RE: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean doesnt like the field on my farm , uhh form I mean

2002-07-18 Thread Andrew Hill

Ah well now, its funny you should be mentioning that.

As it happens Old Mc Andrew did once have a method to set the field with a
boolean, but changed it to take a string instead as he is quite set in his
ways and has never liked booleans (as he learnt from a young age that
providing a certain true or false answer instead of 'maybe' tends to create
a few too many expectations in folk not wise to the ways of software

He has looked at his ActionForm code to try and determine is there is a
second setter somewhere (he even looked behind the grassyKnoll() method) but
found nothing. Old McAndrew has been known to occasionally miss things that
are right under his nose however, and will continue to look.

There ARE however multiple getter methods, or to be precise there is a
method getHeaderTransform() and an  isHeaderTransform() the latter of the
two returning a boolean. (The other similar fields also have these but they
still work.)

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 14:05
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean doesnt
like the field on my farm , uhh form I mean

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Andrew Hill wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:23:02 +0800
 From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean  doesnt like
 the field on my farm , uhh form I mean

 Or to be a little bit more specific...

 Old Mc Andrew had a form
 and on that form he had a field
 with the name headerTransformation
 but naughty Mr Struts simply would NOT call the method
 setHeaderTransformation in his ActionForm
 even though it had not been a problem yesterday!

I hope old McAndrew isn't trying to have his cake and eat it too, by
having more than one mistress, err, setHeaderTransformation() method that
takes a different type of argument :-).  Such things violate the JavaBeans
specification's design patterns, and will cause the JVM to think your
property doesn't have any setter method at all.

 No matter what Andrew looked at everything still seemed fine but it just

 didnt work!
 He tried changing the field from a checkbox to a boring old text field
 He tried dumping the request parameters to see if anything was dodgy there
 - maybe multiple values were being submitted for that property?
 but no - it all checked out ok, no matter where he looked.
 Poor Andrew was getting VERY alarmed.

 Then he had a clever idea!
 He changed the name of the field on his html form to
 he also added a second setter named setHeaderTransformationx to his
 actionform and then tried again.
 Amazing! This time it worked!
 Mr Struts went right ahead and called the setHeaderTransformationx method.
 Andrew couldnt believe his eyes.

Makes it even more likely that old McAndrew is trying to double dip :-).
After all, a property named headerTransformationx is completely naive
and innocent about the existence of any property named

 Just to test he renamed the field back to headerTransformation
 and sure enough nasty Mr Struts gave it the cold shoulder again.

 Now Andrew is very confused. He hasnt the slightest clue why a parameter
 headerTransformation is completely ignored by Mr Struts, while a
 named headerTransformationx is welcomed with open arms!

 Well boys and girls, perhaps you can help poor Andrew with his problem?
 Can anyone give him a reason why silly Mr Struts has a bad attitude
 his fieldnames?

Mr. Struts is like Miss Manners -- he frowns on trying to have serious
relationships with two property setters at the same time :-).

 Ive looked at the request parameters (dumping them from processPopulate()
 the request processor just before the form is populated.
 headerTransformation=xxx is in there alright, and its not multiple values.
 So it fine there,
 but the setter in the actionForm is not getting called.

 The code in my actionform is:

 public void setHeaderTransformationx(String value)
   System.out.println(Setting headerTransformationx to  + value);
   _headerTransformation = value;

 public void setHeaderTransformation(String value)
   System.out.println(Setting headerTransformation to  + value);
   _headerTransformation = value;

 public String getHeaderTransformation()
   return _headerTransformation;

 I also set _headerTransformation to null in the reset() method (it used to
 be a checkbox before I started trying to diagnose the problem).

 And my html form has a field with the code:

 input type=text name=headerTransformationx
 input type=text name=headerTransformation
 depending on which of the two setters Im testing)


Model 2 and Caching

2002-07-18 Thread Jacob Hookom


For a prelude:
I was chatting with my dad over a beer about how the company he works
for is training all of their HR people on how to use Dreamweaver to
generate content for their internet/intranets.  Appalled, I asked him
whose bright idea was it; to which he responded some independent
consultant who was touring the various facilities doing training (and
he's never heard of Jakob Neilsen!).  To give a 100 person staff a copy
of Dreamweaver and tell them to go nuts... is insane!

Now for the meat:
I am going to be putting together some knowledge-base material for my
dad on the advantages of XML and the Java platform.  Particularly XSLT,
FOP, Xalan transformation servlets, etc.  They will be generating
training/informational material that could be viewed on the web or

Since I'm a big speed freak when it comes to dynamic content, I am under
the belief that Model 2 would only slow the requests down even more,
beyond the straight pulling of data from the DB and iterating it out
with Struts.  It seems to be rationalized tradeoff between portability
and speed.

Would writing the xml data out statically and storing it, then using
translets for XSLT offer any speed improvements over simply caching with
OSCache or other similar tags?

Basically, any rants about Java and XML will help, I've read quite a
bit, but any personal experiences would be appreciated!

Jacob Hookom
Comprehensive Computer Science
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

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RE: Model 2 and Caching

2002-07-18 Thread Andrew Hill

Reminds me of something I heard a year or two back (from a friend of a
friend...) about how one of the state governments in Australia paid a
consultant $30k or some such ridiculous figure to study how government
departments could improve their service.
The resulting reports main recomendation was that each phone in government
offices have a pen and paper placed next to it - that way when a call came
in they would be able to take a message if the person being phoned was not
in so that they could get the number and call back.

Im not sure if they had to commision a second study to figure out where to
cut the budget in order to have enough money to buy the pens... ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Jacob Hookom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 14:30
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Model 2 and Caching


For a prelude:
I was chatting with my dad over a beer about how the company he works
for is training all of their HR people on how to use Dreamweaver to
generate content for their internet/intranets.  Appalled, I asked him
whose bright idea was it; to which he responded some independent
consultant who was touring the various facilities doing training (and
he's never heard of Jakob Neilsen!).  To give a 100 person staff a copy
of Dreamweaver and tell them to go nuts... is insane!

Now for the meat:
I am going to be putting together some knowledge-base material for my
dad on the advantages of XML and the Java platform.  Particularly XSLT,
FOP, Xalan transformation servlets, etc.  They will be generating
training/informational material that could be viewed on the web or

Since I'm a big speed freak when it comes to dynamic content, I am under
the belief that Model 2 would only slow the requests down even more,
beyond the straight pulling of data from the DB and iterating it out
with Struts.  It seems to be rationalized tradeoff between portability
and speed.

Would writing the xml data out statically and storing it, then using
translets for XSLT offer any speed improvements over simply caching with
OSCache or other similar tags?

Basically, any rants about Java and XML will help, I've read quite a
bit, but any personal experiences would be appreciated!

Jacob Hookom
Comprehensive Computer Science
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

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RE: Re[2]: Pre-Populating Form

2002-07-18 Thread Mahesh Kumar K G


- Your user submits a form to an action that takes a long time,
  but gets impatient, presses STOP, and submits the form again.
  You now have two simultaneous requests to deal with.

But is there any specific set of methods to deal with the 
Multiple requests simultaneously from a user ? 

1 . If the second request needs to be killed and only the 
First request should be processed
2 . All the simultaneous requests should get processed .. 



-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:29 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Re[2]: Pre-Populating Form

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Joseph Barefoot wrote:

  Session attributes, on the other hand, can be accessed by multiple 
  threads at the same time.  You don't have to synchronize the servlet

  API calls like session.getAttribute() or session.setAttribute() -- 
  the container takes care of making that work correctly.  Within your

  session beans, though, you need to be aware that multiple threads 
  can be calling your methods at the same time.

 I must confess, I'm a tad confused by this bit.  I was under the 
 impression that there was always a 1-to-1 relationship between servlet

 threads and HttpSession objects -- each thread is associated with an 
 HttpSession object, and only that thread can access the object.  If 
 this is not correct, then what are the additional threads, and in what

 scenario would they be accessing the same session object?

Here are three easy ways to have multiple requests (and therefore
multiple threads) accessing the same session at the same time:

- Your application uses frames.  Most browsers will fire off
  simultaneous requests for each frame, which shows up at the
  server as multiple requests on the same session.

- Your application uses img src=... tags to dispay images,
  and those images are in the same webapp.  Again, the browser
  will fire off multiple requests simultaneously.

- Your user submits a form to an action that takes a long time,
  but gets impatient, presses STOP, and submits the form again.
  You now have two simultaneous requests to deal with.


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Re: Stxx opencode

2002-07-18 Thread Konstantina Stamopoulou


The packages that I have in my lib dir are the following:


I had to rename some of these because they had a different name from the
ones that it was refered in the specifications of stxx, but I don't beleive
that the problem has to do with the names of jars. For most of them I have
downloaded the latest versions. The orion.jar and avalon.jar were totally
new to me and I downloaded from the following sites:


Sorry for the inconvinience that I cause you but I can't find any reference
to the problem that I'm facing.

Thanx for your time,

- Original Message -
From: Jeff Pennal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Stxx opencode


 What JAR's do you have in the stxx-example webapp lib folder? You not
 only need stxx-1.0.0.jar but also every other JAR listed on stxx's
 download page.


 Konstantina Stamopoulou wrote:
  Hi Jeff,
  I have tried everything. I used Tomcat4.0.4 and I got the error that I
  in my previous mail.
  I used Tomcat4.1.7 and while it was loading the apps I got the following
  error in the console:
  example\WEB-INF\lib\orion.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3,
  section 9
  .7.2. Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class
  example\WEB-INF\lib\servlet.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3,
   9.7.2. Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class
  and in the browser I got the following exception.
   at com.oroad.stxx.action.ActionServlet.initStxx(
   at com.oroad.stxx.action.ActionServlet.init(
   at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
  I' using servlet2.3 API- I though that caused the problem - but
obviously it
  is something else. I haven't change the tomcat's conf files and I have
  the stxx.jar in lib dir webapps. What am I missing?
  - Original Message -
  From: Jeff Pennal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:14 PM
  Subject: Re: Stxx opencode
 People have had this error message before and it is usually the caused
 by one of two things.
 1. Use only Tomcat 3.3+ or 4.04+
 2. If you are putting the stxx-example.jar file in the Tomcat webapps
 directory, you will need to make sure that all the correct JAR's that
 stxx needs to run are in a lib direction under tomcat.
 For details on the required JAR's check out
 Andrew Hill wrote:
 Have a look in the log file to see if you can pin down the actual error
 occured, as if an exception is thrown when initialising stuff, thats
 message you get.
 -Original Message-
 From: Konstantina Stamopoulou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 20:00
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Stxx opencode
 I have just downloaded the stxx package and I tried to run the
 application. But unfortunately I had no luck. I run it with
 and tomcat-3.2.4 but I got the following exception.
 Apache Tomcat/4.0.4 - HTTP Status 503 - Servlet action is currently

 type Status report
 message Servlet action is currently unavailable
 description The requested service (Servlet action is currently
 is not currently available.

 I find stxx very flexible and since I have worked with struts I would
 very interetsed in using it for my application development. So if
 help me I would be gradeful.
 Thank you in advance,
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 Jeff Pennal 

Two articles about Struts

2002-07-18 Thread Keld Helbig Hansen

Some of you might be interested in knowing that I have published two new
articles about Struts on

Stepping through Jakarta Struts:

Coding your second Jakarta Struts Application:

They're intended for newbies.

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RE: HTML special characters in options tags

2002-07-18 Thread John Reid

 try filter=false

 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
 Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

  My designer wants me to pad labels in option tags with nbsp;.
 I am using
  the html:options / custom tag with two Vectors to produce my
  options list.
  When the page is rendered, the nbsp;'s that I put in the labels
  Vector are
  automatically converted to amp;nbsp;. Is there any way that I
 can disable
  this behaviour?

Thanks for the reply James. Unfortunately, filter is Struts 1.1, and I am
using 1.0.

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Re: Tiles exceeding JSP size limit

2002-07-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin


  The JSP size limit  is per page, not per request. You should be able 
to split a little bit more the faulty page/tiles, using tiles insert 
... to stay coherent with your approach, or jsp:include 
  Also, considering using less tags is a good option (like options ... 
instead of multiple option).


Jerry Jalenak wrote:

Hi All,

I've got a JSP with multiple drop downs with 50-60 options per drop down.
Along with the other 30 or so text boxes I have, I'm exceeding the JSP size
limit.  How have others handled this?  I looked at the form-property
name=x initial=('a','b','c',.)/, but couldn't make it work (we're
using the 1.1B1 version).  Is there a better way to handle this?

Thanks in advance!

Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing
LabOne, Inc.

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RE: HTML special characters in options tags

2002-07-18 Thread Andrew Hill

A quick and dirty solution might be to cut and paste the code for the entire
html:options tag to create your own version which doesnt encode the option
(Im sure there is a better way though!)

-Original Message-
From: John Reid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 16:27
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: HTML special characters in options tags

 try filter=false

 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
 Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

  My designer wants me to pad labels in option tags with nbsp;.
 I am using
  the html:options / custom tag with two Vectors to produce my
  options list.
  When the page is rendered, the nbsp;'s that I put in the labels
  Vector are
  automatically converted to amp;nbsp;. Is there any way that I
 can disable
  this behaviour?

Thanks for the reply James. Unfortunately, filter is Struts 1.1, and I am
using 1.0.

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Re: Tiles and subapps in Struts 1.1

2002-07-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

  No, it is not the case. I am currently in the process of porting Tile 
to the main struts core, and in the same time I am taking care of the 
subapps problems. I am about to resolve it and will provide a solution soon.


Ditlinger, Steve wrote:

Is this the case, Cedric, tiles no good with subapps without a lot of of


Ian Tomey said:
my advice to you is dont bother with subapps with tiles unless you have a
lot of time to invest in working on it. a lot would need to be changed to
make it work properly. 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/17/02 09:32am  Does anyone have tiles

working in a subapp under Struts 1.1? Our working app seems to have stopped
working once we divided the app into subapps with separate struts config
files. Is ActionComponentServlet not compatible with subapplications? We do
have ActionComponentServlet specified in the web.xml and have the Tiles
RequestProcessor specified in each of the subapp's struts config files. Is
there another piece of the puzzle we are missing for using Tiles with
subapps? Thanks, Steve 

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Tag Iterate and jsp:include

2002-07-18 Thread

Subject: Tag Iterate and jsp:include
Hi all, i'm having the following error message with a jsp under Tomcat 4.0.1
:  Illegal to flush within a custom tag.
The code involved is :

logic:iterate name=myBean id=my_id property=my_property
jsp:include page=%=my_id.getJspName()% /

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Tag Iterate and jsp:include (ERRATA)

2002-07-18 Thread

Subject: Tag Iterate and jsp:include (ERRATA)
Hi all, i'm having the following error message with a jsp under Tomcat 4.0.1
:  Illegal to flush within a custom tag.
The code involved is :

logic:iterate name=myBean id=my_id property=my_property
jsp:include page=%=my_id.getJspName()% /

This error happens only in production environment, with all others
installations ( 4 ) of tomcat it works fine.

I'm very very sure the settings of the 5 environments are the same: Win2K +
MicrosoftIIS  + Tomcat 4.0.1.
Has someone any idea about this ?
Thank in advance,
Guido Anselmi

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RE: Re[2]: Pre-Populating Form

2002-07-18 Thread Jon.Ridgway

Hi Kumar,

You should be able to use the 'transaction token' support build into struts.
Search the list archive for transaction token.

Hope this helps...

Jon Ridgway

-Original Message-
From: Mahesh Kumar K G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 18 July 2002 07:49
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Re[2]: Pre-Populating Form


- Your user submits a form to an action that takes a long time,
  but gets impatient, presses STOP, and submits the form again.
  You now have two simultaneous requests to deal with.

But is there any specific set of methods to deal with the 
Multiple requests simultaneously from a user ? 

