Re: Auto-update language packs

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Francesco Presel wrote:

I'm currently using the Linux 64-bit experimental build, only available
in English, which means I must use a language pack in order to localize
Every time I update Seamonkey, the language pack is not automatically
updated, and the old, now incompatible version remains. So, every time I
update SM, I have to manually download and install again the language
pack, for every single user and profile I have on this computer, and
sometimes I even have to reactivate and set again the default language.

It would be nice if, like every other addon (like Lightning, which
always needs to be updated after every SM update), it was automatically
updated (eg, when I update SM to 2.11 every language pack I have is
updated to 2.11).

I haven't found any other report of this; is there a better place to
report this?

Francesco, your suggestion about getting the updated language pack at 
the same time as SM is update is a good one, but, as I understand it, 
the language packs are not made by the SeaMonkey Council, but rather by 
individuals who need the packs and they then release it to the Council 
for others, such as yourself, to use.

So once the new version of SM is released, it takes some time (a couple 
of days, maybe) for the other packs to become available.

One option might be to download the language pack to your hard drive and 
then copy it to a flash drive for coping to the other computers and 
install from the hard drive.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: emails / server settings

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

rjkrjk wrote:

Daniel wrote, On 7/24/2012 6:23 AM:

rjkrjk wrote:

win xp sp3 / android 2.3.5

have just started using an android tablet (samsung)
there are hundreds of emails on my samsung android, which have long been
deleted on the desktop

after some reading and research, I assumed it was a matter of syncing
the tablet with the desktop. ( as an aside, don't know why mozilla
refers back to firefox with instructions for SM).  sync was done on both
sides, at least that's the message I got

but after the sync.. all the messages were still there, tried to some
other things but nothing worked.

I then checked my ISP Inbox (directly) and the same hundreds of messages
were there as well.  I deleted them all, and subsequently all the emails
on the tablet also disappeared

I remembered  something about server settings and messages, so I

will UNchecking this box hopefully resolve my situation where my tablet
is retaining all my emails ??

In olden days, when it was just computers downloading e-mails from an
ISP, it was advised that if more than one computer was downloading from
the same account, then one computer should be set-up to download 
remove the e-mails from the ISP's server. Any other computers (laptops,
etc) should be set up to download but leave the emails on the ISP's
server. In SeaMonkey on a computer, that would be Edit-Mail  Newsgroup
Account Settings, select Server Settings for your e-mail account and,
in roughly the middle of the screen, under Server Settings tick Leave
messages on server.

Don't know if tablet versions of SM have a similar setting!!


don' think there is a version of SM for android yet
using FF -Android to access my emails (ISP and Gmail)
will see if I can update either of those 2

WHY should I leave emails on the server ??
there's typically a limit on how much mail be be stored by the ISP, but
OTOH they may delete all mail older than XX days, which would resolve
that problem

but I did suggest that one computer/device be set to download and then 
remove the emails from the server!!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.11 always comes up with Work Offline

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Philip TAYLOR wrote:

Bernd Adda wrote:

Daniel schrieb, Am 24.07.2012 13:41:

It is my understanding that SeaMonkey will remember what condition it
was in when it was closed down, so if you are off-line when you close
SM, SM will be off-line when you start up.


No sir ;-)

Thats not right


It is right here; empirically tested and thereby proven.
I cannot send this now, because Send is replaced by Send
later as I went offline before closing and re-starting

Philip Taylor

Thanks for the verification, Philip.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.11 always comes up with Work Offline

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

A Williams wrote:

MR ZenWiz wrote:

How do I get this to reset to come up with Work Offline
unchecked/off?  There does not appear to be any setting for it, and it
always remembers the one time, ages ago, and I can't get it to forget.

Running on Xubuntu 12.04, just installed.



As Bernd Adda said,

Preferences - Mail  Newsgroups - Network  Storage - Offline: When
starting up.

(repeating 'cos I've got the English version wuth the English texts)

Gee, I should have checked the drop-down before my first reply. It seems 
you can select to start-up in either condition!!

You live, you learn!!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Default Printer for SeaMonkey

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Ed wrote:

On 7/24/2012 6:18 PM David E. Ross submitted the following:

On 7/24/12 1:03 PM, Ed wrote:

On 7/24/2012 2:31 PM Ed submitted the following:

On 7/24/2012 1:32 PM Ed submitted the following:

On 7/24/2012 11:08 AM Jay Garcia submitted the following:

   D E L E T E D 

In your OS printers section, click on your HP Printer and select
Properties. Set it as default. Then, in any OTHER application such as
Word, etc. bring up a document and print. Does it use the HP default
printer? Probably so. Now start Seamonkey and print. What happens now?
If it still uses the PaperPort then exit Seamonkey, locate your profile
and the file prefs.js - make a copy of this file. Then right-click on
prefs.js (not the copy) and choose edit. find all the lines referring
to printers and remove the lines. Save - Exit - restart SM. Now what
happens when you print?

