[SM 2.20, Linux Mint 15] Amazon sound samples stopped working

2013-08-10 Thread Rob Lindauer
Playing samples on Amazon used to work for me, but over the last few 
days I've been getting the uninformative message Error 3 when I hit 
the listen button.  I am not aware of having touched / changed 
anything related to sample file playback.

Looking around the forums and web, I saw posts indicating such problems 
may be associated with Flash Player, and so I used Synaptic to install 
the most current Flash Player available (11,2,202,297 - a little more 
current than the version that had been delivered with Mint 15).  It 
didn't make a difference.

Grasping at straws and wondering if the problem was related to the 
helper application for m3u files, I added Videos (Totem) as the helper 
application for m3u files.  Again, it didn't make a difference.

Finally, I tried opening the same Amazon page ( 
) with Firefox - and found FF to play the samples just fine.  FF's 
plugin list and helper application list appear identical to those in SM.

Can anyone suggest what I should look at / try to get SM to play the 
Amazon sound samples?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Rob Lindauer, rli...@attglobal.net (replace att with sbc)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2.17 Composer Can Not Delete Table Rows or Cells

2013-04-21 Thread Rob Lindauer

Lee wrote:

But as long as you're here.. how do you like Blue Griffon  how much
time did you spend figuring out how to do things?

I tried version 1.1.1 and uninstalled it.  SM Composer is intuitively
obvious.  BG wasn't ... at least for me :(

I had the same reaction to 1.6.x (not the most current, but recent). 
Maybe it's just laziness (avoidance of study) on my part, but it seemed 
complicated for the kinds of tasks I wanted to perform.

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: From: FF to SM??

2013-03-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

Geoff Welsh wrote:

glad you said that Phil, I thought I was the only one who thought that
some of that thread made no sense.

D'oh, you're of course right - that's what I do for SM-to-SM copies 
across machines

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: From: FF to SM??

2013-03-24 Thread Rob Lindauer

silverfox38 wrote:

Going to SM from FF does it get the Bookmarks, Mail Address, etc?? on
it`s on? or do we have to do it manually??



I've never gone that route - but I DO have SM and FF coexisting on my 
Linux machine.  Here's what I think would work

1.  Install FF in parallel with SM

2.  In FF, use Bookmarks -- Show All Bookmarks -- Import  
Backup -- Restore -- Choose File:  Select your most recent FF 
daily backup

3.  For addresses, I just copy the abook.mab file from my Seamonkey 
directory to my Firefox directory

Hope that helps

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Net 1.0

2012-12-30 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rick Merrill wrote:

My computer does not have Net1.0 and occasionally
SeaMonkey hangs.

Does SeaMonkey use .Net 1.0 ?


Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: close button on tabs

2012-12-09 Thread Rob Lindauer

Philip TAYLOR wrote:

Rufus wrote:


-1.  In practice, I would like both, which as far as I am
aware is not currently possible.

Philip Taylor

I use the SeaTab add-on to add the x to each tab

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Norton Issues and SeaMonkey

2012-09-02 Thread Rob Lindauer

Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Ant wrote:

The problem is that those files are very new and unknown. So Norton is
supsicious of them. Also, using beta/prereleases doesn't help since they
can change again soon. It is good to submit those suspicious files, but
note that it will happen again.

FWIW, I understand full well at this, I just figured I'd update people,
since the Norton issue spawned a recent thread here.

My experience with it is not too surprising, though annoying. I posted
primarily as a benefit to others and an explicit mention that I am
working to try and fix this up for the future.

Thank you, Jason.  I (and a lot of us, I'm sure) appreciate your 
contribution, seemingly endless patience, and willingness to go out of 
your way to be helpful and keep us informed - often in the face of 
challenging people (I am NOT speaking about anyone in THIS thread!). 
Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.12. Congratulations ! The worst update in all the Mozilla's life.

2012-08-30 Thread Rob Lindauer

Interges wrote:

MCBASTOS, now with all solved, is very easy to judge and ridicule the others. I 
didn't see you helping.

I am software developer more than 20 years ago, and I am using this program 
since was the first versions of Netscape Navigator. And like my users, I expect 
solutions. For a simple question of precaution, I am interested for helping in 
all cases. Because I am not perfect, and who knows if something mine is wrong.

It is a question of implicit curiosity in any professional. And we do not 
remain seated saying ... well ... already they will solve it.

Justin, thank you for your intention of helping. You only explain that you try 
to help, but you can't. Somebody has been so worried like me. I expected too 
that the Symantec's response could be of days or weeks. But has been of 4 hours.

So far as I can see, everyone responded politely and helpfully, despite 
your insulting tone, faulty logic, and tenuous grasp on the facts.

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey - Mozilla's Where's SeaMonkey challenge

2012-08-12 Thread Rob Lindauer

Jay Garcia wrote:

On 11.08.2012 06:27, Daniel wrote:

  --- Original Message ---

Jens, can I ask Why the -project in www.seamonkey-project.org? Why
not just www,seamonkey.org from the get-go?? (which, apparently, is
available, ATT!)

