Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-08 Thread Appal Energy
Sorry Jesse. I put off a response to you and then got swamped. So I 
guess I'm operating the same as the petro companies at the moment 
relative to their inventories - last in, first out.

I'd rather move on. But to answer your post? No anger here. At best it's 
disappointment in the low calibre of some humans. I think Keith framed 
it best with his friend Prema's quote.

"It's not often a person gets the chance to live a human life, it's quite
rare, one shouldn't waste such an opportunity."

> What are you saying here?  Of course we don't join
> them in the sulphur pit.

I'm saying "no coddling" or playing to egos. Let them scorch themselves or dung 
themselves up.

> Anyone can be wrong, Todd.

But then there are those who are intentionally wrong and revel in the havoc 
they create.

As for this?

 >>> We know we must not waste our energy on negative feelings, though 
it happens.

 >>  It's not a matter of feeling, but facts.

 > Of COURSE it's a matter of feelings. Wait a sec, look at that paragraph:
 > "Fits of rage, revenge or lack of reason"... these ARE feelings. People
 > get desperate when they aren't getting their feelings acknowledged.

Revenge is a goal/direction. Lack of reason is a condition. Rage? Sure. 
But in context it pans out to be nothing more than the fruit of someone 
who has lost all control and ability to reason.

What was implied was that what a lunatic "feels" is of no matter to me, 
especially when the expectation is for others to cater to those 
short-circuited, delicate, sensibilities ("feelings") in order to 
prevent mayhem from being wrought. Enough time has been wasted on such 
Tom Foolery and it's evident that virtually nothing will remedy the sad 
state of mind that exists in some people. Pity is about the best I can 
muster and even that's a pure waste of effort.  Feel what they wish. But 
all that's necessary to deal after a long historical record is what 
manifests as facts.

Again, no coddling. Or to put it otherwise, catering to clowns will 
always be a losing proposition.

Nothing personal. No anger. Just honest assessment. And then life goes 

Todd Swearingen

mark manchester wrote:

>thanks for your response.  I read you very often and I respect your views SO
>MUCH, but here, you just look angry.  Wait, let me read it again.
>Oops, I don't know if this changes anything, but we have a gender confusion
>here that I should rectify.  Actually, that brings to mind a funny story
>about going once to a club in Switzerland where the MC was a beautiful woman
>and was a WONDERful host, and at the end of the night she took off her wig.
>Yikes!  A guy!  I was FLOORED!!  The original deception!  I was so
>surprised, and that's why I'm telling you that my address has my husband's
>name and it's confusing for everyone and I'm very sorry about this.  Whew!
>Let's go on?
>We may be lucky enough to have a lot of gay list members and this wasn't
>where I was going with this. Not my point.  Time to scroll down.
>>From: Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 14:50:25 -0400
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
>>>How can it be that we are so rough on each other sometimes?
>>Humans tend to create their own hell all by themselves. Just because
>>they choose to do so doesn't mean that everyone else should join them in
>>the sulfur pit, or pig pit as the case may be.
>What are you saying here?  Of course we don't join them in the sulphur pit.
>>>Perhaps it's unavoidable:
>>No. It's almost always a matter of choice. Often really peculiar choices
>>predicated upon some even more peculiar inner workings in some very
>>peculiar brains.
>Yes, sir, we make choices on very odd reasoning sometimes.  For instance, we
>like apples, not apricots.  It can be very personal, random and ridiculous.
>>>smart people,
>>If they were, they wouldn't.
>Anyone can be wrong, Todd.  I feel like a dork writing this now.  But we are
>two people at our computers, typing.  The context is this wonderful
>sustainability list, which gives us so much, and which WE SHAPE DAILY with
>the spirit that we give it. (Mainly that you and Keith, dear Gustl, Hakan,
>the many Mik

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-08 Thread mark manchester
Hi Todd,
Hey, what am I, smoked turkey?  Jason gets off the hook but not me?  Keith
said 'end of discussion' and I have respectfully sent my apology off-list.
Don't you guys go thinkin' I'm not apologetic!  By golly, I do apologetic
very well! 

Especially when warranted, like now, when I was all touchy-feely and didn't
perceive the gravity of the situation.

Todd, please, accept my apology for my ill-considered post.  I meant no
injury to anyone.  This mad-hatter thing is all new to me.  I didn't know
what you fellows have had to put up with.

> From: Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 10:18:36 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
> Jason,
>> ok, obviously i touched a bare nerve
> I don't think there was ever or is any "bare nerve." To me, and perhaps
> only to me, that implies some sort of agony, perhaps even
> incapacitating. That's not quite what has happened, much less continues.
> It did take a fair stretch of mental taffy to get a handle on what was
> unfolding though. But it all came down to one simple acknowledgement -
> when one is faced with lunacy, it's dealt with straight forward and
> accepted at face value. Trying to figure the loonies out is not going to
> alter their "reality."
> All a bit sad or disappointing. But once you know you're dealing with
> lunatics or shades of the same, there's no real "nerve" they can hit.
> About all they can do is force others to perform a little maintenance,
> such as the timeline Keith posted.
>> of which i know nothing about,
> Which was largely why Keith went to the effort to draft such a long
> legend of madness - and that's actually the abridged about
> two or three thousand percent.
>> and apologize
> Not necessary when done unknowingly. There are occassionally those who
> intentionally try to stir the pot just for grins and giggles just to see
> what might come up. They would be from whom an apology might be owed.
>> for bringing up bad memories. sorry folks.
> A sad state of affairs and enormous waste of talent and time for all
> concerned, yes. But I wouldn't go so far as to call them bad memories.
> In fact? The grassroots biodiesel sector probably got a break by the mad
> hatters revealing themselves so readily. There's obviously some good to
> be had even along such a debris strewn path..
> No worries Jason.
> Todd Swearingen


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-08 Thread Joe Street

Thomas Kelly wrote:

> I have received off list contacts by some of the funny-named 
>individuals you mention in your post. Their criticism of you was malicious 
>.. the type that says more about the critic than the one criticized. 
>They suggested that I go to the very places that had lead me astray. I hope 
>you don't mind, I didn't bother to respond and instructed my computer to 
>treat the source as spam.
> Thanks for all of your help.
>   Tom
Hey that's funny;

I had the exact same experience, but I just kept it to myself. Man you must 
have to have a huge chip on your shoulder to lurk around and bomb anyone who 
praises JtF with hate mail. Who has time for that nonsense?  Not me I'm too 
busy making quality fuel following JtF guidelines LOL.  Now that the weather is 
nice I'm back on B100 and I took a run out to Lake Huron yesterday and watched 
the sun set over the lake beyond the dunes.  What a great feeling knowing the 
trip was environmentaly freindly and not just personaly satisfying.

Many thanks to Keith and all the other great members on this list.
Power to the people!
Peace on Earth


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-08 Thread Mike Weaver

forget everything there

Ok, now what?

