[biofuel] M. Dewolf

2001-04-25 Thread stephen lakios

No it is not, it is a serious problem where ever large amounts
of termites exist. They have been mentioned in national
geographic, science journal, and many studies. Your problem, You
would not be able to raise enough to do anything. Collectivly
there are trillions of termites in billions of mounds worldwide.
The same for all animals including humans, birds ,fish, plants,
hydrates ect. There are many sources of methane. You must
harness it to use it. stephen

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[biofuel] vehicles

2001-04-25 Thread stephen lakios

If you use diesel fuel for start up, I do not think a "small"
amount of glycerine would hurt, in warm weather. The diesel fuel
would act as a solvent. But in cold weather I have doubts. If
only fuel injectors were at stake, I would'nt worry. They are
very easy to take apart and/or rebuild, and only about $40 or so
each. But a fuel injection pump is a bigger ballgame. And bigger
bucks. I rebuilt them in a clean room, with special tools. the
parts kit was around $75 depnding on the pump. It is tedious
work and labor is $65 to $90 an hour here. If parts are broken,
more$. stephen

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[biofuel] crude

2001-04-25 Thread stephen lakios

We ran sweet crude from the well to diesel gensets, in S.
Arabia. Very little filtering. stephen

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[biofuel] scam?

2001-04-25 Thread stephen lakios

Scam or no, they have been in operation in the Tehachapi wind
farms for over ten years producing electricity.  They also can
be seen in operation at the huge palm springs wind farm. They
are used on pleasure boats were space is  a premium. Small 300
to 1,500 kw units mounted on a mast. stephen

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[biofuel] Fw: windturbines

2001-04-25 Thread stephen lakios

- Original Message -
From: Paul Gipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: stephen lakios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: windturbines

yes, some are available. call for info

At 11:26 AM 4/21/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Are any of the non-operating turbines for sale? I am part of a
>biofuels group and we have over 550 members who make our own
>fuel,alcohols,biogas,biodiesel,electricity,ect. Some of us can
>build windplants from parts, or repair windplants.  Any
>information?  stephen
Paul Gipe
208 S. Green St., #5; Tehachapi CA 93561-1741 USA; ph: +661 822
9150; fax:
+661 822 8452; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wind Power for Home & Business
(1993), Wind
Energy Comes of Age (1995), Wind Energy Basics (1999), and
Energ’a E—lica
Pr‡ctica (2000).<http://www.chelseagreen.com/Wind/PaulGipe.htm>,

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[biofuel] more windpower

2001-04-22 Thread stephen lakios

I found more sites on wind power and one which is selling
reconditioned wind turbines. Some interesting info too. There
are over 28,000 producing wind turbines on wind farms worldwide,
most are in california, 14,500 of them, and growing. Wind farms
are producing 7,800,000,000 kwh a year. Over 30 new wind farms
are being built in the usa now, big ones. The average new wind
turbine produces 108 kw. at 75 to 130 rpm. Mega watt units are
being experimented with, on towers of 160'.   Sea west wind
energy,  Berlin aero space institute, and Windland who has the
rebuilt units for sale. They have a carter 25 kw unit with 60'
or 75' towers. and a 300 kw unit. No prices mentioned, I sent
them a email.  Several of you wanted this info so here it is.

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[biofuel] Carl, and anyone interested.

2001-04-22 Thread stephen lakios

Here are some windpower and genset sites I found. I do not know
if they will work or come up.  baywinds.com, bergey.com,
northernpower.com, windmillpower.com, windlite.com,
worldpowertech.com, windsun.com, oasis.com, eventhorizons.net,
altenergystore.com, reconcepts.com, calinet.com, ecoworld.com,
alternativepower.com, handilinks.com, jademountain.com,
bullnet.co.uk, lookout2000.com, vtsolar.com, southwest
windpower, african windpower, manx wind energy services,
Gensets-  generator.com, electric-generator.com,
americasgenerators.com, woolands-generators.com, homegenset.com,
gopower.com.  I could not find the tehachapi site, I will
try again, I hope this is some help for you. stephen

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[biofuel] Jerry

2001-04-22 Thread stephen lakios

What can go wrong? Thats a loaded question, no one could
honestly answer. Remember murphy's law. If you can throw
together a pump,a heater and a filter pack, you could heat the
oil, and pump it through the filter pack under pressure. I would
prefer brass and cloth or parchment. Whatever you can come up
with, or have on hand. The pressure, does not have to be high.
Experiment and discover what works for you. stephen

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[biofuel] vehicles

2001-04-20 Thread stephen lakios

A diesel will run on darn near any liquid which can burn. The
problem is the feeding systems. #1. Problem is the fuel
injection pump. It works with tolerances of 10,000ths of an
inch. Foreign particles,air and water are its bane. #2.  Fuel
injecters, they too work at close tolerances and high pressures.
The newer diesels with computer controlled constant pressure
rail systems, still use fuel injecters. The newer an engine is,
the cleaner the fuel must be. An older engine will tolerate
dirtier fuel to a point. Although not good it is done all the
time. Even the best freshest fuel will have contaminates and
water in it. I would always use two or more filters and two or
more one way valves in the fuel lines. #3. Cold starts, veggie
oil is not as volatile as diesel fuel, you can try various
mixtures and try a compromise, but most diesels are started on
diesel then switched over. The problem of experimenting on your
own, you may damage the engine and/or yourself. Start with very
small amounts and work up. The best engineers have not been able
to solve the problem entirerly. There are starting systems which
inject small amounts of ether, meth alcohol, or propane, used in
really cold areas. Some worked well and some blew engines to
h  Glow plugs are an assist only, not a cure for cold
starts. For automotive use, use biodiesel. It would be easier to
filter oil which is very warm, with a pump forcing the oil
through a series of filters down to .5 micron. Brass screens
would be best if you can find them. Then cloth and/or paper. We
used brass in the oil industry, but then I was dealing with
3,000 psi, and upto 400 degrees. stephen

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[biofuel] batteries

2001-04-18 Thread stephen lakios

I worked for a battery shop years ago. We were able to restore
about 30% of them. Most of the acid is weak and to contaminated
to reuse. The lead will mostly be in the form of a sulphate and
contaminated. In those days the cases were trashed, and the wood
or cork separaters were also trashed. The posts we mostly
salvaged, or sold for scrap. The acid was collected and sold to
industrial recyclers. The batteries we saved were first topped
off with distilled water, then a rod was put on both terminals
and completely discharged. We dumped as much acid and junk out
as possible but do not shake it out, then filled it with acid
and put it on recharge at one or two amp/h for three to five
days. Then check each cell for voltage output and S.G.  Most
batteries "die" from abuse. Not using distilled water,allowing
mineral buildup. And deteriation from vibration and heat.The
lead sulphate will buildup on the bottom and touch the
plates,shorting out a cell. Or the separators will crack and
break off, shorting a cell. If a battery is completely dry, for
more then a few days get rid of it. The separators have dryed
out and cracked or otherwise fallen apart. stephen

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[biofuel] Tim

2001-04-18 Thread stephen lakios

I do not know who you saw or overheard, but I and almost
everyone I knew were/ are midwest farmers. Millions of
hardworking farmers never leave thier farms. They could not
afford too. There are dead beats in every trade and culture,
don't cast them with the millions of good and excellent farmers
who care for and nuture thier farms. No real farmer wants to
destroy his farm, he wants to pass it on to his kids. Make a
profit,yes, hopefully. But millions have to work a regular job
and the wife and kids are running the farm. I know that for a
fact. On a lot of farms grandma and grandpa are helping too.
Government agents come around often to try to force a change to
this or that new way of farming,tying the new way to cheap
borrowing. Or excluding farmers to borrowing who do not accept
or try the newest thing. Over 350,000 farms went bellyup in the
90's.  There are more wetlands on private farms and ranches then
in national parks, there is more game on private farms and
ranches then in national or state parkland. Except for Alaska
there is more forest on private farms and ranches then on
government lands. Farmers do care about the environment and many
work for the dept of fish and game,and government parks. The
public market dictates what farmers must raise, while farmers
were selling cattle to feedlots for fattening on who knows what,
they would butcher a grass fed steer. Maybe feed it some
homegrown corn for a month or so first. Most family farms have
large gardens, an orchard and livestock raised for the family,
besides the livestock, veggies and fruits which are raised for
market. I could go on, but if you don't get it now you never
will. stephen

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[biofuel] gensets

2001-04-11 Thread stephen lakios

Lookup, www.gensets.com they have diesel,gas,propane-natural
gas, gensets. Also parts to build your own. New and rebuilt.  In
bakersfield,ca. They can be modified for  biodiesel, alcohol,
and biogas. I found a site for used rebuilt commercial wind
gens, but they are not cheap. The tehacapi,ca wind farm is
upgrading and has 8,000 to 12,000 watt units for sale, with
towers. The cheapest one I read about was $7,000. It had a 20'
diameter prop and a 60' tower. It came with plans for a base
which took five yards of concrete, and a means to raise and
lower it with a cable and pickup truck. But 7 grand without a
battery storage system and hookup to the home is a tad much.

