RE: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel Presented

2003-08-04 Thread Christopher Tan

My exact thoughts also, Keith.


=-Original Message-
=From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
=Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 11:40 AM
=Subject: Re: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel
=Fuel Presented
=Hi Marcelino and all
=Certainly it's not biodiesel, it's a Fischer-Tropsch fuel, as you say.
=The reason for my Huh??? Um... is that I somehow thought maybe
=biodiesel is the World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel.
=By the way, a Biofuel list member sent me this some time back:
= One of our oldest scientists, now 84 yrs. old, was responsible for
=going into Germany post WWII and uncovering the remains of Hitler's
=synthetic fuels machine which had been bombed out. I'm speaking of
=Fischer-Tropsch oily-based paraffins which are hydrocracked down
=into shorter chains for synthetic gasoline, jet fuel and diesel. He
=brought back some of the original German scientists who'd perfected
=this technology which utilized coarse, low-grade brown German coal
=as feedstock. Three times he tried to start-up an American version
=of synthetic hydrocarbon fuels in the GTL arena and was blocked. As
=the highest ranking American energy technologist post WWII, he
=couldn't figure this out. It was over 20 years later that he
=realized that the late John Rockefeller of Standard Oil [Exxon] had
=been the politic behind the scenes, making sure that his new,
=alternative fuel ideas did not materialize. This scientist then took
=his blueprints for the first major GTL project and gave them to
=Sasol who built his first coal gasification device back in 1953 and
=it is still operating today. Sasol from South Africa is the oldest
=synthetic fuels producer globally.
=I've been reading on this and the product is not BD (biodiesel).
=The process is biomass to syn gas by high temperature
=gasification, and then
=to synthetic diesel, quite similar to petroleum diesel.
=Is similar to the coal to oil process of giant Sasol, the South African
=producer of synthetic petroleum, in this case from coal, via syn
=gas and the
=Fisher Tropsch process.
=- Original Message -
=From: Christopher Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
=Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 12:11 AM
=Subject: RE: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer
=Diesel Fuel
=  Sounds like Bio-d to me.
=  Christopher
=  =-Original Message-
=  =From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
=  =Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 5:41 AM
=  =To:
=  =Cc:
=  =Subject: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer
=Diesel Fuel
=  =Presented
=  =
=  =
=  =Huh??? Um...
=  =
=  =
=  =
=  =
=  =World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel Presented
=  =
=  =By Poul Erik Bak based on material from DaimlerChrysler
=  =Jun 30, 2003, 18:21
=  =
=  =The new biofuel, which DaimlerChrysler has named  Biotrol, can be
=  =added without any difficulty to current fuels and may become
=  =important in the fuel-portfolio to combat emissions and
=  =oil-dependence.
=  =
=  =At the Environmental Press Conference held in Stuttgart,
=  =DaimlerChrysler AG presented the world's first synthetic
=diesel fuel,
=  =which does not affect the CO2 atmospheric balance in the atmosphere
=  =during driving. This fuel is produced by the complete utilization of
=  =organic substances. The carbon dioxide originating in the engine on
=  =combustion is taken from the air as plants grow.
=  =
=  =This eliminates the additional entry of carbon dioxide into the
=  =atmosphere by fuel produced from petroleum during driving, a
=  =situation which has existed since the time cars were first
=  =introduced. Accordingly, the Group assigns high significance to the
=  =production of the biofuel: Professor JŸrgen Hubbert Member of the
=  =Board of Management of DaimlerChrysler AG responsible for the
=  =Mercedes Car Group: We are at the start of a promising
=  =
=  =According to Dr. Weber, deputy Member of the Board of Management of
=  =DaimlerChrysler AG with responsibility for Research and Technology,
=  =the fuel is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly diesel
=  =ever. It is produced in a research project supported by the Federal
=  =Ministry for Economics and Labor jointly with the Choren company in
=  =Freiberg in Saxony, where Choren has facilities for converting the
=  =biomass from wood residue into fuel. This is the first system of its
=  =type in the world. Volkswagen also joined the research
=project in the
=  =fall of last year.
=  =
=  =The new biofuel, which DaimlerChrysler has christened with the name
=  =of Biotrol, can be added without any difficulty to current fuels.
=  =The research work is currently in the beginning stage of clarifying
=  =if Biotrol can be used as an exclusive 

[biofuels-biz] Re: biofuels

2003-08-04 Thread martin.brook

Hi Kieth, I was wondering if you could post a note on the Biofuel forum for
anbody who knows where to get methanol in the Cambridge area or East Anglia,
thnkyou very much best regards Martin Brook.

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Re: [biofuels-biz] Syngenta?

2003-08-04 Thread Grant County Economic Development

thought you might enjoy this... it is not bio diesel, but it does save fossil 
carbons from entering the atmosphere basically carbon neutral.  and 
Press Release


AIRE (Agricultural Industrial Renewable Energy)  is a Kansas producer 
group.  Spokesman Gene Pflughoft has announced that AIRE is working with 
several Kansas companies on renewable energy facilities to produce steam or hot 
water energy.  With the rising cost of natural gas, many companies are asking 
AIRE to help stabilize their energy cost with long term contracts.


AIRE will be looking for agricultural producers to provide 100,000 tons of 
biomass material for their first project.  The first project will be located in 
the Reno County area.  The biomass purchased will give the farmers about a $2 
to $4 million return on their biomass products.  Using the economic development 
formula, the money turns 7 times in a community, representing a possible $14 to 
$28 million boost to Reno County.  


AIRE is working with Earth Care Products Inc. to design and equip 
the energy plants.  The energy plants will convert biomass into thermal energy 
for steam and hot water. 


A second project will require 25,000 tons of biomass in the central 
region of Kansas.  Biomass can be wheat straw, corn stover, milo stalks, switch 
grass, animal waste, grass clippings and tree trimmings.  The first project is 
planned to be completed in the summer of 2004.  Interested producers should 
call AIRE at 620-727-5862 for more information.


Much of the equipment will be manufactured by Kansas manufacturers. 
  AIRE and Earth Care Products Inc., have been researching the biomass projects 
for several years.  Recent articles have indicated a much higher price for 
natural gas.  These economic conditions of higher energy prices have made the 
biomass facilities a long term profitable venture for both the customer and the 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Keith Addison 
  Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 2:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuels-biz] Syngenta?

  Hi MM

  Thanks for posting this. 
  World's Leading Agribusiness? Never heard of them.  Figures.

  Syngenta, previously AstraZeneca, the world's third largest seed 
  corporation, holder of at least nine Terminator patents at last 
  count, etc etc etc. One of the major Gene Giants, very little to 
  choose between it and Monsanto, they'll behave the same way.

  For instance (out of a BIG grab-bag, 231 documents about Syngenta):

  America's food aid program provides a massive hidden subsidy to its 
  farmers. But, as a recent report by Greenpeace shows, they are not 
  the only beneficiaries. One of USAID's stated objectives is to 
  integrate GM into local food systems.
  Earlier this year, it launched a $100m program for bringing 
  biotechnology to developing countries. USAID's training and 
  awareness raising programs will, its website reveals, provide 
  companies such as Syngenta, Pioneer Hi-Bred and Monsanto with 
  opportunities for technology transfer into the poor world. 
  Monsanto, in turn, provides financial support for USAID.
  The famine will permit USAID to accelerate this strategy. It knows 
  that some of the grain it exports to southern Africa will be planted 
  by farmers for next year's harvest. Once contamination is 
  widespread, the governments of those nations will no longer be able 
  to sustain a ban on the technology.

