Re: problems w/ logging.. again

2004-01-20 Thread Adam Levine

 Thank you for the insight. I'll be sure to try this out this evening.

 Am I correct to assume that app-specific log4j config files will not be 
used (as in, to append/make use of the global config), and that anytime I 
want to change the logging for a specific app I have to make a global change 
and bounce the entire app server?

Thanks again!

From: Curtis Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: problems  w/ logging.. again
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:58:25 -0800
Hi Adam,

If you're using JBoss you need to edit the server's log4j.xml config file. 
For 3.2.2 it lives in $JBOSS_HOME/server/all|default|minimal/conf/. Edit the 
one in the server subdirectory you deploy your app to.



Adam L wrote:
I've scoured the archives. Ive tried a million different configurations, some with .xml, some with  I've read the links to the apache
site that seem to focus mainly on how to use logging from the
programmatic aspect (and had no luck with the examples provided on
the configuration aspect).
in theory, these changes should take hold when i bounce the
application (touch web.xml), rather than the entire app server.. correct?
I'm beginning to wonder if it's a configuration issue elsewhere.

jdk is 1.4.2, jboss 3.0.8/jetty, struts 1.1.

in my web.xml i've set the debug parm on ActionServlet to 2, 9, 99, 999
in struts-config.xml, for the controller,  i've set debug to 2,9,99,999
i cut and paste examples in the archives claiming to remove
00:24:09,816 INFO  [PropertyMessageResources] Initializing,
returnNull=true from the logs.. and they don't.
I've set my log levels to WARN, DEBUG, INFO.. and see no changes.

What I'm trying to achieve is the debug info from the workflow
extension controller to aid in debugging problems in my workflow,
as well as turn off some of the extraneous struts messages.
If someone would please be willing to hold my hand and guide me,
my quickly receding hairline and I would be in great appreciation.
thank you.

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Re: display Max File Exceed on upload file

2003-11-26 Thread Adam Levine
Minor check..

 Are you doing a redirect=true  on the defined results page?   A redirect 
will remove all errorMessages.

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: display Max File Exceed on upload file
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 19:09:21 +0100


I would to display a message on the jsp page saying to the user that the
file he tried to upload is too big. I did the same that in the example.
In my form:

Boolean maxLengthExceeded = (Boolean)


if ((maxLengthExceeded != null)  
(maxLengthExceeded.booleanValue())) {

in my JSP page:

font color=#CC6600bhtml:errors//b/font

logic:present name=maxlength.error scope=request
font color=#CC6600bbean:message name=maxlength.error 
property=key /b/font
logic:notPresent name=maxlength.error scope=request
Note that the maximum allowed size of an uploaded file for this 
application is one megabytes.

When I execute, it always display the second phrase.

What is wrong? to precise: I did not use a JSP directly, but a tiles page.

Thanks for your help,


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Re: Wizard with a Twist

2003-10-07 Thread Adam Levine
What about shell pages?   each page will then include the appropriate page 
fragement as determined by your business logic (they answered A to 
question 2, which means we need to include pageFrag3 for the next page).

  Combine that with a .properties file that may determine your combinations 
(question 1, answer B needs a subsequent page frag 4).  That route may end 
up being flexible enough so that once you get your base logic in place, you 
can go crazy with the questions, answers and related page fragments.

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Wizard with a Twist
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 10:10:45 -0500
Thanks, Adam, but the flow is not my main problem. Let me use a more 
detailed example:

The first page has one question:


The user clicks on an answer and another question appears:


The user goes back and changes the answer to the first question:

As you can see, it has a lot of potential for duplication. Do I model each 
of these views with a different JSP? It would make for a lot of simple JSPs, 
but the naming scheme and Struts config would quickly blow up. I could do 
one JSP, but after some time, this could easily evolve into one huge JSP for 
the entire flow (ick!).

There's also tracking the answers. i.e., it would be ideal to use the same 
form for each page, so the answer to QA always stays in sync.

Any tips?

Adam L wrote:

For what it's worth, check out the workflow extension,
  It takes a bit of tinkering with to fully understand and appreciate its
power (check the archives for a very recent dialog between myself and its
designer, Matthias Bauer).  It's very simple in concept and design, but 
thus far been able to handle almost every need I have for workflow

To put it very simply, you end up coding each component of your process as
a puzzle piece.  You then end up stringing them together with appropriate
actions and forwards to create your workflow process.   Component re-use 
finally been realized for me in my workflows!

-- adam

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 6:31 AM
Subject: Wizard with a Twist


I have requirements do develop a wizard like application where you can
have multiple questions (up to 3) on a single page.
When there are multiple questions, the first appears, you select an
answer, and the next one appears. If you change the answer to a
previous question, all of the succeeding answers are reset and you have
re-answer the questions.
What the next question is bears on the answers to the previous
questions (or some other factors). I've deemed it okay to go back to
the server each time.
There's also a requirement to do a bread crumb trail, but it will need
to go back pages of questions (not one question at a time). Also, going
forward, if questions have been answered and you don't alter the
answers, you should be able to go forward page by page as well.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to break this down (i.e. how many
JSPs, actions, and forms to use, what scope to use for the forms,
etc.). Key factors for maintainability will be the naming schemes (so
you can easily follow and manipulate the flow) and the ability to move
questions around without impacting other questions too much or making
changes in too many places. Any tips or suggestions?
Note: I started down a more generic route where I was going to build a
tool to manage the flow, but there's so many weird requirements (things
specific to certain questions, etc.) that I decided it would be easier
to just start out simple for this iteration.
P.S. I also have an option to use Blue Martini. Anyone have experience
with this? Would it help me solve this problem more easily than just
coding it with Struts?
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Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)

2003-10-07 Thread Adam Levine
a bunch of postings, including the article, by a bunch of un/mis-informed 
evangelists (for all technologies mentioned).  it's like state fair day at 
  can i get my 20mins back ?

-- adam

From: Yann Cébron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 17:30:02 +0200
Read for yourself and judge:

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Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)

2003-10-07 Thread Adam Levine
Hey, Steve ...
  Guess what?  You don't understand Struts.   (=

From: Gregory Seidman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 12:57:18 -0400
On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 09:32:52AM -0700, Steve Raeburn wrote:
} 'In fact, we'd particularly invite Struts advocates to respond to this
} article by describing the benefits that they feel Struts provides over
} vanilla JSP.'
} Well if they don't get what Struts provides over vanilla JSP, then they
} never will. Discussing what Struts provides compared to other MVC
} frameworks might be useful, but the vanilla JSP topic is surely dead
} and buried by now.
This is a lousy attitude. It's like the stereotype of a woman who says, If
you don't know what you did, I'm not going to tell you. If you can clearly
and succinctly respond to his challenge, do so. If not, perhaps you don't
understand Struts as well as you think.
Myself, I'm still evaluating Struts. I have a prototype of my project
written with vanilla JSP and a tiny custom taglib, and I'm trying to
decide whether to rewrite it with Struts or simply clean it up and extend
it. I can't, yet, see whether there is a net benefit to using Struts for my
small project.
} Steve
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Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)

2003-10-07 Thread Adam Levine
apologies. it was a joke with good intentions, but apparently bad delivery.

From: Keith Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 12:28:14 -0500
This response was uncalled for... at least be more professional when
responding to people through the listserv.
- Original Message -
From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)
 Hey, Steve ...
Guess what?  You don't understand Struts.   (=

 From: Gregory Seidman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Article] SoftwareFashion (includes paragraph about Struts)
 Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 12:57:18 -0400

 On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 09:32:52AM -0700, Steve Raeburn wrote:
 } 'In fact, we'd particularly invite Struts advocates to respond to this
 } article by describing the benefits that they feel Struts provides over
 } vanilla JSP.'
 } Well if they don't get what Struts provides over vanilla JSP, then
 } never will. Discussing what Struts provides compared to other MVC
 } frameworks might be useful, but the vanilla JSP topic is surely dead
 } and buried by now.

 This is a lousy attitude. It's like the stereotype of a woman who says,
 you don't know what you did, I'm not going to tell you. If you can
 and succinctly respond to his challenge, do so. If not, perhaps you don't
 understand Struts as well as you think.

 Myself, I'm still evaluating Struts. I have a prototype of my project
 written with vanilla JSP and a tiny custom taglib, and I'm trying to
 decide whether to rewrite it with Struts or simply clean it up and extend
 it. I can't, yet, see whether there is a net benefit to using Struts for
 small project.

 } Steve

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Re: workflow extension question

2003-10-06 Thread Adam Levine
  I think I understand your answer.  But, I'm not sure where things would 
go.  If I'm understanding your explanation:

process1:wkfl1 - process1:wkfl2 - (violation) process2:wkfl1 landing 
page(initializer action)

the p2:w1 landing page would be a ForwardNextStateViolationAction
  the FordwardNextStateViolationAction has forwards:
 forward noNextStateViolation : goes to display page for p2:w1
but, if there IS a next state violation, here's where I get confused:
  If a nextState violation was encountered it forwards to the path that 
caused this workflow violation 

Which would lead me back to the p2:w1 landing page ?   That confuses me.

Can you explain why this approach is better than just a i know i want to 
end all previous processes at this point, without having to link in with 
other violation actions ?   Or can they co-exist together nicely ?

Thanks for your help.

-- adam

From: Matthias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: workflow extension question
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 13:46:56 +0200

there is a solution to your requirement. If I get you right, here is what 
you want to do: You are in a modal dialog. If the user clicks on some link 
he violates the workflow. The action that violates the workflow should check 
whether this is a nextState violation. Upon nextState violation you end all 
relevant workflows and forward to the action that caused the workflow 

Here is how you can check whether it is a nextState violation: There is an 
action contained in the workflow package that can easily be used for this: 
ForwardNextStateViolationAction. Use this class in the action that handles 
workflow violations. It chooses the forward noNextStateViolation, if there 
was no nextState violation encountered (i. e. it must have been a prevState 
violation). If a nextState violation was encountered it forwards to the path 
that caused this workflow violation (this can be an arbitrary action choosen 
from your menu). Have a look at the action's code: It uses the method 
WorkflowUtils.getNextStateViolationAction that provides the required 

Hope this additional info helps.

--- Matthias

Adam L wrote:

   Now to take you up on your something missing?
   What thoughts do you have on a end all previous workflows property?
The thought is this:
  - my user is working through a process, and gets bored or distracted
  - rather than using the provided cancel button, they use a nav 
to go elsewhere (ie, a terms and conditions or what's new page)
  - my thought is to let them do this, perhaps they'll jump back
(browser back) to the step they were on and continue their path
  - but, if they don't ever come back, and end up starting another
workflow process, they'll be dumped right back to their first workflow.
  - being thrown back to a place you wanted to leave would be 

 So, the answer to this is an initialization page for each process
that basically says cancel out all existing workflows and states, and 
this workflow instead.

 Yes, ideally, the user should use the opt-out mechanism provided
to them, but you can't expect that to happen. And, I'm not keen on 
for a modal experience unless absolutely necessary.  One could go through
every possible action and add a noWorkflowChecks everywhere, but that
still doesn't resolve the issue of them starting a new process w/o
explicitly terminating an existing one.

 To illustrate what I'm seeing:

!-- the landing page for initializing this process --
 set-property property=authClass /
set-property property=endAllExistingWorkflows value=true
 new property
 set-property property=primaryWorkflow value=wkfAddNewTraitStart/
 set-property property=newState value=initialized/
 !-- not logged in authentication exception --
   forward name=authenticationException path=/login.jsp /
Any thoughts?

-- adam

- Original Message -
From: Matthias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: workflow - Re: integration with other app

Fortunately I am far enough away to avoid your kiss ;-)

Please let me know, if you believe something is missing. I am sure I


give you some more hints on how to solve a specific task. The Struts
Workflow Extension is a very powerful, yet low-level framework. Thus,


offers very much flexibility but sometimes the right way to achieve a
solution is not as apparent as desired.
Just in case you are interested: We are also offering commercial


for this extension and Struts itself.

--- Matthias

Adam Levine wrote:

I could kiss you!   I've been

Re: [OT] Subject line filter tag

2003-09-16 Thread Adam Levine
Generally, yes, redundant and unecessary.  With lovely services like 
hotmail, however, you don't get much say in the way of header information 
being displayed before you actually open the email.. which makes mass 
deletions, folder filtering, and blocking email beacons a big PITA. (hotmail 
has a long way to go, imo, on its message filtering capabilities..yay for 
the image blocking).. and, yes, i use hotmail addresses for maiiing lists to 
keep my normal emails from being spammed.  so, i get what i pay for.

thanks for the response, tho.

From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] Subject line filter tag
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 09:46:04 -0700 (PDT)
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Adam L wrote:

 Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 08:13:16 -0500
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [OT] Subject line filter tag

 To the powers that be:
 Is there a particular reason there's no list name header in the
 subject lines, ie [struts-users], for easy filtering from all the other
 spam and junk mail?
Because it would be redundant and unnecessary.

