extending nested tiles templates

2004-02-16 Thread Nathan Coast

I'd like to be able to nest templates within other templates. I know it can be 
done but I'm not sure I can do it the way I'm trying to do it.  AFAICT you have 
to add n tiles defs for each page you want to add where n is the depth of 
nesting within tiles.

MasterLayout.jsp and FullHistoryBody.jsp both are templates and use 
tiles:insert.  FullHistoryBody is a template for the 'body' section of the 

What I'd like to do:

  definition name=pocweb.master path=/layout/MasterLayout.jsp
put name=title  value=OnePort master Layout /
put name=header value=/layout/Header.jsp /
put name=servnav value=/layout/ServiceNav.jsp /
put name=navbar value=/layout/NavBar.jsp /
put name=breadcrumb   value=/layout/Breadcrumb.jsp /
put name=body   value=/layout/Body.jsp /
put name=footer value=/layout/Footer.jsp /
  definition name=pocweb.fullHistory extends=pocweb.master 
put name=body   value=/layout/FullHistoryBody.jsp /
  definition name=appointment.FullHistoryAppointmentJSP 
put name=title  value=Appointment Version History /
put name=detail   value=/pages/appointment/ViewAppointmentDetail.jsp /

this fails with FullHistoryBody.jsp complainging about not being able to locate 
the detail attribute.

What I have to do to make it work:

  definition name=pocweb.master path=/layout/MasterLayout.jsp
put name=title  value=OnePort master Layout /
put name=header value=/layout/Header.jsp /
put name=servnav value=/layout/ServiceNav.jsp /
put name=navbar value=/layout/NavBar.jsp /
put name=breadcrumb   value=/layout/Breadcrumb.jsp /
put name=body   value=/layout/Body.jsp /
put name=footer value=/layout/Footer.jsp /
  definition name=appointment.FullHistoryAppointmentJSP extends=pocweb.master
put name=title  value=Appointment Version History /
put name=body   value=appointment.FullHistoryAppointmentJSPbody /
  definition name=appointment.FullHistoryAppointmentJSPbody 
put name=detail   value=/pages/appointment/ViewAppointmentDetail.jsp /

The 'problem' with this is that I have to add two tiles defs to add a single 
page.  with n levels of nesting I'd have to add n tiles defs per page.

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Re: Struts converts null to 0 ?

2004-02-16 Thread Nathan Coast
internally BeanUtils uses ConvertUtils to convert from Strings to objects.  You 
can deregister the default converters


The default converters are initialised  as follows with 0 for most numeric 
defaults. if you construct and register converters with no default value, null 
will be returned for  or when an error occurs

converters.put(BigDecimal.class, new BigDecimalConverter());
converters.put(BigInteger.class, new BigIntegerConverter());
converters.put(Boolean.TYPE, new BooleanConverter(defaultBoolean));
converters.put(Boolean.class,  new BooleanConverter(defaultBoolean));
   new BooleanArrayConverter(booleanArray));
converters.put(Byte.TYPE, new ByteConverter(defaultByte));
converters.put(Byte.class, new ByteConverter(defaultByte));
   new ByteArrayConverter(byteArray));
   new CharacterConverter(defaultCharacter));
   new CharacterConverter(defaultCharacter));
   new CharacterArrayConverter(charArray));
converters.put(Class.class, new ClassConverter());
converters.put(Double.TYPE, new DoubleConverter(defaultDouble));
converters.put(Double.class, new DoubleConverter(defaultDouble));
   new DoubleArrayConverter(doubleArray));
converters.put(Float.TYPE, new FloatConverter(defaultFloat));
converters.put(Float.class, new FloatConverter(defaultFloat));
   new FloatArrayConverter(floatArray));
converters.put(Integer.TYPE, new IntegerConverter(defaultInteger));
converters.put(Integer.class, new IntegerConverter(defaultInteger));
   new IntegerArrayConverter(intArray));
converters.put(Long.TYPE, new LongConverter(defaultLong));
converters.put(Long.class, new LongConverter(defaultLong));
   new LongArrayConverter(longArray));
converters.put(Short.TYPE, new ShortConverter(defaultShort));
converters.put(Short.class, new ShortConverter(defaultShort));
   new ShortArrayConverter(shortArray));
converters.put(String.class, new StringConverter());
   new StringArrayConverter(stringArray));
converters.put(Date.class, new SqlDateConverter());
converters.put(Time.class, new SqlTimeConverter());
converters.put(Timestamp.class, new SqlTimestampConverter());
Larry Meadors wrote:

