[Talk-us] Re: Boundaries and verifiability (was Re: Retagging hamlets in the US)

2015-03-27 Thread Minh Nguyen

On 2015-03-25 09:54, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:

There are many defacto boundaries created by roads, hedges, powerlines,
ridges or bodies of water.

I argue the most appropriate boundary in OSM is indeed the defacto
boundary.  If people are using, paving, weeding
and farming the boundary, that's the one we can map.

The legal boundary is not something OSM can adjudicate.  Finding that
boundary is a complex process involving survey points, land
descriptions, and often handwritten records stored in dark basements.
It also hardy ever matters, at least to a mapper or map reader.

That may be true when it comes to private property, but the de jure 
boundary of a given village, county, etc. matters to many members of the 
general public, all of whom could wind up reading our map. To the extent 
that a given place has a de facto boundary -- which I take to mean a 
boundary not *administered* by a government -- we shouldn't map it as an 
*administrative* boundary, and we should avoid mapping overly subjective 
data in fine detail anyways.

I would imagine that administrative boundaries like city limits are a 
matter of public record. Granted, the public record isn't necessarily 
free or online, and the city may well store it in a dark basement. But 
where we can ascertain the legal definition of a city limit while 
respecting our copyright policies, we provide a valuable service by 
turning that prose into free geodata correlated with other features like 
roads. TIGER gets us most of the way there for city limits but not for a 
major city's political subdivisions.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Query Overpass for multiple small areas

2015-03-27 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi all,

Was unsure what the best practices for querying overpass were, and was
wondering if someone could point me in a good direction.

I'm trying to query Overpass for a small amount of data over many small,
sparsely populated areas.  Was wondering if it made more sense to run
separate queries for the bounding box of each small area, or one query
for the bounding box of all queries.  The first approach sends more
queries against smaller areas, the second approach sends only one query
against a much larger area.

In general, I would suggest to combine all areas with the union 
operator. Or even, simpler, just concatenate the queries. Overpass can 
handle multiple print statements.

When your return time is below a few seconds, then it makes sense to 
combine more requests.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Re: Boundaries and verifiability (was Re: Retagging hamlets in the US)

2015-03-27 Thread Minh Nguyen

On 2015-03-25 08:12, Martijn van Exel wrote:

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 3:00 AM, Minh Nguyen wrote:

On 2015-03-24 13:57, Martijn van Exel wrote:

More importantly though, there is an authoritative source for
official administrative boundaries that can be easily accessed by
anyone: TIGER[1]

You mean the way TIGER is an authoritative source for road
centerlines? TIGER's boundaries vary in quality just as its roads
and railroads do. I've taken quite a few imported municipal
boundaries, lined them up with road easements or hedges between
farms _when that is obviously the intent_, and deleted extra nodes.
These borders become far more accurate and precise in OSM than in
commercial maps, which regurgitate TIGER boundaries verbatim.

The most authoritative source for most U.S. land borders, going all
the way down to the parcel level, is a legal prose definition in
conjunction with any number of monuments on the ground. Both metes
and bounds and the Public Land Survey System rely on monumentation.
A monument may be a major road or as obscure as a small iron pin
embedded in that road, but even that pin is verifiable if not
particularly armchair-mappable.

If you're lucky, you can find an Ohio city limit's legal definition
in county commissioners' minutes when an annexation is proposed. The
most authoritative data representation is the county GIS database,
which anyone can easily access -- for a fee. After paying the county
for that database, you might well forget about OSM, because it's
also the authoritative source for road centerlines and names.

That is actually not what I meant, but I could have been more precise. I
guess this turns into a discussion of what 'authoritative' actually
means. This is different things to different people. As OSM becomes
better, increasingly folks will start looking at us for
authoritativeness, which would make sense because everything is
(supposed to be) verified on the ground. Because administrative
boundaries have legal implications, the authoritative source will need
to be someplace outside of OSM. It may actually hurt OSM down the line
if we include information that suggests authoritativeness we cannot

OK, thanks for clarifying. One risky use of administrative boundary data 
at the local level would be for tax purposes. Obviously we don't want 
people relying on OSM to decide whom to pay taxes to. That's why we have 
a disclaimer. [1] It should get more prominence. Wikipedia's legal and 
medical disclaimers are two hops away from every article, but ours is 
two hops from the wiki's main page only. At least consumer-focused 
redistributors of OSM data tend to have more accessible disclaimers.

[1] http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Disclaimer

Sure, but vernacular and official neighborhood objects would then need
to be represented differently so folks can tell them apart and know what
they are dealing with.

I agree entirely, and I think OSM is already set up for these 
distinctions. If you see a boundary=administrative admin_level=10 
relation on the map, you'd expect it to be an official (aka 
administrative) boundary, not a vernacular one. If you see a 
place=neighborhood POI with the name tag, you'd expect both definitions 
to be roughly equivalent. A purely vernacular neighborhood would be a 
POI probably tagged with loc_name instead of name.


Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread Janko Mihelić

imamo problem sa rutanjem na glavnoj stranici, a to je da oba biciklistička
rutera (GraphHopper i MapQuest) izbjegavaju staze koje su tagane sa
highway=footway. Već smo raspravljali o tome treba li koristiti
highway=path ili highway=footway za biciklističke staze koje su nacrtane na
pješačkim stazama, pa smo na kraju ostavili mješano, barem po Zagrebu.

Hoćemo se prebaciti na highway=path? Mislim da rutanje na glavnoj stranici
pomaže u traženju grešaka kod rutanja.

I još jedno pitanje, u Zakonu o sigurnosti u prometu piše slijedeće[1]:

Članak 112.
(1) Vozači bicikla dužni su se kretati biciklističkom stazom ili
biciklističkom trakom, a ako one ne postoje, što bliže desnom rubu kolnika.

Znači li to da bi trebali sve kolnike koji na usporednom pločniku imaju
biciklističku stazu označiti sa bicycle=no? Mogli bi dodati još jedan tag
koji bi objasnio da je izvor Zakon, recimo bicycle:source=hr:law.

[1] http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2008_06_67_2224.html

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-03-27 Thread Nicolas Moyroud
Oui certes mais plus j'en sais et plus je découvre que la FFRP n'est en 
fait souvent pas l'auteur de ces tracés. Dans ma zone géographique en 
tout cas, ce sont en très grande majorité les collectivités qui 
construisent, entretiennent et même balisent ces itinéraires, la FFRP ne 
jouant bien souvent que le rôle de labellisation et de publication des 
itinéraires. De plus certaines de ces collectivités sont tout à fait 
prêtes à mettre à disposition ces itinéraires. Ils ne se posent 
d'ailleurs même pas la question d'une publication en OpenData (souvent 
ils ne savent pas ce que c'est, mais ceci est une autre question) car il 
s'agit pour eux de quelque chose qu'il est évident qu'on puisse utiliser 
comme on le souhaite.
Bref, il y a sans doute quelque chose à faire par ce biais là. Et je ne 
pense pas que la FFRP puisse revendiquer un quelconque droit d'auteur 
dans ce genre de cas !


Le 27/03/2015 10:40, Pieren a écrit :

Bien sûr qu'il y a un problème. Il ne faut pas mélanger deux choses :
d'une part, le droit des marques, l'usage du GR; d'autre part, la
propriété intellectuelle sur l'itinéraire.
Le deuxième cas est plus compliqué parce que la FFRP devra justifier
du caractère original de la création devant un tribunal. Hors, on sait
que ça serait difficile dans certains cas (chemins de Stevenson,
Compostelle, etc). Ce qui ne veut pas dire que le risque juridique
n'existe pas et que la création est vraiment l'oeuvre de la FFRP (de
ses affiliés en fait) pour la majorité des itinéraires. Il faudrait
donc qu'un tribunal tranche au cas par cas, avec des preuves à fournir
(et à chercher) sur le caractère historique d'un itinéraire (il y a
des affaires assez similaires concernant les droits de passage).
Il ne faut donc pas s'imaginer qu'en renommant les itinéraires, on
s'exclut des obligations liées aux droits d'auteurs. C'est comme si je
proposais de recopier et publier les livres de Harry Potter sans
l'accord des ayant-droits mais en changeant simplement le titre. Ca
reste de la contrefaçon.
Mais j'ai comme l'impression que cette discussion s'est déjà produite
ici par le passé avec les mêmes approximations ...


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-03-27 Thread Eric Sibert

Mais j'ai comme l'impression que cette discussion s'est déjà produite
ici par le passé avec les mêmes approximations ...

+1. A chaque fois qu'on recommence la discussion, il y en a qui  
débarquent au bout de 20 ou 30 messages et repartent sur les deux  
points de base avec des propositions yaka renommer ou yaka aller  
relever sur le terrain. Résultat, on n'avance pas.