  I realize [struts-users] is a rather lengthy
 segment in the subject line, so perhaps it could be abbreviated..
 [ASFSU]...[A-SU]... or, [MARK-FU]. (=

This is about the 100th time this suggestion has come up, and it's going
to get vetoed (by me, among others) again.  Filter on the to and/or cc
address (Mozilla and Netscape let you do this with a single filter
rule) and you get exactly what you want.

Craig McClanahan

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Re: Image half loaded?

2003-09-15 Thread Adam Levine
I have a similar problem.  This one class of mine doesn't work sometimes.

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Image half loaded?
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:03:41 -0600

Anyone having the same problem?  My images are cut off vertically 


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Re: workflow - Re: integration with other app

2003-09-12 Thread Adam Levine
 I could kiss you!   I've been struggling with this issue and have been 
going bald over the last week doing a lot of my own engine work.   I can't 
wait to try this out and see if it doesn't work for me as cleanly as it 

From: Matthias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: workflow - Re: integration with other app
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 08:35:36 +0200

the Struts Workflow Extension addresses 
some of the issues you raise. Especially the thing about a workflow scope. 
But it is also easily possible to build reusable action sequences: Consider 
for instance a confirmation dialog that demands the user to press a Yes 
and No button. You will need this multiple times within an application, 
but you normally want to code the necessary actions only once and reuse them 
in different contexts (i. e. with a customized question and return action).

Please let me know, when you have any questions related to the Struts 
Workflow Extension.

--- Matthias

Martin Naskovski wrote:

One thing I find particularly cumbersome in Struts is web page
workflow. Currently, if I want to push Cancel for instance, or
Submit on a certain page, in the Action itself, I have to hard code
where to go next and/or pass any dynamically generated parameters
through the request scope or the query string (if doing a
sendRedirect). I also have to use hidden form fields to tell each
submission button on a form, where to go next, depending on where I
came from (a certain action mapping, e.g.).
Is there a better way to do this, where the flow of the screens can be
specified statically, or maybe if not statically at least within a
screen workflow module that each action will tell that module where
to go next, depending on what button was pushed on that form?
Does JSF address this perhaps? Or has someone independently made a
Struts pluggable module that can control screen flow? It seems there
almost is a need for some sort of a 'workflow' scope, where when I
start a certain use-case from one of the menus in the application, the
'workflow scope' is preserved throughout the use-case lifetime, and if
for some reason this flow is broken by the user, the workflow scope
should be destroyed.
I've been able to immitate a workflow scope with the session scope,
but it isn't as elegant as I want it to be, or rather, as delimited
from the application logic as I'd like it to be... Plus stuff in the
session scope hangs around much longer than as if I had a workflow
I've been wondering if there's any solutions already to this - it
seems that is the _only_ thing Struts is lacking in.

Thursday, September 11, 2003, 4:31:29 PM, you wrote:

TH This seems more in scope for some of the ServerSide forums than Struts.


TH Our framework ends where the database begins -:0)

TH Tiles is sufficient for customizating layout and such.

TH -Ted.

TH Gregory Seidman wrote:

TH snip/

My purpose in posting this to the list is to get the benefit of the
membership's collective experience. Is Torque a good choice? Is creating 
separate database for each user unacceptable from the point of view of a
website which provides services on a per-user basis? Is Tiles sufficient
for customizing layout and such? Any suggestions, tales of woe, or design
critiques are appreciated.

Please do not CC me; I am subscribed to the list.
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RE: Struts 1.0 problem

2003-09-09 Thread Adam Levine
the only time a getXXX() should accept a parameter is when dealing with 
indexed properties.   If you're needing to retrieve n characters, or other 
such retrieval forms,  you could code an access tag that posts your results 
to a scripting variable, which can then be further manipulated with other 
tags.   or, add a returnLength property (setReturnLength(int 
nin)/getReturnLength), assign the length you want (53) to that property, and 
then let getName()'s internal logic use that value in its return.

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts 1.0 problem
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 18:34:36 -0400
In my case name is not an array... 53 is an int passed to the method
getName(int size) from my JSP through bean:write tag. Input exactly means
that i want 53 chars of the String.
-Original Message-
From: Slattery.Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 2:13 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: RE: Struts 1.0 problem
 We recently ported the weblogic server from SP1 to SP4 and
 came accross the following problem while displaying the JSP
 pages. This was working fine on SP1. Can anyone tell me the
 possible reason.
 The line of code in the jsp is :
 bean:write name=%=formBean% property=name[53] scope=request/
 where 53 is an input parameter of getName(int size) method of FormBean.

And that's the problem. The  syntax above says that name is an array, and
that you want element number 53 of that array. That's exactly what the error
message is saying (Property 'name' is not indexed).
You could get around this with some more Java code :

String name =;
c:out value=${name} /
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Re: Converting a ResultSet to a List of POJOs

2003-09-09 Thread Adam Levine
a POJO is just that.  just an ordinary, everyday object.  you might also 
think of it as a traditional Java bean.  it has an empty param 
constructor, and get/setXXX signatures.

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Converting a ResultSet to a List of POJOs
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 07:19:46 -0700
Since I had to look it up, maybe others did too:

POJO = Plain Old Java Object.

I'm guessing that means a Java object that doesn't need to know how it is 
persisted in order to be stored?  I.e., in Matt's case, the object isn't 
modified to take ResultSet as an argument to the constructor.


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Re: deployement issue

2003-09-09 Thread Adam Levine
i lost my personal psychic friend license last year.

Just like a doctor can't diagnose your ailments over the phone, we can't 
help you very easily without knowing what problem you're seeing.

What errors are you getting?
It looks like the code snippet you pasted is from the javacode generated 
from your jsp.  What does the relevant JSP snippet look like ?

the more info you can provide, the better.

From: michel Van Asten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: deployement issue
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 12:52:17 +0200

I got errors when I try to run my application on the production server (I
use servletExec for development and production system)
Error happens here :

bean_message_tag1.setKey( index.title );
bean_message_result1 = bean_message_tag1.doStartTag(); 
And seems to be generated in the RetrieveMessageRessources ...

1° that the resource file is located at the same place on both system and
that I use the same WEB.xml and strut-config.xml files
2° Other applications are running with servletExec on the production
Any help is welcomed,


Michel Van Asten

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RE: [OT] Scheduling

2003-09-02 Thread Adam Levine

  -Original Message-
  Sent: 01 September 2003 06:37
  Subject: [OT] Scheduling
  Hi All,
  What would be the best implementation for scheduling a job in
  environment ?
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RE: [OT] RE: mesage message account

2003-08-26 Thread Adam Levine
Actually, he took yours and made it work.. seems there was a length/length() 
conflict glitch.


From: Mark Galbreath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [OT] RE: mesage message account
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:53:59 -0400
He ripped it off from me!

-Original Message-
From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:44 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] RE: mesage message account
No it was this thing I invented called sarcasm...

Its really cool, I can send you the SDK sometime


   -Original Message-
   From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:04 AM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
   Subject: RE: [OT] RE: mesage message account
   laughter type=ROARING
   DUDE  You actually believe that?!?!?
   Anyone who believes that should be banned for stupidity. /laughter
   James Mitchell
   Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist 678.910.8017 AIM:jmitchtx
-Original Message-
From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:09 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: [OT] RE: mesage message account
Is the list banning colored people?   That's bad.
+1 for ending this horrid policy
   -Original Message-
   From: Mohd Amin Mohd Din [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:12 AM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
   Subject: RE: mesage message account
   Don't think that you are a colored person message message.
   Get a life.
   -Original Message-
   From: James Childers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 2:25 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: mesage message account
   You are not special. There is not a conspiracy to get you
   because of your skin color, religion, or political beliefs.
   Your paranoid is unjustified, because you just aren't that
   important. You are simply a rude person, and most mailing
   lists have a low tolerance for rudeness. This one is
   no different.
   Thanks for playing! Hope you learn to be nice to people and
   to not get your feelings so easily hurt. Buh-bye!
   -= J
-Original Message-
From: object worlds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: mesage message account
Did you take my message message account off the list ?
Is that because that white shit Mark Galbreath
said so and that shit Craig Mclanahan agreed.
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Re: Another missing attribute in html-el

2003-08-26 Thread Adam Levine
just as a side observation, that's odd.

from org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BaseHandlerTag, there is indeed a public 

basehandlertag - selecttag - elselecttag.

By sheer nature of inheritence, that field (by virtue of accessor/mutator) 
should be present.

From: Slattery, Tim - BLS [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts User List ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Subject: Another missing attribute in html-el
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 10:34:48 -0400

The html-el:select... tag does not have an accesskey attribute. I tried
adding the attribute to the struts-html-el.tld file, and got this error
Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld'
prefix='html-el': The Tag class
'org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELSelectTag' has no setter method
corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'accesskey'

Tim Slattery
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2003-08-26 Thread Adam Levine
Isn't the object a property of the Session object, tho?  You could perhaps 
use a session-scoped stereotype?

From: Travis Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UML
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 09:31:14 -0600
I am trying to represent, in a UML class diagram, a certain architecture.  
How would one represent an object, that is placed into session scope.? The 
object is used by Action clasess.  I kinda want to use the composition 
relation, but the object really isn't a property of the object itself.


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RE: Validating uploaded file as an image only

2003-08-22 Thread Adam Levine
Use of the MediaTracker is way to track the status of any media.

From the MediaTracker javadoc:
  The MediaTracker class is a utility class to track the status of a number 
of media objects. Media objects could include audio clips as well as images, 
though currently only images are supported

From the Tutorial, section Loading Images:

Basically, we use the mediatracker to be informed of when an image has been 
completely loaded.  The resource you're pulling could be local, could be 
remote.. thusly, the complete data load time could vary.  Since getImage() 
is non-blocking, this is how you know.

I suppose I could use those methods.. never really considered them.  I'm 
pretty sure I've tried uploading non-image files, and I recall this catching 
them as not being images.  but, it's been awhile, so ymmv.


-- adam

I've never had any problems with this methodology.

From: Brian McSweeney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Validating uploaded file as an image only
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 13:38:11 -
Hi Adam,
Cool! I had no clue that any of this was available.
A few questions if you don't mind.
What is the purpose of using the MediaTracker?

I understand how using

Image makeimg = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(
image.getFileData() );
will show you if it's a proper image, but I don't understand
how the MediaTracker class helps? Does it just show if the
image could be re-displayed or something?
If that assumption is correct, then the javadocs say that:

If there is an error while loading or scaling an image, then that image
is considered to have finished loading. Use the isErrorAny and isErrorID
methods to check for errors. 
So should you perhaps use these isErrorAny or isErrorID methods too?

Any problems ever experienced?

Anyway, really appreciate this help,

-Original Message-
From: Adam L [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 22 August 2003 13:12
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Validating uploaded file as an image only
I do it the brute force way:

 snip -
FormFile image;

java.awt.Image makeimg = null;

makeimg = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(
image.getFileData() );
//  wait for the image to be loaded/created

Canvas cv = new Canvas();
MediaTracker media_tracker = new MediaTracker( cv );
// add image to the tracker
int id = 0;
// try to wait for image to be loaded
// catch if loading was interrupted
// if we can't load it, it'll get tossed back from the
// by now we should have a good image to deal with

// check on image dimensions
int imgw = makeimg.getWidth( cv );
int imgh = makeimg.getHeight( cv );
catch (..)
end snip--

I also check for file size (ie, dont' allow anything over 1M), and then
image dimensions.   The only thing I don't do is validate the mime-type.
I haven't tried uploading images from a text browser (ie lynx or links),
yet, to see what sort of mime-type it would attach.. but the ones from
always seem to be fine.

-- adam

- Original Message -
From: Brian McSweeney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 6:32 AM
Subject: RE: Validating uploaded file as an image only
 PS - there was a discussion recently on how to improve the

 Validating an uploaded file based on mime type would be cool !

 A quick search on the web led me to a company that does this
 With a java api

 It seems in jdk1.4 you can actually validate based on the
 binary pattern expected for a mime type. So if it is a gif,
 you can check that the bit pattern of the uploaded file
 matches that of a gif.

 This is apparently to avoid users uploading say a text file
 named mytextfile.gif

 Now that would be nice :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian McSweeney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 22 August 2003 11:13
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: Validating uploaded file as an image only

 Hi everyone,

 I've managed to get the struts file upload working successfully,
 using the struts FormFile class and the upload example.

 Cool :-)

 However, in my app, I only want images to be uploaded.
 I'm going to store the images on disk and put the path of the
 image file into the database. So I need to validate that only images
 are getting uploaded, not other file-types.

