Was SeaMonkey 2.0 really ready for release?

2009-11-04 Thread OldCroc
With all the problems that too many seasoned users, of SeaMonkey,are
having, is it possible that the "Final" release of version 2.0 was
released PREMATURELY?? Yes, there are many satisfied users, also, but
there ARE too many who are NOT and the attitude of the developers
should be to listen to the users, and try to rectify Version 2.0 OR
WITHDRAW IT UNTIL IT REALLY IS READY!!! I have read where it is said
that the old code was not usable anymore, or could Not be corrected,
but it seems to me, that Version 2.0 IS NO BETTER! WHY DID THE
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Jay Garcia

On 04.11.2009 19:11, David E. Ross wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

On 11/4/2009 12:29 PM, John D Jacoby wrote:

 For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for 
the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet 
Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter 
the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!  
Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep 
giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?

Thanks for any help,

These are sometimes called "challenge questions".  When you answer the
question correctly, the site sets a cookie in your profile.  The next
time you try to login, the site fetches the cookie and bypasses the
question if the cookie contains the correct information.  Sometimes, the
cookie will be for the domain of the outside service that created the
software used by the financial institutions.  Thus, you might not only
have to accept cookies "normally" (permanently and not merely for the
current session), but also you might have to enable all cookies and not
merely those for the originating Web site.

I have found that some sites restrict bypassing the challenge question
by sniffing for what browser you are using.  Only "approved" browsers
will bypass the question.  Of course (unfortunately), they sniff for
"Firefox" and not for "Gecko".  Thus, with SeaMonkey, you will always be
asked a challenge question.  (Sniffing also means that the question will
be asked if you change browsers.)

I stopped trying to convince two banks, two credit unions, and a mutual
fund group that sniffing for "Firefox" is wrong.  Instead, I setup a
special profile for accessing financial institutions.  In this profile,
I always spoof for Firefox with the following UA string:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
   Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0 NOT Firefox/3.5.3
I also have set this profile to accept all cookies "normally".  I never
use this profile unless I intend to logon to one of my financial
accounts.  To get public information from any of the institutions'
sites, I use my normal profile.

A few sites assume everyone has broadband with a fixed IP address.  This
is a very bad assumption.  Approximately 10% of Internet users in the
U.S. still use dial-up with a new IP address each time they connect.  On
top of that, you might get a new IP address when you reboot your
broadband modem.  You might try viewing your cookies -- on the menu bar,
select [Tools > Cookie Manager > Manage Stored Cookies] -- and see if
you detect an IP address as the value of a cookie that has the domain of
your credit union's Web site.  If so, the credit union has a real
problem that needs to be fixed.

By the way, a number of studies have concluded that challenge questions
and also security images provide no security.  In place of the
questions, you need to have strong passwords that you don't write down
on a PostIt or save in an unencrypted file.  In place of images, you
need (1) to check that the padlock icon appears in the lower-right
corner of your SeaMonkey browser window and (2) never access your
account from a link in an E-mail or newsgroup message.

This does not happen with CapitalOne. No matter how many times you login 
from the same IP, you get the challenge question each and every time, 
cookies or not. This "may" be the case with this OP's situation, who knows.

Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion
Netscape - Flock - Firefox - Thunderbird - Seamonkey Support
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't get profile to Seamonkey2.0

2009-11-04 Thread William Morrison
It must be finding it to run because all my separate in-boxes for mail 
and filters to them are there and working along with my bookmarks and 
passwords in Navigator. 1.1.18 by itself in running great it just 
doesn't show a named profile in profile manager.and now I've sort of run 
into another problem with 2.0. Someone suggested that I reinstall 2.0 to 
another separate directory so I did. Now I'm trying to uninstall 2.0 so 
I go to control panel>add/remove programs where I only find one 
installation of 2.0 I click remove and it goes through the uninstall 
process but it only removed the original install of 2.0 and even after a 
reboot there is no listing of the second install in add/remove. I've 
looked through most of the directories of 2.0 for an uninstall program 
but cannot find any, so how do i remove the second install of 2.0? One 
other thing I just remembered, awhile back I had a malware problem and 
in getting rid of it I deleted some needed files for the system to 
boot-up correctly so I installed a fresh copy of XP over itself which 
created a new user profile for Windows, could this be part of my problem.

Martin Freitag wrote:

William Morrison schrieb:

OK, I did what you suggested and reinstalled 1.1.18 over itself and all
is still good with it and installed 2.0 to a new directory named
Seamonkey2.0. Now here's where it get interesting, I checked the profile
manager in 1.1.18 and it list no profile 

That dosn't sound promising. If SM1.1.18 doesn't find it's own profile,
SM2 profile migration wizard probably fails on that, too.


and if I try to create a new
one 1.1.18 opens as if it is a new install i.e. no bookmarks, no email,

Well that's normal and what a new profile is supposed to be ;-)


so I check profile manager in 2.0 and it shows a profile named "Default
User2", that's one I had created from the previous install of 2.0 but
when I do a search with Windows search using just the keyword "Default"
it finds every other occurrence of the word default except that one on
any of the four hard drives I have on this computer. This is really
getting confusing 

That's stupid XP, its search commonly excludes important folders. Make
sure you have the following checkboxes enabled:
Maybe you want to search for "Seamonkey" instead of "default" to not get
so many results.
After you succeed fel free to delete all unnecessary profiles and start
If everything fails again, you could also create your mail-accounts in
the new SM2 profile, then exit SM2 and copy your bookmarks.html and
inbox/sent/... files over the new and empty SM2 ones from your old profile.


I think I might just do like some of the others
have said and stay with 1.1.18 until the next version of Seamonkey comes

I doubt that this will correct your already existing profile issue, sry.


out unless it requires me to install 2.0 before I can upgrade to
anything newer and if that happens I might as well switch back to
Eudora, I've had people tell me it just laughs at viruses because it
can't open them and just deletes them.

executable files are being executed by the user and the operating
system, brain1.0.exe mainly helps to not click on unwanted attachments ;-)


Big Bill
Massillon, Oh USA

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: pasting into composer

2009-11-04 Thread jpdphd
On Nov 4, 7:10 pm, Martin Freitag 
> jpdphd schrieb:
> > I have been using SeaMonkey 1.x for sometime and ran into this problem
> > only after switching to SM2.0 the other day (Mac OSX).
> > When pasting text that was copied from one program (say excel or word)
> > into Composer, the result is a string of information about the source
> > of the text, followed by the text itself. For example, this is the
> > result of a copy/paste operation from word (Office 2004)
> > Version:1.0 StartHTML:000265 EndHTML:002711 StartFragment:
> > 002541 EndFragment:002675 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users...
> > Equilibration
> > all I wanted was the word "Equilibration".
> > btw, "Paste without formatting" does the same thing.
> > I have no trouble copying from TextEdit - even when text is heavily
> > formatted.
> > Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
> Cannot reproduce that with OpenOffice, does it only happen with
> MS-Office programs?
> regards
> Martin
> --
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\  www.asciiribbon.org  -http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii

Yes, looks like MS-Office (2004) is the culprit. At least Word &
Excel. Not Powerpoint.
Other browsers are ok (Safari, Firefox), Preview, and a few other
fairly specialized apps.
I don't have OpenOffice or MS-Office 2008 to try.
Thanks for checking.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SIG PROBLEM. WAS: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any

2009-11-04 Thread Pat Welch

James wrote:

Pat, I noticed that in your sig [at least on my PC] you have one dash
and then on the line below you have another dash followed by your name.
Is that what you intended?


Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 23:57:45 -0800 From: Pat Welch
 To: support-seamonkey@lists.mozilla.org Subject:
Re: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any mailbox?
Message-ID: <7iqdnugmhadlrmzxnz2dnuvz_h-dn...@mozilla.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


See the thread titled "2.0 - Forwarding Email does not pick up my Sig,
the Sig works as expected in Compose" for more detail on the problem.

Basically, I use files for my sigs, and specifically a .txt file for
NG's like this, and in fact the SAME sig file for this and my main NG

The sig append works on the main NG, but not on this one. The prefs and
settings are*exactly* the same for the two NG's.


No - was my two finger typing hitting the Return prematurely.

Very weird.

Almost like SM has code that does 'stuff' if this NG is detected, left 
over from testing sigs?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread NoOp
On 11/04/2009 04:34 PM, Mark Hansen wrote:
> On 11/4/2009 1:56 PM, Ken Rudolph wrote:
>> I suspect luck has little to do with it.  And since the site doesn't 
>> seem to care (in other words not enough people are complaining) I 
>> guess I'll just have to give up my daily puzzle fix.  I'll get over 
>> it.  I'm certainly not going to load IE just for this.
> Well, don't go down without at least letting them know that you
> can no longer go to their site. This, after all, means less ad
> revenue for them.
> Perhaps if enough people complain, they will look into it.
> Best Regards (is this better?)

