Re: [Talk-GB] Tank=yes?

2009-06-13 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/6/12 Ed Loach
 I'd suggest hazard=tanks (plural).

 I've not seen signs warning about tanks, but did have to give way to
 one at a t-junction once on the road from Wolverhampton to Cosford
 (as I joined it on the road from Shifnal). You could feel the road
 (and car) vibrating long before you knew what was causing it...


 Talk-GB mailing list

A352 between Wool and Wareham, has a Hazard Sign for Tanks, it also
has a 40 mile an hour speed limit for Cars and 20mph for Tracked
Vehicles ie Tanks. Forgot to check where exactly it started and
finished however while I was driving on Holiday.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Authorities, boundaries and admin-levels

2009-06-13 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/6/13 Peter Miller

 On 13 Jun 2009, at 09:30, Peter Childs wrote:

 2009/6/11 Ed Loach

 And here is the current OSM guidance:-

 In order to tie in with NUTS and with guidance for other


 within OSM we might want to do the following for England


 and Wales would be similar but would skip some levels):-

 UK (admin_level=2)

 England/Wales/Scotland (admin_level=4)

 English regions (North East, East of England etc) (also


 as per NUTS)

 Ceremonial counties - where they exist (admin_level= 5)

 County Councils/Unitary Authorities (admin-level=6)

 Districts  (admin-level=8)  districts / London boroughs /



 Whats the simplest way of adding a boundary? I notice that Medway does
 not have one, I know ruthley where it should be, but have no idea of
 how to go about adding the relevant relation/way. I'm fine adding
 Roads and smaller stuff but the boundary stuff just throws me.

 It is better to use a relation for the boundary rather than way tags which
 used to be the only way to do it. Add the appropriate existing ways
 (rivers/roads etc) to a new relation. You may need to split roads/rivers
 where the boundary diverges. For some sections of the boundary you will need
 to add new ways (where it goes across fields). I just add a
 'note=administrative boundary' tag to those ways.
 The only source of data we can legally use for the boundary to by knowledge
 is the NPE maps base which shows boundaries as a dotted line if you are
 lucky and if they have not moved in the past 50 years. I also check
 wikipedia as a cross check

Given that Medway is less than 50 years old that could be a problem.

 ( and then the official
 council website to see if there is general agreement on the shape and
 It isn't perfect - to be perfect our democratic government will need to
 persuade the OS to give its citizens the boundaries by which it is governed.
 Until now lets do the best we can and when people say they are wrong we will
 ask them to provide the information to correct it!
 Btw, OSM and the UK Boundaries project got a mention on the Guardians data
 blog yesterday.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] pub vs bar vs club

2009-06-03 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/6/3 Joe Richards

 How do you tag a drinking establishment that is not a pub?  I'm thinking of 
 places where
  * they typically don't serve food

food=yes/no (I think the default is No)

  * the name doesn't start with The or have Olde Worlde signs out the front


  * the main drinks are often wine or cocktails, rather than pints of beer

maybe a drink_type tag would be better than the real_ale tag on the wiki...

  * there may (or may not) be an area set aside for dancing, e.g. with a DJ

Thats a nightclub.

  * in places with ridiculous licensing laws (such as the UK), these places 
 are often open later than pubs, which normally wind down around 11pm or 
 midnight.  A bar or club may not even really get moving before 11 or 12


but maybe we need peak hours as well here..

 Pub is definitely misleading in these instances, although the icon of a drink 
 is probably still appropriate


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [OSM-talk] When is a road a secondary road and when is it not?

2009-06-03 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/6/3 Richard Fairhurst

 Peter Miller wrote:
 Personally I want a structure for the town which tells a story
 about today's road use, rather than a dusty document in a
 council. I should inform routing engines to keep cars on
 major roads and cyclists off them.

 I don't dispute that this information would be valuable - to draw a
 cartographic analogy, that's absolutely what Michelin maps do, though the
 fact they're the only ones in the UK to do so might tell you something!

