Re: Digester Question

2002-03-05 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Craig Tataryn wrote:

 I realize that the digester is now part of commons, but I figure there is
 probably a lot of expertise here since it grew up in Struts.  I was
 wondering if someone could help me figure out the easiest way to do this:

 I have an xml document, that holds form data, I would like to use the
 digester to populate my objects automatically.  A form file might look like

   form type=shopping-cart
   form type=calculator

 Let's assume there are many forms...  I was wondering, without having to
 load all forms into objects and then picking the one I want to use, I would
 rather the digester only instantiate and populate an object for lets say,
 the form node who's type attribute is calculator.

 What's the easiest way to do this?  I don't think the digester can pattern
 match on attribute values the way XPath does, so is there a programming
 technique I can use to filter further?

 Hi Craig. Since, AFAIK, the digester blindly instantiates all of the
implied objects in your database file, I think that you'll need to parse the
database file independently. You might try parsing the database file
using JDOM, extracting the elements that you want and passing that
snippet to the digester. I think that utilizing JDOM, you'll get working
code much faster than you would with raw SAX parsing. I have used
JDOM but I haven't tried utilizing it with the digester - just an idea.

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RE: html:link problem

2001-07-05 Thread Steve A Drake

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Greg Reddin wrote:

  I need to
  use one of forward, href or page. So now my problems are:

 Try setting up the href attribute to read


 and see if that works.

 Good idea. Unfortunately, it didn't work. I tried:

html:link href=javascript:performAction(form, '')

but got:

Exception Report:

javax.servlet.ServletException: javascript:performAction(form, 
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


Root Cause:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: javascript:performAction(form, 

I also tried:

html:link href=javascript:performAction(form,
' 10*i %')

but got an IllegalArgumentException.

html:link problem

2001-07-03 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I'm trying to use html:link to submit the contents of a form.
The problem is that when I submit the form using html:link, the
ActionForm bean is not populated. My form looks like:



html:link forward=simpleQuery
{Stuff here}


In struts-config.xml, I've defined a global forward mapping from
simpleQuery to / . The parameter offset passes as a
request parameter to the Action class okay.

The only difference in the processing within Struts that I see is that,
for a form submission with the Submit button, Struts sees a POST
whereas for the html:link it sees a GET operation. For example,

output when using html:submit:

2001-07-03 16:30:07 action: Processing a POST for /simpleQuery
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Storing instance under attribute
'simpleQueryForm' in scope 'request'
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Populating bean properties from this request
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Validating input form properties
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:   No errors detected, accepting input
2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Looking for Action instance for class

output when using html:link:

2001-07-03 16:30:24 action: Processing a GET for /simpleQuery
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Storing instance under attribute
'simpleQueryForm' in scope 'request'
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Populating bean properties from this request
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Validating input form properties
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:   No errors detected, accepting input
2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Looking for Action instance for class

Re: html:link problem

2001-07-03 Thread Steve A Drake

 Thanks for your reply Matt.

 I tried invoking a Javascript function to perform the form submission,

 html:link onclick=performAction(form, '')
 {Stuff here}

but the forward attribute overrides the onclick. If I leave out the
forward attribute, the JSP doesn't compile complaining that I need to
use one of forward, href or page. So now my problems are:

 1) How can I invoke the Javascript function (and ignore the hyperlink
 2) How do I pass the request parameter (can I still use paramId, etc.)

Thanks in advance.

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Matt Raible wrote:

 You cannot use a link to submit a form, unless you
 call a javascript function from the link.  The link
 will only submit its parameters to the form bean.

