question about struts

2001-04-11 Thread ravi konam

   respected sir,
I want to download struts framework documentation. where can I get. please 
tell me.

Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

Extending struts classes

2001-04-11 Thread Kristopher . Brown

I want to add a function to all of my forms in which the 
form is capable of initialising its contents. e.g.

public void initUsingSession(HttpSession session)

I want to pass the session to this function so that I can 
populate values on the form depending on what is 
stored in the session.

The trouble with this is that when would I call this 
function?  I looked in the FormTag class, and I noticed 
that if it couldn't find the form class then it just created 
a new instance of it.  This means I can't call that 

Any ideas?


Re: SSL and Struts

2001-04-11 Thread Ted Husted

I'm finding a similar problem with Resin - under SSL it connects fine
but the html:link tags resolve to a /a. 

I tried adding the handler at the command line (as also recommended by - item 7). 


but got the standard help screen in return, like I used an invalid
option, although -Dname=value is listed as an option. 

I'm using 

java version "1.3.0_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0_02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0_02, mixed mode)

And a Thawte certificate (PKCS #7 Certificate Chain format).

The jsse.jar is in my /jre/lib/ext directory, and everything not
involving hyperlinks seems fine.

Any ideas why this didn't take at the command line? If not, I guess the
next thing to try would be to subclass ActionServlet, extend init, and
try it at runtime.

(BTW, it seems that Catalina adds this protocol automatically, but
apparently other containers are not so clever ;-)

Dan Miser wrote:
 Here's the reply I just posted on Bugzilla about this:
 This isn't a bug of Struts, but a misconfiguration of SSL. In addition to
 the comments in Tomcat's server.xml, you need to define a system property to
 tell Java where it should find the classes for SSL support. You can do this
 either in code (System.setProperty(key, value)) or by passing the property
 in on the command line (-Dkey=value). This is the property I used with JSSE,
 and it works fine.
 java.protocol.handler.pkgs =
 If anything, I would argue that the bug here is to report the
 MalformedURLException in RequestUtils.absoluteURL to a log file.
 Dan Miser
 From: "Michael Wilimsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: SSL and Struts
 Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:54:48 +0200
 i tried to establish a SSL-Connection with Tomcat / Struts using openSSL
 but when using https protocol url-rewriting seems to fail somehow... is
 there a solution for that...
 p.s. i am working on a w2k machine with ie5

Re: question about struts

2001-04-11 Thread Stanley Tan

Dear Sir,

I believe that if you downloaded the Struts framework, then you have 
already downloaded the documenation.  Let's say you unzipped Struts at 
c:\jakarta-struts-1.0-b1.  If you go to c:\jakarta-struts-1.0-b1\webapps, 
you'll see a file called struts-documentation.war.  Copy this file to your 
Web Server's "webapps" directory.  In Resin, for example, that would be 

You can then view the documentation by going to

Hope this helps.

Stanley Tan

At 08:20 AM 4/11/01 +, you wrote:

respected sir,
 I want to download struts framework documentation. where can I 
 get. please tell me.

Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

Re: The Joy of File : New Window

2001-04-11 Thread Peter Alfors

I recently asked this question (over and over and over).  I pretty much
beat it to death.  Using some suggestions from this list (check the
archives for 'session'), we came up with a pretty solid approach.  Thank
you to those that helped.  :)  It is ugly, but it solves all situations.

The only way that we have found to determine if the user has opened a new
window (through either a File -- new window or right-click -- open in New
is to check the property.  However, we do not really like this
approach, so if anyone knows a better way, please speak up.  :)
When a new window is created, the window name is empty.
This is a settable property, so after you find a window, set it to
Remember, if you are using frames, set

You would think that there would be a window.ID or something that is unique
for every window.  However, according to my javascript books and searching
the web, there doesn't appear to be.  Again, I hope that I am wrong.  :)

So.. Now that you know you have a new window, what now?
Here is one solution:
You can manage your own session objects.  Yep, I said it was ugly.
Each new window is assigned a unique ID.  Each page must store this ID and
pass it on to the next page.  The action classes use this ID to retrieve
session objects from the common session object that is shared by all
windows.  Your app's session objects are stored in a hashmap (or something)
which is stored in the common session object using the unique ID.
Therefore, each action class has the ability to retrieve the correct object
to work on for its specific window.

What does the javascript check do?
When the javascript identifies that a new window has been generated, it
can redirect to a new page (or the same one with a querystring flag
signifying that this is a new window and the action class should create a
new ID)

We struggled with this for a couple weeks to work out the bugs.  I believe
that now we have everything worked out so that no matter what the user
does, he/she cannot stumble on another windows object.


Erik Horstkotte wrote:

 I've run into a problem that seems to lie in the borders between Struts
 and Tomcat. We're developing a fairly large JSP  EJB - based project
 and have just run into the fun fact that when a user (of IE 5.5 or
 Communicator 4.61 at least) "splits" the window, the session id cookie
 is inherited by the new window, and therefore *both* windows start
 sharing the same form beans. This causes havoc. I don't see how our app
 can even *detect* the condition, much less *deal* with it.

 How are you others out there dealing with this issue?

 -- Erik

org:BRIMG SRC=""BRBRFONT Color=#80FONT SIZE=2BBringing Vision to Your Supply Chain

RE: The Joy of File : New Window ... alternate approach

2001-04-11 Thread Nanduri, Amarnath

Hi All,

  An other approach is to use a Flow Controller (a state machine) and a
Session Manager in your project. This is a pure server side solution (with
minimum javascript). The reason we have to go for this solution is because
our project is run on any javascript is out of the question for
WAP enabled browsers in cell phones or PDA's. The 'Session Manager' manages
the user's session(s) (if he /she logs in multiple times) based on the user
id. If the user opens a new window say from FILE --  new window, he/she
might be able to get past the first flow. When the user tries to navigate
from the old window, the Flow Controller will catch the user and determines
that the user is in an invalid flow. Therefore the user is send a kill page
for the old window( in webbrowsers it is window.close).  The user is
therefore forced to close the old window. In case of wap browsers, a flag is
set in the 'Session Manager' for that session. So whenever a user makes a
request from that session id, the session will be invalidated.

 When the user opens a new separate browser window and logs in, the Session
Manager detects that the user has logged in more than once. It then sends a
page to the user informing him/her that the user was already logged in and
presents the user with options 
  . Close this window and continue working in the old session.
  . Log out of the other window. ( If user selects this option next time
whenever a request is made from the old window, a kill page is send thus
destroying the web browser ).

  . A security breach has occured, therefore lock your account and call
customer service. 

  Hope this helps for somebody interested in a pure server-side solution. 

NOTE : In struts 1.1 there is talk of a Flow Controller ( a state machine)
which manages states, so in the long run using this kind of approach would
be befitting, cause all you have to do is write a Session Manager.

Any comments / suggestions welcome.


-Original Message-
From: Peter Alfors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: The Joy of File : New Window

I recently asked this question (over and over and over).  I pretty much
beat it to death.  Using some suggestions from this list (check the
archives for 'session'), we came up with a pretty solid approach.  Thank
you to those that helped.  :)  It is ugly, but it solves all situations.

The only way that we have found to determine if the user has opened a new
window (through either a File -- new window or right-click -- open in New
is to check the property.  However, we do not really like this
approach, so if anyone knows a better way, please speak up.  :)
When a new window is created, the window name is empty.
This is a settable property, so after you find a window, set it to
Remember, if you are using frames, set

You would think that there would be a window.ID or something that is unique
for every window.  However, according to my javascript books and searching
the web, there doesn't appear to be.  Again, I hope that I am wrong.  :)

So.. Now that you know you have a new window, what now?
Here is one solution:
You can manage your own session objects.  Yep, I said it was ugly.
Each new window is assigned a unique ID.  Each page must store this ID and
pass it on to the next page.  The action classes use this ID to retrieve
session objects from the common session object that is shared by all
windows.  Your app's session objects are stored in a hashmap (or something)
which is stored in the common session object using the unique ID.
Therefore, each action class has the ability to retrieve the correct object
to work on for its specific window.

What does the javascript check do?
When the javascript identifies that a new window has been generated, it
can redirect to a new page (or the same one with a querystring flag
signifying that this is a new window and the action class should create a
new ID)

We struggled with this for a couple weeks to work out the bugs.  I believe
that now we have everything worked out so that no matter what the user
does, he/she cannot stumble on another windows object.


Erik Horstkotte wrote:

 I've run into a problem that seems to lie in the borders between Struts
 and Tomcat. We're developing a fairly large JSP  EJB - based project
 and have just run into the fun fact that when a user (of IE 5.5 or
 Communicator 4.61 at least) "splits" the window, the session id cookie
 is inherited by the new window, and therefore *both* windows start
 sharing the same form beans. This causes havoc. I don't see how our app
 can even *detect* the condition, much less *deal* with it.

 How are you others out there dealing with this issue?

 -- Erik

Where are Struts messages found?

2001-04-11 Thread James Howe

I'm working with Struts and I'm trying to build an error page for my JSP 
application.   In looking at the Struts tag code I see statements which 
look like this:

throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("getter.bean", beanName)));  

which looks like it should be populating the exception with some useful 
information.  However, when I execute this code in a debugger, the message 
assigned to the Exception is null because there is no message with the name 
"getter.bean".  Where would I find definitions for messages such as 
"getter.bean", "optionsTag.iterator", etc?

iPlanet - struts

2001-04-11 Thread jsmith


I have seen this mentioned on several other messages but I have not 
been able to get a resolution.  I am attempting to use struts with 
iPlanet 6.0 sp2.  I have a tag that is html:html local="true".  When 
this is compiled in iPlanet I get the following error:

compiled_jsp\jsp\APPS\aces\ Incompatible type for method. 
Can't convert java.lang.String to boolean.