That did it.  And it added the HP printer info back into the prefs.js file.
Also looking at the pref.js file there is quite a bit of garbage(?) left over
from installations of extensions that are no longer in use and were not removed
when removing the extensions.  I assume they can also be removed?

The above worked fine until I had a page I wanted to print in pdf.
I went to print - selected PDFCREATOR as a printer and printed the page.
Now THAT printer has been added to about:config and when exiting SM is now in
the prefs.js file along with the HP printer.

PDFCREATOR is now the printer that shows up in SeaMonkey as it's default printer
although the system default is the HP printer.

Back to square one.

A little more investigation shows:
1. Cleaned printers out of prefs.js
2. Started SM
3. Printed to Printer WIN Default A
4. Printer A now shows up in about:config and prefs.js (after closing SM)
5. Started SM
6. Printed to Printer A
7. Selected a new Printer B (Printer A remains WIN Default printer)
8. Printed to Printer B
9. Printer B now shows up in about:config and prefs.js after Printer A
entries. (after closing SM - Printer A remains WIN Default)
10. Started SM
11. Printer now prints to Printer B
12. Repeat steps 7 to 10 replacing B with C
13. Repeat steps 7 to 10 replacing C with D

Now my SM default printer is Printer D (WIN Default still A)
Printer D is the last printer that shows in about:config and prefs.js

print.save_print_settings is set to true

It appears that each time a different printer is selected when printing from
SeaMonkey, SeaMonkey reverts back to the last printer in line in the
about:config table after the print job and, if not previously in the config file
adds the printer just used after the previously entered printers.

Instead, I think SeaMonkey remembers the last printer it used and makes
that its default printer until some other printer is used by SeaMonkey.
  That is, SeaMonkey's default printer is always the last printer
SeaMonkey actually used.

 From my testing it would appear to be the last printer in the entry table of
config in the user profile.

So, Ed, with printers A, B, C  D known to SM, have you manually 
selected printer B or C to do a print and then, after a re-start, seen 
which printer SM prints to , D or last selected??

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Rufus wrote:

Mike C wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-23 3:07 PM, Rufus wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-23 7:52 AM, Daniel wrote:

Rufus, I hope you remember that emptying trash *doesn't* actually
the e-mails from your inbox,

That part is right. :)

it just marks them for deletion and
removes them from your sight.

That part is not right. Emptying the trash will delete messages from
your trash folder, not the inbox, then it will compact the trash
not the inbox.'re telling me that moving things out of my Inbox does not
actually move them out of my Inbox?

I have no idea what people are trying to say about this.  Why would I
Empty Trash if I haven't placed something in there in the first place?
And why wouldn't moving something there actually *put* it *there* for

If you select a message in your inbox, and click delete, the message
will be copied over to your trash folder. The version in your inbox
then be marked as deleted and hidden from view.

This where I loose it...copied?  Why isn't the message *moved* to the
Trash vise just being removed from display?  That doesn't make any
logical sense to me - true or not...

Compacting a folder will command SeaMonkey to remove all messages from
that folder that are marked as deleted.

That makes sense - as long as it also globally removes all messages
marked as deleted and still not displayed.  I don't see how it would
though, as it seems it will only compact the single specified Folder.

Empty Trash will not only hide all messages in the Trash folder from
view, but also remove them.

Which is what one would expect.

* Although it may not technically go through those steps. It seems
easier/faster to just remove all messages in the trash, regardless if
they are marked as deleted or not. It's the same result.

In light of the above, I can't see why I don't see Compact All Folders
requests when I have my invoke set at 20 Meg.  I should think I'd see a
lot of them - I don't seem to see any at all.

I think I'm going to set my threshold lower - like 5 Meg - if this is
what is really going on.

Here's were terminology is important:
When you *copy anything to a new location it also remains in the old

When you *cut anything and paste it to a new location it's gone from the
original location (it's moved).

The questions are:
1)When you delete from the inbox, you are cutting or copying?
   Does the inbox need to be compacted?

2)When you delete from the sent folder, you are cutting or copying?
   Does the inbox need to be compacted?

3)When you delete from the trash, you are cutting or copying?
   I always thought that this was the only folder that needs compacting.

Precisely.  I get the impression that an actual cut is *never*
performed.  Nor is an actual delete.

And since I'm not seeing requests to Compact All Folders, how do I
force/invoke that?  I can't find a menu item for it...

File-Empty Trash and File-Compact Folders

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Rufus wrote:


I'd be *really* happy if I had a user pref option to Compact All Folders
on closing Mail, and/or SM (closing session) -

Here!! Here!! (except when I accidentally delete a message I later 
realise I need!!)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Rufus wrote:

»Q« wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 21:35:21 -0700
Rufus wrote:

»Q« wrote:

Your inbox is actually a file on your hard drive, and each e-mail
occupies space within that file.

I'm assuming each message is it's own file/structure...

The structure of each inbox message (which is just its headers and body
text*) is within a single file;  that's a key in
understanding how moving/deletion and compacting work, which is why I
mentioned it in my first sentence in this thread. ;)

but now that I look through my Profile structure that seems not to be
the case.