  -- From: The Covert Biotech War, by George Monbiot, November 21, 2002

  Try a search for Syngenta here:


  The Gene Giants: Masters of the Universe?
  March 30, 1999
  Update on Consolidation in the Life Industry
  ETC group, formerly RAFI - the Rural Advancement Foundation International

  Anyway Keith, I thought this might interest you.  It sounds like
  they're sort of trying to include a diversity of opinions, so perhaps
  those of yourself and other like-minded folks won't be excluded, as
  they would be if it was a one-sided Monsanto show.

  Even if not, I would think they'd fail to take all this into account 
  (though Greenpeace sees things this way, which might help):
  Technology and the poor
  The United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report 
  2001 -- Making new technologies work for human development attempts 
  to address a key question for the 21st century: will technology 
  entrench millions in even greater poverty -- or can it be used to 
  eradicate poverty and suffering? But it chooses the wrong challenge. 
  The key issue is not making new technologies work for human 
  development. The challenge is enabling poor 

Re: [biofuel] Re: [biofuels-biz] Connecting the Wildfire Issue and the Biofuel Issue

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

What you're suggesting seems to be that in order to avoid all that grief for
those persons foolish enough to build in places prone to the occasional
forest fire that the national government should comit to a massive road
building campaign to the uppermost reaches of the headwaters of every
watershed across the land, all so a national thinning project can take

No.  I may have put my ideas incorrectly, and it is a bit of a
confusing topic, so let me clarify what I think about this, and what
I'm suggesting.  I have deleted the brunt of what you wrote not out of
disrespect but because I want to present simply and clearly because I
think there's some confusion here.

First, I think the conflagrations, however terrible, should be viewed
not only as a threat to property and lives, but also as evidence, to
those who might not recognize it, of the huge amount of energy
incident up on the earth.  In this case it's converted to biofuels.

As to the folks who build in the wilderness and need their homes
protected, I don't exactly have a tough shit attitude, but I don't
advocate spending every effort to protect every inch of human

What I had in mind, as to specific suggestions, was more of the
modest-sized efforts I'd heard about in Oroville, CA (a local
wood-material incinerator) and in Flagstaff, AZ (where their efforts
caught my eye in part because they've partly succeeded in some
remediation, they claim, and because their answers didn't seem
simplistic but seemed to say that a combination and variety of
remediation methods seemed to work best for them so far.)

So, if we identify more localities where they're going to attempt some
remediation anyway, then I think they could be encouraged to install
some modestly-priced modest-sized wood-to-electricity facilities, even
if only as a semi-temporary measure until they get their local forests
back into a healthy balance.  So, I think Im suggesting to some
extent the opposite of the overly ambitious giganto-sized project
covering virtually everything that you took me to be suggesting.

Once the idea of wood-to-electricity is in place and somewhat more
widespread, Id think that folks would want to sometimes expand it,
such as if-when they find their electricity costs are out of control
from other sources.  At that point, you could evaluate if and to what
extent you'd want to get into more exploitive use of forests.  I admit
this was part of my original idea... no reason not to cut down a few
trees and use them, but I don't think I had in mind cutting down
virtually all the forests of the world everywhere, just to encourage a
bit more use of them, starting with localized remdiation that is going
to have to happen anyway, with or without wood-to-electricity.

One of the things I forgot to mention about Oroville is that much of
the wood is of a type that isn't much good for building, and perhaps
it was said it's not ideal for firewood.


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[biofuels-biz] Distillery Fire

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

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Re: [biofuel] Fwd: [BIOC] Treasure Valley Ethanol Plant

2003-08-04 Thread william d thompson

What is the geographical location of this facility?

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 12:29:17 +0900 Keith Addison
Fwd - posted by Tom Miles to the BIOCONVERSION list.

Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 17:26:46 -0700
Sender: The Bioconversion Discussion List
Subject: [BIOC] Treasure Valley Ethanol Plant

An article about the Treasure Valley Renewable Resource biorefinery 
(Oregon) indicates that the plant will produce ethanol and also 
starch, fiber and protein for human dietary products. What is the 
value of the dietary products relative to the ethanol in a plant 
processing 11.7 million tons of wheat, barley corn and milo per year?

Tom Miles

Idaho Stateman
Montana Associated Technology Roundtable

It says:

Hursh expects the refinery to provide a contract market for locally 
grown grains and to trigger spinoff industries. They could include 
dairies, feedlots, hog and chicken farms, and possibly producers of 
beer, wine and soft drinks that would use carbon dioxide generated 
by the plant, he said.

Proteins produced in the refinery will be marketed as ingredients in 
baking products and fish meal for fish farms, Hamilton said. Fiber 
will be sold for sport drinks and as a component for dietary 
products designed to reduce cholesterol and prevent colon cancer, he 
said. The starches will be used for baking and brewery products, and 
as an abrasive to clean drill holes in well-drilling operations.

... all of which seem a lot more marginal than the obvious (?) 
spin-off of producing biodiesel from the grain oils - will they be 
doing that?



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[biofuel] Re: research:water hyacinth

2003-08-04 Thread Christopher Tan


 Maybe this is what you are looking for.

 Thanks to Todd.

 Thermal Depolymerization


 =-Original Message-

 =From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 =Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 1:54 PM


 =Subject: Re: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel

 =Fuel Presented



 ==Choren has facilities for converting the

 ==biomass from wood residue into fuel.



 = Sounds like Bio-d to me.


 = Christopher


 =Something a bit diff from veg-oil biodiesel. Perhaps more along

 =the lines of

 =thermal depolymerization?




 =Todd Swearingen


 = =-Original Message-

 = =From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 = =Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 5:41 AM

 = =To:

 = =Cc:

 = =Subject: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel

 = =Presented

 = =

 = =

 = =Huh??? Um...

 = =

 = =

 = =

 = =

 = =World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel Presented

 = =

 = =By Poul Erik Bak based on material from DaimlerChrysler

 = =Jun 30, 2003, 18:21

 = =

 = =The new biofuel, which DaimlerChrysler has named Biotrol, can be

 = =added without any difficulty to current fuels and may become

 = =important in the fuel-portfolio to combat emissions and

 = =oil-dependence.

 = =

 = =At the Environmental Press Conference held in Stuttgart,

 = =DaimlerChrysler AG presented the world's first synthetic diesel

 = =which does not affect the CO2 atmospheric balance in the atmosphere

 = =during driving. This fuel is produced by the complete utilization of

 = =organic substances. The carbon dioxide originating in the engine on

 = =combustion is taken from the air as plants grow.

 = =

 = =This eliminates the additional entry of carbon dioxide into the

 = =atmosphere by fuel produced from petroleum during driving, a

 = =situation which has existed since the time cars were first

 = =introduced. Accordingly, the Group assigns high significance to the

 = =production of the biofuel: Professor JŸrgen Hubbert Member of the

 = =Board of Management of DaimlerChrysler AG responsible for the

 = =Mercedes Car Group: We are at the start of a promising

 = =

 = =According to Dr. Weber, deputy Member of the Board of Management of

 = =DaimlerChrysler AG with responsibility for Research and Technology,

 = =the fuel is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly diesel

 = =ever. It is produced in a research project supported by the Federal

 = =Ministry for Economics and Labor jointly with the Choren company in

 = =Freiberg in Saxony, where Choren has facilities for converting the

 = =biomass from wood residue into fuel. This is the first system of its

 = =type in the world. Volkswagen also joined the research project in

 = =fall of last year.

 = =

 = =The new biofuel, which DaimlerChrysler has christened with the name

 = =of Biotrol, can be added without any difficulty to current fuels.

 = =The research work is currently in the beginning stage of clarifying

 = =if Biotrol can be used as an exclusive fuel, or whether engine

 = =modifications are necessary. The research also involves economic

 = =viability calculations, questions on sustained production and

 = =of the overall impact on the production of energy.

