[Talk-lt] Adresai

2018-06-20 Thread Rambla Rambla
Pamenu buvo kalba dėl regionų adresų. Štai mūsų geoportale yra sudėta ant OSM'o 
www.geoportal.lt/savivaldybes/anyksciai ; varnelę 
reikia uždėti ant 'Administracinės ribos ir adresai' . Maps lt irgi adresai yra 
sudėti, tik žemėlapio pagrindas yra ne OSM.

Talk-lt mailing list

[talk-au] Got an email from Royal Geographical Society of QLD about Boundaries

2018-06-20 Thread Joel H.
A few days ago Bob from the Royal Geographical Society of QLD sent me an
email about mapping historical Pastoral Districts.

Anyone around Brisbane should have a little read (particularly the
question to OSM).

I made the suggestion that Open Historical Map should be used instead. I
was also thinking that OSM Brisbane and RGSQ could get together for an
event again!

Does anyone have anything to add?

 Forwarded Message 
Date:   Mon, 18 Jun 2018 15:03:28 +1000
From:   Bob Abnett 



Prior to your running the OSM group in Brisbane, the Map Group had a close
working relationship to David Dean, the previous contact person - now
working in Armidale, NSW.


Map Group members have not been so responsive to OSM this year, as RGSQ is
looking for a replacement premises and Map Group, within RGSQ, is
temporarily meeting in Moorooka, not Milton anymore.


As the Co-Ordinator of Map Group, I am also heading up the Replacement
Premises Committee of RGSQ and hence, I personally, have been very busy on
building matters.


However, this replacement building process is expected to be completed
during the second half of 2018 and as Co-ordinator of Map Group, I am
looking at the 2019 Program.


2019 Program:  Mapping of the early Pastoral Districts of Queensland


One of the Presenters in 2019 will be an historian, who has been recording
the history of the early Land Commissioners in Pre-Separation Qld from 1842
to 1859.


She has asked if Map Group could consider some modern digitally based
mapping system to re-map the original Pastoral Districts of Pre-Separation


These Pastoral Districts were initially described in the NSW Govt Gazette by
"metes and bounds" and from these "original boundaries", quite simple maps
were drawn up of Southern Queensland by the  then Colonial Govt of NSW, as
it was in the 1840s and 1850s, using the Pastoral Districts as the basis for
mapping.  Both the historian and Map Group have got digital images from the
NSW State Archives of these early, but rather simple Pastoral District maps.


Once Queensland became a separate colony in 1859, it set up its own Lands
Department containing surveyors and later cartographers, and the mapping of
Queensland vastly improved from then onwards.


Later in 2019, Map Group is to have another Presenter talk about the mapping
of Queensland from 1860 to the 1880s, when much of the State was then mapped
(at a far higher standard than that from the earlier period).


Question to OSM:


Would the Brisbane group of OSM be interested in participating with some Map
Group members in a mapping exercise of: mapping the boundaries of Qld's
Pre-Separation Pastoral Districts, upon an OSM base map of Queensland?


I have looked at OSM for Queensland and at a higher level of mapping, versus
the close up "zooming in", where local details come to the fore, it would
initially look possible to map the Pastoral District boundaries. 


When David Dean taught Map Group members how to use OSM in 2016, it was at
the local level and we learnt particularly about placing buildings onto OSM
maps.  (we worked the Milton area as Map Group; then South Brisbane, as a
group; the Nundah area as part of a Map Group project, then many of us did
our own streets where we live).


I believe that those of us interested in mapping the Pastoral District
boundaries would need to learn how to edit OSM to map such boundaries.  Note
that these early Pastoral District Maps covered all of Southern Qld,
northwards to Gladstone and westwards to the Maranoa, west of the Darling
Downs.  Hence the boundaries cover a lot of territory.


Anyway, would the OSM group in Brisbane be interested in such a "higher
level" of mapping?


If so, would you or someone else be willing to "teach" a few Map Group
members how to map boundary lines? (versus the shapes of buildings traced
over aerial imagery, which we all learnt to do).


I look forward to your reply and if you wish to meet up firstly, over a
coffee to discuss, then please say so.


Thanks and cheers


Bob Abnett

Co-ordinator, Map Group, RGSQ




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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Proposition de projet du mois de Juillet (ce que vous allez découvrir va vous surprendre)

2018-06-20 Thread Jérôme Amagat
Je profite de cette discution pour proposer un peu de menage dans les tag
sur taginfo, on a des valeurs pas terrible pour power=* et même on a le tag
power_1=* :

Je pense que les problèmes : power=substation;pole et power_1=transformer
sur des power=pole pourrait être modifié en power=pole avec
changement massif? besoin de vérification sur le terrain?

il y a aussi des power_1=switch sur des power=pole.
les transformer en switch=yes?

il reste encore des power=station et power=sub_station (2 tags dépréciés)
qui, je pense, devrait tous passer en power=substation

il y a aussi des power=18 , power=22.00 et power=50.00 je sais pas ce que

des power=low_pole ?

(et d'autre chose en toute petite quantité)

Je laisse des gens plus qualifiés que moi faire les modifications ou dire
ce qu'il faut faire ou ne pas faire.

Là c'est sur taginfo.openstreetmap.fr donc en France .
Sur taginfo.openstreetmap.org donc dans le monde, il y a encore énormément
des tags dépréciés power=station et power=sub_station et beaucoup d'autres
tags non documentés.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] edit war na Žižkově - mapujeme podle stavu v terénu, nebo podle legálního stavu?

2018-06-20 Thread Petr Vozdecký
-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Mikoláš Štrajt 
"souhlasím - tyhle problematické až ilegalní entity by měly v mapě
odlišitelné od těch bezproblémových.
""U těch cest jsem to už kdysi dávno viděl na jakési papírové mapě, kde byly
ty horské silničky v 1. zóně NP přeškrtány."

To je podobný, ale JINÝ případ - silnička v 1. zóně NP je tam legálně a je
právní normou veřejnosti znepřístupněna. Proto je v mapě namalována a


"" -- Původní e-mail --
Od: Jan Martinec 
"Připadá mi poněkud relevantní tenhle dokument - byť se týká sporných
teritorií, pro jiná data v OSM platí IMNSHO totéž:

> However, to remain neutral and to provide a practically useful service to
a global community, we cannot delete base data to suit a particular legal 

Asi nejsilnější a nejpevnější argument. Zmapovat! Ovšem za mě - pokud je to
bezesporu ilegální, pak by se tomu hodil nějaký tag, který umožní rendereru
rozhodnout, co s tím udělá.
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-de] EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie und ihre Folgen für OSM

2018-06-20 Thread Michael Reichert
Crossposting im deutschen Forum:


der Rechtsausschuss des EU-Parlaments hat gestern der neuen
EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie zugestimmt. Der Kampf gegen ein unionsweites
Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseveröffentlichungen und – was für OSM noch
viel wichtiger ist – gegen die Pflicht, dass Inhaltsplattformen
hochgeladene Beiträge auf Urheberrechtsverletzungen automatisiert prüfen
müssen, ist noch nicht endgültig entschieden. [1] Übernächste Woche wird
möglicherweise darüber noch im Plenum abgestimmt werden.

*Warum ist das wichtig?*

Derartige Filter gibt es auf gewissen Plattformen schon jetzt und sie
sind für ihre Fehlerquote bekannt/berüchtigt. Müsste OpenStreetMap
solche Filter betreiben, wäre es schwieriger und in Teilen unmöglich,
die Beiträge von Mappern unverzüglich in die Datenbank aufzunehmen. Es
motiviert Mapper ungemein, wenn ihre Änderungen innerhalb weniger
Minuten auf openstreetmap.org und anderen Karten mit minütlichen Updates

Wenn eine Änderung im Filter hängen bleibt, müsste diese von
Freiwilligen gesichtet werden, die ihre Zeit sicherlich lieber
anderweitig verwenden würden. Außerdem würde es den Beitragenden,
möglicherweise sogar einen Neuling, den wir für unser Projekt gewinnen
wollen, nicht motivieren, weitere Änderungen hochzuladen, da es
anscheinend für die Katz ist. Wenn ein Benutzer "Google" oder "Kataster"
im Änderungssatzkommentar verwendet, mag es verlockend sein, einen
bissigen Filter zu haben, der solche Änderungssätze abfängt. Leider ist
die Welt jedoch nicht so einfach. Manche Katasterdaten sind für uns
freigegeben, manchmal schreiben Benutzer Kommentare wie "Umgehungsstraße
ergänzt, OSM ist jetzt aktueller als Google".

*Was können wir tun?*
Am Karlsruher Stammtisch hatten wir die Idee, als politisches Statement
einen Teil der Kartenkacheln von tile.openstreetmap.de in den nächsten
Tagen vorübergehend durch schwarze Kacheln mit einer politischen
Botschaft zu ersetzen. Es gibt schon grobe Pläne, wie wir das in der
Konfiguration des Tileservers umsetzen. Dennoch rufen wir zur Mithilfe
auf. Es ist nicht allein getan, die Konfiguration des Tileservers zu
ändern. Folgende weitere Dinge sind noch zu tun, bevor wir die schwarzen
Tiles ausliefern können:

1. Es muss eine Seite auf *.openstreetmap.de geben, die erklärt, was am
Entwurf der Richtlinie schlecht ist und warum die Filterpflicht uns
genau schadet. Auch ohne Webdesign-Kenntnisse könnt ihr hier mithelfen
und z.B. den Text formulieren oder Links zu weiteren Seiten zu diesem
Thema zusammenstellen.