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[biofuel] keith

2001-04-06 Thread stephen lakios

 Howdy, I read the entire  Hynol  site, all 62 pages. It was
interesting, but not your ordinary backyard project.  They had a
lot of shoddy engineering-design,and shoddy fabrication.  It
states there is not much gain above 10 atm, yet they went with
30 atm's.  They would have saved a lot if they stuck with 10
atm's, as the entire shell, tee and reactor could have been much
lighter. They would have saved more with a lighter
superstructure.  Why they first tried greencast is a mystery to
me, greencast is used in ordinary 1 atm  kilns. The design
engineer should have known better. They could use the clinker
 amalgamated sand,ash and other residues) as an ingredient to
make bricks. Thus keeping it out of our landfills. The feeding
problem was obvious, anytime you create a shelf, things will
collect there. It should have been a tube all the way through.
They are useing a woodmeal and not woodchips, so a hammermill or
grinders are needed. The soleniod valve in the feed pipe should
be placed in a horizontal pipe so green woodmeal will not pack
downwards on a closed valve. Five years seems to be a long time
for a pilot project. But with all that grant money, I guess they
dont need to be in a hurry. stephen

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[biofuel] lonny

2001-04-04 Thread stephen lakios

Howdy, What you are doing is copying nature. It is very
ineficient but it will work. Pond culture is as old as life. The
first manmade digesters were trench and pond culture, both
methods are still in use worldwide. It is a slow process and
will shut down in cold climes, in warm weather it will produce
slow but fairly steady. I would still mix it to a cream
consistency, it will produce more methane and less CO2. You will
still get plenty of sludge when it stops production of gas. What
you are getting now is called biogas, low methane and high CO2,
plus hydrogen sulfide and various other gases. It will work as
is but I would at least scrub the H2S, it is bad news for any
engine,or any metal and your nose. Jerry rig a can of steel
shavings, and a can of lime water. let the biogas flow through
the can of shavings,and bubble up through the lime water. We
changed the rusty shavings and lime water weekly. The biogas
will then be about 60 to 70% methane instead of 30 to 50%.
Methane is a highly explosive gas,be careful in its use and
handling.It only takes nine parts air to one part methane for
all heck to break out. For that reason do not wrap a porous
insulation around a methane digester. stephen

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[biofuel] odin

2001-04-04 Thread stephen lakios

If you have lots of rain you dont need a river. Dig a pond,
build a dam, channel the water to a high head, install a water
turbine. A body of water with a nil to very slow movement will
work if you have enough head,(drop or fall).  Coconut husks and
shells are biomass, burn them as direct heat, gasify them for
methane,and or methanol, compost the husks, raise worms,ect.
From what you said, you told us the solution. stephen

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[biofuel] Lonny

2001-04-03 Thread stephen lakios

Are you shutting off a valve before you remove the gas filled
bag?  Air should not be allowed into the digester. Anareobic
means without air. If air is allowed in via the tear,or during
bag change,you are stopping/ retarding the process. Plastic bags
breathe to much to be used as a gas collecter. The gray you see
is the bane of all digesters, scum. From  the air you allowed in
and the lack of water. If you mixed all the contents completely
to a cream consistency,the scum would be minimized. What are
your proportions? How much manure? How much straw ? How much
water? What is the temperature? You probably have a gas mix high
in CO2. If not all CO2.  There is a science to producing
methane, and you must follow a regimen. It sounds as though you
do not know what you are doing. It would be nice if we all could
throw something together and expect a valuable return, but that
is not the case. We must start with something of value, Such as
knowledge, persistence, and learning from our mistakes.  There
is a world of information in the bio-fuels archives and on the
net. Seek it, and learn.Dump the stuff out, and start over.
Enough water is necessary, air tight is necessary, mixed well to
a cream consistency is necessary,a means to mix the load while
digesting is very helpful. Proper temperature is necessary,
proper PH is necessary. Proportions can be experimented with.
While digesting, roll it on its side a few times a day to keep
it mixed. If everything is done right expect the first gas to be
CO2, it would be best to setup the drum on its side, no more
than 2/3 full. This would increase the surface area, and help
minimize the buildup of scum. stephen

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[biofuel] cornelius

2001-03-31 Thread stephen lakios

Thankyou, I am aware of most of the uses of biomass. And have
been trying for years on my small scale to convert other people.
I was thinking more towards the millions of pellet stoves sold
which could use pellets made of dryed grasses.  And smaller
boilers which could burn cubes of grasses. There must be muti
millions of them around the world, supplying steam or hot water
heat. Some use natural gas,some burn wood and/or coal, and would
be able to burn cubed grasses. The feed doors would not take a
bale unless you could make mini bales. And package them in
paper,to stop fines from getting all over the place.Wrapped
blocks of compressed grasses, around 4" by 6" by 12" should fit
most doors. Offer two sizes, 4" by 8" by 18". That is the size
of the wrapped coal blocks we used. Where in kentucky are you? I
managed a 1,746 farm near brownsville. And have an uncle who has
a 650 farm near bee springs, bordered on three sides by mamouth
cave national park.  I pray that you are successful.  Stephen

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[biofuel] grass fuel

2001-03-29 Thread stephen lakios

I like this idea very much, I was wondering when someone would
start making grass pellets and cubes. Why not tall fescue in
cooler climes? We would get 7+ tons of mostly fescue hay per
acre, per cutting. And three to four cuttings per season
depending on the weather. Then there are the straws,
wheat-barley-oat-rice ect. And stalks, corn-cane-sorghums, and
weeds. There are automatic  hydroponic grass growing machines
which produce half to two tons of grass a day, used in zoo's and
dry areas and supplement feed on large ranches and farms.
Stalks are very tough and hard to break down, they could be used
in fiberboard and wood products. Grass and wax for fireplace
logs also. I will study more on DD, as I found a good source
of free wood chips.  I have not been able to start on the
digester, I was in the hospital twice this month. Have to get my
heart problem under control first. I found another group, "Live
steam" They deal in medium scale trains( 8" to 14" scale)and
found a guy here in palmdale,ca who is willing to teach me to
make steam engines. I am interested in a steam boiler and
digester combination, as stationary power. I want to experiment
with DD also, and decided not to build a still. We have had
several electrical blackouts in southern cal,and it is going to
get worse this summer. So I would like to get moving on these
projects. stephen

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[biofuel] David T

2001-03-25 Thread stephen lakios

Vacuum is great sometimes, When I drove big rigs crosscountry we
would drive in a line of rigs. Sometimes twenty or more. It did
help save fuel and the lead truck would switch every hundred or
so miles. In a head wind,or front quartering wind or no
wind.Plus for company,chat on the cb's, and protection.I saw and
helped hundreds of times in auto accidents of every discription.
We all used to stop,and many still do dispite the rig
highjackings. The police told us to radio in, in the 70's
highjacking of rigs really took off.We could have from tens of
thousands to millions of dollars worth of merchandise in each
rig.One or two tired drivers, was an easy hit for organised
crime. I always had a .357 mag with me. stephen

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[biofuel] Correction

2001-03-24 Thread stephen lakios

I talked with one of my two remaining uncles who is dying of
cancer and we started talking about the farm.He told me the
broiler operation was contracted out,and they built the
slaughter house. Which became ours after ten years. Also we had
100,000 chickens but not all laying. He said about one third
were up and coming,to young to lay,one third were layers and one
third were in molt and not laying,or on thier way out. After the
second laying cycle they were sold to a soup company for ten
cents each. The young ones were kept inside, The layers were
allowed to forage the grain fields doing excellent on all the
bugs and such. Only in the worst of winter were they fed cracked
corn and a little grain. We lost some chickens to hawks,owls and
other critters and our chickens laid an average of four eggs a
week,unlike todays chickens which are pushed to lay an egg a
day. I do not remember getting paid to slaughter chickens, but
uncle ray said I was. I got one cent each to stick them. The
money went to the farm. He told me most of the manure was spread
after curing, on the vegtable area,and his and dan's special
watermelon patch. Thier watermelons put both through four years
of college, and  bought two model B, fords, and a new tractor
for grandpa.  Other uncles had a still in the woods,but not for
fuel. Thier recipe put them into cars,racing,high living,women,
but WWll  put them into the marines.  Stephen

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[biofuel] Thankyou

2001-03-08 Thread stephen lakios

Thankyou,David and Robert. I set the characters at 64. I do not know if it is 
working. You will have to let me know,as this message is completely across my 
screen. Stephen

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[biofuel] shavings?