1 . If the second request needs to be killed and only the 
First request should be processed
2 . All the simultaneous requests should get processed .. 



-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:29 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Re[2]: Pre-Populating Form

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Joseph Barefoot wrote:

  Session attributes, on the other hand, can be accessed by multiple 
  threads at the same time.  You don't have to synchronize the servlet

  API calls like session.getAttribute() or session.setAttribute() -- 
  the container takes care of making that work correctly.  Within your

  session beans, though, you need to be aware that multiple threads 
  can be calling your methods at the same time.

 I must confess, I'm a tad confused by this bit.  I was under the 
 impression that there was always a 1-to-1 relationship between servlet

 threads and HttpSession objects -- each thread is associated with an 
 HttpSession object, and only that thread can access the object.  If 
 this is not correct, then what are the additional threads, and in what

 scenario would they be accessing the same session object?

Here are three easy ways to have multiple requests (and therefore
multiple threads) accessing the same session at the same time:

- Your application uses frames.  Most browsers will fire off
  simultaneous requests for each frame, which shows up at the
  server as multiple requests on the same session.

- Your application uses img src=... tags to dispay images,
  and those images are in the same webapp.  Again, the browser
  will fire off multiple requests simultaneously.

- Your user submits a form to an action that takes a long time,
  but gets impatient, presses STOP, and submits the form again.
  You now have two simultaneous requests to deal with.


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RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)

2002-07-18 Thread Arnaud HERITIER


Can you give us some news about the JSR 127 ??

Do you have planned a draft for the JavaServer Faces ??



 -Message d'origine-
 De : Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Envoye : mercredi 17 juillet 2002 17:11
 A : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)

 On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:30:38 +0200
  Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Subject: RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)
  Hi there,
  Actually when you are looking at the stuff done in the JSTL
  all three ways pretty much work, because it contains a
  scripting language ;).
  Are there any plans on integrating it within Struts? I like
  both libraries very much, and I recall a discussion was going
  on a while ago about it?
  If it is done this would make it is either:
1. property = all I want to write
2. property = %= java expression %
3. property = ${myRadios[param.index]}

 My current thinking is that we'll make some variant of #3 available in
 Struts tags, in a release after 1.1.  But this will primarily be as a
 transition tool -- subsequent releases of Struts will be designed such
 that you should use JSTL tags directly, as opposed to the
 Struts tags in the bean and logic libraries.  For the html tags,
 we'll end up with JavaServer Faces tags when it's released.

(here with 'index' as a request variable ;))

 Craig McClanahan

   -Original Message-
   From: Arnaud HERITIER [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 10:29 AM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)
   All suggestions are welcome Eddie.
   Your idea and your argumentations are good, but your proposed
   solution doesn't work :-(
   Explanations :
   In a taglib property you can use either a string value or a
   RunTime Expression (if allowed in the TLD).
   If you use a string you have something like :  property=all
   I want to write
   If you use a RT Expr you have something like :
   property=%=java expression%
   The tag libraries interpreter verify if the content of the
   property begins with %= and ends with % . In this case it
   suppose that it is a RT Expr and values it. In all other case
   it supposes that the content is a string.
   With your suggestion, property=myRadios[%= index %] the
   tag libraries interpretor see that there's not %= at the
   begining and % at the end. Then it passes the value
   myRadios[%= index %] as a string to the taglib.
   When the taglib get the content of property, it will analize
   it and see that it is a indexed property because of [..] but
   won't be able to interpret it and will launch an exception like :
   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid indexed property
   However, it is important to say that your advice is totally
   good if you want to use a dynamic value in standard html tag.
   I you have another idea to clean my code, don't hesitate to
   propose it.

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RE: RES: Objects In Session

2002-07-18 Thread DeVincentiis Giustino

Hi Craig,

What about using database session state caching (see

Oracle too, in his Oracle 9iAS Best Practices White Paper, posted last
week on OTN, suggests considering database session state (BP- SESSIONS-1:

Giustino De Vincentiis

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 9:14 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: RES: Objects In Session
 On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, julio wrote:
  Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 16:08:34 -0300
  From: julio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RES: Objects In Session
  Hi Craig,
  How do you solve this problem for your site(like yahoo) with 1000
 * Save anything I need in hidden variables that are 
 resubmitted with the
   form, so I can still use request scope form beans.  That 
 way the info
   is effectively cached in the browser, instead of the 
 server.  (This
   is the biggest payoff, and the primary one that app developers have
   much control over.)
 * Reduce the amount of stuff that must be cached to an 
 absolute minimum,
   by not caching rarely used things (or things that don't affect
   performance visibly if you get them from the database every time).
 * For non-user-specific data, do your caching separately from the
   session, so that the same cached instance data can be reused.
 * Improve performance of my database server so that session caching
   becomes less important.
 * Buy more web server memory and/or more web servers (i.e. distribute
   the application).
  Julio Cesar
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Need some help

2002-07-18 Thread Asit Kumar Padhi


I am new to the Struts Framework.I am involved in extending the framework
for Object Mapping and Testing (Cactus or JUnit).Can anyone tell me how
to extend the Struts framework and integrate them.I want some good resources
in this regards.




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Re: Tag Iterate and jsp:include (ERRATA)

2002-07-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

  Check your jsp specification version.
  You can't do a jsp include inside the body of a tag in jsp1.1. You 
should be able to do it in jsp1.2.


Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:

Subject: Tag Iterate and jsp:include (ERRATA)
Hi all, i'm having the following error message with a jsp under Tomcat 4.0.1
:  Illegal to flush within a custom tag.
The code involved is :

logic:iterate name=myBean id=my_id property=my_property
jsp:include page=%=my_id.getJspName()% /

This error happens only in production environment, with all others
installations ( 4 ) of tomcat it works fine.

I'm very very sure the settings of the 5 environments are the same: Win2K +
MicrosoftIIS  + Tomcat 4.0.1.
Has someone any idea about this ?
Thank in advance,
Guido Anselmi

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RE: HTML special characters in options tags

2002-07-18 Thread Homer, Christopher

You could modify the getXXX method in your ActionForm to format the special
characters prior to the return statement.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 July 2002 10:00
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: HTML special characters in options tags

A quick and dirty solution might be to cut and paste the code for the entire
html:options tag to create your own version which doesnt encode the option
(Im sure there is a better way though!)

-Original Message-
From: John Reid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 16:27
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: HTML special characters in options tags

 try filter=false

 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
 Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

  My designer wants me to pad labels in option tags with nbsp;.
 I am using
  the html:options / custom tag with two Vectors to produce my
  options list.
  When the page is rendered, the nbsp;'s that I put in the labels
  Vector are
  automatically converted to amp;nbsp;. Is there any way that I
 can disable
  this behaviour?

Thanks for the reply James. Unfortunately, filter is Struts 1.1, and I am
using 1.0.

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Re: TilesRequestProcessor (WAS: Re: How do I navigate from one subAppto another in Struts1.1?)

2002-07-18 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

  The hooks you use (doForward and doInclude methods) have been 
introduce to let Tiles catch the calls to RequestDispatcher() ;-).
  It is true that actually Tiles don't provide similar hooks. I am 
currently working on a new version of  the RequestProcessor to solves 
some problems with multi modules. So, things will change. I am not sure 
to be able to provide one single point for catching calls to include, 
but I will try to minimize the number of places where it happens. 
Actually, Tiles do include in the RequestProcessor, and in the InsertTag 
(in Struts1.1).


Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:

Subject: TilesRequestProcessor (WAS: Re: How do I navigate from one subApp to another 
in Struts1.1?)
From: Kevin Henrikson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We subclass the Struts RequestProcessor to provide some special resource
resolving, (i.e. override the doForward and doInclude methods to do some
special file path resolution).  Unfortunately if we try this same code with
the TilesRequestProcessor (so we can get the cool ability to do
includes/forwards with tiles definitions directly in the struts-config.xml)
it won't work.  Is there a 'hook' per say inside a tiles that is easily
subclassed to provide us access to do filepath resolution before the URI is
passed to the RequestDispatcher or pageContext.include() is called?
If not I think this would be a very nice enhancement.  Basically struts
allows us to hook in to it's RequestDispatcher calls but when tiles in
present there is nolonger a single point of RequestDispatching.  To
workaround this now we'd have to tweak some internals of the
InsertTag/GetTag since it also call include directly.  Is there any plans to
centralize calls to RequestDispatcher, and pageContext.include() in the tile
code base now that tiles in more fully integrated with the Struts code base?



Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Normally it doesn't matter.
  The Tiles servlet was used from 1.1dev until 1.1b1 to initialize
Tiles. It contains some request processing methods used only by Struts1.0.
  The TilesRequestProcessor should normally not impact on the normal
request processor work. It just check if a forward or include is done on
a (logical) definition name. If it is not the case, the uri is passed
as is to RequestDispatcher.include() or forward().


Trieu, Danny wrote:


Does it mater if my action servlet is the TilesActionComponentServlet?


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:53 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: How do I navigate from one subApp to another in Struts1.1?

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Trieu, Danny wrote:


Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:22:08 -0700
From: Trieu, Danny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: How do I navigate from one subApp to another in Struts1.1?


I have an action=foo under subapp bar.
I register my subapp like this:

How come it give me a 404 error when I call my action in the browser


this URL: http://localhost:7001/my_web_app/bar/

What does your servlet mapping look like?  It should still use the *.do

Do you also have a default subapp configured with the plain config
init parameter?  I've never tried it without, although conceptually it
should work.



-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:38 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How do I navigate from one subApp to another in Struts1.1?

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Trieu, Danny wrote:

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 18:11:48 -0700
From: Trieu, Danny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: How do I navigate from one subApp to another in Struts1.1?

For example: I am in a page of a sub-application of a Struts




and I want to render a link that link you to another sub-application



the application using the html:link/ tag.


The tempting way to do this is to do something like

 html:link forward=foo/

and mark the foo forward as being context relative.  However, this


ONLY work if you are switching to the default sub-app, because you'd be
bypassing the controller servlet where sub-app selection is performed.

The better way is to make your link go through an action that uses the
standard SwitchAction class.  This wants you to send along the


prefix of the sub-app you want to switch to, 

RE: HTML special characters in options tags

2002-07-18 Thread John Reid

 You could modify the getXXX method in your ActionForm to format
 the special
 characters prior to the return statement.

That's the wrong way round - I DON'T want them modified.


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 18 July 2002 10:00
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: HTML special characters in options tags

 A quick and dirty solution might be to cut and paste the code for
 the entire
 html:options tag to create your own version which doesnt encode the option
 (Im sure there is a better way though!)

 -Original Message-
 From: John Reid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 16:27
 To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: HTML special characters in options tags

  try filter=false
  James Mitchell
  Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
  Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network
   My designer wants me to pad labels in option tags with nbsp;.
  I am using
   the html:options / custom tag with two Vectors to produce my
   options list.
   When the page is rendered, the nbsp;'s that I put in the labels
   Vector are
   automatically converted to amp;nbsp;. Is there any way that I
  can disable
   this behaviour?

 Thanks for the reply James. Unfortunately, filter is Struts 1.1, and I am
 using 1.0.


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RE: Need some help

2002-07-18 Thread Jon.Ridgway

Hi Asit,

For testing have a look at

For object mapping the commons-digester provides xml - object mapping.
Ted Husted provides links to OR mapping tools that work with struts on his
site, see

Jon Ridgway

-Original Message-
From: Asit Kumar Padhi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 18 July 2002 10:59
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Need some help


I am new to the Struts Framework.I am involved in extending the framework
for Object Mapping and Testing (Cactus or JUnit).Can anyone tell me how
to extend the Struts framework and integrate them.I want some good resources
in this regards.



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RE: Latest Nightly build - corrupt Class-Path entry in manifest.m f

2002-07-18 Thread Jon.Ridgway

Hi Graig,

As requested I have tried splitting the Class-Path entry over two Class-Path
entries in This works fine in WebLogic 6.1sp2, I'll try on
JBoos 3.0, OC4J 9  WebSphere 4.0.3 and let you know...

Jon Ridgway

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 17 July 2002 16:18
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build - corrupt Class-Path entry in manifest.m f

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Jesse Alexander (KADA 11) wrote:

 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 10:34:04 +0200
 From: Jesse Alexander (KADA 11) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build - corrupt Class-Path entry in
 manifest.m f


 I think somebody with deeper knowledge about the internals must look into
 Either the problem is, that the documentation is out-of-date (maybe today
 is not necessary to split the class-path-entry anymore), or it is a
 of the class-loaders used in the servlet-engines (WLS accepts
 that are up to 120+ characters line-length).
 Maybe somebody working on Tomcat (or at least knowing its code-base a bit)
 can enlighten us more on this...
 Meaning it might make sense to push BEA to check their class-loader and
 encourage somebody to take a look at the spec's and class-loaders on the
 Apache-side == open a problem at BEA and open a bug-report in BugZilla

This would be an issue with WebLogic's JVM implementation, and nothing to
do with Tomcat.

I can't see anything in the JDK docs about the split at 68 characters
thing someone mentioned.  Does someone have a pointer to that in the docs?
The Struts build process has this all on one line in the source, so it
seems to be Ant doing the modification ...

I do see that you can have more than one Class-Path element  Could
someone try that and see if it works?



 -Original Message-
 From: Jon.Ridgway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2002 16:17
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build - corrupt Class-Path entry in
 manifest.m f

 Hi James,

 I may have jumped the gun here; someone else has pointed out that the
 Class-Path entry should break to a new line after 68 chars. It's just that
 WebLogic 6.1 (not sure about 7) can't handle this.

 So I guess I should eat some humble pie and WebLogic should sort things
 at their end...

 Jon Ridgway

 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 16 July 2002 15:09
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build - corrupt Class-Path entry in manifest.m

 This probably started happening as of nightly build
 20020616 since that is when the Class-Path: entry got
 added to the MANIFEST.MF file in CVS.

 If you open a bug for this in Bugzilla I'll get it
 taken care of tonight.  Make sure to include all the
 info from this thread.


 --- Jesse Alexander (KADA 11)
  Good and thanks for searching it,
  the problem with the and the class-path
  is, that according to the
  official docs the class-path-manifest-entry MUST be
  split at the 68th character
  and that theoretically it should be reassembled on
  the fly.
  Relaity shows that some servlet-engines (or is the
  JVM's or the class-loaders; I don't know)
  do not make it correctly. And at least WLS (or its
  class-loaders or the underlaying JVM's)
  is among the problematic issues.
  Alexander Jesse
  -Original Message-
  From: Jon.Ridgway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2002 13:17
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build - corrupt
  Class-Path entry in
  manifest.m f
  Hi All,
  The advice was spot on. The in the
  latest nightly builds is
  corrupt. The Class-Path entry is split over several
  lines, the break occurs
  half way through several referenced jar names.
  Jon Ridgway
  -Original Message-
  From: Jon.Ridgway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 16 July 2002 12:08
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build
  Hi Jesse,
  I'll give that ago and let you know what the problem
  is if I can track it
  down, thanks for the advice...
  Jon Ridgway
  -Original Message-
  From: Jesse Alexander (KADA 11)
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 16 July 2002 11:52
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Subject: RE: Latest Nightly build
  try to remove the manifest-file from the struts.jar.
  WLS is very precise...
  If you have lots of time, then you could try to
  line by line from the manifest-file if step one
  a workable jar-file, until you find the true

Retrieving mapping props as a Map

2002-07-18 Thread MacLeod, Kenny


Is it possible to obtain the set-property items of an action mapping as a
Map object, rather than have the digester attempt to invoke them as bean

I have a situation where I need to be able to pass arbitrary properties to
the mapping, so the reflection mechnaism won't work.  Rather, I need access
to those properties as a data structure.