Just tested and it _does_ work in SM 1.1.18, but not in SM 2.0 (tested
on WinXP w/no spoofing as that seems to be what Ken is running).

Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U17

File name: npoji610.dll
Classic Java Plug-in 1.6.0_17 for Netscape and Mozilla

So it appears that there is an issue w/SM 2.0 & Java & 1.1.18. Not sure
if it's the application's problem, or SM 2.0's problem. But it is
reproducible. No errors in the 1.1.18 java console.

(note to the folks on bug
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525601 - I just copied that
Java info from a working WinXP SM2.0 across a VNC network connection to
this post :-).

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0 is buggy as hell and I'm not going to use it anymore

2009-11-04 Thread MCBastos
Interviewed by CNN on 4/11/2009 21:20, Ray_Net told the world:
> Leonidas Jones wrote:

> I believe that the biggest problem, is that bugs are most of the time 
> never solved. Or ..too late. Per exemple did you expect a good date for 
> the  patch to solve the copy/cut problem 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525601 ???

Actually, I had a look at that bug. Jens Hatlak suggested checking
another bug ( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=334500 ), for
a nearly identical problem that plagued Firefox back in 2006... which
turned out to be caused by spyware.

So, there's a fair chance that it isn't a Seamonkey bug at all, but a
problem caused by spyware. Try some spyware scanner; some good free ones
are Ad-Aware, Spybot and Malwarebytes.


This message has been protected with the 2ROT13 algorithm. Unauthorized
use will be prosecuted under the DMCA.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Odd SM2 problems

2009-11-04 Thread Mr. Cheese

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Mr. Cheese wrote:

- the toolbar for changing font sizes, adding emoticons, etc does not
display when composing an email. I can't find a place to change this.

- when I look at some old emails which are replies to emails the quoted
email shows in some odd unreadable font.

Any help would be appreciated

Fir the first, you are probably set to compose in plain text. The
formatting toolbar only appears when you are composing in html.

Edit>>Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings>>(account in
question)>>Composition & Addressing

Check the box for Compose messages in HTML format.


That took care of problem #1. thx.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 won't open .html files from Finder

2009-11-04 Thread Jon in China
On Nov 5, 1:30 am, "Cap'n Ron" 
> On Nov 4, 10:07 am, "Cap'n Ron" 
> wrote:
> > No, on my Mac, it still fails. I removed Seamonkey, emptied the trash.
> > and recopied it from the dmg, it still fails.
> Further testing shows that it does work if SeaMonkey is not running at
> all when I click on the file in Finder.
> If SeaMonkey is running, it pops to the Mail window first (or opens a
> Mail window, if one is not running), then opens a new browser window,
> but with the home page, not the one I clicked on in Finder.
> Any ideas?

Nearly the same here... If SM is running it opens 'Welcome to

I note that I can drag the just clicked link onto the 'Welcome...'
page and open it.
I also note that if I change the get info to 'Open with SeaMonkey' SM
still opens with 'Welcome...'
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.0

2009-11-04 Thread NoOp
On 11/04/2009 07:14 AM, Rick wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 11/03/2009 02:24 PM, Rick wrote:
>>> Rick wrote:
 Just tried to install SM 2.0 and it totally did not work it trashed my 
 iTunes files and it will not be found on my system until the bugs are 
 worked out of it.  This is the first time I have ever had problems. 
 There was nothing else running and some thing called SM Wizard showed up 
 but, did nothing.  I reinstalled 1.18 restarted the system.
>>> it also trashed all my files in acouple of folders.  I am Really PO ed
>> I seriously doubt that SeaMonkey trashed any of your iTunes & other
>> folders. But, assuming that it did; can you please detail _exactly_ what
>> you did to install SM 2.0 and reinstall 1.1.18, what your operating
>> system is & also your hardware details?
> I closed all open applications double clicked the file I downloaded from 
> Mozilla and then I got a message that it was installing SM 2.0  then, 
> something called wizard showed up and continued to run for about 1 hour 
>   at that point I restarted the computer and found the damage.

Without further details, my guess would be that you had/have something
else wrong with your system. That's not to discount that something in
the SM installer didn't contribute to the issue, but I see no possible
way to show otherwise without additional details. _If_ SM did create the
problem, then it would be most helpful to know how/why as that's a
pretty serious issue.

 You still haven't provided details regarding the OS & hardware. Please
also provide the *exact* information regarding "trashed all my files in
acouple of folders" + what (if any) antivirus you use, when you last
scanned your system with the AV, etc.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread David E. Ross
On 11/4/2009 12:29 PM, John D Jacoby wrote:
> *Hi,
>  For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for 
> the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet 
> Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter 
> the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!  
> Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep 
> giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?
> Thanks for any help,
> John
> *

These are sometimes called "challenge questions".  When you answer the
question correctly, the site sets a cookie in your profile.  The next
time you try to login, the site fetches the cookie and bypasses the
question if the cookie contains the correct information.  Sometimes, the
cookie will be for the domain of the outside service that created the
software used by the financial institutions.  Thus, you might not only
have to accept cookies "normally" (permanently and not merely for the
current session), but also you might have to enable all cookies and not
merely those for the originating Web site.

I have found that some sites restrict bypassing the challenge question
by sniffing for what browser you are using.  Only "approved" browsers
will bypass the question.  Of course (unfortunately), they sniff for
"Firefox" and not for "Gecko".  Thus, with SeaMonkey, you will always be
asked a challenge question.  (Sniffing also means that the question will
be asked if you change browsers.)

I stopped trying to convince two banks, two credit unions, and a mutual
fund group that sniffing for "Firefox" is wrong.  Instead, I setup a
special profile for accessing financial institutions.  In this profile,
I always spoof for Firefox with the following UA string:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
   Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0 NOT Firefox/3.5.3
I also have set this profile to accept all cookies "normally".  I never
use this profile unless I intend to logon to one of my financial
accounts.  To get public information from any of the institutions'
sites, I use my normal profile.

A few sites assume everyone has broadband with a fixed IP address.  This
is a very bad assumption.  Approximately 10% of Internet users in the
U.S. still use dial-up with a new IP address each time they connect.  On
top of that, you might get a new IP address when you reboot your
broadband modem.  You might try viewing your cookies -- on the menu bar,
select [Tools > Cookie Manager > Manage Stored Cookies] -- and see if
you detect an IP address as the value of a cookie that has the domain of
your credit union's Web site.  If so, the credit union has a real
problem that needs to be fixed.

By the way, a number of studies have concluded that challenge questions
and also security images provide no security.  In place of the
questions, you need to have strong passwords that you don't write down
on a PostIt or save in an unencrypted file.  In place of images, you
need (1) to check that the padlock icon appears in the lower-right
corner of your SeaMonkey browser window and (2) never access your
account from a link in an E-mail or newsgroup message.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at  for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread Leonidas Jones

On 11/4/09 7:34 PM, Mark Hansen wrote:

On 11/4/2009 1:56 PM, Ken Rudolph wrote:

I suspect luck has little to do with it. And since the site doesn't
seem to care (in other words not enough people are complaining) I
guess I'll just have to give up my daily puzzle fix. I'll get over it.
I'm certainly not going to load IE just for this.

Well, don't go down without at least letting them know that you
can no longer go to their site. This, after all, means less ad
revenue for them.

Perhaps if enough people complain, they will look into it.

Best Regards (is this better?)

Funny thing, the works just fine in SM 2,0 from here, using Mac OSX Snow 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Jay Garcia

On 04.11.2009 18:13, Jordon wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

John D Jacoby wrote:

For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for the
answer when I log on. After doing this one time with Internet Explorer
it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter the
Account number and a password. With SeaMonkey, it asks every time! Is
there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep
giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?

I think the other respondents aren't getting it.

My credit union does the same thing. At the very least
it keeps track of the ip address I log in from. If I
try to log in from another ip it asks one of the ten
security questions.

Is it a laptop? Are you logging in from different
locations such as a coffee shop or public library?

I've also noticed that when I switch browsers it also
asks a question so it's not just the ip address they're
looking at. If you're not logging in from different
locations it may have something to do your cookie

We're "getting it" as best we can with the information provided. The OP 
didn't say anything about logging in from a different location, hence a 
different IP address. The OP only changes browsers to IE and it works 
whereas SM asks every time. There are a lot of "ifs" involved here and 
IF the OP were to supply more specific info, we can stop guessing and 
assuming maybe. Your IP assumption BTW is correct, I've seen this before.

Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion
Netscape - Flock - Firefox - Thunderbird - Seamonkey Support
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2 + ReminderFox 1.9.5 -- feedback requested

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
gNeandr schrieb:
> Hi to all SM2 users
>  having interest to run the brand new ReminderFox version - 1.9.5.
> Any feedback welcomed!!

Uhm, it just seems to work fine in SM2.0.1pe. Looks like you did a good
job ;-)

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread Mark Hansen

On 11/4/2009 1:56 PM, Ken Rudolph wrote:
I suspect luck has little to do with it.  And since the site doesn't 
seem to care (in other words not enough people are complaining) I 
guess I'll just have to give up my daily puzzle fix.  I'll get over 
it.  I'm certainly not going to load IE just for this.

Well, don't go down without at least letting them know that you
can no longer go to their site. This, after all, means less ad
revenue for them.

Perhaps if enough people complain, they will look into it.

Best Regards (is this better?)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Failure to install SeaMonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
Jens Hatlak schrieb:
> I suggest you create groupmarks for all your sessions, install SM 2.0
> (which will pick up your bookmarks and thus groupmarks), install the
> Session Manager extension (see below) and set up sessions for your
> groupmarks.

Interesting solution, thx. But a real pain for hundreds of saved
sessions, or is there a way to o that automatically?
I'm struggling with the same "problem" on one machine with way more than
80 saved sessions from the old tabbrowser extensions.

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: pasting into composer

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
jpdphd schrieb:
> I have been using SeaMonkey 1.x for sometime and ran into this problem
> only after switching to SM2.0 the other day (Mac OSX).
> When pasting text that was copied from one program (say excel or word)
> into Composer, the result is a string of information about the source
> of the text, followed by the text itself. For example, this is the
> result of a copy/paste operation from word (Office 2004)
> Version:1.0 StartHTML:000265 EndHTML:002711 StartFragment:
> 002541 EndFragment:002675 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users...
> Equilibration
> all I wanted was the word "Equilibration".
> btw, "Paste without formatting" does the same thing.
> I have no trouble copying from TextEdit - even when text is heavily
> formatted.
> Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Cannot reproduce that with OpenOffice, does it only happen with
MS-Office programs?

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
Phillip Jones schrieb:
> Jay Garcia wrote:
>> On 04.11.2009 16:23, jpdphd wrote:
>>> On Nov 4, 3:29 pm, John D Jacoby  wrote:
   For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks
 me for
 the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet
 Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter
 the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!
 Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep
 giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?
 Thanks for any help,
>> Now, if it's the same question and all you configured was only ONE
>> question/answer then formfill should remember that, not password manager.
> but as forms manager in SM it does remember it but you have to type one
> or two letters for the pop ups to show. in the old forms Manager in
> 1.1.8 if you filled  out a form and need to fill out a form somewhere
> else as soon as you tabbed to say name the name would appear.  If
> something wrong you went to forms Managers and clicked on each page and
> changed the items as necessary.  A Far better system than now.
Whatever... afaik InternetExplorer doesn't have a FormManager like that
at all, so this might be a Cookie issue instead?

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Jordon

John D Jacoby wrote:

For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for the
answer when I log on. After doing this one time with Internet Explorer
it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter the
Account number and a password. With SeaMonkey, it asks every time! Is
there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep
giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?

I think the other respondents aren't getting it.

My credit union does the same thing. At the very least
it keeps track of the ip address I log in from. If I
try to log in from another ip it asks one of the ten
security questions.

Is it a laptop? Are you logging in from different
locations such as a coffee shop or public library?

I've also noticed that when I switch browsers it also
asks a question so it's not just the ip address they're
looking at. If you're not logging in from different
locations it may have something to do your cookie

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Jay Garcia

On 04.11.2009 17:39, Phillip Jones wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 04.11.2009 16:23, jpdphd wrote:

   --- Original Message ---

On Nov 4, 3:29 pm, John D Jacoby  wrote:

  For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks 
me for

the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet
Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter
the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!
Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep
giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?
Thanks for any help,

SeaMonkey>  Preferences...
Privacy&  Security
   Check "remember passwords"

Remembering a password will not "remember" a security question(s).

Such as:

Q: What is your father's birthday
A: July 25, 1915

Now, if it's the same question and all you configured was only ONE
question/answer then formfill should remember that, not password manager.

but as forms manager in SM it does remember it but you have to type one 
or two letters for the pop ups to show. in the old forms Manager in 
1.1.8 if you filled  out a form and need to fill out a form somewhere 
else as soon as you tabbed to say name the name would appear.  If 
something wrong you went to forms Managers and clicked on each page and 
changed the items as necessary.  A Far better system than now.

people here a have complained about the code was lost. But they could 
have tried out the forms Manager on 1.1.x saw how it worked then 
mimicked the operation with new code.

That why when you go to a new code base you lose a lot of great features 
in Previous version. Because no one wants to be bothered with seeing how 
a feature works, they get lazy and say, we don't need it any way so we 
will just chuck it no one will notice.

Any "forms manager" should NOT remember passwords, huge security risk.

Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion
Netscape - Flock - Firefox - Thunderbird - Seamonkey Support
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Phillip Jones

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 04.11.2009 16:23, jpdphd wrote:

   --- Original Message ---

On Nov 4, 3:29 pm, John D Jacoby  wrote:

  For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for
the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet
Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter
the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!
Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep
giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?
Thanks for any help,

SeaMonkey>  Preferences...
Privacy&  Security
   Check "remember passwords"

Remembering a password will not "remember" a security question(s).

Such as:

Q: What is your father's birthday
A: July 25, 1915

Now, if it's the same question and all you configured was only ONE
question/answer then formfill should remember that, not password manager.

but as forms manager in SM it does remember it but you have to type one 
or two letters for the pop ups to show. in the old forms Manager in 
1.1.8 if you filled  out a form and need to fill out a form somewhere 
else as soon as you tabbed to say name the name would appear.  If 
something wrong you went to forms Managers and clicked on each page and 
changed the items as necessary.  A Far better system than now.

people here a have complained about the code was lost. But they could 
have tried out the forms Manager on 1.1.x saw how it worked then 
mimicked the operation with new code.

That why when you go to a new code base you lose a lot of great features 
in Previous version. Because no one wants to be bothered with seeing how 
a feature works, they get lazy and say, we don't need it any way so we 
will just chuck it no one will notice.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T."If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net   http://www.vpea.org
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.0 is buggy as hell and I'm not going to use it anymore

2009-11-04 Thread Ray_Net

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Jim wrote:

I'm extremely disappointed in Seamonkey 2.0.  The mail program bugs
are too severe to warrant continued use.  I've come to expect better
from Mozilla releases.  I didn't use Firefox or Thunderbird because I
didn't like the "feel" and they weren't integrated as a suite.  Now
Seamonkey has lost it's original feel. Things that I liked about
Seamonkey are gone (quick launch, quick mail filter 'clear' button).

I've reported two or three of the glaring problems (folder listings
disappearing, compact related issues). Until the major bugs are fixed,
I'll stick with version 1.18.

I really do understand your frustration. To be completely honest with 
you, you can certainly return to 1.1.18.  But you do have to realize 
that you are sticking with a complete dead end.

You can do that. Heck there are people out there still running the last 
version of the Mozilla suite, Netscape 7.2, even a few still trying to 
get Communicator to work. The older the abandoned product gets, the less 
functional it becomes.

For a good while, probably quite a while, 1.1.18 will continue to work, 
and work quite well.  But the days are numbered and the clock is 
ticking. I doubt that you will see any security updates for the 1.1 line.

If you value the suite approach, and if you want to have a product that 
is going to carry you into the future with any certainty, making 2.0 
work is the only real way to go.

The only other real option is to go Firefox/Thunderbird.  Its a good 
option, but I am willing to bet that you will have just as much 
conversion problems going that route as you will staying with SeaMonkey.

I am sorry this has been so difficult for you.


I believe that the biggest problem, is that bugs are most of the time 
never solved. Or ..too late. Per exemple did you expect a good date for 
the  patch to solve the copy/cut problem 
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525601 ???

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread Jay Garcia

On 04.11.2009 16:23, jpdphd wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

On Nov 4, 3:29 pm, John D Jacoby  wrote:

 For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for
the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet
Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter
the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!  
Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep

giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?
Thanks for any help,

SeaMonkey > Preferences...
   Privacy & Security
  Check "remember passwords"

Remembering a password will not "remember" a security question(s).