 = =

 = =Since the fuel can be easily added to existing diesel fuel, there is

 = =a reduction in new CO2 emission from new vehicles in existing fleets

 = =as well as a potential for reduction in new CO2 emissions from all

 = =diesel vehicles, depending on the mixture ratio once the fuel is

 = =available.

 = =

 = =In the view of the company, from today's perspective in the next

 = =decade a considerable share of EU diesel consumption could be

 = =with biofuels.

 = =

 = =Dr. Thomas Weber has offered to cooperate with the mineral oil

 = =industry. Political circles in Berlin and Brussels have encouraged

 = =Weber to support the further development with clever decision

 = =making, in particular differentiating in environmental discussions

 = =between CO2 emissions from bio and fossil sources.

 = =

 = =According to the company, the production costs for Biotrol, which

 = =currently at EUR 0.7 per liter, are still two to three times that of

 = =conventional fuels. With the further development of production

 = =techniques and optimized distribution, DaimlerChrysler expects that

 = =costs will continue to decline. Since bio fuels have been exempted

 = =from gasoline tax since last year, Biotrol can be offered at

 = =competitive prices even today.

 = =

 = =At the opening of the first 

Re: [biofuel] Joshua Tickell is having an event in San Francisco 7/26/03

2003-08-04 Thread Keith Addison

tag1les wrote:

I'm going to this tomorrow, I'll let everybody know how it went!

And so?



Fields of Fuel FUNdraiser

Acclaimed biodiesel expert and filmmaker Joshua Tickell will hold a
fundraiser for his upcoming feature documentary Fields of Fuel.
will be joined by a host of other biodiesel personalities including
event M.C. Betty Biodiesel known in the Bay Area for her Biofuels 4
Schools Program and Charris Ford, biodiesel activist and star of Rocky
Mountain Film Fest's winning environmental documentary, French Fries
Go.  The FUNdraiser will be a compilation of short films, music and
skits on the subject of biodiesel, a fuel made from any type of
vegetable oil.

Famous for his Veggie Van USA Tours in the late 1990's
(, Joshua Tickell has been working with biodiesel
fuel since he saw it on a farm in Germany in 1996. After two tours in
his Veggie Van and a book (From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank: The
Complete Guide to Using Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel), Tickell
settled on making the film. It's the only way to create a critical
mass around biodiesel, he says.

Tickell will show his short film The Veggie Van Voyage; Charris Ford
will present French Fries to Go; Several local musicians will perform;
Tickell will give a biodiesel slide show; there will be a raffle of
cool prizes from local businesses, and a public forum to discuss
biodiesel.  The goal of the benefit is to raise $20,000, enough for
film crew of Fields of Fuel, to complete their first leg of filming
through Europe.

Tickets are available at the event or advance purchase online at For more information, email

 Venue Info 

2050 Bryant street Between 18th/19th
San Francisco

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Re: [biofuel] Using pH to determine optimum methoxide level.

2003-08-04 Thread gobie

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Using pH to determine optimum methoxide level.

 Hi Paul

 Covered most of this already - see:



Thanks Keith, must have missed that one. My computer/connection is not
bringing up the page at the moment so will check it later.

Regards Paul.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
Buy Ink Cartridges or Refill Kits for Your HP, Epson, Canon or Lexmark
Printer at Free s/h on orders $50 or more to the US  Canada.

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[biofuel] RE: research: water hyacinth

2003-08-04 Thread Christopher Tan

To Aileen Agatep

- Original Message -
From: Marcelino Miranda
Subject: Re: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel
Date: Monday, August 04, 2003 11:08 AM


I've been reading on this and the product is not BD (biodiesel).

The process is biomass to syn gas by high temperature gasification, and then
to synthetic diesel, quite similar to petroleum diesel.

Is similar to the coal to oil process of giant Sasol, the South African
producer of synthetic petroleum, in this case from coal, via syn gas and the
Fisher Tropsch process.

- Original Message -
From: Christopher Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 12:11 AM
Subject: RE: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel

 Sounds like Bio-d to me.


 =-Original Message-
 =From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 5:41 AM
 =Subject: [biofuels-biz] World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel
 =Huh??? Um...
 =World's First CO2-neutral Designer Diesel Fuel Presented
 =By Poul Erik Bak based on material from DaimlerChrysler
 =Jun 30, 2003, 18:21
 =The new biofuel, which DaimlerChrysler has named  Biotrol, can be
 =added without any difficulty to current fuels and may become
 =important in the fuel-portfolio to combat emissions and
 =At the Environmental Press Conference held in Stuttgart,
 =DaimlerChrysler AG presented the world's first synthetic diesel fuel,
 =which does not affect the CO2 atmospheric balance in the atmosphere
 =during driving. This fuel is produced by the complete utilization of
 =organic substances. The carbon dioxide originating in the engine on
 =combustion is taken from the air as plants grow.
 =This eliminates the additional entry of carbon dioxide into the
 =atmosphere by fuel produced from petroleum during driving, a
 =situation which has existed since the time cars were first
 =introduced. Accordingly, the Group assigns high significance to the
 =production of the biofuel: Professor JŸrgen Hubbert Member of the
 =Board of Management of DaimlerChrysler AG responsible for the
 =Mercedes Car Group: We are at the start of a promising development.
 =According to Dr. Weber, deputy Member of the Board of Management of
 =DaimlerChrysler AG with responsibility for Research and Technology,
 =the fuel is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly diesel
 =ever. It is produced in a research project supported by the Federal
 =Ministry for Economics and Labor jointly with the Choren company in
 =Freiberg in Saxony, where Choren has facilities for converting the
 =biomass from wood residue into fuel. This is the first system of its
 =type in the world. Volkswagen also joined the research project in the
 =fall of last year.
 =The new biofuel, which DaimlerChrysler has christened with the name
 =of Biotrol, can be added without any difficulty to current fuels.
 =The research work is currently in the beginning stage of clarifying
 =if Biotrol can be used as an exclusive fuel, or whether engine
 =modifications are necessary. The research also involves economic
 =viability calculations, questions on sustained production and matters
 =of the overall impact on the production of energy.
 =Since the fuel can be easily added to existing diesel fuel, there is
 =a reduction in new CO2 emission from new vehicles in existing fleets
 =as well as a potential for reduction in new CO2 emissions from all
 =diesel vehicles, depending on the mixture ratio once the fuel is
 =In the view of the company, from today's perspective in the next
 =decade a considerable share of EU diesel consumption could be covered
 =with biofuels.
 =Dr. Thomas Weber has offered to cooperate with the mineral oil
 =industry. Political circles in Berlin and Brussels have encouraged
 =Weber to support the further development with clever decision
 =making, in particular differentiating in environmental discussions
 =between CO2 emissions from bio and fossil sources.
 =According to the company, the production costs for Biotrol, which are
 =currently at EUR 0.7 per liter, are still two to three times that of
 =conventional fuels. With the further development of production
 =techniques and optimized distribution, DaimlerChrysler expects that
 =costs will continue to decline. Since bio fuels have been exempted
 =from gasoline tax since last year, Biotrol can be offered at
 =competitive prices even today.
 =At the opening of the first fuel pump, Professor Herbert Kohler, the
 =Group's Chief Environmental Officer and Research Director, said: The
 =new bio fuel, a colorless, clear liquid, is fundamentally different
 =from all other fuels made from biomatter.

Re: [biofuel] Alaska is melting

2003-08-04 Thread Appal Energy

A gradual horizontal shift in a magnetic pole is not the same, nor are the
atmospheric repercussions the same, as an axial polar shift. And there
appears to be some considerable difference between present day warming speed
and warming trends of historical past.