I think I can answer that one - maybe. Seamonkey is a marine creature
(brine shrimp) and if there is just seamonkey.org then how many hits
would there be looking for a seamonkey.

e.g., www.seamonkey.com

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Constant hour-glass with SM 2.8

2012-04-15 Thread Rob Lindauer

Ray_Net wrote:

All is going well after upgrade from SM 2.7.2 to 2.8 However...

I see constantly on certain SM window an hour-glass as the mouse pointer.
But there is nothing to wait about - the mouse pointer must be a normal

What could be done to solve this visual annoying stuff ?

In 2.8, I get the constant working pointer (the one with theclock-like 
symbol) in mail-news, when I hover over the folder pane or over the list 
of messages.

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Your browser is blocking Flash error message

2012-04-02 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:

SM 2.8 on an x64 Win7 ultimate OS

Starting several days ago when I log in to Att/Yahoo webmail I get the
following error message box:

Do you perhaps have Noscript installed?  I get that message from sites 
expecting flash but for which I haven't enabled scripting.

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

[Ubuntu 11.10 / SM 2.6.1] Paste without formatting not available in Composer?

2012-01-22 Thread Rob Lindauer
When I'm pasting (say, from an email) into an .html file open for 
editing in Composer, I get just the paste' option (paste without 
formatting is greyed out).  Bug, or just me?  THanks!

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu 11.10 / SM 2.6.1] Paste without formatting not available in Composer?

2012-01-22 Thread Rob Lindauer

WLS wrote:

Rob Lindauer wrote:

When I'm pasting (say, from an email) into an .html file open for
editing in Composer, I get just the paste' option (paste without
formatting is greyed out). Bug, or just me? THanks!

WFM in SeaMonkey 2.7b4, when pasting text from an email, into an .html
file open in Composer.

Thanks, likely just me.

I omitted what could be an important point (bad Rob! bad!) - I encounter 
the failure when I'm pasting text into tables, and not in the document 
body outside tables.

Thx, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Mint 12 / SM 2.6.1] Download Manager - Open Containing Folder starts PDF viewer

2012-01-19 Thread Rob Lindauer

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Rob Lindauer wrote:

When I download a file and then attempt to open containing folder
(either by right clicking the downloaded file name, or from the File
menu option), SM attempts to start the pdf document viewer (evince).

I get this same behavior no matter what the file type of the downloaded
file is (pdf, zip, whatever).

I've looked at the list of helper applications, which look OK (e.g.,
always ask for pdf documents)

Any idea what I've done / how to fix / what setting to check?

The correct entry to look at under Preferences/Browser/Helper
Applications is file. That one determines how to handle such cases,
independent from the actual file type (it's a protocol handler: SM uses
the file handler internally for Open Containing Folder on Linux). The
default action is Always ask, but you probably selected Remember my
choice for file links. on the Launch Application dialog at one point in

Note: It seems the Helper Applications data is only read once per
Preferences window. If the data changes, e.g. through making a choice in
a Launch Application dialog, you need to reopen Preferences to see the



Hi, Jens.  Thank you; I could well have changed it inadvertently. I have 
indeed now changed the app associated with file to nautilus.  Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

[SM 2.6.1 / Linux Mint 12] Download Mgr - Open Containing Folder prompts for app

2012-01-08 Thread Rob Lindauer

I had asked about this problem a week or two ago.

Thinking that I may have caused my own problem (perhaps by mis-setting a 
parameter somewhere), I've set up a brand new profile to see what 
happens out of box.

When I download a file and RMB Open Containing Folder, SM indeed 
prompts for an application - the Launch Application panel pops up, 
displays no pre-set list of applications, and asks me to choose an 

I imagine the issue is related to helper application list.  Before the 
first download attempt, there was no entry for file; following the 
first attempt, there's now an always ask entry.

I can of course select nautilus as application associated with file 
content type (and when I do so, open containing folder thereafter 
works as I'd intend).

But...  I should think that open containing folder (a perfectly 
self-explanatory label) should just open the folder without need to 
specify an app.  Before recently (SM 2.4 - 2.6), I never made any such 
selection, and I never have had this problem.

It seems to me it could just be a menu problem, i.e., that SM is 
attempting to do an open rather than an open containing folder.

Is anyone else seeing this same behavior?  Agree it's a bug?  I can go 
ahead and file a bug report, if that's the correct next step.

Regards, RL
Rob Lindauer - for my real email, please change att to sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.6.1 stored passwords - multiple redundant repeats over and over

2011-12-31 Thread Rob Lindauer

DoctorBill wrote:

 From the numerous responses, I would suppose:

1. No one has had this problem before me.

2. No one knows what is going on.

3. No one G.A.S.

I guess it is #3.