Appal Energy wrote:

>Yo dee ho Keith,
>>This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially
>>if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,
>>they really hate Aleks, though they've never encountered
>>him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,
>>you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)
>"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huck."
>My feelings are oh so hurt.
>>As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,
>>forget everything there and start over.
>Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as to 
>declare others less than capable - that would be the poor dear Ginny in Denver 
>- just couldn't seem to identify how or where she had fouled up a five gallon 
>batch and started asking for help from anyone who had some insight.
>Had she not forgotten everything she had read at JTF (as she's instructed 
>everyone else to do) it's rather doubtful that the dear would have found 
>herself in midst of such a problem without a clue as to how to extract herself.
>Oh well. People pick their own poison.
>I'd all but forgotten dear Mr. Legge. I still can't forgive myself for outing 
>him (not!) and his nom de plume. Funny that. I don't think he's ever forgiven 
>me either, sniff..., smurf..., snuffle..., snarf.
>Anyhow, thanks for the stroll down memory lane Keith. A nice, tidy, compressed 
>nutshell of a package of destruction that's really screwed a lot of people 
>that could have been doing a lot of good. Glad you still take some time to 
>check the bilge pumps and make sure the sewage and it's rats don't decimate 
>the entire grassroots biodiesel sector.
>Now if you'll forgive me, I'm headed to the pantry for a pint of black and tan 
>and then I'm off to fake another 325 gallons of acid/base biodiesel..., you 
>know..., Aleks' method that "doesn't work."
>Todd Swearingen
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>Please note the bit at the end:
>>"No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it 
>>needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause 
>>confusion and distraction, as intended."
>>Hello Jason
>>>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at
>>Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that 
>>hits them is this:
>>>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)
>>>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,
>>>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer"
>>>Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof Disaster
>>With ne'er a link to the original:
>>Re: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEs
>>Nor to this, for instance:
>>[Biofuel] Water from Acid process
>>And nobody says "er...":
>>[Biofuel] Biodiesel test results
>>99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So 
>>what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come 
>>back to that.
>>This is the barest tip of an iceberg, scratch it a bit and see what happens.
>>Like what's with the "Sewer Rat (by appointment)" bit?
>>A couple of days ago some mud got slung at the Biofuel list in a 
>>discussion at "wastewatts", the yahoo group moderated by Steve 
>>Spence, Dir., Green Trust. Stuff like this:
>>"It can have a certain view and the some long time members like 
>>everyone to march to a similar tune or your read the riot act. "
>>"The list owner ( Keith ), can not handle the truth, because it hurts to 
>>"... plenty of people have been banned because they disagreed with 
>>certain people on the list, and couldn't back up their disagreement 
>>with the "proper" sources."
>>"I would not parrot the "bush is the antichrist" partyline, and I 
>>wouldn't shut up, so I was banned. But keith will swear that it was 
>>done in the name of promoting open discussion - how Orwellian."
>>And so on.
>>A person named Chris Stratford started ranting that Keith is a racist 
>>and an anti-Semite and a Nazi and got quite violent: "... if I meet 
>>them in a dark alley only one of us will walk out... There are a 
>>bunch of other biodiesel groups, that actually have open debate... 
>>Keith has a great website, but if it was a choice between saving him 
>>or the rat from drowning, I will save the rat, and then throw it at 
>>So this clown at Infopop appoints himself the rat. Well I guess he 
>>should know, and he's in the right place too. I'm sure the wastewatts 
>>discussion is all over Infopop with the usual huge glee but I didn't 
>>bother to check, I never go

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-08 Thread Appal Energy

 > ok, obviously i touched a bare nerve

I don't think there was ever or is any "bare nerve." To me, and perhaps 
only to me, that implies some sort of agony, perhaps even 
incapacitating. That's not quite what has happened, much less continues. 
It did take a fair stretch of mental taffy to get a handle on what was 
unfolding though. But it all came down to one simple acknowledgement - 
when one is faced with lunacy, it's dealt with straight forward and 
accepted at face value. Trying to figure the loonies out is not going to 
alter their "reality."

All a bit sad or disappointing. But once you know you're dealing with 
lunatics or shades of the same, there's no real "nerve" they can hit. 
About all they can do is force others to perform a little maintenance, 
such as the timeline Keith posted.

 > of which i know nothing about,

Which was largely why Keith went to the effort to draft such a long 
legend of madness - and that's actually the abridged about 
two or three thousand percent.

 > and apologize

Not necessary when done unknowingly. There are occassionally those who 
intentionally try to stir the pot just for grins and giggles just to see 
what might come up. They would be from whom an apology might be owed.

 > for bringing up bad memories. sorry folks.

A sad state of affairs and enormous waste of talent and time for all 
concerned, yes. But I wouldn't go so far as to call them bad memories. 
In fact? The grassroots biodiesel sector probably got a break by the mad 
hatters revealing themselves so readily. There's obviously some good to 
be had even along such a debris strewn path..

No worries Jason.

Todd Swearingen

Jason & Katie wrote:

>ok, obviously i touched a bare nerve of which i know nothing about, and 
>apologize for bringing up bad memories. sorry folks.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 3:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous 
>Hi Hakan
>>You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
>>and you had strong support from me among several other members
>>on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
>>on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
>>without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
>>been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.
>>Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
>>a little bit sick now.
>I'm sorry to hear that. Please take good care of yourself Hakan.
>>Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
>>being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.
>Well, yes. Thankyou. That won't pass, will it. I don't think that old
>dog is going to be learning any new tricks, it's too late now. It's
>terrible what some people inflict on their lives. It's hard to summon
>much sympathy though, sometimes. Okay, I don't really try, it's true.
>"It's not often a person gets the chance to live a human life, it's
>quite rare, one shouldn't waste such a good opportunity." - Prema,
>Northern Buddhist nun.
>The slings and arrows of outrageous idiots. Never mind, I don't.
>Thankyou Hakan. Get well soon. Love to Marta.
>>At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
>>>Hallo Keith,
>>>Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
>>>from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
>>>when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
>>>for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
>>>that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
>>>responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
>>>and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
>>>not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
>>>Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
>>>me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
>>>drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
>>>forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
>>>Again, just

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-08 Thread Keith Addison
te a website 
or an Internet resource is by providing high-quality content. That 
turns out to have a lot to do with integrity. What's the use of 
biofuels without integrity? What's the use of anything without 

I posted this previously:

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Based on your online lookups, the #1 Word of the Year for 2005 was:
1. integrity

Maybe that's one reason I think it doesn't matter. People aren't so 
dumb. Check what my post said about website traffic, for instance.

Right, that's enough.

Thankyou all for your comments and your patience.

This discussion is now closed.

Be warned: people have been saying Keith can be tough when it's 
necessary. Better not try.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


>- Original Message -
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 3:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous
>Hi Hakan
> >Gustl,
> >
> >You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
> >and you had strong support from me among several other members
> >on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
> >on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
> >without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
> >been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.
> >
> >Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
> >a little bit sick now.
>I'm sorry to hear that. Please take good care of yourself Hakan.
> >Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
> >being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.
>Well, yes. Thankyou. That won't pass, will it. I don't think that old
>dog is going to be learning any new tricks, it's too late now. It's
>terrible what some people inflict on their lives. It's hard to summon
>much sympathy though, sometimes. Okay, I don't really try, it's true.
>"It's not often a person gets the chance to live a human life, it's
>quite rare, one shouldn't waste such a good opportunity." - Prema,
>Northern Buddhist nun.
>The slings and arrows of outrageous idiots. Never mind, I don't.
>Thankyou Hakan. Get well soon. Love to Marta.
> >Hakan
> >
> >At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
> > >Hallo Keith,
> > >
> > >Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
> > >from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
> > >when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
> > >for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
> > >that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
> > >responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
> > >and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
> > >not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
> > >Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
> > >me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
> > >drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
> > >forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
> > >
> > >Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
> > >request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
> > >man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.
> > >
> > >Happy Happy,
> > >
> > >Gustl
> > >
> > >Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
> > >
> > >...snip...
> > >KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
> > >KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
> > >KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
> > >KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
> > >KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
> > >KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
> > >KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
> > >
> > > >>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
> > > >>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Fore