Yeah, that is the joy of bean-utils.  It is best to leave it a stringon
the form and convert it yourself.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/16/04 7:45 AM 
I have a form with a Long property; I used Long instead of long to have
the property nullable, but if the (html) form includes such a property,
struts sets the corresponding bean property to 0, even if it has no
value (value=); what I'd like is struts to leave the property at
null!! It also behaves so if the (html) property has non numeric value!!
Any help is VERY appreciated

Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA
Tel.:   010 2712603

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locale specific date format

2003-11-21 Thread Nathan Coast

How do I set locale specific date formats?  I tried setting 
org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.format.date with format strings within locale 
specific applicationResources.properties but the format keeps coming out the same

Fri Nov 21 16:46:05 CST 2003

any ideas?

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ExceptionHandler to ActionError

2003-11-13 Thread Nathan Coast

I'd like to catch exceptions in an exception handler and then re-use the 
ActionMessage mechanism to relay messages to the failed input page.  Is this 
possible?  What do I have to do within the ExceptionHandler to invoke the 
ActionMessage mechanism?

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wrapping action invocations

2003-10-07 Thread Nathan Coast

Apologies if this is a duplicate, I posted a few days ago but it doesn't seem to 
have made it to the list.

I'd like to introduce a layer between the action servlet and the action classes 
to perform generic processing - authorisation, error handling etc.

I have 2 solutions:

1) subclass the RequestProcessor with generic code in an overridden 
processActionPerform method.
2) provide an Action base class, generic code goes in a final implementation of 
the execute method which delegates to an abstract doExecute method.  Each 
subclass implements the doExecute method.

or is there some other way of achieving this?


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multiple modules

2003-10-03 Thread Nathan Coast

do you have to have a default module called '' or with multiple modules can they 
all be defined with a name?

I'm getting errors with deployment when I don't have:

Even though theres no mention of a struts-config.xml within my web.xml I'm 
seeing these errors on the console.

DEBUG - Initializing module path '' configuration from '/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml'
2003-10-03 16:05:05,600 DEBUG [ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 
'weblogic.kernel.Default'] action.ActionServlet (ActionSer
vlet.java:916) - Initializing module path '' configuration from 
03-Oct-2003 16:05:05 o'clock CST Error HTTP BEA-101017 
eb)] Root cause of ServletException.

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looping with ant:available

2003-09-19 Thread Nathan Coast

I test for a condition within a loop using the ant:available tag

j:forEach var=lib items=${pom.artifacts}
   j:set var=dep value=${lib.dependency}/
   j:set var=junitejb.test.jar value=${dep}/
   ant:available property=junitejb.test.jar.available
   j:if test=${junitejb.test.jar.available}
do something with the file
if junit.test.jar.available is set to true it is never reset to false or 
null.  If the available is false, the property is left in whatever state 
it is currently in.

any ideas for a workaround as I guess I'm stuck with how ant works.


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tiles, modules tiles-defs

2003-09-05 Thread Nathan Coast

I posted a question earlier as to whether it was possible to have a 
module based web-app with each module having its own tiles defs 
configuration.  The tiles-documentation web app is a working example of 
this.  So that answers my first question.  On looking at the details of 
the webapp the tiles-defs are within each module configuration as follows:

struts-tutorial-config module
  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
set-property property=definitions-config
/WEB-INF/tiles-tutorial-defs.xml /
set-property property=moduleAware value=true /
struts-doc-config module
  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
set-property property=definitions-config
/WEB-INF/tiles-doc-defs.xml /
set-property property=moduleAware value=true /

struts-config module
  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
set-property property=definitions-config
 value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
set-property property=moduleAware value=true /

can someone explain to me the significance of specifying the tiles-defs 
in this way?  is this to make paths defined in one tiles-defs file 
available to another module? Is there any other significance of having 
multiple tiles-defs declared within each module?