One problem hanging on to the bitter end with a very old release is that 
the institutional memory on issues / resolutions with the old release 
evaporates.  It may be that all you can do is examine the 
contemporaneous postings.

Asserting 3 tends to become a self-fulfulling prophecy.

Rob Lindauer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Mint 12 / SM 2.6.1] Download Manager - Open Containing Folder starts PDF viewer

2011-12-29 Thread Rob Lindauer

Tony Mechelynck wrote:

- Is this the built-in download manager or the Jökulsárlón Download
Manager extension? https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/download-manager/
- If you use the other one (by installing the extension if not
installed, enabling it if disabled, or disabling if enabled), is the
result better?

(sorry if this is a duplicate posting - my first attempt seems not to 
have taken...)

1.  I was having the problem with the built-in download manager.

2.  I've now installed the Jökulsárlón extension and confirm that I have 
the same symptoms with it:  I right click a downloaded file and select 
open containing folder, but Seamonkey instead attempts to launch my 
pdf document viewer (regardless of the file type / helper application). 
 I've disabled / reenabled the extension with the same result.

Rob Lindauer
support-seamonkey mailing list

[Mint 12 / SM 2.6.1] Download Manager - Open Containing Folder starts PDF viewer

2011-12-27 Thread Rob Lindauer
When I download a file and then attempt to open containing folder 
(either by right clicking the downloaded file name, or from the File 
menu option), SM attempts to start the pdf document viewer (evince).

I get this same behavior no matter what the file type of the downloaded 
file is (pdf, zip, whatever).

I've looked at the list of helper applications, which look OK (e.g., 
always ask for pdf documents)

Any idea what I've done / how to fix / what setting to check?

Thanks, RL
Rob Lindauer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: When will they fix the sluggish Bookmarks in SM?

2011-10-29 Thread Rob Lindauer

Jane--Galt wrote:

I just got a new sub-release of SM - 2.4.1, which says it improves memory use
and patches some things.

But when, if ever, will they fix the sluggish Bookmarks problem, for people
who keep huge bookmarks files of a few megs in size?

We've talked about this before here. When I click the menu button to open
bookmarks, it does nothing, or I have to click several times and wait each
time, until it finally loads, or use Ctrl-B to open them that way.

Come on guys!

I am having a similar problem.  I'm not sure it started with 2.4.1, but 
perhaps so, not a problem prior to that time.

In my case, there's no significant delay when I start the bookmark 
manager; but thereafter, every time I click or RMB a folder or bookmark, 
there's a delay of about 5 seconds before the item is highlighted / menu 

Im on SM 2.4.1 / Ubuntu 11.04.  I have about 3000 bookmarks.

Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: HELP - Composer - not working!

2011-08-03 Thread Rob Lindauer

Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

On 7/30/2011 3:16 PM, Rob Lindauer wrote:

 From what I can gather, it *looks* like this is fixed for SeaMonkey
2.3beta2, can you try and verify my assumptions here, (I don't know that
code well, both in terms of as a user and as a dev)

Thanks, will give it a shot.  Regards, RL
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: HELP - Composer - not working!

2011-07-30 Thread Rob Lindauer

Robert Gault wrote:

ADKART wrote:

I rarely use the SeaMonkey browser, but I learned how to build web
pages with Netscape Composer and when SeaMonkey became the replacement
for Netscape, I switched to it. Have used it for quite a while, doing
pretty complex things with Composer. But now I cannot edit the pages I
previously created. HELP! I can open my files, but I cannot edit them.
I manage 5 web sites and I can't do anything with Composer 2.2. Should
I go back to an earlier version?

I think I know what your problem is but don't have a perfect solution.
Seems like a bug in Seamonkey 2.2.

When I open web pages saved on my hard drive with Composer and right
click on links, Link Properties is grayed out. Composer is in Normal mode.
If I then go to HTML Tags mode via the menubar at the bottom of the
page, right clicking on links gives an active Link Properties. Going
back to Normal mode seems to retain the ability to get to Link
Properties with a right click.

Clearly there is a problem with Seamonkey. Also switching back and forth
between Normal and Tags does not always make Link Properties available
in Normal mode. There may be other functions that don't work quite right
in Composer.

Testing was done on a WinXP SP3 system.

I had had the same link properties problem with Composer on Linux (Linux 
Mint 10 / Ubuntu 11.04) - I wasn't clever / persistent enough to find 
the workaround as you did, however, and just switched to using 
BlueGriffon. -RL

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: I want my old Seamonkey back

2011-07-22 Thread Rob Lindauer

stevesteve wrote:

Please how do I get my old version of SeaMonkey back!?

I updated to v2.2 in good faith.  The new version is a nightmare.
Have you tried to right-click?  All I want to do is copy-paste and
spell check, all I get is a laundry list of useless (to me) functions.

And what is the extra addition to the tool bar with a q of pages.  I
like that it opened up a new window for each e-mail link I click.