This is important to note from the perspective of species migration. Species
that aren't permitted the courtesy of migration in geologic time won't
survive. Many flora and fauna don't have the luxury of picking up stakes and
moving to higher ground or cooler climates in a fortnight.

Simply resting on the laurels of all this has happened before or securing
one's self in the comfort of  sheer speculation does little to address

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Alaska is melting

 I have heard about the polar shift, but have no real data from prehistory
 go by, only speculation. I have heard a report that stated that the
 pole is moving towards Russia, which would put Canada into a warmer
 One question, is Russia experiencing a cooling off and freezing of the
 region to coincide with this shift? If the polar regoin in Russia is
 as well, then the polar shift theory falls apart. I have also heard a
 saying that the sun is on a cycle of increased activity which is sending
 more heat our way. This cycle is going to peak in about 40 years, then
 cooling again.

 From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Alaska is melting
 Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 19:22:10 -0500
 Your premise is based upon no net polar shifts throughout history. It
 to fall apart in the face of them.
 Todd Swearingen
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 11:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Alaska is melting
 Sea level is the highest it's ever been and climate is about as
   it's ever been,
 Bindschadler said.  We're really moving into uncharted territory.
   Warmest the planet has been? I live where an ocean used to be and near
   deposits of dinosaur fossils. It was alot warmer at one time to
   type of life that once excisted here. The oceans are less salty than
   used to be too, to indicate more water now. There is alot of
   evidence out there. How can there be more heat and less water then and
   water and less heat now? The ice caps may be melting, but we still get
   weeks of -40 deg every winter.
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[biofuel] Fwd: Methanol in East Anglia?

2003-08-04 Thread Keith Addison

Methanol in East Anglia?

Please cc. any replies to



From: martin.brook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 11:15:06 +0100
Subject: [biofuels-biz] Re: biofuels

Hi Kieth, I was wondering if you could post a note on the Biofuel forum for
anbody who knows where to get methanol in the Cambridge area or East Anglia,
thnkyou very much best regards Martin Brook.

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Re: [biofuel] Alaska is melting

2003-08-04 Thread MH

  Sea level is the highest it's ever been and climate is about as warm as
  it's ever been,  Bindschadler said.  We're really moving into uncharted 

 Warmest the planet has been? I live where an ocean used to be and near huge
 deposits of dinosaur fossils. It was alot warmer at one time to support the
 type of life that once excisted here. The oceans are less salty than they
 used to be too, to indicate more water now. There is alot of conflicting
 evidence out there. How can there be more heat and less water then and more
 water and less heat now? The ice caps may be melting, but we still get a few
 weeks of -40 deg every winter.


 I've heard the Earth was once a molten rock
 and at one time covered with water. 
 I've also heard of continental drift. 
 Maybe paleontology* can provide some
 relationship while contemplating. 

 * The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times,
   as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.*

 I have heard about the polar shift, but have no real data from prehistory to
 go by, only speculation. 


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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread robert luis rabello

murdoch wrote:

 I guess my view is this.  While I empathize with some of the basics of
 Robert's post, I'm not sure that it's entirely true that we in the
 U.S. have been able to get away with ignoring all important Trade
 decisions.  Surely, I could be wrong.

Talk to the forest workers in British Columbia about the softwood lumber 
trade dispute, and you'll hear diatribes
from unemployed families about how the U.S. ignores its trade agreements.  
We've really become a stink in the nostrils
of some folk who live in the interior of British Columbia over the softwood 
lumber situation.

But since we have put ourselves in a spot where we
 really need trade to continue, can it really be true that we always
 get away with ignoring all important WTO rulings against us?

We have the economic power to do a LOT of whatever it is we want.  The 
current administration, in particular,
seems bent on abrogating the conditions of previous treaties.

 Sometimes Im surprised when I read of these disputes in the news,
 because it looks as though we're actually having to take seriously the
 decisions of the WTO, particularly when there's something that we
 ourselves want.

America maintains a double standard when it comes to implementing trade 
agreements.  We Americans like to talk
about free trade, so long as our overseas competitors cannot mount an effective 
challenge to our dominance.  We've
erected barriers to the free trade of steel, for instance, because we cannot 
compete against Brasil and other emerging
nations that make quality steel at a cheaper price, and this kind of double 
standard becomes very obvious for the
people who live in those nations.

I've now lived in Canada for over ten years, and I've learned some painful 
lessons about the way we Americans
behave toward the rest of the world.  While it's true that not all of us 
maintain an obnoxious, duplicitous attitude,
it seems that many Americans who are in positions to make decisions concerning 
our conduct toward the rest of the
world believe that what the rest of the world thinks is irrelevant.

This extends to the U.S. position on greenhouse gas emissions.  We dismiss 
the principle that developing nations
MUST emit a growing percentage in order to grow their economies, stating that 
this is grossly unfair to the United
States.  What we fail to account for in this attitude is that we are among the 
largest greenhouse gas emitters on the
planet, and further, that we're in a much better financial position to invest 
in technologies that are carbon neutral
than say, the people of India or Venezuela.  So, our government complains that 
the causal link between carbon dioxide
emissions and warming cannot be established without further study, so we 
effectively delay any action on the
anthropogenic link between warming and greenhouse gas emissions in order to 
protect the U.S. economy.

 I think there must be times when we take at least a
 shot in the arm over this or that matter.

We generally respond with righteous indignation to such things.  Then, with 
God on our side, we park an aircraft
carrier group off the coast to demonstrate our resolve, and everyone prays that 
cooler heads will prevail. . .

  When there's something we
 want, and where we have much to sell... to folks who have the leverage
 of tarrifs and bans, then maybe we can be pressured.

Isn't this one of the motivations behind the European Union?  Perhaps some 
of you in Europe might comment on this.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

 I guess my view is this.  While I empathize with some of the basics of
 Robert's post, I'm not sure that it's entirely true that we in the
 U.S. have been able to get away with ignoring all important Trade
 decisions.  Surely, I could be wrong.

Talk to the forest workers in British Columbia about the softwood lumber 
 trade dispute, and you'll hear diatribes
from unemployed families about how the U.S. ignores its trade agreements.  
We've really become a stink in the nostrils
of some folk who live in the interior of British Columbia over the softwood 
lumber situation.

The wheels of justice grind very slowly as to these trade disputes.
Has this finally been settled, or are there to be more chapters in the
story?  Even if the U.S. has stonewalled things for years, hopefully a
fair ruling can ultimately be enforced.

 Sometimes Im surprised when I read of these disputes in the news,
 because it looks as though we're actually having to take seriously the
 decisions of the WTO, particularly when there's something that we
 ourselves want.

America maintains a double standard when it comes to implementing trade 
 agreements.  We Americans like to talk
about free trade, so long as our overseas competitors cannot mount an 
effective challenge to our dominance.  We've
erected barriers to the free trade of steel, for instance, because we cannot 
compete against Brasil and other emerging
nations that make quality steel at a cheaper price, and this kind of double 
standard becomes very obvious for the
people who live in those nations.

But I think this is an example of a trade dispute that ultimately we
will lose.  The protectionist Steel laws enacted by Bush when he first
came in were, it seemed to me, different and more brazenly an open
violation of WTO agreements.  So, I wonder when the
years-long-processes are finished, if they will stand.

  When there's something we
 want, and where we have much to sell... to folks who have the leverage
 of tarrifs and bans, then maybe we can be pressured.

Isn't this one of the motivations behind the European Union?  Perhaps some 
 of you in Europe might comment on this.

Yes, I'd like to learn more, particularly if there are any disputes
the U.S. has lost, and how the mechanics of this worked.

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread robert luis rabello

murdoch wrote:

The wheels of justice grind very slowly as to these trade disputes.