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Manick Harris
Hello Keith, & all u DIY members,  Keith is only keeping focus on present BD technology. I did not keep focus long time ago and threw away mother liquor without reading up on subject first. When the prof, the celebrated R.A.Robinson saw zero yield of product, he pulled me up. I was asked to give up chemistry coursefor that blunder of not reading up first. Now imagine this on commercial scale. Do you think you will be given second chance if you have lost a ton or two? No way. So Keith's absolutely right in his actions as group owner/moderater.  However let sweet catalyst process develop and reach conclusion in good time. Get the impression that catalyst life should be >20X. Catalysts drop in activity over time and have to be replenised/regenerated. This cycle can be repeated endlessly. Also I do not believe sugar char is the ideal since we have not seen other chars,including activated carbon and silicas. Further progress is inevitable
 so let us all keep open mind. May God bless us and keep us ( from squabbling). Cheers.  manickhKeith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Please note the bit at the end:"No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause confusion and distraction, as intended."--Hello Jason>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at> they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that hits them is this:>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)>>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even
 finer">Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof DisasterWith ne'er a link to the original: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEsNor to this, for instance:[Biofuel] Water from Acid processAnd nobody says "er...":[Biofuel] Biodiesel test results99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come back to that.This is the barest tip of an iceberg, scratch it a bit and see what happens.Like what's with the "Sewer Rat (by appointment)" bit?A couple of days ago some mud got slung at the Biofuel list in a discussion at "wastewatts", the yahoo group moderated by Steve Spence, Dir., Green Trust. Stuff like this:"It can have a certain view and the some long time members like
 everyone to march to a similar tune or your read the riot act. ""The list owner ( Keith ), can not handle the truth, because it hurts to much.""... plenty of people have been banned because they disagreed with certain people on the list, and couldn't back up their disagreement with the "proper" sources.""I would not parrot the "bush is the antichrist" partyline, and I wouldn't shut up, so I was banned. But keith will swear that it was done in the name of promoting open discussion - how Orwellian."And so on.A person named Chris Stratford started ranting that Keith is a racist and an anti-Semite and a Nazi and got quite violent: "... if I meet them in a dark alley only one of us will walk out... There are a bunch of other biodiesel groups, that actually have open debate... Keith has a great website, but if it was a choice between saving him or the rat from drowning, I will save the rat, and then
 throw it at him."So this clown at Infopop appoints himself the rat. Well I guess he should know, and he's in the right place too. I'm sure the wastewatts discussion is all over Infopop with the usual huge glee but I didn't bother to check, I never go there unless someone posts a url here.I received the wastewatts posts as a subscriber but I don't read anything there either, someone pointed it out to me. I'd give you the link but dear old Steve in all his openness closed the archives unless you log in as a member.These people at wastewatts got booted from the Biofuel list for demanding that other people's posts they didn't agree with must be censored because they're "off-topic". See the List rules: who do this quite often refuse to accept the reason for their dismissal, they're already furious anyway and it's so much more convenient to think that it's their opinions
 we "hate" and the dismissal was just an excuse while in fact we're really defending the evil views they want censored because we agree with them.This is what happened with Stratford, nearly two years ago. It wasn't me who posted the stuff he objected to, I didn't even comment on it, and it was just a distraction anyway. But that doesn't bother Chris Stratford. He actually said this at wastewatts: "The point is that hatred based on lies is evil." Only true thing I've seen him say, but he was talking about me and the Biofuel list, not him.Of course we have all the background on record in the list admin archives, so what really happ

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Jason & Katie
ok, obviously i touched a bare nerve of which i know nothing about, and 
apologize for bringing up bad memories. sorry folks.
- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous 

Hi Hakan

>You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
>and you had strong support from me among several other members
>on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
>on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
>without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
>been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.
>Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
>a little bit sick now.

I'm sorry to hear that. Please take good care of yourself Hakan.

>Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
>being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.

Well, yes. Thankyou. That won't pass, will it. I don't think that old
dog is going to be learning any new tricks, it's too late now. It's
terrible what some people inflict on their lives. It's hard to summon
much sympathy though, sometimes. Okay, I don't really try, it's true.

"It's not often a person gets the chance to live a human life, it's
quite rare, one shouldn't waste such a good opportunity." - Prema,
Northern Buddhist nun.

The slings and arrows of outrageous idiots. Never mind, I don't.

Thankyou Hakan. Get well soon. Love to Marta.



>At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
> >Hallo Keith,
> >
> >Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
> >from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
> >when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
> >for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
> >that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
> >responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
> >and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
> >not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
> >Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
> >me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
> >drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
> >forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
> >
> >Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
> >request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
> >man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.
> >
> >Happy Happy,
> >
> >Gustl
> >
> >Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
> >
> >...snip...
> >KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
> >KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
> >KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
> >KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
> >KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
> >KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
> >KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
> >
> > >>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
> > >>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
> > >>>Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
> > >>>to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
> > >>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
> > >>>The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
> > >>>vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
> > >>>information.
> > >>>
> > >>>If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
> > >>>Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
> > >>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
> >(I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
> > >>>
> > >>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
> > >>>
> > >>>Squire Tilly KE
> >
> >...snip...
> >--
> >Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread mark manchester

thanks for your response.  I read you very often and I respect your views SO
MUCH, but here, you just look angry.  Wait, let me read it again.

Oops, I don't know if this changes anything, but we have a gender confusion
here that I should rectify.  Actually, that brings to mind a funny story
about going once to a club in Switzerland where the MC was a beautiful woman
and was a WONDERful host, and at the end of the night she took off her wig.
Yikes!  A guy!  I was FLOORED!!  The original deception!  I was so
surprised, and that's why I'm telling you that my address has my husband's
name and it's confusing for everyone and I'm very sorry about this.  Whew!
Let's go on?

We may be lucky enough to have a lot of gay list members and this wasn't
where I was going with this. Not my point.  Time to scroll down.

> From: Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 14:50:25 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
> Mark,
>> How can it be that we are so rough on each other sometimes?
> Humans tend to create their own hell all by themselves. Just because
> they choose to do so doesn't mean that everyone else should join them in
> the sulfur pit, or pig pit as the case may be.

What are you saying here?  Of course we don't join them in the sulphur pit.
>> Perhaps it's unavoidable:
> No. It's almost always a matter of choice. Often really peculiar choices
> predicated upon some even more peculiar inner workings in some very
> peculiar brains.

Yes, sir, we make choices on very odd reasoning sometimes.  For instance, we
like apples, not apricots.  It can be very personal, random and ridiculous.
>> smart people,
> If they were, they wouldn't.

Anyone can be wrong, Todd.  I feel like a dork writing this now.  But we are
two people at our computers, typing.  The context is this wonderful
sustainability list, which gives us so much, and which WE SHAPE DAILY with
the spirit that we give it. (Mainly that you and Keith, dear Gustl, Hakan,
the many Mikes, Pan Ruti and Joe give it... I am just a fly on the wall.)
>> heartfelt issues,
> If the issues were the focal point the mindlessness wouldn't persist.

