Re: [OSM-talk-fr] De l'intérêt de rentrer les adresses une par une

2015-10-05 Thread Christian Rogel

> À défaut d'une vrai liste de correspondances, il me faudrait les quelques 
> termes bretons que je dois chercher dans les débuts de noms de voies. Car, hé 
> oui, malgré tes efforts au SOTM à Brest, je ne parle toujours pas breton ;)

Oui, Vincent, nous en avions parlé à Brest. Je pense que le tableau que je 
viens de créer et de mettre dans le wiki OSM devrait répondre à ta demande.

Par rapport à la liste qui le suit, il est indexé sur mon expérience 
personnelle du nommage officiel des voies, car beaucoup de communes de mon coin 
conservent ou créent des noms de voie tout en breton.

N’hésite pas à me demander des précisions.

Si j’ai oublié quelque chose, les remarques seront appréciées.,_noms_geographiques_et_toponymes 

NB: Peut-être que je vais ajouter des name:tr (turc) : Pont-Aven Caddesi (Rue 
de PA). Non, je plaisante.


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Fwd: [SOD] ANNUNCIO: in #opendata i GTFS dei Treni lombardi !

2015-10-05 Thread Stefano
qui ci sono i dati sulle ferrovie Trenord, magari si può inserire il
reference su OSM?


-- Messaggio inoltrato --
Da: Daniele Crespi 
Date: 5 ottobre 2015 20:36
Oggetto: [SOD] ANNUNCIO: in #opendata i GTFS dei Treni lombardi !
A: "" 

Scusate il maiuscolo .. ma per me è un evento  :-)

I GTFS di TreNord sono #OpenData sul portale della Regione Lombardia

e tutte le fermate sono georeferenziate !


Ora sotto con RIUSO !


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread stevea

TC Haddad writes:

Also look at GoMap! It's the best iOS editor I've used...

I agree that GoMap! is a top iOS editor.  I'm specifically looking 
for a path, a method:  data collected (from the GPS on an iOS device, 
like a iPhone) and then uploaded (USB cable, WiFi, Bluetooth...) to a 
laptop.  The idea is to edit on a laptop using iD or JOSM, as editing 
on the tiny screen of a smartphone, while possible, doesn't seem like 
the nicest way to be introduced to OSM and mapping when we have 
bigger screens and a decent entry-level friendly editor like iD. 
Mapping Party, beginners, right?

Thanks for feedback,

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-05 Thread willemijns

oui il faudra voir si la base de donnees sera en GPX ou en nom officiel de
rue... ne pas oublier les vitesses différentes selon le sens de

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread Marc Gemis
I've tried OsmAnd, OSMTracker and KeypadMapper 3.

The latter two do not show a map.
The first one does.

Still prefer a dedicated GPS-device, in my case a Garmin 10 + photo camera.

* I can take more pictures and faster with the camera. All the smartphone
apps requires to many clicks and my phone is not fast enough
* Both the GPS-device and camera are around my neck. Need because I walk
3-4 dogs while surveying. But I'm planning to buy a smartphone case +
lanyard to "simulate" this.
* I can operate the GPS device and camera with 1 hand. I have problems to
do that with the smartphone.
* my way of creating waypoints on the GPS device is still faster than
KeypadMapper 3 in most cases (for house numbers)

* need to take "sync" picture at the start. create waypoint + photo
* need cable to transfer GPX-track
* need software to fix the time difference between pictures and GPS track.

Still those drawbacks outweighs the convenience of the dedicated devices
for surveying.

just my .5 cents



On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 2:38 AM, stevea  wrote:

> Looking at Strava, Galileo, Sygic, MAPS.ME and Cyclemeter GPS now.
> SteveA
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Stéphane Péneau
J'en profite pour demander de l'aide sur la Mayenne où il y a de 
nombreux foyers sans route d'accès et sans nom de voie. Il faut faire 
quelque chose pour ces pauvres gens :-)


Le 05/10/2015 23:14, Christian Quest a écrit :
Je me suis trompé... c'est environ 180.000 habitants pour qui on n'a 
pas de route tracée dans OSM pour leur rendre visite...

Si on extrapole les courbes, on devrait être à 0 dans environ quoi ? 
un peu plus d'un an ?

Le 5 octobre 2015 23:02, Frédéric Rodrigo > a écrit :

Le 05/10/2015 22:51, Christian Quest a écrit :

Je complète...

"Dégommer du rouge" reste je pense le plus utile globalement vu la
couverture française en routes et rues présentes (ou pas),
nommées (ou pas).

On a encore 6 millions d'habitant de métropole chez qui on ne
peut pas
aller faut de voie nommée à proximité de leur domicile (et 3
car on n'a pas de voie du tout).

Ce chiffre en millions peut faire peur. Le nombre de carreaux
INSEE avec habitants et sans voies d’accès est plus représentatif
de l'effort à fournir. Et il est loin d'être inaccessible : plus
que 25 000 !

Il y bien sur d'autres catégories remontées par Christian avec
plus de signalements :


Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread stevea

Marc Gemis writes:

I've tried OsmAnd, OSMTracker and KeypadMapper 3.

(and more).

Thank you, Marc!  I "prefer" (as it's familiar, though maybe old 
school) a dedicated GPS and a USB cable, too.  But then there ARE 
smartphones enabled with GPS, and they CAN and SHOULD do this sort of 
"capture and squirt" (GPX data at OSM) the way I'm discussing.  Just 
finding the right app (iOS and Android) to do it is all.  Wireless 
(Bluetooth?) would be very neat, and GPX seems like the right data 
format to act as a data format vehicle.  Yes, and not too darn many 
tap-tap-taps on that tiny screen!  The phone is the data capture (and 
squirt it) device, the laptop (and iD in a web browser) are the 
editing environment.  Let's connect these (wirelessly).


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo

Le 05/10/2015 22:51, Christian Quest a écrit :

Je complète...

"Dégommer du rouge" reste je pense le plus utile globalement vu la
couverture française en routes et rues présentes (ou pas), nommées (ou pas).

On a encore 6 millions d'habitant de métropole chez qui on ne peut pas
aller faut de voie nommée à proximité de leur domicile (et 3 millions
car on n'a pas de voie du tout).

Ce chiffre en millions peut faire peur. Le nombre de carreaux INSEE avec 
habitants et sans voies d’accès est plus représentatif de l'effort à 
fournir. Et il est loin d'être inaccessible : plus que 25 000 !

Il y bien sur d'autres catégories remontées par Christian avec plus de 
signalements :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] De l'intérêt de rentrer les adresses une par une

2015-10-05 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

Le 05/10/2015 19:27, Christian Rogel a écrit :,_noms_geographiques_et_toponymes

Parfait comme point de départ !

J'ai transposé ta liste dans un ticket :
qui permettra de suivre la mise en oeuvre et de recueillir les remarques 
/ ajouts / correctifs.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

Le 05/10/2015 21:45, Gautier a écrit :

- "BANO servira en temps utile à aider l'alimentation d'OpenStreetMap en
adresses, mais [...] le schéma d'étiquetage des adresses n'a pas encore
atteint la maturité permettant pour qu'une saisie massive soit
suffisamment harmonieuse et utile pour le plus grand nombre d'usages
envisagés. Cette réflexion est en cours."

C'est vrai qu'on est parti d'un focus sur la saisie d'adresses. Juste 
avant le début de BANO, venait d'apparaitre le service d'aide à l'import 
des adresses [1]. Mais il est vite devenu clair que le bon levier, le 
plus profitable aussi bien à BANO qu'à OSM dans un premier temps, 
consistait à compléter les noms de voies, aka "dégommer du rouge". 
Globalement ça reste vrai aujourd'hui.

Où en est la réflexion aujourd'hui ? Est-ce qu'une solution
"universelle" a été trouvé ? Si oui, va-t-on voir prochainement la
contribution de BANO dans OSM (numérotage des maisons principalement) ?

On pourrait tout à fait, mécaniquement, importer dans OSM toutes les 
adresses de BANO (moins celles issues d'OSM pour ne pas faire doublon). 
On aurait tout à coup un gros volume de données, mais finalement pas de 
valeur ajoutée. Ce qui fait la valeur c'est le contrôle associé à 
l'intégration, exactement ce que décrivait Christian ce matin [2].

- Est-ce possible de relancer la vérification BANO d'une commune
spécifique sans avoir à attendre le processus automatique de minuit, à
l'image des tuiles Mapnik pour (on peut spécifier
"/dirty" à la fin d'une tuile pour demander sa régénération par ex :
? Sur certaines communes à 50 erreurs ou +, j'ai mis 4/5 jours pour tout
faire suite aux oublis / fautes de frappe.

Oui, c'est accessible depuis la page une fois le code INSEE 
renseigné. Le bouton rond & noir en haut à droite sert à mettre à jour 
BANO pour la commune donnée, à l'aide de la base OSM. Le 
rafraichissement de la base OSM qu'on utilise est fait toutes les 5mn.

- Y a t-il d'autres documents de référence autre que l'article du Wiki ?
(liste bogues connus [github ?], procédure à réaliser dans les
différents cas, etc.) ?

Les scripts du projet sont là :

Même si le wiki est assez complet, j'ai plusieurs fois eu des doutes sur
la manière de corriger un problème sans trouver de procédure claire
(notamment pour les lieux dits, mais je n'ai pas osé toucher à ce
morceau expérimental pour le moment :-) ).

Les lieux-dits sont un chantier toujours repoussé, jusque là. Je viens 
de m'y (re)mettre, j'espère avoir des choses à montrer sous peu.


[1] : (option Adresses)
[2] :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Christian Quest
Je complète...

"Dégommer du rouge" reste je pense le plus utile globalement vu la
couverture française en routes et rues présentes (ou pas), nommées (ou pas).

On a encore 6 millions d'habitant de métropole chez qui on ne peut pas
aller faut de voie nommée à proximité de leur domicile (et 3 millions car
on n'a pas de voie du tout).

C'est un premier objectif global qu'il faudrait atteindre avant de se
lancer massivement un cran au dessous, c'est à dire les adresses.

Bien sûr, ça n'empêche pas pour les plus motivés d'intégrer les adresses
sur certaines communes, mais se lancer dans un import sans ajout de valeur
n'a pas grand intérêt à part "faire du chiffre". Je suis tombé par exemple
sur des imports d'adresses où les voies n'étaient même pas nommées ce qui
me semble ridicule.

Les développements sur BANO ont été mis en pause depuis le début de
l'année. Ils vont reprendre dans les semaines et mois qui viennent. en plus
des lieux-dit dont parlait Vincent, il y a quelques gisements d'adresses
qu'on n'avait pas encore vraiment exploité.
Il y a surtout un mix à faire avec la BAN pour compléter en priorité les
communes au cadastre raster où actuellement BANO n'a aucune adresse à part
les rares entrées manuellement dans OSM.

Pour le rendu BANO, il y a quelques défaut qu'il faut que je corrige.

Le 5 octobre 2015 22:06, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> Le 05/10/2015 21:45, Gautier a écrit :
>> - "BANO servira en temps utile à aider l'alimentation d'OpenStreetMap en
>> adresses, mais [...] le schéma d'étiquetage des adresses n'a pas encore
>> atteint la maturité permettant pour qu'une saisie massive soit
>> suffisamment harmonieuse et utile pour le plus grand nombre d'usages
>> envisagés. Cette réflexion est en cours."
> C'est vrai qu'on est parti d'un focus sur la saisie d'adresses. Juste
> avant le début de BANO, venait d'apparaitre le service d'aide à l'import
> des adresses [1]. Mais il est vite devenu clair que le bon levier, le plus
> profitable aussi bien à BANO qu'à OSM dans un premier temps, consistait à
> compléter les noms de voies, aka "dégommer du rouge". Globalement ça reste
> vrai aujourd'hui.
> Où en est la réflexion aujourd'hui ? Est-ce qu'une solution
>> "universelle" a été trouvé ? Si oui, va-t-on voir prochainement la
>> contribution de BANO dans OSM (numérotage des maisons principalement) ?
> On pourrait tout à fait, mécaniquement, importer dans OSM toutes les
> adresses de BANO (moins celles issues d'OSM pour ne pas faire doublon). On
> aurait tout à coup un gros volume de données, mais finalement pas de valeur
> ajoutée. Ce qui fait la valeur c'est le contrôle associé à l'intégration,
> exactement ce que décrivait Christian ce matin [2].
> - Est-ce possible de relancer la vérification BANO d'une commune
>> spécifique sans avoir à attendre le processus automatique de minuit, à
>> l'image des tuiles Mapnik pour (on peut spécifier
>> "/dirty" à la fin d'une tuile pour demander sa régénération par ex :
>> ? Sur certaines communes à 50 erreurs ou +, j'ai mis 4/5 jours pour tout
>> faire suite aux oublis / fautes de frappe.
> Oui, c'est accessible depuis la page
> une fois le code INSEE
> renseigné. Le bouton rond & noir en haut à droite sert à mettre à jour BANO
> pour la commune donnée, à l'aide de la base OSM. Le rafraichissement de la
> base OSM qu'on utilise est fait toutes les 5mn.
> - Y a t-il d'autres documents de référence autre que l'article du Wiki ?
>> (liste bogues connus [github ?], procédure à réaliser dans les
>> différents cas, etc.) ?
> Les scripts du projet sont là :
> Même si le wiki est assez complet, j'ai plusieurs fois eu des doutes sur
>> la manière de corriger un problème sans trouver de procédure claire
>> (notamment pour les lieux dits, mais je n'ai pas osé toucher à ce
>> morceau expérimental pour le moment :-) ).
> Les lieux-dits sont un chantier toujours repoussé, jusque là. Je viens de
> m'y (re)mettre, j'espère avoir des choses à montrer sous peu.
> vincent
> [1] : (option Adresses)
> [2] :
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

2015-10-05 Thread Ha Noj
> Mozna by ale mohli udelit vyjimku z licence pro OSM, coz ale v praxi
povede k tem „nezadoucim efektum“ vyse: Kdokoli to bude moct vzit z OSM.
*** no pokud by takova vyjimka byla pro ortofotomapu nebo vyskopis, tak ty
si z OSM nikdo nevezme...

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

2015-10-05 Thread Jan Cibulka
Jo, jestli se bavíme konkrétně o těchhle podkladech a ne o případnym překlápění 
vektorů, pak by se to tak asi dalo řešit. 