 But nonetheless the existing use of the highway= tag in the UK is understood
 by 95% of UK mappers and it's not helpful to have a little island of we do
 things differently here in Ipswich. So you should (I would almost go as far
 as to say must) use another tag for this. Personally, I would love to see
 the use of tags like traffic=low - it would be hugely useful for determining
 cyclable roads.

The whole highway tag seams very Uk Centric when its not meant to be;
(Says he who had to read it last night (twice)).

It seams to be relatively clear that the tag applies to the Road not
to some council document; with one plausable exception for Motorways.

If you see what looks and feels like a B Road but you can't see its
number or the signs are not the right colour; Tag it as such.

I'm noting major gaps in the map quality in Gravesend/Bluewater/A2
area; I know there has been a lot of new roads built in this area. But
its mostly finished now. I have just had to correct the dual carriage
way past Asda Greenhithe/Station. I'm wondering if a Mapping Party
might be in order

Sounds like a publicity stunt round the shops at Bluewater might work nicely.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] When is a road a secondary road and when is it not?

2009-06-02 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/6/2 Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
 Peter Miller wrote:
Sent: 02 June 2009 5:31 PM
To: Talk Openstreetmap
Subject: [OSM-talk] When is a road a secondary road and when is it not?

I have used primary, secondary and tertiary to indicate relative
traffic levels on roads in Ipswich rather than any strict
classification. For example Landseer Road in Ipswich which is heavily
with lorries, buses and commuters, so bad that the council have
proposed building  a new road to 'relieve' it. I have now been asked
to justify my tagging by another mapper who has refered to the Map
Features page which states that secondary is only for Administrative
classification secondary in the UK, generally linking smaller towns
and villages.

Ipswich on OSM

My approach seems to be an approach taken elsewhere, for example in
Bedford, where every secondary road does not have a B number?

Should we update the Map Features page or should we follow it more

Any thoughts?

 Using the what does it say on the ground rule I tend to stick with the
 classification as posted, because then it is easy for anyone else to verify.
 Residential is generally easy enough, that just leaves unclassified and
 tertiary. These are the only two I use my opinion on but have over time come
 to use tertiary as sparingly as possible because of issues where a road
 traverses from the urban conurbation to the rural setting and the volume of
 traffic doesn't really warrant tertiary once it leaves the urban sprawl.



I think the OSM map of Ipswich actually looks better than Google; I
don't think some of the road numbers on B roads have been updated in a
very long time. I can't always tell the difference when a Trunk and a
Primary I know of Primary that could be retagged as Trunk as they are
great big dual carriage ways with slip roads etc eg A289 to Hoo.

I know of A roads that are not anymore (due to bypasses) but the
locals know what the number was and some signs still exsist. (hence
the A228X  (I tagged it and added the X to remove any confusion)

There seams to be a long list of roads tagged as Motorways without
numbers, Trunk and Primary without numbers if you look at the raw
data. Some times there is good logic some times the data is wrong, it
seams the only way to sort it out is a case by case basis.

Unfortunately no general rules.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Isle of Wight 2

2009-06-01 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/6/1 SteveC
 I'm tempted, but half the point is that we need to stop thinking that
 the IoW is mapped, without addresses or turn restrictions there's a
 long way to go.

 On 1 Jun 2009, at 10:53, Steve Chilton wrote:


 I would be very interested.
 Would you consider pitching at somewhere less mapped.
 Parts of Devon/Cornwall spring to mind.

Mapping is NEVER finished, You can always fill in more gaps make some
updates etc etc. I think the point is that some places need more work
than others,  Is it better to map everywhere a bit or a few places


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] script to cut a big OSM map into letter or A4 size papers

2009-05-27 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/27 Arlindo Pereira
 Wow, I second that question, that would be very nice. I'm no scripter
 myself, but I suppose that it won't be needed to render the tiles on
 the device, just tome way to download the png tiles from the server
 and print them side to side.