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modules and tiles

2003-09-03 Thread Nathan Coast

is it be possible to configure layouts using tiles-defs.xml when using 
multiple modules?  I had a go but couldn't get it to work.  The 
configuration I tried was two modules each with their own tiles-defs 
layout configuration file.

Also, is there an example app that uses modules (with or without tiles 


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Re: How to keep session info??

2003-08-14 Thread Nathan Coast
 Make sure that your forward/ isn't doing a redirect (i.e.
 redirect=true).  If I understand things correctly, a redirect will 
cause a
 new session to be created...


Are you sure?  I haven't looked at this area of the source for a while 
but I can't think any sensible reason why it would be desirable for a 
redirect to cause a new session.

If the problem is that a variable is placed into the session and then is 
missing during the same request (and the forward is within the same 
web-app), it sounds to me like there might be some erroneous code 
somewhere.  I'd check for silly mistakes

check you aren't putting null in the session,
check you aren't setting the var in the request rather than the session,
check the var in the session isn't null immediately after placing in the 
check the request isn't going via some code that calls 
session.invalidate(), or is removing the var from the session.

hope this helps

Jerry Jalenak wrote:

-Original Message-
From: development [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:42 PM
Subject: How to keep session info??
Hi all,

I've got a LoginAction which inside its execute method validates and 
saves the login info into HttpSession instance. It creates an 
ActionForward and returns it.
All works good and it calls the new Action which I call MembersAction 
which tries to retrieve the login info.
Somehow though the session ID is different and so I lost all my login 
info :(

Can someone tell me why session would be diferent please?

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2003-08-11 Thread Nathan Coast
select tags or indeed any tag that acts on a collection uses the name 
property to locate the collection.  If in your case you have a 
collection of values that you load once and share accross every session 
interacting with your app, load this at startup, say in a startup 
servlet init and place it into the application context.

servletConfig.getServletContext().setAttribute(name, value)

Curtney Jacobs wrote:


I would like to load default values in my forms upon application startup. Is 
this possible with STRUTS? Seriously, is this possible with STRUTS? If not, I 
will have to look some where else for this.

Many of my forms have drop down list that enables the user to choose the 
appropriate values. It would be nice that UPON APPLICATION STARTUP forms that 
need default values are automatically populated with said values.

I am aware that I can call an action that can prepopulate my forms with those 
values. However, it seems tedious to always call an action to populate a form 
with default values.

Has anyone done this before, if so, I would greatly appreciate some 

This is like the upteen post concerning this. I find it hard that no one else 
needs this or has done this.



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exception handling

2003-07-13 Thread Nathan Coast

I'm using tiles to manage my layouts, one of the sections of a page is 
throwing an exception:

 [ServletException in:/log4j/Loggers_body.jsp] 

these are the only exception details I see, how do I obtain the full 
stack of the exception?

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module / tiles problems

2003-07-13 Thread Nathan Coast

I tried setting up a web application with configuration files.


both referred to their own tiles-defs files with tiles plugins

  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
set-property property=definitions-config 
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
set-property property=definitions-parser-validate value=true /
set-property property=moduleAware value=false /


  plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
set-property property=definitions-config 
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs-logweb.xml /
set-property property=definitions-parser-validate value=true /
set-property property=moduleAware value=false /

the tiles-defs were only loaded for the file listed in the first config 
file (struts-config.xml)

Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: module / tiles problems

2003-07-13 Thread Nathan Coast

unfortunately still doesn't work

Erez Efrati wrote:
Just by looking and I am new to tiles...
That the  

set-property property=moduleAware value=false /

The VALUE should be set to TRUE not false.

Hope it helps,
-Original Message-
From: Nathan Coast [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 2:12 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: module / tiles problems


I tried setting up a web application with configuration files.


both referred to their own tiles-defs files with tiles plugins

   plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
 set-property property=definitions-config 
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml /
 set-property property=definitions-parser-validate value=true
 set-property property=moduleAware value=false /


   plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
 set-property property=definitions-config 
value=/WEB-INF/tiles-defs-logweb.xml /
 set-property property=definitions-parser-validate value=true
 set-property property=moduleAware value=false /

the tiles-defs were only loaded for the file listed in the first config 
file (struts-config.xml)

Am I doing something wrong?