 Has this finally been settled, or are there to be more chapters in the
 story?  Even if the U.S. has stonewalled things for years, hopefully a
 fair ruling can ultimately be enforced.

In the meantime, the local industry has been decimated, families lose their 
livelihoods and competition is stifled.  In
the meantime, producers in the U.S. benefit from unlimited access to the 
American market preserved by the imposed trade
barrier, while their international competitors go out of business.  Then, we 
hear American politicians talk about the
global benefits of free trade--it's sheer hypocrisy.

 But I think this is an example of a trade dispute that ultimately we
 will lose.  The protectionist Steel laws enacted by Bush when he first
 came in were, it seemed to me, different and more brazenly an open
 violation of WTO agreements.  So, I wonder when the
 years-long-processes are finished, if they will stand.

Right now, the WTO has ruled against our country concerning softwood 
lumber--yet the trade barriers remain.
Politicians in Canada hope to use the trade ruling to negotiate a settlement 
with the United States.  But how can Canada
force the U. S. to live up to the terms it has previously agreed to uphold?  
It's ludicrous to think that other nations
have any effective means of imposing their will to the same degree that is true 
of the United States.

Someone is probably thinking that I'm bashing my own country right now. . 
.  We don't like to hear that our conduct
can be reprehensible.  We don't view ourselves as anything other than 
benevolent.  We're very naive that way. . .

 Yes, I'd like to learn more, particularly if there are any disputes
 the U.S. has lost, and how the mechanics of this worked.

This would be beneficial, I think.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] Re: [biofuels-biz] Connecting the Wildfire Issue and the Biofuel Issue

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

What you're suggesting seems to be that in order to avoid all that grief for
those persons foolish enough to build in places prone to the occasional
forest fire that the national government should comit to a massive road
building campaign to the uppermost reaches of the headwaters of every
watershed across the land, all so a national thinning project can take

No.  I may have put my ideas incorrectly, and it is a bit of a
confusing topic, so let me clarify what I think about this, and what
I'm suggesting.  I have deleted the brunt of what you wrote not out of
disrespect but because I want to present simply and clearly because I
think there's some confusion here.

First, I think the conflagrations, however terrible, should be viewed
not only as a threat to property and lives, but also as evidence, to
those who might not recognize it, of the huge amount of energy
incident up on the earth.  In this case it's converted to biofuels.

As to the folks who build in the wilderness and need their homes
protected, I don't exactly have a tough shit attitude, but I don't
advocate spending every effort to protect every inch of human

What I had in mind, as to specific suggestions, was more of the
modest-sized efforts I'd heard about in Oroville, CA (a local
wood-material incinerator) and in Flagstaff, AZ (where their efforts
caught my eye in part because they've partly succeeded in some
remediation, they claim, and because their answers didn't seem
simplistic but seemed to say that a combination and variety of
remediation methods seemed to work best for them so far.)

So, if we identify more localities where they're going to attempt some
remediation anyway, then I think they could be encouraged to install
some modestly-priced modest-sized wood-to-electricity facilities, even
if only as a semi-temporary measure until they get their local forests
back into a healthy balance.  So, I think Im suggesting to some
extent the opposite of the overly ambitious giganto-sized project
covering virtually everything that you took me to be suggesting.

Once the idea of wood-to-electricity is in place and somewhat more
widespread, Id think that folks would want to sometimes expand it,
such as if-when they find their electricity costs are out of control
from other sources.  At that point, you could evaluate if and to what
extent you'd want to get into more exploitive use of forests.  I admit
this was part of my original idea... no reason not to cut down a few
trees and use them, but I don't think I had in mind cutting down
virtually all the forests of the world everywhere, just to encourage a
bit more use of them, starting with localized remdiation that is going
to have to happen anyway, with or without wood-to-electricity.

One of the things I forgot to mention about Oroville is that much of
the wood is of a type that isn't much good for building, and perhaps
it was said it's not ideal for firewood.


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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

n Mon, 04 Aug 2003 09:34:01 -0700, you wrote:

murdoch wrote:

The wheels of justice grind very slowly as to these trade disputes.

 Has this finally been settled, or are there to be more chapters in the
 story?  Even if the U.S. has stonewalled things for years, hopefully a
 fair ruling can ultimately be enforced.

In the meantime, the local industry has been decimated, families lose 
 their livelihoods and competition is stifled.  In
the meantime, producers in the U.S. benefit from unlimited access to the 
American market preserved by the imposed trade
barrier, while their international competitors go out of business.  Then, we 
hear American politicians talk about the
global benefits of free trade--it's sheer hypocrisy.

Yes, that's a good point.  I may bend over backwards to find examples
where we lose ultimately, but we have been effectively getting favored
treatment instead of fair treatment, and so in making so many
allowances, I lose track of the damage.

In addition to your own etemological complaint as to the abuse of the
phrase free trade, I'd have to add that this particularly came up,
to my ear, with Reagan, and that he hijacked the terms so that they
weren't applied where I thought they were more applicable, which is
domestically.  Thus, for example, I have always viewed the drug war
(and other black market enforcements) as a pretext for the abrogation
of the rights of domestic free trade.

There have been times when I have thought that, as to international
issues, the U.S. might have a legit complaint about free trade, but as
you point out, there have also been times where it seems the U.S. just
ignores, law, stonewalling everything.  But I can't help but think
that with so much of our economy now inter-dependent with so many
other countries, that there is leverage there for others.  Not the
same trade dispute, but I think that if OPEC quietly allows oil to
continue above $32 per gallon, this is a prime point of some aspect of
leverage, though to what end I'm not sure.

 But I think this is an example of a trade dispute that ultimately we
 will lose.  The protectionist Steel laws enacted by Bush when he first
 came in were, it seemed to me, different and more brazenly an open
 violation of WTO agreements.  So, I wonder when the
 years-long-processes are finished, if they will stand.

Right now, the WTO has ruled against our country concerning softwood 
 lumber--yet the trade barriers remain.
Politicians in Canada hope to use the trade ruling to negotiate a settlement 
with the United States.  But how can Canada
force the U. S. to live up to the terms it has previously agreed to uphold?  
It's ludicrous to think that other nations
have any effective means of imposing their will to the same degree that is 
true of the United States.

Someone is probably thinking that I'm bashing my own country right now. 
 . .  We don't like to hear that our conduct
can be reprehensible.  We don't view ourselves as anything other than 
benevolent.  We're very naive that way. . .

Well, I don't know, you seem to have it in mind to see the U.S. behave
honorably and fairly in important international legal matters, so I
think I could see that as a patriotic desire.

 Yes, I'd like to learn more, particularly if there are any disputes
 the U.S. has lost, and how the mechanics of this worked.

This would be beneficial, I think.

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Hoagy, MM and all

Brief comment at the end...

murdoch wrote:

  I guess my view is this.  While I empathize with some of the basics of
  Robert's post, I'm not sure that it's entirely true that we in the
  U.S. have been able to get away with ignoring all important Trade
  decisions.  Surely, I could be wrong.

Talk to the forest workers in British Columbia about the 
softwood lumber trade dispute, and you'll hear diatribes
from unemployed families about how the U.S. ignores its trade 
agreements.  We've really become a stink in the nostrils
of some folk who live in the interior of British Columbia over the 
softwood lumber situation.

 But since we have put ourselves in a spot where we
  really need trade to continue, can it really be true that we always
  get away with ignoring all important WTO rulings against us?

We have the economic power to do a LOT of whatever it is we 
want.  The current administration, in particular,
seems bent on abrogating the conditions of previous treaties.

  Sometimes Im surprised when I read of these disputes in the news,
  because it looks as though we're actually having to take seriously the
  decisions of the WTO, particularly when there's something that we
  ourselves want.