Please I've been Mozilla since day 1.  Please can I have my old friend

Sure, take your pick

support-seamonkey mailing list

[Ubuntu 11.04 / SM 2.2] How to find a particular bookmark?

2011-07-15 Thread Rob Lindauer
Is there a way easily to determine in which of my bookmark folders (I 
have many) a particular bookmark is stored in?

I know the bookmark is there somewhere (because SM won't add a new 
bookmark when I attempt to bookmark an already-bookmarked site, and 
because within bookmark manager I can search / find the bookmark).

However, I can't (easily) determine which folder the bookmark's in (the 
containing folder isn't indicated in the search result).

BTW - is SM's refusal to add another instance of an already existing 
bookmark (via the browser's bookmark this page menu option) 
intentional?  Nothing seems to happen when I do that (but within the 
bookmark manager I can cut/paste additional copies of an existing 
bookmark, so I can't imagine why there'd be a browser restriction).

Thx, Rob L
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu 11.04 / SM 2.2] How to find a particular bookmark?

2011-07-15 Thread Rob Lindauer

Jens Hatlak wrote:


Thank you, Jens
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey Composer keeps getting worse

2011-07-11 Thread Rob Lindauer

Don DeWitt wrote:

A while back...


I've had a variety of problems with Composer as well (I believe I read 
that no one is currently maintaining it), sufficiently that I decided to 
use something else, at least in the interim.

I ended up downloading both CompoZer and BlueGriffon.  I think I prefer 
the latter.  Both have a heritage running back to the original Composer. 
 I believe that Daniel Glazman (originally on the Composer team, and 
later driver of NVU) is driving BlueGriffon, and I see there's a Mac 

Regards, RL

support-seamonkey mailing list

[Linux Mint 10] Adding Seamonkey as open with in Nautilus properties

2011-07-10 Thread Rob Lindauer
I've added Seamonkey as an open with choice via the Nautilus 
properties panel.  But when I try to open an html file from Nautilus, I 
get a Do you want to run xxx.htm, or display its contents? prompt. 
Display opens Seamonkey; I don't know what Run does, but nothing seems 
to happen when I take that choice.  Is there a way I can set display 
as the default for this association?  Thanks!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Linux Mint 10] Adding Seamonkey as open with in Nautilus properties

2011-07-10 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rob Lindauer wrote:

I've added Seamonkey as an open with choice via the Nautilus
properties panel. But when I try to open an html file from Nautilus, I
get a Do you want to run xxx.htm, or display its contents? prompt.
Display opens Seamonkey; I don't know what Run does, but nothing seems
to happen when I take that choice. Is there a way I can set display as
the default for this association? Thanks!

I neglected to say that I had installed Seamonkey manually (not via 
Synaptic), following the instructions on the seamonkey-project site - so 
Seamonkey's installed in a directory within my home directory...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Linux Mint 10] Adding Seamonkey as open with in Nautilus properties

2011-07-10 Thread Rob Lindauer

NoOp wrote:

On 07/10/2011 01:38 PM, Rob Lindauer wrote:

I've added Seamonkey as an open with choice via the Nautilus
properties panel.  But when I try to open an html file from Nautilus, I
get a Do you want to run xxx.htm, or display its contents? prompt.
Display opens Seamonkey; I don't know what Run does, but nothing seems
to happen when I take that choice.  Is there a way I can set display
as the default for this association?  Thanks!

Remove the executable permissions from the file: right-click the .html
file, select 'Properties|Permissions|Execute - Allow executing file...
click  click again until the check box is cleared|Close.

The problem is that most html files are '-rwx' (100700) vs '-rw'
(100600), so Nautilus appropriately asks you what you wish to do. If you
use Edit|Preferences|List Columns - and check 'Permissions  Octal
Permissions' you'll see what I'm referring to.

Thank you, NoOp - Now I see it, and I've made the change.  (I wonder why 
Firefox didn't behave the same way, but I'll leave that question for 
later...).  Thanks again, and regards, RL

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Linux Mint 11 / Ubuntu 11.04 / SM 2.1] Problem seems to be Nvidia

2011-06-18 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rob Lindauer wrote:

Has anyone else seen the following? I've had this problem from the
moment I installed SM2.1...

I am getting frequent back screens in SM 2.1. When I'm doing something
(e.g., attempting to drag a map in Google Maps, opening a new webpage),
my screen will go black briefly (perhaps a half second or a second).

I did not have this behavior on SM 2.0.14.

I created entirely new user profiles for SM 2.1 - am not reusing the
profiles I had use under 2.0.14.

I've checked my dpkg.og to see if there might have been Linux
maintenance installed in the same timeframe as my SM 2.1 install, but
there was no Linux installation within 24 hrs of the SM 2.1 installation.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Rob L

Fooling more with it, I find I have the problem only when the nVidia 
proprietary driver is activated; the problem goes away when I 
deactivate.  Perhaps there was a driver update sometime between the time 
I installed LM and the time the problem started.  So, SM seems innocent.

