[talk-cz] logo komunity OSM CZ a logo spolku OSM CR

2019-02-20 Per discussione Tom Ka

v navaznosti na predchozi diskuze otviram otazku loga pro pouzivani v
ramci ceskych aktivit OSM. Aktualne se (historicky, bez nejakeho
sirsiho konsenzu) pro vetsinu aktivit (weby, konference SotM apod.)
pouziva logo umistene zde:


Z historickeho pohledu se tak jedna o "de facto" logo ceske OSM
komunity. "De jure" je formalni svoleni k vyuzivani loga OSM (nejen)
davano lokalnimu zastoupeni (local chapter), ale to v teto situaci
nepovazuji za zasadni, realne Nadace OSM jako spravce loga a ochranych
znamek neprovadi zadne kontroly, sankce a omezovani (mimo pripadne

Zadam proto jak cleny spolku, tak komunitu v prvni rade o odpoved na
otazku - ma byt logo komunity (stavajici) zaroven i logem spolku, nebo
maji byt loga dve, pro komunitu jedno (stavajici) a pro spolek jine
(nove, upravene apod).

At se to dobre pocita, prosim o vyjadreni v doodle, komentare samozrejme sem.


Na zaklade vysledku bych se pak pokusil moderovat dalsi postup.

Diky moc.

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Šablony v gitu

2019-02-20 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, super.

- v out/*.md jsou ruzne preklepy apod,a le to jsem ted neresil
- za mne bych to posilal (mimo mail) v zakladu v PDF, pokud se ozvou,
ze to jejich pravnik chce upravovat apod, pak muze na radu prijit .odt
a/nebo .docx - kdyz je to generovane, tak je nam to asi jedno, co jde
- v textech je uvedeno zaslani souhlasu na postovni adresu spolku -
aktualne je sidlo na miste, kde
-- je mozne postu zaslat, mela by tam byt schranka s nasim jmenem (pro
jistotu proverim na miste)
-- kdyz neco prijde, meli by mi dat vedet abych se pro to stavil, ale
uplne bych na to nespolehal
jinou adresu nez sidlo spolku bych ale nedaval, asi by to vypadalo blbe.

Pokud chces aby to vypadalo formalneji, klidne do podpisu dej neco jako

za OpenStreetMap Český republika z.s.
Tomáš Kašpárek, Marián Kyral, Jakub Těšínský
členové rady spolku

vyřizuje: Majka Zemanova...

nechavam na tobe.

ad hlavickovy papir - to visi primarne na logu, dam dneska dohromady
separatni mail na talk-cz, at se to nejak pohne.

Mej se.

st 20. 2. 2019 v 17:20 odesílatel majka  napsal:
> Na git jsem vyexportovala svůj pracovní repozitář.
> Pro revize je to až zbytečně velké, je tam vše, co je plánováno používat pro 
> generování těch jednotlivých textů (pandoc,pp). Takže stačí koukat do 
> podadresářů out kde jsou hotové texty nebo sablony.
> Je ještě na rozhodnutí, v jakém definitivním formátu by pak šel ten dopis a 
> souhlas - tedy jestli vytvářet Word (to je víceméně hotové), konvertovat do 
> PDF odsud nebo přes LibreOffice , nebo rovnou vytvářet v PDF. Pro to poslední 
> se ještě musím prohrabat latexem, ta hlavička ve sloupci vpravo mi dává 
> zabrat.
> Momentálně chybí šablona hlavičkového papíru, a to nezávisle na tom, v čem to 
> budeme provádět.
> Majka
> ___
> talk-cz mailing list
> talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Letter of Invite for Open Data Day Manila 2019

2019-02-20 Per discussione Pierre Edwin See Tiong
Hi OSM Ph,

FEUTech is going to celebrate their own Open Data Day 2019, and currently 
they're looking for a speakers for this specific topics:

* Transforming Citizens Through Open Mapping
* Mapping for the Youth
* Community Development Through Mapping

FEUTech YouthMappers will handle the "Mapping for the Youth" part, but 
currently we don't have the proper knowledge to discuss the other 2 topics.