It doesn't matter to me really just what SM does - it's just a
surprise, as my primary e-mail client - Mac Mail - doesn't structure
this way. Each message is an individual file.

That's a newer way of doing it.  There was work going on to add support
for doing it that way to Thunderbird (and so I assume to SeaMonkey),
and maybe that will continue.

I'd be perfectly satisfied with an option to Compact all folders on exit
Mail/close session - like selections for clearing Private Data.  That
would be easier for the team to include, and take care of the job in a
more comprehensible manner.

Rufus, in another twig of this thread, I've Here Here'd this 
suggestion, but it's just occured to me that doing it this way *might* 
have some people asking how come it takes for SM to actually close!!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-24 7:24 AM, Daniel wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-23 7:52 AM, Daniel wrote:

Rufus, I hope you remember that emptying trash *doesn't* actually
the e-mails from your inbox,

That part is right. :)

it just marks them for deletion and
removes them from your sight.

That part is not right. Emptying the trash will delete messages from
your trash folder, not the inbox, then it will compact the trash folder,
not the inbox.

Chris, how does an e-mail get into the trash folder, so that, in your
explanation above, it can be deleted from the trash folder??

When you select a message and click delete, it looks like it is being
moved to the trash folder, but underneath it is really being copied to
the trash folder.

Yeap, thanks, Chris. I had thought that the message did not appear at 
all in the trash folder, just a counter got incremented, but I see, from 
all the discussion here-abouts, that a copy is actually made and placed 
in Trash!!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Daniel

Daniel wrote:

Rufus wrote:

»Q« wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 21:35:21 -0700
Rufus wrote:

»Q« wrote:

Your inbox is actually a file on your hard drive, and each e-mail
occupies space within that file.

I'm assuming each message is it's own file/structure...

The structure of each inbox message (which is just its headers and body
text*) is within a single file;  that's a key in
understanding how moving/deletion and compacting work, which is why I
mentioned it in my first sentence in this thread. ;)

but now that I look through my Profile structure that seems not to be
the case.


It doesn't matter to me really just what SM does - it's just a
surprise, as my primary e-mail client - Mac Mail - doesn't structure
this way. Each message is an individual file.

That's a newer way of doing it.  There was work going on to add support
for doing it that way to Thunderbird (and so I assume to SeaMonkey),
and maybe that will continue.

I'd be perfectly satisfied with an option to Compact all folders on exit
Mail/close session - like selections for clearing Private Data.  That
would be easier for the team to include, and take care of the job in a
more comprehensible manner.

Rufus, in another twig of this thread, I've Here Here'd this
suggestion, but it's just occured to me that doing it this way *might*
have some people asking how come it takes for SM to actually close!!

and that should read ...come it takes so long for SM to.!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Default Printer for SeaMonkey

2012-07-25 Thread Jim Taylor

W3BNR wrote:

On 7/24/2012 3:49 PM Ed submitted the following:

On 7/24/2012 2:53 PM Jim Taylor submitted the following:

Ed wrote:

On 7/24/2012 1:32 PM Ed submitted the following:

On 7/24/2012 11:08 AM Jay Garcia submitted the following:

D E L E T E D 

In your OS printers section, click on your HP Printer and select
Properties. Set it as default. Then, in any OTHER application such as
Word, etc. bring up a document and print. Does it use the HP default
printer? Probably so. Now start Seamonkey and print. What happens now?
If it still uses the PaperPort then exit Seamonkey, locate your profile
and the file prefs.js - make a copy of this file. Then right-click on
prefs.js (not the copy) and choose edit. find all the lines referring
to printers and remove the lines. Save - Exit - restart SM. Now what
happens when you print?

That did it.  And it added the HP printer info back into the prefs.js file.
Also looking at the pref.js file there is quite a bit of garbage(?) left over
from installations of extensions that are no longer in use and were not removed
when removing the extensions.  I assume they can also be removed?

The above worked fine until I had a page I wanted to print in pdf.
I went to print - selected PDFCREATOR as a printer and printed the page.
Now THAT printer has been added to about:config and when exiting SM is now in
the prefs.js file along with the HP printer.

PDFCREATOR is now the printer that shows up in SeaMonkey as it's default printer
although the system default is the HP printer.

Back to square one.

How did you leave print.save_print_settings?  Did you leave it false or did you
change it back to the default of true?

Default of true.

It looks like:
print_printer userstring xxx
gets changed each time a new printer is added to config and does not change

As far as I can tell print_printer stores the last printer used and 
will become the default printer for SeaMonkey until another printer is 
selected from the print dialog.  If you go into about:config and clear 
(reset) print_printer it will default to the systems default printer 
until you print to another printer.


support-seamonkey mailing list

sessionstore ?

2012-07-25 Thread Mike C

What is sessionstore in the profile?
There's 8 of them numbered 1 through 8.