 Hope this helps,


 --- Steve A Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello. I'm trying to use html:link to submit the
  contents of a form.
  The problem is that when I submit the form using
  html:link, the
  ActionForm bean is not populated. My form looks
  html:link forward=simpleQuery
  {Stuff here}
  In struts-config.xml, I've defined a global forward
  mapping from
  simpleQuery to / . The parameter
  offset passes as a
  request parameter to the Action class okay.
  The only difference in the processing within Struts
  that I see is that,
  for a form submission with the Submit button,
  Struts sees a POST
  whereas for the html:link it sees a GET
  operation. For example,
  output when using html:submit:
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action: Processing a POST for
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Looking for ActionForm
  bean under attribute
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Creating new ActionForm
  instance of class
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Storing instance under
  'simpleQueryForm' in scope 'request'
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Populating bean
  properties from this request
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Validating input form
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:   No errors detected,
  accepting input
  2001-07-03 16:30:07 action:  Looking for Action
  instance for class
  output when using html:link:
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action: Processing a GET for
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Looking for ActionForm
  bean under attribute
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Creating new ActionForm
  instance of class
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Storing instance under
  'simpleQueryForm' in scope 'request'
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Populating bean
  properties from this request
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Validating input form
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:   No errors detected,
  accepting input
  2001-07-03 16:30:24 action:  Looking for Action
  instance for class

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Re: Multibox confusion after reading Struts mail-archive

2001-06-21 Thread Steve A Drake

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Becky Moyer wrote:

Thanks so much for your reply, it gave me some more leads to follow.  I
 have been playing with this for the last 2 days...I have tried to change my
 webapp to be similar to yours.

That could get ugly. =:]

  I made my form have 2 string arrays, but
 when I try to iterate over my form as you have done in the example you gave,
 I either had to iterate over one string array or the other, and when I tried
 to specify the property in the multibox tag, it couldn't find the getter...I
 am assuming that, in step with the example you gave, Struts is trying to do
 a advancedQueryForm.getFindAssets().getSelectedAssets() for the multibox,
 when I think you are saying it should be doing an
I am still plodding along, but haven't made much progress.  Is there
 something I'm missing?

 It sounds like you are getting close to what I'm using. I'm only
iterating over the String[] that contains all the possible values.
Values in the other String[] that match the array you are iterating
over will cause the checkboxes to be set to checked (but you don't need
to iterate over this second String[]). Also make sure the array you are
iterating over always contains all of the possible attributes, either by
saving it in session scope or repopulating it each time in request scope
(i.e., don't set it to null in reset()). In the ActionForm, I have:

private String[] findAssets = null;
private String[] selectedAssets = null;

 * Get
public String[] getFindAssets() {
  return (this.findAssets);
 * Set
 * @param
public void setFindAssets(String[] findAssets) {
  this.findAssets = findAssets;

 * Get
public String[] getSelectedAssets() {
  return (this.selectedAssets);
 * Set
 * @param
public void setSelectedAssets(String[] selectedAssets) {
  this.selectedAssets = selectedAssets;

Re: Multibox confusion after reading Struts mail-archive

2001-06-19 Thread Steve A Drake

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Becky Moyer wrote:

 Hi all...
I've read all I can find in the archives about the html:multibox tag, and
 I have gotten farther, but I still would like to ask for some help.

 In my jsp, I have the following:

 logic:iterate id=item1 name=entryData
html:multibox name=item1 property=subscriptionStatus value=true/

 Where entryData is an ArrayList of class EntryInfo, that has a
 getSubscriptionStatus() which returns a boolean.  This displays properly,
 and i see the appropriate boxes checked.

 The associated Form bean has a boolean[] subscriptionStatus field with the
 associated getter and setter methods.  When I try to evaluate the form in my
 ActionClass, the result of form.getSubscriptionStatus() is null.

 I have also implemented the reset() method in my form where I iterate
 through the subscriptionStatus array in the Form and set all values to null.

 My questions are...

 1) I thought the property Attribute in the multibox tag refered to
the property in the form that would be submitted.  I may very well
be mistaken, but it seems from my experiments, the property
attrubute specifies which value will be displayed.  How does this
work?  If it represents which value will be displayed, how do you get
the information into your form?

 2) As in the struts-exercise-taglib webapp, it appears that when you
use a multibox, you use an array of foo as the parameter that stores
the result in the form.  Is this right?  My confusion about this
seems to be one of my possible downfalls with getting information
into my form.