Any suggestions much appreciated,


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extending Action issue

2002-07-18 Thread Melzer, Steven

Our company has been using struts for about a year now.  We have subclassed
Action and created our own BaseAction to support some additional
functionality and to create an abstraction between changes to Action in the
future and our existing code.  We have done the same with most core Struts

With 1.1, a new subclass of Action, DispatchAction has been created.  Since
DispatchAction subclasses Action, BaseAction and DispatchAction are at the
same level.  In order to use DispatchAction and keep the functionality of
BaseAction I have thought of two ways to do it, but neither is optimal.

1) Subclass DispatchAction and put the functions from BaseAction into a
BaseDispatchAction.  The problem is maintaining the same code in two
seperate classes.

2) Turn BaseAction into a composite class and add an Action as a property of
the class.  This would allow the most flexibility since any Action object
could then be used.  The problem is that this would require some sort of
change to either the struts-config.xml and/or to the ActionServlet.  This is
because somewhere after the new BaseAction gets instantiated, an Action
would need to get passed in.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to solve this problem?


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RE: Display tag library/font size in tables?

2002-07-18 Thread Mark Nichols

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Hodson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:36 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Display tag library/font size in tables?

 I'm using the display tag library (cool thing) and would like to
 change the font size of the output. As far as I can tell, the
 taglib doesn't support anything like the font tag and wrapping
 font around the display:column tag does nothing (it is ignored).

 display:table width=85% name=logsList scope=session
 pagesize=15 requestURI=http://localhost:8080/something.jsp;
   display:column property=createDate title=Date/Time width=15%/

 What are my options? I'd like to produce output like the snippet below:

 td width=15%font face=Verdana, helvetica color=#003366

Maybe I'm missing the point, but isn't this something that should be handled
by your CSS?

 Dave Hodson
 MessageCast, inc.


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RE: extending Action issue

2002-07-18 Thread Andrew Hill

I tried using your first suggested approach and got tired of it rather
I found a third approach was the best bet.
This is to copy and paste the source for struts DispatchAction into a new
class in your application (you could call it BaseDispatchAction or something
like this.) The only difference between this and the original is that this
extends your BaseAction instead of directly extending Action. Your dispatch
actions then extend this class instead of DispatchAction.
It may be a bit crude, but its very quick to implement and works well. Of
course if you upgrade your version of struts and there are changes to
dispatch actions you wont pick them up, and if you import DispatchAction
classes from other apps you will need to modify them to extend your class
and recompile, but if those arent big issues to you, then this is probably
the simplest approach.

-Original Message-
From: Melzer, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 19:34
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: extending Action issue

Our company has been using struts for about a year now.  We have subclassed
Action and created our own BaseAction to support some additional
functionality and to create an abstraction between changes to Action in the
future and our existing code.  We have done the same with most core Struts

With 1.1, a new subclass of Action, DispatchAction has been created.  Since
DispatchAction subclasses Action, BaseAction and DispatchAction are at the
same level.  In order to use DispatchAction and keep the functionality of
BaseAction I have thought of two ways to do it, but neither is optimal.

1) Subclass DispatchAction and put the functions from BaseAction into a
BaseDispatchAction.  The problem is maintaining the same code in two
seperate classes.

2) Turn BaseAction into a composite class and add an Action as a property of
the class.  This would allow the most flexibility since any Action object
could then be used.  The problem is that this would require some sort of
change to either the struts-config.xml and/or to the ActionServlet.  This is
because somewhere after the new BaseAction gets instantiated, an Action
would need to get passed in.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to solve this problem?


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[Struts 1.1] Exception Handler

2002-07-18 Thread Arnaud HERITIER

Hi all.

I saw in the struts config DTD the global-exceptions element which allows to
catch exceptions throwed in the execute method of Action classes.
I don't understand how I can use it, and what I can do with this new
The doc about the exception handler is  TODO  in the last nightly build.

Is someone can explain this feature (or write the doc), please.



Re: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag

2002-07-18 Thread

Subject: Re: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag
When first using struts, I first tried to use a CachedRowSet object as well.
However, based on other people's recommendations, I just went with a simple
Vector of Beans, one representing each row in the ResultSet.  It is true
this is more overhead, but no one has extended the CachedRowSet to have an
iterator which is what is necessary.

It is not necessary to use struts tags; you can use scriplets.  But it is so
nice to just use the struts tags.  You can achieve almost all of the same
functionality and it looks more like an html page.


David C. Chu
America Online
Network Tools Intern

aps olute [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How to iterate over a CachedRowSet using
 logic:iterate  tags? I have filled the CachedRowset
 with a select
 statement and am able to iterate using the
 crs.getString(1) or the crs.getString(colname)
 but no am ready to use Struts tags but dont know how.
 Do I need to convert it a Collection type? but that
 will eat up more memory as two copies CRS and the
 Collection with same contents?
 Is it necessary to use the Struts tags to work with
 the rest of the Struts features?

 ?xml version=1.0?
 %@ page language=java %
 %@ page contentType=text/html %
 %@ page
 jsp:useBean id=Contacts
 class=sun.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSet scope=session
 % InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
   javax.sql.DataSource ds =
   java.sql.Connection con = ds.getConnection();
   Contacts.setCommand(SELECT name,
 owner,species,sex,birth,death from pet);
   Contacts.first(); % /jsp:useBean
 logic:present name=Contacts property=name
 logic:iterate id=subs name=Contacts
 bean:write name=subs property=name/

 But nothing is ever printed. if i take out the
 logic:present and logic:iterate and replaced with a
 while (  Contacts.getString(1)  at
 i gets some output.

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Re: [Struts 1.1] Exception Handler

2002-07-18 Thread James Holmes

Take a look at Chapter 10 of Chuck Cavaness' book:


 Hi all.
 I saw in the struts config DTD the global-exceptions
 element which allows to
 catch exceptions throwed in the execute method of
 Action classes.
 I don't understand how I can use it, and what I can
 do with this new
 The doc about the exception handler is  TODO  in
 the last nightly build.
 Is someone can explain this feature (or write the
 doc), please.

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RE: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

2002-07-18 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

I'm not sure what to tell you.
Are you saying it works with the proxy servlet, or that's what's not

~ Keith

-Original Message-
From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keith, thanks for your input.

The funny thing is that it works fine within the VisualAge test environment.
I just ran into this problem during deployment.  Haven't tried WebSphere 4.0
As I work around, I just wrote a proxy servlet to forward calls like
/app/login to /app/do/login

Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I think part of your problem is the way you specify your form in your JSP.
 You have action=login, but what you need is action=/do/login.  The
 extension must be in the jsp, it isn't created when the page is visited.
 Does that help you at all?

 ~ Keith

 -Original Message-
 From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:10 PM
 Subject: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

 Subject: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
 From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have the following action define in struts-config.xml:

 action path=/login
   input=/jsp/login.jsp /

 with the corresponding formbean:
 form-bean name=loginForm type=com.mycompany.actions.LoginForm /

 In my login jsp I have the form defined as
 html:form action=login method=post focus=username target=_top

 When this is rendered in Websphere, the form action is:

 form name=loginForm method=post action=/app/login target=_top

 While the correct rendering should be:
 form name=loginForm method=post action=/app/do/login target=_top

 Notice the missing /do pattern.  Has anyone else seen this behavior?

 I am using Struts 1.0.2 with Tiles


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Struts ActionServlet extension processActionForward method problem

2002-07-18 Thread Frederik Dierickx


In order to add some extra functionality that we needed generically, we extended the 
org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet class and coded an overridden version of the 
processActionForward method. 

In our current project we needed another extra thing, to use only in this project so 
we extended the already extended ActionServlet class once again and implemented 
another overridden version of the processActionForward method. This extended version 
of the ActionSevlet class is defined in the web.xml descriptor as the action servlet.

The problem occurs everytime Struts calls the processActionForward method, it calls 
the first overridden method and not the one from the ActionServlet class that was 
defined in the web.xml descriptor. When removing the implementation of the 
processActionForward in the firstly extended ActionServlet class, Struts calls for the 
second extended version of the processActionForward as is intended, the only problem 
here is that we need the functionality from the removed implementation as well. 

The Struts version we're using is 1.0.2.

Has anyone else experienced this or a similar problem?
Any help appreciated,


Frederik Dierickx
Software Engineer

T +32 2 362 55 55

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AW: Reusing forms and redirecting to specific actions

2002-07-18 Thread Clauss, Arne


 I've been lurking a long while and I think I decided to
 take up the Struts thing entirely. I've got an application
 that will needs to use several forms which are pretty much
 related, or in other words they look quite the same. But 
 the action attached to it is different.
 Can I create one super-form that'll handle the input
 and based upon the page invoked call a specific action
 for it?

This shouldn't be a problem! You'll just have to configure it in the

Kind regards,


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How to import Struts tag lib into Dreamweaver MX?

2002-07-18 Thread Jason Zhou

Best Regards,

J. Jason Zhou
Business Intelligence Platform Division (BIP), R  D, 
SAS Institute, 100 SAS Campus Dr.
Cary, North Carolina 27513-8617
Voice: 919-531-0568(O)

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Difference between DynaValidatorActionForm and DynaValidatorForm

2002-07-18 Thread Hemanth Setty

Is there any difference between the two classes in terms of functionality?
Why does DynaValidatorActionForm extend DynaValidatorForm? Am I missing
something here??

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Re: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag

2002-07-18 Thread

Subject: Re: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag
I have extendend and made cached row set work with the iterator. See 
webPIM on sourceforge, or

David Chu wrote:
 When first using struts, I first tried to use a CachedRowSet object as well.
 However, based on other people's recommendations, I just went with a simple
 Vector of Beans, one representing each row in the ResultSet.  It is true
 this is more overhead, but no one has extended the CachedRowSet to have an
 iterator which is what is necessary.
 It is not necessary to use struts tags; you can use scriplets.  But it is so
 nice to just use the struts tags.  You can achieve almost all of the same
 functionality and it looks more like an html page.
 David C. Chu
 America Online
 Network Tools Intern
 aps olute [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
How to iterate over a CachedRowSet using
logic:iterate  tags? I have filled the CachedRowset
with a select
statement and am able to iterate using the
crs.getString(1) or the crs.getString(colname)
but no am ready to use Struts tags but dont know how.
Do I need to convert it a Collection type? but that
will eat up more memory as two copies CRS and the
Collection with same contents?
Is it necessary to use the Struts tags to work with
the rest of the Struts features?

?xml version=1.0?
%@ page language=java %
%@ page contentType=text/html %
%@ page
jsp:useBean id=Contacts
class=sun.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSet scope=session
% InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  javax.sql.DataSource ds =
  java.sql.Connection con = ds.getConnection();
  Contacts.setCommand(SELECT name,
owner,species,sex,birth,death from pet);
  Contacts.first(); % /jsp:useBean
logic:present name=Contacts property=name
logic:iterate id=subs name=Contacts
bean:write name=subs property=name/

But nothing is ever printed. if i take out the
logic:present and logic:iterate and replaced with a
while (  Contacts.getString(1)  at
i gets some output.

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Override processPreprocess or ActionServlet? (Best Practices)

2002-07-18 Thread Jerry Jalenak

Following a web application security presentation yesterday, it became
apparent to me that I needed to further my security model to ensure that a
user has a valid session at the beginning of every action.  What is the
recommended 'best practice' to do this?  Should I write a BaseAction that
extends Action?  extend the ActionServlet?  do something in
processPreprocess?  How is everyone else doing this?

Jerry Jalenak
Development Manager, Web Publishing
LabOne, Inc.

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Good/Bad Practices

2002-07-18 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

 Hey everyone,
 I've been trying to get in the habit of using good struts programming
 practices, (without making things too hard on myself).  I have another
 question for anyone that could give me some input on it.
 I'm working on a data entry application, and the user can make three
 different types of entries.  Let's call them A, B, and C.  They each have
 some form fields in common with each other, but each has a couple unique
 fields.  To add an entry, I have a separate JSP for each, and different
 action mappings for each (that all refer back to the same action class).
 This works fine.  
 Now I'm working on an edit function for the entries.  I have a link within
 a logic:iterate tag that displays a link to an edit form.  I tried using
 one action and one JSP for the edits, but it gets very messy trying to
 allow for the different types of entries.
 Is it a bad idea to use lots of different action mappings and different
 JSP's for each operation for each type of entry, even though they are
 similar and all have to perform very similar operations?  Or should I go
 to great lengths to make very complex generalized actions and JSP's that
 can handle any type of entry?  I'm not sure how understandable my question
 is, or if it's a stupid question, but I want to get this figured out
 before I spend too much more time on the 'edit' functionality.  I'm having
 some issues, and I keep redesigning the operation, so I'ld appreciate some
 input before I rewrite this shiznat too many more times.  Thanks a lot
 ~ Keith

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dynamic links

2002-07-18 Thread Graham Lounder

Hello All,

I'm trying to make a link that sends a parameter containing the URL of the
page which called it.  I have all the URLEncoding figured out, my problem is
getting it into the html:link tag.

I have tried

html:link page=/bla/bla.jsp?returnURL=%= returnURL %bla/html:link


html:link page=%= /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL

neither of which work.

Right now what I'm doing is:

% String myLink = /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL; %
html:link page=%= myLink%bla/html:link

but this is very ugly.  I don't want to have to make a String variable for
each link on my page.  Any ideas?  Am I missing something?


  Graham Lounder
  Java Developer
  Spatial Components Division
  264 Rookwood Ave
  Fredericton NB E3B-2M2
  Office 506 462-4218
  Fax506 459-3849

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RE: dynamic links

2002-07-18 Thread Bartley, Chris P

The key is in the crazy single and double quotes--your second example is
really close, just change the outer double quotes to singles, like this:

   html:link page='%= /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL

That should do it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Graham Lounder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:38 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: dynamic links
 Hello All,
 I'm trying to make a link that sends a parameter containing 
 the URL of the
 page which called it.  I have all the URLEncoding figured 
 out, my problem is
 getting it into the html:link tag.
 I have tried
 html:link page=/bla/bla.jsp?returnURL=%= returnURL 
 html:link page=%= /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL
 neither of which work.
 Right now what I'm doing is:
 % String myLink = /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL; %
 html:link page=%= myLink%bla/html:link
 but this is very ugly.  I don't want to have to make a String 
 variable for
 each link on my page.  Any ideas?  Am I missing something?
   Graham Lounder
   Java Developer
   Spatial Components Division
   264 Rookwood Ave
   Fredericton NB E3B-2M2
   Office 506 462-4218
   Fax506 459-3849
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RE: dynamic links

2002-07-18 Thread Graham Lounder

Yes, thats right!  I remember this problem now :)  I just don't have enuf
post-its on my computer to remind me of all these things.

Thanks for the insight!


-Original Message-
From: Bartley, Chris P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:42 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: dynamic links

The key is in the crazy single and double quotes--your second example is
really close, just change the outer double quotes to singles, like this:

   html:link page='%= /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL

That should do it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Graham Lounder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:38 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: dynamic links

 Hello All,

 I'm trying to make a link that sends a parameter containing
 the URL of the
 page which called it.  I have all the URLEncoding figured
 out, my problem is
 getting it into the html:link tag.

 I have tried

 html:link page=/bla/bla.jsp?returnURL=%= returnURL


 html:link page=%= /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL

 neither of which work.

 Right now what I'm doing is:

 % String myLink = /bla/bla.jsp?returnURL= + returnURL; %
 html:link page=%= myLink%bla/html:link

 but this is very ugly.  I don't want to have to make a String
 variable for
 each link on my page.  Any ideas?  Am I missing something?


   Graham Lounder
   Java Developer
   Spatial Components Division
   264 Rookwood Ave
   Fredericton NB E3B-2M2
   Office 506 462-4218
   Fax506 459-3849

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Form bean properties data types and conversions

2002-07-18 Thread JensStutte

I have seen, that in Struts 1.0 there is some support for automatic
conversion of request parameters to form bean properties, which seems to be
extending in the 1.1beta (i did not use it, but i navigated through the
sources). There seem to be converters for date and time data types in the
beta. So far, so fine.