De facto by to z jejich strany mohla bejt forma výdeje, na což už maj zajetý 


From: Ha Noj [] 
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2015 8:34 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole


> Mozna by ale mohli udelit vyjimku z licence pro OSM, coz ale v praxi povede k 
> tem „nezadoucim efektum“ vyse: Kdokoli to bude moct vzit z OSM.

*** no pokud by takova vyjimka byla pro ortofotomapu nebo vyskopis, tak ty si z 
OSM nikdo nevezme...



Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha

2015-10-05 Thread Dalibor Jelínek

ja te tyden ve strdu nemuzu, utery je OK, nebo ten tyden dalsi.




From: Petr Dlouhý [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 11:00 PM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha




rád bych se taky přidal. V úterý ale nebudu moct (resp. až po deváté), a ve 
středu budu moct až po osmé.

Petr Dlouhý  
Mob: +420 736 108 424

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral  >
Datum: 3. 10. 2015 23:07:26
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha


Dne 3.10.2015 v 10:09 Jachym Cepicky napsal(a):

někdy v týdnu od 12.10?


Ideálně v úterý 13.10 nebo středu 14.10. To bych měl být na nějakých 90% v 
Nějaký tip na místo? Já jich v Praze moc neznám.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2015, 12:03 Jiří Sedláček  > wrote:

Taky bych přišel, lokalitou se asi přizpůsobím. 

Nicméně, přišel bych asi spíš za Wikimedia ČR a za Wikipedii a rád bych vás 
osobně pozval na Wikikonferenci (  ).




2015-10-02 9:32 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral  >:

Takže fajn,
nějaký zájem by byl ;-)

Nevím jak mi to vyjde příští týden, jedu na školení a ještě přesně nevím, jaký 
bude program. Ale ten další týden by to mohlo vyjít.
Máte tip na nějaké vhodné místo? Nezakouřená hospoda nebo třeba čajovna. 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Dalibor Jelínek  >
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic'  >
Datum: 30. 9. 2015 9:07:29
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen



i ja bych se zucastnil. 



From: Petr Schönmann [  
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:23 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  >
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen 


Když bude čas tak bych přišel 


Dne út 29. 9. 2015 18:29 uživatel  > 

Já bych byl pro.

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral  > 

Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  > 

Datum: 29. 9. 2015 12:26:30
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen 


je to hrůza, zase mně předběhli :-D

Právě minulý týden jsem uvažoval, že bych navrhl nějakou hospodu v Praze. Po 
létě, kdy jsem moc na služebky nejezdil to vypadá, že opět budu jezdit každý 
týden. Měl by někdo z Prahy a okolí zájem? Bohužel by to bylo možné jen přes 
týden. Úterý nebo středa.

Bohužel Brno je trochu z ruky.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka  >
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  >
Datum: 29. 9. 2015 12:01:16
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Brno - rijen 


Ahoj, uz jsme se dlouho nevideli, kdyz to Martin tak hezky nadhodil,
vykopavam rovnou termin na pristi tyden:

Misto pro zacatek za mne klidne zase u Kormidla, ale muzeme i jinam v
centru kde to bude rozumne pro vetsinu dostupne.


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S pozdravem,
Jirka Sedláček

Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list


[Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread Brian Prangle
Hi everyone

For the remainder of 2015 lets concentrate on Nature Reserves


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-de] Hätte Google sich mal lieber auf OSM verlassen ;-)

2015-10-05 Thread Elstermann, Mike
Der geoObserver.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

2015-10-05 Thread Jan Cibulka
No nutno dodat, ze na IPR jim dost zalezelo jak na atribuci, tak i na 
nemoznosti preprodeje dat (coz jim odbl nezaruci ani jedno, dole na ty OSM 
paticce nebude „OSM prispevatele a IPR Praha“).

Mozna by ale mohli udelit vyjimku z licence pro OSM, coz ale v praxi povede k 
tem „nezadoucim efektum“ vyse: Kdokoli to bude moct vzit z OSM.


From: Jachym Cepicky [] 
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2015 7:22 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole


ahoj. tohle je nase chyba, kompatibilitu s odbl jsme prehlidli :-( (uz me na to 
upozornoval maurizio napolitano),

mate nejaky navrh reseni? baz ipr nam urcite vyjdou vstric.

taky bychom aktualizovali nasi prirucku o otevirani prost. dat

diky za pomoc



On Mon, Oct 5, 2015, 00:30 Jan Martinec  > wrote:

To by byl asi ideální stav, díky moc.

Dne 5. 10. 2015 0:09 napsal uživatel "Petr Dlouhý"  >:


Aha, asi jsem si to nepřečetl dost dobře. Známe se na IPRu s nějakými lidmi, 
takže se zeptám, jestli by neposkytli nějaké speciální podmínky pro OSM.

Petr Dlouhý  
Mob: +420 736 108 424  

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Martinec  >
Datum: 4. 10. 2015 23:44:46
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole


On 10/04/2015 11:07 PM, Petr Dlouhý wrote:
> Ahoj všichni,
> pražský Institut plánování rozvoje začal dávat k (téměř) volnému užití velké
> množství různých zajímavých dat:
> Začal jsem pracovat na využití přesných výškových dat pro naší mapu Prahou na
> kole. Výsledek je (zatím) na našem testovacím serveru:
>  =50.10392=14.40374=_Qzefsmpuy
> Pokud má někdo o něco podobného zájem, můžu poskytnout nějaké know-how.
> Ta výšková data jsou hodně přesná - mohou sloužit jako zdroj k mapování nebo
> zpřesňování různých objektů v OSM. Například potoky, cesty a skály se pomocí
> toho dají často dobře zaměřit.


sice mohou, ale smějí? Pokud tohle
čtu dobře, je to licencovaný CC-BY-SA 4.0 - jak můžu pro data zachovat 
tuto licenci a zároveň ODbL? To podle mě nejde (zjevně už se to řešilo 
na )

Takže pokud to chápu správně, potřebovali bychom pro OSM dual-license 
(data uvolněna *i* pod ODbL) - nebo to chápu blbě?

Honza "Piškvor" Martinec

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

2015-10-05 Thread vrs
Ale zákaz přeprodeje jim nezaručí ani CC-BY-SA.

Jinak pro ten výškopis je to zrovna jedno: protože to nikdo nebude nahrávat 
na OSM, stačí, když se na Prahou na kole přidá "(c) výškopis IPR" nebo tak 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Cibulka 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 5. 10. 2015 8:27:19
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole


No nutno dodat, ze na IPR jim dost zalezelo jak na atribuci, tak i na 
nemoznosti preprodeje dat (coz jim odbl nezaruci ani jedno, dole na ty OSM 
paticce nebude „OSM prispevatele a IPR Praha“).

Mozna by ale mohli udelit vyjimku z licence pro OSM, coz ale v praxi povede 
k tem „nezadoucim efektum“ vyse: Kdokoli to bude moct vzit z OSM. 


From: Jachym Cepicky [] 
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2015 7:22 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole 


ahoj. tohle je nase chyba, kompatibilitu s odbl jsme prehlidli :-( (uz me na
to upozornoval maurizio napolitano), 

mate nejaky navrh reseni? baz ipr nam urcite vyjdou vstric. 

taky bychom aktualizovali nasi prirucku o otevirani prost. dat 

diky za pomoc 



On Mon, Oct 5, 2015, 00:30 Jan Martinec  wrote: 

To by byl asi ideální stav, díky moc. 

Dne 5. 10. 2015 0:09 napsal uživatel "Petr Dlouhý" : 


Aha, asi jsem si to nepřečetl dost dobře. Známe se na IPRu s nějakými lidmi,
takže se zeptám, jestli by neposkytli nějaké speciální podmínky pro OSM.

Petr Dlouhý
Mob: +420 736 108 424 

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Martinec 
Datum: 4. 10. 2015 23:44:46
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole 

On 10/04/2015 11:07 PM, Petr Dlouhý wrote:
> Ahoj všichni,
> pražský Institut plánování rozvoje začal dávat k (téměř) volnému užití 
> množství různých zajímavých dat:
> Začal jsem pracovat na využití přesných výškových dat pro naší mapu Prahou
> kole. Výsledek je (zatím) na našem testovacím serveru:
> Pokud má někdo o něco podobného zájem, můžu poskytnout nějaké know-how.
> Ta výšková data jsou hodně přesná - mohou sloužit jako zdroj k mapování 
> zpřesňování různých objektů v OSM. Například potoky, cesty a skály se 
> toho dají často dobře zaměřit.


sice mohou, ale smějí? Pokud tohle

čtu dobře, je to licencovaný CC-BY-SA 4.0 - jak můžu pro data zachovat 
tuto licenci a zároveň ODbL? To podle mě nejde (zjevně už se to řešilo 
( )

Takže pokud to chápu správně, potřebovali bychom pro OSM dual-license 
(data uvolněna *i* pod ODbL) - nebo to chápu blbě?

Honza "Piškvor" Martinec

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hätte Google sich mal lieber auf OSM verlassen ;-)

2015-10-05 Thread Frederik Ramm
Hallo Mike,

On 10/05/2015 08:20 AM, Elstermann, Mike wrote:
> Der geoObserver.

Das ist kein bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch dieser Mailingliste, das ist
SEO für Dein Blog.

Ich sehe ein, dass der bildlastige Content aus dem Blog hier nicht
vollständig wiedergegeben werden kann, aber mehr als ein "Teaser" muss
schon sein, damit die Leute entscheiden können, ob sie "durchklicken"

Angemessen wäre zum Beispiel gewesen:

"Ich habe im Paulusviertel in Halle die Google-Karte studiert und mir
sind auf Anhieb 8 Unstimmigkeiten auf einem Ausschnitt aufgefallen. Ein
Bild und Details dazu in meinem Blog."

oder sowas.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Geometry Polyline Coordinates multiplied by 10

2015-10-05 Thread Patrick Niklaus
> Is it safe for me to simply divide the decoded coordinates by 10?

Yes it is safe to do that. Polyline encodes arbitrary integers.
Multiplication by a factor and rounding is the first step. Dividing by
the factor is the last step.

Sadly the python implementation hard-codes this factor. Might be up
for a rewrite?


On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 2:24 AM, Daniel Patterson  wrote:
> Hey Bryan,
>   The simplest thing to might be to just add "compression=false" to your 
> /viaroute request.  That'll give you back a plain JSON array of coordinates, 
> rather than in encoded form.
> daniel
>> On Oct 4, 2015, at 4:57 PM, Bryan Coutts  wrote:
>> I'm trying to use OSRM to supply routes as polylines. I've noticed that, 
>> when I use a standard decoder to decode these polylines (i.e. Python's 
>> polyline package), the lat/lon coordinates I get are multiplied by a factor 
>> of 10. Googling around, I found that this is due to OSRM producing 
>> coordinates at a higher precision; is there a way for me to decode these 
>> without writing my own decoder, or digging into an existing one? Is it safe 
>> for me to simply divide the decoded coordinates by 10?
>> Thanks,
>> Bryan
>> ___
>> OSRM-talk mailing list
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

2015-10-05 Thread Petr Dlouhý
Jasně, použití pro Prahou na kole máme vyřešené. Měli jsme ta výšková data 
dokonce slíbená už předtím než byla otevřená.

O co se tady jedná je, aby z toho šli obkreslovat objekty, které jsou tam 
vidět (potoky, skály, cesty) do OSM. A pak má taky IPR superdetailní a každý
rok aktuální ortofoto, což by bylo taky dobré zpřístupnit pro OSM.

Petr Dlouhý
Mob: +420 736 108 424

-- Původní zpráva --
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 5. 10. 2015 10:21:03
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

Ale zákaz přeprodeje jim nezaručí ani CC-BY-SA.

Jinak pro ten výškopis je to zrovna jedno: protože to nikdo nebude nahrávat 
na OSM, stačí, když se na Prahou na kole přidá "(c) výškopis IPR" nebo tak 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Cibulka 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 5. 10. 2015 8:27:19
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole


No nutno dodat, ze na IPR jim dost zalezelo jak na atribuci, tak i na 
nemoznosti preprodeje dat (coz jim odbl nezaruci ani jedno, dole na ty OSM 
paticce nebude „OSM prispevatele a IPR Praha“).

Mozna by ale mohli udelit vyjimku z licence pro OSM, coz ale v praxi povede 
k tem „nezadoucim efektum“ vyse: Kdokoli to bude moct vzit z OSM. 


From: Jachym Cepicky [] 
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2015 7:22 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole 


ahoj. tohle je nase chyba, kompatibilitu s odbl jsme prehlidli :-( (uz me na
to upozornoval maurizio napolitano), 

mate nejaky navrh reseni? baz ipr nam urcite vyjdou vstric. 

taky bychom aktualizovali nasi prirucku o otevirani prost. dat 

diky za pomoc 



On Mon, Oct 5, 2015, 00:30 Jan Martinec  wrote: 

To by byl asi ideální stav, díky moc. 

Dne 5. 10. 2015 0:09 napsal uživatel "Petr Dlouhý" : 


Aha, asi jsem si to nepřečetl dost dobře. Známe se na IPRu s nějakými lidmi,
takže se zeptám, jestli by neposkytli nějaké speciální podmínky pro OSM.

Petr Dlouhý
Mob: +420 736 108 424 

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Martinec 
Datum: 4. 10. 2015 23:44:46
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole 

On 10/04/2015 11:07 PM, Petr Dlouhý wrote:
> Ahoj všichni,
> pražský Institut plánování rozvoje začal dávat k (téměř) volnému užití 
> množství různých zajímavých dat:
> Začal jsem pracovat na využití přesných výškových dat pro naší mapu Prahou
> kole. Výsledek je (zatím) na našem testovacím serveru:
> Pokud má někdo o něco podobného zájem, můžu poskytnout nějaké know-how.
> Ta výšková data jsou hodně přesná - mohou sloužit jako zdroj k mapování 
> zpřesňování různých objektů v OSM. Například potoky, cesty a skály se 
> toho dají často dobře zaměřit.


sice mohou, ale smějí? Pokud tohle

čtu dobře, je to licencovaný CC-BY-SA 4.0 - jak můžu pro data zachovat 
tuto licenci a zároveň ODbL? To podle mě nejde (zjevně už se to řešilo 
( )

Takže pokud to chápu správně, potřebovali bychom pro OSM dual-license 
(data uvolněna *i* pod ODbL) - nebo to chápu blbě?