2. Gut wäre es, wenn wir den Text auch ins Englische übersetzen könnten,
falls andere Tileserver-Betreiber und andere Local Chapter der OSMF es
uns gleichtun wollen.

3. Die schwarze Fehlerkachel, eine 256 x 256 Pixel große PNG-Datei muss
gestaltet werden. Vorschläge werden gerne entgegengenommen.

Wir werden unsere Serverkonfiguration Betreibern anderer kostenloser
Tileserver zur Verfügung stellen, damit diese sich ebenfalls für freie
Geodaten und gegen Uploadfilter aussprechen können.

Viele Grüße



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I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-cz] Plugin Mapathoner - doplneni informaci

2018-06-20 Thread Jiri Hubacek
Ahoj všem,

rád bych doplnil pár informací k JOSM pluginu mapathoner z minulé
diskuze [1].

> TL;DR: Samozřejmě, tohle je jednoduchý nástroj určený jinam. 

Je to tak, jde o usnadnění nejjednodušších úkonů začátečníkům.

> Trochu jinak než tady prezentováno fungují ty obdélníkové budovy - bohužel
> je třeba oklikat ne 3, ale všechny 4 rohy

Je třeba oklikat skutečně jen 3 rohy budovy. Pokud se okliknou 4, není
číslo dělitelné 3 a poslední node se vymaže + aplikuje se dopočítání a
vytvoření budovy. Výhoda mapathoner pluginu je ve vytváření *více budov
najednou*. Nevýhoda proti building_tools je, že mapathoner neumí
zarovnávat s ostatními budovami a nepoužívá drag přístup pro
kreslení. Mapathoner je méně sofistikovaný nástroj.

Jestli nefunguje Orthogonal building pro 3 nody v rozích budovy, je to
chyba a budu rád za informace, jak ji reprodukovat.

Filosofie kreslení budov je pro každou budovu naklikat nejmenší možný
počet nodů pro jednoznačnou identifikaci budovy (2 pro kruhovou, 3 pro
pravoúhlou, 4 pro tvar L).

> mohl bych poprosit o krátkou rekapitulaci co to umí pro neznalé angličtiny

Konečně je nastavený systém pro překlady, vše je na Transifex [2], ale
zatím toho moc přeloženého není.

## Hromadné kreslení kruhových budov
- Postupně přidat pro každou kruhovou budovu dva nody přes *průměr*.
- Takhle si naklikat cestu, která bude obsahovat tolik budov, kolik je
třeba, vždy po dvou nodech na budovu.
- Pak spustit z menu Mapathoner -> Batch Circle Building (nebo
namapovanou klávesovou zkratku).

## Hromadné kreslení ortogonálních budov
- Postupně přidat pro každou čtvercovou/obdélníkovou budovu tři nody
*rozích budovy*.
- Takhle si naklikat cestu, která bude obsahovat tolik budov, kolik je
třeba, vždy po třech nodech na budovu.
- Pak spustit z menu Mapathoner -> Batch Orthogonal Building.

## Hromadné kreslení budov tvaru L
- Postupně přidat pro každou budovu L čtyři nody ve *specifických rozích
budovy* [2].
- Takhle si naklikat cestu, která bude obsahovat tolik budov, kolik je
třeba. Vždy pro čtyřech specifických nodech.
- Pak spustit z menu Mapathoner -> Batch L-shaped Building.

## Rezidenční oblasti
- Vyberou se budovy, které mají být v rezidenční oblasti, a spustí se
Mapathoner -> Pick Residential Area.


Budu moc vděčný za každou zpětnou vazbu!

Pro programátory - plugin je v javě pod GPLv3 licencí [3].

[1]: https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz/c2490
[2]: https://www.transifex.com/josm/josm/content/
[3]: https://gitlab.com/qeef/mapathoner

Díky, pěkný den,

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Python Conference in Chennai - PySangamam

2018-06-20 Thread Arun Ganesh
You should definitely send a mail to the OSM India list: OpenStreetMap in

On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 2:05 AM Arun Ganesh  wrote:

> Hi Vijay, thank you for personally reaching out. I would have loved to
> participate but will be busy at that time with my wife's delivery. Have not
> been doing much with python lately, but if I get some ideas, i'll be sure
> to submit a poster. Best of luck for the event!
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Jeroen Baten

Thank you so much!
I will follow up on this.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Baten

Op 20-06-18 om 18:02 schreef Oleksiy Muzalyev:
> I found a small airfield close to Boussac with this tool:
> http://ausleuchtung.ch.local/travel_pack/?lat=46.3561695279802=2.5460815429687504=12=10=aeroway=aerodrome=0
> At this airfield there is an air-club:
> https://www.facebook.com/Les-Ailes-Montlu%C3%A7onnaises-273169482716262/
> If it is another Boussac (there are several in  France) just use this
> tool to find a small airfield with an air-club at it. Then you may try
> to write to people, to the light aircraft pilots of an air-club, asking
> them the question.
> These people may know as their look very attentively at the ground below
> when they fly for numerous reasons. The hard part could be to convince
> them to assist, for this you may try to explain them why you need this
> info.
> brgds
> O.
> On 20.06.18 17:35, Jeroen Baten wrote:
>> That is an excellent idea! How do I find somebody with some areal
>> experience around Boussac?
>> Op 20-06-18 om 16:00 schreef Oleksiy Muzalyev:
>>> I do not know how to do it via query. In fact, I think it would be a
>>> hard problem.
>>> However, since it is 10 minutes from a city a medical helicopter pilot
>>> or a recreational light aircraft pilot may recognize it. People are very
>>> good at recognizing patterns. I heard the SNCF, the French railway, uses
>>> RPAS to survey its network [1].
>>> For example, I think I could probably recognize an area around a town
>>> where I live from an aerial image, since being an amateur RPAS pilot I
>>> saw it quite a lot from the air.
>>> [1] https://www.sncf-reseau.fr/en/about/strategy/drones-serving-industry
>>> brgds
>>> O.
>>> On 20.06.18 15:26, Jeroen Baten wrote:
 Correct, but they are talking in the FAQ about reuse of the data on
 which Google has a license.

 That is different from getting a photo of google maps attached in an

 It is just a different kind of copyright.

 Still, it seems nobody can give me a hint/direction how to solve my


 Op 20-06-18 om 15:22 schreef Milo van der Linden:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#Why_don.27t_you_just_use_Google_Maps.2Fwhoever_for_your_data.3F
> 2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :
>> Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.
>> 2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
>>> I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).
>>> Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:
 Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not
 to use it.

 2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
> Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google
> maps.
> Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
>> Hi Jeroen,
>> when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood
>> that the picture has exif geo tags...
>> Do you think that this is the case?
>> Best
>> Tim
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Jeroen Baten 
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
>> An: talk@openstreetmap.org
>> Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?
>> Hi,
>> This is a newbie question:
>> so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I
>> don't know the exact location.
>> I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
>> I want to find the place on the map.
>> My photo shows two roads in an angle.
>> Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
>> Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?
>> Looking forward to your answers.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jeroen Baten
> -- 
> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>      _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>     |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>    _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
> Culemborg, the
> Netherlands
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

>>> -- 
>>> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>>>      _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>>>     |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>>>    _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
>>> Culemborg, the
>>> Netherlands
>> -- 
>> Milo van der Linden
>> web: dogodigi
>> tel: +31-6-16598808

Jeroen Baten   

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Please, correct the link in my previous message:

On 20.06.18 18:02, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:
I found a small airfield close to Boussac with this tool: 

At this airfield there is an air-club: 

If it is another Boussac (there are several in  France) just use this 
tool to find a small airfield with an air-club at it. Then you may try 
to write to people, to the light aircraft pilots of an air-club, 
asking them the question.

These people may know as their look very attentively at the ground 
below when they fly for numerous reasons. The hard part could be to 
convince them to assist, for this you may try to explain them why you 
need this info.


On 20.06.18 17:35, Jeroen Baten wrote:

That is an excellent idea! How do I find somebody with some areal
experience around Boussac?

Op 20-06-18 om 16:00 schreef Oleksiy Muzalyev:

I do not know how to do it via query. In fact, I think it would be a
hard problem.

However, since it is 10 minutes from a city a medical helicopter pilot
or a recreational light aircraft pilot may recognize it. People are 
good at recognizing patterns. I heard the SNCF, the French railway, 

RPAS to survey its network [1].

For example, I think I could probably recognize an area around a town
where I live from an aerial image, since being an amateur RPAS pilot I
saw it quite a lot from the air.



On 20.06.18 15:26, Jeroen Baten wrote:

Correct, but they are talking in the FAQ about reuse of the data on
which Google has a license.

That is different from getting a photo of google maps attached in an

It is just a different kind of copyright.

Still, it seems nobody can give me a hint/direction how to solve my


Op 20-06-18 om 15:22 schreef Milo van der Linden:

2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :

Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.

2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).

Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:

Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not
to use it.

2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google

Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:

Hi Jeroen,

when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood
that the picture has exif geo tags...
Do you think that this is the case?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jeroen Baten 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
An: talk@openstreetmap.org
Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?