 I know nothing really about how to do this. I could just check that
 string returned by:

 FormFile.getContentType( )

 is equal to image-gif, image-bnp, or image-jpeg. But is this 

Re: mailto in html:link

2003-08-20 Thread Adam Levine
I don't believe you can nest tags like that.  If your custom tag is 
assigning something to a scripting variable, through the use of a TEI, use 
the struts html-el library, and then you can reference that variable in the 
html:link tag (in jstl syntax)

myLib:myTag myScriptVar=id param1=foo/
html:link href=mailto:${id}; ..
From: deepaksawdekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: mailto in html:link
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:38:24 +0530
I want to send a email on click of some icon.
I am doing this by using mailto in html:link tag, email id has to be get 
from a property of bean,
jsp is as follows
html:link href=mailto:mytag:map name=it 

mytag is a customised tag to get a value of key from hashmap.

When i try the above i got the error
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pages/myContact.jsp(46,88) equal symbol 

Am i doing something wrong. Is there any better way to do this..

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Re: Dealing with images...

2003-08-19 Thread Adam Levine
My personal preference has been to store the images in a specific directory, 
which is defined in an application-specific location, with the image name 
being set to the unique ID (primary key) in the image table.. that's where I 
store the mime type, the size, the dimensions, keywords, title, owner, date 
added, etc.

 Images are delivered with a servlet, either being passed the image id 
(usually encrypted so people can't just retrieve whatever they want) or 
pulling the id out of a session object.  this allows me control over who has 
access to the images, and even manipulation (ie, watermarked copyrights on 
the image).

but, that's just how i do it.


From: Keith Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Dealing with images...
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 10:08:43 -0500
I would like to get some input from you guys as to how best to deal with a
group of images.  I want to put up a photo album of sorts but I am unsure as
to how best to access the directory that they are contained in.  I could put
an initial parameter in the web.xml file that points to the directory, I
guess, and just access that parameter.  Or I could do a context
getRealPath(), or maybe even store each location in a database table along
with a description.  Anyway, your feedback on how best to handle this is
much appreciated!
Keith Pemberton
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Re: Session expired

2003-08-19 Thread Adam Levine
I'm betting it would look something like, depending on your business needs:

 if ( [destination checking, these destionations require a valid session or 
logged in session] )
   if ( httpRequest.getSession(false) == null || ( [get the session, check 
for logged in status] == false) )
{[redirect to login/root/expired page]  }


From: Mike Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Session expired
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 13:43:29 -0600

Can you provide example code from
Or is that asking too much ??
- Original Message -
From: Sloan Seaman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Session expired
 How about a filter?

 That is what I use.  Anything within a certain path first gets checked by
 filter and if the user doesn't have a valid session object it redirects
 to the login page...

 This way the code doesn't even know it is happening...

 You define one in your web.xml like so:







 This way anything within the /app dir goes through the filter first...

 - Original Message -
 From: Filip Polsakiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 8:12 AM
 Subject: RE: Session expired

  My problem is, that I already have something around 60 jsps. Now it
  nice to have a workaround so that i don't have to adapt all my jsps and
   -Original Message-
   From: Kwok Peng Tuck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 12:58 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: Session expired
   What if you check from your action before redirecting to a  jsp ?
   Filip Polsakiewicz wrote:
   is there any way to redirect y user to a jsp if the session is
   without checking for an expired session within each single jsp?
   Thanks, Filip
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RE: validation philosophical question

2003-08-15 Thread Adam Levine
The fallacy in your logic is that you presume *all* clients will support 
javascript, and thusly will run the client-side validation routines.  If you 
rely only on this happening, and don't do a double-check in the business 
layers, you're asking for trouble.  caveat emptor.

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 08:32:45 -0600
When both JavaScript and server-side validations are being used, the 
end up being cast three times, twice by the Validator and a third time when 
finally gets to the business tier.

No, I have to disagree.  Suppose there is a required field and user didn't 
anything.  With client-side javascript enabled, there is no submit action if
user forgot to input something.  That's only one validation in the case of
error.  Suppose there is no error, the javascript validation will run on the
client machine when he submits it. Cast or no cast, it's fast since it's on 
local machine.  Then the server-side validation runs when the request comes 
which you are supposed to do anyway.

I am not sure why you think there should be a third time when it gets to
business tier.  When it gets to the business tire, the data should be at 
'legal'; i.e., 'insertable' to the database or whatever.  Those things 
should be
taken care of once you started business rule processing or the database 
with the constraits set.

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 3:45 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: validation philosophical question
A hidden cost of using the Struts Validator is that most of the
validations are implemented using standard type casts. When both
JavaScript and server-side validations are being used, the properties
end up being cast three times, twice by the Validator and a third time
when it finally gets to the business tier. Though, I have absolutely no
idea what how much these type-casts actually cost, and its quite
possible that something like a regular expression would cost more.
The Struts Validator is a convenience, but I wouldn't call it a panacea.

I don't have anything like this, but it seems to me the idea solution
would handle transformations and validations in the same transaction, so
nothing would be wasted. If the transformation succeeds, you'd be able
to use the transformed variable, and not have to transform it again
later. Of course, there should be support for script generation for
those that need it (as we have now).
This implies that the ActionForm might not do the server-side validation
itself, but that another component in the business layer, that shared
the validation.xml and, might do both the
validation and transformation below the Struts horizon. This
hypothetical component would then return Commons Resources messages back
to Struts, which would in turn expose these messages to the pages by
placing them in the request context (as we do now).
Speaking to the original question, I would say that the logical (even
only) place for *all* the validation has to be on the business layer.
Since you not only need to know, for example, that a login has the
proper form, but that it exists. And so forth.
In general, most developers prefer to centralize access to the business
layer in the Action. (Though, aside from philosophy, there's nothing to
prevent you from accessing the business layer from the ActionForm's
validate or reset methods.) What you might want to do is define a
validate method in your Action that uses the same signature as
ActionForm validate. You can then have your Action call then and return
to input should any messages be returned.

Yansheng Lin wrote:
 No, that won't do for high volumn traffic sites.  It's too costly.

 The combination of the client-side and server-side gives you
 reliability and speed, and only validator framework does that.

 Btw, I agreed mostly with what you said


 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: August 14, 2003 11:42 AM
 Subject: RE: validation philosophical question

 If you reread my post, you'll see the validation happens only in one
 and that's in the business logic area. This keeps the same validation
 present, regardless of the presentation layer.  AFAIK, the Validation
 framework Struts provides should only be used as a cursory check (is this
 box filled in, is this a number) for use within the browser portion.  

 again, this ties it only to the presentation layer -- which means if you
 another interface, ie wap/braille/DTMF/IVR, you're going to have to
 duplicate the validation for that layer.

 From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Users

RE: validation philosophical question

2003-08-15 Thread Adam Levine
and.. the follow up..

If you have the validation only in the presentation tier (reiterate: BAD 
design), you're going to have to duplicate that validation for all other 
presentation layers that may access your business tiers. Replication of 
work.. hrmm.. sounds like a bad design pattern to me.

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:45:57 -0500
The fallacy in your logic is that you presume *all* clients will support 
javascript, and thusly will run the client-side validation routines.  If you 
rely only on this happening, and don't do a double-check in the business 
layers, you're asking for trouble.  caveat emptor.

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 08:32:45 -0600
When both JavaScript and server-side validations are being used, the 
end up being cast three times, twice by the Validator and a third time when 
finally gets to the business tier.

No, I have to disagree.  Suppose there is a required field and user didn't 
anything.  With client-side javascript enabled, there is no submit action if
user forgot to input something.  That's only one validation in the case of
error.  Suppose there is no error, the javascript validation will run on the
client machine when he submits it. Cast or no cast, it's fast since it's on 
local machine.  Then the server-side validation runs when the request comes 
which you are supposed to do anyway.

I am not sure why you think there should be a third time when it gets to
business tier.  When it gets to the business tire, the data should be at 
'legal'; i.e., 'insertable' to the database or whatever.  Those things 
should be
taken care of once you started business rule processing or the database 
with the constraits set.

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 3:45 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: validation philosophical question
A hidden cost of using the Struts Validator is that most of the
validations are implemented using standard type casts. When both
JavaScript and server-side validations are being used, the properties
end up being cast three times, twice by the Validator and a third time
when it finally gets to the business tier. Though, I have absolutely no
idea what how much these type-casts actually cost, and its quite
possible that something like a regular expression would cost more.
The Struts Validator is a convenience, but I wouldn't call it a panacea.

I don't have anything like this, but it seems to me the idea solution
would handle transformations and validations in the same transaction, so
nothing would be wasted. If the transformation succeeds, you'd be able
to use the transformed variable, and not have to transform it again
later. Of course, there should be support for script generation for
those that need it (as we have now).
This implies that the ActionForm might not do the server-side validation
itself, but that another component in the business layer, that shared
the validation.xml and, might do both the
validation and transformation below the Struts horizon. This
hypothetical component would then return Commons Resources messages back
to Struts, which would in turn expose these messages to the pages by
placing them in the request context (as we do now).
Speaking to the original question, I would say that the logical (even
only) place for *all* the validation has to be on the business layer.
Since you not only need to know, for example, that a login has the
proper form, but that it exists. And so forth.
In general, most developers prefer to centralize access to the business
layer in the Action. (Though, aside from philosophy, there's nothing to
prevent you from accessing the business layer from the ActionForm's
validate or reset methods.) What you might want to do is define a
validate method in your Action that uses the same signature as
ActionForm validate. You can then have your Action call then and return
to input should any messages be returned.

Yansheng Lin wrote:
 No, that won't do for high volumn traffic sites.  It's too costly.

 The combination of the client-side and server-side gives you
 reliability and speed, and only validator framework does that.

 Btw, I agreed mostly with what you said


 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: August 14, 2003 11:42 AM
 Subject: RE: validation philosophical question

 If you reread my post, you'll see the validation happens only in one
 and that's in the business logic area. This keeps the same validation
 present, regardless

Re: validation philosophical question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
My personal preference is there should be as little reliance on the 
front-side as possible.  I personally hate little JS boxes popping up at me 
this entry isn't right.. fix it!, and much prefer a submit-correct cycle 
with quiet, unobtrusive indicators showing me what I need to change.

If you insist on front-side validation (which, yes, can make the user 
experience better), you should ALWAYS have backup/duplicate server-side 
validation.. otherwise, what happens for the browsers/users who 1) don't 
have JS enabled, 2) don't have JS functionality ?

As for where the appropriate place is business side.. That's dependent upon 
your system design.  My Actions merely act as a gateway to business objects 
that handle data validation.  If the data isn't right, I aggregate a list of 
custom exceptions ('UserLoginNameAlreadyExistsException') to be handed back 
to the Action caller, and return to the caller w/o performing any more 
business logic.  The action caller checks that list for entries, and 
accumulates form field error messages appropriately, and then 
forwards/returns (actionmapping)  to the entry page.

if the business logic generates no custom exceptions, i perform the business 
logic as appropriate (ie, updating/creating an entity bean, and return an 
empty list to the caller.

if i have a system level problem (EJB/JNDI/something systematic that just 
doesn't work), I throw a custom generic exception (ie, 
UserCreationException) for the calling process to catch.  the action can 
then populate the errors with a generic process error message (there was a 
system problem trying to create your account. try again or send an email 

The point of all this is my data validation is kept in one place so I can 
swap the interface as needed.  The only commonality between all interfaces 
would be the use of an ActionForm and a List to hold returned validation 
'exceptions'.  And I have no problem with that. the Form is just a POJO for 
all intents and purposes, as it should be.   This leaves my interface to be 
business logic stupid, but interface/UI logic smart.

my $0.02.

From: David Thielen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts-Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 10:31:27 -0600

Everyone who hits my site has a high-speed connection. So I am thinking that 
it makes sense to do server side validation only as that provides a better 
method than the javascript pop-ups.

And in this case, it seems to me that the logical place for all validation 
then is inside the ActionForm validate method.


thanks - dave

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RE: validation philosophical question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
If you reread my post, you'll see the validation happens only in one spot, 
and that's in the business logic area. This keeps the same validation logic 
present, regardless of the presentation layer.  AFAIK, the Validation 
framework Struts provides should only be used as a cursory check (is this 
box filled in, is this a number) for use within the browser portion.  And, 
again, this ties it only to the presentation layer -- which means if you use 
another interface, ie wap/braille/DTMF/IVR, you're going to have to 
duplicate the validation for that layer.

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 11:29:11 -0600
Agreed mostly, but...

what happens when you want to change some validation rules?  You have to 
two or more places instead of one if you choose to use other validation 
instead of keeping everything inside the validator framework.  The goal of
validator framework is to eliminate these redundancy.  Making sure 
everything is
kept inside of the config file, you only need to modify one place.