2001-03-07 Thread stephen lakios

If you have shavings something is very wrong. Small little specks of metal 
would be more the norm. stephen

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[biofuel] Bryan Fullerton

2001-03-07 Thread stephen lakios

Have your timing checked,and your injection pump and inectors.If you have a 
constant pressure rail system have your computors and relays checked.Most glow 
plugs last years,have your electrical system checked also,there may be to much 
amperage to them. The switch may be defective,they may be on to long.Outside of 
the prechamber the filiments usually burn up. stephen

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[biofuel] Troy

2001-03-07 Thread stephen lakios

 The wankel was a good idea but in practice failed,mostly due to unprepared or 
uneducated mechanics and owners. Sealing was a problem in older 
engines,maintenance was lax. I still like the idea,and it would be well suited 
for alcohol.stephen

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[biofuel] text

2001-03-07 Thread stephen lakios

Hi, were do you set the text width? I am still trying to figure out these dang 
things. I spend a lot of time trying to reboot this #%&[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
computor. I type with one finger.I flunked typing three times,just cant make my 
fingers and these little keys meet to well. stephen

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[biofuel] cold engines

2001-03-05 Thread stephen lakios

Glow plugs are decent for quicker starts in most any weather,except really cold 
weather. I know people who live in palmsprings,ca who use glow plugs.They are 
not fireballs in the prechamber so to speak,they only assist the cold engine to 
start.You have to get fuel to the cylinders,if the fuel is anywhere close to 
gel,the glow plugs are useless.You need the heaters I mentioned awhile 
back.There used to be 12 and 24 volt heaters,find those or make your own, and 
wrap them around fuel tanks,lines,filters,pump,and engine.I used to hunt around 
the tamagani lakes,near northbay Canada before most of the vacation houses were 
built.I drove a mercedes and the glow plugs were useless in the dead of 
winter.I got pretty good at digging small pits,getting a good fire going in 
them and throwing a couple inches of dirt on the hot coals.Then pushing the 
mercedes over the pits and leaving it for an hour or so,it would start right up 
I learned that trick from an old french-indian-canadian guide..!
Alaska was a new ballgame,we had to keep the rigs running all winter, there are 
plugs everywhere,well almost.If there is a way of insulating everything with a 
non-porous insulation,and with the use of the heaters,we might solve the diesel 
cold start problem in  most cold weather.Ed is right about cold engine 
driving,most trips are short to shopping,schools,med-dental,ect. And countless 
stops and stop lights in the cities.By the time people get to the mall,grocery 
ect,the engine is either just warming or is still cold.This is and has been a 
problem in automotive engineering.Thus came the thermostat,egr systems,weighted 
exhaust pipe valves,engineered back pressure,and now computors. But the problem 
remains.It is very hard on an engine,the oil is cold and thick,the internal 
parts are running semi-dry, condensation forms.The trans,differential,wheel 
bearings,power steering pump,all areas using grease,wear more.The same can 
happen in extremly hot weather,the lubrications will loose!
 thier viscosity ie: become to thln or fail to coat the parts.To combat these 
problems more additives are created.Most of them are very toxic.stephen

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[biofuel] warming

2001-03-04 Thread stephen lakios

This orb has been going through cycles for billions of years,and most likely 
will continue to do so.stephen

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[biofuel] chickens

2001-03-04 Thread stephen lakios

I kept typing boiler when it should have been broiler. Maybe gaw can use old 
newspaper instead of sawdust.Put it through a shedder or wood chipper. Or 50% 
paper-50%sawdust. We did not know of digesters when we had the farm,the chicken 
manure would sit in piles for three to four months and we would spread it in 
the orchards and vegtable plot.The chicken operation was seperated by about a 
mile from the dairy and way in the back of the farm for good reasons.At any 
given time there were 100,000 broilers and the layers.I guess we were running a 
factory broiler operation without knowing it.We did not have cages though.They 
were on the dirt floor or on the roosts.They would spend a lot of time on the 
roosts, coming down to feed or drink.Same for the layers except they could 
range through the pastures and grain fields. They were smart,most would go back 
to thier own coops in the evening,with very few mix ups.The farm does not exist 
now,the entire valley is a sea of roof tops,shopping !
centers,and roads.stephen

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[biofuel] chickens

2001-03-03 Thread stephen lakios

Keith,David and Gawcicken. I think I mentioned awhile ago,on our 1,800 acre 
dairy farm we had a side line of 400,000 boilers and 200,000 laying chickens.We 
had a huge incubator and raised our own chicks and experimented with our own 
crossbreeds. For many years we sold our boilers to a slaughter house and had a 
profit of about three cents a chicken. Then we built our own slaughter building 
on the farm,flash freezer and all. Our profit per chicken went up to 20 cents 
each.We shipped right to the big wholesale markets of NYC and Philly.I could 
stick 2,000 chickens a day.It took the boilers 12 weeks to reach slaughter 
weight.Our layers took six to eight months before they started laying,then they 
would lay for 12 to 15 months,before thier first molt.During molt they would 
stop laying for eight to ten weeks.  It is at this time most poultry farms sell 
the laying chickens to the likes of campbell soup. The chickens will start 
layiny again but for a shorter time, six to eight months.!
And so on.We would keep ours untill the second molt.  Todays boilers are 
slaughtered at four weeks. They grow so fast,thier legs cannot support 
them,they have less feathers,they are full of growth 
hormones,antibiotics,protein animal feed,and much more,all for ever faster meat 
production.Beltsville is experimenting with featherless chickens.   Those 
Auburn people have thier heads up thier .Gawchicken should at least 
experiment.I suspect they don't know what a digester is. Chicken manure has 
urine in it. Which makes it a powerful feedstock for a digester.It needs to be 
buffered and sawdust is a good buffering agent.C/N ratio is all important and 
80% sawdust is close to the ideal.If the sawdust has a good consentration of 
urine in it that may be all he needs.The ideal chicken manure mix for maximum 
methane production is 30% manure-70% paper pulp. The second best mix is 50% 
manure-50% grass clippings. mixed into a slurry 1:1 with water. Start 
small,then work up in size. st!

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[biofuel] Chickens

2001-03-01 Thread stephen lakios

I cannot figure anyone spending What? $232,000 on propane to heat chicken 
housing? Chicken manure is the second best choice for producing methane.Lots of 
methane.With an operation that size they must be using lagoons to dump it 
in.They can put domes over the lagoons and capture some of the methane.It is a 
much slower process in water,due to the cold temperatures.Our chicken housing 
was mostly built in the 20's and it was all well insulated. It gets colder in 
Pennsylvania than it does in Kentucky.The heat from the birds was rarely 
supplemented,it could be five degrees outside and 50 to 60 inside. Great for 
those oldtime birds as they produced better in cooler weather.Todays engineered 
birds do not feather out as well,it was engineered out of them for faster meat 

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[biofuel] gm polteria

2001-03-01 Thread stephen lakios

David & keith, Ha,Ha. stephen

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[biofuel] things

2001-02-27 Thread stephen lakios

I made a mistake,the swamp coolers are 6500 cu ft a min each. Wow! there is a 
bacteria for everything,neat little critters. ADM and such already control farm 
prices and have been at it for many years.A farmer gets what the mill operator 
or grain elevator pays. Say a farmer brings in a load of corn,after preparing 
the ground,buying seed,fertilizer,planting,cultivating,spraying,harvesting,and 
drying it. He transports it to a grain elevator,a sub of ADM or whomever.There 
the load is graded,to much moisture,to little,to much chaff,to little,to much 
fecal matter,diease,fungus ect ect.There are a zillion reasons they can come up 
with to pay a much lower price then the spot market,or futures 
price.Then,guess-all the grain is loaded into the same elevator.For years 
every farmer I knew upgraded his equipment so as to get the top price,but we 
always came away feeling we got jipped. My uncles at ADM said everyone was 
getting the shaft.Except company farms.The ones always showcased wi!
th the happy "farmers" faces.The farmers would get five to ten cents 
less then the advertised rate we were supposed to get,due to "bad" grain.Times 
billions of bushels. They were already making a good profit without the cut 
rate.Have they changed yet? I doubt it.How do you prove it,if anyone 
complained,the operator could refuse to buy your crop(s) and you would lose the 

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[biofuel] fuel cells

2001-02-27 Thread stephen lakios

I guess ceramics are old hat,but they did look hopeful at one time.One of the 
most comfortable houses I lived in had baseboard hot water heat.Since ic 
engines are primarily heat engines,it would make sense to use an ic engine to 
heat boiler water to heat your home and supply hot water,as a by product.While 
using the engine to drive a generator or whatever.Our largest cost now is for 
propane to heat the house and cooking. In the summer it will be electricity for 
cooling.We have two 6500 btu swamp coolers and central air conditioning.We use 
the swamp coolers 90% of the time,But have to switch over to air conditioning 
when it gets humid.Our insulation is 12" thick above the ceiling,and 5 1/2" in 
the outside walls.We have dual pane windows and glass doors, filled with 
argon.We have a sun-cell solar air system,on the roof a collecter 8' by 20'.A 
concrete pit under the home,filled with 20 tons of rock.All computor 
controlled. The sun heats air in the collectors,the hot air is either!
 used to heat the house and hot water or is pumped into the pit to heat the 
rocks and hot water.Enough heat is stored in the rocks to heat our home and 
water for three days without sunshine. A wood burning stove is also integrated 
into the system. A return air duct is located above the wood stove.We can get 
the stove upto 1,200 degrees,when the hall thermostat turns on,sensors detect 
wether there is enough heat from the stove,if so no propane or rock heat is 
used. The system draws the heat from the wood stove and distributes it 
throughout the home.If the stove is not hot enough then the system draws from 
the rock pit, and finally the propane central heating system.The entire system 
has only four moving parts.A water pump to move water through a coil in the 
sun-cell body,two, two way doors in the body,and a blower. We have two tree 
lines planted to block some of the prevailing wind,and no windows on the west 
sides,because of the very hot summer sun.Still our propane bill gets h!
igh,as we have a 3,000 sq ft home,and 1,000sq ft "garage"(my second home).I'm 
thinking of using the genset to help heat the home and garage.By installing 
baseborad hot water heaters in some rooms.And installing a bypass to the 4cly 
radiator.I am hopeing the digesters can be done and ready by next fall,then I 
can get rid of the propane or use it as backup only.stephen