>> all of us groping toward an uncertain... whatever.
> No gray areas on these matters. Just gray matter that's seriously
> befuddled amongst some.
>> This exchange has had my head in a knot.
> That's precisely where some would like for it to be. Generate confusion,
> anger and frustration and those feeling such knots and  ills will oft
> migrate to whomever coddles them more readily, not necessarily the
> places where they can find the best answers.
>> We know we must not waste our energy on negative feelings, though it
> happens.
> It's not a matter of feeling, but facts. Give people enough rope to hang
> themselves and those in their fits of rage, animosity, revenge or lack
> of reason generally do.

Of COURSE it's a matter of feelings.  Wait a sec, look at that paragraph:
"Fits of rage, revenge or lack of reason"... these ARE feelings.   People
get desperate when they aren't getting their feelings acknowledged.   Okay,
jump on me, but that's true, look at it.  Even Bush, god help us.  He's just
a man, I mean, a person, he takes his pants off at night and worries about
what he'll wear tomorrow.  Oh crap, I'm really gonna get it for that one.
> Sometimes people are hell bent on destruction, not only of anything
> worthwhile, but often themselves. A reasonably wise course is to protect
> and preserve what you can and let the idiots bungee jump with their
> over-lengthed  ropes.

Humm.  I'm in this camp.  I have four children who are (I bend my head over
the keyboard) wonderful kids.  I'm deeply grateful to have them in our
lives.  I think there's a lot of good reason to feel optimistic about the
next few years.  They are taking it on, if you get my meaning.  They feel
responsible, there is a terrible responsibility, in fact, as I have
mentioned to Keith already.
> Todd Swearingen

Cheers to all, you are very dear to me, fellows.  Jesse
> mark manchester wrote:
>> Hakan, Gustl, Keith, and all,
>> As in a marriage, there's a shaking of the rugs occasionally on a list,
>> where there may even be tears.  It's shocking to see good people find such
>> frustration, but it does, and I hope the fresh air is flowing in now.
>> Dear members.  How can it be that we are so rough on each other sometimes?
>> Perhaps it's unavoidabl

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
>And the winner is..."we interrupt this program to bring you this 
>important message"...oh man, N...but unfortunately yes, we 
>seldom hear the rest of the story (of the story that really 
>matters).  Thanks Keith for this post.  Mike

You're welcome Mike. Nonetheless I hope it doesn't happen again! But 
in the less than charming world of online biodiesel who can tell. 
It's puzzling - what attracts these people to biodiesel, of all 
things? Kind of mundane isn't it, if you were desperate for your 15 
minutes would you choose biodiesel? I mean, who cares? Weird.



>- Original Message -
>From: "Keith Addison" 
>To: <<>>
>Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 3:05 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Tom

>  I just had occasion to visit the JTF site to refresh my memory re:
>reprocessing. (Why?  see Water in Recovered Methanol Post) And was flattered
>to find this quote:
>"For anyone starting out or still in the R&D phase of scaling up and
>tweaking the process to improve quality, disregard anything other than the
>tried and tested directions at Journey to Forever. Read them and then
>re-read them. Follow the instructions, don't add or subtract anything and
>you will be making quality biodiesel."
>-- Tom Kelly, 5 Nov 2005

There are a few others from you there too, in various places. That's 
a very useful one! I added a lot of snippets from list members to the 
website in the last six months or so, I think it adds a lot of value. 
I didn't always name people in full, I just did what seemed apt for 
the case, and of course I didn't include email addresses or anything. 
I hope nobody minds. Actually it's common enough practice anyway, 
it's in the public domain anyway and it's quite okay to use quotes 
from people this way. You still own the copyright of course, if that 
interests you, and I've tried to attribute it correctly.

> At the time I wrote this I had just made my first 76L batch of quality
>BD. It passed the wash test, the methanol solubility test and "look Ma, no
>glycerine fell out upon reprocessing".  It came on the heels of reading and
>re-reading the instructions at JTF and advice you gave in response to one of
>my pleas for help. You told me to tweak the process as I scaled up. Although
>I was following JTF directions roughly, I was comfortable with what seemed
>to be hard and fast rules re: temp, and time for the reaction, as well as
>assurance that my 1" clearwater pump could handle 120 -125L batches This
>part of the process I got from other sources.
> I hope you will take the quote, above, as much as an apology as a
>testimonial. I thought I could take a bit from here and a bit from there and
>make good fuel. The moral: If you can't make quality biodiesel from the
>instructions at JTF and with the help of list members, you probably
>shouldn't be making it at all!

I didn't know this Tom, thanks for telling me. No apology required 
though, heavens. That's how I'd go about it I guess, an eclectic 
approach makes sense. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way anymore 
with biodiesel. What a pity. That's pretty much my reason for putting 
your quote there rather than saying JtF is the greatest, there's more 
sheer junk out there than anyone should expect to find. I didn't 
realise how true it was. Well, I'm really glad you made it!

> I have received off list contacts by some of the funny-named
>individuals you mention in your post.

Oh dear.

>Their criticism of you was malicious
>.. the type that says more about the critic than the one criticized.
>They suggested that I go to the very places that had lead me astray. I hope
>you don't mind, I didn't bother to respond and instructed my computer to
>treat the source as spam.

I'm sorry you were bothered. I think most people have your reaction 
though, or at least quite a few have told me so. I can't help 
thinking that people who fall for it are probably better off 
somewhere else anyway. Or maybe that it's us who're better off if 
they're somewhere else. Or both. Well, that's the role of the pest in 
an organic system, and I think I said the other day the list is 
organically grown, and so is JtF, or if I didn't I meant to. Thankyou 
pests. What a weird world.



> Thanks for all of your help.
>   Tom
>- Original Message -
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 4:05 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
> > Please note the bit at the end:
> >
> > "No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it
> > needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause
> > confusion and distraction, as intended."
> >
> > --
> >
> > Hello Jason
> >
> >>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at
> >> 
> >
> > Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that
> > hits them is this:
> >
> >>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)
> >>
> >>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,
> >>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer"
> >>Keit

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Hakan

>You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
>and you had strong support from me among several other members
>on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
>on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
>without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
>been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.
>Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
>a little bit sick now.

I'm sorry to hear that. Please take good care of yourself Hakan.

>Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
>being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.

Well, yes. Thankyou. That won't pass, will it. I don't think that old 
dog is going to be learning any new tricks, it's too late now. It's 
terrible what some people inflict on their lives. It's hard to summon 
much sympathy though, sometimes. Okay, I don't really try, it's true.

"It's not often a person gets the chance to live a human life, it's 
quite rare, one shouldn't waste such a good opportunity." - Prema, 
Northern Buddhist nun.

The slings and arrows of outrageous idiots. Never mind, I don't.

Thankyou Hakan. Get well soon. Love to Marta.