- Yansheng

-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 14, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: validation philosophical question
My personal preference is there should be as little reliance on the
front-side as possible.  I personally hate little JS boxes popping up at me
this entry isn't right.. fix it!, and much prefer a submit-correct cycle
with quiet, unobtrusive indicators showing me what I need to change.
If you insist on front-side validation (which, yes, can make the user
experience better), you should ALWAYS have backup/duplicate server-side
validation.. otherwise, what happens for the browsers/users who 1) don't
have JS enabled, 2) don't have JS functionality ?
As for where the appropriate place is business side.. That's dependent upon
your system design.  My Actions merely act as a gateway to business objects
that handle data validation.  If the data isn't right, I aggregate a list of
custom exceptions ('UserLoginNameAlreadyExistsException') to be handed back
to the Action caller, and return to the caller w/o performing any more
business logic.  The action caller checks that list for entries, and
accumulates form field error messages appropriately, and then
forwards/returns (actionmapping)  to the entry page.
if the business logic generates no custom exceptions, i perform the business
logic as appropriate (ie, updating/creating an entity bean, and return an
empty list to the caller.
if i have a system level problem (EJB/JNDI/something systematic that just
doesn't work), I throw a custom generic exception (ie,
UserCreationException) for the calling process to catch.  the action can
then populate the errors with a generic process error message (there was a
system problem trying to create your account. try again or send an email
The point of all this is my data validation is kept in one place so I can
swap the interface as needed.  The only commonality between all interfaces
would be the use of an ActionForm and a List to hold returned validation
'exceptions'.  And I have no problem with that. the Form is just a POJO for
all intents and purposes, as it should be.   This leaves my interface to be
business logic stupid, but interface/UI logic smart.
my $0.02.

From: David Thielen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts-Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 10:31:27 -0600

Everyone who hits my site has a high-speed connection. So I am thinking that
it makes sense to do server side validation only as that provides a better
method than the javascript pop-ups.
And in this case, it seems to me that the logical place for all validation
then is inside the ActionForm validate method.

thanks - dave

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Re: Internationalizing 100's of pages of text

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
My $0.02, just a bit OT, and an observation...if you change your 
organization a bit, you can make life easier and you (and whomever else is 
working on your content) by using Java's i18n features in a bit different 
manner.. specifically, get a String-based version of the Locale you want.. 
make that a directory, and just load the same template file from there.

since you'll always know which file (index_content) you want.. i'm sure you 
can hack a tag that will dynamically create the full file name you want, and 
have that passed to template:get (which i've never worked with.. so, forgive 
me if i'm way off base).

I tried hitting the url you gave.. it doesn't appear to be a happy url, so i 
can't see exactly what kind of content you're working with.   Is putting the 
text into a database a possibility, keyed by content_id and 
language/locale_id ?

From: Gary Kephart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts-User (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Internationalizing 100's of pages of text
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 09:35:09 -0700
I have a web site at It contains 
100's of pages of HTML of mostly text. I'd like to migrate this to JSPs and 
use Templates/Tiles because:
1) I want to better standardize the layout
2) I want the content writer to not have to worry about anything but content 
(by having them write only the xx_content.jsp files)

I also want to internationalize it. I've already had requests for Spanish 
and Hebrew versions. However, putting the text into one or more property 
files seems like a Really Bad Idea. So is having hundreds of definition 
files. What I'd like to do is have something like this:
1) a template that has a 'content' parameter
2) an index.jsp which uses the template and specifies 'index_content.jsp' as 
3) have template:get search for 'index_content_en_us.jsp', then 
'index_content_en.jsp' then 'index_content.jsp'.

Aside from writing my own version of template:get (which I can), is there a 
better, existing way of doing this?

Gary Kephart| New Century Mortgage
Web-Based Application Developer |

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 340 Commerce

949-797-5660| Irvine, CA  92602-1318

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RE: validation philosophical question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
Can you provide some metrics to support that statement about it being too 
costly?  If that's the case, then I'll re-engineer on the high volumn sites 
I work on.

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 12:46:23 -0600
No, that won't do for high volumn traffic sites.  It's too costly.

The combination of the client-side and server-side gives you reliability and
speed, and only validator framework does that.
Btw, I agreed mostly with what you said


-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 14, 2003 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
If you reread my post, you'll see the validation happens only in one spot,
and that's in the business logic area. This keeps the same validation logic
present, regardless of the presentation layer.  AFAIK, the Validation
framework Struts provides should only be used as a cursory check (is this
box filled in, is this a number) for use within the browser portion.  And,
again, this ties it only to the presentation layer -- which means if you use
another interface, ie wap/braille/DTMF/IVR, you're going to have to
duplicate the validation for that layer.
From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 11:29:11 -0600
Agreed mostly, but...

what happens when you want to change some validation rules?  You have to
two or more places instead of one if you choose to use other validation
instead of keeping everything inside the validator framework.  The goal of
validator framework is to eliminate these redundancy.  Making sure
everything is
kept inside of the config file, you only need to modify one place.
- Yansheng

-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 14, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: validation philosophical question
My personal preference is there should be as little reliance on the
front-side as possible.  I personally hate little JS boxes popping up at me
this entry isn't right.. fix it!, and much prefer a submit-correct cycle
with quiet, unobtrusive indicators showing me what I need to change.
If you insist on front-side validation (which, yes, can make the user
experience better), you should ALWAYS have backup/duplicate server-side
validation.. otherwise, what happens for the browsers/users who 1) don't
have JS enabled, 2) don't have JS functionality ?
As for where the appropriate place is business side.. That's dependent upon
your system design.  My Actions merely act as a gateway to business objects
that handle data validation.  If the data isn't right, I aggregate a list of
custom exceptions ('UserLoginNameAlreadyExistsException') to be handed back
to the Action caller, and return to the caller w/o performing any more
business logic.  The action caller checks that list for entries, and
accumulates form field error messages appropriately, and then
forwards/returns (actionmapping)  to the entry page.
if the business logic generates no custom exceptions, i perform the business
logic as appropriate (ie, updating/creating an entity bean, and return an
empty list to the caller.
if i have a system level problem (EJB/JNDI/something systematic that just
doesn't work), I throw a custom generic exception (ie,
UserCreationException) for the calling process to catch.  the action can
then populate the errors with a generic process error message (there was a
system problem trying to create your account. try again or send an email
The point of all this is my data validation is kept in one place so I can
swap the interface as needed.  The only commonality between all interfaces
would be the use of an ActionForm and a List to hold returned validation
'exceptions'.  And I have no problem with that. the Form is just a POJO for
all intents and purposes, as it should be.   This leaves my interface to be
business logic stupid, but interface/UI logic smart.
my $0.02.

From: David Thielen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts-Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 10:31:27 -0600

Everyone who hits my site has a high-speed connection. So I am thinking that
it makes sense to do server side validation only as that provides a better
method than the javascript pop-ups.
And in this case, it seems to me that the logical place for all validation
then is inside the ActionForm validate method.

thanks - dave

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RE: struts 1.1 question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
This, of course, assumes that all pages require the functionality of 
forwards and actions and lions and tigers and bears.

don't lose sight of the forest for the trees.

From: Bailey, Shane C. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: struts 1.1 question
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 17:02:13 -0400

A good starting point for all you antidisestablishmentarianist that don't
want to front your JSPs might be the use of the ForwardAction and
global-forwards.  That just forwards to a view page without writing a new
class.  This way, when you are ready to do the right thing, you can change
some of those ForwardActions and possibly global-forwards to real Actions.
Just a thought.

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RE: Vertical Checkboxes..

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
Struts taglibs is not some magical device, and I think this is a point many 
people don't quite realize.  Struts taglibs allows you to programmatically 
generate HTML components from within your JSP, pulling in data from your 
session object.  Look at the pages that are rended -- it's just HTML.   If 
you can't do it within the confines of HTML/HTTP  (and perhaps javascript), 
struts/taglibs isn't going to make it magically work.

From: Alawadhi, Mona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Vertical Checkboxes..
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 09:36:08 -0500
Yes, it works with JavaScript - I use an onclick method.
I was just wondering if there is a way to do it in struts taglibs.
I actually was thinking of doing it a different way: have an onclick method
to submit the page as the user clicks on the link, at the same time put all
of the checked parameters in a hashmap and pass them over.
Any other ideas?

-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Vertical Checkboxes..
How would you do this in CGI? or any other HTML/HTTP manipulator?   You
really can't.
If you want to submit information using a link (a href), that information
must already be built when the link is rendered.  This is a standard GET
format (ie,a href=;).
If you want to submit data that a user has manipulated, ie from a form, you
must use a FORM structure and use a submit button so that you end up with a
If you insist on using a link to submit entries a user has manipulated,
you're going to have to use JavaScript and essentially do a form post/submit
when a link is clicked.


From: Alawadhi, Mona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Vertical Checkboxes..
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 08:52:02 -0500
Hello Everyone,

I have a situation where I'm displaying fields in the JSP by iterating
through a Vector of an object (let's call it A)- in a table format.
At the beginning of each table row (which is a different A object), I have a
checkbox. I set 'Employee ID' to be the value captured if the checkbox is
How can I capture the values of the checkboxes selected (meaning, all the
employee IDs selected) and have them be as parameters going to another
action through a link (a link, without submitting the page)?
Thank you in advance,


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Re: Vertical Checkboxes..

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
How would you do this in CGI? or any other HTML/HTTP manipulator?   You 
really can't.

If you want to submit information using a link (a href), that information 
must already be built when the link is rendered.  This is a standard GET 
format (ie,a href=;).

If you want to submit data that a user has manipulated, ie from a form, you 
must use a FORM structure and use a submit button so that you end up with a 

If you insist on using a link to submit entries a user has manipulated, 
you're going to have to use JavaScript and essentially do a form post/submit 
when a link is clicked.


From: Alawadhi, Mona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Vertical Checkboxes..
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 08:52:02 -0500
Hello Everyone,

I have a situation where I'm displaying fields in the JSP by iterating
through a Vector of an object (let's call it A)- in a table format.
At the beginning of each table row (which is a different A object), I have a
checkbox. I set 'Employee ID' to be the value captured if the checkbox is
How can I capture the values of the checkboxes selected (meaning, all the
employee IDs selected) and have them be as parameters going to another
action through a link (a link, without submitting the page)?
Thank you in advance,


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Re: Dumbo Question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
How are you attempting to display and iterate?  code snippets help us find 
out what's going on

From: Mehta, Chirag (IT) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Dumbo Question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 15:58:48 +0100
Sorry, heres another newbie question.

I have a bean that stores collections of data that have been retrieved
from a database.
When I try and logically iterate these collections on my JSP page, it
says Cannot find bean Results in any scope
But my bean does exist and println its results on my tomcat window?

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: validation philosophical question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
addendum.. not only do i put in the userloginalreadyexistsexception, but 
also the pure data validation( EmailAddressFormatNotGoodException for 
malformed, EmailAddressRequiredException for blank, etc)

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 11:43:00 -0500
My personal preference is there should be as little reliance on the 
front-side as possible.  I personally hate little JS boxes popping up at me 
this entry isn't right.. fix it!, and much prefer a submit-correct cycle 
with quiet, unobtrusive indicators showing me what I need to change.

If you insist on front-side validation (which, yes, can make the user 
experience better), you should ALWAYS have backup/duplicate server-side 
validation.. otherwise, what happens for the browsers/users who 1) don't 
have JS enabled, 2) don't have JS functionality ?

As for where the appropriate place is business side.. That's dependent upon 
your system design.  My Actions merely act as a gateway to business objects 
that handle data validation.  If the data isn't right, I aggregate a list of 
custom exceptions ('UserLoginNameAlreadyExistsException') to be handed back 
to the Action caller, and return to the caller w/o performing any more 
business logic.  The action caller checks that list for entries, and 
accumulates form field error messages appropriately, and then 
forwards/returns (actionmapping)  to the entry page.

if the business logic generates no custom exceptions, i perform the business 
logic as appropriate (ie, updating/creating an entity bean, and return an 
empty list to the caller.

if i have a system level problem (EJB/JNDI/something systematic that just 
doesn't work), I throw a custom generic exception (ie, 
UserCreationException) for the calling process to catch.  the action can 
then populate the errors with a generic process error message (there was a 
system problem trying to create your account. try again or send an email 

The point of all this is my data validation is kept in one place so I can 
swap the interface as needed.  The only commonality between all interfaces 
would be the use of an ActionForm and a List to hold returned validation 
'exceptions'.  And I have no problem with that. the Form is just a POJO for 
all intents and purposes, as it should be.   This leaves my interface to be 
business logic stupid, but interface/UI logic smart.

my $0.02.

From: David Thielen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts-Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: validation philosophical question
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 10:31:27 -0600

Everyone who hits my site has a high-speed connection. So I am thinking that 
it makes sense to do server side validation only as that provides a better 
method than the javascript pop-ups.