But i could not get any hint on the localisation. As Struts knows in his
request the locale of the user and offers it to the Action programmer, will
this locale be used to make any automatic conversions, too? For Struts 1.0
this seems not to be the case, as far as i could see in the sources in half
an hour. And the calls to the new DynaBean classes from the jakarta.commons
project seem to lack any locale support, too. I can not see much use in an
automatic conversion function of Dates (but also numbers), whithout any
respect to the users locale, so i wondered if i am missing something.

Could someone shed som light on this?


Jens Stutte

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Re: How to import Struts tag lib into Dreamweaver MX?

2002-07-18 Thread Shane Witbeck

Edit  Taglibs  click on the + button  JSP  then you have the choice
of importing from the taglib descriptor (*.tld) or the application
descriptor (web.xml) assuming you have already defined the struts taglib.



 Best Regards,

 J. Jason Zhou
 Business Intelligence Platform Division (BIP), R  D,
 SAS Institute, 100 SAS Campus Dr.
 Cary, North Carolina 27513-8617
 Voice: 919-531-0568(O)

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Re: Model 2 and Caching

2002-07-18 Thread John Nicholas

Jacob Hookom wrote:
 Would writing the xml data out statically and storing it, then using
 translets for XSLT offer any speed improvements over simply caching with
 OSCache or other similar tags?

Check out Cocoon at It's 
dynamic xml/xslt publishing system written in java and has a nice 
caching approach so it doesn't do the transform every time. it's not 
based around struts or jsp but it seems very nice if you're in an xml 
heavy setting.It also has that friendly Apache license.

John Nicholas
Sr Interactive Programmer
Temerlin McClain

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Dynamic Forms FormBeans

2002-07-18 Thread Neil.Axtell

Hello Struts-World.

Here's a Struts Newbie query I've got.

I really like being able to associate a FormBean with a Struts form and then
doing the validation etc. at the server end. I understand about having to
have attributes in the FormBean that match the names of the input elements
in the HTML form.

However, I cannot think of a way of creating a FormBean that can cope with a
form that has entirely dynamically generated output. For example, one that
creates a list of items in a shopping cart where every item has an
associated delete checkbox. I can ensure that each checkbox has a similar
name, (I'm using the name to indicate the cart item to which it relates
rather than the value at the moment) but how can I map these to attributes
in the Form bean? At design-time I will not know how many attributes I need
to supply, or what their full names will be. If I use the same name for each
checkbox (i.e. all map to the same FormBean attribute) and hold the cart
item ID in the value how will I be able to store the different values?

I'm sure that there's a good Struts way to do this but I cannot see one at
the moment. Can anyone out there enlighten me?

Many thanks.


P.S. I'm currently using Struts 1.0.1 and would prefer to stay that way
until I get the current iteration of the project out of the way.

Neil Axtell
Principal Engineer (MMI/Web Technologies)
European Measurement Division - Engineering
200 Capability Green
Luton, UK
Tel:  +44 (0) 1582 433347
Fax: +44 (0) 1582 433276

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Re: Dynamic Forms FormBeans

2002-07-18 Thread JensStutte


i had quite the same problem, one method is to use normal, non-struts input
boxes within a struts form for the dynamic part of the form. The generated
parameters can then be evaluated in the FormBeans validate function, since
you get the HttpRequest object there. I do not know a pure struts way to
achieve this (but after i made this workaround, i did not search any more ;


Jens Stutte

18/07/2002 17.27  Subject: Dynamic Forms  FormBeans   
Please respond to  
Struts Users  
Mailing List  

Hello Struts-World.

Here's a Struts Newbie query I've got.

I really like being able to associate a FormBean with a Struts form and
doing the validation etc. at the server end. I understand about having to
have attributes in the FormBean that match the names of the input elements
in the HTML form.

However, I cannot think of a way of creating a FormBean that can cope with
form that has entirely dynamically generated output. For example, one that
creates a list of items in a shopping cart where every item has an
associated delete checkbox. I can ensure that each checkbox has a similar
name, (I'm using the name to indicate the cart item to which it relates
rather than the value at the moment) but how can I map these to attributes
in the Form bean? At design-time I will not know how many attributes I need
to supply, or what their full names will be. If I use the same name for
checkbox (i.e. all map to the same FormBean attribute) and hold the cart
item ID in the value how will I be able to store the different values?

I'm sure that there's a good Struts way to do this but I cannot see one
the moment. Can anyone out there enlighten me?

Many thanks.


P.S. I'm currently using Struts 1.0.1 and would prefer to stay that way
until I get the current iteration of the project out of the way.

Neil Axtell
Principal Engineer (MMI/Web Technologies)
European Measurement Division - Engineering
200 Capability Green
Luton, UK
Tel:  +44 (0) 1582 433347
Fax: +44 (0) 1582 433276

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Re: Model 2 and Caching

2002-07-18 Thread John Nicholas

Jacob Hookom wrote:
 For a prelude:
 I was chatting with my dad over a beer about how the company he works
 for is training all of their HR people on how to use Dreamweaver to
 generate content for their internet/intranets.  Appalled, I asked him
 whose bright idea was it; to which he responded some independent
 consultant who was touring the various facilities doing training (and
 he's never heard of Jakob Neilsen!).  To give a 100 person staff a copy
 of Dreamweaver and tell them to go nuts... is insane!

Actually Dreamweaver does have a template control system that can keep 
people from editing outside their part of the page. So designers can 
design a complicated template and declare that only the middle cell and 
the text in header can be edited. The template info is done in such a 
way that the designer can update a template and it will propagate 
through all the pages that use that template. Not exactly dynamic but 
easier than search and replace! I don't remember if it has tools to keep 
users in out of different parts of the site though.

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RE: Form not keeping changed values

2002-07-18 Thread Wilinski, Pamela M.

That's where the issue forwards to an action.  It seems that an
action calling an action isn't a workable solution.  I'll have to revisit
the design and see if I can come up with a better solution.

Thanks for your help.

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:04 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values

This will work just fine if forwarding to a jsp and not another action.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

 -Original Message-
 From: Wilinski, Pamela M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:46 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values

 public ActionForward perform(
  ActionMapping mapping,
  ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws ServletException

  ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward(success);
  ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
  //ReportForm reportForm = null;

  if (form instanceof ReportForm) {
ReportForm reportForm = (ReportForm) form;

 make various changes to form using reportForm.set*() methods.  Also
 determining value of forward based upon field from form


  return (forward);

 Once I get to the action I forward to the changes I made are gone.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 4:27 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values

 What do you mean it didn't work?

 Can you provide a few snippets of code?

 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
 Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

  -Original Message-
  From: Wilinski, Pamela M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:16 PM
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values
  I tried that and it didn't work.
  -Original Message-
  From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 4:04 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values
  Are you saving the form in the request (or session) before forwarding?
  James Mitchell
  Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
  Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network
   -Original Message-
   From: pmwilinski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:57 AM
   Subject: Form not keeping changed values
   Hi all,
   I have a problem with changes that are made in the action to values
   in my form being thrown out when it forwards to the next page.  Does
   anyone know why this might be happening and how to make the changes
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Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

2002-07-18 Thread

Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oh, let me clarify,

In the VisualAge WTE,  html:form action=login ... is correctly rendered
form name=loginForm action=/app/do/login ...

while in WebSphere 3.5.5, it is being rendered as:
form name=loginForm action=/app/login ...

I ended writing a servlet for WebSphere 3.5.5 that takes the
/app/login call and forwards it to the correct /app/do/login path.  Not a
deal, but I really wanted to try and figure out what was going on.

What I really need to do is to see if this behavior exists in other
environments.  Maybe 3.5.6 or 4.0.x. time permitting, I haven't seen anyone
else complain in this forum, so it's probably not a reoccurring problem.


Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm not sure what to tell you.
 Are you saying it works with the proxy servlet, or that's what's not

 ~ Keith

 -Original Message-
 From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:25 PM
 Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

 Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
 From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Keith, thanks for your input.

 The funny thing is that it works fine within the VisualAge test
 I just ran into this problem during deployment.  Haven't tried WebSphere
 As I work around, I just wrote a proxy servlet to forward calls like
 /app/login to /app/do/login

 Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I think part of your problem is the way you specify your form in your
  You have action=login, but what you need is action=/do/login.  The
  extension must be in the jsp, it isn't created when the page is visited.
  Does that help you at all?
  ~ Keith
  -Original Message-
  From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:10 PM
  Subject: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
  Subject: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
  From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have the following action define in struts-config.xml:
  action path=/login
input=/jsp/login.jsp /
  with the corresponding formbean:
  form-bean name=loginForm type=com.mycompany.actions.LoginForm /
  In my login jsp I have the form defined as
  html:form action=login method=post focus=username target=_top
  When this is rendered in Websphere, the form action is:
  form name=loginForm method=post action=/app/login target=_top
  While the correct rendering should be:
  form name=loginForm method=post action=/app/do/login
  Notice the missing /do pattern.  Has anyone else seen this behavior?
  I am using Struts 1.0.2 with Tiles
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Re: TilesRequestProcessor (WAS: Re: How do I navigate from one subApp to another in Struts1.1?)

2002-07-18 Thread

Subject: Re: TilesRequestProcessor (WAS: Re: How do I navigate from one subApp to 
another in Struts1.1?)
From: Kevin Henrikson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the reply Cedric.

So basically what we've tried is to subclass TilesRequestProcessor
so we ignore tiles definitions and apply our path resolution logic to URI's
then call super.doInclude() or super.doForward().  Where we get stuck is
when we use a tiles definition in the struts-config.xml in an action ..
for instance we aren't able to apply our path resolution logic to the URI
tiles resolves the definition but before it is the request is dispatched.
Would it
be possible to apply a hook(overridable method) by refactoring the last part
TilesRequestProcessr.doForward()?  Something like:

protected void doDispatch(ServletContext ctx,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response,
  String uri
  boolean doInclude)
  // Do dispatching : search dispatcher, then dispatch
  RequestDispatcher rd = ctx.getRequestDispatcher(uri);
  if (rd == null)
  { // error
   (requestDispatcher, uri));
  } // end if

// Unwrap the multipart request, if there is one.
if (request instanceof MultipartRequestWrapper) {
request = ((MultipartRequestWrapper) request).getRequest();

  // If request comes from a previous Tile, do an include.
  // This allows to insert an action in a Tile.
  if( doInclude )
rd.include(request, response);
rd.forward(request, response);   // original behavior

This way subclasses could have a chance to modify the URI
or do some custom request/response handling.
As for the InsertTag it looks like in InsertHandler.doEndTag the call to
pageContext.include(page) is the only other place request dispatching
If a method was added here to again allow subclasses to override this call
and possible
do custom URI resolutions maybe a doInclude(String page) that calls
pageContext.include(page).  Then I guess we'd also need to subclass the
GetTag since
it extends the InsertTag.
Does this seem plausible?  Are there other places in tiles that do
request dispatching?
 Any problems with this approach?


Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

   The hooks you use (doForward and doInclude methods) have been
 introduce to let Tiles catch the calls to RequestDispatcher() ;-).
   It is true that actually Tiles don't provide similar hooks. I am
 currently working on a new version of  the RequestProcessor to solves
 some problems with multi modules. So, things will change. I am not sure
 to be able to provide one single point for catching calls to include,
 but I will try to minimize the number of places where it happens.
 Actually, Tiles do include in the RequestProcessor, and in the InsertTag
 (in Struts1.1).


 Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:

 Subject: TilesRequestProcessor (WAS: Re: How do I navigate from one
subApp to another in Struts1.1?)
 From: Kevin Henrikson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 We subclass the Struts RequestProcessor to provide some special
 resolving, (i.e. override the doForward and doInclude methods to do some
 special file path resolution).  Unfortunately if we try this same code
 the TilesRequestProcessor (so we can get the cool ability to do
 includes/forwards with tiles definitions directly in the
 it won't work.  Is there a 'hook' per say inside a tiles that is easily
 subclassed to provide us access to do filepath resolution before the URI
 passed to the RequestDispatcher or pageContext.include() is called?
 If not I think this would be a very nice enhancement.  Basically
 allows us to hook in to it's RequestDispatcher calls but when tiles in
 present there is nolonger a single point of RequestDispatching.  To
 workaround this now we'd have to tweak some internals of the
 InsertTag/GetTag since it also call include directly.  Is there any plans
 centralize calls to RequestDispatcher, and pageContext.include() in the
 code base now that tiles in more fully integrated with the Struts code
 Cedric Dumoulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Normally it doesn't matter.
   The Tiles servlet was used from 1.1dev until 1.1b1 to initialize
 Tiles. It contains some request processing methods used only by
   The TilesRequestProcessor should normally not impact on the normal
 request processor work. It just check if a forward or include is done on
 a (logical) definition name. If it is not 

Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Mete Kural

Hello Craig,

--- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are using container-managed security, you
 either declare a security
 constraint (to force a login) or you don't -- there
 is no middle ground.
 However, if the user went to your second sub-app
 first, and then went to
 the first one, the fact that they have logged in is
 visible to your
 application, because getRemoteUser() will still
 return the logged-in
 user's identity.

That's exactly what I want to happen. To preserve the
loggedinness of the user even when they go out of the
protected area into the public area.
 There is no such mechanism that is portable across
 containers.  If you
 want to use container managed security, you should
 architect your
 application inside its boundaries -- otherwise, you
 should roll your own.

Hmm.. I hope the JCP will include such a mechanism in
Servlet 2.4. It would be nice to enable pre-processing
on the form-based login submission in a servlet and
then submit that to the container. Perhaps this is not
a valid use case, but it seems to me that it may be
attractive in certain scenarios.
 Quite frankly, I'm not convinced your use case is
 very compelling, but I
 undoubtedly don't understand the whole picture,

Think about On Amazon, you can surf
through the shopping pages with or without being
logged in to your Amazon account. If you're logged in,
some special features are enabled such as personal
book recommendations on the sides of the pages. If
you're not logged in it just treats you like a default
customer that it doesn't know about. In this case, it
is necessary to provide a login mechanism to better
serve the customer even if login is not required.



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Re: Difference between DynaValidatorActionForm and DynaValidatorForm

2002-07-18 Thread David Winterfeldt

The key used to look up a set of validation rules is

The key passed into the validator is the action
element's 'name' attribute from the struts-config.xml
which should match the form element's name attribute
in the validation.xml.


The key passed into the validator is the action
element's 'path' attribute from the struts-config.xml
which should match the form element's name attribute
in the validation.xml.


--- Hemanth Setty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any difference between the two classes in
 terms of functionality?
 Why does DynaValidatorActionForm extend
 DynaValidatorForm? Am I missing
 something here??
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Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Mete Kural

Hello Max,

--- Max Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One thing that you cannot do with container-managed
 security is direct the
 users to the login form page to force them to login.
 As an alternative, you
 can protect a page and send users there, so the
 container will send them
 through the login form. For instance, if your login
 form is /,
 you could make a page (even a redirect back to your
 home page if you want
 users to end up there) named / and then
 setup a security
 constraint for that page. Your Login link would be
 href=(contextPath)/protected.doLogin/a with
 this setup.

This alternative seems attractive to me, but I'm not
sure I have truly grasped how it works. I'm going to
try to paraphrase, so please correct me if I'm wrong:
- I would provide a link on the public homepage that
says Login here on it. When users click the link
they would go to a dummy protected page that simply
redirects the user back to the homepage. Once they
login through that they're automatically back in the
homepage and they're logged in!

One thing that I want to implement is providing the
login form within the home-page to make it a
single-step job for them, so they'll see the login
form on the side of the page when they first come in.
Otherwise there are two steps involved, first click on
the login link to go to the login form and then submit
the login form. How do you think I can do that?