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mapped properties

2003-07-03 Thread Nathan Coast

is it possible to use mapped properties for populating properties within 
forms?  If yes, does anyone have an example snip of jsp demonstrating 
how to use mapped properties.


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BeanUtils.populate for non-basic types

2003-06-18 Thread Nathan Coast

Is there any mechanism to populate form fields whose class isn't from 

Apologies if this question should be directed to the commons-beanutils list.

e.g. org.apache.log4j.Level


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debugging bean populate

2003-06-09 Thread Nathan Coast

I'm getting an IllegalArgumentException presumably due to trying to 
populate a field of a form with the wrong datatype.  I can't see where 
I'm going wrong.  Is there a simple way to turn on debugging for the 
BeanUtils.populate code to see which attribute is failing?

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
	at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.setProperty(BeanUtils.java:1019)
	at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate(BeanUtils.java:808)
	at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(RequestUtils.java:1097)

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struts tags vs jstl

2003-06-03 Thread Nathan Coast

I've used struts for a while now and figured I should probably look at 
the jstl.  Theres certainly plenty of common ground to do with 
programatic control (decisions and looping) and with 
internationalisation.  I'm not sure sql tags in jsp are particularly 
bright idea but anyway

Does anyone have any thoughts on which bits are best to use from each of 
the taglibs?  Also, is there any plan to make the struts tags support 
the definition of the corresponding jstl tags?  The idea being that 
you'd only have to learn one syntax to use both taglibs, whilst using 
the struts tags would give you all the additional funcionality that 
comes with struts.

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Re: struts tags vs jstl

2003-06-03 Thread Nathan Coast

is this documented somewhere?  ie which tags have / haven't been ported

James Norman wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the latest release of Struts includes a subset of
Struts tags that have been configured to support the EL Expression language.
This is the expression language that is built into JSTL.  I think that only
the Struts tags that don't have equivalents in the JSTL have been ported.
- Original Message -
From: Nathan Coast [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: struts tags vs jstl


I've used struts for a while now and figured I should probably look at
the jstl.  Theres certainly plenty of common ground to do with
programatic control (decisions and looping) and with
internationalisation.  I'm not sure sql tags in jsp are particularly
bright idea but anyway
Does anyone have any thoughts on which bits are best to use from each of
the taglibs?  Also, is there any plan to make the struts tags support
the definition of the corresponding jstl tags?  The idea being that
you'd only have to learn one syntax to use both taglibs, whilst using
the struts tags would give you all the additional funcionality that
comes with struts.
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Re: struts tags vs jstl

2003-06-03 Thread Nathan Coast

so, if I understand it right.

you would use c:forEach items= rather than logic:iterate name=...

and behind the scenes the class implementing the c:forEach is a 
struts-el class?

or should you call the tags their struts names but jstl attributes?

logic-el:iterate items-

if the latter, what are the preferred prefixes for the el tags? the same 
as their struts counterparts or with some el prefix or suffix?

David M. Karr wrote:
Nathan == Nathan Coast [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nathan is this documented somewhere?  ie which tags have / haven't been ported

As other posters implied, if both a Struts tag and a JSTL tag overlap, the tag
wasn't ported to Struts-EL, in general.  The README.txt file in the struts-el
directory tries to list what tags were not ported, and why.
Note that there were some problems in the RC1 release of Struts-EL, so you
should probably use the nightly build, or wait until RC2.
Nathan James Norman wrote:
 I'm pretty sure that the latest release of Struts includes a subset of
 Struts tags that have been configured to support the EL Expression language.
 This is the expression language that is built into JSTL.  I think that only
 the Struts tags that don't have equivalents in the JSTL have been ported.

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creating dynamic forms for unknown attribute types

2003-05-31 Thread Nathan Coast

I'd like to be able to dynamically create forms based on the properties 
of the class as defined by the PropertyDescriptors.  What I'd like to do 
is to have a mapping between the data type of the property and the input 
type used for the form.

e.g. for Strings a html:text for boolean / Boolean a html:select 
with option value=true option value=false, for Date use some 
form of calendar.