Rendez-vous dans un an ;-)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-03-27 Thread Lionel Bargeot


La mise en oeuvre des plans départementaux d'itinéraire de promenade et 
de randonnées (PDIPR) doit être une préoccupation des conseils généraux 
(départementaux) en ce moment.

En tout cas, il semble y avoir des moyens :

Pas grand chose sur la licence apposée aux données produites au final 
(ma lecture du CCTP fut peut être trop rapide), si ce n'est que la 
collectivité en reste le propriétaire.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] India Postal Map

2015-03-27 Thread Ishan Chattopadhyaya
I like this dataset from the opendata portal,

I think it has a lot of value to OSM.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:46 AM, Arun Ganesh arun.plane...@gmail.com

 There is a lot of pincode data for major towns and villages in India
 hidden in the postal_code tag like this

 Most of this data comes from the AND import in 2008:

 Yesterday, I decided to extract the nodes with the postal_code tag and
 make a pincode+post office map. The result is available here to explore:

 This already looks like a very useful dataset to analyze pincode patterns
 and the postal network. Wonder if India Post has something like this

  Arun Ganesh
 (planemad) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Planemad

 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] India Postal Map

2015-03-27 Thread Sajjad Anwar
Hey everyone,

Arun and I have been working several PIN code sets. There are a lot of
stuff that we can use and I'm going compile a nationwide list with
coordinates. More soon.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Ishan Chattopadhyaya 
ichattopadhy...@gmail.com wrote:

 Btw, the visualization is awesome! I love it..

 On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Ishan Chattopadhyaya 
 ichattopadhy...@gmail.com wrote:

 I like this dataset from the opendata portal,

 I think it has a lot of value to OSM.

 On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:46 AM, Arun Ganesh arun.plane...@gmail.com

 There is a lot of pincode data for major towns and villages in India
 hidden in the postal_code tag like this

 Most of this data comes from the AND import in 2008:

 Yesterday, I decided to extract the nodes with the postal_code tag and
 make a pincode+post office map. The result is available here to explore:

 This already looks like a very useful dataset to analyze pincode
 patterns and the postal network. Wonder if India Post has something like
 this internally.

  Arun Ganesh
 (planemad) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Planemad

 Talk-in mailing list

 Talk-in mailing list

Sajjad Anwar http://geohacker.in http://sajjad.in/
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-03-27 Thread Pieren
2015-03-27 6:36 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy verd...@wanadoo.fr:
 Aucun probleme si on cartographie ces itiinéraires sans y mettre la
 labellisation GR ou Grande Randonnée (marques de la FRPP dont on n'a pas
 Appelons-les Circuits Nationaux de Randonnée et abrégeons en CNR ou NR
 (comme aussi nouvelle randonnée). On pourra même reprendre leur numéro :
 le GR20 devient NR20...

Bien sûr qu'il y a un problème. Il ne faut pas mélanger deux choses :
d'une part, le droit des marques, l'usage du GR; d'autre part, la
propriété intellectuelle sur l'itinéraire.
Le deuxième cas est plus compliqué parce que la FFRP devra justifier
du caractère original de la création devant un tribunal. Hors, on sait
que ça serait difficile dans certains cas (chemins de Stevenson,
Compostelle, etc). Ce qui ne veut pas dire que le risque juridique
n'existe pas et que la création est vraiment l'oeuvre de la FFRP (de
ses affiliés en fait) pour la majorité des itinéraires. Il faudrait
donc qu'un tribunal tranche au cas par cas, avec des preuves à fournir
(et à chercher) sur le caractère historique d'un itinéraire (il y a
des affaires assez similaires concernant les droits de passage).
Il ne faut donc pas s'imaginer qu'en renommant les itinéraires, on
s'exclut des obligations liées aux droits d'auteurs. C'est comme si je
proposais de recopier et publier les livres de Harry Potter sans
l'accord des ayant-droits mais en changeant simplement le titre. Ca
reste de la contrefaçon.
Mais j'ai comme l'impression que cette discussion s'est déjà produite
ici par le passé avec les mêmes approximations ...


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-de] blog aggregator blogs

2015-03-27 Thread Florian Lohoff

ich habe versucht rauszufinden wer den Blog Agregator blogs.osm.org
betreut um mein blog da reinzubekommen. Ich habe Shaun McDonald gefunden
und ihm eine mail geschrieben nur leider keine antwort bekommen.

Florian Lohoff f...@zz.de
 We need to self-defense - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!

Description: Digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Skolor

2015-03-27 Thread Erik Johansson
Detta fick mig att fundera.. i OSM heter alla Vittraskolan hos
Skolverket är det istället Vittra Funäs/Gbg/Solna  osv.
Att döpa skolorna till Vittraskolan är lite som att döpa alla
kommunala skolor i Stockholm till Sisab.  Det är väl inte intressant
att ha med namnet Vittra Funäs i OSM.

Det är väl så med all typ av importerad data att man måste gå igenom
och kolla manuellt.

2015-03-26 19:20 GMT+01:00 Karl Wettin karl.wet...@kodapan.se:

 On 26 Mar 2015, at 18:55, Markus Lindholm markus.lindh...@gmail.com wrote:

 2015-03-26 16:32 GMT+01:00 Karl Wettin karl.wet...@kodapan.se:

 Vad sägs om att vi bearbetar skolverkets data (CC0) och häller in det i OSM?

 Var framgår det att det är licensierat under CC0?

 Vi har tidigare varit i direktkontakt med skolverket och frågat för
 postnummeruppor. Egentligen inte CC0, utan helt licensfritt, vilket
 egentligen är ännu bättre. Jag valde att skriva CC0 här för att ingen skulle

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: upplysningstjans...@skolverket.se
 Date: Oct 1, 2014 8:30 AM
 Subject: Ang. Vb: Fråga om villkor för geodata om Skolenheter


 Jag har tagit emot din fråga angående geodata om skolenheter.

 Jag har varit i kontakt med berörd enhet på Skolverket som meddelar att det
 är fritt att använda datamängden som går att ladda ned från Geodataportalen.
 Informationen kan användas utan att ange källa, även om vi uppmuntrar att
 användaren anger källhänvisning.

 Om du har ytterligare frågor är du välkommen att återkomma till oss på
 Skolverkets upplysningstjänst på 08 - 52733200.

 Med vänlig hälsning

 Upplysningstjänsten vid Skolverket
 Niklas Delander

 Ha kvar lite identiteter och så där så man i framtiden kan skriva kod som
 uppdaterar datamängden i OSM.

 Den här meningen förstod jag inte.

 Att man taggar med skol-id från Skolverket så att om namnen på poster ändras
 (exempelvis när JB-gymnasierna gick i konkurs), om någon ny har tillkommit
 eller gammal fallit bort när man jämför med en ny dump av deras data.

 Det stora problemet är att definiera hur man letar upp de skolor som redan
 existerar i OSM,

 Att matcha på namn är väl det mest uppenbara. Men lär ändå bli väldigt
 mycket handpåläggning för att få det rätt.

 Man kan ju köra med lite edit-distance” av något slag (Levenshtein?) i
 jämförelsen, dvs tillåta att det är snarlik stavning.

 Troligen vill man skapa ett layer med allt som på något sätt slår helt fel,
 exempelvis att det finns en skola inom 100 meter men som heter något helt
 annat i OSM, osv. När man tittar i detta fellager bör man kunna se röda
 trådar som går att hantera med ytterligare kod.

 Om en skola inte finns i det här datasettet men finns i OSM betyder
 det att skolan slutat och borde tas bort från OSM?

 Det bör iallafall noteras i ett lager för manuell kontroll, tycker jag.


 Talk-se mailing list


Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [OSM-HH] Hamburger Straßennetz als CC0 veröffentlicht

2015-03-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 26.03.2015 um 19:03 schrieb Johannes Kröger 
 Besonders bei solchen manuell eingestellten Daten. Sind
 doch alles auch nur Menschen. Es sind nur drei Datensätze mit CC0 im
 Transparenzportal, während alles andere unter der Deutschlandlizenz
 steht. Da sollte man erstmal sichergehen, dass sie wirklich so gedacht

wenn sie sie mit dieser Lizenz veröffentlichen dann sollte die wohl auch 
gelten, der Sinn einer Lizenz ist ja gerade, dass man nicht mehr nachfragen 

 Falls das so ein passiv-aggressiver Angriff gegen die Behörden sein
 sollte, dann kann ich dir sagen, dass dort teilweise wirklich nette und
 modern denkende Menschen sitzen, die sich freuen, wenn ihre Daten
 größeren Anklang finden. ;

ja, diese Erfahrung habe ich auch schon gemacht, wenn auch nicht ausschließlich 

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] duplicate address data

2015-03-27 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi all,

I've tried the latest data for Ontario.
I see few errors in data with source NRCan-CanVec-10.0,
but I still see quite a lot of warnings like this:

http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/176690658 addr:interpolation way connects two 
points with equal numbers, numbers are ignored

I also see a lot of messages like this:
found no street for house number element County Road 17 1002 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2009492976 , distance to next possible road: 
9161 m

I also tried the inspector at http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/ 
The tools shows a lot of errors, but I fear nobody will spent the time to 
investigate an error when he sees  100 other errors close to it,
and all of them seem to be real errors.