 Thanks so much for reading my rambles, and any thoughts or clarifications
 would be excitedly welcomed.


 Hello Becky. I flailed around with multibox myself before I found
something that worked. In the example below, I implemented two String[]
arrays in the ActionForm, findAssets and selectedAssets. findAssets
maintains all of the possible values and selectedAssets maintains the
currently selected values. Iterate over all the possible values to print
the checkbox name and use the property setting of the selected values to
set the checkboxes.

logic:iterate name=advancedQueryForm property=findAssets id=element
 html:multibox property=selectedAssets
  bean:write name=element /
 bean:write name=element /
 br /

Hope this helps.

i18n + html:link

2001-06-13 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I am trying to implement internationalized rollover buttons using
html:link. To do this, I'm trying to use quotes three levels deep and I
guess that's illegal in Javascript. For example, for onmouseover, if I
try to extract the source name from the resource file, I try:

onmouseover=changeImage('bean:message key=header.simpleQueryImageSourceR/')

then I get a servlet exception:

A Servlet Exception Has Occurred

1/webapps/moria/test.jsp(55,84) Attribute header.simpleQueryImageSourceR
has no value
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Tag.accept(

If I hardwire the source name that I'm trying to extract, it works. For


I'm using Struts 1.0-b3. Ideas are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Re: i18n + html:link

2001-06-13 Thread Steve A Drake

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Oleg V Alexeev wrote:

 You can create javascript functions to implement logic and refer to it
 from in onmouseover event. In javascript you can insert scriptlet code
 or bean:message tags.

 Thanks Oleg and Dallas for your responses. Embedding bean:message tags in
a javascript function worked.

RE: Any Hashmap examples used in jsp page?

2001-06-04 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:


 This is how I used a HashMap in a jsp:

 logic:iterate id=item name=user_list property=userList 

 TDbean:write name=item property=key//TD
 TDbean:write name=item property=value//TD


 getUserList() method in my user_list bean returns a HashMap.

 Hope this helps.


 Hi Nimmi. Your example would work fine if I didn't care about the order
in which the key/value pairs are displayed. Unfortunately, I need to
display them in a particular order (given by a String[] of keys).

RE: Any Hashmap examples used in jsp page?

2001-06-04 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Deadman, Hal wrote:

 I don't think what you are trying to do should be done in the JSP by a
 struts/custom tag.

 Maybe it's a dumb idea, but that's never stopped me before. =:]

 Why not copy the value objects in the HashMap to an array based on the order
 of the keys in your String array? Then pass the array to the JSP instead of
 the HashMap. If you need the keys and they aren't attributes of the value
 objects then you can pass the String array of keys to the JSP too.

 I used an ArrayList of String[]s and that worked fine. Thanks.

RE: Any Hashmap examples used in jsp page?

2001-06-01 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hi Jon. I'm having a similar problem as Dudley with a HashMap. I tried
playing around with your example but couldn't get it to work within the
context of what I'm doing. Perhaps another example would help. For
example, I have a scriptlet that looks something like: rsb =
( request.getAttribute(resultBean);
 java.util.HashMap hm = rsb.getProperties();
 String foobar = (String) hm.get(foobar);
 out.println(foobar =  + foobar);

So, the ResultSetBean contains a HashMap as a property. I get a reference
to the HashMap and then can extract a value with a key as input. Any ideas
on the syntax of doing this with bean tags? TIA.

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Jon.Ridgway wrote:

 Hi Dudley,

 See code sample below. The type in the iterate tag must be as shown, you
 will then need to use a bean define to put your 'value' into the page
 context and cast it to whatever type you have placed in your HashMap value.

 Hope this helps,


 logic:iterate id=list name=gallery property=artifacts

 bean:define id=artifact name=list property=value

 bean:write name=artifact property=description/


 -Original Message-
 From: Dudley Butt@i-Commerce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 01 June 2001 10:34
 Subject: Any Hashmap examples used in jsp page?