>At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
> >Hallo Keith,
> >
> >Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
> >from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
> >when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
> >for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
> >that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
> >responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
> >and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
> >not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
> >Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
> >me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
> >drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
> >forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
> >
> >Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
> >request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
> >man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.
> >
> >Happy Happy,
> >
> >Gustl
> >
> >Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
> >
> >...snip...
> >KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
> >KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
> >KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
> >KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
> >KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
> >KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
> >KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
> >
> > >>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
> > >>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
> > >>>Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
> > >>>to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
> > >>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
> > >>>The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
> > >>>vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
> > >>>information.
> > >>>
> > >>>If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
> > >>>Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
> > >>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
> >(I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
> > >>>
> > >>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
> > >>>
> > >>>Squire Tilly KE
> >
> >...snip...
> >--
> >Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
> >
> >We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
> >
> >The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
> >soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
> >without signposts.
> >C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
> >
> >Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
> >daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
> >gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
> >
> >Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
> >hear the music.
> >George Carlin
> >
> >The best portion of a good man's life -
> >His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
> >William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike

>Hey, I just wanted to put in my $.02 about Steve Spence.
>I was a member of both "wastewatts" and "12VDC" - both moderated (or 
>owned) by Steve Spence. I invited him to speak at my local section 
>of ASME, of which I chair. He was well received and found to be 
>entertaining by the membership.
>Since then, I've become frustrated by the "ceiling" of knowledge one 
>encounters with both of these groups. Steve is a pretty good study 
>and I've seen him accurately regurgitate a lot of technical 
>information. However, don't expect a great deal of theoretical 
>knowledge or analytical abilities when discussing things 

That seems sound, and it's fair enough, not necessarily a limitation, 
it depends on the context. After all, Steve's the king of the 
one-liner. It works well, but then he keeps saying things like 
oxidation is a non-issue, brushing aside EN 14214 as mere rumour 
(along with JtF). No need for facts, that's just the way it is, only 
it's not.

>I finally left both groups after dissenting to another members 
>opinion about deforestation and how he claimed that "there are more 
>trees now than at the founding of this country". I sent a prickly 
>reply that even Todd might be proud of. This mindless debate was on 
>top of already mounting frustration about the group looking more 
>like an extended infomercial for batteries and off-grid appliances.
>While others were building shopping lists and pretending they worked 
>for consumer reports, I wanted to conspire with other members and 
>design inverters and AC motor controls (for example). My hopes were 
>that the schematics and other technical details could be published 
>in the public domain and help those who couldn't (or didn't want 
>to) simply buy everything.
>What helped expedite my decision was finding out that Steve screens 
>every message

He does? I didn't know that. We put new members on auto-moderation 
for their first posts, or rather the list puts them there, it's 
automatic, and after that it's open. I thought everyone did it that 
way. Steve's got the time for that? I do know a couple of lists that 
screen everything but they use a whole team.

>then, he explained "This isn't a democracy". He closed with a smug 
>smiley face.

You surprise me. In fact very few lists are real democracies, but that's crude.

>I believe that Steve might be on this list and laying low with an 
>alias. If so, I doubt he will acknowledge any wrong doing.

He might be, I don't know - maybe not, he might hate the "politics" 
too much. I'm sure you'd be right about the wrong doing though.

>One final note: Of all the name listed in this thread, I haven't 
>seen anyone mention the arrogant behavior of another list owner - 
>Laren Corie. He runs a couple of YG's including "refrigerator 
>alternatives" and a woodgas group.

I know about him, I'd have to agree. But he's kept right away from 
the Biofuel list and JtF, and of course I was trying to make it as 
compact as possible while trying to do it justice, so it's only the 
main characters, and not all of them.

A long time ago there was a discussion about the difficulties of 
running a list, at IIRC the old Biodiesel list at Yahoo before it hit 
the rocks. Somebody said it was impossible for a list owner not to 
impose his own personal opinions on a list. Steve agreed, and said he 
knew it from his own experience of running BBs back in the 90s. I 
said it was nonsense, newspaper journalists do it all the time as a 
matter of course, and I probably I said a bit more about it as well. 
No reply, strong disagreement but no viable counter argument. Not for 
the last time as it happened.

Some people run very cool lists, but I can see a lot of list owners 
don't have the skill for it, the solutions they find are clumsy and 
primitive. All those wheels have long since been invented but they 
don't know it. Why would they, they're not common skills.

There aren't a lot of journalists running lists, I don't think. Can 
you imagine what it would cost to get a top-ranking journo to run a 
list like this? Paying that kind of money would distort the whole 
thing. My problem is I do it in my spare time and I'm always short of 
spare time. Well, we do what we can.

Thanks for this Mike, but I think we should stop now.



>Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yo dee ho Keith,
> > This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially
> > if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,
> > they really hateAleks, though they've never encountered
> > him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,
> > you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)
>"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huck."
>My feelings are oh so hurt.
> > As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,
> > forget everything there and start over.
>Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as 
>to declare others less than capable - that

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
Thankyou Gustl

You're right, I didn't think of that. It was a great help at the time.

I didn't think of it because I'm sure these guys are talking about 
the "Please support
Journey to Forever" button on the pages at our website, which takes 
you to a donations page. I wandered into Infopop a while back and 
chucked a cat amongst their pigeons over this fraudulent donations 
stuff after I found out about it and wandered straight out again. I 
think I said their "estimates" were out by a factor of 313 times. 
About par for their course.

We don't expect to make money from donations. The money we do get 
helps and we certainly appreciate it, but it's dribs and drabs and 
doesn't amount to much. It never does on a website like ours, no 
matter how many hits it gets. It's not a 501c or whatever it's called 
registered charity with tax benefits, it's not a religious site 
either, it's just a website.

The main reason we put the "Support" button there was because we kept 
getting enquiries from people and then someone told us outright to do 
it, not only for our sakes but because people want to help and often 
making a donation is the only way they can do so, you have to make it 
possible for them. I'm sure that's true. People making donations are 
pleased to do it, they say so. We're always skint and struggling, but 
in a way it's not so much for their money content that we appreciate 
the donations. We appreciate some of the feedback we get in the same 
way, though it doesn't come with money attached.

>Hallo Keith,
>Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
>from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
>when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
>for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
>that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
>responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
>and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
>not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
>Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
>me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
>drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
>forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
>Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
>request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
>man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.

LOL! Gustl, if you and me and Hakan are all sick old men then who 
needs healthy?

>Happy Happy,

And to you. Thanks again.



>Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
>KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
>KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
>KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
>KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
>KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
>KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
>KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
> >>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
> >>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
> >>>Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
> >>>to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
> >>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
> >>>The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
> >>>vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
> >>>information.
> >>>
> >>>If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
> >>>Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
> >>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
>(I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
> >>>
> >>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
> >>>
> >>>Squire Tilly KE

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
Hi dee hi Todd

>Yo dee ho Keith,
> > This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially
> > if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,
> > they really hate Aleks, though they've never encountered
> > him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,
> > you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)
>"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huck."
>My feelings are oh so hurt.

:-) Well I'm not going to give you a methoxide icecream to cheer you 
up like the other guy.

> > As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,
> > forget everything there and start over.
>Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as 
>to declare others less than capable - that would be the poor dear 
>Ginny in Denver - just couldn't seem to identify how or where she 
>had fouled up a five gallon batch and started asking for help from 
>anyone who had some insight.
>Had she not forgotten everything she had read at JTF (as she's 
>instructed everyone else to do) it's rather doubtful that the dear 
>would have found herself in midst of such a problem without a clue 
>as to how to extract herself.

That's funny!

>Oh well. People pick their own poison.

But they should keep them to themselves.

>I'd all but forgotten dear Mr. Legge. I still can't forgive myself 
>for outing him (not!) and his nom de plume. Funny that. I don't 
>think he's ever forgiven me either, sniff..., smurf..., 
>snuffle..., snarf.