This is a newbie question:
so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I
don't know the exact location.
I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
I want to find the place on the map.
My photo shows two roads in an angle.
Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?

Looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Baten

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL : jba...@i2rs.nl
     _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
    |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
   _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
Culemborg, the

talk mailing list

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
     _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
    |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
   _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
Culemborg, the

Milo van der Linden
web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
I found a small airfield close to Boussac with this tool: 

At this airfield there is an air-club: 

If it is another Boussac (there are several in  France) just use this 
tool to find a small airfield with an air-club at it. Then you may try 
to write to people, to the light aircraft pilots of an air-club, asking 
them the question.

These people may know as their look very attentively at the ground below 
when they fly for numerous reasons. The hard part could be to convince 
them to assist, for this you may try to explain them why you need this info.


On 20.06.18 17:35, Jeroen Baten wrote:

That is an excellent idea! How do I find somebody with some areal
experience around Boussac?

Op 20-06-18 om 16:00 schreef Oleksiy Muzalyev:

I do not know how to do it via query. In fact, I think it would be a
hard problem.

However, since it is 10 minutes from a city a medical helicopter pilot
or a recreational light aircraft pilot may recognize it. People are very
good at recognizing patterns. I heard the SNCF, the French railway, uses
RPAS to survey its network [1].

For example, I think I could probably recognize an area around a town
where I live from an aerial image, since being an amateur RPAS pilot I
saw it quite a lot from the air.

[1] https://www.sncf-reseau.fr/en/about/strategy/drones-serving-industry


On 20.06.18 15:26, Jeroen Baten wrote:

Correct, but they are talking in the FAQ about reuse of the data on
which Google has a license.

That is different from getting a photo of google maps attached in an

It is just a different kind of copyright.

Still, it seems nobody can give me a hint/direction how to solve my


Op 20-06-18 om 15:22 schreef Milo van der Linden:


2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :

Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.

2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).

Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:

Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not
to use it.

2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google

Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:

Hi Jeroen,

when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood
that the picture has exif geo tags...
Do you think that this is the case?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jeroen Baten 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
An: talk@openstreetmap.org
Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?


This is a newbie question:
so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I
don't know the exact location.
I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
I want to find the place on the map.
My photo shows two roads in an angle.
Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?

Looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Baten

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
     _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
    |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
   _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
Culemborg, the

talk mailing list

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
     _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
    |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
   _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
Culemborg, the

Milo van der Linden
web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Bing maps

2018-06-20 Thread Philip Barnes
Near me an areas mapped in osm with streets and buildings are still green 
fields on bing imagery.

Another, mapped in OSM, just shows a few foundations on bing imagery and is 
green fields on gm.

Mapbox has the newest imagery in my experience.

Phil (trigpoint) 

On 20 June 2018 16:40:39 BST, SK53  wrote:
>Simple control near me & they have buildings which we have never mapped
>On 20 June 2018 at 12:34, Andrew Hain 
>> I had a look at the Bing map of Richmond this morning. It now has
>> on it, or rather it has some of them. The resulting map looks, shall
>I say,
>> familiar if a bit out of date.
>> --
>> Andrew
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
>> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappatura Campi e Campielli a Venezia

2018-06-20 Thread Federico Cortese
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 5:48 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
> non indìcano la stessa cosa, highway=pedestrian su un area con un nome non è 
> necessariamente una piazza, potrebbe anche essere una strada. place=square 
> dice che si tratta di una piazza / che il nome si riferisce ad una piazza. 
> Quando i due oggetti (superficie calpestabile con nome e piazza) sono la 
> stessa cosa, non vedo problemi nell’uso di un solo oggetto osm.

Ok mi hai convinto.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose: Intégration de panneaux depuis Mapillary

2018-06-20 Thread Francois Gouget
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:
> Il s’agit d'utiliser les panneaux détectés dans les photo Mapillary 
> pour les comparer aux tags dans OSM et détecter quand un panneau n'a 
> pas d'application sur les voies. On chercher les tags des effets du 
> panneau et pas le cartographie du panneau lui même.
> C'est pour l’instant disponible à titre expérimental sur 
> l'Île-de-France, mais c'est possible de le généraliser.

Super ! Ca va rendre la reconnaissance de panneaux de Mapillary très 
nettement plus utile.

Sur un de mes premiers tests je tombe sur un faux positif... de 
Mapillary qui a pris une fenêtre pour un panneau.


Je peux le marquer comme faux positif dans Osmose mais en fait ce n'est 
pas Osmose qui fait l'erreur. Mais je n'ai pas vu de moyen de signaler 
le problème à Mapillary. Quelqu'un sait-il comment faire ?

Sinon est-ce ok de les marquer comme faux positif dans Osmose ?

D'après une présentation faite par Mapillary au SOTM FR2016 leur algos 
de deep learning sont sensés être capable de réaliser qu'un panneau 
apparaissant sur 3 photos ne correspondaient en fait qu'à un seul objet 
et de déterminer l'emplacement de cet objet. Est-ce qu'Osmose s'appuie 
là-dessus ou est-ce qu'il signale le problème pour chaque photo ?

Je demande parce qu'il semble y avoir pas mal de répétition par 
endroits, plus que sur la carte Mapillary. Par exemple le panneau 
gendarme couché ici :


Sinon Mapillary a un gros problème avec les limites de vitesse :

Interdiction aux plus de 10 t -> Limite à 100 km/h.

Bus limité à 70 km/h -> Croit qu'il y a un panneau 70 km/h dans la rue 
  (alors qu'avec leur segmentation sémantique (i.e. identification des 
  objects comme les voitures, bus, camions) il devrait voir que le 
  panneau est sur le bus et donc l'ignorer).

Camion de location avec pub pour le tarif à 19€ -> Limite à 100 km/h.

Par contre ils sont très efficaces pour les attributs traffic_calming 
manquants (et il faut bien dire qu'il en manque beaucoup).

Mais même avec ces défauts je pense que ça sera très utile. Et puis 
Mapillary est sensé améliorer leurs algos donc cela ne peut que 
s'arranger avec le temps.

Francois Gouget   http://fgouget.free.fr/
War doesn't determine who's right.  War determines who's left.___
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappatura Campi e Campielli a Venezia

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 16. Jun 2018, at 14:21, Federico Cortese  wrote:
> Sì, può capitare che il perimetro dell'area pedonale coincida col
> perimetro della piazza, ma non mi pare opportuno usare due tag diversi
> sullo stesso poligono per indicare la stessa cosa.

non indìcano la stessa cosa, highway=pedestrian su un area con un nome non è 
necessariamente una piazza, potrebbe anche essere una strada. place=square dice 
che si tratta di una piazza / che il nome si riferisce ad una piazza. Quando i 
due oggetti (superficie calpestabile con nome e piazza) sono la stessa cosa, 
non vedo problemi nell’uso di un solo oggetto osm.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Jeroen Baten

That is an excellent idea! How do I find somebody with some areal
experience around Boussac?

Op 20-06-18 om 16:00 schreef Oleksiy Muzalyev:
> I do not know how to do it via query. In fact, I think it would be a
> hard problem.
> However, since it is 10 minutes from a city a medical helicopter pilot
> or a recreational light aircraft pilot may recognize it. People are very
> good at recognizing patterns. I heard the SNCF, the French railway, uses
> RPAS to survey its network [1].
> For example, I think I could probably recognize an area around a town
> where I live from an aerial image, since being an amateur RPAS pilot I
> saw it quite a lot from the air.
> [1] https://www.sncf-reseau.fr/en/about/strategy/drones-serving-industry
> brgds
> O.
> On 20.06.18 15:26, Jeroen Baten wrote:
>> Correct, but they are talking in the FAQ about reuse of the data on
>> which Google has a license.
>> That is different from getting a photo of google maps attached in an
>> email.
>> It is just a different kind of copyright.
>> Still, it seems nobody can give me a hint/direction how to solve my
>> problem.
>> Regards,
>> Jeroen
>> Op 20-06-18 om 15:22 schreef Milo van der Linden:
>>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#Why_don.27t_you_just_use_Google_Maps.2Fwhoever_for_your_data.3F
>>> 2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :
 Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.

 2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
> I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).
> Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:
>> Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not
>> to use it.
>> 2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
>>> Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google
>>> maps.
>>> Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
 Hi Jeroen,

 when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood
 that the picture has exif geo tags...
 Do you think that this is the case?


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Jeroen Baten 
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
 An: talk@openstreetmap.org
 Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?


 This is a newbie question:
 so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I
 don't know the exact location.
 I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
 I want to find the place on the map.
 My photo shows two roads in an angle.
 Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
 Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?

 Looking forward to your answers.

 Kind regards,
 Jeroen Baten

>>> -- 
>>> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>>>     _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>>>    |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>>>   _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
>>> Culemborg, the
>>> Netherlands
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> -- 
> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>     _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>    |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>   _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK,
> Culemborg, the
> Netherlands

 Milo van der Linden
 web: dogodigi
 tel: +31-6-16598808

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
   _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
 _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Golan Heights

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
 an useful resource.

20. Jun 2018 15:40 by ma...@anche.no :

> good day list!
> https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/cartes/golan 
> our map now only shows the area as if it were part of the State of
> Israel, which is not, according to international law.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Maarten Deen
What kind of copyright infringement are you talking about? Jeroen wants 
to know what city it is. How can this possibly be a copyright 
infringment and why should he not use the image?


