Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Diane Mercier

Municipalities and government of Québec will adopt the CC BY 4.0


Le 2014-02-21 07:04, Simon Poole a écrit :

This is I believe a simple misunderstanding: is the internal list of the LWG is the legal discussion mailing list open 
to the general public.

On the matter at hand: as I write in the quoted mail, we are quite 
open to taking the results of a review of CC by 4.0 wrt compatibility 
with our contributor terms and the ODbL 1.0 in to account. Note, as I 
wrote in my mail, it is likely not worth doing for CC by-SA 4.0 as it 
is clear that a share alike licence will not be CT compatible.


Am 21.02.2014 12:12, schrieb Diane Mercier:
Translation in english of the title  :  Municipalities and government 
of Québec (Canada) will adopt the CC BY 4.0 -
Ref. :

Dear Paul,

I am sorry to contradict you, but please find attached copy of my 
conversation with Simon Poole and against the 
CC 4.0

This conversation includes the response of Simon Poole.

I also copy to the list of discussion legal-talk @

I reiterate. It is the responsibility of OSM Foundation to instruct 
his community of his CC 4.0 interpretation as it has done for the CC 
2.0 and CC 3.0
And in my humble opinion, the tiles and the BD licenses should 
updates to CC 4.0 to reduce proliferation of license, etc.


Note : See press releases

Dre Diane Mercier

@okfnca |
@_FACiL |
@carnetsDM |

Webographie du libre :

« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

Le 2014-02-21 01:42, Paul Norman a écrit :

No one has raised the issue on legal-talk@ since CC 4 was released.

*From:*Pierre Béland []
*Sent:* Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:43 AM
*To:*; Talk-ca (OSM)
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

Merci Diane pour ces infos.

Ce sont là de bonnes nouvelles pour la communauté OSM du Québec.

Espérons que nous aurons rapidement des nouvelles de la part du 
comité légal de OSM là-dessus.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Richard Weait
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:
 Eh good news for  OSM-Quebec community then. Let's wait for the official
 confirmation of the exact license adopted.

I disagree.

Any license drafted or adopted by a Canadian government, other than a
no-restrictions, equivalent-to-Public-Domain-license, like ODC-PDDL,
will require a waiver or clarification from the municipality (or
province / territory, or feds) that attribution as provided by
OpenStreetMap (wiki page, probably listed on a sub-page) meets their
interpretation of attribution.  So, adoption of CC-anything-but-0 is
bad for local OSM communities.  It would likely work out okay in the
end for those local OpenStreetMap communities.  To my knowledge, every
municipality approached for such a waiver has granted it.  To
OpenStreetMap Foundation at least.

For the Open Data community at large, and for the municipality /
governement itself, adoption of any restricting license is a disaster.
 For one thing, not every potential open project will be on the radar
of a municipality in the same way that OpenStreetMap is.  Too bad for
that potential Open Data Project.  Perhaps they'll get the waiver they
need, perhaps they won't.

Again, any government open data publication in Canada must be licensed
ODC-PDDL, or else it is a not-open-enough-closed-data-failure.

Another sign of bizarre, Open-blindness.  I've had government open
data representatives say to me, the equivalent of, So what if the
license says something complicated. It's open, just do what you want.
We won't go after anybody who breaks the license. We just need to be
able to shut down anybody who embarrasses us.

Ahem.  No.

0) If you plan to grant wavers and exemptions anyway, why not just use
an unrestricted license?  Oh, did you want to only grant exemptions
for projects / persons of whom you approve?  That doesn't sound very
1) If you don't plan to enforce your license terms, why select (or
worse, why draft) a license with restrictions?  Select ODC-PDDL
2) If you want developers to work with your data, do you want
developers who care enough to read, understand and follow your terms,
or not?  Because your license with restrictions just cut out a portion
of those developers.  You can still keep the developers that don't
read licenses, or don't care about the terms.  Congratulations.
3) What, you want to shut down a use of the data that embarrasses you?
 No.  It doesn't work that way.  If Open Data can be shown to expose
that your mayor is a pathologically lying, bullying, drug addict with
possible links to organized crime, you don't get to shut down the
analysis just because your boss finds it embarrassing.  (It's just a
hypothetical example)
4) If you really do plan to grant a waiver or exemption to every
project / user who asks for it, shouldn't you have selected an
unrestricted Open Data License that didn't place the burden of that
extra waiver step upon you (and each potential user) ?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Mike Linksvayer
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:
  Eh good news for  OSM-Quebec community then. Let's wait for the official
  confirmation of the exact license adopted.

 I disagree.

 Any license drafted or adopted by a Canadian government, other than a
 no-restrictions, equivalent-to-Public-Domain-license, like ODC-PDDL,
 will require a waiver or clarification from the municipality (or
 province / territory, or feds) that attribution as provided by
 OpenStreetMap (wiki page, probably listed on a sub-page) meets their
 interpretation of attribution.  So, adoption of CC-anything-but-0 is
 bad for local OSM communities.  It would likely work out okay in the
 end for those local OpenStreetMap communities.  To my knowledge, every
 municipality approached for such a waiver has granted it.  To
 OpenStreetMap Foundation at least.

 For the Open Data community at large, and for the municipality /
 governement itself, adoption of any restricting license is a disaster.
  For one thing, not every potential open project will be on the radar
 of a municipality in the same way that OpenStreetMap is.  Too bad for
 that potential Open Data Project.  Perhaps they'll get the waiver they
 need, perhaps they won't.

 Again, any government open data publication in Canada must be licensed
 ODC-PDDL, or else it is a not-open-enough-closed-data-failure.

I agree that all PSI ought be public domain, with ODC-PDDL or CC0 or some
other public domain instrument, since the sane default isn't the default.
But calling attribution-only terms a closed-data-failure (BTW, what does
that make ODbL? Is OSM the only entity in the world that can use non public
domain terms and not be a closed data fail?) seems over the top.

Asking for a clarification that provided attribution is OK seems over the
top too, at least for CC-BY, especially CC-BY-4.0, given You may satisfy
the [attribution conditions] in any reasonable manner based on the medium,
means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. If every
attribution needs to be clarified with the licensor to determine if it is
OK, then attribution licenses truly are a fail. But that practice is
certainly not the intent of such licenses.

IMO, IANAL, etc etc.

The remainder below is most excellent.

 Another sign of bizarre, Open-blindness.  I've had government open
 data representatives say to me, the equivalent of, So what if the
 license says something complicated. It's open, just do what you want.
 We won't go after anybody who breaks the license. We just need to be
 able to shut down anybody who embarrasses us.

 Ahem.  No.

 0) If you plan to grant wavers and exemptions anyway, why not just use
 an unrestricted license?  Oh, did you want to only grant exemptions
 for projects / persons of whom you approve?  That doesn't sound very
 1) If you don't plan to enforce your license terms, why select (or
 worse, why draft) a license with restrictions?  Select ODC-PDDL
 2) If you want developers to work with your data, do you want
 developers who care enough to read, understand and follow your terms,
 or not?  Because your license with restrictions just cut out a portion
 of those developers.  You can still keep the developers that don't
 read licenses, or don't care about the terms.  Congratulations.
 3) What, you want to shut down a use of the data that embarrasses you?
  No.  It doesn't work that way.  If Open Data can be shown to expose
 that your mayor is a pathologically lying, bullying, drug addict with
 possible links to organized crime, you don't get to shut down the
 analysis just because your boss finds it embarrassing.  (It's just a
 hypothetical example)
 4) If you really do plan to grant a waiver or exemption to every
 project / user who asks for it, shouldn't you have selected an
 unrestricted Open Data License that didn't place the burden of that
 extra waiver step upon you (and each potential user) ?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Richard Weait
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

[ ... ]
 Again, any government open data publication in Canada must be licensed
 ODC-PDDL, or else it is a not-open-enough-closed-data-failure.

 I agree that all PSI ought be public domain, with ODC-PDDL or CC0 or some
 other public domain instrument, since the sane default isn't the default.
 But calling attribution-only terms a closed-data-failure (BTW, what does
 that make ODbL? Is OSM the only entity in the world that can use non public
 domain terms and not be a closed data fail?) seems over the top.

Government Open Data, and OpenStreetMap Open Data are different
kettles of fish.  And so different goal posts apply to each.

Government Open Data is more-correctly Citizen Open Data. For that
same government to attempt to then restrict the use of that data by
the citizens who own it, and pay for it (and, in fact who own the
government :-) ) well, that's the part that is over the top.  :-)

OpenStreetMap data is created by the OpenStreetMap contributors.
Where those same contributors decide to place themselves, as a group,
along the Open Spectrum has nothing to do with government, er,
*strikeover* citizen data.  It might also be a a long-standing and
heated discussion amongst those same contributors.  :-)

Thanks, Mike.  Cheers.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman
CC BY 3.0 and earlier had onerous attribution requirements for data. I believe 
4.0 fixes this. I don't think anyone has suggested contacting a data provider 
who's licensed under CC 4.0 licenses to clarify attribution.

The issue with 3.0 attribution are not purely theoretical, there have been 
providers who have objected to how we have attribution and we've been unable to 
use their data.

Sent from my iPad

 On Feb 21, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
 Asking for a clarification that provided attribution is OK seems over the top 
 too, at least for CC-BY, especially CC-BY-4.0, given You may satisfy the 
 [attribution conditions] in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, 
 and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. If every attribution 
 needs to be clarified with the licensor to determine if it is OK, then 
 attribution licenses truly are a fail. But that practice is certainly not the 
 intent of such licenses.
 IMO, IANAL, etc etc.
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wendorff
Hi Frederik,
I agree - but only in parts.
If the other mapper shares nodes between the road and the field, and the
field is surrounded (and tagged as such) with a fence, so the field is
e.g. landuse=farmland, barrier=fence, then this is an error in the map
as it states that the fence is in the middle of the street or it's not
possible to decide where relative to the street the fence is.

In this case dividing them without adding new features IMHO is fixing a
bug in the map data, and joining a fence with a way along several nodes
in a line is an error - if not vandalism when doing it repeatingly while
igoring personal messages according to the same issue.

Nevertheless of course you're right: Changing the way of mapping without
adding value/improvement (!) is not okay.


Am 20.02.2014 23:40, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
 On 20.02.2014 23:04, Dave F. wrote:
 There's a general consensus that attaching polygons to ways that
 represent roads was a bad idea.
 Not really.
 There is not a consensus but a ceasefire. Everyone is free to map this
 as they like, and to change it if there's a need - e.g. someone else has
 connected the field to the road, now you want to map the fence, so you
 need to split it apart. That's ok. Similarly, someone re-doing the whole
 area from better imagery or whatever has every right to map as he
 pleases - if they thing they can be more efficient by joining
 boundaries, more power to them.
 What is *not* ok is one person cleaning up after the other without
 actually adding any other improvement.
 I.e. if the other guy has connected the fields and the roads and you
 have been *only* pulling them apart without contributing anything else
 to the area in question, then you should have let them be; on the other
 hand, if the other guy has merged fields and roads that previously were
 separate, then they shouldn't have done that.
 This whole question is essentially a matter of taste, and you are
 allowed to map according to your taste, and discouraged from enforcing
 your taste for others.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch deprecation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Pieren
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Fernando Trebien wrote:

When I cannot use JOSM for any reason, I'm still using P2 to retrieve
the history of an object and P1 is the only one I know which is able
to find and display deleted ways. Two helpful features for data


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Pieren
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

 If the other mapper shares nodes between the road and the field, and the
 field is surrounded (and tagged as such) with a fence, so the field is
 e.g. landuse=farmland, barrier=fence, then this is an error in the map
 as it states that the fence is in the middle of the street or it's not
 possible to decide where relative to the street the fence is.

That's maybe an original issue with landuse polygons. Once you go to
this level of details (fence), the border line between landuse's is
not a clear sharp line. As suggested by Shaun, once you add fences and
detach the farmland, you should also fill the gap created and make the
landuse=highway. People detaching landuse from road lines are most of
the time doing half of the job.

 Changing the way of mapping without adding value/improvement (!) is
 not okay.

At least, new contributions shouldn't decrease the quality.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wendorff
Am 21.02.2014 10:44, schrieb Pieren:
 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
 If the other mapper shares nodes between the road and the field, and the
 field is surrounded (and tagged as such) with a fence, so the field is
 e.g. landuse=farmland, barrier=fence, then this is an error in the map
 as it states that the fence is in the middle of the street or it's not
 possible to decide where relative to the street the fence is.
 That's maybe an original issue with landuse polygons. Once you go to
 this level of details (fence), the border line between landuse's is
 not a clear sharp line. As suggested by Shaun, once you add fences and
 detach the farmland, you should also fill the gap created and make the
 People detaching landuse from road lines are most of
 the time doing half of the job.
I may agree here, but in OSM I think doing half the job is better than
mapping wrong stuff.
OSM is a database, not (only) a map, and there isn't something like
once you go to this level of details.
Let's extend the example slightly:
Let there be from left to right a field, a fence, a street, a hedge and
a park.
Let the fence in addition be not around the field, but only at the
borderline to the street (so it's not a tag on the field polygon any
more, while the hedge surrounds the park (where entrances are mapped as
such on nodes).

Now Mapper A starts mapping with low detail from aerial imagery: he
draws a polygon for the field, another polygon for the park, and a way
for the street, and tags it as landuse, leisure and highway
respectively. He omits the fence and the wall.

As you said, this is perfectly valid (although it's a little bit ugly to
detect that it's not a park directly beside a field, because you would
have to create the corresponding buffer for the highway for that; it's
not possible to calculate the exact area of the field, as we're wrong by
6 meters for half the street width.)

Mapper B is on the ground a while later and recognizes that there's a
fence and a hedge.
Adding the hedge seems to be easy: she adds the barrier=hedge-tag to the
Adding the fence is easy, too, but how to do this? She definitively has
to draw a new way as there's no geometry matching the fence. But where?
By the rules applied in this scenario up to now it would be fine to
add the fence as a way sharing the nodes that are already shared by
park, highway, hedge and field.
But what happens when doing this?
There is a set of nodes that is hedge and fence. Might be possible: I
would interpret this as a fence inside a hedge, which is possible and
well known in the wild. But what's the matter with the highway? well...
then the highway must be in between the hedge with fence and the field
with the wall...
Well - wait... it could be a fence on top of a wall instead - now the
fence is on the other side of the way...
Or it could be a fence in the middle of the street - strange...