 On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 23:01, maning sambale wrote:

 There used to be a osm pdf atlas.  Is there a script somewhere that can:

 1. download mapnik tiles of a certain bounding box like a small city
 at z17 or 18;
 2. cut the image into printable size like an A4 or letter size paper.

 Being almost road complete (except for a few private footways).  I
 find walking with a plain map, pen and paper  to be the best way to
 add more detail like POIs, housenumber, etc.
 If I could make a rough streetatlas, a workable target would be to
 map POIs and street numbers for like 4-pages-per-week.

I'm thinking web based script that produced pdf files of OSM would be
really really good, Possibly rendering direct to PDF (which is
actually a vector based format)

Possibly done so the scale was correct on each page rather than trying
to fit a globe on a bit of paper. (Like a big road map) and we don't
end up with page after page of blue sea.

I'm thinking php can produce pdfs quite well so why not.

If done well, we could then send the pdf to a printer and get it
published. I'm thinking a published Road Atlas sitting on the book
shelf next the the RAC and AA versions would be rather impressive.
(and a good money spinner to boot)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [RFC] tagging stones in the wild (erratic, balancing, boundary, stone age, artifact)

2009-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/23 Stanislav Brabec
 It seems that mapping features lack stones. In a flat country, any
 bigger stone has its local name and it is an important orientation
 point. But OSM now lacks any classification and rendering of stones. If
 you look at Stonehenge, you see just two points in the mapnik map.

 Some of stones use tourism=attraction, some use natural=stone
 (unofficial), some of them use historic=monument or historic=memorial,
 some use amenity=place_of_worship,religion=stone_age_druidic
 or tourism=artwork.

 Let's try to classify it. Note that sometimes it is not possible to
 decide the history of the stone and assign correct tag and we have to
 consider it as a generic stone.

 I would like to propose a new tag for point (a stone), way (a line of
 stones), and area (area with stones)

What about Cairns

oh and Trig Points

Get some mapping done using one all the better I guess (Unless
that causes copyright problems .)

Peter Childs

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Proposed Feature: Tagging the age and duration of existence of features

2009-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/22 Nop


 start_date=, end_date=
 maybe someone could create the tag pages for those on wiki?

Silly point old data can be important land marks still, Say Tagging
Disused Railway Lines or Tagging Roman Roads with Roman Latin Names
might be of some use.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-05-21 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/20 Joe Richards

 Where did this idea go in the end? It seems the talk about it petered-out, or 
 was some action agreed (along with who was going to undertake it)?

Given the US have forgotten to keep the GPS system up to date, maybe
we need a few satelites of our own to replace it... Or maybe we can
use Galileo once its up instead.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] GPS Future Was Re: Satellite for OSM

2009-05-21 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/21 Joe Richards

 Where did this idea go in the end? It seems the talk about it petered-out, or 
 was some action agreed (along with who was going to undertake it)?

 Given the US have forgotten to keep the GPS system up to date, maybe
 we need a few satelites of our own to replace it... Or maybe we can
 use Galileo once its up instead.

 This was more about high-resolution aerial photography suitable for deriving 

 As for geopositioning satellites, I doubt the US military-industrial complex 
 (or its adherents in places like Europe) will allow such a key technology to 
 fall into real disrepair. Plus with future civilian receivers combining 
 signals from Galileo and GPS, alongside radio signals, the future is actually 
 looking brighter than ever...

I agreed but the newspapers here in the UK are saying here, that the
updates to GPS are running two years late and its highly unlike that
there will be no interruptions. around the 2020 date unless the US
Airforce find some more satellites quickly. Of course we never believe
what they put in the Press..

Apparently this could all play into Galileos hands.

 I'm a computer programmer but I always find you need to know how to
work without them just in case they stop working which they are hmm
prone to doing.