I will go check other forums, but perhaps someone here can offer some 
suggestions even though it's no longer an SM question...

Are there nVidia settings I could adjust (and if so, where - I don't see 
much in the nVidia X Server Settings app?  Or might I revert to an 
earlier version of the Nvidia driver?  (Or, of course, since I'm not 
doing fancy graphics / Unity, I could just use the standard open-source 
driver, at least for the present).

IIRC, my graphics card is a nVIDIA Geforce 9500 GT

Thanks, Rob L
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Linux Mint 11 / Ubuntu 11.04 / SM 2.1] Frequent Black Screens

2011-06-17 Thread Rob Lindauer

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Yes. Are you running GNOME or the new Unity (IIRC) window manager on
Ubuntu? I have a vast distrust of all those WM which require accelerated
video cards, since firmware sometimes gets updates in the middle of a
production run and may behave differently.

Same question for MINT, does it by chance use GNOME3?

I have Ubuntu running on a VM, using GNOME, unfortunately MINT and SuSE
are downloaded and in the someday queue, so I can't really test
carefully. I didn't see any issues with SM in Ubuntu under GNOME, so
that's a half of a data point.

Yes, Linux Mint 11 uses Gnome 3.

Before installing SM 2.1, I was running SM 2.0.x on LM 11 without trouble.

I may just reinstall LM and see if I have the same black screen problem 
out of the box - if so, the cause is probably something else entirely.

Thanks, Rob L
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Mint 11 / Ubuntu 11.04 / SM 2.1] X does not close window

2011-06-12 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rob Lindauer wrote:

I've found that the minimize, maximize, and close icons (top right of
browser and mail screens) are greyed out in my SM 2.1 installation. I
can close only via the FILE menu. Are others seeing the same?

Regards, RL

Well, I have to correct myself - they're only greyed out intermittently. 
 I don't see the pattern yet. -RL

support-seamonkey mailing list

[Linux Mint 11 / Ubuntu 11.04 / SM 2.1] Frequent Black Screens

2011-06-11 Thread Rob Lindauer
Has anyone else seen the following?  I've had this problem from the 
moment I installed SM2.1...

I am getting frequent back screens in SM 2.1.  When I'm doing 
something (e.g., attempting to drag a map in Google Maps, opening a new 
webpage), my screen will go black briefly (perhaps a half second or a 

I did not have this behavior on SM 2.0.14.

I created entirely new user profiles for SM 2.1 - am not reusing the 
profiles I had use under 2.0.14.

I've checked my dpkg.og to see if there might have been Linux 
maintenance installed in the same timeframe as my SM 2.1 install, but 
there was no Linux installation within 24 hrs of the SM 2.1 installation.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Rob L
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New Yahoo Mail

2011-04-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

Thomas Pamin wrote:

Yahoo wants me to upgrade to their new email application. When I try, it
says Seamonkey is not a supported browser. How can I get the new Yahoo
mail to work with Seamonkey?

Odd - Yahoo (via ATT) has always told me that I'm unsupported but 
gives me an option to proceed anyway.

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New Yahoo Mail

2011-04-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

Thomas Pamin wrote:

This is the only message I get:

Your web browser doesn’t support Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Download the latest version of a supported browser for free:
* Firefox
* Internet Explorer (for Windows)
* Safari

I get a different message.

One of my computers gives me...

Your bowser is not officially supported by the new ATT Yahoo! Mail
* To continue to the all-new att.net Mail anyway, link
* To proceed to att.net Mail Classic just this one time, another link
* To switch back to att.net Mail Classic indefinitely, yet another link

Another just takes me to the new mail without asking.

No idea why my two machines (both running Ubuntu 10.10 and Seamonkey 
2.x) respond different (and neither as yours done, although I do 
remember your message from some point in the past).  One possibility is 
that my response is different because I'm accessing Yahoo via ATT...

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New Yahoo Mail

2011-04-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

Thomas Pamin wrote:

This is the only message I get:

Your web browser doesn’t support Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Download the latest version of a supported browser for free:
* Firefox
* Internet Explorer (for Windows)
* Safari

I get a different message.

One of my computers gives me...

Your bowser is not officially supported by the new ATT Yahoo! Mail
* To continue to the all-new att.net Mail anyway, link
* To proceed to att.net Mail Classic just this one time, another link
* To switch back to att.net Mail Classic indefinitely, yet another link

Another just takes me to the new mail without asking.

No idea why my two machines (both running Ubuntu 10.10 and Seamonkey 
2.x) respond different (and neither as yours done, although I do 
remember your message from some point in the past).  One possibility is 
that my response is different because I'm accessing Yahoo via ATT...

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New Yahoo Mail

2011-04-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rob Lindauer wrote:

Sheesh, fixing my typos below...

Thomas Pamin wrote:

This is the only message I get:

Your web browser doesn’t support Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Download the latest version of a supported browser for free:
* Firefox
* Internet Explorer (for Windows)
* Safari

I get a different message.