America maintains a double standard when it comes to 
implementing trade agreements.  We Americans like to talk
about free trade, so long as our overseas competitors cannot mount 
an effective challenge to our dominance.  We've
erected barriers to the free trade of steel, for instance, because 
we cannot compete against Brasil and other emerging
nations that make quality steel at a cheaper price, and this kind of 
double standard becomes very obvious for the
people who live in those nations.

I've now lived in Canada for over ten years, and I've learned 
some painful lessons about the way we Americans
behave toward the rest of the world.  While it's true that not all 
of us maintain an obnoxious, duplicitous attitude,
it seems that many Americans who are in positions to make decisions 
concerning our conduct toward the rest of the
world believe that what the rest of the world thinks is irrelevant.

This extends to the U.S. position on greenhouse gas emissions. 
We dismiss the principle that developing nations
MUST emit a growing percentage in order to grow their economies, 
stating that this is grossly unfair to the United
States.  What we fail to account for in this attitude is that we are 
among the largest greenhouse gas emitters on the
planet, and further, that we're in a much better financial position 
to invest in technologies that are carbon neutral
than say, the people of India or Venezuela.  So, our government 
complains that the causal link between carbon dioxide
emissions and warming cannot be established without further study, 
so we effectively delay any action on the
anthropogenic link between warming and greenhouse gas emissions in 
order to protect the U.S. economy.

  I think there must be times when we take at least a
  shot in the arm over this or that matter.

We generally respond with righteous indignation to such things. 
Then, with God on our side, we park an aircraft
carrier group off the coast to demonstrate our resolve, and everyone 
prays that cooler heads will prevail. . .

   When there's something we
  want, and where we have much to sell... to folks who have the leverage
  of tarrifs and bans, then maybe we can be pressured.

Isn't this one of the motivations behind the European Union? 
Perhaps some of you in Europe might comment on this.

The time might not be too far off when you'd have to start including 
Japan in that countervailing force, which would make some really 
interesting differences. Japan is bound to become (is becoming) more 
assertive internationally, despite the storms of domestic angst thus 
caused. The sooner they develop a real foreign policy the better, 
IMO, and I don't even care much whether it's a good policy or not, 
just as long as it's there rather than not there, and truly 
independent rather than merely supportive or unsupportive - neither a 
poodle nor a bulldog but an akita. This policy vacuum in the world 
from one of the top three economic powers is bizarre, and distorts a 
great deal.



robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread robert luis rabello

murdoch wrote:

 Yes, that's a good point.  I may bend over backwards to find examples
 where we lose ultimately, but we have been effectively getting favored
 treatment instead of fair treatment, and so in making so many
 allowances, I lose track of the damage.

In the overwhelming wash of news we receive every day, it's easy to lose 
perspective.  I think this is an important virtue
of maintaining a free press.  We, as citizens, have an obligation to remain 
educated and explore issues with other
people--especially if our positions differ.

 In addition to your own etemological complaint as to the abuse of the
 phrase free trade, I'd have to add that this particularly came up,
 to my ear, with Reagan, and that he hijacked the terms so that they
 weren't applied where I thought they were more applicable, which is
 domestically.  Thus, for example, I have always viewed the drug war
 (and other black market enforcements) as a pretext for the abrogation
 of the rights of domestic free trade.

I'm not sure I'm following you on this.  I do not advocate trade in illicit 
substances, and I don't think that's what you're
trying to communicate either.  Are you suggesting that Mr. Reagan used American 
drug enforcement as a means to deprive certain
nations of their access to American markets?  Sorry, but I'm confused by your 

 There have been times when I have thought that, as to international
 issues, the U.S. might have a legit complaint about free trade, but as
 you point out, there have also been times where it seems the U.S. just
 ignores, law, stonewalling everything.  But I can't help but think
 that with so much of our economy now inter-dependent with so many
 other countries, that there is leverage there for others.  Not the
 same trade dispute, but I think that if OPEC quietly allows oil to
 continue above $32 per gallon, this is a prime point of some aspect of
 leverage, though to what end I'm not sure.

Interesting perspective. . .   Over on, a Canadian 
gentleman named Graham Cowan contends that western
governments profit the most from oil and high prices because oil is a heavily 
taxed commodity.  (He thinks this is the real
reason nuclear power has not taken off in North America to the same extent that 
has been the case in France and Japan.)  Here's
a recent URL that he cited:

So then, it's entirely possible that our support for oppressive regimes who 
tow the economic line for us serve a dual
purpose.  On one hand, they keep the economy moving forward by maintaining 
stable energy prices.  On the other hand, they also
serve as a vehicle to fill government coffers.  I'm somewhat skeptical of this 
point of view, but it seems to underscore the
problem of seriously moving forward with ready to use technology, as is the 
case with biofuels, because taxation becomes an
uncertain matter for bureaucrats who have grown dependent on the revenue.  
Hence, the British government's crackdown on
biodiesel use in England makes perfect sense.

 Well, I don't know, you seem to have it in mind to see the U.S. behave
 honorably and fairly in important international legal matters, so I
 think I could see that as a patriotic desire.

As a guest in someone else's country, it is my patriotic duty to hold my 
government and its citizens to the highest level of
conduct in dealing with foreigners.  My vision for America and the reality of 
America are often sharply contrasted in this

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread robert luis rabello

Keith Addison wrote:

 The time might not be too far off when you'd have to start including
 Japan in that countervailing force, which would make some really
 interesting differences. Japan is bound to become (is becoming) more
 assertive internationally, despite the storms of domestic angst thus
 caused. The sooner they develop a real foreign policy the better,
 IMO, and I don't even care much whether it's a good policy or not,
 just as long as it's there rather than not there, and truly
 independent rather than merely supportive or unsupportive - neither a
 poodle nor a bulldog but an akita. This policy vacuum in the world
 from one of the top three economic powers is bizarre, and distorts a
 great deal.



Perhaps your observations stem from the legacy of Douglas MacArthur, who 
for all his faults probably did a more
brilliant job of transforming Japan into a peaceful, modern society than has 
been duplicated elsewhere.  It seems that
in this process, the Japanese people have turned their attention inward.  
However, isn't Japan a major contributor to
development among emerging nations?  Hasn't Japan been instrumental in helping 
China deal with its quality control
issues?  (For instance, the new compact fluorescent bulbs coming out of China 
are very well made!)  Your remarks seem
especially pertinent, given the economic power China has been flexing in recent 

Japan, however, is even more dependent on fossil fuel imports than is the 
United States.  I drive a truck that is,
except for its engine, a Mazda, and I'm very impressed with Japanese 
engineering--the machine is extremely reliable.
Japanese creativity and engineering expertise can make an invaluable 
contribution to dealing with the world's energy
issues.  Since the need for such problem solving is particularly acute in 
Japan, I would anticipate some leadership
from that part of the world.  (Especially since so little seems to be happening 
over here. . .)

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

 In addition to your own etemological complaint as to the abuse of the
 phrase free trade, I'd have to add that this particularly came up,
 to my ear, with Reagan, and that he hijacked the terms so that they
 weren't applied where I thought they were more applicable, which is
 domestically.  Thus, for example, I have always viewed the drug war
 (and other black market enforcements) as a pretext for the abrogation
 of the rights of domestic free trade.

I'm not sure I'm following you on this.  I do not advocate trade in 
 illicit substances, and I don't think that's what you're
trying to communicate either.  

Im saying that by making the trade in drugs illegal, rather than
legal, they create a black market situation.  Production and trade by
voluntary consenting adults in drugs should arguably be legal (the
only exception I can think of to make is that under some circumstances
a drug could be used as a weapon, so I would probably make some
distinctions as to which drugs should be under what rules).