On 2018-06-20 15:00, Milo van der Linden wrote:
Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to 
use it.

2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.

Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:

Hi Jeroen,

when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that 
the picture has exif geo tags...

Do you think that this is the case?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jeroen Baten 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
An: talk@openstreetmap.org
Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?


This is a newbie question:
so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't 
know the exact location.

I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
I want to find the place on the map.
My photo shows two roads in an angle.
Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?

Looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Baten

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
   _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
 _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, 


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
I do not know how to do it via query. In fact, I think it would be a 
hard problem.

However, since it is 10 minutes from a city a medical helicopter pilot 
or a recreational light aircraft pilot may recognize it. People are very 
good at recognizing patterns. I heard the SNCF, the French railway, uses 
RPAS to survey its network [1].

For example, I think I could probably recognize an area around a town 
where I live from an aerial image, since being an amateur RPAS pilot I 
saw it quite a lot from the air.

[1] https://www.sncf-reseau.fr/en/about/strategy/drones-serving-industry


On 20.06.18 15:26, Jeroen Baten wrote:

Correct, but they are talking in the FAQ about reuse of the data on
which Google has a license.

That is different from getting a photo of google maps attached in an email.

It is just a different kind of copyright.

Still, it seems nobody can give me a hint/direction how to solve my problem.


Op 20-06-18 om 15:22 schreef Milo van der Linden:


2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :

Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.

2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).

Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:

Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to use it.

2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.

Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:

Hi Jeroen,

when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that the picture 
has exif geo tags...
Do you think that this is the case?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jeroen Baten 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
An: talk@openstreetmap.org
Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?


This is a newbie question:
so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't know the 
exact location.
I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
I want to find the place on the map.
My photo shows two roads in an angle.
Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?

Looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Baten

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the

talk mailing list

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the

Milo van der Linden
web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade provinciali e comunali

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2018-06-20 15:17 GMT+02:00 Elena ``of Valhalla'' :

> relativamente scarsamente abitata: si parla dei collegamenti tra comuni
> con popolazioni tra i 500 e le poche migliaia di abitanti, frequentati
> dagli abitanti dei comuni coinvolti (non solo gli abitanti del comune
> stesso), e da turisti sia locali (della provincia) che — pochi —
> internazionali¹
> è solo che lo spazio per allargare le strade non c'è

allora convinto, lasciaci pure tertiary ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Golan Heights

2018-06-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/20/18 15:40, Mario Frasca wrote:
> our map now only shows the area as if it were part of the State of
> Israel, which is not, according to international law.

We try not to show the world according to diplomats and international
law, but according to the reality on the ground. If something is
illegally occupied by space aliens, then we will show it as space alien
territory, because space aliens is what you have to deal with if you
should want to travel there.

Our data will usually contain hints about the finer details, but our map
is not a political map and nobody benefits from us showing theoretical
claims that are out of sync with reality.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Golan Heights

2018-06-20 Thread Mario Frasca
good day list!


our map now only shows the area as if it were part of the State of
Israel, which is not, according to international law.

who is in charge for such quality checks?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Jeroen Baten

Correct, but they are talking in the FAQ about reuse of the data on
which Google has a license.

That is different from getting a photo of google maps attached in an email.

It is just a different kind of copyright.

Still, it seems nobody can give me a hint/direction how to solve my problem.


Op 20-06-18 om 15:22 schreef Milo van der Linden:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#Why_don.27t_you_just_use_Google_Maps.2Fwhoever_for_your_data.3F
> 2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :
>> Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.
>> 2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
>>> I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).
>>> Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:
 Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to use 

 2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
> Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.
> Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
>> Hi Jeroen,
>> when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that the 
>> picture has exif geo tags...
>> Do you think that this is the case?
>> Best
>> Tim
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Jeroen Baten 
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
>> An: talk@openstreetmap.org
>> Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?
>> Hi,
>> This is a newbie question:
>> so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't know 
>> the exact location.
>> I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
>> I want to find the place on the map.
>> My photo shows two roads in an angle.
>> Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
>> Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?
>> Looking forward to your answers.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jeroen Baten
> --
> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
> Netherlands
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

>>> --
>>> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>>>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>>>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>>>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
>>> Netherlands
>> --
>> Milo van der Linden
>> web: dogodigi
>> tel: +31-6-16598808

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
   _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
 _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Rozcestníky - přepsaná fota rozcestníků

2018-06-20 Thread Michal Grézl
>> je ale neco jineho, evidentne se rozbila Walleyho DB a zmenila se
>> vazba ID zaznamu a jmeno souboru s fotkou nebo neco jineho. S tim ale
>> automatizovane moc neudelam, aspon ne jednoduse.

evidentne se nic nerozbilo:)

> Ale podle mě je to totéž, pokud není rozbité ještě něco jiného.
> Tedy alespoň přesně takhle se to musí projevit - tedy že se na jednom z těch
> duplicitních rozcestníků ukáže chybná fotka.

Nefunguje uploadovac, nebo se soubory prepsaly pri presunu hostingu.
Uploadovac otestuju zitra. Tech duplicit sou tam mraky, ale
nefungovalo to pouze u nekterych.

Prepsane fotky by meli byt obnovene.

jednalo se o tyhle soubory
(pripony .jpg a .JPG)

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Milo van der Linden

2018-06-20 15:21 GMT+02:00 Milo van der Linden :
> Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.
> 2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
>> I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).
>> Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:
>>> Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to use it.
>>> 2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :

 Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.

 Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
> Hi Jeroen,
> when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that the 
> picture has exif geo tags...
> Do you think that this is the case?
> Best
> Tim
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Jeroen Baten 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
> An: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?
> Hi,
> This is a newbie question:
> so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't know 
> the exact location.
> I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
> I want to find the place on the map.
> My photo shows two roads in an angle.
> Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
> Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?
> Looking forward to your answers.
> Kind regards,
> Jeroen Baten

 Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the

 talk mailing list
>> --
>> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
>> Netherlands
> --
> Milo van der Linden
> web: dogodigi
> tel: +31-6-16598808

Milo van der Linden
web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Milo van der Linden
Still. I strongly advice you not to use it.

2018-06-20 15:13 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
> I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).
> Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:
>> Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to use it.
>> 2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
>>> Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.
>>> Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
 Hi Jeroen,

 when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that the 
 picture has exif geo tags...
 Do you think that this is the case?


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Jeroen Baten 
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
 An: talk@openstreetmap.org
 Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?


 This is a newbie question:
 so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't know the 
 exact location.
 I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
 I want to find the place on the map.
 My photo shows two roads in an angle.
 Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
 Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?

 Looking forward to your answers.

 Kind regards,
 Jeroen Baten

>>> --
>>> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>>>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>>>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>>>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
>>> Netherlands
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> --
> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
> Netherlands

Milo van der Linden
web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose: Intégration de panneaux depuis Mapillary

2018-06-20 Thread Christian Quest
Le peu que j'ai regardé me semble perfectible...

1) des détections d'objets erronée de mapillary, exemples:
- des croisillons pris pour des panneaux de rond-point:
- un numéro de ligne de bus (80) pris pour une limitation de vitesse
- limite de hauteur inexistante:

2) des objets détectés très loin dans l'image mais géoréférencé à
l'emplacement de l'image (au moins 50m de distance)... étonnant car des
images plus proches montrent aussi ce panneau

Si une info sur la taille du panneau dans l'image est dispo (où sa position
et donc la distance à la photo), je pense qu'il faudrait cherche à en tirer

3) des rapprochements non faits par osmose, exemple:
http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/error/18327336651 : le max_height est
bien à proximité, sur l'emprise du parking
Des maxspeed=30 non détectés sur les passages protégés (le tag n'est pas
sur le way, mais sur le noeud du passage protégé).

Perfectible, mais prometteur !

Le 20 juin 2018 à 13:26, Frédéric Rodrigo  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Un nouveau type d'intégration de données est disponible dans Osmose.
> Il s’agit d'utiliser les panneaux détectés dans les photo Mapillary pour
> les comparer aux tags dans OSM et détecter quand un panneau n'a pas
> d'application sur les voies. On chercher les tags des effets du panneau et
> pas le cartographie du panneau lui même.
> C'est pour l’instant disponible à titre expérimental sur l'Île-de-France,
> mais c'est possible de le généralisé.
> Pour l'instant le plus gros problème connu sont les panneaux qui ne
> prennent pas effet sur place (restriction dans 1km) ou partiellement
> (limite pour les poids lourds).
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/#zoom=10=49.1201;
> lon=2.363=8300=1%2C2%2C3
> Je suis preneur de vos retours.
> Frédéric.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade provinciali e comunali

2018-06-20 Thread Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2018-06-20 at 13:34:42 +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > On 16. Jun 2018, at 12:59, Elena ``of Valhalla''  
> > wrote:
> > Da queste parti è normale che ci siano strade che sono l'unico
> > collegamento tra diversi comuni ma sono sufficientemente strette da
> > richiedere prudenza quando si incrocia un'altra macchina, e fermarsi
> > quando si incrocia qualcosa di più grosso di una macchina, non per
> > questo non sono tertiary.
> per me queste probabilmente non sarebbero tertiary ma unclassified.
> Evidentemente stai parlando di una zona scarsamente abitata e con poco
> traffico in generale? Non è detto che l’unica strada (perciò
> relativamente importante) che arriva in un hamlet, deve per forza
> essere al meno tertiary, se il posto non è significativo (=non ci va
> nessuno tranne gli abitanti ) ci starebbe anche un unclassified.

