Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-04 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo Bob,

Thursday, 02 November, 2006, 12:41:43, you wrote:

ba Howdy Gustl
 It's  worse  than  that  Joe.  He  demands  data  on  the  efficacy of
 homeopathic  products  stating that the work to falsify homeopathy has
 been done but provides zero data to falsify homeopathy as a legitimate
 method  of  treatment.

ba so your saying that because I can't prove that it doesn't work, means 
ba that it does? 

If  your  reading  comprehension  leads you to that kind of conclusion
from  my  words  above  then  it  is  small  wonder you are still here
bickering.  But then I don't think that's what's going on. I think you
just  don't  care about anything but winning an argument regardless of
whether others may be right or wrong. Personality flaw which makes for
a dishonest intellect. You would make a good scientist for the tobacco

That  bit  of mine means that you demand data of others to prove their
claim  for  which  they  have only testimonials because the scientific
community  has  dismissed  their  claims out of hand without using the
scientific  method  while  at the same time you verbally sneer at them
while  you  pronounce  they are wrong without providing them the exact
data  you  demand which would falsify their claims. If you demand data
to  prove  something  you must provide data to disprove that thing. If
testimonials  are  not  sufficient  proof without experimentation then
scientific  opinion  without  experimentation  is  not sufficient. And
concerning  that  bit of yours below. I am old enough to remember when
it was a scientific FACT that there was nothing smaller than the atom,
but  then  along came an whole new breed of microscopes and, gee whiz,
it  seems  that  there  are  particles  smaller than the atom. You may
hypothesize that there is nothing left but any proofs you may have may
be  short  lived  because  of  the  limitations  of  science  and  the
accompanying  technology.  Like  the  microscope  we  may not yet have
instrumentation  sensitive enough to accurately measure such miniscule
amounts.  And, if it were you doing the measuring I would be skeptical
at any rate given your propensity to misdirect, dodge and weave, twist
words, etc.

And  finally, again, I have no investment in homeopathy, don't use the
remedies and am skeptical enough myself to not spend my money on them.
But,  I  do  have an investment in fair, honest and accurate discourse
and  debate.  The  folks  speaking  for  homeopathy  have  been  using
testimonial  evidence which is only that and nothing more, testimonial
evidence  and  that  seems to satisfy them which is all well and good.
You  do  not  seem to be satisfied with saying, Well, I don't believe
that  and  it hasn't been scientifically proven. and letting it go at
that,  but  demand  satisfaction from them in the form of experimental
data  from  experiments  which have apparently not been done to affirm
the  efficacy  of  homeopathic medicine while simultaneously exempting
yourself  from  presenting  experimental data falsifying homeopathy by
citing  current  scientific  theory.  Sorry,  that  doesn't  wash. Ask
Einstein. Everything isn't readily apparent. You have your beliefs and
they  have  theirs. Ego shouldn't have a place in the debate on either
side of the question.

Happy Happy,

ba here is what I can prove: the dilutions employed in homeopathy are
ba such  that  there is nothing left of the agent (the duck liver for
ba example) in the final product. Logic alone would suggest then that
ba the  duck  liver  has  no  effect on the outcome of the use of the
ba product,  unless  you  accept  that  the water remembered the duck
ba liver, and this was transfered to the filler in the capsule taken.
ba One,  I  would  think, has to suspend any connection to reality to
ba believe that the water remembers what was in it.

ba toodles
Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-03 Thread bob allen
richard tandiono supardi wrote:

 *scratch head*
 (Whatever effect a homeopathic nostrum does must be occuring via a 
 placebo effect, as it can't be due to chemical which is no longer there)
 -I'm just curious, How do u know it's no longer there?

simple math, using the duck liver as an example:  the initial 
concentration is 35 gm/100 ml.  this is diluted 100 fold , 200 times 
resulting in a concentration then  35gm/10 ^400 . A single hydrogen  
atom has a mass of  1.66 10^ -24   .  The final concentration is 35 
10^-400.  Hence to find a single atom of hydrogen (from the duck liver)  
you would have to have a volume of 10^396 ml, which is a volume I 
haven't calculated but  bet  much greater that the volume of our solar 

 (That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid)
 (so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do 
 -maybe because we lack information? or lacking prerequisite knowledge? :D

that is what I am trying do.  Provide the information so that people 
realize what homeopathy is. 

 About data. It's true that having data is better than not. But I think 
 it depends on the nature of the data itself. The problem with data is 
 that it's connected directly to the observers' abilities+knowledge. So 
 there's always ? variables that the data don't cover, hence the data 
 could be inaccurate or even misleading.

 (So what you are saying that because I can't prove that it doesnt 
 work, means that it does?)
 - Nope, it's just mean it could work ^_^.  No--+--Yes

 Advice: Relax dont need to get personal on this. It's just discussion.
 Note: Sry if what I wrote is far off from the discussion, I dont 
 understand most of what u guys talking about here hehe. I'm 
 confused why I read this lot in Biofuel group discussion.. am i 
 missing something? :S

 Have a nice day, 

 From:  /Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]/
 Reply-To:  /
 To:  /
 Subject:  /Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)/
 Date:  /Thu, 02 Nov 2006 16:49:11 +/
 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
 Modification .
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
  Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:24:19 -0600
  Joe Street wrote:
' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer
there Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are
that there is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and
 repeating it 3
times) ( is that like tapping the heels of your shoes three
times?.lol) well then how can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or
  the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the
 outcome.  that is
  what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to do
  double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever
  effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo
  effect, as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer
bob allen wrote:
Kirk McLoren wrote:
In many trials the placebo is as profound as the
 pharmaceutical and
with no adverse side effects/toxicology.
checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm.
In many instances the act of doing something with an
produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic
 agent isnt
actually it can be.  see above
More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.
*/bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:
D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-03 Thread bob allen
richard tandiono supardi wrote:
 (I know, I'm a firm believer in physical reality, and thats where I get in 
 trouble with those who accept supernatural explanations of natural 
 -That's probably because some people are open-minded. By saying impossible, 
 we limit our perception on things and deny any other possibilities. Let's 
 face it, we dont know much about this world; What we see, it's limited to 
 our perception. Ages ago, walking on the moon = impossible! but now = oh 
 okay, big deal.

 Question: What's considered physical reality?
what I can measure
  Where's the limit?

the sensitivity of my equiptment

 Good day,

 From: Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
 Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 12:24:26 -0500

 bob allen wrote:

 Joe Street wrote:

 ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful there 
 Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying that there 
 is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 times) ( is that 
 like tapping the heels of your shoes three times?.lol) well then how 
 can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or otherwise?

 the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the outcome.

 So you are admitting that the mind is a part of reality and not just a part 
 but a part which has substantial power to effect an outcome. But where is 
 the evidence of the mind?  I don't know of any scientific experiment which 
 has detected it.  You can cross section any lobe of my brain and I 
 guarantee you will not find any trace of my mind.  It would seem then from 
 a scientific, hard evidence perspective that the mind does not have a 
 physical reality. And yet it has a very real power to affect reality. Hmm. 
 You said in a previous post:

 I know, I'm a firm believer in physical reality, and thats where I get in 
 trouble with those who accept supernatural explanations of natural 

 But you believe the placebo effect is real.  I think that's called a 
 circular argument isn't it?


 that is what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to 
 do double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever 
 effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo effect, 
 as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer there.


 bob allen wrote:

 Kirk McLoren wrote:

 In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
 with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

 checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm.

 In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
 produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

 actually it can be.  see above

 More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.


 */bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence 
you accept testimony.

 You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
is only a
 method, a tool,


 to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates 
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
some time.

no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

 is merely a method.


 Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
But if
you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe 
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message -
 From: bob allen
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]

 Sorry but I have to jump in here

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread Joe Street

' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful
there Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot. If you are saying
that there is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3
times) ( is that like tapping the heels of your shoes three
times?.lol) well then how can NOTHING do SOMETHING? Harm or


bob allen wrote:

  Kirk McLoren wrote:
In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 

In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

actually it can be.  see above

More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.

*/bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or "science".

I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
you accept testimony.

 You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
is only a
 method, a tool,


 to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
some time.

no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

 is merely a method.


 Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
But if
you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message -
 From: "bob allen"
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
     Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
homeopathy. This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
concentration there
 is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
way here.

 There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
 for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.

 Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
dentist for
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
separation of self
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the
dermatologist for
 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the
whole ..
 is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

 Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing
.. but if
 have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we
all), then
 homeopathy could be the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: "D. Mindock"
     Subject: Re:
 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

 Hi Mike,
 Yep, Linus Pauling was a 

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo Joe,

Thursday, 02 November, 2006, 10:05:46, you wrote:

JS ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful there 
JS Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying that there 
JS is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 times) ( is that 
JS like tapping the heels of your shoes three times?.lol) well then how 
JS can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or otherwise?