Most folks have never lived in a time when trade in drugs was legal,
and they can't conceive that we should just allow and regulate these
substances rather than banning them and using the laws a pretexts for
imprisoning millions of people, expropriating their property,
destroying their entrepeneurial business enterprises (i.e., their drug
dealings) etc.  

I honestly hate drugs and don't use them, by the way, but what I am
trying to point out is that anti-drug laws are arguably a restriction
on domestic free trade, in my view.  There are many products I
dislike, and many behaviours I dislike, that are not illegal, nor do I
try to make them so.  Likewise for drug production and trade and use,
I despise them, but do not try to advocate that they should be
illegal, except for what I regard as restrictions that are already in
place for other substances.  For example, alcohol and tobacco are
highly restricted in terms of to whom one can sell them (no one under
a certain age) and that could be guidance for Marijuana laws.
Likewise, some drugs cannot be sold over the counter and perhaps the
harder more addictive more dangerous drugs should be taken into that

Are you suggesting that Mr. Reagan used American drug enforcement as a means 
to deprive certain
nations of their access to American markets?  Sorry, but I'm confused by your 

 There have been times when I have thought that, as to international
 issues, the U.S. might have a legit complaint about free trade, but as
 you point out, there have also been times where it seems the U.S. just
 ignores, law, stonewalling everything.  But I can't help but think
 that with so much of our economy now inter-dependent with so many
 other countries, that there is leverage there for others.  Not the
 same trade dispute, but I think that if OPEC quietly allows oil to
 continue above $32 per gallon, this is a prime point of some aspect of
 leverage, though to what end I'm not sure.

Interesting perspective. . .   Over on, a Canadian 
 gentleman named Graham Cowan contends that western
governments profit the most from oil and high prices because oil is a heavily 
taxed commodity.  (He thinks this is the real
reason nuclear power has not taken off in North America to the same extent 
that has been the case in France and Japan.)  Here's
a recent URL that he cited:

So then, it's entirely possible that our support for oppressive regimes 
 who tow the economic line for us serve a dual
purpose.  On one hand, they keep the economy moving forward by maintaining 
stable energy prices.  On the other hand, they also
serve as a vehicle to fill government coffers.  I'm somewhat skeptical of this 
point of view, but it seems to underscore the
problem of seriously moving forward with ready to use technology, as is the 
case with biofuels, because taxation becomes an
uncertain matter for bureaucrats who have grown dependent on the revenue.  
Hence, the British government's crackdown on
biodiesel use in England makes perfect sense.

Robert Mills has been championing similar ideas in this biofuels group
and in the group, trying to point out that from the
government's perspective, they are concerned as to where their funding
comes from, so if alt-fuels are introduced in a way where tax revenues
are sharply reduced, then we cannot expect eager consistent
governmental suppport of those alt-fuel programs.  

An example would be where gasoline is heavily taxed, and someone
wishes to advocate widespread testing and adoptation of Electric
VEhicle use, but then until a mechanism is devised to tax the fuel or
the cars, the governments may mysteriously not suppport their

We can tie this in, to some extent, with the discussion of drug laws.
As we all know, ethanol in the U.S. went from being legal to being
illegal, to being legal but perhaps more taxed (in drug form) and

[biofuel] japan oil imports

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

Japan, however, is even more dependent on fossil fuel imports than is the 
 United States.

Biggest Oil importer in Asia, 2nd biggest in world.  Virtually no
production of its own.

I also have hopes for Japan continuing to show a leadership role, in
part because of the obvious real-world need that provides motivation.
I like their increased Solar PV capacity.  

I dislike their have-their-cake-and-eat-it-too symptoms, such as where
they have leadership in making hybrids and EVS, but then mysteriously
curtail EV production for no good reason that makes sense to me and
haven't made hybrids that can be grid-charged.  They can economically
take advantage of the huge lead they have forged over the geniuses in
Detroit, and they don't have to continue to pursue the edge of the
envelope and anger the powers-that-be overly much (I guess is what's
going on,... it's hard to tell).

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[biofuel] ASTM Fuel

2003-08-04 Thread Jack Kenworthy

Hey All - just thought I would let you all know that I just received my results 
from the ASTM tests and we passed all categories.  Just another good example of 
a homebrewer in a remote setting (Bahamas) making spec-grade biofuel!

One other question:  has anyone ever done any testing for using biodiesel in a 
jet engine?  Jet fuel is so close to diesel fuel, I was wondering if anyone had 
done the research.

Jack Kenworthy
Sustainable Systems Director
The Cape Eleuthera Island School
242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread Keith Addison

Keith Addison wrote:

  The time might not be too far off when you'd have to start including
  Japan in that countervailing force, which would make some really
  interesting differences. Japan is bound to become (is becoming) more
  assertive internationally, despite the storms of domestic angst thus
  caused. The sooner they develop a real foreign policy the better,
  IMO, and I don't even care much whether it's a good policy or not,
  just as long as it's there rather than not there, and truly
  independent rather than merely supportive or unsupportive - neither a
  poodle nor a bulldog but an akita. This policy vacuum in the world
  from one of the top three economic powers is bizarre, and distorts a
  great deal.

Perhaps your observations stem from the legacy of Douglas 
MacArthur, who for all his faults probably did a more
brilliant job of transforming Japan into a peaceful, modern society 
than has been duplicated elsewhere.  It seems that
in this process, the Japanese people have turned their attention inward.

It's a long story Robert, along with MacArthur you have to go back to 
Commodore Perry and the Meiji Restoration - both what it was and what 
it wasn't, and perhaps should have been. Plus the Western World's 
perceptions of the stunning Japanese victory over Russia, the 
beginnings of protectionist measures against Japan that soon denied 
Japan access to resources in her backyard, SE Asia, still then 
under the sway of western colonialism... this was the essential 
precursor to World War 2. And much more besides, and since.

However, isn't Japan a major contributor to
development among emerging nations?

Who benefits and at whose expense? Along with the other OECD 
countries, Japan is a major beneficiary, and the emerging nations 
(emerging from what?) generally the losers in a very unfair game - 
it's essentially an exploitative relationship, and Japan and its 
corporations don't differ more the West in this. In style somewhat 
maybe but not in effect.

Hasn't Japan been instrumental in helping China deal with its quality control
issues?  (For instance, the new compact fluorescent bulbs coming out 
of China are very well made!)

A great deal of subcontracting and also direct manufacturing has been 
transferred to China, yes, but again it's often a very exploitative 
arrangement - cheap wages attract, extremely cheap in many cases, 
along with really heavy-handed worker controls by China and a notable 
absence of workers' rights of any kind. Not always the case, but very 
often so.

Your remarks seem
especially pertinent, given the economic power China has been 
flexing in recent years.

They would say so, yes.

Japan, however, is even more dependent on fossil fuel imports 
than is the United States.

Much more.

I drive a truck that is,
except for its engine, a Mazda, and I'm very impressed with Japanese 
engineering--the machine is extremely reliable.
Japanese creativity and engineering expertise can make an invaluable 
contribution to dealing with the world's energy
issues.  Since the need for such problem solving is particularly 
acute in Japan, I would anticipate some leadership
from that part of the world.  (Especially since so little seems to 
be happening over here. . .)

Yes... They know it all already - eg, Japanese hold many of the best 
biodiesel patents. Do an archives search, you'll be really 
interested. But - it doesn't get applied, or not yet: nothing much 
happens. There are lobbies, you see, and no real policy, just 
influence. It's changing though. See this one, for instance:

I've no doubt that when they start moving they'll be extremely effective.



robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
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Re: [biofuel] Using pH to determine optimum methoxide level.

2003-08-04 Thread Keith Addison

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Using pH to determine optimum methoxide level.