cc'd here are the head organizing comms., for more info:

Alain Vincent Mindana - ACM FEUTech
Arthom James Callejo - JPCS FEUTech

and here is the link for their fb page event:


Thank You,

Get Outlook for Android

From: Pierre Edwin See Tiong 
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2019 12:56:22 AM
To: talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
Cc: arthom0...@gmail.com; Alain Vincent Mindaña
Subject: Fwd: Letter of Invite for Open Data Day Manila 2019

Hi OSM Ph,

CC'd here is Alain Vincent Mindana from ACM FEUTech and Arthom James Callejo 
from JPCS FEUTech, they're the head organizers for the ODD 2019 FEUTech 
celebration, and they're currently looking for a possible speaker for open 
mapping topic. Attached here is the invitation letter from them and for more 
info you can ask them directly.

Thank You,

From: Alain Vincent Mindaña
Sent: Monday, February 18, 6:21 PM
Subject: Letter of Invite for Open Data Day Manila 2019
To: plseeti...@outlook.com

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Aussi en ville, par exemple un tourne à gauche à Niort sur l'Avenue de
Limoge nécessite de d'abord tourner à droite pour mettre en attente (avec
un stop) face à la rue qu'on veut prendre.

On trouve des tas de cas similaires dans des rues plus petites pour tourner
à gauche (on ne peut pas tourner à droite le haut du T est un sens unique),
mais cette fois on se met en attente en commençant par traverser en face :
il n'y a pas de rue en face, c'est un carrefour en T avec un boucle au
dessus du T facilitant le virage à gauche suivie d'un laisser le passage
des véhicules venant de droite, tandis que les véhicules venant de la
gauche ont un stop ou cédez le passage (ils sont moins prioritaires que
ceux traversant le T pour prendre la boucle de tourner à gauche). C'est
aménagé surtout pour les véhicules longs qui auraient du mal à tourner à
gauche en sécurité).

Ce n'est donc pas anglo-anglais.

Le mer. 20 févr. 2019 à 21:41, Jacques Lavignotte 
a écrit :

> Le 20/02/2019 à 17:12, David Crochet a écrit :
> > Bonjour
> > Au contraire, c'est relativement très répandu en campagne justement :
> >
> > https://goo.gl/maps/2qtJKYbb6532
> En campagne poitevine :
> https://frama.link/fFDf8ZAU
> --
> GnuPg : C8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
Il giorno mer 20 feb 2019, 21:04 Francesco Pelullo  ha

> Possiamo andare con la mia macchina, con l'autostrada dovremmo arrivare in
> meno di due ore.
> In alternativa, treno da Rovereto alle ore 07:20, arrivo ore 09:20.
> Il workshop organizzato dal CAI inizia alle 9:00 pero' sembrerebbe aperto
> soltanto ai membri delle sezioni CAI (è passato un altro messaggio in ML
> qualche giorno fa), quindi non so se sarebbe possibile partecipare.

Si si, siete tutti invitati!

> Ciao
> /niubii/

Le registrazioni online per il convegno di domani e venerdì sono chiuse, ma
ci si può registrare direttamente sul sito


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] OSMIE tiles not working

2019-02-20 Per discussione Vincent Privat
Everything's running fine now, thanks a lot!

Le dim. 17 févr. 2019 à 16:38, Patrick Matthews  a
écrit :

