she would be in violation of her bail
conditions by speaking at the June 15th rally. The Justice of the Peace
clearly stated that she would not. Her subsequent arrest for breaching
bail conditions as she departed the rally is the most clear indication yet
that OCAP has graduated in the eyes of the authorities from the status of
painful irritant to that of political liability.

As always OCAP will continue organizing undetered and unrepetent. Please
pledge financial support for our members' and organizers' legal costs- it
is needed desperately.

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
249 Sherbourne Street   Toronto, Ontario   M5A 2R9
 416-925-6939   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fwd: OCAP Struggle with Immigration Continues [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-19 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 18/06/01 17:37:29 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Immigration Update
 OCAP's fight on many fronts is continuing. Citizenship and Immigration
 Canada is again refusing to act in a decent and compassionate manner in
 their dealings with two families on the verge of deportation.
 After a large showing of support from OCAP members and CAW flying squads
 at the Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre, Sarah Kanamwangi, mother of
 three Canadian-born children, had been awaiting a response from
 Immigration Canada.  The action, which was more than 70 people strong,
 resulted in a meeting being granted with top GTEC officials and
 Immigration Canada conceding to conducting a risk assessment.
 Sarah has since received a negative decision in this assessment, which
 pushes Sarah and her small daughters one step closer to deportation to
 Uganda.  Immigration Canada does not deem the wellbeing and rights of
 Sarah's children to be grounds for granting her landed status, nor does it
 feel that Sarah's return to a country where she has been jailed to be in
 any way a risk.
 Another OCAP case which has reached a critical stage is that of Mary
 Komolafe and her 4 year old son Jimi, who are facing deportation to
 Nigeria after their Humanitarian and Compassionate Claim was refused by
 Immigration Canada.  A removal order on Mary means she is being forced to
 choose between leaving behind her Canadian-born daughter Jane, who is two
 years old, or taking her to Nigeria, where she will be circumcised against
 her mother's wishes.
 Mary has lived in Canada for several years, working with her partner, who
 is landed, to create a stable home for her children. Jimi attends
 Kindergarden and both he and his sister speak only English. The family
 would return to patriarchal Nigeria, where Mary would be powerless to stop
 the circumcision of her daughter, and where the two children would be
 without the man they call their father.
 OCAP allies and supporters have shown their commitment to both of these
 families in the past. OCAP is calling on the union flying squads,
 community members and academics who have stood up for the futures of
 Sarah, Mary and the children to be available for impending emergency

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Immigration Update

OCAP's fight on many fronts is continuing. Citizenship and Immigration
Canada is again refusing to act in a decent and compassionate manner in
their dealings with two families on the verge of deportation.

After a large showing of support from OCAP members and CAW flying squads
at the Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre, Sarah Kanamwangi, mother of
three Canadian-born children, had been awaiting a response from
Immigration Canada.  The action, which was more than 70 people strong,
resulted in a meeting being granted with top GTEC officials and
Immigration Canada conceding to conducting a risk assessment.

Sarah has since received a negative decision in this assessment, which
pushes Sarah and her small daughters one step closer to deportation to
Uganda.  Immigration Canada does not deem the wellbeing and rights of
Sarah's children to be grounds for granting her landed status, nor does it
feel that Sarah's return to a country where she has been jailed to be in
any way a risk.

Another OCAP case which has reached a critical stage is that of Mary
Komolafe and her 4 year old son Jimi, who are facing deportation to
Nigeria after their Humanitarian and Compassionate Claim was refused by
Immigration Canada.  A removal order on Mary means she is being forced to
choose between leaving behind her Canadian-born daughter Jane, who is two
years old, or taking her to Nigeria, where she will be circumcised against
her mother's wishes.

Mary has lived in Canada for several years, working with her partner, who
is landed, to create a stable home for her children. Jimi attends
Kindergarden and both he and his sister speak only English. The family
would return to patriarchal Nigeria, where Mary would be powerless to stop
the circumcision of her daughter, and where the two children would be
without the man they call their father.

OCAP allies and supporters have shown their commitment to both of these
families in the past. OCAP is calling on the union flying squads,
community members and academics who have stood up for the futures of
Sarah, Mary and the children to be available for impending emergency

Fwd: Student group endorses OCAP campaign (fwd) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-19 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 18/06/01 17:38:42 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Dear Sisters and Brothers,
 Here's another important development in the movement to build the
 OCAP-initiated campaign. This past weekend there was a general meeting of
 the Canadian Federation of Students - Ontario. In both the campaigns
 committee and the final plenary, the CFS unanimously (and here I'm quoting
 from a report from a student activist):
 1) endorsed the OCAP campaign,
 2) agreed to support and participate in the general
 strike that will hopefully be called by labour and
 3) incorporated into its own campaign strategy a campaign entitled "Unfit
 to Govern".  This campaign fits the standard CFS campaign model and
 borrows from the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice campaign of the same
 name, but it will in effect provide student associations with the
 resources to participate in the OCAP campaign."
 So, the possibility of joining together university student walkouts,
 high school walkouts, workplace actions and street protests in October
 seems to have taken another step forward.
 In solidarity -- David McNally

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Here's another important development in the movement to build the
OCAP-initiated campaign. This past weekend there was a general meeting of
the Canadian Federation of Students - Ontario. In both the campaigns
committee and the final plenary, the CFS unanimously (and here I'm quoting
from a report from a student activist):

1) endorsed the OCAP campaign,

2) agreed to support and participate in the general
strike that will hopefully be called by labour and

3) incorporated into its own campaign strategy a campaign entitled "Unfit
to Govern".  This campaign fits the standard CFS campaign model and
borrows from the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice campaign of the same
name, but it will in effect provide student associations with the
resources to participate in the OCAP campaign."

So, the possibility of joining together university student walkouts,
high school walkouts, workplace actions and street protests in October
seems to have taken another step forward.

In solidarity -- David McNally

Evidence? Once again, completely lacking... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-19 Thread Petokraka78


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[The fact that a few dozen citizens, and lets be genorous and say hundreds, 
were kept track of during the 1990s by the Yugoslav government of the era, 
actually speaks to the respect for human rights and restraint of the previous 
authorities.  Consider that Canada alone has been found to spy on thousands 
of its citizens, while the Anglo-American countries spy on everyone in the 
world, is it any wonder that a handful of Yugoslavia +10-million people would 
be spied on during some 4000 days of intense pressure (both internal and 
external) to disolve the FRY?  The fact that there is still no substantiated 
evidence against former FRY leaders as to corruption, warcrimes or even 
internal repression is not only significant but central to understanding the 
level of distortion that is possible in such cases...]

Tuesday, 19 June, 2001, 22:16 GMT 23:16 UK 
Serbia opens secret files

Releasing the files would have once been unthinkable

By Nick Thorpe in Belgrade 
Serbian citizens have been able to look at secret files kept on them by the 
former state security services for the first time. 

Public interest in the files, which were opened on Monday, is enormous, say 
unnamed officials quoted in the local media. 

But despite the interest, files have apparently only been found on a small 
proportion of those who telephoned a special Belgrade hotline. 

Many files were allegedly destroyed on the orders of Mr Milosevic
"Many phone calls, few files" read one headline in a Belgrade newspaper, 
summarising the response so far to the opening of the state security 

After their initial inquiry, people are then called into their local state 
security office, where they may read their file. 

Across the country thousands of people are believed to have telephoned but, 
according to one source, only 12 out of 230 people summoned in Belgrade so 
far were found to have been under surveillance. 

Human rights anger 

The categories mentioned in the new legislation are those kept under 
surveillance who were suspected of being internal enemies, extremists or 

Human rights organisations have been quick to criticise several aspects of 
the new legislation. 

They are upset that the secret police maintain control of the files and have 
called for an independent committee to be set up to arrange access. 

They also allege that many files were destroyed in the days and weeks after 
former president Slobodan Milosevic fell from power last year. 

They have also called for the security services to be properly purged of 
former agents.

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"[T]he "protest" phase has now evolved into a "revolutionary" phase" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-20 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 19/06/01 17:31:41 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< OCAP symbolically evicted Jim Flaherty, Ontario=92s Minister of Finance and
 Deputy Premier, from his constituency office on Wednesday, June 13, 2001.
 That eviction raised a storm of comment in the media.
 The following 4 Letters to the Editor appeared in the Toronto Star, June
 18, 2001
 1. From: D'Arcy McLenaghen, Toronto
 What choice do we have? The recent vandalism to the Ontario finance
 minister's GTA office by anti-poverty activists is regrettable. Such
 actions do not belong in a civilized society, but they are inevitable when
 a government attacks its own people.
 If we want people to abide by the rules of our society, then we need them
 to see that the rules benefit them in some way, that our society provides
 them the opportunity to build a life for themselves.
 As a society, we have rolled back labour laws that protected our most
 vulnerable citizens from exploitation. We have cut funds to adult
 education, to public schools, to public health care and even to the
 protection of clean air and drinking water.
 The government we elected has wilfully broken lives =D1 robbed countless
 people of the means to provide for themselves food, clothing, homes and a
 future. We must regret the events that saw a government office damaged in
 revolt, but it was damaged in a war that was started by its masters =D1
 against a people that has tried every other means to be heard and included
 in its own society.
 When a window and a few desks are broken by a few desperate people who
 have nothing, we call it outrageous vandalism. What, then, do we call the
 predatory destruction of those people's lives and their futures by the
 very government ministers that we entrusted as the caretakers of our
 society?  "Vandalism" hardly seems strong enough.
 D'Arcy McLenaghen, Toronto
 2. From: Rich Knuckle, Brantford
 Jun. 18, 2001
 Peaceful demonstrations have never yielded results
 Re Violence tarnishes message, Editorial, June 14.
 Your editorial chastised the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty for its
 recent ransacking of Jim Flaherty's constituency office. The point of this
 editorial was that, "peaceful protest is the only legitimate way to
 register dissent." Further to this, the editorial suggested that the
 distribution of pamphlets on sidewalks in front of MPs' offices would be a
 more effective method of affecting change. I'm not a historian, so I must
 ask this question: When, in the history of this country, has a peaceful
 protest ever yielded the desired results?
 I'm not advocating violence, but with governments ramming through 20 and
 42 per cent pay hikes, the time for pamphlets is long past. It's about
 time somebody had the guts to stand up to these leeches that make all
 sorts of attractive promises during their campaigns and then turn around
 and introduce completely self-serving legislation that was never
 previously mentioned in any party handbook or policy brochure.
 Peaceful protests against this type of pig-trough politics have failed
 miserably, time after time. It is time to find a successful method of
 challenging the whims of these politicians who have lately been demanding
 accountability from everyone but themselves. I suggest that every public
 sector union in the country vote against its next labour contract unless
 it contains a 20 per cent pay hike. And then, when it is turned down, be
 satisfied only with a complete abolishment of this Orwellian legislation.
 Finally, the editorial claims that aggressive demonstration has no place
 in a democracy. My response would be that the governments and politics
 that Canadians have been subjected to over the past decade or so have no
 place in a democracy either. Politicians have lost sight of the fact that
 this is our country, not theirs, and it is time we take it back from them.
 Rich Knuckle, Brantford
 3. From: Ian Pettigrew, Toronto,   Jun. 18, 2001
 Canucks don't know protest
 Although OCAP has been reviled by some for its tactics in the past, I, for
 one, support its efforts.
 I think many are missing the point: that the "protest" phase has now
 evolved into a "revolutionary" phase. How else do you get an apathetic
 government to listen? Maybe that's what we need here, a full-on
 revolution, storming the gates and all.
 Without so-called civil disobedience, there would not have been the French
 or American Revolutions. More so in the case of the French. That was
 rebellion against an incompetent government and a society ruled by the
 rich to keep down the poor. Sound familiar?
 Canadians are far too complacent. If Mike Harris ruled i


2001-06-20 Thread Petokraka78


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Three more reasons why US-hegemony is pushing the world to WWIII:

In a message dated 20/06/01 04:47:02 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Specter of a Rearmed Japan Stirs Its Wartime Generation
 Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's push to field an
 army has sparked a debate on the nation's recent history of
 conquest and defeat.
 Bush to Meet With Sharon, Keeping Arafat at Arm's Length 
 While President Bush has no plans to meet with Palestinian leader
 Yasir Arafat, he will meet with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
 of Israel for the second time next week. 
 Talks Stalled Over Rights of Albanians in Macedonia
 Mediators may have to step in to resolve Macedonia's conflict
 with ethnic Albanian rebels.  >>

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The New York Times on the Web
 June 20, 2001

We are pleased to inform you that Today's Headlines has a new format. You
can now customize Today's Headlines by choosing the sections,
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For news updated throughout the day,

"The picture is destroyed, and nobody will know the whole picture."

Cries of Save the Suckerfish Rile Farmers' Allies

The suckerfish,
 though an unlikely candidate, has become the
latest rallying cry in the battle to rewrite the Endangered
Species Act.

News Analysis: Bush Finds Market Is Not Always Free 

The Bush administration half-heartedly welcomed action by federal
regulators to impose throughout the West something similar to
price caps,
 though the White House said it was something different. 


Government Executes Killer in Drug Cases

In the second federal execution in only eight days,
murderer Juan Raul Garza was put to death on Tuesday, prompting
further calls for a moratorium on the death penalty. 



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Specter of a Rearmed Japan Stirs Its Wartime Generation

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's push to field an
army has sparked a debate on the nation's recent history of
conquest and defeat.

Bush to Meet With Sharon, Keeping Arafat at Arm's Length 

While President Bush has no plans to meet with Palestinian leader
Yasir Arafat, he will meet with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
of Israel for the second time next week. 


Talks Stalled Over Rights of Albanians in Macedonia

Mediators may have to

Route for Caspian "Black Gold" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-20 Thread Petokraka78


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Caspian oil pipeline moves step closer to reality
By Rosalind Russell
TBILISI, June 20 (Reuters) - A pipeline project set to unlock a million 
barrels per day of Caspian oil moved closer to reality on Wednesday with the 
start of a $150 million feasibility study and interest from another major oil 

The head of Italian energy group ENI said the company would like to 
participate in the detailed engineering study -- which should be the last 
stage before construction of the pipeline from the Azeri capital Baku through 
Georgia to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. 

The decision by existing shareholders, led by BP, to sink more funds into the 
project reflects a new confidence in the pipeline which only months ago 
looked in doubt due to its high cost and poor drilling results in the 

"The pipeline partners have endorsed a significant increase in activity and 
expenditure for the next 12 months," Wref Digings, head of oil export 
development for BP in Azerbaijan told Reuters. 

"This reflects their confidence that the BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) project is 
a credible business proposition to take forward." 

A basic engineering study completed last month raised the pipeline's price 
tag -- from initial estimates of $2.4 billion to $2.8-$2.9 billion -- but 
this is still within the bounds of commercial viability, say shareholders. 

Despite recent exploration disappointments, partners believe there is enough 
discovered oil to make the line viable with the potential of the big 
Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli complex even greater than first thought. 

Production from the field, which is managed by the BP-led Azerbaijan 
International Operating Company (AIOC), will be ramped up to 300,000 bpd by 
2005 and to one million bpd in another five years. 


ENI chief executive Vittorio Mincato said on Wednesday the project, backed by 
the United States which wants to lessen Russian energy dominance in the 
Caspian region, had reached a stage which warranted his company's 

"Everyone must pass from lip service to concrete assessment," he told an 
energy conference in Istanbul. "What is important right now is to move from 
political and theoretical discussion to concrete and technical evaluation of 
the facts." 

The year-long engineering study by U.S. firm Bechtel aims to finalise the 
exact route and design of the 1,700 km (1,000 mile) pipeline, its cost and 
environmental impact. 

The shareholders will then decide whether to move to the construction phase 
with first oil expected to flow through the line in early 2005. 

U.S. oil giant Chevron has also said it would like to join the project with a 
stake of about 10 percent. The largest foreign oil producer across the 
Caspian in Kazakhstan, Chevron is eyeing the possibility of feeding Kazakh 
crude into the line. 

The final assignment of parts of Azeri state oil company SOCAR's 50 percent 
interest in the pipeline is expected by the end of the year when a pipeline 
company will be established, says BP. 

Other shareholders in the pipeline are Statoil, Unocal, TPAO of Turkey, 
Itochu and Delta Hess. 

06:26 06-20-01

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Germany ignores human rights - refuses Russian debt relief... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Council of Europe slams lack of Russia debt writeoff
LONDON, June 20 (Reuters) - A report to the Parliamentary Assembly of the 
Council of Europe, a human rights watchdog, said that sovereign creditors 
have failed Russia and also criticised International Monetary Fund policies 
in the country. 

The report to the Council's Committee on Economic Affairs and Development 
said creditors belonging to the Paris Club, who are owed $48.6 billion by 
Russia, of which $38.7 billion is inherited from the Soviet era, should match 
the terms offered by private sector banks. 

"They (the Council committee) at the same time regret that the Paris Club of 
international creditors has been unwilling to restructure Russian debts 
inherited from the Soviet Union, on terms similar to those granted by their 
peers of the London Club of creditors," the report said. 

Private sector creditors agreed last year to restructure $37 billion of debt 
with a 36.5 percent writeoff and the balance in 10- and 30-year Eurobonds. 

Germany, which is owed 40 percent of the total sovereign debt, has been 
especially intransigent, saying that Russia whose economy is growing rapidly 
does not need debt relief. 

The report to the Council of Europe, which was released on the Council's web 
site, covered the role of the development bank for central and eastern 
Europe, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and endorsed 
its activities. 

It will be debated by the Council of Europe next week. 

The committee's report also criticised the IMF's role in Russia, saying the 
fund has been too strict. 

"Furthermore, they (the committee) consider the IMF position vis--vis Russia 
unjustifiably rigid when compared to those adopted as regards countries in 
similar difficulties, such as Argentina, Turkey and Ukraine," the report 

07:31 06-20-01

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Fwd: Kosovo tribunal accused of "ethnic bias" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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In a message dated 20/06/01 10:13:58 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Amnesty and UN staff accuse Kosovo war crimes tribunal of ethnic bias 
 Nicholas Wood in Pristina
 Wednesday June 20, 2001
 The Guardian 
 Human rights observers have accused the UN mission in Kosovo of continued 
ethnic bias in its judicial system and making "politically driven decisions", 
in spite of the appointment of international judges and prosecutors. 
 The allegations, made yesterday by UN legal advisers and the human rights 
group Amnesty International, follow the sentencing of a Serb man to 15 years 
in prison for taking part in the Racak massacre. 
 The massacre of 45 ethnic Albanians in January 1999 was one of the factors 
which eventually led to the Nato airstrikes against Yugoslavia; it is perhaps 
the most sensitive case from the Kosovo conflict. 
 Witnesses claimed that Zoran Stanojevic, 35, a Serb former policeman, was 
seen killing one of the victims, a 62-year-old man from Racak. 
 But UN legal officials say his trial was dogged by procedural irregularities 
and that trial testimony was contradicted by forensic evidence and initial 
witness statements. 
 According to one UN legal officer with knowledge of the case, the panel of 
two international judges and one Albanian judge had considered abandoning the 
trial for lack of evidence, "but they didn't dare to do it. Politically 
speaking it was not possible. 
 "The people of Racak would have been furious. Racak is a symbol of what 
happened during the war for all Albanians. They gave in to pressure, pressure 
that was exerted through out the case." 
 The court had to abandon a reconstruction at the scene on two occasions 
after being threatened. On the first, two men, one armed with a Kalashnikov 
and another with a pistol, forced court officials to leave saying: "We don't 
want any Serbs in our village." On the second, a crowd of villagers denied 
them access. 
 A reconstruction of events later went ahead but without the accused or a 
defence counsel, also a Serb, present. 
 Four key trial witnesses altered their testimony between giving statements 
to members of the international criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia and 
appearing in court. Two witness claims that victims had been shot though the 
front of the head were contradicted by forensic evidence. 
 Tome Gashe, a lawyer representing the victim's family, warned the judges 
during his summing up that unless they found Stanojevic guilty, "people will 
doubt the justice system". 
 "They believe they will have to take justice into their own hand," he added. 
"They will be forced to revenge what happened to their closest ones since it 
will be impossible for them to find peace, and as a result of this revenge, 
innocent people may be victimised." 
 Stanojevic's trial comes two years after the UN set up the judicial system 
in Kosovo. 
 A year ago it announced that it would introduce increased numbers of 
international judges and prosecutors to eliminate perceived bias in court 
 But Amnesty International remains extremely concerned. "Despite the 
appointment of international prosecutors and judges to the Kosovo courts, the 
judicial system in Kosovo continues to be seriously flawed," a spokeswoman 
 "From cases of unlawful pre-trial detention to procedural breaches in the 
conduct of trials, the administration of justice fails to be conducted in a 
manner consistent with international human rights standards." 
 A senior UN legal official said the Stanojevic trial reflected weaknesses 
throughout the Kosovo judicial process. "The quality of evidence is very very 
poor and relies on testimony for which there is very little supporting 
evidence. No one hesitates to make things up. International judges were meant 
to alleviate concerns over bias and set a standard for effective justice. It 
[the policy] does not seem to have worked." 
 Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001 

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Re: FW: [TW] Dando bullet's 'Serbian markings' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-20 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 20/06/01 10:46:25 Eastern Daylight Time, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], quoting the Guardian (there you happy?), writes:

<<  "This is most common in ammunition made by the
 Soviet Union,
 the eastern bloc and Yugoslavia because of the environment
 of the gun's use. >>
Considering that Soviet-era light weapons are perhaps the easiest and most 
available thing on the black market for weapons this "finding" is completely 
insignificant.  In fact I would be suprised if the assassin didn't use a gun 
made in the former Soviet-bloc as these are much much harder to trace to 
their original sources.  Furthermore the racist title calling these "Serbian 
markings" should be entered into a textbook for ethnic-stereotyping and how 
demonization is carried out as the title taken with the article as a whole 
suggests a forensic meaning for the adjective Serbian.


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ONTARIO: 23 Arrested in Most Recent Gov't Crackdown [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-21 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 20/06/01 21:20:42 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Official OCAP Update & Financial Appeal
 June 20th, 2001
 ** Please Circulate Widely **
 Financial Appeal
 The crackdown on OCAP has not been able to stop us from continuing the
 urgent work of opposing the Harris government and acting in defence of
 poor people on a daily basis.  In spite of the fact that we were hit with
 23 arrests in just over a week, on June 15-16th OCAP held what we believe
 was a truly inspiring Assembly of delegates from organizations across the
 province committed to a fall campaign of economic disruption against the
 On the local front, as always, we are getting daily calls from
 poor people in need of our support.  That being said, expenses are piling
 up and we urgently need your support! OCAP is under attack because weve
 chosen to broaden and deepen the fight against this government and all it
 represents.  The powers that be hope hitting us with burgeoning legal
 expenses will help in their attempts to paralyse the organization.  In
 just one week we have already been forced to commit thousands of dollars
 to protecting our members.  We are urgently in need of allied support for
 jailed organizers and members! Send donations for legal defence and
 organizing to:
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
249 Sherbourne St.
Toronto, ON
M5A 2R9
 June Assembly & Economic Disruption Campaign
 On June 16th, delegates from more than 100 union locals, social justice,
 community, student & anti-poverty organizations met in Toronto and engaged
 in day-long strategy sessions for a Campaign of Economic Disruption
 against the Harris Government. Activists and organizers came from as far
 afield as Montreal, North Bay, Sudbury, Windsor, and Chicago.
 Discussions were broken up first along sectoral and then geographic lines
 to facilitate the building of a province-wide network of organizers
 committed to the campaign. It should be noted that the excitement and
 enthusiasm demonstrated by all in attendance once again proved the
 movement against Harris is moving in a serious and effective direction.
 Amongst other inspiring commitments, participating delegates will mobilize
 - an extensive and escalating print campaign (posters, stickers, buttons,
 - a speaking tour across the province, continuing to recruit union locals
 and social justice organizations to the campaign
 - a campaign to bring forward commitment resolutions at union locals for
 workplace actions
 - targeting actions at specific corporations that have benefited most
 under the Harris government
 - highschool and university walk-outs, in some cases to coincide with and
 strengthen workplace actions
 - the complete shut down of Toronto's financial district on October 16th
 OCAP and its allies will assemble and send out a post-June Assembly
 package to all delegates as soon as possible.
 OCAP Allies & Support
 Yesterday the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario
 contributed $3,500 to OCAP, demonstrating their on-going commitment and
 resolve to escalating the fight against Harris, while today, CUPE Local
 3903 members spontaneously donated more than $200 cash our of their own
 The Canadian Federation of Students Ontario (CFS-O) this past weekend at
 their annual conference unanimously endorsed the campaign of economic
 disruption against the Harris government. The CFS-O went a step further in
 committing to a province-wide strike, as well as incorporating into its
 own strategy a campaign entitled "Unfit to Govern, which will provide
 student associations with resources to participate in the OCAP campaign.
 The membership of OCAP would like to also thank everyone not mentioned
 here who has been sending support and solidarity. However, in a fight like
 this OCAP is in desperate need of more.
 Arrests & Harassment
 Following the June 15th Assembly in Christie Pits last week, two OCAP
 organizers and three members remain in jail:  John Clarke, Sue Collis,
 Sean Lee-Popham, Omid Zarian, and AJ Withers.
 John Clarke, who was arrested outside the OCAP Dundas-Sherbourne office on
 Friday morning, appears in bail court on Thursday June 21st in Oshawa, in
 connection with the eviction of Jim Flaherty's constituency office in
 OCAP member Sean Lee Popham also appears on 

Phony Prize for Phony Peace [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-21 Thread Petokraka78


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Clinton Accepts Dayton Peace Prize

.c The Associated Press

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - Former President Clinton accepted the Dayton Peace Prize 
for his efforts to end the war in Bosnia and said the United States must 
finish the job through financial support. 

The award was presented to the former president Wednesday night at 
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where the Dayton Peace Accords that ended 
the conflict in the Balkan nation were reached nearly six years ago. 
Scheduling conflicts kept Clinton from personally accepting the award last 

At the ceremony, Clinton said Bosnia can emerge as an independent nation only 
through privatization of its economy. 

``All too often those of us who have the resources to help them succeed in 
the long run don't do our part. We cannot let that happen in the Balkans,'' 
Clinton said. 

``There is still not enough effort by the United States and Europe to open 
our markets and direct our investments to people who could be great partners 
with us in the 21st century,'' he said. 

More than 400 people, including the ambassadors of Bosnia and Croatia, 
attended the dinner and ceremony. 

``You acted and committed U.S. troops to protecting the peace,'' Dayton Mayor 
Mike Turner told Clinton. ``It was a daring move. It was a brave act 
undertaken for the sole purpose of it was the right thing to do.'' 

Clinton was in Vietnam when the prize was announced in November, on the fifth 
anniversary of the accords. The award was accepted then by U.S. Ambassador 
James Pardew. 

The U.S. government brought the leaders of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia to 
Wright-Patterson in late 1995 to negotiate an end to the war in Bosnia. The 
Dayton Peace Accords were initialed Nov. 21, 1995, ending a conflict that had 
cost more than 200,000 lives and led to the displacement of nearly 1 million 

``President Clinton's efforts to invest in peace in the Balkans after the war 
was over was the most significant thing he could have done,'' said Bruce 
Hitchner, chairman of the Dayton Peace Accords Project. ``He stayed the 
course. He invested in making Bosnia work.'' 

Peacekeeping troops remain in the region. 