Has anyone tried anything like this?  I'd like to be able to define my 
own tag which performed the mapping and then delegated to the 
appropriate struts tag once the tag class had been selected.

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internationalization numeric formats

2001-12-17 Thread Nathan Coast


does struts support different formats for numbers dependent upon the locale
of the user?  I've had a look in the bean write tag code which seems to
indicate using keys such as org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.format.float.
Should this be used in the Application.properties and
Application_de.properties files e.g:


Cheers Nathan

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quick question - next release

2001-11-27 Thread Nathan Coast


I saw a load of emails flying around a little while ago about an upcoming
release quality build (1.1 or whatever) to provide a release in line with
the commons packages.  Is this happening?  Is there a time frame in mind for
this? how long is a piece of string etc.


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RE: tiles / portal / digester

2001-10-05 Thread Nathan Coast

  Is there a standard way of reversing the Digester code 
 (taking an object
  tree and generating XML) - do we need a regurgitater :)
   I don't know about a standard way to revers digester code. Could be

ATM just doing some ugly dom building and generating xml from that.

  Is it possible to re-use the digester that tiles uses to read the
  tilesDefinition.xml to generate the object tree when retrieving the
  preferences from the database?
   Tile use the digester to read xml files. You can reuse it 
 to read any file
 with appropriate format.  But if you want to read from a read 
 DB, you can only
 reuse part of it.
   This could be an interesting extension/new feature for Tiles.

I've found the code I needed in
org.apache.struts.tiles.xmlDefinition.XmlParser - I cut the code from here
as its private - could be a case for making method public?  I think I favour
storing the preferences (definitions) as XML over serializing the objects.
I anticipate a need for admin functions to operate globally e.g. remove /
add / modify a component from everyones definitions.  I think this might be
possible by sql operations on the db rather than deserialize / modify /

Apart from this, it seems to be going well, I'll let you know how I get on.

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Console

2001-10-05 Thread Nathan Coast

Hi Ted, 

 I'll try to update the TODO list, since many
 items there are actually being tested, are already done, or just

bit off topic from the original post but seeing as your talking about the
todo list I spoted this on the list:

 PropertyEditor Support. Add support for JavaBeans that include 
 a PropertyEditor class for conversion to and from the string 
 representation used in an HTML input field. This support should 
 operate in a manner consistent with the way that standard JSP 
 tags do in JSP 1.2. 

I've implemented a proof of concept of this in the commons.beanutils package
and posted this to the commons-dev list but got no response back, (src
attached).  If this is wanted for inclusion then I'll gladly clean the code
up and write more tests.

In summary: Using this code, form bean properties can be any type (assuming
a PropertyEditor class is provided).  PropertyEditors which provide the same
functionality as the current ConvertUtils are included in the jar

changes to ConvertUtils
1) removed of all conversion code (virtually all of the code is now for the
2) default values opened to package scope to enable the PropertyEditor
classes to use the default values
3) registration of the PropertyEditor classes for use with the basic types
and object wrappers in the static initialiser.

other changes:
addition of the basic property editors.
addition of a java.util.Date property editor (example of a non-basic
property editor)
added a test to the BeanUtil test case to test the populate method for a
variety of cases (by no means exhaustive).

The only reason we have to implement all of the Basic Property Editors is
because of the default property functionality (provide a default value if
parsing fails - standard editors throw IllegalArgumentException).  Without
this functionality the we could use the PropertyEditor classes that come
with the VM.


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tiles / portal / digester

2001-10-04 Thread Nathan Coast


I'm trying to develop a basic portal app using tiles.  Each user may have
selected different components that they want to display in different
locations.  At the moment the I'm thinking of implementing this by
dynamically building up a Definition for each user containing their
preferences - an object representation of something like this:

definition name=main.portal.body path=/layout/columnsLayout.jsp
  put name=numCols value=2 /
  putList name=list0 
add value=/tutorial/portal/login.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/messages.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/newsFeed.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/advert2.jsp /
  putList name=list1 
add value=/tutorial/portal/advert3.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/stocks.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/whatsNew.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/personalLinks.jsp /
add value=/tutorial/portal/search.jsp /

when saving a users preferences I'd convert the object tree to xml and store
it somewhere.  