JS Joe

It's  worse  than  that  Joe.  He  demands  data  on  the  efficacy of
homeopathic  products  stating that the work to falsify homeopathy has
been done but provides zero data to falsify homeopathy as a legitimate
method  of  treatment. Evidently he hasn't heard that what is good for
the goose is good for the gander or of logical debate for that matter.
If  he  had  anything other than an opinion he would provide it but it
isn't  in  any  of  his mails nor will it ever be because the work has
apparently  not  been  done.  I haven't followed this thread but would
like  to  know  if he has cited any hard data or has he only cited the
opinions of some scientists or nothing at all. Homeopathy has not been
falsified  because  either no one has taken the trouble to do it or it
works  is  what  it  looks  like.  His  science  is  as  hard as the
testimonies  he  decries and his data against homeopathy is as lacking
as  the hard data for it. Some folks just like to talk for the sake of

Happy Happy,


JS bob allen wrote:

Kirk McLoren wrote:

In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 


In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

actually it can be.  see above


More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.


*/bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
you accept testimony.

 You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
is only a
 method, a tool,


 to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
some time.

no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

 is merely a method.


 Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
But if
you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message -
 From: bob allen
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
homeopathy. This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
concentration there
 is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
way here.

 There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
 for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.

 Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
dentist for
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
separation of self
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the
dermatologist for
 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the
whole ..
 is going to exist

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread bob allen
Joe Street wrote:
 ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful 
 there Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying 
 that there is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 
 times) ( is that like tapping the heels of your shoes three 
 times?.lol) well then how can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or 

the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the outcome.  that is 
what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to do 
double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever 
effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo 
effect, as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer there.


 bob allen wrote:
 Kirk McLoren wrote:
 In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
 with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

 checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 

 In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
 produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

 actually it can be.  see above

 More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.

 */bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 D. Mindock wrote:
  Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
  Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
 is silly of
  me to
  ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

 I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
 positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
 you accept testimony.

  You have
  thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
 is only a
  method, a tool,


  to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
  verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
  hypothesis in
  the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
 some time.

 no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

  That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

 so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

  is merely a method.


  Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

 who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
 But if
 you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
 apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
 silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
 works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

  Peace and light, D. Mindock
  - Original Message -
  From: bob allen
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
  Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
  Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
 homeopathy. This
  is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
  planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
  causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
  something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
 Substances are
  diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
 concentration there
  is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
 way here.
  There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
  for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.
  Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
  We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
 dentist for
  re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
 separation of self
  seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the
 dermatologist for
  problems, etc
  Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the
 whole ..
  is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
  Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing
 .. but if
  have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we
 all), then
  homeopathy could be the road.
  Mary Lynn
  Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
  TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
  Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
  . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
 Polarity .
  The Animal

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:24:19 -0600

Joe Street wrote:
  ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful
  there Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying
  that there is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3
  times) ( is that like tapping the heels of your shoes three
  times?.lol) well then how can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or

the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the outcome.  that is
what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to do
double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever
effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo
effect, as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer there.

  bob allen wrote:
  Kirk McLoren wrote:
  In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and
  with no adverse side effects/toxicology.
  checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm.
  In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation
  produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt 
  actually it can be.  see above
  More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.
  */bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:
  D. Mindock wrote:
   Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
   Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
  is silly of
   me to
   ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.
  I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
  positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence 
  you accept testimony.
   You have
   thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
  is only a
   method, a tool,
   to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
   verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates 
   hypothesis in
   the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
  some time.
  no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not
   That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.
  so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do
   is merely a method.
   Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
  who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
  But if
  you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
  apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
  silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe 
  works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?
   Peace and light, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: bob allen
   Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
   Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
   Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
  homeopathy. This
   is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on 
   planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
   causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured 
   something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
  Substances are
   diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
  concentration there
   is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
  way here.
   There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
   for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.
   Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
   Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth 
   We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
  dentist for
   re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
  separation of self
   seeing the heart specialist

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread Joe Street

bob allen wrote:

  Joe Street wrote:
' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful 
there Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying 
that there is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 
times) ( is that like tapping the heels of your shoes three 
times?.lol) well then how can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or 

the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the outcome.  

So you are admitting that the mind is a part of reality and not just a
part but a part which has substantial power to effect an outcome. But
where is the evidence of the mind? I don't know of any scientific
experiment which has detected it. You can cross section any lobe of my
brain and I guarantee you will not find any trace of my mind. It would
seem then from a scientific, hard evidence perspective that the mind
does not have a physical reality. And yet it has a very real power to
affect reality. Hmm. 
You said in a previous post:
I know, I'm a firm believer in physical reality, and thats where I get 
in trouble with those who accept supernatural explanations of natural 

But you believe the placebo effect is real.  I think that's called a circular argument isn't it?


  that is 
what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to do 
double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever 
effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo 
effect, as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer there.


bob allen wrote:

  Kirk McLoren wrote:
In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

  checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 

In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

  actually it can be.  see above

More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.

*/bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or "science".

I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
you accept testimony.

 You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
is only a
 method, a tool,


 to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
some time.

no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

 is merely a method.


 Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
But if
you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message -
 From: "bob allen"
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
     Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
homeopathy. This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
concentration there
 is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
way here.

 There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
 for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.

 Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
dentist for

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread bob allen
Howdy Gustl

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:
 Hallo Joe,

 Thursday, 02 November, 2006, 10:05:46, you wrote:

 JS ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful there 
 JS Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying that there 
 JS is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 times) ( is that 
 JS like tapping the heels of your shoes three times?.lol) well then how 
 JS can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or otherwise?

 JS Joe

 It's  worse  than  that  Joe.  He  demands  data  on  the  efficacy of
 homeopathic  products  stating that the work to falsify homeopathy has
 been done but provides zero data to falsify homeopathy as a legitimate
 method  of  treatment.

so your saying that because I can't prove that it doesn't work, means 
that it does? 

here is what I can prove:  the dilutions employed in homeopathy are such 
that there is nothing left of the agent (the duck liver for example) in 
the final product.  Logic alone would suggest then that the duck liver 
has no effect on the outcome of the use of the product, unless you 
accept that the water remembered the duck liver, and this was transfered 
to the filler in the capsule taken.  One, I would think, has to suspend 
any connection to reality to believe that the water remembers what was 
in it.  


  Evidently he hasn't heard that what is good for
 the goose is good for the gander or of logical debate for that matter.
 If  he  had  anything other than an opinion he would provide it but it
 isn't  in  any  of  his mails nor will it ever be because the work has
 apparently  not  been  done.  I haven't followed this thread but would
 like  to  know  if he has cited any hard data or has he only cited the
 opinions of some scientists or nothing at all. Homeopathy has not been
 falsified  because  either no one has taken the trouble to do it or it
 works  is  what  it  looks  like.  His  science  is  as  hard as the
 testimonies  he  decries and his data against homeopathy is as lacking
 as  the hard data for it. Some folks just like to talk for the sake of

 Happy Happy,


 JS bob allen wrote:

 Kirk McLoren wrote:

 In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
 with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

 checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 


 In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
 produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

 actually it can be.  see above


 More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.


 */bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
you accept testimony.

 You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
is only a
 method, a tool,


 to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
some time.

no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

 is merely a method.


 Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
But if
you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message -
 From: bob allen
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
homeopathy. This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread Mike Weaver
Goin' to shoot my ol' lady caught her messin' around with another man...

bob allen wrote:

Howdy Gustl

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

Hallo Joe,

Thursday, 02 November, 2006, 10:05:46, you wrote:

JS ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful there 
JS Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying that there 
JS is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 times) ( is that 
JS like tapping the heels of your shoes three times?.lol) well then how 
JS can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or otherwise?

JS Joe

It's  worse  than  that  Joe.  He  demands  data  on  the  efficacy of
homeopathic  products  stating that the work to falsify homeopathy has
been done but provides zero data to falsify homeopathy as a legitimate
method  of  treatment.

so your saying that because I can't prove that it doesn't work, means 
that it does? 

here is what I can prove:  the dilutions employed in homeopathy are such 
that there is nothing left of the agent (the duck liver for example) in 
the final product.  Logic alone would suggest then that the duck liver 
has no effect on the outcome of the use of the product, unless you 
accept that the water remembered the duck liver, and this was transfered 
to the filler in the capsule taken.  One, I would think, has to suspend 
any connection to reality to believe that the water remembers what was 
in it.  



 Evidently he hasn't heard that what is good for
the goose is good for the gander or of logical debate for that matter.
If  he  had  anything other than an opinion he would provide it but it
isn't  in  any  of  his mails nor will it ever be because the work has
apparently  not  been  done.  I haven't followed this thread but would
like  to  know  if he has cited any hard data or has he only cited the
opinions of some scientists or nothing at all. Homeopathy has not been
falsified  because  either no one has taken the trouble to do it or it
works  is  what  it  looks  like.  His  science  is  as  hard as the
testimonies  he  decries and his data against homeopathy is as lacking
as  the hard data for it. Some folks just like to talk for the sake of

Happy Happy,


JS bob allen wrote:


Kirk McLoren wrote:


In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
with no adverse side effects/toxicology.


checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 



In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.


actually it can be.  see above



More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.