One of my computers gives me...

Your bowser is not officially supported by the new ATT Yahoo! Mail
* To continue to the all-new att.net Mail anyway, link
* To proceed to att.net Mail Classic just this one time, another link
* To switch back to att.net Mail Classic indefinitely, yet another link

Another just takes me to the new mail without asking.

No idea why my two machines (both running Ubuntu 10.10 and Seamonkey
2.x) respond differently (and neither as yours does, although I do
remember your message from some point in the past). One possibility is
that my response is different because I'm accessing Yahoo via ATT...

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New Yahoo Mail

2011-04-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

NoOp wrote:

Rob, he's referring to the new 'Yahoo! Mail Beta' - ATT Yahoo! Mail is
still using their own modified version. (I also have ATT Yahoo! Mail)

OK, thx, I stand corrected.  Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

[SM 2.0.11 / Ubuntu 10.10] Send Save Copy vs Send

2011-02-06 Thread Rob Lindauer
Is there function somewhere in SM (or some extension) by which I could 
decide when I send whether to save a copy of the outgoing email message?

So far as I can see, the preferences are global and binary - I can set 
my preference to always save a copy, or to never save a copy.  I'd like 
instead explicitly to choose whether to save at the point I hit send.

Thx, Rob L
Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Yahoo Spam Folder....

2010-12-22 Thread Rob Lindauer

WLS wrote:

NO wrote:

Hello all, I have a yahoo account and I need to know if there is a way
to keep the spam folder from being downloaded in the retrieval of

TIA - Bo1953

Do you have Spam options on Yahoo to Empty Spam Folder Immediately?

NO, (the OP, not a negative), it's really a Yahoo question, not a 
Mozilla question.

I don't get downloads of what my ISP (ATT Yahoo mail) considers to be 
spam - it goes in a separate spam folder that I must log into the ATT 
Yahoo mail site to view / act on.

From Yahoo mail, take Options -- More Options, select Spam on the 
left nav bar, and then click the Spamguard checkbox (automatically 
send suspected spam to my spam folder).

Of course, it could be that your version of Yahoo mail works differently 
from mine.

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Yahoo Spam Folder....

2010-12-22 Thread Rob Lindauer

No wrote:

Currently, my spam box is being used by Yahoo, which is fine. My
question is, is there a way to not have SM go to the spam folder to
retrieve messages?

My SM does NOT download anything from the Yahoo spam folder; it 
downloads just email from my Yahoo inbox.

I see no (ATT) Yahoo config option to specify whether the spam folder 
should be downloaded.  Certainly there's no such SM option.

If your SM downloads your Yahoo spam folder, I imagine there must be 
some such option in your Yahoo that's not in mine.  I have no other 
ideas but for you to contact your ISP.

Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: My Drafts folder...

2010-11-17 Thread Rob Lindauer

Keith Whaley wrote:

I’m working with SM 1.1.18, and Mac OS 10.6.5.

My Draft folder has a single message listed in the Total messages
column, except there are no messages displayed in the Subject window.
Since there are no messages in the folder, ViewMessage Source will not
work, either.

I assume there’s some pointer file somewhere that keeps falsely
indicating I have a Draft message, that I can delete, but what is it?


keith whaley

I'd start by using the Seamonkey function to compress your drafts file.

If that doesn't work...

On my (Linux) system, the files are named drafts and drafts.msf.  I 
don't know the file locations on a Mac, but you can check here:


You could try deleting the files and see what happens (back them up 
first, and do the deletion while Seamonkey is closed).  I have no idea 
whether Seamonkey will automatically regenerate them.

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

[SM 2.0.6, Ubuntu 10.04] Cannot set helper application for MS Word documents

2010-08-14 Thread Rob Lindauer
When I rightclick-Open MS Word documents in my inbox, I can select the 
application I wish to use (IBM Symphony, in my case) - but the option to 
remember the choice is greyed out.

Can someone tell me what I need to do so that SM remembers my choice?

I've looked at the mimeTypes.rdf file, suppose I could try editing it, 
but that seems a last resort...

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Solved [SM 2.0.6, Ubuntu 10.04] Cannot set helper application for MS Word documents

2010-08-14 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rob Lindauer wrote:

When I rightclick-Open MS Word documents in my inbox, I can select the
application I wish to use (IBM Symphony, in my case) - but the option to
remember the choice is greyed out.

Can someone tell me what I need to do so that SM remembers my choice?

I've looked at the mimeTypes.rdf file, suppose I could try editing it,
but that seems a last resort...


Hmmm... The next time I tried to open a Word doc, Symphony was now the 
default app - and the remember choice checkbox was active.  Still a 
bit weird, but at least I have the association now.  Thx, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Upgrade to 2.04

2010-07-25 Thread Rob Lindauer

Henry wrote:

I'm running a Dell computer with 3GHz processor, 2 G Ram and WinXP Pro SP2.