Out of a matter of principle we ought to have a section on the website
to mapping without a GPS.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] zones for motorway/in town/outof town?

2009-05-20 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/20 Jacek Konieczny
 On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 11:59:05AM +0100, Radomir Cernoch wrote:
 In the Czech list we ended up with the following solution, which tries
 to copy the legislation (which is a good starting point, I guess):

 1) Every road is by default 'rural' road (speed limit 90 km/h).
 2) Every highway has speed limit 130 km/h by default.
 3) If a road is inside a polygon tagging the city limits,
    then its speed limit is set to 50 km/h. Such polygon might be tagged
    by 'place', but the actual name of the tag is not important here.
 4) If a road has different speed limit from rules 1) - 3), it is tagged
    with 'maxspeed=...'.

 That would not work very well in Poland. Town/city/village
 administrative border usually differ from the built up zone borders.
 Often one driving through a city will pass one start of the place sign
 (with place name) and several times start of built up zone and end of
 built up zone before the end of the place sign. So we would need
 different polygons for built up zones than for place administrative
 boundaries (which are IMHO not less important, unless we want OSM be
 a road map only).


Could we not have different polygons for Speed Limited Zones. That may
or may not be the same as the city limits. We could even tag these
zones with maxspeed, So that when applying we don't have to go and
look up what that means. The problem is if the zones overlap, which
one applies?

Speed limits tend to apply to zones not roads anyway, it just happens
that most people only drive on the road. Oh and you will find Speed
Limits on railway lines too, but weather any have been entered on OSM
yet I'm not sure. Railway Speed limits in the UK seam to be in kph
where as roads are in mph which I find a bit strange.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] MK mapping party

2009-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs

 I get the message, clearly our Scottish folk are feeling unloved too ;-)

I think its more of a problem that the Scores are done Per Head
Population Rather than land area. Its just important that The
Highlands and Dartmoor get mapped as it is that London or Birmingham
get done, In just as much detail.

Not That land area works either. If there is nothing happening what is
there to map.

Places should be on the Mapping Priorities list if people know there
is something missing and want help with sorting out. No matter how
hight the score is.  Its more of a Bug list or Fix Me list rather
than a this area is not well mapped list. Perhaps we need a top 10
best mapped Towns in Uk and a 10 Worst mapped. Perhaps the places that
most need mapping are the ones not on the list at all!

In theory nothing will ever graduate from the list just become less of
a priority for improvement over something else.

After all something is always changing, Houses falling off Cliffs, new
houses being built, after all even OS have to go out and map some
areas again once a every couple of months (Been watching too much


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] MK mapping party

2009-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/18 Bruce Cowan
 On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 10:33 +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
 I also think we need to decide where tertiary should be used, as there's
 quite a difference between different blocks at the moment - most don't
 have any but some have loads.

 My personal opinion was that we should use tertiary for any grid roads
 that aren't primary/secondary and not use it at all within the blocks in
 general - just use unclassified for the more major roads in the blocks.

 The way I understood things, primary/trunk = A roads, secondary = B
 roads, tertiary = C roads.

 Yes, I know that C roads aren't usually put on signs, but they can be
 usually identified by the fact that they have broken white lines down
 their centre unlike unclassified roads.

I have tended to use tertiary for roads that were A or B Roads that
have been By-passed. ie Its still a perfectly usable main road but the
road number has been taken by the by-pass. After all they have to
build there passes (Quote: Hitch Hikers Guide)

I also suspect some mistakes. Oh and Some unclassified Roads that
actually go somewhere, That is used by people all the time but has not
got a number (or someone has forgotten what it is)

I also know Unclassified Roads round me that are wider than some of
the A roads. The military like building them, that and industry.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Live Data - all new Data in OSM

2009-05-13 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/13 Ian Dees

 Ok, this I'll agree on. My original post was just to talk about it... not
 really to do it. But it sounds like we should take baby steps. Let's work
 on the minutely diffs first and if some crazy person comes up with a good
 use case for streaming, we can talk about it then.