relativamente scarsamente abitata: si parla dei collegamenti tra comuni
con popolazioni tra i 500 e le poche migliaia di abitanti, frequentati
dagli abitanti dei comuni coinvolti (non solo gli abitanti del comune
stesso), e da turisti sia locali (della provincia) che — pochi —

è solo che lo spazio per allargare le strade non c'è

¹ (gli svizzeri del ticino sono contati come locali, dato che è
confinante, ma capita spesso di incontrare uno o due turisti veramente

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nomi di strade/piazze

2018-06-20 Thread Daniele Forsi
Il giorno mer 20 giu 2018 alle ore 10:57 Lidrie ha scritto:

>  Se due comuni contigui hanno una strada (sia la stessa fisica, o due diverse)
> dedicate allo stesso personaggio, per me valgono due occorrenze.

per estrarre questa informazione in modo affidabile devi calcolare
anche la lunghezza della strada, perché se la mappatura è stata
imprecisa una way ti risulta in due comuni se un pezzo anche
cortissimo attraversa il confine

> non devo fare una fotografia totale di tutti i nomi presenti in Italia, ma
> partendo da singoli campioni scelti vedere la distribuzione caso per caso

abbiamo a disposizione l'estrazione dei nomi già divisi per Comune per
il controllo dell'ortografia [1] sul server messo a disposizione da
Wikimedia Italia, in quelle pagine appaiono solo i nomi che devono
essere controllati, ma nel database ci sono tutti e posso aggiungere
un modo per fare le tue ricerche e creare un file di testo con 3
colonne separate da tabulazioni, ad esempio: parola cercatanome
del Comunenome della strada

Penso che ci dovrò mettere dei limiti piuttosto bassi, tipo 50 righe
di input e 1 di output perché la mia tabella non è ottimizzata per
le ricerche di testo, vediamo come si comporta.
Quante parole devi cercare e quante volte e per quanto tempo? Cerchi
solo parole intere? Cioè se cerchi "roma" non vuoi anche romagna,
romano, ecc.?

[1] https://osmit3.wmflabs.org/stradario/
Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Jeroen Baten

I did not make it. Some French estate agent did :-).

Op 20-06-18 om 15:00 schreef Milo van der Linden:
> Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to use it.
> 2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
>> Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.
>> Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
>>> Hi Jeroen,
>>> when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that the 
>>> picture has exif geo tags...
>>> Do you think that this is the case?
>>> Best
>>> Tim
>>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>>> Von: Jeroen Baten 
>>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
>>> An: talk@openstreetmap.org
>>> Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?
>>> Hi,
>>> This is a newbie question:
>>> so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't know the 
>>> exact location.
>>> I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
>>> I want to find the place on the map.
>>> My photo shows two roads in an angle.
>>> Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
>>> Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?
>>> Looking forward to your answers.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jeroen Baten
>> --
>> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
>> Netherlands
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
   _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
 _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nomi di strade/piazze

2018-06-20 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Il giorno 19 giugno 2018 12:49, Federico Cortese  ha

> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 12:33 PM Lidrie  wrote:
> Purtroppo sul numero delle occorrenze non ti sarà tanto utile, perchè
> la stessa strada può essere divisa in vari pezzetti, che andrebbero ad
> aumentare il numero delle occorrenze.
Per una mappa che illustri su scala nazionale, non vedo problemi con questo
metodo: i cerchietti sono talmente vicini che sembrano uno.

Volendo invece produrre una lista, senza scaricare gigabyte di roba, si può
fare uno script [1] che scarichi comune per comune le occorrenze, basandosi
su questa query [2] che purtroppo è piuttosto lenta.

[1] https://pastebin.com/rQz5NbHR
[2] http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/zHT
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?

2018-06-20 Thread Milo van der Linden
Screenshots from google maps infringe copyright. I advice oyu not to use it.

2018-06-19 10:43 GMT+02:00 Jeroen Baten :
> Nope, unfortunately it is clearly a screenshot taken from google maps.
> Op 19-06-18 om 10:43 schreef Tim Frey:
>> Hi Jeroen,
>> when it was taken on a mobile, then you have a high likelihood that the 
>> picture has exif geo tags...
>> Do you think that this is the case?
>> Best
>> Tim
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Jeroen Baten 
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018 10:35
>> An: talk@openstreetmap.org
>> Betreff: [OSM-talk] Can somebody give me a hint please?
>> Hi,
>> This is a newbie question:
>> so I have an aerial photo of a part of central France but I don't know the 
>> exact location.
>> I know it is max 10 minutes from a city.
>> I want to find the place on the map.
>> My photo shows two roads in an angle.
>> Is there a way I can use to locate where this is?
>> Some sort of low level GIS query maybe?
>> Looking forward to your answers.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jeroen Baten
> --
> Jeroen Baten  | EMAIL :  jba...@i2rs.nl
>    _  __  | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
>   |  )|_)(_   | tel   :  +31 (0)345 - 75 26 28
>  _|_/_| \__)  | Molenwindsingel 46, 4105 HK, Culemborg, the
> Netherlands
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Milo van der Linden
web: dogodigi
tel: +31-6-16598808

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] http://stat.latlon.org/

2018-06-20 Thread Colm Moore

For those that use this service, the OSM Statistics for Ireland and Northern 
Ireland are back on line http://stat.latlon.org/ie/latest/

Message from Alexandr Zeinalov  below.


> On 2018-06-20 11:30:02 UTC Alexandr Zeinalov wrote:
> Statistics update is not running automatically since April
> for some reason, I'm updating it eventually. Also stat update
> currently broken for some countries because country dumps
> doesn't contain user data (because geofabrik.de removed it
> for GDPR). Full dumps available only with OAuth login in
> browser. Maybe I will disable user stats for all countries
> that are not provided by another sources.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-GB] Bing maps

2018-06-20 Thread Andrew Hain
I had a look at the Bing map of Richmond this morning. It now has houses on it, 
or rather it has some of them. The resulting map looks, shall I say, familiar 
if a bit out of date.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade provinciali e comunali

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 16. Jun 2018, at 12:59, Elena ``of Valhalla''  
> wrote:
> Da queste parti è normale che ci siano strade che sono l'unico
> collegamento tra diversi comuni ma sono sufficientemente strette da
> richiedere prudenza quando si incrocia un'altra macchina, e fermarsi
> quando si incrocia qualcosa di più grosso di una macchina, non per
> questo non sono tertiary.

per me queste probabilmente non sarebbero tertiary ma unclassified. 
Evidentemente stai parlando di una zona scarsamente abitata e con poco traffico 
in generale? Non è detto che l’unica strada (perciò relativamente importante) 
che arriva in un hamlet, deve per forza essere al meno tertiary, se il posto 
non è significativo (=non ci va nessuno tranne gli abitanti ) ci starebbe anche 
un unclassified.

Ciao, Martin 

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Osmose: Intégration de panneaux depuis Mapillary

2018-06-20 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo


Un nouveau type d'intégration de données est disponible dans Osmose.

Il s’agit d'utiliser les panneaux détectés dans les photo Mapillary pour 
les comparer aux tags dans OSM et détecter quand un panneau n'a pas 
d'application sur les voies. On chercher les tags des effets du panneau 
et pas le cartographie du panneau lui même.

C'est pour l’instant disponible à titre expérimental sur 
l'Île-de-France, mais c'est possible de le généralisé.

Pour l'instant le plus gros problème connu sont les panneaux qui ne 
prennent pas effet sur place (restriction dans 1km) ou partiellement 
(limite pour les poids lourds).


Je suis preneur de vos retours.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Mapping houses and addresses in Sydney

2018-06-20 Thread Warin

On 20/06/18 20:50, Dion Moult wrote:
So I get the impression that everybody on this list seems pretty cool 
with the approach of using this script to aid in ensuring that the 
points entered in JOSM have good coordinates and have correct 
addresses to the best knowledge of the armchair mapper. It clearly 
isn't a waterfall import. If there are no more objections, on Friday 
I'll send an email to the imports mailing list describing the 
approach. Given that the script can be run by anyone and is not part 
of a bulk import that is done by a single user, I agree that we need 
some way to connote the source. However instead of a tag, why don't we 
just add a `source:import=NSW LPI Web Services` to the changeset? That 
way anybody seeing the history will know.

Given that there are 3.8 million addresses in total in NSW, assuming 
it took 1 second for somebody to add an address, it would take 440 
days of non-stop work to add every single address. This is not exactly 
an exciting task! We can probably cover the city and immediate suburbs 
relatively quickly, but maybe it is worthwhile investigating the bulk 
import a bit more. Perhaps once Andrew Harvey finishes his work on 
openaddresses, we can use that data dump and follow the New Zealand 
approach of importing bit by bit - we can divide the dataset into an 
alphabetical list of suburbs, and then treat each suburb's import 


All sounds fine. The devil is in the detail.

I'd chose a suburb you are familiar with and do that .. even just a part 
of it and see what happens.

