Re: [Talk-ca] import complaints

2011-12-02 Thread Samuel Dyck
I /think/ I'm responsible for that big error in Hudson Bay. I've fixed 
it, but can't quite figure out how two small mistakes caused that big 
glitch. Perhaps the real problem is that the coastlines are updated only 
a few times a year, I fixed the problem as soon as I saw it, and yet it 
will persist on all levels. (I don't know if this can be changed, don't 
interpret this as a demand or passing of the blame for the error)

In regards to the imports. I mostly import in areas without any decent 
aerial imagery, or in some cases people (though in some cases images 
came after the import) . If someone is willing to pay me to map these 
areas (I don't mind donating time, but I need to eat/get there) and give 
me good aerial imagery and a high quality GPS I will swear off Canvec, 
but that doesn't seem likely.

Sam Dyck

On 11-12-02 04:56 PM, wrote:

We could ban imports.  But we still want to have access to external
sources.  So let's start treating external like we treat aerial
imagery.  When you do a foot survey you take notes and photos and draw
sketches.  Then you map it by referring to your notes and photos and
sketches and aerial imagery.  That's how we notice that the aerial
imagery is three years old doesn't show the new shopping plaza or
extension on the old mill.  And we consider all of those sources then
take the best we can from every source and put it in OSM.  That's why
OSM is so good where we have a rich community.  OSM is better than any
other single source.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Argh, Canvec imports

2011-11-18 Thread Samuel Dyck


I /think/ I'm responsible for the problems in Hudson Bay. The issue was 
I forgot to delete the intermittent coastline from Canvec and only 
discovered my error once the coastline was updated. I've fixed the 
problem, but I have no idea if I am responsible for that big blob of 
grey in the southern half (I didn't do any editing there, I have to wait 
until the next update to find out). I've seen coastline errors many 
times before, I remember there was a large one in Southern Ontario for a 
while, and Newfoundland had several until recently.

Here is the problem:
-Editors don't notice their mistakes until the coastline is updated, so 
they stick around in the data for a while
-When the mistakes are fixed it takes a few weeks for the corrections to 
show up on mapnik
-Coastlines are handled differently than the natural=water tag, which 
confuses people

-Mapnik doesn't render natural=water at high levels
-Mapnik ignores the water=intermittent tag

I'm not suggesting we use natural=water (that would be a terrible idea), 
there just needs to be a way for editors to check the rendering of their 

Sam Dyck
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Coastline on low zoom levels

2011-10-24 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hi Everyone

The sparse selection of North American lakes at low zoom levels on the 
mapnik layer has become embarrassing. Could we get the file used to 
generate the coastlines at low resolutions updated.

Lakes missing:

- Southern half of Lake Winnipeg
- Lake Manitoba
- Almost all of Great Slave Lake
- Great Salt Lake
- Lake of the Woods
- Smallwood Reservoir
- Lake Simcoe
- Lesser Slave Lake

And many others around the world.

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] User:CANVEC

2011-10-17 Thread Samuel Dyck


Maybe I missed something here, but who exactly is User:CANVEC They only joined in July and 
their edits have been confined to Ellesmere Island, southeastern Quebec 
and northwestern New Brunswick. Not suprisingly, all their edits are 
Canvec imports. A review of Talk-ca messages shortly before and after 
account creation yields no information.

Sam Dyck
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Tagging Cardlock gasoline

2011-08-28 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hi everybody

I have been away from the internet for much of the summer and am now 
entering information gathered in my travels into OSM. However I 
encountered some problems with some fuel stations. Many stations in 
rural Canada, particularly those owned by consumer co-ops are cardlocks: 
unstaffed stations that require the customer to insert a punchcard, they 
will receive a monthly bill for their purchases in the mail. As such 
most travellers cannot use them. Any suggestions as to how to tag them?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Winnipeg Transit addresses

2011-05-31 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hi everyone

I was browsing through Winnipeg Transit's new PDDL API and experimenting 
with the possibility of getting data from it. I discovered a way to use 
a wildcard search to generate and XML file with all addresses on a 
street that start with the same number. I found a small street and 
manually created an OSM XML file for all address which I double checked 
against Bing and found it accurate. I did not import it. Is it worth 
creating a script to attempt to do this on a larger scale, especially if 
the servers are throttled at 100 requests per IP per key per minute? One 
advantage is it only has actual address, the reality of nonexistent 
houses (where the house numbers skip several on a street, e.g. my house 
is 725, my neighbour is 729, I have looked hard for 727 but can't find 
it) is one of the biggest problems with interpolation. If you want to 
play around with the API you can use my key.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Thread Samuel Dyck
But per, 
phase 3 has been delayed. Or has this changed?