Such as:

Q: What is your father's birthday
A: July 25, 1915

Now, if it's the same question and all you configured was only ONE 
question/answer then formfill should remember that, not password manager.

Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion
Netscape - Flock - Firefox - Thunderbird - Seamonkey Support
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread jpdphd
On Nov 4, 3:29 pm, John D Jacoby  wrote:
> *Hi,
>      For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for
> the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet
> Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter
> the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!  
> Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep
> giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?
> Thanks for any help,
> John
> *

SeaMonkey > Preferences...
   Privacy & Security
  Check "remember passwords"
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0 Ubuntu 8.04 .deb package (64-bit) , also for Debian 5

2009-11-04 Thread Anonymous S.

Lou 提到:
Since Ubuntu won't release SM 2.0 for 8.04 (Hardy Heron), I decided to 
compile it myself and made a .deb package.  Anyone interested in trying 
it can get it here (click on seamonkey_2.0-1_amd64.deb to download)

It installs to /usr/local/lib/seamonkey-2.0 and the executable goes to 
/usr/local/bin/seamonkey.  On a standard Ubuntu installation, that 
should be on your path and should run from a terminal with no problems, 
but you may have to edit the menu entry (KDE, Gnome,)  to point to 
the right place.

Thanks! It's also working on Debian 5 (I'm testing this .deb with Debian 
5.0.3 , stable distribution, amd64, GNOME)

At first I installed SM2 as root account (without caution...), but looks 
like everything was fine. I can run seamonkey as normal user account.

but I can not run SM2 from /usr/local/bin/seamonkey (so I removed it 
later. --sorry I forgot the error message.) Instead of it,

another path /usr/local/lib/seamonkey-2.0/seamonkey is OK.

This package is helpful, so I don't have to ready an environment for 
building SM2.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread Ken Rudolph

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 11/4/2009 1:32 PM, Ken Rudolph wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 11/04/2009 11:50 AM, Ken Rudolph wrote:

Win-XP 3rd. SM 2.0

OK, here's a strange one. I've even had an e-mail exchange with the
site and received really weird advice, more about that below.

The site is http://www.puzzability.com/puzzles/index.shtml . When I
click on any of the java encoded puzzles (for instance Common
Knowledge) java fails to work giving an error message "Error. Click
for details" with a lot of gobbledegook which means nothing to me.
This even after reloading the most current version of java for
Mozilla. The same exact thing happens with Firefox and Google
Chrome. The site does work fine in IE 7.0, however. But, and
here's the strange thing, when I finally figured out how to add
Coral IETab to SM 2.0 and used it, it still doesn't work with SM
2.0: it doesn't give the same java error message; but the java logo
just keeps spinning and nothing happens.

I contacted the support person at the site and she wrote me that
they were sorry about this; but a possible workaround that "works
for others" was IE Tab. Haha.

Anybody else noticing this? Any ideas?

Send them this:
Java Plug-in 1.6.0_16
load: class commonknowledge.class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)


at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection


at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

... 6 more
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class

I did. It didn't do any good. But I have a feeling that the lady who
responded is not their tech person...but it was the only contact I
had. Can anybody understand what this error message actually *means*?
Is it a flaw in their programing? One that they could repair if they
wanted to? I'm obviously not getting anyplace.

Yes, it's an error in their application. The application needs to be
able to find all the classes (runtime application objects) that it
requires to run the application. It can't find the one called:

This means either the class is missing from the applet package, or
the application manifest doesn't include a viable Class Path (the
path used by the application to locate class objects).

What happens if you spoof a Firefox user agent identity?

I *am* spoofing NOT Firefox 3.5, which seems to work for most 
applications.  Anyway, the puzzles on this site don't work in 
Firefox itself *or* Google Chrome.  It doesn't work in SM 2.0 with 
the "experimental" IE Tab feature.  It *only* works in IE itself.  I 
can't test it with SM 1.1.18 because I've discarded it.  But, as you 

Note that I'm still running 1.1.X here, and the puzzles work for
me, so I can't test that.

Well, yes, I never had a problem before with SM 1.1.18 or prior 
versions.  So why now?

Good luck.

I suspect luck has little to do with it.  And since the site doesn't 
seem to care (in other words not enough people are complaining) I 
guess I'll just have to give up my daily puzzle fix.  I'll get over 
it.  I'm certainly not going to load IE just for this.

Ken Rudolph

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: HOSTS file..

2009-11-04 Thread JD

David E. Ross wrote:

On 11/4/2009 8:58 AM, JD wrote:

I'm using a HOSTS file and I had to alter about:config to keep the
blocked ads from showing up but I can't find anything about how I did
this in my SM notes. Right now I'll get this little message every so often:

Failed to Connect
The connection was refused when attempting to contact ad.doubleclick.ne

I use my Hosts file for its intended purpose, as a local DNS database.
I even have an application that maintains it, allowing me to add or
delete domain names and updating the related IP addresses.

I suggest you install the AdBlock Plus extension.  See
.  Use version 1.01 for SeaMonkey 1.1.x and
version 1.1.1 for SeaMonkey 2.

AdBlock Plus is one of the first things I installed in SM2.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread Mark Hansen

On 11/4/2009 1:32 PM, Ken Rudolph wrote:

NoOp wrote:

On 11/04/2009 11:50 AM, Ken Rudolph wrote:

Win-XP 3rd. SM 2.0

OK, here's a strange one.  I've even had an e-mail exchange with the
site and received really weird advice, more about that below.

The site is http://www.puzzability.com/puzzles/index.shtml .  When I
click on any of the java encoded puzzles (for instance Common
Knowledge) java fails to work giving an error message "Error. Click
for details" with a lot of gobbledegook which means nothing to me.
This even after reloading the most current version of java for
Mozilla.  The same exact thing happens with Firefox and Google
Chrome.  The site does work fine in IE 7.0, however.  But, and
here's the strange thing, when I finally figured out how to add
Coral IETab to SM 2.0 and used it, it still doesn't work with SM
2.0:  it doesn't give the same java error message; but the java logo
just keeps spinning and nothing happens.

I contacted the support person at the site and she wrote me that
they were sorry about this; but a possible workaround that "works
for others" was IE Tab.  Haha.

Anybody else noticing this?  Any ideas?

Send them this:
Java Plug-in 1.6.0_16
load: class commonknowledge.class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 6 more
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class

I did.  It didn't do any good.  But I have a feeling that the lady 
who responded is not their tech person...but it was the only contact 
I had.  Can anybody understand what this error message actually 
*means*?  Is it a flaw in their programing? One that they could 
repair if they wanted to?  I'm obviously not getting anyplace.

Yes, it's an error in their application. The application needs to be
able to find all the classes (runtime application objects) that it
requires to run the application. It can't find the one called:

This means either the class is missing from the applet package, or
the application manifest doesn't include a viable Class Path (the
path used by the application to locate class objects).

What happens if you spoof a Firefox user agent identity?

Note that I'm still running 1.1.X here, and the puzzles work for
me, so I can't test that.

Good luck.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread Ken Rudolph

NoOp wrote:

On 11/04/2009 11:50 AM, Ken Rudolph wrote:

Win-XP 3rd. SM 2.0

OK, here's a strange one.  I've even had an e-mail exchange with the
site and received really weird advice, more about that below.

The site is http://www.puzzability.com/puzzles/index.shtml .  When I
click on any of the java encoded puzzles (for instance Common
Knowledge) java fails to work giving an error message "Error. Click
for details" with a lot of gobbledegook which means nothing to me.
This even after reloading the most current version of java for
Mozilla.  The same exact thing happens with Firefox and Google
Chrome.  The site does work fine in IE 7.0, however.  But, and
here's the strange thing, when I finally figured out how to add
Coral IETab to SM 2.0 and used it, it still doesn't work with SM
2.0:  it doesn't give the same java error message; but the java logo
just keeps spinning and nothing happens.

I contacted the support person at the site and she wrote me that
they were sorry about this; but a possible workaround that "works
for others" was IE Tab.  Haha.

Anybody else noticing this?  Any ideas?

Send them this:
Java Plug-in 1.6.0_16
load: class commonknowledge.class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 6 more
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class

I did.  It didn't do any good.  But I have a feeling that the lady 
who responded is not their tech person...but it was the only contact 
I had.  Can anybody understand what this error message actually 
*means*?  Is it a flaw in their programing? One that they could 
repair if they wanted to?  I'm obviously not getting anyplace.