  Hi Paul
  Covered most of this already - see:

Thanks Keith, must have missed that one. My computer/connection is not
bringing up the page at the moment so will check it later.

Archives was down for a while, storm damage upline somewhare, Martin 
said. But it's working again now.



Regards Paul.

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Re: [biofuel] ASTM Fuel

2003-08-04 Thread gobie

- Original Message -
From: Jack Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 5:30 AM
Subject: [biofuel] ASTM Fuel

 Hey All - just thought I would let you all know that I just received my
results from the ASTM tests and we passed all categories.  Just another good
example of a homebrewer in a remote setting (Bahamas) making spec-grade
Congratulations Jack, any particular areas you had to concentrate on to get
the BD to ASTM spec? Large excess of methanol, prolonged agitation, extended
settling time, thorough washing?

Paul Gobert.

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Re: [biofuel] ASTM Fuel

2003-08-04 Thread Keith Addison

That's GREAT news!!!

Well done! Multiple :-) 's!

Jack, remind me please - which process are you using? And what are 
your plans now you've made the grade?

Jet engines... rings a vague bell, but I don't know. Interesting.

All best


Hey All - just thought I would let you all know that I just received 
my results from the ASTM tests and we passed all categories.  Just 
another good example of a homebrewer in a remote setting (Bahamas) 
making spec-grade biofuel!

One other question:  has anyone ever done any testing for using 
biodiesel in a jet engine?  Jet fuel is so close to diesel fuel, I 
was wondering if anyone had done the research.

Jack Kenworthy
Sustainable Systems Director
The Cape Eleuthera Island School
242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax

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Re: [biofuel] ASTM Fuel

2003-08-04 Thread James Slayden

Capstone power generation turbines can run on biodiesel, so I assume that
the mod for jet engines wouldn't be that difficult.

James Slayden

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Keith Addison wrote:

 That's GREAT news!!!
 Well done! Multiple :-) 's!
 Jack, remind me please - which process are you using? And what are
 your plans now you've made the grade?
 Jet engines... rings a vague bell, but I don't know. Interesting.
 All best
 Hey All - just thought I would let you all know that I just received
 my results from the ASTM tests and we passed all categories.  Just
 another good example of a homebrewer in a remote setting (Bahamas)
 making spec-grade biofuel!
 One other question:  has anyone ever done any testing for using
 biodiesel in a jet engine?  Jet fuel is so close to diesel fuel, I
 was wondering if anyone had done the research.
 Jack Kenworthy
 Sustainable Systems Director
 The Cape Eleuthera Island School
 242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax
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[biofuel] Building a barrel stove hot water heater

2003-08-04 Thread Steve Spence

When I read Fire and Water, by Art Sussman and Richard Frazier, on 
this web site (, I decided I had to build one of 
these things.  It helped that I already had a barrel stove. The 
whole project started with an attempt to cut down a very large 
monthly electric bill, especially in the winter.   This approach 
appealed to me because it was lo-tech, simple and relatively 

I used the information contained in the article as a guide and built 
the barrel stove hot water heater described below.  I am pleased to 
say that it works as advertised.   So far the cost for the system, 
as illustrated in Figure 1, is less than $200.00.  I expect to save 
at least $50.00 per month by operating it every 2nd or 3rd  day for 
hot water in the summer.  In the winter it will run continuously 
when I expect to save more than $200.00 per month for heat and hot 
water.  Not counting my labor and research, that's a pretty good 

read the rest at

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[biofuel] Distillery Fire

2003-08-04 Thread murdoch

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[biofuel] Aleks 2 stage biodiesel process --- temp mixing questions...

2003-08-04 Thread fryjet

In the Foolproof two-stage process, the first Stage, step 4, 
indicates to heat the WVO to 95F.  Why is it necessary to let the 
WVO/methanol/H2SO4 mix at that temperature for only one hour while 
the recipe calls for a second hour or recommend unheated stirring?

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[biofuel] Aleks 2 stage biodiesel process --- base stage reaction temperature

2003-08-04 Thread fryjet

Why is it is necessary to turn off the heat before adding the 
first half of the sodium methoxide, especially since it is 
recommended that the WVO be up to 130F before adding the rest of the 
sodium methoxide?

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[biofuel] Aleks 2 stage biodiesel process --- temperature vs. mix time

2003-08-04 Thread fryjet

Is the 130F temperature a requirement for Second Stage, step 13 and 
beyond?  I'm interested to know if instead of raising the 
temperature to that level (difficult with my system), I could stir 
the mix for a longer period of time with similar results.  Bottom 
line: is there a time vs. temperature reaction table that describes 
the reaction rate at different temps?

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[biofuel] Aleks 2 stage biodiesel process --- catalyst

2003-08-04 Thread fryjet

Have there been any comparisons done between NaOH and KOH as the 
catalyst?  I am interested in using KOH with the two-stage process 
because it is supposedly more agriculturally friendly when disposing 
of byproducts.  The recipe calls for 3.1-3.5g of NaOH per liter --- 
what would the equivalent amount of KOH be?

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Re: [biofuel] global warming issues revisited

2003-08-04 Thread Hakan

murdoch wrote:

The wheels of justice grind very slowly as to these trade disputes.

  Has this finally been settled, or are there to be more chapters in the
  story?  Even if the U.S. has stonewalled things for years, hopefully a
  fair ruling can ultimately be enforced.

 In the meantime, the local industry has been decimated, families lose 
 their livelihoods and competition is stifled.  In
the meantime, producers in the U.S. benefit from unlimited access to the 
American market preserved by the imposed trade
barrier, while their international competitors go out of business.  Then, 
we hear American politicians talk about the
global benefits of free trade--it's sheer hypocrisy.

  But I think this is an example of a trade dispute that ultimately we
  will lose.  The protectionist Steel laws enacted by Bush when he first
  came in were, it seemed to me, different and more brazenly an open
  violation of WTO agreements.  So, I wonder when the
  years-long-processes are finished, if they will stand.

US did lose the illegal steel laws dispute in WTO against EU and this opens 
up a large range of legal tariffs against US from EU. EU suggested around 
1,000 of them and can now implement it. US have brought the issues further, 
but I think that EU legally can implement the tariffs now and that it could 
be a beginning of some very big threats to free trade. Bush is showing a 
blatant disrespect for agreements and it will take many years to repair 
after he is gone. My guess is that EU now got the green light from WTO and 
will implement the tariffs.

 Right now, the WTO has ruled against our country concerning softwood 
 lumber--yet the trade barriers remain.
Politicians in Canada hope to use the trade ruling to negotiate a 
settlement with the United States.  But how can Canada
force the U. S. to live up to the terms it has previously agreed to 
uphold?  It's ludicrous to think that other nations
have any effective means of imposing their will to the same degree that is 
true of the United States.

I hope that we will see US forced to live up to more agreements. It might 
be that US is the only military superpower left, but economically it is 
weakening in several ways.

I also think that Canada can put limitation quotas on Natural gas 
deliveries, as long as US continue with the softwood lumber breach. Canada 
is not in a weak position and the strong US position starts to be an illusion.

 Someone is probably thinking that I'm bashing my own country right 
 now. . .  We don't like to hear that our conduct
can be reprehensible.  We don't view ourselves as anything other than 
benevolent.  We're very naive that way. . .

  Yes, I'd like to learn more, particularly if there are any disputes
  the U.S. has lost, and how the mechanics of this worked.

 This would be beneficial, I think.

Bush have started on this road and it is a lot of things lost. It will be 
interesting to see in the next coming years and could turn out to be quite 
nasty. The new and extremely arrogant international attitude that Bush 
started, is already backfiring.  There are things that will take time to 
evolve and it could be severe damages of relationships between everybody 
involved. It is very dangerous.


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