The award includes a $25,000 cash prize, which Clinton will donate to a 
charity in Bosnia, Hitchner said. It also includes a sculpture and a gold 

On the Net: 

Dayton Peace Accords: 

AP-NY-06-21-01 0052EDT

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German Education in Montenegro... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-21 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 21/06/01 03:54:41 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< 2001 Montenegro International Summer School
 12 AUGUST - 25 AUGUST 2001
 * High-quality academic courses, taught by 5 international professors! 
 * Scholarships available for students from South East Europe! 
 * No tuition fees! 
 * Limited participation - register now!
 Between 12 August and 25 August 2001, the Friedrich-Schiller-University 
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the first international summer school in Montenegro. Registration for 
participants is open now!
 The programme will provide 5 intensive courses in Economics, Philosophy and 
Political Science. Courses are taught in English. Participants receive the 
official "2001 Montenegro International Summer School Certificate". Besides 
an academic programme, a recreational programme is organised.
 Register for the 2001 Montenegro International Summer School on: . The application form can also be faxed 
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summer school in our offices or download it from the web site.
   WUS Austria - Podgorica Office
   Cetinjski put bb
   81000 Podgorica
   ph/fax: +381-(0)81-245007
  Thomas Henzschel
   Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
   Department of Political Science
   Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
   D-07749 Jena, Germany
   Fax: +49-(0)3641-945412

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2001 Montenegro International Summer 

* High-quality academic 
courses, taught by 5 international professors! 
* Scholarships available for 
students from South East Europe! 
* No tuition fees! 
* Limited participation - 
register now!

Between 12 August and 25 August 2001, the 
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 
and WUS Austria organise the first international summer school in Montenegro. 
Registration for participants is open now!

The programme will 
provide 5 intensive courses in Economics, Philosophy and Political 
Science. Courses are taught in English. Participants receive the official 
"2001 Montenegro International Summer School Certificate". Besides an 
academic programme, a recreational programme is organised.

Register for the 2001 Montenegro International Summer School 
on: . The application form 
can also be faxed to our offices or sent by email. Please pick up the full 
brochure of the summer school in our offices or download it from the web 



  WUS Austria – Podgorica 
  Cetinjski put 

  Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
  Department of Political 
  D-07749 Jena, 
  Fax: +49-(0)3641-945412

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BBC: Italians set aside 200 body-bags for Genoa!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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In a message dated 21/06/01 15:22:52 Eastern Daylight Time, Kilibarda78 

<< Thursday, 21 June, 2001, 13:09 GMT 14:09 UK 
 Body bags stockpiled for Genoa summit
 The protests against G8 in Genoa have already begun
 Italian authorities have ordered 200 body bags as they step up preparations 
for a violent confrontation at next month's G8 summit in Genoa, say Italian 
media reports. 
 A room at the city's hospital will also be set aside as a temporary 
mortuary, said Italian news agency ANSA. 
 The reports come amid growing concern that the G8 summit will witness even 
worse confrontation than last weekend's European meeting in Gothenburg. Tens 
of thousands of protesters - from anarchists to Basque separatists - are 
expected to head for Genoa. 
 We view the threats as totally serious, but hope that with joint efforts we 
can solve all the problems
 Russian security chief Yevgeny Murov  
 As well as the threat of street unrest, Italian authorities have been warned 
that attempts may be made on the lives of some of the world leaders present. 
 One threat passed on to Italy by the German secret service is of an 
assassination plan by Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, aimed at US President 
George W Bush. Militant supporters of Bin Laden are said to planning a 
possible bomb attack. 
 President Putin's personal security will also be stepped up because of a 
possible threat from Chechen rebels, say his bodyguards. 
 Italian senators made their objections clear as Mr Berlusconi spoke
 Mr Putin's bodyguards have already visited Genoa and met the heads of 
special services from nearly all the countries being represented there, said 
Russian security chief Yevgeny Murov, head of the FSO. 
 "Each special service works out its own method of providing security these 
days. Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service renders enormous assistance to 
us, and we are in a permanent contact with them," he said in an interview 
with the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. 
 He said his agency was aware of the Bin Laden threat, and was making its 
Genoa preparations in the light of them. 
 "We view the threats as totally serious, but hope that with joint efforts we 
can solve all the problems," said Murov. 
 Leaders from Italy, France, Canada, the UK, Japan and Germany will also be 
at the two-day summit, which starts on 20 July. 
 Italian authorities are preparing a huge force of 20,000 police and 
soldiers, backed by the threat of tear gas, water cannon and a formidable 
array of military hardware. 
 Italian plans 
 20,000 officers (against 2,000 in Sweden)
 Practice 'war games' being held
 Tear gas and water cannon lined up
 15 helicopters, four planes, seven naval boats
 Rooftop squads, hidden cameras, satellite surveillance
 Presidents Bush, Chirac based on aircraft carriers 
 A "ring of steel" will be imposed on the city. Railway stations and motorway 
junctions will be closed, and flights into Genoa diverted. 
 In the city itself, the streets around the summit venue have been declared 
as a "red zone", and will be blocked off by dozens of armoured vehicles. 
Outside the red zone, some areas will be set aside for protesters to make 
their views known. 
 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said he wants dialogue with the 
protesters, and stresses the legimitate right of people to make their views 
known, but he has warned them that violent extremists will be "isolated and 
not be allowed to do harm". 
 Aircraft carriers 
 As the security operation continues to build up, some organisers are still 
reported to be keen to switch the summit venue to a cruise ship, which would 
be moored safely out at sea somewhere along the Italian Riviera. 
 At least two conference leaders - President Bush and French President 
Jacques Chirac - are already planning waterborne accommodation. Both will 
stay on aircraft carriers while attending the summt. 
 Concern about security has deepened since events in Gothenburg, when Swedish 
police appeared to be overwhelmed by the scale and depth of violence. 
 A lavish dinner had to be cancelled and some delegations had to switch 
hotels after police said they could no longer guarantee their safety. 
 Three protesters were shot and dozens of police officers were hurt. 

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Thursday, 21 June, 2001, 13:09 GMT 14:09 UK 
Body bags stockpiled for Genoa summit

Fwd: Five OCAP Members Remain in Jail - Bail Hearing Tomorrow for OCAP Organi... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-22 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 21/06/01 21:12:14 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Press Release
 Five OCAP Members Remain in Jail
 Bail Hearing Tomorrow for OCAP Organizer Sue Collis
 After speaking at the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty’s June 15th Assembly
 in Christie Pitts last Friday evening, Sue Collis was re-arrested, due to
 police allegations that she was acting unlawfully by fulfilling her role as
 an OCAP organizer at the event. This arrest took place despite specific
 clarifications made by Sue about the real meaning of her bail conditions,
 following the action at the Finance Minister's constituency office last
 Essentially, Sue was arrested illegally and has been in jail for a week. The
 Crown has since been making vague statements about OCAP being declared an
 illegal organization in order to justify her arrest and detention. The
 attempt to incapacitate OCAP's ability to organize effectively against the
 Harris regime is blatant.
 Sue Collis will appear in bail court at 10 am on Friday June 22nd, at the
 College Park Courts at Yonge and College in Toronto.
 Other jailed OCAP members appeared in the Oshawa courts today, only to have
 their bail hearings put over until next Wednesday, June 27th, 2001. Sean Lee
 Popham, arrested at the Whitby action last Tuesday, will have a decision on
 his bail hearing rendered on this date. OCAP organizer John Clarke, OCAP
 members AJ Withers and Omid Zarian, will have their bail hearings on this

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Press Release

Five OCAP Members Remain in Jail
Bail Hearing Tomorrow for OCAP Organizer Sue Collis

After speaking at the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty’s June 15th Assembly
in Christie Pitts last Friday evening, Sue Collis was re-arrested, due to
police allegations that she was acting unlawfully by fulfilling her role as
an OCAP organizer at the event. This arrest took place despite specific
clarifications made by Sue about the real meaning of her bail conditions,
following the action at the Finance Minister's constituency office last

Essentially, Sue was arrested illegally and has been in jail for a week. The
Crown has since been making vague statements about OCAP being declared an
illegal organization in order to justify her arrest and detention. The
attempt to incapacitate OCAP's ability to organize effectively against the
Harris regime is blatant.

Sue Collis will appear in bail court at 10 am on Friday June 22nd, at the
College Park Courts at Yonge and College in Toronto.

Other jailed OCAP members appeared in the Oshawa courts today, only to have
their bail hearings put over until next Wednesday, June 27th, 2001. Sean Lee
Popham, arrested at the Whitby action last Tuesday, will have a decision on
his bail hearing rendered on this date. OCAP organizer John Clarke, OCAP
members AJ Withers and Omid Zarian, will have their bail hearings on this


2001-06-22 Thread Petokraka78


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Native Genocide Investigated in North America? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-22 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 21/06/01 23:55:57 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Subj: san: Please respond to this!
 Date:  21/06/01 23:55:57 Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Louis Proyect)
 Dear Friends,
 I know that we are all subject to all sorts of appeals for help, and we
 certainly understand that many are stretched in many directions, but for
 those so inclined, the Blackfoot Nation appeals to all for assistance to
 conduct our Tribunal examining alleged genocidal policies and acts by the
 governments of the United States and Canada and by certain named Churches
 (Anglican, United, Catholic, Mormons, Presbyterians etc) against Blackfoot
 People in the United States and Canada.
 This Tribunal will be conducted by the four principal Bands of the
 Blackfoot Nation (Siksika, Akainaa, Apatohsipiikani and Amskaapipiikani)
 on July 1-4, 2001 at a traditional Blackfoot encampment at Brocket,
 Alberta. Representatives of the UN will be observing. Because the
 unemployment rates are close to 90% on all Blackfoot
 Reserves/Reservations, and because Blackfoot in Canada live on around $280
 (Canadian) per month, the necessary costs of the Tribunal will be borne by
 al members but will also constitute a real hardship for many who live on
 next to nothing.
 For the above-mentioned reasons, the Blackfoot Nation sends this appeal
 for anyone so moved to help with a donation to cover some of the costs of
 this significant and unprecedented (for a Nation) Tribunal. Not one cent
 will be wasted or used for any purpose other than the direct and necessary
 costs of this Tribunal. For those who have been invited and cannot attend,
 a donation might be as way to have your presence felt.
 If anyone is moved to make a donation, and we do understand that many
 cannot donate or are just subject to too many appeals for donations that
 are hard to prioritize, the following information will help you as to
 where to send any donations:
 Blackfoot Nation Fund
 Pincher Creek Credit Union Ltd.
 750 Kettle Street
 Pincher Creek,  Alberta, Canada T0K 1W0
 Blackfoot Nation Account Number: 6122345
 for wiring donations:  Transit Number:  899 (Bank) 01529
 Thank you all for reading this and please pass this appeal on to all of
 the lists on which you participate even if unable to make a donation. All
 on this list are invited to our Tribunal and please contact me for further
 info. As is the Blackfoot way, we will feed and house all who attend.
 Jim Craven
 Blackfoot Nation
 Louis Proyect
 Marxism mailing list:

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Dear Friends,

I know that we are all subject to all sorts of appeals for help, and we
certainly understand that many are stretched in many directions, but for
those so inclined, the Blackfoot Nation appeals to all for assistance to
conduct our Tribunal examining alleged genocidal policies and acts by the
governments of the United States and Canada and by certain named Churches
(Anglican, United, Catholic, Mormons, Presbyterians etc) against Blackfoot
People in the United States and Canada.

This Tribunal will be conducted by the four principal Bands of the
Blackfoot Nation (Siksika, Akainaa, Apatohsipiikani and Amskaapipiikani)
on July 1-4, 2001 at a traditional Blackfoot encampment at Brocket,
Alberta. Representatives of the UN will be observing. Because the
unemployment rates are close to 90% on all Blackfoot
Reserves/Reservations, and because Blackfoot in Canada live on around $280
(Canadian) per month, the necessary costs of the Tribunal will be borne by
al members but will also constitute a real hardship for many who live on
next to nothing.

For the above-mentioned reasons, the Blackfoot Nation sends this appeal
for anyone so moved to help with a donation to cover some of the costs of
this significant and unprecedented (for a Nation) Tribunal. Not one cent
will be wasted or used for any purpose other than the direct and necessary
costs of this Tribunal. For those who have been invited and cannot attend,
a donation might be as way to have your presence felt.

If anyone is moved to make a donation, and we do understand that many
cannot donate or are just subject to too many appeals for donations that
are hard to prioritize, the following information will help you

Fwd: The second half of 1948 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-22 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 22/06/01 10:16:01 Eastern Daylight Time, 

 > >
 > >
 > >   By Prof. Tanya Reinhart*
 > >
 > >Official declarations and many reports in the Israeli media indicate 
 > >the Israeli military and political leadership are aiming, eventually, at
 > >total destruction of the Palestinian authority, and, with it, the 
 > >of
 > >Oslo, which is now dominantly considered by them a 'historical mistake'.
 > >Let
 > >us trace some of the background for this development.
 > >
 > >Ever since the 1967 occupation, the military and political elites (which
 > >have been always closely intertwined in Israel) deliberated over the
 > >question of how to keep maximum land with minimum Palestinian 
 > >The leaders of the '1948 generation' - Alon, Sharon, Dayan, Rabin and
 > >Peres - were raised on the myth of redemption of land. But a simple
 > >solution
 > >of annexation of the occupied territories would have turned the occupied
 > >Palestinians into Israeli citizens, and this would have caused what has
 > >been
 > >labeled the "demographic problem" - the fear that the Jewish majority
 > >not be preserved. Therefore, two basic conceptions were developed.
 > >
 > >The Alon plan consisted of annexation of 35-40% of the territories to
 > >Israel, and self-rule or partnership in a confederation of the rest, the
 > >land on which the Palestinians actually live. This plan originated with
 > >those who thought that it is impossible to repeat the 1948 'solution' of
 > >mass expulsion, for moral as well as world public opinion 
 > >The second view, whose primary spokesman was Sharon, assumed that it is
 > >possible to find more acceptable and sophisticated ways to achieve a 
 > >style 'solution' - it is only necessary to find another country for the
 > >Palestinians, such as Jordan, and to make sure that as many as possible
 > >them will move there. This was a part of Sharon's global worldview by
 > >Israel can establish "new orders" in the region (see the Lebanon war).
 > >
 > >In Oslo, the Alon plan route triumphed, where gradually it became
 > >that it is even possible to extend the "Arab-free" areas. In practice,
 > >Palestinians have already been dispossessed of half of their lands, 
 > >are now state lands, security zones and "land reserves for the
 > >settlements".
 > >However, it appeared that Israel will be satisfied with that, and will
 > >allow
 > >the PA to run the enclaves in which the Palestinians still reside. The
 > >security establishment expressed full confidence in the ability of the
 > >Palestinian security forces - which were created and trained in
 > >with the Israeli ones - to control the frustration of the Palestinians
 > >protect the security of the settlers and the Israeli home front.
 > >
 > >But the victory of the Alon plan wasn't complete. Even the little that
 > >Palestinians did get, seemed too much to some in the military circles,
 > >whose
 > >most vocal spokesman in the early years of Oslo was then chief of staff,
 > >Ehud Barak. Another consistent voice which has emerged is that of
 > >Moshe (Bugi) Ya'alon, who is also known for his connections with the
 > >settlers. As head of the military intelligence -Ama"n- (1995-1998),
 > >confronted the subsequent chief of staff, Amnon Shahak, an Oslo
 > >and has consolidated the anti-Oslo line which now dominates the military
 > >intelligence view. Contradicting the Shin Bet position and the many 
 > >reports about security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian
 > >authority, Ya'alon claimed in a cabinet meeting in September 1997, and
 > >later, that "Arafat is giving a green light to terror".
 > >
 > >The objection to the Oslo conception in the military circles was based 
 > >the view that it will be impossible to maintain such an arrangement in
 > >long term. If the Palestinians have a political infrastructure and armed
 > >forces, they will eventually try to rebel. Therefore, the only way is to
 > >overthrow the Palestinian authority, and the whole Oslo conception. The
 > >first step on this route is to convince the public that Arafat is still 
 > >terrorist and is personally responsible for the acts of all groups from
 > >Islamic Jihad to Hizbollah.
 > >
 > >During Barak's 

Fwd: [Fwd: (en) Gap's new "anarchist" image] (fwd) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-22 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 22/06/01 14:49:36 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 14:32:34 -0400
 From: Micki Honkanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Reply-To: York Grad P Sci Students <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Fwd: (en) Gap's new "anarchist" image]
 > >Gap's New Image
 > >
 > >On Monday, June 18th Gap unveiled a new promotional
 > >display at stores nationwide.
 > >
 > >Faded black jeans hanging in front of an anarchist-red
 > >banner, the words "INDEPENDENCE," "FREEDOM," and "WE
 > >THE PEOPLE" scrawled across display windows in fake
 > >black spray paint.
 > >
 > >Despite the fact that Gap makes their clothes in
 > >sweatshops, and have been subject to many
 > >demonstrations across the nation, they believe that
 > >the growing movement against corporate power is now
 > >large enough to begin marketing on. Now the protest
 > >itself can be essentially sold to consumers as an
 > >image.
 > >
 > >However ridiculous this new marketing scheme seems at
 > >first, due to the tremendous power of corporate
 > >advertising over consumers, Gap just might pull it
 > >off, trivializing the movement against free trade, and
 > >selling jeans at the same time.
 > >
 > >The effect that this new marketing could have on the
 > >movement is tremendous. If Gap succeeds, it will mean
 > >that every protest that is staged will be building on
 > >their new image, in effect turning protestors and
 > >activists into living, walking ads for Gap. Further,
 > >if Gap succeeds it may become a trendsetter, and other
 > >corporations might follow.
 > >
 > >Currently, the majority of consumers are unaware of
 > >how Gap stands on "independence" and "freedom."
 > >
 > >Gap inc. is the corporation under which Gap, Old Navy,
 > >and Banana Republic exist. All three companies have
 > >been notorious for paying sweatshop workers as little
 > >as 11 cents per hour in the third world, denying them
 > >basic health care and the right to form unions, as
 > >well as harassing, beating and forcing contraceptives
 > >on them. Sweatshop workers generally work 12-14 hour
 > >days (although sometimes 24) and can be as young as 12
 > >years old.
 > >
 > >Although many of Gap's clothes say "Made in USA" they
 > >are actually produced in Saipan, a US territory where
 > >normal US labor laws do not exist.
 > >
 > >The Fisher Family that owns Gap also owns Mendicino
 > >Redwood Company, an active logging company that is
 > >deforesting the valuable redwood forests in Mendicino
 > >County, California. The Fisher family also has a
 > >notorious reputation for lobbying for privatizion of
 > >education and other public works in their home state
 > >of California.
 > >
 > >It appears that to Gap inc., "Freedom" and
 > >"Independence" only applies to the market, not the
 > >people.
 > >
 > >For more info visit:,,
 > >and
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >=
 > >For info on all that's going on in Sheffield check out:
 > >
 > >
 > >Nine ladies site -
 > >Excellent national and international news from:
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >   
 > >   ** The A-Infos News Service **
 > >  News about and of interest to anarchists
 > >   **
 > >   WWW:
 > >   INFO:
 > >
 > >-To receive a-infos in one language only mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] the message:
 > >unsubscribe a-infos
 > >subscribe a-infos-X
 > > where X = en, ca, de, fr, etc. (i.e. the language code)
 > >

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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 14:32:34 -0400
From: Micki Honkanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: York Grad P Sci Students <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: (en) Gap's new "anarchist" image]

> >Gap's New Image
> >
> >On Monday, June 18th Gap unveiled a new promotional
> >display at stores nationwide.
> >
> >Faded black jeans hanging in front of an anarchist-red
> >banner, the words 

Exxon "helped torture in Indonesia" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-22 Thread Petokraka78


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Friday, 22 June, 2001, 10:35 GMT 11:35 UK 
Exxon 'helped torture in Indonesia'

Indonesian troops were hired to protect the gas fields

An international human rights group says it has filed a lawsuit against the 
giant ExxonMobil oil company, accusing it of actively abetting human rights 
abuses in Indonesia. 
In a case filed in Washington, the International Labor Rights Fund (ILRF) 
says Exxon was implicated by virtue of the local army units it hired to 
protect its natural gas fields in Aceh province, northern Sumatra. 

ExxonMobil - which often trades under the brand name Esso - understood that 
the army units were notoriously brutal in their treatment of Indonesia's 
ethnic minorities
Lawyer Terry Collingsworth  
The case, brought on behalf of 11 Acehnese villagers, accuses Exxon of 
complicity in the murder, torture and sexual abuse of the local population. 

It alleges that Exxon provided the Indonesian military with equipment to dig 
mass graves, as well as building interrogation and torture centres. Exxon 
denies all the allegations. 

The action is being taken under the Alien Tort Claims Act, which allows US 
jurisdiction over acts committed outside the US. 

Hard evidence 

Terry Collingsworth, a lawyer for the ILRF, said Exxon knew from the 
beginning about the security forces' reputation of brutality towards ethnic 

Exxon is accused of encouraging human rights abuses
"This is the first time we actually have evidence that the oil company has 
supported the instrumentality for the human rights violations," he said. 

An Exxon statement said the company was "deeply troubled" by the violence in 
North Aceh and was concerned for the safety of its staff and subcontractors. 

"Our company rejects and categorically denies any suggestion or implication 
that it or its affiliate companies were in any way involved with alleged 
human rights abuses by security forces in Aceh," it added. 

Operations suspended 

Thousands of people have died in the long-running separatist campaign by Aceh 
militants against the Indonesian Government - more than 700 have died this 
year alone. 

Exxon in Aceh 
2nd largest LNG producer in Indonesia
Max 1.66bn cu ft/day
Production shut down 9 March
Closure costs Indonesia $100m per month 
Exxon suspended its operations there in March for security reasons. 

Despite pressure from the Indonesian government, which is losing an estimated 
$100m a month in liquid natural gas (LNG) revenues, the company has so far 
refused to restart its operation, although it is considering resuming its 

Exxon sites have been the scenes of fighting and staff have been threatened 
and even kidnapped. Vehicles have also been burned and shots have been fired 
at Exxon chartered aircraft. 

Exxon abroad 

The Asia-Pacific region contributes about 13% of ExxonMobil's worldwide 
production of oil and gas. 

In Indonesia, the company produces gas from the country's largest natural gas 
field - Arun - which is then processed by the state owned oil and gas firm 

Last year, this gas yielded 118 cargoes of the valuable LNG which was shipped 
to customers in Japan and Korea. 

Other exploration, appraisal and development planning activities are 
currently under way in the region. 

Many of the world's potential hotspots for oil are also located in areas of 
political unrest such as Nigeria and Algeria. 

Oil companies are often forced to weigh the risks of entering a particular 
area against the value of the assets they believe to be awaiting discovery 
below the surface.

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Re: Lithuania moves left [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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these are still pro-NATO parties, no?



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Serbian Oil/Gas to be privatized [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Serb oil/gas co reform to begin with debt payback
BECEJ, Yugoslavia, June 23 (Reuters) - Serbia said on Saturday it would 
privatise its oil and gas monopoly NIS over the next three to four years and 
that settling a debt to Russian Gazprom would be the first stage of the 

"The first stage of privatisation of Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) will 
start this year with a settlement of a $322 million debt to Gazprom," Serbian 
deputy energy minister Vladimir Kostic told a seminar on NIS's future. 

The announcement came only a week after Russian President Vladimir Putin, 
accompanied by an economic and military delegation, visited Belgrade and 
agreed to promote ties with Yugoslavia with a gradual phase-out of 
traditional barter trade. 

Kostic did not elaborate on the debt settlement scheme. One of the options 
mooted in Belgrade is a debt-for-equity swap. 

Kostic said the company's privatisation would take three to four years and 
NIS itself would first have to be reformed. 

"The intention is to transform NIS into a group of functional companies and 
then privatise them," Kostic said. 

NIS holds a monopoly in exploiting domestic oil and gas fields and in 
wholesale trade of crude oil, derivatives and natural gas. 

The company operates two refineries in Serbia, both of which suffered massive 
damage during NATO's three-month bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. 

The direct damage to NIS plants and infrastructure is estimated at $950 
million, NIS's deputy general manager Rajko Tomanovic told the seminar in the 
town of Becej in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. 

"The Pancevo crude oil refinery suffered the greatest damage of $370 
million," Tomanovic said. 

In the 1980s, NIS was producing around 1.4 million tonnes of crude oil a 
year. After a decade of sanctions, mismanagement and NATO air strikes, the 
annual production has fallen to 800,000 tonnes, Tomanovic said. 

07:59 06-23-01

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First Comes Trade, Then Missionaries, Then NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-23 Thread Petokraka78


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Pope's visit could widen rift - Russian patriarch

By Vladimir Bobaryko

BREST, Belarus, June 23 (Reuters) - The head of the Russian Orthodox church 
said on Saturday Pope John Paul's visit to Ukraine could end attempts to 
improve relations between the two churches. 

Patriarch Alexiy II, on a visit to Belarus, said the pope was going ahead 
with his trip despite pleas from the hierarchy of Ukraine's largest Orthodox 
church to postpone it. 

"They (Orthodox clerics) are aware that this visit will produce no peace, no 
stabilisation, no improvement in relations between different confessions in 
Ukraine," Alexiy said at Brest airport, on the border with Poland. 

"We would not like an end to be put, for the road to be closed, to an 
improvement in our relations. But it could happen this way," he said. 

Russia's Orthodox church and the pro-Moscow branch of Ukraine's divided 
Orthodox faith say Catholics have seized Orthodox property in western Ukraine 
and accuse the Pope of trying to win converts. 

Two other Orthodox churches have welcomed John Paul. 

Ukraine's six-million strong eastern rite Catholic church says it is 
reclaiming churches confiscated in 1946 when Soviet leader Josef Stalin 
banned their faith and turned over churches to Orthodox parishes. 

The ban was lifted in 1991 under Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's 
liberalisation measures. 

In an interview with the Rome daily La Repubblica ahead of John Paul's 
arrival, Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, the head of Ukraine's eastern rite, or 
Greek, Catholics, said he could not understand Alexiy's opposition to the 

"The Pope does not come here to turn everyone into Catholics," he told the 

The Pope has established as a priority reconciliation with Orthodoxy, the 
eastern branch of Christianity formed in the Great Schism of 1054. 

He was well received in Romania in 1999, his first visit to a mainly Orthodox 
country, but his reception was chillier in subsequent trips to ex-Soviet 
Georgia and Greece. 

Alexiy backed out of a planned meeting with John Paul in 1997 and has since 
refused to allow a papal visit to Russia, saying differences over Ukraine 
must first be resolved. 

08:58 06-23-01

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Albania: Candidates Rejected, Democracy wins? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-23 Thread Petokraka78


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[Here's some crazy Orwellian propaganda justifying the complete control 
Western powers have in subverting democratic processes in Balkan states...]

Albania bars 'independent' candidates before vote
By Linda Spahia
TIRANA, June 23 (Reuters) - Albania's Central Election Commission said on 
Saturday it had rejected 109 pseudo-independent parliamentary candidates who 
Western observers feared could have undermined voting on Sunday. 

Campaigning for the general election finished on Friday night with boisterous 
but peaceful rallies by supporters of Prime Minister Ilir Meta's Socialists 
and the opposition Democrats of former President Sali Berisha in Tirana. 

The campaign has been relaxed and free of violence, in stark contrast to the 
impoverished Balkan nation's last general snap election in 1997. 