On 11-03-26 05:18 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 04:03, Samuel Dyck wrote:

Let me clarify, will the so called tainted data still be up for the near
future, or will I be spending my week preforming hectic Canvec imports
to save street names I gathered with a pen and paper? It doesn't look
good for me 

Please ignore Sam - there is no data removal planned for next week.

I think he has confused the stages of the license change process - the 
next stage is to ask people to accept or decline the license before 
they can edit.

It is not the point at which the license will change and problem data 
may have to be removed. It is not even the point at which people who 
decline will not be able to edit any more.

More details about the implementation plan can be found here:

As I understand things it is Phase 3 which we are close to entering, 
not Phase 5.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Thread Samuel Dyck
So there is poor communication between the board and the community? I 
hate to argue, but the License change still has a large TODO notice next 
to the No option. This is a problem.


On 11-03-26 11:17 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:12, Samuel Dyck wrote:

But per, 

phase 3 has been delayed. Or has this changed?

Those community updates are exactly that - written by a member of the 
community and not authoritative in any way.

In this case I don't believe that what is written there is an accurate 
summary of the situation at all.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Thread Samuel Dyck
*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms 
and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions 
for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means). Here.

Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why. As for the 
update, why is it not monitored?


On 11-03-26 11:36 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:33, Samuel Dyck wrote:

So there is poor communication between the board and the community? I
hate to argue, but the License change still has a large TODO notice next
to the No option. This is a problem.

As I thought I had explained that community update was not a 
communication from the board or LWG or anybody else official so I'm 
not sure how you can read into it anything about communication between 
the board and the community.

I have no idea what TODO notice you are talking about - obviously code 
changes will be needed to implement future phases of the 
implementation plan and I understand that those are in progress.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Thread Samuel Dyck
I see, my bad. I'm just a little frustrated about the lack of 
communication. I should say that I have already accepted the new terms 
(sorry Sam).

On 11-03-26 11:48 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:42, Samuel Dyck wrote:

*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms
and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions
for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means). Here. 

I think that's just out of date, like so much in the wiki. New users 
signing up are sent to a different wiki page when they decline:

Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why.

I believe the main reason is because of the ongoing attempt to improve 
the contributor terms to deal with various issues which people raised 
with them. Unfortunately reworking them takes time because of the need 
to keep passing each draft over to the lawyers for review.

As for the update, why is it not monitored?

I don't know - maybe the board has established a Community Monitoring 
Group yet? Maybe you should suggest it to them?

You seem to have me confused with somebody in authority ;-)


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-26 Thread Samuel Dyck
Thanks Sam. Now hopefully no one on the other boards will rip into me 
for daring to import. :) You might also want to look at the MLI 
provincial forest data and the other goodies on the admin. boundaries 
list. (I don't know what you are interested in). Sadly with the 
exception of the Winnipeg Transit, the City of Winnipeg doesn't believe 
in open data.


On 11-03-26 12:15 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

I guess the OpenStreetMap Foundation's Map (odbl only) has not yet
been started. Since the date of step 5 is 'to be determined'.
So that's a good reason why i'm actively working on the alternative(s) :-)
To get back on topic, I'll get back to this list once i have the
rules.txt/.pl script and shp/.osm files available of the MLI park
boundary data, since many would like to see this data on the various
map APIs.


p.s. i'll probably be done it before step 5 roles around :-)

On 3/26/11, Samuel  wrote:

I see, my bad. I'm just a little frustrated about the lack of
communication. I should say that I have already accepted the new terms
(sorry Sam).

On 11-03-26 11:48 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 26/03/11 16:42, Samuel Dyck wrote:

*Decline*. You do not agree to the new OpenStreetMap Contributor Terms
and, specifically, you refuse to re-license your existing contributions
for use under the ODbL. (TODO: add more on what this means). Here.

I think that's just out of date, like so much in the wiki. New users
signing up are sent to a different wiki page when they decline:

Stage 3 is is very late, and no reason is given as to why.

I believe the main reason is because of the ongoing attempt to improve
the contributor terms to deal with various issues which people raised
with them. Unfortunately reworking them takes time because of the need
to keep passing each draft over to the lawyers for review.