Ken Rudolph

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread NoOp
On 11/04/2009 11:50 AM, Ken Rudolph wrote:
> Win-XP 3rd. SM 2.0
> OK, here's a strange one.  I've even had an e-mail exchange with the 
> site and received really weird advice, more about that below.
> The site is http://www.puzzability.com/puzzles/index.shtml .  When I 
> click on any of the java encoded puzzles (for instance Common 
> Knowledge) java fails to work giving an error message "Error. Click 
> for details" with a lot of gobbledegook which means nothing to me. 
> This even after reloading the most current version of java for 
> Mozilla.  The same exact thing happens with Firefox and Google 
> Chrome.  The site does work fine in IE 7.0, however.  But, and 
> here's the strange thing, when I finally figured out how to add 
> Coral IETab to SM 2.0 and used it, it still doesn't work with SM 
> 2.0:  it doesn't give the same java error message; but the java logo 
> just keeps spinning and nothing happens.
> I contacted the support person at the site and she wrote me that 
> they were sorry about this; but a possible workaround that "works 
> for others" was IE Tab.  Haha.
> Anybody else noticing this?  Any ideas?

Send them this:
Java Plug-in 1.6.0_16
load: class commonknowledge.class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 6 more
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: commonknowledge.class

support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.0 Mac - (Empty) showing in Bookmarks

2009-11-04 Thread Rufus

...how can I get rid of it?

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Win XP copy function

2009-11-04 Thread therube
There is a bug report.  Any information that you can provide may

"Bug 525601 - Copy and cut (clipboard) functions do not work in SM
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.0 - NNTP - Enumerates every group on server?

2009-11-04 Thread Gerry Hickman

NoOp wrote:

It still gets new messages automatically when I click on a group, but
not when I expand a server?

If that's correct, it's perfect.

Cool! I've done the same on my other systems and that does indeed make
nntp livable again.

After starting it again today, everything is working correctly with your 
new setting. I still get all the new msgs once I click on the actual group.


Gerry Hickman (London UK)
support-seamonkey mailing list

pasting into composer

2009-11-04 Thread jpdphd
I have been using SeaMonkey 1.x for sometime and ran into this problem
only after switching to SM2.0 the other day (Mac OSX).

When pasting text that was copied from one program (say excel or word)
into Composer, the result is a string of information about the source
of the text, followed by the text itself. For example, this is the
result of a copy/paste operation from word (Office 2004)

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000265 EndHTML:002711 StartFragment:
002541 EndFragment:002675 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users...

all I wanted was the word "Equilibration".

btw, "Paste without formatting" does the same thing.

I have no trouble copying from TextEdit - even when text is heavily

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: migrating profiles to a certain location

2009-11-04 Thread therube
"Import multiple SM1.xprofiles to SM2 successfully"
support-seamonkey mailing list

Stes that have Security Questions

2009-11-04 Thread John D Jacoby

For example, my Credit Union has a security feature and asks me for 
the answer when I log on.  After doing this one time with Internet 
Explorer it no longer asks for an answer and all I need to do is enter 
the Account number and a password.  With SeaMonkey, it asks every time!  
Is there a setting that I need to make so that I no longer need to keep 
giving a Security Answer in SeaMonkey?

Thanks for any help,
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What happened to the form manager

2009-11-04 Thread MikeyG

Phillip Jones wrote:

Phillip Jones wrote:

Eric wrote:

Just wondering why the fill in form manager was left out of the 2.0
build?  It was a nice little feature for some things.

Any plans to bring it back?

Just curious,


Its there. But its hidden and you can edit anything in it.

type one word wrong.

Should be: But its hidden you _can't_ edit anything in it.

In the particular page that you have information typed got to view menu 
Page info click on forms tab. Once its in there if you typed the 
information wrong its there forever. On the old forms manager you could 
actually go to each item and fix mistakes such as typing your address 
wrong or your cell phone has changed.

Bad form. someone had a brain Freeze when the though up this new system. 
It good eye candy. but without editing ability at best its useless.

Amen, again!!!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What happened to the form manager

2009-11-04 Thread MikeyG

Tom Pamin wrote:

Martin Freitag wrote:

Eric schrieb:

Just wondering why the fill in form manager was left out of the 2.0
build?  It was a nice little feature for some things.

Basically because the new engine offered another one and because the old
one was old unmaintained code which no developer was familiar with.

Any plans to bring it back?

Not as long long as there's no volunteer to do the work.


Sorry, but it was a bad move to remove it. It was one of the best 
features of 1.18, and lots of people are missing it. I know I'm staying 
with 1.18 because of it.

Amen! My sentiments, exactly!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2; Extensions, AddOns, Themes

2009-11-04 Thread MikeyG

Martin Freitag wrote:

MikeyG schrieb:

I have been anticipating SeaMonkey-2, and I downloaded it this morning.

I miss having my Extensions and Themes I had used in version 1.18.

Any idea when More Extensions / AddOns and themes will be available for
version 2?

Which extenions did you use which don't work now?

My Custom, Original, My Creation extensions. But after a few days of 
editing and visits to https://developer.mozilla.org/, I'm back in business.

I have created extensions that:

1. Adds a 'MaiWasher Pro' and a 'Compose Mail Message' Menuitem on the 
'Window' Menubar Button Menu, throughout the Suite. Also, adds an 'Empty 
Trash' and a 'Compact Folders' Menubar Button to the Toolbar in the 
'Messenger' window.

2. Enables the launching of External Applications from a 'MoreTools' 
Menubar Menu Button in Navigator, Messenger and Message Compose. Adds 
'Enhancements' to the 'Context Menu'.

3. Allows the option of having a 'New Window' and a 'New Tab' button 
placed on the 'Navigation Toolbar'. Lists these two checkboxes in the 
Preferences / Navigator / Navigation Toolbar options.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Failure to install SeaMonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Jens Hatlak

Stephanie wrote:

However I realized how much I depend on the tab session manager in the
Multizilla add-on and I would lose all my currently saved sessions (I
do a lot of research) so I think I will hold off on the upgrade until
Multizilla has a SM2 compatible version out.

I wouldn't count on MultiZilla ever releasing a version for SM 2.0...

I suggest you create groupmarks for all your sessions, install SM 2.0 
(which will pick up your bookmarks and thus groupmarks), install the 
Session Manager extension (see below) and set up sessions for your 



Jens Hatlak 
SeaMonkey Trunk Tracker 
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 - The Modern Internet Suite is Here!

2009-11-04 Thread Jens Hatlak

Jeff Wieland wrote:

$ /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey/seamonkey --version
Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.1a1pre, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 mozilla.org

I'm wondering if I'm downloading the wrong tarball? I just
redownloaded it to check -- what I'm downloading is


I downloaded that file and checked the contents (too lazy to build it 
now). The relevant file is mozilla/config/milestone.txt. It determines 
the Gecko version and the SeaMonkey version (through suite/confvars.sh 
which then selects either suite/config/version-191.txt or 
suite/config/version.txt). Since milestone.txt contains "" 
confvars.sh should choose version-191.txt which contains "2.0".

Please check that the two files mentioned above contain the same numbers 
for you.

How did you set up your build? Using "configure" or the recommended 
"make -f client.mk"?



Jens Hatlak 
SeaMonkey Trunk Tracker 
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Backing-Up Cookies

2009-11-04 Thread therube
Given below, I would think all you should need is cookies.sqlite.
Exit SeaMonkey, copy, run, exit, copy back.

"3.3. Turning off journaling

SQLite uses a separate "journal" file to provide the ability to roll
back a transaction in case of a failure. This records all changes made
to the database during a transaction. This adds the overhead of
additional disk access, which is expensive compared to the speed of
SQLite in-memory operations."


Can't help with the second part.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Site problem

2009-11-04 Thread Ken Rudolph

Win-XP 3rd. SM 2.0

OK, here's a strange one.  I've even had an e-mail exchange with the 
site and received really weird advice, more about that below.

The site is http://www.puzzability.com/puzzles/index.shtml .  When I 
click on any of the java encoded puzzles (for instance Common 
Knowledge) java fails to work giving an error message "Error. Click 
for details" with a lot of gobbledegook which means nothing to me. 
This even after reloading the most current version of java for 
Mozilla.  The same exact thing happens with Firefox and Google 
Chrome.  The site does work fine in IE 7.0, however.  But, and 
here's the strange thing, when I finally figured out how to add 
Coral IETab to SM 2.0 and used it, it still doesn't work with SM 
2.0:  it doesn't give the same java error message; but the java logo 
just keeps spinning and nothing happens.

I contacted the support person at the site and she wrote me that 
they were sorry about this; but a possible workaround that "works 
for others" was IE Tab.  Haha.

Anybody else noticing this?  Any ideas?

Ken Rudolph
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.0 on Mac - no snap for Sidebar display?..