Then, an Italian-led multinational peacekeeping force had just restored order 
after months of anarchy caused by the collapse of fraudulent "pyramid" 
investment schemes. 

Western observers, some 250 of whom will monitor Sunday's vote, had expressed 
concern about efforts by both the Socialists and Democrats to register a 
large number of candidates for the 140-seat, single-chamber parliament as 

This would have given them a larger number of seats under constitutional 
provisions designed to ensure representation for smaller parties. 

The independent Commission said it had barred all but five of 114 candidates 
labelled "independent" by the two parties. 

"Only five of 114 candidates registered as independent are considered by the 
Central Election Commission to be truly independent," it said in a statement. 

Votes for these candidates will be allocated to the parties which are 
actually backing them when the vote is counted. 

Berisha, whose party had registered no fewer than 94 candidates as 
independent -- including the party's secretary-general -- said he welcomed 
the ruling. 

But the Socialists said their "independent" candidates would appeal the 
decision in court. 

There are no reliable public opinion polls. But Meta's Socialists, who won a 
landslide victory in local elections in October last year, are widely 
expected to remain in power albeit with a reduced majority. 

The Socialists have 99 seats in the outgoing 155-seat parliament and the 
Democrats 29. The total number of seats is being reduced to 140 under a 
constitutional reform enacted in 1998. 

To the relief of Albania's Western partners, the conflict in neighbouring 
Macedonia, where ethnic Albanian insurgents are battling government forces, 
and the whole concept of Greater Albania have not become election issues. 

Voting at 4,735 polling stations was to start at 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) and finish 
at 6 p.m. (1600 GMT). 

Some 2.5 million people in this poor Balkan nation of 3.5 million were 
eligible to vote. Thirty-eight parties fielded candidates and a total of 
1,114 candidates were standing. 

11:04 06-23-01

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Fwd: FW: (en) AFA's role in the events in Gothenburg [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-23 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 23/06/01 13:00:01 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< > 
 >  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
 >Press Relaese:
 >AntiFascistisk Aktion's role in the events that occurred on Gotheburg's
 >Anti-Fascist Action's role in the events on Kungsports Avenyn in
 >Gothenburg on 15 June 2001 have been exaggerated to a point beyond
 >recognition in the general media. For this reason, we want to make it very
 >clear that AFA has neither arranged, nor planned, these riots. We regard
 >that which occurred on Avenyn as a symptom of a world, and  society,
 >where segregation is steadily increasing.
 >These events are the result of wealth and power being concentrated more
 >and more into the hands of the few - a few who no longer represent the
 >people they claim to represent. These are results, not only for Avenyn and
 >the businessmen there, but more importantly for the large groups of people
 >who live in exclusion and disenfranchisement.
 >The inherent powerlessness of facing a degrading living situation with no
 >future, coupled with alienation and discrimination, creates frustration. We
 >maintain that it is this frustration that exploded on the Avenyn.
 >These events were not caused by conspiring German terrorists,
 >well-trained AFA-activists or a naive police leadership. They were a logical
 >conclusion to deep segregation and a power structure that is maintained
 >and strengthened through an increasing repression against an
 >ever-growing resistance. This is why AFA, neither can nor will, distance
 >itself from these events. 
 >We would also like to point out that the events on the Avenyn the morning
 >of 15 June are not isolated. Everywhere in our world, there exists, and is
 >growing, a struggle for a humane life and an insurgence and resistance
 >against injustice and degradation. We see this in different forms,
 >sometimes structured and clearly visible, sometimes unstructured and blind
 >with rage.
 >In conclusion, the events on the Avenyn were not caused by AFA, except
 >by the neo-liberal new order which the powers that be in the EU have
 >adopted as a common ideology, as well as the injustices that this new order
 >create and the institutionalised, structural and direct violence that its
 >continuation demand.
 >This is the type of violence that AFA distances itself from!
 >21 June 2001
 >AntiFascistisk Aktion-Göteborg
 >Anti-Fascist Action-Sweden
 >AntiFascistisk Aktion-Sverige
 >[PGP key available at website] 
 >Against sexism, racism, capitalism and homphobia.
 >Mot sexism, rasism, kapitalism och homofobi. 
 >   ** The A-Infos News Service **
 >  News about and of interest to anarchists
 >   **
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>  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
>Press Relaese:
>AntiFascistisk Aktion's role in the events that occurred on Gotheburg's
>Anti-Fascist Action's role in the events on Kungsports Avenyn in
>Gothenburg on 15 June 2001 have been exaggerated to a point beyond
>recognition in the general media. For this reason, we want to make it very
>clear that AFA has neither arranged, nor planned, these riots. We regard
>that which occurred on Avenyn as a symptom of a world, and  society,
>where segregation is steadily increasing.
>These events are the result of wealth and power being concentrated more
>and more into the hands of the few - a few who no longer represent the
>people they claim to represent. These are results, not only for Avenyn and
>the businessmen there, but more importantly for the large groups of people
>who live in exclusion and disenfranchisement.
>The inherent powerlessness of facing a degrading living situation with no
>future, coupled with alienation and discrimination, creates frustration. We
>maintain that it is this frustration that exploded on the Avenyn.


2001-06-23 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 23/06/01 13:10:59 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< ANTI-CAPITAL/ANTI-POVERTY by John Clarke (They Call It Struggle for a 
 #4, June
 2001, OCAP)
 The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is not a political party. We welcome
 people with a wide
 range of political and religious views if they want to resist the war on the
 poor.  Still, we insist on
 being known as an anti-capitalist organization. When we go up against a
 landlord or welfare
 office, when we challenge unjust governments, we keep it firmly in mind that
 these individuals and
 institutions didn't come from nowhere.  They are the products of a whole
 system that is unjust and
 that creates the poverty and misery we fight back against every day.
 Anti-capitalism for OCAP isn't some 'radical' idea to tack onto our work. It
 is for the most
 practical reasons that we take this stand.
 1. The Profit System is the Root of the Problem.
 Capitalist society is organized around the making of profits. Masses of
 people work for
 corporations who pay them in wages only a portion of the value that they
 create through their
 labour. The rest is pocketed in the form of profits. Not only does this mean
 exploitation in the
 workplace but also that the drive for profits shapes every aspect of
 society. What is produced and
 who can consume it has nothing to do with the real needs of people but oniy
 the enrichment of a
 few. The laws that govern and the way they are enforced are shaped by
 profits. If there's money in
 building condos instead of affordable housing, the homeless will stay on the
 streets, laws will be
 passed to arrest them and the most brutal thugs they can find will be given
 guns and badges to
 'serve and protect' the wealthy.  If it's profitable to clear-cut forests or
 pollute rivers and streams,
 then laws to protect the environment will not get passed or will be weakly
 enforced. In ten
 thousand ways, each and every day, the needs of people are trampled into the
 ground so that
 more profits can be piled up. The vast wealth of the handful of families who
 really control
 everything in this society was built up over generations and was created out
 of our blood and
 sweat and that of those who came before us. Early capitalist society in
 Europe was set up by driv-
 ing poor peasants off their land and passing laws that made it a hanging
 offence to be
 unemployed. The forerunners of today's corporations amassed their wealth
 through the African
 slave trade. They seized other countries as colonies and bled them dry: They
 forced people in
 India to grow opium for export to China and, when the Chinese banned the
 import of this drug, sent warships to bombard their cities until their
 'right' to carry on this profitable business was restored. They stole the
 North American continent from the original Indian population and murdered
 tens of millions of people in the process.  They imported masses of
 immigrants to provide them with cheap labour (as they do to this day) and
 kept these people down by means of the most ugly and brutal racism. They
 fought with their rivals in other countries over who would get the biggest
 share of the
 profits and, whenever they did, working class people were sent off to kill
 their brothers and sisters
 in other countries. Always, they have kept a part of the population
 unemployed and living in
 extreme poverty so as to intimidate those who have jobs and prevent them
 from winning higher
 wages. For generations, they have operated a system that is designed to
 oppress and exploit the
 many in the interests of the few.
 2. 'Globalization'.
 Despite the power that the capitalists have in their hands, people have
 always resisted them. After
 the Second World War, in the face of huge struggles that threatened their
 system's survival, they
 granted independence to many of their colonies. They also were forced to
 recognize trade unions
 and put in place social programs like medicare, public housing and
 unemployment insurance. By
 the 1970s, however, these reforms were eating into their profits in a big
 way. The rate of return
 on their investments was in decline and this they could not stand for. From
 the mid 705 on,
 capitalism has been working to take back these earlier improvements, An
 agenda that has become
 known as 'globalization' has been developed to remove any and' all barriers
 to the making of
 profits. Central to this strategy have been the infamous 'free trade' deals
 that have l

Chavez Bids for Unity, Toledo Calls on Uncle Sam [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Venezuela calls for Andean crusade against poverty
By Daniel Flynn
VALENCIA, Venezuela, June 23 (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez 
urged his Andean neighbors on Saturday to give an ideological core to their 
trade integration efforts by attacking poverty and rejecting neo-liberal 
economic policies. 

Chavez, opening a summit of Andean presidents, injected a distinct political 
tone into the two-day meeting, which agreed economic integration goals, a 
joint anti-drugs strategy and the future creation of a common Andean passport 
for the region. 

"The problem of integration is political, not economic," the outspoken 
paratrooper-turned-president told his colleagues from Colombia, Ecuador, 
Bolivia and Peru who in speeches before him had largely focused on common 
trade and economic goals. 

"Let's not put the cart before the horse. It's the horses of politics that 
pull the carts of economic development," Chavez said, making a plea for a 
shared ideological vision. 

He opened the summit on the eve of the 180th anniversary of the Battle of 
Carabobo, in which Latin America's 19th century nationalist hero Simon 
Bolivar defeated Spanish forces and opened the way for the independence of 
the whole continent. 

"Bolivar was our common Liberator," Colombian president Andres Pastrana told 
the meeting, held at Valencia, near the Carabobo battlefield and 100 miles 
(158 km) west of Caracas. 

But while the other leaders hailed economic advances by the five-nation 
Andean group, whose total internal trade is forecast to surpass a record $6 
billion this year, Venezuela's Chavez questioned this purely economic view. 

"Be careful with the economic currents of neo-liberalism. That's not enough. 
What about poverty?" Chavez asked. He warned his colleagues that poverty was 
a "dangerous, explosive" problem that posed the biggest threat to their 

Since his election in 1998 six years after leading a failed coup bid, Chavez 
has often criticized what he calls "savage" neo-liberal capitalism, echoing 
similar views expressed by veteran Cuban President Fidel Castro and Pope John 
Paul II. 


"Is neo-liberalism the model for integration? We in Venezuela think not. It's 
the road to hell, a perverse road that favors the (rich) minority and 
excludes the (poor) majority," the Venezuelan leader said. 

He made a point of stressing that his left-leaning, nationalistic government 
was engaged in promoting a peaceful "revolution" in his oil-rich but 
poverty-plagued country. 

Chavez' fiery revolutionary rhetoric jarred with the more measured speeches 
of his colleagues, who preferred to focus on the achievements and challenges 
of the Andean Community which was formed 32 years ago and groups 113 million 

Ecuadorean President Gustavo Noboa stressed the importance of forging a 
regional common market by 2005 to be able to successfully compete in the 
U.S.-backed hemisphere-wide Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) proposed 
for the same date. 

"Our Andean Community must be well prepared for the FTAA negotiations," he 

Colombia's Pastrana hailed an Andean Anti-Drugs Plan agreed at the Valencia 
summit. This aims to coordinate common strategies to eradicate drugs 
cultivation and trafficking, which affects all the Andean nations. 

"This is our own plan," said Pastrana, whose country is already the focus of 
a major U.S.-backed anti-drugs offensive. 

The leaders praised a proposal, also adopted by the summit, to create a 
common Andean passport for citizens of the region to be introduced in 2005. 
"We will assume an Andean identity," Bolivian President Hugo Banzer said. 

>From next year, citizens of the five nations would be able to travel in the 
group using only national identity cards. 

Peru, whose president-elect Alejandro Toledo did not attend, was represented 
by Prime Minister Javier Perez de Cuellar. 

14:47 06-23-01

Peru's President-Elect Heads to U.S
.c The Associated Press

LIMA, Peru (AP) - President-elect Alejandro Toledo heads Sunday to the United 
States, where he will promote Peru's rebounding democracy and seek emergency 
aid to tide over the financially troubled nation until a long-term recovery 
program can take root. 

Toledo, Peru's first freely elected president of Indian descent, defeated 
former President Alan Garcia in a June 3 runoff election and will take office 
July 28. 

``The purpose of the trip first of all is to tell the world that Per

Annan backs Annexation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Saturday, 23 June, 2001, 13:34 GMT 14:34 UK 
Annan backs Western Sahara plan

The Polisario could return to the armed struggle

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has called both sides in the 
conflict over the future of Western Sahara to support a new plan for long 
term peace in the disputed territory. 
In a report to the UN Security Council, Mr Annan called on the Polisario 
Front, who represent the indigenous Saharawi people, to accept a delay to a 
planned referendum on independence from Morocco in return for substantial 

It is high time to settle the dispute over Western Sahara ... [to] enable all 
its people to look to a better future
Kofi Annan  
The plan, which also calls for five months of direct negotiations between the 
two sides, represents a last-ditch attempt to resolve the 26-year impasse 
over the region's status. 

Despite hopes of a breakthrough, Polisario has rejected the plan, drawn up by 
former US Secretary of State James Baker, as a "Moroccan proposal", and not 
one that is mutually acceptable. 

On Friday, spokesman Ibrahim Mokhtar said: "To give us an autonomy... we have 
to be first part of [Morocco] and we are not part of [it]." 

Mr Mokhtar said he believed such a proposal did not respect the rights of the 
people in Western Sahara. 

War threat 

He also warned that if the plan was put into action then the Polisario Front 
could restart the armed struggled that it abandoned after a ceasefire 
agreement with Morocco in 1991. 

The 1991 ceasefire has not yet resulted in a referendum
"What alternative do we have? Do you want us to die in the refugee camps?" Mr 
Mokhtar said. 

About 160,000 Saharawis have spent most of the last 26 years living in 
refugee camps in an inhospitable desert area. 

The status of Western Sahara has been in dispute since the colonial power 
Spain left the territory in 1975. 


On 27 February 1976 the Polisario Front set up what was in effect a 

For the next 15 years, it fought a guerrilla war against Morocco which 
occupies most of Western Sahara. 

Polisario say they keep people in tents to give them hope of return
The 1991 ceasefire offered the promise of a political settlement. 

However, a UN-sponsored referendum to decide whether Western Sahara should 
become independent or integrated into Morocco has never been held, nine years 
after it was planned. 

The process became bogged down by continuing disagreement over who should be 
allowed to vote and an appeals process.

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[Notice the complete lack of any nationalist language!]

Closing Statement at the First SPS Congress

July 16, 17 and 18, 1990

Slobodan Miloševic - Chairman:


The crisis facing Yugoslavia, which is exposed to the pressure of 
conservative and disintegrating forces, as well as the presence of such 
forces in Serbia herself, have made it necessary and justified to bring 
together socialist, i.e. left-wing forces, ideas and people in order to 
preserve peace and secure progress and social development. Peace and economic 
and cultural progress, the fruits of which will be equally enjoyed by all 
citizens, are the essence of our new party’s commitment at this moment. Our 
longer-term commitment is to create a society without economic exploitation 
and without political hierarchy. Hence, the existing programme reflects both 
permanent and current concerns. For this reason it will be adjusted to the 
changes in our society and our present-day world. In other words, it is 
expected to provide answers, in tune with our lasting commitments, to the 
current economic, political and cultural conditions prevailing in our age and 
in the Yugoslav society.

I wish to say that we decided to translate the idea of pooling left-wing 
forces into practice deeply convinced that with its programme, organisation 
and personnel the new Party would contribute to a truly peaceful, just and 
successful development of our society. Having said this, I do not contest the 
objections that this decision was taken too fast or too slowly, that the 
explanations given for this unification were incorrect, nor many other 
objections and warnings concerning the programme, organisation, personnel and 
even the idea as a whole. A party which is from the very beginning unwilling 
to hear and take note of the opinions of well-meaning, educated and 
respectable people doesn’t have nor could have any future. It applies to our 
new Party in particular as it has to base its ideas and its activity on 
creativity, criticism, humaneness and determination which should be the 
qualities of our struggle for a free and just society and of its proponents.

If there is anything in our political behaviour and hitherto habits that we 
should get rid of, then it is certainly the narrow-mindedness and 
vindictiveness which often characterised socialist and communist leaderships 
when dealing with any opinion that was at variance with current policy and 
the activities of politicians in power.

This Party will be able to contribute to the progress of our society if it 
recognises the opinions and criticism voiced by workers, farmers and the 
intelligentsia, those voiced by our Universities of which many, like for 
instance the ideas of the University of Belgrade, have long been the most 
progressive, although the most critical part of our general public opinion. 
This Party will seek to promote and develop all progressive ideas which have 
emerged in the world, in our country and in Serbia, and all the achievements 
made by the workers’ movement in the development of socialism in the world 
and in Yugoslavia.

Today we also have the task to avoid all the phenomena that brought about the 
crisis and slowed down our social development: bureaucratic arbitrariness, 
equalisation of the state and the party, violence, economic inertia, cultural 
isolation, aggressive intolerance of a different political opinion, 
long-standing hostility towards educated people and the new blindness for the 
concerns of workers and farmers, inclination to nurture the personality cult 
at all levels, cruel political hierarchy and cowardice.

The Socialist Party will further build its identity on the demands of our 
modern age and the times to come. The idea of socialism and the practice of 
socialism came into being at a certain time which had its relevant economic, 
political, cultural and social characteristics. The time we are living in 
today differs both in economic, political, cultural and social terms. While 
we remain committed to a society without economic exploitation and other 
injustices, we have to build this new socialism in accordance with major 
changes taking place at this point of time, but also in tune with the future.

Impressive technological and economic development of a considerable part of 
mankind, expansion of political freedoms, major economic and political 
changes in the status of workers worldwide, availability of education and 
culture to the broad strata of the population, positive c


2001-06-23 Thread Petokraka78


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Closing Statement at the Second SPS Congress

October 23 and 24, 1992

Chairman: Slobodan Miloševic


The assertion of the permanent political commitments of our party which has 
characterised this Congress, as well as the fierce criticism of the 
weaknesses in the achievement of our objectives which have been in evidence 
in the past two years testify to the vitality of the Socialist Party of 
Serbia and its capability to respond to the challenges of our time and the 
difficulties we are facing. Both with its hitherto activity and with this 
Congress, this Party has shown that it has no other interests at heart, but 
those of its country and its people. This Party pursues its policy (applause) 
in the interest of peace, freedom, independence, economic and cultural 
development and cooperation on an equal footing with all those who respect 
these values and wish for such cooperation. Although the crisis we are facing 
is not only the result of developments in Serbia, but largely the consequence 
of international interests and the policy pursued in keeping with those 
interests, we here in Serbia are obliged to do our best in order to weather 
the crisis as soon as possible. I here have first of all in mind the 
sanctions and believe that before long the factors behind these sanctions 
will start explaining how and what mistakes they have made just as now they 
are trying to say that they were wrong to prematurely recognise the former 
Yugoslav republics as this triggered bloodshed and outbreak of war. But, as 
far as the need to alleviate the pressure of sanctions is concerned, we bear 
huge responsibility because we have to secure the operation of the economy 
and normal life for our citizens through our economic and social policy 
programme under these conditions. The Government has undertaken a number of 
measures to mitigate the difficulties facing the Republic and our citizens. 
One of the most important among these measures is the assistance to the 
Serbian people in the war-afflicted areas. As is well known, Serbia has shown 
maximum solidarity with the Serbian people in the war-torn areas and 
particularly with the refugees who have come to Serbia from those parts. This 
assistance has been invaluable and has encumbered to a considerable extent 
our country exposed to economic sanctions. We have consciously undertaken to 
shoulder this burden and have to do it to the end. At the same time, however, 
we must address the common plight of the Serbian people. For example, we must 
take steps to ensure that the largest possible number of refugees who have 
come to Serbia return to their homes, particularly those capable of giving 
assistance and joining the citizens who are already there. 

Of course, stopping the war will be of greatest assistance to the Serbian 
people in war-torn areas, as well as in the resolution of their problems in 
general. This contribution, i.e. the contribution to halting the war and 
establishing durable and just peace must be made by Serbia in every possible 
manner. This means that the Socialist Party of Serbia, as the ruling party, 
through all the institutions of government administration should pursue a 
policy conducive to restoring peace in the areas of the former Yugoslavia 
where war is now waged and a policy of economic, social and cultural 
development which will facilitate life in the conditions of sanctions and 
enable rapid recovery after they are lifted. At the same time, while 
addressing these current and serious difficulties imposed from outside, which 
we have to face every day, the Socialist Party of Serbia must seek to uphold 
its principle commitments on a lasting basis. These commitments reflect the 
progressive ideas of workers and the socialist movement in Serbia and 
Yugoslavia, as well as the most progressive economic and political ideas of 
our modern world and left-wing movement. These commitments are based, of 
course, on all the positive achievements which have emancipated the 
individual and ensured progress of our society to date. The largest number of 
our members are ready to subscribe to such commitments of the Socialist Party 
and act in accordance with them. I think that the SPS leadership which we 
elected this evening should encourage this general feeling of our membership 
in its future work much more than before, not only because this is the 
prevailing feeling among our members, but also because left-wing ideas are 
progressive and in the interest of the majority in our society, because they 
have a future, because this is the road which modern civilisation has opted 

I find it necessary to stress this particularly because in the past two years 
some S

2001: Turks to occupy Serbia Soon? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-25 Thread Petokraka78


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[From Politika, June 26 2001]

FRY Maybe in Balkan Force

Sofia, 25 June (Beta) 

The Commander of the Multinational Peace Forces of Southeastern Europe, 
Turkish General Hilmi Zorlu, confirmed that the politico-military committee 
of this organization has considered the possibility of including FR 
Yugoslavia in its activities, according to Sofia's daily "Dnevnik".

"We considered this possibility in Thessaloniki on June 6th", said Zoglu and 
added that these forces could, if Belgrade joins them, become the main Balkan 
peace force.

The Turkish general made the proclamation at the begining of exercises of the 
multinational force in the village of Koren, not far from the town of Haskovo 
in southern Bulgaria.

Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Italy, Romania, and Turkey participate 
in these forces.

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Privatizacijom do ulaganja [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-25 Thread Petokraka78


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[Key quote: "[Privatization] Minister Aleksandar Vlahovic argues that 
privatization doesn't mean the selling-off of companies, but that this is the 
route towards attracting investments in industry."  If anyone else can 
translate key portions of this article I'd be grateful.]


Privatizacijom do ulaganja 

Ministar Aleksandar Vlahovic ocenio da privatizacija ne znaci rasprodaju 
preduzeca, vec da je to put do investiranja u privredu. - Predloženi model 
privatizacije nije socijalno pravedan, tvrde socijalisti. - Zakon bi morao 
razlicito da tretira mala i velika preduzeca, kao i javna preduzeca od 
državnog interesa, smatraju radikali 

Poslanici Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije nastavili su juce nacelni, 
prošlog cetvrtka zapocet, pretres vladinih Predloga zakona o privatizaciji, 
Agenciji za privatizaciju i Akcijskom fondu. Predloženim zakonima predvidena 
je prodaja 70 odsto kapitala preduzeca u društvenom vlasništvu, a 
privatizacija je obavezna i orocena na cetiri godine od dana stupanja na 
snagu zakona. 

Prodaja kapitala, odnosno imovine sprovodice se putem javnih aukcija i 
tendera, koje ce organizovati Agencija za privatizaciju. Predvidena je i 
podela besplatnih akcija zaposlenima i penzionerima u iznosu do 30 odsto 
ukupne vrednosti kapitala, dok ce pravo na sticanje besplatnih akcija 
evidentiranih u Privatizacionom registru imati svi gradani stariji od 18 
godina. U Privatizacioni registar "ici" ce najmanje 15 odsto kapitala 
preduzeca koja se privatizuju putem javnih tendera. 
Na ove zakonske predloge podneto je više od 300 amandmana, od cega oko 280 na 
predlog Zakona o privatizaciji, pa se ocekuje da ce skupštinska rasprava 
trajati više dana. 

U nastavku nacelne rasprave o predlozima paketa zakona o privatizaciji, 
poslanici SPS, koji su uglavnom juce govorili, isticali su da su ovakvi 
zakonski predlozi za njih neprihvatljivi iz "principijelnih razloga, jer su u 
suprotnosti sa, kako su navodili, programskim nacelima SPS da treba da se 
donese socijalno pravedan model vlasnicke transformacije. 

Predstavnici socijalista isticali su da je zakon o privatizaciji loš jer 
ukida veci broj vec stecenih i stoga neotudivih prava zaposlenih. Zakon je, 
po njima, loš i zbog toga što se njime prevelika ovlašcenja daju vladi, 
odnosno Agenciji za privatizaciju, nad kojima Skupština nema nikakvu 
kontrolu. Branko Ružic je ukazao i na to da su nacela o obaveznosti i 
orocenosti privatizacije u suprotnosti sa ustavima Srbije i SRJ, koji 
garantuju poslovnu samostalnost preduzeca, njihovu ravnopravnost na tržištu 
i zabranjuju diskriminaciju pojedinih vrsta preduzeca. 

Za razliku od socijalista, poslanici SRS su ocenili da je dobro Å¡to je 
privatizacija orocena i obavezna, kao i Å¡to predvida prodaju vecinskog paketa 
akcija. Ono što je, po njima, loše jeste to što predloženi zakon sva 
preduzeca tretira na isti nacin, ne izuzimajuci javna preduzeca od državnog 
interesa. Osim toga, kako je rekao Petar Jojic, radikali smatraju da je na 
razlicite nacine trebalo pristupiti privatizaciji malih i velikih preduzeca. 
Po njihovom konceptu, privatizacija preduzeca koja imaju do stotinu 
zaposlenih trebalo bi da sprovode lokalne samouprave, kojima bi pripalo i 
najmanje 30 odsto sredstava dobijenih prodajom kapitala. 

Pošto je više poslanika opozicije, pozivajuci se na iskustva susednih 
zemalja, ukazalo da je namera vlade samo do rasprodaje preduzeca, ministar za 
privredu i privatizaciju Aleksandar Vlahovic rekao je da se o rasprodaji ne 
može govoriti, pošto nema šta da se rasproda. 

- O kakvoj rasprodaji govorimo posle 15 godina propadanja ove zemlje, posle 
15 godina tihe, sive, beskrupulozne privatizacije, odnosno pljacke, koja se 
sprovodila na relaciji od društvenog kapitala ka privatnoj svojini. Niste 
culi podatke koji govore o tome kako nam je sjajna srpska ekonomija. Niste 
culi da su akumulirani gubici 500 milijardi dinara, da nema obrtnog kapitala 
u iznosu 650 milijardi dinara, niste culi da je inostrani dug ove zemlje 12 
milijardi dolara, a dug prema deviznim štedišama sedam milijardi maraka, 
rekao je Vlahovic. 

Ministar je rekao da vlada nece, rukovodeci se kvazisocijalnim nacelima, 
podeliti besplatne akcije koje ništa ne vrede, jer su u vladi ozbiljni 
ekonomisti, reformatori, koji ce otvoriti vrata za investicije. 