There, I knew you'd cheer up even without the methoxide icecream. The 
dumb thing was that he complained like mad when you outed him and 
said you'd jeopardised his career and so on, but all you did was 
notice what he'd posted himself at the very same place before he 
adopted the nom-de-plume. What a bonehead.

>Anyhow, thanks for the stroll down memory lane Keith. A nice, tidy, 
>compressed nutshell of a package of destruction that's really 
>screwed a lot of people that could have been doing a lot of good.

Yes. Real pity about all the collateral.

>Glad you still take some time to check the bilge pumps and make sure 
>the sewage and it's rats don't decimate the entire grassroots 
>biodiesel sector.

Maintenance and hygiene you know. Otherwise we'd all go down with 
virtual bird flu or something. Or BSE I suppose if it's left to this 

>Now if you'll forgive me, I'm headed to the pantry for a pint of 
>black and tan and then I'm off to fake another 325 gallons of 
>acid/base biodiesel..., you know..., Aleks' method that "doesn't 

I'm glad you're wasting your precious time in such a productive way. 
It's amazing that it doesn't work so well, so many people find that. 
It doesn't work really well with me too, I get great bad results. LOL!

Ah well, enough of the freak show, let's leave it now.



>Todd Swearingen
>Keith Addison wrote:
> >Please note the bit at the end:


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Appal Energy

 > How can it be that we are so rough on each other sometimes?

Humans tend to create their own hell all by themselves. Just because 
they choose to do so doesn't mean that everyone else should join them in 
the sulfur pit, or pig pit as the case may be.

 > Perhaps it's unavoidable:

No. It's almost always a matter of choice. Often really peculiar choices 
predicated upon some even more peculiar inner workings in some very 
peculiar brains.

 > smart people,

If they were, they wouldn't.

 > heartfelt issues,

If the issues were the focal point the mindlessness wouldn't persist.

 > all of us groping toward an uncertain... whatever.

No gray areas on these matters. Just gray matter that's seriously 
befuddled amongst some.

 > This exchange has had my head in a knot.

That's precisely where some would like for it to be. Generate confusion, 
anger and frustration and those feeling such knots and  ills will oft 
migrate to whomever coddles them more readily, not necessarily the 
places where they can find the best answers.

 > We know we must not waste our energy on negative feelings, though it 

It's not a matter of feeling, but facts. Give people enough rope to hang 
themselves and those in their fits of rage, animosity, revenge or lack 
of reason generally do.

Sometimes people are hell bent on destruction, not only of anything 
worthwhile, but often themselves. A reasonably wise course is to protect 
and preserve what you can and let the idiots bungee jump with their 
over-lengthed  ropes.

Todd Swearingen

mark manchester wrote:

>Hakan, Gustl, Keith, and all,
>As in a marriage, there's a shaking of the rugs occasionally on a list,
>where there may even be tears.  It's shocking to see good people find such
>frustration, but it does, and I hope the fresh air is flowing in now.
>Dear members.  How can it be that we are so rough on each other sometimes?
>Perhaps it's unavoidable:  smart people, heartfelt issues, all  of us
>groping toward an uncertain... whatever.  This exchange has had my head in a
>knot.  We know we must not waste our energy on negative feelings, though it
>My two cents.  Jesse
>>From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 17:08:49 +0200
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
>>You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
>>and you had strong support from me among several other members
>>on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
>>on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
>>without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
>>been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.
>>Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
>>a little bit sick now. Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
>>being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.
>>At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
>>>Hallo Keith,
>>>Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
>>>from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
>>>when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
>>>for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
>>>that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
>>>responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
>>>and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
>>>not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
>>>Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
>>>me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
>>>drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
>>>forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
>>>Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
>>>request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
>>>man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.
>>>Happy Happy,
>>>Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
>>>KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
>>>KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list arch

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread mark manchester
Hakan, Gustl, Keith, and all,
As in a marriage, there's a shaking of the rugs occasionally on a list,
where there may even be tears.  It's shocking to see good people find such
frustration, but it does, and I hope the fresh air is flowing in now.

Dear members.  How can it be that we are so rough on each other sometimes?
Perhaps it's unavoidable:  smart people, heartfelt issues, all  of us
groping toward an uncertain... whatever.  This exchange has had my head in a
knot.  We know we must not waste our energy on negative feelings, though it

My two cents.  Jesse

> From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 17:08:49 +0200
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes
> Gustl,
> You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
> and you had strong support from me among several other members
> on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
> on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
> without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
> been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.
> Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
> a little bit sick now. Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
> being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.
> Hakan
> At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
>> Hallo Keith,
>> Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
>> from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
>> when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
>> for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
>> that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
>> responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
>> and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
>> not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
>> Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
>> me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
>> drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
>> forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
>> Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
>> request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
>> man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.
>> Happy Happy,
>> Gustl
>> Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
>> ...snip...
>> KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
>> KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
>> KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
>> KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
>> KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
>> KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
>> KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
>>>>> Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
>>>>> Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
>>>>> Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
>>>>> to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
>>>>> actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
>>>>> The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
>>>>> vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
>>>>> information.
>>>>> If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
>>>>> Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
>>>>> join the Infopop biodiesel website at
>> (I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
>>>>> Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
>>>>> Squire Tilly KE
>> ...snip...
>> --
>> Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>> We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>> The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>> so

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Hakan Falk


You are absolutely right, I remember that you were not alone
and you had strong support from me among several other members
on the list. I have never heard Keith request or ask for donations,
on the contrary, he have always supported the biodiesel community,
without asking anything in return. Maybe he sometimes, with reasons,
been quite tough with some list members that was totally out of line.

Gustl and Keith, between us I am probably the oldest and as it happens
a little bit sick now. Nothing serious, being sick will pass, contrary to
being an idiot, as the one who calls Keith a sick old man.


At 16:38 07/05/2006, you wrote:
>Hallo Keith,
>Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
>from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
>when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
>for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
>that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
>responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
>and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
>not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
>Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
>me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
>drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
>forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.
>Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
>request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
>man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.
>Happy Happy,
>Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:
>KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
>KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
>KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
>KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
>KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
>KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
>KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:
> >>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
> >>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
> >>>Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
> >>>to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
> >>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
> >>>The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
> >>>vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
> >>>information.
> >>>
> >>>If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
> >>>Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
> >>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
>(I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
> >>>
> >>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
> >>>
> >>>Squire Tilly KE
>Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>without signposts.
>C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
>hear the music.
>George Carlin
>The best portion of a good man's life -
>His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>William Wordsworth
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo Keith,

Just  in  case people weren't around during the time the list suffered
from  the  denial  of  service and mail flooding time let me tell that
when  we changed servers it was me, Gustl Steiner-Zehender, who called
for  donations  to  defray costs not you.  I handled the money and saw
that  it  was  all accounted for and properly distributed.  I also was
responsible  for  receipts  for donations and due to computer problems
and  lost  information  I think that may have been mishandled although
not  intentionally.   I  believe  I still owe a fellow living in Saudi
Arabia  a receipt for his very generous donation although it has taken
me  a  lot of remembering to come up with that.  Whoever it was please
drop  me  an  email  and I will get that receipt out to you and please
forgive me for the oversight.  It was definitely not intentional.