Think about Amazon. You can either be logged-in and
not logged-in and it will still work. If you're
logged-in the website treats you like a familiar
customer, if not just default. That's the exact same
functionality that I'm trying to implement here. I
hope this gives a wider picture of what I want to do
and perhaps you know a better way to do this than how
I was currently planning on doing it above.

 I think you can acheive your desired functionality
 with those techniques. If
 you need more info, I'll be happy to help out.
 Another alternative is to use a filter to mimic
 container-managed security
 [including wrapping the request with your
 implementations of getRemoteUser()
 and isUserInRole()]. This way, you could provide a
 programmatic interface to
 log users in with an Action, but the value of
 providing the interface is not
 clear to me. I think you can acheive your desired
 functionality without it,
 and end up with less coupling between your app and
 the authentication


 - Original Message -
 From: Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:59 PM
 Subject: Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication
  I'd recommend putting it to the Tomcat guys, but
 I'm just about positive
  you'd have to use j_security_check (ie FORM-based
  Mete Kural wrote:
  My Struts-based webapp has two sub-apps.
  In the first sub-app, anybody can surf through
  having to be logged in, but if you are logged in,
  special features are enabled (ex: Hello Mr.
  In the second sub-app, you have to be logged in
  access the pages therein.
  For the entirety of the second sub-app, obviously
  security-constraint should be declared in
 web.xml. But
  the first sub-app is open to anybody, although
  is encouraged (i.e. not required). For that
 reason, I
  can't put a security-constraint for the first
  in web.xml, but how am I going to authorize users
  want to log in while they're in the first sub-app
 in a
  container-managed manner??
  Basically what I want to do is to log a user in
  the container from a LoginAction class, rather
  the good-old j_security way. Maybe this one
  be asked to the Tomcat group, but in case some of
  may know, Is there a way to log a user in with
  container through a method interface inside an
  class instead of dispatching the request to
  j_security_constraint? I couldn't find such a
  interface in the Servlet 2.3 specs.
  I'll appreciate any insight on this.
  Mete Kural
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RE: Good/Bad Practices

2002-07-18 Thread Mark Nichols

I prefer the more granular approach, with many actions and JSPs over a more
complex and generalized approach. In my case I find that having
single-function actions and JSPs leads to easier coding today (and therefore
easier maintenance tomorrow). I can also split the work up over more
developers, rather than single threading development through one complex

Our intranet application has about 60 separate 'screens', each with its own
action. Maybe overkill, but for a first attempt at Struts this pattern has
made life easier by far.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:32 AM
 To: Struts (E-mail)
 Subject: Good/Bad Practices

  Hey everyone,
  I've been trying to get in the habit of using good struts programming
  practices, (without making things too hard on myself).  I have another
  question for anyone that could give me some input on it.
  I'm working on a data entry application, and the user can make three
  different types of entries.  Let's call them A, B, and C.  They
 each have
  some form fields in common with each other, but each has a couple unique
  fields.  To add an entry, I have a separate JSP for each, and different
  action mappings for each (that all refer back to the same action class).
  This works fine.
  Now I'm working on an edit function for the entries.  I have a
 link within
  a logic:iterate tag that displays a link to an edit form.  I
 tried using
  one action and one JSP for the edits, but it gets very messy trying to
  allow for the different types of entries.
  Is it a bad idea to use lots of different action mappings and different
  JSP's for each operation for each type of entry, even though they are
  similar and all have to perform very similar operations?  Or should I go
  to great lengths to make very complex generalized actions and JSP's that
  can handle any type of entry?  I'm not sure how understandable
 my question
  is, or if it's a stupid question, but I want to get this figured out
  before I spend too much more time on the 'edit' functionality.
 I'm having
  some issues, and I keep redesigning the operation, so I'ld
 appreciate some
  input before I rewrite this shiznat too many more times.  Thanks a lot
  ~ Keith

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RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Joe Celentano

Max Cooper wrote:

 Another alternative is to use a filter to mimic container-managed security
 [including wrapping the request with your implementations of
 and isUserInRole()]. This way, you could provide a programmatic
 interface to
 log users in with an Action, ...

I have read MANY previous discussions on this list debating container vs.
app managed security. Usually they end up suggesting that since container
managed is limited, if you can't use it, then roll your own, similar to the
above comment. Craig's reply also said basically the same thing.

So is anybody aware of an Apache-like project that is attempting to
implement a generic application security solution for this problem? I
mean, with filters and the ability wrap the request, as Max mentioned, a
pretty robust solution could be developed that could be easily extended for
different db schemas, etc. Yet I feel like we're all reinventing the wheel
here, each of us implementing tactical rather than strategic solutions.

Sorry if there's already been a discussion of these projects, but I looked
and couldn't find any...


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RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Arnaud HERITIER wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:09:24 +0200
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)


 Can you give us some news about the JSR 127 ??

 Do you have planned a draft for the JavaServer Faces ??

It is currently in Community Review in the JCP process, scheduled to end
on August 12.  Assuming positive votes by the JCP executive committee and
the JSR 127 expert group, the next phase after that is public review.




  -Message d'origine-
  De : Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Envoye : mercredi 17 juillet 2002 17:11
  A : Struts Users Mailing List
  Objet : RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)
  On Wed, 17 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:30:38 +0200
   Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Subject: RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)
   Hi there,
   Actually when you are looking at the stuff done in the JSTL
   all three ways pretty much work, because it contains a
   scripting language ;).
   Are there any plans on integrating it within Struts? I like
   both libraries very much, and I recall a discussion was going
   on a while ago about it?
   If it is done this would make it is either:
 1. property = all I want to write
 2. property = %= java expression %
 3. property = ${myRadios[param.index]}
  My current thinking is that we'll make some variant of #3 available in
  Struts tags, in a release after 1.1.  But this will primarily be as a
  transition tool -- subsequent releases of Struts will be designed such
  that you should use JSTL tags directly, as opposed to the
  Struts tags in the bean and logic libraries.  For the html tags,
  we'll end up with JavaServer Faces tags when it's released.
 (here with 'index' as a request variable ;))
  Craig McClanahan
-Original Message-
From: Arnaud HERITIER [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 10:29 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Indexed Properties - soluce :-)
All suggestions are welcome Eddie.
Your idea and your argumentations are good, but your proposed
solution doesn't work :-(
Explanations :
In a taglib property you can use either a string value or a
RunTime Expression (if allowed in the TLD).
If you use a string you have something like :  property=all
I want to write
If you use a RT Expr you have something like :
property=%=java expression%
The tag libraries interpreter verify if the content of the
property begins with %= and ends with % . In this case it
suppose that it is a RT Expr and values it. In all other case
it supposes that the content is a string.
With your suggestion, property=myRadios[%= index %] the
tag libraries interpretor see that there's not %= at the
begining and % at the end. Then it passes the value
myRadios[%= index %] as a string to the taglib.
When the taglib get the content of property, it will analize
it and see that it is a indexed property because of [..] but
won't be able to interpret it and will launch an exception like :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid indexed property
However, it is important to say that your advice is totally
good if you want to use a dynamic value in standard html tag.
I you have another idea to clean my code, don't hesitate to
propose it.
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RE: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean doesnt likethe field on my farm , uhh form I mean

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Andrew Hill wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:29:22 +0800
 From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean  doesnt
 like the field on my farm , uhh form I mean

 Ah well now, its funny you should be mentioning that.

 As it happens Old Mc Andrew did once have a method to set the field with a
 boolean, but changed it to take a string instead as he is quite set in his
 ways and has never liked booleans (as he learnt from a young age that
 providing a certain true or false answer instead of 'maybe' tends to create
 a few too many expectations in folk not wise to the ways of software

 He has looked at his ActionForm code to try and determine is there is a
 second setter somewhere (he even looked behind the grassyKnoll() method) but
 found nothing. Old McAndrew has been known to occasionally miss things that
 are right under his nose however, and will continue to look.

 There ARE however multiple getter methods, or to be precise there is a
 method getHeaderTransform() and an  isHeaderTransform() the latter of the
 two returning a boolean. (The other similar fields also have these but they
 still work.)

Despite their protestations to the contrary, having two getters like this
is also a violation of the rules (the JavaBeans rules, that is).  It would
also be improper to have a getter that returns one type, and a setter that
accepts a different one.

So where are these rules? you might ask.  How can I avoid such faux pas
in the future?

has a link that gets you to the JavaBeans specification, which includes a
whole chapter on how well mannered JavaBeans properties expose themselves
to the world.


 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 14:05
 To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean doesnt
 like the field on my farm , uhh form I mean

 On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Andrew Hill wrote:

  Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:23:02 +0800
  From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Arrgh!!! my property has been cursed and my bean  doesnt like
  the field on my farm , uhh form I mean
  Or to be a little bit more specific...
  Old Mc Andrew had a form
  and on that form he had a field
  with the name headerTransformation
  but naughty Mr Struts simply would NOT call the method
  setHeaderTransformation in his ActionForm
  even though it had not been a problem yesterday!

 I hope old McAndrew isn't trying to have his cake and eat it too, by
 having more than one mistress, err, setHeaderTransformation() method that
 takes a different type of argument :-).  Such things violate the JavaBeans
 specification's design patterns, and will cause the JVM to think your
 property doesn't have any setter method at all.

  No matter what Andrew looked at everything still seemed fine but it just

  didnt work!
  He tried changing the field from a checkbox to a boring old text field
  He tried dumping the request parameters to see if anything was dodgy there
  - maybe multiple values were being submitted for that property?
  but no - it all checked out ok, no matter where he looked.
  Poor Andrew was getting VERY alarmed.
  Then he had a clever idea!
  He changed the name of the field on his html form to
  he also added a second setter named setHeaderTransformationx to his
  actionform and then tried again.
  Amazing! This time it worked!
  Mr Struts went right ahead and called the setHeaderTransformationx method.
  Andrew couldnt believe his eyes.

 Makes it even more likely that old McAndrew is trying to double dip :-).
 After all, a property named headerTransformationx is completely naive
 and innocent about the existence of any property named

  Just to test he renamed the field back to headerTransformation
  and sure enough nasty Mr Struts gave it the cold shoulder again.
  Now Andrew is very confused. He hasnt the slightest clue why a parameter
  headerTransformation is completely ignored by Mr Struts, while a
  named headerTransformationx is welcomed with open arms!
  Well boys and girls, perhaps you can help poor Andrew with his problem?
  Can anyone give him a reason why silly Mr Struts has a bad attitude
  his fieldnames?

 Mr. Struts is like Miss Manners -- he frowns on trying to have serious
 relationships with two property setters at the same time :-).

  Ive looked at the request parameters (dumping them from processPopulate()
  the request processor just before the form 

Advantages of Container-Managed Authentication ??

2002-07-18 Thread Mete Kural


So far I thought that container-managed authentication
was the way to go. Why I thought so? I thought:

1) Since such authentication is implemented by experts
in the field there's a much greater chance that their
implementation would be much more secure to attacks
then my own application-managed implementation.

2) The container has much more control in a servlet
environment than a web-app. Therefore if the container
is aware of the user who is making requests rather
than just the web-app, this would be an added security

3) Struts tag library provides some neat tags such as
conditional tags based on the logged-in user's
identity and roles, and probably such tags will
flourish even more in the future. These tags support
only container-based authentication (am I right
here?). So if you're using container-managed
authentication you can use these tags, otherwise
you'll have to implement your own.

Do you guys think that three so-called advantages that
I've listed are really valid advantages and is there
any more advantages associated to container-managed

Basically I'm asking all these questions because I'm
trying to decide whether I should abandon
container-managed authentication and implement my own.


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RE: RES: Objects In Session

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, DeVincentiis Giustino wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:31:35 +0200
 From: DeVincentiis Giustino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: RES: Objects In Session

 Hi Craig,

 What about using database session state caching (see

This article seems more concerned with the issues regarding a logical
transaction that takes more than one HTTP request to complete -- you don't
want to keep an actual database transaction open across requests.  But a
side effect of this approach will definitely help reduce memory occupancy
if you don't cache the data in memory.

You should also note that an app server could have built in facilities to
swap active but idle sessions out to a database or other persistent
storage mechanism, the same way that an operating system can swap out idle
processes.  It's worth checking the docs for your server to see what is
available in this regard.


 Oracle too, in his Oracle 9iAS Best Practices White Paper, posted last
 week on OTN, suggests considering database session state (BP- SESSIONS-1:

 Giustino De Vincentiis

  -Original Message-
  From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 9:14 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: RES: Objects In Session
  On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, julio wrote:
   Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 16:08:34 -0300
   From: julio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: RES: Objects In Session
   Hi Craig,
   How do you solve this problem for your site(like yahoo) with 1000
  * Save anything I need in hidden variables that are
  resubmitted with the
form, so I can still use request scope form beans.  That
  way the info
is effectively cached in the browser, instead of the
  server.  (This
is the biggest payoff, and the primary one that app developers have
much control over.)
  * Reduce the amount of stuff that must be cached to an
  absolute minimum,
by not caching rarely used things (or things that don't affect
performance visibly if you get them from the database every time).
  * For non-user-specific data, do your caching separately from the
session, so that the same cached instance data can be reused.
  * Improve performance of my database server so that session caching
becomes less important.
  * Buy more web server memory and/or more web servers (i.e. distribute
the application).
   Julio Cesar
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Re: Need some help

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Asit Kumar Padhi wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 15:29:28 +0530
 From: Asit Kumar Padhi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Need some help


 I am new to the Struts Framework.I am involved in extending the framework
 for Object Mapping and Testing (Cactus or JUnit).Can anyone tell me how
 to extend the Struts framework and integrate them.I want some good resources
 in this regards.

Besides the Struts Test Case reference from another poster, you'll be
interested to know that both Cactus and JUnit tests are included in the
Struts sources, and can be run from the build.xml scripts.  To see them,
grab a nightly distribution of the sources and start at
the test.junit and test.tomcat.all targets in the top-level build.xml

Similar techniques can be used to incorporate tests of your own apps that
are based on Struts.




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Re: Retrieving mapping props as a Map

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, MacLeod, Kenny wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:00:29 +0100
 From: MacLeod, Kenny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Retrieving mapping props as a Map


 Is it possible to obtain the set-property items of an action mapping as a
 Map object, rather than have the digester attempt to invoke them as bean

 I have a situation where I need to be able to pass arbitrary properties to
 the mapping, so the reflection mechnaism won't work.  Rather, I need access
 to those properties as a data structure.

 Any suggestions much appreciated,

There is no current mechanism to do this kind of thing.  One approach
would be to use the general purpose parameter property to pass a
reference to some external resource file that contains all the stuff that
your particular action needs to configure itself.



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Re: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag

2002-07-18 Thread Chad Johnson

You could use the forEach tag from JSTL
(  forEach
can iterate over ResultSet's (and RowSet's via inheritance) with the
assistance from the helper class: javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.ResultSupport .
ResultSupport can convert ResultSet's to the JSTL friendly Result class.

-Chad Johnson

- Original Message -
From: aps olute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:19 PM
Subject: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag

 How to iterate over a CachedRowSet using
 logic:iterate  tags? I have filled the CachedRowset
 with a select
 statement and am able to iterate using the
 crs.getString(1) or the crs.getString(colname)
 but no am ready to use Struts tags but dont know how.
 Do I need to convert it a Collection type? but that
 will eat up more memory as two copies CRS and the
 Collection with same contents?
 Is it necessary to use the Struts tags to work with
 the rest of the Struts features?

 ?xml version=1.0?
 %@ page language=java %
 %@ page contentType=text/html %
 %@ page
 jsp:useBean id=Contacts
 class=sun.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSet scope=session
 % InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
   javax.sql.DataSource ds =
   java.sql.Connection con = ds.getConnection();
   Contacts.setCommand(SELECT name,
 owner,species,sex,birth,death from pet);
   Contacts.first(); % /jsp:useBean
 logic:present name=Contacts property=name
 logic:iterate id=subs name=Contacts
 bean:write name=subs property=name/

 But nothing is ever printed. if i take out the
 logic:present and logic:iterate and replaced with a
 while (  Contacts.getString(1)  at
 i gets some output.