*/bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

   D. Mindock wrote:
Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
   is silly of
me to
ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

   I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
   positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
   you accept testimony.

You have
thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
   is only a
method, a tool,


to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
hypothesis in
the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
   some time.

   no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

   so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

is merely a method.


Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

   who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
   But if
   you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
   apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
   silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
   works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

Peace and light, D. Mindock
- Original Message -
From: bob allen
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
   homeopathy. This
is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread bob allen
 be testable? Where is the data.?

  Peace and light, D. Mindock
  - Original Message -
  From: bob allen
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
  Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
  Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
 homeopathy. This
  is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
  planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
  causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
  something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
 Substances are
  diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
 concentration there
  is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
 way here.
  There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
  for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.
  Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
  We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
 dentist for
  re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
 separation of self
  seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the
 dermatologist for
  problems, etc
  Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the
 whole ..
  is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
  Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing
 .. but if
  have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we
 all), then
  homeopathy could be the road.
  Mary Lynn
  Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
  TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
  Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
  . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
 Polarity .
  The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: D. Mindock
  Subject: Re:
  Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500
  Hi Mike,
  Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human
  I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It
  there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He
 just wants
  pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists
 who can
  disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to
 hook up with
  and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've
 talked with
  who has partials and he hates them.
  I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get
 them even
  if they're
  free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all
  shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few
 days after
  getting the shot
  doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there
  crippled virus.
  She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible
 and don't
  our health
  for granted.
  Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very
  The mind controls
  your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or
 happy is a
  good way to keep the sick
  bugs at bay.
  Peace and joy, D. Mindock
  - Original Message -
  From: MK DuPree
  Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
  Subject: Re:
  Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then
  distilling. Muy excellente!!!
  Linus Pauling...a true hero.
  Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff. But glad you
  a remedy.
  The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried.
  haven't felt the need. The wife and I don't do the flu shot
 stuff, but
  with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so
 far without
  any viral problems. Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
  - Original Message -
  From: D. Mindock
  Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-02 Thread richard tandiono supardi
(I know, I'm a firm believer in physical reality, and thats where I get in 
trouble with those who accept supernatural explanations of natural 
-That's probably because some people are open-minded. By saying impossible, 
we limit our perception on things and deny any other possibilities. Let's 
face it, we dont know much about this world; What we see, it's limited to 
our perception. Ages ago, walking on the moon = impossible! but now = oh 
okay, big deal.

Question: What's considered physical reality? Where's the limit?

Good day,

From: Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 12:24:26 -0500

bob allen wrote:

Joe Street wrote:

' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'...careful there 
Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying that there 
is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 times) ( is that 
like tapping the heels of your shoes three times?.lol) well then how 
can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or otherwise?

the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the outcome.

So you are admitting that the mind is a part of reality and not just a part 
but a part which has substantial power to effect an outcome. But where is 
the evidence of the mind?  I don't know of any scientific experiment which 
has detected it.  You can cross section any lobe of my brain and I 
guarantee you will not find any trace of my mind.  It would seem then from 
a scientific, hard evidence perspective that the mind does not have a 
physical reality. And yet it has a very real power to affect reality. Hmm. 
You said in a previous post:

I know, I'm a firm believer in physical reality, and thats where I get in 
trouble with those who accept supernatural explanations of natural 

But you believe the placebo effect is real.  I think that's called a 
circular argument isn't it?


that is what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to 
do double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever 
effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo effect, 
as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer there.


bob allen wrote:

Kirk McLoren wrote:

In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm.

In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

actually it can be.  see above

More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.


*/bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
is silly of
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence 
you accept testimony.

 You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
is only a
 method, a tool,


 to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates 
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
some time.

no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

 is merely a method.


 Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
But if
you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe 
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message -
 From: bob allen
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
homeopathy. This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured 
 something at extremely low doses. And I mean

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread bob allen
D. Mindock wrote:
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your quackwatch 
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices is silly of 
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science. 

I think this comment  clearly dilineates the differences in our 
positions.  I seek rational explanations and  reproducable evidence and 
you accept testimony.

  You have 
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you.  Science is only a
 method, a tool,


  to get something believed to have a chance of being true to 
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the 
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite some time.

no it hasn't.  maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not 

 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid. 

so explain it to me.  How does something which is not there, do something? 

 is merely a method.


  Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.  But if 
you really want  to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who 
apparently had a very confused  sense of cause and effect, and that 
silliness has persisted  to this day.  So D if you really believe  this 
works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable?  Where is the data.? 

 Peace and light, D. Mindock

 - Original Message - 
 From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet.  there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses.  And I mean extreme.  Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more.  At this concentration there
 is nothing left at all.   A little critical thinking goes a long way here.

 There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
 for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes-  it is nonsense.

 Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for 
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self 
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for 
 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 
 is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

 Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if 
 have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), then
 homeopathy could be the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification 
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re:
 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

 Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 
 there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just wants 
 pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can 
 disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with 
 and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with 
 who has partials and he hates them.
 I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even
 if they're
 free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees 
 shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days after
 getting the shot
 doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides 
 crippled virus.
 She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't 
 our health
 for granted.
 Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real.
 The mind controls
 your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or happy is a
 good way to keep the sick
 bugs at bay.
 Peace and joy, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Joe Street

Wouldn't that be 'homeophobic'


Mike Weaver wrote:

  Here in Virginia I find that a lot of people are Homeopathic-phobic.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

I work with companion animals mainly .. at least that's what my business 
card says.

One of the reasons I love working mainly with the furry, 4 legged variety vs 
the 2 legged skin types is there simply is no pretense, no puffed up self 
importance, and there is absolutely no PLACEBO EFFECT .. animals and infants 
.. just isn't there.

.. if the stuff isn't working there is no way you will be able to convince 
that dog/cat/horse/cow that "WOW .. AREN'T YOU FEELING SO MUCH BETTER" .. 
and if you were silly enough to try that approach you will be flapping your 
jaws for your own entertainment .. or exercise.

Given this set of conditions, I would be advising my client to (1) work with 
a Classical Homeopath for at least a year (don't self diagnosis and don't 
self treat with anything serious or long term) .. and (2) consider a good 
detox program (why bring it up and out if flushing will help) .. and then 
(3) move on to a qualified herbalist (helps aid in adding and balancing) 
within 1.5 to 2 years.

Be careful in choosing a homeopath.  Seek out one that's been highly 
recommended by people who know homeopathy.

One of the scariest situations that is now cropping up in the Veterinarian 
community .. so I'm assuming it's happening in the Medical community 
(dentists would in included here) is that with such a substantial loss in 
income .. due hopefully to the human population beginning to wise up (I am 
an optimist always) .. a great many allopathically trained medical (furry 
and skin types) professionals are taking a few weekend courses and 
advertising themselves as holistic.

In the vet community many are trying to use homeopathic remedies in an 
allopathic way .. something called nosodes used as a preventative would be 
an example.

If you have any questions during treatment, I'll help if I can.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities


  From: "D. Mindock" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:33:46 -0600

Hi Marylynn,

  I'm going to see a holistic dentist next week. He wants to do a bunch 
checks on me to see what's causing the periodontal disease. He says
he has lots of methods to treat the problem. He is a follower of Dr. Hal
btw. Dr. Huggins introduced the problem of dental amalgam mercury poisoning
to the public in the early 1980s. I think he is despised by the ADA.

 Yep, homeopathy is something I've been looking into. I used to use
one from Boiron (sp) for flu prevention. Never got the flu when I used

  My original crown was done by a dentist in the air force about 30 years
ago. He found a sensitive spot on a pre-molar. There was no cavity, just
a spot sensitive to a probe he was using. So he drilled into a perfectly
tooth and put in a filling. I think that was the beginning of a slow 
my health. Twenty years later the tooth started acting up, painwise.
So I went to a dentist and he did a root canal followed with a gold crown.
That tooth is now my nemesis. I know now it must come out even though I
to stop the pain and infection with herbs, essential oils, MSM, and
colloidal silver.
I think what's happening now is that not only is the mercury bothering me
but the
toxic output of anaerobic bacteria is adding to the problem.

Peace  light, D. Mindock

- Original Message -
From: "Marylynn Schmidt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)


Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for
re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self
seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for 


problems, etc

Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 


is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if
have some level of toxic substance a

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo Bob,

Wednesday, 01 November, 2006, 08:38:50, you wrote:
  Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
ba who  cares  where  it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
ba But  if  you  really  want  to  know  it  came  from  a guy called
ba Hahnemann,  who  apparently had a very confused sense of cause and
ba effect,  and that silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you
ba really  believe this works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable?
ba Where is the data.?