Honza "Piškvor" Martinec

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list;

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bâtiment invisible sur rendu standard

2015-10-05 Thread Pierre-Yves Berrard
Tout à fait, Christian. Dans l'histoire je n'ai ni créé ni modifié l'objet,
j'essayais juste de résoudre cette note :

Le bâtiment apparaît maintenant. Quelqu'un a ajouté d'autres tags entre
temps ; cela a peut-être forcé le recalcul des tuiles...

Le 5 octobre 2015 10:15, Christian Quest  a écrit :

> Si je peux me permettre 2 remarques sur les tags de cette mairie:
> 1) Le tag wikipédia est mal placé, il devrait être mis sur la relation de
> la commune, pas sur la mairie car l'article en question parle de la
> commune, pas du la mairie.
> 2) name=Mairie... éternelle discussion, ce n'est pas un nom, mais une
> description
> ...mais ceci n'explique pas pourquoi le polygone du bâtiment n'est pas
> rendu.
> Le 3 octobre 2015 09:55, Pierre-Yves Berrard <
>> a écrit :
>> Je ne pense pas que le moteur de rendu s'attarde à ce genre de détail.
>> Exemple :
>> Le 2 octobre 2015 23:28, Francescu GAROBY  a écrit :
>>> Bonsoir,
>>> La seule différence que je vois, avec une autre mairie visible
>>> , c'est le tag "building"
>>> qui n'a pas la même valeur ("yes" dans ton cas, "civic" dans mon cas, comme
>>> le dit d'ailleurs le wiki
>>> ).
>>> Francescu
>>> Le 2 octobre 2015 21:47, Pierre-Yves Berrard <
>>>> a écrit :

 Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée de la raison pour laquelle ce bâtiment
 n'apparaît pas sur le rendu standard ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [Caution: Message contains Redirect URL content] Re: Hätte Google sich mal lieber auf OSM verlassen ;-)

2015-10-05 Thread Elstermann, Mike
OK, danke für den Tipp.
Der geoObserver.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Frederik Ramm [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 5. Oktober 2015 10:02
Betreff: [Caution: Message contains Redirect URL content] Re: [Talk-de] Hätte 
Google sich mal lieber auf OSM verlassen ;-)

Hallo Mike,

On 10/05/2015 08:20 AM, Elstermann, Mike wrote:
> Der geoObserver.

Das ist kein bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch dieser Mailingliste, das ist SEO für 
Dein Blog.

Ich sehe ein, dass der bildlastige Content aus dem Blog hier nicht vollständig 
wiedergegeben werden kann, aber mehr als ein "Teaser" muss schon sein, damit 
die Leute entscheiden können, ob sie "durchklicken"

Angemessen wäre zum Beispiel gewesen:

"Ich habe im Paulusviertel in Halle die Google-Karte studiert und mir sind auf 
Anhieb 8 Unstimmigkeiten auf einem Ausschnitt aufgefallen. Ein Bild und Details 
dazu in meinem Blog."

oder sowas.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread Shaun McDonald
A number of different boundaries such as SSSIs, national parks, and nature 
reserves are available from


> On 5 Oct 2015, at 09:29, SK53  wrote:
> I'm well in favour of mapping nature reserves, but they usually are quite 
> difficult to find actual boundaries.
> Nick Whitlegg and I walked through a couple of Woodland Trust areas on 
> Saturday and working out the extent of the area owned by the WT is difficult. 
> Similarly, over another non-OSM matter, I've been exchanging emails with NT 
> Eastern Office about Wicken Fen, but they have added so much new land over 
> the past few years that they dont have a ready to use map of the reserve. 
> Another one is the new RSPB reserve at Medmerry near Selsey, which is the 
> site of a massive managed retreat and new sea wall breach. This was brought 
> to my attention by Liz Scott (@birdmaps). Lastly, I haven't even resolved the 
> bounds of Attenborough NR: the staff now manage the area in Derbyshire 
> labelled Erewash Field  on OSM. I 
> don't know if it has been formally incoriporated into the reserve, so the 
> current mapping is a sensible compromise (and yes Nottinghamshire Wildlife 
> Trust operate a reserve in Derbyshire).
> There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs. I 
> think these are under OGL these days, but like PRoW or Land Registry inspire 
> data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have always treated them 
> as not fully open. Some local authorities have open data showing boundaries 
> of LNRs. Note that NR & SSSI boundaries are often not coincident. NRs depend 
> on either landowner agreement, or willingness to sell land; SSSIs are based 
> on conservation importance. And of course, some NRs have geological SSSIs in 
> their midst which are much smaller than the NR.
> The second thing which is really important for NRs is to get path networks 
> and access mapped out. Experience shows that even if one wants to start 
> mapping the things the NR is about, having the paths in is a necessary but 
> not sufficient condition for a decent map. Many NRs are very deficient from 
> this point of view (including the big ancient woodlands S of Coventry, such 
> as Wappenbury & Ryton, the last of which I visited at end of August. 
> Similarly both Wyre Forest & Werneth Low which I visited in September lack 
> many paths.
> There's a lot more to say about NRs, I have already started a draft for the 
> blog to do so inspired by looking at Medmerry.
> My feeling is that the most value can be added to OSM by improving details of 
> NRs local to individual mappers, and initially, at least path networks (there 
> are probably 10+ km of unmapped paths in Ryton Wood alone).
> One other plea, please don't map areas of grass as meadows unless you know 
> them to be meadows: Dudley wrote something about this in the past.
> Regards,
> Jerry
> On 5 October 2015 at 08:39, Brian Prangle  > wrote:
> Hi everyone
> For the remainder of 2015 lets concentrate on Nature Reserves
> Regards
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread Steve Chilton
Can you point me to a source for identifying NRs near me (L B of Enfield), and 
I will try to get out to them and do a bit of boundary and path network mapping 
where possible?


From: SK53 []
Sent: 05 October 2015 09:29
To: Brian Prangle
Cc: Talk GB
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

I'm well in favour of mapping nature reserves, but they usually are quite 
difficult to find actual boundaries.
Nick Whitlegg and I walked through a couple of Woodland Trust areas on Saturday 
and working out the extent of the area owned by the WT is difficult. Similarly, 
over another non-OSM matter, I've been exchanging emails with NT Eastern Office 
about Wicken Fen, but they have added so much new land over the past few years 
that they dont have a ready to use map of the reserve. Another one is the new 
RSPB reserve at Medmerry near Selsey, which is the site of a massive managed 
retreat and new sea wall breach. This was brought to my attention by Liz Scott 
(@birdmaps). Lastly, I haven't even resolved the bounds of Attenborough NR: the 
staff now manage the area in Derbyshire labelled Erewash 
Field on OSM. I don't know if it 
has been formally incoriporated into the reserve, so the current mapping is a 
sensible compromise (and yes Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust operate a reserve 
in Derbyshire).
There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs. I 
think these are under OGL these days, but like PRoW or Land Registry inspire 
data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have always treated them as 
not fully open. Some local authorities have open data showing boundaries of 
LNRs. Note that NR & SSSI boundaries are often not coincident. NRs depend on 
either landowner agreement, or willingness to sell land; SSSIs are based on 
conservation importance. And of course, some NRs have geological SSSIs in their 
midst which are much smaller than the NR.
The second thing which is really important for NRs is to get path networks and 
access mapped out. Experience shows that even if one wants to start mapping the 
things the NR is about, having the paths in is a necessary but not sufficient 
condition for a decent map. Many NRs are very deficient from this point of view 
(including the big ancient woodlands S of Coventry, such as Wappenbury & Ryton, 
the last of which I visited at end of August. Similarly both Wyre Forest & 
Werneth Low which I visited in September lack many paths.
There's a lot more to say about NRs, I have already started a draft for the 
blog to do so inspired by looking at Medmerry.
My feeling is that the most value can be added to OSM by improving details of 
NRs local to individual mappers, and initially, at least path networks (there 
are probably 10+ km of unmapped paths in Ryton Wood alone).
One other plea, please don't map areas of grass as meadows unless you know them 
to be meadows: Dudley wrote something about this in the past.

On 5 October 2015 at 08:39, Brian Prangle 
> wrote:
Hi everyone
For the remainder of 2015 lets concentrate on Nature Reserves

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[talk-au] Correct tagging for life rings (life saving buoy)

2015-10-05 Thread Max Bainrot
Hi all,

Been doing some searching trying to work out how to tag a life saving buoy,
its basically enclosed in a enclosure located near a emergency phone.

So after some googling I've come across the following.

Both of which as far as I know do not come up on any maps.

I've gone for the emergency=life_ring as its the most used one and appears
not to be a proposed element so should be good.

Is there any other tags I should consider putting on it or is that it? (it
seems too easy lol)

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] tipy na malování budov na

2015-10-05 Thread Petr Vejsada

Geofabrik dnes zpracovala data pro CZ v 7:05, takže před sedmou určitě nemohly 
být tipy na budovy zpracované :-). Stav dat je na hlavní stránce - tipy na 
budovy = Budovy-TODO. Teď už jsou, jen ubylo, co jste zmapovali. ČÚZK přes 
víkend také nic nedodává.

Popsaná chyba by se dít neměla - v kolik to bylo hodin a IP? (dále když tak 
přímým mailem, zbytečné psát do konference).


Dne Po 5. října 2015 06:58:43, Zdeněk Pražák napsal(a):

> Dobrý den, chtěl jsem se podívat na dnešní tipy na malování budov ale po
> kliknutí na číslo relace se mi nezobrazí relece na mapě, pouze hláška proxy
> error nebo zásuvný modul přestal pracovat
> Pražák

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bâtiment invisible sur rendu standard

2015-10-05 Thread Christian Quest
Si je peux me permettre 2 remarques sur les tags de cette mairie:

1) Le tag wikipédia est mal placé, il devrait être mis sur la relation de
la commune, pas sur la mairie car l'article en question parle de la
commune, pas du la mairie.

2) name=Mairie... éternelle discussion, ce n'est pas un nom, mais une

...mais ceci n'explique pas pourquoi le polygone du bâtiment n'est pas

Le 3 octobre 2015 09:55, Pierre-Yves Berrard 
a écrit :

> Je ne pense pas que le moteur de rendu s'attarde à ce genre de détail.
> Exemple :
> Le 2 octobre 2015 23:28, Francescu GAROBY  a écrit :
>> Bonsoir,
>> La seule différence que je vois, avec une autre mairie visible
>> , c'est le tag "building"
>> qui n'a pas la même valeur ("yes" dans ton cas, "civic" dans mon cas, comme
>> le dit d'ailleurs le wiki
>> ).
>> Francescu
>> Le 2 octobre 2015 21:47, Pierre-Yves Berrard <
>>> a écrit :
>>> Bonsoir,
>>> Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée de la raison pour laquelle ce bâtiment
>>> n'apparaît pas sur le rendu standard ?
>>> PY
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> --
>> Francescu
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread SK53
I'm well in favour of mapping nature reserves, but they usually are quite
difficult to find actual boundaries.

Nick Whitlegg and I walked through a couple of Woodland Trust areas on
Saturday and working out the extent of the area owned by the WT is
difficult. Similarly, over another non-OSM matter, I've been exchanging
emails with NT Eastern Office about Wicken Fen, but they have added so much
new land over the past few years that they dont have a ready to use map of
the reserve. Another one is the new RSPB reserve at Medmerry near Selsey,
which is the site of a massive managed retreat and new sea wall breach.
This was brought to my attention by Liz Scott (@birdmaps). Lastly, I
haven't even resolved the bounds of Attenborough NR: the staff now manage
the area in Derbyshire labelled Erewash Field
 on OSM. I don't know if it has
been formally incoriporated into the reserve, so the current mapping is a
sensible compromise (and yes Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust operate a
reserve in Derbyshire).

There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs. I
think these are under OGL these days, but like PRoW or Land Registry
inspire data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have always
treated them as not fully open. Some local authorities have open data
showing boundaries of LNRs. Note that NR & SSSI boundaries are often not
coincident. NRs depend on either landowner agreement, or willingness to
sell land; SSSIs are based on conservation importance. And of course, some
NRs have geological SSSIs in their midst which are much smaller than the NR.

The second thing which is really important for NRs is to get path networks
and access mapped out. Experience shows that even if one wants to start
mapping the things the NR is about, having the paths in is a necessary but
not sufficient condition for a decent map. Many NRs are very deficient from
this point of view (including the big ancient woodlands S of Coventry, such
as Wappenbury & Ryton, the last of which I visited at end of August.
Similarly both Wyre Forest & Werneth Low which I visited in September lack
many paths.

There's a lot more to say about NRs, I have already started a draft for the
blog to do so inspired by looking at Medmerry.

My feeling is that the most value can be added to OSM by improving details
of NRs local to individual mappers, and initially, at least path networks
(there are probably 10+ km of unmapped paths in Ryton Wood alone).

One other plea, please don't map areas of grass as meadows unless you know
them to be meadows: Dudley wrote something about this in the past.



On 5 October 2015 at 08:39, Brian Prangle  wrote:

> Hi everyone
> For the remainder of 2015 lets concentrate on Nature Reserves
> Regards
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread Steve Chilton
Ok, a quick search suggests that there is only one in Enfield (Covert Way) – 
which I have details for now from the NE site.
I am surprised, considering how ‘green’ the west side of the Borough seems.
Maybe I need to check the Lea Valley Park for status of the constituents parts 
of that.


From: Steve Chilton []
Sent: 05 October 2015 09:57
To: SK53; Brian Prangle
Cc: Talk GB
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

Can you point me to a source for identifying NRs near me (L B of Enfield), and 
I will try to get out to them and do a bit of boundary and path network mapping 
where possible?