 Hi all,

 Could anyone please point me to where i can find some examples using
 hashmaps in a jsp with struts...
 Instead of using a whole bunch of logic equal tags all the time, i need a
 way to evaluate a collection, looking for a specific key value, then show or
 hide the relevant input boxes on my jsp..
 any help...please!!!???

UCAR / COMET   (303) 497 - 8496
PO Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000

extract key/value from HashMap

2001-05-30 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I have a bean (referred to as resultBean) that contains a
HashMap (called properties) and would like to extract key/value pairs
from this HashMap. Presently, I'm iterating through the HashMap with:

  logic:iterate id=element name=resultBean property=properties
   bean:write name=element property=key/
   bean:write name=element property=value/
   br /

The problem is that I'd like to be able to extract and display the values
in an order other than the order the key/value pairs are returned through
the iteration mechanism. (For example, supply a key explicitly and
extract it's value.) Any ideas on how to accomplish this using tags?
Thanks in advance.


2001-05-21 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I'm trying to use html:multibox with one String[] that contains
Strings for all of the checkboxes to display and another String[] that
contains the currently selected checkboxes. With the following code, I can
display the checkboxes but don't understand how to control which box
or boxes are checked (with the other String[]). For example,

logic:iterate name=myForm property=findAssets id=element
 html:multibox property=findAssets
  bean:write name=element /
 bean:write name=element /
 br /

generates a set of multiboxes that have the boxes checked. How would I
rewrite this to generate the multiboxes that use another String[] to
indicate which boxes are checked? Or is there a better way? Thanks.

RE: Javascript and struts

2001-04-27 Thread Steve A Drake

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Dorai, Harish (c) wrote:

 It seems the onclick event overrides the submit action and hence your form
 is not getting submitted. Instead of using form:submit use the Button
 tag and in the onclick function put this code.

 The html:submit tag creates an input type of submit with a default name
of submit. The problem is that this default name conflicts with the
Javascript function form.submit(). I entered a more lengthy note about
this at

 There are a number of ways to hack around this problem including:

1) use an html:button instead
2) set the property for the html:submit tag to something other than

 I consider the behavior of html:submit to be a functional bug because the
default attributes don't work when you use the form.submit() Javascript
function. I would prefer that the html:submit tag create an input type with
a name other than submit to prevent this naming conflict.

Re: Packaging Question - Include Source in Binary Distributions?

2001-04-23 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Dzenan Ridjanovic wrote:

 OK to just point at the download URL for the source distribution if you want


Re: radio set example

2001-04-12 Thread Steve A Drake

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Cox, Tom wrote:


 I'm looking for an example of the html:radio ... tag.

 I need to present several radio options, and have one option be preselected
 based on the value in my ActionForm bean.

 AFAIK, and someone set me straight if this is wrong, there is no
html:radio attribute to dynamically set the radio button value. I'm
using a hack like:

   String yeah = "true";
   String nay  = "false";
html:radio property="myBoolean"
  value="%= (myForm.getMyBoolean() ? yeah : nay)%"
  bean:message key="query.myBoolean"/

From the mail list, it sounds like some people are using String for fields
like radio buttons that you might otherwise define as boolean. That would
save the ternary operation but seems even uglier to me.  =:|

To define another radio button in the same set, use that same property but
give it an independent value and use a different message key. Hope this

config String[] with Digestor

2001-03-21 Thread Steve A Drake

 I'd like to initialize a String[] contained in an object with the
Digestor (i.e. in a database.xml file). Can I do that? If so, what's the
syntax? Thanks.


2001-03-14 Thread Steve A Drake

 I'm having a problem with the html:submit tag. The scenario is that I
have a number of select menus, each of which invokes form.submit() on the
onchange event, i.e.:

html:select property="databaseTables" onchange="form.submit()"

The problem is that the html:submit tag creates a Submit input type with
the name "submit". I think this name is conflicting with the 
form.submit() Javascript function. The html:submit tag :

  bean:message key="button.submit"/

creates an input type that looks like:

input type="submit" name="submit" value="Start Search"

By hardwiring the input type (not using the html:submit tag) with a "name"
attribute other than "submit", the select menus properly invoke
form.submit(). Otherwise, the select menus generate the Javascript error:

Javascript Error: form.submit is not a function

Any advice is appreciated.