Without  weighing  in  on one side or the other of this debate I would
like  to  point  out  that a hypothesis only gets tested if science is
interested  enough  in  the hypothesis, for whatever reason, to do the
testing.  That  a  hypothesis has neither been tested and repeated nor
negated  or  affirmed  means  basically  nothing.  That the scientific
community  ignores  something  or  considers something a waste of time
without  testing also means nothing. People have differing beliefs and
what  one considers important or worthy another may not for any number
of  reasons. Sometimes all one has to go on is the testimony of others
and sometimes things which fly in the face of science are efficacious.
Asking  for  evidence  for  something  which  the scientific community
refuses  to  test  is  a  useless  pursuit and proves nothing, neither
evidence  for  or  against a hypothesis, and attempting to discredit a
theory  because  of  lack  of  data  seems  to me but may not truly be
disingenuous. I don't know one way or another whether homeopathy is or
is  not efficacious and neither do you because all we have to go on is
testimonials.  Science has refused to become involved which means only
that science has refused to become involved.

One  of  my former professors from 30 odd years ago is one of the most
brilliant and astute and knowledgeable people I have ever known. He is
also  one  of  the  healthiest  people  I  have ever met and swears by
homeopathy.  Way  back  when he explained the theory of how and why it
worked  while  seeming  to  fly  in  the  face  of science but I don't
remember  what he said and I don't use homeopathic medicine. I do know
folks  who  ingest  minute  amounts of poison ivy every spring because
they  are extremely allergic to the plant and they claim it gives them
immunity. I wouldn't recommend this method but if it works for them it
works for them.

And  Bob, you know as well as I that science can be bought and science
can  be  suppressed  and  dismissing  that by calling it bad science
seems  to  mean that you perhaps consider yourself qualified to act as
the arbiter when it comes to bad science as well as what is or isn't
crapola  based  on  your own cherished beliefs.  Perhaps that is not
the case brother, but that is how you come across.  And again, I don't
have  anything  to  say  for  or  against  homeopathy nor do I use its
methods or dismiss them.

So  what  can  be said about all this? Those claiming homeopathy to be
efficacious  are able to say, We believe homeopathy to be efficacious
because  we  have  tried  it  and  it  has  worked for us. This is our
testimony.  Those  claiming homeopathy is not efficacious are able to
say,  We believe homeopathy to be bunk but since the experiments have
not   been   done  we  have  no  evidence  of  that.  It  just  sounds
unscientific, improbable and impossible to us.

My  personal  opinion?  Homeopathy may be a topic worth discussing but
I'm  not  anywhere  near  sure  it is worth debating given the lack of
hard evidence one way or the other, but that is just me.

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Mike Weaver
The cheaper the grapes are the sweeter the taste of the whine

Joe Street wrote:

 There you go with your spelling again Mike!  Don't you mean sour grape 


 Mike Weaver wrote:

You're thinking of sourdough bread.

bob allen wrote:


Terry Dyck wrote:

Hi Bob,

People have been taking homeopathic flu shots and seem to get results, 
however, people taking regular flu shots are still getting the flu and 
they are exposed to dangerous chemicals such as mercury and alluminum 
which are in regular flu vaccines.


crapola, show me the data! homeophathy is a hoax, it is not chemically 
or biologically plausible. Please look at what it is and think 
critically. Homeopathic nostrums have been so diluted that nothing at 
all of the original ingredient exists. THINK ABOUT IT. The 
oscillococcinum preperation mentioned for the flu treatment is made from 
the liver of a duck. As I recall 35 grams of duck liver fat is churned 
into 100 milliters of water. This is dumped out. Then another 100 ml is 
added to the same container. Repeat this process 200 times. What you 
have is some thing that has been diluted 100 to the 200th power. The is 
no way in hell that there is a single m molecule exists from the 
original duck. Time magazine did a story on this a while back. They 
called it 120 million dollar duck, because that is the money made on the 
sale of the derived product (Boiron) talk about follow the money!

I would encourage any thinking person to examine any of the following

or go listen to the podcasts at:

after doing so come back and defend this nonsense


Terry Dyck



From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:53:36 -0500

Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy. This
is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme. Substances are
diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this concentration there
is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long way here.

There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist 


for bone

re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of 


self as

seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist 


for skin

problems, etc

Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 



is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing .. but 


if you

have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we 


all), then

homeopathy could be the road.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 


Modification .

Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 



. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities



From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 


there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just 

wants to

pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who 

can stop

disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up 

with one

and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked 

with a

who has partials

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread bob allen
Howdy, Gustl

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:
 Hallo Bob,

 Wednesday, 01 November, 2006, 08:38:50, you wrote:
  Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
 ba who  cares  where  it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
 ba But  if  you  really  want  to  know  it  came  from  a guy called
 ba Hahnemann,  who  apparently had a very confused sense of cause and
 ba effect,  and that silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you
 ba really  believe this works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable?
 ba Where is the data.?

 Without  weighing  in  on one side or the other of this debate I would
 like  to  point  out  that a hypothesis only gets tested if science is
 interested  enough  in  the hypothesis, for whatever reason, to do the

you speak as if science is a thing or person, not a process.  Surely if 
it worked, then there would be someone capable of conducting trial which 
would show efficacy by generally accepted methodologies. 
  That  a  hypothesis has neither been tested and repeated nor
 negated  or  affirmed  means  basically  nothing. 

big money (remember follow the money) is made with purportedly 
efficacious homeopathic agents.  Why haven't  the promoters of these 
agents for once and for all put the question to the test-  prove that 
something that isn't there has pharmacological effect.  It shouldn't be 
that  difficult to prove . 

  That the scientific
 community  ignores  something  or  considers something a waste of time
 without  testing also means nothing. People have differing beliefs and
 what  one considers important or worthy another may not for any number
 of  reasons. Sometimes all one has to go on is the testimony of others
 and sometimes things which fly in the face of science are efficacious.

for example ???

 Asking  for  evidence  for  something  which  the scientific community
 refuses  to  test  is  a  useless  pursuit and proves nothing, neither
 evidence  for  or  against a hypothesis, and attempting to discredit a
 theory  because  of  lack  of  data  seems  to me but may not truly be

what is disingenuous is making unsupportable  claims ,  not questioning 
the claim itself.   

  I don't know one way or another whether homeopathy is or
 is  not efficacious and neither do you because all we have to go on is

I do have serious reason the question the efficacy of homeopathy.  the 
sheer degree of silliness is overwhelming.  Homeopathic agents begin as 
something and are diluted to nothing.  I repeat nothing.   NOTHING.  So 
the claim that nothing does something is extraordinary.  I won't  say it 
needs extraordinary proof, just any proof.   

  Science has refused to become involved which means only
 that science has refused to become involved.

Actually there have been tests which failed miserably to prove 
efficacy.  How many times does one have to  prove  an implausible 
hypothesis is false before it goes away, at least scientifically.  See 
for example the Benveniste Affair as published in Nature Magazine.   

 One  of  my former professors 

professor of what?  Isaac Newton was a brilliant physicist but a real 
numnuts when it comes to chemistry-  he was a part time alchemist trying 
to turn lead into gold
 from 30 odd years ago is one of the most
 brilliant and astute and knowledgeable people I have ever known. He is
 also  one  of  the  healthiest  people  I  have ever met and swears by
 homeopathy.  Way  back  when he explained the theory of how and why it
 worked  while  seeming  to  fly  in  the  face  of science but I don't
 remember  what he said and I don't use homeopathic medicine. I do know
 folks  who  ingest  minute  amounts of poison ivy every spring because
 they  are extremely allergic to the plant and they claim it gives them

at least in this case something is there- in homeopathy nothing is there

  I wouldn't recommend this method but if it works for them it
 works for them.

 And  Bob, you know as well as I that science can be bought and science
 can  be  suppressed  and  dismissing  that by calling it bad science
 seems  to  mean that you perhaps consider yourself qualified to act as
 the arbiter when it comes to bad science as well as what is or isn't
 crapola  based  on  your own cherished beliefs. 

sure data can be manipulated, it's called fraud

  Perhaps that is not
 the case brother, but that is how you come across. 

I know, I'm a firm believer in physical reality, and thats where I get 
in trouble with those who accept supernatural explanations of natural 

  And again, I don't
 have  anything  to  say  for  or  against  homeopathy nor do I use its
 methods or dismiss them.

 So  what  can  be said about all this? Those claiming homeopathy to be
 efficacious  are able to say, We believe homeopathy to be efficacious
 because  we  have  tried  it  and  it  has  worked for us. This is our
 testimony.  Those  claiming 

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and with no adverse side effects/toxicology.  In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic. More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.Kirkbob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  D. Mindock wrote: Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your quackwatch  routine. Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices is silly of  me to ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or "science". I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and you accept testimony. You
 have  your thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science is only a method, a tool,agreeed to get something believed to have a chance of being true to  be verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the  hypothesis in the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite some time. no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not homeopathy. That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid. so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do something?  Science is merely a method.agreed Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that. who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense. But if you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who apparently had a very confused sense of
 cause and effect, and that silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?  Peace and light, D. Mindock - Original Message -  From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <BIOFUEL@SUSTAINABLELISTS.ORG> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM Subject: Re: [Biofuel]  Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)  Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy. This is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something which causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme. Substances are diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At
 this concentration there is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long way here. There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense. Marylynn Schmidt wrote:  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth .. We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for  bone re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self  as seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for  skin problems, etc Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole ..  nothing is going to exist in isolation inside the human
 physical body. Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing .. but if  you have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), then homeopathy could be the road. Mary Lynn Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister ONE SPIRIT ONE HEART TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification  . Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy  Practitioner . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity . The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: To: <BIOFUEL@SUSTAINABLELISTS.ORG> Subject: Re: [Biofuel]Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence) Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500 Hi Mike, Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being. I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems  that there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just wants  to pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can  stop the disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with
  one and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with  a friend who has partials and he hates them. I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even if they're free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees  free flu shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days after getting the shot doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides  the crippled virus. She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't  take our health for granted. Yep, being ornery does
 help. The mind-body connection is very real. The mind controls your health t

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread bob allen
Kirk McLoren wrote:
 In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
 with no adverse side effects/toxicology.

checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 

 In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
 produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.

actually it can be.  see above

 More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.