From: SK53 []
Sent: 05 October 2015 09:29
To: Brian Prangle
Cc: Talk GB
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

I'm well in favour of mapping nature reserves, but they usually are quite 
difficult to find actual boundaries.
Nick Whitlegg and I walked through a couple of Woodland Trust areas on Saturday 
and working out the extent of the area owned by the WT is difficult. Similarly, 
over another non-OSM matter, I've been exchanging emails with NT Eastern Office 
about Wicken Fen, but they have added so much new land over the past few years 
that they dont have a ready to use map of the reserve. Another one is the new 
RSPB reserve at Medmerry near Selsey, which is the site of a massive managed 
retreat and new sea wall breach. This was brought to my attention by Liz Scott 
(@birdmaps). Lastly, I haven't even resolved the bounds of Attenborough NR: the 
staff now manage the area in Derbyshire labelled Erewash 
Field on OSM. I don't know if it 
has been formally incoriporated into the reserve, so the current mapping is a 
sensible compromise (and yes Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust operate a reserve 
in Derbyshire).
There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs. I 
think these are under OGL these days, but like PRoW or Land Registry inspire 
data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have always treated them as 
not fully open. Some local authorities have open data showing boundaries of 
LNRs. Note that NR & SSSI boundaries are often not coincident. NRs depend on 
either landowner agreement, or willingness to sell land; SSSIs are based on 
conservation importance. And of course, some NRs have geological SSSIs in their 
midst which are much smaller than the NR.
The second thing which is really important for NRs is to get path networks and 
access mapped out. Experience shows that even if one wants to start mapping the 
things the NR is about, having the paths in is a necessary but not sufficient 
condition for a decent map. Many NRs are very deficient from this point of view 
(including the big ancient woodlands S of Coventry, such as Wappenbury & Ryton, 
the last of which I visited at end of August. Similarly both Wyre Forest & 
Werneth Low which I visited in September lack many paths.
There's a lot more to say about NRs, I have already started a draft for the 
blog to do so inspired by looking at Medmerry.
My feeling is that the most value can be added to OSM by improving details of 
NRs local to individual mappers, and initially, at least path networks (there 
are probably 10+ km of unmapped paths in Ryton Wood alone).
One other plea, please don't map areas of grass as meadows unless you know them 
to be meadows: Dudley wrote something about this in the past.

On 5 October 2015 at 08:39, Brian Prangle 
> wrote:
Hi everyone
For the remainder of 2015 lets concentrate on Nature Reserves

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO anomalie si 2 codes FANTOIR, 1 en annulation

2015-10-05 Thread lenny

Le 27/09/2015 23:03, Vincent de Château-Thierry a écrit :


Le 27/09/2015 20:33, lenny a écrit :

A Salies-de-Béarn, Il y a plusieurs voies présentant un profil qui me
semble particulier (plusieurs FANTOIR pour la même voie, dont un avec un
code d'annulation) qui sortent en anomalie dans BANO, sauf erreur de ma
part, voici ce que j'ai constaté.

1 - le nom de la voie est identique, un des code FANTOIR possède un code
d'annulation Q et  une date d'annulation :
644990280B CRS DU JARDIN PUBLIC Q 1991261 1987001 9 1 PUBLIC
644991120P CRS DU JARDIN PUBLIC   0 1991261 1106  1 PUBLIC

Le rapprochement est fait automatiquement sur le code FANTOIR correct
Par contre, BANO signale une erreur sur le code FANTOIR annulé : 

En effet il y a incohérence. Le rapprochement ne tient volontairement pas
compte des codes annulés. Mais le rendu carto qui croise avec la BAN (les
contours rouges en pointillés indiquent une source BAN et non BANO) ne 

manifestement pas sur ces mêmes codes annulés.
Si je regarde le libellé dans le wiki /"en pointillé rouge: celles ayant 
pu être rapprochées de FANTOIR, mais absentes d'OSM"
/Donc, le rendu ne tient pas compte du code annulation, mais en plus, la 
voie est bien présente dans OSM, avec le même name (à moins que dans la 
source BAN il y est le code FANTOIR et que le rapprochement se face sur 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-05 Thread David Fisher
Hi all,

Just had the same thing happen near me (Croydon) but by a different
user (Zain Ahmad Hashmi, e.g.
The only thing that occurred to me is that all the edits involved ways
passing over or under railway lines... although like Dave F I can't
see what the actual improvement is.

Both "dataOne" and "Zain Ahmad Hashmi" joined Sep 15th, 2015, and seem
to have done nothing other than a large number of similar edits.
Either they're the same person/bot, or there's some source somewhere
that is encouraging such edits for whatever reason.

David. (user Pgd81)

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 8:56 PM, David Woolley
> On 02/10/15 20:26, Philip Barnes wrote:
>> On Fri Oct 2 14:47:05 2015 GMT+0100, Dave F. wrote:
>>> A new editor has started splitting roads in my locale, but from what I
>>> can see making no tagging amendments. Am I missing something? If not I'd
>>> like to halt him before there's too much damage.
>>> I've sent a message asking for clarification.
>> I can see nothing othet than the splits, don't think you have missed
>> anything.
> Even if this is a botched attempt at legitimate changes, the scale of the
> process makes it look like an un-sourced bulk import, possibly from an
> ineligible source.
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Correct tagging for life rings (life saving buoy)

2015-10-05 Thread Warin

On 5/10/2015 6:58 PM, Max Bainrot wrote:

Hi all,

Been doing some searching trying to work out how to tag a life saving 
buoy, its basically enclosed in a enclosure located near a emergency 

So after some googling I've come across the following.

Both of which as far as I know do not come up on any maps.

Yep. Too few in number for most renders to pay any attention to.

I've gone for the emergency=life_ring as its the most used one and 
appears not to be a proposed element so should be good.

That is the status. Presently 'unspecified' It is not 'approved' meaning 
the tagging mailing list has not votes on it... not a great loss.
If it were more numerous it would be 'in use'.  Looks like the tagging 
group preferred a different name .. but no one moved on it.. so use what 
is there.

Is there any other tags I should consider putting on it or is that it? 
(it seems too easy lol)

Any reference number ref= .. any 'operator' to who complaints about it 
missing? operator=

I'll think about expanding the english wiki .. the german one has a 
little more.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-cat] Resum jornada SotM CAT 2015

2015-10-05 Thread Jaume Figueras i Jové


com que aquest correu, sembla molt una acta de la jornada crec que cal 
fer unes esmenes:

respecte al punt 1: Ja m'encarrego de parlar amb l'ACTIG i podem 
recolzar-nos amb l'experiència de GeoInquiets
respecte al punt 4: jo no parlaria de seccions, més que res per què 
aquesta paraula no va sortir durant la reunió, parlaria de grups de 
treball. Les seccions poden tenir més connotacions de grups tancats. Vem 
parlar de muntar grups de treball en les àries que ara s'han mogut més, 
aquests estan liderats per qui ho ha estat movent, però sempre que munti 
una acció, el recolzament, claca, assistència, ajut, és de tots els que 
puguem. L'objectiu era concentrar esforços i no anar-nos dispersant, a 
la wiki han aparegut 7 seccions; per a un grup de 10 persones?
respecte al punt 5: A la wiki has posat "realització d'activitats per 
part de la Comunitat catalana d'OpenStreetMap" Això no és el que es va 
parlar a la reunió. Tan el José Luís com jo vam oferir espais d'accés 
immediat a GeoInquiets per recolzar accions HOT, per extensió també és 
OSM. En el cas que m'implica, els companys de l'inLab FIB ja s'han ofert 
per donar suport a accions HOT, però mai s'ha parlat d'altres activitats 

respecte al punt 9: CC-BY implica atribució, cal anomenar la font.
respecte al punt 10: En Raf i en Bolo, crec que van venir a títol 
personal, que treballin a l'ICGC, no vol dir que l'ICGC s'interessi per 
OSM, ni l'ICGC ens engresqui a res.


On 05/10/15 01:51, Carlos Sánchez wrote:

Es tracta d'un correu llarg però important, preneu-vos temps per llegir-ho.

L'espai de trobada sembla que va estar correcte. Potser hagués fet falta
millors connexions però les dimensions, projector i facilitats de
l'equip de La Fàbrica del Sol van ser un punt.
Per si us interessa per d'altres ocasions o situacions, l'enllaç de
registre pel wifi es 

*XERRADES (uns 25 assistents)*
Gracies a en Jaume s'han pogut gravar en vídeo. En quan estiguin
penjades es passarà la info pels canals de difusió de sempre.

En Pau ens va fer cinc cèntims de l'aplicació i dels camins de futur i
investigació de la companyia: processament d'imatge per a aconseguir
visió 3D, navegació més intuïtiva, etc.

*OpenCageData Geocoder:*
L'Ed ens va presentar una eina bastant útil a l'hora d'humanitzar les
direccions. Fent ús de les etiquetes o límits administratius necessaris
i evitant la redundància de termes o indicacions ja implícites.

*OSMbot per Telegram:*
En Xavier ens va presentar el bot d'OpenStreetMap per Telegram. Una eina
programada en python i que permet fer-ne ús com si es tractés d'un
usuari, mitjançant comandes. Unes comandes que ens permeten accedir a la
base d'OSM i consultar i cercar elements, baixar imatge del mapa d'OSM,
etc. Falta afegir info a la wiki:

*Projecte Enroda't:*
En Jose Luis ens va explicar la problemàtica de l'accessibilitat per a
persones amb mobilitat reduïda a una ciutat com Badalona i a un barri,
el de Llefià. Ens va explicar la metodologia emprada (mitjançant Field
Papers) per a editar a OSM etiquetes com wheelchair i les limitacions i
beneficis de Wheelmap.

*Edició de carreteres i transport públic:*
L'Hector ens va animar a fer ús dels pressets per a l'edició de
carreters i transport públic a OSM. Ens va parlar de la necessitat de
millorar dia a dia la informació i aprofundir en la seva qualitat i

Vam anar a dinar al BRO de la Barceloneta on vam tenir temps de
continuar debatent i parlant entorn d'OSM i la nostra comunitat.

Desprès de dinar ens hem posat les piles a tancar temes pendents i
preparar-ne de nous.
1. Vam parlar de la possible constitució de la comunitat com a entitat i
de la possibilitat/alternativa de estar sota el paraigua de acTIG. Una
experiència de la que ens han parlat els companys de Geoinquiets com
Rafael i Wladimir. Es tracta d'un camí a estudiar ja que permet
l'activitat d'OSMcatalà amb un recolzament per part d'una entitat
oficial com acTIG. Això ens pot estalviar feina burocràtica i permetre
l'accés i treball com a associació. Dels 11 assistents que restaven 10
van votar a favor de seguir aquest camí i el restant es va abstenir.

2. S'ha acordat la col·laboració de Geoinquiets+Amical+OSMcatalà. De
moment una col·laboració amb una jornada dedicada a Mapillary, però que
pot tenir continuïtat en projectes futurs.
Dos de les assistents a les xerrades provenien dels projectes
Constel·lacions i km2 del Poblenou. Aquest va ser un dels motius que va
fer escollir aquest barri i aquests dos projectes (sobre espai públic)
per a una jornada de Mapillary. Un dels espais disponibles per a donar
instruccions i organitzar les persones participants és Can Ricart. Falta
acabar de planificar la jornada i el contacte amb Amical. Aquesta
jornada estarà recolzada per Hector Ramos (Yopaseopor) i Pau Gargallo
(de Mapillary).

3. Es 

Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread SK53
Hi Steve,

The local hotspot around you is the Lea Valley. Various patches along the
river & navigation will be nature reserves. It's a well known haunt of
Bitterns in the Winter.

Otherwise Middlesex is a bit thin. You can just make out LNRs & SSSIs on
this map  I made from OS Open Data designed to
assist biological recording. They are shown as a diagonal or cross-hatch.
There seem to be a couple up near Barnet, and some big ones missing N of
Stanmore in Middlesex, and the Welsh Harp reservoir isn't shown as one.

The usual sources for finding nature reserves and other places of wildlife
interest which I use are;

   - local Wildilife Trust. Usually the organisation with most reserves in
   a given county or group of counties. In your case these are London
   , Herts
   & Essex
   Wildlife Trusts. It's not a bad idea to
   target getting all the WT reserves done.
   - local Council. For Country Parks & LNRs.
   - local Bird Club. Most bird club websites have quite good accounts of
   popular birding locations. Many of these will be nature reserves.
   - local natural history books. Try the local studies section of a public
   library. For instance Herts WT have published very detailed volumes about
   Moths & Plants quite recently. These usually have a good account of
   significant sites which will be more likely than not nature reserves.
   - local field club or natural history society. These don't exist
   everywhere, but where they do you are likely to find people extremely
   familiar with not just nature reserves but lots of detail of local
   - other conservation orgs: RSPB, Wildlife Trust, WWT, Buglife, Plant
   Life etc.
   - Natural England (lists of LNRs, SSSIs)


On 5 October 2015 at 09:56, Steve Chilton  wrote:

> Can you point me to a source for identifying NRs near me (L B of Enfield),
> and I will try to get out to them and do a bit of boundary and path network
> mapping where possible?
> Cheers
> Steve
> *From:* SK53 []
> *Sent:* 05 October 2015 09:29
> *To:* Brian Prangle
> *Cc:* Talk GB
> *Subject:* Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015
> I'm well in favour of mapping nature reserves, but they usually are quite
> difficult to find actual boundaries.
> Nick Whitlegg and I walked through a couple of Woodland Trust areas on
> Saturday and working out the extent of the area owned by the WT is
> difficult. Similarly, over another non-OSM matter, I've been exchanging
> emails with NT Eastern Office about Wicken Fen, but they have added so much
> new land over the past few years that they dont have a ready to use map of
> the reserve. Another one is the new RSPB reserve at Medmerry near Selsey,
> which is the site of a massive managed retreat and new sea wall breach.
> This was brought to my attention by Liz Scott (@birdmaps). Lastly, I
> haven't even resolved the bounds of Attenborough NR: the staff now manage
> the area in Derbyshire labelled Erewash Field
>  on OSM. I don't know if it
> has been formally incoriporated into the reserve, so the current mapping is
> a sensible compromise (and yes Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust operate a
> reserve in Derbyshire).
> There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs.
> I think these are under OGL these days, but like PRoW or Land Registry
> inspire data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have always
> treated them as not fully open. Some local authorities have open data
> showing boundaries of LNRs. Note that NR & SSSI boundaries are often not
> coincident. NRs depend on either landowner agreement, or willingness to
> sell land; SSSIs are based on conservation importance. And of course, some
> NRs have geological SSSIs in their midst which are much smaller than the NR.
> The second thing which is really important for NRs is to get path networks
> and access mapped out. Experience shows that even if one wants to start
> mapping the things the NR is about, having the paths in is a necessary but
> not sufficient condition for a decent map. Many NRs are very deficient from
> this point of view (including the big ancient woodlands S of Coventry, such
> as Wappenbury & Ryton, the last of which I visited at end of August.
> Similarly both Wyre Forest & Werneth Low which I visited in September lack
> many paths.
> There's a lot more to say about NRs, I have already started a draft for
> the blog to do so inspired by looking at Medmerry.
> My feeling is that the most value can be added to OSM by improving details
> of NRs local to individual mappers, and initially, at least path networks
> (there are probably 10+ km of unmapped paths in Ryton Wood alone).
> One other plea, please don't map areas of grass as meadows unless you know
> them to be 

Re: [talk-au] Correct tagging for life rings (life saving buoy)

2015-10-05 Thread Max Bainrot
Thanks, I learn something new everyday :)

As far as I remember there was no blaringly obvious markers or operator
info on it. Just "Life Saving Buoy" in big white letters on the bright red
enclosure (looks alot like a fire hose from a distance)

There is an emergency telephone nearby though (identical to what you find
on federal highways) which I mapped too


On 5 October 2015 at 20:21, Warin <> wrote:

> On 5/10/2015 6:58 PM, Max Bainrot wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Been doing some searching trying to work out how to tag a life saving
>> buoy, its basically enclosed in a enclosure located near a emergency phone.
>> So after some googling I've come across the following.
>> Both of which as far as I know do not come up on any maps.
> Yep. Too few in number for most renders to pay any attention to.
>> I've gone for the emergency=life_ring as its the most used one and
>> appears not to be a proposed element so should be good.
> That is the status. Presently 'unspecified' It is not 'approved' meaning
> the tagging mailing list has not votes on it... not a great loss.
> If it were more numerous it would be 'in use'.  Looks like the tagging
> group preferred a different name .. but no one moved on it.. so use what is
> there.
>> Is there any other tags I should consider putting on it or is that it?
>> (it seems too easy lol)
> Any reference number ref= .. any 'operator' to who complaints about it
> missing? operator=
> ---
> I'll think about expanding the english wiki .. the german one has a little
> more.
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015

2015-10-05 Thread Dan S
Hi all,

I might be able to help with Lea Valley - especially the central
London end of it. I've been mostly too busy for OSM this year, but
should try and get to some of the NRs...