RE: html:submit

2001-03-14 Thread Steve A Drake

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Kyle Robinson wrote:

 In the onchange event of your select I would make it look like

 Thanks for the idea, but I tried that and still get the Javascript error.

RE: Strut Books

2001-03-12 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Rudy Bonefas wrote:

   Maybe someone at Jakarta could look into setting up a news group so
 that my inbox is constantly spammed with useless shit like the following.

 Apparently, you are not aware that struts-user is well-behaved and
doesn't flame. 

Re: Database pooling code

2001-03-07 Thread Steve A Drake

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Jim Richards wrote:

 Has anyone got the database pooling code/DataSource to work or specifically
 had it fail?
 I've been having problems (documented previously) and I've read about a few others
 who can't seem to get the pooling to work as well, and I want to get an idea
 of specifically where the problem might lie in order to fix it.

 I'm using the database connection pool with Informix Dynamic Server v7.2 and 
it appears to be working well. I have noticed that if my network
connection goes down (I pull the plug on the network for a while), I need
to restart Tomcat to reinitialize the connection pool. If I only
momentarily pull the plug, the subsequent query takes longer to run, but
does so successfully.

 I admit, I have not looked into the details of all this. But if there is
a way to automate detection of an expired connection and tossing it,
or reinitializing the connection pool (if all the connections are bad),
I'd certainly be interested in having that capability either incorporated
into Struts or available as a patch. Thanks.

Re: paging for web application

2001-02-12 Thread Steve A Drake

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:

 check out the pager taglib:

 Very handy! For anyone else looking at this for paging long-winded
result sets, and using Tomcat 4.0-b1, I needed to edit the demo
"pager-demo.jsp" and change:

pg:pager maxIndexPages="%= 20 %"


pg:pager maxIndexPages="20"

This fixes a hack put in to convert "20" to an int as delineated in the
pager troubleshooting section.

Re: paging for web application

2001-02-12 Thread Steve A Drake

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:

 check out the pager taglib:

 Actually, I can run the example that comes with the distribution but am
having some problems using this pager taglib in Struts. The links created
by the pager aren't working.

 The example I'm working on has a JSP with an embedded form that, upon
submission, invokes a database query and reads back the results stored in
request scope beans (to the same JSP). The pager creates the correct
number of links to result pages. For example, one link created is:


But when I click on this link I only get my simple query form and the
pager output of:

Result Pages [Prev] 1

but no other results. I've also tried typing in the URL:


with the same result (or lack there-of).

 Ideas? Any help is appreciated!
 Sorry if this is off-topic for Struts.

Re: paging for web application

2001-02-12 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Steve A Drake wrote:

 On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:
  check out the pager taglib:
  Actually, I can run the example that comes with the distribution but am
 having some problems using this pager taglib in Struts. The links created
 by the pager aren't working.

 Well, I did get this working but with a couple of major caveats. 

1) In order to define a given pg:index, I had to use scriptlets for all
the code between the start and end tag. I assume this is because - from
what someone enlightened me earlier with - you can't nest tags. I hope
I'm wrong about this because it significantly clutters up the JSP and 
renders all the bean tags unusable. =:|

2) I needed to locate the hypertext index at the bottom of the document
because the index dimensions are determined as the results are iterated. I
assume this could be fixed by buffering the output to a StringBuffer or
somesuch but havn't tried that yet.

If anyone has some usage suggestions for this pager taglib, I'd
appreciate your input.

MessageFormat question

2001-01-30 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I'm trying to use a MessageFormat tag with a dynamically defined  
argument in a JSP but can't seem to get the syntax right. In my
MessageResource file I have the string:

header.simpleResults=There were {0} responses

and in my JSP file I have:

bean:message key="heading.simpleResult" arg0='bean:write 
name="resultSetInfo" property="referenceNum"/'/

 By itself, bean:write name="resultSetInfo" property="referenceNum"/
returns a non-null value. But I can't get the syntax right in this
context and so the arg0 expression is returned as a String, as written.