In fact the map says, there's a fence, a wall and a street's center line
at the same position.
Independent of the level of detail I would assume for the application
this is simply wrong, and keep in mind: the coordinates are in a level
of detail of 10cm or better, with no way to see what level of detail is
ment by any particular mapper with any particular object.

Let's invite Mapper C. He - as you suggests would like to clean up the
mess produced by A and B, and it's going to be hard work.
Without being on the ground it seems to be possible to detach the park
with the hedge from the way on the first glance, but damn it - what to
do with the wall? Isn't it wrong to detatch the fence if it might be
possible that in fact the fence is on top of the wall? If so it would be
necessary to detatch the fence, too and let fence and wall share nodes.
If not, this would create a different but completely wrong situation.
So nothing can be made better without being on the ground.

C decides to take his bike and and ride a whole day to that place as
unfortunately there's no active mapper any more (A and B stopped mapping
months ago). Now he knows what's the situation on the ground and has to
detatch lines from each other, stumbling over several ugly issues in the
osm editor software available:
- How to select one of many ways sharing the same nodes?
- how to minimize breaking object history - but remapping everything
would be more simple to do.

If A and B would have drawn lines in parallel, leaving a gap for the
highway in between it would be much easier.
 Changing the way of mapping without adding value/improvement (!) is
 not okay.
 At least, new contributions shouldn't decrease the quality.
but filling the map without empty gaps isn't a good measurement of quality.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM for Developers Presentation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Tom Hukins
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 02:53:24PM +0700, Kate Chapman wrote:
 I'm giving a talk this weekend at the Jakarta Python meet-up. I was
 wondering if anyone has a good Intro to OSM for Developers talk.

Hi, Kate.

I gave a 20 minute OpenStreetMap for Perl Developers talk recently.
I didn't have time to cover everything I wanted, but I gave an
overview of how OSM works from a developer's perspective and described
some of the interesting APIs a developer might want to call:

You can watch my talk here:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Dave F.

On 20/02/2014 22:40, Frederik Ramm wrote:


On 20.02.2014 23:04, Dave F. wrote:

There's a general consensus that attaching polygons to ways that
represent roads was a bad idea.

Not really.

There is not a consensus but a ceasefire. Everyone is free to map this
as they like, and to change it if there's a need - e.g. someone else has
connected the field to the road, now you want to map the fence, so you
need to split it apart. That's ok. Similarly, someone re-doing the whole
area from better imagery or whatever has every right to map as he
pleases - if they thing they can be more efficient by joining
boundaries, more power to them.

What is *not* ok is one person cleaning up after the other without
actually adding any other improvement.

I.e. if the other guy has connected the fields and the roads and you
have been *only* pulling them apart without contributing anything else
to the area in question, then you should have let them be;

This bit I disagree with. Field or cemetery boundaries etc don't go to 
the centreline of the road. Pulling them apart  placing them where 
they are in reality is improving OSM by making it more accurate. Even if 
not boundary is added.

  on the other
hand, if the other guy has merged fields and roads that previously were
separate, then they shouldn't have done that.

This whole question is essentially a matter of taste, and you are
allowed to map according to your taste, and discouraged from enforcing
your taste for others.

Disagree again, I'm afraid. Improving OSM's accuracy supersedes taste.

To clarify I'm only referring to instances of polygons attached to 
roads. Differing landuse areas abutting each other, fields to 
residential, for example, is OK. However on saying that it does often 
make selecting a polygon difficult if attached on all sides.

Dave F.

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is active.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Bráulio

If you have a property that is 20m x 100m = 2,000m², you could be adding,
for example, 5m x 100m = 500m² to it by attaching it to the road, resulting
in 2500m², i.e., a *25% increase in area*. A really big accuracy error, in
my opinion.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Dave F. wrote:

 On 20/02/2014 22:40, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 On 20.02.2014 23:04, Dave F. wrote:

 There's a general consensus that attaching polygons to ways that
 represent roads was a bad idea.

 Not really.

 There is not a consensus but a ceasefire. Everyone is free to map this
 as they like, and to change it if there's a need - e.g. someone else has
 connected the field to the road, now you want to map the fence, so you
 need to split it apart. That's ok. Similarly, someone re-doing the whole
 area from better imagery or whatever has every right to map as he
 pleases - if they thing they can be more efficient by joining
 boundaries, more power to them.

 What is *not* ok is one person cleaning up after the other without
 actually adding any other improvement.

 I.e. if the other guy has connected the fields and the roads and you
 have been *only* pulling them apart without contributing anything else
 to the area in question, then you should have let them be;

 This bit I disagree with. Field or cemetery boundaries etc don't go to the
 centreline of the road. Pulling them apart  placing them where they are
 in reality is improving OSM by making it more accurate. Even if not
 boundary is added.

on the other
 hand, if the other guy has merged fields and roads that previously were
 separate, then they shouldn't have done that.

 This whole question is essentially a matter of taste, and you are
 allowed to map according to your taste, and discouraged from enforcing
 your taste for others.

 Disagree again, I'm afraid. Improving OSM's accuracy supersedes taste.

 To clarify I'm only referring to instances of polygons attached to roads.
 Differing landuse areas abutting each other, fields to residential, for
 example, is OK. However on saying that it does often make selecting a
 polygon difficult if attached on all sides.

 Dave F.

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
 protection is active.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch deprecation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
Indeed that's a nice feature I've known to be unique to Potlatch.

Anyway, I might have been misinformed about Potlatch being deprecated
(if it was, I was trying to ask people to hurry), but since it's not,
I'm not asking for it either. Instead, the issues I've pointed out
( need
attention. They've been happening since I started in OSM over one year
ago, and it's been hard lately to keep up with the growing
introduction of these errors as the Brazilian community has grown a

Knowing that countries like the UK, Germany and Russia have a lot more
edits, I'm actually puzzled: how do they manage these problems there?
I only revert someone else's changeset as a last resort (when the user
has really misunderstood almost everything), and these mistakes I've
talked about are often part of a larger edit (where the idea of
reverting does is problematic, as there's useful information in it). I
know many tools (JOSM's validator, Geofabrik, KeepRight!, etc.) are
able to detect problems, but none helps you quickly recover the
previous state of a single broken relation along with the previous
version of its members while still being consistent with the new data
(some of the new ways might need to be deleted, some of their tags may
need to be imported to the old ways, etc.).

So relations can be broken in seconds, then people who are concerned
about data integrity (particularly about the integrity of what they've
previously mapped) end up spending many minutes every time such a
mistake happens. And for that reason, I've been recommending against
using streets as boundaries for suburbs - instead, drawing an
independent way for that (which is inaccurate and should not be
necessary). I've also been recommending people to use multipolygons
only when extremely necessary. I shouldn't be recommending neither of
the two, but I see no other way to prevent what I've pointed out.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Pieren wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Fernando Trebien wrote:

 When I cannot use JOSM for any reason, I'm still using P2 to retrieve
 the history of an object and P1 is the only one I know which is able
 to find and display deleted ways. Two helpful features for data


 talk mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine

Dave F. wrote:

This whole question is essentially a matter of taste, and you are
allowed to map according to your taste, and discouraged from enforcing
your taste for others.

Disagree again, I'm afraid. Improving OSM's accuracy supersedes taste.

To clarify I'm only referring to instances of polygons attached to roads.
Differing landuse areas abutting each other, fields to residential, for example,
is OK. However on saying that it does often make selecting a polygon difficult
if attached on all sides.

A lot of my own time when I do get to run some data in is pulling apart these 
very 'matter of taste' mapping choices. The tools make it all to easy to 
'default' to a macro mapping view, which may be fine in areas where there is no 
data, but where we are now adding the fine detail, such as dropping in the 
footpath down the side of a road, having to pull apart the field boundary first 
reduces productivity?

This is an area where the simplistic approach to polygons does not help. If I 
need to add the dry stone wall to one side of the field and fences or hedges to 
the other boundaries then we end up with additional ways overlaying the base 
polygon, and which are then even more difficult to see and manage? It is about 
time we started to look at combining ways in the same way we currently do with 

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM for Developers Presentation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Nick Whitelegg

Hello Kate,

I gave this talk at a British Computer Society meeting last year:

Not hugely in-depth but might be of some use.


-Kate Chapman wrote: -
To: osm
From: Kate Chapman
Date: 21/02/2014 08:00AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] OSM for Developers Presentation

Hi All,

I'm giving a talk this weekend at the Jakarta Python meet-up. I was
wondering if anyone has a good Intro to OSM for Developers talk. I'm
putting one together myself, but I'm looking to see what things others
cover. Basically I want to give an overview of resources for
developers, this isn't really a workshop just a 20 minute



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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM for Developers Presentation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Graham Jones
I put together a little explanation of the rendering side of OSM a few
years ago:
It might be out of date now though!


On 21 February 2014 18:38, Nick Whitelegg

 Hello Kate,

 I gave this talk at a British Computer Society meeting last year:

 Not hugely in-depth but might be of some use.


 -Kate Chapman wrote: -
 To: osm
 From: Kate Chapman
 Date: 21/02/2014 08:00AM
 Subject: [OSM-talk] OSM for Developers Presentation

 Hi All,

 I'm giving a talk this weekend at the Jakarta Python meet-up. I was
 wondering if anyone has a good Intro to OSM for Developers talk. I'm
 putting one together myself, but I'm looking to see what things others
 cover. Basically I want to give an overview of resources for
 developers, this isn't really a workshop just a 20 minute



 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden moltonel 3x Combo
On 21/02/2014, Dave F. wrote:
 On 20/02/2014 22:40, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 On 20.02.2014 23:04, Dave F. wrote:
 What is *not* ok is one person cleaning up after the other without
 actually adding any other improvement.

In cases that can be likened to a change code indentation commit I
agree, but...

 I.e. if the other guy has connected the fields and the roads and you
 have been *only* pulling them apart without contributing anything else
 to the area in question, then you should have let them be;

 This bit I disagree with. Field or cemetery boundaries etc don't go to
 the centreline of the road. Pulling them apart  placing them where
 they are in reality is improving OSM by making it more accurate. Even if
 not boundary is added.

That's the crux of it. Separating the area from the road *is* an
improvement in itself (at least if you've got high-res imagery to
place the polygon more precisely). If that changeset gets reverted to
re-glue the area to the line (especially without engaging in
conversation with the orther contributor), it's a step backward.

 This whole question is essentially a matter of taste, and you are
 allowed to map according to your taste, and discouraged from enforcing
 your taste for others.

 Disagree again, I'm afraid. Improving OSM's accuracy supersedes taste.

I agree with the matter of taste argument insofar as I dont complain
to mappers who initially glue areas to lines. It's just data that can
be improved like any other, and if it tastes easyer to that mapper,
it's fine. You really shouldn't force anybody to be more accurate than
they care to be. But again, if a mapper reduces accuracynfor taste
reasons, it's bad. If he ignores communication aboutnit, it's

There are many mapping alternatives that are a matter of taste or up
for debate. But I do think that this particular issue is matematically
clear-cut, it's basic geometry. See
for another writeup of my views on the subject.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Yves

There are many mapping alternatives that are a matter of taste or up
for debate. But I do think that this particular issue is matematically
clear-cut, it's basic geometry. See
for another writeup of my views on the subject.

What is good with the QA is that you can vote.
Envoyé de mon téléphone Android avec K-9 Mail. Excusez la brièveté.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not attaching polygons to roads

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:29 PM, moltonel 3x Combo molto...@gmail.comwrote:

 I agree with the matter of taste argument insofar as I dont complain
  to mappers who initially glue areas to lines. It's just data that can
 be improved like any other, and if it tastes easyer to that mapper,
 it's fine. You really shouldn't force anybody to be more accurate than
 they care to be.

I think it's important to consider that what we put into OSM is a model of
the real world.
Roads for example are generally not straight, yet we model them with line

A model.

To say that the park occupies the space between these four streets is a
very reasonable first approximation model.  You can go pretty far with the
model: the street has cycle tracks left  right, the utilities are on poles
overhead, the park edge is fenced.  All the important data is present and
can be conveniently rendered at any scale or with any emphasis.

This is very flexible.  Cartography rules often render road width not based
on physical width, but logical width.  The 25' wide highway at one edge of
the park is more important than 30' wide residential street on the other
three sides.  The model handles this just fine: whatever width is not used
by the road is used by the polygon.  Nobody cares that the park just lost a
little space, the map looks great and communicates clearly to the viewer.

Flip to a cycling map, and the 30' bicycle-friendly street may be more
important than the highway: it still renders fine.

It's the micro-mapping that brings up hard to process situations.  Imagine
that same area micromapped:
road centerline, cycle tracks, power poles, fence, hedge, imported legal
property boundary of the park.   To render that well for various needs
you've got to start shoving and pushing element.  To render the highway
fat you need to push out the cycle track and fence lines.  Should you
also shove over the hedge or just bury it under the roadway?  It's unclear
what's best.

Very often the actual legal boundary does not correspond to the landscaped
boundary.  The park may be landscaped right to the edge of the tarmac, but
the highway department actually owns a wider swath of land.   The fence
might be within the legal boundary of the park, or outside it. Which one
you map depends on your aim:

the assessors office wants the legal boundary,
the soccer team will play right to the edge of the fence regardless, they
only care if the fence is permeable to
soccer balls.

There's no one solution here: in micromapped areas road centerlines are not
enough.  In many areas (I might hazard 99% of the surface of the planet),
the *model* may serve the need better.

I think that strong tool support for sharing nodes is good, appropriate,
and a great for first efforts at mapping modelling an area.  The node
sharing is particularly useful for administrative and other areas that do
in fact follow a road centerline by fact or convention.

Just realize that there's disagreement on this point in part because of
valid differences in scale, scope and aim.  And that we model reality
because models are often more useful than a direct representation.  Any
difficulty in editing is a tool issue.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch deprecation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Bryce Nesbitt
I think all three major editors make it too easy to damage relations.