The Problem is that you can't rebuild the map from a continuing
stream, This is the problem with Database Replication in general.

If you lose the stream for any reason you have to start again, which
is a nightmare.

Things that can be streamed like TV and Radio change over time and you
don't need whats gone before. If you miss the beginning of a 24x7 News
channel or a soap you can still work out whats going on about after a
few minutes. With a Map you have not got a chance.

Maps worry about quality. Streams don't

I'm not quite sure how your stream would work.

Theory Great, Practice don't work.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS

2009-05-11 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/11 Nick Whitelegg
I've just got a new Nokia 6220 Classic Mobile Phone. Its got a built
in GPS which means I've been able to get out and get a bit more
mapping done (Since I did not have a GPS this has been difficult)

 I have Freemap Mobile in development, which aims to provide Freemap
 (countryside orientated OSM maps) to Java ME enabled phones. It already
 displays maps though has a few issues which need ironing out: I also aim
 to add full POI support (what's the nearest pub to you? etc) and
 in-the-field reporting of path problems, which kind-of works at the moment
 but again needs some work.

 It's available at - use at own risk!


Right I'm not going to do anything with this before checking whats
already been done. plus it does not seams as simple as I thought it
should be..

I've currently got GPSMid downloaded and I'm trying to get it on my
phone, but Converting just the UK seams to take quite a bit of time,
and rather overloaded by 64bit Dual Core 2Gb  Linux box last night.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS

2009-05-10 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
I've just got a new Nokia 6220 Classic Mobile Phone. Its got a built
in GPS which means I've been able to get out and get a bit more
mapping done (Since I did not have a GPS this has been difficult)

I've got the Sport Tracker software installed, which seams to be
relatively good at getting tracks, But the Maps on the Nokia by
default are hmm expensive and obviously Not OSM.

Since I'm a software developer I'm speculating how easy it would
be to write something in Java ME, C++ or Python for the phone, and

a Display OSM Maps, either a From Raw OSM data (probably not the
whole thing due to space), or from Tiles pre-downloaded, or possibly
fetched as needed in the field using 3G..

b Field Tag, so you can stand next to the feature and tag it, or
stand at one end of the road start way, walk to other end way and tag,
then either direct upload as you go or clean up (removing excessive
point in ways for example) and upload once you get home.

c Route and anything else one can dream of doing with Maps.

I'm thinking such a piece of software would be relatively platform
independent, and therefore usefully to anyone with a mobile or PDA
that can run Java ME, (Which I think but I'm not sure should be most
3rd Generation Mobiles not just S60s)

Never having developed Mobile Apps before, it just looks like an
interesting idea, and this is more of a proof of concept than anything
else at this stage.

PS Does anything more exist that will run on the phone, The Wiki does
not seam to say so currently. I might add to the wiki

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Languages

2009-05-07 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/7 Ben Laenen
 On Thursday 07 May 2009, Tal wrote:
 Imagine that you plan a business trip to Tel-Aviv and want to print
 yourself a map of the city. Or maybe you'll be spending a week in
 Cairo. Can you not see the benefit in having a map with the street
 names in a different language than the one on the sign?

 name:xx is only for the names on the street sign (the official names,
 and locals will often know them)

 Other translations or transliteration don't have a place in name:xx
 tags, but could be in other tags (let's say name_translation:xx(:yy),
 or name_transliteration:xx:yy: with xx the language and/or script
 you've trans(iter)ated into, yy the language and/or script you've
 translated from, and  the transliteration ruleset you've used).

 Or you'd end up asking locals the route to street names in your
 translated language, or blindly driving through streets with names on
 your map you can't see anywhere. So you may be able to read nice names
 like Tulip Street or Station Lane in Tel Aviv but what have you
 gained with that? Even if you can't read a single letter of the script
 in the country you're at, you could still try to match the shapes to
 those you see on street signs, or point locals to the names on the map
 if you're lost.