And yes it is not exciting, and very time consuming. However it is usefull.
Once it is proven then I'd target those areas of most demand ... the 
CBDs of major centres, tourist areas, hotels, shopping centres etc. That 
will get most people happy most of the time.

The low use bits .. well that will take quite some time.
Most of the roads are now entered, so finding freds house in a street 
won't be too hard once you have found that street - traffic should be 
light. So I don't see that as a high priority.

I think 1 second per address is optimistic.
And people will get sick of it. So there will be a sporadic 
participation rate. Could be wrong.

Dion Moult

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On June 18, 2018 9:23 PM, Dion Moult  wrote:

On June 18, 2018 8:56 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 18/06/18 20:30, Andrew Harvey wrote:
On 18 June 2018 at 19:21, Dion Moult > wrote:

Thanks Andrew for your reply!

1. Thanks for the link to the import guidelines. My responses
to the import guidelines below:

First up I think any changesets that import addresses in this way 
should have an extra changeset tag so if we need to we can identify 
which changesets did the import (so more than just source=LPI NSW 
Base Map). Something like import=NSW Address Points or something.

source:import=LPI API via ?? something like that?

Sure thing, I would be happy to if that is the appropriate thing to 
do :)

I'm not sure about separating the address with a ";" like 
could they not be two separate points? If it's a duplex, then I'd 
do it as a single building with addr:housenumber=11, then if you 
want two nodes inside the building for 11A and 11B.
I have had separate buildings for A and B - share a common wall. In 
some instances I have 11 then 11A .. but no B.

Thanks for the advice! I've fixed it to use two nodes. However, 
please note that that particular building was not mapped as part of 
my import script proposal. That was mapped previously by me 
completely manually. If I had used the import script it would have 
created two nodes, one for 11A and one for 11B.

While I don't think there's anything wrong with 2/18 as a first 
pass, eg https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5667899003, I think 
it's better to use addr:unit=2 addr:housenumber=18.

Thanks :) I was wondering what was a better way of doing that. Fixed 
:) Again as above this was mapped manually by me and not using the 

 1. I am aware that big automatic updates can cause problems. I
will only import addr:housenumber and addr:street and a single

What are you planning on doing where the address in already in OSM? 
I think in this case we should just not import that point and leave 
the existing OSM addresses.
Depends .. I have come across addresses that were out of sequence. 
Contacted the still active mapper (moved to Germany) and had not 
response .. after some months I have simple deleted them.
So it is worth checking that the new data is is not 'better' than 
the present OSM data.

With my proposal of a semi-automated approach, every single new 
address will have to be explicitly decided upon by a human mapper. A 
human mapper can decide when to import the point if the existing data 
look bad (based off the LPI Base Map raster background) 

Re: [Talk-es] Mantenimiento Gestor de Tareas

2018-06-20 Thread Alejandro S.
Ya vuelve a estar en marcha

  Alejandro Suárez

2018-06-18 11:11 GMT+02:00 Javier Sánchez Portero :

> Gracias por avisar. Saludos
> El lun., 18 jun. 2018 8:00, Alejandro S. 
> escribió:
>> Buenos días,
>> El miércoles que viene (20 de junio) a partir de las 7h habrá un trabajo
>> de mantenimiento en las instalaciones donde está alojado el servidor donde
>> está el Gestor de Tareas que provocará que no esté disponible durante un
>> tiempo.
>> Saludos,
>> Alejandro Suárez
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
>> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade provinciali e comunali

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 16. Jun 2018, at 17:34, Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi  wrote:
> Diciamo che sarebbe più chiaro se si mettesse solo l'importanza, togliendo le 
> caratteristiche.
> Le caratteristiche contano anche ma sono più che altro una conseguenza 
> dell'importanza:...


Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strade provinciali e comunali

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 16. Jun 2018, at 14:57, Volker Schmidt  wrote:
> Per me il riferimento ai vari livelli di "the country's system" non può che 
> essere, per l'Italia, al sistema delle statali, regionali, provinciali, 
> locali ecc
> Inoltre la dicitura "do not imply anything about road quality." è eattamente 
> l'opposto di " è assegnato in base ... alle caratteristiche della strada"

io sono d’accordo con la dicitura di Andrea, è anche ciò che si è votato tempo 
fa. Invece la dicitura inglese per motorway è sbagliata, perché fa riferimento 
alla qualità della strada, mentre l’unico che conta è la situazione legale 
(cartello autostrada)

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Mapping houses and addresses in Sydney

2018-06-20 Thread Dion Moult
So I get the impression that everybody on this list seems pretty cool with the 
approach of using this script to aid in ensuring that the points entered in 
JOSM have good coordinates and have correct addresses to the best knowledge of 
the armchair mapper. It clearly isn't a waterfall import. If there are no more 
objections, on Friday I'll send an email to the imports mailing list describing 
the approach. Given that the script can be run by anyone and is not part of a 
bulk import that is done by a single user, I agree that we need some way to 
connote the source. However instead of a tag, why don't we just add a 
`source:import=NSW LPI Web Services` to the changeset? That way anybody seeing 
the history will know.

Given that there are 3.8 million addresses in total in NSW, assuming it took 1 
second for somebody to add an address, it would take 440 days of non-stop work 
to add every single address. This is not exactly an exciting task! We can 
probably cover the city and immediate suburbs relatively quickly, but maybe it 
is worthwhile investigating the bulk import a bit more. Perhaps once Andrew 
Harvey finishes his work on openaddresses, we can use that data dump and follow 
the New Zealand approach of importing bit by bit - we can divide the dataset 
into an alphabetical list of suburbs, and then treat each suburb's import 


Dion Moult

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On June 18, 2018 9:23 PM, Dion Moult  wrote:

> On June 18, 2018 8:56 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 18/06/18 20:30, Andrew Harvey wrote:
>>> On 18 June 2018 at 19:21, Dion Moult  wrote:
 Thanks Andrew for your reply!

 1. Thanks for the link to the import guidelines. My responses to the 
 import guidelines below:
>>> First up I think any changesets that import addresses in this way should 
>>> have an extra changeset tag so if we need to we can identify which 
>>> changesets did the import (so more than just source=LPI NSW Base Map). 
>>> Something like import=NSW Address Points or something.
>> source:import=LPI API via ?? something like that?
> Sure thing, I would be happy to if that is the appropriate thing to do :)
>>> I'm not sure about separating the address with a ";" like 
>>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/593297556/history#map=19/-33.78072/151.06688=N,
>>>  could they not be two separate points? If it's a duplex, then I'd do it as 
>>> a single building with addr:housenumber=11, then if you want two nodes 
>>> inside the building for 11A and 11B.
>> I have had separate buildings for A and B - share a common wall. In some 
>> instances I have 11 then 11A .. but no B.
> Thanks for the advice! I've fixed it to use two nodes. However, please note 
> that that particular building was not mapped as part of my import script 
> proposal. That was mapped previously by me completely manually. If I had used 
> the import script it would have created two nodes, one for 11A and one for 
> 11B.
>>> While I don't think there's anything wrong with 2/18 as a first pass, eg 
>>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5667899003, I think it's better to use 
>>> addr:unit=2 addr:housenumber=18.
> Thanks :) I was wondering what was a better way of doing that. Fixed :) Again 
> as above this was mapped manually by me and not using the script.
  1. I am aware that big automatic updates can cause problems. I will only 
 import addr:housenumber and addr:street and a single node.
>>> What are you planning on doing where the address in already in OSM? I think 
>>> in this case we should just not import that point and leave the existing 
>>> OSM addresses.
>> Depends .. I have come across addresses that were out of sequence. Contacted 
>> the still active mapper (moved to Germany) and had not response .. after 
>> some months I have simple deleted them.
>> So it is worth checking that the new data is is not 'better' than the 
>> present OSM data.
> With my proposal of a semi-automated approach, every single new address will 
> have to be explicitly decided upon by a human mapper. A human mapper can 
> decide when to import the point if the existing data look bad (based off the 
> LPI Base Map raster background) and when to leave the existing OSM addresses.
 2. Yes, you are absolutely right that this is not a huge automatic import 
 - it relies on a human choosing what addresses to add and a human 
 submitting it as a change. All it does it automate the address lookup and 
 make sure that the node is neatly positioned at the correct location.
 3. It looks like you're grabbing their entire dataset. That would be the 
 alternative approach, doing a data dump, then importing that dump. This 
 can import a lot more addresses, but is also much more complex. Is it 
 worth pursuing? What do you reckon?
>>> Oh I'm not suggesting that. It makes sense for the OpenAddresses project to 
>>> use a complete extract, 

Re: [OSM-co] UMAP Colombia

2018-06-20 Thread Fernando C. T.