And that starting to damage a relation (by a user) is a perfect teaching
The moment someone deletes part of a boundary relation,
is the perfect teaching moment about boundary relations.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch deprecation

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
It is not that easy to damage relations in JOSM. Sure, you can, but
you get blocking warnings: once, when you change the relation
indirectly (perhaps breaking it), and another (issued by JOSM's very
comprehensive validator) by the time you attempt to upload your
changes. Both warnings stop your work (always! there's no way to turn
them off), make you read, ask you to decide how to handle the
situation, and are quite informative: they tell you where you acted
and what was the result. It sure is a bit low level, but that is good
teaching. If you do not understand what you read, you can then go
search for help. But if you get no warning (as in Potlatch), you don't
even know you need to seek learning about relations. It is very hard
to argue that someone can miss both warnings accidentally.

Can the user damage the relations with JOSM? Sure. But the user has
been warned twice and should know what he/she is doing. They may
ignore the warnings if they do not know what they mean, but then you
have a better point to later approach the user and tell him/her to be
more careful and read more about relations. If you do that to Potlatch
users, it is totally fair if they reply: How could I have known? You
can't expect them to re-read all that is written everywhere on the UI
at every change they perform on the map. Potlatch should call their
attention to important things (such as unintentional data loss).

Even experienced users may accidentally destroy relations in Potlatch
because of a short moment of inattention. In JOSM, you're always

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
 I think all three major editors make it too easy to damage relations.

 And that starting to damage a relation (by a user) is a perfect teaching
 The moment someone deletes part of a boundary relation,
 is the perfect teaching moment about boundary relations.

 talk mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 00:55, Nelson A. de Oliveira

 2014-02-21 0:20 GMT-03:00 Augusto Stoffel
  Mesmo problema que as unidades de conservação: boundary=protected_area
  não renderiza.  Isso é meio que mapear para o renderizador, mas é uma
  situação extrema: sem tomar alguma licença poética, não tem como fazer
  as terras indígenas aparecerem no mapa.  (Além disso, como eu comentei,
  terras indígenas tem um forte caráter de conservação da natureza, embora
  o foco central seja a questão social/política.)

 Mas o correto é fazer com que o renderizador exiba isso (abrindo um
 ticket para isso) e não o contrário :-)

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
gostaria de saber...

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:01, Paulo Carvalho escreveu:

 Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
 vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

 Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 00:55, Nelson A. de Oliveira 

 2014-02-21 0:20 GMT-03:00 Augusto Stoffel
  Mesmo problema que as unidades de conservação: boundary=protected_area
  não renderiza.  Isso é meio que mapear para o renderizador, mas é uma
  situação extrema: sem tomar alguma licença poética, não tem como fazer
  as terras indígenas aparecerem no mapa.  (Além disso, como eu comentei,
  terras indígenas tem um forte caráter de conservação da natureza, embora
  o foco central seja a questão social/política.)

 Mas o correto é fazer com que o renderizador exiba isso (abrindo um
 ticket para isso) e não o contrário :-)

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Nelson A. de Oliveira
2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
 Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
 vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira

 2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
  vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

 O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
 Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira

 2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
  vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

 O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
 Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Nelson A. de Oliveira
2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
 OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
 caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
 uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.

Usa esse estilo no JOSM:

O que estiver em amarelo não possui superfície definida. Em verde
contínuo superfície pavimentada e em verde tracejado não-pavimentada.

Ou esse:
Esse último não é tão rápido e fácil de visualizar quanto o outro, no entanto.

Dá para adicionar direto pelo JOSM.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:50, Nelson A. de Oliveira

 2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
  caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
  uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.

 Usa esse estilo no JOSM:

 O que estiver em amarelo não possui superfície definida. Em verde
 contínuo superfície pavimentada e em verde tracejado não-pavimentada.

 Ou esse:
 Esse último não é tão rápido e fácil de visualizar quanto o outro, no

 Dá para adicionar direto pelo JOSM.

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
7 meses não, 5 anos:

2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
 OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
 caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
 uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.

 Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira

 2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
  vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

 O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
 Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
Justamente por isso o argumento de o correto é fazer o renderizador
exibir isso cada vez mais perde força comigo.

Aliás, quem pensa assim deveria estar reforçando essas solicitações
nos bugtrackers dos renderizadores - mas não o estão fazendo. (Estou
cansando de fazer isso sozinho.) Enunciar um dogma é fácil, difícil é
mudar a realidade.

O correto mesmo é trazer para o usuário final a informação geográfica
que outras pessoas têm e que ele precisa. Esse é o propósito final do
OSM, não? E de preferência também mapear de uma forma tal que
transformar para a forma ideal de mapear seja algo simples de se
fazer depois (provavelmente com scripts). Obviamente isso tem limites,
mas do jeito que o Augusto sugeriu eu acho que está 100% ok: é fácil
fazer uma query que retorne todas as terras indígenas (e nada mais), e
daí é fácil mudar as tags depois.

2014-02-21 10:39 GMT-03:00 Fernando Trebien
 7 meses não, 5 anos:

 2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
 OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
 caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
 uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.

 Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira

 2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir que
  vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.

 O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
 Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Fernando Trebien
 +55 (51) 9962-5409

 The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
 The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden John Packer
 Mas o correto é fazer com que o renderizador exiba isso (abrindo um
 ticket para isso) e não o contrário :-)


Se alguém julgar necessário mostrar que aquilo são terras indígenas antes
que o Mapnik as implemente, sempre pode criar uma camada para mostrar em um
site específico. Precisaria de uma razão muito boa para etiquetar algo de
forma errada (temporariamente).

O correto mesmo é trazer para o usuário final a informação geográfica que
 outras pessoas têm e que ele precisa. Esse é o propósito final do OSM, não?

Os dados do OSM não são usados somente no Mapnik, e não são usados somente
para a renderização de um mapa.

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 10:48, Fernando Trebien escreveu:

 Justamente por isso o argumento de o correto é fazer o renderizador
 exibir isso cada vez mais perde força comigo.

 Aliás, quem pensa assim deveria estar reforçando essas solicitações
 nos bugtrackers dos renderizadores - mas não o estão fazendo. (Estou
 cansando de fazer isso sozinho.) Enunciar um dogma é fácil, difícil é
 mudar a realidade.

 O correto mesmo é trazer para o usuário final a informação geográfica
 que outras pessoas têm e que ele precisa. Esse é o propósito final do
 OSM, não? E de preferência também mapear de uma forma tal que
 transformar para a forma ideal de mapear seja algo simples de se
 fazer depois (provavelmente com scripts). Obviamente isso tem limites,
 mas do jeito que o Augusto sugeriu eu acho que está 100% ok: é fácil
 fazer uma query que retorne todas as terras indígenas (e nada mais), e
 daí é fácil mudar as tags depois.

 2014-02-21 10:39 GMT-03:00 Fernando Trebien
  7 meses não, 5 anos:
  2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
  caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
  uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.
  Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira
  2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
   Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir
   vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.
  O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
  Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:
  Talk-br mailing list
  Talk-br mailing list
  Fernando Trebien
  +55 (51) 9962-5409
  The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
  The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

 Fernando Trebien
 +55 (51) 9962-5409

 The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
 The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
*double facepalm*

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 10:39, Fernando Trebien escreveu:

 7 meses não, 5 anos:

 2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
  caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
  uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.
  Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira
  2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
   Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir
   vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.
  O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
  Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:
  Talk-br mailing list
  Talk-br mailing list

 Fernando Trebien
 +55 (51) 9962-5409

 The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
 The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
John, todos têm premissas muito similares, e absolutamente nenhum
renderiza as reservas atualmente quando mapeadas da forma ideal.

Além disso, qual o percentual de usuários que usa sistemas além do que
está no site principal? Concorda que quando vendemos por aí a idéia de
que o OpenStreetMap é um sistema fantástico, as pessoas COMUNS não
vão acessar o ITO Map, nem o MapBox, certo? Existe uma razão para o
Google ser famoso: é 1 nome só, e está tudo no mesmo lugar. O usuário
comum não quer saber dos detalhes técnicos, 1 nome só e 1 site só é
mais fácil.

Agora considere isso no contexto de que os desenvolvedores dos
componentes do OSM têm sido lentos para atender os nossos pedidos. Pra
mim isso é um ótimo argumento em favor de certas concessões (desde que
bem analisadas). Um dado no mapa que só serve para quem o colocou lá
não é um dado útil para o usuário final.

Se você discorda, por junte-se a mim e abra os tickets relativos a
cada questão junto aos desenvolvedores dos principais sistemas.

Só quero lembrar: abrir o ticket não é garantia de que será feito. Em
muitos casos já notei que eles esperam que alguém faça, não
necessariamente o desenvolvedor do projeto (provavelmente espera-se
que quem solicita faça).

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
É, meus dedos estão coçando pra pôr as mãos nesse código.

(E quando o fizer, não será só essa alteração, nem só esse ticket.)

2014-02-21 11:13 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
 *double facepalm*

 Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 10:39, Fernando Trebien escreveu:

 7 meses não, 5 anos:

 2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo os
  caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
  uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.
  Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira
  2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
   Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para pedir
   vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.
  O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
  Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:
  Talk-br mailing list
  Talk-br mailing list

 Fernando Trebien
 +55 (51) 9962-5409

 The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
 The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Bráulio
Isso. Meus dedos também estão coçando e há muito tempo. No issue do GitHub
há muita discussão e nenhum pull request. Talvez seja só isso mesmo que
esteja faltando para a coisa andar. Não parece ser muito difícil: só
demorado. Vou dar uma olhada no fim de semana. O mais complicado é montar o
ambiente e gerar uns mapas com o resultado da alteração. A alteração no
estilo em si parece ser bem simples.

2014-02-21 11:38 GMT-03:00 Fernando Trebien

 É, meus dedos estão coçando pra pôr as mãos nesse código.

 (E quando o fizer, não será só essa alteração, nem só esse ticket.)

 2014-02-21 11:13 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
  *double facepalm*
  Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 10:39, Fernando Trebien escreveu:
  7 meses não, 5 anos:
  2014-02-21 8:44 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
   OFF TOPIC: Dei meu voto lá.  7 meses depois e cheio de gente pedindo
   caras ainda não fizeram  E ruim ter que baixar no JOSM, verificar
   uma-a-uma, clicando e lendo nas tags.
   Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 08:06, Nelson A. de Oliveira
   2014-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho
Aliás, gostaria de fazer como se faz para abrir um ticket para
vias não pavimentadas fossem desenhadas de forma diferente.
   O estilo padrão do OSM é o openstreetmap-carto
   Já existe um ticket aberto para isso:
   Talk-br mailing list
   Talk-br mailing list
  Fernando Trebien
  +55 (51) 9962-5409
  The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
  The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)
  Talk-br mailing list
  Talk-br mailing list

 Fernando Trebien
 +55 (51) 9962-5409

 The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
 The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden John Packer

 Existe uma razão para o Google ser famoso: é 1 nome só, e está tudo no
 mesmo lugar.

Isso está longe de ser a principal razão porquê o Google é famoso.

Se você discorda, por junte-se a mim e abra os tickets relativos a cada
 questão junto aos desenvolvedores dos principais sistemas.

Eu já abri um *ticket* sobre o OSM antes e também vou atrás de outras
questões como a tradução da wiki.
Não é como eu não o fizesse, mas só comecei a contribuir para o OSM mesmo
só mês passado.
Também já vi o Paulo, Arlindo e o Nelson contribuindo discussões nos
*tickets* (ou os adicionando).
Só talvez não no renderizador principal.

Concessões tem que ser dadas só em casos com boas razões.
Este caso dessa importação necessita de uma concessão?

Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 11:33, Fernando Trebien escreveu:

 John, todos têm premissas muito similares, e absolutamente nenhum
 renderiza as reservas atualmente quando mapeadas da forma ideal.

 Além disso, qual o percentual de usuários que usa sistemas além do que
 está no site principal? Concorda que quando vendemos por aí a idéia de
 que o OpenStreetMap é um sistema fantástico, as pessoas COMUNS não
 vão acessar o ITO Map, nem o MapBox, certo? Existe uma razão para o
 Google ser famoso: é 1 nome só, e está tudo no mesmo lugar. O usuário
 comum não quer saber dos detalhes técnicos, 1 nome só e 1 site só é
 mais fácil.

 Agora considere isso no contexto de que os desenvolvedores dos
 componentes do OSM têm sido lentos para atender os nossos pedidos. Pra
 mim isso é um ótimo argumento em favor de certas concessões (desde que
 bem analisadas). Um dado no mapa que só serve para quem o colocou lá
 não é um dado útil para o usuário final.

 Se você discorda, por junte-se a mim e abra os tickets relativos a
 cada questão junto aos desenvolvedores dos principais sistemas.

 Só quero lembrar: abrir o ticket não é garantia de que será feito. Em
 muitos casos já notei que eles esperam que alguém faça, não
 necessariamente o desenvolvedor do projeto (provavelmente espera-se
 que quem solicita faça).

 Talk-br mailing list

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Re: [Talk-br] Importação da Funai

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
Se você não se importa que as terras indígenas apareçam no mapa
principal juntamente com as demais reservas, provavelmente pensará que
a concessão não deve ser dada. Caso contrário, pensará que deve.

Acho que leisure=nature_reserve é algo bastante genérico. A descrição
no wiki diz (e copia da Wikipédia): A nature reserve is a protected
area of importance for wildlife, flora, fauna or features of
geological or other special interest, which is reserved and managed
for conservation and to provide special opportunities for study or
research. Nature reserves may be designated by government institutions
in some countries, or by private landowners, such as charities and
research institutions.

Terras indígenas entrariam no caso de protected area of (...) other
special interest.

Quando a boundary=national_park, a mesma página diz: Like a nature
reserve it is about protecting wildlife etc, and is normally
designated by a government. The distinction is unclear and is under
discussion, but some suggestions are: nature reserves are smaller
areas than national parks. National parks are rather like
administrative boundaries around large areas whereas nature reserves
are more evident on-the-ground.