2009-11-04 Thread Rufus
I used to be able to open/close the Sidebar with a click or double click 
- now under SM 2.0 I have to drag open/close.

Most annoying for a laptop (or any) user - what happened to snap 
open/close?  Bug?..

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Odd SM2 problems

2009-11-04 Thread Leonidas Jones

Mr. Cheese wrote:

- the toolbar for changing font sizes, adding emoticons, etc does not
display when composing an email. I can't find a place to change this.

- when I look at some old emails which are replies to emails the quoted
email shows in some odd unreadable font.

Any help would be appreciated

Fir the first, you are probably set to compose in plain text.  The 
formatting toolbar only appears when you are composing in html.

Edit>>Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings>>(account in 
question)>>Composition & Addressing

Check the box for Compose messages in HTML format.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: HOSTS file..

2009-11-04 Thread David E. Ross
On 11/4/2009 8:58 AM, JD wrote:
> I'm using a HOSTS file and I had to alter about:config to keep the 
> blocked ads from showing up but I can't find anything about how I did 
> this in my SM notes. Right now I'll get this little message every so often:
> Failed to Connect
> The connection was refused when attempting to contact ad.doubleclick.ne

I use my Hosts file for its intended purpose, as a local DNS database.
I even have an application that maintains it, allowing me to add or
delete domain names and updating the related IP addresses.

I suggest you install the AdBlock Plus extension.  See
.  Use version 1.01 for SeaMonkey 1.1.x and
version 1.1.1 for SeaMonkey 2.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at  for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: HOSTS file.. Resolved..

2009-11-04 Thread JD

JD wrote:

I'm using a HOSTS file and I had to alter about:config to keep the
blocked ads from showing up but I can't find anything about how I did
this in my SM notes. Right now I'll get this little message every so often:

Failed to Connect
The connection was refused when attempting to contact ad.doubleclick.ne

I found it in my notes:

Set  browser.xul.error_pages.enabled  to false in about:config

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Binary multipart attachment download from newsgroups?

2009-11-04 Thread Leonidas Jones

Rex wrote:

Is it possible to do in Seamonkey? I remember in Outlook Express, you
could select all the messages representing a binary file, and use an
option called 'combine and download' or something.

Can one do that in Seamonkey?

Not easily.  Ed Mullen has a method:


This has been out there for quite a while, but it should still work.


support-seamonkey mailing list


2009-11-04 Thread Leonidas Jones

James wrote:

I know how to fix the problem [simple] but I'm wondering what would
cause it. Vista Home Basic 64 bit did update and I had a message that I
needed to restart to complete them but the quick launch icon was gone
and was still gone after I rebooted. Why??? AFAIK Seamonkey still works


There is no Quick Launch in SeaMonkey 2.0, hence no icon in the systray.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 won't open .html files from Finder

2009-11-04 Thread Cap'n Ron
On Nov 4, 10:07 am, "Cap'n Ron" 
> No, on my Mac, it still fails. I removed Seamonkey, emptied the trash.
> and recopied it from the dmg, it still fails.

Further testing shows that it does work if SeaMonkey is not running at
all when I click on the file in Finder.

If SeaMonkey is running, it pops to the Mail window first (or opens a
Mail window, if one is not running), then opens a new browser window,
but with the home page, not the one I clicked on in Finder.

Any ideas?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 won't open .html files from Finder

2009-11-04 Thread Cap'n Ron
On Nov 4, 1:46 am, cyberzen  wrote:
> it works for me
> try reinstall ??
> --
> cyberzen

No, on my Mac, it still fails. I removed Seamonkey, emptied the trash.
and recopied it from the dmg, it still fails.
support-seamonkey mailing list

HOSTS file..

2009-11-04 Thread JD
I'm using a HOSTS file and I had to alter about:config to keep the 
blocked ads from showing up but I can't find anything about how I did 
this in my SM notes. Right now I'll get this little message every so often:

Failed to Connect
The connection was refused when attempting to contact ad.doubleclick.ne

support-seamonkey mailing list


2009-11-04 Thread NoOp
On 11/04/2009 07:46 AM, James wrote:
> I know how to fix the problem [simple] but I'm wondering what would 
> cause it.  Vista Home Basic 64 bit did update and I had a message that I 
> needed to restart to complete them but the quick launch icon was gone 
> and was still gone after I rebooted.  Why???  AFAIK Seamonkey still 
> works fine.


support-seamonkey mailing list

SIG PROBLEM. WAS: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any

2009-11-04 Thread James
Pat, I noticed that in your sig [at least on my PC] you have one dash 
and then on the line below you have another dash followed by your name.  
Is that what you intended?

Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 23:57:45 -0800 From: Pat Welch 
 To: support-seamonkey@lists.mozilla.org Subject: 
Re: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any mailbox? 
Message-ID: <7iqdnugmhadlrmzxnz2dnuvz_h-dn...@mozilla.org> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


See the thread titled "2.0 - Forwarding Email does not pick up my Sig,
the Sig works as expected in Compose" for more detail on the problem.

Basically, I use files for my sigs, and specifically a .txt file for
NG's like this, and in fact the SAME sig file for this and my main NG

The sig append works on the main NG, but not on this one. The prefs and
settings are*exactly*  the same for the two NG's.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Failure to install SeaMonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread James
You can only have one copy running at a time.  In cases like yours 
there's typically something running that is identified as Seamonkey 
1.1.18.  The usual culprit is Seamonkey 1.1.18 quick launch.  Disable 
that and reboot.

Then if it still doesn't work look in Task Manager to see if anything 
Seamonkey is running.  If so shut it down; you may need to reboot.

If it still doesn't work try booting into safe mode and launch 2.0.


Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 17:24:12 -0800 (PST)
From: "Stephanie :"
Subject: Re: Failure to install SeaMonkey 2.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I am having a similar problem. Last night I installed Seamonkey 2.0
over top of 1.1.18. The installation went well and at the end it
opened 2.0 and I used it for a while.

This morning I booted up my computer and opened Seamonkey only to find
that it is still 1.1.18!  Add/Remove programs shows 2.0 installed.
Searching the hard drive shows 2 installations: Program Files/
Seamonkey and Program Files/mozilla.org/Seamonkey, however the
Seamonkey.exe file in both of these only opens 1.1.18.

Is 2.0 a new kind of vaporware?;-)

HP laptop running Windows XP Pro.

On Nov 2, 3:58 pm, CarolinaBill  wrote:

>  I have been using Seamonkey 1.1.17 on three home computers.  Yesterday
>  I tried to install Seamonkey 2.0 on a lap top and a desktop computer.
>  In each case the installation proceeded without incident to the Finish
>  screen.  With Launch program checked, I expected SeaMonkey to open,
>  but nothing happened.  I clicked on the desktop icon.  I went to
>  Program Files and clicked on seamonkey.exe.  Still nothing.  In both
>  of these instances I installed over the top of my old version of
>  Seamonkey which I have done in the past.  In case there was a problem
>  with that, I uninstalled my old Seamonkey program as well as Seamonkey
>  2.0 and tried to install.  Same result.  I wound up uninstlling
>  Seamonkey 2.0 from all computers and returned to my old 1.1.17
>  version.  I am using Windows XP Pro in each computer, and the only
>  variation I can think of is that I have my profiles in a non-standard
>  location on a different hard drive.  However, I would think that if
>  SeaMonkey could not find my old profile, it would at least provide me
>  with a default new one.  Suggestions ?

support-seamonkey mailing list


2009-11-04 Thread James
I know how to fix the problem [simple] but I'm wondering what would 
cause it.  Vista Home Basic 64 bit did update and I had a message that I 
needed to restart to complete them but the quick launch icon was gone 
and was still gone after I rebooted.  Why???  AFAIK Seamonkey still 
works fine.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Win XP copy function

2009-11-04 Thread S. Beaulieu

Philip Chee wrote:

If you type CTRL-C twice, can you then paste? Just asking.

No, it doesn't work. CTRL-V twice doesn't work either.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Rick

Graham wrote:

Rick wrote:

Graham wrote:
SM 2.0 has it problems, but if you really did end up with other 
trashed folders, your system has other, more serious problems because 
the SM install won't touch other folders. When did you last run a 
chkdsk on your drive(s)?
my system was running very smoothly until I tried to install SM.  It 
was the culprit no doubt.  It trashed all my music, videos, and 

Never seen anything like that before.