 */bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 D. Mindock wrote:
  Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
  Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
 is silly of
  me to
  ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.

 I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
 positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
 you accept testimony.

  You have
  thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
 is only a
  method, a tool,


  to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
  verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
  hypothesis in
  the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
 some time.

 no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not

  That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.

 so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do

  is merely a method.


  Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.

 who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
 But if
 you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
 apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
 silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
 works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?

  Peace and light, D. Mindock
  - Original Message -
  From: bob allen
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
  Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
  Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
 homeopathy. This
  is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
  planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
  causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
  something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
 Substances are
  diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
 concentration there
  is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
 way here.
  There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
  for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.
  Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
  We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
 dentist for
  re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
 separation of self
  seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the
 dermatologist for
  problems, etc
  Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the
 whole ..
  is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
  Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing
 .. but if
  have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we
 all), then
  homeopathy could be the road.
  Mary Lynn
  Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
  TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
  Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
  . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
 Polarity .
  The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: D. Mindock
  Subject: Re:
  Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500
  Hi Mike,
  Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human
  I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It
  there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He
 just wants
  pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists
 who can

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Terry Dyck
Hi Marylynn,

Many people use homeopathic remedies for animals including horse racing 
owners.  If they do not get results they would not spend the money.  The 
placebo effect does not work on animals is a great point that you made.

Terry Dyck

From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 04:41:45 +

I try not to respond.

I grew up in a household of 3 chemical engineers with an average of 2.5
masters between them .. brilliant people and I frequently could enjoy being
a member of that household .. except when I was trying to walk them through
traffic .. and, lord please forgive me .. when I was begged to go clothes
shopping with my sister .. retired as head of patents for a large chemical
company but couldn't understand something like sizes and appropriate dress
for different occasions.

I dressed her pretty much through most of her extremely successful career.

My problem was understanding how they could be simply amazed when something
in a test tube would respond in one way but would respond quite differently
.. say in a human body .. they weren't just joking .. they really couldn't
understand it.

To believe in the physical, just the physical, and only the physical leaves
the rest of the universe ignored .. and I don't believe the rest of the
universe needs to be ignored.

As I've said before, I work with animals .. no such thing as placebo .. I
love success.

.. and because I love success I'll share with you all Graviola,
Andrographis, Chaparral, Neem .. they are all easily obtainable and common
herbs that have a great track record against cancer .. also a great success
story for about the cost of $60.00.

As Rose (on another list) says in her signature .. for those who say it
can't be done, please get out of the way of those who are doing it.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification .
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re:
 Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:06:24 -0600
 Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your quackwatch
 Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices is silly 
 me to
 ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.  You have
 thoughts on things and that is the final word for you.  Science is only a
 method, a tool, to get something believed to have a chance of being true 
 verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
 hypothesis in
 the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite some 
 That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid. Science
 is merely a method. Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
 Peace and light, D. Mindock
 - Original Message -
 From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
   Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  This
   is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
   planet.  there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
   causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
   something at extremely low doses.  And I mean extreme.  Substances are
   diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more.  At this concentration 
   is nothing left at all.   A little critical thinking goes a long way
   There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
   for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes-  it is nonsense.
   Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
   Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
   We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist 
   re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of
   seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for
   problems, etc
   Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole ..
   is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
   Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but 
   have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all),
   homeopathy could be the road.
   Mary Lynn
   Rev. Mary

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
Hi Terry .. I had the opportunity of watching a demo of a really old 
crippled up farm dog worked on with acupuncture .. in just 20 minutes I had 
become a believer and now have referred many clients to acupuncturists.

The results have been repeatedly much better than anyone could hope for with 
very few exceptions.

Animals can be such wonderful teachers it seems like such a waste of talent 
when you stop and consider just how hard their job is when the student is 

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: Terry Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 19:01:31 +

Hi Marylynn,

Many people use homeopathic remedies for animals including horse racing
owners.  If they do not get results they would not spend the money.  The
placebo effect does not work on animals is a great point that you made.

Terry Dyck

 From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
 Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 04:41:45 +
 I try not to respond.
 I grew up in a household of 3 chemical engineers with an average of 2.5
 masters between them .. brilliant people and I frequently could enjoy 
 a member of that household .. except when I was trying to walk them 
 traffic .. and, lord please forgive me .. when I was begged to go clothes
 shopping with my sister .. retired as head of patents for a large 
 company but couldn't understand something like sizes and appropriate 
 for different occasions.
 I dressed her pretty much through most of her extremely successful 
 My problem was understanding how they could be simply amazed when 
 in a test tube would respond in one way but would respond quite 
 .. say in a human body .. they weren't just joking .. they really 
 understand it.
 To believe in the physical, just the physical, and only the physical 
 the rest of the universe ignored .. and I don't believe the rest of the
 universe needs to be ignored.
 As I've said before, I work with animals .. no such thing as placebo .. I
 love success.
 .. and because I love success I'll share with you all Graviola,
 Andrographis, Chaparral, Neem .. they are all easily obtainable and 
 herbs that have a great track record against cancer .. also a great 
 story for about the cost of $60.00.
 As Rose (on another list) says in her signature .. for those who say it
 can't be done, please get out of the way of those who are doing it.
 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification 
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re:
  Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:06:24 -0600
  Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your quackwatch
  Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices is 
  me to
  ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.  You 
  thoughts on things and that is the final word for you.  Science is only 
  method, a tool, to get something believed to have a chance of being 
  verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
  hypothesis in
  the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite some
  That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid. Science
  is merely a method. Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
  Peace and light, D. Mindock
  - Original Message -
  From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
  Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  
is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread D. Mindock
 as the vaccine is taken 
into the mouth and builds up protection with each further dose. This 
build-up leads from tonsillar tissue through the lymphatics incorporating 
the entire reticuloendothelial system. This procedure is equivalent to what 
is known as `street infection' viz., ingestion of virus etc. during daily 
contact with other animals, when immunity would be built up in the same 
   .There are no side effects when using homeopathic oral vaccines-a 
reaction may sometimes be observed.but such reaction is transient and soon 
   .Another advantage in protection by homeopathic means, is that 
vaccination can be started very early in the pup's life, e.g., within the 
first week if necessary. This does not interfere with the presence of any 
maternal antibodies.

 Ed. Note: the bold letters and underline are mine.)

   Nosodes appear to stimulate the entire natural immune system to 
react against a specific disease. One of the many reasons that they have not 
been accepted in the `orthodox' medical community, is that they do not 
produce specific, measurable antibodies! This `titer testing' is of little 
value in measuring effective immunity from nosode usage. Again, because the 
`mechanism' of action is poorly understood, the 'orthodox' reaction is to 
reject all evidence as merely `anecdotal.' Perhaps the `challenge' study by 
Dr. Schultz will provide more acceptable evidence to this mentality.

   In the U.S.A., the primary source for nosodes is the Hahnemann 
Pharmacy in Berkeley, California. Interestingly, nosodes can be obtained in 
`singular' form or in a `combination' form. Both forms are presently being 
used by holistic vets with good results.

   I should mention however, that there is no unanimous agreement 
between vets, with respect to the schedule of application. There are various 
protocols of administration being used, so don't be surprised if you run 
across different recommendations from different people.

   Nosodes share the same problem as other homeopathic remedies, i.e., 
they don't fit into current scientific understanding. Back in the 1550's, an 
Italian anatomist said the heart was a pump. He was burned at the stake. 
Seventy-five years later, William Harvey said the same thing. He was 
knighted. What happened in between those two events was that the mechanical 
pumps came into widespread use for irrigation and mining. Homeopathy doesn't 
make sense to most people because it lacks a real world metaphor. Until it 
has one, all the positive studies in the world won't be able to crack open 
the closed mind. I am thankful that there is a growing number of people that 
choose to think for themselves.

- Original Message - 
From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

I work with companion animals mainly .. at least that's what my business
card says.

One of the reasons I love working mainly with the furry, 4 legged variety 

the 2 legged skin types is there simply is no pretense, no puffed up self
importance, and there is absolutely no PLACEBO EFFECT .. animals and 

.. just isn't there.