Então a diferença é o tamanho. A gente já discutiu isso antes:
tamanho (comprimento e largura) é dado pela geometria, não pelas tags.
(Algo análogo seria você colocar tags numa rodovia dizendo quão longa
ela é em quilômetros.) Então, se não há distinção clara, e há uma
prática estabelecida de usar as duas juntas (pelo menos nas reservas
maiores), e há benefícios para a renderização, ambas podem ser usadas
sem que isso constitua um erro.

2014-02-21 12:36 GMT-03:00 John Packer
 Existe uma razão para o Google ser famoso: é 1 nome só, e está tudo no
 mesmo lugar.

 Isso está longe de ser a principal razão porquê o Google é famoso.

 Se você discorda, por junte-se a mim e abra os tickets relativos a cada
 questão junto aos desenvolvedores dos principais sistemas.

 Eu já abri um ticket sobre o OSM antes e também vou atrás de outras questões
 como a tradução da wiki.
 Não é como eu não o fizesse, mas só comecei a contribuir para o OSM mesmo só
 mês passado.
 Também já vi o Paulo, Arlindo e o Nelson contribuindo discussões nos tickets
 (ou os adicionando).
 Só talvez não no renderizador principal.

 Concessões tem que ser dadas só em casos com boas razões.
 Este caso dessa importação necessita de uma concessão?

 Em 21 de fevereiro de 2014 11:33, Fernando Trebien escreveu:

 John, todos têm premissas muito similares, e absolutamente nenhum
 renderiza as reservas atualmente quando mapeadas da forma ideal.

 Além disso, qual o percentual de usuários que usa sistemas além do que
 está no site principal? Concorda que quando vendemos por aí a idéia de
 que o OpenStreetMap é um sistema fantástico, as pessoas COMUNS não
 vão acessar o ITO Map, nem o MapBox, certo? Existe uma razão para o
 Google ser famoso: é 1 nome só, e está tudo no mesmo lugar. O usuário
 comum não quer saber dos detalhes técnicos, 1 nome só e 1 site só é
 mais fácil.

 Agora considere isso no contexto de que os desenvolvedores dos
 componentes do OSM têm sido lentos para atender os nossos pedidos. Pra
 mim isso é um ótimo argumento em favor de certas concessões (desde que
 bem analisadas). Um dado no mapa que só serve para quem o colocou lá
 não é um dado útil para o usuário final.

 Se você discorda, por junte-se a mim e abra os tickets relativos a
 cada questão junto aos desenvolvedores dos principais sistemas.

 Só quero lembrar: abrir o ticket não é garantia de que será feito. Em
 muitos casos já notei que eles esperam que alguém faça, não
 necessariamente o desenvolvedor do projeto (provavelmente espera-se
 que quem solicita faça).

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] OSM nas olimpíadas em Sochi

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
Mais uma matéria interessante sobre a relevância do OSM no mundo:

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] D-A-CH

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wendorff
Hallo Frederik,
wie groß ist denn der Nachteil beim Zusammenbauen? Das Script, das Du
angibst, ist ja erstmal nicht so besonders kompliziert; wie viel
Laufzeit und Speicher kostet es, entsprechende Extrakte zusammenzubauen?

Naiv und ohne Details des osmosis-codes zu kennen müsste doch eigentlich
(wenn man voraussetzen kann, dass die Versionen aller Objekte in allen
Teilextrakten zusammenpassen) einmal durch alle osm/pbf-Dateien geparst
werden, während die bereits übernommenen ObjektIDs gespeichert sind.

Das ist also weitgehend lineare Laufzeit in der Größe der
Eingabedateien; und wenn man möchte, kann man statt einer Ergebnisdatei
ja auch direkt die weitere Verarbeitung - DB-Import etc. anhängen.

Eine Umsetzung für unterschiedliche Shells (notfalls einschließlich
Windows) sollte auch machbar sein.

Wenn also der Overhead zumindest bestimmter Nachbarextrakte nicht zu
groß ist, ist es vielleicht eine Überlegung wert, so 'ne Art
Download-Paket-Option anzubieten: Man lade DE, A, CH in einen Ordner, in
dem auch das merge-Script liegt und starte das Script (das kann für
langsame Netzwerkverbindungen bei Bedarf auch schon während des
downloads loslaufen); der Rest ergibt sich von selbst.

Oder übersehe ich dabei was wichtiges?


P.S.: Deshalb sind natürlich manche Extrakte, gerade für Kontinente etc.
trotzdem sinnvoll, weil es bei denen für die Speicherung der schon
übernommenen Objekte schon für einen nicht allerneuesten Heim-PC elend
viel Speicher braucht...

Am 20.02.2014 23:25, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
 On 20.02.2014 21:59, Christian H. Bruhn wrote:
 Ist der Bedarf nach DACH-Daten tatsächlich so groß? Oder wollen die
 Leute nicht eher BYBWACH?
 Das ist ja schon das Alpen-Extrakt ;)
 Der Bedarf nach DACH ist zumindest der am häufigsten geäußerte. Ich
 hab mich bislang immer geziert, weil ich wusste, dass dann natürlich all
 die Fragen nach Benelux, Deutschland+Polen, Ostsee-Anreinerstaaten und
 und und kommen.
 Im Grunde kann man sich benachbarte Regionen mit Osmosis zusammenbauen,
 hier z.B. ein Skript für ein
 set -e
 PIECES=germany/niedersachsen germany/nordrhein-westfalen
 germany/rheinland-pfalz belgium netherlands luxembourg
 # hierunter nix aendern
 for p in $PIECES
NUM=`expr $NUM + 1`
wget -qO$NUM.osm.pbf $BASE/$p-latest.osm.pbf
 Das sollte eigentlich auch die wegen Überschneidung doppelten Ways
 richtig rauswerfen.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] D-A-CH

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden chris66
Am 20.02.2014 17:04, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
für den rein hypothetischen Fall ;) dass ich auf auch ein File D-A-CH anbieten würde, statt nur
 entweder die Länder einzeln oder ganz Europa - würde man dann auch noch
 Südtirol mit dazu nehmen, oder eher nicht?

Unter dem Titel DACH nicht, höchstens DACH+ oder so.

Außerdem wäre die Frage wieso gerade Südtirol und nicht
die anderen an Deutschland grenzenden Ländereien mit
D-Historie. :)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] (über)große relation 1201227

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Lars Lingner
Hallo Thomas,

On 20.02.2014 20:17, malenki wrote:
 Dank der Größe war die Bearbeitung doch nicht ganz trivial. Ich durfte
 JOSM einige Male abschießen, da nicht offenbar war, ob er die 100% load
 auf einem Core endlich oder unendlich verursachen würde.
 Danach durfte ich noch zwei Dateninkonsistenzen durch Bearbeiten der
 OSM-Datei mit einem Texteditor beheben.
 Zuletzt hatte nicht einmal der Validator mehr etwas zu schimpfen, zum
 Prüfen hat er sich aber auch genügend Zeit gelassen:
 INFO: Test 'Multipolygon' in 1 min 48 s beendet

Hab vielen Dank für deine Arbeit. Jetzt ist es wirklich so handlich, das
es bei der Verarbeitung nicht mehr negativ auffällt.

Viele Grüße


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] D-A-CH

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 02/21/2014 08:59 AM, Peter Wendorff wrote:
 Naiv und ohne Details des osmosis-codes zu kennen müsste doch eigentlich
 (wenn man voraussetzen kann, dass die Versionen aller Objekte in allen
 Teilextrakten zusammenpassen) einmal durch alle osm/pbf-Dateien geparst
 werden, während die bereits übernommenen ObjektIDs gespeichert sind.

Ich kenne die genaue Implementierung im Osmosis auch nicht; wenn man
voraussetzt, dass alle Inputs sortiert sind, und das sind sie hier, dann
kann man sich sogar die Liste der bereits übernommenen Objekt-IDs sparen.

 Das ist also weitgehend lineare Laufzeit in der Größe der
 Eingabedateien; und wenn man möchte, kann man statt einer Ergebnisdatei
 ja auch direkt die weitere Verarbeitung - DB-Import etc. anhängen.

Denke ich auch. Müsste halt mal jemand machen ;) grundsätzlich sollte es
von den Daten her eigentlich gehen. Früher hatte ich mal die Extrakte
mit clipIncompleteEntities gemacht, da fehlte dann der über die Grenze
ragende Teil eines Ways, aber jetzt sollte eigentlich jeder Way in jedem
Extrakt komplett drin sein.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] D-A-CH

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Walter Nordmann
Frederik Ramm wrote
 Ich kenne die genaue Implementierung im Osmosis auch nicht; wenn man
 voraussetzt, dass alle Inputs sortiert sind, und das sind sie hier, dann
 kann man sich sogar die Liste der bereits übernommenen Objekt-IDs sparen.

Genau, wenn alle Extrakte aus der gleichen Nacht sind, kann man die
hemmungslos in beliebiger Reihenfolge mit osmosis oder auch osmconvert
mergen. Manche Objekte sind halt in mehreren Extrakten vorhanden, wovon das
letzte Objekt überlebt. Aber da sie alle identisch sind, macht das nichts

@frededrik: wenn du mal neue Polygone für DE,A,CH,LUX oder LI brauchst
(natürlich auch AL4-10):
Click und Export als Poly. Sollten deine Wunschgrenze von ~1000 Nodes pro
Polygon nur leicht überschreiten.


[url=] Missing Residentials Map 
1.17[/url] [url=] Postcode Map 2.0.2[/url]
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[Talk-de] [Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] Final OSGeo-Live 7.9 testing sprint - call to action]

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Astrid Emde (FOSSGIS e.V.)

für diejenigen, die noch keine Pläne für das Wochenende haben!

Samstag und Sonntag ist der OSGeo-Live Testing Sprint für die neue Version

Schönen Gruß


 Original Message 
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Final OSGeo-Live 7.9 testing sprint - call to action
From:Cameron Shorter
Date:Fri, February 21, 2014 12:20 pm
To:  osgeo-discuss

We are calling for help for the final OSGeo-Live testing sprint, this
weekend, 22-23 February 2014, and the following couple of days. We
really want OSGeo seasoned developers to find any outstanding issues,
rather than having them found in workshops or by new users in the
released version.

So please consider joining our testing-sprint to verify everything
works. (The many testers in our last sprint made a big difference to
quality of our 50+ applications)

 1. Sign up
 2. Download ISO from:
 3. Chat about your progress with us at:irc://
 4. Update your testing status


We aim to have each application tested by both someone familiar with it,
and someone less familiar.


  * 21 Feb 2014: OSGeo-Live 7.9 RC3 available for download
  * 22 Feb 2014: UAT testing starts
  * 07 Mar 2014: OSGeo-Live 7.9 (final) sent to printers

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Stefano Salvador
IMVHO se vi danno i dati sabato è abbastanza difficile caricarli il giorno
stesso. Il Data Working Group oramai richiede tutta una serie di attenzioni
e pianificazioni negli import (giustamente) che possono essere fatti solo
una volta che avete i dati in mano. Secondo me è più realistico programmare
per sabato tutte le attività di controllo dei dati e pianificazione
dell'import, poi potete contattare il DWG e aspettare le loro indicazioni.
OSM ha ormai troppi dati per effettuare un import frettoloso.



Il giorno 20 febbraio 2014 23:24, Eduard Natale
eduard.nat...@gmail.comha scritto:

 In effetti dovrebbe arrivare anche quella, sarà un insieme di informazioni
 che ci daranno sabato, ma in realtà non conosciamo con precisione tutti i
 dettagli. Io vorrei cominciare con le fermate prima e poi con il tempo
 aggiungere anche le relazioni. L'idea è: supponiamo di avere questo dataset
 per sabato, possiamo avvantaggiarci in questo lavoro ora in maniera tale
 che sabato possiamo procedere semplicemente all'upload su OpenStreetMap.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
Stefano Salvador wrote
 IMVHO se vi danno i dati sabato è abbastanza difficile caricarli il giorno
 stesso. ... Secondo me è più realistico programmare
 per sabato tutte le attività di controllo dei dati e pianificazione
 dell'import, poi potete contattare il DWG e aspettare le loro indicazioni.

+1  sembra il modo migliore di procedere anche per me

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Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Eduard Natale
Se si conosce la struttura del file la pianificazione la si può fare a
monte. Il controllo dei dati sicuramente sabato. Avete effettuato già degli
Il 21/feb/2014 09:36 Aury88 ha scritto:

 Stefano Salvador wrote
  IMVHO se vi danno i dati sabato è abbastanza difficile caricarli il
  stesso. ... Secondo me è più realistico programmare
  per sabato tutte le attività di controllo dei dati e pianificazione
  dell'import, poi potete contattare il DWG e aspettare le loro

 +1  sembra il modo migliore di procedere anche per me

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Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
Se sei nuovo di osm, è meglio andarci molto cauti con un import.