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[biofuel] GM bacteria

2001-02-27 Thread stephen lakios

Why dont these scientists poke around the Asian jungles. Cotten,wool, and 
cotten-wool blends of socks lasted two to three days at most, in "some areas" 
of nam and cam.Uniforms,canvas tents ect, were eaten? or rotted in days.Finally 
rayon-polyester tents and clothes were distributed.Find and clone those 
bacteria or whatever it is.stephen

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[biofuel] bi-metallics

2001-02-27 Thread stephen lakios

Bi-metallics have been around for some time. Not only for electrical but 
heating and cooling also. stephen

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[biofuel] ammonia

2001-02-27 Thread stephen lakios

The best concentrated ammonia is chicken manure.If you spread it fresh it will 
kill dang near everything.stephen

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[biofuel] fuel cells

2001-02-22 Thread stephen lakios

I know I am not upto date on fuel cells,so I would like to hear what any of you 
have learned.One of my brothers worked with fuel cell technology with N.A.S.A. 
in the satellite programs. Several years ago he wanted me to go into business 
with him to build steam autos powered with ceramic fuel cells fed with 
alcohol.With his plans the waste heat and used steam were 70% recovered.The 
ceramic "engine" was about one cubic foot.The fuel would be atomized so only 
air and an alcohol vapor was burned.Most of the fuel comsumed was at startup, 
then considerably less afterwards.The ceramic would be heated to over 2000 
degrees F. and it holds the heat for a long period.The super heated steam(a 
colorless vapor) would be fed at constant pressure to his modified torque 
converter,and auto trans.But I was not interested at the time and now he is 
fighting for his life with prostate cancer.Are ceramic fuel cells still being 
experimented with? Are they in use other than the space program? stephen

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[biofuel] Andrew

2001-02-22 Thread stephen lakios

Don't strap a fuel line onto an exhaust pipe. You would have liquid-high 
pressure vapor-liquid,along the line.The fuel in the section of line strapped 
to the exhaust would turn to high pressure vapor,which would push the liquid 
fuel out of the line,towards the engine and back into the tank. If the line 
held the pressure you would have a vapor lock at the least. If the line 
burst,and the vapor released under pressure,ignited there would be an 
inferno.It's the vapor that burn's so well.An exhaust pipe is very hot,It's the 
pipe which comes from the exhaust manifold to the converter and or the 
muffler.The tail pipe is cooler and could be experimented with cautiously.Put 
your vehicle on a dynamometer and test the tail pipe temperatures under various 
loads.Or run copper tube along the fuel line, and connect one end to flexible 
metal tube !" or so in diameter. The flex tube would be strapped to the exhaust 
pipe or build a sheet metal heater box around the exhaust pipe and connect the!
 flex tube to the heater box.Leave the other end of the copper tube open.This 
will not solve cold starts,you would need heater strips which can be plugged in 
were you are parked.You can install a small inverter to have 110V-120V in the 
vehicle,and plug the heater strips into the receptacle,eliminating the 
above.Have one or two strips  to plug in an outside receptacle for cold 

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[biofuel] Ricky Foong

2001-02-15 Thread stephen lakios

I tried sending an e-mail direct but it came back.   Thankyou for your 
comment,and stick with your principles. Stephen

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[biofuel] Paranoid

2001-02-13 Thread stephen lakios

Who's paranoid? Accusations come from the guilty. The reason for the biofuels 
group is to effect change.At least I thought it was.If I were paranoid it would 
not be over anything I have said or written.The facts are there,read and be 
enlightened.All forms of pollution are dangerous,I do not want  my children or 
thiers growing and living in a polluted world.I don't want anyone's children 
suffering.  As individuals we are powerless to change established thought. We 
need to amalgamate for a common goal.If that is socialism,then we need a 
little. No man can stand alone,you need society more than you know.If I were 
paranoid, I would have a better reason. I have three terminal 
diseases,diabeties,have had two strokes,my heart has stopped three times,I have 
clots in both legs,I live daily with the prospect of instant death.Yet my wife 
and I went ahead and adopted three more abused kids,and now we are thinking of 
two more.I keep telling myself I'm going to live to a hundred.I do not dw!
ell on myself,I go about doing whatever needs to be done.I still get a lot 
done,I have to pace myself and work slower.Every doctor,nurse,and paramedic I 
have met say it is a miracle I am still alive with the combination of 
"problems" I have. Do you know that only 5% of people with a heart attack 
survive thier first one.I have come to grips with my problems,I do not fear 
death.I was technically dead three times,the last took the doctors nine minuets 
to bring me back.Pain and I are old friends. I do have a lot of reasons to be 
paranoid,but I laugh with it and joke with the doctors and nurses.I have 
incurable tachycardia,atrial fibrillation, sick sinus, bradycardia,degeneration 
of the heart muscle.I don't belive in quitting. Stephen

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[biofuel] chuck

2001-02-11 Thread stephen lakios

If you want to fine,but I choose to stick around as long as my heart holds 
out.As I said we must be adapting to the situation,the facts are out there. 
Life span is increaseing in some countrys,but not all.But even in those 
country's life span has leveled out and has started to decrease in some.The 
point was to effect change,our future generations will suffer our 
indiscretions.Did you ever read the "love canal" story? Almost every kid in the 
housing tract developed cancer from chemical pollution.It was bad enough, the 
government bought out the entire tract,and fenced it off.That was only one 
generation.We need to stop the buildup in our water,soil and air. Stephen

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[biofuel] Hybrids

2001-02-11 Thread stephen lakios

One of the reasons hybrids are a popular alternative,is the fact the goverment 
dropped smog requirements for engines under 50 cu. inches for many years.But 
that is changing or has changed on the state level.It was a huge boost for the 
grass roots hybrid movement in the 70's. Stephen

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[biofuel] PL chan

2001-02-11 Thread stephen lakios

Very difficult indeed.You would be surprised at the number of deformed babies 
aborted and born even in so called civilized society.Asthma cases have 
increased over 300% in the last ten years. The AMA has attibuted the increase 
to pollution.Lung cancers are well documented as being caused by pollution,and 
rapidly increaseing while other forms of cancers are in decline, except skin 
cancers.Now the AMA comes out with an article about heart disease,pollution is 
a factor. Most of us did'nt need an "article" to figure that out.Despite all 
the medical advances, we are still in the dark ages as pretains to the human 
body.Ask most physicians how much is really understood of the human body and 
condition.Psychology is a factor in physical health and that field has barley 
started enlightment.And today living longer often equates to the amount of 
money you can spend.Or how much a government is willing to spend.ie: hiv-aids. 
In the U.S. the combined treatment may cost $1600 a month +.Yet mo!
st  Americans do not qualify for treatment or have the income to pay for it. 
Africa- How many Africans are getting any meaningful treatment? Nil to none.Do 
not belive the soaps or movies,medical science has a very long road ahead. 
Diseases can mutate faster than medicine can advance.Every generation thinks 
they are modern,and advanced. They are most of the time. But a couple of 
generations later we will be seen as very crude,wasteful,and uneducated.To put 
it kindly.Stephen

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[biofuel] METALS

2001-02-10 Thread stephen lakios

I poured over the U.S.G.S. maps, Anyone who lives within 300' on either side of 
most roads of the world are at risk.There are maps available showing the spead 
of cadmium,lead,arsenic,and asbestos amoung others. These poisons cover 
everything within 300',and gradually dissipate after a mile or so.It is worse 
if there is any industrial area or factory nearby,or major highway or railroad. 
Then everything is covered for miles around.As much as two to three hundred 
miles,depending on the prevailing winds.This, the legacy of the ic 
engine,rubber tires,braking systems,and chemical dependency.Very few areas of 
the world are unaffected.The African interior,Australian outback,some rural 
areas of Russia,U.S.,South America,Canada,China,Pacific Islands.If there is no 
industry or mining nearby.   I read an article some years back in national 
geographic,about air samples taken from polar ice. Some of the samples were air 
locked in ice 10,000 and 100,000 years ago. The article said early huma!
ns most likely would have trouble breathing our air.I forget the figures but 
most of our chemicals,metals,soot,co,nox were absent from the ancient 
air.Samples from grasses and leaves around the world, including the polar 
region ice,show very high levels of radioactivity compared to fifty and one 
hundred years ago. We must be adapting to these anomalies,at a 
price.Asthma,cancers and deformities are at the highest levels in recorded 
history.Other factors are involved also,but our enviroment and we are taking a 
hit of monsterous proportions.We have exceeded the ability of the oceans and 
air to cleanse itself.Our soil is covered with poisonous metals and chemicals 
and radioactivity.It's in the air and the oceans.Some of these will take over 
500,000years to dissipate. A hell of a legacy for our future generations.This 
is why we are in desperate need of groups like biofuels. No matter how much we 
disagree with each other on one thing or another,we need to work towards 
enviroment fri!
endly alternatives. Even if fuel prices come down again,we need to stay the 
course,and invent new ways of harrnessing power without harming the enviroment. 
We need more people to get involved,we need something to replace the ic 
engine.A tall order,but with all the billions of minds on earth,someone might 
just have the answer.If we could learn to live together without wars and hate. 
Each wasted life is a lost potential answer.Great inventions have come from 
simple ideas. Stephen