Can I delete them?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: images imbedded

2012-07-25 Thread Rick Merrill

Rufus wrote:

Rick Merrill wrote:

On (of all places)
the images do not show yet if I
select an image and show image it shows fine!

I've cleared cookies and image permissions. what else?

...are you blocking any scripts?

Javascript is enabled accross the board.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: images imbedded

2012-07-25 Thread Rick Merrill

Rick Merrill wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Rick Merrill wrote:

On (of all places)
the images do not show yet if I
select an image and show image it shows fine!

I've cleared cookies and image permissions. what else?

...are you blocking any scripts?

Javascript is enabled accross the board.

Apparently load all images is required as SM does not recognize
that the images are coming from the same domain.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Message-Headers are erroneously displayed in SeaMonkey's Thread-pane's Subject window.

2012-07-25 Thread Ray_Net

Ray_Net wrote, On 24/07/2012 23:27:

Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote, On 21/07/2012 02:27:

Ray_Net wrote:

Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote, On 20/07/2012 03:43:

Ray_Net wrote:

Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP] wrote, On 19/07/2012 20:18:
The subject of a mail is too long in the window list of 
subjects. But

is ok in the window preview of the mail.

You certainly will argue that SM is perfect and this is because 
the mail

came from another mail-client.

BUT SM is not consistent between his two windows
window list of subjects
window preview of the mail

As seen here:

What can i do to permit a solution of this SM problem ?

If the width of the subject column is xx characters wide, you could
widen it. This is not the fault of Seamonkey nor another email 

It is a pixel limit in the column width.

You could always use a smaller display font which will then fit more
characters in whatever the width is of your Subject column. It up to
you, the user, to adjust the Subject column width to allow for long
subject lines.

- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]

You did not understand or you did not look at my screen copy.

The subject in the window list of subjects is INCORRECT.

Look in my screen copy the added string 

X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 120719-1, 19/07/2012), Outbound message

Came from the next part of the mail and have nothing to do with 
the subject.

This extra string is not present in the window preview of the 
mail which is ABOLUTELY correct.

and have nothing to do with the ...width of the subject column.

IT'S NOT A LONG SUBJECT LINE the subject should be only = to:

Tr : TR: Fw: Tr: : Comprendre le  français.
Réf. : Crabe et Corsica

without any other text appended.
Message-Headers are erroneously displayed in SeaMonkey's 
Thread-pane's Subject window..
THANKS  with this short description, i was able to create

Voila ! Now i will wait until i died for a solution :-)

Haven't seen it myself, but it certainly is unusual.
If you could copy the message's source-text, into your bug report (in 
English, the menu is:- View - Message S_o_urce Ctrl+U), I think 
that may help locate the cause.
I have updated my bug text, because i am now under SM 2.11 (a non 
obsolete product)
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120715 
Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11

as follow:

(In reply to Tony Mechelynck [:tonymec] fromcomment #2

SeaMonkey 2.8 is obsolete. Please retest with SeaMonkey 2.11 or later.

I just upgraded to SM 2.11 and i have the same result: Both display of 
subject are not identical - So someone can work on it to find a solution.
This solution would be to not append the next Message-Header at the 
end of the subject in the SeaMonkey's Thread-pane's Subject window.

Now the bug will be there for eternity 
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Default Printer for SeaMonkey

2012-07-25 Thread Jim Taylor

David E. Ross wrote:

On 7/24/12 3:25 AM, Ed wrote:

Where is the default printer defined?  I Find the printers in about:config, but
cannot find any place where any is defined as 'default'.

I have a number of printers (or pseudo printers) available on this system.

My Windows 7 default printer is FinePrint.  But SeaMonkey always comes up with
PaperPort Image Printer which is a software pseudo printer.

I would like SeaMonkey to use the system 'default' printer.

Let's start over.

In about:config, the default printer is indicated by the preference
variable print_printer.  Every time you actually print, this is reset to
whatever printer you request.  Thus, SeaMonkey remembers the last
printer you used and makes that your default.  SeaMonkey DOES NOT use
your Windows system default printer.

If you wish always to default to your Windows system default printer, do
the following:

1.  In your profile directory, locate the file user.js.

2.  Open user.js in a text editor (e.g., Wordpad, Notepad).

3.  Insert the following:
user_pref(print_printer, xxx);
// default back to actual printer if another printer was
// selected (e.g., Acrobat Distiller)

4.  On your Windows taskbar, select [Start  Settings  Printers and

5.  On the Printers and Faxes window, locate your Windows system default

6.  Left-click ONCE on the printer, pause, and then left-click again.

7.  Right-click and select Copy from the pull-down context menu.

8.  Paste the result over the xxx from step #3, keeping the quote marks.

9.  Close the Printers and Faxes window.

10. Save the edited user.js file.

11. Completely terminate SeaMonkey.

After doing all this, every time you launch SeaMonkey you will reset its
default printer to be the same as your Windows system default printer.
However, you will have to remember to edit user.js if you ever change
your Windows system default printer (e.g., you replace your printer).