As for the update, why is it not monitored?

I don't know - maybe the board has established a Community Monitoring
Group yet? Maybe you should suggest it to them?

You seem to have me confused with somebody in authority ;-)


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate 
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good 
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands 
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted 
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How 
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Thread Samuel Dyck
I'm using an Ubuntu derived distro, so I should be good. Tyler converted 
the MLI building data and has been importing it into OSM already. I've 
read thought the terms, do I need to clear a import with someone?


On 11-03-25 03:32 PM, Paul Norman wrote:

I prefer to do the conversions.
To convert you have to write a python function that maps the shapefile
tagging to osm tagging. This is not technically very hard, but mapping to
osm tags is very easy to get wrong.

If you're using Windows, I'd suggest using VirtualBox and Ubuntu to run it.

-Original Message-
From: Samuel Dyck []
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 12:12 PM
Subject: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Thread Samuel Dyck

Thanks Sam, that saves me a lot of work. Is all the tainted data
 being removed Friday, or just yours?

On 11-03-25 10:29 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

The National Parks data will be removed from the osm api next friday,
as it will be considered 'tainted data' since the person who uploaded
the data doesn't agree to the new contributor terms.
This helps, as it makes it easier to add in the Manitoba parks data.

Since knowone volunteered, the conversion script for the MLI data will
be availbale on github :)
and the shape files on



On 3/25/11, Samuel  wrote:

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Importing MLI park boundaries

2011-03-25 Thread Samuel Dyck
Let me clarify, will the so called tainted data still be up for the near 
future, or will I be spending my week preforming hectic Canvec imports 
to save street names I gathered with a pen and paper? It doesn't look 
good for me

Sam Dyck

On 11-03-25 10:56 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

That is upto the OpenStreetMap Foundation to decide on what todo, as
they will effectivelly 'own' all the rights to the data, including all
tainted data.
We (as a community) do not have a say in this matter, unfortunatly.
cc'd the lists,
it's up to them to reply back.


On 3/25/11, Samuel  wrote:

Thanks Sam, that saves me a lot of work. Is all the tainted data
   being removed Friday, or just yours?

On 11-03-25 10:29 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

The National Parks data will be removed from the osm api next friday,
as it will be considered 'tainted data' since the person who uploaded
the data doesn't agree to the new contributor terms.
This helps, as it makes it easier to add in the Manitoba parks data.

Since knowone volunteered, the conversion script for the MLI data will
be availbale on github :)
and the shape files on



On 3/25/11, Samuel   wrote:

Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] CanVec Vs. TIGER

2011-03-10 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hi everyone

I'm at home recovering from dental surgery, so I've had the opportunity 
to get a lot of imports done. But I've been importing along the US 
border alot, and have ran into some trouble with TIGER Data and need 
some advice. My problems are as follows:

-Importing near the geopolitical oddity know as the Northwest Angle, I 
encountered a disagreement about the coastline of The Lake of the Woods. 
Canvec and data ends 150m north where TIGER data begins. (thought they 
are both roughly on the same Longitude). An inspection using Landsat and 
some surprisingly decent Bing imagry strongly favour Canvec and show the 
TIGER boundary to be full of twists and lagoons that don't appear to 
exist. How to I reconcile this? The Canvec boundaries appear to follow 
the exterior edge of a white surface that Canvec calls wetland, but may 
be ice. Sadly the one place of this lake I know has no white surface 

-TIGER is full of duplicate nodes. When I run Validator to check Canvec 
data I will often get 20+ duplicate node warnings from a TIGER road I 
partially downloaded. I can fix this without downloading the entire area 
of the way, but they I just hit more ways with problems.


Sam Dyck
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Reporting Canvec errors

2011-03-07 Thread Samuel Dyck


I've racked up a list of errors is Canvec data. We've probably gone over 
this before, but how do I report errors and out of date information in 

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Canvec vs. GPS

2011-03-06 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hey everyone

I am presently preparing a careful import of Canvec data into Mantario 
area. I have stumbled across a trail that appears to be a GPS track. The 
problem is that while this trail did not overlap with the old old low 
detail lake data, it conflicts in some areas with the Canvec data. Which 
data should I adjust? The overlap between the two ranges for 17cm to 
30m.  An inspection using Landsat (sadly the best imagery for the 
region) favours Canvec. I realize that this is a tricky subject. I'm 
assuming Godwin's law does not apply to this list.

Sam Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Here we go again...