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[biofuel] livestock

2001-02-08 Thread stephen lakios

When we farmed we let our livestock feed in the pastures,with only some added 
grain and molasses in the winter months, besides the hay baled from the 
pastures. Our pastures had a mix of tall fescue,clover,alfalfa,and in later 
years sudan grass.A bovine has four stomaches for a reason.They eat grasses and 
are very good at converting the protiens,sugars and minerals available in the 
grasses.They do not need our intervention. We had very few problems,and our 
herd had a higher butterfat content then any of our neighbors who were micro 
managing thier herds. Now comes modern thinking,more,more,and more, faster. 
Antibiotics,hormones,chemicals,immersion in pesticides,insecticides. Forced 
feeding of animal protien,bloodmeal,bonemeal,byproducts.To get the ideal 
conformation,fast weight gain,maximum milk production,maximum lean meat,ect. 
Milk cows in the states on the big farms have to wear bras to support thier 
huge udders.Mortality rates are higher and useful life is lower. When we far!
med,a milk cow milked twice a day,would produce eight gallons a day. Milk cows 
today on the big farms are producing upto 24 gallons a day. Our broiler 
chickens took 12 weeks to reach four and a half pounds. Todays broiler chickens 
take only four weeks, but most cannot stand up or move around much,because 
thier legs do not grow  fast enough to match body gain. This is our problem,the 
farming industry,has gone from natural to unnatural.And we collectively, 
suffer.We farmed organically, more seed had to be planted,due to more 
loss from pests.But we got premium prices for our milk and crops.And city 
people drove twenty miles or more to buy our produce, and this was in the 
forties, fifties and early sixties.We  also sold homemade pies,canned 
food,smoked meats, honey,and honey icecream. We had our own hives.  Anyways 
farming does not have to be unnatural and that is one reason why so many people 
are trying to save small family farms in the states. Stephen

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[biofuel] rendered fat

2001-02-08 Thread stephen lakios

Even without bse,millions of cattle-horses die every year on farms. A milk cow 
can be bred only so many times to keep milk flowing and is sold to pet food 
company's,or as packer- canner meat.And many just wear out and die.Not many 
farmers or ranchers want dead animals laying around,which can spread 
disease,attract pests,and lions-bears-coyotes,feral dogs and cats. stephen

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[biofuel] refuge

2001-02-08 Thread stephen lakios

The oil is there,The refuge has known reserves.It's mostly a question of when 
will all the heavy equipment be allowed in. Also exploration for more pools and 
how deep.In some places oil oozes from the ground. But it is a very fragile 
place,any life has a tough time of it there. stephen

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[biofuel] fat

2001-02-06 Thread stephen lakios

I think I am low in my rough guess on the amount of fat in an animal carcass.I 
purchased a 10.23 lb beef roast,additional fat was trimmed in the grocery.After 
cooking I collected .56 lbs of fat from the pan and the roast was still very 
well marbled with fat.It may be that a 600 lb carcass could be over one quarter 
fat. I know that it is illegal to use a carcass which has been dead for more 
than 24hrs. A dead animal can be used for dog and cat food.But the death must 
have occurred within 24hrs.I worked a short time for Alpo. My job was shoveling 
sawdust (filler) into the mixer.It was an amazing process to me,a live animal 
in the yard would be cooked in cans, and boxed 30 min later.Dead animals were 
put right on the conveyor,live ones were electrocuted and put on the 
conveyor.No skinning,no bleeding,they all went through a huge heavy 
chopper,then a huge grinder, another grinder,a big mixer, where minerals were 
added, water and preservatives,sawdust,salt and other stuff.Then extr!
uded into cans,canned and cooked,and boxed.Someone could put an ad in the paper 
and pick up dead or old farm animals. You need a truck with a lift or 
winch.Shoot them or hit them in the head with a sledge. chop them into smaller 
parts and render them out.Chop them up in a large pan or over a pan to save the 
blood for blood meal.An excellent fertilizer.Also you can grind the bones for 
fertilizer,and the remains can be put into a digester.The 
bloodmeal,bonemeal,and sludge can be packaged and sold.The rendered fat made 
into biodiesel.The biogas used anyway you want,and to fire your rendering 
vat.Additional income can be had if you skin the animals and sell the 
hides.Plus you get paid for picking up dead farm animals.I called, and the rate 
here is $125 for cattle or horses.A .22 does the job nicely,put the muzzle an 
inch from the skin and put the shot into the brain.Hang them up head down over 
a pan and cut the neck open to drain the blood.The smaller you chop an animal 
up the eas!
ier it would be to render it. A truck with lift gate,winch,chain hoists,vat or 
tank,pans,axes,sharp knives,a .22,overalls,gloves,ect,it could be a nice 
business for a couple of guys. stephen

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[biofuel] honda's

2001-02-04 Thread stephen lakios

In a previous list it mentioned if we all drove honda's ect. To each his own. I 
would never fit into a honda. I'm 6'2" and 260 lbs.My big brother is 6''7" 320 
lbs and wears size 17, 5e shoes.He drives a modified 300td.I drive an areostar 
now. I was interested in this group as a way of learning more about alcohol 
stills.And bought the charles plans.Since,I have downloaded free,three more 
sets of plans from the net.In the 70's I helped build and operate over two 
dozen batch fed digesters. From 1972 to 1978. The first one was a disaster.The 
second was much better and so on.We started with a manuel printed in german, 
dated 1893.One of my uncles translated it and I think he left some stuff out.I 
do not have it or the translation.We were off on our own pretty quick building 
them.  I want to build a continuos feed digester now but I'm having trouble 
finding a suitable tank.So I may start with two batch fed again.I have more 
Ideas on improvments. I just came back from my mom's memoria!
l service,and my heart has been giving me problems again.Hopefully I will 
stabilize and can start work on the digesters this spring.We just got hit with 
a 90% increase in our propane bill.In may we paid $1.09 a gallon, now we paid 
$2.10 a gallon.Our water rates went up 1-1-01 by 33%,In may diesel was 
$1.19,now $2.29.Not to mention what will happen with electric here in southern 
california. Land owned buy the big cane and pinnapple producers in Hawaii 
was mostly bought before the turn of the 20th century and was very cheap 
then.And corn can be grown in the city.I did it,and sold it to an organic 
restaurant and the local swapmeet.I leased five acres of a former steel 
plant.There are many places in most cities where you can grow crops.Your market 
is immediate.  Stephen

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[biofuel] manganese

2001-02-04 Thread stephen lakios

I never gave it much thought, I had a spectrum analysis done on my land two 
years ago,so I searched for the results. I live in the desert so before I 
planted my cherry and peach orchard,I had it done from six surface and three 
samples at three feet down.The results were surprising,the soil is acidic.Most 
desert soil is alkaline.The manganese level is 320% above average.Although 
still only a trace element,and only a small part of the soils makeup,it was 

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[biofuel] bse

2001-02-04 Thread stephen lakios

I heard part of a news story on tv,talking about a possible first case of bse 
in the states. I was in the kitchen and did not catch it all. When I tried 
other channels there was nothing said about it. Have any of you heard anything? 