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Re: Form bean properties data types and conversions

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 16:52:28 +0200
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Form bean properties data types and conversions

 I have seen, that in Struts 1.0 there is some support for automatic
 conversion of request parameters to form bean properties, which seems to be
 extending in the 1.1beta (i did not use it, but i navigated through the
 sources). There seem to be converters for date and time data types in the
 beta. So far, so fine.

 But i could not get any hint on the localisation. As Struts knows in his
 request the locale of the user and offers it to the Action programmer, will
 this locale be used to make any automatic conversions, too? For Struts 1.0
 this seems not to be the case, as far as i could see in the sources in half
 an hour. And the calls to the new DynaBean classes from the jakarta.commons
 project seem to lack any locale support, too. I can not see much use in an
 automatic conversion function of Dates (but also numbers), whithout any
 respect to the users locale, so i wondered if i am missing something.

The APIs for Converters is not currently Locale-sensitive, although it
could probably be made possible through an extended interface
(LocaleConverter or something) that passed an extra Locale argument along.

 Could someone shed som light on this?


 Jens Stutte


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Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Mete Kural wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 08:46:46 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Mete Kural [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

 Hello Craig,

 --- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you are using container-managed security, you
  either declare a security
  constraint (to force a login) or you don't -- there
  is no middle ground.
  However, if the user went to your second sub-app
  first, and then went to
  the first one, the fact that they have logged in is
  visible to your
  application, because getRemoteUser() will still
  return the logged-in
  user's identity.

 That's exactly what I want to happen. To preserve the
 loggedinness of the user even when they go out of the
 protected area into the public area.

  There is no such mechanism that is portable across
  containers.  If you
  want to use container managed security, you should
  architect your
  application inside its boundaries -- otherwise, you
  should roll your own.

 Hmm.. I hope the JCP will include such a mechanism in
 Servlet 2.4. It would be nice to enable pre-processing
 on the form-based login submission in a servlet and
 then submit that to the container. Perhaps this is not
 a valid use case, but it seems to me that it may be
 attractive in certain scenarios.

It's not going to make it for Servlet 2.4 (which is currently in public
review, so you can see the proposed changes for yourself).  Dealing with
*all* of the issues required to make some sort of authentication plugin to
containers is probably a year's worth of of Expert Group work to define an
appropriate specification.

  Quite frankly, I'm not convinced your use case is
  very compelling, but I
  undoubtedly don't understand the whole picture,

 Think about On Amazon, you can surf
 through the shopping pages with or without being
 logged in to your Amazon account. If you're logged in,
 some special features are enabled such as personal
 book recommendations on the sides of the pages. If
 you're not logged in it just treats you like a default
 customer that it doesn't know about. In this case, it
 is necessary to provide a login mechanism to better
 serve the customer even if login is not required.

Nothing stops you from accomplishing exactly this functionality.  The
page you describe would *not* be protected by a security constraint -- but
the logic that produces that page can tell if a user is logged in or not
(call request.getUserPrincipal() or request.getRemoteUser()) and vary the
generated HTML based on whether this value is null or not.




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RE: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

2002-07-18 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

I see...
I don't know why you're using html:form action=login ... though.  You
should have the 'do' extension in your JSP.  You shouldn't have to forward
like that, or expect it to be outputted when run.  So if I'm understanding
your situation correctly, you should just have html:form action=/do/login
... in your JSP, then you won't have to worry about forwarding or any of
that other stuff you're doing.  Does that make sense?

~ Keith

-Original Message-
From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oh, let me clarify,

In the VisualAge WTE,  html:form action=login ... is correctly rendered
form name=loginForm action=/app/do/login ...

while in WebSphere 3.5.5, it is being rendered as:
form name=loginForm action=/app/login ...

I ended writing a servlet for WebSphere 3.5.5 that takes the
/app/login call and forwards it to the correct /app/do/login path.  Not a
deal, but I really wanted to try and figure out what was going on.

What I really need to do is to see if this behavior exists in other
environments.  Maybe 3.5.6 or 4.0.x. time permitting, I haven't seen anyone
else complain in this forum, so it's probably not a reoccurring problem.


Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm not sure what to tell you.
 Are you saying it works with the proxy servlet, or that's what's not

 ~ Keith

 -Original Message-
 From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:25 PM
 Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5

 Subject: Re: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
 From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Keith, thanks for your input.

 The funny thing is that it works fine within the VisualAge test
 I just ran into this problem during deployment.  Haven't tried WebSphere
 As I work around, I just wrote a proxy servlet to forward calls like
 /app/login to /app/do/login

 Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I think part of your problem is the way you specify your form in your
  You have action=login, but what you need is action=/do/login.  The
  extension must be in the jsp, it isn't created when the page is visited.
  Does that help you at all?
  ~ Keith
  -Original Message-
  From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:10 PM
  Subject: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
  Subject: html:form weirdness in Websphere 3.5.5
  From: Reginald Ister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have the following action define in struts-config.xml:
  action path=/login
input=/jsp/login.jsp /
  with the corresponding formbean:
  form-bean name=loginForm type=com.mycompany.actions.LoginForm /
  In my login jsp I have the form defined as
  html:form action=login method=post focus=username target=_top
  When this is rendered in Websphere, the form action is:
  form name=loginForm method=post action=/app/login target=_top
  While the correct rendering should be:
  form name=loginForm method=post action=/app/do/login
  Notice the missing /do pattern.  Has anyone else seen this behavior?
  I am using Struts 1.0.2 with Tiles
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RE: Good/Bad Practices

2002-07-18 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

Yeah, that's what I prefer too, but I didn't know if having a shitload of
JSP's and action mappings meant that I was doing something wrong.  Thanks
for the input and the reassurance that I'm not doing something stupid.

~ Keith

-Original Message-
From: Mark Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:00 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Good/Bad Practices

I prefer the more granular approach, with many actions and JSPs over a more
complex and generalized approach. In my case I find that having
single-function actions and JSPs leads to easier coding today (and therefore
easier maintenance tomorrow). I can also split the work up over more
developers, rather than single threading development through one complex

Our intranet application has about 60 separate 'screens', each with its own
action. Maybe overkill, but for a first attempt at Struts this pattern has
made life easier by far.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:32 AM
 To: Struts (E-mail)
 Subject: Good/Bad Practices

  Hey everyone,
  I've been trying to get in the habit of using good struts programming
  practices, (without making things too hard on myself).  I have another
  question for anyone that could give me some input on it.
  I'm working on a data entry application, and the user can make three
  different types of entries.  Let's call them A, B, and C.  They
 each have
  some form fields in common with each other, but each has a couple unique
  fields.  To add an entry, I have a separate JSP for each, and different
  action mappings for each (that all refer back to the same action class).
  This works fine.
  Now I'm working on an edit function for the entries.  I have a
 link within
  a logic:iterate tag that displays a link to an edit form.  I
 tried using
  one action and one JSP for the edits, but it gets very messy trying to
  allow for the different types of entries.
  Is it a bad idea to use lots of different action mappings and different
  JSP's for each operation for each type of entry, even though they are
  similar and all have to perform very similar operations?  Or should I go
  to great lengths to make very complex generalized actions and JSP's that
  can handle any type of entry?  I'm not sure how understandable
 my question
  is, or if it's a stupid question, but I want to get this figured out
  before I spend too much more time on the 'edit' functionality.
 I'm having
  some issues, and I keep redesigning the operation, so I'ld
 appreciate some
  input before I rewrite this shiznat too many more times.  Thanks a lot
  ~ Keith

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RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Joe Celentano wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:02:27 -0400
 From: Joe Celentano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

 Max Cooper wrote:

  Another alternative is to use a filter to mimic container-managed security
  [including wrapping the request with your implementations of
  and isUserInRole()]. This way, you could provide a programmatic
  interface to
  log users in with an Action, ...

 I have read MANY previous discussions on this list debating container vs.
 app managed security. Usually they end up suggesting that since container
 managed is limited, if you can't use it, then roll your own, similar to the
 above comment. Craig's reply also said basically the same thing.

Container managed security is just like any other technology -- it is
designed to meet a specific set of requirements.  If your requirements
match up with those features, great ... it's easy to use it.  If they
don't, then you can't.

My caution to you, though, is that rolling your own security makes it way
too easy to write insecure applications, because almost nobody who writes
apps is a security expert.  Plus, it's a pretty large amount of work to
get this right.  And those developer manhours are expensive.  And those
hours could have been used to work on your application instead of your
infrastructure ...

Also, if your app needs (or ever will need) EJBs, you're going to have to
use container managed security anyway.

 So is anybody aware of an Apache-like project that is attempting to
 implement a generic application security solution for this problem? I
 mean, with filters and the ability wrap the request, as Max mentioned, a
 pretty robust solution could be developed that could be easily extended for
 different db schemas, etc. Yet I feel like we're all reinventing the wheel
 here, each of us implementing tactical rather than strategic solutions.

I do not believe there will ever be such a thing as a generic
application security solution that meets a large majority of people's
needs.  The problem is that the needs (well, at least their wants :-) vary
too much, so any given application security solution is going to have
its own design limits that people are going to run into.

 Sorry if there's already been a discussion of these projects, but I looked
 and couldn't find any...



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Re: CachedRowset with logic:iterate tag

2002-07-18 Thread aps olute

Ok from what I gather from the responses, it is not
necessary to use Struts Tags to iterate the contents
of the CachedRowSet.  However I would still like how
to do this. I've looked at webPIM, and were not able
to download as there are no jar files or zip files
package I saw at, am not about to
pick bits and pieces and spend so much time putting it
together, if a better download site is provided i'd
apprecite it.
Am still not clear if it requires a Collection type
to do any of these iterations, not just logic, but in
html: tags too and what have you.


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RE: Struts event sequence

2002-07-18 Thread Roman Fail

 I don't personally agree with your philosophy on setting autoCommit to
 true, but I liked the page other than that :-) 

We only use stored procedures on our database, so autoCommit(true) is appropriate for 
us since all transactions are committed/rolled back within the stored procs 
themselves.  That was sort of an internal assumption within our company that wasn't 
mentioned in the doc.

-Original Message- 
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 7/17/2002 7:06 PM 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Struts event sequence (WAS: getting nested tags to work 

Hey - I wish I'd had that when I started with Struts!

I don't personally agree with your philosophy on setting autoCommit to
true, but I liked the page other than that :-) clickAdd
Bookmark/click  I just feel having autoCommits off is a good thing.
 That way you have explicit control over the transaction.  If, however,
you typically don't need it, I can understand setting autoCommit(true).
 Maybe I'm just too anal ;-)

Thanks :-)


Roman Fail wrote:

This is the very basic outline of Struts events (with some helpful comments) 
that I worked up when I was using Struts 1.0, although most of it is still the same.  
Basically I've just expanded steps 3  4 of Dan's diagram a bit.  Chapter 5 of Chuck's 
book is much more detailed than this, and an excellent resource (Thanks, Chuck!).  In 
fact I think chapter 5 might be a bit overwhelming for a newbie, and reading the 
ever-changing Struts source code is not comfortable at first. 

I've found that this little outline has helped our new Struts developers a 
lot.  Craig suggested a nice UML sequence diagram for the docs, which would be great - 
but I'm not fluent in UML yet.  Here's my document - keep in mind it's been about a 
year since I wrote this, but I'd be happy to take suggestions on updating it:

Roman Fail
Sr. Web Application Developer
POS Portal, Inc.

RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Nelson, Laird

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I do not believe there will ever be such a thing as a generic
 application security solution that meets a large majority of people's
 needs.  The problem is that the needs (well, at least their 
 wants :-) vary
 too much, so any given application security solution is 
 going to have
 its own design limits that people are going to run into.

A nice middle ground that would not require boiling the ocean would be a
simple interface that allows callers to add, update and remove users and
roles.  I find that the only thing I usually need above and beyond the
current container-managed security API is the ability to create new users
and roles.  Every container I've worked with has the ability to make these
calls with their own APIs--all the concepts and logical objects are the
same--but the implementations basically suffer from name incompatibilities.


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[ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

2002-07-18 Thread chuckcavaness

Chapter 18 Logging in a Struts Application has been 
posted on

The EJB Chapter is finished and will be posted within 
the next day or so, followed by Tiles and the 
Performance chapter.


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(newbie) html:text tag, enforcing numeric input

2002-07-18 Thread Glen Mazza

Quick question (I couldn't find the answer in the
Struts documentation):  How do I enforce numeric (as
opposed to alphanumeric) entry into html:text tags.  

For example:

html:password property=Employee Number size=5

I would the user just to be able to type numbers for
this field.


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RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Nelson, Laird wrote:

 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:14:49 -0400
 From: Nelson, Laird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

  -Original Message-
  From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  I do not believe there will ever be such a thing as a generic
  application security solution that meets a large majority of people's
  needs.  The problem is that the needs (well, at least their
  wants :-) vary
  too much, so any given application security solution is
  going to have
  its own design limits that people are going to run into.

 A nice middle ground that would not require boiling the ocean would be a
 simple interface that allows callers to add, update and remove users and

What'a a user (i.e. what properties does one have)?  What's a role?
How about groups?  Oh, and now I need SSL certificates.  And
public/private keys.  And application-specific extension properties.  Oh,
don't forget to link into external authentication infrastructures (like
Project Liberty, or Passport in the MS world).  But I've already *got*
users defined in my database, and just want to use those.  And ...

Is that global warming I'm feeling?  :-)

  I find that the only thing I usually need above and beyond the
 current container-managed security API is the ability to create new users
 and roles.  Every container I've worked with has the ability to make these
 calls with their own APIs--all the concepts and logical objects are the
 same--but the implementations basically suffer from name incompatibilities.

Answering these kinds of questions for a single server or application is
fairly easy.  Answering them globally for a portable standard is quite a
bit of work.



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RE: (newbie) html:text tag, enforcing numeric input

2002-07-18 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

You should generally use Strings for your form bean properties.  When you
validate it, check to see if the numbers were entered.  Then in either the
form or the action, you can convert the String to some kind of number, using
the Integer class.  The class has some kick ass methods for type
Good luck.

~ Keith

-Original Message-
From: Glen Mazza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:38 PM
Subject: (newbie) html:text tag, enforcing numeric input

Quick question (I couldn't find the answer in the
Struts documentation):  How do I enforce numeric (as
opposed to alphanumeric) entry into html:text tags.  

For example:

html:password property=Employee Number size=5

I would the user just to be able to type numbers for
this field.


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RE: (newbie) html:text tag, enforcing numeric input

2002-07-18 Thread René Eigenheer

have a look at struts validator

 -Original Message-
 From: Glen Mazza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2002 19:38
 Subject: (newbie) html:text tag, enforcing numeric input

 Quick question (I couldn't find the answer in the
 Struts documentation):  How do I enforce numeric (as
 opposed to alphanumeric) entry into html:text tags.

 For example:

 html:password property=Employee Number size=5

 I would the user just to be able to type numbers for
 this field.


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RE: Model 2 and Caching

2002-07-18 Thread Jacob Hookom

Thanks, I will take a look!

Jacob Hookom

-Original Message-
From: John Nicholas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:18 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Model 2 and Caching

Jacob Hookom wrote:
 Would writing the xml data out statically and storing it, then using
 translets for XSLT offer any speed improvements over simply caching
 OSCache or other similar tags?

Check out Cocoon at It's 
dynamic xml/xslt publishing system written in java and has a nice 
caching approach so it doesn't do the transform every time. it's not 
based around struts or jsp but it seems very nice if you're in an xml 
heavy setting.It also has that friendly Apache license.