Sent from my rotary phone. Not a fruit.
On Feb 21, 2014 9:50 AM, Eduard Natale wrote:

 Se si conosce la struttura del file la pianificazione la si può fare a
 monte. Il controllo dei dati sicuramente sabato. Avete effettuato già degli
 Il 21/feb/2014 09:36 Aury88 ha scritto:

 Stefano Salvador wrote
  IMVHO se vi danno i dati sabato è abbastanza difficile caricarli il
  stesso. ... Secondo me è più realistico programmare
  per sabato tutte le attività di controllo dei dati e pianificazione
  dell'import, poi potete contattare il DWG e aspettare le loro

 +1  sembra il modo migliore di procedere anche per me

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Re: [Talk-it] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Andrea De Gradi
I dati sono pubblicati sotto licenza CC-BY, è compatibile con la licenza di
OSM che prevede solo l'attribuzione al progetto e non di certo alla
provincia di Trento?
Il 20/feb/2014 22:27 Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:

 Come credo sappiate la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha rilasciato i
 dati del catasto.
 Oggi sono andato a vedermi i dati e, praticamente, avremmo tutto
 l'edificato del Trentino (oltre che strade ed altro ancora).
 Si tratta delle geometrie e non degli attributi specifici (se non
 sommari  ad indicare se si tratta di uso  del suolo o abitazioni o
 I dati vengono rilasciati ogni sei mesi.
 Devo ammettere che ho trovato qualche problemino (in primis mancano
 informazioni sulla proiezione usata), però rimangono una ottima

 Qui la risorsa

 qui i dataset dell'edificato

 Maurizio Napo Napolitano

 Talk-it mailing list

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Re: [Talk-it] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
Sì è compatibile

Sent from my rotary phone. Not a fruit.
On Feb 21, 2014 9:56 AM, Andrea De Gradi wrote:

 I dati sono pubblicati sotto licenza CC-BY, è compatibile con la licenza
 di OSM che prevede solo l'attribuzione al progetto e non di certo alla
 provincia di Trento?
 Il 20/feb/2014 22:27 Maurizio Napolitano ha

 Come credo sappiate la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha rilasciato i
 dati del catasto.
 Oggi sono andato a vedermi i dati e, praticamente, avremmo tutto
 l'edificato del Trentino (oltre che strade ed altro ancora).
 Si tratta delle geometrie e non degli attributi specifici (se non
 sommari  ad indicare se si tratta di uso  del suolo o abitazioni o
 I dati vengono rilasciati ogni sei mesi.
 Devo ammettere che ho trovato qualche problemino (in primis mancano
 informazioni sulla proiezione usata), però rimangono una ottima

 Qui la risorsa

 qui i dataset dell'edificato

 Maurizio Napo Napolitano

 Talk-it mailing list

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Re: [Talk-it] parzialemte OT: codifica per OSMWIKY

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
per le way
per i nodi

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Re: [Talk-it] parzialemte OT: codifica per OSMWIKY

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
no, aspetta, non sembrano funzionare :(
prova il template Way

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Re: [Talk-it] stazioni meteo e errore coordinate WTOSM

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simone F.
Il giorno 20 febbraio 2014 17:48, Simone Cortesi ha

 2014-02-17 13:27 GMT+01:00 Simone F.
  Non sono mai stato convinto che sia stata una buona idea aggiungere la
  categoria Stazioni meteorologiche d'Italia.
  Non è una categoria così importante e se pensi che le coordinate poco
  accurate dei suoi articoli in Wikipedia possano portare ad errori di
  posizionamento in OSM, possiamo toglierla da wtosm. Sarebbe anche l'unico
  modo per far sparire i suoi marker dalla mappa.

 possiamo toglierle per favore le centraline?

Lo aggiungo alle cose da fare.

 inoltre, non capisco perche', sebbene abbia corretto questo: e messe le coordinate
 corrette del laesino in provincia di Lecce, esso appaia ancora in
 WTOSM in mezzo al mare.

Si erano fermati temporaneamente gli aggiornamenti.
Dovrebbe essersi sistemato.

Simone F.
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] R: parzialemte OT: codifica per OSMWIKY

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Giuseppe Amici
Mille grazie.

Ma un elenco di questi template dove si trova?


-Messaggio originale-
Da: Aury88 [] 
Inviato: venerdì 21 febbraio 2014 10:24
Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] parzialemte OT: codifica per OSMWIKY

no, aspetta, non sembrano funzionare :(
prova il template Way

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Re: [Talk-it] R: parzialemte OT: codifica per OSMWIKY

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
di nulla ;)
non so se esiste un vero e proprio ho trovato quei template
per tentativi.
puoi provare a mettere nel campo di ricerca Template:   e poi nei
risultati di ricerca schiacciare su avanzata e impostare non su (main) o
(principale) ma su template. 

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Re: [Talk-it] stazioni meteo e errore coordinate WTOSM

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
2014-02-21 13:20 GMT+01:00 Simone F.
 inoltre, non capisco perche', sebbene abbia corretto questo: e messe le coordinate
 corrette del laesino in provincia di Lecce, esso appaia ancora in
 WTOSM in mezzo al mare.

 Si erano fermati temporaneamente gli aggiornamenti.
 Dovrebbe essersi sistemato.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aggiornamenti statistiche GFOss su OSM

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
2014-02-18 11:48 GMT+01:00 Diego Guidotti - Aedit s.r.l.
 il server che ospitava le statistiche non ce la faceva ad aggiornarle, sono
 riuscito a resuscitare il sito su un altro server.

 La soluzione è temporanea, ma intanto dovreste accedere alle statistiche
 settimanali aggiornate.

che potenza di calcolo ti serve?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Talk-it-trentino] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
 pensi ad un import?

mi piacerebbe, anche ragionando su strumenti che controllano gli aggiornamenti
fra le due basi dati.
Sul piano delle licenze non ci sono problemi, la questione è invece sulle
La proiezione usata da dati è necessaria.
I ho assegnato una ETRS89 - UTM32N in quanto ho visto che il dataset
dei confini dei comuni catastali aveva, fra i metadati, la voce
(che vuol dire solo quale è l'ellissoide usato ma non dice altro di più).
Il risultato però non sembra proprio perfetto, infatti sovrapponendo
le geometrie sulle tile di OpenStreetMap il risultato mostra
proporzioni e forme simili ma scostamenti nelle
coordinate come si può vedere qui

Risolta quella vedo di capire altro, se intanto qualcuno si vuole divertire :)

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Presto in arrivo gli open data del Friuli Venezia Giulia

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
L'assessore regionale per la funzione pubblica Paolo Panontin annuncia
il rilascio di una legge sull'open data per sostenere sviluppo e imprese
Qui l'intervista audio

l'FVG aveva già messo a disposizione i dati ma non in una reale forma di
open data e senza una strategia di incentivo dietro.

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[Talk-it] AMAT - primo changeset

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
sono felice di annunciarvi che AMAT ha appena effettuato il primo
changeset live su OpenStreetMap.

Si tratta di una piccola correzione nel nome di una via, che ne va a
completare la toponomastica, espandendola dall'esistente Via
Montecuccoli in  Via Raimondo Montecuccoli.

inoltre è stato aggiunto anche il tag loc_ref ufficiale del Comune di Milano.

Il tutto avviene usando un plugin josm custom, rilasciato opensource e
già disponibile su github che fa matching fra la la base dati interna
comunale e quella openstreetmap.

Settimana prossima si inizierà il lavoro di allineamenteo vero e proprio.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] AMAT - primo changeset

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden yahoo-pier_andreit

On 02/21/2014 07:05 PM, Simone Cortesi wrote:

sono felice di annunciarvi che AMAT ha appena effettuato il primo
changeset live su OpenStreetMap.

Si tratta di una piccola correzione nel nome di una via, che ne va a
completare la toponomastica, espandendola dall'esistente Via
Montecuccoli in  Via Raimondo Montecuccoli.

inoltre è stato aggiunto anche il tag loc_ref ufficiale del Comune di Milano.

Il tutto avviene usando un plugin josm custom, rilasciato opensource e
già disponibile su github che fa matching fra la la base dati interna
comunale e quella openstreetmap.

Settimana prossima si inizierà il lavoro di allineamenteo vero e proprio.


benebenebene..., :-) :-) :-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] AMAT - primo changeset

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden cesare gerbino
Ottimo! Complimenti !! E' possibile avere proma o poi dei dettagli tecnici
ed organizzativi di come è stato gestito il tutto? Credo che questa possa
essere un'ottima best practise a cui si potrebbe far riferimento

Il tutto avviene usando un plugin josm custom, rilasciato opensource e
già disponibile su github che fa matching fra la la base dati interna
comunale e quella openstreetmap.

Molto interessante anche questo: anche qui è possibile avere il rifeirmento
GitHub del plugin?


Cesare Gerbino

Il giorno 21 febbraio 2014 19:05, Simone Cortesi ha

 sono felice di annunciarvi che AMAT ha appena effettuato il primo
 changeset live su OpenStreetMap.

 Si tratta di una piccola correzione nel nome di una via, che ne va a
 completare la toponomastica, espandendola dall'esistente Via
 Montecuccoli in  Via Raimondo Montecuccoli.

 inoltre è stato aggiunto anche il tag loc_ref ufficiale del Comune di

 Il tutto avviene usando un plugin josm custom, rilasciato opensource e
 già disponibile su github che fa matching fra la la base dati interna
 comunale e quella openstreetmap.

 Settimana prossima si inizierà il lavoro di allineamenteo vero e proprio.



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Mappiamo quel che c'è sul territorio

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Pelullo
E' possibile osservare scrupolosamente questo mantra?

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Giuseppe Amici
“OSM ha ormai troppi dati per effettuare un import frettoloso”

Questa non la capisco? 
Puoi spiegarmi meglio cosa centra la dimensione del database di OSM con un

Grazie Beppe



Da: Stefano Salvador [] 
Inviato: venerdì 21 febbraio 2014 09:30
A: openstreetmap list - italiano
Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo Import


IMVHO se vi danno i dati sabato è abbastanza difficile caricarli il giorno
stesso. Il Data Working Group oramai richiede tutta una serie di attenzioni
e pianificazioni negli import (giustamente) che possono essere fatti solo
una volta che avete i dati in mano. Secondo me è più realistico programmare
per sabato tutte le attività di controllo dei dati e pianificazione
dell'import, poi potete contattare il DWG e aspettare le loro indicazioni.
OSM ha ormai troppi dati per effettuare un import frettoloso.




Il giorno 20 febbraio 2014 23:24, Eduard Natale ha

In effetti dovrebbe arrivare anche quella, sarà un insieme di informazioni
che ci daranno sabato, ma in realtà non conosciamo con precisione tutti i
dettagli. Io vorrei cominciare con le fermate prima e poi con il tempo
aggiungere anche le relazioni. L'idea è: supponiamo di avere questo dataset
per sabato, possiamo avvantaggiarci in questo lavoro ora in maniera tale che
sabato possiamo procedere semplicemente all'upload su OpenStreetMap.




Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Data Working Group

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Giuseppe Amici
Chi è, cosa fa il Data Working Group?
Come si interfaccia con gli utenti e con i gruppi come il list-italiano?
Quale autorità ha?
Come esercita questa autorità?
Chi ha dato a questo DWG questa autorità?


Saluti Beppe

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
fossi in te oggi agirei in maniera diversa
All'opendataday suppongo ci saranno diverse persone che avranno anche
voglia di imparare come si inseriscono dati in OpenStreetMap
quindi fare con loro un percorso
manuale è, secondo me, vincente.
Aggiungi che i dati vanno verificati quindi l'esperienza che si acquisisce
è ancora più interessante e crei
comunque formi più persone a
partecipare al progetto
Un import bypassa questo passaggio

Sul fronte poi del dataset di origine
il mio consiglio è comunque quello di renderlo disponibile come opendata
anche fuori dal contesto Openstreetmap

Sono curioso di sapere come sarà
oggi la vostra giornata
Il programma che avete organizza è  uno dei piú interessanti di questo
OpenDataDay in Italia

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Data Working Group

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
È tutto scritto qui

È una iniziativa della OSM Foundation
Affronta il problema a livello internazionale e, chiunque (compresi gli
iscritti a questa ML), si riferisce a quel gruppi di volontari per
questioni di problemi sui dati

Il 22/feb/2014 07:56 Giuseppe Amici ha

 Chi è, cosa fa il Data Working Group?
 Come si interfaccia con gli utenti e con i gruppi come il list-italiano?
 Quale autorità ha?
 Come esercita questa autorità?
 Chi ha dato a questo DWG questa autorità?

 Saluti Beppe

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Talk-it-trentino] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
ciao, scusa la domanda sicuramente stupida.
Come fai a capire che quell'offset è dovuto ad un riferimento della mappa
diverso e non ad un offset presente nella ortofoto usata per ricalcare i
profili degli edifici?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] OOC 1:25k OS mapping

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Andy Robinson
My apologies. I had the wrong URL on the wiki page. Fixed now. Make sure you
paste it into the bottom box on the tms details entry dialogue.





From: jonathan [] 
Sent: 20 February 2014 23:19
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] OOC 1:25k OS mapping


I couldn't get the imagery overlay working in JOSM, just delivers me a black


On 20/02/2014 18:27, Rob Nickerson wrote:

Hi Andy,

That looks great - really sharp. I'll add it to my layers in JOSM and see
how it differs from the NLS layer. I think it will be interesting to see how
the 1:25k maps evolved over time as towns expanded.



On 20 February 2014 17:44, Andy Robinson wrote:

As an alternative to the NLS facility I've now completed rectification of
our own 1:25k OS mapping covering the midlands.

For the viewer:
0%0AB0 lat=52.51469lon=-2.00935layers=000

For loading into editor for tracing see


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list



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Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] FW: [Talk-GB] East Midlands pub meeting

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Andy Robinson
Derby isn't so far away. Anyone else up for gat crashing on Tuesday?





From: SK53 [] 
Sent: 21 February 2014 14:27
Subject: [Talk-GB] East Midlands pub meeting


Just a quick reminder that the Nottingham pub meeting will be in Derby on
Tuesday 25th Feb at the Exeter Arms from 19:30.

I hope we might see some new faces!



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Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[Talk-es] El Hackatón en Almería

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Jorge Sanz

El 22 y 23 de marzo en Almería se va a realizar un sarao tecnológico
llamado El Hackatón que es algo así como un concurso con charlas y lo que
se tercie.

Me han invitado y si no pasa nada voy a dar la brasa sobre OSM. Uno de los
organizadores me comenta que si hay gente de OSM que se anime, seguramente
habría espacio para una reunión o lo que queramos.

Yo me he ofrecido para, ya que estoy por allí, pues aparte de la charla,
armar lo que nos apetezca: talleres, editatón, lo que sea.

¿Qué os parece? ¿Hay gente de Almería y alrededores que se anime?