I see you avoided answering my question about chkdsk. A system may run 
fine with a corrupt disk until something finally causes the corruption 
to become obvious.
sorry--chkdsk and defrag are run on a regular schedule every two weeks 
or so.  I can attest that there was no problem with the HD's

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Rick

NoOp wrote:

On 11/03/2009 02:24 PM, Rick wrote:

Rick wrote:
Just tried to install SM 2.0 and it totally did not work it trashed my 
iTunes files and it will not be found on my system until the bugs are 
worked out of it.  This is the first time I have ever had problems. 
There was nothing else running and some thing called SM Wizard showed up 
but, did nothing.  I reinstalled 1.18 restarted the system.

it also trashed all my files in acouple of folders.  I am Really PO ed

I seriously doubt that SeaMonkey trashed any of your iTunes & other
folders. But, assuming that it did; can you please detail _exactly_ what
you did to install SM 2.0 and reinstall 1.1.18, what your operating
system is & also your hardware details?

I closed all open applications double clicked the file I downloaded from 
Mozilla and then I got a message that it was installing SM 2.0  then, 
something called wizard showed up and continued to run for about 1 hour 
 at that point I restarted the computer and found the damage.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any mailbox?

2009-11-04 Thread NoOp
On 11/04/2009 12:06 AM, Pat Welch wrote:
> chicagofan wrote:
>> Pat Welch wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have a lot of folders under the main Inboxes that I use to save
>>> copies of
>>> Email in specific categories.
>>> Under SM 1.19 it when I clicked on the Message menu after displaying the
>>> message and selected Copy to or Move to, ALL the available folders were
>>> displayed.
>>> Now, ONLY the new "Recent" drop box will appear, not giving me access
>>> to all
>>> folders, and the folders there do not ID the main folders they are
>>> from (I
>>> have, for example, 5 Info folders under 5 email accounts).
>>> Now, if I back out of the displayed message, and right click on the Email
>>> summary in the main pane, I get the old full folder access back!
>>> Sounds like a bug.
> Thanks, but I was complaining exactly that - you have to close the 
> message in order to see the full list.


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017
Lightning/1.0pre SeaMonkey/2.

Please file a bug report.
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM2 + ReminderFox 1.9.5 -- feedback requested

2009-11-04 Thread gNeandr

Hi to all SM2 users
 having interest to run the brand new ReminderFox version - 1.9.5.

Any feedback welcomed!!


The latest ReminderFox update is just about ready to be released via 
Mozilla Addons.  Before it becomes public (as it often takes awhile for 
it to be reviewed by an editor and made public, and I have read there 
may be a long wait at the moment), I figured I'd send out a note for any 
of the list readers who wants to try it early:


Click the View Older Versions link at the bottom of the page, and you 
should see ReminderFox 1.9.5 available (marked Experimental).  You may 
need to be logged in to see the experimental versions.

The main changes are some improvements to alarms, and a few other goodies.

ReminderFox changelog
- Tabbed alarms - alarms and quick alarms now show up in a single window 
as separate tabs, so they are

now easier to manage in a single location.
- You can now add notes on quick alarms
- When adding a quick alarm or snoozing an alarm, you can select the 
calendar icon to add a specific day/time of
when to show the alarm, versus just the "show X minutes/days from 
now" method
- The calendar launched by the calendar toolbar button (right click on 
the Firefox toolbar and select Customize...
to add it) has been updated - it now shows dates with reminders (in 
yellow), you can hover over the dates
to get the reminder tooltips just like in the normal calendar, and 
clicking on a date allows

you to quick-add a reminder for that date
   Improvements:- Clicking on blank square in the calendar widget 
will move the calendar forward or backwards to that date
- The 'Add reminder' dialog has been reordered to be consistent with Add 
ToDo/Event dialog
- Context menu for Firefox - changed the postion of Add Reminder to come 
after Copy (as suggested by user

K. Jason)
- Updated to support Postbox email application - 
http://postbox-inc.com/extensions/ (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

- Updated for latest versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey
- 'Send reminder'/'Send todo's' now also supports 'Export' (Thanks to 
Günter Wahl)

Bug fixes:
- Bug 21772  - thanks 
to Philippe for fixing this one!
- Bug 21565  -  
Search function does not work at first time (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
- Added slight delay when starting Firefox before showing alert slider, 
as it could result in a jerky sliding

motion if loading a lot of tabs were open

ReminderFox mailing list

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Win XP copy function

2009-11-04 Thread nickfruscello
> Well, I downloaded and installed it onWin2K, SP4.  It installed fine,
> and migrated the profile without issue.  Copy/Paste is working fine too.
> I wonder if there might be a profile issue that is causing your problem.
>   Have you tried starting in Safe Mode, to see if it works?  If that
> fails, try creating a new profile and see if it works.
> It does work, we just need to see what is causing the problem in your setup.
> Lee

Unfortunately, I'm still having the same problem in Safe Mode.  I
tried creating a new profile and had the same problem still.

Phil, I tried hitting ctrl-C twice and it didn't work.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM and Google Desktop Search

2009-11-04 Thread George Carden

Martin Freitag wrote:

George Carden schrieb:

George Carden wrote:

Martin! That got it! Wow. Sometimes I'm amazed how this group makes me
realize how dumb I am. ;-) I simply uninstalled and re-installed Google
Desktop Search, and it appears all is well. THANK YOU, and everyone here
for making my world a little closer to perfect today.


Well, I spoke too soon. I re-installed Google Desktop Search, and it
only indexed Seamonkey e-mail and web pages that were viewed by
Seamonkey 1.18 on my PC. So...still wondering what the answer is.

I suspect that GDS only indexes one account/profile (the one it detects
on installation?). That doesn't sound very clever but who knows...
Maybe it would be worth a try to zip your SM1.1.18 profile, store it at
a safe place and delete it from your documents&settings folder
afterwards. Make sure SM2 is running fine with it's own profile. Then
reinstall GDS ad see if it finds your SM2 profile.
If all that doesn't succeed I would still recomend asking google or at
least one of their groups why it doesn't index (refering to that SM2
uses the same container-format which used to work with SM1.1.x for you)


Very interesting idea, Martin!  I'll give it a try later today and let 
you know.  Thanks for your thoughts...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Odd SM2 problems

2009-11-04 Thread Mr. Cheese
- the toolbar for changing font sizes, adding emoticons, etc does not 
display when composing an email. I can't find a place to change this.

- when I look at some old emails which are replies to emails the quoted 
email shows in some odd unreadable font.

Any help would be appreciated
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Coral IETab now has support for Seamonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Robert Kaiser

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

I wrote to them, and they replied that they now have a version that
supports Seamonkey 2.0.

See http://coralietab.mozdev.org/installation.html

I just hope they will place it on addons.mozilla.org as well, as most 
people search there and the internal "Get Add-ons" pane of SeaMonkey 
also searches there only.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

Coral IETab now has support for Seamonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Cruz, Jaime
I wrote to them, and they replied that they now have a version that 
supports Seamonkey 2.0.

See http://coralietab.mozdev.org/installation.html

Jaime A. Cruz
Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club

AMA District 34
Pop's Run
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Failure to install SeaMonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Stephanie :
Thanks. I think I did forget to exit the Quickstarter.

However I realized how much I depend on the tab session manager in the
Multizilla add-on and I would lose all my currently saved sessions (I
do a lot of research) so I think I will hold off on the upgrade until
Multizilla has a SM2 compatible version out.

On Nov 4, 2:02 am, Martin Freitag 
> Stephanie : schrieb:
> > I am having a similar problem. Last night I installed Seamonkey 2.0
> > over top of 1.1.18. The installation went well and at the end it
> > opened 2.0 and I used it for a while.
> > This morning I booted up my computer and opened Seamonkey only to find
> > that it is still 1.1.18!  Add/Remove programs shows 2.0 installed.
> > Searching the hard drive shows 2 installations: Program Files/
> > Seamonkey and Program Files/mozilla.org/Seamonkey, however the
> > Seamonkey.exe file in both of these only opens 1.1.18.
> I suspect your SM1.1.18 has already been running at that time (maybe
> you're using the Quickstarter?), they can't run together at the same
> time without additional effort.
> So make sure SM1.1.x is _not_ running, the Quickstarter next to your
> clock is closed (no seamonkey.exe in the process list in the
> taskmanager), then start your SM2. (you can verify that you're starting
> the correct seamonkey.exe by right-clicking, selecting properties and
> navigating to the "version" tab. Open "Product version" below in the
> list and it should say 2.0)
> regards
> Martin
> --
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\  www.asciiribbon.org  -http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: cookies not accepted in 2.0 SM

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
jack schrieb:
> I have a problem where sites  that you have to sign into like yahoo mail
> and others say that to turn on cookies then try again.
> I have it set up to accept all even 3rd party and it still does not work.
> has not worked for me in previous versions either.
> anyone have a clue or work around?
> thanks

Must be related to our local setup. Works fine here even with Cookies
only being accepted from the original website.
I would try to dlete all Cookies and ry again. If it still fails make
sure that there's no other software firewall or similar interfering.