I have seen the JRUN 3.0 workaround for this html:html local=%= true %
.  I have tried this and I get the following:

[11/Apr/2001 10:30:37:9] error: Exception: SERVLET-compile_failed: 
Failed in com
piling template: /aces/index.jsp, JSP Error: Error while parsing 
attributes of t
ag:  locale=%=
Exception Stack Trace:
java.lang.Exception: JSP Error: Error while parsing attributes of tag:  
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseAttributes(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseUserTag(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseTag(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseNext(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseBlock(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parse(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.compile(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.JSPtoJava
(Unknown Source)

at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.compileJSP
(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.compileOrLoadJSP
(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.compileInstance
(Unknown Source)
callJspCompiler(Unknown Source)
callUri(Unknown Source)
callUriRestrictOutput(Unknown Source)
rward(Unknown Source)
at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPRunner.service(Unknown 
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletInfo.service
wn Source)
at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
at Method)

I have read in the archives that there are people using struts with 
iPlanet successfully.  Can anyone tell me if this is true?  If there 
are other issues with iPlanet and struts I would appreciate someone 
letting me know.  I don't want to go down this path too far if I'm 
going to have nothing but headaches.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Jason Smith

RE: Session scope

2001-04-11 Thread Young, Wayne

I'm trying to do something similar. I have a hashtable that I want to
serialize  pass to the next page in a form bean.

Here's how I write store the hashtable in a string "s" to be put into a
hidden field.
// write hashtable sf
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(bout);
String s = new String(bout.toByteArray());

// read hashtable
ObjectInputStream i = new ObjectInputStream(new
Hashtable sf = (Hashtable) i.readObject();

Here's the error message I get when it tries to create the new
ObjectInputStream. Version Mismatch, Expected 5 and got 1395

Is this even possible? Any ideas?



-Original Message-
From: Trieu, Danny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: RE: Session scope

serialize your form beans into hidden fields

-Original Message-
From: Girish Baxi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 9:41 AM
To: Struts-User@Jakarta. Apache. Org (E-mail)
Subject: Session scope

I am a new strut user  as far as i know , isnt it a bad idea to store
data in the session scope simply becoz its not scalable for a multiple web
server scenario ...
is there any work around to using session scope in case of form beans that
span more than one html page ???

any guidance is appreciated,


2001-04-11 Thread Rajan Gupta

Hi! All,
I understand the function of an ActionForm, but do not understand the
function of ActionFormBean  how it is to be used.
Can somebody be kind enough to explain.


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Re: Where are Struts messages found?

2001-04-11 Thread James Howe

Nevermind.  I found them in places like 
org/apache/struts/util/  I'm running Tomcat/Struts 
from within VisualAge and I hadn't properly imported the Struts resources 
and I was missing these properties files.

At 11:33 AM 4/11/2001 -0400, you wrote:
I'm working with Struts and I'm trying to build an error page for my JSP 
application.   In looking at the Struts tag code I see statements which 
look like this:

throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("getter.bean", beanName)));

which looks like it should be populating the exception with some useful 
information.  However, when I execute this code in a debugger, the message 
assigned to the Exception is null because there is no message with the 
name "getter.bean".  Where would I find definitions for messages such as 
"getter.bean", "optionsTag.iterator", etc?

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

relative url problems.

2001-04-11 Thread Ned Seagoon

Hi guys,

I have a problem with relative urls. If I have an entry like

actionpath="/showDetails" type=""
 forward name="success" path="/details/show.jsp" /

and then /details/show.jsp starts to use relative paths, then things like
images do not get found, because the browser believes the file is actually
from the directory "/" (from the /

Is there some kind of way around this? I know there are a few tags I can
use, but the problem is dreamweaver is not going to let me do that kind of
thing easily, and it could be a big problem with css links in the page.


Re: question about struts

2001-04-11 Thread Rajan Gupta

You should be able to download that with the package itself. But you will
have to move the war file in your webapps directory  restart your server
--- bommaku murali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: "ravi konam" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: question about struts
 Date: 11 Apr 2001 08:20:36 -
 respected sir,
  I want to download struts framework documentation. where can I
 get. please tell me.
 Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Where are Struts messages found?

2001-04-11 Thread Scott Cressler

Your application's web.xml file (probably in your WEB-INF directory) should
include a servlet tag that defines and configures the ActionServlet.  Part
of that is something like:


This is used to find the messages file, which in this case would be the file



 -Original Message-
 From: James Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 8:34 AM
 Subject: Where are Struts messages found?
 I'm working with Struts and I'm trying to build an error page 
 for my JSP 
 application.   In looking at the Struts tag code I see 
 statements which 
 look like this:
 throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("getter.bean", 
 which looks like it should be populating the exception with 
 some useful 
 information.  However, when I execute this code in a 
 debugger, the message 
 assigned to the Exception is null because there is no message 
 with the name 
 "getter.bean".  Where would I find definitions for messages such as 
 "getter.bean", "optionsTag.iterator", etc?

RE: Extending struts classes

2001-04-11 Thread Scott Cressler

When an action request is received by the ActionServlet, one of the things
it tries to do is set up the form bean (specified by a combination of a
form-bean tag and your action tag in your struts-config.xml file).  It
tries to reuse one, and if it can't find one under the attribute name you
gave, it creates one.  Then it calls one of the util routines to populate it
from the request using reflection.  So, you should have an instance of your
form bean, saved in the request under the attribute name you specified,
available when your Action class' perform() method is called.

I'm trying to figure out some similar "timing" things, and what I was
thinking of doing was to create a base class that extends Action.  Then I
can do things in that class that are common to all (or a set of) my Actions
and then continue with the perform activities specific to a particular

So, for example (pseudo code):

public class BaseAction extends Action {


public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
... stuff for all Actions ...

public class MyAction extends BaseAction {

public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {

... do my stuff ...

OR, you could do...

initUsingSession(...);  // assuming this is defined in your

... do my stuff ...

Hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: Steve A Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:02 AM
 Subject: Re: Extending struts classes
 On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I want to add a function to all of my forms in which the
  form is capable of initialising its contents. e.g.
  public void initUsingSession(HttpSession session)
  I want to pass the session to this function so that I can
  populate values on the form depending on what is
  stored in the session.
  The trouble with this is that when would I call this
  function?  I looked in the FormTag class, and I noticed
  that if it couldn't find the form class then it just created
  a new instance of it.  This means I can't call that
  Any ideas?
  Don't know if it'll meet your needs but, instead of invoking your JSP
 directly, you could invoke the associated action class. In this class,
 you can get a handle on the session object and your action 
 form object.
 Once you've initialized the ActionForm, forward to the view JSP.

upload file not working

2001-04-11 Thread SPietsch


may  be  a stupid question but I can't get the example (struts-upload)
working on a win2000 box with resin2.2+ .
As sun as I I hit the submit button I get an Servlet exception.

500 Servlet Exception Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden
at Method)
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleConnection(

btw.  there  is  no file in the system tmp directory. So it looks like
there is some problem with writing the file.
Any idea??


Artificial intelligence is better than none.

Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread James Maggs

Hi There,

I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
Firstly here is my set-up:

Red Hat 6.2
Apache 1.3.12
Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

And now here are my questions:

1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively, I
have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
Does this seem feasible?

2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am using
the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if I
had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

Many thanks,


Deployment on Sun's Reference Implementation

2001-04-11 Thread Anderson, Jessica

Has anyone deployed Struts using Sun's RI deployment tool?  

Where did you place the struts-config.xml?  
I am getting an error when trying to access a page via the *.do
specification, and it appears as though the server is looking for a resource
called instead of accessing the config file.

Where did you place the struts.jar?
I am getting a message that class Action cannot be found.  I've tried
struts.jar in WEB-INF\lib and also in the library of the war file.  

Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.

RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread See Yam Lim
Title: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Hey James,

 Do you know beside changing the LinkTag code which write out the jsessionid, can i configure; say turn on or off with URL rewriting (jsessionid) without any code is changed?

Thanks in advance!

David Lim

 -Original Message-
 From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 1:11 PM
 Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems
 Hi There,
 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to 
 help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:
 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)
 And now here are my questions:
 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by 
 Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the 
 problem remained.
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteRule ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$ $1 [T=jserv-servlet]
 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. 
 How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? 
 Alternatively, I
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same
 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13
 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems 
 to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?
 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under 
 MSIE. I am using
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my 
 pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example 
 application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in 
 different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to 
 ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true 
 in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.
 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would 
 be a shame if I
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.
 Many thanks,


2001-04-11 Thread Rajan Gupta

It is an internal class for storing information for a ActionForm. :)
I think, we should differentiate between framework classes from classes
which users of struts need to subclass or the naming convention could
e.g. ActionMapping vs Action. Looking at it it is not possible to find out
which needs to be subclassed by the user vs. which the struts framework uses.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread James Maggs
Title: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

I'm not sure. If you 
turn off the session rewriting without enabling cookies then this will cause 
problems for the struts engine. I think features like the message 
internationalisation rely on the session info.