2015-10-05 10:43 GMT+01:00 SK53 :
> Hi Steve,
> The local hotspot around you is the Lea Valley. Various patches along the
> river & navigation will be nature reserves. It's a well known haunt of
> Bitterns in the Winter.
> Otherwise Middlesex is a bit thin. You can just make out LNRs & SSSIs on
> this map I made from OS Open Data designed to assist biological recording.
> They are shown as a diagonal or cross-hatch. There seem to be a couple up
> near Barnet, and some big ones missing N of Stanmore in Middlesex, and the
> Welsh Harp reservoir isn't shown as one.
> The usual sources for finding nature reserves and other places of wildlife
> interest which I use are;
> local Wildilife Trust. Usually the organisation with most reserves in a
> given county or group of counties. In your case these are London, Herts  &
> Essex Wildlife Trusts. It's not a bad idea to target getting all the WT
> reserves done.
> local Council. For Country Parks & LNRs.
> local Bird Club. Most bird club websites have quite good accounts of popular
> birding locations. Many of these will be nature reserves.
> local natural history books. Try the local studies section of a public
> library. For instance Herts WT have published very detailed volumes about
> Moths & Plants quite recently. These usually have a good account of
> significant sites which will be more likely than not nature reserves.
> local field club or natural history society. These don't exist everywhere,
> but where they do you are likely to find people extremely familiar with not
> just nature reserves but lots of detail of local topography.
> other conservation orgs: RSPB, Wildlife Trust, WWT, Buglife, Plant Life etc.
> Natural England (lists of LNRs, SSSIs)
> Jerry
> On 5 October 2015 at 09:56, Steve Chilton  wrote:
>> Can you point me to a source for identifying NRs near me (L B of Enfield),
>> and I will try to get out to them and do a bit of boundary and path network
>> mapping where possible?
>> Cheers
>> Steve
>> From: SK53 []
>> Sent: 05 October 2015 09:29
>> To: Brian Prangle
>> Cc: Talk GB
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Last quarterly project for 2015
>> I'm well in favour of mapping nature reserves, but they usually are quite
>> difficult to find actual boundaries.
>> Nick Whitlegg and I walked through a couple of Woodland Trust areas on
>> Saturday and working out the extent of the area owned by the WT is
>> difficult. Similarly, over another non-OSM matter, I've been exchanging
>> emails with NT Eastern Office about Wicken Fen, but they have added so much
>> new land over the past few years that they dont have a ready to use map of
>> the reserve. Another one is the new RSPB reserve at Medmerry near Selsey,
>> which is the site of a massive managed retreat and new sea wall breach. This
>> was brought to my attention by Liz Scott (@birdmaps). Lastly, I haven't even
>> resolved the bounds of Attenborough NR: the staff now manage the area in
>> Derbyshire labelled Erewash Field on OSM. I don't know if it has been
>> formally incoriporated into the reserve, so the current mapping is a
>> sensible compromise (and yes Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust operate a
>> reserve in Derbyshire).
>> There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs.
>> I think these are under OGL these days, but like PRoW or Land Registry
>> inspire data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have always
>> treated them as not fully open. Some local authorities have open data
>> showing boundaries of LNRs. Note that NR & SSSI boundaries are often not
>> coincident. NRs depend on either landowner agreement, or willingness to sell
>> land; SSSIs are based on conservation importance. And of course, some NRs
>> have geological SSSIs in their midst which are much smaller than the NR.
>> The second thing which is really important for NRs is to get path networks
>> and access mapped out. Experience shows that even if one wants to start
>> mapping the things the NR is about, having the paths in is a necessary but
>> not sufficient condition for a decent map. Many NRs are very deficient from
>> this point of view (including the big ancient woodlands S of Coventry, such
>> as Wappenbury & Ryton, the last of which I visited at end of August.
>> Similarly both Wyre Forest & Werneth Low which I visited in September lack
>> many paths.
>> There's a lot more to say about NRs, I have already started a draft for
>> the blog to do so inspired by looking at Medmerry.
>> My feeling is that the most value can be added to OSM by improving details
>> of NRs local to individual mappers, and initially, at least path networks
>> (there are probably 10+ km of unmapped 

Re: [talk-ph] Fwd: OSM DRR Training in Calamian, Palawan

2015-10-05 Thread Erwin Olario
Dear all,

Bumping up an old thread. The Busuanga [0] DRR office and the other
departments of the municipality, with assistance from the PRC and the SRK
are doubling-down on their mapping efforts to conduct field data collection
and mapping for nine unmapped baranggays of their town.

Expect lots of changesets, new nodes, ways, and polygons in that area soon.

Just a heads up.


*Erwin Olario*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
» email: erwin@ *n**gnu**IT**y**.**net*
» mobile: (PHL): +63 908 817 2013
» OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93 D56B

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:45 PM, maning sambale 

> Posting this message in behalf of Señorita Catalina Jaime of Swiss Red
> Cross
> >> -- Forwarded message --
> >> From: Catalina Jaime Sanchez 
> >> To:
> >> Cc:
> >> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 19:31:31 +0800
> >> Subject: Great partnership - Busuanga
> >> Dear OSM team,
> >> It was absolutely inspiring to have you in Busuanga sharing with the
> LGUs
> >> and Philippine Red Cross the power of OSM.  The municipality is so
> committed
> >> that they want to map everything in the coming months (I'm confident
> they
> >> will). PRC will support them in this process,we are very excited to
> embark
> >> in this plan.
> >> It was very clear during the training that there are many positive
> >> Implications offered by OSM beyond DRR.
> >> This specific training demonstrated that LGU can sponsor this kind of
> >> punctual and cost-effective initiatives using their own DRR funds, we
> need
> >> to spread the word and make sure that other LGUs start to invest on
> this as
> >> part of their development planning.
> >> Thanks Erwin, Feye and Dianne for your great job!
> >> Maning and Eugene wonderful coordination !!
> >> Cheers
> >> Catalina Jaime
> >> Swiss Red Cross
> >
> >
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 10:06 AM, maning sambale
>  wrote:
> > Great photos! Congrats to the team and welcome Busuanga mappers.
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 9:03 PM, Erwin Olario  wrote:
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> We have had a very interesting time in Busuanga (You may find some of my
> >> snaps here [0].) We are currently gathering the inputs from
> participants,
> >> the organizers, and the personal experience of the trainers, with the
> hope
> >> of contributing improvements of the training programs of OSM-PH for
> similar
> >> engagements in the future.
> >>
> >> I want to thank everyone who made this activity possible. The DRR team
> of
> >> Busuanga, headed by Mr. Goodie Aguilar, for bringing this event over to
> >> their hometown. The various offices and departments of the Busuanga
> local
> >> government who sent in participants for the training. The enthusiastic
> team
> >> of "observers" from the Palawan chapter of the Philippine Red Cross,
> led by
> >> Mr. Vic de Leon.  And, to the prime mover of this activity,  Señora
> Catalina
> >> Sanchez of the Swiss Red Cross for her support and ardent involvement
> in all
> >> phases of the activity.
> >>
> >> Special thanks, too, for my very able co-trainers, Mses. Dianne
> Bencitio and
> >> Feye Andal.
> >>
> >> We all look forward to more OSM mappers and new mapping activities in
> >> Busuanga island soon.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Erwin
> >>
> >> [0]
> >>
> >> Erwin Olario
> >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> >> » email: |
> >> » mobile: (PHL): +63 908 817 2013
> >> » OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93
> D56B
> >>
> >> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Mark Cupitt 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Good Luck Guys. I lived in Busuanga for a few years in the mid '90's
> all
> >>> we had was RCPI and HF Radio back then. :)
> >>>
> >>> I am so glad that the LGU is committed to DRR. I would be keen to see
> how
> >>> their environmental planning is going as well. If you get any
> feedback, I
> >>> would live to hear it.
> >>>
> >>>  Coron and Busuanga have changed so much since those early days,
> increased
> >>> population, increased tourism etc
> >>>
> >>> The Hackpad shows you have put a lot of effort into setting this up,
> >>> wonderful job, congratulations.
> >>>
> >>> I hope you get time to visit the Lakes and some of the islands, a
> >>> beautiful part of the Philippines and wonderful people.
> >>>
> >>> All the best, have a GREAT Time there
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Regards
> >>>
> >>> Mark Cupitt
> >>>
> >>> "If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"
> >>>
> >>> See me on Open StreetMap
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:51 AM, maning sambale
> >>>  wrote:
>  Dear everyone,
>  As mentioned here, the training team (Erwin, Feye and 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Christian Quest
Je me suis trompé... c'est environ 180.000 habitants pour qui on n'a pas de
route tracée dans OSM pour leur rendre visite...

Si on extrapole les courbes, on devrait être à 0 dans environ quoi ? un peu
plus d'un an ?

Le 5 octobre 2015 23:02, Frédéric Rodrigo  a écrit :

> Le 05/10/2015 22:51, Christian Quest a écrit :
>> Je complète...
>> "Dégommer du rouge" reste je pense le plus utile globalement vu la
>> couverture française en routes et rues présentes (ou pas), nommées (ou
>> pas).
>> On a encore 6 millions d'habitant de métropole chez qui on ne peut pas
>> aller faut de voie nommée à proximité de leur domicile (et 3 millions
>> car on n'a pas de voie du tout).
> Ce chiffre en millions peut faire peur. Le nombre de carreaux INSEE avec
> habitants et sans voies d’accès est plus représentatif de l'effort à
> fournir. Et il est loin d'être inaccessible : plus que 25 000 !
> Il y bien sur d'autres catégories remontées par Christian avec plus de
> signalements :
> Frédéric.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-05 Thread Thomas Gratier

Clairement je ne sais pas d'où l'Etat part sur ce sujet des vitesses
En fait, je compte plutôt sur les outils venant de avec le code de
l'organisation Github
Ces outils sont censés permettre d'utiliser des données GPX pour extrapoler
les vitesses même si pour le moment, j'ai pas encore tout compris au code
mis à disposition...
En supposant que les gens ne fassent pas trop d'excès de vitesse par
rapport à la section, ça me paraît une base de travail intéressante.


Le 5 octobre 2015 16:01, Christian Quest  a écrit :

> Bientôt ?
> "l'Etat VA constituer une base de données" -> elle n'existe pas (enfin
> si, chez Tomtom ou Here)
> "La base de données DEVRAIT être mise en place d'ici deux ans." -> on
> parie combien qu'elle sera en retard dans 2 ans ?
> Quand on lit aussi que la base prendra en compte les modifications des
> vitesse lors de travaux, cela veut dire qu'elle serait mise à jour
> quasiment en temps réel... un sacré challenge quand on voit comment il
> est difficile d'agréger des choses aussi stables que des adresses !
> Il va falloir faire ça en agile ;)
> On 05/10/2015 14:14, Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:
> > D'après cet article :
> >
> ,
> > une nouvelle base de données répertoriant les vitesses maximales pour
> > toute la France sera bientôt disponible en open data.
> >
> > Une tâche de plus pour Osmose ?
> >
> > Jean-Claude
> --
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Philippe Verdy
Et pour la plupart ce sont des chemins de ferme ou des allées privées qui
manquent : ces chemins existent sur le terrain dans ces carreaux mais il
n'y a pas de voie publique qui les traverse. Je doute que les facteurs
s'amusent à aller aussi loin, les boites aux lettres sont déplacées vers
l'entrée du chemin privé sur la voie publique, mais les habitations ne sont
pas là. Il peut même y avoir une barrière qui empêche d'aller emprunter la
voie privée dont le propriétaire ne veut pas avoir à payer l'entretien trop
souvent à ses frais.

Cependant si la Poste ne vas pas jusque chez eux, sans doute ce sera ceux
qui relevaient les compteurs électriques. Mais on a du leur proposer depuis
longtemps le remplacement des compteurs par modèles à lectures automatique
à distance.

