Let me clarify, will the so called tainted data still be up for the near future, or will I be spending my week preforming hectic Canvec imports to save street names I gathered with a pen and paper? It doesn't look good for me <http://osm.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/map/?zoom=12&lat=49.88177&lon=-97.17517&layers=B0>.

Sam Dyck

On 11-03-25 10:56 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:
That is upto the OpenStreetMap Foundation to decide on what todo, as
they will effectivelly 'own' all the rights to the data, including all
tainted data.
We (as a community) do not have a say in this matter, unfortunatly.
cc'd the lists,
it's up to them to reply back.


On 3/25/11, Samuel Dyck<samueld...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Thanks Sam, that saves me a lot of work. Is all the "tainted" data
   being removed Friday, or just yours?

On 11-03-25 10:29 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:
The National Parks data will be removed from the osm api next friday,
as it will be considered 'tainted data' since the person who uploaded
the data doesn't agree to the new contributor terms.
This helps, as it makes it easier to add in the Manitoba parks data.

Since knowone volunteered, the conversion script for the MLI data will
be availbale on github :)
and the shape files on koordinates.com



On 3/25/11, Samuel Dyck<samueld...@gmail.com>   wrote:
Hi Everyone

The Canvec data for MB provincial park boundaries is horribly inaccurate
and this bothers me greatly. The government of Manitoba offers good
boundary data and a bunch of other cool stuff though the Manitoba Lands
Initiative, which I believe we can use, but I've never converted
Shapefiles to an API 0.6 compatible osm file (or at all really). How
would I best do this?

Sam Dyck

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