John Nicholas
Sr Interactive Programmer
Temerlin McClain

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RE: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

2002-07-18 Thread Nelson, Laird

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

(First off, I take your point, but am just stupid enough to think that an
implementation is nevertheless possible.  The following is just to spur
further thought.)

 What'a a user (i.e. what properties does one have)?

Exactly what it is in container-managed authentication, e.g. a Principal.
Container implementations could hold whatever the container decides they
should hold.  *That* data would *not* be portable across containers--only
the Principalness would be, and the addUser(Principal) method (or some

 What's a role?

Exactly what it is in container-managed authentication, e.g. a String.

 How about groups?

Groups are roles, just as they are in container-managed authentication.

 Oh, and now I need SSL certificates.

No, not necessarily, because container-managed authentication via the
mechanisms supported out of the box does not need them.

(And so on.)


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RE: What does locale=true really do?

2002-07-18 Thread Kurosaka, Teruhiko

 Unless the application overrides it.  However, AFAIK, containers will
 all implement ServletRequest.getLocale() in terms of the 
 highest priority

Let me see if I understand it properly.

If a Japanese user sets browser so that his preferred
language is Japanese (accept-language: ja), and sends it to a German
speaking Struts application, the application will respond with
html lang=ja, even though it should have said de for
German.  Is this what will happen?

This is what I suspected and I fear Struts may be broken in this area.
There needs a way for application to insert its own logic to
interpret the acceptable languages from the request, determine the best 
language available, and set its decision on the request object.  Then,
locale=true generating html lang=ja makes sense.  Otherwise,
it is a mechanism that create a false information, and is rather
harmful than useful.

 language listed on the Accept-Language header -- that's what Tomcat 4
 does -- so this represents the *requested* language unless 
 the application
 changes to something else.

Is there anyway for Struts application to call setLocale on the request
object before it constructs Content-Language header?


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Lost bean ?

2002-07-18 Thread Bugra Cakir


I have forwarded to jsp from an action servlet a bean
called modform then in this jsp file I populated
a form with information in this bean. Then post to
another action servlet. But within this servlet it is
lost i think. What is the matter ?


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Struts problem

2002-07-18 Thread olivier . fousse

 Hi ,

 I am using Struts framework to fecilitate MVC architecture for my
 After runing my tomcat server it is not finding file.
 its in tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\struts-blank\WEB-INF\classes
 where index.title is defined in file

 tomcat ver 3.2.3
 struts ver 1.0

 pls see the Error log below.


 Error: 500

 Location: /struts-blank/index.jsp

 Internal Servlet Error:

 javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing message for key index.title

 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

 Root cause:

 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key index.title
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

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[OT] Keystrokes

2002-07-18 Thread Mark Nichols

I know it's not Friday (here) (yet) but I wanted to share this mindless bit
of fluff. Go to and download the client there
and install it on your PC. It counts the keystrokes you make and ranks you
against the other dolphin users. Some parts of web application development
are surprisingly keystroke intensive while others not so much.

Just for grins I have created a team where like minded Struts users can
combine their keystrokes. Once you have an account established, join
'teamStruts' (password: jakarta). The leading team has 486 members and over
315 million keystrokes to their name. Are Struts users up to the challenge?
Join up and find out...

dolphin account: zan5hin

-- mark h nichols
-- principal consultant
-- par-ti-tion Software

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Setter Methods not being called in nested:iterate scenario :+(

2002-07-18 Thread hemant


I am trying to Iterate over a Collection of Collections of ValueObjects and after some 
real painful experimentation (With VA 3.5.3 + Apache Tomcat + Poolman ), I got the 
page to come up properly :). So far so good. I went out and celebrated for a few 

The getter methods seem to work fine. But the user data is not being captured on 
Submit :(

Please throw some light on this...

Here is the snippet from my JSP.

!--bean:define id=collectionOfPairs name = ldmservice property=ranges 
type=java.util.Collection scope=session/--
nested:root name=rangesform

!--logic:iterate id=pairs name=collectionOfPairs  type=java.util.Collection--
nested:iterate  property=collectionOfRanges

 nested:iterate id=vopair property=this/

  nested:root name=vopair


   td width=10%Description/td
   td width=90%nested:write name=vopair 

For some reason, the setter Method of setDescription(String xyz) is not being called.

Please help...

Many Thanks for Your Time


RE: Form not keeping changed values

2002-07-18 Thread Brian Holzer

Hi Pam,
   I believe that if you set the scope of your form to session, rather than request 
and set redirect=true for the definition of your local forward in the 
struts-config.xml file. I think that your changes should remain in tact when you get 
to the next Action ( this assumes, of course that your reset() method on the form does 
nothing).  I don't know if this will fit into your design but I believe that this will 


 Wilinski, Pamela M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/02 09:35am  
That's where the issue forwards to an action. It seems that an 
action calling an action isn't a workable solution. I'll have to revisit 
the design and see if I can come up with a better solution. 

Thanks for your help. 

-Original Message- 
From: James Mitchell [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:04 AM 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values 

This will work just fine if forwarding to a jsp and not another action. 

James Mitchell 
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist 
Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network 

 -Original Message- 
 From: Wilinski, Pamela M. [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:46 PM 
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' 
 Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values 
 public ActionForward perform( 
 ActionMapping mapping, 
 ActionForm form, 
 HttpServletRequest request, 
 HttpServletResponse response) 
 throws ServletException 
 ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward(success); 
 ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); 
 //ReportForm reportForm = null; 
 if (form instanceof ReportForm) { 
 ReportForm reportForm = (ReportForm) form; 
 make various changes to form using reportForm.set*() methods. Also 
 determining value of forward based upon field from form 
 return (forward); 
 Once I get to the action I forward to the changes I made are gone. 
 -Original Message- 
 From: James Mitchell [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 4:27 PM 
 To: Struts Users Mailing List 
 Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values 
 What do you mean it didn't work? 
 Can you provide a few snippets of code? 
 James Mitchell 
 Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist 
 Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network 
  -Original Message- 
  From: Wilinski, Pamela M. [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:16 PM 
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' 
  Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values 
  I tried that and it didn't work. 
  -Original Message- 
  From: James Mitchell [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 4:04 PM 
  To: Struts Users Mailing List 
  Subject: RE: Form not keeping changed values 
  Are you saving the form in the request (or session) before forwarding? 
  James Mitchell 
  Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist 
  Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network 
   -Original Message- 
   From: pmwilinski [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:57 AM 
   Subject: Form not keeping changed values 
   Hi all, 
   I have a problem with changes that are made in the action to values 
   in my form being thrown out when it forwards to the next page. Does 
   anyone know why this might be happening and how to make the changes 
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Newbie Struts requirements question

2002-07-18 Thread Ballard

I've got a question. I want to run this Struts sample app at home but I'm
running Windows ME. I've downloaded the Apache web server but it isn't
really supported on ME. I don't want to make this exercise any harder than
it needs to be, so I'm thinking of upgrading my OS to Windows XP
Professional. What I can't figure out from the Microsoft site is: Can I run
services on Windows XP Professional? Or can I run them on the regular XP?
Would I be better of upgrading to Windows 2000 Professional? I know I can
run services on that. I know the missus wouldn't be pleased if I switched
our PC to Linux so it's either 2000 Pro or some kind of XP. (I think).

You don't happen to have any insight here, do you?

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Re: Problem with session ojects: memory size, updates

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

Value objects that can be serialized can be automatically saved to disk 
by your application server, if it provides memory management 
configuration options.

If your session fills up with data, then the app server can be 
configured to remove the data from memory and store it on disk. I think! 
  Never actually done it myself.

Heligon Sandra wrote:
 I read Value Object pattern on J2EE design pattern
 I understood that JavaBean are an implementation of ValueObjects.
 a value object represents a business object, but it doesn't need to provide
 business methods on top of its data; it only provides methods to read its
 data, which makes it an ideal candidate for local access rather than remote
 So I don't understand your remark Another possible solution is to create
 Value Objects and serialize them. Did you want to say that EJB is a
 Because we don't want to work with EJB.
 In my architecture I get data from an enterprise back-end
 system and then Action class create Value Objects(JavaBean) if the object
 required doesn't exist. 
 If I need to update data on the back-end server, then a manager is in charge
 of serializing and sending JavaBean across the Network.
 But to maintain user information (JavaBeans) over multiple requests and pass
 data between
 Action and JSP I need to store ValueObject in a cache(session or request
 Could you detail please why ValueObejct serialization can be a solution to
 session size
 growth ?
 Thanks a lot in advance
 -Original Message-
 From: Manish_Purang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 16 July 2002 07:31
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Problem with session ojects: memory size, updates
 Maybe you could take a look at any of the ejb or java bean design pattern
 books to get an exhaustive idea about the value objects ..! you can download
 one free pdf version from the (Ejb Design patterns by Floyd
 Marinescu ) 
 -Original Message-
 From: Heligon Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:52 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: Problem with session ojects: memory size, updates
 Perhaps my question is  stupid but I am not sure to know the Value object
 notion well.
 Could you give more details about Value Objects?
 What is the difference between JavaBean and ValueObject(or Data Transfer
 Object also I believe)?
 Value objects are shared by the web and the back-end tier.
 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Hodson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 16 July 2002 00:38
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Problem with session ojects: memory size, updates
 Another possible solution is to create Value Objects and serialize them...
 Dave Hodson 
 MessageCast, inc.
-Original Message-
From: Jesse Alexander (KADA 11) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2002 10:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Problem with session ojects: memory size, updates

Hi Sandra,

I prefer to remove the objects from the session as soon as I can 
declare that they are not usefull anymore.
EG.: In action_1 I build a model-object, use it in jsp_1 and
process the users action in action_2. If the usecase is finished here,
I remove the object from the session.

As for session size: The 4kB recommendation comes from servers that
support clustering. Because the session must be propagated to all
members of the cluster, it should be kept as small as possible.
We have a few application running with substantial numbers of 
users that can have up several megabytes of session-data. If 
the usecase
needs it, do it. Often we have the case that a few users need lots of 
session data, and most users just a few bytes...
Ok for us session-data is used, because our persistance level is on a 
CORBA-backend host and we have no jdbc on our midrange. Therefor we 
calculate it is cheaper to a few Gig of memory to our servers in order
to save on network-data-transfer.

hope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Heligon Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Freitag, 12. Juli 2002 13:11
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Problem with session ojects: memory size, updates
Importance: High

Thanks John for your response,

I have already read the message
but I would like to have more details with real examples. 
I believe that the best way is to try.
I read that objects in the session must be removed unlike the request
Is it good to do that when the application invalidates the session ?. 
Because we save objects in the session in order to access 
data during all
the session life.  

I would like to have advices or tricks for updating and 

Using Struts Tags in Dreamweaver MX

2002-07-18 Thread Matt Raible

This is the best tip I've seen in a long time!



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RE: Newbie Struts requirements question

2002-07-18 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

I don't do much hardcore programming on my home computer, but I do have
Windows XP on it.  For non-programming reasons, I couldn't live without XP.
I love it.  On my work computer I have Windows 2000 Pro, and all of my
programming software runs fine on it.  However, I am using WSAD, so I don't
know if the Apache web server would be much different.  I do love my XP

~ Keith

-Original Message-
From: Ballard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Newbie Struts requirements question

I've got a question. I want to run this Struts sample app at home but I'm
running Windows ME. I've downloaded the Apache web server but it isn't
really supported on ME. I don't want to make this exercise any harder than
it needs to be, so I'm thinking of upgrading my OS to Windows XP
Professional. What I can't figure out from the Microsoft site is: Can I run
services on Windows XP Professional? Or can I run them on the regular XP?
Would I be better of upgrading to Windows 2000 Professional? I know I can
run services on that. I know the missus wouldn't be pleased if I switched
our PC to Linux so it's either 2000 Pro or some kind of XP. (I think).

You don't happen to have any insight here, do you?

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Re: the context

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

Sounds like Deep Thought you're dealing with there. Similarly to 
Magicthighs and Broomfondle, you have unfortunately not defined your 
question enough and the answer would take 7.5 million years to formulate.

Adolfo Miguelez wrote:
 Hi All,
 we are are developing a framework based on Struts, and adapting Struts 
 to a propietary middleware which, in turns, as usually, deals with the 
 backends. Struts would make up the presentation layer, more or less, 
 delegating in other layers for the business stuff.
 It has been suggested a patter model, which I did not know before, and, 
 approximately, it is based in a XML which holds all the application data 
 in a tree structure grouped by functional roles. In that way, the data 
 is not spread all around the app, but it is wrapped in this functional 
 abstraction. It could be seen as a central structure for holding all the 
 model (and i.e. the state) of the app. It is termed THE CONTEXT
 Actions fills the context, and send it to the middleware, which, in 
 turns, sends it to business layer. It has empty fields for the data that 
 has not been obtained yet (actually all the app data is wrapped inside 
 the context). Business layer fills the new data into the context, and 
 the whole context is sent back to the action which, in turns, extract 
 the output data from it to fill the value objects and send this to the 
 JSP for rendering.
 Well, we are having actually, quite a lot of problems in integrating  
 this new element with Struts, with the ActionForms, with the validator.
 It is actually as a huge value object holding all the data of the app, 
 travelling forwards and backwards along the app layers.
 My questions are:
 - has any of you seen a similar pattern? Any pointer is welcome. I do 
 not identify anything in the GoF patterns, but maybe I am not realising 
 of some of them.
 - what is your opinion about it?
 - could Struts, in future releases, include a context for wrapping the 
 data model for the app?
 Thanks in advance and sorry for the philosophical question,
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Re: Related Select lists

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

I would output the data into javascript arrays in a JSP. The tags work 
just as well mixed in with javascript as they do with html.

Depends what your target browser is. If it includes NS4 you've got more 
problems, but otherwise it should be fairly simple - use the onchange 
event on the select boxes to rewrite the options in the next select 
using the DOM manipulation methods.


Ben A. Geyer wrote:
 I have an application that needs to provide a way for a user to drill down
 through hierarchical data.  I'd like to do what heavyweight clients are
 able to do and relate two select lists to each other.  That way, when a
 choice is made from the first select, the options in the second are
 filtered to those relating.  ColdFusion has a custom tag which generates a
 bunch of Javascript to do this.  I'd like to find the best way to do it
 with Struts.
 Any thoughts?
 Ben Geyer
 Caterpillar Inc.
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RE: Newbie Struts requirements question

2002-07-18 Thread Niall Pemberton

You don't have to have a web server to run struts - you do need a servlet
container such as Tomcat. I don't know anything about Windows ME, but I used
to run Tomcat of Windows 98 at home, before I upgraded to Win2000.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ballard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 18 July 2002 19:57
 Subject: Newbie Struts requirements question

 I've got a question. I want to run this Struts sample app at home but I'm
 running Windows ME. I've downloaded the Apache web server but it isn't
 really supported on ME. I don't want to make this exercise any harder than
 it needs to be, so I'm thinking of upgrading my OS to Windows XP
 Professional. What I can't figure out from the Microsoft site is:
 Can I run
 services on Windows XP Professional? Or can I run them on the regular XP?
 Would I be better of upgrading to Windows 2000 Professional? I know I can
 run services on that. I know the missus wouldn't be pleased if I switched
 our PC to Linux so it's either 2000 Pro or some kind of XP. (I think).

 You don't happen to have any insight here, do you?

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 additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

I wonder how your lazy initialisation works. I'm afraid I didn't look at 
the code - since you said you wanted to explain it to the masses anyway, 
perhaps you won't mind explaining, rather than telling me not to be so 
lazy myself. Basically, if you have your example:

In the request parameters:


how does your collection wrapper know what class to instantiate for 
monkey, bunch, etc etc? Is this something that you configure in xml 
somewhere? Presumably an extension to dynaform configuration?