> Dónal,
> Many thanks for all your work.
> Paddy Matthews.
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 12:52 PM Donal Hunt  wrote:
> > Finally found some more time to restore all of the overlay layers that
> were
> > broken...
> >
> > Should all be fully operational now.
> > Regards
> >
> > Donal
> >
> > On Wed, 26 Dec 2018 at 18:15, Donal Hunt  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Vincent!
> > >
> > > This is a known issues as we migrate services over to a new VM (taking
> > > longer than expected due to volunteer availability). The good news is
> > that
> > > I'm actively working on restoring those layers over the holiday period
> > (the
> > > /ed/ layer is already back).
> > > You can reach me via this address or on #osm-ie (OFTC IRC network) if
> > > needed.
> > >
> > > All the best!
> > >
> > > Donal
> > >
> > > On Sat, 22 Dec 2018 at 22:17, Vincent Privat <
> > > vinc...@josm.openstreetmap.de> wrote:
> > >
> > >>  Hello,
> > >> We recently started to check validity of imagery entries listed on
> > >> wiki:
> > >> https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Maps/Ireland
> > >>
> > >> It appears at least three OSMIE overlay layers are not working:
> > >> - https://tile.openstreetmap.ie/barony/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
> > >> - https://tile.openstreetmap.ie/civilparish/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
> > >> - https://tile.openstreetmap.ie/ed/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
> > >>
> > >> This can be observed on https://maps.openstreetmap.ie as well.
> > >> Cheers,
> > >> Vincent
> > >> ___
> > >> Talk-ie mailing list
> > >> Talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
> > >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie
> > >>
> > >
> > ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> > Talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie
> >
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
> Talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Presentación y ofrecimiento

2019-02-20 Per discussione yo paseopor
Qué alegría que alguien se interese por las señales de tráfico (es mi tema
Dicho esto debes saber que en OSM las cosas han ido cambiando en los
últimos años.Antiguamente se podía mirar de qué datos íbamos cojos,
mírabamos si estaban disponibles públicamente, se pedía una carta de
autorización, comunicación a la comunidad a través de lista española,
imports y wiki y adelante, a sumar puntos.
Pero en la actualidad OSM acumula ya millones de datos, así que sería muy
difícil añadir de forma automática una cosa sin afectar al resto. Con las
señales pasa lo mismo. Aunque a priori parece un campo inexplorado te
comunico que según overpass hay más de 3000 traffic_sign (sin dirección,
del "viejo esquema") , unas 8000 en dirección forward y otras 3000 en
dirección contraria.

Pero eso no quita que tu base de datos pueda ser muy muy interesante para
el mapa. Recuerdo así a ojo de buen cubero que en una respuesta que se dió
vía ley de transparencia las señales de tráfico listadas en las carreteras
de Fomento por el mismo ente ascendían a medio millón.
Eso sí, como tú has comentado en la comunidad española nos preocupamos
mucho del origen de los datos...y me temo que los que nos ofreces no son de
tu propiedad, por lo que veo difícil una importación. No obstante tu
conocimiento es importante y a mi personalmente me interesa mucho. Es por
ello que tu base de datos puede usarse como comprobación de datos insitu o
de otras fuentes como Mapillary u OpenStreetCam. Por lo que estaría bien
que poco a poco encontrarámos la manera de ir comprobando esos datos y
añadiendo la información.

Ignoro también cuales son los propietarios de los datos de la aplicación
WavyDrive y cual es su licencia.Pero eso me recuerda que , como datos
reales y actualizados siempre pueden servir para comprobar esa realidad
insitu así que su información es muy valiosa y esperemos que podamos ir
comprobando poco a poco todas las zonas de España (yo puedo comprobar las
que corresponden a buena parte de Catalunya, pues me encanta hacer kms.,
como mis recorridos hechos en Mapillary atestiguan. Y estoy seguro que
mucha gente de muchas comunidades autónomas les interesa la información
referente a su territorio como comprobación de la realidad.

Dicho esto, me gustaría recordarte que aunque esta parte de OSM está aún en
pañales, definiéndose el esquema, etc. como interesado de la comunidad te
diré que existe un ecosistema de herramientas básicas que te permitiría
introducir la información real que te vayas encontrando en el día, así como
la revisión de la ya existente en OSM.

Menciono los preset (predefiniciones) de señales para JOSM, sobre 41 países
en este momento (vamos a llegar a los 80, seguro), (traffic_signs se llama)

los estilos de señales que reconocen las de esos 41 países en JOSM,

las estadísticas de taginfo que van guiando en el uso de las diversas


las recreaciones 3D del plug-in Kendzi3D para JOSM,


así como las representaciones de diversos mapas

Más info en la propuesta de la wiki

Así que cuando tengas un tiempo me gustaría hablar contigo sobre todos
estos temas, así como guiarte en el uso de las diversas herramientas si
necesitas usarlas.