Is this a good idea?
Is there a standard way of reversing the Digester code (taking an object
tree and generating XML) - do we need a regurgitater :)
Is it possible to re-use the digester that tiles uses to read the
tilesDefinition.xml to generate the object tree when retrieving the
preferences from the database?


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Tiles Newbie - tutorial problem

2001-09-27 Thread Nathan Coast

Hi, I've downloaded the tiles install from


I deployed the tiles-doc.war in weblogic and the index page displayed fine. 
However, when I clicked on the Tutorial Live examples link:

I get this error:

Thu Sep 27 14:15:13 BST 2001  [Exception in:/tutorial/common/header.jsp] (line 
1): Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld' prefix='html': For 
tag 'messages', cannot load extra info class 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 1): Error in using tag library 
uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld' prefix='html': For tag 'messages', cannot load 
extra info class 'com.wintecinc.struts.taglib.html.MessagesTei' at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.tld_jspException(StandardTagLib.java:901) at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.parseTagDD(StandardTagLib.java:949) at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.parseDD(StandardTagLib.java:926) at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.(StandardTagLib.java:207) at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.loadTagLib(JspLexer.java:145) at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTAGLIB_DIRECTIVE_BODY(JspLexer.java:4174) at 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTAGLIB_DIRECTIVE(JspLexer.java:4015) at

Any ideas?

Cheers Nathan

struts portal?

2001-09-24 Thread Nathan Coast


quick question, is there any struts or apache sub-project to provide
'portal-like' functionality?  basic functionality for users to select
components from a default list that they want to see in their home page.

Our current app is in struts and we'd like to avoid adding more new
technologies if possible.


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obtaining action forwards in jsps

2001-08-29 Thread Nathan Coast


Is there any way to obtain the action forward urls in jsps using their
logical 'struts-config' name? I'd like to code links etc point to certain
action forward urls found in struts config rather than hard coding the url?
Similarly I'd like to be able to change the action url of forms using values
found in struts-config using the logical forward name.

Is this possible?


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RE: Question about html:link

2001-08-29 Thread Nathan Coast

String str = javascript:doSummlkjsdf( + myVar + );

html:link href=%=str% .. /

-Original Message-
From: Alex Colic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:30 PM
Subject: Question about html:link


how can I pass a javascript function to a link tag?

My present tag is
a href=javascript:doSummarry(A_NUMBER)

The value of A_NUMBER is found in a bean via workrequest.number.

Thanks for the help.



Alex Colic, HBA, B. Ed
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RE: The index number of iterate tag

2001-08-24 Thread Nathan Coast

logic:iterate name=myBeanName  property=myBeanProp id=indexedBeanName

this will:
1) iterate over the collection / array obtained by calling 'getMyBeanProp()'
on the bean named 'myBeanName' 
2) place the current element in the iteration in page context against the
name 'indexedBeanName' 
3) place the current index in the page context against the name myIndexName

-Original Message-
From: Vincent Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: The index number of iterate tag


Could any one tell me how to get the index number in a iterate tag? For
example, I want to show a html table in screen like below. 

No. Name.   Address..
2   BBB xxY
3   CCC ffxx

And I have a collection of objects which have attribute name and address ...
etc. I can use logic:iterate to display this collection. But I don't know
how to get the item number number. Now, I use a variable i and use scriptlet
%= ++i % in JSP, but I think the codes are ugly. Is there a tag or
implicit variable to get the index number of logic:iterate ?


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Quick question / indexed iterate tag / Text area

2001-08-22 Thread Nathan Coast


Are indexed tags implemented for text areas as part of Dave Hays indexed tag

is there a reason why they weren't included in the patch?


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why both html and form tags?

2001-08-10 Thread Nathan Coast


why are there two tlds one for 'form' and one for 'html' where all of the
form tags point to the same classes as those in the html package?


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java.util.Date properties

2001-08-09 Thread Nathan Coast


We've got a number of forms in which it would be useful to have
java.util.Date properties. Is there any plan to have conversions for data
types other than the standard java.lang basic type wrappers?

from Convert Utils

if (clazz == stringClass) {
if (value == null)
return ((String) null);
return (value);
} else if (clazz == Integer.TYPE) {
return (convertInteger(value, defaultInteger));
} else if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE) {
return (convertBoolean(value, defaultBoolean));
} else if (clazz == Long.TYPE) {
return (convertLong(value, defaultLong));
} else if (clazz == Double.TYPE) {
return (convertDouble(value, defaultDouble));  

what about adding
else if (clazz = java.util.Date)
return DateFormat.parse(value);

any thoughts?