Again, just  to be clear.  Keith had absolutely NOTHING to do with the
request  for  donations  at all.  It was all done by another "sick old
man" by the name of Gustl Steiner-Zehender.

Happy Happy,


Saturday, 06 May, 2006, 16:05:51, you wrote:

KA> The  official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there
KA> lurk  around  here  at  the Biofuel list archives like, well, like
KA> sewer  rats,  sniffing  about  and  telling the same sort of stuff
KA> offlist  to new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members
KA> complain  about it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from
KA> this  one, similar stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose
KA> biodiesel book Joe Street didn't seem to like much:

>>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds
>>>Keith  Addison  and  his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
>>>Keith  Addison  is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey
>>>to  Forever  site,  supposedly  to  help  the poor and needy but he
>>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
>>>The  Journey  to  Forever  site  is Keith's "Retirement income", is
>>>vastly  out  of  date,  and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel
>>>If  you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a
>>>Psychotic  old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you
>>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
(I have snipped the url here.  I won't advertise for that lot.)
>>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
>>>Squire Tilly KE

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-07 Thread Thomas Kelly
  I just had occasion to visit the JTF site to refresh my memory re: 
reprocessing. (Why?  see Water in Recovered Methanol Post) And was flattered 
to find this quote:
"For anyone starting out or still in the R&D phase of scaling up and 
tweaking the process to improve quality, disregard anything other than the 
tried and tested directions at Journey to Forever. Read them and then 
re-read them. Follow the instructions, don't add or subtract anything and 
you will be making quality biodiesel."
-- Tom Kelly, 5 Nov 2005
 At the time I wrote this I had just made my first 76L batch of quality 
BD. It passed the wash test, the methanol solubility test and "look Ma, no 
glycerine fell out upon reprocessing".  It came on the heels of reading and 
re-reading the instructions at JTF and advice you gave in response to one of 
my pleas for help. You told me to tweak the process as I scaled up. Although 
I was following JTF directions roughly, I was comfortable with what seemed 
to be hard and fast rules re: temp, and time for the reaction, as well as 
assurance that my 1" clearwater pump could handle 120 -125L batches This 
part of the process I got from other sources.
 I hope you will take the quote, above, as much as an apology as a 
testimonial. I thought I could take a bit from here and a bit from there and 
make good fuel. The moral: If you can't make quality biodiesel from the 
instructions at JTF and with the help of list members, you probably 
shouldn't be making it at all!
 I have received off list contacts by some of the funny-named 
individuals you mention in your post. Their criticism of you was malicious 
.. the type that says more about the critic than the one criticized. 
They suggested that I go to the very places that had lead me astray. I hope 
you don't mind, I didn't bother to respond and instructed my computer to 
treat the source as spam.
 Thanks for all of your help.
- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 4:05 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

> Please note the bit at the end:
> "No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it
> needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause
> confusion and distraction, as intended."
> --
> Hello Jason
>>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at
> Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that
> hits them is this:
>>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)
>>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,
>>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer"
>>Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof Disaster
> With ne'er a link to the original:
> Re: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEs
> Nor to this, for instance:
> [Biofuel] Water from Acid process
> And nobody says "er...":
> [Biofuel] Biodiesel test results
> 99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So
> what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come
> back to that.
> This is the barest tip of an iceberg, scratch it a bit and see what 
> happens.
> Like what's with the "Sewer Rat (by appointment)" bit?
> A couple of days ago some mud got slung at the Biofuel list in a
> discussion at "wastewatts", the yahoo group moderated by Steve
> Spence, Dir., Green Trust. Stuff like this:
> "It can have a certain view and the some long time members like
> everyone to march to a similar tune or your read the riot act. "
> "The list owner ( Keith ), can not handle the truth, because it hurts to 
> much."
> "... plenty of people have been banned because they disagreed with
> certain people on the list, and couldn't back up their disagreement
> with the "proper" sources."
> "I would not parrot the "bush is the antichrist" partyline, and I
> wouldn't shut up, so I was banned. But keith will swear that it was
> done in the name of promoting open discussion - how Orwellian."
> And so on.
> A person named Chris Stratford started ranting that Keith is a racist
> and an anti-Semite and a Nazi and got quite violent: "... if I meet
> them in a dark alley only one of us will walk out... There are a
> bunch of other biodiesel g

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-06 Thread Michael Redler
Hey, I just wanted to put in my $.02 about Steve Spence.I was a member of both "wastewatts" and "12VDC" - both moderated (or owned) by Steve Spence. I invited him to speak at my local section of ASME, of which I chair. He was well received and found to be entertaining by the membership.Since then, I've become frustrated by the "ceiling" of knowledge one encounters with both of these groups. Steve is a pretty good study and I've seen him accurately regurgitate a lot of technical information. However, don't expect a great deal of theoretical knowledge or analytical abilities when discussing things conceptually.I finally left both groups after dissenting to another members opinion about deforestation and how he claimed that "there are more trees now than at the founding of this country". I sent a prickly reply that even Todd might be proud of. This mindless debate was on top of already mounting
 frustration about the group looking more like an extended infomercial for batteries and off-grid appliances.While others were building shopping lists and pretending they worked for consumer reports, I wanted to conspire with other members and design inverters and AC motor controls (for example). My hopes were that the schematics and other technical details could be published in the public domain and help those who couldn't (or didn't want to) simply buy everything.What helped expedite my decision was finding out that Steve screens every message then, he explained "This isn't a democracy". He closed with a smug smiley face.I believe that Steve might be on this list and laying low with an alias. If so, I doubt he will acknowledge any wrong doing.One final note: Of all the name listed in this thread, I haven't seen anyone mention the arrogant behavior of another list owner - Laren Corie. He
 runs a couple of YG's including "refrigerator alternatives" and a woodgas group.Mike        Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Yo dee ho Keith,> This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially> if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,> they really hate Aleks, though they've never encountered> him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,> you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huck."My feelings are oh so hurt.> As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,> forget everything there and start over.Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as to declare others less than capable - that
 would be the poor dear Ginny in Denver - just couldn't seem to identify how or where she had fouled up a five gallon batch and started asking for help from anyone who had some insight.Had she not forgotten everything she had read at JTF (as she's instructed everyone else to do) it's rather doubtful that the dear would have found herself in midst of such a problem without a clue as to how to extract herself.Oh well. People pick their own poison.'d all but forgotten dear Mr. Legge. I still can't forgive myself for outing him (not!) and his nom de plume. Funny that. I don't think he's ever forgiven me either, sniff..., smurf..., snuffle..., snarf.Anyhow, thanks for the stroll down memory lane Keith. A nice, tidy, compressed nutshell of a package of destruction that's really screwed a lot of people that could have been doing a lot of good. Glad you still take
 some time to check the bilge pumps and make sure the sewage and it's rats don't decimate the entire grassroots biodiesel sector.Now if you'll forgive me, I'm headed to the pantry for a pint of black and tan and then I'm off to fake another 325 gallons of acid/base biodiesel..., you know..., Aleks' method that "doesn't work."Todd SwearingenKeith Addison wrote:>Please note the bit at the end:>>"No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it >needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause >confusion and distraction, as intended.">>-->>Hello Jason>> >>>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at>>>> Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that >hits them
 is this:>> >>>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,>>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer">>Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof Disaster>> With ne'er a link to the original:>>Re: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEs>>Nor to this, for instance:>>[Biofuel] Water from Acid process>>And nobody says "er...":>>[Biofuel] Biodiesel test results>>99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So >what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come >back to that.>>This is the barest t

Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-06 Thread Appal Energy
Yo dee ho Keith,

> This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially
> if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,
> they really hate Aleks, though they've never encountered
> him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,
> you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)

"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huck."
My feelings are oh so hurt.