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[biofuel] Keith

2001-01-30 Thread stephen lakios

I was thinking,If you can purify the glycerin or get someone to do it,and get 
as many of the people on the list who are making bio to ship it to the person 
purifying it,you can make and sell your own lotions and creams. You have a 
great name,perfect for a cosmetic line. Journey to forever, is mystical and 
subliminal.Have a colorful label,appealing to women.Add 
coloring,perfumes,lanolin,teas,mineral oil,ect.Hand and skin lotions,hand and 
skin creams,body gels,body washes,ect.Or contract it out to a cosmetic company 
if you do not want all the work.I know it is expensive to ship anything,and it 
may be cheaper to buy bulk pure glycerine. But hey' a 2oz. jar of handcream 
sells for $5+.My wife has one which cost $9.98. Thats $160 a pound.Stephen

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[biofuel] methane

2001-01-30 Thread stephen lakios

I have the book, Producing your own power,by rodale press,inc  1974. The New 
Alchemy institute. Do you want me to send the chapter about methane power? Or 
do you have it?  The contents,Wind power,Water power,Wood power,Methane 
power,and Solar power.Stephen

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[biofuel] air

2001-01-30 Thread stephen lakios

You can make an arguement either way,pushed in or drawn in.Or using logic, 
argue there is no air.Whatever,stephen

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[biofuel] air

2001-01-26 Thread stephen lakios

I tried to make it simple. There is a lot more involved,the piston on the 
downstroke creates vacuum,the exhaust manifolds are tuned to create a vacuum to 
help each suceeding fired cly gases to be drawn out. In the presense of a 
vacuum atmospheric pressure can push air in,to a point.When an engine is 
running at 3,000 rpm. An intake valve is only open for a few thousandths of a 
second,a strong vacuum is needed to draw in enough air.With atmospheric 
pressure no air will move,the intake manifold-air chamber is at atmospheric 
pressure already,with the engine off.You need six or more times the volume of 
air than atmospheric pressure can provide.If you use a vacuum gauge on an 
engine,atmospheric pressure is read as "0" depending on engine,speed,ect,you 
may get a reading of 15 to 30 in of mercury above atmospheric pressure,created 
by vacuum.If you could open up a small hole in the intake manifold to 
atmospheric pressure, the engine will falter and run rough.Open up a big 
ing vacuum and the engine will die. Stephen

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[biofuel] skaar

2001-01-26 Thread stephen lakios

Renderers have been buying fat and bone from butchers for well over a hundred 
years.I tried to get some recently from two shops for an experiment. They 
wanted me to buy it. In our area we have three feline 
centers,lions,tigers,mountain lions,leopards ect.They get all the trimmings and 
over ripe meat from all the local grocery stores.Many things are made from fat, 
including explosives. I was thinking of the cows which died of disease,being 
rendered for fat. Even old cows are butchered for meat for humans.Mostly made 
into "hambuger" and stew meat. You can tell they are old,when the skinned sides 
are hanging the fat is yellow. Bad shops try and do sell cuts from 
packer-canner carcasses,as good or even choice meats. The meat is tough,but not 
many people know the difference.Renderers bought used fry oil in the past,but 
it is easier to render fresh fat then filter used oil.I would try though,and if 
you get a source of free fat,make friends. stephen

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[biofuel] bio-cows

2001-01-25 Thread stephen lakios

When we butchered our steers and older dry milk cows,we would get 50 to 70 lbs 
of soft and hard fat from each,and this was only easily trimmed fat.I suspect 
if a whole animal was rendered,the fat content could be 150lbs or more.Times 
millions,thats a lot of biodiesel. stephen

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[biofuel] waste fat

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

What a shame,why don't they make biodiesel? It would seem the perfect solution. 
And pure glycerine is a prime ingredient of body lotions and cosmetics.Most 
glycerine now comes from rendered pork fat.Cosmetics,lotions,medicines, are a 
huge market for glycerine.And they probably have a fuel problem as well.Stephen

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[biofuel] bulls

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

Many transactions to buy bulls are for two to three year olds.They are bought 
from farms with a track record for conformation, milk production, body 
build,lean meat production,new breeds for cross breeding ect ect.It depends on 
many things to the cattle rancher or dairy farmer.Farmers and ranchers want 
results now. The experiments and progeny results are the realm of the bull 
farms.We bought our bulls as two year olds.And put them to "work" as soon as 
they were aclimated to thier new enviroment.We started them with one cow a 
day,and got them upto five a day.They would get everyother day off.They were 
penned, we could not allow them to mingle with the herd.They could break a cows 
back, fight each other, we could not keep records of them,or control thier 
feed.And they were dangerous.Full grown they weighed 1,800 to 2,200lbs.I know,I 
took care of them.   Its the peoples business to ask questions, and question 
our governments.We have excellent historical precedence to not trust wh!
at we are told.stephen

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[biofuel] anton

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

I thought I answerd your question. Converters are never really "cleaned" once 
clogged.The cleaners or treatments you buy in the auto parts stores,which you 
add to the fuel, help the fuel to burn hotter.Some I have seen are methanol 
based. Stephen

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[biofuel] Dick

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

 Air is not pushed into an engine by atmospheric pressure.Air is drawn in by 
vacuum,created by valve timing.An engine would starve if it relied on 
atmospheric pressure.As the combustion takes place creating high pressure in 
the cly, pushing the piston down, the exhaust valve starts to open before the 
piston reaches the bottom of its stroke. The hot gases rush out,creating a 
vacuum.Just before the exhaust valve closes, the intake valve starts to open, 
extending the vacuum into the intake manifold and or the air chamber.This is 
why timing is so critical,and more so with a racing camshaft.Stephen

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[biofuel] John

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

You think you have problems with your machine? Mine messes up so often,I 
sometimes get the urge to shoot it. Stephen

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[biofuel] Thankyou

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

Thankyou,Keith and Derek. I learned from you,I like that.Excellent information, 
a bit scary too.Will the human race poison itself out of existance? stephen

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[biofuel] skaar

2001-01-24 Thread stephen lakios

I was talking about breeding bulls. Every herd needs new genetic material to 
prevent inbreeding.No one I know of is going to spend $40,000 to over $100,000 
for a champion blood line bull, to eat.I grew up on a dairy farm,we had 400 
milk cows,50 heifers and four registerd bulls, which in the fifties cost 
$20,000 each.I know a little about farm animals.I belive in murphy's law. 

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[biofuel] madcow

2001-01-21 Thread stephen lakios

One thing which worries me about madcow,is the fact that American farmers 
regularly buy bulls and bull semen from european 
countries.(also,Australia,Canada,south America,Africa,ect.)I have read nothing 
about this in all the "reports".Our government tells us there is no threat of 
M.C. in this country,because they do not allow bone or bloodmeal to be used in 
feedstock.From my knowledge with farming and the government,thats like trusting 
the wolf to guard the sheep.stephen

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[biofuel] anton

2001-01-20 Thread stephen lakios

Where did you install the converter? It needs high temperature to function.An 
air injector may help,in the exhaust manifold.As close to the exhaust ports as 
possible.A clogged converter will put out a sulpher-rotten egg smell even with 
gasoline.Install a converter as close to the exhaust manifold as you can 
reasonably get it. Give your bio a boost with 5% methanol, ethanol,or kero. 
Work up slowly to a 10% mix only if needed and so on.You are not burning enough 
of the carbons.  Your engine "may" be running to cool.Try the next higher temp 
thermostat.  Do one thing at a time,chart the results. Start with the least 
expensive option,try a hotter thermostat first. Then try kero,it should mix 
better than the alcohols. stephen

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[biofuel] rapeseed oil

2001-01-19 Thread stephen lakios

Did they burn the rapeseed oil under the same pressure of most diesel engines? 
Pressure and high heat are a different animal then high heat alone. Also 
mentioned is "superior grade of diesel fuel"? Most people are buying #2,a 
heavier and dirtier fuel.If they would tell us more, to compare apples with 
apples,it would nice. stephen

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[biofuel] water and alcohol

2001-01-17 Thread stephen lakios

Many years ago when I was into racing,we used water and/or alcohol injection. 
It was very popular in the forties and fifties. It provided a good kick,a nice 
increase in power and a smoother running engine.We used to clean our engines 
out by pouring a quart of water slowly into the carburetor while running the 
engine at 3000rpm.Not to much water at a time or you will blow the head(s) 
off.I learned a lot of oddball stuff from older mechanics.And it worked.If your 
radiator spung a leak,use pepper. One time I ran out of gas during a snowstorm 
and it was 15 degrees and about an eight mile walk to the nearset station.I 
would have frostbite at the least.So I got out and took the gas cap off and 
pee'd in the tank.The gas pickup tube does not go to the bottom because of 
condensation and dirt. So there is one to two gallons of gas-water in the tank 
under the pickup tube.Gasoline floats on water,when I pee'd in the tank the 
same amount of gas was available for the pickup tube. I got the !
car started and just made it to the station.That was a 55 chevy convertible.In 
those days the gas tanks had a plug in them to drain them, on the bottom near 
the differential.There must be thousands of tricks and cuts which work.One of 
the older mechanics I learned from was Barney oldfields chief mechanic. Stephen

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[biofuel] Tek S

2001-01-17 Thread stephen lakios

Thanks, it is rated at 2600 rpm. So I need to run it at 2600 rpm? I'm not to 
good with electrical.stephen