Hope this helps,


- Original Message - 

  See Yam 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:40 
  Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache 
  Hey James, 
   Do you know beside 
  changing the LinkTag code which write out the jsessionid, can i configure; say 
  turn on or off with URL rewriting (jsessionid) without any code is 
  Thanks in advance! 
  David Lim 
   -Original Message-  
  From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 1:11 PM  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems 
 Hi There,   I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to 
  be  excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode 
  during development but on  deploying the web 
  application to my web server I am experiancing a few  problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to 
   help me with.  
  Firstly here is my set-up:   Red Hat 6.2  Apache 1.3.12 
   Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)   And now here are my questions: 
1. Apache does not 
  recognise the jsessionid appended by  Tomcat. I am 
  aware  of the following RewriteRule but when I 
  tried this the  problem remained.   IfModule mod_rewrite.c 
   RewriteEngine On  RewriteRule ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$ 
  $1 [T=jserv-servlet]  
  /IfModule   I 
  guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users.  How to I add  this mime-type to allow 
  me to handle requests with mod_jk?  Alternatively, 
  I  have thought of adding the following to my 
  config to achieve the same  result: 
  /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13   Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems 
   to work ok.  Does 
  this seem feasible?   
  2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under  MSIE. I am using  the templating tags 
  to give a uniform layout to all of my  pages. I am 
  also  following the model demonstrated by the 
  struts-example  application where  more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 
  'action'  parameter to control this). However, 
  this results in  different pages being 
   displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems 
  to  ignore this and  
  just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true  in the init  config for the action 
  servlet but this has made no difference.  
   Can anybody help me with either of these 
  problems? It would  be a shame if I 
   had to abandon Struts after having come so far. 
Many thanks, 

problem getting form bean

2001-04-11 Thread Alex Tso

I am trying to implement a webapp using weblogic51 model after the struts
example.  One of the page contain a simple form just like the
'registration.jsp' in the example, here is a the piece of jsp where I have
the form:
html:form  action="/saveEClient"
html:hidden property="action"/
table border="0" width="100%"
th align="right"
  bean:message key="prompt.eclientid"/
td align="left"
  html:text property="eClientId" size="50"/

Here is the exception I got:
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
ng a GET for /editEClient
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
locale 'en_US'
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 for ActionForm bean under attribute 'eClientForm'
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
g new ActionForm instance of class 'com.emat.mchv.EClientForm'
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 instance under attribute 'eClientForm' in scope 'request'
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
ing bean properties from this request
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
ing input form properties
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 for Action instance for class com.emat.mchv.EditEClientAction
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 checking for Action instance already there
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
ng new Action instance
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
entAction:  Processing Add action
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 transactional control token
Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I WebAppServletContext-approot action:
ing to 'success' page
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property eClientId of
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(
at jsp_servlet._mchv._eclient._jspService(
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag 'text'
at jsp_servlet._mchv._eclient._jspService(
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: problem getting form bean

2001-04-11 Thread David Winterfeldt

If your method is getEClientId, then your html:text
should be.
html:text property="EClientId" size="50"/

It's in the spec on JavaBean propertys.


--- Alex Tso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to implement a webapp using weblogic51
 model after the struts
 example.  One of the page contain a simple form just
 like the
 'registration.jsp' in the example, here is a the
 piece of jsp where I have
 the form:
 html:form  action="/saveEClient"
 html:hidden property="action"/
 table border="0" width="100%"
 th align="right"
   bean:message key="prompt.eclientid"/
 td align="left"
   html:text property="eClientId" size="50"/
 Here is the exception I got:
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ng a GET for /editEClient
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 locale 'en_US'
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  for ActionForm bean under attribute 'eClientForm'
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 g new ActionForm instance of class
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  instance under attribute 'eClientForm' in scope
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing bean properties from this request
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing input form properties
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  for Action instance for class
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  checking for Action instance already there
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ng new Action instance
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 entAction:  Processing Add action
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  transactional control token
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing to 'success' page
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for
 property eClientId of


















 javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in
 custom tag 'text'










Re: iPlanet - struts

2001-04-11 Thread Cecil Pang

Someone posted a solution to the iPlanet mailing list.  You may want to 
look for it there.

At 10:32 AM 4/11/2001 -0500, you wrote:

I have seen this mentioned on several other messages but I have not
been able to get a resolution.  I am attempting to use struts with
iPlanet 6.0 sp2.  I have a tag that is html:html local="true".  When
this is compiled in iPlanet I get the following error:

compiled_jsp\jsp\APPS\aces\ Incompatible type for method.
Can't convert java.lang.String to boolean.

I have seen the JRUN 3.0 workaround for this html:html local=%= true %
 .  I have tried this and I get the following:

[11/Apr/2001 10:30:37:9] error: Exception: SERVLET-compile_failed:
Failed in com
piling template: /aces/index.jsp, JSP Error: Error while parsing
attributes of t
ag:  locale=%=
Exception Stack Trace:
java.lang.Exception: JSP Error: Error while parsing attributes of tag:
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseAttributes(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseUserTag(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseTag(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseNext(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parseBlock(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.parse(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.jsp.JSP.compile(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.JSPtoJava
(Unknown Source)

 at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.compileJSP
(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.compileOrLoadJSP
(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPCompiler.compileInstance
(Unknown Source)
callJspCompiler(Unknown Source)
callUri(Unknown Source)
callUriRestrictOutput(Unknown Source)
rward(Unknown Source)
 at com.netscape.server.servlet.jsp.JSPRunner.service(Unknown
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletInfo.service
wn Source)
 at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
 at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
 at Method)

I have read in the archives that there are people using struts with
iPlanet successfully.  Can anyone tell me if this is true?  If there
are other issues with iPlanet and struts I would appreciate someone
letting me know.  I don't want to go down this path too far if I'm
going to have nothing but headaches.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Jason Smith

RE: Please explain these lines to me.

2001-04-11 Thread Kurt Olsen

I'm guessing that the removal of the login bean from the session scope is
only something done for a login action in order to remove the users password
from the session. I can sorta see the sense in that. I copied/pasted the
login page myself when I started my first struts app and was wondering why I
was removing my beans. Since then I've removed those lines from my pages and
am using the struts.config to manage my formbeans scopes etc.

-Original Message-
From: Alex Colic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 8:52 AM
To: Struts
Subject: Please explain these lines to me.


I amusing the example struts app to modify my present web app. I am using
one bean across a number of forms. Each form populates this bean.

In my loginaction servlet I create an instance of a bean and place it into
the session.

I then intend to have that bean used across all forms. In the second page I
have the following lines in my Page2action servlet:

return (mapping.findForward("success"));

Why are these lines there. I can understand that if the present bean being
used is of request scope then take it out but then why are you also taking
out a bean that is of session scope? When my app gets to page 3 the info
entered on page one is gone. What I think is happening is that page 2 fills
the bean, the page 2 action servlet removes the bean from the session. When
page 3 gets the bean, it does not exist so it is created but it is empty.

Should the remove bean from session lines be removed?



help with images

2001-04-11 Thread Derek Harding

I was wondering where you put the images in a tomcat webapp.  I have an
"images" folder at the top level of my app. and the following line in my

A HREF=""IMG SRC="/images/xxx.jpg" WIDTH="210"
HEIGHT="59" ALT=""/A

for some reason the app. can't find the image.  Any ideas? thanks.

Re: Extending struts classes

2001-04-11 Thread Dmitri Plotnikov

I was interested in the same issue and did not find a good solution, so
I submitted a bug report:

It does make sense for an ActionForm to have access to the context: not
just the session, but also request, response, servlet context and
servlet config.  ActionForms need to be able to access other beans held
in the context, participate in i18n and do other context-dependent

However, I understand that the whole issue of associating forms with the
context is a gnarly one. These forms are accessed by both actions and
JSPs.  JSPs access their context via PageContext, which conveniently
aggregates all relevant pieces of context: request, response, session,
servlet context and servlet config.  Actions, on the other hand do not
have anything of that sort, they get all these pieces separately.  As a
result of all this, it is unclear what the context-binding API on
ActionForm should be.

Maybe we need to create a whole new object: StrutsContext and make it
aggregate all levels of the context.

What do you think?

Dmitri Plotnikov


 I want to add a function to all of my forms in which the
 form is capable of initialising its contents. e.g.

 public void initUsingSession(HttpSession session)

 I want to pass the session to this function so that I can
 populate values on the form depending on what is
 stored in the session.

 The trouble with this is that when would I call this
 function?  I looked in the FormTag class, and I noticed
 that if it couldn't find the form class then it just created
 a new instance of it.  This means I can't call that

 Any ideas?


RE: problem getting form bean

2001-04-11 Thread Alex Tso

Thank you David! It works.
However, I still don't understand the naming convention, I have
'getEClientId' as the method, and 'eClientId' as the bean property, so I
thought I should put property="eClientId" within html:text.  Is it an
exception to property with double capitalization in the beginning?  I didn't
find any reference in the bean spec (maybe overlook), would you kindly
explain this concept?
I definitely stay away from weird naming capitalization from now on.


-Original Message-
From: David Winterfeldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: problem getting form bean

If your method is getEClientId, then your html:text
should be.
html:text property="EClientId" size="50"/

It's in the spec on JavaBean propertys.


--- Alex Tso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to implement a webapp using weblogic51
 model after the struts
 example.  One of the page contain a simple form just
 like the
 'registration.jsp' in the example, here is a the
 piece of jsp where I have
 the form:
 html:form  action="/saveEClient"
 html:hidden property="action"/
 table border="0" width="100%"
 th align="right"
   bean:message key="prompt.eclientid"/
 td align="left"
   html:text property="eClientId" size="50"/
 Here is the exception I got:
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ng a GET for /editEClient
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 locale 'en_US'
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  for ActionForm bean under attribute 'eClientForm'
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 g new ActionForm instance of class
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  instance under attribute 'eClientForm' in scope
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing bean properties from this request
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing input form properties
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  for Action instance for class
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  checking for Action instance already there
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ng new Action instance
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 entAction:  Processing Add action
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  transactional control token
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing to 'success' page
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for
 property eClientId of


















 javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in
 custom tag 'text'


RE: problem getting form bean

2001-04-11 Thread Alex Tso

I found this paragraph in bean spec, which kind of explains it:

Thus when we extract a property or event name from the middle of an existing
Java name, we
normally convert the first character to lower case. However to support the
occasional use of all
upper-case names, we check if the first two characters of the name are both
upper case and if
so leave it alone. So for example,
"FooBah" becomes "fooBah"
"Z" becomes "z"
"URL" becomes "URL"
We provide a method Introspector.decapitalize which implements this
conversion rule.
good to know this detail

-Original Message-
From: Alex Tso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: problem getting form bean

Thank you David! It works.
However, I still don't understand the naming convention, I have
'getEClientId' as the method, and 'eClientId' as the bean property, so I
thought I should put property="eClientId" within html:text.  Is it an
exception to property with double capitalization in the beginning?  I didn't
find any reference in the bean spec (maybe overlook), would you kindly
explain this concept?
I definitely stay away from weird naming capitalization from now on.