Note well:  This CANNOT be accomplished via about:config.  SeaMonkey
will always update print_printer in prefs.js, undoing any setting you
make via about:config.  SeaMonkey does not change user.js, but it reads
user.js to override prefs.js.  This override happens only when SeaMonkey
is launched.

On my Windows 7 system, and probably all Windows systems, if 
print_printer is blank or invalid the print dialog defaults to 
selecting the system default printer.  So clearing that pref ( or  
) via user.js as David describes should always select the system 
default printer.  Note that I have verified this by changing 
print_printer in about:config, but not by doing it via user.js.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Default Printer for SeaMonkey

2012-07-25 Thread Ed
On 7/25/2012 11:25 AM David E. Ross submitted the following:
 On 7/24/12 3:25 AM, Ed wrote:
 Where is the default printer defined?  I Find the printers in about:config, 
 cannot find any place where any is defined as 'default'.

 I have a number of printers (or pseudo printers) available on this system.

 My Windows 7 default printer is FinePrint.  But SeaMonkey always comes up 
 PaperPort Image Printer which is a software pseudo printer.

 I would like SeaMonkey to use the system 'default' printer.
 Let's start over.
 In about:config, the default printer is indicated by the preference
 variable print_printer.  Every time you actually print, this is reset to
 whatever printer you request.  Thus, SeaMonkey remembers the last
 printer you used and makes that your default.  SeaMonkey DOES NOT use
 your Windows system default printer.
 If you wish always to default to your Windows system default printer, do
 the following:
 1.  In your profile directory, locate the file user.js.
 2.  Open user.js in a text editor (e.g., Wordpad, Notepad).
 3.  Insert the following:
   user_pref(print_printer, xxx);
   // default back to actual printer if another printer was
   // selected (e.g., Acrobat Distiller)
 4.  On your Windows taskbar, select [Start  Settings  Printers and
 5.  On the Printers and Faxes window, locate your Windows system default
 6.  Left-click ONCE on the printer, pause, and then left-click again.
 7.  Right-click and select Copy from the pull-down context menu.
 8.  Paste the result over the xxx from step #3, keeping the quote marks.
 9.  Close the Printers and Faxes window.
 10. Save the edited user.js file.
 11. Completely terminate SeaMonkey.
 After doing all this, every time you launch SeaMonkey you will reset its
 default printer to be the same as your Windows system default printer.
 However, you will have to remember to edit user.js if you ever change
 your Windows system default printer (e.g., you replace your printer).
 Note well:  This CANNOT be accomplished via about:config.  SeaMonkey
 will always update print_printer in prefs.js, undoing any setting you
 make via about:config.  SeaMonkey does not change user.js, but it reads
 user.js to override prefs.js.  This override happens only when SeaMonkey
 is launched.
 By the way, the dash,dash on the line before your signature should be

Thank you!  (I thought I had tried this way before, but evidently didn't).

Although instructions not exactly correct for Win7 I added lines as suggested.
Viola - Just what I wanted.  Each time I print it comes up using what I defined
as the default printer even after printing to some other printer beforehand.

BTW - There are times I do not want my signature erased on a reply so I only use
dash, dash, return.  Sometimes I just sign with no dashes.  I am fully aware of
reasons for and against this.  Please don't anyone start a new thread on
signatures. :-(


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Default Printer for SeaMonkey-FIXED!

2012-07-25 Thread Ed
Now that the problem(?) is fixed, I'm wondering how many other users that have
multiple printers have had this problem(?).  I know that many users do not read
this or other newsgroups.  With that in mind - would the powers-that-be consider
an option in SM which would allow a user to declare a 'local' default printer
within SM that might be different from the system 'local' printer?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: seamonkey 2.11 - all my addons gone! HELP

2012-07-25 Thread Larry S.

Daniel wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-24 8:49 PM, Margo Guda wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-24 9:21 AM, Margo Guda wrote:

None are listed, and the add-ons manager informs me I have NO

In your profile folder, go to the \extensions\ folder. Are there
folders for
each extension you had installed?

There are no folders. Why not?

Maybe a new profile was created. When you lost your add-ons, did you
also lose your bookmarks and history and other personal data (passwords,

Chris, when I clicked on the Open Directory button (Open Containing
Folder might be a FF setting!!), nothing happened, mind you I'm using
Linux OS!!

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:14.0)
Gecko/20120715 Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11

In Windows XP, SM 2.10.1, it's Show Folder, and it works as expected.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Ilias

On 12-07-25 9:36 AM, Rufus wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Rufus, in another twig of this thread, I've Here Here'd this
suggestion, but it's just occured to me that doing it this way *might*
have some people asking how come it takes for SM to actually close!!

That's why is should be an option and not a default, along with current
Compact to save size operation.  Let the user decide which best fits the
way they work.

Auto-compacting used to be off by default. Unfortunately, most users 
don't know what compacting is or why they should do it. As a result, 
they never do it, and their Inbox continuously grows in size, eventually 
slowing down SeaMonkey. Imagine if every message you've ever received 
was still stored in your inbox file, even after you've cleared your 
inbox via SeaMonkey.