Govoreci o "slucaju" beocinske cementare, Vlahovic je rekao da je prethodna 
vlada, na osnovu tendera sprovedenog 1998. godine, za strateškog partnera 
izabrala "Lafarž", sa kojim, zbog sankcija, nije sklopljen ugovor, ali je 
izbor strateškog partnera na osnovu tendera takode validni pravni dokument. 
Zbog toga je, kako je objasnio, sadašn

Macedonians fire on US Mercenary? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-25 Thread Petokraka78


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[This is the most confusing passage ever, but I think the translation boils 
down to "US mercenary shot by Macedonians" consider:  "An American, 
meanwhile, was wounded by gunfire.  The man's status was unclear - NATO 
officials suggested he might have been part of a monitoring mission or a 
diplomat. The man, overheard identifying himself as John Green, was emerging 
from the woods with two other Americans near the rebel-controlled village of 
Grusinovo when Macedonian troops fired warning shots. Two of the shots 
wounded Green, one in the arm and the other in the leg, but apparently not 
seriously. In Washington, meanwhile, the Pentagon said a U.S. army sergeant 
was wounded in the hand by gunfire on a road northeast of Skopje. Aracinovo 
is southwest of Skopje, but NATO officials could not rule out that the 
Pentagon report also referred to the man identifying himself as Green.  
NATO-led peacekeepers are in Macedonia to provide logistical support to 
forces in Kosovo. It was not immediately clear which NATO countries were 
taking part in the operation.]

Slavs Protest NATO Deal in Macedonia
.c The Associated Press
SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) - A NATO-brokered peace deal sparked riots in Skopje 
Monday by thousands of Slavs, some breaking into parliament and others 
chanting ``gas chambers for the Albanians'' as they demanded that ethnic 
Albanian rebels be destroyed. 

The rebels pulled out of a strategically important suburb near the capital 
earlier Monday under the NATO deal designed to revive peace talks here. That 
prompted rioting in Skopje by some 5,000 Macedonian Slavs who demanded 
harsher action against the rebels. 

Dozens broke into the parliament building, destroying furniture. Some made 
their way to the balcony with the old Macedonian flag, replaced more than 
half a century ago by the communists when the country was still part of 

Outside, protesters pounded two police cars, including one belonging to 
Interior Minister Ljuben Boskoski. Reservists who were among the protesters 
squeezed off bursts of submachine-gun fire, but there were no reports of 

The rebel withdrawal came just days after government forces began an 
offensive against ethnic Albanian militants holed up in the suburb not far 
from the country's airport. 

Buses headed out of Aracinovo carrying ethnic Albanian rebels, said U.S. Maj. 
Barry Johnson, a spokesman for the NATO-led peacekeepers. The alliance then 
sent at least four trucks to the village to take out the weapons belonging to 
the rebels. 

But de-escalation of Macedonia's crisis was short lived. New fighting, near 
Tetovo, cast a pall at the success of the negotiated end to the Aracinovo 
standoff, and tensions rose as thousands of angry Slavic Macedonians demanded 
a more hard-line approach against the rebels. 

Police officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said rebels attacked 
police positions on the outskirts of the city and government forces returned 
fire, with fighting then moving away from Tetovo and near the village of 
Gajre in the hills overlooking the city. 

In a smaller protest, a crowd near Kumanovo blocked a road, preventing empty 
buses from moving shortly after they were used to take some of the rebels 
from Aracinovo to Umin Dol, just outside Kumanovo. U.S. soldiers were with 
that convoy, along with Macedonian police who tried to negotiate their way 
through the crowd. 

Johnson said more than 300 people, most of them rebels, were taken out of 

Talks had broken down last week after President Boris Trajkovski declared 
that ethnic Albanian negotiators were unwilling to budge on key sticking 
points in the negotiations. 

The lack of progress has dismayed European Union leaders, who have been 
trying for months to persuade the Macedonian Slav leadership and ethnic 
Albanian political leaders to compromise and avert civil war. 

To back up that point, the EU told the country's foreign minister on Monday 
not to count on new financial aid unless the government and ethnic Albanian 
opponents settle their differences. 

The EU foreign ministers held 45 minutes of talks with their Macedonian 
counterpart, Ilinka Mitreva, who pleaded for help. 

EU External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten reiterated that was only 
possible if progress is made in national reconciliation talks. 

``We would like to support confidence-building measures, but it is difficult 
to build people's confidence when money, which is very clearly in short 

Macedonia: "Trajkovski, resign" "NATO traitor" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-25 Thread Petokraka78


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[The current mass demonstrations in Macedonia were triggered after the EU 
forced a cease-fire on the government while the US-backed terrorists (armed 
and backed by the US-based firm MPRI, and operating out of Kosovo with pretty 
much the same general staff as the old KLA) were allowed to leave with their 
weapons under FULL USA MILITARY ESCORT!  It is incomprehensible that this 
invading army (KLA) was allowed this type of leniancy by another invading 
army (NATO) on Macedonia's sovereign territory!  BTW I just also heard that 
an American has been shot by Macedonian security forces as he was leaving the 
woods near a KLA controlled village when he failed to respond to the warnings 
of the Macedonian troops.  The press-wires are vague as to who he was, they 
speculate he was part of an "observer" mission in the country, thereby 
suggesting deliberate disinformation to hide the fact that he was probably 
nothing else but a mercenary advisor working for MPRI.]

In a message dated 25/06/01 18:23:53 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< "We don't understand what's happened, we don't
 understand why the rebels could leave with their
 weapons, and stay here in the country, where they want
 to kill other people."
 Tuesday June 26, 5:21 AM
 Demonstrators demand resignation of Macedonian president over ceasefire
 SKOPJE, June 25 (AFP) - 

 A group of angry demonstrators stormed into the
 Macedonian parliament building during a protest late
 Monday by at least 5,000 people demanding the
 resignation of President Boris Trajkovski, who was

[NOTE:  This is an AFP report.  The Anglo-American wires, i.e. Reuters and 
AP, mention in their introductory paragraph to this story that "some in the 
crowd" chanted "Albanians to the gas chambers".  Of course such a vague 
reference is intended to demonize the Macedonians and draw the comparison to 
the Nazis that NATO propaganda has used in the past so effectively against 
the Serbs.]

 The group broke away from the main section of the
 crowd and a few managed to gain entry to the building,
 which also houses Trajkovski's residence.

[Notice that the group carrying out this action was small and not tied to the 
larger protest action.  Thus it must be difficult to characterize the actions 
of the demonstrators as having a single purpose as the headline does.]

 Most of the breakaway group were held back by security
 guards, but those who got inside began sacking the
 building, throwing computers out the windows, while
 others threw stones at the official cars parked
 outside, an AFP reporter said.

 Trajkovski was inside meeting with the leaders of the
 main Macedonian and ethnic Albanian parties in a bid
 to kick-start negotiations on political reforms, which
 stalled last week amid renewed fighting.

 The demonstration took place as hundreds of ethnic
 Albanian guerrillas filed out of a village on the
 outskirts of Skopje under a ceasefire brokered by the
 European Union, which guaranteed them safe passage
 without disarming [under full US military escort, a fact not mentioned in 
most wire reports although it was tangentally mentioned on the BBC].

 The mainly [hmmm...interesting...who else might have been in this crowd? the 
answer comes latter...] Macedonian Slav crowd outside the
 parliament were incensed at the leniency of the deal,
 under which the guerrillas were bussed out of the
 village to the Black Mountains further north after
 three days of pummelling from government forces.

 "We don't understand what's happened, we don't
 understand why the rebels could leave with their
 weapons, and stay here in the country, where they want
 to kill other people," said one of the demonstrators,
 who were faced by a line of police.

 As darkness decended on the capital, the situation
 remained extremely tense, with Trajkovski being
 branded a traitor for signing the ceasefire.
 The crowd chanted "Trajkovski, resign!" and "NATO,

 Some also chanted "Shiptari", a derogotary name for
 ethnic Albanians. Trajovski is a Slav Macedonian, like
 the vast majority of the crowd.

[Again those "some" are so racist...]

 One demonstrator was seen taking the Macedonian flag
 off the building's flagpole and holding it up to the
 jeering crowd.

[Okay, so now I'm getting confused...why would Macedonian "nationalists" jeer 
the "Macedonian flag"???  Or is there something more to this story...]

 The crowd were joined by uniformed military
 reservists, who had been mobilised at the start of the
 conflict with the guerrillas.

 Some of the crowd carried Albanian flags. Others laid
 candles on the ground to commemmorate members of the
 security forces killed since the conflict began.


Reminder: Important Movie Tonight [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-26 Thread Petokraka78


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This is just a reminder to come out tonight for the one-time screening of:


With producer George Bogdanich and author Scott Taylor on hand to answer your 
questions after the show.

This is a great documentary that gives perspective on the destructive impact 
of Western policy on the Balkans in the last ten years and provides a context 
for the ongoing violence in Macedonia.  Tickets are 5$ for students and the 
show starts at 7:30 at the Bloor Cinemas (506 Bloor St.).  Its important for 
activists to see this film because the Balkans are the testing ground for the 
neoliberal elites new forms of 21st century colonial domination.




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Benes to Address Nation... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-26 Thread Petokraka78


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EU says Macedonia can still avoid civil war
By Gareth Jones

BRUSSELS, June 26 (Reuters) - The European Union appealed for calm in 
Macedonia on Tuesday after a night of clashes and said the former Yugoslav 
republic could still pull back from the brink of civil war if its citizens 
showed restraint. 

EU leaders also pledged full support for Macedonian President Boris 
Trajkovski and vowed to step up their efforts to mediate an agreement between 
the tiny country's ethnic Slav and Albanian communities. 

"We strongly condemn the violence overnight in (the capital) Skopje," Swedish 
Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and 
Commissioner for External Affairs Chris Patten said in a joint statement. 

Sweden holds the rotating EU presidency. 

"We will not be deflected from our determination to do all in our power -- 
working closely with NATO and other international organisations -- to assist 
the democratically elected achieve a solution to this crisis 
through dialogue," the statement said. 

Earlier, Lindh told reporters in Luxembourg that the EU had received 
assurances that Trajkovski and his government were "in full control of the 
military and the police." 

She said Trajkovski, who has forged close political and economic ties with 
the 15-nation EU, would address his country of two million later on Tuesday. 


In its statement, the EU said there was still everything to play for in 

"There is still every chance of restoring peace and stability. But it will 
require the courage and the resolve of every citizen to stand back now from 
the brink and to seize the remaining chance of peace, based on dialogue," it 

On Tuesday, Macedonian troops fired at three rebel villages, but the 
guerrillas, who say they are fighting for Albanian minority rights in the 
Balkan country, vowed to stay put. 

On Monday night, police reservists fired off their guns in parliament to 
protest at NATO's evacuation of armed rebels from the village of Aracinovo 
after an EU-brokered ceasefire. Thousands of Macedonian Slavs cheered on the 

Asked whether the EU and NATO had been right to put pressure on the 
government to allow the rebels to leave Aracinovo with their arms, Lindh said 
there had been no other option available. 

"What was important was to have them (the rebels) leave Aracinovo," she said. 


Lindh said the EU and NATO would remain closely involved in the search for a 
way out of the conflict in Macedonia. 

"This is not only a Macedonian conflict, this is a conflict of utmost 
international importance," she said, referring to Western fears that meltdown 
in Macedonia could draw in neighbouring states like Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania 
and Greece. 

"Therefore we have to stay committed and we have to be present, even if we 
are not very welcome at this very moment." 

On Monday, EU foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg held talks with their 
Macedonian counterpart, Ilinka Mitreva, and expressed disappointment about 
the lack of progress on political reforms aimed at healing the inter-ethnic 

The ministers also appointed former French Defence Minister Francois Leotard 
as the EU's resident envoy in Macedonia. He will report to Solana, who until 
now has been spearheading the international effort to restore peace in 

Lindh said on Tuesday that Leotard was in Luxembourg for consultations about 
his mission before leaving for Skopje. 

10:34 06-26-01

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2001-06-28 Thread Petokraka78


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Does anyone have pictures???

In a message dated 27/06/01 02:17:27 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You're right Jared!
 200.000 people - maybe more. Main streets was crowded with people.
 It was wonderful!!!
 DN >>

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Re: Bow Your Heads For Yugoslavia, The World [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-28 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 28/06/01 14:12:37 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< They gave Milosevic to Hague Tribunal on the most
 sacred day in the history of Serbs and Serbia - on the St. Vittus' day
 (Vidovdan). >>

Mamicu im jebem fasisticku!!!  Ovaj Dindic je zaista ludak!  Jebote novi 
svetski poredak i globalizacija...sad nema vise cega da se plasimo, samo da 
se borimo za sopstvene zivote...

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Re: Bow Your Heads For Yugoslavia, The World [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-28 Thread Petokraka78


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maybe you don't realize what a HUGE slap in the face this is to every self 
respecting Serb. As Darko pointed out this is St. Vitus Day (i.e. Vidovdan), 
on this day:

- in 1389 Serbian army's fought the Battle of Kosovo
- in 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated
- now in 2001 Slobodan Milosevic was handed over to the Hague

this is an insane way for the DOS authorities to show their callous disregard 
for Serbia and its culture...This is the MOST important day in Serbian life 
and identity!  This is a direct blow to our sense of pride and culture!  FUCK 



In a message dated 28/06/01 14:31:36 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< It seems to be true, but who knows. I see Koshtunitsa/Djindjich plans very 
clear: the Yugoslav people didn't want to swallow that and the concentrations 
against the government were getting bigger day after day. Now, the people 
will have to get to terms with the event and the situation will cool down. 
The government knew it. If they had waited longer, it was its end. Now that 
the reason of the crisis is a thousand of miles away, the people will get 
quieter, or at least this is what they expect them to do.
 It was also a show of strenght: "we can do -and will do- whatever we like, 
even with or without the parliament approval, and the International Community 
will applaude us". And if the parliament complain, they can get away with 
some action 'a la Yeltsin' that will be of course blessed by the Supreme Boss.
 Sorry to say that, but Yugoslavia has become a Banana Republic.
 In solidarity,

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N-17 blames CIA for attack. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-28 Thread Petokraka78


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Greek guerrillas accuse U.S. of bombing MP
By Dina Kyriakidou
ATHENS, June 26 (Reuters) - Greece's November 17 urban guerrillas denied on 
Tuesday they bombed a conservative MP in January and accused U.S. secret 
agents of carrying out the attack to force Greece to pass a tough 
anti-terrorist law. 

The U.S. State Department dismissed the accusation as "totally and utterly 

The leftist group said in an 11-page statement in the liberal daily 
Eleftherotypia that the remote-controlled bomb against New Democracy party 
deputy Vasilis Mihaloliakos was aimed at pressuring the government to push 
through the bill. 

"The bomb was placed by American secret service agents with a specific 
target. It was a scare warning to the government that no other delay in 
submitting and passing the terrorist law will be tolerated," November 17 

The group, which has staged several remote-controlled bomb attacks, said the 
bombing was so simple it could only have been botched intentionally, 
indicating it was not meant to kill. 

In Washington, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said: "The 
allegation that the U.S. was somehow involved in an attempted terrorist 
murder of a member of the Greek Parliament ... is totally and utterly 

"We're not going to engage in some debate with a terrorist group. We work 
with the Greek authorities on bringing perpetrators of these kinds of acts to 
justice," he added. 

Greek authorities said at the time the attack bore the hallmarks of November 
17, which has killed 23 Greeks and foreigners in 26 years. 

Government spokesman Dimitris Reppas said authorities were still 
investigating the attack and repeated Greece's determination to "eradicate 
the scourge of terrorism." 


Mihaloliakos, his brother and daughter survived the January 22 attack with 
minor injuries. No group claimed responsibility. 

"I am not prepared to lend legality to terrorists by entering into a dialogue 
with them," Mihaloliakos said in response to the November 17 statement. 

Greece, particularly sensitive to criticism of its anti-terrorism record 
before the 2004 Athens Olympics, passed the anti-terrorism law this month 
despite criticism even from socialist deputies that it curtailed civil 

The law frees police to conduct DNA testing, bug phones and conduct video 
surveillance in terrorism and organised crime investigations. It also offers 
protection to witnesses. 

The socialist government, eager to show results in the fight against November 
17, has stepped up its efforts since the group shot dead British defence 
attache Stephen Saunders last year. 

It has cooperated with British police in the investigation and for the first 
time has asked countries such as the United States and Israel for their 

Washington, long a harsh critic of Greece's anti-terrorism record, has 
recognised recent efforts but pointed out that there have been no arrests in 
the group's 26-year history. 

November 17 emerged with the murder of the CIA station chief in Athens in 
1975. It has since killed several more Americans. 

The group is named after the day in 1973 when Greek students staged a bloody 
uprising against the 1967-1974 military junta widely believed in Greece to 
have been supported by Washington. 

15:22 06-26-01

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In a message dated 26/06/01 15:19:16 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< ==
 LONDON, England, June 26, 2001 (Free B92)
   One of Slobodan Milosevic's lawyers said today he
 would not be surprised if Milosevic was spirited away
 to The Hague before the correct legal procedures had
 been followed. 
   Toma Fila told the BBC: "This is the Balkans and
 everything is possible here. It is more surprising to
 us if something is done according to the law. 
   "It won't surprise me one bit if I wake up in the
 morning and Milosevic calls me from The Hague, neither
 will 10 million Serbs be over-excited."  >>

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LONDON, England, June 26, 2001 (Free B92)

  One of Slobodan Milosevic's lawyers said today he
would not be surprised if Milosevic was spirited away
to The Hague before the correct legal procedures had
been followed. 

  Toma Fila told the BBC: "This is the Balkans and
everything is possible here. It is more surprising to
us if something is done according to the law. 

  "It won't surprise me one bit if I wake up in the
morning and Milosevic calls me from The Hague, neither
will 10 million Serbs be over-excited." 


News edited by Milka Zrnic

 AIM, Belgrade, June 26, 2001   19:30

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Fwd: Fw: Ruska Duma o Milosevicu [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-28 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 27/06/01 17:54:45 Eastern Daylight Time, 

 > Izjava
 > Mi, poslanici DrÏavne Dume podrÏavamo izjavu grupe nauãnika, kulturnih
 > stvaralaca i novinara o osnivanju Ruskog dru‰tvenog komiteta za odbranu
 > Slobodana Milo‰eviça. IzraÏavamo negodovanje zbog toga ‰to je biv‰i
 > predsednik drÏave, protiv koje je izvr‰ena agresija, uhap‰en na zahtev
 > lidera zemalja-agresora. Ube*eni smo da je Slobodan Milo‰eviç podvrgnut
 > progonima, pre svega zbog odluãnosti da brani nezavisnost i teritorijalnu
 > celovitost Jugoslavije, zbog odbijanja da se potãini diktatu NATO-a, zbog
 > opredeljenosti za prijateljske odnose sa Rusijom.
 > Odluãno osu*ujemo nastojanja SAD i njihovih saveznika da do*e do izruãenja
 > Slobodana Milo‰eviça Me*unarodnom tribunalu za biv‰u Jugoslaviju, koji se
 > pretvorio u oru*e Ïestokog obraãuna NATO-a sa srpskim rukovodiocima.
 > Smatramo da biv‰i predsednik SRJ mora da ima moguçnost da se brani od
 > optuÏbi koje su protiv njega pokrenute kao slobodan ãovek na osnovu
 > op‰teprihvaçenog principa presumpcije nevinosti. Stoga pozivamo vlasti
 > Jugoslavije i Srbije da oslobode Slobodana Milo‰eviça iz pritvora, kao i
 > obezbede nepristrasnost istrage i suda, na koje se vr‰i grubi pritisak od
 > strane politiãara i medija, koji optuÏuju Slobodana Milo‰eviça za
 > iako do danas ni za jednu od tih optuÏbi nije prona*en nijedan dokaz.
 > Na‰u posebnu uznemirenost izazivaju vesti o pogor‰anju zdravstvenog stanja
 > Slobodana Milo‰eviça posle njegovog hap‰enja. Apelujemo na vlasti
 > Jugoslavije i Srbije da obezbede biv‰em predsedniku SRJ medicinska
 > ispitivanja i leãenje u skladu sa teÏinom njegove bolesti.
 > Jugoslavija, na ãijem ãelu je bio Slobodan Milo‰eviç, je ponovo 1999.
 > godine, kao i 1941. godine, primila udarac Zapada i usporila njegovu
 > ekspanziju na istok. Upravo zbog toga liãnost lidera Jugoslavije izaziva
 > takvu netrpeljivost na Zapadu. Slobodan Milo‰eviç oliãava one snage u
 > Jugoslaviji koje se zalaÏu za savez sa Rusijom i Belorusijom, njega i
 > podrÏava ogroman broj gra*ana SRJ. Bilo bi kratkovido ne uzimati te
 > ãinjenice u obzir pri odre*ivanju politike Rusije na Balkanu.
 > Zbog svega toga pozivamo Predsednika i Vladu Ruske Federacije da spreãe
 > egzekuciju politiãkog zatvorenika Slobodana Milo‰eviça - biv‰eg
 > Savezne Republike Jugoslavije.
 > (Izjavu je do 25. juna 2001. g. potpisalo 170 poslanika DrÏavne Dume i 100
 > senatora - ãlanova Saveta Federacije.)
 > >>

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- Original Message -
From: "Dragan Pavlovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 2:30 PM

> Izjava
> Mi, poslanici DrÏavne Dume podrÏavamo izjavu grupe nauãnika, kulturnih
> stvaralaca i novinara o osnivanju Ruskog dru‰tvenog komiteta za odbranu
> Slobodana Milo‰eviça. IzraÏavamo negodovanje zbog toga ‰to je biv‰i
> predsednik drÏave, protiv koje je izvr‰ena agresija, uhap‰en na zahtev
> lidera zemalja-agresora. Ube*eni smo da je Slobodan Milo‰eviç podvrgnut
> progonima, pre svega zbog odluãnosti da brani nezavisnost i teritorijalnu
> celovitost Jugoslavije, zbog odbijanja da se potãini diktatu NATO-a, zbog
> opredeljenosti za prijateljske odnose sa Rusijom.
> Odluãno osu*ujemo nastojanja SAD i njihovih saveznika da do*e do izruãenja
> Slobodana Milo‰eviça Me*unarodnom tribunalu za biv‰u Jugoslaviju, koji se
> pretvorio u oru*e Ïestokog obraãuna NATO-a sa srpskim rukovodiocima.
> Smatramo da biv‰i predsednik SRJ mora da ima moguçnost da se brani od
> optuÏbi koje su protiv njega pokrenute kao slobodan ãovek na osnovu
> op‰teprihvaçenog principa presumpcije nevinosti. Stoga pozivamo vlasti
> Jugoslavije i Srbije da oslobode Slobodana Milo‰eviça iz pritvora, kao i
> obezbede nepristrasnost istrage i suda, na koje se vr‰i grubi pritisak od
> strane politiãara i medija, koji optuÏuju Slobodana Milo‰eviça za
> iako do danas ni za jednu od tih optuÏbi nije prona*en nijedan dokaz.
> Na‰u posebnu uznemirenost izazivaju vesti o pogor‰anju zdravstvenog stanja
> Slobodana Milo‰eviça posle njegovog hap‰enja. Apelujemo na vlasti
> Jugoslavije i Srbije da obezbede biv‰em predsedniku SRJ medicinska
> ispitivanja i leãenje u skladu sa teÏinom njegove bolesti.
> Jugoslavija, na ãijem ãelu je bio Slobodan Milo‰eviç, je ponovo 1999.
> godine, kao i 1941. godine, primila udarac Zapada i usporil

One judge resigned prior to vote. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-28 Thread Petokraka78


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Top Yugoslav judge in Milosevic case quits

BELGRADE, June 28 (Reuters) - The head of Yugoslavia's Constitutional Court 
submitted his resignation on Thursday just before the court began discussing 
moves to hand over Slobodan Milosevic to the U.N. war crimes tribunal. 

"I think it is for the best that I do not participate in the work (of the 
court) and I will not vote (on the issue before the court)," court president 
Milutin Srdic said at an open session of the body. 

It was not immediately clear if the resignation of Srdic, appointed when 
Milosevic was still in power, would have a direct outcome on the court's 
meeting on the high-profile case, which could determine the fate of the 
former president. 

His resignation left four judges in the Constitutional Court, which started 
meeting around noon (1000 GMT) to discuss a controversial government decree 
paving the way for handing over war crimes suspects like Milosevic to the 
Dutch-based tribunal. 

The court has the power to strike down the decree passed by reformist 
ministers setting out procedures for cooperating with the tribunal or it can 
decide simply to suspend the measure until it reaches a decision on its 

But some reformers argue the court should be ignored as many of its officials 
are partisan appointees hand-picked by Milosevic, whose authoritarian rule of 
Serbia and Yugoslavia ended last October when he was ousted in a mass 

They have also said the government decree is unnecessary, arguing Yugoslavia 
is already obliged to cooperate fully with the tribunal under international 

Milosevic's lawyers argue handing the former Yugoslav president over to the 
tribunal would violate a constitutional ban on extraditing Yugoslav citizens. 

But backers of the measure counter by saying handing a suspect over to the 
tribunal does not amount to an extradition as it is a U.N. institution, not a 
foreign state. 

The meeting of the Constitutional Court came a day after the United States 
rewarded Belgrade's efforts so far in cooperating with the tribunal by saying 
it would attend a donors' meeting on Friday. 

06:53 06-28-01

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WB pledges new money for Colony BH [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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World Bank approves four Bosnia loans worth $90 mln

SARAJEVO, June 28 (Reuters) - The World Bank said on Thursday it has approved 
four loans for Bosnia worth a total of $89.8 million, including a $35 million 
one for a long-delayed power sector restructuring project. 

The credits would support poverty alleviation, community development efforts, 
privatisation of some state utilities and repairs to the electricity 
transmission system to restore power distribution to pre-war levels, the bank 
said in a statement. 

The projects will be added to the 16 already active, it said, adding that the 
bank has invested in Bosnia some $770 million in 36 projects worth a total of 
$1.9 billion since the end of the 1992-5 Bosnian war. 

The four IDA loans which were approved on Tuesday have a 35-year maturity and 
a 10-year grace period, the statement said. 

The terms of the so-called "Power 3" project, worth a total of some $225 
million, were negotiated only last month after Bosnia's Serb republic gave 
its approval after more than a year of delays. 

The power sector in the Balkan country, made up of the Serb republic and a 
Muslim-Croat federation, is dominated by three separate state companies and 
"Power 3" aims to create conditions for the establishment of an integrated 
and viable energy market. 

"The project will assist in reconstruction of high voltage transmission 
systems and damaged substations in Bosnia to restore the pre-war 
interconnections with the other parts of former Yugoslavia," the bank said. 

The project would also assist Bosnia's eventual rejoining of the Union for 
the Coordination of Transmission in Europe (UCTE), it added. 

"The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System component of the 
project will improve power dispatching and facilitate the operation of the 
high voltage network within Bosnia and Herzegovina on an integrated basis," 
the bank said. 

The $20 million Local Initiatives II project would address the urgent need to 
raise incomes, develop businesses and create jobs through providing credit 
and other financial services to low-income people, the statement said. 

The $19.8 million privatisation technical assistance project would help 
accelerate the large-scale privatisation by assisting in tender sales and 
preparing the legislative and regulatory framework for divesting utility and 
other monopoly companies. 

The $15 million community development project would improve the quality of 
basic infrastructure and services within low-income municipalities, it added. 