-Original Message-
From: David Winterfeldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: problem getting form bean

If your method is getEClientId, then your html:text
should be.
html:text property="EClientId" size="50"/

It's in the spec on JavaBean propertys.


--- Alex Tso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to implement a webapp using weblogic51
 model after the struts
 example.  One of the page contain a simple form just
 like the
 'registration.jsp' in the example, here is a the
 piece of jsp where I have
 the form:
 html:form  action="/saveEClient"
 html:hidden property="action"/
 table border="0" width="100%"
 th align="right"
   bean:message key="prompt.eclientid"/
 td align="left"
   html:text property="eClientId" size="50"/
 Here is the exception I got:
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ng a GET for /editEClient
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 locale 'en_US'
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  for ActionForm bean under attribute 'eClientForm'
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 g new ActionForm instance of class
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  instance under attribute 'eClientForm' in scope
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing bean properties from this request
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing input form properties
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  for Action instance for class
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  checking for Action instance already there
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ng new Action instance
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 entAction:  Processing Add action
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
  transactional control token
 Wed Apr 11 11:06:56 EDT 2001:I
 WebAppServletContext-approot action:
 ing to 'success' page
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for
 property eClientId of













upload file (2)

2001-04-11 Thread SPietsch


some more information on the problem.
I just tested it on tomcat and it's working with the tomcat.

So could some one who is running a resin server test it?


Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element web-app does not allow servlet here

2001-04-11 Thread Adrian Perju


I am using jakarta tomcat 3.1 and stuts.

I get this error

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to open taglibrary
/WEB-INF/struts.tld : Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element
"web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.loadJSP(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(

 when I try to acces a jsp page which has this lines:

%@ page language="java" %
%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts.tld" prefix="struts" %
%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/app.tld" prefix="app" %

My web.xml file is:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?
!DOCTYPE web-app  PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN"  ""
  !-- Database Initialization Servlet Configuration --  servlet
vlet-classinit-param  param-namedebug/param-name
load-on-startup1/load-on-startup  /servlet
  !-- Action Servlet Configuration --  servlet
init-param  param-nameapplication/param-name
/init-paraminit-param  param-nameconfig/param-name
init-param  param-namedebug/param-name
param-namedetail/param-name  param-value2/param-value
/init-paramload-on-startup2/load-on-startup  /servlet
  !-- Action Servlet Mapping --  servlet-mapping
  !-- EMAIL Servlet Configuration --  servlet
init-param  param-nameconfigFile/param-name
/init-paraminit-param  param-namedebug/param-name
param-namedetail/param-name  param-value2/param-value
/init-paramload-on-startup3/load-on-startup  /servlet
url-pattern/email/url-pattern  /servlet-mapping
  !-- The Welcome File List --  welcome-file-list
welcome-file/zeelandia/admin.jsp/welcome-file  /welcome-file-list
  !-- Struts Tag Library Descriptor --  taglib
taglib-location/WEB-INF/struts.tld/taglib-location  /taglib
  !-- Application Tag Library Descriptor --  taglib
taglib-location/WEB-INF/app.tld/taglib-location  /taglib

What is wrong in my web.xml? I ask this because everything was ok before.
Thank you in advance,

RE: Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element web-app does not allow servlet here

2001-04-11 Thread Iraklis Kourtidis

Hi Adrian,

Try putting all servlet tags together, and then all servlet-mapping tags
together. The DTD specifies the following:
!ELEMENT web-app (icon?, display-name?, description?, distributable?,
context-param*, servlet*, servlet-mapping*, session-config?,
mime-mapping*, welcome-file-list?, error-page*, taglib*,
resource-ref*, security-constraint*, login-config?, security-role*,
env-entry*, ejb-ref*)

hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Perju [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element "web-app"
does not allow "servlet" here


I am using jakarta tomcat 3.1 and stuts.

I get this error

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to open taglibrary
/WEB-INF/struts.tld : Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element
"web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.loadJSP(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(

 when I try to acces a jsp page which has this lines:

%@ page language="java" %
%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts.tld" prefix="struts" %
%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/app.tld" prefix="app" %

My web.xml file is:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?
!DOCTYPE web-app  PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN"  ""
  !-- Database Initialization Servlet Configuration --  servlet
vlet-classinit-param  param-namedebug/param-name
load-on-startup1/load-on-startup  /servlet
  !-- Action Servlet Configuration --  servlet
init-param  param-nameapplication/param-name
/init-paraminit-param  param-nameconfig/param-name
init-param  param-namedebug/param-name
param-namedetail/param-name  param-value2/param-value
/init-paramload-on-startup2/load-on-startup  /servlet
  !-- Action Servlet Mapping --  servlet-mapping
  !-- EMAIL Servlet Configuration --  servlet
init-param  param-nameconfigFile/param-name
/init-paraminit-param  param-namedebug/param-name
param-namedetail/param-name  param-value2/param-value
/init-paramload-on-startup3/load-on-startup  /servlet
url-pattern/email/url-pattern  /servlet-mapping
  !-- The Welcome File List --  welcome-file-list
welcome-file/zeelandia/admin.jsp/welcome-file  /welcome-file-list
  !-- Struts Tag Library Descriptor --  taglib
taglib-location/WEB-INF/struts.tld/taglib-location  /taglib
  !-- Application Tag Library Descriptor --  taglib
taglib-location/WEB-INF/app.tld/taglib-location  /taglib

What is wrong in my web.xml? I ask this because everything was ok before.
Thank you in advance,

Re: Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element web-app does not allow servlet here

2001-04-11 Thread Adrian Perju

- Original Message -
From: "Iraklis Kourtidis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 8:23 PM
Subject: RE: Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element "web-app"
does not allow "servlet" here

 Hi Adrian,

 Try putting all servlet tags together, and then all servlet-mapping
 together. The DTD specifies the following:
 !ELEMENT web-app (icon?, display-name?, description?, distributable?,
 context-param*, servlet*, servlet-mapping*, session-config?,
 mime-mapping*, welcome-file-list?, error-page*, taglib*,
 resource-ref*, security-constraint*, login-config?, security-role*,
 env-entry*, ejb-ref*)

 hope this helps,

This was the error.
Thank you very much.


Re: The Joy of File : New Window ... alternate approach

2001-04-11 Thread Peter Alfors

This is a good idea.  I hadn't thought of that.
I really don't like using the javascript,, and this method removes the need for

Correct me if I am reading this wrong... The Flow Controller will keep track of
the current user's state.  (Where he was last, and where he is now)
This will then allow the Flow Controller to determine when more than one window
is open because the user will eventually move to a different page.
So now, the new window is the valid flow and any previously opened windows are
invalidated because past and current location of the user (in the previous
window) will not match what the Flow controller has listed.

Using this method, again if I understand it correctly, the user may never have
more than one window open (and still navigate).
Using the Flow Controller concept, would it be possible to allow a user to have
more than one window open at a time and navigate in both??
If the Flow controller is keeping track of the past and present locations of the
logged in user, then each time he/she switches windows, the previous one will be

Im wondering if there is a way to merge the flow controller concept into what we
are using, so that we can get rid of the javascript.
Maybe the controller would only be responsible for determining that the user has
opened a new window, and not actually invalidate the previous one?

In our app (which is web browser only), the user will most likely want to open
more than one window to view records side by side.
Therefore, we must allow multi-window session management for usability.


"Nanduri, Amarnath" wrote:

 Hi All,

   An other approach is to use a Flow Controller (a state machine) and a
 Session Manager in your project. This is a pure server side solution (with
 minimum javascript). The reason we have to go for this solution is because
 our project is run on any javascript is out of the question for
 WAP enabled browsers in cell phones or PDA's. The 'Session Manager' manages
 the user's session(s) (if he /she logs in multiple times) based on the user
 id. If the user opens a new window say from FILE --  new window, he/she
 might be able to get past the first flow. When the user tries to navigate
 from the old window, the Flow Controller will catch the user and determines
 that the user is in an invalid flow. Therefore the user is send a kill page
 for the old window( in webbrowsers it is window.close).  The user is
 therefore forced to close the old window. In case of wap browsers, a flag is
 set in the 'Session Manager' for that session. So whenever a user makes a
 request from that session id, the session will be invalidated.

  When the user opens a new separate browser window and logs in, the Session
 Manager detects that the user has logged in more than once. It then sends a
 page to the user informing him/her that the user was already logged in and
 presents the user with options 
   . Close this window and continue working in the old session.
   . Log out of the other window. ( If user selects this option next time
 whenever a request is made from the old window, a kill page is send thus
 destroying the web browser ).

   . A security breach has occured, therefore lock your account and call
 customer service.

   Hope this helps for somebody interested in a pure server-side solution.

 NOTE : In struts 1.1 there is talk of a Flow Controller ( a state machine)
 which manages states, so in the long run using this kind of approach would
 be befitting, cause all you have to do is write a Session Manager.

 Any comments / suggestions welcome.


 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Alfors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:15 AM
 Subject: Re: The Joy of File : New Window

 I recently asked this question (over and over and over).  I pretty much
 beat it to death.  Using some suggestions from this list (check the
 archives for 'session'), we came up with a pretty solid approach.  Thank
 you to those that helped.  :)  It is ugly, but it solves all situations.