P.S. It's hear, hear, not here, here. :)

Chris Ilias
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: sessionstore ?

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Ilias

On 12-07-25 9:36 AM, Mike C wrote:

What is sessionstore in the profile?
There's 8 of them numbered 1 through 8.

Can I delete them?


Chris Ilias
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: seamonkey 2.11 - all my addons gone! HELP

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Ilias

On 12-07-25 2:50 PM, Larry S. wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Chris, when I clicked on the Open Directory button (Open Containing
Folder might be a FF setting!!), nothing happened, mind you I'm using
Linux OS!!

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:14.0)
Gecko/20120715 Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11

In Windows XP, SM 2.10.1, it's Show Folder, and it works as expected.

Sorry. Bad terminology on my part.
Chris Ilias
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: places.sqlite

2012-07-25 Thread Ant

Hi again!

I read that places.sqlite file get compressed/optimized every 30 days. 
Is there a way I can do this manually or change the value to like daily?

Thank you in advance. :)
 / /\ /\ \ Worker Ant @ (Personal Web Site)
| |o   o| |  Ant's Quality Foraged Links (AQFL):
   \ _ /Please remove ANT if replying by e-mail.
( )
support-seamonkey mailing list

pdf file display question

2012-07-25 Thread Jay O'Brien
I have two computers on my desktop, both running SM. One, a Windows 7 64-bit 
machine, when I double-click on an attached pdf file displays the pdf in Adobe 
reader. The other computer, XP 32-bit, displays the files as an application/pdf 
Object in the SM browser, not in Adobe reader. 

What sets this action? 


Jay O'Brien
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: emails / server settings

2012-07-25 Thread MCBastos
Interviewed by CNN on 24/07/2012 00:54, rjkrjk told the world:
 win xp sp3 / android 2.3.5
 have just started using an android tablet (samsung)
 there are hundreds of emails on my samsung android, which have long been 
 deleted on the desktop
 after some reading and research, I assumed it was a matter of syncing 
 the tablet with the desktop. ( as an aside, don't know why mozilla 
 refers back to firefox with instructions for SM).  sync was done on both 
 sides, at least that's the message I got
 but after the sync.. all the messages were still there, tried to some 
 other things but nothing worked.
 I then checked my ISP Inbox (directly) and the same hundreds of messages 
 were there as well.  I deleted them all, and subsequently all the emails 
 on the tablet also disappeared

What's probably happening:
- Your Seamonkey is downloading messages via POP and leaving a copy on
the server;
- Your tablet is checking messages via IMAP (which uses storage at the
ISP), so it sees the copies Seamonkey left there.

 I remembered  something about server settings and messages, so I 
 proceeded to SERVER SETTINGS  and unchecked  LEAVE MESSAGES ON SERVER box
 will UNchecking this box hopefully resolve my situation where my tablet 
 is retaining all my emails ??

Probably. But it has the minor inconvenient that you won't be able to
check via tablet a message that you have already downloaded to your

Some other possible setups:

1. Check the Leave Messages on Server checkbox, BUT also check the box
immediately below it -- the one that says For at most X days (choose
the number of days according to your needs). If you set it for, say, 7
days, Seamonkey will delete only messages it has downloaded at least a
week ago; so, you will still be able to review recent messages on your
tablet. You may also want to check the next box (Until I delete them)
also; that is supposed to delete from the server messages you have
deleted from your computer.

2. A more radical change would be to set up Seamonkey to access your
mailbox via the IMAP protocol (like the tablet does) instead of via POP.
That way, you see exactly the same things (folders, read state of
messages and such) in Seamonkey, on the tablet and via webmail.
The main drawback of this approach is if your ISP is too stingy about
mail storage -- like offering too small a mailbox, or automatically
deleting messages after X days (mine recently started doing that, which
is the main reason I'm deprecating using their mailbox in favor of Gmail)

Another advantage of using IMAP, by the way, is if your ISP has
spam/virus filtering. With POP, checking the spam folder and restoring
false-positive messages is a bit of a chore; with IMAP, it's just
another folder.


This message has been protected with the 2ROT13 algorithm. Unauthorized
use will be prosecuted under the DMCA.

... Sent from my rotary-dial phone.
* Added by TagZilla 0.7a1 running on Seamonkey 2.11 *
Get it at
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: pdf file display question

2012-07-25 Thread Jim Taylor

Jay O'Brien wrote:

I have two computers on my desktop, both running SM. One, a Windows 7 64-bit 
machine, when I double-click on an attached pdf file displays the pdf in Adobe 
reader. The other computer, XP 32-bit, displays the files as an application/pdf 
Object in the SM browser, not in Adobe reader.

What sets this action?