07:19 06-28-01

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Kostunica's Speech [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Rough Translation]

Declaration of President Kostunica

Jugoslavija i Srbija zaslužuju bolje 
Yugoslavia and Serbia Deserve Better

Obracam vam se u jednom izuzetno teškom, gotovo sudbinskom trenutku za našu 
zemlju. Pored svih bezbrojnih problema sa kojima smo suoceni, i koje smo 
nasledili kako od bivšeg režima, tako i od onih koji su nas, u sprezi sa tim 
režimom, držali u višegodišnjoj izolaciji, a potom i pod bombama, sada smo 
suoceni sa problemom koji je nepotrebno i nepromišljeno ovde stvoren. 

I am addressing you at an incredibly difficult, even faithful moment for our 
country.  Besides all the countless problems that face us - including those 
that we inherited from the previous regime, as well as from those who, 
together with that regime, held us in long-lasting isolation, and afterwords 
held us under bombs - we are now faced with a problem that was unecessarily 
and unthinkingly created here.

Vecerašnje izrucenje bivšeg predsednika SRJ Slobodana Miloševica Haškom 
tribunalu, kao i prethodno izrucenje Milomira Stakica, ne mogu se smatrati 
zakonitim i ustavnim. Savezni ustavni sud je danas doneo privremenu meru 
suspenzije Uredbe o saradnji sa Hagom do konacne odluke o ustavnosti tog 
dokumenta i, da je bilo elementarnog uvažavanja pravne procedure, ta mera je 
morala biti ispoštovana. Ovo se može protumaciti kao ozbiljno ugrožavanje 
ustavnog poretka zemlje. Pravna država, koja nije bila programski cilj samo 
DSS, nego i celog DOS-a, ne može se graditi na nepravu. 

Tonights handing over of the former FRY President, Slobodan Milosevic, to the 
Hague tribunal, as well as the previous handing over of Milomir Stakic, 
cannot be considered legal or constitutional.  The Federal Constitutional 
Court today issued a temporary stay of the Decree for Cooperation with the 
Hague Tribunal until the eventual ruling on the constitutionality of that 
document, if there was even the elementary respect for legal procedure, that 
measure had to have been respected.  This can be considered as a serious 
violation of the constitutional order of the country.  A legal state, which 
wasn't only the platform of the DSS, but of the whole of DOS, cannot be build 
on a injustice.

Iz arsenala Miloševiceve politike, koja je bila zaista pogubna po državu i 
narod, sada su preuzeti i oživljeni upravo njeni najnedemokatskiji elementi: 
bezakonje i povlacenje ishitrenih i ponižavajucih poteza koje niko u 
medunarodnoj zajednici nije ni tražio, bar ne izricito. Saradnja sa Haškim 
tribunalom, svakako nužna, svedena je na puko izrucivanje optuženih, bez 
ikakve zaštite gradana i, konacno, zaštite interesa same države. Nije 
poštovan ni najosnovniji postupak, kao da se nekome ovde, a ne nekome spolja, 
žurilo da što pre ispuni ko zna kada, kako i od koga preuzetu obavezu. 

>From the arsenal of Milosevic's politics, which was truly defeatist for the 
state and the people, are now adopted and revived precisely its most 
undemocratic elements: illegality and the pulling off of humiliating 
maneuvres that no one in the international community didn't ask for, at least 
not explicitly.  Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, however necessary, has 
been brough to the blunt extradition of the accused, without any protection 
for the citizens and, eventually, the protection of the interests of the 
state.  Not even the most elementary gesture was respected, as if it was for 
someone here, and not from someone out there, that there was a hury and 
complete a task for who knows when, how and for whom.

Sve je pokušano, sve je predlagano - da se saveznim zakonom, ili saveznim i 
republickim zakonom, samo republickim zakonom, zatim uredbom Savezne vlade, 
reguliše teško pitanje naše saradnje sa Tribunalom. Da i ne govorim o tome 
da je, uprkos mojim i ne samo mojim mnogobrojnim zahtevima, propuštena 
mogucnost da se našim gradanima, i to onima koji su pre svega nama zlo 
naneli, sudi ovde, u zemlji. 

Everything was tried, all was layed out so that - with federal law, or 
federal and republican law, only through republican law, and afterwords 
through the decree of the Federal government - the diffcult question of 
cooperation with the Tribunal would be regulated.  Not to mention even the 
fact that, despite mine and not only my numerous demands, the chance was 
missed to give to our citizens a trial in our country of those who above all 
brough evil to us in our country.

Sve je to, medutim, ustuknulo pred najdirektnijim ogrešenjem o pravo, a svaki 
pokušaj da se ta saradnja reguliše pravno, kako bi bila i zaštita naših 
državljana, potpuno je obesmišljen. Da stvar bude gora, udarac nanet 

Djindjic's Speech [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[quick translation of one portion (found in text, rest is not complete, 
someone please translate)]

Sprovodimo ideale zemaljske, a ne nebeske Srbije 
Let us Forward the Ideals of an Earthly and not Heavenly Serbia

Premijer Srbije izjavio je sinoc da je Vlada Srbije bila prinudena da donese 
odluku o izrucenju bivšeg predsednika SRJ Slobodana Miloševica Haškom 
tribunalu kako bi zaštitila interese Srbije. 

"Prekidanje saradnje sa Haškim tribunalom i odlaganje te saradnje imalo bi 
nesagledive posledice za sadašnjost i buducnost naše zemlje", rekao je 
Ðindic u 
obracanju javnosti preko Radio-televizije Srbije. 

On je zamolio gradane Srbije za razumevanje za današnju, kako je rekao, 
"tešku, ali jedinu ispravnu odluku". 

Premijer Zoran Ðindic obrazlaže odluku Vlade Srbije 
"Pre ravno 12 godina, na isti ovaj dan, na jedan od najvecih srpskih praznika 
- Vidovdan, Slobodan Miloševic je pozvao naš narod da ostvaruje ono što je 
on nazvao idealima nebeske Srbije. To je dovelo do 12 godina ratova, 
katastrofa i propadanja naše zemlje. Vlada Srbije obavezala se danas da 
sprovodi ideale zemaljske Srbije, ne toliko zbog nas i naših roditelja, vec 
zbog naše dece. U ovoj odluci mi spasavamo 
buducnost naše dece", rekao je Ðindic. 

"12 years ago, on this same day, on one of the largest Serbian holidays, 
Vidovdan, Slobodan Milosevic asked our people to achieve that which he 
proclaimed the ideals of a heavenly Serbia.  That brought us 12 years of war, 
catastrophe's and disintegration of our country.  The government of Serbia 
has committed itself to the forwarding of the ideals of an earthly Serbia, 
not so much for us and our parents sake, but for that of our children.  
Through this decision we are securing the future of our children", said 

Premijer Srbije je rekao da su demokratske vlasti u SRJ i Srbiji pre cetiri 
meseca donele odluku o saradnji sa sudom u Hagu, smatrajuci da je "mesto naše 
zemlje u medunarodnoj zajednici, ali da to mesto podrazumeva ispunjavanje 
naših obaveza, kao i ostvarenje naših prava". 

"Smatrali smo da bi donošenjem saveznog zakona o saradnji sa Hagom na 
najbolji nacin pravno bila regulisana ta saradnja. Zbog teškoca sa našim 
koalicionim partnerima u Saveznoj vladi nismo uspeli da se dogovorimo o 
saveznom zakonu. Ocigledno naše savezne institucije, koje još nisu 
reformisane, nisu u potpunosti u stanju da u svakoj kriticnoj situaciji 
shvate i sprovode interese obe federalne jedinice SRJ", rekao je Ðindic. 

Odluka Vlade Srbije o izrucenju Slobodana Miloševica Hagu, objasnio je 
premijer dr Zoran Ðindic na vanrednoj konferenciji za novinare, doneta je u 
skladu sa Ustavom Srbije i Ustavom Jugoslavije, na sednici koja je pocela 
juce u 16 casova. Objavljena je u "Službenom glasniku" posle sednice i time 
odmah stupila na snagu. 

- Odluku smo doneli na osnovu clana 90 i clana 135 Ustava Srbije - po kom 
republicki organi preuzimaju nadležnost saveznih onda kada ovi ne 
funkcionišu - a u vezi sa clanom 16 Ustava SRJ. Vlada Srbije donela je odluku 
o izvršenju obaveza i opšteprihvacenih pravila medunarodnog prava o radu 
medunarodnog suda za gonjenje osoba optuženih za teška kršenja humanitarnog 
prava na podrucju bivše Jugoslavije od 1991. godine. Organi Republike Srbije 
ce postupati po proceduri odredenoj Statutom i pravilnikom Suda u Hagu. 

Kao prvi od "tri bitna razloga" za donošenje ove odluke, Ðindic je naveo 
jucerašnju odluku Saveznog ustavnog suda kojom se "suspenduje" primena Uredbe 
Savezne vlade. 

- Isti oni koji su poništili septembarske izbore doneli su ovu odluku, kojom 
su doveli zemlju na ivicu opstanka. Da ironija bude veca, izvestilac je bio 
Arandel Markicevic koji je prvi ucestvovao u izbornoj kradi glasova naših 
gradana. Smatramo da taj Ustavni sud nema pravo odlucivanja o ustavnosti 
Uredbe i ovakve odluke. 

Drugi bitan razlog je pocetak održavanja donatorske konferencije. 
Neprimenjivanje Uredbe o saradnji sa Hagom i izrucenju izložilo bi nas riziku 
nevidene blamaže, otkazivanju ucešca, a ministre bi izložilo na stub srama, 
izjavio je dr Zoran Ðindic. 

Odbijanje saradnje sa sudom u Hagu, naglasio je, ugrozilo bi buducnost Srbije 
i stvorilo opasnost od medunarodne izolacije. To bi ugrozilo reprogramiranje 
dugova, stend-baj aranžman, naše mesto u MMF-u i ostalim medunarodnim 
organizacijama. Zato se Vlada Srbije opredelila za primenu ustavnog clana po 
kome republicki organi preuzimaju nadležnost saveznih u slucaju kada oni po 
pitanju važnom za interes zemlje ne funkcionišu, rekao je novinarima dr 
Zoran Ðindic. 

M. Nikic 



Ko je 

Re: Kostunica's Speech [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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In a message dated 29/06/01 04:34:20 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< propose to Djinkic... >>

Hey David,

just a little note:

Djindjic = leader of Demokratska Stranka (DS) and Prime Minister of Serbia

Dinkic = head G-17 economist and the mastermind of the economic "reforms" in 
the country

But nonetheless the neologism Djinkic is good too...just shows that they are 
two sides of the same beast!


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Re: Sold for $$$$$$'s [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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today's Globe and Mail had an editorial in which they gloated about Louise 
Arbour being vindicated as well...isn't that just wonderful!

In a message dated 29/06/01 07:24:56 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< In a message dated 6/29/2001 4:45:40 AM EST, 
 << Ivo Daalder, a Balkans specialist at the Brookings Institution and a 
 co-author of Winning Ugly, a book on Nato's war in Kosovo, said Milosevic's 
 handover represented a vindication for the policies of Mr Powell's 
 predecessor, Madeleine Albright.  >>
 (Right.  In pretty much the same way that the arrest of Anne Frank 
 vindicated Goebbels and the arrest of E. V. Debs vindicated Woodrow Wilson, 
 Lloyd George, the Kaiser, and the class they represented.)

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Milosevic's Wave... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-29 Thread Petokraka78


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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how Milosevic is constantly pictured 
with one arm raised, in the middle of a communist-aparatchik-style wave, to 
give the impression he is making a Hitleresque Nazi salute...It's sick image 
manipulation for the consumption of morons, but it unfortunately only serves 
to further the popular image of him as a "fascist thug".  This is just the 
most OBVIOUS example of how the Western press distorts the image of the 
former Yugoslav leader.

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Re: How America Forced Yugoslavia to Trade in Its Most Lucrative Asset [WWW.S... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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In a message dated 30/06/01 10:39:53 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<   The European Commission pledged $445m (£315m) in addition to pledges
 from member states and the United States' $182m (£129m). The World Bank
 promised $150 (£106m) and Switzerland $22m (£16m). >>

According to my count this is less than 780-million...which means that the 
DOS whores didn't even get full price for selling out their country on the 
most important day for its majority people

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US-backed hooligans attack Yugo Gay Pride [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[It is no secret in Yugoslavia that much of the anti-Milosevic "youth 
movement" counted on a minority of far-right wing neo-Nazi youths and soccer 
hooligans as the shock-troops for the more "legitimate" protests of the DOS 
and OTPOR (whose organizations were filled with these types).  This neo-Nazi 
minority in Serbia even celebrates the quisling occupation figures like 
Nedic, Ljotic and ZBOR of WWII that did so much to decimate Serbia and her 
people. Now we find these same thugs, who were lionized by the Western press, 
showing the new "tolerence" of new and improved YugNoslAviaTO Inc. that has 
improved its pliancy with the global marketplace on its slick new 
DOS-operating software.  Nonetheless, the article manages to leave out these 
lines of responsibility for this hate-crime and turn it into yet another 
reason to "deprogram" the Serbs...]

Protesters attack Yugoslav Gay Pride march
BELGRADE, June 30 (Reuters) - A Gay Pride march through the centre of the 
Yugoslav capital Belgrade degenerated into violence on Saturday when 
activists were attacked by counter-protesters. 

Police fired several shots in the air to disperse the crowd of attackers who 
kicked and beat marchers while chanting "Death to Homosexuals!" and the 
nationalist rallying cry "Serbia!" [hmmm...this is a funny insertion with two 
purposes: 1) it leaves the impression that those "nationalists" we all know 
are behind Milosevic were responsible for this display of intolerence, 2) 
that chanting your countries name is just as big of a hate crime, especially 
if that country happens to be Serbia, as chanting "Death to Homosexuals" ]

Supporters of several Belgrade soccer clubs who have a history of violence 
announced in advance that they would try to disrupt the march. 

"It is obvious that we, as a community, have not matured enough [there we go 
again, B-92 turning this into yet another deficiency of not a few cooks and 
cranks but an entire society] for such an expression of our, so to speak, 
oddity...or sexual preferences," Belgrade police chief Bosko Buha told the 
city's B-92 radio station. 

The total number of pro- and anti-gay demonstrators amounted to several 
hundred [obviously from this last line, the whole thing was a minor incident, 
but it didn't stop the wires from making a comment on the "maturity" of the 
Serbian and Yugoslavian "communtiy"]. 

12:16 06-30-01

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Transforming the World... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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["I'm glad for the people down there in Yugoslavia that they've finally got 
him here," said Guus, whose cafe close to the prison gates was doing a good 
trade with journalists. "And, of course, it's good for business."]

As Milosevic moves in, meet the neighbours
By Alastair Macdonald
THE HAGUE, June 29 (Reuters) - He won't be dropping round to borrow a cup of 
sugar any time soon, but Slobodan Milosevic's new neighbours are mostly 
pretty glad he moved in on Friday. 

"I'm glad he's here to face justice," said one of them, a Dutch housewife 
sweeping in famously meticulous fashion outside her neat brick terraced house 
on Pompstationsweg (Pumping Station Road), The Hague. 

As dawn sunshine and the cry of seagulls greeted the former Yugoslav 
president's first day in international custody, other neighbours were out 
walking dogs, jogging or pedalling to work. 

The back gardens on Pompstationsweg are dominated by the matching brick wall 
of the Scheveningen prison compound, where Milosevic, 59, was flown in by 
helicopter in the early hours after being handed over in Belgrade to face war 
crimes charges. 

"I really believe in this justice system," said the woman, who did not want 
to give her name after a day spent amid a scrum of international media around 
the jail, which sits in a quiet suburb of the seaside town that houses the 
Dutch government. 

"I'm glad for the people down there in Yugoslavia that they've finally got 
him here," said Guus, whose cafe close to the prison gates was doing a good 
trade with journalists. 

"And, of course, it's good for business." 

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The 
Hague indicted the fallen Serb leader in May 1999 for his role in atrocities 
against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo in January to May of that year. 


"It's good he's here," said another neighbour, 80-year-old pensioner Jacques 
de Boer, as took out his rubbish and tidied his flowerbed. "I remember Adolf 
Hitler. This one's just like him." 

Memories of what Hitler's occupying German forces did to the Netherlands are 
kept alive in Scheveningen by memorial plaques on the walls of the prison, 
which was used between 1940 and 1945 to house Dutch opponents of the Nazi 

So packed was it with leading figures in the pre-war Dutch state under the 
royal house of Orange that it was known as "The Orange Hotel." Many were 
tortured and died in custody. 

Milosevic, the first head of state ever to face an international court for 
war crimes allegedly committed in office, faces four counts, including three 
of crimes against humanity, relating to events in Kosovo. 

Prosecutors have said they are preparing two new indictments against the 
former Yugoslav leader concerning the conflicts in Bosnia and Croatia, where 
the term "ethnic cleansing" became part of Europe's vocabulary. 

It was not yet clear whether he would face a first hearing at the tribunal, a 
few miles away, on Friday or whether it might not happen until after the 

Tribunal officials have given few details of Milosevic's movements in 
detention but have confirmed he underwent an initial medical examination 
after arriving in the early hours of Friday morning. 


Television pictures of his arrival showed the white-haired former president 
being led by two guards across a yard in the Scheveningen jail to the 
tribunal's detention centre. 

Another 38 people being tried for crimes in the former Yugoslavia already 
occupy the special U.N. unit in the Dutch jail. Milosevic, ousted in a 
popular uprising last October, will find facilities a step up from the cell 
at Belgrade Central prison, where he had been held on local corruption 
charges since April. 

It will be a far cry from the luxury of the presidential palace, but his 15 
sq. metre (150 sq. foot) room will have en- suite shower, satellite 
television and a coffee-maker. For much of the day he is likely to be able to 
mix with other prisoners, many of whom choose to make their own, Balkan-style 

If convicted, Milosevic faces life behind bars, possibly in one of the other 
Western countries which has put prison facilities at the tribunal's disposal. 

For the time being, not everyone on Pumping Station Road is happy. "It's 
terrible all this fuss. The helicopters woke my kids up last night," said one 
householder. "I'm moving out." 

Others, though, thought the fallen dictator would fit in just fine with the 
well-ordered life of 

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2001-06-30 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 29/06/01 05:45:51 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< The full removal of sanctions is also dependent on the handing over of 14 
other senior Serbs indicted for war crimes.  >>

I think this is an important point for those in Yugoslavia who think that the 
country can now move on as they've been told by DOS...

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Milosevic: "Brother Serbs, farewell" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-30 Thread Petokraka78


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Brother Serbs, farewell - Milosevic's parting shot

By Sean Maguire

BELGRADE, June 30 (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic stepped aboard a Serb police 
helicopter, took what was likely to be his last look at Yugoslav soil and 
said: "Brother Serbs, farewell." 

The man whose years in power brought Yugoslavia to ruin was "dignified and 
arrogant" as he began his journey to face international justice, according to 
a special edition of Weekly Telegraf published on Saturday that has close-up 
pictures of Milosevic's departure. 

The tabloid news magazine, which has good sources within the security forces 
that handled Milosevic's transfer, rushed out a 16-page special sprinkled 
with images of the ex-Yugoslav leader starting his journey to the U.N. war 
crimes tribunal on Thursday. 

Milosevic's pudgy features and snowy hair stared straight at the photographer 
in the first clear pictures of the man indicted for crimes against humanity 
that have been seen since the Serb government jailed him in April on local 
corruption charges. 

"You've got the wrong man," the magazine reported him telling a Hague 
representative after he was read the indictment against him. "NATO is the 
right address, they are the villains." 

"The Hague tribunal is no court, its a political circus set up to destroy the 
Serbian nation completely," reportedly added Milosevic, who ran Serbia and 
then Serb-dominated Yugoslavia from 1987 to 2000. 

Dressed in a dark suit and a white shirt without a tie Milosevic looked 
resigned. He was not handcuffed. 

A tough-looking man in jeans, t-shirt and dark glasses led the way to the 
helicopter at the Institute for Security in the Banjica suburb of Belgrade. 

Five uniformed Serbian police followed Milosevic, with one carrying a small 
green suitcase and an overcoat. Milosevic then turned to his escort, and with 
apparent irony, reportedly said: "Congratulations on a job well done." 


>From Belgrade Milosevic was flown to a U.S.-run airbase in Tuzla, northern 
Bosnia, where he was transferred to a British military plane that took him to 
Holland. A second helicopter ride took him to Scheveningen jail in The Hague 
in the early hours of Friday morning. 

Milosevic's defiant words, rejecting the court's authority, suggested the 
59-year-old ex-President of Yugoslavia has not resigned himself to the 
prospect of spending the rest of his life behind bars far from his native 

If convicted on the four charges he currently faces, including three of 
crimes against humanity for atrocities committed by forces he controlled in 
the Serbian province of Kosovo in 1999, he faces a maximum of life in jail. 

Milosevic's lawyers say he wants them to defend him as a "political 
prisoner," confirming the banker turned warlord regards the court as an agent 
of the NATO forces that bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 to end Serb repression in 

The legal team have also indicated Milosevic is not the easiest of clients. 

"It's difficult to defend someone who doesn't want to hear the real truth, 
and that's the type of client Milosevic is," said one advocate late on 

Prosecutors have already widened the scope of the Kosovo-related indictments, 
adding a detailed list of ethnic Albanian victims of Serb terror campaigns. 

They are also planning charges relating to wars in Croatia and Bosnia, which 
Milosevic is in part blamed for instigating through his nationalist policies, 
and the fallen strongman may also be charged with the ultimate tribunal crime 
- genocide. 

07:30 06-30-01

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REUTERS: Defiant Milosevic Held in Isolation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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["You've got the wrong man," he told a U.N. official after he was read the 
indictment on charges of crimes against humanity.  "NATO is the right 
address, they are the villains. "The Hague tribunal is no court, it's a 
political circus set up to destroy the Serbian nation completely," added 

Defiant Milosevic held in isolation
By Paul Gallagher
THE HAGUE, June 30 (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic was under close supervision 
in an isolation unit at a Dutch jail on Saturday as he prepared to face 
prosecutors at the Hague war crimes tribunal for the first time next week. 

For a man who threatened to shoot himself in April rather than endure prison 
in Belgrade and who has a family history of depression and suicide, details 
emerging of the ex-president's departure from Serbia on Thursday painted a 
picture of defiance. 

"Brother Serbs, farewell," a Yugoslav magazine quoted him as saying as he 
boarded a police helicopter on Thursday on the first stage of his journey to 
face charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes at the United Nations 

If convicted, it is likely to have been the arch-nationalist's last moment on 
his beloved Serbian soil. 

A special edition of Belgrade's well-connected Weekly Telegraf tabloid 
carried pictures of the ousted Yugoslav president's departure -- the first 
clear close-ups of him since Milosevic was jailed in Belgrade in April -- and 
described him as "dignified and arrogant." 

"You've got the wrong man," he told a U.N. official after he was read the 
indictment on charges of crimes against humanity. 

"NATO is the right address, they are the villains. 

"The Hague tribunal is no court, it's a political circus set up to destroy 
the Serbian nation completely," added Milosevic, tie-less and wearing a dark 
suit and white shirt, his familiar pudgy features staring straight at the 


Toppled last October after a decade of wars in which nearly a quarter of a 
million people died, Milosevic was arrested on corruption charges in 
Yugoslavia in April. 

Belgrade's new reformist leaders finally handed him over to the U.N. tribunal 
on Thursday, helping unlock $1.28 billion in aid conditionally offered by 
Western nations. 

The handover by Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic's government caused 
uproar in Belgrade, with Yugoslav federal premier Zoran Zizic resigning on 
Friday in protest. 

Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica rebuked other members of the ruling 
reformist alliance on Saturday for saying he had supported the transfer of 
Slobodan Milosevic to the U.N. 

Kostunica, a fierce critic of the tribunal, is now involved in an escalating 
feud with Djindjic's government. Kostunica reaffirmed that he opposed the 
handover and had not been informed in advance of the Serbian government's 

But reformers vowed to cooperate with Western powers that went to war in 1999 
to stop Serb ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. 

A Belgrade rally on Friday night attracted just a few thousand people in 
support of the man who was long feted at home as a national hero, despite 
international condemnation. 

Milosevic now faces at least a month in isolation in The Hague, kept apart 
from the 38 other war crimes suspects from the former Yugoslavia. He will 
hear the indictment originally issued in 1999 against him on Tuesday morning. 

"He has some privacy. They are keeping a close eye on him," tribunal 
spokesman Jim Landale told Reuters. His only visits had been from officials 
working for the tribunal. 

Landale said his isolation would end when officials were sure he was fit and 
healthy and that there was no danger in mixing with other detainees. 


The first head of state to be indicted for war crimes while in office, the 
59-year-old lawyer was given three days by the U.N. tribunal to prepare for a 
first court appearance. 

If convicted on the four charges, including three of crimes against humanity 
in Kosovo, he faces a maximum of life in jail. Further charges relating to 
Bosnia and Croatia are also being considered as is the tribunal's gravest 
charge of genocide. 

Milosevic is set to appear in court early on Tuesday to hear the charges of 
war crimes and crimes against humanity against him and to enter a plea. 

Three judges will hear the case with England's Richard May presiding, flanked 
by colleagues from Jamaica and Morocco. 