Jorge Sanz
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-ar] Sabado #OpenDataDay expedición de datos de transporte

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Matías Kalwill

Mañana es el #OpenDataDay en todo el mundo y con @okfnAR y @bikestorming
haremos una expedición de datos de transporte

Una de las propuestas incluye trabajaremos sobre datos de OSM, estaria
buenisimo que los que estén trabajando activamente en esta data local se
sumen. Les dejo el link al meetup:


Talk-ar mailing list


2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Johannes Silly
Hallo liebe Kollegen hab gerade die Seite gefunden finde sie etwas
komisch, was meint ihr?
-Da man OSM Daten angezeigt bekommt aber Google Karten hinterlegt sind.
-Warum nimmt den der Betreiber eigentlich nicht gleich die OSM Karte,
da er anscheinend nur einzelne tiles anzeigt.
-Suchfunktion gibt es nur mit klick zu klick bzw. über Google da er
anscheinend auch power: sub_station anzeigt:,1490675313n
-Ich glaub die Seite ist aber anscheinend noch nicht fertig, aber der
Betreiber hat Sie schon gut gemacht mit dem Auslesen der Daten.
-für Neulinge etwas verwirrend da eben Daten/Karten nicht von selben Anbieter.
-gibt sicher auch noch bessere Seiten
-der Contact link ist leider 404; darum schreibe ich hier bei talk-at
vielleicht liest er mit.

PS: Urheberrecht steht unten: This site based on the informations
provided by, from on

Liebe Grüße Johannes

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-at] Als Punkt-POIs getaggte Flächen

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Kevin Kofler

kann bitte jemand dem User gerdi4711 erklären, daß es nicht sinnvoll ist, 
FKK-Bereiche (die geometrisch eindeutig Flächen sind) durch massenhaft 
Punkte mit name=FKK-Bereich (wobei auch die Verwendung des name=-Tags 
fragwürdig ist) zu taggen? Ich habe es probiert (nachdem ich von ihm per PM 
beschuldigt wurde, gezielt FKK-Bereiche zensieren zu wollen) und bekam auf 
meine PM keine Antwort, und einige Tage später hat er dann einfach wieder 
Punkte eingezeichnet!

Siehe z.B.:

Ich habe keine Lust, meine Zeit mit Edit-Warring zu verschwenden. :-(

Kevin Kofler

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Als Punkt-POIs getaggte Flächen

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Christian Aigner
Ich bin gerade am Übersiedeln und daher ist meine Zeit etwas knapp. Wenn
aber nächste Woche alles erledigt ist, werde ich dem User mal schreiben.


Am 22.02.2014 04:31, schrieb Kevin Kofler:
 kann bitte jemand dem User gerdi4711 erklären, daß es nicht sinnvoll ist, 
 FKK-Bereiche (die geometrisch eindeutig Flächen sind) durch massenhaft 
 Punkte mit name=FKK-Bereich (wobei auch die Verwendung des name=-Tags 
 fragwürdig ist) zu taggen? Ich habe es probiert (nachdem ich von ihm per PM 
 beschuldigt wurde, gezielt FKK-Bereiche zensieren zu wollen) und bekam auf 
 meine PM keine Antwort, und einige Tage später hat er dann einfach wieder 
 Punkte eingezeichnet!
 Siehe z.B.:
 Ich habe keine Lust, meine Zeit mit Edit-Warring zu verschwenden. :-(
 Kevin Kofler
 Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Als Punkt-POIs getaggte Flächen

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Stefan Tauner
On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 04:31:27 +0100
Kevin Kofler wrote:

 kann bitte jemand dem User gerdi4711 erklären, daß es nicht sinnvoll ist, 
 FKK-Bereiche (die geometrisch eindeutig Flächen sind) durch massenhaft 
 Punkte mit name=FKK-Bereich (wobei auch die Verwendung des name=-Tags 
 fragwürdig ist) zu taggen? Ich habe es probiert (nachdem ich von ihm per PM 
 beschuldigt wurde, gezielt FKK-Bereiche zensieren zu wollen) und bekam auf 
 meine PM keine Antwort, und einige Tage später hat er dann einfach wieder 
 Punkte eingezeichnet!

Sind mir auch schon aufgefallen, und nein die Verwendung des Name-Tags
in dieser Form ist natürlich nicht richtig (schon alleine wegen der
Abkürzung). Es gibt einen passenden nudism=* Tag. Vielleicht kann man
ihm den vorschlagen, an der point vs. area-Diskussion ändert das
natürlich nix.
Die Trafo-Wiese von ihm ist wohl auch eher keine offizielle, in
der Realität vorhandene Kennzeichnung
( Ich bin nicht einmal
sicher, ob es die überhaupt in irgendeiner Form gibt... dort wo er sie
(als Punkt) gezeichnet hat, ist jedenfalls weder Trafo noch Wiese :)
Mal sehen, ob es nochmal kommt...

Das passende Overpass Query für JOSM ist übrigens:
node(user:gerdi4711);out meta;
und wenn ich mir das so ansehe... FKK-Bereiche sind nur ein kleiner
Teil des Problems. :/

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
Mi dici il nome del tuo comune?
Da dove hai preso quel valore?
Il valore corretto è quello che trovi nella tabella di questo shape file

2014-02-21 18:05 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste
 Hash: SHA256

 Il 20/02/2014 22:26, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:
 Come credo sappiate la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha rilasciato
 i dati del catasto. Oggi sono andato a vedermi i dati e,
 praticamente, avremmo tutto l'edificato del Trentino (oltre che
 strade ed altro ancora). Si tratta delle geometrie e non degli
 attributi specifici (se non sommari  ad indicare se si tratta di
 uso  del suolo o abitazioni o edifici). I dati vengono rilasciati
 ogni sei mesi. Devo ammettere che ho trovato qualche problemino (in
 primis mancano informazioni sulla proiezione usata), però rimangono
 una ottima risorsa.

 Qui la risorsa

 qui i dataset dell'edificato

 Il codice catastale del mio comune è I557, se guardo nel dataset, vedo
 fino a 447, può essere che manchino parti locali nel dataset?

 - --
 Simone Girardelli
 Version: GnuPG v1


 Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Maurizio Napo Napolitano

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA256

Il 21/02/2014 18:11, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:
 Mi dici il nome del tuo comune? Da dove hai preso quel valore? Il
 valore corretto è quello che trovi nella tabella di questo shape

Il comune è Scurelle:

Praticamente è lo stesso codice catastale che si mette sul 730 nelle
informazioni del comune di residenza

Comunque scarico il dataset e vedo, grazie.
- -- 
Simone Girardelli
Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Catasto Trentino

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA256

Il 21/02/2014 18:17, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:
 Il comune è Scurelle:
 Praticamente è lo stesso codice catastale che si mette sul 730
 nelle informazioni del comune di residenza
 Comunque scarico il dataset e vedo, grazie.
 Il fatto è che in Trentino abbiamo ancora il catasto dell'impero 
 austro-ungarico. Tant'è che ci sono i confini catastali anche delle
 frazioni di Trento. Il codice di cui parli è quello nazionale, e ci
 pensa il catasto di trento a fare le conversioni. Il codice che
 cerchi è il 343, quindi basta che apri i file che hanno, nel nome, 
 il codice 343 ed ottieni quello che cerchi.

Comunqe mi son trovato meglio con questo dataset, è più veloce per la
ricerca del codice con qgis:

- -- 
Simone Girardelli
Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Import lista monumente istorice

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Strainu

Am aflat azi că cei care mapează pe Google Maps (sau Google România?
nu e prea clar) ar fi semnat o înțelegere cu Agentia Națională pentru
Turism pentru maparea monumentelor istorice. Mi-e puțin neclar ce
treabă are ANT și ce vor mapa efectiv, dar mi s-a părut un incentive
bun să reînviem proiectul ăsta.

Mâine la hackathon sper să mobilizez niște oameni care să facă niște părți:
- identificarea clădirilor monument deja existente, dar nemarcate ca
atare pe OSM
- extragerea coordonatelor din monumentele marcate pe OSM
- găsirea și rezolvarea diferențelor între OSM, Wikipedia și listele
de la Cimec.

Florin, când ai importat muzeele ai marcat și monumentele istorice?

Dacă mai vrea cineva să ajute, chiar remote, mă puteți contacta.


În data de 18 iulie 2013, 11:41, Strainu a scris:
 În data de 18 iulie 2013, 09:42, Badita Florin a 
 Pe siteul sunt 2400 de monumente istorice. Nu
 merge downlodata direct baza de date, dar se poate face o interogare si ca
 raspuns , prin filebug putem avea output-ul asa

 divimg src=/images/yahoo_muzeu_icon_cupoza.jpg alt=monument cu poze
 width=18 height=19 hspace=5 vspace=5 align=absmiddle /a href=#
 Cas#259; - Aleea Alexandru, nr. 14/abr

 Din care putem automatiza cu un script sa scoatem un output de genul : nume,
 strada, numar, coordonate gps, destul cat sa putem face un import in
 OpenStreetMap prin Josm

 De aici avem numele monumentului, Casa

 strada unde se afla, Aleea Alexandru

 numarul strazi 14

 precum si coordonatele GPS

 Stie cineva cum facem cel mai simplu script pentru asa ceva ?

 Salut Florin,

 Mulțumesc că ai ridicat acest subiect! De vreo 2 ani mă tot gândesc la
 un asemenea import.

 Cel mai important: Te rog să nu faci importul DOAR de pe harta aceea,
 deoarece conține multe erori. Monumentele au fost puse probabil cu
 mâna, iar imaginile au un oarecare offset. Dacă faci importul de
 acolo, trebuie și corectate de mână.

 Listele de monumente istorice de la Wikipedia [1] conțin și
 coordonate, în aproximativ 5% din monumente (1500 de monumente). De
 fapt, sunt mult mai multe, pentru că multe coordonate sunt puse la
 ansambluri, ele putând fi aplicate pentru majoritatea, sau toate,
 monumentele din ansamblu. Aceste coordonate sunt luate de multe or
 direct din metadatele imaginilor, fiind deci foarte apropiate de
 locația reală (câteodată trebuie să le treci pe partea celalaltă a
 străzii, dar cele mai multe sunt corecte). Pot fi verificate manual
 direct pe harta OSM la [2]. Datele de aici le am în format JSON, deci
 ușor reutilizabile de programatori

 Problema mai dureroasă și cea care m-a împiedicat să fac importul până
 acum e că nu vreau să duplic informația deja existentă: multe dintre
 monumente există deja, chiar desenate frumos, cu contur. Aș vrea să le
 identific pe acelea și să le adaug codul LMI și să le identific ca
 puncte de atracția și de-abia apoi să import alte date.

 Eu n-am până mai în toamnă timp să mă ocup de asta, dar dacă vrea
 cineva să programeze, vă pot ajuta cu date, cod pentru interacțiunea
 cu listele de pe Wikipedia sau sfaturi.



Talk-ro mailing list

[Talk-ro] Nomenclatorul străzilor - Timișoara

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Strainu
Primăria Timișoara a publicat pe nomenclatorul străzilor.
N-are informații geografice foarte relevante, dar s-ar putea dovedi
util în cazul unor discuții gen Calea Călărași/Călărașilor; în plus, e
și mai interesant faptul că are *fostele* nume ale străzilor. Nu știu
cum pot fi adăugate mai multe nume vechi, dar ar fi interesant.


Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Nomenclatorul străzilor - Timișoara

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Filip Chirita Rares Cristian
Alt_name ar fi cel mai ok pentru nume mai vechi dar pe care oamenii inca le
On Feb 21, 2014 1:17 PM, Strainu wrote:

 Primăria Timișoara a publicat pe nomenclatorul străzilor.
 N-are informații geografice foarte relevante, dar s-ar putea dovedi
 util în cazul unor discuții gen Calea Călărași/Călărașilor; în plus, e
 și mai interesant faptul că are *fostele* nume ale străzilor. Nu știu
 cum pot fi adăugate mai multe nume vechi, dar ar fi interesant.


 Talk-ro mailing list

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Diane Mercier
Translation in english of the title  :  Municipalities and government of 
Québec (Canada) will adopt the CC BY 4.0 -
Ref. :

Dear Paul,

I am sorry to contradict you, but please find attached copy of my 
conversation with Simon Poole and against the CC 

This conversation includes the response of Simon Poole.

I also copy to the list of discussion legal-talk @

I reiterate. It is the responsibility of OSM Foundation to instruct his 
community of his CC 4.0 interpretation as it has done for the CC 2.0 and 
CC 3.0
And in my humble opinion, the tiles and the BD licenses should updates 
to CC 4.0 to reduce proliferation of license, etc.


Note : See press releases

Dre Diane Mercier

@okfnca |
@_FACiL |
@carnetsDM |

Webographie du libre :

« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

Le 2014-02-21 01:42, Paul Norman a écrit :

No one has raised the issue on legal-talk@ since CC 4 was released.

*From:*Pierre Béland []
*Sent:* Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:43 AM
*To:*; Talk-ca (OSM)
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

Merci Diane pour ces infos.

Ce sont là de bonnes nouvelles pour la communauté OSM du Québec.

Espérons que nous aurons rapidement des nouvelles de la part du comité 
légal de OSM là-dessus.


Good morning Diane

There are two aspects to compatibility of a licence with OSM.

On the one hand it has to be compatible with our contributor terms which
only provide for attribution on request and on the other hand has to be
compatible with our current distribution licence. Essentially this rules
out any licence with share alike provisions. We can however provide
attribution in a limited fashion. In the past we have deemed CC by 2.0
and 3.0 sources as compatible with OSM if the rights owners have agreed
with how we do attribution via our website.

Outside of this we have no formal approval purpose for licences, which
is no surprise given that we have no lawyers on our staff of zero :-).
We would make a determination if and when such a need would arise, if
OKFN or your organisation would like to initiate such a review we would
naturally gladly take the results in to account.

Kind regards

Simon Poole

Am 17.12.2013 20:18, schrieb Diane Mercier, Ph.D.:

 The city of Montreal is currently revising its open license so the
 OpenStreetMap community can reuse our open geospatial data in your
 databases and applications.

 The license model should be approved by the OKFN as well as by the
 OSM to allow greater reuse of our open data.

 We were getting ready to reuse the Government of Canada (version
 2.0) license which is approved by OKFN and OSM.

 Have you approved - or are you currently approving - CC 4.0
 international just as the OKFN is doing (see od-discuss list)?