Jay O'Brien

That action is set in Adobe Reader.  You don't say what version you 
have so it might not be in the same place in all versions.  In my 
Reader X (version 10) it is Edit-Preferences-Internet and check or 
uncheck Display PDF in browser in right pane under Web Browser Options.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: seamonkey 2.11 - all my addons gone! HELP

2012-07-25 Thread Barry Edwin Gilmour

Daniel wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-24 8:49 PM, Margo Guda wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-24 9:21 AM, Margo Guda wrote:

None are listed, and the add-ons manager informs me I have NO

In your profile folder, go to the \extensions\ folder. Are there
folders for
each extension you had installed?

There are no folders. Why not?

Maybe a new profile was created. When you lost your add-ons, did you
also lose your bookmarks and history and other personal data (passwords,

Chris, when I clicked on the Open Directory button (Open Containing 
Folder might be a FF setting!!), nothing happened, mind you I'm using 
Linux OS!!

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:14.0) 
Gecko/20120715 Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11

For some Linux users, it's broken.
(Open Directory = Open Containing Folder. It's only opening the 
profile folder)
*Bug 680798* 
-Open Containing Folder button on about:support error 
(NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsILocalFile.reveal]

Devs seem to think it is a Gnome-only problem, but it WFM on KDE 4.6.00 
(4.6.0) release 6, on openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64), but my build may be 
using something in the nightly-tools extension, which also calls the 
profile folder in the OS file-manager (Dolphin-1.6). HTH

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: pdf file display question

2012-07-25 Thread David E. Ross
On 7/25/12 5:31 PM, Jay O'Brien wrote:
 I have two computers on my desktop, both running SM. One, a Windows
 7 64-bit machine, when I double-click on an attached pdf file
 displays the pdf in Adobe reader. The other computer, XP 32-bit,
 displays the files as an application/pdf Object in the SM browser,
 not in Adobe reader.
 What sets this action?
 Jay O'Brien

If you see two different ways to display TWO DIFFERENT attachments, this
might be the result of differing MIME types being communicated.  With
links to PDF files in Web pages, Adobe Reader is launched unless the
MIME type in the HTTP header is application/pdf.  Too often, that is not
the MIME type.

If this is indeed your problem, the cause lies with the sender.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Rufus

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-25 9:36 AM, Rufus wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Rufus, in another twig of this thread, I've Here Here'd this
suggestion, but it's just occured to me that doing it this way *might*
have some people asking how come it takes for SM to actually close!!

That's why is should be an option and not a default, along with current
Compact to save size operation.  Let the user decide which best fits the
way they work.

Auto-compacting used to be off by default. Unfortunately, most users
don't know what compacting is or why they should do it. As a result,
they never do it, and their Inbox continuously grows in size, eventually
slowing down SeaMonkey. Imagine if every message you've ever received
was still stored in your inbox file, even after you've cleared your
inbox via SeaMonkey.

P.S. It's hear, hear, not here, here. :)

I for one certainly didn't know, or know the implications.  I got the 
impression it was/is a *good* thing, but again I almost never see a 
Compact Folders notification (save 20 MB) presumably because of my own 
usage habits - I don't really use my SM Inbox for much.  My Sent Folder, 

But this is another argument for why I'd prefer to be able to just set 
Compact All Folders at close of Mail/session.  It might take some time 
the first time (and I'm not sure that would really be true now that I'm 
a bit smarter on the matter), but after that I'd think it would go 
smoothly and transparently.

I still think it should be a user option, and not a hard coded default 

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-25 9:36 AM, Rufus wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Rufus, in another twig of this thread, I've Here Here'd this
suggestion, but it's just occured to me that doing it this way *might*
have some people asking how come it takes for SM to actually close!!

That's why is should be an option and not a default, along with current
Compact to save size operation.  Let the user decide which best fits the
way they work.

Auto-compacting used to be off by default. Unfortunately, most users
don't know what compacting is or why they should do it. As a result,
they never do it, and their Inbox continuously grows in size, eventually
slowing down SeaMonkey. Imagine if every message you've ever received
was still stored in your inbox file, even after you've cleared your
inbox via SeaMonkey.

P.S. It's hear, hear, not here, here. :)

BTW, my theory is that the American word yeah is our rendition of 
hear as said by a Brit from an r-dropping dialect. So our translation 
of hear, hear would be yeah, yeah.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: places.sqlite

2012-07-25 Thread »Q«
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:50:23 -0700
Ant ant@zimage.comANT wrote:

 I read that places.sqlite file get compressed/optimized every 30
 days. Is there a way I can do this manually or change the value to
 like daily?

The terms 'compressed' and 'optimized' are questionable here.  The
database is rebuilt;  the data is compressed within it, but the file
size doesn't change, so you don't gain any disk space.  Also,
rebuilding slows some db operations, so doing it too often will hurt
performance somewhat.