If Milosevic is found guilty seven European countries -- Italy, Finland, 
Norway, Sweden, France, Austria

Fwd: [balkans] Free President Milosevic ! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 30/06/01 17:20:46 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Subj: [balkans] Free President Milosevic !
 Date:  30/06/01 17:20:46 Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michel luc)
 Communiqué de presse – 28 juin 2001
 Communiqué de la section francophone du
 "Comité International pour la Défense de
 Slobodan Milosevic" (ICDSM) :
 Les Kollabos proaméricains qui gouvernent la
 Yougoslavie et la Serbie depuis le coup d'état rampant
 du 5 octobre dernier viennent de jetter définitivement
 le masque.
 Ils viennent d'extrader le président Milosevic vers le
 soi-diant "Tribunal pénal international", créé et
 financé par l'OTAN, qui exerce une parodie de justice
 principalement contre les Serbes (A quand
 l'inculpation des criminnels de guerrre de l'OTAN, de
 l'UCK ou de l'Armée croate ?).
 Ils ont échangé Milosevic contre une grosse poignée de
 dollars, comme ils l'avaient déjà arrêté en avril
 dernier pour les mêmes motifs. Trente deniers de Judas
 pour les traîtres serbes : de quoi tenter de survivre
 face au mécontentement populaire qui gronde devant la
 dégradation rapide de la situation économique et les
 promesses non tenues.
 Les quislings de la DOS ont pour cela  montré le
 mépris le plus total des institutions yougoslaves.
 La DOS a violé la constitution qui interdit
 l'extradition des nationaux yougoslaves en adoptant un
 décret anticonstitutionnel.
 La DOS a violé le droit en transgressant la décision
 de la Cour constitutionnelle suprême yougoslave qui
 venait de suspendre le dit décret.
 La DOS a violé les garanties formelles du droit
 yougoslave et international qui ouvre des voies
 obligatoires de recours et d'appel à toute personne
 menacée d'extradition (procédures légalement engagées
 par Milosevic).
 La DOS a violé les règles démocratiques qui confient
 au parlement, où les Kollabos de la DOS sont
 minoritaires, le vote des modifications
 La DOS a violé les règles de fonctionnement de toute
 majorité gouvernementale en adoptant le décret contre
 l'avis de leur partenaire monténégrin, le SNP, opposé
 à la violation de la constitution yougoslave perpétrée
 par la DOS.
 La Yougoslavie n'est plus un état de droit.
 C'est une république bananière gouvernée par une junte
 vendue à l'impérialisme et au néocolonialisme de
 l'OTAN et des USA. Et le président Kostunica est un
 judas qui a vendu son honneur.
 Milosevic n'a pas été extradé mais enlevé et livré
 illégalement au TPY, organe de répression de l(OTAN.
 Aujourd'hui, le président Milosevic est le premier des
 résistants au Nouvel Ordre Mondial et à la dictature
 de l'OTAN.
 Aujourd'hui, tous les hommes libres doivent se
 mobiliser pour défendre l'ancien président yougoslave
 Contact :
 Bruxelles – Luc MICHEL – Fax 02/218 73 09 – Tél
 0475/74 40 89 – Email : :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Paris – Fabrice BEAUR – Tél et Fax 01 43 83 75 32 –
 Maile du Comité - Belgique: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maile du Comité - France :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maile du Comité - Québec :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Site Web :
 L'arrestation du Président Milosevic a suscité un
 vaste mouvement international de soutien à l'ancien
 président yougoslave, mais aussi aux autres patriotes
 yougoslaves pourchassés par le soi-disant "Tribunal
 Pénal International" ou détenus dans les geoles de La
 Haye, et le lancement de plusieurs initiatives
 internationales et pétitions
 (consulter :
 , , , ).
 Pour de nombreux militants progressistes, Slobodan
 Milosevic est le symbôle de la Résistance aux diktats
 du Nouvel Ordre Mondial et de ses maîtres de Washinton
 et de l'OTAN.
 Au début du mois de mai a été créé le "International
 Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic" (ICDSM), qui
 diffuse une pétition internationale largement soutenue
 et qui a déjà recueilli plusieurs centaines de
 milliers de signatures, dont celle de 92 députés (sur
 130) de la Chambre haute (conseil de la Fédération) du
 Parlement russe.
  L'ICDSM a reçu l'adhésion de nombreuses personnalités
 internationales, notamment Ramsey Clark (ancien
 procureur général des USA), Harold Pinter, ou encore
 Guenady Ziouganov, le président du PCFR. Il est
 présidé par le  Professor Velko Vlkanov,  Député au
 Parlement de Sofia et 

Fwd: Today's Headlines from Sunday, July 1, 2001 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 01/07/01 04:45:46 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< Serbs Feared Army Would Aid Milosevic 
 Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic of Serbia said that he had set
 up an elaborate series of ruses and decoys to spirit the
 former president out of the country.  >>

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The New York Times on the Web
Sunday, July 1, 2001

For news updated throughout the day, visit

"It's not how old you are, but how you are old."
-RAY FOX , 92, one of more than 20 old men who posed for a beefcake calendar.

Settlement Reached in American Airlines Negotiations

Negotiators for American Airlines and its flight attendants
agreed on a tentative contract today, federal mediators

S.U.V.'s, Golf, Even Peas Join Eco-Vandals' Hit List 

Federal authorities report a growing pattern of
eco-sabotage, or vandalism, that its anonymous perpetrators
claim to have started in defense of the environment. 


Angry? Sentence Is Not Jail Time but Class Time

Anger management classes have become a fixture of modern
life, but there is not much data on whether the programs



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previous week's advertising columns.  Sign up now!


Bush and Japanese Leader Meet at Camp David

President Bush embraced Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's
plans for reforming Japan's economy, but avoided disputes
on global warming and missile defense.

Serbs Feared Army Would Aid Milosevic 

Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic of Serbia said that he had set
up an elaborate series of ruses and decoys to spirit the
former president out of the country. 


Nations in Asia Give English Their Own Flavorful Quirks

Singapore's leaders have launched a campaign to eliminate a
rough-and-ready patois known as Singlish, one of many
offspring of the English language. 



Settlement Reached in American Airlines Negotiations

Negotiators for American Airlines and its flight attendants
agreed on a tentative contract today, federal mediators

The E.E.O.C. Is Short of Will and Cash 

While the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has become
a much better-managed organization in the last eight years,
it has many critics. 


A Second Oil Shortage: Experienced Workers

Now the oil industry is prospering again. But the bitter
past of layoffs haunts the industry's thriving present. 



The Search for the Family Tree Moves to the Web

The Internet  with its scores of databases, easy access and
relatively quick response time  is helping many armchair
historians gain glimpses into their pasts.

Polaroid Makes a Digital Leap, but Is It Enough? 

While Polaroid 

UCK cleanses 4 more villages [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Macedonia Rebels Take Over 4 Villages
.c The Associated Press
SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) - Seeking to expand their hold in northern Macedonia, 
ethnic Albanian insurgents moved into four villages close to the city of 
Tetovo, state radio reported Sunday. 

Rebels took control of Otunje, Varvara, Setloe and Brezno, ordering villagers 
to leave, reports said. 

Despite the rebel advance, the Tetovo region was ``relatively calm'' 
overnight, said Col. Blagoja Markovski, the army spokesman, except for 
occasional sniper fire from outlying villages. 

Markovski also spoke of sporadic exchanges of small arms fire that lasted 
into early Sunday near the city of Kumanovo after the ``terrorists opened 
fire from several cars and our forces returned fire.'' 

It was the second day of low-level fighting after a lull that spread over 
several days. On Saturday, clashes were reported in the highlands near the 
northern border with Kosovo. 

The continued skirmishing reflected the difficult mission ahead for a new 
U.S. envoy to Macedonia, sent by President Bush to help jump-start peace 
negotiations between the rebels and the Slav-dominated government. 

The State Department's European Bureau special adviser, James Pardew, was to 
arrive Sunday in Skopje, Macedonia's capital. Well-known in the Balkans, 
Pardew will be working closely with his European Union counterpart, Francois 

EU officials have warned Macedonia that further aid could be suspended if the 
country's Slavs and ethnic Albanians fail to bridge their differences. 

Fighters continue using Kosovo as safe haven, despite stepped-up efforts by 
NATO-led peacekeepers in the ethnic Albanian-majority Serbian province to 
interdict them. 

On Saturday, peacekeepers reported detaining 90 suspected rebels from 
Macedonia over the past two days. Among them was a group of 48 ethnic 
Albanians detained in one house in eastern Kosovo, close to the border, on 
suspicion of being insurgents fighting Macedonian government forces. 

The militants launched their rebellion in February, demanding that the 
constitution be changed to guarantee ethnic Albanians equal status with the 
Slavic majority in Macedonia. 

The government rejects that demand, saying it eventually would lead to the 
division of the country. Macedonia's leadership says the rebels' real goal is 
to carve off parts of the country as part of ultimate plans to create a 
``Greater Albania.'' 

Ethnic Albanians make up close to a third of Macedonia's 2 million people. 

AP-NY-07-01-01 0640EDT

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Milosevic to find Yugoslavia remade in Hague prison

By Dragana Dardic

BOSANSKI SAMAC, Bosnia, July 1 (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic will find his 
Dutch prison offers the multi-ethnic camaraderie of the old Yugoslavia he did 
so much to destroy, says a Bosnian Serb war crimes indictee awaiting trial. 
In an ironic twist Milosevic is unlikely to relish, the ex-Yugoslav 
president, currently being held in isolation, will eventually share 
confinement with several dozen Serbs, Croats and Muslims accused of war 
crimes that his policies inspired. 

"It reminds me of the old Yugoslav National Army," said Simo Zaric, a Bosnian 
Serb who spent 26 months in The Hague remand centre before being released to 
await trial at home. 

In Communist days, all Yugoslav men did national service, and were 
deliberately sent far from their homes to break down ethnic loyalty. Army 
units were of mixed nationality to ensure fidelity to the old Yugoslav motto 
of "Brotherhood and Unity." 

"Solidarity among Serb, Croat and Muslims is unreserved. We never had an 
argument of any kind," said Zaric on Sunday in his home town in 
Serb-controlled northern Bosnia, where he is alleged to have carried out 
vicious ethnic cleansing of Muslims. 

Zaric said he was looking forward to meeting Milosevic when he returns for 
trial in September but would not be starstruck. "Milosevic will need a few 
days to realise where he is and to accept it," said Zaric. "But I am 
convinced he will know how to adapt and to get to know the other inmates." 

Milosevic, the first former head of state to face trial for crimes committed 
while in office, was extradited to The Hague on Thursday, and is being kept 
alone and under close watch lest he try to take his own life and deprive 
prosecutors of their day in court. 

A convivial atmosphere of shared meals, coffee, and satellite television in 
his native tongue await the banker- turned-warlord when his guardians decide 
he is stable enough to mix with the others. 


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Fwd: IMPORTANT: Del Ponte's thank you [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Petokraka78


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Hey all...

keep this gem of a URL to hear Del Ponte thank her paymasters and the entire 
NATO leadership for its support of the Tribunal right after Milosevic's 
arrest.  So much for a lack of bias...the URL where you can view Del Ponte's 
speech is at:
 She spends like half a minute thanking NATO war-criminals and Djindjic 
(kicks in at 2 minutes into her speech I think).
 SICK! [a pint for whoever sits through the whole thing  : )  ]
 Kole >>

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Hey Jared, 

the URL where you can view Del Ponte's speech is at:

She spends like half a minute thanking NATO war-criminals and Djindjic.



Meaningless "Details" on arrest [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Petokraka78


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Milosevic's Arrest:

Cigarette Request Granted, But Wasn't Permitted to Call His Wife  

Waiting In 10-By-17-Foot Box In The U.N. Wing of Holland Prison   

View from Cell Window Was Blank Wall  

NEW YORK, July 1 /PRNewswire/ -- When former Yugoslavia president Slobodan 
Milosevic was taken from the Belgrade Central Prison to face war crimes 
charges in an international tribunal in The Hague, he said to the warden, 
"Come on, am I really going to The Hague?" When he asked to smoke a 
cigarette, he could. He asked to call his wife, and was denied. 

(Photo: )   

According to a report on Milosevic's arrest, which appears in the current 
issue of Newsweek, after a search of his small suitcase, the guards took 
hidden pill bottles, which Milosevic said were only nitroglycerine for his 
hypertension. He referred sarcastically to public speculation that he might 
commit suicide, as both his mother and father had done. "Don't worry, none of 
these medicines are poison." 

Aboard the helicopter he was handcuffed and flown to Eagle Base near the 
Muslim city of Tuzla in Bosnia. There, U.S. peacekeepers bundled him on a 
plane to The Hague. He spent the flight, said a source, staring "wistfully' 
out a window and his request for another cigarette was turned down because 
the British Royal Navy plane was nonsmoking.  By 1 a.m. Friday, Milosevic was 
in a 10-by-17-foot box in the U.N. wing of Holland's Scheveningen prison. 
>From the bars of his cell window, he could see only a blank wall, reports 
Newsweek Diplomatic Correspondent Roy Gutman and Correspondent-at-Large Rod 
Nordland in the July 9 issue of Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, July 2). 

Milosevic is now accused of orchestrating "a campaign of terror and violence" 
against thousands of Kosovar Albanians during the 1999 war. But the 
tribunal's chief prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, is expected to file charges 
soon over his earlier wars in Bosnia and Croatia; altogether, more than 
200,000 people have died in Balkan conflicts since 1991. He could be 
sentenced to life imprisonment, the maximum penalty. 

But it will take more than the trial of Milosevic to purge the Balkans of 
those horrors. While the West demanded Milosevic be brought to The Hague, it 
ignored the tribunal's second and third most wanted men: Radovan Karadzic, 
former president of the Bosnian Serbs, and Ratko Mladic, the Serb general, 
both of whom were indicted for the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia, Newsweek 
reports.  "It is equally important they be brought to account," says Richard 
Holbrooke, the former U.N. ambassador and Balkans negotiator. 

(Read Newsweek's news releases at 

Click "Pressroom.")  


SOURCE  Newsweek   

CO:  Newsweek 

ST:  New York 



07/01/2001 11:34 EDT

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Macedonia's Ghandian future... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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US envoy urges Macedonia political leaders to act
SKOPJE, July 1 (Reuters) - New U.S. special envoy to Macedonia James Pardew 
said on Sunday the country's political leaders must take responsibility for 
resolving the conflict and warned proponents of force against seeking a 
military solution. 

"It is important to recognise that finding a solution here is really the 
responsibility of the leaders of Macedonia and so we look to them to take 
that responsibility, seize this moment and bring this conflict to a peaceful 
conclusion," he said. 

Pardew said on his arrival to Skopje that he would work closely with the 
European Union peace envoy Francois Leotard. Both were appointed in an 
increasingly frantic international effort to avoid an ethnic Albanian 
rebellion from growing into civil war. 

The Macedonian government has been unable to quell an ethnic Albanian 
rebellion that began in February and threatens to unleash an all-out civil 
war that could touch off a wider conflagration in the Balkans. 

"There are some who believe the use of force is appropriate in these 
circumstances, but that's not true. Those who favour the use of force are 
undermining the peace process," Pardew told reporters. 

09:05 07-01-01

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Unelected Traitor Seeks to Avoid Elections, Parcel Yugoslavia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Federal reform needed to end Yugo crisis-Serb PM
By Fredrik Dahl
BELGRADE, July 1 (Reuters) - Serbia's [unelected] prime minister has called 
for reform of the Yugoslav constitution rather than fresh elections [which he 
would certainly loose] to ease a political crisis triggered by the handover 
of ousted leader Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague. 

Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, whose [illegitimate] government ordered the 
transfer of Milosevic to the United Nations war crimes tribunal on Thursday, 
spoke of the political turmoil the [illegal] move sparked in the Yugoslav 
Federation in two interviews over the weekend. 

"This is one of the rare situations in parliamentary history in which 
elections do not solve the crisis," he told the daily Vecernje Novosti in an 
interview published on Sunday. 

Reform of the federal constitution binding dominant Serbia to much smaller 
Montenegro was what was needed instead, he said. 

Djindjic played down the negative impact of the extradition, making clear he 
believed the benefits of shipping the former president to The Hague 
outweighed political costs at home. 

"The positive effects are great -- it is an end to an agony. The negative 
ones are really minor," Djindjic said. 

The handover helped persuade donors to grant [actually these are loans, NOT 
grants, which will have to be repayed far in excesses of 1.28 billion] 
Yugoslavia $1.28 billion in aid to rebuild an impoverished economy battered 
by a decade of warfare and international isolation under Milosevic's 
authoritarian rule. 

But it also angered Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and triggered the 
collapse of the Yugoslav government, with the junior coalition partner, 
Montenegro's Socialist People's Party (SNP), former allies of Milosevic, 
quitting in protest. 

Some of the Serbian reformers who ousted Milosevic last year have warned that 
the coalition's collapse may kill the Yugoslav federation, which beyond 
handling defence and some foreign affairs, plays a limited role in comparison 
to the republics. 


In an interview with German television late on Saturday, Djindjic said the 
federal level of government needed reform. 

"The federation is in deep crisis. We need to come up with a concept for 
change in the constitution." 

If Montenegro rejected this then the two republics remaining in Yugoslavia 
after its violent break-up in the 1990s would have to find a way to bring 
about a "peaceful separation," he said. 

Relations between the two states came close to breaking point during the 
final years of Milosevic's turbulent rule, with the independence-minded 
leadership of Montenegro gradually taking over powers of self-government from 

The ruling party of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic boycotted last 
September's federal elections that led to Milosevic's downfall the following 
month, leaving the SNP in opposition in the republic but in power at the 
federal level. 

The SNP, which formed the Yugoslav government with Serbia's reformist DOS 
alliance which ousted Milosevic, had six ministers in the 16-member cabinet. 

Djindjic said the SNP, by opposing a law on cooperation with the tribunal 
which would have allowed Milosevic to be tried first at home, had actually 
hastened his departure. 

And he said new elections could only achieve something if Djukanovic's party 
dropped its opposition to taking part. 

In the lower house of the federal parliament, DOS has 58 out of 138 seats, 
which means they need the SNP's 28 for an absolute majority. In the Serbian 
parliament DOS has a huge majority. 

A Kostunica adviser told Belgrade's B92 radio that a new interim federal 
government would be appointed in 10 days, made up of the same parties as the 
previous one plus a smaller Montenegrin party. 

09:09 07-01-01

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Belgium Minister in Leopoldville... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Petokraka78


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[If any proof was needed that Laurent Kabila's "son" was another Kostunica, 
it comes with this visit of the chief foreign policy supremo of the former 
Congolese colonial power Belgium visiting the country.  Not only will 
Mr.Verhofstadt visit Kinshasa, but he will also go to Kinsangani to pay his 
respects to the Rwandan-backed occupation forces responsible for the 
war-related deaths of more than 2-million Congolese citizens in the East of 
the country.]

Belgian premier, in Congo, heralds EU Africa focus
By Stephanie Wolters
KINSHASA, July 1 (Reuters) - Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt spent the 
first day of his country's European Union presidency on Sunday flying across 
the war-divided Congo, backing up promises to make Africa a priority for the 

A day earlier, Verhofstadt marked the former Belgian colony's 41st 
anniversary of independence by pledging cash to help rebuild the country 
after its devastating civil war. 

On Sunday he flew to the rebel-held eastern city of Kisangani -- known as 
Stanleyville when Belgium's King Leopold II carved out a personal fiefdom in 
Congo in the late 19th century -- to meet Rwandan-backed rebels who have 
fought the Kinshasa government for nearly three years in a complex war. 

Verhofstadt's decision to begin his six-month EU presidency in the Congo, at 
a time when the bloc is struggling to contain fighting in Macedonia and 
wrestling with internal dissent over enlargement, bore out a pledge to push 
Africa up the EU agenda. 

Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel promised last week to use the rotating 
presidency to create a common European strategy to promote peace and 
prosperity in Africa's Great Lakes region. 

"Our country will intensify its efforts diplomatically and with all the 
parties concerned, and rest assured that in this we will use to the full the 
lever of our presidency of the European Union," Verhofstadt said at 
Saturday's independence celebration. 

The Belgian premier's visit is seen as a major step towards ending the 
Democratic Republic of Congo's isolation after the former colonial power 
distanced itself from veteran dictator Mobutu Sese Seko and Laurent Kabila, 
who toppled him in 1997. 


Verhofstadt said the ultimate goals were democratic rule and the integrity of 
Africa's third biggest country. 

But rebels complain Belgium's new engagement legitimises the rule of 
President Joseph Kabila, who took power after his father Laurent's murder in 
January, and the effective partition of the country between government and 
rival rebel factions. 

The rebel Rally for Congolese Democracy (RCD) urged Belgium not to favour 
Kabila, who has courted the West and achieved a thaw in long-icy relations 
with Brussels. 

"We will request Belgium to be neutral, impartial, and to consider on an 
equal footing all the Congolese people," RCD Secretary-General Azarias 
Ruberwa told Reuters before leaving his headquarters in Goma to meet 

"Belgium should not provide structural support to Congo. It should only 
intervene in the humanitarian area." 

War in the mineral-rich territory has drawn in forces from Rwanda, Uganda and 
Burundi on the side of rebels, while Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia sent troops 
to help the government. 

A 1999 peace deal failed to end the fighting, but peace efforts picked up 
momentum after Joseph Kabila took power, and warring parties have pulled back 
from large sections of the front line, allowing U.N. observers and support 
troops to deploy. 

11:05 07-01-01

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Fwd: san: RTS Lawsuit Update (please circulate) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 01/07/01 16:25:58 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< This spring we finished all the preliminaries in regards
 to the the lawsuit launched against the Toronto police
 by myself and Kevin Thomas.  This lawsuit was launched
 as the result of our arrest on the charge of "Unlawful
 Assembly" which were laid as a result of our participation
 in the 1998 Reclaim the Streets Celebration in Toronto.
 The most recent hurdle, the examination for discovery,
 was an effort by both sides to examine witnesses and
 evidence that would be potentially used in court.
 Undertakings were made by both parties to provide
 additional evidence including, on my part, to
 try and provide copies of material I may have
 had posted around the 1998 RTS efforts in
 This process was instructive in many ways.   In my particular
 case, the police in their defence (through their lawyers) are alleging
 a leadership role as evidenced by, among other things, my writing about
 the RTS event and encouraging participation in it through
 web postings.   This does have other potential connotations, especially
 in light of trial disclosures by police (in Hamilton around the 2000 Hamilton
 War Show and in Ottawa around the 1999 Homes Not Bombs action) that I
 seem to be a leader or organizer.  While my ego doesn't mind the claim,
 I must confess I can barely organize my filing let alone a successful action.
 By the fall, we are hoping to have all the transcripts from the examination
 for discovery in hand and examined.  We should then be in a position
 to finally set a date for trial.
 In light of recent developments (i.e. the detention of Jaggi Singh,
 the denial of bail for John Clarke), keeping alive a struggle for years
 is hard.   There are new examples of the criminalizing of dissent that
 need to be addressed.  One hopes that in dealing with the current
 crisis, one does not stop supporting other forms of resistance and
 activism against the the arrest of political activists.
 I was surprised to read the following piece on U.S.  RTS movement.
 The following article gives some indication of the seriousness
 that the powers-that-be are taking an effort to attack the celebration
 of life and freedom in a public space.
 Note:  Those wishing to help with defence costs can send donations to
 our lawyer.  Cheques should be made payable to Brian Shiller in Trust
 and mailed to Shiller Layton Arbuck, 70 Bond Street, Suite 200, Toronto,
 Ontario M5B 1X3.
 Brian Burch
 Reclaim the Streets NYC -
 News for Anarchists & Activists:
 Is Dancing Terrorism?
 by PB Floyd
 FBI brands Reclaim the Streets as "terrorists" - what the
 fuck have they been smoking?!
 In another sign that the growing anti-capitalist, anarchist,
 anti-car movement is gaining effectiveness, the FBI recently
 listed Reclaim the Streets amongst the "Threats of Terrorism
 to the United States." In a May 10 statement before the
 Senate Committees on Appropriations, Armed Services and
 Select Committee on Intelligence, FBI director Louis Freeh
 listed Reclaim the Streets as a "potential threat" to the
 United States along with assorted terrorists from Egypt and
 The report reads in part: "Anarchists and extreme socialist
 groups - many of which, such as the Workers' World Party,
 Reclaim the Streets, and Carnival Against Capitalism - have
 an international presence and, at times, also represent a
 potential threat in the United States. For example,
 anarchists, operating individually and in groups, caused
 much of the damage during the 1999 World Trade Organization
 ministerial meeting in Seattle."
 The list also included "extreme fringes of animal rights,
 environmental, anti-nuclear, and other political and social
 movements" as well as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and
 the Earth Liberation Front (ELF).
 Getting included in such a list is always both a good and a
 bad sign: it means we're doing something right and are
 threatening the system, but it also vastly increases the
 likelihood of infiltration, frame-ups based on planted
 evidence, government-sponsored internal movement "splits,"
 police use of deadly force, etc.
 Reclaim the Streets is actually more of a tactic than a
 movement or an organization. In 1996, activists in England
 decided to hold the first RTS "street party" by holding a
 day-time rave, complete with sound system, dancing, and
 party games, all with a political spin in a busy
 intersection. The party aimed to temporarily "re

Re: HELP...FW: bbc website - and a warning! - a week BEFORE the event! [WWW.S... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 02/07/01 00:38:05 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< >Can anyone give me the low down on one the latest 
 > machinations directed against Milosevic and Serbia, i.e., this 
 > supposed  " recently unearthed mass grave"   ? My nerves can't 
 > also tolerate all these fabricated charges, so,  sometimes I 
 > completely ignore stories on the subject.
 > David O Q
 >  >>

Well David,

no need to read the papers b/c the pattern is already familiar.  Here are 
some things you should consider:

1) These "discoveries" came soon after Milosevic's lawyer had demanded that 
his client be released b/c in three months the Yugoslav and Serbian 
authorities weren't able to produce ANY evidence of corruption.

2) The potential press coverage of this FACT was buried under press reports 
of new discoveries of mass-graves, thus shifting the focus just as 
Milosevic's culpability was begining to be questioned both in Yugoslavia and 

3) We are told that dozens of bodies are being unearthed, yet so far the 
available, yet really limited, footage has shown very few marks of real 
mass-graves (i.e. bodies mangled together, many bones from different corpses 
tied together, huge pits with skulls and bones prominently jutting out) but 
some very vague images that really don't seem like anything if looked at 
closely - although its been proven that people will often see what they what 
they want to believe they should be seeing when shown an image - other than 
mud, rocks, and maybe, maybe some bones, of something...

4) Recently the BBC ran an article on how these gravesite finds may actually 
secure the ICTY's conviction, meaning that no concrete prior evidence existed 
to these finds.

5) The Republic of Serbia is under the full security control of DOS and the 
police and many of the security forces are wholly under the thumb of 
Djindjic.  Furthermore the border between Kosovo and the rest of Serbia has 
proven to be extremely porous and completely controlled by NATO, there is 
nothing, and I REPEAT, nothing, to prevent NATO and its loyalists from 
planting these bodies (if they are bodies). 

6) A likely scenario is that these aren't even bodies, or that they are 
bodies (of humans or animals?) reburied from other places to set Milosevic 
up.  Just recently a similar tactic was used in the Peruvian election to 
discredit Alan Garcia when suddenly bodies were found near an army base and 
attributed (without any proof) to Garcia's previous tenure as President.  
This was done to secure the victory of Alejandro Toledo, Washington's man in 
Peru.  The pattern is almost identical in both cases were bodies are 
discovered near sites controlled now by Washington's allies in order to 
forward Washington's interests and discredit its regional rivals.

7) You see it would be different if thousands of bodies were found, then 
maybe one could say there was a cover up...but so far it has been a dozens.  
Let's just say for a moment that these are all Albanian civilians and that 
they are all women and children (the first being very doubtfull as most of 
the bodies are apparently, according to Yugoslav news, those of men and the 
second patently false)...Why would Milosevic cover up a few dozen victims if 
he really personally directed the killing of 10,000 Albanian civilians (as 
the press now routinely states)?  You see it makes no sense for him to go out 
of his way, and potentially discredit himself in the process, in order to 
cover up a few crimes if so many were committed.  

8) Of course the stories of the one (unamed) lorry-driver talking about 
mountains of corpses piled on top of each other - which has accompanied the 
press reports - is: a) a classic attrocity story propaganda (unverifiable, 
designed to shock and to elicit outrage and moral revulsion at the object of 
demonization), b) a tool to perpetuate the myth that there are more from were 
these bodies came from (although in all probability this is the last we will 
hear of these bodies, as they served only as a justification to extradite 
Milosevic), and c) a means of giving new ammunition to proponents of the ICTY 
and appologists for NATO, seeing as all their other accusations have crumbled 
into dust and more and more people are becoming aware of this with each 
passing day.

9) There is no reason to believe anything the Western press corp and 
self-appointed "experts" in the Balkans says about anything in the region.