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[biofuel] musings

2001-01-16 Thread stephen lakios

A smog pump is an air pump.A very simple system,which injects air into the hot 
exhaust gas as an afterburner.Helping to burn the unburned gasoline.Something 
like this could be rigged on a diesel,along with a scubber to burn and filter 
the carbons,reducing emissions and smoke.The air pump,a.s.s. valve,and 
injection lines,which are now built into the manifolds. And the exhaust 
recirculation valve,which is a fancy name for a preheat system.A cold engine 
dumps a lot of unburned fuel. I lived and worked in Alaska, I drove heavy 
trucks and other heavy one of a kind equipment. All diesel. At a station I used 
there was a pump for #1 diesel,a pump for #2, a pump for kerosene,and a pump 
for white gas. Everyone had extra heaters in the trucks.All kinds of 
configurations.Gas heaters built into the cabs,using kereo,or white gas. 
Electric,hot water from the engine to two or three additional heater cores.In 
the winter when it got into the minus teens and lower,like the minus 60's or 
minus 80!
's, we would let the trucks run all winter.In those conditions if a truck 
shutdown,most likely you could not start it untill the spring thaw.I know some 
people who burnt up thier rigs trying to start them by building a fire under 
the crankcase.At the north slope it can and does snow in the "summer".In the 
winter at minus 120 or so, no one moves around much, and nothing works.Steel 
would snap like a dry twig.The oil rigs are enclosed and heated. To go outside 
was an ordeal,we had to suit up in special insulated suits,of which I still 
have two in a trunk.It could take a half hour putting on all the special 
gear.No flesh could be exposed.All oil,grease,and fuel would be a frozen solid 
or mass.Sometimes despite all the 
heaters,crankcase,cooling,trans,diff,axle,fuel tank,fuel lines,injector 
pump,batteries, and heater strips wrapped around the engine and 
chargers,everything froze soild anyways. It was an interesting period of my 
life.   The problem of palm oil in any suitable state !
of the U.S. is land cost.A friend has four hundred acres for sale on kuiai, for 
$40 million.With two miles of beach.No one will use it for palm oil trees.I 
found a 10kwh propane genset,with 1000 hours for $3000.I am thinking of buying 
it and later running it on biogas.What do I need to wire it into my house? It 
comes with a control panel,and switches for 120/240 single phase, 120/240 
triple phase,and 60/100 amps.It runs on demand only or continuous.Has a 
electric starting system. It has a four cly water cooled perkins.Uses one 
gallon of propane per hour at full thottle.I would only let it run at half 
speed.The cost is low and it comes with a 500 hour warranty.How much would it 
cost to hook up? We have 200 amp,240 volt service to our meter.For once my wife 
agrees with me buying a generator. I have to sneak out to buy tools and such 
most of the time.And hope our kids don't see me bring anything home.Stephen

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[biofuel] oil burner

2001-01-12 Thread stephen lakios

If a boiler can burn nasty,filthy,heavy bunker oil. It should be able to burn 
any oil. stephen

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[biofuel] gastrobot

2001-01-12 Thread stephen lakios

Great, it made my day. stephen

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[biofuel] #1 diesel

2001-01-12 Thread stephen lakios

Kerosene is lighter than #1 diesel.Also more volatile.Iv'e seen diesel engines 
wrecked by people who thought they could use kerosene. Kerosene can be used to 
thin heavier bunker oil.But bunker is so full of sulfer and heavy carbons,I 
would not touch it. When ships first switched from steam to diesel they 
continued to use bunker oil, which had fired thier steam boilers.But a boiler 
and a diesel engine are two different animals.After untold millions in repairs, 
and break downs, the shipping corp's finally switched to diesel fuel.A lot of 
those old tubs using bunker are still in operation,in other countries.Stephen

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[biofuel] toilet paper filter

2001-01-12 Thread stephen lakios

The J.C. Whitney catalog has it or did have it for years. If it clogs up it 
will bypass though.You will need a prefilter. Stephen

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[biofuel] david t

2001-01-10 Thread stephen lakios

Better to use your exhaust to run some small assessories. Don't add more 
gearing. Most of the power lost, is lost in the drive train. 
Transmission(s),differential(s) and overcoming inertia.Once in motion it does 
not take much power to stay in motion on a level surface. It takes a lot of 
power and fuel to get into motion from a standstill or to go up an incline. 

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[biofuel] water

2001-01-09 Thread stephen lakios

You must remember our earth is not a solid globe, ask any caver.The earth is 
honey combed with caves,passageways,underground rivers,huge domes,volcanic 
tubes,underground lakes,huge spaces,ect.If you have access to the U.S. 
geological survey maps of the world,mineral and oil deposits.ect they show some 
shallow underground river systems,and ancient surface systems,besides the gold, 
silver and other mineral deposits.There are millions of underground 
rivers,lakes,large pools ,aquifers,seeps,ect.You most likely live in an area 
which has been seismographed.If you can get an overlay for your area,showing 
potential oil-water deposits,you can see were there might be water.We hit water 
from the surface to about ten thousand feet down. Depending on the strata and 
many other variables.At those depths the water "sometimes" contained large 
amounts of sulfur.We have found steam from two hundred to twenty thousand 
feet.Always there are many variables.There is water almost everywhere,problem? !
how to get to it.Even the sahara and the Australian outback have aquifers, 
artesian wells,and underground rivers.You have to find the water then figure 
how to get it. Stephen

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[biofuel] refuge

2001-01-05 Thread stephen lakios

To those who asked. I mentioned high fracture explosives,because if not shot at 
the exact level the water tables can be affected.Oil and water send back the 
same signals. We could not tell if we got an oil deposit or water.Many times 
the water % was so high the well had to be abandoned.The high fracture 
explosives would affect a large area,and water tables could be lowered or 
altered.Sometimes  oil would be freed up to flow into a water aquifer. Years 
ago an Italian oil company drilled for oil in the desert of Algeria. They hit 
ice cold water.Something like 20,000 gallons an hour.The Italians were teed 
off,but the algerians were happy.A pipeline was built to several towns.   The 
sahara was once a paradise,it is a great basin.The Romans got most of thier 
animals for the arenas,from what is now the sahara desert.The sahara desert is 
increasing two to three miles every year,due to people cutting firewood,and not 

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[biofuel] refuge

2001-01-04 Thread stephen lakios

I fear for the refuge. I was involved with oil exploration,and have never seen 
or experienced a "clean" operation.We also worked over, operating wells.When a 
well slowed in production, we sent down high fracture explosives.Every land 
production well I have ever seen was filthy,with pollution everywhere.   The 
offshore rigs I was on were mostly clean,due to being controversial, state 
inspectors spent more time with them.But I saw plenty of illegal stuff on them 
also.There are to many land oil wells,and not enough inspectors. They would 
announce an inspection months ahead. stephen

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[biofuel] fuel-less

2001-01-04 Thread stephen lakios

If it does not need fuel,why do you need an engine? stephen

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[biofuel] christmas

2000-12-27 Thread stephen lakios

We had a good Christmas. I made a sheet of baklava,and greek 
cookies. We had enough sweets to make a couple gallons of ethanol.And scraps to 
produce four or five cubic ft of biogas. And leftover oil to power the oil 
burner for a couple of hours.stephen

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[biofuel] fuels

2000-12-27 Thread stephen lakios

Each fuel has its good and bad points.At least with 
methane,you dont need to worry about using up the food supply,except for 
flys and dung beetles.Manures and weeds work just fine. I belive methane 
digesters are best used with stationary heat engines, and direct use for 
the home.As in heating, gas lighting,and cooking.Any fuel by definition is 
dangerous. If you dont know what you are doing,learn,read,ask,watch,help with a 
similar project,our join forces with like minded people.Start small,a 55 gallon 
drum digester.There is plenty of info in the archives,use them.   Run 
the biogas through a filter filled with iron or steel shavings or machining 
fines,to remove the hydrogen sulfides.It is easiest to use biogas directly. It 
burns good, and will run a heat engine.Biogas is mostly CH4 and CO2. If you want 
more CH4, run the biogas through a can of lime water.You will not get all the 
CO2 out,you dont need too.If you have a greenhouse you could run the first 
fruits, CO2 into it. Just remember when you next walk into the greenhouse that 
it is CO2 rich.Also if you do this take a gas sample every day,mourning and 
evening to check for the start of methane production. Then shut off the piping 
to the greenhouse immediately.Methane is highly 
explosive.    As for world food 
production,We should know it is politics, religion, culture and greed. The 
states are supposed to be able to feed six billion people on a daily basis.If 
all farmland was pressed into service. But that will not happen anytime 
soon.Africa has plenty of good land for crops, and export.But because of all the 
above the people stay poor,malnourished,and illiterate.While thier leaders are 
fat.  I saw huge piles of grain dumped on the docks and ground in india 
years ago,during a famine in that country.Most of the grain came from the 
states.I mean huge piles.Hundreds of thousands of tons.The first thing I noticed 
as I approached from a distance, was the piles seemed to be in motion. Upon 
getting closer I realized the motion was millions of rats. The piles were 
entirely covered with rats.While the indians worked in and around the piles 
doing nothing to the rats.I talked with a guard,and he said it was against the 
hindus religion to harm the rats.He also said the people will get about 1/4 of 
the grain,and shrugged his shoulders.I thought it was horrible,and the remaining 
grain will be contaminated. Just an example,stephen

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[biofuel] Happy holidays

2000-12-24 Thread stephen lakios

I hope all have a good 

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[biofuel] B.r.david

2000-12-24 Thread stephen lakios

We were not paid to "not" grow crops.We grew the crops and a 
government agent would come at harvest time and watch us plow it under or 
checked the plowed ground to certify the crop was plowed under.It mainly 
benifitted the large corp. farms. We had a choice to sign up or not to sign up 
for the program.Though it did help the soil,and the farmers.With the best farm 
land costing $2,500+ an acre,tractors $80,000+ ect.I understand price 
supports.The family farm is on its way out in the states.Various programs have 
been tried to save the small family farm.But the big corp farms always seem to 
find a loophole and apply the program to themselves.Thus they got the bulk of 
the funding.The government paper work is always confusing. Us little guys had to 
try and fill out the applications ourselves. The big corp farms could hire 
experts to fill out the mess of forms.Most of the people who were supposed to be 
helped never were. Stephen