And in this case, it seems to me that the logical place for all validation 
then is inside the ActionForm validate method.


thanks - dave

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RE: Java Help

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
Or, even better, cheaper, with a better ROI:   learn to help yourself.  Try 
checking out  -- look for the links that say tutorial  
or api.

From: Mark Galbreath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Java Help
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 08:14:04 -0400
I don't know why you would use Java to connect to a db using ODBC; you would
have to use a Type I driver and they are notoriously inefficient, thanks to
M$uck's proprietary intransigence.  Regardless, buy a copy of White, et al,
JDBC API Tutorial and Reference, 2d ed. (Addison Wesley 1999).

-Original Message-
From: Zille Hassan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:23 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Java Help
Hey Guys really new to this java stuff
So can someone tell me how do I connect to my DB using ODBC
All I remember is

So how do I connect to my DB guys
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Re: How to Avoid the Form getting Submitted when User clicks the enter buttonon the Keyboard

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine

google:  enter submit form prevent

From: Raghu.Ramakrishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: How to Avoid the Form getting Submitted when User clicks the enter 
button on the Keyboard
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 09:39:03 -0500


  I would be obliged if some one could help me with this :

1) How to Avoid the Form getting Submitted when User clicks the enter
button on the Keyboard using the Struts Frame work
   or Javascript.

-Original Message-
From: Alawadhi, Mona [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 9:36 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Vertical Checkboxes..
Yes, it works with JavaScript - I use an onclick method.
I was just wondering if there is a way to do it in struts taglibs.
I actually was thinking of doing it a different way: have an onclick
method to submit the page as the user clicks on the link, at the same
time put all of the checked parameters in a hashmap and pass them over.
Any other ideas?

-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Vertical Checkboxes..
How would you do this in CGI? or any other HTML/HTTP manipulator?   You
really can't.
If you want to submit information using a link (a href), that
must already be built when the link is rendered.  This is a standard GET
format (ie,a
If you want to submit data that a user has manipulated, ie from a form,
must use a FORM structure and use a submit button so that you end up
with a
If you insist on using a link to submit entries a user has manipulated,
you're going to have to use JavaScript and essentially do a form
when a link is clicked.


From: Alawadhi, Mona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Vertical Checkboxes..
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 08:52:02 -0500
Hello Everyone,

I have a situation where I'm displaying fields in the JSP by iterating
through a Vector of an object (let's call it A)- in a table format.
At the beginning of each table row (which is a different A object), I
have a checkbox. I set 'Employee ID' to be the value captured if the
checkbox is checked.
How can I capture the values of the checkboxes selected (meaning, all
the employee IDs selected) and have them be as parameters going to
another action through a link (a link, without submitting the page)?
Thank you in advance,


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Re: struts 1.1 question

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Levine
Where exactly did you read that all jsps must be fronted by actions?  I'm 
using 1.1, and assuredly have NOT (nor will I) front them all with actions.

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: struts 1.1 question
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 16:37:28 -0400
I am about to upgrade to struts 1.1 and I have a question.
I have a site with a decent amount of content stored in a content manager.
I want to use tiles, but I read that in struts 1.1, all jsps have to be 
fronted by actions.
Does this mean that I have to write forwards in strutsconfig.xml for every 
single jsp on the site?
This could add up to a lot of pages.

Am I interpreting this correctly?



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RE: Newbie:Using two arrays in a logic:iterate tag

2003-08-04 Thread Adam Levine
Are you sure you downloaded the implementation from apache's site?
Are you sure you have the .TLDs located in your WEB-INF dir?
Are you sure you have the taglibs referenced in your web.xml  ?

From: Jitesh Sinha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Newbie:Using two arrays in a logic:iterate tag
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 02:01:52 +0530
But Kris,when I tried to use JSTL for another requirement by using taglib
uri as
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c % i get the error
that this taglib
cannot be located. I am not able to even see the page; through browser .Browser shows me 'File not
found' . What can be the reason
-Original Message-
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 1:52 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Newbie:Using two arrays in a logic:iterate tag
JSTL is your friend:

c:forEach var=item items=${anArray} varStatus=i
  c:out value=${item}/
  c:out value=${anotherArray[i.index]}/
Assuming anArray and anotherArray are scoped attributes...

Quoting Jitesh Sinha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 How do you access the elements of an array inside logic:iterate tag
 takes the collection as another array . I am sure that the length of the
 arrays are same.
 In other word how do you substitute the following Java code in Struts :

 String[] anArray = myBean.getAnArray() ;
 String[] anotherArray = myBean.getAnotherArray() ;
 for(int i = 0 ; i  anArray.length ; i++)
 out.print(anArray[i]) ;
 out.print(anotherArray[i]) ;

 I want to use only one logic:iterate tag.Is that possible?

Kris Schneider mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Any tool for struts?

2003-07-31 Thread Adam Levine
Google is your friend:   struts tools

Also, there's an archived list of struts-user somewhere... Check the jakarta 
pages for more info.

From: JavaXML Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Any tool for struts?
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 09:52:25 -0700 (PDT)
Hello group,

I want to know if there is any tool available in the market to develop 
struts applications faster?

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Re: example Templates for presentation layer

2003-07-29 Thread Adam Levine
And I'm looking for source code and purple.

Perhaps you'll find it if you dig through the example applications.

From: message message [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: example Templates for presentation layer
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 01:15:27 +0400
I am looking for templates for the presentation layer.
templates consisting of
A header  with tabs,
side bar
and body.

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Re: example Templates for presentation layer

2003-07-29 Thread Adam Levine
I'm saying you're being vague.

From: message message [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: example Templates for presentation layer
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 01:24:02 +0400
Are you saying my requirement is in the example application.
There is a possibility of more which are not in the example application.
Which example application are you thinking of  ?

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: example Templates for presentation layer
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 16:17:28 -0500
And I'm looking for source code and purple.

Perhaps you'll find it if you dig through the example applications.

From: message message [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: example Templates for presentation layer
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 01:15:27 +0400
I am looking for templates for the presentation layer.
templates consisting of
A header  with tabs,
side bar
and body.

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RE: Design Question - same action, many jsps/views

2003-07-28 Thread Adam Levine
I used a design I called the side trip action.  Basically any caller to 
the action has placed, either in a form field or in the user session object, 
a from and dest url.  the action does what it needs to do, redirects 
errors back to from, and then forwards on success to dest.  I called 
this the Side trip because I originally used it for a small bit of 
intelligence -- you go to a page that requires you to be logged in.. 
you're sent to the login page.. and after a successful login, you're sent 
back to where you started from.

From: Brian McSweeney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Design Question - same action, many jsps/views
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:26:52 +0100
Hi Hue,

That's definitely one way to go, but the disadvantage that
I see of using this way is that you presumably have to hard code into
the action, some way of identifying where the request came from. Perhaps
something like:

	String input = request.getRequestURI();

return (mapping.findForward(page1));
else if(input.equalsIgnorCase(inputpath2);
return (mapping.findForward(page2));
else if(input.equalsIgnorCase(inputpath3);
return (mapping.findForward(page3));
The previous new action mapping idea means you don't have to do
this I think, which might make it a better solution. What do you
I'm not sure though, and thanks very much for the help.
-Original Message-
From: Hue Holleran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 July 2003 16:11
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Design Question - same action, many jsps/views
Hi Brian,

Why not use different named forwards for the action and access each one
the action with a:
return (mapping.findForward(page1/page2/page3));
In s-c:

action path=/myAction
  type=FQ Class

forward name=page1 path=/page1.jsp/
forward name=page2 path=/page2.jsp/
forward name=page3 path=/page3.jsp/

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian McSweeney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 July 2003 10:39
 Subject: Design Question - same action, many jsps/views

 Hi all,

 I've come across a situation which I'm not sure how to handle with
 I have an action which, depending on from which page it's called,
 should forward to different jsps pages.

 Currently, for each resultant jsp, I create a new action with the
 logic code inside which forwards to the right jsp.

 I'm just not sure if this is the right way to do it, because it's
 replication of code.
 An alternative might be to switch on the input path of the request and
 forward to
 The right jsp, but I'm not sure if this is right either. This has to
 have come up
 before, so I'm looking for a best practice solution.

 What do you guys reckon?


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Re: Struts + Hibernate: A few newbie questions about how to get this right?

2003-07-24 Thread Adam Levine
I've not worked with Hibernate at all, so please forgive me if this is 
entirely off base.

  I know XDoclet has hibernate support.  And, I know using straight EJB + 
Xdoclet + Struts, I can have it generated ActionForms directly from my EJB 
classes.  The ActionForms have support (accessors) in them to return Value 
and Data Objects, which can then be used to update/populate EJBs.  Im going 
to guess there's probably a very similar mechanism for use with Hibernate.
  Cuts out all the work of using bean copiers, and all your associated 
classes are kept in sync with the original data model.

my $0.02, hth.

-- adam

From: Vilya Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Struts + Hibernate: A few newbie questions about how to get 
this right?
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 16:05:55 +0100

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
* Can I use a persistant bean as my FormBean (or would that be asking for 
inconsistencies), or should I work with a DynaBean and then copy the result 
to the persistant bean in the end?  I will probably need some validation.
You could, I believe, but AFAIK it's not recommended. The Struts form beans 
are really part of the view layer and should be kept separate from the 
business and persistence layers where possible. A better approach is to use 
a DynaBean for collecting the form data and have the actions copy it into 
the appropriate model class.

* If not, is there an easy way to populate such a DynaBean from my 
persistant bean and vice versa?  I would rather not have to write a lot of 
setXX( getXX()) statements.
Have a look at the commons-beanutils package that comes with Struts. In 
particular, you'll probably find BeanUtils.copyProperties() quite helpful.

Hope that helps,
Vilya Harvey
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / digital steps /
(W) +44 (0)1483 469 480
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Re: ServletException Response has already been committed'

2003-07-24 Thread Adam Levine
is there a chance that accessing  by itself would 
also cause the same servletexception ?

From: Sashi Ravipati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ServletException Response has already been committed'
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:39:34 -0400
I have a jsp page which I need to include in all my other JSP pages. I 
created an action for JSP to be included and used
jsp:include /.
This throws Servlet Exception.

I also tried tiles:insert  / but the 
same result.

How can this be achieved.


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RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
I think you're missing the bigger concept.  A PDF is the same as a JPG - 
it's a media file that differs from just the plain text sent in an html 

You can't just stream a PDF in the middle of HTML.  You have to associate it 
with a content type, and the browser has to make a request for it, just like 
it does for images. One HTML page with 2 images == 3 requests to the server: 
1 for the text, 1 for each image.Browsers (generally) won't make a 
request for a PDF embedded in the page, as there is not related tag (like 
the img= for gif/jpg).
 So, if your user gets to your stored PDF by clicking a link, your 
rendering JSP page might look like this:

myTag:showPdf pdfid=123/

your tag would then:
-output the Content-Type and (ideally) filesize to the datastream
-then write out the bytes of the PDF file to the datastream
-end the tag
the browser will handle everything else


 byte[] pdf = loadPdf(123);

// write the bytes to out in whichever manner is most efficient

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:55:32 -0400

And then what? I can easily access it from the form bean field and from
the session. There's no problem here. The question is how to stream it to
the client. Please see my previous email.

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content --
please help.

JSP is the same as Servlet.  Put your pdf content in the session scope,
you can
get it on your jsp page through session.getAttribute(pdfContent);
-Original Message-
Sent: July 22, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

I know the best way to do it is to have a servlet. But I need to do it in
a JSP because of certain limitations of my application. Please help.

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RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
I'm a 'tard.

you should call the setContentType() and whatever the ...size() method is  
on the response object, rather than writing that to the output stream.  
*THEN* write the bytes out.

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:03:48 -0500
I think you're missing the bigger concept.  A PDF is the same as a JPG - 
it's a media file that differs from just the plain text sent in an html 

You can't just stream a PDF in the middle of HTML.  You have to associate it 
with a content type, and the browser has to make a request for it, just like 
it does for images. One HTML page with 2 images == 3 requests to the server: 
1 for the text, 1 for each image.Browsers (generally) won't make a 
request for a PDF embedded in the page, as there is not related tag (like 
the img= for gif/jpg).
 So, if your user gets to your stored PDF by clicking a link, your 
rendering JSP page might look like this:

myTag:showPdf pdfid=123/

your tag would then:
-output the Content-Type and (ideally) filesize to the datastream
-then write out the bytes of the PDF file to the datastream
-end the tag
the browser will handle everything else


 byte[] pdf = loadPdf(123);

// write the bytes to out in whichever manner is most efficient

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:55:32 -0400

And then what? I can easily access it from the form bean field and from
the session. There's no problem here. The question is how to stream it to
the client. Please see my previous email.

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content --
please help.

JSP is the same as Servlet.  Put your pdf content in the session scope,
you can
get it on your jsp page through session.getAttribute(pdfContent);
-Original Message-
Sent: July 22, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

I know the best way to do it is to have a servlet. But I need to do it in
a JSP because of certain limitations of my application. Please help.