I agree that the best approach to fix this problem seems to be to remove all 
the old data and start from scratch with the latest import data.

I will not do anything like that, but I think a good approach is to remove 
all address data with a tag like 
and maybe also 

and than see what is missing.


Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:20:36 -0400
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] duplicate address data
From: jwhelan0...@gmail.com
To: gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com
CC: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org

Basically the CANVEC data imports need cleaning up.  I think there were ten 
different versions, the most common I think is 7.  Unfortunately some mappers 
locally removed the CANVEC tags from the data if they touched it or even on the 
import as they didn't think it was important.  Sometimes addresses were 
imported with a CANVEC tag, sometimes not.  Due to funding cutbacks the CANVEC 
data is no longer exported in OSM format.

Also there was some original mapping done from low resolution satellites, Yahoo 
I think provided the images so some roads were mapped about 100 meters from 
where they should be, where highways had been mapped the CANVEC imports were 
sometimes used and sometimes not.  In Ottawa we took a local decision to delete 
all the roads above service roads and replace them with CANVEC imports because 
of the data quality issues of the existing road network and that was some years 

Unfortunately in Canada we have fewer mappers per kilometer of highway than in 
Germany and the CANVEC imports were very useful.

The clean up solution I would suggest would be to delete all address 
information with a CANVEC tag on it then import only CANVEC 10 which is the 
latest version but that's a lot of work but the end result would be clean.  It 
might also hit problems as the address information would follow the CANVEC 
highways rather than those highways mapped in other ways but it would only be 
the address information and the road network would remain as it is.

Cheerio John

On 26 March 2015 at 14:54, Gerd Petermann gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com 

Hi list,

I am one of the developers of mkgmap, see also

During the last weeks I've enhanced the support for 
the evaluation of addr:interpolation ways or more general
the evaluation of addr:housenumber, addr:street and so on
to improve the address search in Garmin devices for maps
based on OSM data.

I live in Germany and I am not very familiar with the address
schemes used in North America.

It turned out that data in Canada is very special because of the 
CanVec imports. I find a huge amount of addr:interpolation 
ways that seem to make no sense, often those are 
duplicated with identical or nearly identical points 

Example: The ways 

One has source=NRCan-CanVec-7.0, the other source=CanVec 6.0 - NRCan
Is there a good reason for this redundancy?
If not, what is the best way to remove these duplicates?
I can think of different ways:
1) keep only the eldest entry
2) keep only the youngest entry
3) keep the older and add a note that the data is confirmed by NRCan-CanVec-7.0 

Second problem that occurs very often:

The example still exists:
A long addr:interpolation way connecting two points which both have 
If that data is correct, what information does it offer?
I can only guess that along this long way one can find a house with
number 5. Or does it mean that the house is in the middle?
Or is the whole ground along this road 20th Sideroad 5 ?

And what does it mean when multiple addr:interpolation ways
exist connecting points with equal addr:housenumber,
like here:
Where is  Bear Hug Lane 10 and why are there so many addr:interpolations ways 
for it?

Any help is welcome. 


The program mkgmap in the housenumber2 branch creates a log file that reports 
the problem cases in a format 

Re: [Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread hbogner

On 03/27/2015 12:16 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

Hoćemo se prebaciti na highway=path? Mislim da rutanje na glavnoj stranici
pomaže u traženju grešaka kod rutanja.

Ovo bi bilo crtanje za renderer/routing.

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-es] Datos abiertos de Madrid

2015-03-27 Thread Almorca
El otro día estuve echando un vistazo a la web de datos abiertos de Madrid
( http://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/ ) y veo que han subido un montón
de informacón que creo que puede ser fácilmente exportable a OSM. De
primeras me parece interesante la gran cantidad de información sobre bicis
como aparcabicis, ciclocarriles, estaciones de Bicimad.

Yo no tengo ni conocimientos ni tiempo para mirar la importanción de estos
datos pero tiro la prieda a ver si alguien se anima a iniciar la
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Datos abiertos de Madrid

2015-03-27 Thread Moises Arcos
Por si os sirve de ayuda desde Geoinquietos Sevilla realizamos un trabajo
de importación de las estaciones de alquiler de bicicletas, que en Sevilla
se llaman SEVICI.
Os dejo por aquí la info por si le queréis echar un vistazo al trabajo.


Nuestro gran descubrimiento fue que al localizar las paradas en el mapa,
muchas de ellas estaban mal posicionadas, alrededor de un 20 %, ya que a la
empresa en cuestión no le interesa su correcto posicionamiento sino que
estén en buen estado y con un buen mantenimiento.

Nuestro siguiente trabajo será la importación de los aparcabicis, que se
encuentran en el portal OpenData de la IDE de Sevilla.
Así que si alguien se anima por aquí andamos.


El 27 de marzo de 2015, 14:37, Almorca almo...@gmail.com escribió:

 El otro día estuve echando un vistazo a la web de datos abiertos de Madrid
 ( http://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/ ) y veo que han subido un
 montón de informacón que creo que puede ser fácilmente exportable a OSM. De
 primeras me parece interesante la gran cantidad de información sobre bicis
 como aparcabicis, ciclocarriles, estaciones de Bicimad.

 Yo no tengo ni conocimientos ni tiempo para mirar la importanción de estos
 datos pero tiro la prieda a ver si alguien se anima a iniciar la

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] April Meeting Thursday 2nd April

2015-03-27 Thread Andy Mabbett
Likewise. Have fun!
On Mar 26, 2015 2:33 PM, Matthijs Melissen i...@matthijsmelissen.nl

 Hi Brian,

 I will be abroad, so I won't be able to make it.

 -- Matthijs

 On 26 March 2015 at 14:18, Brian Prangle bpran...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi everyone
  Just a reminder that we're meeting in the Black Eagle Factory Road
  Metro Stop Soho Benson Road) probably from about 8 pm onwards so as to
  mapping beforehand. Can you let me know if you're planning to come as
  got to arrange logistics with a video crew who are wanting to film
  on the ground and will want to conduct some interviews (apologies if it
  eats into mapping time) Might be a good idea to have everyone's mobile
  for the night
  Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

 Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tracce gps CAI

2015-03-27 Thread Max1234Ita
M. Fioretti wrote
 tra l'altro quello è uno di quei siti che si sentono
 smart perché disabilitano il tasto destro del mouse...


Sicuramente qualcuno lo conosce già, ma casomai servisse... 



View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Skolor

2015-03-27 Thread Tobias Johansson
Man skulle ju kunna lägga in det i offical_name (minns inte exacta namnet
på taggen) eller liknande så finns datan där om någon är intresserad.

Den 27 mars 2015 13:28 skrev Erik Johansson erjo...@gmail.com:

 Detta fick mig att fundera.. i OSM heter alla Vittraskolan hos
 Skolverket är det istället Vittra Funäs/Gbg/Solna  osv.
 Att döpa skolorna till Vittraskolan är lite som att döpa alla
 kommunala skolor i Stockholm till Sisab.  Det är väl inte intressant
 att ha med namnet Vittra Funäs i OSM
Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tracce gps CAI

2015-03-27 Thread dvdzero
già ... oltre a pitturare i sassi di rosso e bianco andrebbe inserita nelle
attività del CAI qualche bella sessione di JOSM.
Mi verrebbe voglia di offrirmi per dare delle lezioni alla sezione di
Verona. Qualcuno ha mai fatto attività di questo tipo? In generale come si
pone il CAI rispetto a OSM?


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Skolor

2015-03-27 Thread Joakim Fors
I det här fallet bör det väl vara operator=Vittra och sen får man göra manuell 
lookup på riktiga namnet t.ex. 

Enligt exemplet ovan skulle det bli något i stil med:

official_name=Vittra Forsgläntan


 On 27 Mar 2015, at 15:13, Tobias Johansson tj771...@gmail.com wrote:
 Man skulle ju kunna lägga in det i offical_name (minns inte exacta namnet på 
 taggen) eller liknande så finns datan där om någon är intresserad.
 Den 27 mars 2015 13:28 skrev Erik Johansson erjo...@gmail.com:
 Detta fick mig att fundera.. i OSM heter alla Vittraskolan hos
 Skolverket är det istället Vittra Funäs/Gbg/Solna  osv.
 Att döpa skolorna till Vittraskolan är lite som att döpa alla
 kommunala skolor i Stockholm till Sisab.  Det är väl inte intressant
 att ha med namnet Vittra Funäs i OSM
 Talk-se mailing list

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread Janko Mihelić
pet, 27. ožu 2015. u 14:39 hbogner hbog...@gmail.com napisao je:

 Ovo bi bilo crtanje za renderer/routing.