 The only way that we have found to determine if the user has opened a new
 window (through either a File -- new window or right-click -- open in New
 is to check the property.  However, we do not really like this
 approach, so if anyone knows a better way, please speak up.  :)
 When a new window is created, the window name is empty.
 This is a settable property, so after you find a window, set it to
 Remember, if you are using frames, set

 You would think that there would be a window.ID or something that is unique
 for every window.  However, according to my javascript books and searching
 the web, there doesn't appear to be.  Again, I hope that I am wrong.  :)

 So.. Now that you know you have a new window, what now?
 Here is one solution:
 You can manage your own session objects.  Yep, I said it was ugly.
 Each new 

RE: WebSphere 3.5.3

2001-04-11 Thread MA

Hi Chris:

Deployment Structure:
Frollowing directories contain the web-assets




There is no error reported in the log files. I tried
accessing it in the Netscape this time and it came
back with some information, at least. IE was just

Netscape Message (in a dialog box):
 The document contained no data
 Try aging later, or contact the server's

IE Message (in the browser window):
 The page cannot be diplayed

It looks like that the generated servlet is not
sending any information back to the browser? I don't
know where the problem is? Can you point me where I
need to look at?

--- "Assenza, Chris" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Go into Explorer and find your WebSphere install.
 Look under
 WebSphere/AppServer/logs/default_host_stdout.log and
 see if there are any
 ugly Java Servlet exceptions in there. It sounds a
 lot like
 struts-config.xml isn't getting parsed right and
 looking in this file will
 confirm that. :)
 Chris Assenza
 -Original Message-
 From: MA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 2:12 PM
 Subject: WebSphere 3.5.3
 I'm using WebSphere 3.5.3 on Windows NT and have
 installed and configured the struts framework
 according to the instructions posted on the struts
 I was trying  to use the logon example and strange
 thing is happening? I loaded the application by
 converting the war file. I'm able to hit the
 and when I click on the link on the page which is
 supposed to take me to the logon.jsp; it complains
 that it can't find the jsp?
 Both the jsp's are in the same doc-root
 I checked that the class file is generated for the
 logon.jsp but it says that "page can't b e found"
 Any ideas?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread James Maggs

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


- Original Message -
From: "James Maggs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

 Hi There,

 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:

 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

 And now here are my questions:

 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?

 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

 Many thanks,


RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread Nishit Trivedi

i think this is solution for all browsers...

use meta tag in html for pragma no-cache and
also use response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache") from server side..
this should work for IE also..


-Original Message-
From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


- Original Message -
From: "James Maggs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

 Hi There,

 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:

 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

 And now here are my questions:

 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?

 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

 Many thanks,


RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread Nanduri, Amarnath

This may work for IE. IE has the option of either caching or not caching (if
you use this meta-tag option). Personally i would not trust this to work on
IE cause i have been there.

-Original Message-
From: Nishit Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

i think this is solution for all browsers...

use meta tag in html for pragma no-cache and
also use response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache") from server side..
this should work for IE also..


-Original Message-
From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


- Original Message -
From: "James Maggs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

 Hi There,

 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:

 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

 And now here are my questions:

 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?

 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

 Many thanks,


RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread Nanduri, Amarnath

  Try to have a complete server-side solution. Basically use a flow
controller to map your flow and write a state machine which controls your
flow. This will then work irrespective of your client interface (i.e the
client can use a cell phone WAP browser also) and this would still work.


-Original Message-
From: Nishit Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

i think this is solution for all browsers...

use meta tag in html for pragma no-cache and
also use response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache") from server side..
this should work for IE also..


-Original Message-
From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


- Original Message -
From: "James Maggs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

 Hi There,

 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:

 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

 And now here are my questions:

 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?

 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

 Many thanks,


RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread Nishit Trivedi

For IE, in html page if you use meta tag for pragma, no-cache,
still it will cache it...but if you use response.setHeader,
IE won't do to be on safer side, use at both place..


-Original Message-
From: Nanduri, Amarnath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:25 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

This may work for IE. IE has the option of either caching or not caching (if
you use this meta-tag option). Personally i would not trust this to work on
IE cause i have been there.

-Original Message-
From: Nishit Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

i think this is solution for all browsers...

use meta tag in html for pragma no-cache and
also use response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache") from server side..
this should work for IE also..


-Original Message-
From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


- Original Message -
From: "James Maggs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

 Hi There,

 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:

 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

 And now here are my questions:

 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?

 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

 Many thanks,


RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

2001-04-11 Thread Iraklis Kourtidis

Hi all,

I have a cheesy but functional solution that has seemed to work in the past.
Append a bogus argument to your URL, whose value is the current time in
milliseconds, so that your URL looks sort of like this:
Your browsers will not cache the page(s) at all, because the URL will be
different each time.


-Original Message-
From: Nishit Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

For IE, in html page if you use meta tag for pragma, no-cache,
still it will cache it...but if you use response.setHeader,
IE won't do to be on safer side, use at both place..


-Original Message-
From: Nanduri, Amarnath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:25 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

This may work for IE. IE has the option of either caching or not caching (if
you use this meta-tag option). Personally i would not trust this to work on
IE cause i have been there.

-Original Message-
From: Nishit Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

i think this is solution for all browsers...

use meta tag in html for pragma no-cache and
also use response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache") from server side..
this should work for IE also..


-Original Message-
From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


- Original Message -
From: "James Maggs" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

 Hi There,

 I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
 excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
 deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
 problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
 Firstly here is my set-up:

 Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.12
 Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

 And now here are my questions:

 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
 of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

 I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
 this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
 have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

 JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

 Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
 Does this seem feasible?

 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
 the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
 following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
 more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
 parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
 displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
 just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
 config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

 Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
 had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

 Many thanks,


How to use the html:image tag?

2001-04-11 Thread Suriyanarayanan, Senthil Kumar

How do you use html:image tag inside my html:tag?
I need to have two image buttons namely login, forgotPassword. Which
is the right one to use, either the html:image tag or directly use the input

Say for example I define the html:image inside my html:form tag as

html:form action="/login" focus="userId"
UserId: html:text property="userId" size="15"
maxlength="15" / br
Password: html:password property="password" size="16"
maxlength="16" / br
html:image page="/images/login.gif" alt="Login"
property="loginButton" /
html:image page="/images/forgotpassword.gif" alt="Forgot
Password" property="forgotPasswordButton" /

What methods should I code inside my LoginForm corresponding to those two
buttons? I'm more concerned about whether a particular button is clicked
rather then their co-ordinates.

Senthil Kumar.S

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html:select with indexed property problem

2001-04-11 Thread Dennis


I'm having trouble getting an html:select tag to properly set an indexed
bean property.  The tag I'm using looks like:

html:select property="values[0]"

My Action form includes the following:

  protected String[]mValues;

  public void setValues(int index, String value) {
if (mValues == null) {
mValues = new String[10];
mValues[index] = value;

public String getValues(int index) {
return mValues[index];

public String[] getValues() {
return mValues;

public void setValues(String[] vals) {
mValues = vals;

The attempt to set the values[0] property fails in the SelectTag
doStartTag() method with an InvocationTargetException, which results in the
following JspException:

Root cause:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Getter for property values[0] threw
exception: java.lang.NullPointerException:
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SelectTag.doStartTag(

I've successfully used the same form, and set the indexed properties using
html:hidden, but cannot get the html:select to work.  Any thoughts?



RE: Confusion with form beans

2001-04-11 Thread dhay


Thanks for that.  I'd been passing stuff as session var's, but grabbing the next
page's form is much cleaner.

Having problems getting it working though - seems to be creating a blank new
form in the action I forward to.

In the action after the first page is submitted, I did the following:

  //set parameters we need for next page in it's form bean
  LogForm logForm = new LogForm();
  //add in request scope
  request.setAttribute("LogForm", logForm);

  // Forward control to the parameters page

(have in struts_config:   forward name="success" path="/" /
  for this action)

However, when I grab the form that I get in the ShowLogAction, it seems to
create a new blank form.  If I actually get
the form from the request object by doing
 LogForm myLogForm = (LogForm) request.getAttribute("LogForm");
I do get the form I created!  The name of the form in struts-config is LogForm -
 so don't understand it.

Any ideas?


"Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/09/2001
10:47:46 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: Confusion with form beans

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Hi.  Just to confirm...I would really like to have access to the first form in
 the action that creates the second form.  Can I do that, or do I have to pass
 the info in as parameters?  ie will the first bean PERSIST in the session so I
 can access it in the following action?  It seems that the persisting way is

 Please let me know if that doesn't make sense!!


I *think* the following approach is what you are asking for:

* Two forms, "form1.jsp" and "form2.jsp".

* Each form has an associated bean ("form1Bean" and "form2Bean").

* Have the "form1.jsp" page submit to an action "/saveForm1".

* The corresponding Action for "/saveForm1" can then:
  - Receive the form1Bean bean that contains the form1.jsp fields
  - Create a new form2Bean instance, and store it in request scope
  - Forward to "form2.jsp"

* Now, the bean for "form2.jsp" will be pre-initialized, based on
  whatever processing was done by the Action.  This can, of course,
  including things like copying values from the form1Bean instance.

Craig McClanahan

RE: Use of Mapping in ActionForm's validate() method

2001-04-11 Thread Cook, Levi

I use mapping.getName() as part of my user input validation strategy.
Basically its part of the key for retrieving validation rules out from my
resources file.

For example, my "contactForm" would use the following keys:

If your curious, see the attached ValidatingForm, ValidatingFormAdapter 

Feedback is always welcome..

Levi Cook

-Original Message-
From: Rajan Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:33 PM
Subject: Use of Mapping in ActionForm's validate() method

Hi! All
Can anybody provide me with a use for mapping parameter in validate()
method of ActionForm?