Salut i senyals de trànsit

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 4:22 PM Adolfo Gutiérrez Ocaña <
adolfo.gutierrez.oc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hola buenos días a tod@s, soy Adolfo Gutiérrez y llevo bastante tiempo
> siguiendo vuestro canal y sois un grupo muy activo y preocupado por el
> detalle de la información que se comparte libremente a través de OSM.
> El motivo de dirigirme a tod@s vosotros es porque gracias a OSM e IGN, he
> conseguido crear una base de datos con todas las carreteras de España, a la
> que he añadido la información sobre señalización vertical geo-posicionada
> de todas las carreteras (aportado por el Ministerio de Fomento y diferentes
> Comunidades Autónomas), como límites de velocidad, carteles dirección,
> salidas, etc, todo ello basados en
> https://www.fomento.gob.es/recursos_mfom/norma81ic.pdf y me gustaría
> compartirlo con tod@s vosotros.
> Adicionalmente y a través de una App móvil (WavyDrive
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wavydrive) voy
> actualizando como usuario autorizado, los límites de velocidad que veo por
> cada carretera 

Re: [Talk-it] R: Tag place

2019-02-20 Per discussione Fra Mauro
Mi permetto di far notare alcuni punti:

1) Piuttosto che revertare in blocco "a prescindere", senza minimamente 
sospettare che possa esserci anche qualche modifica "giusta

- più di un utente ha cercato di spiegare perché non è "a prescindere" ma 
proprio secondo le linee guida di OSM. La comunità italiana e quella 
internazionale sembrano essere d'accordo a riguardo. Mai possibile che abbiano 
- (qualche modifica "giusta" ) sposta il lavoro di verifica da chi sembra non 
abbia seguito le regole a chi se ne è accorto. Si può revertare e poi discutere 
nel merito le cose "giuste"

2) io rimango chiaramente contrario lo stesso ma a quanto pare c'è stata 
l'approvazione "dall'alto", in barba al tanto invocato spirito di 

- collaborazione significa lavorare insieme. Se qualcuno dice che è contrario e 
basta e che gli altri eventualmente devono riportare il tutto alla situazione 
precedente perché lui non è disponibile a "collaborare" nel selezionare le cose 
 "giuste", come fanno gli altri a collaborare con lui?

3) lacrime nella pioggia, 

- Apprezzo anche io la citazione :)

Il 17 Febbraio 2019 16:24:39 CET, Fayor Uno  ha scritto:
>Piuttosto che revertare in blocco "a prescindere", senza minimamente
>sospettare che possa esserci anche qualche modifica "giusta",
>suggerisco ad Andrea, Martin o chi altri di perdere un minimo di tempo
>(lo stesso tempo che ho perso io, anzi di meno perché loro sanno già
>cosa ho modificato) a modificare i nodi che non gli piacciono, che non
>sono poi così tanti.
>È solo un suggerimento, lacrime nella pioggia, io rimango chiaramente
>contrario lo stesso ma a quanto pare c'è stata l'approvazione
>"dall'alto", in barba al tanto invocato spirito di "collaborazione".
>Da: Andrea Musuruane 
>Inviato: domenica 17 febbraio 2019 12:37
>A: openstreetmap list - italiano
>Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] Tag place
>Hi Andy,
>On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 3:31 PM Andy Townsend
>mailto:ajt1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>(apologies for posting in English; Italian auto-translation follows)
>Obviously, we've been here before with this user.  I've asked at
>https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/66616609 where that mechanical
>edit was first discussed.  I'm guessing, from reading this thread, that
>it wasn't.  It also seems that people here are broadly in favour of
>reverting these changes.
>If the community would like help with reverting these changes then the
>DWG will be able to assist, but what would be really useful would be a
>full list of changes that need to be reverted.
>These two changesets definitely need to be reverted:
>For some unknown reason I can't do it myself using the JOSM reverter
>plugin. So your assistance is really welcome.
>Thanks for your support.
>Mail priva di virus.