 BTW, I'm trying to avoid using a scriptlet to define "arg0" and use the
Struts tags instead. How can you do that? 

 Thanks for any insights.

Re: configuring database connection pool

2001-01-29 Thread Steve A Drake

 As a follow-up to the problem I was having with the setReadOnly() method
for the Connection object (using Informix), I downloaded the 
latest/greatest JDBC driver that I could find (SQLJ 2.20.JC1 from and found the same problem. From the release
notes (file: jdbcrel.txt) it's clear that Informix (Dynamic Server
7.24.UC7-1) doesn't support read-only mode:

-79745 Read only mode not supported

Informix does not support read-only mode.

That answers that question.

The good news is that with the following patch to
org/apache/struts/util/, I have been able to utilize
the Datasource configuration in struts-config.xml to load the Informix
JDBC driver and then generate a non-null ResultSet:

$ diff
  try {
  } catch (SQLException e) {
  ;   // Informix throws a "Read only mode not supported" exception

This patch should not negatively impact other database configurations so
I'm hoping it will be incorporated into Struts. I noticed a patch in there
for PostgreSQL also, so this looks like the appropriate place to patch.

For future reference, in struts-config, the following datasource
configuration worked:

  description="Informix Data Source Configuration"


where {user}, {password}, {InformixServer}, and {Database} were explicitly
defined (i.e. I just put in placeholders, here).

2 Qs

2001-01-29 Thread Steve A Drake

 Any struts gurus going to the O'Reilly Conference on Enterprise Java
(March 26-29)? I didn't see Struts on the schedule but that's not to say
someone couldn't lead an impromptu evening session.

 I've got this Struts connection pool going but don't see how to snoop
info regarding it's state. For example, does anyone know how to get the
number of connections currently checked out from a connection pool? I
looked at the classes in the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package but didn't see
anything other than possibly implementing a connection event
listener =:| . Code examples, anyone? TIA.

configuring database connection pool

2001-01-25 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I'm trying to configure Struts to instantiate a database
connection pool using the ifxjdbc.jar driver for the Informix Dynamic
Server (7.2). So far, I'm getting exceptions at startup. I also get an
exception when I try to obtain a DB connection. Any help would be appreciated!
 Note that I've verified that the Informix driver works fine in a sample
servlet run outside of Struts. Also, I get the same error regardless of
the value for "readOnly", even if it's not defined. My struts-config.xml
file looks like:

   description="Informix Data Source Configuration"

And in the tomcat (4.0 beta) log file I'm getting:

2001-01-25 18:14:23 action: Loading application resources from resource 
2001-01-25 18:14:23 action: Initializing configuration from resource path 
2001-01-25 18:14:23 action: Initializing application data source 
2001-01-25 18:14:24 action: Exception initializing application data source 
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.setReadOnly(
at org.apache.struts.util.GenericConnection.init(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.deploy(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

Re: configuring database connection pool

2001-01-25 Thread Steve A Drake

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 It looks like the Informix JDBC driver is throwing an exception when you call 
setReadOnly(true) on one of its
 connections.  Could you try that in a standalone program and see what happens, and 
also what happens if you call

 Okay, thanks for the advice. I tried running this sample code with the
"user" as myself (who owns the tables), another user, and as user
"informix", who should have global read/write privileges. As any of these
users I can get a non-null result set from a select statement. I tried
the following code snippet:

  try {
boolean yup = true;
  catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Bummer, dude: got an exception ");

Regardless of the value for "yup", I got this exception:

Bummer, dude: got an exception 
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(
at edu.ucar.comet.sql.SqlManager$Test.main(

So, it does not look like a Struts problem.
Looking at the database table privileges, I have:

UserSelect Update Insert  Delete  Index Alter

public   AllAllYes Yes Yes   No

Looks okay to me. I think I'll search in ernest for some API docs for this
driver tomorrow. Maybe that'll shed some light.