If u have used this parameter for something please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: Confusion with form beans

2001-04-11 Thread Deadman, Hal

I am not sure what the default is but you should specify redirect="false" if
you are passing things on the request object. That will cause a forward
instead of a redirect. If the default for redirect is true then the
/ action will be requested with a new request. 

forward name="success" path="/" redirect="false" /

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:02 PM
 Subject: RE: Confusion with form beans
 Thanks for that.  I'd been passing stuff as session var's, 
 but grabbing the next
 page's form is much cleaner.
 Having problems getting it working though - seems to be 
 creating a blank new
 form in the action I forward to.
 In the action after the first page is submitted, I did the following:
   //set parameters we need for next page in it's form bean
   LogForm logForm = new LogForm();
   //add in request scope
   request.setAttribute("LogForm", logForm);
   // Forward control to the parameters page
 (have in struts_config:   forward name="success" 
 path="/" /
   for this action)
 However, when I grab the form that I get in the 
 ShowLogAction, it seems to
 create a new blank form.  If I actually get
 the form from the request object by doing
  LogForm myLogForm = (LogForm) request.getAttribute("LogForm");
 I do get the form I created!  The name of the form in 
 struts-config is LogForm -
  so don't understand it.
 Any ideas?
 "Craig R. McClanahan" 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/09/2001
 10:47:46 PM
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
 Subject:  RE: Confusion with form beans
 On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi.  Just to confirm...I would really like to have access 
 to the first form in
  the action that creates the second form.  Can I do that, or 
 do I have to pass
  the info in as parameters?  ie will the first bean PERSIST 
 in the session so I
  can access it in the following action?  It seems that the 
 persisting way is
  Please let me know if that doesn't make sense!!
 I *think* the following approach is what you are asking for:
 * Two forms, "form1.jsp" and "form2.jsp".
 * Each form has an associated bean ("form1Bean" and "form2Bean").
 * Have the "form1.jsp" page submit to an action "/saveForm1".
 * The corresponding Action for "/saveForm1" can then:
   - Receive the form1Bean bean that contains the form1.jsp fields
   - Create a new form2Bean instance, and store it in request scope
   - Forward to "form2.jsp"
 * Now, the bean for "form2.jsp" will be pre-initialized, based on
   whatever processing was done by the Action.  This can, of course,
   including things like copying values from the form1Bean instance.
 Craig McClanahan

FW: FW: Fwd: China

2001-04-11 Thread Ashley Tate
Title: FW: FW: Fwd: China

while you are thinking about this email, ask your Congressmen why they vote 
every year to send billions of your tax dollars to the World Bank to be spent on 
development projects in China. Thisfrees up Chinese government funds that 
can thenbe used toward further development of the Chinese military--whose 
expenditures are increasing at a rate of 10% per year.
BM__MailData   Subject: China must release our 
military and our  property   Written by 
W. E. May  Dianne May
Harlingen,Texas   Last Christmas my family was quite disturbed 
 while shopping. It seemed everything was "MADE IN 
CHINA." Today, I went  
to the mall to purchase a pair of shoes. I went to several of the 
upgrade  stores and found many 
items made in China. I encourage you to look  
at how much is being shipped into our country from the Republic of 
   It is my understanding from our 
government that  we are the # 2 country purchasing 
from China. Many of our factories  are moving to 
China for "cheap" labor. There are electronics from most  of the major manufacturers, apparel 
from Levi , Hagger,  Carter Baby Clothes, among 
countless others-all produced in China.   
Now China is blaming the 
United States of  America for the collision which 
occurred in international air space.  This is where 
a military jet from the Chinese Air Force (and we understand a  "HOTDOG" Pilot) collided with 
our U.S. Navy aircraft. What the Navy  aircraft was 
doing is irrelevant. It was in international airspace.  The writer of this piece is a pilot with over 8000 hours flying 
time.  When a private or military aircraft 
broadcasts a "MAYDAY" on 121.5, the  international frequency, all airports in any country are 
"Safe Havens" for the aircraft. Any airport 
 receiving the "MAYDAY" call will open all runways 
for the distressed aircraft.  In a "MAYDAY" situation, should the distressed aircraft make it to 
 runway; the country owning the runway is to receive that 
aircraft as an  assistance 
to a Mayday Call.   If you will watch the news, the Chinese are detaining 
24 American 
   service men and women, pouring over our 
aircraft, removing  instruments and demanding an 
apology from the USA. We have  nothing to 
apologize for and we should not oblige them further.   HERE IS 
   Effective this date every person in 
America should tell the stores   where they shop that until our Navy Personnel are released 
and our aircraft   is 
released, there will be a BOYCOTT of all Chinese produced merchandise   in this county. 
STAND TOGETHER  - against a country attempting to 
hold our military personnel.  These are sons, 
daughters, mothers and fathers. We cannot allow this 
to  continue. Our government is 
doing the diplomatic and military moves. We 
 should aid and assist.  
 Don't buy anything produced 
in China until we have resultsour 
  people back home. PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERY 
IT HURTS... IN THE POCKET. They will learn very  soon how strong the American 
people are.Please send it to every 
person you know. 

Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element web-app does not allow servlet here

2001-04-11 Thread Adrian Perju

Hello,I am using jakarta tomcat 3.1 and stuts.I get this errororg.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to open taglibrary /WEB-INF/struts.tld : Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here.
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective(
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DelegatingListener.handleDirective(
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
	at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.loadJSP(
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadIfNecessary(
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(
	at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
	at org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler.processConnection(
 when I try to acces a jsp page which has this lines:%@ page language="java" %%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts.tld" prefix="struts" %%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/app.tld" prefix="app" %...My web.xml file is:?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" ""web-app !-- Database Initialization Servlet Configuration -- servlet servlet-namedatabase/servlet-name init-param param-namedebug/param-name param-value2/param-value /init-param load-on-startup1/load-on-startup /servlet !-- Action Servlet Configuration -- servlet servlet-nameaction/servlet-name servlet-classorg.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet/servlet-class init-param param-nameapplication/param-name /init-param init-param param-nameconfig/param-name param-value/WEB-INF/action.xml/param-value /init-param init-param param-namedebug/param-name param-value2/param-value /init-param init-param param-namedetail/param-name param-value2/param-value /init-param load-on-startup2/load-on-startup /servlet !-- Action Servlet Mapping -- servlet-mapping servlet-nameaction/servlet-name url-pattern*.do/url-pattern /servlet-mapping !-- EMAIL Servlet Configuration -- servlet servlet-nameemailForm/servlet-name servlet-classro.necomm.util.EMailFormServlet/servlet-class init-param param-nameconfigFile/param-name param-value/Config/ /init-param init-param param-namedebug/param-name param-value2/param-value /init-param init-param param-namedetail/param-name param-value2/param-value /init-param load-on-startup3/load-on-startup /servlet servlet-mapping servlet-nameemailForm/servlet-name url-pattern/email/url-pattern /servlet-mapping !-- The Welcome File List -- welcome-file-list welcome-file/zeelandia/admin.jsp/welcome-file /welcome-file-list !-- Struts Tag Library Descriptor -- taglib taglib-uri/WEB-INF/struts.tld/taglib-uri taglib-location/WEB-INF/struts.tld/taglib-location /taglib !-- Application Tag Library Descriptor -- taglib taglib-uri/WEB-INF/app.tld/taglib-uri taglib-location/WEB-INF/app.tld/taglib-location /taglib/web-appWhat is wrong in my web.xml? I ask this because everything was ok before.Thank you in advance,Adrian

Finding DTD when disconnected from Internet

2001-04-11 Thread Assenza, Chris

Well, here I am again - new problem. :| (BTW, thanks to all for helping,
this is by far one of the best list I've been on).


Okay, I've been working with WebSphere and JBoss to get a Struts app
working. So far my efforts have been very successful. However, today I hit a
new bug. Assume your PC is not connected to the Internet -- ie. its just a
local app.  In WebSphere in particular, but also in JBoss, Struts will fail
because it goes out to find the DTD for web_app_2_2 from Sun and
struts-config from the Jakarta site.  

After countless efforts to make Digester search for the DTD locally, I have
had no success.  I am required to use the SYSTEM identifier and not PUBLIC.
The only thing I've had success with is making the two xml files standalone
(ie. standalone="yes"). SAX returns beaucoup errors, but the app
"half-works" -- pages will at least come up. 

Does anyone know how to fix this easily...without connecting the machine to
the Net (it's an Intranet app). My knowledge of XML is okay, DTD's fairly
week (incl. !DOCTYPE).


Chris Assenza

Re: Finding DTD when disconnected from Internet

2001-04-11 Thread Rob Leland

Update to the latest nightly build, this problem was fixed about
5 weeks ago.


"Assenza, Chris" wrote:
 Well, here I am again - new problem. :| (BTW, thanks to all for helping,
 this is by far one of the best list I've been on).
 Okay, I've been working with WebSphere and JBoss to get a Struts app
 working. So far my efforts have been very successful. However, today I hit a
 new bug. Assume your PC is not connected to the Internet -- ie. its just a
 local app.  In WebSphere in particular, but also in JBoss, Struts will fail
 because it goes out to find the DTD for web_app_2_2 from Sun and
 struts-config from the Jakarta site.
 After countless efforts to make Digester search for the DTD locally, I have
 had no success.  I am required to use the SYSTEM identifier and not PUBLIC.
 The only thing I've had success with is making the two xml files standalone
 (ie. standalone="yes"). SAX returns beaucoup errors, but the app
 "half-works" -- pages will at least come up.
 Does anyone know how to fix this easily...without connecting the machine to
 the Net (it's an Intranet app). My knowledge of XML is okay, DTD's fairly
 week (incl. !DOCTYPE).
 Chris Assenza

RE: html:select with indexed property problem

2001-04-11 Thread Dennis

I found my problem - sorry for the bother.  I had an unitialized array in
there that was getting returned to the SelectTag.  Thanks anyway..


-Original Message-
From: Dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: html:select with indexed property problem


I'm having trouble getting an html:select tag to properly set an indexed
bean property.  The tag I'm using looks like:

html:select property="values[0]"

My Action form includes the following:

  protected String[]mValues;

  public void setValues(int index, String value) {
if (mValues == null) {
mValues = new String[10];
mValues[index] = value;

public String getValues(int index) {
return mValues[index];

public String[] getValues() {
return mValues;

public void setValues(String[] vals) {
mValues = vals;

The attempt to set the values[0] property fails in the SelectTag
doStartTag() method with an InvocationTargetException, which results in the
following JspException:

Root cause:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Getter for property values[0] threw
exception: java.lang.NullPointerException:
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SelectTag.doStartTag(

I've successfully used the same form, and set the indexed properties using
html:hidden, but cannot get the html:select to work.  Any thoughts?