.. if the stuff isn't working there is no way you will be able to convince
that dog/cat/horse/cow that WOW .. AREN'T YOU FEELING SO MUCH BETTER ..
and if you were silly enough to try that approach you will be flapping 

jaws for your own entertainment .. or exercise.

Given this set of conditions, I would be advising my client to (1) work 

a Classical Homeopath for at least a year (don't self diagnosis and don't
self treat with anything serious or long term) .. and (2) consider a good
detox program (why bring it up and out if flushing will help) .. and then
(3) move on to a qualified herbalist (helps aid in adding and balancing)
within 1.5 to 2 years.

Be careful in choosing a homeopath.  Seek out one that's been highly
recommended by people who know homeopathy.

One of the scariest situations that is now cropping up in the Veterinarian
community .. so I'm assuming it's happening in the Medical community
(dentists would in included here) is that with such a substantial loss in
income .. due hopefully to the human population beginning to wise up (I am
an optimist always) .. a great many allopathically trained medical (furry
and skin types) professionals are taking a few weekend courses and
advertising themselves as holistic.

In the vet community many are trying to use homeopathic remedies in an
allopathic way .. something called nosodes used as a preventative would be
an example.

If you have any questions during treatment, I'll help if I can.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-11-01 Thread Jason Katie
- Original Message - 
From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 As Rose (on another list) says in her signature .. for those who say it
 can't be done, please get out of the way of those who are doing it.

i am usually not so nice about my approach, but the idea i use is the same. 
if someone says it is impossible, do it to prove them wrong. i try to do 
this as often as i can (doesnt always work, but cant say i never tried...).

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
I work with companion animals mainly .. at least that's what my business 
card says.

One of the reasons I love working mainly with the furry, 4 legged variety vs 
the 2 legged skin types is there simply is no pretense, no puffed up self 
importance, and there is absolutely no PLACEBO EFFECT .. animals and infants 
.. just isn't there.

.. if the stuff isn't working there is no way you will be able to convince 
that dog/cat/horse/cow that WOW .. AREN'T YOU FEELING SO MUCH BETTER .. 
and if you were silly enough to try that approach you will be flapping your 
jaws for your own entertainment .. or exercise.

Given this set of conditions, I would be advising my client to (1) work with 
a Classical Homeopath for at least a year (don't self diagnosis and don't 
self treat with anything serious or long term) .. and (2) consider a good 
detox program (why bring it up and out if flushing will help) .. and then 
(3) move on to a qualified herbalist (helps aid in adding and balancing) 
within 1.5 to 2 years.

Be careful in choosing a homeopath.  Seek out one that's been highly 
recommended by people who know homeopathy.

One of the scariest situations that is now cropping up in the Veterinarian 
community .. so I'm assuming it's happening in the Medical community 
(dentists would in included here) is that with such a substantial loss in 
income .. due hopefully to the human population beginning to wise up (I am 
an optimist always) .. a great many allopathically trained medical (furry 
and skin types) professionals are taking a few weekend courses and 
advertising themselves as holistic.

In the vet community many are trying to use homeopathic remedies in an 
allopathic way .. something called nosodes used as a preventative would be 
an example.

If you have any questions during treatment, I'll help if I can.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:33:46 -0600

Hi Marylynn,

I'm going to see a holistic dentist next week. He wants to do a bunch 
checks on me to see what's causing the periodontal disease. He says
he has lots of methods to treat the problem. He is a follower of Dr. Hal
btw. Dr. Huggins introduced the problem of dental amalgam mercury poisoning
to the public in the early 1980s. I think he is despised by the ADA.

   Yep, homeopathy is something I've been looking into. I used to use
one from Boiron (sp) for flu prevention. Never got the flu when I used

My original crown was done by a dentist in the air force about 30 years
ago. He found a sensitive spot on a pre-molar. There was no cavity, just
a spot sensitive to a probe he was using. So he drilled into a perfectly
tooth and put in a filling. I think that was the beginning of a slow 
my health. Twenty years later the tooth started acting up, painwise.
So I went to a dentist and he did a root canal followed with a gold crown.
That tooth is now my nemesis. I know now it must come out even though I
to stop the pain and infection with herbs, essential oils, MSM, and
colloidal silver.
I think what's happening now is that not only is the mercury bothering me
but the
toxic output of anaerobic bacteria is adding to the problem.

Peace  light, D. Mindock

- Original Message -
From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
  We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for
  re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self
  seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for 
  problems, etc
  Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 
  is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
  Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if
  have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), 
  homeopathy could be the road.
  Mary Lynn
  Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
  TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
  Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
  . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread robert and benita rabello
D. Mindock wrote:

Hi Marylynn,

   I'm going to see a holistic dentist next week. He wants to do a bunch of
checks on me to see what's causing the periodontal disease.

Do you brush and floss regularly?  Do you have your teeth 
professionally cleaned every four to six months?  Dentistry is certainly 
one medical field in which prevention and hygeine should be paramount 

I STILL have a baby tooth in my mouth! 

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread D. Mindock
Hi Marylynn,

   I'm going to see a holistic dentist next week. He wants to do a bunch of
checks on me to see what's causing the periodontal disease. He says
he has lots of methods to treat the problem. He is a follower of Dr. Hal 
btw. Dr. Huggins introduced the problem of dental amalgam mercury poisoning
to the public in the early 1980s. I think he is despised by the ADA.

  Yep, homeopathy is something I've been looking into. I used to use
one from Boiron (sp) for flu prevention. Never got the flu when I used

   My original crown was done by a dentist in the air force about 30 years
ago. He found a sensitive spot on a pre-molar. There was no cavity, just
a spot sensitive to a probe he was using. So he drilled into a perfectly 
tooth and put in a filling. I think that was the beginning of a slow decline 
my health. Twenty years later the tooth started acting up, painwise.
So I went to a dentist and he did a root canal followed with a gold crown.
That tooth is now my nemesis. I know now it must come out even though I 
to stop the pain and infection with herbs, essential oils, MSM, and 
colloidal silver.
I think what's happening now is that not only is the mercury bothering me 
but the
toxic output of anaerobic bacteria is adding to the problem.

Peace  light, D. Mindock

- Original Message - 
From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for 
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self 
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for skin
 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. nothing
 is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

 Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if 
 have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), then
 homeopathy could be the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification 
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 
there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just wants 
pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can stop
disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with one
and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with a
who has partials and he hates them.
 I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even
if they're
free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees 
shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days after
getting the shot
doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides the
crippled virus.
She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't take
our health
for granted.
 Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real.
The mind controls
your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or happy is a
good way to keep the sick
bugs at bay.
Peace and joy, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree
   Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
   Subject: Re:

   Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then
distilling.  Muy excellente!!!
Linus Pauling...a true hero.
Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff.  But glad you have
a remedy.
The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried. 
haven't felt the need.  The wife and I don't do the flu shot stuff, but
with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so far without
any viral problems.  Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
 - Original Message -
 From: D. Mindock
 Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread Terry Dyck

Hi Bob,

People have been taking homeopathic flu shots and seem to get results, 
however, people taking regular flu shots are still getting the flu and they 
are exposed to dangerous chemicals such as mercury and alluminum which are 
in regular flu vaccines.

Terry Dyck

From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:53:36 -0500

Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  This
is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
planet.  there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
something at extremely low doses.  And I mean extreme.  Substances are
diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more.  At this concentration there
is nothing left at all.   A little critical thinking goes a long way here.

There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes-  it is nonsense.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for 
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self 
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for 

 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 

 is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

 Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if 
 have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), 

 homeopathy could be the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
Modification .
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 

 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re:
 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

 Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 
 there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just 
wants to
 pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can 

 disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with 
 and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with 

 who has partials and he hates them.
 I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them 

 if they're
 free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees 

 shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days 

 getting the shot
 doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides 

 crippled virus.
 She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't 

 our health
 for granted.
 Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real.
 The mind controls
 your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or happy is 

 good way to keep the sick
 bugs at bay.
 Peace and joy, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree
   Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
   Subject: Re:

   Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then
 distilling.  Muy excellente!!!
Linus Pauling...a true hero.
Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff.  But glad you 

 a remedy.
The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried.  

 haven't felt the need.  The wife and I don't do the flu shot stuff, but
 with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so far 

 any viral problems.  Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
 - Original Message -
 From: D. Mindock
 Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

 Hi Mike,
Yeah, my distiller has that drip thingy too. But I don't trust 

 very much. It is just
 too small and the water merely flows over a the carbon granules. So 

 use a faucet
 mounted carbon block filter. It is a Pur but Brita and some others
 make them too.
 I collect

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread bob allen
Terry Dyck wrote:
 Hi Bob,

 People have been taking homeopathic flu shots and seem to get results, 
 however, people taking regular flu shots are still getting the flu and 
 they are exposed to dangerous chemicals such as mercury and alluminum 
 which are in regular flu vaccines.

crapola, show me the data! homeophathy is a hoax, it is not chemically 
or biologically plausible. Please look at what it is and think 
critically. Homeopathic nostrums have been so diluted that nothing at 
all of the original ingredient exists. THINK ABOUT IT. The 
oscillococcinum preperation mentioned for the flu treatment is made from 
the liver of a duck. As I recall 35 grams of duck liver fat is churned 
into 100 milliters of water. This is dumped out. Then another 100 ml is 
added to the same container. Repeat this process 200 times. What you 
have is some thing that has been diluted 100 to the 200th power. The is 
no way in hell that there is a single m molecule exists from the 
original duck. Time magazine did a story on this a while back. They 
called it 120 million dollar duck, because that is the money made on the 
sale of the derived product (Boiron) talk about follow the money!