Arron Bates wrote:
 Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the DynaForm
 to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
 commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
 it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.
 Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other things.
 Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the moment
 and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like a
 good marriage.
 One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
 masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request scope
 beens in the last fortnight.
 On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.

 I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
 ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
 in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.
 However as soon as I try to use this ArrayList as property in a
 DynaActionForm I run into problems trying to submit a jsp page
 that was populated with the ArrayList info (the display works
 fine, it's just upon submission).

If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,

For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
reset(), or use the new initial property described below.

CRM In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional mechanism --
CRM you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in the
CRM form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the initial attribute.
CRM The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to initialize an array
CRM to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:

CRM   form-bean name=myform
CRM  type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm

CRM form-property name=intArray type=int[]
CRM initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/

CRM   /form-bean

   What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
   DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
   Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
   nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
   ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList

That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
makes sense.

Having an intArray property of type int[] on a DynaBean is very much
like having the following method signatures on a standard JavaBean:

  public int[] getIntArray();
  public void setIntArray(int intArray[]);

so you don't have to pre-initialze the array to nulls or anything.  Just
set up the array you want as a local variable (of any desired
length), populate its values, and call:

  int intArray[] = ...;
  dynaform.set(intArray, intArray);

One really common scenario is that you don't know ahead of time how many
items you're going to read from the database.  An approach I use a lot is
to use an ArrayList to accumulate the values, then convert them to an
array.  Something like this (assuming you have a labels property of
type java.lang.String[]):

  ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
  Connection conn = ...;
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(select label from customer_types);
  while ( {
  String labels[] = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
  dynaFormBean.set(labels, labels);

Alternatively, you could set your property type to java.util.List instead
-- all the Struts tags that support indexed access against arrays work

RE: Newbie Struts requirements question

2002-07-18 Thread Mark Nichols

For what it's worth I'm running (slow, but running) Tomcat 4.x, struts 1.1b1
on an old IBM ThinkPad with a 166MHz CPU and 80 MB RAM. It has Windows ME
installed. Also I've got Eclipse 2.0 with EasyStruts loaded and running here

Of course just as soon as some one is nice enough to gift me a new 2.4 GHz
laptop I'll pitch this one into the nearest lake. =)


 -Original Message-
 From: Ballard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:57 PM
 Subject: Newbie Struts requirements question

 I've got a question. I want to run this Struts sample app at home but I'm
 running Windows ME. I've downloaded the Apache web server but it isn't
 really supported on ME. I don't want to make this exercise any harder than
 it needs to be, so I'm thinking of upgrading my OS to Windows XP
 Professional. What I can't figure out from the Microsoft site is:
 Can I run
 services on Windows XP Professional? Or can I run them on the regular XP?
 Would I be better of upgrading to Windows 2000 Professional? I know I can
 run services on that. I know the missus wouldn't be pleased if I switched
 our PC to Linux so it's either 2000 Pro or some kind of XP. (I think).

 You don't happen to have any insight here, do you?

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Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

I am now using nested tags everywhere and not programming my action 
forms with getter and setter methods for anything except one or two 
properties, and the nested beans of course.

Is there any reason to regard this as bad practice?

I also write my value beans with two properties for every real property, 
one is typed, e.g. Date, and the other is the string representation of 
the type. So I also have two getters and two setters.

Also again I have the validation code in the value bean which populates 
the typed property from the string representation property. The action 
form loops through the beans calling the validate methods.

It means I have all my properties in one bean rather than also in the 
form bean - easier to change when the entity changes.


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:57:26 -0400
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re[4]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 7:39:23 PM, Craig wrote:

 Agreed, that does walk into the realm of Big Brother code.  I guess
it's just going to be a rough spot for DynaNewbies.

CRM Not any rougher than it is for people trying to understand standard
CRM ActionForms :-)

 Correct me if I'm wrong here Craig, but where I noticed it was
 quite a bit more difficult is when you decide not to use Session
 scope for FormBeans that have ArrayLists with beans inside that
 also have ArrayLists (etc. with nesting ). I say this because if
 I remember correctly isn't one of the main differences between
 the DynaActionForm and the standard ActionForm is that the
 DynaActionForm ALWAYS calls the reset method (regardless of
 scope) whereas the ActionForm only calls it when in it's in
 request scope (or explicitly called?). This is where I think I
 was running into trouble, since even though my DynaActionForm had
 session scope it was always calling reset whereas my standard
 ActionForm in session scope was not calling it.

 That's not quite accurate.
 Struts (all versions) always calls reset() when you flow through the
 controller servlet.  However, if you went directly to a JSP page, and the
 html:form tag creates the form bean (quite common if the form bean is
 defined to be in request scope), Struts 1.0 did not call reset() but
 Struts 1.1 does.  In the 1.1 case, it makes no difference at all whether
 it is an ActionForm or a DynaActionForm.
 So in my case if I wanted request scope for the ActionForm I
 still would have had to override the reset method to provide a
 way to initialize the ArrayLists (and I take it the beans inside
 with ArrayLists as well).
 That is true for both kinds of beans.  In either case, you can also choose
 to make the constructor do this sort of initialization (requires a
 DynaActionForm subclass in the dynamic case, but it's still possible).
In my case however it's not too big of
 a deal that this UserFormBean hang around for a while with
 Session scope so it seems much easier to use it with an
 ActionForm than with the DynaActionForm (since with the later
 case I'm forced to override the reset method and populate nested

 That should be the case for either kind of form bean.  Can you show me an
 example of where it's different?
 This is probably a dumb question and I suppose I could try it
 before posting, but what would happen if I just wanted to use the
 DynaActionForm in session scope and then just overrode the reset
 method to do nothing?
 You'd mess up the initializations based on the initial attribute :-).
Wouldn't it still keep the values in the
 DynaActionForm since it had session scope and wouldn't try to
 set up unitialized ArrayLists, etc? (of course this would only
 help if the bean was in Session scope..but just curious if it
 would even work).

 Thanks again for all of your comments so far

 It might do what you want, but for the wrong reasons.
 I think it's time to get into specific use cases to further this


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RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

2002-07-18 Thread Chappell, Simon P


Any word on your expected publication date yet? I have $$$ burning a hole in my pocket 
waiting for your book. I see that Sue Spielman's book is expected in October, 
according to Amazon, but I couldn't find your book on there.


Simon P. Chappell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Programming Specialist
Lands' End, Inc.   (608) 935-4526

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available 

Chapter 18 Logging in a Struts Application has been 
posted on

The EJB Chapter is finished and will be posted within 
the next day or so, followed by Tiles and the 
Performance chapter.


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strange error not finding org/apache/struts/action/Action class

2002-07-18 Thread Emerson Cargnin - SICREDI Serviços

Have anyone seem this error

2002-07-18 17:14:06,737 DEBUG 
[org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]  Looking for Action instance 
for class
2002-07-18 17:14:06,737 DEBUG 
[org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]   Creating new Action instance
2002-07-18 17:14:07,326 ERROR 
[org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor] No action instance for path 
/PesquisaPraca could be created
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/Action
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

Emerson Cargnin - MSA
SICREDI - Tel : 3358-4860

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RE: Good/Bad Practices

2002-07-18 Thread Joseph Barefoot

My .02:

I don't there's a right/wrong way to go about this, so long as you are
consistent with your architecture.  Our team has come to the agreement that
less Actions = less files = less headaches, to a certain degree.  We try to
use a single Action class for screens that logically belong together.  For
instance, we have a set of menu options Select Service Plan, Edit Service
Plan, and Add Service Plan.  As you would expect the edit and add
options both have confirmation screens, and the add is a multi-step

So, I used a single Action class (HandleServicePlanAction) for these
functions.  The initial 3 screens each have an action-mapping that use this
action, and we use the parameter attribute to specify the method in the
action to be called to initialize/forward to the first screen.  The
perform (or execute, in 1.1) method checks for this parameter and invokes
the method by reflection.  After the initial screen, we use an encoding
method on submit buttons, and the value of a button would look something
like submit(updatePlan).  Our perform method will 'decode' this from the
request, simply by looking for a parameter that starts with submit(.  It
then uses the value in parentheses as the name of the method to invoke for
that submit.

It's actually a bit more organized than that, as we use a custom tag to
encode the submit ID and a method in our Action superclass to decode it, so
the only thing in the perform method is the reflective invocation.  We
should argubably create another base class that does even this bit for you,
but we haven't gotten around to it.  You could even optimize the reflective
invocation the way Struts does by caching the Method objects after the first
invocation, but we haven't bothered to do this either, as the performance
hit is nominal.  Searching the request paremeters for the one that starts
with submit( is also pretty speedy and thus not really a performance
issue.  If you have so many request parameters that it DOES become a
performance issue, I'd say you have bigger problems anyway--probably a
poorly designed interface.

We have found it easier to deal with config files this way, because there
are fewer action-mappings, and also with our codebase, with fewer files to
deal with.  Of course, you always run the danger of creating a bloated class
this way, but if all of your actions are modeled on this pattern, it's
fairly trivial to move a set of methods to a new class -- you just have to
change the class name in your action-mappings.

Joe Barefoot

 -Original Message-
 From: Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:58 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: Good/Bad Practices

 Yeah, that's what I prefer too, but I didn't know if having a shitload of
 JSP's and action mappings meant that I was doing something wrong.  Thanks
 for the input and the reassurance that I'm not doing something stupid.

 ~ Keith

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:00 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Good/Bad Practices

 I prefer the more granular approach, with many actions and JSPs
 over a more
 complex and generalized approach. In my case I find that having
 single-function actions and JSPs leads to easier coding today
 (and therefore
 easier maintenance tomorrow). I can also split the work up over more
 developers, rather than single threading development through one complex

 Our intranet application has about 60 separate 'screens', each
 with its own
 action. Maybe overkill, but for a first attempt at Struts this pattern has
 made life easier by far.


  -Original Message-
  From: Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:32 AM
  To: Struts (E-mail)
  Subject: Good/Bad Practices
   Hey everyone,
   I've been trying to get in the habit of using good struts programming
   practices, (without making things too hard on myself).  I have another
   question for anyone that could give me some input on it.
   I'm working on a data entry application, and the user can make three
   different types of entries.  Let's call them A, B, and C.  They
  each have
   some form fields in common with each other, but each has a
 couple unique
   fields.  To add an entry, I have a separate JSP for each, and
   action mappings for each (that all refer back to the same
 action class).
   This works fine.
   Now I'm working on an edit function for the entries.  I have a
  link within
   a logic:iterate tag that displays a link to an edit form.  I
  tried using
   one action and one JSP for the edits, but it gets very messy trying to
   allow for the different types of entries.
   Is it a bad idea to use lots of different action mappings and
   JSP's for each operation for each type of entry, even 

RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

2002-07-18 Thread Chuck Cavaness


   I have to be finished by the end of the month. O'Reilly has done a good 
thing and forced me to finish the book this month. What this means is that 
several chapters will not make it into this first edition. They will be 
covered in the 2nd edition, which I've already had discussions with them 
about. The simple truth is that I was trying to cover to much material in 
one book and I'm a slow writer.

This is both good and bad. Good because the book is getting so large and 
would have been huge if I actually put every chapter into it. Not to 
mention that it wouldn't be out for 10 more years :) But unfortunately, 
several chapters will not make it into this edition.

Having said all of that, I expect the book to be out in very late August or 
early September. O'Reilly told me that it should be available for 
pre-ordering this month. I think it's taking them a long time to figure out 
which animal they want on the cover :)


At 03:13 PM 7/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Any word on your expected publication date yet? I have $$$ burning a hole 
in my pocket waiting for your book. I see that Sue Spielman's book is 
expected in October, according to Amazon, but I couldn't find your book on 


Simon P. Chappell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Programming Specialist
Lands' End, Inc.   (608) 935-4526

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:21 PM
 Subject: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available
 Chapter 18 Logging in a Struts Application has been
 posted on
 The EJB Chapter is finished and will be posted within
 the next day or so, followed by Tiles and the
 Performance chapter.
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Re: Setter Methods not being called in nested:iterate scenario :+(

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

nested tags / indexed properties / nested beans gotcha. You have to 
instantiate the beans yourself in the form reset() if you want to 
capture the indexed properties.

[this answer was automated, virtually]

hemant wrote:
 I am trying to Iterate over a Collection of Collections of ValueObjects and after 
some real painful experimentation (With VA 3.5.3 + Apache Tomcat + Poolman ), I got 
the page to come up properly :). So far so good. I went out and celebrated for a few 
 The getter methods seem to work fine. But the user data is not being captured on 
Submit :(
 Please throw some light on this...
 Here is the snippet from my JSP.
 !--bean:define id=collectionOfPairs name = ldmservice property=ranges 
type=java.util.Collection scope=session/--
 nested:root name=rangesform
 !--logic:iterate id=pairs name=collectionOfPairs  type=java.util.Collection--
 nested:iterate  property=collectionOfRanges
  nested:iterate id=vopair property=this/
   nested:root name=vopair
td width=10%Description/td
td width=90%nested:write name=vopair 
 For some reason, the setter Method of setDescription(String xyz) is not being called.
 Please help...
 Many Thanks for Your Time

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RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

2002-07-18 Thread James Mitchell

 I think it's taking them a long time to figure out
 which animal they want on the cover :)

+1 for sasquatch.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Cavaness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:35 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available


I have to be finished by the end of the month. O'Reilly has
 done a good
 thing and forced me to finish the book this month. What this
 means is that
 several chapters will not make it into this first edition. They will be
 covered in the 2nd edition, which I've already had discussions with them
 about. The simple truth is that I was trying to cover to much material in
 one book and I'm a slow writer.

 This is both good and bad. Good because the book is getting so large and
 would have been huge if I actually put every chapter into it. Not to
 mention that it wouldn't be out for 10 more years :) But unfortunately,
 several chapters will not make it into this edition.

 Having said all of that, I expect the book to be out in very late
 August or
 early September. O'Reilly told me that it should be available for
 pre-ordering this month.


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Re: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

That's unfair - I'd have a beaver.

And no smart comments on that thanks.

James Mitchell wrote:
I think it's taking them a long time to figure out
which animal they want on the cover :)
 +1 for sasquatch.
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
 Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network
-Original Message-
From: Chuck Cavaness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available


   I have to be finished by the end of the month. O'Reilly has
done a good
thing and forced me to finish the book this month. What this
means is that
several chapters will not make it into this first edition. They will be
covered in the 2nd edition, which I've already had discussions with them
about. The simple truth is that I was trying to cover to much material in
one book and I'm a slow writer.

This is both good and bad. Good because the book is getting so large and
would have been huge if I actually put every chapter into it. Not to
mention that it wouldn't be out for 10 more years :) But unfortunately,
several chapters will not make it into this edition.

Having said all of that, I expect the book to be out in very late
August or
early September. O'Reilly told me that it should be available for
pre-ordering this month.
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RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

2002-07-18 Thread Michael Marrotte

+2 for sasquatch.

or maybe an ostridge...  Strut -- To walk with a lofty, proud gait, and
erect head; to walk with affected dignity.

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available

 I think it's taking them a long time to figure out
 which animal they want on the cover :)

+1 for sasquatch.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Cavaness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:35 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: [ANN] Chapter 18 of the O'Reilly Struts book now available


I have to be finished by the end of the month. O'Reilly has
 done a good
 thing and forced me to finish the book this month. What this
 means is that
 several chapters will not make it into this first edition. They will be
 covered in the 2nd edition, which I've already had discussions with them
 about. The simple truth is that I was trying to cover to much material in
 one book and I'm a slow writer.

 This is both good and bad. Good because the book is getting so large and
 would have been huge if I actually put every chapter into it. Not to
 mention that it wouldn't be out for 10 more years :) But unfortunately,
 several chapters will not make it into this edition.

 Having said all of that, I expect the book to be out in very late
 August or
 early September. O'Reilly told me that it should be available for
 pre-ordering this month.


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