I now have Mozilla 1.7.8 and want to upgrade to Seamonkey 2.04. Will
that upgrade or do I have to go through a Seamonkey 1.x first?



I'd wait for more responses from people more knowledgeable than me, but...

No, you don't have to go thru Seamonkey 1.x to get to 2.x

I don't know how well Seamonkey will behave importing everything from 
your existing Mozilla installation, so my suggestion is carefully to 
back up your existing files (especially your bookmarks and email) first. 
 You can do so using Mozbackup (if you're on Windows) or manually.

You can then run the Seamonkey 2.x installation and see if it finds / 
migrates your files.  If it doesn't, you can get them from your backup 
(and your original Mozilla installation should still be there too, for 
that matter).

Personally, for such a major change, I have always done a completely new 
installation without migration, used Seamonkey to do basic new account 
setup (including email), and then copied my old mail folder contents 
(and bookmarks) into the new.  But that's just my method, which I 
realize won't work or is too complicated for many.

I presume you really mean the latest Seamonkey (2.0.6) rather than 
having some particular reason to go with 2.0.4.  But if you do want 
2.0.4 and have the install program, what I say above should work either way.

Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [SM 2.0.5, Linux Mint 9] Can't change/select helper app for .pdf link in html format email

2010-07-21 Thread Rob Lindauer

NoOp wrote:

On 07/20/2010 04:57 AM, Daniel wrote:

And I'll ask the next; where did you get SM 2.0.5 from - your distro or
downloaded directly from http://www.seamonkey-project.org/ ?

From my distro (for this package, the Canonical Lucid repository), 
installed via Synaptic. -RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [SM 2.0.5, Linux Mint 9] Can't change/select helper app for .pdf link in html format email

2010-07-21 Thread Rob Lindauer

NoOp wrote:

The file is fine (Bitdefender for Unices). My guess is that you have
ClamAV set to scan urls  PDFs.

Try the manuals:

Heads up if you are using any version below 0.96.1:

Thx, will take a look at the ClamAV docs.  I don't see such a setting in 
clamtk, but perhaps it's not exposed there.

I indeed have 0.96.1 (plus clamtk 4.25), both installed via synaptic.

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [SM 2.0.5, Linux Mint 9] Can't change/select helper app for .pdf link in html format email

2010-07-20 Thread Rob Lindauer

Daniel wrote:

O.K., I'll ask the obvious question. Does ClamAV find anything to worry


No, the file's clean, so far as ClamAV can tell.  -RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

[SM 2.0.5, Linux Mint 9] Can't change/select helper app for .pdf link in html format email

2010-07-19 Thread Rob Lindauer
This is probably an operator headspace problem, but perhaps someone here 
can help me...

I have received an html format email from someone that includes a 
reference to a pdf file, 

The problem is that when I click the file, I always get a ClamAV scan, 
with no prompt to select another action.

I've looked at the message source; The URL above seems just to be 
inserted into a block of plain text.  SM does recognize it as a URL, 
though; the formatted display shows the URL as a hyperlink.

There are other similar URLs (pdf files) in the same message, but in the 
other cases, Document Viewer opens when I click the link (again with no 
prompt for another choice of action).  In those cases the URLs are again 
just inserted in a block of plain text.

I've looked in the list of SM browser helper applications; I see two 
entries for PDF files, both invoking Document Viewer.  (Of course, I 
don't know if helper applications are even relevant to HTML format 
emails.)  I've also checked Nautilus' settings, which point to Document 
Viewer (but that's probably irrelevant too).

So... Can you suggest what I should look at to figure out why this 
particular pdf file is triggering ClamAV rather than triggering Document 
Viewer?  Is there a way for me to change / update the association that's 
being used to always ask or always use Document Viewer?

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Installing Seamonkey manually vs via Synaptic / Apt (Ubuntu / Mint)

2010-05-24 Thread Rob Lindauer

Philip Chee wrote:

On Sun, 23 May 2010 15:54:26 -0700, NoOp wrote:

On 05/23/2010 02:23 PM, Jens Hatlak wrote:

Basically all extensions that have default preferences and/or
components. All these had to be installed somewhere under the SeaMonkey
application directory.

You might have chmod'ed your SeaMonkey application directory a long time
ago and have forgotten that you did it.


Thanks, all, for your comments.

Hi, Phil.  I've been installing under my home directory (following some 
instructions I've retained from install-to-install), so I've not had to 

Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Installing Seamonkey manually vs via Synaptic / Apt (Ubuntu / Mint)

2010-05-23 Thread Rob Lindauer
The Seamonkey install instructions I've been using (successfully) for a 
year or two have me expand the Seamonkey tar/bz2 file into a 
subdirectory under home, and manually add an entry in my Gnome/Kde menu, 
as opposed to installing via Synaptic/Apt.  The rationale as I recall is 
that I as nonprivileged user can thereafter add extensions, and no have 
to run as root when doing so.  Does such thinking still hold, or should 
I be using Synaptic to do the installs?  Thx, RL

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.0 is JUNK .