USA's continental fascism??? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 02/07/01 01:28:57 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<  Seventy years ago Germany set about "dismantling 
   borders" with Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,
   Poland, France, Holland, Belgium and the USSR.
   That agenda was called "Fascism."
   Now the USA wants to "dismantle borders" with
   Canada and to "harmonize immigration, energy" etc.
   Is this a benevolent agenda, or is it Fascism?
 National Post, June 30, 2001
 U.S. Aims to dismantle borders
 New U.S. ambassador wants to harmonize immigration,
 energy and more: 'Is there a NAFTA-plus?'
 Robert Fife and Alan Toulin National Post
 Paul Cellucci, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, meets the press in Ottawa 
 yesterday. While not interested in a European Union style arrangement, he 
 thinks North America should ease the flow of commerce and people.
 OTTAWA - Canada, the United States and Mexico should forge closer links as 
 part of a ''NAFTA-plus'' relationship based on harmonization of border 
 controls, law enforcement, energy, environmental and immigration policies, 
 Paul Cellucci, the new U.S. ambassador to Canada, said yesterday.
 Mr. Cellucci, the former governor of Massachusetts and a close friend of 
 George W. Bush, the U.S. President, suggested the borders between Canada, 
 the United States and Mexico be dismantled with the aim of achieving a more 
 fully integrated economy.
 ''If we look at [the North American Free Trade Agreement], I think we can 
 conclude that NAFTA has been a good thing for Canada, the United States and 
 Mexico and I think the question is: Is there a NAFTA-plus, and I think there 
 is,'' he said in an interview.
 While Mr. Cellucci said there is no interest in a comprehensive European 
 Union style economic and political union, the flow of commerce and people 
 should be eased.
 The U.S. is promoting special entry points for overseas travellers to North 
 America that would be jointly run by Canada and the U.S., while opening up 
 most border crossings to relatively free passage for American and Canadian 
 ''We have to talk about being more consistent [in policies]. We don't want 
 Canadian citizens or U.S. citizens to be spending three or four hours trying 
 to cross the border.
 "No one wants to go down that road. If we don't want to go down that road we 
 need to use technology and some more consistent policies to make it more 
 Mr. Cellucci's discussion of a ''NAFTA-plus'' continental economic coalition 
 follows a call from David Zussman, an independent policy advisor to Jean 
 Chrétien, the Prime Minister, for a public debate on economic and social 
 union between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
 Mr. Zussman, president of the Public Policy Forum, is planning a November 
 trip to Europe, bringing 15 to 20 senior federal and provincial civil 
 servants to investigate how the nations in the European Union have coped 
 with the end of borders for the European market, and the implications for 
 policing, immigration and social policies.
 Mr. Zussman said the think-tank will issue a report that will link the 
 European experience to the context of North America.
 Maurizio Bevilacqua, a Liberal MP and chairman of the influential House of 
 Commons finance committee, welcomed a debate, saying North American 
 integration is occurring more quickly than people generally realize.
 ''I think the debate certainly should take place on North American 
 integration and it should be a no-holds-barred debate where nothing is 
 taboo,'' Mr. Bevilacqua said.
 ''With NAFTA, the economies of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are becoming 
 increasingly integrated ... we have to take the logical next steps in 
 maximizing the benefits of such an agreement.''
 Mr. Bevilacqua added: ''Canadians are more open to change than people may 
 Lorne Nystrom, the New Democratic Party finance critic, said the Liberals 
 are ''testing the waters'' to get the public prepared for potentially closer 
 ties to Mexico and the United States.
 Along with Mr. Zussman's speech calling for debate about Canada's future in 
 North America, the Liberals are moving toward a continental policy, Mr. 
 Nystrom said.
 ''I'm beginning to suspect that there is an orchestrated move to soften us 
 up toward political and economic integration with the U.S.,'' he said.
 Bob Mills, Canadian Alliance foreign affairs critic, also believes the 
 Liberal government is attempting to spark public 

More Nazi Revivalism for NATO? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[Here is an interesting piece in the NYT on Germany's Chancellor Gerhard 
Schroeder.  Observe how the Nazi past is brushed aside - "What intrigues Mr. 
Schröder is not so much his father's role; "everybody did that," he said. "He 
was a lowly soldier, no sort of leader, and was sent to the slaughter like 
everyone else."  Having brushed this ugly fact aside - going on to spend much 
more time on the country's communist past - Schroeder goes on to pontificate 
on his vision of a "federal Europe" which would effectively concentrate power 
in Germany's hands (just the sort of thing his father was fighting for!!!).  
The fact that this is the same project that the Nazi's committed to, and 
given Schroeder's nostalgic forrays into his own families Nazi past (he 
visited the battlefield in Romania were his father died in support of 
Hitler's brutal Drang Nach Osten earlier this year), is it any wonder that 
many European's, and victims of German genocides and holocausts, remain 
doubtful of Euro integration as advocated by Germany?  On top of all this, 
the new government has reocuppied the old Imperial capital of Berlin and 
initiated its first session in the capital back in the spring of 1999 at the 
same time that German troops were illegally bombing Yugoslavia, a country 
that had been under Nazi occupation.  You can be sure that NATO's move East 
will be accompanied by further attempts to rewrite the history of the 20th 
century to justify its ignoble and Naziesque project of extending its 
dominion over Europe to Russia's borders and beyond.  These "personalized" 
propaganda stories should be seen for what they are, attempts to humanise 
this inhuman objective that has become the pet project of the 
military-industrial wing of the neoliberal elite.] 

July 2, 2001
Schröder, Like Germany, Is Looking Harder at the Past

BERLIN, July 1 — It is a scene of modern Germany: Chancellor Gerhard Schröder 
in his new office opposite the Reichstag gazing in wonder at a photograph of 
the father he never knew, Cpl. Fritz Schröder with a Nazi swastika on his 

"I only recently was given this photograph," Mr. Schröder said in an 
exclusive interview. "Before that, I never had a mental picture of my father, 
and only a very limited relationship to him. For me, in a sense, he never 
existed. So only now, for the first time, am I beginning to deal with him." 

The turbulence of modern Germany as it passed through two world wars, Nazism, 
Communism and division has been such that almost no family has escaped some 
form of personal anguish. And Mr. Schröder, like his country, is treading his 
personal way out of the labyrinth of the past.

Now approaching his fourth year in office, he has been obliged by the move of 
the capital back to Berlin to confront this past in a way more direct than 
his predecessors. Perhaps his most conspicuous achievement has been to allow 
the airing of German trauma in a new atmosphere of openness.

So here the chancellor sits with the newly discovered image of his own 
trauma: a handsome, clear-eyed young Wehrmacht soldier, seen in half-profile, 
some years before his death on the eastern front in Romania in October 1944. 
Mr. Schröder had been born six months earlier, yet another German child of 
war who would be fatherless.

What intrigues Mr. Schröder is not so much his father's role; "everybody did 
that," he said. "He was a lowly soldier, no sort of leader, and was sent to 
the slaughter like everyone else." It is more the uncanny physical similarity 
that inevitably prompts reflections on how fate determines the dilemmas of 
each generation. 

"There's a picture of me when I was about the same age — you have to see it," 
Mr. Schröder, 57, said. "It's exactly the same, without the steel helmet and 
uniform, naturally, as if it were a twin brother. That makes you think. That 
is very interesting."

Certainly the very existence of this intimate conversation is interesting. 
Germany is opening up. 

It is partly the passage of time: ever fewer former Nazis are still alive. It 
is partly unification and the resolution, at last, of Germany's borders: a 
state no longer at risk is inevitably freer in spirit. It is partly the 
arrival in power of Mr. Schröder's postwar generation: these people tend to 
be more moved by Tuscany than by Bismarck. 

The family circumstances that led to the discovery this year of the 
photograph have also presented the chancellor with cause for ethical 
reflection. Research by the newspaper Bild led to three first cousins of Mr. 
Schröder in the former East Germany with whom he had lost contact.

All the cousins were the daughters of Kurt Schröder, the brother of Fri

More Nazi Revivalism for NATO? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[Here is an interesting piece in the NYT on Germany's Chancellor Gerhard 
Schroeder.  Observe how the Nazi past is brushed aside - "What intrigues Mr. 
Schröder is not so much his father's role; "everybody did that," he said. "He 
was a lowly soldier, no sort of leader, and was sent to the slaughter like 
everyone else."  Having brushed this ugly fact aside - going on to spend much 
more time on the country's communist past - Schroeder goes on to pontificate 
on his vision of a "federal Europe" which would effectively concentrate power 
in Germany's hands (just the sort of thing his father was fighting for!!!).  
The fact that this is the same project that the Nazi's committed to, and 
given Schroeder's nostalgic forrays into his own families Nazi past (he 
visited the battlefield in Romania were his father died in support of 
Hitler's brutal Drang Nach Osten earlier this year), is it any wonder that 
many European's, and victims of German genocides and holocausts, remain 
doubtful of Euro integration as advocated by Germany?  On top of all this, 
the new government has reocuppied the old Imperial capital of Berlin and 
initiated its first session in the capital back in the spring of 1999 at the 
same time that German troops were illegally bombing Yugoslavia, a country 
that had been under Nazi occupation.  You can be sure that NATO's move East 
will be accompanied by further attempts to rewrite the history of the 20th 
century to justify its ignoble and Naziesque project of extending its 
dominion over Europe to Russia's borders and beyond.  These "personalized" 
propaganda stories should be seen for what they are, attempts to humanise 
this inhuman objective that has become the pet project of the 
military-industrial wing of the neoliberal elite. It's no wonder then that 
the article includes a portion on the importance of trans-atlantic ties 
between Germany and the USA.] 

July 2, 2001
Schröder, Like Germany, Is Looking Harder at the Past

BERLIN, July 1 — It is a scene of modern Germany: Chancellor Gerhard Schröder 
in his new office opposite the Reichstag gazing in wonder at a photograph of 
the father he never knew, Cpl. Fritz Schröder with a Nazi swastika on his 

"I only recently was given this photograph," Mr. Schröder said in an 
exclusive interview. "Before that, I never had a mental picture of my father, 
and only a very limited relationship to him. For me, in a sense, he never 
existed. So only now, for the first time, am I beginning to deal with him." 

The turbulence of modern Germany as it passed through two world wars, Nazism, 
Communism and division has been such that almost no family has escaped some 
form of personal anguish. And Mr. Schröder, like his country, is treading his 
personal way out of the labyrinth of the past.

Now approaching his fourth year in office, he has been obliged by the move of 
the capital back to Berlin to confront this past in a way more direct than 
his predecessors. Perhaps his most conspicuous achievement has been to allow 
the airing of German trauma in a new atmosphere of openness.

So here the chancellor sits with the newly discovered image of his own 
trauma: a handsome, clear-eyed young Wehrmacht soldier, seen in half-profile, 
some years before his death on the eastern front in Romania in October 1944. 
Mr. Schröder had been born six months earlier, yet another German child of 
war who would be fatherless.

What intrigues Mr. Schröder is not so much his father's role; "everybody did 
that," he said. "He was a lowly soldier, no sort of leader, and was sent to 
the slaughter like everyone else." It is more the uncanny physical similarity 
that inevitably prompts reflections on how fate determines the dilemmas of 
each generation. 

"There's a picture of me when I was about the same age — you have to see it," 
Mr. Schröder, 57, said. "It's exactly the same, without the steel helmet and 
uniform, naturally, as if it were a twin brother. That makes you think. That 
is very interesting."

Certainly the very existence of this intimate conversation is interesting. 
Germany is opening up. 

It is partly the passage of time: ever fewer former Nazis are still alive. It 
is partly unification and the resolution, at last, of Germany's borders: a 
state no longer at risk is inevitably freer in spirit. It is partly the 
arrival in power of Mr. Schröder's postwar generation: these people tend to 
be more moved by Tuscany than by Bismarck. 

The family circumstances that led to the discovery this year of the 
photograph have also presented the chancellor with cause for ethical 
reflection. Research by the newspaper Bild led to three first cousins of Mr. 
Schröder in 

More Nazi Revivalism for NATO? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[Here is an interesting piece in the NYT on Germany's Chancellor Gerhard 
Schroeder.  Observe how the Nazi past is brushed aside - "What intrigues Mr. 
Schröder is not so much his father's role; "everybody did that," he said. "He 
was a lowly soldier, no sort of leader, and was sent to the slaughter like 
everyone else."  Having brushed this ugly fact aside - going on to spend much 
more time on the country's communist past - Schroeder goes on to pontificate 
on his vision of a "federal Europe" which would effectively concentrate power 
in Germany's hands (just the sort of thing his father was fighting for!!!).  
The fact that this is the same project that the Nazi's committed to, and 
given Schroeder's nostalgic forrays into his own families Nazi past (he 
visited the battlefield in Romania were his father died in support of 
Hitler's brutal Drang Nach Osten earlier this year), is it any wonder that 
many European's, and victims of German genocides and holocausts, remain 
doubtful of Euro integration as advocated by Germany?  On top of all this, 
the new government has reocuppied the old Imperial capital of Berlin and 
initiated its first session in the capital back in the spring of 1999 at the 
same time that German troops were illegally bombing Yugoslavia, a country 
that had been under Nazi occupation.  You can be sure that NATO's move East 
will be accompanied by further attempts to rewrite the history of the 20th 
century to justify its ignoble and Naziesque project of extending its 
dominion over Europe to Russia's borders and beyond.  These "personalized" 
propaganda stories should be seen for what they are, attempts to humanise 
this inhuman objective that has become the pet project of the 
military-industrial wing of the neoliberal elite. It's no wonder then that 
the article includes a portion on the importance of trans-atlantic ties 
between Germany and the USA.] 

July 2, 2001
Schröder, Like Germany, Is Looking Harder at the Past

BERLIN, July 1 — It is a scene of modern Germany: Chancellor Gerhard Schröder 
in his new office opposite the Reichstag gazing in wonder at a photograph of 
the father he never knew, Cpl. Fritz Schröder with a Nazi swastika on his 

"I only recently was given this photograph," Mr. Schröder said in an 
exclusive interview. "Before that, I never had a mental picture of my father, 
and only a very limited relationship to him. For me, in a sense, he never 
existed. So only now, for the first time, am I beginning to deal with him." 

The turbulence of modern Germany as it passed through two world wars, Nazism, 
Communism and division has been such that almost no family has escaped some 
form of personal anguish. And Mr. Schröder, like his country, is treading his 
personal way out of the labyrinth of the past.

Now approaching his fourth year in office, he has been obliged by the move of 
the capital back to Berlin to confront this past in a way more direct than 
his predecessors. Perhaps his most conspicuous achievement has been to allow 
the airing of German trauma in a new atmosphere of openness.

So here the chancellor sits with the newly discovered image of his own 
trauma: a handsome, clear-eyed young Wehrmacht soldier, seen in half-profile, 
some years before his death on the eastern front in Romania in October 1944. 
Mr. Schröder had been born six months earlier, yet another German child of 
war who would be fatherless.

What intrigues Mr. Schröder is not so much his father's role; "everybody did 
that," he said. "He was a lowly soldier, no sort of leader, and was sent to 
the slaughter like everyone else." It is more the uncanny physical similarity 
that inevitably prompts reflections on how fate determines the dilemmas of 
each generation. 

"There's a picture of me when I was about the same age — you have to see it," 
Mr. Schröder, 57, said. "It's exactly the same, without the steel helmet and 
uniform, naturally, as if it were a twin brother. That makes you think. That 
is very interesting."

Certainly the very existence of this intimate conversation is interesting. 
Germany is opening up. 

It is partly the passage of time: ever fewer former Nazis are still alive. It 
is partly unification and the resolution, at last, of Germany's borders: a 
state no longer at risk is inevitably freer in spirit. It is partly the 
arrival in power of Mr. Schröder's postwar generation: these people tend to 
be more moved by Tuscany than by Bismarck. 

The family circumstances that led to the discovery this year of the 
photograph have also presented the chancellor with cause for ethical 
reflection. Research by the newspaper Bild led to three first cousins of Mr. 
Schröder in 

Bulgaria intercepts NATO's heroin... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[Damn!  I guess our boys in BAH-SNIAH will have to contend with higher heroin 
prices? Maybe Uncle Thaci and Pimpin' Agim will be able to cut our good 'ol 
boyz a deal so as not to pay the exorbitant rates the local dealers are 
charging to the French, who after all "helped the Serbs".]

Bulgaria seizes 90 kg of heroin at Turkish border
SOFIA, July 2 (Reuters) - Bulgarian customs said on Monday they had seized 90 
kg (198 lb) of heroin at the Turkish border in a Turkish-registered truck 
heading to Bosnia. 

The haul of 176 packages of heroin, seized at the Kapitan Andreevo border 
crossing, was hidden in the trailer of the truck, the Central Customs 
Directorate said in a statement. 

Two Turkish citizens were detained by police, it added. 

Bulgaria, which borders Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Yugoslavia and Romania, 
lies on the so-called "Balkan route" for smuggling drugs from Asia to western 

Monday's haul brought to 796 kg (1,755 lb) the amount of heroin seized by 
Bulgaria so far this year, mostly at the border with Turkey, the statement 

05:24 07-02-01

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REUTERS: Defence Material Goes Missing [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[A plan to meet Milosevic at noon (1000 GMT) was disrupted when baggage [the 
defence team] had been bringing in for him from Belgrade was found to be 
missing after their JAT Yugoslav airlines flight from Belgrade arrived at 
Schipol airport near The Hague. "We were waiting at the airport for one and a 
half hours to get luggage for Mr Milosevic. His personal things have 
disappeared," Tomanovic told Reuters. They had not been found. Yugoslavia's 
Tanjug news agency later quoted him as saying the lost suitcase contained 
materials needed for the hearing.]

Lawyers in Hague to defend Milosevic
By Paul Gallagher
THE HAGUE, July 2 (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic's lawyers flew in from 
Belgrade on Monday to prepare his defence on war crimes charges at The Hague 
-- but hit a snag when luggage for the detained former Yugoslav president 
went missing in transit. 

Five days after being handed over to the United Nations, Milosevic face his 
accusers for the first time on Tuesday. He is expected to plead not guilty in 
court to charges of crimes against humanity for Serb ethnic cleansing in 
Kosovo in 1999. 

The lawyers said they expected to spend several hours at the U.N. remand 
centre in The Hague where Milosevic has been held in isolation since being 
surrendered last Thursday in a stealthy manoeuvre by the reformist opponents 
who toppled him in October. 

Attorneys Zdenko Tomanovic and Dragan Krgovic will discuss Tuesday morning's 
brief arraignment hearing. They met officials at the International Criminal 
Tribunal building to begin the process of registering themselves formally as 
defence counsel. 

A plan to meet Milosevic at noon (1000 GMT) was disrupted when baggage they 
had been bringing in for him from Belgrade was found to be missing after 
their JAT Yugoslav airlines flight from Belgrade arrived at Schipol airport 
near The Hague. 

"We were waiting at the airport for one and a half hours to get luggage for 
Mr Milosevic. His personal things have disappeared," Tomanovic told Reuters. 
They had not been found. 

Yugoslavia's Tanjug news agency later quoted him as saying the lost suitcase 
contained materials needed for the hearing. 

Asked by Reuters how his client would plead, Tomanovic said: "We will see 
(about) that when we meet Milosevic." 

A trial is not expected to start until next year. 


It will be the first visit Milosevic has received at the Scheveningen 
detention centre and his first face-to-face discussion in The Hague with the 
legal team, reported to have been picked by his strong-willed wife, Mira 

Tomanovic has been on an eight-strong team defending Milosevic since his 
arrest in April on corruption charges. 

The lawyers were carrying packages from Milosevic's family, believed to be 
books, clothes and money he had requested. 

Milosevic has refused to recognise the authority of the court, which he sees 
as a tool of the Western NATO forces which bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 during 
the Kosovo war. 

"In his telephone conversation with Mrs Markovic, he said he wanted his 
defence to be political as he considers all the accusations against him to be 
political," one legal source privy to the discussions with the family in 
Belgrade told Reuters. 

"He said the real war criminals were the leaders of NATO and that they should 
be tried and not him." 

Such defiance is unlikely to cut much ice in The Hague but is typical of a 
man who, insiders say, has lost touch with reality after 13 years at the 
pinnacle of power in the Balkans. 

Yet lawyers familiar with the case said chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte 
would also have her work cut out making the charges stick and proving 
Milosevic was personally responsible. 

"I think we cannot underestimate the case," Nancy Paterson, an American 
lawyer who has just left the tribunal's prosecutor's office, told the New 
York Times on Monday. 

"There are pieces missing," said Paterson, who helped draw up the indictment 
in 1999 that made Milosevic the first head of state ever to be charged with 
war crimes while in office. 

"You need to establish what the real chain of command was." 

It remains to be seen whether further evidence against the former strongman 
will be delivered by the new authorities in Belgrade, who are struggling to 
defuse a political crisis sparked by nationalist opposition to handing 
Milosevic over. 


With the final composition of the defence team far from settled, Belgrade 
newspapers said on Monday that Milosevic and his wife were considering hiring 
foreign attorneys. 

Vecerne Novosti said former U.S. Attorney-General Ramsay Clark, who served 
under U.S. President Jimmy Carter and is sympathetic to Serb

More on Missing Baggage... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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Baggage hitch delays Milosevic war crimes lawyers

THE HAGUE, July 2 (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic's lawyers ran into a delay 
on Monday as they arrived at The Hague to prepare his defence on war crimes 
charges when baggage for the jailed former Yugoslav president went missing in 

Attorneys Zdenko Tomanovic and Dragan Krgovic had been expecting to meet 
their client at the UN remand centre in the Dutch city around noon (1000 GMT) 
after flying in from Belgrade. 

But Tomanovic told Reuters as they arrived at the International Criminal 
Tribunal building to request permission to see Milosevic that baggage they 
were bringing to the ousted leader had gone missing at Schipol airport and 
had held them up. 

It had still not been found. 

Tomanovic was also quoted by Yugoslavia's Tanjug news agency as saying one of 
two suitcases had disappeared. 

"The suitcase with Mr. Milosevic's personal belongings has been lost and we 
spent an hour and the half at the airport persuading the authorities to find 
it," Tomanovic said. 

He said books were in the other suitcase, adding that the one which has been 
lost contained items Milosevic needed for Tuesday's arraignment hearing in 
The Hague when he is expected to enter his plea to charges of crimes against 

"Among other reasons, he needs these personal belongings for his first 
appearance in the court on Tuesday when he is expected to enter his plea," 
Tomanovic told Tanjug. "Today, we should discuss with Mr. Milosevic the 
elements on which our defence will be based and a possible expansion of the 
defence team." 

06:35 07-02-01

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Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[In scenes unseen in Austria since WWII, dissidents are being deported on 
trains out of the country!  After the shooting of protesters in Goetemberg, 
and the 200 body-bags prepared for this months Genoa Summit of the G8 
leaders, the deportation of 400 protesters on specially organized trains 
marks a new and ominous level of repression orchestrated by the neoliberal 
elites in the West. Of course, this as well as other crimes including murder, 
assassination, and terrorism of dissident activists has been a routine 
occurence in the global South in attempts to implement the globalization 
agenda.  Obviously the borderless world of the few is increasingly becoming a 
bordered world for the many (even in the West).]

In a message dated 02/07/01 11:58:01 Eastern Daylight Time, Kilibarda78 

<< Monday, 2 July, 2001, 13:40 GMT 14:40 UK 
 Salzburg expels protesters
 Protesters blamed police for escalating the situation
 Four hundred people have been removed from the Austrian city of Salzburg 
after violent clashes erupted between police and anti-globalisation 
protesters on Sunday. 
 Thirteen people were arrested following the protests and at least three 
police officers and one demonstrator were injured in the clashes. 
 Around 1,000 people are estimated to have descended on Salzburg to protest 
at the economic summit taking place there. 
 The police drafted in at least 4,000 reinforcements in anticipation of 
trouble after the EU summit in the Swedish city of Gothenburg was overwhelmed 
by protesters last month. 
 Police blamed 
 Authorities in Salzburg organised special trains late on Sunday to remove a 
hard core of 400 demonstrators from the city. 
 At least three police officers were injured
 They were taken to the capital, Vienna, and to Germany and Switzerland. 
 The protests began peacefully outside the train station on Sunday afternoon 
but violence broke out when a small group tried to enter the city centre 
where protests had been banned. 
 Demonstrators threw bottles, stones and bricks - police retaliated with 
 The protesters accused the police of having escalated the situation, saying 
that they had not wanted the situation to turn violent.
 Salzburg's mayor, Heinz Schaden, negotiated between the two sides to defuse 
the situation. 
 The summit, organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is being attended 
by heads of state and government from some 15 countries, as well as 
government ministers and hundreds of business leaders. 
 European Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen opened the summit on 
Sunday with a call to push ahead with plans to expand the European Union. 

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Monday, 2 July, 2001, 13:40 GMT 14:40 UK 
Salzburg expels protesters

Protesters blamed police for escalating the situation

Four hundred people have been removed from the Austrian city of Salzburg 
after violent clashes erupted between police and anti-globalisation 
protesters on Sunday. 
Thirteen people were arrested following the protests and at least three 
police officers and one demonstrator were injured in the clashes. 

Around 1,000 people are estimated to have descended on Salzburg to protest at 
the economic summit taking place there. 

The police drafted in at least 4,000 reinforcements in anticipation of 
trouble after the EU summit in the Swedish city of Gothenburg was overwhelmed 
by protesters last month. 

Police blamed 

Authorities in Salzburg organised special trains late on Sunday to remove a 
hard core of 400 demonstrators from the city. 

At least three police officers were injured
They were taken to the capital, Vienna, and to Germany and Switzerland. 

The protests began peacefully outside the train station on Sunday afternoon 
but violence broke out when a small group tried to enter the city centre 
where protests had been banned. 

Demonstrators threw bottles, stones and bricks - police retaliated with 

The protesters accused the police of having escalated the situation, saying 
that they had not wanted the situation to turn violent.

Salzburg's mayor, Heinz Schaden, negotiated between the two sides to defuse 
the situation. 

The summit, organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is being attended by 
heads of state and government from some 15 countries, as well as government 
ministers and hundreds of business leaders. 

European Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen opened the summi

IMF kicks NATO ally in the teeth [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[Apparently no amount of killing off leftist Kurdish insurgents and civilians 
will stop the IMF from getting nasty if you don't at the same time privatise, 
privatise, privatise]

Monday, 2 July, 2001, 16:32 GMT 17:32 UK 
IMF puts off key Turkish loan

The Istanbul stock market: Waiting for good news from the IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has postponed a crucial loan to Turkey, 
claiming that there has not been sufficient progress on reforms. 
The Fund had been due to begin work on Tuesday on a review of the Turkish 
economy, ahead of the payment of the latest $1.6bn (£1.1bn) tranche of its 
$8bn economic rescue package. 

But the Fund said the review was to be indefinitely postponed, "pending 
fulfilment of a few prior actions". 

The IMF has accused Turkey of dragging its feet over reform in the banking 
sector - in particular the closure of some loss-making banks. 

Turkish financial markets had not expected the postponement. 

Just before the IMF announcement, the Istanbul stock market had closed up 
some 2%, in anticipation of a trouble-free loan payment. 

Tough love

The IMF loan package was agreed earlier in the year in an attempt to stave 
off a financial crisis in Turkey. 

But it was tied to stringent terms, including a shake-up of management at 
Turk Telekom, the main state telephone company, and tough action in the 
financial sector. 

Some progress has been made. 

Last week, the government appointed a new board to Turk Telekom. 

And minutes after the IMF announcement, the government said it was closing 
down Emlak Bank, a loss-making state bank. 

But the IMF and other lenders have not been satisfied: the pace of bank 
closures has been slow, and Turk Telekom's new board is not reckoned to be 
free enough from political influence. 

Testing times 

The IMF's decision has ratcheted up uncertainty in Turkish financial markets, 
which had seemed to stabilise over the last few weeks. 

The Turkish lira: An unstable currency
The Fund said it looked forward to beginning the review soon, but is unlikely 
to start work on it in less than a week. 