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Know any nonprofits that have relocated from UK to elsewhere?

2019-02-20 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 2/20/19 21:00, Dave F wrote:
> Would you care to state the reasons?

Even before Brexit, there were two issues that often popped up:

1. The fact that the UK doesn't have a form of incorporation that is
well suited to a nonprofit like ours. Every nonprofit, even the
relatively new CIC (which OSMF is not, but OSM-GB is), falls under the
relatively heavy-handed rules of the Companies Act which is written to
(also) govern big corporations, and it shows. In our concrete case, for
example, the Companies Act requires that every member can request the
details (including residential address) of every other member, including
former members of up to 10 years ago. This may be ok for an average UK
organisation, but many OSMF members found this inappropriate. If you're
from China where mapping is frowned upon, would you want your identity
available to the party executive who also joins? Hence we created the
"associate member" category. But "associate" members are second-class
members in the eyes of the companies act and may not, for example, vote
on AoA changes.

Additionally, any member decision-making that does not happen at a
physical meeting of members is difficult to model with the Companies
Act. The way we currently run our AGM and election is essentially by
declaring that when you vote through OpaVote, what you really do is ask
someone to proxy-vote for you at a meeting that physically happens

Other countries - e.g. Germany, Switzerland but I'm sure there are more
- have forms of incorporation for associations that are easier to
handle, and more amenable to being international and online.

I'm happy to hear examples to the contrary; it would be great if I had
misunderstood things. I've read the relevant bits of the UK companies
act multiple times, albeit with non-lawyer eyes.

2. Compared to at least Germany where I know the procedure, but likely
also compared to quite a few other countries, it is exceptionally hard
to get and retain charity status in the UK. This, however, would help in
acquiring donations world-wide. I always say "we're a nonprofit but
we're not a charity" which is true, but many funding sources are only
available to charities.

The looming Brexit adds to this a healthy dose of GDPR lunacy (personal
data about EU citizens being processed in a non-EU state!) as well as
the huge question whether our ODbL can even be enforced if we're
incorporated in a country that doesn't recognize "sui generis" database
protection. It is of course totally unclear if Britain leaving the EU
would mean they ditch database rights, but they might.

Finally, with most of our income in EUR, using the GBP currency for our
official accounting does meanwhile seem a bit quaint, and again the
currency ups-and-downs that accompany Brexit have undesirable consequences.

Of course, moving the organisation would open a huge can of worms and
it's certainly not something to be undertaken lightly - if ever. Other
options exist, like creating subsidiary organiations elsewhere, or
simply stick with it.

Nonetheless, it can't hurt to know your options.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il giorno mer 20 feb 2019 alle ore 21:10 Alessandro Palmas <
alessandro.pal...@wikimedia.it> ha scritto:

> P.S.: Francesco, ci siamo scambiati la parte d'Italia rispetto a quando ci
> siamo visti a Rionero :-) Tu ora stai al nord, io sono sceso in Puglia
Cavolo. E' vero!
Allora non dobbiamo incontrarci mai più, se no chissà che succede!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Il 20/02/19 21:03, Francesco Pelullo ha


  Il workshop organizzato dal CAI inizia alle 9:00 pero'
  sembrerebbe aperto soltanto ai membri delle sezioni CAI (è
  passato un altro messaggio in ML qualche giorno fa), quindi
  non so se sarebbe possibile partecipare.
Quello su accessibilità ed umanitario è
  sicuramente aperto a tutti, anche se non trovo riferimenti
  all'orario di inizio. Probabilmente anche questo inizierebbe
  alle 09:00.


Inizio dei lavori alle 9 - 9,30


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Il 20/02/19 20:30, Francesco Pelullo ha


Il giorno mer 20 feb 2019
  alle ore 20:21 Michele Malfatti 
  ha scritto:

  Ciao anch’io pensavo di andare sabato ma
non mi sono ancora iscritto. Se mi lasciano iscrivermi
dovrei esserci. 