A-t-on des données venant d'EDF/RTE sur ces adresses (pas forcément toutes
habitées, ce peut être juste des batiments agricoles, l'habitation de la
ferme ou des salles de traite étant en fait plus près de la voie publique
pour faciliter les livraisons et le passage régulier des camions laitiers
qui n'iront pas s'embourber ou se renverser sur des chemins de terre

EDF/RTE peut aussi avoir des compteurs hors de tout batiment pour des
installations techniques sans aucun habitant sur place (exemple : des
remontées mécaniques, un chateau d'eau, un pylone d'antennes, inacessibles
par la voie publique mais avec un droit de passage spécifique ou
nécessitant des véhicules tout terrain ou des transports lourds en hélico
par exemple pour les pulones haute tension qui ne sont pas habités non
plus). Ces chemins d'accès privés n'ont pas forcément de nom officiel, au
mieux ils sont nommés par le lieu-dit ou est situé l'installation technique
et ce nom d'usage peut varier selon l'utilisateur (le propriétaire du
terrain, ou le service technique qui a un droit de passage).

Le 5 octobre 2015 23:14, Christian Quest  a écrit :

> Je me suis trompé... c'est environ 180.000 habitants pour qui on n'a pas
> de route tracée dans OSM pour leur rendre visite...
> Si on extrapole les courbes, on devrait être à 0 dans environ quoi ? un
> peu plus d'un an ?
> Le 5 octobre 2015 23:02, Frédéric Rodrigo  a
> écrit :
>> Le 05/10/2015 22:51, Christian Quest a écrit :
>>> Je complète...
>>> "Dégommer du rouge" reste je pense le plus utile globalement vu la
>>> couverture française en routes et rues présentes (ou pas), nommées (ou
>>> pas).
>>> On a encore 6 millions d'habitant de métropole chez qui on ne peut pas
>>> aller faut de voie nommée à proximité de leur domicile (et 3 millions
>>> car on n'a pas de voie du tout).
>> Ce chiffre en millions peut faire peur. Le nombre de carreaux INSEE avec
>> habitants et sans voies d’accès est plus représentatif de l'effort à
>> fournir. Et il est loin d'être inaccessible : plus que 25 000 !
>> Il y bien sur d'autres catégories remontées par Christian avec plus de
>> signalements :
>> Frédéric.
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wiener Karten in JOSM

2015-10-05 Thread Kevin Kofler
Markus Straub wrote:
> seit geraumer Zeit funktionieren die Wiener Hintergrundkarten
> (Mehrzweckkarte, Satellitenbild, Hausnummern) nicht mehr - hat wer von
> euch einen Workaround bzw. eine neue URL für die Tiles?

Die Tile-URLs unter:
funktionieren jedenfalls, zumindest im Merkaartor. (Ich habe es gerade noch 
einmal ausprobiert.)

Kevin Kofler

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-05 Thread stevea

Looking at Strava, Galileo, Sygic, MAPS.ME and Cyclemeter GPS now.

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Quelques questions sur le fonctionnement de BANO

2015-10-05 Thread Gautier

Bonsoir à tous,

Je suis tombé par hasard sur BANO il y a quelques temps et j'y ai 
contribué modestement au niveau de ma commune de résidence ainsi que les 

J'ai pris connaissance du projet en lisant le très bon article BANO ? 
BANCO ! puis la page dédiée du wiki 

Même si Vincent a répondu à quelques-unes de mes questions sur IRC 
(merci à toi !), certaines restent en suspend à ce jour :

- "BANO servira en temps utile à aider l'alimentation d'OpenStreetMap en 
adresses, mais [...] le schéma d'étiquetage des adresses n'a pas encore 
atteint la maturité permettant pour qu'une saisie massive soit 
suffisamment harmonieuse et utile pour le plus grand nombre d'usages 
envisagés. Cette réflexion est en cours."
Où en est la réflexion aujourd'hui ? Est-ce qu'une solution 
"universelle" a été trouvé ? Si oui, va-t-on voir prochainement la 
contribution de BANO dans OSM (numérotage des maisons principalement) ?

- Est-ce possible de relancer la vérification BANO d'une commune 
spécifique sans avoir à attendre le processus automatique de minuit, à 
l'image des tuiles Mapnik pour (on peut spécifier 
"/dirty" à la fin d'une tuile pour demander sa régénération par ex : ? Sur certaines 
communes à 50 erreurs ou +, j'ai mis 4/5 jours pour tout faire suite aux 
oublis / fautes de frappe.

- Y a t-il d'autres documents de référence autre que l'article du Wiki ? 
(liste bogues connus [github ?], procédure à réaliser dans les 
différents cas, etc.) ?
Même si le wiki est assez complet, j'ai plusieurs fois eu des doutes sur 
la manière de corriger un problème sans trouver de procédure claire 
(notamment pour les lieux dits, mais je n'ai pas osé toucher à ce 
morceau expérimental pour le moment :-) ).



Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-at] Wiener Karten in JOSM

2015-10-05 Thread Markus Straub


seit geraumer Zeit funktionieren die Wiener Hintergrundkarten 
(Mehrzweckkarte, Satellitenbild, Hausnummern) nicht mehr - hat wer von 
euch einen Workaround bzw. eine neue URL für die Tiles?


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Otevřená data IPR a mapa Prahou na kole

2015-10-05 Thread Pavel Machek
On Mon 2015-10-05 00:08:39, Petr Dlouhý wrote:
> Aha, asi jsem si to nepřečetl dost dobře. Známe se na IPRu s nějakými lidmi,
> takže se zeptám, jestli by neposkytli nějaké speciální podmínky pro OSM.

Co ten IPR je zac? Kdyz se nepodari dohodnout, neslo by to vytahnout dle
zakona o svobodnem pristupu k informacim?

> >
> > Začal jsem pracovat na využití přesných výškových dat pro naší mapu Prahou
> na
> > kole. Výsledek je (zatím) na našem testovacím serveru:
> >
> Qzefsmpuy
> >
> > Pokud má někdo o něco podobného zájem, můžu poskytnout nějaké know-how.
> >
> > Ta výšková data jsou hodně přesná - mohou sloužit jako zdroj k mapování 
> nebo
> > zpřesňování různých objektů v OSM. Například potoky, cesty a skály se 
> pomocí
> > toho dají často dobře zaměřit.
> >
> Ahoj,
> sice mohou, ale smějí? Pokud tohle 
> data#.VhGby1R94WM 
> čtu dobře, je to licencovaný CC-BY-SA 4.0 - jak můžu pro data zachovat 
> tuto licenci a zároveň ODbL? To podle mě nejde (zjevně už se to řešilo 
> na )
> Takže pokud to chápu správně, potřebovali bychom pro OSM dual-license 
> (data uvolněna *i* pod ODbL) - nebo to chápu blbě?
> Honza "Piškvor" Martinec
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Find missing roads

2015-10-05 Thread Martijn van Exel
Andrew — 

We tried to strike a balance between giving enough hints so that mappers could 
figure out where roads are missing, and avoiding showing too many false 
positives. This resulted in the sometimes ‘patchy’ coverage you are seeing. We 
may be able to improve that a bit, but having a lot of false positives would be 
pretty frustrating and we will probably continue to err on the side of caution. 


> On Oct 4, 2015, at 7:11 PM, Andrew Buck  wrote:
> I would suggest that you make your filtering algorithm a bit less
> "picky" though, since every road around here shown as missing is only
> detected for a portion of it, and for the remainder I had to fill in
> the gaps based on other clues in the Bing imagery and whatnot.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Find missing roads

2015-10-05 Thread Martijn van Exel
Thanks, Greg, for your suggestions. I commented on most of them in the feedback 
forum ( where you posted them as well, and 
I will follow up with the team to see what we can do about some if not all of 

I hope the manual I published on Friday ( 
will help avoid some of the confusion you had for other mappers. 


> On Oct 4, 2015, at 1:32 PM, Greg Morgan  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
>> Marc — you should be able to click on the ‘mark as fixed’ (lock) and ‘mark
>> as invalid’ (exclamation mark) buttons in the missing roads panel after you
>> make the missing roads layer active and select one or more tiles. Let me
>> know if it doesn’t work for you.
>> Martijn
> I drew a blank at first.  I performed the activation.  I opened the
> missing roads window but the lock was not enabled.  The key was to
> click on the Scout layer first, then you could right click on the tile
> to resolve the disposition in the missing roads window..  Unlike the
> todo plugin, you will not have a list of tiles in the missing roads
> window. Only the tile that you select in the Scout layer shows up.
> You have to zoom way out to see the red does, then zoom in to find the
> tiles.  I hope this information helps others.
> Suggestions/comments:
> 1.) Examine OSM change sets to see if they resolve the tile but that
> may be a bit of work.  The new road may not coincide with the Scout
> GPS traces.
> 2.) Based on my initial misunderstanding and not closing the tiles, I
> was wondering how often will you update the layer.  Again I was not
> closing the tiles so I kept seeing the same open tiles thinking that
> the refresh cycle was a long one.  As I stated, I did not understand
> that I needed to close the tile.
> 3.) It would be helpful to put in a count of tiles in the red dot.  I
> was surprised to see some large red dots contain only three tiles
> while others contained many.  It did not feel like the intuitive dot
> size matched the actual size of the effort.
> 4.) The detailed scout tile window, for lack of better words, would be
> more useful, if I could use it to navigate from tile to tile verses
> all the zooming.   Moreover, if this window had a list like the todo
> plugin, it would enhance the navigation from tile to tile and thus the
> fun flow.  Activation of the layer would fill the window.  The window
> could be enhanced to add context menus to zoom to the next tile
> similar to the todo plugin.  Another option is to add tab with this
> functionality.  Here's the page for the todo plugin.
> Thanks for the plugin.  I found a major street segment that was
> deleted.  In the same area the major street was marked as proposed.
> Hence it looked like you'd have to drive miles out of your way to get
> to the same destination that was actually nearby on a straight line
> and at a high speed.
> Regards,
> Greg

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-05 Thread Nicolas Dumoulin
Le mardi 6 octobre 2015 01:48:57 Thomas Gratier a écrit :
> En supposant que les gens ne fassent pas trop d'excès de vitesse par
> rapport à la section, ça me paraît une base de travail intéressante.

Et en supposant qu'ils roulent à la vitesse maximale sans se préoccuper de 
leur consommation ou de leur pollution ;-)

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Cartes papiers

2015-10-05 Thread Nicolas Dumoulin

Je viens de chercher et de pas trouver sur le wiki si on a une page recensant 
les cartes papier utilisant OSM. On a ça ?
Je viens de voir l'annonce du plan du réseau de bus de Dignes-les-Bains, et je 
voulais l'ajouter à la liste :-)


Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Caricare più di 500 tracce.gpx zippate sul server OSM

2015-10-05 Thread Marco Bartalini
si simone era proprio quello il link nn riuscivo a trovarlo... quindi
in teoria si potrebbe però non vedo limiti sul numero di tracce da poter
caricare in questo modo... non capisco quindi perchè però non riesco a
visualizzarle tutte... mah

*Marco Bartalini, *

2015-10-04 18:48 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi :

> 2015-10-03 19:52 GMT+02:00 Marco Bartalini :
>> Ragazzi, sto provando a caricare una cartella zippata con oltre 500
>> tracce.gpx sui server OSM... tutto sembra andare a buon fine, ma se in
>> realtà vado sull'editor ID a vedere le tracce che sono state caricate in
>> una zona, le mie non le trova... o cmq sembrano non esserci tutte...
>> sapete se esiste un limite sulla quantità massima di tracce importabile???
>>  cmq adesso sto provando ad importarle di nuovo e vediamo se avevo
>> commesso qualche errore in fase di importazione.. ;-)
> sulla wiki ci sono vari esempi:
> io uso questa:
> curl -u user:password -H "Expect: " -F "file=@"file.gpx -F
> description=description \
>-F tags=tags -F visibility=public
> poi lo automatizzi usando una routine tipo questa:
> --
> -S
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-05 Thread Dave F.

Dataone is at it again. He's not replied to my post.

As each edit is an individual changeset & therefore laborious to revert, 
I think a temporary stop should be placed on him (both?) just until 
their attentions are grabbed. Is there anyone on this forum able to it 
or should I post in the talk forum?

Dave F.

On 05/10/2015 11:21, Tom Hukins wrote:

On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 10:19:47AM +0100, David Fisher wrote:

Just had the same thing happen near me (Croydon) but by a different
user (Zain Ahmad Hashmi, e.g.

I've left a comment on this changeset.  Hopefully this will help us
understand what's going on.


Talk-GB mailing list

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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Caricare più di 500 tracce.gpx zippate sul server OSM

2015-10-05 Thread Luigi Toscano
On Monday 05 of October 2015 12:35:14 Marco Bartalini wrote:
> si si sono tutte buon prese da strava

Sono tracce che hai provveduto a raccogliere personalmente e mettere su 
Strava, giusto? Non di altri utenti (che sarebbe vietato)?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Diminuzione Tag totali wikipedia

2015-10-05 Thread Simone F.

Il giorno 1 ottobre 2015 20:49, Marco_T  ha scritto:

> Segnalo che deve essere successo qualcosa all'indicizzazione dei tag...
Grazie per la segnalazione, scusa ma ho letto solo ora il messaggio.

Forse c'è stato un problema al server il 30 ottobre [0], perché al momento
vengono segnalati come non taggati alcuni oggetti che invece lo sono.

penso che tra il 30 e l'1 non siano stati aggiornati correttamente i dati
di OSM sul server.
Prova ad eseguire una volta il programma sostituendo l'opzione -u
(--update_osm) con -d (--download_osm), in modo che venga riscaricato da
zero il pbf dell'Italia da Geofabrik.

Simone F.

[0] tag scomparsi:
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geo URL not working

2015-10-05 Thread Simon Poole

The error just means that you have no SW/plugin or whatever installed
that understand geo URIs (they are used a lot on mobile devices). In
other words if you don't need them to work, you can safely ignore the issue.


Am 05.10.2015 um 13:23 schrieb Dave F.:
> Hi
> Map main page. Under the Share button there's a 'Geo URI' Unsure what
> it's meant to achieve but it returns a 'The address wasn't understood'
> error. Is this simple to fix?
> Dave F.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> talk mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-05 Thread Philip Barnes
Message either SomeoneElse or zool in #talk-gb.