2011-03-05 Thread Samuel Dyck
I'll second what Richard said. This whole argument of talk could have 
been avoided (or at least delayed) if someone had tried contacting me 
before I was accused. Perhaps I'm just upset but in my opinion it's 
better to raise the issue with the user first than on a list. We don't 
want another vreimer but I've found these trouble makers, are usually 
just misguided.

Sa, Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Reply to concerns about CanVec imports in Quebec

2011-02-20 Thread Samuel Dyck

Hi Everyone

I've had a busy week. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the discussions.

I will be frank. I have never imported Canvec data outside of Manitoba 
(except where the tiles overlapped into Saskatchewan. I deny any 
involvement in the area surrounding Aylmer, Quebec. It is possible I may 
have made small edits there and they may have been part of a Canvec 
import elsewhere, but I personally did not knowingly perform any imports.

Thank you. I apologize for any confusion.

Samuel Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] My CanVec imports in the Ottawa area

2011-02-20 Thread Samuel Dyck

Cross posted on Talk-ca

Hi Everyone

I've had a busy week. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the discussions.

I will be frank. I have never imported Canvec data outside of Manitoba 
(except where the tiles overlapped into Saskatchewan. I deny any 
involvement in the area surrounding Aylmer, Quebec. It is possible I may 
have made small edits there and they may have been part of a Canvec 
import elsewhere, but I personally did not knowingly perform any imports.

Thank you. I apologize for any confusion.

Samuel Dyck

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Bilingual operator names

2011-01-25 Thread Samuel Dyck


When I tag government facilities, I put the name in the predominant 
local language (English in Manitoba) in the name tag. Put the English 
name in the English name tag and the French name in the French name tag. 
But what about the operator tag? For example Winnipeg has a facility 
know in English as the Centre for the Commercialization of Biomedical 
Technology, which is run by the organization known in English as the 
National Research Council and in French as Le conseil national de 
recherches Canada (that is the capitalization used on their website). So 
when put them in the operator tag, how do I handle the name. Do I

- Create operator:en and operator:fr tags?
- Put both names in the operator tags?



Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Bilingual operator names

2011-01-25 Thread Samuel Dyck
I took your advice and went east to Ottawa. I assumed that Parliament 
Hill would be a good model to follow. Sadly it is tagged exclusively in 
English as is the Supreme Court. Perhaps someone with with better French 
than myself should fix that. On the other side of the Ottawa River, The 
Museum of Civilization sets a better example by using a slash, which is 
what I will use.


On 11-01-25 07:23 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

Some would argue that including a 'space' and forward slash '/' and
French name, to be all on the same line.
(some datasets do this)
and others would argue that 'french rendermap' should show all french.

. so it's osm, it's not perfect ... so just check out another
federal facility that has french and copy :)

Some would argue that we need a 'strict set of rules' ... and others
argue 'free form rules with the masses and loudest' :)


On 1/25/11, Samuel  wrote:


When I tag government facilities, I put the name in the predominant
local language (English in Manitoba) in the name tag. Put the English
name in the English name tag and the French name in the French name tag.
But what about the operator tag? For example Winnipeg has a facility
know in English as the Centre for the Commercialization of Biomedical
Technology, which is run by the organization known in English as the
National Research Council and in French as Le conseil national de
recherches Canada (that is the capitalization used on their website). So
when put them in the operator tag, how do I handle the name. Do I

- Create operator:en and operator:fr tags?
- Put both names in the operator tags?



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Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Purging vreimer

2011-01-14 Thread Samuel Dyck


I've been looking at replacing much of vriemer's work in manitoba with 
Canvec data. Even replacing one tile is a daunting task, so I thought 
I'd ask the opions of others before I start work staring with Canvec 
tile 062H10. What do people think?


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Purging vreimer

2011-01-14 Thread Samuel Dyck
Another thing we need to think about. Whatever you position on the 
license change, it is doubtful vreimer will take the trouble to consent 
to the new terms. So we should probably gat all his stuff removed anyways.



On 11-01-14 09:50 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:

What would be great is to extract an .osm file containing only vreimer's edits.

Is this possable?
It would be great to have this file, so then after vreimer's edits
gets removed reom the osm api, they can be used to make other maps.
and added into other api's :-)

On 1/14/11, Samuel  wrote:


I've been looking at replacing much of vriemer's work in manitoba with
Canvec data. Even replacing one tile is a daunting task, so I thought
I'd ask the opions of others before I start work staring with Canvec
tile 062H10. What do people think?