RE: Finding DTD when disconnected from Internet

2001-04-11 Thread Scott Cressler

Short of taking the nightly build, I just extracted the required DTDs out of
the struts.jar file and put them beneath WEB-INF/classes (I'm using resin).
That seemed to work fine, but, of course, it would be nice if the software
could find them in struts.jar.  ;-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Leland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:13 PM
 Subject: Re: Finding DTD when disconnected from Internet
 Update to the latest nightly build, this problem was fixed about
 5 weeks ago.
 "Assenza, Chris" wrote:
  Well, here I am again - new problem. :| (BTW, thanks to all 
 for helping,
  this is by far one of the best list I've been on).
  Okay, I've been working with WebSphere and JBoss to get a Struts app
  working. So far my efforts have been very successful. 
 However, today I hit a
  new bug. Assume your PC is not connected to the Internet -- 
 ie. its just a
  local app.  In WebSphere in particular, but also in JBoss, 
 Struts will fail
  because it goes out to find the DTD for web_app_2_2 from Sun and
  struts-config from the Jakarta site.
  After countless efforts to make Digester search for the DTD 
 locally, I have
  had no success.  I am required to use the SYSTEM identifier 
 and not PUBLIC.
  The only thing I've had success with is making the two xml 
 files standalone
  (ie. standalone="yes"). SAX returns beaucoup errors, but the app
  "half-works" -- pages will at least come up.
  Does anyone know how to fix this easily...without 
 connecting the machine to
  the Net (it's an Intranet app). My knowledge of XML is 
 okay, DTD's fairly
  week (incl. !DOCTYPE).
  Chris Assenza

Re: My struts-template is broken - repeat (newbie)

2001-04-11 Thread Vijaya Narasimha

I am having this same problem with i-planet App server v6.0 sp2 and struts
from the april 5th nightly build.
Did anyone else using struts on iAS face this problem? I had been playing
with just the binary distribution.

Does the change that Bram suggested still hold good? Or is my problem
unrelated? Please let me know.

Thanks for youe help


From: bram 
Subject: Re: My struts-template is broken 
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 17:16:26 -0800 

we had the same problem over here(with ibm websphere), and fixed it by
adding a
pageContext.getout.flush() before the pageContext.include in the Include and
get tags of the
template tags. If you go thrue the cvs reposetory, than you can see that
this line was in the source an month ago (or so)
but it has been removerd(for the reasons check the comments in the cvs)...

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: My struts-template is broken

 Turned out the problem was using Tomcat 3.1, templates seem to work
 with Tomcat 3.2.1.

 Tom Miller wrote:

  Whew! Somehow or other my 1.0b1 struts-template webapp is refusing to
  place the header, sidebar, content and footer in their respective places
  as per the template. Instead these components are placed one after
  another vertically down my browser page.
  I've redeployed the 1.0b1 struts-template.war, rebooted Tomcat, rebooted
  the machine, started over. Tried Netscape and IE5. Even replicated the
  process on another computer. Does anyone know why this might happen? It
  may a cockpit error, but I'm at a loss. I think I saw it working
  correctly the first time I looked at it today, but now I'm doubting that
  Tom Miller
  Miller Associates, Inc.
  641.469.3535 Phone
  413.581.6326 FAX

 Tom Miller
 Miller Associates, Inc.
 641.469.3535 Phone
 413.581.6326 FAX

Date formatting (simple question)

2001-04-11 Thread Matthew O'Haire

Hi folks,

Can I format java.util.Date presentations with bean:write, or do I need to
do something at the property getter?

TKS.  Matt.

RE: My struts-template is broken - iPlanet Application Server 6.0 sp2 and Struts (newbie)

2001-04-11 Thread Vijaya Narasimha

Yes. This problem is solved after incorporating Bram's suggestion.
Going through the archive worked out well!!!


 -Original Message-
 From: Vijaya Narasimha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:17 PM
 Subject: Re: My struts-template is broken - repeat (newbie)
 I am having this same problem with i-planet App server v6.0 
 sp2 and struts
 from the april 5th nightly build.
 Did anyone else using struts on iAS face this problem? I had 
 been playing
 with just the binary distribution.
 Does the change that Bram suggested still hold good? Or is my problem
 unrelated? Please let me know.
 Thanks for youe help
 From: bram 
 Subject: Re: My struts-template is broken 
 Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 17:16:26 -0800 
 we had the same problem over here(with ibm websphere), and fixed it by
 adding a
 pageContext.getout.flush() before the pageContext.include in 
 the Include and
 get tags of the
 template tags. If you go thrue the cvs reposetory, than you 
 can see that
 this line was in the source an month ago (or so)
 but it has been removerd(for the reasons check the comments 
 in the cvs)...
 - Original Message -
 From: "Tom Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 5:13 PM
 Subject: Re: My struts-template is broken
  Turned out the problem was using Tomcat 3.1, templates seem to work
  with Tomcat 3.2.1.
  Tom Miller wrote:
   Whew! Somehow or other my 1.0b1 struts-template webapp is 
 refusing to
   place the header, sidebar, content and footer in their 
 respective places
   as per the template. Instead these components are placed one after
   another vertically down my browser page.
   I've redeployed the 1.0b1 struts-template.war, rebooted 
 Tomcat, rebooted
   the machine, started over. Tried Netscape and IE5. Even 
 replicated the
   process on another computer. Does anyone know why this 
 might happen? It
   may a cockpit error, but I'm at a loss. I think I saw it working
   correctly the first time I looked at it today, but now 
 I'm doubting that
   Tom Miller
   Miller Associates, Inc.
   641.469.3535 Phone
   413.581.6326 FAX
  Tom Miller
  Miller Associates, Inc.
  641.469.3535 Phone
  413.581.6326 FAX

GUI classes, and a config file problem

2001-04-11 Thread John Raley

Hi Susan,

To patch the webgui, do this:

1) remove the tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes directory
2) copy the file 'classes.jar' from gate into
3) run $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -xf classes.jar (this will replace your old
classes dir)
4) restart the webgui - check the log files for errors!

I have a problem with the config file wizard.  I need your help asap
since Avasta is waiting on this.  If you could look at it during your
next long wait it would really help.

On moonlight7 there's a config file at
/webdev/webapps/ml-web/fixmeSusan.config .   If you look at the file
'/opt/stuff/simpleApp/logfile.log' (on the file system) you'll see that
it's different from the one in the depot (which is

Here's the problem:  when I audit localhost using that config, the
result is CONSISTENT even though that log file is different.  Could you
take a look at the config file and see what I'm doing wrong?  I'm using



RE: rollover effects on html:link

2001-04-11 Thread Matthew O'Haire

Doh!  that looks like it'll do the trick but it has highlighted another

The link is generated inside an iterate and each image iteration is given
it's own name so that the image swapping code can refernce it... the desired
output is supposed to be along the lines:

img name="image1" src="..."a href="..." onmouseover="swap('image1')...
... /a
img name="image2" src="..."a href="..." onmouseover="swap('image2')...
... /a
img name="image3" src="..."a href="..." onmouseover="swap('image3')...
... /a
img name="image4" src="..."a href="..." onmouseover="swap('image4')...
... /a

Has anyone done this before?

Thanks again... Matt.

Re: GUI classes, and a config file problem

2001-04-11 Thread John Raley


John Raley wrote:

 Hi Susan,

 To patch the webgui, do this:

 1) remove the tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes directory
 2) copy the file 'classes.jar' from gate into
 3) run $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -xf classes.jar (this will replace your old
 classes dir)
 4) restart the webgui - check the log files for errors!

 I have a problem with the config file wizard.  I need your help asap
 since Avasta is waiting on this.  If you could look at it during your
 next long wait it would really help.

 On moonlight7 there's a config file at
 /webdev/webapps/ml-web/fixmeSusan.config .   If you look at the file
 '/opt/stuff/simpleApp/logfile.log' (on the file system) you'll see that
 it's different from the one in the depot (which is

 Here's the problem:  when I audit localhost using that config, the
 result is CONSISTENT even though that log file is different.  Could you
 take a look at the config file and see what I'm doing wrong?  I'm using




2001-04-11 Thread Anthony Martin

I can't figure out the struts way to do this:

   html:select property="staffId"
logic:iterate id="staffId" name="breakForm" property="staffIds"
 OPTION value="bean:write name="staffId" property="key"
/"bean:write name="staffId" property="value" //OPTION

The staffIds bean property is a hashtable.  I wanted to use html:option or
even html:options but the syntax eludes me.  I can change the hashtable to
some type of collection, but this way the screen looks right.  The
functionality of repopulate is missing, though because I'm not allowing
struts to render the OPTION.  Any ideas?


It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

RE: Debugging struts exceptions - get SP9 for WL5.1

2001-04-11 Thread rhayden

It appears that SP9 for WebLogic5.1 (recently released) fixes this problem.
The informative exception is now reported!

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: Debugging struts exceptions 

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Will Spies/Towers Perrin wrote:

 I didn't get any response so I'm going to try again. Here is another
 Wed Apr 04 10:53:26 EDT 2001:E WebAppServletContext-tpsampleapp Root
 cause of ServletException
 javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag 'form'
  at jsp_servlet._employee._jspService(, Compiled Code)
  at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(

You might want to complain to WebLogic about this.

The actual exception that is thrown *does* contain a more useful error
message -- it's just that WebLogic is not telling you about it.

Alternatively, you can declare an error page to handle runtime
errors.  The Struts tags that throw exceptions store a copy of the
underlying exception as a request attribute under key
"org.apache.struts.action.EXCEPTION", so you can display it yourself.