In that case what we may need is a phonetic name tag. (Oh dear)


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Osmisis Uk Extracting

2009-05-01 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
I'm trying to use Osmosis to extract the Uk data from the planet file,
and ideally put it in a PostgreSQL database (but I have a serous lack
of hard driver space currently. I want to use it for geocoding I
really want a list of roads the there locations in the Uk.

Could take someone else extract but I think its better to work from
scratch. ie start from the original data.

currently I've got as far as

bzcat planet-latest.osm.bz2 | osmosis --read-xml-0.6 file=-
--bounding-polygon-0.6 file=united_kingdom2pts.txt --write-xml-0.6
file=- | bzip2 uk.osm.bz2

osmisos is from SVN version 0.30.3

but I get an error of

SEVERE: Thread for task 1-read-xml-0.6 failed
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: Way
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
28-Apr-2009 19:08:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis main
SEVERE: Execution aborted.
org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: One or more
tasks failed.
at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis.main(

What If anything am I doing wrong, or is this a bug.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Osmisis Uk Extracting

2009-05-01 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/5/1 Shaun McDonald
 If this is planet-090421.osm.bz2 then it is a known problem.
 Please use  planet-090429.osm.bz2 which should have that bug removed.


rsync -LP rsync://

But I might not have re-run it in a week...

I might try the smaller bounding I was using that one as it was the
the easiest to find...


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] coastline accuracy?

2009-04-29 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/4/29 Alice Kaerast
 On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:25:20 +0100
 mle wrote:

 I was staying very near the east coast, and noticed that tracks near
 the coast appeared too far inland (further west than expected) when
 the GPS tracks were plotted.  They also seemed too far inland when
 looking at the Yahoo background layer in Potlatch.

 Align the Yahoo imagery with your traces, as it's not always aligned
 correctly initially.  The imagery only ever gives an idea of what is on
 the ground, we don't the state of the tide when the imagery was taken,
 there may have been coastal erosion or sea rising/falling since then,

 You seem confident that your traces are accurate, don't worry about
 editing existing coastline data if you believe it is incorrect.  And
 remember the coastline should show the mid-tide level.


Talking of the tide, How should Tidal Roads be marked, The main road
the Holy Island in the UK is just tagged Note: Tidal. which just does
not seam right. I'm thinking there must be quite a few Roads, Paths
etc that can only be used at high tide.

Not being anywhere near it I don't feel it right to correct it however


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wrong scale in slippy map

2009-04-24 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/4/24 Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio

 At the deep zoom levels (zoom=6 and higher numbers), Sweden and
 Finland don't look large, because you don't see other countries
 on the same screen.  At these deep zoom levels, the difference in
 scale between the top and bottom of the screen is also small.

They don't look large, but they do looked stretched, ie the wrong
shape. 100 Pixels East West is NOT the same distance as 100 pixels
North South. It also makes the scale pointless as you need one for
North-South and a different for East-West.

I think we ought to be able to do a projection where we turn the globe
into a symmetrical regular polyhedra. In effect at zoom level zoom
level 1 the world is a tetrahedron, as you go up you add more
equilateral triangles. while keeping your angles the same.

At each higher zoom level each triangular faces is split into 3
triangles. creating what gets closer and closer to a globe. Same way
as some footballs are made up of hexagons..

Just a thought.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wrong scale in slippy map

2009-04-23 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/4/23 Jacek Konieczny
 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 08:23:16AM +, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
 not mean that these countries are twice as large in the real life.  Scale bar
 values, if presented in meters/feet, should be adjusted according to 
 Even then it cannot be correct for the whole map, but showing the corrrect 
 for the middle latitude of a would perhaps be the best compromise.

 If we could get two scales, at the top and at the bottom of the map,
 then it would give us even more correct information. But one scale will
 be enough, when correct. Incorrect meter/feet scale is quite useless and
 probably better would to not use such scale at all.