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Schools becoming prisons in Canvec 7

2010-12-29 Thread Samuel Dyck


I've been merging the street names from Canvec 7 in areas in Manitoba 
with Canvec 6 imports sans street names. And I noticed that what CanVec 
6 called schools have all become prisons in Canvec 7. Now I aware of 
prison overcrowding problems but I doubt that all the schools in 
southern Manitoba have become penitentiaries. How would I go about 
reporting this error?


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Uploading geobase imagery

2009-02-17 Thread Samuel Dyck

Would it be possible to get the geobaseOrthoimage imagery up as and alternative 
to the Yahoo! Ariel imagery in Potlatch? In many rural areas the 10 metre 
imagery has significantly better resolution.


Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 8:30:57 PM
Subject: Talk-ca Digest, Vol 12, Issue 10

Send Talk-ca mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Talk-ca digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. CanVec /geobase NIDs (Sam Vekemans)
   2. Re: OSM Geobase import: giving a try (Frank Steggink)
   3. OSM GeoBase import: giving a try (Richard Degelder)
   4. Re: OSM Geobase import: giving a try (Steve Singer)
   5. Re: GeoBase Wiki edits (Steve Singer)
   6. Re: GeoBase Wiki edits (Sam Vekemans)
   7. Automatch for importing NHD (Sam Vekemans)
   8. Re: OSM Geobase import: giving a try (Frank Steggink)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 13:44:06 -0800
From: Sam Vekemans
Subject: [Talk-ca] CanVec /geobase NIDs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

welcome to the team! I look forward to seeing the progress on the 021L07 area.

Your questions were already answered, and thank you, as it gives me a
better idea of how to make the wiki more clear :)

re: nids
i brought up the issue again as it needs to be further explained on
the wiki, (with respect to CanVec also) as there is always 2 sides to
decisions. -notion of 'expectancy' needs to be adressed in 1 page or
less, and clearly understood.

I am more in favor of using the 'automatch' for ALL map features.

Does anyone know that the python script line that adds the OSM tags
from the Database file.

Hopefully someone can help?
Trial  error is the other method :)



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 18:05:48 -0500
From: Frank Steggink
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] OSM Geobase import: giving a try
To: Steve Singer
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your response.

 Yes the wiki needs a cleanup, I've been hoping someone else would do it 
 since that doesn't seem to be happening I will try to find sometime soon 
 to delete all obsolete information from the wiki pages.
I'll try to do some cleanup, once I have a better understanding of th eefforts 
of others.

 Yes please try to keep nids for data that actually comes from geobase.
 Not importing could limit us in the future.
In what way would it limit us? When we'll receive a new dataset from Geobase? 
do you hint towards other datasets which are linked to the NID? In that case 
that additional data can't be linked to existing database, because that doesn't 
contain the NID attributes.

 b. How can we guarantee that the final import will be consistent? 
 (See also
 my first question.)
 Depends what you mean by consitent.
 1. Using consistent tags for things, the best way to ensure this is to 
 look at what others are doing and share your scripts.
 2. data consistency, ie roads line up and are joined between different 
 imports or between the existing and geobase data.  Right now we have no 
 automated consistency tools, we are depending on people to manually line 
 up/connect ways post import.
Both meanings were intended. I wonder if automatic consistency will work. It 
seems to have a too high chance of failure.

 You are free to use your own processes and software.  I don't think any 
 two people are doing the exact same thing for importing.  This is the 
 process I follow
 You don't need to use roadmatcher, you just need to have some method of 
 avoiding hundreds of duplicate roads.
I actually wanted to use PostgreSQL/PostGIS, but it seems that no OSM data can 
be exported from it. At least not when OSM data was previously imported through 
osm2pgsql. Maybe it will work to keep the Geobase data in Postgis, export as 
OSM, and then apply some postprocessing (fixing in JOSM).

 For comparision purposes what I've done with the larger areas in Alberta:
 1. Populate a postgis database with the NRN shapefile
 2. Populate a postgis database with the OSM data using osm2pgsql
 3. Generate a NRN and OSM shapefile for the area that I'm interested in

[Talk-ca] NHN lake of the woods

2009-01-09 Thread Samuel Dyck

It looks like the NHN data is flawed because of the fact that the Lake of the 
Woods passes through the US. I will continue with mapping as normal.

I notice that I am not the only one mapping the lake. I pay much more attention 
to detail than others. Is that okay?


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