Složio bih se kad bi jedno od ta dva bilo krivo tagiranje, ali ako su oba
točna, a jedan nam omogućuje da rutamo i vidimo greške..

A što sa bicycle=no na kolnicima?
Talk-hr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread Blueberry

Voilà le genre de donnée qui trouverait bien sa place dans OSM
En plus, c'est dommage, son site utilise un fond Google
http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/ http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/  
Je ne vois pas la licence des données. Il pourrait rajouter tellement plus
de tags dans OSM en plus de la géoloc ...

Eric [Blueberry]

View this message in context: 
Sent from the France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] For comment: import of amenity=bicycle_repair_stations

2015-03-27 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:37 PM, Mike N nice...@att.net wrote:

 I happened to be near one of these today, and I had to move it about 8
 meters.  REVERT!  (not really, just kidding)
   My only comment about this import would be that I don't think that it is
 useful to accompany an import with mass notes or FIXMEs.   If someone
 notices that the position is off, they'll correct it or leave a note. In
 this case it wasn't too serious because the number of data points is low,
 but would be more of a problem with a larger dataset.

From what I've seen the notes have worked really well: better than I could
have hoped.

Every few days someone finds one of those notes, hunts down the tool stand,
and closes the note.  A number of note closers have been beginning
mappers as well: perhaps these notes represent a mapping task that's both
in their area and accessible at their level of mapping comfort.
If the notes have brought a modest number of mappers out of the glow of
their computer screens, and out into the community, that's great.

Most of the nodes were pretty close: but the occasional one has moved
pretty far (at least 40 meters).

Every station searched for on the ground has been found, with one
exception.  That station was subsequently deleted from both OSM and the
vendor database at Dero corporation.  The on the ground mapper took
multiple visits to the site, after the company provided more details.  But
it's just not there.

Perhaps the notes that remain after a set period (maybe a year) should be
bulk deleted.
The notes in the USA are getting resolved at a steady pace.  The notes in
the UK (which were imported without nodes) have not attracted much interest.

I am concerned that some mappers will fix a tool stand location, but never
notice the corresponding note.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Storchenhorste mappen

2015-03-27 Thread Jochen Topf
On Fr, Mär 27, 2015 at 05:35:38 +0100, Alexander Lehner wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Mar 2015, dezent...@web.de wrote:
 Der Frühling kommt und mit ihm die Störche. Warum also nicht die gut 
 auffindbaren Horste in die OSM mit aufnehmen?
 Ohne jetzt einen post-war anzetteln zu wollen, der wahrscheinlich aber nicht
 Auf der FOSSGIS vor 2 Wochen wurde dieses Thema auch schonmal diskutiert und
 laeuft letztlich auf eine ethische Frage hinaus.
 Es ist wunderbar, seltene Arten zu finden und beobachten zu koennen.
 Andererseits verleitet diese Information vielleicht dazu, eine Art
 'Storchennest-Tourismus' zu etablieren.
 Bei geschuetzten oder gefaehrdeten Arten ist es oft so, dass die
 Neste/Brutplaetze/Futterplaetze explizit von einen Foerster oder
 wasauchimmer beschuetzt und geheim gehalten werden, um sie in Ruhe zu
 Diese Idee finde ich persoenlich nicht schlecht, es kann halt einfach nicht
 jeder zu einem Adlerhorst auf einer Leiter hochklettern um dort die Kueken
 Andererseits sind die 'normalen' Klapperstoerche ja auch Zivilisationsfolger
 und nisten gerne auf dem Kamin einer Baeckerei. Da saehe ich jetzt z.B. kein
 Problem das in OSM einzutragen.
 Wie immer eine Ermessensfrage der Community ;)

Als wir das auf der FOSSGIS besprochen haben, waren eigentlich letztlich alle
der Meinung, dass Storchennester kein Problem sind. Problematisch sind
Nistplätze von seltenen Seeadlern und sowas.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-173-7019282

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Storchenhorste mappen

2015-03-27 Thread dezentech
Der Frühling kommt und mit ihm die Störche. Warum also nicht die gut 
auffindbaren Horste in die OSM mit aufnehmen?

Sucht man bei taginfo den value =stork, gibt es nur den key birds_nest und 
ganz Polen ist voll von Storchenhorsten - in DE ist nicht viel los.

Störche zeigen an, wo es in der Nähe ökologisch wertvolle Kulturlandschaften 
gibt (z.B. Feuchtwiesen), weil dort der Storch seine Nahrung findet.

Mein Vorschlag für das tagging sind folgende vier (mindestens zwei) tags:
1. natural=birds_nest
2. birds_nest=stork
3. species=Ciconia ciconia
4. species:de=Weißstroch

Manchmal sind die Horste z.B. auf alten Schornsteinen drauf, so daß dieses 
OSM-Objekt evtl. nur um diese tags erweitert werden muß.

Es würde mich freuen, wenn die Community der (deutschsprachigen) Mapper zu 
diesem Thema aktiv werden könnte.

Grüße sendet Lars

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Storchenhorste mappen

2015-03-27 Thread Alexander Lehner

On Fri, 27 Mar 2015, dezent...@web.de wrote:

Der Frühling kommt und mit ihm die Störche. Warum also nicht die gut 
auffindbaren Horste in die OSM mit aufnehmen?

Ohne jetzt einen post-war anzetteln zu wollen, der wahrscheinlich aber 
nicht ausbleibt:
Auf der FOSSGIS vor 2 Wochen wurde dieses Thema auch schonmal diskutiert 
und laeuft letztlich auf eine ethische Frage hinaus.

Es ist wunderbar, seltene Arten zu finden und beobachten zu koennen.
Andererseits verleitet diese Information vielleicht dazu, eine Art 
'Storchennest-Tourismus' zu etablieren.

Bei geschuetzten oder gefaehrdeten Arten ist es oft so, dass die 
Neste/Brutplaetze/Futterplaetze explizit von einen Foerster oder 
wasauchimmer beschuetzt und geheim gehalten werden, um sie in Ruhe zu 

Diese Idee finde ich persoenlich nicht schlecht, es kann halt einfach 
nicht jeder zu einem Adlerhorst auf einer Leiter hochklettern um dort die 
Kueken anzusehen.

Andererseits sind die 'normalen' Klapperstoerche ja auch 
Zivilisationsfolger und nisten gerne auf dem Kamin einer Baeckerei. Da 
saehe ich jetzt z.B. kein Problem das in OSM einzutragen.

Wie immer eine Ermessensfrage der Community ;)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread Antoine Riche

Le 27/03/2015 20:08, lann a écrit :

Je l'aurais bien envoyé un mail pour lui signaler les possibilités
offertes avec Openstreetmap, mais je ne vois aucune couche de carte
visualisant les croix et calvaires. (Pour exemple)
Il y a cette carte allemande, qui montre les calvaires à partir du zoom 
15 : 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread erwan salomon
je viens d'envoyer un mail à l'association avec la carte d' 
http://overpass-turbo.eu que j'ai présenté précédemment (juste le fichier image 
en .png)
en regardant le lien vers les calvaires du Finistère le site est différent et 
la carte passe par géobretagne (l'article du journal semble dire qu'il est lié 
à ce recensement également ?) :

erwan [glyo]

Le 27 mars 2015 à 20:08, lann a écrit :

 Le Fri, 27 Mar 2015 10:30:53 -0700 (MST),
 Blueberry eric...@sfr.fr a écrit :
 Voilà le genre de donnée qui trouverait bien sa place dans OSM
 En plus, c'est dommage, son site utilise un fond Google
 http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/ http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/  
 Je ne vois pas la licence des données. Il pourrait rajouter tellement
 plus de tags dans OSM en plus de la géoloc ...
 Eric [Blueberry]
 View this message in context:
 http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Calvaire-tp5838845.html Sent from the
 France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
 Talk-fr mailing list
 Je l'aurais bien envoyé un mail pour lui signaler les possibilités
 offertes avec Openstreetmap, mais je ne vois aucune couche de carte
 visualisant les croix et calvaires. (Pour exemple)
 En connaissez-vous ?
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates

2015-03-27 Thread Dave Foley
Great work Donal, that's really useful for checking mistakes with the 


 Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 22:53:43 +
 From: donal.diam...@gmail.com
 To: talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates
 The map layers showing Irish boundaries is now updated every 15 minutes.
 This includes county/barony/civil parish/ed and townlands.
 The map server starts updates at 05/20/35/50 minutes past the hour and
 should have all Irish edits up to 00/15/30/45 minutes past respectively.
 Updates should take about 2 minutes.
 I also updated the townland layer to show area in fractional acres from
 zoom 14 onwards. This may help you compare the acreage value shown on the
 GSGS3906 maps to help spot obvious errors.
 For example, I picked a spot at random below and you can see that there are
 a few areas that have the wrong acreage due to some townlands being missed:
 eg Barfordstown is reported as 482 acres as we actually included  two
 townlands Barfordstown 283 acres and Boolies 198 acres. There's a similar
 issue with Calliaghstown nearby.
 When comparing fractional acres and  ARP (acres,roods, perches) on the map,
 bear in mind that:
 1 acre = 4 roods
 1 rood = 40 perches
 You'll also notice a small difference in the acreage size reported by
 townlands.ie and the map layer. That is due to the map layer transforming
 to Irish Grid when calculating the area to get a slightly more accurate
 calculation. Townlands.ie has to do a lot more analysis so uses a different
 spatial reference system.
 Anyway hope it helps.
 Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread hbogner

Mozemo sljedeci tjedan i uzivo o tome ako hoces, sad sam u kaosu selidbe.