2009-12-11 Thread Rob Lindauer

Robert Kaiser wrote:

It's an interesting world where everyone but yourself is losing his/her
mind and have a disease, right?

Robert Kaiser

My Dad used to tell a story about a mother watching her son's army 
regiment march by, and saying proudly to her neighbor, Look, everyone 
is out of step except my Johnny

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Editing the bookmarks file

2009-11-14 Thread Rob Lindauer

ClintonHammond wrote:

I tried to open my Seamonky2 bookmarks file in an editor (As I often
did with previous versions of Seamonkey) only to be met with a warning
in the header about how it's a generated file and will be read and
over-written and DO NOT EDIT... What kind of nonsense is this?!?!?!

How can one edit one's own bookmarks file??

I agree with the comments by others to the effect that (1) make sure 
SeaMonkey is completely shut down before editing, (2) keep a backup in 
case you mess things up, and (3) use a plain text / programmer editor.

I edit my bookmarks files frequently (mainly to keep the versions from 
various machines in synch).  I suppose I could use a synch service of 
some sort, but I've been editing for a decade and don't see a reason to 
stop now.

I usually just copy/paste uncategorized items from/to the bottom of my 
bookmarks file, and then use the bookmark manager to move the bookmarks 
into the right categories.  That way I don't need to worry about (nor 
mess up) categories and category delimiters.

I could misremember, but I think the system generated file warning has 
been at the top of many Mozilla / Firefox / SeaMonkey files for a long 
time - maybe including the bookmark file.

Rob Lindauer - for my real address, replace att with sbc
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restoring saved SM Files

2009-05-17 Thread Rob Lindauer

Rick wrote:

I had to re install everything incl. SeaMonkey but, I backed up 
everything before I started.  How do I restore my inbox?


Exit from SM before doing any of the following.

Find the folder in which your current (new, and presumably empty) inbox 
is located, and copy your saved inbox (filename = inbox) to that folder, 
replacing the existing (new, empty) inbox.

(There's also a file inbox.msf which I understand to be an index file 
for inbox.  Let's let someone more expert than I confirm - but so far as 
I know, you should delete the inbox.msf file from your new folder, and 
SM will automatically regenerate it when you open your inbox.)

The inbox folder location depends on your operating system and choices 
you made when you installed SM.  In my case, it's in Local Folders 
under Mail under my .slt folder.  If you don't use the 
global inbox, it could be in a folder named for your ISP, again under 
the Mail folder.

Back up anything you're about to delete or overwrite, just in case.

Regards, Rob L

Rob Lindauer - Please change att to sbc for my real email address
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Restoring saved SM Files

2009-05-17 Thread Rob Lindauer

Daniel wrote:

John, in my personal opinion, Rob was wrong in his first step:-

Exit from SM before doing any of the following.

My first step would be In SeaMonkey, have a look at 
Edit-MailNewsgroup Account Settings, then select your Mail Account 
then have a look at the Local directory folder at the bottom of window. 
This will tell you where your profile is on your hard drive.

Step Two Make sure all your Windows folders are un-hidden:-


Then close SeaMonkey, and continue as directed by Rob.


I stand corrected! (or, maybe, I stand enhanced?)

Rob Lindauer - Please change att to sbc for my real email address
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Playing streaming Windows Media video (SM 1.1.14, Kubuntu 8.10)

2008-12-22 Thread Rob Lindauer

Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:

Rob Lindauer wrote:
I'm trying to play some streaming video (Doppler radar at 
http://www.wfsb.com/video/9688512/index.html/index.html) via SM 1.1.14 
on my Kutuntu 8.10 system.

I have .wmv files associated with Kaffeine via my SM preferences, and 
they open right up in my browser.

When I try to play the weather video above, I get a missing plugin 
message from SM.

I suppose I need to define another filetype in my preference, but 
don't know what it is; or perhaps Kaffeine doesn't handle streaming 
video, or needs some plugin I don't know about.

Can someone suggest a good way to view the video via SM?

(Likely an elementary question - I'm relatively new at Linux)

The radar plays fine on SM-2.0a3pre with JavaScript enabled, 
MPlayer-plug-in-3.50, and Shockwave-Flash-10.0r15, on RPM-based 
kernel- Mandriva distribution.

I'd say:-
1/ check your JavaScript settings 

2/ Confirm your system's Kaffeine truly-can play a local WMV-file OK.
3/ Check that you are using a recent edition of Flash 
having regard-to the libcurl-versions installed on your Ubuntu-8.10 

Aside from omitting JavaScript, that's a real-good FAQ at 
(http://www.wfsb.com/videofaq/index.html). Hope that helps.

Thanks much for the help, will give it a shot.  Regards, RL

Rob Lindauer - Please change att to sbc for my real email address
support-seamonkey mailing list