> As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,
> forget everything there and start over.

Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as to declare 
others less than capable - that would be the poor dear Ginny in Denver - just 
couldn't seem to identify how or where she had fouled up a five gallon batch 
and started asking for help from anyone who had some insight.

Had she not forgotten everything she had read at JTF (as she's instructed 
everyone else to do) it's rather doubtful that the dear would have found 
herself in midst of such a problem without a clue as to how to extract herself.

Oh well. People pick their own poison.

I'd all but forgotten dear Mr. Legge. I still can't forgive myself for outing 
him (not!) and his nom de plume. Funny that. I don't think he's ever forgiven 
me either, sniff..., smurf..., snuffle..., snarf.

Anyhow, thanks for the stroll down memory lane Keith. A nice, tidy, compressed 
nutshell of a package of destruction that's really screwed a lot of people that 
could have been doing a lot of good. Glad you still take some time to check the 
bilge pumps and make sure the sewage and it's rats don't decimate the entire 
grassroots biodiesel sector.

Now if you'll forgive me, I'm headed to the pantry for a pint of black and tan 
and then I'm off to fake another 325 gallons of acid/base biodiesel..., you 
know..., Aleks' method that "doesn't work."

Todd Swearingen

Keith Addison wrote:

>Please note the bit at the end:
>"No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it 
>needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause 
>confusion and distraction, as intended."
>Hello Jason
>>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at
>Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that 
>hits them is this:
>>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)
>>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,
>>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer"
>>Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof Disaster
>With ne'er a link to the original:
>Re: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEs
>Nor to this, for instance:
>[Biofuel] Water from Acid process
>And nobody says "er...":
>[Biofuel] Biodiesel test results
>99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So 
>what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come 
>back to that.
>This is the barest tip of an iceberg, scratch it a bit and see what happens.
>Like what's with the "Sewer Rat (by appointment)" bit?
>A couple of days ago some mud got slung at the Biofuel list in a 
>discussion at "wastewatts", the yahoo group moderated by Steve 
>Spence, Dir., Green Trust. Stuff like this:
>"It can have a certain view and the some long time members like 
>everyone to march to a similar tune or your read the riot act. "
>"The list owner ( Keith ), can not handle the truth, because it hurts to much."
>"... plenty of people have been banned because they disagreed with 
>certain people on the list, and couldn't back up their disagreement 
>with the "proper" sources."
>"I would not parrot the "bush is the antichrist" partyline, and I 
>wouldn't shut up, so I was banned. But keith will swear that it was 
>done in the name of promoting open discussion - how Orwellian."
>And so on.
>A person named Chris Stratford started ranting that Keith is a racist 
>and an anti-Semite and a Nazi and got quite violent: "... if I meet 
>them in a dark alley only one of us will walk out... There are a 
>bunch of other biodiesel groups, that actually have open debate... 
>Keith has a great website, but if it was a choice between saving him 
>or the rat from drowning, I will save the rat, and then throw it at 
>So this clown at Infopop appoints himself the rat. Well I guess he 
>should know, and he's in the right place too. I'm sure the wastewatts 
>discussion is all over Infopop with the usual huge glee but I didn't 
>bother to check, I never go there unless someone posts a url here.
>I received the wastewatts posts as a subscriber but I don't read 
>anything there either, someone pointed it out to me. I'd give you the 
>link but dear old Steve in all his openness closed the archives 
>unless you log in as a

[Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-06 Thread Keith Addison
Please note the bit at the end:

"No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it 
needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause 
confusion and distraction, as intended."


Hello Jason

>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at

Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that 
hits them is this:

>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)
>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,
>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer"
>Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof Disaster

With ne'er a link to the original:
Re: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEs

Nor to this, for instance:
[Biofuel] Water from Acid process

And nobody says "er...":
[Biofuel] Biodiesel test results

99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So 
what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come 
back to that.

This is the barest tip of an iceberg, scratch it a bit and see what happens.

Like what's with the "Sewer Rat (by appointment)" bit?

A couple of days ago some mud got slung at the Biofuel list in a 
discussion at "wastewatts", the yahoo group moderated by Steve 
Spence, Dir., Green Trust. Stuff like this:

"It can have a certain view and the some long time members like 
everyone to march to a similar tune or your read the riot act. "

"The list owner ( Keith ), can not handle the truth, because it hurts to much."

"... plenty of people have been banned because they disagreed with 
certain people on the list, and couldn't back up their disagreement 
with the "proper" sources."

"I would not parrot the "bush is the antichrist" partyline, and I 
wouldn't shut up, so I was banned. But keith will swear that it was 
done in the name of promoting open discussion - how Orwellian."

And so on.

A person named Chris Stratford started ranting that Keith is a racist 
and an anti-Semite and a Nazi and got quite violent: "... if I meet 
them in a dark alley only one of us will walk out... There are a 
bunch of other biodiesel groups, that actually have open debate... 
Keith has a great website, but if it was a choice between saving him 
or the rat from drowning, I will save the rat, and then throw it at 

So this clown at Infopop appoints himself the rat. Well I guess he 
should know, and he's in the right place too. I'm sure the wastewatts 
discussion is all over Infopop with the usual huge glee but I didn't 
bother to check, I never go there unless someone posts a url here.

I received the wastewatts posts as a subscriber but I don't read 
anything there either, someone pointed it out to me. I'd give you the 
link but dear old Steve in all his openness closed the archives 
unless you log in as a member.

These people at wastewatts got booted from the Biofuel list for 
demanding that other people's posts they didn't agree with must be 
censored because they're "off-topic". See the List rules:

People who do this quite often refuse to accept the reason for their 
dismissal, they're already furious anyway and it's so much more 
convenient to think that it's their opinions we "hate" and the 
dismissal was just an excuse while in fact we're really defending the 
evil views they want censored because we agree with them.

This is what happened with Stratford, nearly two years ago. It wasn't 
me who posted the stuff he objected to, I didn't even comment on it, 
and it was just a distraction anyway. But that doesn't bother Chris 
Stratford. He actually said this at wastewatts: "The point is that 
hatred based on lies is evil." Only true thing I've seen him say, but 
he was talking about me and the Biofuel list, not him.

Of course we have all the background on record in the list admin 
archives, so what really happened with all these people isn't just a 
matter of opinion. But it seldom bears much resemblance to what they 
say happened, and the more time passes the more lurid the story gets.

Chris Stratford is an American, he's pro-colonial Zionism, pro-War on 
Terror, pro-Bush. He's not Jewish, he's a Mormon, and apparently he's 
served as a missionary abroad.

Regarding anti-Semitism, this is what the thread he hated at Biofuel led to:
RE: Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Keith

Not exactly anti-Semitic. Give it a read, a lot of people said it's worth it.

The strange thing about Stratford is that was the second time he got 
booted, and for the same reason. After the first time, he admitted 
he'd been wrong, begged to be reinstated and promised to behave 

>Subject: RE: Fwd: FW: Feeling Patriotic?
>Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 10:40:56 -0800
>I apologize for any comments I made that contributed in any way to