On 03/27/2015 03:31 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

pet, 27. ožu 2015. u 14:39 hbogner hbog...@gmail.com napisao je:

Ovo bi bilo crtanje za renderer/routing.

Složio bih se kad bi jedno od ta dva bilo krivo tagiranje, ali ako su oba
točna, a jedan nam omogućuje da rutamo i vidimo greške..

A što sa bicycle=no na kolnicima?
Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread erwan salomon
il y a aussi cette carte qui est moins contraignante au niveau du zoom
mais elle semble down ce soir :

erwan [glyo]

Le 27 mars 2015 à 20:36, Antoine Riche a écrit :

 Le 27/03/2015 20:08, lann a écrit :
 Je l'aurais bien envoyé un mail pour lui signaler les possibilités
 offertes avec Openstreetmap, mais je ne vois aucune couche de carte
 visualisant les croix et calvaires. (Pour exemple)
 Il y a cette carte allemande, qui montre les calvaires à partir du zoom 15 : 
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-br] Brasileiro no time da MapBox

2015-03-27 Thread Erick de Oliveira Leal
Olha que legal pessoal

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread lann
Le Fri, 27 Mar 2015 20:36:15 +0100,
Antoine Riche antoine.ri...@ymail.com a écrit :

 Le 27/03/2015 20:08, lann a écrit :
  Je l'aurais bien envoyé un mail pour lui signaler les possibilités
  offertes avec Openstreetmap, mais je ne vois aucune couche de carte
  visualisant les croix et calvaires. (Pour exemple)
 Il y a cette carte allemande, qui montre les calvaires à partir du
 zoom 15 : 
 Talk-fr mailing list

Finalement j'ai fait une carte Umap avec une extraction avec overpass :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Si cerca materiale didattico sul uso di JOSM

2015-03-27 Thread Alessandro

Il 27/03/2015 16:29, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:

Cerco materiale didattico su OSM e JOSM per insegnamento pratico.
L'accento è su infrastruttura ciclabile.

Ti ricordi quando venisti a Genova nel 2012 per quella presentazione con 
la FIAB? Se vuoi usare le mie slide che proiettai quel giorno fai pure


Alessandro Ale_Zena

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates

2015-03-27 Thread Dave Corley
Completely agree, this is fantastic

Can I ask, is it possible to make all layers appear on the same zoom
levels, e.g. The cp's can't be viewed when zoomed out far enough to see the
whole island.
On 27 Mar 2015 20:19, Dave Foley daf...@outlook.ie wrote:

 Great work Donal, that's really useful for checking mistakes with the


  Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 22:53:43 +
  From: donal.diam...@gmail.com
  To: talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
  Subject: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates
  The map layers showing Irish boundaries is now updated every 15 minutes.
  This includes county/barony/civil parish/ed and townlands.
  The map server starts updates at 05/20/35/50 minutes past the hour and
  should have all Irish edits up to 00/15/30/45 minutes past respectively.
  Updates should take about 2 minutes.
  I also updated the townland layer to show area in fractional acres from
  zoom 14 onwards. This may help you compare the acreage value shown on the
  GSGS3906 maps to help spot obvious errors.
  For example, I picked a spot at random below and you can see that there
  a few areas that have the wrong acreage due to some townlands being
  eg Barfordstown is reported as 482 acres as we actually included  two
  townlands Barfordstown 283 acres and Boolies 198 acres. There's a similar
  issue with Calliaghstown nearby.
  When comparing fractional acres and  ARP (acres,roods, perches) on the
  bear in mind that:
  1 acre = 4 roods
  1 rood = 40 perches
  You'll also notice a small difference in the acreage size reported by
  townlands.ie and the map layer. That is due to the map layer
  to Irish Grid when calculating the area to get a slightly more accurate
  calculation. Townlands.ie has to do a lot more analysis so uses a
  spatial reference system.
  Anyway hope it helps.
  Talk-ie mailing list

 Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Query Overpass for multiple small areas

2015-03-27 Thread Roland Olbricht

Yeah, that all makes sense.  I had spent a lot of time trying to limit
the area I was searching against, and the result was a /429 Too Many
Requests/ error.

Thank you for the feedback.

Just for clarification: You should get HTTP 429 only if you submit more 
than one request in parallel. This help other users to also get a chance 
that their queries are executed.

If you get HTTP 429 in another case, please enforce that there is no 
runaway query by calling

This kills another query from your IP adress if any is running.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tracce gps CAI

2015-03-27 Thread Dario Zontini Gmail
Segnalo due siti di sezioni CAI trentine che utilizzano dati OSM, 
potrebbe essere uno spunto anche per altre sezioni:



Il 27/03/2015 15:40, dvdzero ha scritto:

già ... oltre a pitturare i sassi di rosso e bianco andrebbe inserita nelle
attività del CAI qualche bella sessione di JOSM.
Mi verrebbe voglia di offrirmi per dare delle lezioni alla sezione di
Verona. Qualcuno ha mai fatto attività di questo tipo? In generale come si
pone il CAI rispetto a OSM?


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list


Dario Zontini

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] New features in iD - looking for feedback and beta testers..

2015-03-27 Thread Bryan Housel
Hi Everyone… It’s been a busy few months for the iD team, and we have a handful 
of new features that will be launching soon.  We’d love to get some mappers to 
beta test and provide feedback!

These features are available now by using the latest development branch of iD 
hosted at http://openstreetmap.us/iD/master/ 
Please try them out and report any issues or questions on our Github issue 
tracker:  https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues 

- Copy and Paste selected features with ⌘-C and ⌘-V 

- Conflict Resolution
iD will now check if any of your modifications conflict with edits made by 
other users, and will present you with a UI to see the difference and choose 
how to resolve the conflict.

- Smarter Way Movement
When moving a connected way, iD will now slide the moving way along the 
non-moving way, rather than “zorroing” the connection point.

- Don’t delete ways that are part of a route/boundary Relation
This will prevent a bunch of breaking edits to relations - Thanks RichardF!

- Map-In-Map
You can now bring up a locator mini-map with the ‘/‘ key.  By default it 
displays the current area but zoomed out by -6.  Zoom and pan the mini-map to 
quickly find and move to different locations.

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] New features in iD - looking for feedback and beta testers..

2015-03-27 Thread Bryan Housel
Hi Everyone… It’s been a busy few months for the iD team, and we have a handful 
of new features that will be launching soon.  We’d love to get some mappers to 
beta test and provide feedback!

These features are available now by using the latest development branch of iD 
hosted at http://openstreetmap.us/iD/master/ 
Please try them out and report any issues or questions on our Github issue 
tracker:  https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues 

- Copy and Paste selected features with ⌘-C and ⌘-V 

- Conflict Resolution
iD will now check if any of your modifications conflict with edits made by 
other users, and will present you with a UI to see the difference and choose 
how to resolve the conflict.

- Smarter Way Movement
When moving a connected way, iD will now slide the moving way along the 
non-moving way, rather than “zorroing” the connection point.

- Don’t delete ways that are part of a route/boundary Relation
This will prevent a bunch of breaking edits to relations - Thanks RichardF!

- Map-In-Map
You can now bring up a locator mini-map with the ‘/‘ key.  By default it 
displays the current area but zoomed out by -6.  Zoom and pan the mini-map to 
quickly find and move to different locations.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Query Overpass for multiple small areas

2015-03-27 Thread James Conkling
Yeah, that all makes sense.  I had spent a lot of time trying to limit the
area I was searching against, and the result was a *429 Too Many Requests*

Thanks Bryce and Roland.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 2:42 AM, Roland Olbricht roland.olbri...@gmx.de

 Hi all,

  Was unsure what the best practices for querying overpass were, and was
 wondering if someone could point me in a good direction.

 I'm trying to query Overpass for a small amount of data over many small,
 sparsely populated areas.  Was wondering if it made more sense to run
 separate queries for the bounding box of each small area, or one query
 for the bounding box of all queries.  The first approach sends more
 queries against smaller areas, the second approach sends only one query
 against a much larger area.