Call me stupid but are we not going to need a different scale bar for
North - South as well. Its like putting a Standard 1024x768 display on
a wide screen monitor everything gets stretched.

You could have more tiles at the equator than at the poles. Dreaming
that the world can be stretched to fit on a square is always going
have a problem somewhere.

Ideally you want a map so where a fixed distance is a fixed number of
pixels on screen and angles are correct at least for the bit of the
world you are currently looking at This should be doable at least
for higher zoom levels,

How you do this I'm not 100% sure.



talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Wincanton streets in the news

2009-04-07 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
I notice this week that Wincanton has a new house estate and the
streets are getting named after Ankh-Morpork (If any one is going to
map that I'm not sure where we put the data :)

Is there a way to tag towns with there twin town.

Oh where is Peach Pie Street and Treacle Mine Road.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What is amenity=food_outlets in map features?

2009-03-29 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/3/29 Ulf Lamping

 Someone added amenity=food_outlets to the map features and even after
 reading the comment An area with several food outlets I'm quite unsure
 what this could be.

 Is this a collection of several amenity=fast_food or a kind of
 vending_machine or ...?

 Can someone explain this a bit?

 Regards, ULFL

 P.S: A photo would also be nice and may explain it even better ...

 talk mailing list

I'm guess its a an area with several different resterants and or fast
food outlets together, Say a McDonalds, Burger King, Frankey and
Benny's, etc etc. usually found near a cinema, or in one corner of a
large Shopping Centre like Bluewater, or even China Town in central
London (at a pinch).


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Route planner using UK OSM data

2009-03-23 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/3/23 Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
 Nice work :-)



-Original Message-
From: [mailto:talk-gb-] On Behalf Of Andrew M. Bishop
Sent: 22 March 2009 10:23 PM
Subject: [Talk-GB] Route planner using UK OSM data

I have been a contributor to OpenStreetMap for a while now and
recently decided to make use of some of the collected data rather than
just adding to it.

I decided that what would be fun to implement is a routing algorithm
that can find the best (shortest or quickest) route between any two
OSM highway nodes.  I know that there are other routing algorithms
available but this started as an intellectual exercise so I developed
my own.  It seemed to work so I added a fancy web front end to it and
put it on a server.

Having the complete planet routable was infeasible so I have just
included the data for Ireland and Great Britain.

You can select from any of the major OSM transport types (foot,
bicycle, horse, motorbike, motorcar, goods, hgv, psv).  For each of
the OSM highway types (motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary,
unclassified, residential, service, track, bridleway, cycleway,
footway) you can select whether to use them and if so what speed
limit.  Restrictions on one-way streets, weight, height, width and
length are also options.

The router takes into account private/public/permissive restrictions
on highways as well as tagged speed limits.  What it doesn't do is
barriers (gates, bollards) and turn restriction relations (which I
have heard about but never seen).

The router itself (requires JavaScript for the map etc):

A description of the algorithm:

Neat, there seam to be a lot of good routing method appearing for OSM.
All with interesting differences over what the commersial sources
produce, (eg Google, Multimap, etc) Not usually wrong but different,

Does anyone know of any Routing code thats Open Source.

Is there any way to encourage the system to use Dual Carriage Way
Primary Roads over Single Carriage Way Primary Roads (or in this case
Seconday) eg eg A289 vs B2108 is Strood, Kent.

Also people seam to have used Trunk and Primary interchangeable. what
is meant to be the difference.

(Who is trying to find a retirement plan for his slightly less than legal data)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Clarifying tagging for footway/cycleway etc

2009-03-23 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/3/23 Andrew Chadwick (email lists)
 Richard Mann wrote:

 Ways in OSM - at least as I've been told - are assumed to include any
 pavements/cycleways there may be to the side of the road (both in-lane
 and on-sidewalk), but not more segregated stuff. At least that's the
 pattern I've been using.