IMF money is seen as crucial to rescuing the Turkish economy from its current 

The country's gross national product shrank by 4.2% in the first quarter of 
2001, and the Turkish lira has been jittery since a 40% devaluation after it 
was allowed to float in February. 

Approval of a total $1.7bn in World Bank loans for the financial sector and 
agriculture is also due in early July, and is unlikely to go ahead without 
IMF support. 

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Suprise! "mysterious" Paramilitaries appear to spark further war... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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buy and sell practically anything keeps getting better.  From
consumer electronics to movies, find it all on eBay.  What are you
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Macedonia Paramilitary Threat Emerges
.c The Associated Press
SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) - Pamphlets emblazoned with a lion symbolizing a group 
calling itself Paramilitary 2000 delivered a powerful threat to ethnic 
Albanian shopkeepers: Close shop or we'll burn down your businesses. 

Most stall owners in and around the trash-strewn industrial wasteland called 
Madzari packed up and left after receiving the threat 10 days ago from the 
recently activated paramilitary group, which considers some Albanians who 
arrived in the last few years illegal residents of Macedonia. 

The emergence of paramilitary threats in the capital, Skopje - a direct 
response to the insurgents' assault on neighboring Aracinovo and evident in 
riots outside Parliament last week - brings a new escalation to Macedonia's 
conflict between ethnic Albanian militants and government troops in this 
troubled Balkan country. 

Immediately following the threat, rebel Commander Hoxha announced that his 
forces in the hills surrounding the capital were prepared to defend Albanians 
in Skopje if they came under attack. That spread unease among the Slav 

The Albanian businessmen of the Madzari district say they have been menaced 
by a black jeep with the Paramilitary 2000 logo, but so far there have been 
no direct confrontations or violence. But they also say Macedonian police 
have refused to protect them. 

``The police said that all Albanians who work here should remove their stock 
and leave the area,'' shopowner Ibrahim Baftjari said. He has remained, but 
has removed his most expensive goods. 

Since the threat, up to 30,000 Albanians, mostly from Skopje, have left for 
Kosovo, bringing the number of refugees who have taken refuge in the Serbian 
province to 100,000 since the insurgency began four months ago. 

It is a pattern that has repeated itself in more than a decade of Balkan 
conflicts: Irregular units form in response to dissatisfaction with military 
and police action against an insurgency. 

Western observers worry that the slightest spark - a slain policeman or 
Macedonian Slav civilian - could lead to full-blown civil war. 

They cite not only the new irregular units but also the vast number of armed 
reservists. Already, reservists were blamed last week by President Boris 
Trajkovski for bringing the country to the brink of civil war when, massed 
outside Parliament, they opened fire amid a crowd of Macedonian Slavs enraged 
at the rebels' safe passage from Aracinovo under U.S. escort. 

``There's a coalescence of different extremist elements into more formal 
networks,'' said Peter Bouckaert of Human Rights Watch. ``We're talking about 
a region where there's a pattern of civilians involved in conflicts.'' 

The government denies the existence of any irregular paramilitary 
organization in Macedonia. Off the record, a government source dismissed the 
Paramilitary 2000 as ``a bunch of drunks who number no more than 20 people,'' 
and estimated the total number of paramilitary fighters at ``no more than 

The real threat, the source said, is from reservists who have been issued 
arms by the Interior Ministry, like those outside Parliament last week. Not 
all the guns were given to people on the reservist list, the source said, and 
some were distributed specifically to members of the ruling government party. 

But bigger questions remain: Who controls these armed militias and 
reservists, and how much crossover exists between them? 

So far, very little is known about who comprises the newly emerging armed 
groups. In a communique two weeks ago, Paramilitary 2000 said its 2,000 
fighters included members of Army special forces units - the Tigers, the 
Wolves and the Scorpions - as well as mercenaries. 

There are other groups operating as well, including the National Front of 
Macedonia and the Todor Aleksandrov, named for a 20th-century patriot, as 
well as clubs of football hooligans boasting paramilitary structures. 

Following a pattern some fear will spread to Skopje and other cities, Western 
and government sources say police officers were among gangs that destroyed 
Albanian businesses and targeted the homes of prominent Albanians in Bitola 
in May after four policemen from the southern city were killed. The home of 
the deputy health minister, Muharrem Nexhipi, an ethnic Albanian, was among 
those targeted. 

Deputy Interior Minister Refet Elmazi, who is an ethnic Albanian, says 
neither the prime minister nor the interior 

Workers Strike Across Yugoslavia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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[There appears to be a rail-workers 1 hour strike today, which is a symbolic 
warning for an general rail workers strike on July 9th.  The strikers have 
taken this decision at the grassroots and the proposal did not come from the 
union.  Furthermore, machine workers are also planning a strike for this 
Friday.  Both groups are protesting frozen or stagnating wages under the DOS 


Jednocasovni Å¡trajk upozorenja 
Sindikat železnicara Srbije ce u cetvrtak izmedu 12 i 13 casova obustaviti 
saobracaj. - Inicijativa za Å¡trajk krenula sa terena a ne iz Sindikata, 
porucuje Miroslav Jeremic, potpredsednik SŽS-a. - Železnicari ispred vlade 

Sindikat železnicara Srbije ce u cetvrtak na jedan cas obustaviti saobracaj 
kako bi javnost i nadležne upozorio na najavljeni generalni štrajk, 
predviden za ponedeljak 9. jul. U svim vecim stanicama sindikalci ce, kaže 
Miroslav Jeremic, potpredsednik SŽS-a, lokomotivama i vagonima izmedu 12 i 13 
casova blokirati sve izlazne koloseke i skretnice i time potpuno obustaviti 

Sindikat železnicara se na ovaj korak odlucio, objašnjeno je na sednici 
republickog odbora SŽS-a, zbog teškog materijalnog položaja železnicara. Od 
vlade i nadležnih ministarstava zatraženo je da se ukine uredba kojom su 
zarade zamrznute na januarskom nivou, kao i da se primanja železnicara 
povecaju i približe onima u ostalim javnim preduzecima, kao što su 
Elektroprivreda, JAT i "Telekom". Republicki odbor SŽS-a pokrenuo je 
inicijativu i za promenu clana 123. Zakona o radnim odnosima kako bi se 
omogucilo potpisivanje posebnog kolektivnog ugovora za ŽTP "Beograd". 

Ovo je prvi put da inicijativa krece sa terena, a ne iz sindikata. Svi su 
složni u tome da treba istrajati dok se zahtevi ne prihvate jer, kako kažu, 
"dogovrelo nam je do nokata". - Svesni smo u kakvom je položaju železnica, 
ali i mi moramo od necega da živimo - kaže Miroslav Jeremic, isticuci da 
železnicari sa ovakvim platama deci ne mogu dnevno da daju ni po 20 dinara. 

Železnicki saobracaj za vreme štrajka, objašnjava Jeremic, ipak nece potpuno 
stati. Po zakonu o Å¡trajku saobracace svi medunarodni vozovi kao i teretni 
koji prevoze lako kvarljivu robu i živu stoku. Na raspolaganju domacim 
putnicima bice samo nekoliko vozova koje ce, predvideno je zakonom, odrediti 
Milan Markovic, generalni direktor Železnicko-transportnog preduzeca 
"Beograd". Te kompozicije vozice na najopterecenijim pravcima, najverovatnije 
ka Baru i Nišu. 

U okviru najavljene jednocasovne obustave rada sindikalci ce istog dana sa 
železnicke stanice Beograd otici i do vlade Srbije gde ce tražiti da ih 
prime resorni ministri. 

M. Lakic 



Obustava i mašinovoda 

Nezavisni strukovni sindikat mašinovoda najavio je obustavu rada za petak, 
tri dana pre najavljenog generalnog štrajka Sindikata železnicara Srbije, 
koji je predviden za ponedeljak, 9. jul. Mašinovode koje budu na dužnosti u 
petak, prema još nepotvrdenim informacijama, obustavice saobracaj u 12 

Sindikat železnicara Srbije, kako kaže Miroslav Jeremic, potpredsednik 
SŽS-a, nece sugerisati svojim clanovima da podrže ili da sprece štrajk 
mašinovoda koji takode zahtevaju povecanje zarada, izjednacavanje primanja u 
javnim preduzecima, ali i beneficirani radni staž. Nezavisni strukovni 
sindikat mašinovoda inace ima više od 2.200 clanova. 

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More Yugo Strike News [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds Marketplace where you can
buy and sell practically anything keeps getting better.  From
consumer electronics to movies, find it all on eBay.  What are you
waiting for?  Try eBay today.

The pro-government Politika news paper also reports the following actions:

- the independent union of police forces organized a strike in front of the 
MUP Srbije headquarters to protest the new chief of police, Mihajlovic's, 
failure to carry out promises to improve the standard of living of these 
state employees
- there is a struggle over the Eloktranska Industrija (Electrical Industry) 
in Nis.  Apparently workers are demanding that the difference of their 
salaries secured as a result of collective bargaining be paid in full. The 
current authorities of the EI are claiming that the state (during the 
Milosevic) era had already provided the workers with many social benefits, 
including micro-credits to workers to start their own businesses on the side, 
as well as salaries despite the fact that the plant was often idle.  The main 
"independent" union is taking the side of the management, while the workers 
are insisting on securing some type of money in these rough times

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POLITIKA: "Mass-graves" contain KLA uniforms... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-02 Thread Petokraka78


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Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds Marketplace where you can
buy and sell practically anything keeps getting better.  From
consumer electronics to movies, find it all on eBay.  What are you
waiting for?  Try eBay today.

[In short, this article states that there are NO children among the dead.  
That the number of 74 corpses may not be final and that uniforms of the KLA 
were found inside the graves.  BTW these corpses were found not near army 
bases, but as the article mentions besides the training grounds of the 
Special Forces of the MUP of Serbia, which are now fully under DOS, and 
Djindjic's control!!! The fact that these bodies were found in an area that 
is now under the full control of undisputibly and uncontroversially, 
collaborationist elements within the country should immediately cast doubt on 
there "finds".  As if that wasn't enough, apparently, television crews from 
France and Holland were turned away from this site in Petrovo Selo as the 
exhumation team is not allowing any media outlets at the site.]

Medu žrtvama nema dece 
Sumnja se da brojka od 74 leša nije konacna. - U jamama pronadene i uniforme 
sa oznakama tzv. OVK. - Ekshumacija se produžava do kraja nedelje 

Kladovo, 2. jula 

Brojka od 74 leša iskopana iz dve masovne grobnice iznad Centra za obuku 
Specijalnih antiteroristickih jedinica (SAJ) MUP-a Srbije u Petrovom Selu kod 
Kladova nije konacna. Izvor blizak istražnim organima saopštio nam je danas 
da su u mrtvackim vrecama eksperti Instituta za sudsku medicinu iz Niša ovih 
dana pronalazili i o po dva ljudska tela. Time ce broj žrtava koje je 
prvobitno novinarima saopštio Milorad Momcilovic, istražni sudija Okružnog 
suda u Negotinu, po svoj prilici biti povecan. 

Tokom vikenda u Petrovom Selu padala je jaka kiša, pa je teren u bagremaru na 
ilovaci blatnjav i mokar, što ce najavljeni završetak ekshumacije produžiti 
do kraja nedelje. Ocevici, takode, kažu da su iz dve jame otkopani uglavnom 
muškarci civili. Sumnja se da u grobnicama nisu tela samo dve, vec više 
žena. Medu žrtvama nema dece. 

Za "Politiku" nam je potvrdeno da je medu stvarima pronadeno više licnih 
karata, od kojih je jedna iz Srbice sa Kosmeta. To upucuje na zakljucak da je 
rec o tamošnjim ljudima koji su prilikom "asanacije terena" dovedeni i 
pokopani na obroncima planine Miroc kod Kladova. 

Medu novim detaljima do kojih smo došli su i uniforme pripadnika "OVK" koje 
su pronadene medu garderobom ekshumiranih tela. Istražni organi Okružnog 
suda i tužilaštva u Negotinu i dalje ne dozvoljavaju novinarima da odu na 
lice mesta, pa su iz Petrovog Sela vracene televizijske ekipe iz Francuske i 

Posle desetak dana mukotrpnog rada na otkopavanju, prenošenju i sahranjivanju 
tela iz dve masovne grobnice, radnici kladovskog preduzeca "Komunalac", kako 
kažu, ni za kakve pare ne žele da pomažu ekspertskom timu iz Niša. Ovi 
ljudi su premoreni fizicki i psihicki, pa u preduzecu muku muce kako bi za 
Petrovo Selo našli neophodno tehnicko osoblje. 

S. Stankovic 

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Re: And Now, From London, Your Milosevic Misinfo for the Day (for TOOLGT) [WW... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 03/07/01 11:03:32 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What did he say this morning? I was watching CNN at 4:00 AM and they turned 
 off his microphone so I was supposed to depend on that anchors translation.

Milosevic Refuses to Enter Plea
.c The Associated Press
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Facing his prosecutors alone, Slobodan 
Milosevic refused to enter a plea to war crimes charges Tuesday, branding the 
U.N. tribunal illegal and saying his trial was aimed at covering up NATO 
crimes in Yugoslavia. 

Chief Judge Richard May, who repeatedly admonished the former Yugoslav 
president that the proceedings were not the time to make speeches, entered a 
plea of innocent on Milosevic's behalf. The four charges against Milosevic 
relate to ``crimes against humanity'' and other offenses committed by his 
forces in Kosovo during the 1998-1999 crackdown on ethnic Albanians. 

Generally controlled but with flashes of defiance, Milosevic, who wore a 
slate blue suit, light blue shirt and tie, appeared calm during the 12-minute 

However, the two security guards who flanked him had to nudge the 
ex-president to stand when the three judges entered the room. He spoke firmly 
as May asked if he wanted to reconsider his decision to appear without 

``I consider this tribunal false tribunal and indictments false 
indictments,'' Milosevic replied. ``It is illegal, being not appointed by 
U.N. General Assembly. So I have no need to appoint counsel to illegal 

Asked if he wanted the court to read the entire, 51-page indictment, 
Milosevic snapped: ``That's your problem.'' 

May then asked him to enter a plea. Instead, Milosevic said in 
Serbo-Croatian: ``This trial's aim is to produce false justification for the 
war crimes of NATO committed in Yugoslavia.'' 

The judge then repeated his request. 

``I have given you my answer,'' Milosevic replied. He began to speak about 
``this so-called tribunal'' when the judge cut him off and entered an 
innocent plea on his behalf. 

``As I have said, the aim of this tribunal is to justify the crimes committed 
in Yugoslavia,'' Milosevic, 59, responded. ``That is why this a false 
tribunal, and illegitimate.'' 

May adjourned the proceedings until a procedural hearing the last week of 
August. Milosevic was indicted in May 1999, the first head of state ever 
charged with war crimes by a U.N. court. 

The charges against Milosevic are: deportation, a crime against humanity; 
murder, a crime against humanity; murder, a crime against the laws or customs 
of war; and persecution on ethnic or religious grounds, a crime against 
humanity. They relate specifically to alleged war crimes in Kosovo. 

The United States and its allies also have accused Milosevic of orchestrating 
the decade-long wars throughout the Balkans, and the tribunal hopes to indict 
him by October for offenses in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. 

The crackdown on Kosovo ended after a 78-day NATO bombing campaign, which 
forced Yugoslav troops and police to hand over the province to the United 
Nations and a NATO-led peacekeeping force. 

Milosevic has consistently maintained that his actions were to save his 
country from Western domination and that the world has ignored NATO's 
``crimes,'' including the bombing of civilian targets in and out of Kosovo. 

Milosevic, who was ousted from power in October, was transferred to U.N. 
custody on Friday by the pro-democracy government of Yugoslavia's republic of 
Serbia, and is now being held in a Dutch prison. He was arrested in 
Yugoslavia on April 1, after a chaotic standoff with police. 

Pro-democracy forces had planned to charge him with offenses in Yugoslavia, 
but so far had been unable to bring formal charges. Yugoslav officials 
complained that evidence had disappeared and witnesses refused to cooperate. 

Milosevic, who graduated from law school but never practiced, decided to 
refuse counsel following a three-hour meeting Monday with two lawyers from 
Belgrade. Afterward, they told reporters that Milosevic has refused to accept 
the validity of the court, established in 1993 by the U.N. Security Council 
to prosecute those believed responsible for crimes committed during Balkan 

``Mr. Milosevic does not recognize The Hague tribunal,'' Zdenko Tomanovic 
said. Milosevic believes the tribunal ``is part of a mechanism to commit 
genocide on the Serb people.'' 

Milosevic's claim that his only crime 

Transcript of Milosevic Hearing [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Petokraka78


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 Tuesday, 3 July, 2001, 09:36 GMT 10:36 UK 
Milosevic hearing transcript

Milosevic: Refusal to appoint a lawyer or to enter a plea

Transcript of Slobodan Milosevic's first appearance at the UN War Crimes 
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. 
Judge Richard May: Mr Milosevic I see that you are not represented by counsel 
today. We understand that this is of your own choice. You do have the right 
of course to defend yourself. You also have a right to counsel and you should 
consider carefully whether it is in your own best interests not to be 

I consider this tribunal false tribunal
Slobodan Milosevic  
These proceedings will be long and complex and you may wish to reconsider the 
position. In these circumstances if you wish to have time to consider whether 
you want to have counsel or not, we will be prepared to give it to you. Now 
do you want some time to consider now whether you wish to be represented? 

Slobodan Milosevic: I consider this tribunal false tribunal and indictments 
false indictments. It is illegal, being not appointed by UN General Assembly, 
so I have no need to appoint counsel to illegal organ. 

Judge: Well Mr Milosevic, in due course you will have the chance to put in 
motions challenging the jurisdiction or any other preliminary matters which 
you wish to do. But we take it that you wish to proceed today without counsel 
although it is a matter which you may wish to reconsider in due course. 

Judge Richard May: This is not the time for speeches
This initial appearance is simply to deal with these matters: first of all 
the indictment itself, and secondly for you, if you wish, to enter your pleas 
of guilty or not guilty to it. 

The first matter is the indictment. As you may know, you have the right to 
have the indictment read out now in court before you plead to it. This is a 
right which you may also waive. Now do you want to have the indictment read 
out or not? 

Slobodan Milosevic: That is your problem. 

This trial's aim is to produce false justification for the war crimes of Nato
Slobodan Milosevic  
Judge: Mr Milosevic, you are now before this tribunal and you are within the 
jurisdiction of it. You will be tried by the tribunal. You will be accorded 
the full rights of the accused, according to international law and the full 
protections of international law and the statute. 

[Long silence] 

Judge: The trial chamber will treat your response as a waiver of your right 
to have the indictment read out. The next part of the procedure is to move 
towards having that indictment put to you. Mr Milosevic, you may if you wish 
have time to consider your plea. 

The rule allows you up to 30 days to do so if you don't understand the 
matters to which you have to plead, or you wish to consult counsel before 
entering a plea. On the other hand, you may enter a plea today. Now do you 
want to enter pleas today or are you asking for an adjournment to consider 
the matter further? 

Slobodan Milosevic: This trial's aim is to produce false justification for 
the war crimes of Nato committed in Yugoslavia. 

We shall enter pleas of not guilty on each count on your behalf
Judge May  
Judge: Mr Milosevic I asked you a question. Do you wish to enter your pleas 
today or are you asking for an adjournment to consider the matter further? 

Slobodan Milosevic: I have given you my answer. Furthermore, this so-called 

[Microphones switched off.] 

Judge: The rules state that if an accused fails to enter a plea, then the 
trial chamber shall enter a plea of not guilty on his behalf. Mr Milosevic we 
treat your response as a failure to enter a plea and we shall enter pleas of 
not guilty on each count on your behalf. 

Slobodan Milosevic: As I have said, the aim of this tribunal is to justify 
the crimes committed in Yugoslavia. That is why this is a false tribunal... 

Judge: Mr Milosevic, this is not the time for speeches. As I have said you 
will have a full opportunity in due course to defend yourself and to make 
your defence before the tribunal. This is not the moment to do so. This 
matter is now adjourned. The next hearing will be a status conference which 
will take place the week commencing the 27 August unless the trial chamber 
orders an earlier hearing. The matter is now adjourned.

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Deconstructing "The Belgrade Consensus" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Petokraka78


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["Neoliberal ideology, the manufacture of acceptance and guilt, the whole 
complex of ideas that the liberal mandarins and so-called non-governmental 
organizations are trying to market need to be opposed by scientific 
arguments, and intellectual and activist engagement."]

Should Milosevic be tried at the Hague? 
By Andrej Grubacic 

Using as pretext the recent arrest of Yugoslavia's ex-president Slobodan 
Milosevic, the author of the following article proposes to offer a brief 
analysis of the current Yugoslav intellectual climate. 

It is most expedient, for our purposes, to begin by identifying the 
phenomenon hereafter referred to as "the Belgrade consensus" - a set of 
positions unanimously advocated by non-governmental organizations and liberal 
intellectuals in Belgrade on the question of Milosevic's legal fate, and 
concerning the somewhat more complicated problem of what intellectual 
engagement in today's Yugoslavia entails.

The Belgrade consensus is informed by three arguments: the argument about the 
validity of the Hague Tribunal, the argument about the political expediency 
of cooperating with that institution, and the argument about collective 
guilt. In this treatment we will try to bring into question the legitimacy of 
all three of these arguments which currently exercise public opinion in 
Yugoslavia - indeed, as strange as it may sound to your readers, are almost 
universally accepted in Belgrade's progressive circles. The intellectuals and 
activists who oppose this consensus have conveniently been labeled 
'ultraleftists' and thereby successfully eliminated from the public debate. 

Is the Hague Tribunal really legal and legitimate, as Belgrade's liberals 

The supporters of Milosevic's extradition most often begin with the assertion 
that the Hague Tribunal is an administrative body created by the UN Security 
Council; they seek the legal basis for the assumed duty to cooperate in UN 
declarations which require member states to accept and carry out its 
decisions. Furthermore, they see no legal obstacle in the constitution of the 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, since, according to article 17, the option of 
extraditing a Yugoslav citizen is excluded only in cases involving another 

And yet, an entirely different picture emerges from our own analysis.

It is indeed true that UN member states have an obligation to carry out 
decisions of the Security Council, but only in cases in which such decisions 
are legally valid, i.e. when arrived at in accordance with the specific 
powers conferred upon it by the UN Charter.

We believe it is well known that The Security Council has been entrusted with 
the "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and 
security" which implies its right to investigate any dispute capable of 
endangering the fundamental values of the so-called international community, 
as well as the right to recommend appropriate procedures with a view to 
resolving a particular dispute (Chapter VI of the Charter.) 

In case these recommendations prove ineffective and, as a result, there is a 
breach of peace, the Security Council has the right to apply coercive 
measures, including those of a military nature (Chapter VII of the Charter.)

Evidently, there is no provision for the Security Council's authority to 
establish any type of international institution, especially not one of a 
judicial nature.

For this reason, Article 29 of the Charter which the Security Council invoked 
in establishing the Hague Tribunal does not constitute a legally valid basis, 
as it merely authorizes it to "establish such subsidiary organs as it deems 
necessary for the performance of its functions."

However, as subsidiary organs can only be considered bodies of an expert or 
operative nature, such as, for example, commissions, subcommissions, 
committees or bodies of a similar scope.

In this respect, as representative bodies would qualify the many expert 
commissions attached to other UN organs (the International Law Commission 
which prepares the blueprints for international conventions) or committees 
like the well known Legal Committee. As an international court can in no case 
be a 'subsidiary body' but only an independent institution, so too can this 
tribunal have no legal foundation, especially not in the above cited Article 
of the Charter. Consequently, the tribunal is illegalunder international law, 
and all its decisions so far can accordingly be considered not legally binding

Jurists are well acquainted with the tenet that the independence of the 
judiciary is the primary basis for its legal competence.

Otherwise, courts are subject to the po

Re: And Now, From London, Your Milosevic Misinfo for the Day (for TOOLGT) [WW... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-04 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 03/07/01 19:29:25 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< > Yugoslav officials 
 > complained that evidence had disappeared and witnesses refused to 
 > cooperate. 
 Meaning they can't manufacture any and nobody else will lie.

Carl Bildt who is the UN envoy to the Balkans, I think, when asked by the BBC 
if it would be difficult to prove anything because Milosevic probably 
destroyed files answered something along the lines of "Um, the question is 
are there any documents in the first place, the actual file on Milosevic is 
pretty thin"  Furthermore in today's Globe and Mail they talked about the 
difficulty of prooving that Milosevic directed war crimes especially since 
there are files that actually show the opposite, that he ordered troops to 
preserve civilian lives.


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Re: INT-LAW Criminal Code in international law (fwd) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-04 Thread Petokraka78


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In a message dated 03/07/01 21:28:14 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< What is the specific charge against Milo, and what legitimizes it? >>

Just a note,
the short form for Milosevic, widely used in the Balkans is "Slobo"..."Milo" 
is usually used to refer to Milo Djukanovic (the illegitimate pro-Western 
puppet leader of Montenegro).


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Re: FW: A Greek colleague and friend of mine on Milosevic's [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-04 Thread Petokraka78


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just thought you might want to know that the Serbs have been under quisling, 
pro-imperialist regimes before as well.  Case in point is the rule of the 
Obrenovic dynasty in the 19th century, which brutally suppressed internal 
dissent and warmed to the hated Austro-Hungarians.  There was also the 
regency of Prince Paul, from 1934-1941, where Yugoslav policy was 
increasingly drawn into the Axis orbit and attempts were made to introduce 
outright fascist rule.  Fortunately, the Serbs rebelled several times in the 
late thirties and early fourties against this pro-fascist and pro-German 
line, culminating in the famous 1941 uprising by Yugoslav officers to 
overthrow the regency and place the young King Peter on the throne.  During 
WWII Serbia was run by the hated Nedic collaborationist regime that was 
imposed by the Germans.  It was a Vichyite type arrangement (although Nedic 
NEVER enjoyed anything like the support the Vichy regime enjoyed in France).  
So as you can seeSerbs have even chaffed under brutal domestic rulers 
whose sympathies lay more with Vienna, Berlin, and now Washington, than with 
their own people...Fortunately, the liberationist and egalitarian ethic of 
Serbian patriots - which is Roussauesque in its bourgeois variant, and nearly 
anarchist in its socialist variant - is so strong, and so deeply encoded in 
the cultural fabric of Serbian life, that it is unlikely that things can last 
this way without a full NATO occupation.  You've got to remember, once the 
Balkans are fully occupied, NATO will be siting ducks ripe for the's to the day that the Serbian chetas and Partizan guerrillas 
rise up again!



In a message dated 04/07/01 13:03:15 Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< It is a sad irony, that those Serbs who choose to convince 
 that Milosevic is the "monster" that NATO interests want
 everyone on
 earth to believe, have themselves turned into a collective
 a giant pet 'Serbosaur' - imprisoned behind gold-painted
 steel bars far
 stronger than his poorly secured cell door in the Hague will
 ever be.
 This ravening but stupid beast devours chunks of its own
 tossed to it by Western handlers... who gleefully watch it
 tearing at
 the very heart of Serbian honour - (that quality, in
 Milosevic, they
 still respect and fear most!) - with every fresh bite.
 It is not necessary to be a supporter of Milosevic to
 recognize in him
 that admirable natural dignity, fearless independence and
 strength of purpose everyone used to be able to take it for
 granted they
 would find in almost every Serb...
 John Jay

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