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[biofuel] Skaar-leaves

2000-12-24 Thread stephen lakios

Compost them or chop them up for a digester.What size plot do 
you have? Cane is a modified grass,Most of the sugar is in the stalk,a litte is 
in the leaves.Not enough to bother with.If you have access to 
bagasse,the crushed stalks after milling,you might be able to chop them 
and soak them in warm water to extract any remaining sugars.Then you need 
to evaporate most of the water.Better to soak them and run them through a roller 
mill again.Dry the stalks and use for fuel.Most green, growing grass has 
a relativily high sugar content,even trees.The sugar maples are the most 
famous,but many other types of trees can be tapped for syrup as well.They will 
not produce as much as sugar maples.Mow the grasses and many weeds and 
immediately squeeze the juices out.You can have the liquid tested for sugar 
content. stephen

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[biofuel] Keith

2000-12-21 Thread stephen lakios

Thankyou,  I do know a little about ADM. two of my uncles 
worked for them,one was a top ex. You don't know the inside stories I heard,and 
from a top ex too.He took his knowledge to the grave,he always wanted an 
investigation,but did not have the nerve. He needed his pension.And in the 
past,people who went against them had a way of never being heard 

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[biofuel] Sam

2000-12-21 Thread stephen lakios

Thanks Sam. You explained it much better. There are so 
many products and byproducts which can be made from corn,there really is no 
comparison with sugarcane.Corn is so much more valuable. And we know corn.And 
sugar beets,I would get 20 to 25 tons of sugar beets an acre,80 to 120 Bu. of 
corn per acre.I was in Louisiana a little while ago, and was surprised, the cane 
fields which used to stretch to the horizon or the next bayou are gone.Maybe 
they are still in the"back" country.Catfish, and crayfish  farming in tanks is 
the rage now. stephen

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[biofuel] Seaweed

2000-12-21 Thread stephen lakios

A methane digester.Mix the seaweed with some manure into a 
cream consistency. There is lots of info on this site. 

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[biofuel] john

2000-12-21 Thread stephen lakios

True, I was thinking if you use a thin tube,and there is 
a slight difference in temp between the ends,the tube could collapse from a 
small vacuum.Let me know the results you get.Thankyou 

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[biofuel] corn-sugarcane

2000-12-21 Thread stephen lakios

Corn is labor intensive? Sugarcane is easy? If you have any 
farm,you already have most of the equipment needed to grow corn.An old two row 
corn harvester can be bought cheaply.Even a four row picker at auctions. 
Whomever said that sugarcane harvesting is easy, never did it.  I did,and 
it is back breaking work.I also grew and harvested tobacco,and very quickly 
understood why slaves were used for both crops.Unless you have the $ to machine 
harvest sugarcane,and have the roller mills to express the liquid, nothing about 
it is easy.If you have a good crop, you will have about 15 to 20 tons of cane 
per acre. Cane is very bulky and hard to handle.I doubt the EPA will allow the 
burning of the leaves, as used to be the norm,increasing your harvesting 
problems. Most cane is grown in areas of cheap 

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[biofuel] lazers & water cutters

2000-12-20 Thread stephen lakios

There are wood cutting lazers for $30,000 and up. Lazers are 
wonderful close up,but as you draw away,power and size must be increased. 
Which increases costs,ect to a point.Then it changes from a cutting-burning tool 
to a concentrated light beam, for guidance,measurement,reading ect.There was a 
place in santa ana, ca. were you could rent time on one for $150 an hour, after 
a lawsuit that ended. One of my nephews does high pressure plasma cutting.I 
forgot the name of the process. But it aint cheap either baby.He charges $125 an 
hour,and would not allow anyone to touch his machines.I could imagine the look 
on his face, if someone asked him to cut radiator cores.He uses his to cut out 
broken,corroded,and rusted bolts upto 3" in 

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[biofuel] seaweed

2000-12-20 Thread stephen lakios

I harvested seaweed off the oxnard coast,first by hand, then a 
sort of under water mower and conveyor.Very hard work by hand.The boat owner had 
a contract to suppy a land based sea urchin farm. They were grown in tanks.The 
"caviar" was shipped to japan. I know that seaweed works very well in a 
digester. But I do not know of any used for 

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[biofuel] Big auto makers

2000-12-20 Thread stephen lakios

Hybrids,alternative fuels? I will belive when I see them. But 
I won't hold my breath waiting for the big auto makers to do so. Something 
everyone can afford.They have been kicking this around for decades.Something is 
announced,there is a flurry of news,then? 

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[biofuel] cores

2000-12-20 Thread stephen lakios

Why not spend the time cutting 1/4" or 3/8" type "M" copper 
tube into 3/8" or 1/2" lengths? Radiator cores are thin when new, and 
thinner,corroded, and full of scale and crude,when used.You would probably spend 
the same amount of time.stephen

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[biofuel] sugarcane

2000-12-20 Thread stephen lakios

We don't drive a whole lot of rabbits here anyways,and with 
the cost of land here in the states,sugarcane will not cut it.ADM convinced the 
big soda producers to sweeten with corn syrup years ago. Many of the cane 
producing areas cut back or quit,and now grow other crops.Or have been converted 
to housing tracts.stephen

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[biofuel] david

2000-12-15 Thread stephen lakios

The 1/2 H.P. diesel I saw was one cylinder,air cooled,cast 
Iron,and very slow,it drove an irrigation pump.It was tall.There was a 15 or so 
gallon drum on a stand next to it,with one old faucet valve in the fuel line.A 
very simple setup.The newer engines are faster and built to closer 
tolerances,and thus would not last as long,nor could they operate on just any 
fuel.  New technology is not always bettor technology.If the indians are 
copying the old design,they might be a bettor engine.  Just like the M16. 
Whenever possible we grabbed unto an AK47,and dumped the M16. The ak would 
operate in horrible conditions, the M16 would jamb and misfire. 

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[biofuel] Jerry

2000-12-14 Thread stephen lakios

Thats the same thing the trans shops told me,when they were 
trying to charge me $1,100 to $3,500 for a rebuilt tranny. We are only talking 
about a cup of brake fluid in five to eight quarts of trans fluid.Since I put 
that cup of brake fluid in my tranny, I have driven the van 85,687 miles. I have 
been doing so for years,putting some in the tranny's and transfer cases of all 
my cars,vans,trucks and heavy equipment.I said, I drain the fluid out after 
about 100 miles,and put in new fluid. My waste oil and trans fluid burn very 
well in an old oil fired heater,I use to heat my garage once in a while.  I 
used to rebuild transmissions,hydromatics to allisons. And standards, three 
speeds to twentyfour speeds.Transfer cases,differentials,and multiple clutch 
packs.  This is preventive medicine,it will not cure failing 
parts,bands,clutch discs ect. It works for me.stephen

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[biofuel] flywheel and aircraft

2000-12-14 Thread stephen lakios

    Thanks guys,good 
reading and educational.stephen

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[biofuel] skarr

2000-12-13 Thread stephen lakios

If you can build one in a small package.A two cycle design 
would be lighter.Something which would have a wider use than just 
ultralights.Mini generators,small pumps,low amp welders ect, for remote 
locations, and fit in a backpack.With the new steels available today and 
composites,try it. Invent something.I did see a diesel of 1/2 H.P. many years 
ago. It weighed about ninety pounds.It was started by turning it's big 
flywheel.It was so slow,I always thought it would die at any moment.But it kept 
on running for years.The gear box and flywheel must have weighed fifty 

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[biofuel] diesel aircraft

2000-12-12 Thread stephen lakios

The Germans also had the junkers, a diesel aircraft used 
before and during worldwar two,if i remember correctly.It was used for freight 
and troop transport.stephen

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[biofuel] diesel fuel

2000-12-12 Thread stephen lakios

Years ago,truck stops and farm suppliers used to sell # 1 
diesel fuel. I cannot find anyone selling it now.I used it in a mercedes to 
clean it out once in a while.There was #1 and #2, #1 was about .15 to .20cents a 
gallon more than #2 and that was the problem.Very few people bought it.It 
was an excellent, clean, and more refined diesel fuel.Some truckers I knew used 
it and nothing else,saying they got 50% or more MPG.And thier engines lasted 
several 100,000 miles longer.I tore down some of those old diesel engines that 
had one to two million miles on them. They were very clean and easy to work 
on.Of course these drivers took care of thier equipment.Almost everyone I knew 
ran a tank full of #1 at least once a year.Or put a quart of automatic 
transmission fluid in thier tank to clean the injection pump and injectors.And a 
pint of brake fluid in the transmissions to clean the gums and residues out.I 
put a cup of brake fluid in my automatic tranny when it started to stick and not 
shift.An old trick we used years ago.It cleans the gum out of the valve 
body.Then after a hundred miles drain the tranny's and put in new 

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