 Note : The french version will be the official one because City of
 Montréal is a French city in Québec, Canada. An english version will
 be published at the same time ;-)

 Best Regards,

 Dre Diane Mercier
 Ph.D. Sciences de l'information

 Chargée de projet principale des données ouvertes
 Division Communications numériques et graphiques
 Direction des communications
 Service du capital humain et des communications
 Ville de Montréal
 303, rue Notre-Dame Est, 1A, Montréal QC H2Y 3Y8
 @MTL_DO |
 514 872-9702 |

 Ambassadrice de l'Open Knowledge Foundation Network - Groupe local
 au Canada
 @okfnca |

 @carnetsDM |
 « Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

 - Message original -
 Objet:   Re: [Talk-ca] Les licences Creative Commons 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0
 et CC-BY-SA-4.0)  est-elle acceptée par OSM
 De:  Guillaume Pratte
 Date:Mar 17 décembre 2013 13:05
 À:   Diane Mercier

 Bonjour Diane,

 Tu peux contacter (en anglais) l?équipe légale de la fondation
 OpenStreetMap à l?adresse suivante:



 Le 2013-12-17 à 12:23, Diane Mercier a
 écrit :


 Pourriez-vous m'indiquer si OSM accepte les données libérées sous

Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Diane Mercier

Municipalities and government of Québec will adopt the CC BY 4.0


Le 2014-02-21 07:04, Simon Poole a écrit :

This is I believe a simple misunderstanding: is the internal list of the LWG is the legal discussion mailing list open 
to the general public.

On the matter at hand: as I write in the quoted mail, we are quite 
open to taking the results of a review of CC by 4.0 wrt compatibility 
with our contributor terms and the ODbL 1.0 in to account. Note, as I 
wrote in my mail, it is likely not worth doing for CC by-SA 4.0 as it 
is clear that a share alike licence will not be CT compatible.


Am 21.02.2014 12:12, schrieb Diane Mercier:
Translation in english of the title  :  Municipalities and government 
of Québec (Canada) will adopt the CC BY 4.0 -
Ref. :

Dear Paul,

I am sorry to contradict you, but please find attached copy of my 
conversation with Simon Poole and against the 
CC 4.0

This conversation includes the response of Simon Poole.

I also copy to the list of discussion legal-talk @

I reiterate. It is the responsibility of OSM Foundation to instruct 
his community of his CC 4.0 interpretation as it has done for the CC 
2.0 and CC 3.0
And in my humble opinion, the tiles and the BD licenses should 
updates to CC 4.0 to reduce proliferation of license, etc.


Note : See press releases

Dre Diane Mercier

@okfnca |
@_FACiL |
@carnetsDM |

Webographie du libre :

« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

Le 2014-02-21 01:42, Paul Norman a écrit :

No one has raised the issue on legal-talk@ since CC 4 was released.

*From:*Pierre Béland []
*Sent:* Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:43 AM
*To:*; Talk-ca (OSM)
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

Merci Diane pour ces infos.

Ce sont là de bonnes nouvelles pour la communauté OSM du Québec.

Espérons que nous aurons rapidement des nouvelles de la part du 
comité légal de OSM là-dessus.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Pierre Béland
Eh good news for  OSM-Quebec community then. Let's wait for the official 
confirmation of the exact license adopted.

Bonne nouvelle pour les contributeurs OSM-Québec.  Attendons cependant la 
confirmation officielle de la licence exacte adoptée.


 De : Diane Mercier
À : Simon Poole; Paul Norman; 
'Pierre Béland'; 'Talk-ca (OSM)';; 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 21 février 2014 8h43
Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de  données ouvertes au Québec

Municipalities and government of Québec will adopt the CC BY 4.0


Le 2014-02-21 07:04, Simon Poole a écrit :

This is I believe a simple misunderstanding: is the internal list of the LWG is the legal discussion mailing list open to 
the general public.

On the matter at hand: as I write in the quoted mail, we are
quite open to taking the results of a review of CC by 4.0 wrt
compatibility with our contributor terms and the ODbL 1.0 in to
account. Note, as I wrote in my mail, it is likely not worth
doing for CC by-SA 4.0 as it is clear that a share alike licence
will not be CT compatible.


Am 21.02.2014 12:12, schrieb Diane Mercier:

Translation in english of the title  :  Municipalities and government of Québec 
(Canada) will adopt the CC BY 4.0 -
Ref. :

Dear Paul, 

I am sorry to contradict you, but please find attached copy of
  my conversation with Simon Poole and against 
the CC 4.0 
This conversation includes the response of Simon Poole.

I also copy to the list of discussion legal-talk @

I reiterate. It is the responsibility of OSM Foundation to
  instruct his community of his CC 4.0 interpretation as it has
  done for the CC 2.0 and CC 3.0
And in my humble opinion, the tiles and the BD licenses should
  updates to CC 4.0 to reduce proliferation of license, etc.


Note : See press releases

Dre Diane Mercier

@okfnca |
@_FACiL |
@carnetsDM |

Webographie du libre :

« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats
  ouverts »

Le 2014-02-21 01:42, Paul Norman a écrit :

No one has raised the issue on legal-talk@ since CC 4 was released.
From:Pierre Béland [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:43 AM
To:; Talk-ca (OSM)
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec
Merci Diane pour ces infos. 

Ce sont là de bonnes nouvelles pour la communauté
OSM du Québec.

Espérons que nous aurons rapidement des nouvelles de
la part du comité légal de OSM là-dessus.___
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Updating Langley and use of alt_name?

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden William Rieck
Hi Paul, I was following your message until this statement, where I got
confused. Are you saying the city of Langley is not a city? What do you
mean by in British English?

 That's all fairly simple, but the place node is more complicated. Langley
 not a city in British English, but a town.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Richard Weait
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:
 Eh good news for  OSM-Quebec community then. Let's wait for the official
 confirmation of the exact license adopted.

I disagree.

Any license drafted or adopted by a Canadian government, other than a
no-restrictions, equivalent-to-Public-Domain-license, like ODC-PDDL,
will require a waiver or clarification from the municipality (or
province / territory, or feds) that attribution as provided by
OpenStreetMap (wiki page, probably listed on a sub-page) meets their
interpretation of attribution.  So, adoption of CC-anything-but-0 is
bad for local OSM communities.  It would likely work out okay in the
end for those local OpenStreetMap communities.  To my knowledge, every
municipality approached for such a waiver has granted it.  To
OpenStreetMap Foundation at least.

For the Open Data community at large, and for the municipality /
governement itself, adoption of any restricting license is a disaster.
 For one thing, not every potential open project will be on the radar
of a municipality in the same way that OpenStreetMap is.  Too bad for
that potential Open Data Project.  Perhaps they'll get the waiver they
need, perhaps they won't.

Again, any government open data publication in Canada must be licensed
ODC-PDDL, or else it is a not-open-enough-closed-data-failure.

Another sign of bizarre, Open-blindness.  I've had government open
data representatives say to me, the equivalent of, So what if the
license says something complicated. It's open, just do what you want.
We won't go after anybody who breaks the license. We just need to be
able to shut down anybody who embarrasses us.

Ahem.  No.

0) If you plan to grant wavers and exemptions anyway, why not just use
an unrestricted license?  Oh, did you want to only grant exemptions
for projects / persons of whom you approve?  That doesn't sound very
1) If you don't plan to enforce your license terms, why select (or
worse, why draft) a license with restrictions?  Select ODC-PDDL
2) If you want developers to work with your data, do you want
developers who care enough to read, understand and follow your terms,
or not?  Because your license with restrictions just cut out a portion
of those developers.  You can still keep the developers that don't
read licenses, or don't care about the terms.  Congratulations.
3) What, you want to shut down a use of the data that embarrasses you?
 No.  It doesn't work that way.  If Open Data can be shown to expose
that your mayor is a pathologically lying, bullying, drug addict with
possible links to organized crime, you don't get to shut down the
analysis just because your boss finds it embarrassing.  (It's just a
hypothetical example)
4) If you really do plan to grant a waiver or exemption to every
project / user who asks for it, shouldn't you have selected an
unrestricted Open Data License that didn't place the burden of that
extra waiver step upon you (and each potential user) ?

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [OSM-legal-talk] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Richard Weait
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

[ ... ]
 Again, any government open data publication in Canada must be licensed
 ODC-PDDL, or else it is a not-open-enough-closed-data-failure.

 I agree that all PSI ought be public domain, with ODC-PDDL or CC0 or some
 other public domain instrument, since the sane default isn't the default.
 But calling attribution-only terms a closed-data-failure (BTW, what does
 that make ODbL? Is OSM the only entity in the world that can use non public
 domain terms and not be a closed data fail?) seems over the top.

Government Open Data, and OpenStreetMap Open Data are different
kettles of fish.  And so different goal posts apply to each.

Government Open Data is more-correctly Citizen Open Data. For that
same government to attempt to then restrict the use of that data by
the citizens who own it, and pay for it (and, in fact who own the
government :-) ) well, that's the part that is over the top.  :-)

OpenStreetMap data is created by the OpenStreetMap contributors.
Where those same contributors decide to place themselves, as a group,
along the Open Spectrum has nothing to do with government, er,
*strikeover* citizen data.  It might also be a a long-standing and
heated discussion amongst those same contributors.  :-)

Thanks, Mike.  Cheers.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [OSM-legal-talk] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Mike Linksvayer
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Pierre Béland wrote:
  Eh good news for  OSM-Quebec community then. Let's wait for the official
  confirmation of the exact license adopted.

 I disagree.

 Any license drafted or adopted by a Canadian government, other than a
 no-restrictions, equivalent-to-Public-Domain-license, like ODC-PDDL,
 will require a waiver or clarification from the municipality (or
 province / territory, or feds) that attribution as provided by
 OpenStreetMap (wiki page, probably listed on a sub-page) meets their
 interpretation of attribution.  So, adoption of CC-anything-but-0 is
 bad for local OSM communities.  It would likely work out okay in the
 end for those local OpenStreetMap communities.  To my knowledge, every
 municipality approached for such a waiver has granted it.  To
 OpenStreetMap Foundation at least.

 For the Open Data community at large, and for the municipality /
 governement itself, adoption of any restricting license is a disaster.
  For one thing, not every potential open project will be on the radar
 of a municipality in the same way that OpenStreetMap is.  Too bad for
 that potential Open Data Project.  Perhaps they'll get the waiver they
 need, perhaps they won't.

 Again, any government open data publication in Canada must be licensed
 ODC-PDDL, or else it is a not-open-enough-closed-data-failure.

I agree that all PSI ought be public domain, with ODC-PDDL or CC0 or some
other public domain instrument, since the sane default isn't the default.
But calling attribution-only terms a closed-data-failure (BTW, what does
that make ODbL? Is OSM the only entity in the world that can use non public
domain terms and not be a closed data fail?) seems over the top.

Asking for a clarification that provided attribution is OK seems over the
top too, at least for CC-BY, especially CC-BY-4.0, given You may satisfy
the [attribution conditions] in any reasonable manner based on the medium,
means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. If every
attribution needs to be clarified with the licensor to determine if it is
OK, then attribution licenses truly are a fail. But that practice is
certainly not the intent of such licenses.

IMO, IANAL, etc etc.

The remainder below is most excellent.

 Another sign of bizarre, Open-blindness.  I've had government open
 data representatives say to me, the equivalent of, So what if the
 license says something complicated. It's open, just do what you want.
 We won't go after anybody who breaks the license. We just need to be
 able to shut down anybody who embarrasses us.

 Ahem.  No.

 0) If you plan to grant wavers and exemptions anyway, why not just use
 an unrestricted license?  Oh, did you want to only grant exemptions
 for projects / persons of whom you approve?  That doesn't sound very
 1) If you don't plan to enforce your license terms, why select (or
 worse, why draft) a license with restrictions?  Select ODC-PDDL
 2) If you want developers to work with your data, do you want
 developers who care enough to read, understand and follow your terms,
 or not?  Because your license with restrictions just cut out a portion
 of those developers.  You can still keep the developers that don't
 read licenses, or don't care about the terms.  Congratulations.
 3) What, you want to shut down a use of the data that embarrasses you?
  No.  It doesn't work that way.  If Open Data can be shown to expose
 that your mayor is a pathologically lying, bullying, drug addict with
 possible links to organized crime, you don't get to shut down the
 analysis just because your boss finds it embarrassing.  (It's just a
 hypothetical example)
 4) If you really do plan to grant a waiver or exemption to every
 project / user who asks for it, shouldn't you have selected an
 unrestricted Open Data License that didn't place the burden of that
 extra waiver step upon you (and each potential user) ?

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

This is I believe a simple misunderstanding: is the internal list of the LWG is the legal discussion mailing list
open to the general public.

On the matter at hand: as I write in the quoted mail, we are quite open
to taking the results of a review of CC by 4.0 wrt compatibility with
our contributor terms and the ODbL 1.0 in to account. Note, as I wrote
in my mail, it is likely not worth doing for CC by-SA 4.0 as it is clear
that a share alike licence will not be CT compatible.


Am 21.02.2014 12:12, schrieb Diane Mercier:
 Translation in english of the title  :  Municipalities and government
 of Québec (Canada) will adopt the CC BY 4.0 -
 Ref. :

 Dear Paul,

 I am sorry to contradict you, but please find attached copy of my
 conversation with Simon Poole and against the
 CC 4.0
 This conversation includes the response of Simon Poole.

 I also copy to the list of discussion legal-talk @

 I reiterate. It is the responsibility of OSM Foundation to instruct
 his community of his CC 4.0 interpretation as it has done for the CC
 2.0 and CC 3.0
 And in my humble opinion, the tiles and the BD licenses should updates
 to CC 4.0 to reduce proliferation of license, etc.


 Note : See press releases

 Dre Diane Mercier

 @MTL_DO |
 @okfnca |
 @_FACiL |
 @carnetsDM |

 Webographie du libre :

 « Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

 Le 2014-02-21 01:42, Paul Norman a écrit :

 No one has raised the issue on legal-talk@ since CC 4 was released.


 *From:*Pierre Béland []
 *Sent:* Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:43 AM
 *To:*; Talk-ca (OSM)
 *Subject:* Re: [Talk-ca] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec


 Merci Diane pour ces infos.

 Ce sont là de bonnes nouvelles pour la communauté OSM du Québec.