 (I wonder if there's such a thing as =discouraged...)


For example you can't legally cycle through the Medway Tunnel but I
know lots of people who do. I read tagging guide lines to be what you
you can do with out breaking the local law (given you have the correct
licenses) / what is possible / what is there.

If there is a lane for bikes and a lane for people tag it as such, if
its shared then tag it differently. If there is a tree between the two
its in theory two ways but I don't think you'll find this that often.

What about a gate (for bikes) with a style right next to it (for walkers).



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] What should we do with the towns/cities section on the England page

2009-03-10 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/3/10 Peter Miller

 The Cities/Towns and Vilages section on the England page is very out-
 of-date. It is however a way of accessing the country by post code.

 Personally I do see it belonging on England page and would like to see
 it move! I would be happy for it to live on its own page with a link
 from the England page. I could also see the merit to linking it to the
 UK postcode project and removing any content from it that becomes out
 of date quickly.

 Post code project is here:

 Any thoughts?

Its an index. Leave it as such, all it needs to do is list Index towns
and link to relevent pages, The Problem seams to be currently is that
different groups take up different areas, Mostly someone takes up a
village or small town. Larger Towns such as Medway is made up of
Rochester, Chatham, Gillingham, Strood etc each of which different
people have mapped. We don't need info that goes out of date, Just a
list of links to that information on a county by county, town by town

The problem also comes that for example the North Part of Kent is part
of Greater London etc so we need to be able to find out who is dealing
with for example Dartford etc.


Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk] Problem with osm2pgsql

2009-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
I've been trying to import the Planet file into postgres using
osm2pgsql, Using the current SVN version, it seams to be segmenting
when processing the first Way (Under Ubuntu Hardy). Does any one have
any ideas, or shall I try and import a subset (The UK would fit my
purpose) and try and get more details


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Problem with osm2pgsql

2009-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/3/9 Martijn van Oosterhout
 On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Peter Childs wrote:
 I've been trying to import the Planet file into postgres using
 osm2pgsql, Using the current SVN version, it seams to be segmenting
 when processing the first Way (Under Ubuntu Hardy). Does any one have
 any ideas, or shall I try and import a subset (The UK would fit my
 purpose) and try and get more details

 By segmenting you mean segmentation faulting? Tip for the future:
 if you're getting an error message you want help with, cut and paste
 the message in your email, that way we don't have to read your mind.

 At a guess you're not using --slim mode and are running out of memory
 (you probably don't have 2GB+ in that machine, right?).

Hmm 2Gb plus swap on that machine (and quite a bit else running), So
that could be the problem, Surely its easy enough to have an error or
Out of Memory  I'll have another go, Thanks

 Importing a subset is generally better if it's good enough for you.
 Importing the whole world will easily take 10+ hours, whereas just
 europe can be done much much quicker.

I only need London so I tend to agree.

 Have a nice day,
 Martijn van Oosterhout


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Markers on OSM with text

2009-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
2009/3/9 Mike

 I'm trying to use a slippy OSM map on a webpage with various markers.  I
 want each marker numbering from one to whatever.  I have read the guide
 which explains how to add a text box from a txt file.  I'd rather not
 use a txt file as the data is generated by a dynamic web page.  I guess
 I could pregenerate marker icons with the number on them but then I
 might run out as I have no idea how many I need.

 Does anyone know if you can add text to a mark by passing it to a
 function or of any other way to achive it?


What are you writing the dynamic web page in? It might be an idea to
use numbered icons produced on the fly using some say php. Might be a bit slow
(could have some kind of cache for numbers under say 20) You might be
able to find some pre-written script if you hunt around a bit.


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Kent entry on

2009-03-08 Diskussionsfäden Peter Childs
Seams Kent is missing on not
100% of the full status, so I'll add a blank in and someone can fill
in the gaps, Also Medway following the recent 2nd Medway mapping party I'll link it all together
the best I can.


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