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RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
one more follow up, then Im done.

 I don't think using a tag to deliver a PDF will work.  I believe once the 
tag is hit, the user has already received a Content-Type=text/html string.   
I believe you should be using the servlet approach, especially considering 
there is no browser tag (like img...), that I'm aware of, for that sort of 
media.Unless, perhaps, you venture into the object/embedded realm.

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:07:00 -0500
I'm a 'tard.

you should call the setContentType() and whatever the ...size() method is  
on the response object, rather than writing that to the output stream.  
*THEN* write the bytes out.

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:03:48 -0500
I think you're missing the bigger concept.  A PDF is the same as a JPG - 
it's a media file that differs from just the plain text sent in an html 

You can't just stream a PDF in the middle of HTML.  You have to associate it 
with a content type, and the browser has to make a request for it, just like 
it does for images. One HTML page with 2 images == 3 requests to the server: 
1 for the text, 1 for each image.Browsers (generally) won't make a 
request for a PDF embedded in the page, as there is not related tag (like 
the img= for gif/jpg).
 So, if your user gets to your stored PDF by clicking a link, your 
rendering JSP page might look like this:

myTag:showPdf pdfid=123/

your tag would then:
-output the Content-Type and (ideally) filesize to the datastream
-then write out the bytes of the PDF file to the datastream
-end the tag
the browser will handle everything else


 byte[] pdf = loadPdf(123);

// write the bytes to out in whichever manner is most efficient

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:55:32 -0400

And then what? I can easily access it from the form bean field and from
the session. There's no problem here. The question is how to stream it to
the client. Please see my previous email.

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content --
please help.

JSP is the same as Servlet.  Put your pdf content in the session scope,
you can
get it on your jsp page through session.getAttribute(pdfContent);
-Original Message-
Sent: July 22, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

I know the best way to do it is to have a servlet. But I need to do it in
a JSP because of certain limitations of my application. Please help.

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RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
Even when you get it streaming your bytes out properly, I'm sure it's still 
not going to work.

Your options are:
-  use a servlet to deliver the content, using a mapped url
-  use the EMBED html tag (rtfm for syntax and how to use)
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 11:18:48 -0400

That is what I need. I mentioned the word gurus in my question :)

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content --
please help.

Bean write may not be converting the property correctly, it's just
tostring'ing it, which is why you see the address of the object. You need
something that will stuff the binary form of the PDF into the response
-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:09 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please

Did you try this code yourself? I am telling you that this is exactly what
I have done and it does not work. I have a form bean that has a byte array
attribute that I populate in the action and then set the content type and
use bean:write on that attribute in the JSP and it just displays the
address of the byte array on the screen instead of loading PDF. I don't
think the JSP and bean:write work correctly with the byte array fields.
The question was a tricky one. If it was that simple, I would not have
sent so many emails. Any other ideas?

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
Subject:RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content --
please help.

I think you're missing the bigger concept.  A PDF is the same as a JPG -
it's a media file that differs from just the plain text sent in an html
You can't just stream a PDF in the middle of HTML.  You have to associate
with a content type, and the browser has to make a request for it, just
it does for images. One HTML page with 2 images == 3 requests to the
1 for the text, 1 for each image.Browsers (generally) won't make a
request for a PDF embedded in the page, as there is not related tag (like
the img= for gif/jpg).
  So, if your user gets to your stored PDF by clicking a link, your
rendering JSP page might look like this:
myTag:showPdf pdfid=123/

your tag would then:
-output the Content-Type and (ideally) filesize to the datastream
-then write out the bytes of the PDF file to the datastream
-end the tag
the browser will handle everything else


  byte[] pdf = loadPdf(123);

// write the bytes to out in whichever manner is most efficient

Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:55:32 -0400

And then what? I can easily access it from the form bean field and from
the session. There's no problem here. The question is how to stream it to
the client. Please see my previous email.

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content --
please help.

JSP is the same as Servlet.  Put your pdf content in the session scope,
you can
get it on your jsp page through session.getAttribute(pdfContent);
-Original Message-
Sent: July 22, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Using bean:write to display/stream PDF content -- please help.

I know the best way to do it is to have a servlet. But I need to do it in
a JSP because of certain limitations of my application. Please help.

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RE: When the Struts webapp is not at the root of the server

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
How did you declare the app context?  (in the web.xml, I believe)

From: Doyle, Michael J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: When the Struts webapp is not at the root of the server
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 12:29:25 -0400
Still haven't found a solution for this. Any suggestions?

- Mike
  -Original Message-
 From:  Doyle, Michael J
 Sent:  Wednesday, July 09, 2003 9:43 AM
 Subject:   When the Struts webapp is not at the root of the server


 I have been working on a Struts based web application. Things have been
 going fine developing on http://localhost:7001/myStrutsApp
 http://localhost:7001/myStrutsApp . I've discovered a problem when I
 deploy to .

 Struts gets confused with the paths it generates to Actions and rewritten
 URLs. It seems that Struts assumes the web application is always at the
 root of the server, e.g. .

 It produces
form action=/myStrutsApp/

 when what I need is
form action=/somepath/myStrutsApp/

 Thus, the html:form html:base and any other tag that rewrites the URL
 don't work properly in this configuration.

 Is there a workaround for this? Perhaps something to do with module
 configuration? The web server is Netscape 3.5.1 and the app server is
 Weblogic 5.10 sp13.

 Thanks for any help,
 - Mike

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Re: Birthdate validation ?

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
Use Calendar, more than likely the concrete GregorianCalendar.

 Calendar.setField(field, field value);  x3

 Calendar.getTime() - Date

From: Erez Efrati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Birthdate validation ?
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 21:03:53 +0200
I have a birth date field composed of three different fields of day
month and a year. Now, what is the best way to receive those three and
combine them into a java.sql.Date class and performing validation using
the validator?
Hope someone been there done that..


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Re: Birthdate validation ?

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
trigger happy send am I.

then with your (java.util)Date

new java.sql.Date( utilDate.getTime() );

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Birthdate validation ?
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 13:18:19 -0500
Use Calendar, more than likely the concrete GregorianCalendar.

 Calendar.setField(field, field value);  x3

 Calendar.getTime() - Date

From: Erez Efrati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Birthdate validation ?
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 21:03:53 +0200
I have a birth date field composed of three different fields of day
month and a year. Now, what is the best way to receive those three and
combine them into a java.sql.Date class and performing validation using
the validator?
Hope someone been there done that..


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Re: Accessing an ID property of a bean using EL

2003-07-23 Thread Adam Levine
It has to deal with the way Java resolves bean fields where there are 
multiple uppercase in a row.  I believe if you used .ID in your jsp it 
should work.   I always get confused on how the rules work in resolving, so 
I attempt to use as few caps in a row as possible.. ie, ID - id - 
getId/setId -

From: Jim Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Accessing an ID property of a bean using EL
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 20:23:17 +0100

I have a bean with the following methods:

public String getID();
public void setID(String id);
I am trying to access the id property in a page like this:


Where folderDets is my bean. I have tried different combinations of ID
capitalisation but none seem to work. If however I change the property to :
public String getDocID();
public void setDocID(String id);
And access it like this:


It now works fine.

Does anyone know why I can't have an ID property?



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Re: creating Not Authorized page with JDBCRealm

2003-07-22 Thread Adam Levine
it's part of the web.xml


From: Cecile Mercado [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: creating Not Authorized page with JDBCRealm
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 15:19:28 -0400
Hello! I'm using Tomcat 4.1 and Struts 1.1.  I'm using JDBCRealm to
authenticate users.  It works mostly great: If user is authorized, it goes
to the protected page.  If user and password are not found in the database
pointed to by the JDBCRealm, then it goes to the page pointed to by
form-error-page in my web.xml.  The problem is that if a user and password
are found in the database, but that user does not have the proper role and
is not allowed access, I get the HTTP Status 403 error screen (Access to
the requested resource has been denied).  I would like to display a more
user-friendly page instead (politely informing the user that he/she does not
have the proper authority to use the module).  Can anyone tell me how to do
- Cecile

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Re: paramId in html-el:link tag - Referenceing a Constant

2003-07-21 Thread Adam Levine
If you want to use a Constants class to use within JSTL syntax, here are the 
basic rules:

1: Constants has to be a true Bean.
  -- it must have a public constructor that takes no parameters (public 

2:  The fields you want to access must also be true Bean fields:
private Static CONSTANT_KEY_1 = a_constant_key; // perhaps used by 
your code elsewhere
public String getConstantKey() { return CONSTANT_KEY; }

3: In your .jsp:
   jsp:useBean class=Constants id=constants
   c:out value=${constants.constantKey} /


From: Mike Duffy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: paramId in html-el:link tag - Referenceing a Constant
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 14:43:25 -0700 (PDT)
The struts-example\registration.jsp contains the following code:

html:link page=/ paramId=username
 paramName=registrationForm paramProperty=username
  bean:message key=registration.addSubscription/
Switching this to an html-el:link tag is easy.

html-el:link page=/ paramId=username
 paramName=registrationForm paramProperty=username
  fmt:message key=registration.addSubscription/
The value username is a key, so it might be better to reference a constant 
Constants.USER_NAME_KEY.  My question is, how do I do this (without using 

If I don't use a quote after paramId=, I get an error when the page 
compiles.  No matter what I
put inside the quotes, it comes into the html as literal.

Any suggestions?


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Re: paramId in html-el:link tag - Referenceing a Constant

2003-07-21 Thread Adam Levine
Ignore my glaring typos:

2:  The fields you want to access must also be true Bean fields:
public Static CONSTANT_KEY_1 = a_constant_key; // perhaps used by 
your code elsewhere
public String getConstantKey() { return CONSTANT_KEY_1; }

Subject: Re: paramId in html-el:link tag - Referenceing a Constant
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 10:43:17 -0500
If you want to use a Constants class to use within JSTL syntax, here are the 
basic rules:

1: Constants has to be a true Bean.
  -- it must have a public constructor that takes no parameters (public 

2:  The fields you want to access must also be true Bean fields:
private Static CONSTANT_KEY_1 = a_constant_key; // perhaps used by 
your code elsewhere
public String getConstantKey() { return CONSTANT_KEY; }

3: In your .jsp:
   jsp:useBean class=Constants id=constants
   c:out value=${constants.constantKey} /


From: Mike Duffy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: paramId in html-el:link tag - Referenceing a Constant
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 14:43:25 -0700 (PDT)
The struts-example\registration.jsp contains the following code:

html:link page=/ paramId=username
 paramName=registrationForm paramProperty=username
  bean:message key=registration.addSubscription/
Switching this to an html-el:link tag is easy.

html-el:link page=/ paramId=username
 paramName=registrationForm paramProperty=username
  fmt:message key=registration.addSubscription/
The value username is a key, so it might be better to reference a constant 
Constants.USER_NAME_KEY.  My question is, how do I do this (without using 

If I don't use a quote after paramId=, I get an error when the page 
compiles.  No matter what I
put inside the quotes, it comes into the html as literal.

Any suggestions?


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RE: Struts MVC framework similar to that of a servlet container?

2003-07-21 Thread Adam Levine
for my $0.02.

  Using just pure servlet and base JSP, dealing with forms is not intuitive 
or clean.  You either rely on too much code in a JSP, or too much reading 
and parsing at the start of your servlets.  And, the development cycle 
increases as your changes increase.  I find the Struts mode to be clean and 
simple.  Need to change a field, add a field.  Change one class (the 
ActionForm, or not at all with a dynaform), modify the .jsp presentation.  
And then account for the field change in the business logic.  Combine it 
with XDoclet, and you've got immediate Data/Value Objects that can be 
generated from the ActionForm itself, ready to be passed back to your EJB 
level code (using CMP, you never have to account for the field in the logic, 
unless you're doing business level decisions).
  The mechanisms in place for detailing messages back to the user (ie, 
ActionErrors) are very clean, easly integrated with field-specific messages. 
 Seamless integration with Java's i18n functionality.

  I'm looking for the reasons why this would not be the case.
Are you looking for where using the base Sevlet layer is more advantageous 
over using Struts? Or, are you looking for areas that Struts just doesn't 
handle, leaving a gaping hole?   Are you being persnickity, or is there a 
serious question/concern ?

From: Ranko Bijelonic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts MVC framework similar to that of a servlet container?
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 12:38:22 -0400
Yes Struts does definitely solve many problems and make it easier.  But is
seems that it solves a lot of problems that are already solved.  I'm looking
for the reasons why this would not be the case.  Thanks for the help,

-Original Message-
From: Sandeep Takhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 11:21 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts MVC framework similar to that of a servlet
I guess the main difference between what you mention
and struts is that you can use this stuff right away
for the app you want to build without modification.
As long as you understand the concepts you can apply
them.  Similar to how you understand a servlet/filter
spec.  Now you have common problems solved.
You don't have to code them or copy and paste from
You also have the ability to auto-populate to lists
which is pretty neat.
--- Ranko Bijelonic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  there's a lot of stuff it gives you out of the

  1. solid code
 so does the container i guess.