You could change the value of places.last_vacuum every day to
constantly fool SeaMonkey into thinking the database hasn't been
rebuilt in over a month, which should trigger frequent rebuilding.  That
would be a bad idea, but if you want to do it anyway, it's measured in
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: places.sqlite

2012-07-25 Thread Ant

On 7/25/2012 8:25 PM PT, »Q« typed:

The terms 'compressed' and 'optimized' are questionable here.  The
database is rebuilt;  the data is compressed within it, but the file
size doesn't change, so you don't gain any disk space.  Also,
rebuilding slows some db operations, so doing it too often will hurt
performance somewhat.

You could change the value of places.last_vacuum every day to
constantly fool SeaMonkey into thinking the database hasn't been
rebuilt in over a month, which should trigger frequent rebuilding.  That
would be a bad idea, but if you want to do it anyway, it's measured in

Thanks. Bummer that it doesn't compress/shrink. :(
Allah's Apostle said, Once while a prophet amongst the prophets was 
taking a rest underneath a tree, an ant bit him. He, therefore, ordered 
that his luggage be taken away from underneath that tree and then 
ordered that the dwelling place of the ants should be set on fire. Allah 
sent him a revelation: 'Wouldn't it have been sufficient to burn a 
single ant (that bit you)?' --Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 54, 
Number 536

   /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( ) If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: emails / server settings

2012-07-25 Thread rjkrjk

MCBastos wrote, On 7/25/2012 8:58 PM:

Interviewed by CNN on 24/07/2012 00:54, rjkrjk told the world:

win xp sp3 / android 2.3.5

have just started using an android tablet (samsung)
there are hundreds of emails on my samsung android, which have long been
deleted on the desktop

after some reading and research, I assumed it was a matter of syncing
the tablet with the desktop. ( as an aside, don't know why mozilla
refers back to firefox with instructions for SM).  sync was done on both
sides, at least that's the message I got

but after the sync.. all the messages were still there, tried to some
other things but nothing worked.

I then checked my ISP Inbox (directly) and the same hundreds of messages
were there as well.  I deleted them all, and subsequently all the emails
on the tablet also disappeared

What's probably happening:
- Your Seamonkey is downloading messages via POP and leaving a copy on
the server;
- Your tablet is checking messages via IMAP (which uses storage at the
ISP), so it sees the copies Seamonkey left there.

I remembered  something about server settings and messages, so I
proceeded to SERVER SETTINGS  and unchecked  LEAVE MESSAGES ON SERVER box

will UNchecking this box hopefully resolve my situation where my tablet
is retaining all my emails ??

Probably. But it has the minor inconvenient that you won't be able to
check via tablet a message that you have already downloaded to your

Some other possible setups:

1. Check the Leave Messages on Server checkbox, BUT also check the box
immediately below it -- the one that says For at most X days (choose
the number of days according to your needs). If you set it for, say, 7
days, Seamonkey will delete only messages it has downloaded at least a
week ago; so, you will still be able to review recent messages on your
tablet. You may also want to check the next box (Until I delete them)
also; that is supposed to delete from the server messages you have
deleted from your computer.

2. A more radical change would be to set up Seamonkey to access your
mailbox via the IMAP protocol (like the tablet does) instead of via POP.
That way, you see exactly the same things (folders, read state of
messages and such) in Seamonkey, on the tablet and via webmail.
The main drawback of this approach is if your ISP is too stingy about
mail storage -- like offering too small a mailbox, or automatically
deleting messages after X days (mine recently started doing that, which
is the main reason I'm deprecating using their mailbox in favor of Gmail)

Another advantage of using IMAP, by the way, is if your ISP has
spam/virus filtering. With POP, checking the spam folder and restoring
false-positive messages is a bit of a chore; with IMAP, it's just
another folder.

tks for the clarification
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Compact Folder Constant Reminder

2012-07-25 Thread Rufus

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Chris Ilias wrote:

On 12-07-25 9:36 AM, Rufus wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Rufus, in another twig of this thread, I've Here Here'd this
suggestion, but it's just occured to me that doing it this way *might*
have some people asking how come it takes for SM to actually close!!

That's why is should be an option and not a default, along with current
Compact to save size operation.  Let the user decide which best fits the
way they work.

Auto-compacting used to be off by default. Unfortunately, most users
don't know what compacting is or why they should do it. As a result,
they never do it, and their Inbox continuously grows in size, eventually
slowing down SeaMonkey. Imagine if every message you've ever received
was still stored in your inbox file, even after you've cleared your
inbox via SeaMonkey.

P.S. It's hear, hear, not here, here. :)

BTW, my theory is that the American word yeah is our rendition of
hear as said by a Brit from an r-dropping dialect. So our translation
of hear, hear would be yeah, yeah.,_hear

I would have thought it derived from the o-ye, o-ye of the town criers 
of old(e)...or the O-yea, o-yea of the British courts, when is bourn(e) 
of oyeaz-oyeaz.

...which are near to spot-on for the imperative conjugation of the 
Spanish verb oir - to listen - which is oye. Or oyele - listen to 
him - in translation in accord with the Wiki.

But they all seem to funnel from imperative variations of/on hear ye 
in meaning; though modern American vernacular would likely tend more 
towards listen up.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list