I would encourage any thinking person to examine any of the following

or go listen to the podcasts at:

after doing so come back and defend this nonsense

 Terry Dyck

 From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:53:36 -0500

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy. This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme. Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this concentration there
 is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long way here.

 There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
 for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.

 Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
  We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist 
 for bone
  re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of 
 self as
  seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist 
 for skin
  problems, etc
  Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 
  is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
  Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing .. but 
 if you
  have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we 
 all), then
  homeopathy could be the road.
  Mary Lynn
  Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
  TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
 Modification .
  Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
  . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
  The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re:
  Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500
  Hi Mike,
  Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
  I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 
  there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just 
 wants to
  pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who 
 can stop
  disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up 
 with one
  and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked 
 with a
  who has partials and he hates them.
  I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even
  if they're
  free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all 
 employees free
  shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days 
  getting the shot
  doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there 
 besides the
  crippled virus.
  She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and 
 don't take
  our health
  for granted.
  Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real.
  The mind controls
  your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or 
 happy is a
  good way to keep the sick
  bugs at bay.
  Peace and joy, D. Mindock

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread Mike Weaver
You're thinking of sourdough bread.

bob allen wrote:

Terry Dyck wrote:

Hi Bob,

People have been taking homeopathic flu shots and seem to get results, 
however, people taking regular flu shots are still getting the flu and 
they are exposed to dangerous chemicals such as mercury and alluminum 
which are in regular flu vaccines.

crapola, show me the data! homeophathy is a hoax, it is not chemically 
or biologically plausible. Please look at what it is and think 
critically. Homeopathic nostrums have been so diluted that nothing at 
all of the original ingredient exists. THINK ABOUT IT. The 
oscillococcinum preperation mentioned for the flu treatment is made from 
the liver of a duck. As I recall 35 grams of duck liver fat is churned 
into 100 milliters of water. This is dumped out. Then another 100 ml is 
added to the same container. Repeat this process 200 times. What you 
have is some thing that has been diluted 100 to the 200th power. The is 
no way in hell that there is a single m molecule exists from the 
original duck. Time magazine did a story on this a while back. They 
called it 120 million dollar duck, because that is the money made on the 
sale of the derived product (Boiron) talk about follow the money!

I would encourage any thinking person to examine any of the following

or go listen to the podcasts at:

after doing so come back and defend this nonsense


Terry Dyck

From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:53:36 -0500

Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy. This
is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme. Substances are
diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this concentration there
is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long way here.

There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist 

for bone

re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of 

self as

seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist 

for skin

problems, etc

Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 


is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing .. but 

if you

have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we 

all), then

homeopathy could be the road.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 

Modification .

Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 


. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 


there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just 

wants to

pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who 

can stop

disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up 

with one

and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked 

with a

who has partials and he hates them.
I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even
if they're
free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all 

employees free

shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days 


getting the shot
doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there 

besides the

crippled virus.
She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and 

don't take

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread D. Mindock
Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your quackwatch 
Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices is silly of 
me to
ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.  You have 
thoughts on things and that is the final word for you.  Science is only a
method, a tool, to get something believed to have a chance of being true to 
verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the 
hypothesis in
the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite some time.
That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid. Science
is merely a method. Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
Peace and light, D. Mindock

- Original Message - 
From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

 Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  This
 is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
 planet.  there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
 causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
 something at extremely low doses.  And I mean extreme.  Substances are
 diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more.  At this concentration there
 is nothing left at all.   A little critical thinking goes a long way here.

 There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
 for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes-  it is nonsense.

 Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for 
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self 
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for 
 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. 
 is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

 Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if 
 have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), then
 homeopathy could be the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification 
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re:
 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

 Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems 
 there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just wants 
 pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can 
 disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with 
 and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with 
 who has partials and he hates them.
 I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even
 if they're
 free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees 
 shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days after
 getting the shot
 doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides 
 crippled virus.
 She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't 
 our health
 for granted.
 Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real.
 The mind controls
 your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or happy is a
 good way to keep the sick
 bugs at bay.
 Peace and joy, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree
   Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
   Subject: Re:

   Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then
 distilling.  Muy excellente!!!
Linus Pauling...a true hero.
Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff.  But glad you 
 a remedy.
The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried. 
 haven't felt the need.  The wife and I don't do the flu shot stuff, but
 with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so far without
 any viral problems.  Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
 - Original Message -
 From: D. Mindock

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-31 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
I try not to respond.

I grew up in a household of 3 chemical engineers with an average of 2.5 
masters between them .. brilliant people and I frequently could enjoy being 
a member of that household .. except when I was trying to walk them through 
traffic .. and, lord please forgive me .. when I was begged to go clothes 
shopping with my sister .. retired as head of patents for a large chemical 
company but couldn't understand something like sizes and appropriate dress 
for different occasions.

I dressed her pretty much through most of her extremely successful career.

My problem was understanding how they could be simply amazed when something 
in a test tube would respond in one way but would respond quite differently 
.. say in a human body .. they weren't just joking .. they really couldn't 
understand it.

To believe in the physical, just the physical, and only the physical leaves 
the rest of the universe ignored .. and I don't believe the rest of the 
universe needs to be ignored.

As I've said before, I work with animals .. no such thing as placebo .. I 
love success.

.. and because I love success I'll share with you all Graviola, 
Andrographis, Chaparral, Neem .. they are all easily obtainable and common 
herbs that have a great track record against cancer .. also a great success 
story for about the cost of $60.00.

As Rose (on another list) says in her signature .. for those who say it 
can't be done, please get out of the way of those who are doing it.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:06:24 -0600

Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your quackwatch
Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices is silly of
me to
ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or science.  You have
thoughts on things and that is the final word for you.  Science is only a
method, a tool, to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
hypothesis in
the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite some time.
That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid. Science
is merely a method. Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
Peace and light, D. Mindock

- Original Message -
From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

  Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  This
  is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
  planet.  there is zero valid support for the idea that something which
  causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
  something at extremely low doses.  And I mean extreme.  Substances are
  diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more.  At this concentration there
  is nothing left at all.   A little critical thinking goes a long way 
  There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence
  for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes-  it is nonsense.
  Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
  Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
  We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for
  re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of 
  seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for
  problems, etc
  Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole ..
  is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
  Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if
  have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), 
  homeopathy could be the road.
  Mary Lynn
  Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
  TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
  Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
  . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
  The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
  From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-27 Thread D. Mindock

Hi Mike,
 Yep, Linus Pauling was a 
true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
 I've been doing a bit of 
research on periodontal disease. It seems that
there is alot going on that my dentist 
doesn't know about. He just wants to
pull teeth and put in partial plates. But 
there are dentists who can stop the
disease and get bone and gums to regrow. 
So I will try to hook up with one
and see if he can do something to save a 
couple teeth. I've talked with a friend
who has partials and he hates 
 I agree that flu shots 
are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even if they're
free. Her company brought in a couple 
nurses and offered all employees free flu
shots. She passed. She says she 
feelsuncomfortable for a few days after getting the shot
doesn't like the feeling. You just don't 
know what's in there besides the crippled virus.
She and I work at keeping ourselves as 
healthy as possible and don't take our health
for granted. 
 Yep, being ornery does 
help. The mind-body connection is very real. The mind controls
your health to a large degree. Being 
stubbornly optimistic or happy is a good way to keep the sick
bugs at bay.
Peace and joy, D. Mindock

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 
  Subject: Re: 
  Hi D...good idea 
  collecting the water thru the Pur first then distilling. Muy 
  Linus Pauling...a true hero.
  Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff. But glad you have a 
  The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried.Just 
  haven'tfeltthe need. The wife and I don't do the flu shot 
  stuff,but with whatever else we're doing,the years keep rolling 
  byso far without any viral problems. Maybe being a bit ornery 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