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base, templates and relative urls

2001-08-03 Thread Nathan Coast


We've got a problem with relative urls to images in our pages due to jsps
and templates residing at different directory depths.

here's our directory structure


Our pages are structured in directories beneath pages and subdirectories
thereof. All pages are accessed via action servlet urls of varying depth


So for relative urls to other resources to work we've added a base tag to
the main template.  This is where it all goes a bit wrong.  How do you now
reference images etc in MainTemplate.jsp as the base could be at any depth
so relative urls don't work.  Similarly if we wanted to pass other pages in
the template e.g /pages/leftnav.jsp etc, none of these would work.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there some html:img attribute I've
missed that will prefix the context to img tags?

Solutions I can think of are:
1) place all jsps in one folder or at the same folder depth
2) write a custom tag that prefixes /MyContext/ to the src
3) use MS Front Page (only joking)

On a similar note is there a 'correct' way of refering to components in a
template - relative or absolute

template:insert template='/pages/MainTemplate.jsp'
  template:put name='body' content='/pages/section1/section1_body.jsp'/


template:insert template='../MainTemplate.jsp'
  template:put name='body' content='section1_body.jsp'/


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Iterate tag - type attribute

2001-08-02 Thread Nathan Coast


quick question, what is the purpose of the type attribute in the iterate


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indexed properties problems ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

2001-07-31 Thread Nathan Coast


I've followed various threads (Long Story Short etc) about Dave Hays index
tags enhancement and after much hair tearing!

The suggested code for the form bean is:

   private ArrayList parameterList = new ArrayList();

   public ArrayList getParameterList()

   public void setParameterList(ArrayList parameterList)
  this.parameterList = parameterList;

   public Parameter getParameter(int index)
if (idx  parameterList.size()-1)
parameterList.add(index,new Parameter ());
return (Parameter) parameterList.get(index);   

The problem I'm getting is that struts is calling the getParameter(index)
method out of sequence e.g.


and so the calls to add and get on the ArrayList result in
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException rather than building up the values.

This problem would go away if I used session scope form beans but I'd rather
not do that.

Has anyone else seen this problem / found a neat solution?

Cheers Nathan

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Indexed tags - Dave Hays code

2001-07-30 Thread Nathan Coast


I'm trying to use the Indexed tags from Dave Hays:

anyone got a replacement struts.jar with the relevant code changes in?

It's not that I'm lazy, I'm just having trouble getting the code built using
ant 1.3

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/transform/Source
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:120)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:153)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.runTarget(Project.java:898)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:536)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:510)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:421)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.main(Main.java:149)

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Indexed properties

2001-07-25 Thread Nathan Coast


What I want to do is to have multiple text fields in a table get assigned to
an array or collection property in an ActionForm.

I've followed a few threads in the newsgroups about this and have tried some
jsp code:

logic:iterate id=myObject name=indexedForm property=indexedPropsList
TDhtml:text name=myObject property=name

but this produces this jsp error:

/pages/test/TestIndexedPropertyPage_Body.jsp(11): for tag 'text' handler
type 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TextTag' has no property 'indexed'

Is the indexed property a non-standard struts patch / extension I have to


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RE: Link Tag not supported?

2001-07-17 Thread Nathan Coast


Not sure how this helps me.  I now get this html generated:


This tag is generated from within a template jsp (pages/MainTemplate.jsp).
This template jsp is at a different directory depth from the repuested jsp
(above) and so relative urls in the template jsp wont work.  Please excuse
my ignorance here as I'm a java programmer rather than HTML.


-Original Message-
From: Siggelkow, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 July 2001 18:06
Subject: RE: Link Tag not supported?

You should only need to provide a relative link as the href attribute of
your link tag.  You can also use the Struts base tag to set the base from
the calling page ...
titleMy Home Page/title
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=styles/default.css

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Coast [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 12:47 PM
To: Struts-User (E-mail)
Subject: Link Tag not supported?