Phil (trigpoint)

On Mon Oct 5 12:31:09 2015 GMT+0100, Dave F. wrote:
> Dataone is at it again. He's not replied to my post.
> As each edit is an individual changeset & therefore laborious to revert, 
> I think a temporary stop should be placed on him (both?) just until 
> their attentions are grabbed. Is there anyone on this forum able to it 
> or should I post in the talk forum?
> Dave F.
> On 05/10/2015 11:21, Tom Hukins wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 10:19:47AM +0100, David Fisher wrote:
> >> Just had the same thing happen near me (Croydon) but by a different
> >> user (Zain Ahmad Hashmi, e.g.
> >>
> > I've left a comment on this changeset.  Hopefully this will help us
> > understand what's going on.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-GB mailing list
> >
> >
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Sent from my Jolla
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bâtiment invisible sur rendu standard

2015-10-05 Thread Christian Rogel

> Le 5 oct. 2015 à 10:15, Christian Quest  a écrit :
> 2) name=Mairie... éternelle discussion, ce n'est pas un nom, mais une 
> description

L’usage d’un terme générique n’a absolument rien à voir avec l’idée de 
description. Je me demande d’où vient cette confusion de langue. Il n’est pas 
utile de tordre le sens des mots.

Il est donc exact qu’il n’est pas souhaitable d’indiquer « stade » tout 
courtsur un stade qui est, par ailleurs, qualifié de sport_centre » et aura une 
représentation icônique.

Mais, cette belle règle doit-elle empêcher de mentionner le nom apparaissant à 
l’entrée : «  Stade xx » ?

Évidemment non, puisque le terrain prime et surtout qu’on pourra avoir des 
variantes comme « aréna », «  centre sportif » ou tout autre nouveauté.

On éliminerait « stade » pour délit de présence dans le Petit Larousse et on 
garderait toutes les autres créations.

La chose est plus compliquée pour le centre civique d’ne commune, car le terme 
générique est « maison commune » utilisé dans les actes d’état-civil depuis la 
Révolution et il y a les variantes « mairie » et « hôtel de ville » indexée sur 
l’importance de la commune.
Il ne serait pas étonnant que les nouvelles communes fusionnées abandonnent « 
mairie » pour « hôtel de ville ».

Compte-tenu du fait que ce qui apparaît sur le fronton est une particularité 
locale qui reflète une perception locale, je suis enclin à estimé qu’il s’agit 
d’une appellation qui, par sa dualité, a perdu la qualité de terme générique.

Christian R.

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Geo URL not working

2015-10-05 Thread Dave F.


Map main page. Under the Share button there's a 'Geo URI' Unsure what 
it's meant to achieve but it returns a 'The address wasn't understood' 
error. Is this simple to fix?

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-05 Thread Jean-Claude Repetto
D'après cet article :,
une nouvelle base de données répertoriant les vitesses maximales pour
toute la France sera bientôt disponible en open data.

Une tâche de plus pour Osmose ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bâtiment invisible sur rendu standard

2015-10-05 Thread Philippe Verdy
Le 5 octobre 2015 10:48, Pierre-Yves Berrard 
a écrit :

> Le bâtiment apparaît maintenant. Quelqu'un a ajouté d'autres tags entre
> temps ; cela a peut-être forcé le recalcul des tuiles...

Si vous regardez les métainfos du serveur, on voit que le serveur de tuiles
a pas loin de 24 heures de retard sur les diffs, parfois il faut être
patient quand il est très chargé parce qu'il y a de nombreux imports en
cours sur la base et il est fort sollicité et a du mal à suivre le flux des
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bâtiment invisible sur rendu standard

2015-10-05 Thread Philippe Verdy
Le 5 octobre 2015 13:08, Christian Rogel 
a écrit :

> Compte-tenu du fait que ce qui apparaît sur le fronton est une
> particularité locale qui reflète une perception locale, je suis enclin à
> estimé qu’il s’agit d’une appellation qui, par sa dualité, a perdu la
> qualité de terme générique.
Je suis d'accord aussi, ce qui compte c'est l'appellation locale même si le
terme "mairie" est encore le plus couramment rencontré localement en
France, le terme pouvant varier aussi selon la disposition des batiments
administratifs. Il y a même des communes avec à la fois une mairie et un
hôtel de ville, la première étant un batiment plus moderne et le plus
utilisé pour les actes adminsitratifs et la réception du public, le second
étant un batiment historique encore utilisé comme salle des mariages, mais
ayant une salle accueillant la réunion du conseil municipal, à part de
l'accuril administratif.
Si on prend le terme "mairie" au pied de la lettre, cela ne désignait
normalement pas le batiment (townhall) mais l'institution électorale et
judiciaire, et le mandat du maire élu. Le fait que cela se soit appliqué
ensuite au principal batiment où siège le maire et le conseil municipal, à
une époque où les communes n'étaient pas encore aussi riches et n'avaient
pas encore construit leur propre batiment administratif (et aussi qui
avaient beaucoup moins d'administratif à gérer) reste une extension
d'usage. D'ailleurs dans bien des communhes la "mairie" n'était qu'une
petite salle même pas ouverte en permanence, mais au sein de l'école
publique, l'insituteur étant alors souvent aussi le maire, et le conseil
muinicipal se réunissant dans la salle de classe hors des heures de cours.
Le terme s'est imposé au fil du temps à la place de "maison commune" qui a
été quasiment oublié et n'était pas assez clair pour la plupart des gens.
Et même dans les plus grandes villes où il y a un "hôtel de ville", on
parle encore de la "mairie" pour tous ses services, quel que soit le
lieu/batiment où ils se situent (et qui n'est même pas non plus forcément
la "maison commune" qui au sens strict ne désigne que le lieu public où se
le conseil municipal en séance publique et son siège officiel, mais pas
forcément le principal lieu où se rtend le public pour les actes
administratifs courants comme l'état-civil ou les demandes d'aide

L'organisation des services administratifs communaux au sein d'une commune
est du ressort de sa mairie (l'institution, indépendamment de son siège).
Cela donne des noms locaux qui varient et justifient aussi un name=* aussi
dépouillé que "Mairie" (même si c'est le plus couramment rencontré).

Alors que le tag "townhall" d'OSM devrait désigner strictement la maison
commune (siège officiel de la mairie)... sauf qu'on l'emploie aussi pour
les mairies annexes de quartier, et qu'on doit aussi alors mettre un
name="Mairie annexe de ...". Ce name=* n'est pas non plus une description,
et ne me semble pas redondant non plus avec le tag townhall
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Caricare più di 500 tracce.gpx zippate sul server OSM

2015-10-05 Thread Simone Cortesi
2015-10-05 12:18 GMT+02:00 Marco Bartalini :

> si simone era proprio quello il link nn riuscivo a trovarlo... quindi
> in teoria si potrebbe però non vedo limiti sul numero di tracce da poter
> caricare in questo modo... non capisco quindi perchè però non riesco a
> visualizzarle tutte... mah

tutte hanno dati significativi? sono valide?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Caricare più di 500 tracce.gpx zippate sul server OSM

2015-10-05 Thread Marco Bartalini
si si sono tutte buon prese da strava

*Marco Bartalini, *

2015-10-05 12:25 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi :

> 2015-10-05 12:18 GMT+02:00 Marco Bartalini :
>> si simone era proprio quello il link nn riuscivo a trovarlo... quindi
>> in teoria si potrebbe però non vedo limiti sul numero di tracce da poter
>> caricare in questo modo... non capisco quindi perchè però non riesco a
>> visualizzarle tutte... mah
> tutte hanno dati significativi? sono valide?
> --
> -S
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Diminuzione Tag totali wikipedia

2015-10-05 Thread Luca Delucchi
2015-10-05 12:12 GMT+02:00 Simone F. :
> Ciao


> Grazie per la segnalazione, scusa ma ho letto solo ora il messaggio.
> Forse c'è stato un problema al server il 30 ottobre [0], perché al momento
> vengono segnalati come non taggati alcuni oggetti che invece lo sono.
> Luca,
> penso che tra il 30 e l'1 non siano stati aggiornati correttamente i dati di
> OSM sul server.

si confermo, anche i file per i garmin sono rotti,

> Prova ad eseguire una volta il programma sostituendo l'opzione -u
> (--update_osm) con -d (--download_osm), in modo che venga riscaricato da
> zero il pbf dell'Italia da Geofabrik.

ci sto lavorando, entro due giorni cerco di sistemare tutto

> Ciao,
> Simone F.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geo URL not working

2015-10-05 Thread Joseph Reeves
The Geo URI:

Obviously on the OSM share menu it's the same lat / long / zoom as you see
in the browser address bar.

Clicking on it would launch an application that's registered to handle Geo
URIs. The error you're getting is generated by your browser - it doesn't
now what to do with an address starting geo: - so the fix is to install an
application that can do something with that. I've not used either in a
while, but presumably Google Earth or KDE's Marble could handle such an

Cheers, Joseph

On 5 October 2015 at 12:23, Dave F.  wrote:

> Hi
> Map main page. Under the Share button there's a 'Geo URI' Unsure what it's
> meant to achieve but it returns a 'The address wasn't understood' error. Is
> this simple to fix?
> Dave F.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] European border control points - could use some help mapping

2015-10-05 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Blake:

Just a question.

Many countries in Europe are part of the Schengen agreement, so there is
no passport nor id control of any kind at borders. That's why you don't
find almost any border control nodes between Spain and Portugal or
France, for example. And those that are mapped should be wrong. Unless
we want to mark the border controls that are physically there, but
aren't being used. We should use a different tag for that, or qualify
the barrier key with a border_control=* new tag, or something similar.



On 05/10/15 16:53, Blake Girardot wrote:
> Hi all,
> OSM could really use more barrier=border_control nodes mapped in Europe
> both western and eastern. Some countries are pretty good, but some are
> really missing most if not all of their border crossing points mapped.
> I am not sure this is something that is really good for armchair mappers
> like myself so I was really hoping we all might map a few we have
> personal experience with or knowledge of and see if we can't make a dent
> in the missing points.
> Here is a map of how the border_control nodes looked a few days ago in OSM:
> How to map these points (and it is only applicable to single nodes) is
> here:
> I don't think it matters if the barrier is blocking the crossing or not
> as long as there is a border control point there.
> Please feel free to forward this to the appropriate country specific
> email lists if you think that would help us get a more complete map of
> these points.
> Cheers,
> Blake (bgirardot)
> ___
> talk mailing list

Twitter: @ravilacoya 
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)* 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-05 Thread Christian Quest
Bientôt ?

"l'Etat VA constituer une base de données" -> elle n'existe pas (enfin
si, chez Tomtom ou Here)

"La base de données DEVRAIT être mise en place d'ici deux ans." -> on
parie combien qu'elle sera en retard dans 2 ans ?

Quand on lit aussi que la base prendra en compte les modifications des
vitesse lors de travaux, cela veut dire qu'elle serait mise à jour
quasiment en temps réel... un sacré challenge quand on voit comment il
est difficile d'agréger des choses aussi stables que des adresses !

Il va falloir faire ça en agile ;)

On 05/10/2015 14:14, Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:
> D'après cet article :
> une nouvelle base de données répertoriant les vitesses maximales pour
> toute la France sera bientôt disponible en open data.
> Une tâche de plus pour Osmose ?
> Jean-Claude

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Find missing roads

2015-10-05 Thread Marc Zoutendijk

> Op 4 okt. 2015, om 21:32 heeft Greg Morgan  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Martijn van Exel  > wrote:
>> Marc — you should be able to click on the ‘mark as fixed’ (lock) and ‘mark
>> as invalid’ (exclamation mark) buttons in the missing roads panel after you
>> make the missing roads layer active and select one or more tiles. Let me
>> know if it doesn’t work for you.
>> Martijn
> I drew a blank at first.  I performed the activation.  I opened the
> missing roads window but the lock was not enabled.  The key was to
> click on the Scout layer first, then you could right click on the tile
> to resolve the disposition in the missing roads window..  

Indeed that did it! I, too, stuck first with a none reacting missing roads 


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] European border control points - could use some help mapping

2015-10-05 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi all,

OSM could really use more barrier=border_control nodes mapped in Europe 
both western and eastern. Some countries are pretty good, but some are 
really missing most if not all of their border crossing points mapped.

I am not sure this is something that is really good for armchair mappers 
like myself so I was really hoping we all might map a few we have 
personal experience with or knowledge of and see if we can't make a dent 
in the missing points.

Here is a map of how the border_control nodes looked a few days ago in OSM:

How to map these points (and it is only applicable to single nodes) is here:

I don't think it matters if the barrier is blocking the crossing or not 
as long as there is a border control point there.

Please feel free to forward this to the appropriate country specific 
email lists if you think that would help us get a more complete map of 
these points.

Blake (bgirardot)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-05 Thread Andy Townsend
(let's try that again with an actual message)

I did have a bit of a conversation on some of the earliest of their changesets, 
but didn't really get a sense of why the roads were being split. You could 
argue that splitting a piece out "prior to surveying what the height 
restriction actually is" is ok, but i'd be worried that the "surveying" bit 
wouldn't actually happen. In one of the changeset discussions it was suggested 
to me that I could verify a height restriction by looking at GSV; naturally I 
mentioned that this would be an inappropriate source for OSM (and to be fair, 
when I last looked a few days ago I was unable to see any GSV-sourced heights.
I'm away for a few days dodging raindrops in Wales so won't be able to deal 
with it directly, but as ever the best way of bringing it to the DWG's 
attention is the usual ‎ email address.

Andy (SomeoneElse)

  Original Message  
From: Philip Barnes
Sent: Monday, 5 October 2015 12:37
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

Message either SomeoneElse or zool in #talk-gb.

Phil (trigpoint)

On Mon Oct 5 12:31:09 2015 GMT+0100, Dave F. wrote:
> Dataone is at it again. He's not replied to my post.
> As each edit is an individual changeset & therefore laborious to revert, 
> I think a temporary stop should be placed on him (both?) just until 
> their attentions are grabbed. Is there anyone on this forum able to it 
> or should I post in the talk forum?
> Dave F.
> On 05/10/2015 11:21, Tom Hukins wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 10:19:47AM +0100, David Fisher wrote:
> >> Just had the same thing happen near me (Croydon) but by a different
> >> user (Zain Ahmad Hashmi, e.g.
> >>
> > I've left a comment on this changeset. Hopefully this will help us
> > understand what's going on.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-GB mailing list
> >
> >
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Sent from my Jolla
Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Find missing roads

2015-10-05 Thread Mike N

On 10/4/2015 3:32 PM, Greg Morgan wrote:

3.) It would be helpful to put in a count of tiles in the red dot.  I
was surprised to see some large red dots contain only three tiles
while others contained many.  It did not feel like the intuitive dot
size matched the actual size of the effort.