Debido a los problemas que se han presentado con la instancia de UMAP
Colombia y las dificultades que tuve para migrar la base de datos, he
implementado la solución que habia propuesto, les dejo el siguiente enlace
en donde documento como migrar los mapas:



El lun., 11 jun. 2018 a las 13:55, Fernando C. T. ()

> Hola,
> Desde hace mas o menos dos semanas el UMAP de Colombia dejo de permitir
> acceso utilizando el usuario de OpenStreetMap, es posible que eso se debe a
> algún cambio en la API de OSM debido a las nuevas regulaciones en europa
> sobre datos personales (GDPR).
> Yo he estado mirando pero no he podido encontrar la forma de arreglar la
> instalación que tenemos actualmente y escribí en la lista de UMAP pero aun
> no tengo respuesta, no se si Igor o alguien con experiencia en python me
> pueda ayudar para arreglarlo.
> La otra opción es actualizar UMAP, pero la base de datos por ser una
> versión muy vieja no es compatible con la versión actual para migrarla y
> hasta ahora no he encontrado scripts para migrar o documentación sobre como
> migrar una base de datos vieja de UMAP a la versión actual.
> Por ahora la opción que he encontrado para actualizar UMAP es dejar la
> versión vieja como solo lectura y que cada usuario migre sus mapas
> manualmente a la versión nueva.
> Si alguien quiere ayudarme a hacer esta migración de una mejor manera por
> ejemplo migrando la base de datos o algo parecido voy a esperar una semana
> antes de implementar la única solución que he encontrado hasta ahora.
> Saludos.
> **
> *Fernando Castro T.*
> *Fundación OpenStreetMap Colombia*
> *Tupale.co*
> *Celular: (+57) 301 529 39 59*
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nomi di strade/piazze

2018-06-20 Thread Lidrie
Stavano scoccando le 21:47:10 di martedì 19/06/2018 quando Andrea Albani 
inviò su gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap.region.it queste parole :

Il giorno 19 giugno 2018 12:31, Lidrie  ha scritto:

Sarebbe interessante anche poter estrarre solo il numero delle occorrenze
per ogni toponimo, in forma di lista. Suggerimenti?

Butto lì un metodo "quick":
a) scarica i dati da cui partire in formato pbf. Se ti interessa tutta
l'italia direi da [0]. Per iniziare da un set di dati più piccolo da [1].
Ad esempio prendiamo i dati di Milano e li salviamo in milano.pbf
b) scarica i tool osmconvert [2] e osmfilter [3]
c) converti il file in un formato più efficiente per osmfilter

   osmconvert milano.pbf -o=milano.o5m

d) estrai le sole highway ad esempio solo le residential

 osmfilter milano.o5m --drop-nodes --keep="highway=residential"

oppure tutte

  osmfilter milano.o5m --drop-nodes --keep="highway="

e) estrai le statistiche sulle occorrenze

  osmfilter milanohighway.o5m --out-key=name

- testato al volo su piccoli file. Npm ho idea dei tempi e delle risorse
necessarie per trattare ad esempio tutta l'Italia
- Via Molise e Viale Molise (ad esempio) appariranno come due elementi
- idem per quei nomi che possono essere scritti nei modi più disparati (Via
Cavour, Via Camillo Benso Cavour, Via Camillo Benso conte di Cavour, ...)

qui dovrò armarmi di pazienza, ma soprattutto di RegEx togliendo le parti 
non significative: nomi comuni, articoli, parole minuscole, ordinando poi 
per quel che rimane, puntando sul fatto che di solito è "Dante Alighieri" 
e non "Alighieri Dante".

- come già indicato da Federico per esigenze tecniche la stessa strada può
essere divisa in diversi tratti distinti e ognuno concorrerà al conteggio.
Probabilmente considerando un perimetro ampio come l'Italia questo errore
incide poco sul totale

qui dovrebbe bastare contare una sola occorrenza per ogni comune. Se due 
comuni contigui hanno una strada (sia la stessa fisica, o due diverse) 
dedicate allo stesso personaggio, per me valgono due occorrenze.

Per quanto riguarda la parte difficile, ovvero geolocalizzare i nomi, la
vedo, senza entrare troppo in dettagli tecnici, un po' più complicata.

non devo fare una fotografia totale di tutti i nomi presenti in Italia, ma 
partendo da singoli campioni scelti vedere la distribuzione caso per caso. 
in questo può bastare l'overpass suggerito da Federico. Casomai cercherò 
un modo di colorare diversamente due query per sovrapporle.

Grazie ad entrambi.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Nomi di strade/piazze

2018-06-20 Thread Lidrie
martedì 19/06/2018 12:49:01 Federico Cortese in 
scrisse :

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 12:33 PM Lidrie  wrote:

La domanda: c'è uno strumento online o anche offline adatto a selezionare
tutti i toponimi uguali e mostrarne la distribuzione sulla mappa?
Sarebbe interessante anche poter estrarre solo il numero delle occorrenze
per ogni toponimo, in forma di lista. Suggerimenti?

Non so se ci sono strumenti più comodi, ma con una query overpass
potresti farlo:

Questa per esempio cerca tutti i toponimi che contengono "Rosmini" in Puglia:

Puoi esportare il risultato in diversi formati.

Purtroppo sul numero delle occorrenze non ti sarà tanto utile, perchè
la stessa strada può essere divisa in vari pezzetti, che andrebbero ad
aumentare il numero delle occorrenze.

mi sa che dovrò procedere creando prima la lista filtrando un solo 
risultato per comune (che in effetti conta per la mia ricerca: sapere 
quanti comuni hanno dedicato un toponimo ad un personaggio), poi ripulire 
i sinonimi dovuti a forme scritte diverse (nell'esempio di Andrea, ridurre 
solo al più significativo "Cavour"), e infine per i nomi significativi per 
momento storico, politico, sociale, religioso, artistico, scientifico, 
etc, procedere con singole interrogazioni con overpass per osservarne la 
distribuzione geografica.
Ho però notato che devo fare query per aree geografiche ridotte (regioni), 
che se la faccio per "Italia" esce un errore di memoria esaurita.


molto Cortese ;-) grazie.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OSM transport] le début de la fin pour PTv1 ou la fin du début pour PTv2

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc

Le 20. 06. 18 à 09:14, SALLES Quentin a écrit :
> Avec ce nouveau rendu, est-il nécessaire de conserver "highway=bus_stop" 
> sur les poteaux d'arrêts et/ou abribus ?

double oui :
- ce n'est qu'une discussion, rien n'est encore fait.
- cela ne concerne pour le moment que les 9 highway=plateform 
remplacé dans les fait depuis longtemps par public_transport=plateform 
(un million d'utilisation)

Le rendu des icônes "arrêt de bus" est une autre paire de manche.
Si quelqu'un a envie de mettre la main à la pâte,
il est sans doute possible de proposer un patch à tester sur osm-fr
qui ajouterai un rendu pour les nœuds avec public_transport=plateform
Pour les plateforme comme way, il semblerait que la difficulté vient du 
fait d'éviter d'avoir l’icône qui se répète le long du chemin (je dis 
cela de ma lecture de la discussion, je n'ai jamais les mains dans le 
cambouis à ce niveau)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Rozcestníky - přepsaná fota rozcestníků

2018-06-20 Thread majka
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 at 10:40, Tom Ka  wrote:

> Ahoj, mne se rano ozval Marian, ze jsou tam zrejme duplicity, coz jsem
> potvrdil a seznam je zde:
> https://osm.fit.vutbr.cz/OsmHiCheck/gp/duplicity.html
> (jednorazove rucne vygenerovano)
> To co ale popisuje na foru Jazzlinka - tj.
> https://openstreetmap.cz/?mlat=50.6501815701534=16.246976852417=16
> je ale neco jineho, evidentne se rozbila Walleyho DB a zmenila se
> vazba ID zaznamu a jmeno souboru s fotkou nebo neco jineho. S tim ale
> automatizovane moc neudelam, aspon ne jednoduse.

Ale podle mě je to totéž, pokud není rozbité ještě něco jiného.

Tedy alespoň přesně takhle se to musí projevit - tedy že se na jednom z
těch duplicitních rozcestníků ukáže chybná fotka.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Rozcestníky - přepsaná fota rozcestníků

2018-06-20 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, mne se rano ozval Marian, ze jsou tam zrejme duplicity, coz jsem
potvrdil a seznam je zde:


(jednorazove rucne vygenerovano)

To co ale popisuje na foru Jazzlinka - tj.

je ale neco jineho, evidentne se rozbila Walleyho DB a zmenila se
vazba ID zaznamu a jmeno souboru s fotkou nebo neco jineho. S tim ale
automatizovane moc neudelam, aspon ne jednoduse.


Dne 20. června 2018 9:43 majka  napsal(a):
> Pro jistotu posílám i sem, i když si pár z nás už všimlo:
> Na geocaching.cz se objevilo upozornění, že se v nafocených rozcestnících
> místy ukazují správné náhledy, ale skutečná fotka byla patrně přepsaná.
> Je možné se na to podívat?
> Osobně bych byla pro to, se konečně u rozcestníků shodnout na tom, jakým
> způsobem označit místo, které je nutné znovu nafotit, případně označit fotky
> ke skrytí, které by se prakticky braly jako neexistující, když už je
> nechceme fyzicky smazat. Byly by to jak tyhle případy (fotka patrně chybí,
> ať už z jakéhokoli důvodu, ale existuje správný náhled), tak i ty rozmazaná
> či nevyhovující z jiných důvodů (omylem vloženo na jiné místo včetně ref
> apod.).
> Vzhledem k nemožnosti vymazání fotky nám těchhle případů čím dál víc
> přibývá, a v "chybných rozcestnících" ani v gpx se nám neobjevují.
> Majka
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Rozcestníky - přepsaná fota rozcestníků

2018-06-20 Thread Michal Grézl
2018-06-20 9:43 GMT+02:00 majka :
> Pro jistotu posílám i sem, i když si pár z nás už všimlo:
> Na geocaching.cz se objevilo upozornění, že se v nafocených rozcestnících
> místy ukazují správné náhledy, ale skutečná fotka byla patrně přepsaná.
> Je možné se na to podívat?

mozne to je, jen nechapu na co, prosim rozvest.