 In general, I would suggest to combine all areas with the union operator.
 Or even, simpler, just concatenate the queries. Overpass can handle
 multiple print statements.

 When your return time is below a few seconds, then it makes sense to
 combine more requests.

 Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Thiago se juntou a equipe Mapbox

2015-03-27 Thread Blademir
Parabéns ao Thiago Santos, ele é o cara.
Graças ao seu Magnifico trabalho com os mapas do IBGE, podemos ter fonte segura 
e aberta para nossos mapeamentos.

--- Mensagem Original ---

De: Márcio Aguiar Ribeiro aguiar.mar...@gmail.com
Enviado: 27 de março de 2015 15:15
Para: OpenStreetMap no Brasil talk-br@openstreetmap.org
Assunto: [Talk-br] Thiago se juntou a equipe Mapbox

Opa, pessoal!

Acabei de ler que o Thiago Santos se junto a equipe do Mapbox. Ele é um
membro dessa lista e o autor do layer de mapas do IBGE. :) Acredito que
seja uma ótima notícia para o mapeamento no Brasil!

Parabéns, Thiago.


Marcio Aguiar Ribeiro
Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS on overpass-api.de

2015-03-27 Thread Cristian Consonni

2015-03-27 6:51 GMT+01:00 Roland Olbricht roland.olbri...@gmx.de:
 Dear fellow mappers,

 a thank you for all that have notified me that the certificate has expired.
 I will cater for renewing in the next days. A responsible handling of
 technology should also include a security assessment.

 I think most users will expect that a SSL certificate will somehow be secure
 while an unencrypted connection will be somehow insecure. I would like to go
 into detail.


 In result, this means that I spend money and time to somebody to not make my
 users anxious (it's legal, as opposed to [7]). To assure comfort to the
 average user, I will do so. But nobody should say that she or he has not
 known that there is no real security benefit.

I am not sure I understand the /quia/ of this e-mail, but I think it
is worth to point this out:


Probably won't solve the problem at its root, but ...


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread erwan salomon
il a bien avancé dans le référencement des croix
dans une zone mal recensé dans OSM en plus (en lien les wayside_cross d'OSM en 
je suppose qu'il travail avec les outils qu'il connait et maitrise
mais c'est dommage pour un programme associatif de passer à côté du libre pour 
la diffusion du travail effectué

Le 27 mars 2015 à 18:30, Blueberry a écrit :

 Voilà le genre de donnée qui trouverait bien sa place dans OSM
 En plus, c'est dommage, son site utilise un fond Google
 http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/ http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/  
 Je ne vois pas la licence des données. Il pourrait rajouter tellement plus
 de tags dans OSM en plus de la géoloc ...
 Eric [Blueberry]
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-br] Thiago se juntou a equipe Mapbox

2015-03-27 Thread Márcio Aguiar Ribeiro
Opa, pessoal!

Acabei de ler que o Thiago Santos se junto a equipe do Mapbox. Ele é um
membro dessa lista e o autor do layer de mapas do IBGE. :) Acredito que
seja uma ótima notícia para o mapeamento no Brasil!

Parabéns, Thiago.


Marcio Aguiar Ribeiro
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread lann
Le Fri, 27 Mar 2015 10:30:53 -0700 (MST),
Blueberry eric...@sfr.fr a écrit :

 Voilà le genre de donnée qui trouverait bien sa place dans OSM
 En plus, c'est dommage, son site utilise un fond Google
 http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/ http://www.croixbretagne.fr/Ccb/  
 Je ne vois pas la licence des données. Il pourrait rajouter tellement
 plus de tags dans OSM en plus de la géoloc ...
 Eric [Blueberry]
 View this message in context:
 http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Calvaire-tp5838845.html Sent from the
 France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
 Talk-fr mailing list

Je l'aurais bien envoyé un mail pour lui signaler les possibilités
offertes avec Openstreetmap, mais je ne vois aucune couche de carte
visualisant les croix et calvaires. (Pour exemple)

En connaissez-vous ?

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] A couple of questions from a newbie

2015-03-27 Thread Rachel Murphy

I'd like to request map 20/15 NW, please (Tipperary).

Also, another Tipperary map I'd like to work on has already been uploaded
and looks to be georectified - does this mean I should just go ahead and
start digitising those townlands while I wait for the map I've requested?

And how can I tell if someone else was planning on digitising that same
section?  I wouldn't want to take over a section that someone else had
intended working on.

Thanks in advance,

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-03-27 Thread Hendrik Oesterlin
Le 27/03/2015 à 20:40:45 +1100 Pieren pier...@gmail.com a écrit
Objet: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?) :

 2015-03-27 6:36 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy verd...@wanadoo.fr:
 Aucun probleme si on cartographie ces itiinéraires sans y mettre la
 labellisation GR ou Grande Randonnée (marques de la FRPP dont on n'a pas
 Appelons-les Circuits Nationaux de Randonnée et abrégeons en CNR ou NR
 (comme aussi nouvelle randonnée). On pourra même reprendre leur numéro :
 le GR20 devient NR20...

 Bien sûr qu'il y a un problème. Il ne faut pas mélanger deux choses :
 d'une part, le droit des marques, l'usage du GR; d'autre part, la
 propriété intellectuelle sur l'itinéraire.  .../...

Juste pour boucler la boucle: J'ai obtenu il y a quelques années déjà
l'autorisation de la FFRP pour nommer ainsi le GR(R)NC1:
Avec l'autorisation  visible ici:

Hendrik Oesterlin - Nouvelle-Calédonie

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates

2015-03-27 Thread Donal Diamond
All boundaries should start appearing at zoom 7 now.

Also changed the townland map layer to show  ARP rather than fractional

Hope this helps...


On 27 March 2015 at 20:21, Dave Corley davecor...@gmail.com wrote:

 Completely agree, this is fantastic

 Can I ask, is it possible to make all layers appear on the same zoom
 levels, e.g. The cp's can't be viewed when zoomed out far enough to see the
 whole island.
 On 27 Mar 2015 20:19, Dave Foley daf...@outlook.ie wrote:

  Great work Donal, that's really useful for checking mistakes with the
   Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 22:53:43 +
   From: donal.diam...@gmail.com
   To: talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
   Subject: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates
   The map layers showing Irish boundaries is now updated every 15
   This includes county/barony/civil parish/ed and townlands.
   The map server starts updates at 05/20/35/50 minutes past the hour and
   should have all Irish edits up to 00/15/30/45 minutes past
   Updates should take about 2 minutes.
   I also updated the townland layer to show area in fractional acres from
   zoom 14 onwards. This may help you compare the acreage value shown on
   GSGS3906 maps to help spot obvious errors.
   For example, I picked a spot at random below and you can see that there
   a few areas that have the wrong acreage due to some townlands being
   eg Barfordstown is reported as 482 acres as we actually included  two
   townlands Barfordstown 283 acres and Boolies 198 acres. There's a
   issue with Calliaghstown nearby.
   When comparing fractional acres and  ARP (acres,roods, perches) on the
   bear in mind that:
   1 acre = 4 roods
   1 rood = 40 perches
   You'll also notice a small difference in the acreage size reported by
   townlands.ie and the map layer. That is due to the map layer
   to Irish Grid when calculating the area to get a slightly more accurate
   calculation. Townlands.ie has to do a lot more analysis so uses a
   spatial reference system.
   Anyway hope it helps.
   Talk-ie mailing list
  Talk-ie mailing list
 Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Calvaire

2015-03-27 Thread nono
 Je l'aurais bien envoyé un mail pour lui signaler les possibilités
 offertes avec Openstreetmap, mais je ne vois aucune couche de carte
 visualisant les croix et calvaires. (Pour exemple)
 En connaissez-vous ?

Je pense qu'OSM devrait contacter cette personne et lui expliquer le
projet OSM. Ce serait gagnant/gagnant. 
Son site pointe vers des liens wikipédia. Cette personne n'est peut-être
pas insensible aux projets collaboratifs.



Chuck Norris peut manger du potage avec des baguettes chinoises

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New features in iD - looking for feedback and beta testers..

2015-03-27 Thread Dave F.


I thought these were already implemented? A bit late for beta.

Until there's a logical, common sense way to select, split, continue  
unstitch ways that meet at intersections, I'm sticking with P2.

The 'disconnect' option is a pointless obfuscation.

And why the delete key isn't utilized is beyond me. Leaving out basic 
functionality doesn't make iD easier to use.

Dave F.

On 27/03/2015 18:39, Bryan Housel wrote:
Hi Everyone… It’s been a busy few months for the iD team, and we have 
a handful of new features that will be launching soon.  We’d love to 
get some mappers to beta test and provide feedback!

These features are available now by using the latest development 
branch of iD hosted at http://openstreetmap.us/iD/master/
Please try them out and report any issues or questions on our Github 
issue tracker: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues

- Copy and Paste selected features with ⌘-C and ⌘-V

- Conflict Resolution
iD will now check if any of your modifications conflict with edits 
made by other users, and will present you with a UI to see the 
difference and choose how to resolve the conflict.