Any other ideas would also be appreciated.

Re: nightly build

2001-01-23 Thread Steve A Drake

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Steven D. Wilkinson wrote:

 Here is what the installation doc says:
 "XML Parser - Struts requires the presence of an XML parser that is compatible
 with the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) specification, 1.0 or later. You can
 download and install the JAXP reference implementation, which is required for
 building the Struts source distribution. In Struts-based web applications, you
 may replace the reference implementation classes with any other JAXP compliant
 parser, such as Xerces. See detailed instructions related to the parser in the
 instructions for building and installing Struts, below."

 Yeah, I saw this in the README file that came with the distribution.

 "Xalan XSLT Processor - If you are building Struts from the source distribution,
 you must download and install version 1_2_D01 (or later) of the Xalan XSLT
 processor (which also includes the Xerces XML parser). This processor is used to
 convert the Struts documentation from its internal XML-based format into the
 HTML that is presented in the Struts documentation application. "

 This was not in the README file.

 Here's the URL

 Next time, I'll check here first.

   Also, I am just starting a project that I plan to use Struts 1.x. I
  plan on developing on Tomcat and eventually deploying on
  Tomcat/Apache. Does this sound reasonable? Should I plan on developing and
  deploying on Tomcat 3.2.1 or 4.x? I have mixed thoughts about deploying on
  a servlet engine (4.x) that's implementing on new (2.3) servlet API. Thanks
  in advance for your advice.
 I'm running on milestone 5 release of Tomcat4.0.  I have been for a while.  No
 problems.  I won't upgrade until official release comes out since I'm having no
 problems.  It works great.  Don't let the fact that it implements the 2.3 API
 stop you.  It still supports 2.2 stuff.  Not like the 2.1 to 2.2 change.  
 BTW, Tomcat4.0 is kewl!  I really like the new logging.  It's also very stable.

 Sounds like good advice. Thanks.

nightly build

2001-01-22 Thread Steve A Drake

 Hello. I downloaded last night's build and compiled it. I was able to
compile it with xalan/xerces (that I coopted from Cocoon 1.8) but not with
jaxp.jar/parser.jar (that I coopted from Tomcat 3.2.1). From the
stacktrace (see below), it looks like an Ant (1.2) "import" problem, but
it's a Struts problem too if you can't compile it! I also tried the
jaxp.jar/parser.jar combination that came with Ant but had the same
negative result. (BTW, I don't have multiple parsers in my classpath.)

 Also, I am just starting a project that I plan to use Struts 1.x. I 
plan on developing on Tomcat and eventually deploying on 
Tomcat/Apache. Does this sound reasonable? Should I plan on developing and
deploying on Tomcat 3.2.1 or 4.x? I have mixed thoughts about deploying on
a servlet engine (4.x) that's implementing on new (2.3) servlet API. Thanks 
in advance for your advice.


/usr/apps/struts/jakarta-struts/build.xml:125: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: o
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xalan/xslt/XSLTProcessorFactory
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(

Total time: 9 seconds

Re: Iterating a ResultSet

2000-12-28 Thread Steve A Drake

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Ted Husted wrote:

 I'm thinking that the Action could grab a connection from the pool, and
 generate a statement based on the bean's query string, store the result
 in the bean's ResultSet, punch the rows we need into the collection,
 and foward it on to the form, where the interate tag could run it
 through the iterate tag. 

 So can you clone a ResultSet? The last time I looked into this I found
that you have to maintain the Connection you used to obtain a ResultSet
until you've finished iterating through it. If you close the connection,
you lose the ResultSet. If you can clone a ResultSet, close the
connection, and then later iterate the cloned ResultSet, I'd sure like to
see how to do that. 

 In lieu of cloning, I store a ResultSet in another object and then pass
this new object along by firing an event. Problem is, my formulation is
not a generic solution. But it does have the advantage that I can return
the connection to the pool sooner and it confines connection handling to
one method.