Hi Mike,
 Yeah, my distiller has 
that drip thingy too. But I don't trust it very much. It is 
too small and the water merely flows 
over a the carbon granules. So I use a faucet
mounted carbon block filter. It is a 
Pur but Brita and some others make them too. 
I collect that filtered water and 
then distill it.
 I am familiar with 
Bronson. I think that is the company that Linus Pauling used as
his source for vitamin 
 Ok about the vit  
min supplement. You got your bases covered. I take the same
stuff, basically.Because 
Ihave periodontal disease, 
Ialso take grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract,
and MSM. If I layoff taking these, I 
get a bloody toothbrush that reminds me that I need
to stay with the program. Oh, and I 
do take colloidal silver too. 
Peace  light, D. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:37 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
  Closed-Mindedness (WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 
  Hi D...regarding 
  removing the gases, the distiller I use finishes the process by dripping 
  the water through a carbon filter. Is this what you're talking 
  Regarding the mineral replacement, I 
  take a vitamin and mineral supplementfrom a company called 
  Bronson. They call it "Insurance Formula." It is a formulation 
  basedon a book written by a Dr. Roger J. Williams,The 
  Wonderful World Within You(Bantam, 1977) (How's that for 
  documentation, Bob?)It's been ages since I've read the book, so 
  can't tellyou a damn thing about it. We buy direct from 
  Bronson, not a multilevel deal or anything. Prices seem real good, 
  so have never considered anything else. 
   Mike DuPree
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 
1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 

homogenization breaks the particles down to such a small size that 
can pass through the gut into the 
body cavitywhere they put a burden on the immune 
system. Pastuerization adds to 
the problem by destroying the "life force" of the
milk, the enzymes. Of course the 
milk has to be from a healthy animal that is grass
fed. Soy is controversial in that 

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-27 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for bone 
re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self as 
seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for skin 
problems, etc

Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. nothing 
is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if you 
have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), then 
homeopathy could be the road.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems that
there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just wants to
pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can stop 
disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with one
and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with a 
who has partials and he hates them.
 I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even 
if they're
free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees free 
shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days after 
getting the shot
doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides the 
crippled virus.
She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't take 
our health
for granted.
 Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real. 
The mind controls
your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or happy is a 
good way to keep the sick
bugs at bay.
Peace and joy, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree
   Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
   Subject: Re: 

   Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then 
distilling.  Muy excellente!!!
Linus Pauling...a true hero.
Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff.  But glad you have 
a remedy.
The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried.  Just 
haven't felt the need.  The wife and I don't do the flu shot stuff, but 
with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so far without 
any viral problems.  Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
 - Original Message -
 From: D. Mindock
 Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

 Hi Mike,
Yeah, my distiller has that drip thingy too. But I don't trust it 
very much. It is just
 too small and the water merely flows over a the carbon granules. So I 
use a faucet
 mounted carbon block filter. It is a Pur but Brita and some others 
make them too.
 I collect that filtered water and then distill it.
I am familiar with Bronson. I think that is the company that Linus 
Pauling used as
 his source for vitamin C.
Ok about the vit  min supplement. You got your bases covered. I 
take the same
 stuff, basically. Because I have periodontal disease, I also take 
grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract,
 and MSM. If I layoff taking these, I get a bloody toothbrush that 
reminds me that I need
 to stay with the program. Oh, and I do take colloidal silver too.
 Peace  light, D. Mindock

   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree
   Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:37 PM
   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness 
(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

   Hi D...regarding removing the gases, the distiller I use finishes 
the process by dripping the water through a carbon filter.  Is this what 
you're talking about?
Regarding the mineral replacement, I take a vitamin and mineral 
supplement from a company called Bronson.  They call it Insurance 
Formula.  It is a formulation based on a book written by a Dr. Roger J. 
Williams, The Wonderful World Within

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-27 Thread bob allen
Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of homeopathy.  This 
is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the 
planet.  there is zero valid support for the idea that something which 
causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by 
something at extremely low doses.  And I mean extreme.  Substances are 
diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more.  At this concentration there 
is nothing left at all.   A little critical thinking goes a long way here. 

There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible evidence 
for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes-  it is nonsense.  

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
 Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..

 We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a dentist for bone 
 re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a separation of self as 
 seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the dermatologist for skin 
 problems, etc

 Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the whole .. nothing 
 is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.

 Do you know a good herbalist?  I'm thinking something missing .. but if you 
 have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we all), then 
 homeopathy could be the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
 TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
 Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
 . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: D. Mindock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: 
 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500

 Hi Mike,
Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human being.
I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It seems that
 there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He just wants to
 pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists who can stop 
 disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to hook up with one
 and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've talked with a 
 who has partials and he hates them.
 I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get them even 
 if they're
 free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all employees free 
 shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few days after 
 getting the shot
 doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there besides the 
 crippled virus.
 She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible and don't take 
 our health
 for granted.
 Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very real. 
 The mind controls
 your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or happy is a 
 good way to keep the sick
 bugs at bay.
 Peace and joy, D. Mindock
   - Original Message -
   From: MK DuPree
   Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
   Subject: Re: 

   Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then 
 distilling.  Muy excellente!!!
Linus Pauling...a true hero.
Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff.  But glad you have 
 a remedy.
The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried.  Just 
 haven't felt the need.  The wife and I don't do the flu shot stuff, but 
 with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so far without 
 any viral problems.  Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
 - Original Message -
 From: D. Mindock
 Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
 Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

 Hi Mike,
Yeah, my distiller has that drip thingy too. But I don't trust it 
 very much. It is just
 too small and the water merely flows over a the carbon granules. So I 
 use a faucet
 mounted carbon block filter. It is a Pur but Brita and some others 
 make them too.
 I collect that filtered water and then distill it.
I am familiar with Bronson. I think that is the company that Linus 
 Pauling used as
 his source for vitamin C.
Ok about the vit  min supplement. You got your bases covered. I 
 take the same
 stuff, basically. Because I have periodontal disease, I also take 
 grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract,
 and MSM. If I layoff taking these, I get a bloody toothbrush that 
 reminds me that I need
 to stay with the program. Oh, and I do

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)

2006-10-08 Thread D. Mindock

Hi Mike,
 Yep, at times thisidea 
of being reality can be misconstrued as beingsupremely egocentric 
nothing is further from the 
truth.One's mind and senses create a version of the quantum 
a reality. As one evolves through experiences, one's reality 
changes too, becoming more inclusive and
intriguing/interesting. Thanks for making 
my reality moreinteresting.
 Have a nice journey to 
Peace and joy, D. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 10:35 
  Subject: Re: 
  Addendum...I hope it is 
  understood that when I said anything about "I" being a "great reality," I was 
  responding most immediately to the wise words of D. and that, even 
  thoughI wasspeaking for myself, I was speakingwith all of 
  us,with all the universe, in mind. I may yet tend toward the 
  egocentric, but not so much so that I would consider myself above--or 
  below--any other. And again, I'm sorry if any prior post of mine 
  offended anyone.I supposethere will always be someone 
  offended by something any of us might say or do, but there is 
  adifference betweenwhen we intend offense, such asI intended 
  inseveral prior posts, and when wesimply express ourselves and 
  someone is offended. Mike DuPree 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 10:47 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

Hi D and List...thank 
you. Thank ALL of you. Yes, make myself agreat reality or, 
perhaps more accurately, let myself be that great reality, making myself 
that great reality thereby.
 Iaccept I am highly unskilled along 
these lines. Too often "I" get in the way of "Us." Too often I 
see only thespecific, the isolatedobject, andact 
inappropriately, failing to askhowmight Ihelp the specific 
resolve itselfinto the truth of our 
 I'm reminded of the saying, "Let Go--Let 
God." I hope somehow myremembrance and use of 
thisexhortation within the context I am using it is clearly 
understood. Too often itused as an excuseto set aside 
personal responsibility and that is not my intent.To the 
contrary, I advocate the ultimate responsibility: let myself becomethe 
 To anyone I may have offendedbecause 
Ilet myself get in theway of understanding the individual's 
connection toALL, I ask your forgiveness and I thank you for giving me 
the opportunity to better understand how I might better understand how I am 
connected to ALL. Mike DuPree 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:07 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 
  Closed-Mindedness (WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as 
  Hi Mike,
   Quantum physics seems 
  to be verifying much of metaphysical concepts. The idea ofeverything 
  connectedis one such idea. 
  Actually experiencing it is life changing. The idea of all things being 
  connected is then no longer an 
  abstract thing, but real. Things like war or killing another humanare no longer possible. 
  Killing anotherbecomes killing yourself. War is seen as 
  amonstrosity. Peace  
  cooperationbecome as natural as breathing.
  wayto go is to always assume the best intentionswrt messages 
  via email or on this list. Email is a stripped of a lot of feeling 
  and can be easily misconstrued. 
  Joe does an admirable job of getting his ideas across with email. I still 
  am learning how to use email so 
  that I don't offend. This forum is good learning experience for me. 
   Yep, experiencing the 
  feeling of all pervasive connectedness becomes a knowing, beyond faith. 
  it becomes part of your intrinsic 
  makeup--your being. This connectedness extends to your own 
  I heard Deepak Chopra speak last 
  week. He presents this idea ofUnityin a stunningly clear way 
  quantum physics and his knowledge 
  of the human body. He is a endocrinologist, one of the best in the 
  world.Nothing beats actually 
  experiencing it, but listening to him explain it led to a-ha 
   We docreate our 
  own reality. So make yourself a great reality.
  Peace  light, D. 
  - Original Message - 
MK DuPree 
To: biofuel@sustainableli