 Also, it would be useful to change the red dots to green or remove 
them after the tiles have been marked as solved.

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-pt] Aplicação é tornada Open Source

2015-10-05 Thread Rui Oliveira

Era só para dar-vos a conhecer que o Maps.Me uma aplicação de navegação e
mapas offline para e android/iOS  baseada em OpenStreetMap (OSM) foi
tornada open source. Isto significa que quem estava a pensar desenvolver
uma aplicação mobile baseada em OSM, independentemente de se colocar ou não
uma restrição da licença ao que pretendem fazer, têm aqui um óptimo recurso
para aproveitar ou mesmo para aprender a desenvolver as vossas aplicações.
Trata-se de uma rara oportunidade para terem acesso a uma aplicação de
grande qualidade, que utiliza um formato de armazenamento de dados
vectorial bastante lightweight (leve), e que já foi  descarregada por
milhões de utilizadores em  iOS e Android.

Podem encontrar o código da aplicação no seguinte link do GitHub:

Talk-pt mailing list

[Talk-GB] Missing Nature Reserves: umap

2015-10-05 Thread SK53
I've had a quick go using the Natural England & Scottish Natural Heritage
files to identify potentially missing (or missing bits of) Nature Reserves
in England & Scotland. (Welsh data is definitely not open).

All I did was check to see if the centroid of a nature reserve from one of
the national datasets fell inside an OSM polygon. Works most of the time,
but not for the odd funny shaped reserves. The files were polygons so
complex NRs which are missing appear multiple times (see St Kilda, Rum etc).

National Nature Reserves I've shown in red, Local ones in blue.

There are a few large ones which it should be easy to sort out (Richmond
Park for instance), but many others will require a bit of sleuthing to
identify their boundaries without using the shape files. Personally I'd
rather see boundaries based on surveys, particularly when the boundary
corresponds to other on-the-ground features.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Altezza edifici da dati LIDAR

2015-10-05 Thread Francesco Pelullo
Interessantissimo articolo:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Richard Phillips

2015-10-05 Thread Brian Prangle

My sincere condolences to you and your family on your loss, and also from
fellow mappers in the West Midlands. Our loss is nowhere near as great as
yours, but a loss nonetheless. Evesham is  a beacon area  on how to map
with OSM and represents many hours of dedicated effort. It's certainy
something we should maintain and not allow to degrade. ( I think I met your
father at the OSM 10th birthday party which we organised in the West



On 5 October 2015 at 14:07, Will Phillips  wrote:

> My father Richard Phillips has recently died. His user page is at
> He mapped regularly in the Vale of Evesham area since joining OSM in late
> 2009. His recent mapping interests included rights of way, listed buildings
> and other heritage features, such as plaques and public artwork.
> Last year I helped him set up the Evesham Mapped website (
> He gave a talk about this at the
> BCS-SoC Conference in September.
> Up to now there have been few other regular mappers in the Evesham area,
> but I hope in time others will appear to maintain and build on the data
> there.
> If anybody would like more details, please contact me off list.
> Will Phillips
> ___
> Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Dual Aperture Postboxes

2015-10-05 Thread Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 2 October 2015 at 23:18, SK53  wrote:
> I noted today a number of post boxes with two apertures, one for stamped
> mail, the other for franked mail. Each side of the box has a separate plate
> & distinct refs.I would have expected these to have been mapped as  "ref=RF1
> 1;RF1 2", with some explanatory text to explain that this is one & the same
> post-box.
> I find that one such has been mapped as two nodes placed directly on top of
> each other:
> This is not wholly unreasonable, there are functionally two different
> posting places located in a single post box. It also shows that the OSM tag
> name which is perfectly accurate about 99.99% of the time, isn't totally
> precise.

I've always mapped dual-aperture boxes as a single node, with ref="RF1
1;RF1 2" (and post_box:apertures=2) as you suggested. I've done this
on the grounds that it's a single physical object, albeit with two
slots that could have different attributes. If the two slots have very
different properties, then I could see there would be a case for
mapping as two nodes, but I think that's probably a bit over the top
in general. e.g. if one slot does first-class and the other second,
then there's really not that much difference as far as users are
concerned between that case and the case of a normal box that just
accepts both mail types in a single slot. However, if there are
different collection times for the different types of mail in the
different slots then it would get harder to tag properly, so we might
need to revisit things if that ever arises...


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] European border control points - could use some help mapping

2015-10-05 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi Rafael,

Ya, that is interesting Rafael.

For sure if there is no border control facility, staffed or unstaffed, I 
wouldn't map anything there if there is nothing related to that.

I was mostly thinking of the place where a facility or structure exists 
still, staffed or unstaffed, the control point still exists.

And i see what you mean about why there might be a lack of them in the 
Shengen zone.

Thank you for the insight.


On 10/5/2015 7:15 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

Hi, Blake:

I agree that border controls in the areas affected by the ongoing
refugee crisis that were disused until recently but are active again,
should be tagged accordingly. What I mean is that in other areas like
Spain with Portugal, those borders aren't staffed at all, any time.

I live just 10 km from the Portugal border. The border in this area is
made by a wide river. Until the 80's there was only one 19th century
bridge, both for car, pedestrians and train [1]. The border control
offices are completely disused, all the time. No staff there whatsoever.

Apart from that, several bridges have been constructed, with no border
control facilities at all, one of them just meters down the river from
the old one [2]. Should we tag those crossings of border? I don't think so.

My opinion is that your schema of border_control=yes + disused=yes could
be ok for the old bridge, but not for other crossing points. And in any
case, in the event that Spain and Portugal would one day activate their
border controls, all bridges would have to build border facilities for
document and goods control. Only that time would make sense to create
the corresponding nodes.

In any case, what I wanted to point out is the reason why you can see so
few border_control nodes in some areas of Europe and so many in others,
like East Europe.




On 05/10/15 17:26, Blake Girardot wrote:

My experience is that the border control points still exist, they are
just not always staffed. Traffic still has to pass through them, just
there may or may not be anyone in the booths.

That is why I don't think it is wrong to mark them as
barrier=border_control points, they still are border control points,
just not staffed regularly or the control is very permissive.

Which could change until the place is dismantled and made into something
else or the border no longer exists.

Also, more and more border control points that were not actively staffed
are being staffed now due to the refugee crisis.

I guess if you knew they were not being used, even as a funnel for
traffic, like they were bypassed totally, you could add disused=yes to


On 10/5/2015 5:13 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

Hi, Blake:

Just a question.

Many countries in Europe are part of the Schengen agreement, so there is
no passport nor id control of any kind at borders. That's why you don't
find almost any border control nodes between Spain and Portugal or
France, for example. And those that are mapped should be wrong. Unless
we want to mark the border controls that are physically there, but
aren't being used. We should use a different tag for that, or qualify
the barrier key with a border_control=* new tag, or something similar.



On 05/10/15 16:53, Blake Girardot wrote:

Hi all,

OSM could really use more barrier=border_control nodes mapped in Europe
both western and eastern. Some countries are pretty good, but some are
really missing most if not all of their border crossing points mapped.

I am not sure this is something that is really good for armchair mappers
like myself so I was really hoping we all might map a few we have
personal experience with or knowledge of and see if we can't make a dent
in the missing points.

Here is a map of how the border_control nodes looked a few days ago
in OSM:

How to map these points (and it is only applicable to single nodes) is

I don't think it matters if the barrier is blocking the crossing or not
as long as there is a border control point there.

Please feel free to forward this to the appropriate country specific
email lists if you think that would help us get a more complete map of
these points.

Blake (bgirardot)

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] European border control points - could use some help mapping

2015-10-05 Thread Blake Girardot

My experience is that the border control points still exist, they are 
just not always staffed. Traffic still has to pass through them, just 
there may or may not be anyone in the booths.

That is why I don't think it is wrong to mark them as 
barrier=border_control points, they still are border control points, 
just not staffed regularly or the control is very permissive.

Which could change until the place is dismantled and made into something 
else or the border no longer exists.

Also, more and more border control points that were not actively staffed 
are being staffed now due to the refugee crisis.

I guess if you knew they were not being used, even as a funnel for 
traffic, like they were bypassed totally, you could add disused=yes to them.


On 10/5/2015 5:13 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

Hi, Blake:

Just a question.

Many countries in Europe are part of the Schengen agreement, so there is
no passport nor id control of any kind at borders. That's why you don't
find almost any border control nodes between Spain and Portugal or
France, for example. And those that are mapped should be wrong. Unless
we want to mark the border controls that are physically there, but
aren't being used. We should use a different tag for that, or qualify
the barrier key with a border_control=* new tag, or something similar.



On 05/10/15 16:53, Blake Girardot wrote:

Hi all,

OSM could really use more barrier=border_control nodes mapped in Europe
both western and eastern. Some countries are pretty good, but some are
really missing most if not all of their border crossing points mapped.

I am not sure this is something that is really good for armchair mappers
like myself so I was really hoping we all might map a few we have
personal experience with or knowledge of and see if we can't make a dent
in the missing points.

Here is a map of how the border_control nodes looked a few days ago in OSM:

How to map these points (and it is only applicable to single nodes) is

I don't think it matters if the barrier is blocking the crossing or not
as long as there is a border control point there.

Please feel free to forward this to the appropriate country specific
email lists if you think that would help us get a more complete map of
these points.

Blake (bgirardot)

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-05 Thread Dave F.
I'm not convinced 'preemptive' edits, especially when the editor appears 
to have no valid maxheight data, is justifiable.

Even if he did, the ways are being arbitrarily split only once, often a 
long way from the bridge.

From the wiki:
"only the approximate section of the way which is under the bridge 
should be tagged with maxheight"

Dave F.

On 05/10/2015 16:21, Andy Townsend wrote:

(let's try that again with an actual message)

I did have a bit of a conversation on some of the earliest of their changesets, but didn't really 
get a sense of why the roads were being split. You could argue that splitting a piece out 
"prior to surveying what the height restriction actually is" is ok, but i'd be worried 
that the "surveying" bit wouldn't actually happen. In one of the changeset discussions it 
was suggested to me that I could verify a height restriction by looking at GSV; naturally I 
mentioned that this would be an inappropriate source for OSM (and to be fair, when I last looked a 
few days ago I was unable to see any GSV-sourced heights.
I'm away for a few days dodging raindrops in Wales so won't be able to deal 
with it directly, but as ever the best way of bringing it to the DWG's 
attention is the usual ‎ email address.

Andy (SomeoneElse)

   Original Message
From: Philip Barnes
Sent: Monday, 5 October 2015 12:37
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

Message either SomeoneElse or zool in #talk-gb.

Phil (trigpoint)

On Mon Oct 5 12:31:09 2015 GMT+0100, Dave F. wrote:

Dataone is at it again. He's not replied to my post.

As each edit is an individual changeset & therefore laborious to revert,
I think a temporary stop should be placed on him (both?) just until
their attentions are grabbed. Is there anyone on this forum able to it
or should I post in the talk forum?

Dave F.

On 05/10/2015 11:21, Tom Hukins wrote:

On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 10:19:47AM +0100, David Fisher wrote:

Just had the same thing happen near me (Croydon) but by a different
user (Zain Ahmad Hashmi, e.g.

I've left a comment on this changeset. Hopefully this will help us
understand what's going on.


Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] European border control points - could use some help mapping

2015-10-05 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Hi, Blake:

I agree that border controls in the areas affected by the ongoing
refugee crisis that were disused until recently but are active again,
should be tagged accordingly. What I mean is that in other areas like
Spain with Portugal, those borders aren't staffed at all, any time.

I live just 10 km from the Portugal border. The border in this area is
made by a wide river. Until the 80's there was only one 19th century
bridge, both for car, pedestrians and train [1]. The border control
offices are completely disused, all the time. No staff there whatsoever.

Apart from that, several bridges have been constructed, with no border
control facilities at all, one of them just meters down the river from
the old one [2]. Should we tag those crossings of border? I don't think so.

My opinion is that your schema of border_control=yes + disused=yes could
be ok for the old bridge, but not for other crossing points. And in any
case, in the event that Spain and Portugal would one day activate their
border controls, all bridges would have to build border facilities for
document and goods control. Only that time would make sense to create
the corresponding nodes.

In any case, what I wanted to point out is the reason why you can see so
few border_control nodes in some areas of Europe and so many in others,
like East Europe.




On 05/10/15 17:26, Blake Girardot wrote:
> My experience is that the border control points still exist, they are
> just not always staffed. Traffic still has to pass through them, just
> there may or may not be anyone in the booths.
> That is why I don't think it is wrong to mark them as
> barrier=border_control points, they still are border control points,
> just not staffed regularly or the control is very permissive.
> Which could change until the place is dismantled and made into something
> else or the border no longer exists.
> Also, more and more border control points that were not actively staffed
> are being staffed now due to the refugee crisis.
> I guess if you knew they were not being used, even as a funnel for
> traffic, like they were bypassed totally, you could add disused=yes to
> them.
> Cheers
> blake
> On 10/5/2015 5:13 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>> Hi, Blake:
>> Just a question.
>> Many countries in Europe are part of the Schengen agreement, so there is
>> no passport nor id control of any kind at borders. That's why you don't
>> find almost any border control nodes between Spain and Portugal or
>> France, for example. And those that are mapped should be wrong. Unless
>> we want to mark the border controls that are physically there, but
>> aren't being used. We should use a different tag for that, or qualify
>> the barrier key with a border_control=* new tag, or something similar.
>> Cheers,
>> Rafael.
>> On 05/10/15 16:53, Blake Girardot wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> OSM could really use more barrier=border_control nodes mapped in Europe
>>> both western and eastern. Some countries are pretty good, but some are
>>> really missing most if not all of their border crossing points mapped.
>>> I am not sure this is something that is really good for armchair mappers
>>> like myself so I was really hoping we all might map a few we have
>>> personal experience with or knowledge of and see if we can't make a dent
>>> in the missing points.
>>> Here is a map of how the border_control nodes looked a few days ago
>>> in OSM:
>>> How to map these points (and it is only applicable to single nodes) is
>>> here:
>>> I don't think it matters if the barrier is blocking the crossing or not
>>> as long as there is a border control point there.
>>> Please feel free to forward this to the appropriate country specific
>>> email lists if you think that would help us get a more complete map of
>>> these points.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Blake (bgirardot)
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list

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