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0: Threaded message display order

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
Rex schrieb:
> I've set all my views in mail/news to show only unread messages. Today I
> also turned on threaded view.
> I found that a reply to a post I had made earlier showed up as the
> parent, while my original post appeared below it as a child post-
> instead of vice versa as one would expect.
> In unthreaded mode, mails were sorted by ascending order of date.
> Anyone else seen this?
Never saw that before, awesome! xD

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Downloaded 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
Phillip Jones schrieb:
> Martin Freitag wrote:
>> Phillip Jones schrieb:
>>> But unlike before there is no way to edit typing errors and mistakes.
>> Just select an entry you don't want and hit the Del key.
>> Martin
> All I can get it to do is bring up a previous entry and you select among
> them or type something else no way to delete.

Example: http://www.viddler.com/explore/commander_keen/videos/14/

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't get profile to Seamonkey2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
William Morrison schrieb:
> OK, I did what you suggested and reinstalled 1.1.18 over itself and all
> is still good with it and installed 2.0 to a new directory named
> Seamonkey2.0. Now here's where it get interesting, I checked the profile
> manager in 1.1.18 and it list no profile 

That dosn't sound promising. If SM1.1.18 doesn't find it's own profile,
SM2 profile migration wizard probably fails on that, too.

> and if I try to create a new
> one 1.1.18 opens as if it is a new install i.e. no bookmarks, no email,

Well that's normal and what a new profile is supposed to be ;-)

> so I check profile manager in 2.0 and it shows a profile named "Default
> User2", that's one I had created from the previous install of 2.0 but
> when I do a search with Windows search using just the keyword "Default"
> it finds every other occurrence of the word default except that one on
> any of the four hard drives I have on this computer. This is really
> getting confusing 

That's stupid XP, its search commonly excludes important folders. Make
sure you have the following checkboxes enabled:
Maybe you want to search for "Seamonkey" instead of "default" to not get
so many results.
After you succeed fel free to delete all unnecessary profiles and start
If everything fails again, you could also create your mail-accounts in
the new SM2 profile, then exit SM2 and copy your bookmarks.html and
inbox/sent/... files over the new and empty SM2 ones from your old profile.

> I think I might just do like some of the others
> have said and stay with 1.1.18 until the next version of Seamonkey comes

I doubt that this will correct your already existing profile issue, sry.

> out unless it requires me to install 2.0 before I can upgrade to
> anything newer and if that happens I might as well switch back to
> Eudora, I've had people tell me it just laughs at viruses because it
> can't open them and just deletes them.
executable files are being executed by the user and the operating
system, brain1.0.exe mainly helps to not click on unwanted attachments ;-)

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM and Google Desktop Search

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
George Carden schrieb:
> George Carden wrote:
>> Martin! That got it! Wow. Sometimes I'm amazed how this group makes me
>> realize how dumb I am. ;-) I simply uninstalled and re-installed Google
>> Desktop Search, and it appears all is well. THANK YOU, and everyone here
>> for making my world a little closer to perfect today.
>> -George
> Well, I spoke too soon. I re-installed Google Desktop Search, and it
> only indexed Seamonkey e-mail and web pages that were viewed by
> Seamonkey 1.18 on my PC. So...still wondering what the answer is.

I suspect that GDS only indexes one account/profile (the one it detects
on installation?). That doesn't sound very clever but who knows...
Maybe it would be worth a try to zip your SM1.1.18 profile, store it at
a safe place and delete it from your documents&settings folder
afterwards. Make sure SM2 is running fine with it's own profile. Then
reinstall GDS ad see if it finds your SM2 profile.
If all that doesn't succeed I would still recomend asking google or at
least one of their groups why it doesn't index (refering to that SM2
uses the same container-format which used to work with SM1.1.x for you)

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Binary multipart attachment download from newsgroups?

2009-11-04 Thread Rex

Is it possible to do in Seamonkey? I remember in Outlook Express, you 
could select all the messages representing a binary file, and use an 
option called 'combine and download' or something.

Can one do that in Seamonkey?

Faith means not _wanting_ to know the truth.
-- Nietzsche

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Failure to install SeaMonkey 2.0

2009-11-04 Thread Martin Freitag
Stephanie : schrieb:
> I am having a similar problem. Last night I installed Seamonkey 2.0
> over top of 1.1.18. The installation went well and at the end it
> opened 2.0 and I used it for a while.
> This morning I booted up my computer and opened Seamonkey only to find
> that it is still 1.1.18!  Add/Remove programs shows 2.0 installed.
> Searching the hard drive shows 2 installations: Program Files/
> Seamonkey and Program Files/mozilla.org/Seamonkey, however the
> Seamonkey.exe file in both of these only opens 1.1.18.

I suspect your SM1.1.18 has already been running at that time (maybe
you're using the Quickstarter?), they can't run together at the same
time without additional effort.
So make sure SM1.1.x is _not_ running, the Quickstarter next to your
clock is closed (no seamonkey.exe in the process list in the
taskmanager), then start your SM2. (you can verify that you're starting
the correct seamonkey.exe by right-clicking, selecting properties and
navigating to the "version" tab. Open "Product version" below in the
list and it should say 2.0)

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\  www.asciiribbon.org   - http://www.gerstbach.at/2004/ascii
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 won't open .html files from Finder

2009-11-04 Thread cyberzen

Cap'n Ron a écrit :

With older versions of SeaMonkey, if I clicked on an html file in
finder, it opened in SeaMonkey. Now, with 2.0, when I click on an html
file in finder, it opens a new window in SeaMonkey, but only displays
the configured home page, not the file I was trying to open.

it works for me
try reinstall ??

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 won't open .html files from Finder

2009-11-04 Thread cyberzen

Cap'n Ron a écrit :

With older versions of SeaMonkey, if I clicked on an html file in
finder, it opened in SeaMonkey. Now, with 2.0, when I click on an html
file in finder, it opens a new window in SeaMonkey, but only displays
the configured home page, not the file I was trying to open.

it works for me
try reinstall ??

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any mailbox?

2009-11-04 Thread Pat Welch

chicagofan wrote:

Pat Welch wrote:


I have a lot of folders under the main Inboxes that I use to save
copies of
Email in specific categories.

Under SM 1.19 it when I clicked on the Message menu after displaying the
message and selected Copy to or Move to, ALL the available folders were

Now, ONLY the new "Recent" drop box will appear, not giving me access
to all
folders, and the folders there do not ID the main folders they are
from (I
have, for example, 5 Info folders under 5 email accounts).

Now, if I back out of the displayed message, and right click on the Email
summary in the main pane, I get the old full folder access back!

Sounds like a bug.


If you close the message, you will get the full choice of folders in
your menu
selection, if I understand what you are wanting.

Have no idea what's wrong with your sig line here. :)

Thanks, but I was complaining exactly that - you have to close the 
message in order to see the full list.

That behavior sucks and was not how it worked under 1.19.

I often leave an Email open while I'm working on the problem mentioned 
in the Email (I'm a Unix server support guru), and having to close it to 
copy it into one of my support queues is a major PITA.

I expanded on the Sig problem in another reply in this thread.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: What happened to the ability to copy/move emails to any mailbox?

2009-11-04 Thread Pat Welch

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Leonidas Jones wrote:

Pat Welch wrote:


I have a lot of folders under the main Inboxes that I use to save copies
of Email in specific categories.

Under SM 1.19 it when I clicked on the Message menu after displaying the
message and selected Copy to or Move to, ALL the available folders were

Now, ONLY the new "Recent" drop box will appear, not giving me access to
all folders, and the folders there do not ID the main folders they are
from (I have, for example, 5 Info folders under 5 email accounts).

Now, if I back out of the displayed message, and right click on the
Email summary in the main pane, I get the old full folder access back!

Sounds like a bug.


Well the proper sig delimiter should be a dash dash space. Sig should
work, note that it is on an account by account basis. You must set up
the sig for each account. If you use the same sig on multiple accounts,
save it to a text file, and link to it in Account settings.

I'll set a sig to this reply, to test.


Sig attached as expected, and should be stripped in this reply.


See the thread titled "2.0 - Forwarding Email does not pick up my Sig, 
the Sig works as expected in Compose" for more detail on the problem.

Basically, I use files for my sigs, and specifically a .txt file for 
NG's like this, and in fact the SAME sig file for this and my main NG 

The sig append works on the main NG, but not on this one. The prefs and 
settings are *exactly* the same for the two NG's.

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