> Osobně bych byla pro to, se konečně u rozcestníků shodnout na tom, jakým
> způsobem označit místo, které je nutné znovu nafotit, případně označit fotky
> ke skrytí, které by se prakticky braly jako neexistující, když už je
> nechceme fyzicky smazat. Byly by to jak tyhle případy (fotka patrně chybí,
> ať už z jakéhokoli důvodu, ale existuje správný náhled), tak i ty rozmazaná
> či nevyhovující z jiných důvodů (omylem vloženo na jiné místo včetně ref
> apod.).

na tom "skryti" zrovna pracuju, vysledkem bude set fotek, ktery byde
odpovidat kriteriim, ktere si zvoli autor setu.
vsechno ostatni nebude videt.

> Vzhledem k nemožnosti vymazání fotky nám těchhle případů čím dál víc
> přibývá, a v "chybných rozcestnících" ani v gpx se nám neobjevují.
> Majka

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Typ-Bezeichner in name-Tag

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 20. Jun 2018, at 09:28, dktue  wrote:
> Hallo,
> ich frage mich gerade, in wiefern man Typ-Bezeichnungen in name-Tags 
> aufnehmen sollte.

m.E. wenn sie Namensbestandteil sind, ja.

> Beispiele:
> * In Tübingen gibt es ein Parkhaus bei dem als name "Parkhaus Altstadt - 
> König" eingetragen ist [1]. Beschriftet ist es ausschließlich mit 
> "Altstadt-König" [2]. Wäre "Altstadt-König" (identisch mit Beschriftung) 
> nicht der treffender Name? Dass es ein Parkhaus ist lässt sich ja an anderen 
> Tags eindeutig ausmachen.

m.E. lokal am üblichsten ist Königparkhaus, ich würde das so taggen:
name=Parkhaus König
official_name=Parkhaus Altstadt-König

> * In Tübingen gibt es allerdings ein weiteres Parkhaus bei dem als name 
> "Parkhaus Metropol" eingetragen ist [3]. Dieses ist allerdings auch genau so 
> beschriftet [4]. Sollte man hier den impliziten Typen aus dem Namen entfernen 
> und nur "Metropol" als name eintragen?


> * Extremfall: Sollte man ein Rathaus mit name="Rathaus" versehen oder hat ein 
> Rathaus eventuell gar keinen Namen?

normalerweise würde ich bei einem Rathausnamen auch einen Ort erwarten, z.B. 
„Rathaus Tübingen“, „Bürgeramt Pfrondorf“ etc. 

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OSM transport] le début de la fin pour PTv1 ou la fin du début pour PTv2

2018-06-20 Thread osm . sanspourriel
Oui car comme dit Eric des rendus principaux en one toujours besoin.

Une solution serait de forcer le rendu V2 et V1 comme ça là où les infos done 
différentes on verrait un double rendu.

> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2018 um 09:14 Uhr
> Von: "SALLES Quentin - quentin.salle...@gmail.com" 
> An: talk-fr@openstreetmap.org, transp...@listes.openstreetmap.fr
> Betreff: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OSM transport]  le début de la fin pour PTv1 ou 
> la fin du début pour PTv2
> Bonjour,
> Avec ce nouveau rendu, est-il nécessaire de conserver "highway=bus_stop"
> sur les poteaux d'arrêts et/ou abribus ?
> Cordialement
> Quentin
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] tram vs. bus_guideway

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
19. Jun 2018 19:39 by ok...@johnfreed.com :

> On balance, it seems to me that the tagging should reflect the term used to 
> publicize the line by the operator, rather than some esoteric technicality 
> knowable only to civil engineers and wiki readers. 

As long as it is not completely diverging from reality I would accept it

- something goes on rubber tyres, has dedicated tracks, looks like tram and is 
called a tram 

   - OK, for me it can be tagged as tram

- something looks like a bus, is normal bus vehicle, has no dedicated tracks 
and is called a tram

  - should be tagged as a bus, no matter how it is called by its operator

So I would use "term used to publicize the line" only if it is on the border.

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Dorfkarte - Qualitätssicherung?

2018-06-20 Thread pbnoxious

basierend auf der Karte [1], welche kürzliche Changesets mit gewünschtem
Review anzeigt kann z.B. über [2] ein RSS-Feed in einer exakt
spezifizierten Region erzeugt werden. Alternativ geht das vermutlich
auch über die Overpass API, da kenne ich mich aber nicht so aus.



[2] https://tyrasd.github.io/osm-qa-feeds/

On 2018-06-17 17:24, Manuel Reimer wrote:
> On 06/16/2018 08:38 AM, Ludwig Baumgart wrote:
>> Bei uns kann ja jeder irgendetwas eintragen, auch Falsches oder er
>> macht als Anfänger einfach Fehler im JOSM. So wie ich gestern abend
>> hier in Steißlingen bei meinem Vorzeigeobjekt. Da ich vor dem Upload 
>> bei "I would like someone to review my edits" sehr bewußt ein Häkchen
>> gesetzt hatte, warte ich gespannt ab, ob sich wegen meiner Fehler
>> jemand bei mir meldet und mir hilft, diese zu beseitigen.
> Wie kann ich für eine Region (bevorzugt rund um meinen Wohnort) hier
> eine Liste von Changesets erzeugen, in denen explizit ein "Review"
> gewünscht wird? Würde mir das dann als Cronjob auf meinen Server packen,
> dass ich eine Mail bekomme wenn sich da was ändert.
> Gruß
> Manuel
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-cz] Rozcestníky - přepsaná fota rozcestníků

2018-06-20 Thread majka
Pro jistotu posílám i sem, i když si pár z nás už všimlo:

Na geocaching.cz
objevilo upozornění, že se v nafocených rozcestnících místy ukazují správné
náhledy, ale skutečná fotka byla patrně přepsaná.

Je možné se na to podívat?
Osobně bych byla pro to, se konečně u rozcestníků shodnout na tom, jakým
způsobem označit místo, které je nutné znovu nafotit, případně označit
fotky ke skrytí, které by se prakticky braly jako neexistující, když už je
nechceme fyzicky smazat. Byly by to jak tyhle případy (fotka patrně chybí,
ať už z jakéhokoli důvodu, ale existuje správný náhled), tak i ty rozmazaná
či nevyhovující z jiných důvodů (omylem vloženo na jiné místo včetně ref

Vzhledem k nemožnosti vymazání fotky nám těchhle případů čím dál víc
přibývá, a v "chybných rozcestnících" ani v gpx se nám neobjevují.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] overpass turbo for beginners

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

19. Jun 2018 21:46 by mmd@gmail.com :

> Take a look at the following presentation by Boris Mericskay, which is
> one of the best and most up to date presentations on Overpass API and
> overpass turbo I'm aware of (yes, some 0.7.55 features are missing, but
> that's ok).
> https://www.sites.univ-rennes2.fr/mastersigat/Cours/2018_SOTM_APIOverpass.pdf 
> I believe this material has also been presented at SotM France 2018
> recently. It's all in French, but that shouldn't really be a big issue :)

Thanks! It will be useful as an inspiration, and surprisingLY French is not a 


(and sorry for a typo in the name of this excellent project!)

19. Jun 2018 21:53 by saba...@gmail.com :

> Hi,> There was this GSoC project> https://github.com/osmlab/learnoverpass 

Interesting, though it appears to be unfinished (hopefully not abandoned, I 
made some 

test pull requests).

But it also will be very useful, thanks for linking it!

It seems that what I planned was not really done, I am planning to start from

something even more simpler and less technical.

Is anybody aware about some further examples of overpass for beginners?

talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Typ-Bezeichner in name-Tag

2018-06-20 Thread dktue


ich frage mich gerade, in wiefern man Typ-Bezeichnungen in name-Tags 
aufnehmen sollte.


* In Tübingen gibt es ein Parkhaus bei dem als name "Parkhaus Altstadt - 
König" eingetragen ist [1]. Beschriftet ist es ausschließlich mit 
"Altstadt-König" [2]. Wäre "Altstadt-König" (identisch mit Beschriftung) 
nicht der treffender Name? Dass es ein Parkhaus ist lässt sich ja an 
anderen Tags eindeutig ausmachen.
* In Tübingen gibt es allerdings ein weiteres Parkhaus bei dem als name 
"Parkhaus Metropol" eingetragen ist [3]. Dieses ist allerdings auch 
genau so beschriftet [4]. Sollte man hier den impliziten Typen aus dem 
Namen entfernen und nur "Metropol" als name eintragen?
* Extremfall: Sollte man ein Rathaus mit name="Rathaus" versehen oder 
hat ein Rathaus eventuell gar keinen Namen?

Viele Grüße

[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/30649277

[3] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/20756193

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [OSM transport] le début de la fin pour PTv1 ou la fin du début pour PTv2

2018-06-20 Thread SALLES Quentin

Avec ce nouveau rendu, est-il nécessaire de conserver "highway=bus_stop"
sur les poteaux d'arrêts et/ou abribus ?


Talk-fr mailing list