 Espérons que nous aurons rapidement des nouvelles de la part du
 comité légal de OSM là-dessus.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [Imports] GNS tag cleanup

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Bryce Nesbitt
My comments largely revolve around the use of editor based deprecation.

One comment is specific to GNS.  The gns:uni and gns:ufi are a primary keys
in the source data, and as such should definitely be kept to aid in future
matching or conflation of the object.  See:

Also of some value is gns:fc.  gns:nt should have been used during the
original import to tag historic names differently and perhaps shuffle some
of them to a historic map database.

In general I feel the editor delete list approach is bad for two reasons:
1) Tags are deleted behind the back of human editors.  There's no effective
human review since the deletion is done at save time not load time in
common editors.
2) Slowly bit-rotting away data does not give data consumers any notice
that their tags are going away.  Far better that a data consumer notices
the deprecation right away.  They could then can adjust their software, or
argue for restoration of the data, before the data is long gone under a
blizzard of overlapping edits.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 11:45 PM, Paul Norman wrote:

 About 6 years ago, a set of data was imported from GNS, consisting of place
 names, mainly of place=town.
 Any comments?
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Updating Langley and use of alt_name?

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Pierre Béland
Looking at the Township and City of Langley, I see that these relations are 
duplicate polygons that share the exact same nodes. Then why two relations? 
Instead, would it be better to simply use alt_name for the city, added to the 
Township of Langley.  Such Classification where you have two admin_level=8 for 
the same area is a nonsense to my point of view. 

To show the inconsistencies that this creates, let's have a look at the 
Nominatim links below. You will see how the Locality, Suburb, Residential 
highways etc. are shared between the two. And most of the item are classified 
under the Township. Some other elements under the City. But searching 
Nominatims, you will see places classified either und the Township, the City of 
simply Langley.

For example, if you search in Nominatim for 

* Livingstone, Langley. Canada, this will be reported as Livingstone, 
Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British-Columbia, 
* 10 Avenue, Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, 
Colombie-Britannique, Canada
* Brookswood, Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, 
Colombie-Britannique, Canada
* 201A Street, Brookswood, Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional 
District, Colombie-Britannique, Canada
The best seems to make a choice for which locality title will be showed to 
describe Langley and use an alt_name tag to describe the second appellation

* City Boundary Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional 
District, Colombie-Britannique, Canada

* City Boundary City of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, 
Colombie-Britannique, Canada


 De : William Rieck
À : Paul Norman 
Cc : talk-ca 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 21 février 2014 12h09
Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Updating Langley and use of alt_name?

Hi Paul, I was following your message until this statement, where I got 
confused. Are you saying the city of Langley is not a city? What do you mean by 
in British English?

That's all fairly simple, but the place node is more complicated. Langley is
not a city in British English, but a town.

Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [OSM-legal-talk] Nouvelle licence de données ouvertes au Québec

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman
CC BY 3.0 and earlier had onerous attribution requirements for data. I believe 
4.0 fixes this. I don't think anyone has suggested contacting a data provider 
who's licensed under CC 4.0 licenses to clarify attribution.

The issue with 3.0 attribution are not purely theoretical, there have been 
providers who have objected to how we have attribution and we've been unable to 
use their data.

Sent from my iPad

 On Feb 21, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
 Asking for a clarification that provided attribution is OK seems over the top 
 too, at least for CC-BY, especially CC-BY-4.0, given You may satisfy the 
 [attribution conditions] in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, 
 and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. If every attribution 
 needs to be clarified with the licensor to determine if it is OK, then 
 attribution licenses truly are a fail. But that practice is certainly not the 
 intent of such licenses.
 IMO, IANAL, etc etc.
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Updating Langley and use of alt_name?

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Pierre Béland
Oups I was wrong in identifiying the polygons in JOSM. 

These are  two adjacent polygons, the city being surrounded by the township.  
The difference in spelling comes from the alt_name=Langley. 

I should have mapped for the Night of the living map instead. Or maybe not!


 De : Pierre Béland
À : William Rieck; Paul Norman 
Cc : talk-ca 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 21 février 2014 21h53
Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Updating Langley and use of alt_name?

Looking at the Township and City of Langley, I see that these relations are 
duplicate polygons that share the exact same nodes. Then why two relations? 
Instead, would it be better to simply use alt_name for the city, added to the 
Township of Langley.  Such Classification where you have two admin_level=8 for 
the same area is a nonsense to my point of view. 

To show the inconsistencies that this creates, let's have a look at the 
Nominatim links below. You will see how the Locality, Suburb, Residential 
highways etc. are shared between the two. And most of the item are classified 
under the Township. Some other
 elements under the City. But searching Nominatims, you will see places 
classified either und the Township, the City of simply Langley.

For example, if you search in Nominatim for 

* Livingstone, Langley. Canada, this will be reported as Livingstone, 
Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British-Columbia, 
* 10 Avenue, Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, 
Colombie-Britannique, Canada
* Brookswood, Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, 
Colombie-Britannique, Canada
* 201A Street, Brookswood, Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional 
District, Colombie-Britannique, Canada
The best seems to
 make a choice for which locality title will be showed to describe Langley and 
use an alt_name tag to describe the second appellation

* City Boundary Township of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional 
District, Colombie-Britannique, Canada

* City Boundary City of Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, 
Colombie-Britannique, Canada


 De : William Rieck
À : Paul Norman 
Cc : talk-ca 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 21 février 2014 12h09
Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Updating Langley and use of alt_name?

Hi Paul, I was following your message until this statement, where I got 
confused. Are you saying the city of Langley is not a city? What do you mean by 
in British English?

That's all fairly simple, but the place node is more complicated. Langley is
not a city in British English, but a town.

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Opět hlášení chyb (Re: Minimalis_import)

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral

Dne 21.2.2014 00:36, Dalibor Jelínek napsal:
Nó. Vidím tabulku přepěknou, kterou filtrovati, řaditi a exportovati 

souboru s hodnotami středníčkem oddělenými dle libosti můžu. :-D

Nó, vzhledem k tomu, že je tam jedna hodnota, tak filtr a razeni jsou
uz ted funkcni a zabudovane implicitne. Je ale fakt, ze export pres
Ctrl+C a Ctrl+V
ti tam ty stredniky neda. Sakrys. ;-)

Jasne,ze tam muzeme dat tabulku, ale vis, co by jsi si predstavoval za 

Ja to nevim.

Asi takhle nějak:

A asi bych se moc nerozvasnoval s nejakym vetsim resenim. Tady
to vypada, ze se do hlaseni chyb nikdo moc nehrnul, takze bych tipoval,
ze nejaky sledovaci system fakt nema cenu.

Ono záleží, kolik toho bude. Třeba bychom mohli dostat množstevní slevu 

Včera jsem si ze zvědavosti vyzkoušel Tiny Issue. Instalace jednoduchá, 
i zbytek je jednoduchý. Až moc jednoduchý. Je tam jen možnost zadat 
Nadpis, popis (Markdown) a někomu to issue přiřadit. Žádné kategorie, 
filtry, přehledy, nic takového.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Opět hlášení chyb (Re: Minimalis_import)

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Dalibor Jelínek
 Asi takhle nějak:
Uznávám přede všemi, že tvoje řešení je mnohem hezčí.

Jen bych tam doplnil sloupec, který by říkal o jakém RUIAN ID se bavíme,
aby se daly rozlišit minimálně SO a AM, možná i TEA.

Taky bych dával to číslo klikací s odkazem na VDP RUIANu.

TinyIssue - je super, že máš zálohu pro případ velkého pracovního nasazení. 


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Opět hlášení chyb (Re: Minimalis_import)

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral

Dne 21.2.2014 09:20, Dalibor Jelínek napsal:


Asi takhle nějak:

Uznávám přede všemi, že tvoje řešení je mnohem hezčí.

Jen bych tam doplnil sloupec, který by říkal o jakém RUIAN ID se 

aby se daly rozlišit minimálně SO a AM, možná i TEA.

Taky bych dával to číslo klikací s odkazem na VDP RUIANu.

Jo, klikací čísla jsem byl už líný dodělávat :-D Je to jen návrh, 
sloupce se můžou upravit. Teď mne třeba napadlo, že by tam mohl být i 
odkaz na odpovídající OSM prvek.
Doufám, že je jasné, že ta data jsou ten příklad, žádné takové AM 
neexistují ;-)

TinyIssue - je super, že máš zálohu pro případ velkého pracovního 

Zálohu? Jen jsem si to zkusil.

Vycházím totiž z předpokladu, že těch nalezených chyb bude hodně a bude 
dobré mít v tom přehled. Pak bude potřeba najít pro každou oblast ten 
správný kontakt, vyexportovat oblast do excelu a poslat. Předpokládám, 
že existuje nějaký konverzní nástroj Markdown2csv, takže s tím by až 
takový problém nebyl.

Ta tabulka má jednu zásadní nevýhodu. Lze třídit jen dle jednoho 
sloupce, takže nejde si nechat zobrazit pouze nevyřešené chybějící 
definiční body z Velké Lhoty.

Moudřejší budeme, až se import rozběhne a chyby se začnou hromadit.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Opět hlášení chyb (Re: Minimalis_import)

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Dalibor Jelínek
tak ted zase budu chytrej ja. ;-)

Pridat odkaz na OSM to asi jo.
V jakym formatu? Takhle

 Doufám, že je jasné, že ta data jsou ten příklad, žádné takové AM neexistují 
Uplne jasny to teda nebylo  bal jsem se zeptat, tak jsem to tam radsi nasel.


 -Original Message-
 From: Marián Kyral []
 Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 9:58 AM
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Opět hlášení chyb (Re: Minimalis_import)
 Dne 21.2.2014 09:20, Dalibor Jelínek napsal:
  Asi takhle nějak:
  Uznávám přede všemi, že tvoje řešení je mnohem hezčí.
  Jen bych tam doplnil sloupec, který by říkal o jakém RUIAN ID se
  bavíme, aby se daly rozlišit minimálně SO a AM, možná i TEA.
  Taky bych dával to číslo klikací s odkazem na VDP RUIANu.
 Jo, klikací čísla jsem byl už líný dodělávat :-D Je to jen návrh, sloupce se
 můžou upravit. Teď mne třeba napadlo, že by tam mohl být i odkaz na
 odpovídající OSM prvek.
 Doufám, že je jasné, že ta data jsou ten příklad, žádné takové AM neexistují
  TinyIssue - je super, že máš zálohu pro případ velkého pracovního
 Zálohu? Jen jsem si to zkusil.
 Vycházím totiž z předpokladu, že těch nalezených chyb bude hodně a bude
 dobré mít v tom přehled. Pak bude potřeba najít pro každou oblast ten
 správný kontakt, vyexportovat oblast do excelu a poslat. Předpokládám, že
 existuje nějaký konverzní nástroj Markdown2csv, takže s tím by až takový
 problém nebyl.
 Ta tabulka má jednu zásadní nevýhodu. Lze třídit jen dle jednoho sloupce,
 takže nejde si nechat zobrazit pouze nevyřešené chybějící definiční body z
 Velké Lhoty.
 Moudřejší budeme, až se import rozběhne a chyby se začnou hromadit.
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Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] RUIAN TMS - chybné objekty

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Petr Schönmann

používám v JOSM vrstu budov z RUIAN tms (
tms:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png )
Někdy vidím vykouslé/přeříznuté budovy pokud jimi prochází
administrativní hranice viz

Predpokladam ze to uz je chyba v ruian datech, neb tracer to taky tak
vytrasuje i kdyz hranici posunu ( neprichyti se na administrativni
hranici )

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Stránka o RÚIAN

2014-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Pavel Kwiecien
ještě bych si představoval nějakou stránku, kde by byly shrnuty výraznější 
změny v RÚIAN souborech, aby bylo vidět, co je kde nového. Něco jsem sepsal 
do této podoby:

Zdraví Pavel Kwiecien

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Datum: 20. 2. 2014 17:42:25
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Stránka o RÚIAN

Super nápad :)

Dne 20.2.2014 14:26, Dalibor Jelínek napsal(a):



snažil jsem se sledovat celou tuhle diskusi o RÚIAN a hodně se v ní ztrácel,

tak jsem připravil na Wiki stránku o RÚIAN, jeho záludnostech a hlavně 
importních projektech. 

Ještě zdaleka není hotová, ale byl bych rád, kdyby se do ní psali naše 
zjištění ohledně RÚIAN 

a kdyby tam každý, který něco z RÚIAN přetahuje nějakým způsobem do OSM 
přidal svou sekci, 

kde by popsal co a jak. V neposlední řadě si na ni můžeme zahlasovat o 
country a is_in. ;-) 

Třeba zrovna tenhle poznatek o hlášení chyb v RÚIAN by na ni bylo vhodno 




 From: Václav Řehák [] 
 Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:14 PM
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Subject: [Talk-cz] Opět hlášení chyb (Re: Minimalis_import) 




Dne 20. února 2014 12:33 Marián Kyral
( napsal(a): 

 Ještě přemýšlím, co budeme následně dělat se zjištěnými problémy, Chtělo by
to nějak konsolidovat a následně hromadně nahlásit, ať se to nemusí dělat po


Myslíš chyby v RÚIANu? Nedělal bych si iluze, že to půjde v rozumné době 

Před 9 dny jsem hlásil na stavební odbor Mladé Boleslavi chybějící 
souřadnice zde:


Dneska mi volala paní, že daná parcela (myslela asi budovu) má nějak omylem 
(prý možná už od války) přidělena 2 č.p. a on když tenhle bod umístí, tak se
rozbije zas něco jiného. Takže nejdřív chtějí přes evidenci obyvatel obeslat
všechny, kdo tu adresu někde úředně uvádí (škola tam má sídlo, možná někdo 
bydliště) a nějak to vyřešit. Aby se jí nestalo jako minule, že při smazání 
už zrušeného č.p. udělala z nějakých lidí úřední bezdomovce. 


Prý jenom v MB se podobné problémy týkají možná 500 adresních míst. Tolik 
jen ke kvalitě dat v RUIAN, když budeme posuzovat nějaké konflikty s OSM. 


Jinak jak jsem psal, navrhuju sporné tagy (country, is_in) neřešit, případně
se dají doplnit/smazat nezávisle na importu. 





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