I want to create this html using struts tags so I don't have to hard code my
context (LevelSeas) but the html:link tag is for A href = .

link rel=stylesheet href=/LevelSeas/style/LS_stylesheet.css
charset=ISO-8859-1 type=text/css/

Is there a tag to do this or am I going to have to write my own custom tag?


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Link Tag not supported?

2001-07-16 Thread Nathan Coast


I want to create this html using struts tags so I don't have to hard code my
context (LevelSeas) but the html:link tag is for A href = .

link rel=stylesheet href=/LevelSeas/style/LS_stylesheet.css
charset=ISO-8859-1 type=text/css/

Is there a tag to do this or am I going to have to write my own custom tag?


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display of ActionErrors

2001-07-12 Thread Nathan Coast


Is there any way to separate individual error messages in a jsp form?  The
sort of behaviour I'm looking for is to place the error messages
(ActionErrors) next to the errant fields rather than a single block.  Or is
the only option to display all of the errors in one place using
html:errors/ tag?


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page flow control

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Coast


In the site I'm developing, there are sections that have forms on consecutive 
pages, I want to guarantee that pages are navigated: page1 - page2 - pageN. 
At the same time allowing back and forward navigation to change values entered 
on previous pages.  After the last submit, the only valid page in the sequence 
is then page1.  I've had a look at the Struts Token functionality but I don't 
think it can support this functionality.  Is it possible with Tokens or some 
other way?

Thanks in advance

Re: Automathic user authentication

2001-05-14 Thread Nathan Coast

the method will return null if the user is not authenticated.  There is also the 

java.security.principal user = HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() which 
returns the current user (if logged in).

have a read of the security chapter of the servlet spec (chapter 11 in 2.2, 
chapter 12 in 2.3).  This tells you how to configure your web app to require 
authentication to access certain resources.


 hi everibody,
 i'm developing for myintranet a web app based on apache/tomcat/struts.
 My users are using NT Wks on a NT Domain.
 I'm trying to auto-authenticate the users using the NT Logon User.
 Somebody told me to use the following jsp code
 String logon_user = Request.ServerVariables(LOGON_USER);
 but the class Request is unknown in Tomcat (ok with JRUN)
 Somebody told me to use the following code
 String logon_user = request.getRemoteUser();
 but it return null (or empty String)
 Can anybody suggest me any other solutions?
 Thanks MaxL

relative urls

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Coast


I've got an app that will be deployed to a number of different contexts


The app contains a large amount of static content e.g. images which will always 
be referenced from /current_context/image

some of the jsps are accessed directly and via the action servlet - sometimes 
with different depths for the action url e.g.

this obviously rules out using relative urls for the static content but the 
changing contexts makes it difficult for basing the urls on root.

Is the solution to precede the url to every image in every jsp with a variable 
containing the value of the context?  Is this not a performance hit?  What's the 
best way to do it? Is there a struts tag that does this for me? How do I achieve 
world peace? - oops wrong mail list.


Re: relative urls

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Coast


this is what I figured, seems like an unpleasant overhead object - instantiation 
and 3 method calls for every relative url in the site every time every page is 

Must be some hack to get the context and place it into a static final variable 
somewhere prior to jsp compilation.  This would effectively compile the variable 
value into every jsp.  Any ideas?

Scott Walter wrote:

 I ran into this same issue.  I accomplished this by
 creating a custom tag (in my case called, PageLoader).
  The PageLoader tag will expose a scripting variable
 called contextRoot, which is basically
 --- Nathan Coast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got an app that will be deployed to a number of
 different contexts
 The app contains a large amount of static content
 e.g. images which will always 
 be referenced from /current_context/image
 some of the jsps are accessed directly and via the
 action servlet - sometimes 
 with different depths for the action url e.g.
 this obviously rules out using relative urls for the
 static content but the 
 changing contexts makes it difficult for basing the
 urls on root.
 Is the solution to precede the url to every image in
 every jsp with a variable 
 containing the value of the context?  Is this not a
 performance hit?  What's the 
 best way to do it? Is there a struts tag that does
 this for me? How do I achieve 
 world peace? - oops wrong mail list.
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