Craig McClanahan

A quick Struts project post-mortem

2001-04-11 Thread Bryan Field-Elliot

I'm just wrapping up a fairly major project which was built on top of 
Struts (thereby giving me a chance to learn it). I'm a little mixed 
about the experience, not being entirely sure the value add was there. I 
definitely feel "helped" by Struts' form validation infrastructure, and 
I would probably appreciate the message resource bundling more if my 
application needed to be internationalized (which it didn't). On the 
flip side, the Action/ActionMapping system, while elegant, only covered 
about half of my application (since I had to write roughly as many 
custom JSP tags as I did Struts actions). Lastly (and this last comment 
is independent of Struts), I've come to the conclusion that a strict 
adherence to the MVC pattern is by no means a magic pill to perfect 
application manageability.. that is, plenty of worms still manage to 
crawl out of the woodwork, and I have a sense that the Java community 
needs something more than just a good MVC system in order to build an 
elegent (and robust) web application.

The application was also based upon EJB, for even more fun and complexity.

On the tags vs. actions dilemma - I took the approach recommended in 
various other publications etc., which is:

1. if the Java code will alter your Model, then put it in an Action (or 
2. if the Java code is only reading your Model to aid in rendering some 
portions of it, the put it in a custom JSP tag.

Some quick metrics and "factoids" about my project:

1. 19 Struts actions
2. 18 custom JSP tags (for which I could find little in Struts to add value)
3. 15 ActionForms
4. 13 database tables
5. Since the application uses EJB session beans for all business logic, 
virtually all of the Struts actions as well as JSP custom tags ended up 
being very shallow pass-throughs of parameters to the EJB bean, and 
return values back to the JSP pages.

I'm wondering if there are others out there who have finished projects 
and reached similar conclusions as mine (in particular, about having to 
implement lots of Tags and not finding much value-add in incorporating 
Struts classes into them).

I am also interested in someone graciously providing a birds-eye view of 
Struts and Turbine, with relative strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure 
that, on the whole, Turbine probably has a completely different "central 
focus" than Struts (apples and oranges), but as someone who is just 
coming off a Struts project and is a bit daunted by the Turbine "welcome 
literature" (as I was initially with Struts), I would sure love 
someone's overview from a Struts-centric perspective.

Lastly, I'm not leaving this group, as I am responsible for managing the 
lifecycle of the application I've described above, even though 
development is basically "done" (for now!).



Re: Date formatting (simple question)

2001-04-11 Thread Oleg V Alexeev

Hello Matthew,

Thursday, April 12, 2001, 5:55:21 AM, you wrote:

MOH Can I format java.util.Date presentations with bean:write, or do I need to
MOH do something at the property getter?

You can do it in getter method and by special version of bean:write
tag - with parameters to define formatting type and locale. I can send
you one, if you interested.

Best regards,

RE: A quick Struts project post-mortem

2001-04-11 Thread Christian Cryder


 I am also interested in someone graciously providing a birds-eye view of
 Struts and Turbine, with relative strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure

You might check out these

but keep in mind they're a little dated and may not provide the level of
detail you're looking for. If anyone can make these better please let me
know and I'd be happy to update it...

 I have a sense that the Java community needs something more than just
 a good MVC system in order to build an elegent (and robust) web

I would contend that there's a big difference between Model 2 (which is
"MVCish") and MVC (in the Swing sense, where you have strongly typed "model"
interfaces, etc). In Barracuda we're trying to provide both: Model 2 event
dispatching for flow control, plus strongly typed MVC UI components for
actually manipulating/rendering client views. Whether or not it yields
better mileage probably depends on your specific problem domain...


Christian Cryder
Barracuda - Open-source MVC Component Framework for Webapps

"What a great time to be a Geek"

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:12 PM
 Subject: A quick Struts project post-mortem

 I'm just wrapping up a fairly major project which was built on top of
 Struts (thereby giving me a chance to learn it). I'm a little mixed
 about the experience, not being entirely sure the value add was there. I
 definitely feel "helped" by Struts' form validation infrastructure, and
 I would probably appreciate the message resource bundling more if my
 application needed to be internationalized (which it didn't). On the
 flip side, the Action/ActionMapping system, while elegant, only covered
 about half of my application (since I had to write roughly as many
 custom JSP tags as I did Struts actions). Lastly (and this last comment
 is independent of Struts), I've come to the conclusion that a strict
 adherence to the MVC pattern is by no means a magic pill to perfect
 application manageability.. that is, plenty of worms still manage to
 crawl out of the woodwork, and I have a sense that the Java community
 needs something more than just a good MVC system in order to build an
 elegent (and robust) web application.

 The application was also based upon EJB, for even more fun and complexity.

 On the tags vs. actions dilemma - I took the approach recommended in
 various other publications etc., which is:

 1. if the Java code will alter your Model, then put it in an Action (or
 2. if the Java code is only reading your Model to aid in rendering some
 portions of it, the put it in a custom JSP tag.

 Some quick metrics and "factoids" about my project:

 1. 19 Struts actions
 2. 18 custom JSP tags (for which I could find little in Struts to
 add value)
 3. 15 ActionForms
 4. 13 database tables
 5. Since the application uses EJB session beans for all business logic,
 virtually all of the Struts actions as well as JSP custom tags ended up
 being very shallow pass-throughs of parameters to the EJB bean, and
 return values back to the JSP pages.

 I'm wondering if there are others out there who have finished projects
 and reached similar conclusions as mine (in particular, about having to
 implement lots of Tags and not finding much value-add in incorporating
 Struts classes into them).

 I am also interested in someone graciously providing a birds-eye view of
 Struts and Turbine, with relative strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure
 that, on the whole, Turbine probably has a completely different "central
 focus" than Struts (apples and oranges), but as someone who is just
 coming off a Struts project and is a bit daunted by the Turbine "welcome
 literature" (as I was initially with Struts), I would sure love
 someone's overview from a Struts-centric perspective.

 Lastly, I'm not leaving this group, as I am responsible for managing the
 lifecycle of the application I've described above, even though
 development is basically "done" (for now!).



A quick Struts project post-mortem

2001-04-11 Thread Christian Cryder


 I am also interested in someone graciously providing a birds-eye view of
 Struts and Turbine, with relative strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure

You might check out these

Keep in mind they're a little dated and may not provide the level of detail
you're looking for. If anyone can make these better please let me know and
I'd be happy to update them...

 I have a sense that the Java community needs something more than just
 a good MVC system in order to build an elegent (and robust) web

I would contend that there's a big difference between Model 2 (which is
"MVCish") and MVC (in the Swing sense, where you have strongly typed "model"
interfaces, etc). In Barracuda we're trying to provide both: Model 2 event
dispatching for flow control, plus strongly typed MVC UI components for
actually manipulating/rendering client views. Whether or not it yields
better mileage probably depends on your specific problem domain...


Christian Cryder
Barracuda - Open-source MVC Component Framework for Webapps

"What a great time to be a Geek"

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Field-Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:12 PM
 Subject: A quick Struts project post-mortem

 I'm just wrapping up a fairly major project which was built on top of
 Struts (thereby giving me a chance to learn it). I'm a little mixed
 about the experience, not being entirely sure the value add was there. I
 definitely feel "helped" by Struts' form validation infrastructure, and
 I would probably appreciate the message resource bundling more if my
 application needed to be internationalized (which it didn't). On the
 flip side, the Action/ActionMapping system, while elegant, only covered
 about half of my application (since I had to write roughly as many
 custom JSP tags as I did Struts actions). Lastly (and this last comment
 is independent of Struts), I've come to the conclusion that a strict
 adherence to the MVC pattern is by no means a magic pill to perfect
 application manageability.. that is, plenty of worms still manage to
 crawl out of the woodwork, and I have a sense that the Java community
 needs something more than just a good MVC system in order to build an
 elegent (and robust) web application.

 The application was also based upon EJB, for even more fun and complexity.

 On the tags vs. actions dilemma - I took the approach recommended in
 various other publications etc., which is:

 1. if the Java code will alter your Model, then put it in an Action (or
 2. if the Java code is only reading your Model to aid in rendering some
 portions of it, the put it in a custom JSP tag.

 Some quick metrics and "factoids" about my project:

 1. 19 Struts actions
 2. 18 custom JSP tags (for which I could find little in Struts to
 add value)
 3. 15 ActionForms
 4. 13 database tables
 5. Since the application uses EJB session beans for all business logic,
 virtually all of the Struts actions as well as JSP custom tags ended up
 being very shallow pass-throughs of parameters to the EJB bean, and
 return values back to the JSP pages.

 I'm wondering if there are others out there who have finished projects
 and reached similar conclusions as mine (in particular, about having to
 implement lots of Tags and not finding much value-add in incorporating
 Struts classes into them).

 I am also interested in someone graciously providing a birds-eye view of
 Struts and Turbine, with relative strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure
 that, on the whole, Turbine probably has a completely different "central
 focus" than Struts (apples and oranges), but as someone who is just
 coming off a Struts project and is a bit daunted by the Turbine "welcome
 literature" (as I was initially with Struts), I would sure love
 someone's overview from a Struts-centric perspective.

 Lastly, I'm not leaving this group, as I am responsible for managing the
 lifecycle of the application I've described above, even though
 development is basically "done" (for now!).



Re: html:option

2001-04-11 Thread Jim Crossley

If you change staffIds to a Collection, i.e. staffIds.entrySet(), I
*think* this will work:

% Set set = staffIds.entrySet(); %
html:select property="staffId"
  html:options collection="set" property="key" labelProperty="value"/

Anthony Martin wrote:
 I can't figure out the struts way to do this:
html:select property="staffId"
 logic:iterate id="staffId" name="breakForm" property="staffIds"
  OPTION value="bean:write name="staffId" property="key"
 /"bean:write name="staffId" property="value" //OPTION
 The staffIds bean property is a hashtable.  I wanted to use html:option or
 even html:options but the syntax eludes me.  I can change the hashtable to
 some type of collection, but this way the screen looks right.  The
 functionality of repopulate is missing, though because I'm not allowing
 struts to render the OPTION.  Any ideas?
 It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
 It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
 the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
 It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.