- Smarter Way Movement
When moving a connected way, iD will now slide the moving way along 
the non-moving way, rather than “zorroing” the connection point.


- Don’t delete ways that are part of a route/boundary Relation
This will prevent a bunch of breaking edits to relations - Thanks 


- Map-In-Map
You can now bring up a locator mini-map with the ‘/‘ key.  By default 
it displays the current area but zoomed out by -6.  Zoom and pan the 
mini-map to quickly find and move to different locations.



talk mailing list

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates

2015-03-27 Thread Dave Corley
That was quick!

Thanks Donal

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Donal Diamond donal.diam...@gmail.com wrote:
 All boundaries should start appearing at zoom 7 now.

 Also changed the townland map layer to show  ARP rather than fractional

 Hope this helps...


 On 27 March 2015 at 20:21, Dave Corley davecor...@gmail.com wrote:

 Completely agree, this is fantastic

 Can I ask, is it possible to make all layers appear on the same zoom
 levels, e.g. The cp's can't be viewed when zoomed out far enough to see the
 whole island.
 On 27 Mar 2015 20:19, Dave Foley daf...@outlook.ie wrote:

  Great work Donal, that's really useful for checking mistakes with the
   Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 22:53:43 +
   From: donal.diam...@gmail.com
   To: talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
   Subject: [OSM-talk-ie] Irish boundaries map layer updates
   The map layers showing Irish boundaries is now updated every 15
   This includes county/barony/civil parish/ed and townlands.
   The map server starts updates at 05/20/35/50 minutes past the hour and
   should have all Irish edits up to 00/15/30/45 minutes past
   Updates should take about 2 minutes.
   I also updated the townland layer to show area in fractional acres from
   zoom 14 onwards. This may help you compare the acreage value shown on
   GSGS3906 maps to help spot obvious errors.
   For example, I picked a spot at random below and you can see that there
   a few areas that have the wrong acreage due to some townlands being
   eg Barfordstown is reported as 482 acres as we actually included  two
   townlands Barfordstown 283 acres and Boolies 198 acres. There's a
   issue with Calliaghstown nearby.
   When comparing fractional acres and  ARP (acres,roods, perches) on the
   bear in mind that:
   1 acre = 4 roods
   1 rood = 40 perches
   You'll also notice a small difference in the acreage size reported by
   townlands.ie and the map layer. That is due to the map layer
   to Irish Grid when calculating the area to get a slightly more accurate
   calculation. Townlands.ie has to do a lot more analysis so uses a
   spatial reference system.
   Anyway hope it helps.
   Talk-ie mailing list
  Talk-ie mailing list
 Talk-ie mailing list

 Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread Janko Mihelić
Malo sam gledao taginfo, i situacija u svijetu je slijedeća:

highway=path + bicycle=designated -- 220 000
highway=footway + bicycle=designated -- 17 000

highway=path + bicycle=yes -- 213 000
highway=footway + bicycle=yes -- 327 000

Dakle svih kombinacija je otprilike isto, osim što je kombinacije
highway=footway + bicycle=designated daleko najmanje.

U prošloj raspravi smo svi bili za to da koristimo tagove
bicycle=designated + foot=designated + segregated=yes za biciklističke
staze koje su označene znakovima i iscrtane na podu. Tag bicycle=yes smo
odlučili koristiti na mjestima gdje nije izričito znakom dopušteno
biciklima da se tu voze, ali lokalci znaju da nema problema ako se tu vozi,
i ljudi često tamo voze.

Ako želimo da naše podatke razumije većina renderera i rutera, mislim da je
najbolje koristiti tagove koje koristi većina. Ako koristimo kombinacije
koje se malo koriste, morat ćemo sami pisati svoje renderere i rutere.


pet, 27. ožu 2015. 23:05 Ivan Delac ivan.ne...@gmail.com je napisao:

Janko Mihelić napisa:
 Hoćemo se prebaciti na highway=path? Mislim da rutanje na glavnoj stranici
 pomaže u traženju grešaka kod rutanja.

Ne sviđa mi se prijedlog. Zašto ne bi uz highway=footway dodali bicycle=yes
kao što je preporučeno na

Talk-hr mailing list
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread Ivan Delac
Janko Mihelić napisa:
 Hoćemo se prebaciti na highway=path? Mislim da rutanje na glavnoj stranici
 pomaže u traženju grešaka kod rutanja.

Ne sviđa mi se prijedlog. Zašto ne bi uz highway=footway dodali bicycle=yes
kao što je preporučeno na

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Biciklističke staze i rutanje na glavnoj stranici

2015-03-27 Thread Janko Mihelić
Što se tiče bicycle=no na kolnicima, našao sam pravi tag,


Znači ako na cesti nije eksplicitno zabranjeno za bicikle, a postoji
paralelna biciklistička traka, onda na kolnik dodajemo bicycle=use_sidepath.

pet, 27. ožu 2015. u 23:47 Janko Mihelić jan...@gmail.com napisao je:

 Malo sam gledao taginfo, i situacija u svijetu je slijedeća:

 highway=path + bicycle=designated -- 220 000
 highway=footway + bicycle=designated -- 17 000

 highway=path + bicycle=yes -- 213 000
 highway=footway + bicycle=yes -- 327 000

 Dakle svih kombinacija je otprilike isto, osim što je kombinacije
 highway=footway + bicycle=designated daleko najmanje.

 U prošloj raspravi smo svi bili za to da koristimo tagove
 bicycle=designated + foot=designated + segregated=yes za biciklističke
 staze koje su označene znakovima i iscrtane na podu. Tag bicycle=yes smo
 odlučili koristiti na mjestima gdje nije izričito znakom dopušteno
 biciklima da se tu voze, ali lokalci znaju da nema problema ako se tu vozi,
 i ljudi često tamo voze.

 Ako želimo da naše podatke razumije većina renderera i rutera, mislim da
 je najbolje koristiti tagove koje koristi većina. Ako koristimo kombinacije
 koje se malo koriste, morat ćemo sami pisati svoje renderere i rutere.


 pet, 27. ožu 2015. 23:05 Ivan Delac ivan.ne...@gmail.com je napisao:

 Janko Mihelić napisa:
  Hoćemo se prebaciti na highway=path? Mislim da rutanje na glavnoj
  pomaže u traženju grešaka kod rutanja.

 Ne sviđa mi se prijedlog. Zašto ne bi uz highway=footway dodali bicycle=yes
 kao što je preporučeno na

 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] duplicate address data

2015-03-27 Thread Stewart C. Russell
Hi Gerd,
 I've tried the latest data for Ontario.

Addressing in Canada is a little bit, um, /special/. And I say that as
someone born in the UK, a country famous for its ultra-baroque addressing.

The important thing I've learned about addresses here is that postal
address ≠ civic address. City addressing is mostly logical, although
with a lot of the municipalities being forcibly amalgamated in 1998,
there are many redundant municipality names/boundaries that /kind of/
matter in addresses. For example, I live in *Toronto*. If you check
Canada Post's address finder, I live in the (former) Township of
*Scarborough*. My postal code, according to Canada Post and almost
everyone on the planet, is M1K 3N_7_. But my civic address, the one for
which I pay property taxes, has a postal code of M1K 3N_8_. But the City
of Toronto sends that tax bill to M1K 3N7, as Canada Post doesn't agree
with the city.

[Some bright spark at a vendor I use decided to rationalize all of the
former municipality addresses into the more modern /Toronto/ — and
immediately broke my pre-authorized credit card payments. Seems that the
card was attached to a Scarborough address, which didn't verify against
Toronto, so payments were stopped.]

Confused yet? Wait until you get to the countryside. There you get
postal addresses which might include a Rural Route number (a mail
delivery route) instead of a street name. There are also County/Township
Route numbers, which are actually street names, but can also have names,
like Prescott and Russell Road 17, which is County Route 17 on the
border of Prescott  Russell counties. There's yet another address form
in rural areas, which includes the multi-digit 911 number. This is the
emergency services number, and is often given along with the road name.
Canada Post may or may not deliver to a 911 number. And frankly, the
less said about rural postal codes, the better.

What could be usefully done is stripping out redundant address data
where addresses are clearly inside nested administrative boundaries.
There are a lot of addresses that look like this:

*tag k=addr:housenumber v=1045/*
*tag k=addr:street v=Pape Avenue/*
tag k=addr:city v=East York/
tag k=addr:province v=ON/
tag k=addr:country v=CA/

The last three tags are wholly superfluous, and mean that Nominatim
spits out overly long addresses like “1045, Pape Avenue, Thorncliffe
Park, East York, Toronto, Ontario, M4K 3M6, Canada”.