 2. validation framework
 This is one of those changes that could be added by
 way of utility classes.
 Have that Filter that autopopulates, check for
 correct types like Struts.

 3. tile framework
 You can use it without Struts

  4. auto-population framework
 It should be easy to add a Filter that autopopulates
 a configured form (not
 every time but as a standard).

  5. role based actions
 I'm not sure what this is.

 6. xml configuration of all the links or actions of
 your application
 So does web.xml i guess.

 7. best practices framework bundling (scaffolding)
 complete with examples (many years of experience
 into this one).
 Same thing as above.  There are tutorials, examples,

  8. ease of use
 If you think of a Servlet as an Action its kind of
 as easy.  Except for some
 repetative tasks that I would include to complete
 the servlet spec (rather
 than rewrite some of the container functionality to
 add those utils).

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 8:42 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Struts MVC framework similar to that of
 a servlet

 You mentioned role based actions in your list...
 which has caught my eye.
 Can you please elaborate on this ? Or point me to
 some documentation ?


   Sandeep Takhar
 Struts Users

 Subject:  Re: Struts MVC
 framework similar to that of a servlet container?
   21/07/2003 06:08
   Please respond to
   Struts Users
   Mailing List

 there's a lot of stuff it gives you out of the box.

 1. solid code
 2. validation framework
 3. tile framework
 4. auto-population framework
 5. role based actions
 6. xml configuration of all the links or actions of
 your application
 7. best practices framework bundling (scaffolding)
 complete with examples (many years of experience
 into this one).
 8. ease of use

 I am missing about twice as many things from this
 I am sure...

 the servlet container is sun's way of making sure
 what you build is timeless (and works on 

RE: Question on how to remove a detail row?

2003-07-21 Thread Adam Levine
have each row be its own separate form. add a hidden field that indicates 
which row it's on.  read that field on the submit.

From: Norr, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Question on how to remove a detail row?
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 15:21:14 -0400
I prefer non-javascript if possible?

-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:12 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Question on how to remove a detail row?
You could generate an onclick eventhandler for each button, parameterized
with the record ID, or some other data. Then when the button is clicked, it
can set a parameter (or hidden form field) that identifies the row.
-Original Message-
From: Norr, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:07 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Question on how to remove a detail row?

I have the following code.. It prints out a remove  button on each row..

How do I determine on which row the remove button was pressed?

c:forEach items=${OptimizerInputFormBean.constraints} var=constraint
  tdc:out value=${constraint.type}//td
  tdc:out value=${constraint.shares}//td
tdc:out value=${constraint.lowerBound}//td
  tdc:out value=${constraint.upperBound}//td
tdc:out value=${iter.count}//td
tdhtml:submit property=submit

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RE: Question on how to remove a detail row?

2003-07-21 Thread Adam Levine
or, for those who aren't fans of having multiple forms.  Add checkbox/radio 
button (Depending on your business logic) to each row, obviously indexed to 
the row #, and then place one button below the rows labeled delete/removed 
selected item(s)

From: Norr, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Question on how to remove a detail row?
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 15:21:14 -0400
I prefer non-javascript if possible?

-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:12 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Question on how to remove a detail row?
You could generate an onclick eventhandler for each button, parameterized
with the record ID, or some other data. Then when the button is clicked, it
can set a parameter (or hidden form field) that identifies the row.
-Original Message-
From: Norr, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:07 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Question on how to remove a detail row?

I have the following code.. It prints out a remove  button on each row..

How do I determine on which row the remove button was pressed?

c:forEach items=${OptimizerInputFormBean.constraints} var=constraint
  tdc:out value=${constraint.type}//td
  tdc:out value=${constraint.shares}//td
tdc:out value=${constraint.lowerBound}//td
  tdc:out value=${constraint.upperBound}//td
tdc:out value=${iter.count}//td
tdhtml:submit property=submit

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RE: Struts MVC framework similar to that of a servlet container?

2003-07-21 Thread Adam Levine
I think the one thing that hasn't been mentioned.  And this is my point of 
view.  The servlet architecture provides the mechanism for the the data 
flow.  Struts utilizes and builds upon it to make it work in a more 
application-friendly manner.  You've got all these roads and highways 
around, with paths already defined for you on how to get to the store.  Why 
don't you walk there? Or maybe build a vehicle to transport you.  I bet you 
get in the car you bought and drive because it's easier, it makes sense, and 
you have a solid foundation underneath you (literally and figuratively). 
Plus you've got features like the a/c and radio -- you may not need them, 
but they're there to use if you want them.  Struts isn't a parallel 
architecture to the Servlet patterns.  Struts builds on that design to make 
it robust so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.  So, yes, Struts does 
things in the same way the container does.  But, it wraps it in a more 
friendly control system.

From: Ranko Bijelonic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],Jing Zhou 
Subject: RE: Struts MVC framework similar to that of a servlet container?
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 18:03:31 -0400

It is my understanding that the servlet spec, jsp spec, and jsf spec are
as the framework of frameworks (a kind of interpretation of mine) Struts
action mapping is designed in Struts way. If the struts-config.xml is
into the web.xml, a lot of other frameworks would not happy :-) How do
you solve such problems from the perspectives of spec leads, when you
realize Struts way is only one way? I guess they have to investigate a lot
frameworks before committing one way (a 2 to 4 years effort).
I presume your TaskAction is a more refined controller than the Struts
Action. It should understand event types, command name, etc. from the
http requests in order NOT to overlap the functionality of the Struts
The Struts Actions could recognize the task-config.xml and execute
configured TaskAction(s) in a workflow manner. In other words, the
Struts Actions are used to declare what to do, your TaskActions are
used to specify how to do.
Does this address enough specific questions you have?

I'm not saying that the container should adopt the way Struts does things,
but that Struts does things in the same way the container does :).  Both are
MVC frameworks wich delegate processing to configured handlers.  Its looks
like its the same thing already.
Ok, so do these extensions that I have built into my more refined controller
warrant rewriting the controller itself, or should I just try to extend
Struts somehow to handle this extra functionality. Take DynaActionForms for
example, its usage is similar to that of a ServletRequest.  I ask for a
parameter/property by name and I get an Object.  It might have some more
functionality, but that could have been added by extending
ServletRequestWrapper just as easily.  I don't know.  It just seems things
could be simpler while maintaining all of the benifits of Struts.

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RE: [Friday] How far can we let the clients push us?

2003-07-18 Thread Adam Levine
Somewhere about 6months ago I saw a demo, danged if I can remember who it 
was, for software that wrapped around your swing application and delivered 
it in html.   was quite slick, it handled the conversion for almost every 
component quite well -- the demo site used the standard Java SwingSet 

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Friday]  How far can we let the clients push us?
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 12:14:51 -0600
Haha, that's what I did with my table when I have to submit the whole table 
one.  Old string + new string.

 Javascript: sorry, I don't know you. what's your name again?
 JSP: jsp, stands for javaserver page.
 Javascript: nope, sorry buddy.  Object not found

-Original Message-
From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 18, 2003 11:29 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Friday] How far can we let the clients push us?
Raible, Matt wrote:
 We had the same requirement from our client - and we actually implemented
 it!  Using JavaScript and the DOM, we're able to add/delete rows, sort by
 columns, have tabs for different sheets - pretty slick IMO.
That is cool.  DOM is unwieldy, but it's an incredibly powerful
mechanism in web pages -- it really does add a ton of control.  What I'm
curious, though, is what was done with this data after the users had
entered it into the spreadsheet -- was every single cell a form field,
or did you implode the cells into a big string and ship that to the server?


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Re: [Friday] How far can we let the clients push us?

2003-07-18 Thread Adam Levine
very similar.  found the one i saw, tho.. WebCream *smirk*
  it seems their demo pages have gone 404... but the rest of the stuff is 
still there.

From: miguel angel rojas aquino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Friday] How far can we let the clients push us?
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 15:08:03 -0500
i guess you are refering to wingS

Mike Jasnowski wrote:
I saw that product also, probably at least a year ago. But it's name and a
Google search escape me at the moment.
-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: [Friday] How far can we let the clients push us?
Somewhere about 6months ago I saw a demo, danged if I can remember who it
was, for software that wrapped around your swing application and delivered
it in html.   was quite slick, it handled the conversion for almost every
component quite well -- the demo site used the standard Java SwingSet
From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Friday]  How far can we let the clients push us?
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 12:14:51 -0600
Haha, that's what I did with my table when I have to submit the whole table
one.  Old string + new string.
  Javascript: sorry, I don't know you. what's your name again?
  JSP: jsp, stands for javaserver page.
  Javascript: nope, sorry buddy.  Object not found

-Original Message-
From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 18, 2003 11:29 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Friday] How far can we let the clients push us?
Raible, Matt wrote:
  We had the same requirement from our client - and we actually 
  it!  Using JavaScript and the DOM, we're able to add/delete rows, sort 
  columns, have tabs for different sheets - pretty slick IMO.

That is cool.  DOM is unwieldy, but it's an incredibly powerful
mechanism in web pages -- it really does add a ton of control.  What I'm
curious, though, is what was done with this data after the users had
entered it into the spreadsheet -- was every single cell a form field,
or did you implode the cells into a big string and ship that to the server?


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Re: Returning data from a ResultSet (via a Collection) to my jsp page...

2003-07-17 Thread Adam Levine
Action class:   hits datasource, retrieves results, stores results in user 

JSP page:

 [myCustomTag:accessResultSet assignTo=myResults/]
 [c:forEach/out  ${myResults[iterator]}]    [/c:forEach/out]
myCustomTag  extends TagSupport
  ... assign datasource results to scripting variable entered in 
'assignTo', by way of TagExtraInfo supporting class, leaving results present 
at the end of the tag, rather than nested in.


-- adam

From: Zimmerman, Steven R. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Returning data from a ResultSet (via a Collection) to my jsp 
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:47:34 -0700

 I am a Struts newbie and that being the case I can't seem to get the data
 from my database back to my view. I realize that there are software
 packages that will help me do this (i.e. Scaffold) but I would like to be
 able to do this the vanilla way and then integrate the other more complex
 items later. Anyway... in my Action class I get the ResultSet and place
 the data in a Collection. How does this pointer get back to my jsp?  I
 have searched but can't quite find the right answer with a code example
 and am unable to get this to work... :)  My Action page I believe is 
 it is just how to reference it in the jsp.

  Thanx, Steve

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RE: Newbie question about form variables.

2003-07-17 Thread Adam Levine
scriptlets (bad choice)
custom tags (flexible choice)
jstl, accessing the implicit session (you did store the form in the session, 
didn't you...) and form key name

From: Norr, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Newbie question about form variables.
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:02:11 -0400
Yes I understand.

But how do I acces the Form Bean from the jsp page?


-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:40 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Newbie question about form variables.
one way is to have both pages share a formbean, the first page populates the
formBean with what was entered so the second page can access it.
-Original Message-
From: Norr, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Newbie question about form variables.
I am developing a wizard style form..

How do I obtain the value submitted in the previous page of a form from the
jsp page?
For example, in step2.jsp I need to know what was selected in step1.jsp.



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Re: Returning data from a ResultSet (via a Collection) to my jsp page...

2003-07-17 Thread Adam Levine
other option.. tie the result collection to the user session.. use an 
appropriate JSTL tag to access the collection from session and process.. 
maybe a combination of c:set, c:forEach...

From: Adam Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Returning data from a ResultSet (via a Collection) to my jsp 
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 14:02:47 -0500

Action class:   hits datasource, retrieves results, stores results in user 

JSP page:

 [myCustomTag:accessResultSet assignTo=myResults/]
 [c:forEach/out  ${myResults[iterator]}]    [/c:forEach/out]
myCustomTag  extends TagSupport
  ... assign datasource results to scripting variable entered in 
'assignTo', by way of TagExtraInfo supporting class, leaving results present 
at the end of the tag, rather than nested in.


-- adam

From: Zimmerman, Steven R. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Returning data from a ResultSet (via a Collection) to my jsp 
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:47:34 -0700

 I am a Struts newbie and that being the case I can't seem to get the data
 from my database back to my view. I realize that there are software
 packages that will help me do this (i.e. Scaffold) but I would like to be
 able to do this the vanilla way and then integrate the other more complex
 items later. Anyway... in my Action class I get the ResultSet and place
 the data in a Collection. How does this pointer get back to my jsp?  I
 have searched but can't quite find the right answer with a code example
 and am unable to get this to work... :)  My Action page I believe is 
 it is just how to reference it in the jsp.