To one of your interpolation examples:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2009492976 — the end nodes of the
interpolation have addr:street
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:street?uselang=en-CA =
County Road 17, but the street itself has name
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name?uselang=en-CA = Prescott
and Russell Road 17. It would be nice if we could interpolate the
nearest parallel(ish) road, rather than needing a name.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] mapping for idps due to biff operation

2015-03-27 Thread maning sambale
Dear everyone,

Currently in Cotabato assisting ARMM-HEART for mapping IDP camps.
Fieldwork is very difficult since some areas are not accessible
physically and security-wise.  Even for the local ARMM field officers
this is an issue. We were able to initially locate the town centers of
affected towns.

Right now, the field officer are using OSMAnd to navigate, they are
requesting assistance in updating the basemaps which they will use as
an initial reference.  They are also geotagging IDP camps which they
will add in OSM.

I created a task for this: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/969

Please help. Thanks!

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:40 AM, maning sambale
emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear everyone,

 I got a list from a military contact of the location of evacuation
 center/temporary IDP camps affected by the current BIFF military
 operation.  The list has no geographic coordinates.  If anybody can
 help geolocate this in OSM.  If you are not certain of the location,
 you don't need to actually edit, an OSM Note is enough.
 I can share the document to those interested to help.  Thanks!

 On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 8:59 AM, maning sambale
 emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Gaddy one of our map supporters in ARMM posted in fb the appoximate affected
 area of the current military operation. It almost the size of Metro Manila.
 IDPs is estimated to be 15k families (75k individuals).

 If you have time to improve the map please do so if in case humanitarians
 need it.



 Maning Sambale (mobile)

 Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
 blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Thiago se juntou a equipe Mapbox

2015-03-27 Thread Thiago Marcos P. Santos
Pô pessoal, valeu mesmo!

Gostaria de compartilhar a minha alegria com a comunidade OSM BR que
me deu o maior apoio quando comecei a mapear e me mostrou o caminho
das pedras com os mapas do IBGE.

Podem contar comigo se precisarem de uma ponte de comunicação com a

Grande abraço e muito obrigado a todos!

2015-03-27 21:11 GMT+02:00 Blademir blademi...@hotmail.com:
 Parabéns ao Thiago Santos, ele é o cara.
 Graças ao seu Magnifico trabalho com os mapas do IBGE, podemos ter fonte
 segura e aberta para nossos mapeamentos.

 --- Mensagem Original ---

 De: Márcio Aguiar Ribeiro aguiar.mar...@gmail.com
 Enviado: 27 de março de 2015 15:15
 Para: OpenStreetMap no Brasil talk-br@openstreetmap.org
 Assunto: [Talk-br] Thiago se juntou a equipe Mapbox

 Opa, pessoal!

 Acabei de ler que o Thiago Santos se junto a equipe do Mapbox. Ele é um
 membro dessa lista e o autor do layer de mapas do IBGE. :) Acredito que seja
 uma ótima notícia para o mapeamento no Brasil!

 Parabéns, Thiago.


 Marcio Aguiar Ribeiro

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] FFRandonnée ? de quoi rire encore un moment (jaune ?)

2015-03-27 Thread Philippe Verdy
Le 27 mars 2015 10:40, Pieren pier...@gmail.com a écrit :

 2015-03-27 6:36 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy verd...@wanadoo.fr:
  Aucun probleme si on cartographie ces itiinéraires sans y mettre la
  labellisation GR ou Grande Randonnée (marques de la FRPP dont on n'a
  Appelons-les Circuits Nationaux de Randonnée et abrégeons en CNR ou
  (comme aussi nouvelle randonnée). On pourra même reprendre leur numéro
  le GR20 devient NR20...

 Bien sûr qu'il y a un problème. Il ne faut pas mélanger deux choses :
 d'une part, le droit des marques, l'usage du GR; d'autre part, la
 propriété intellectuelle sur l'itinéraire.

Non, j'insiste, aucun probleme car je n'ai PAS fait cette confusion. Je
n'ai parlé que du nom (le droit des marques justement).

Quant au droit d'auteur du l'itinéraire dont je ne parlais pas, il n'est
même pas démontré par la FFRP, en tout cas pas sur les itinéraires les plus
anciens où ce droit d'auteur (collectif) est limité dans le temps (ce n'est
pas un droit individuel ; mais s'il existe réellement, la FFRP l'a violé
impunément en le cachant pendant des décennies et en s'attribuant la
paternité collective du droit d'auteur individuel sans le citer ; et
puisque c'est un droit d'auteur collectif, il n'est PAS lié à la durée de
vie totale de l'auteur +70 ans, mais à la date de premiere publication par
la FFRP)

Je suis convaincu maintenant que ce prétendu droit d'auteur exclusif n'est
pas démontré par la FFRP et c'est pour ça qu'elle ne veut pas répondre à ce
sujet, et s'en tient en fait au seul droit des marques, à nous donc de
changer de marque, on n'a pas besoin de la mention GR et Hendrik a tres
justement montré qu'il pouvait remplacer GR dans le circuit de
nouvelle-Calédonie pour éviter totalement le droit des marques !

Et il serait bon d'insister aupres de la FFRP sur le fait que ses marques
exclusives il risque fort de la perdre si les collectivités veulent s'en
libérer : elles rebaptiseront les itinéraires (et certaines l'ont déjà
fait). La marque sert à une chose : établir une confiance aurps des
utilisateurs et pour sa promotion mais la FFRP ne fait maintenant que
démontrer qu'elle en fait mauvais usage et qu'au lieu de servir à la
renommée de ces itinéraires, la FFRP est aujourd'hui beaucoup plus un frein
qui empêche toute communication aussi bien de la part des utilisateurs
commerciaux que de la part des autres assos et des collectivités publiques.

La FFRP en continuant comme ça, va voir cette marque de plus en plus
dénigrée et naturellement les collectivités (ou autres groupements de
collectivités ou paritaires comme les chambres de commerce, ou encore les
agences publiques de l'Etat) voudront s'en passer et changer de marque ou
développer leur propre label commun (et communautaire). Et de toute façon
cette marque lui échappe déjà faute d'un usage suffisant et de l'absence
tonitruante de réelle promotion, en dehors des procès qu'elle mène de
temps en temps (et qui coûtent cher à tout le monde, y compris elle-même).
Les assos locales ont maintenant aussi d'autres moyens que de sacrifier
leur liberté à la FFRP qui prétend défendre leurs intérêts mais en fait est
totalement dépassée et ne les aide plus.

Au temps où la FFRP était presque toute seule à pouvoir obtenir des aides
de l'Etat, ce n'est plus vrai (et la source des subsides de l'Etat est
aujourd'hui quasiment tarie, alors que les assos locales peuvent encore
chercher des partenariats locaux avec les collectivités, ou avec les
entreprises de leur région ou concernée par ce secteur du tourisme, ou avec
l'Europe, ou encore se fédérer différemment entre elles et développer leur
propre communication avec les moyens d'aujourd'hui). La marque GR au fil
du temps acquiere une mauvaise réputation uniquement du fait de la FFRP
elle-même et son incapacité à s'adapter et répondre aux besoins actuels,
mais aussi du seul fait de son manque maintenant avéré de communication
(volonté de se taire, de ne pas répondre quand on l'interroge, et vivre sur
ses vieux acquis sans les renouveler).

Disons-le clairement : la marque GR ne nous sert à rien et on n'en a pas
besoin (et on devrait même s'en éloigner et s'abstenir de l'utiliser). Il
ne nous reste que les itinéraires et le droit d'auteur collectif associé
que la FFRP prétend détenir mais qui est sans doute déjà obsolete en de
nombreux secteurs (car nombre de GR sont déjà assez anciens, et les mises
à jour en fait ne viennent même pas de la FFRP mais de l'intervention des
collectivités qui les ont déplacé ou réaménégé par endroit).


Même réflexion sur les circuits cyclables (Eurovélo, etc.), et les nouveaux
chemins piétonniers verts (encore des marques mais issues des
collectivités qui, elles, sont très ouvertes sur la libéralisation des
données associées à ces nouveaux itinéraires qu'elles veulent faire
connaitre avec les moyens actuels, dont OSM : par cette ouverture, sur
leurs marques ou labels non seulement elles permettent à ces itinéraires
d'être développés, 

[talk-ph] Mapping IDP camps in Maguindanao, Philippines

2015-03-27 Thread maning sambale
Dear HOTties,

(cc OSM-PH)

This is not an urgent task, but we are requesting any assistance you can extend.
There is an ongoing military operation in Maguindanao which affected 125K IDPs
[0 and 1].  I am in Cotabato right now assisting the ARMM-HEART (the
regional humanitarian agency) in using OSM in coordinating the
on-going response.

Fieldwork is very challenging due to physical and security conditions.
We created a task to improve the baseamap.  The task is here:

Advance thanks!

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

talk-ph mailing list