  Thanx, Steve

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RE: Newbie question about form variables.

2003-07-17 Thread Adam Levine
yes, 1.1 comes with some of the older struts tags revamped to use JSTL (look 
in the contrib dir).  apache also has the jstl implementation for download.

 you use them like any other tags. just with JSTL syntax.

From: Norr, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Newbie question about form variables.
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:12:33 -0400
Does Struts 1.1 come with JSTL implementation?

If so How do I use it?


-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: Newbie question about form variables.
scriptlets (bad choice)
custom tags (flexible choice)
jstl, accessing the implicit session (you did store the form in the session,
didn't you...) and form key name

From: Norr, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Newbie question about form variables.
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:02:11 -0400
Yes I understand.

But how do I acces the Form Bean from the jsp page?


-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:40 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Newbie question about form variables.
one way is to have both pages share a formbean, the first page populates the
formBean with what was entered so the second page can access it.
-Original Message-
From: Norr, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Newbie question about form variables.
I am developing a wizard style form..

How do I obtain the value submitted in the previous page of a form from the
jsp page?
For example, in step2.jsp I need to know what was selected in step1.jsp.



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Re: Business logic goes where in MVC/Struts??

2003-07-16 Thread Adam Levine
The practice I've done, and seen done, is to call your business logic from 
the action.  Take the form/whatever from the Action, change it into a 
DO/VO/POJO and pass it off.  The business logic can be in a local class, or 
it can call an EJB (stateful/stateless).  This keeps the business logic 
modular and reusable without being locked into a presentation form.
  The business logic can throw errors, populate a List with errors and hand 
it back to the Action.  (Don't forget -- the view layer has some logic: it's 
display logic, not business logic).  The action can then redirect the user 
based on the return (or lack) of errors.


--- adam

From: Bill Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Business logic goes where in MVC/Struts??
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 10:48:37 -0700 (PDT)
I'm curious where the business logic is supposed to go
when programming MVC/Struts.  In Struts' case it
shouldn't go in Action object right?  Business logic
is considered to be part of Model right?


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Re: (RE-POST) RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())

2003-07-10 Thread Adam Levine
nothing asked, nothing answered..

 yes, the input page has always been a .jsp, the destination (address 
bar) page has always been a .jsp. and the action to which the form is posted 
has always been a .do/.jspa/action.. nothing changed save for the 
swapping of libraries (.jars).

From: Sandeep Takhar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: (RE-POST)  RE: using getInputForward vs new 
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 13:56:51 -0700 (PDT)

obvious guy asks:

your input has always been to a .do or equivalent (to
an action) or to a jsp?
--- Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Read backwards:).  Interested in finding out why.

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: July 8, 2003 4:01 PM
 Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new

 Or, I can just tie the errors into my session object
 and use my own tags to
 pull and push them as needed (still ugly, but keeps
 the url clean).

 Perhaps there's a struts developer reading this list
 who has some insight.


 From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new
 Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 15:30:24 -0600

 Huh.  I am surprised that it worked for you before.

 And yes, if you want the URL to change in the
 address bar, you will need
 some sort of redirect.  (Correct me if I am wrong
 here).  However, once you
 redirect the page, you lose anything that's returned
 in the response, including
 errors collection.

 An ugly hack is to pass the errors in the URL.  But
 as I said, it's ugly.
 I would be interested to know what happened, why it
 worked before?

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: July 8, 2003 3:18 PM
 Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new

 Correct. isEmpty() returns false (there are items
 present). and yes,
 html:errors shows nothing.

 And, the getInput() does return what I expect.  It
 returns the phsyical url
 of the form page that I want displayed in the
 address bar when there are
 form problems (errors is not empty).

 I'm returning an ActionForward.  The only difference
 is in whether or not
 the redirect is set to true or false.  If it's set
 to true, the address bar
 is right and html:errors shows nothing.  If it's set
 to false, the address
 bar is wrong (shows the .jspa dynamic address
 rather than the physical),
 but html:errors works.

 So, what I want is the phsyical address inthe bar,
 and the errors to

 clearer (?) walk-through:
 entry page:  /app/enterInfo.jsp
 form post:  /app/validateInfo.jspa - Action

 on errors, it should display the page contents of
 /app/enterInfo.jsp (which
 it does), and show /app/enterInfo.jsp in the address
 bar, and html:errors
 should iterate.

 with redirect set to false, I get
 /app/validateInfo.jspa in the address
 bar, the page contents, and an iteration of

 with redirect set to true, I get /app/enterInfo.jsp,
 the page contents, and
 no html:errors.

 Like I mentioned in my first post, this was working
 the way I wanted before
 I moved to the newer libraries.

 Any other ideas?


 -- adam

 From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new
 Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 14:55:45 -0600

 So you are saying that error.isEmpty() returns
 false, but html:errors/
 display anything?

 This is happening 'cause you use redirect instead of
 forward. Also You might
 want to try System.out.println(mapping.getInput())
 to see if you are going
 to the right page. You might be surprised:).

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: July 8, 2003 1:40 PM
 Subject: using getInputForward vs new

 My goal in handling business problems in
 validating a form submission from
 an Action.execute() is 2-fold:

 1:  Display the accumulated ActionErrors (ie, using
 [html:errors/] )

 2: Return the user to the exact same URL in their
 browser address bar.

 I was using an action-mapping forward in
 struts-config to send them to the
 original .jsp they used to submit from.  The errors
 were showing up (good),
 but the URL in the address bar was being shown as
 /dynamic/Path.jspa (bad)

 So I changed the action-mapping, setting redirect
 to true.  Now the
 address bar was correct (good), but the error
 messages were gone (bad).

 Then I did a lot of web searching, and discovered
 that I should be using

using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Levine
My goal in handling business problems in validating a form submission from 
an Action.execute() is 2-fold:

1:  Display the accumulated ActionErrors (ie, using [html:errors/] )

2: Return the user to the exact same URL in their browser address bar.

I was using an action-mapping forward in struts-config to send them to the 
original .jsp they used to submit from.  The errors were showing up (good), 
but the URL in the address bar was being shown as /dynamic/Path.jspa (bad)

So I changed the action-mapping, setting redirect to true.  Now the 
address bar was correct (good), but the error messages were gone (bad).

Then I did a lot of web searching, and discovered that I should be using the 
So, now my execute() was returning:  return new 

This worked!  The address bar was correct and the errors were still present.

Then I upgraded my struts library to 1.1b3.Now I'm back to the 
original problem of the address bar being right, but my errors are gone.

I found   mapping.getInputForward(), and tried returning that, even going in 
and setting the redirect field to true.  I'm bouncing between the same 2 
situations I had before.

Am I missing something?  Is it no longer possible to have the best of both 
worlds?  For whatever it may be worth, I'm using the -el sets of libraries 
(thank you for finally getting that!).. and jboss 3.07.. and xdoclet...

Thanks for any insight you can provide.

-- adam

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RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Levine
Correct. isEmpty() returns false (there are items present). and yes, 
html:errors shows nothing.

And, the getInput() does return what I expect.  It returns the phsyical url 
of the form page that I want displayed in the address bar when there are 
form problems (errors is not empty).

I'm returning an ActionForward.  The only difference is in whether or not 
the redirect is set to true or false.  If it's set to true, the address bar 
is right and html:errors shows nothing.  If it's set to false, the address 
bar is wrong (shows the .jspa dynamic address rather than the physical), 
but html:errors works.

So, what I want is the phsyical address inthe bar, and the errors to 

clearer (?) walk-through:
entry page:  /app/enterInfo.jsp
form post:  /app/validateInfo.jspa - Action
on errors, it should display the page contents of /app/enterInfo.jsp (which 
it does), and show /app/enterInfo.jsp in the address bar, and html:errors 
should iterate.

with redirect set to false, I get  /app/validateInfo.jspa in the address 
bar, the page contents, and an iteration of html:errors.

with redirect set to true, I get /app/enterInfo.jsp, the page contents, and 
no html:errors.

Like I mentioned in my first post, this was working the way I wanted before 
I moved to the newer libraries.

Any other ideas?


-- adam

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 14:55:45 -0600
So you are saying that error.isEmpty() returns false, but html:errors/ 
display anything?

This is happening 'cause you use redirect instead of forward. Also You might
want to try System.out.println(mapping.getInput()) to see if you are going 
to the right page. You might be surprised:).

-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 8, 2003 1:40 PM
Subject: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
My goal in handling business problems in validating a form submission from
an Action.execute() is 2-fold:
1:  Display the accumulated ActionErrors (ie, using [html:errors/] )

2: Return the user to the exact same URL in their browser address bar.

I was using an action-mapping forward in struts-config to send them to the
original .jsp they used to submit from.  The errors were showing up (good),
but the URL in the address bar was being shown as /dynamic/Path.jspa (bad)
So I changed the action-mapping, setting redirect to true.  Now the
address bar was correct (good), but the error messages were gone (bad).
Then I did a lot of web searching, and discovered that I should be using the
So, now my execute() was returning:  return new
This worked!  The address bar was correct and the errors were still present.

Then I upgraded my struts library to 1.1b3.Now I'm back to the
original problem of the address bar being right, but my errors are gone.
I found   mapping.getInputForward(), and tried returning that, even going in
and setting the redirect field to true.  I'm bouncing between the same 2
situations I had before.
Am I missing something?  Is it no longer possible to have the best of both
worlds?  For whatever it may be worth, I'm using the -el sets of libraries
(thank you for finally getting that!).. and jboss 3.07.. and xdoclet...
Thanks for any insight you can provide.

-- adam

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RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())

2003-07-08 Thread Adam Levine
Or, I can just tie the errors into my session object and use my own tags to 
pull and push them as needed (still ugly, but keeps the url clean).

Perhaps there's a struts developer reading this list who has some insight.


From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 15:30:24 -0600
Huh.  I am surprised that it worked for you before.

And yes, if you want the URL to change in the address bar, you will need 
sort of redirect.  (Correct me if I am wrong here).  However, once you 
the page, you lose anything that's returned in the response, including the
errors collection.

An ugly hack is to pass the errors in the URL.  But as I said, it's ugly.

I would be interested to know what happened, why it worked before?

-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 8, 2003 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
Correct. isEmpty() returns false (there are items present). and yes,
html:errors shows nothing.
And, the getInput() does return what I expect.  It returns the phsyical url
of the form page that I want displayed in the address bar when there are
form problems (errors is not empty).
I'm returning an ActionForward.  The only difference is in whether or not
the redirect is set to true or false.  If it's set to true, the address bar
is right and html:errors shows nothing.  If it's set to false, the address
bar is wrong (shows the .jspa dynamic address rather than the physical),
but html:errors works.
So, what I want is the phsyical address inthe bar, and the errors to
clearer (?) walk-through:
entry page:  /app/enterInfo.jsp
form post:  /app/validateInfo.jspa - Action
on errors, it should display the page contents of /app/enterInfo.jsp (which
it does), and show /app/enterInfo.jsp in the address bar, and html:errors
should iterate.
with redirect set to false, I get  /app/validateInfo.jspa in the address
bar, the page contents, and an iteration of html:errors.
with redirect set to true, I get /app/enterInfo.jsp, the page contents, and
no html:errors.
Like I mentioned in my first post, this was working the way I wanted before
I moved to the newer libraries.
Any other ideas?


-- adam

From: Yansheng Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 14:55:45 -0600
So you are saying that error.isEmpty() returns false, but html:errors/
display anything?
This is happening 'cause you use redirect instead of forward. Also You might
want to try System.out.println(mapping.getInput()) to see if you are going
to the right page. You might be surprised:).
-Original Message-
From: Adam Levine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 8, 2003 1:40 PM
Subject: using getInputForward vs new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
My goal in handling business problems in validating a form submission from
an Action.execute() is 2-fold:
1:  Display the accumulated ActionErrors (ie, using [html:errors/] )

2: Return the user to the exact same URL in their browser address bar.

I was using an action-mapping forward in struts-config to send them to the
original .jsp they used to submit from.  The errors were showing up (good),
but the URL in the address bar was being shown as /dynamic/Path.jspa (bad)
So I changed the action-mapping, setting redirect to true.  Now the
address bar was correct (good), but the error messages were gone (bad).
Then I did a lot of web searching, and discovered that I should be using the
So, now my execute() was returning:  return new
This worked!  The address bar was correct and the errors were still present.

Then I upgraded my struts library to 1.1b3.Now I'm back to the
original problem of the address bar being right, but my errors are gone.
I found   mapping.getInputForward(), and tried returning that, even going in
and setting the redirect field to true.  I'm bouncing between the same 2
situations I had before.
Am I missing something?  Is it no longer possible to have the best of both
worlds?  For whatever it may be worth, I'm using the -el sets of libraries
(thank you for finally getting that!).. and jboss 3.07.. and xdoclet...
Thanks for any insight you can provide.

-- adam

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