Se ho ben capito, la giornata di Sabato è aperta a
  tutti e non occorre registrarsi.



la giornata del sabato non è collegata con le iscrizioni di giovedì
e venerdì (che prevedono cartelline, catering, ecc..). Se ci
indicate quanti siete però è meglio, anche qui in ML.


P.S.: Francesco, ci siamo scambiati la parte d'Italia rispetto a
quando ci siamo visti a Rionero :-) Tu ora stai al nord, io sono
sceso in Puglia

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il giorno mer 20 feb 2019 alle ore 20:34 Michele Malfatti <
michele.malfa...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> A leggere sembra così. Tu scendi in macchina o come? A che ora partiresti?

Possiamo andare con la mia macchina, con l'autostrada dovremmo arrivare in
meno di due ore.
In alternativa, treno da Rovereto alle ore 07:20, arrivo ore 09:20.

Il workshop organizzato dal CAI inizia alle 9:00 pero' sembrerebbe aperto
soltanto ai membri delle sezioni CAI (è passato un altro messaggio in ML
qualche giorno fa), quindi non so se sarebbe possibile partecipare.
Quello su accessibilità ed umanitario è sicuramente aperto a tutti, anche
se non trovo riferimenti all'orario di inizio. Probabilmente anche questo
inizierebbe alle 09:00.

Anche tu sei a Rovereto?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Know any nonprofits that have relocated from UK to elsewhere?

2019-02-20 Per discussione Dave F via Talk-GB

Would you care to state the reasons?

On 20/02/2019 19:43, Frederik Ramm wrote:


even before the whole Brexit brouhaha, the OSMF occasionally thought
about perhaps moving the organisation elsewhere (most likely to another
EU country but all options are open in theory).

Brexit might give us a few more reasons to look into this - nobody knows.

Do any of you know of nonprofit organisations - doesn't have to be in
our sector - that started life in the UK and later moved elsewhere, for
whatever reason? If so, it would be great to hear about it; maybe the
OSMF could ask them about their experiences and collect some facts that
might inform our own course in the future.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel
Comme je disais dans mon message initial c'est un tourne-à-gauche (si on 
parle de la bretelle).

Je vois que mon écoticone indiquant que passage-à-niveau était de 
l'humour est passé à la trappe.

Cependant contrairement à ce que dit à Marc, toutes les routes sont bien 
au même niveau, c'est donc un passage à niveau (ou de niveau).


Le 20/02/2019 à 17:45, David Crochet - david.croc...@free.fr a écrit :


Le 20/02/2019 à 17:40, Julien Lepiller a écrit :

J'espère ne pas m'être trompé sur ma manière de cartographier ça :

C'est bien cela.


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-GB] Know any nonprofits that have relocated from UK to elsewhere?

2019-02-20 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

even before the whole Brexit brouhaha, the OSMF occasionally thought
about perhaps moving the organisation elsewhere (most likely to another
EU country but all options are open in theory).

Brexit might give us a few more reasons to look into this - nobody knows.

Do any of you know of nonprofit organisations - doesn't have to be in
our sector - that started life in the UK and later moved elsewhere, for
whatever reason? If so, it would be great to hear about it; maybe the
OSMF could ask them about their experiences and collect some facts that
might inform our own course in the future.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Michele Malfatti
A leggere sembra così. Tu scendi in macchina o come? A che ora partiresti? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 20:30, Francesco Pelullo  wrote:
>> Il giorno mer 20 feb 2019 alle ore 20:21 Michele Malfatti 
>>  ha scritto:
>> Ciao anch’io pensavo di andare sabato ma non mi sono ancora iscritto. Se mi 
>> lasciano iscrivermi dovrei esserci. 
>> Michele 
> Se ho ben capito, la giornata di Sabato è aperta a tutti e non occorre 
> registrarsi.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:OSMit2019
> Ciao
> /niubii/
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il giorno mer 20 feb 2019 alle ore 20:21 Michele Malfatti <
michele.malfa...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Ciao anch’io pensavo di andare sabato ma non mi sono ancora iscritto. Se
> mi lasciano iscrivermi dovrei esserci.
> Michele

Se ho ben capito, la giornata di Sabato è aperta a tutti e non occorre

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Michele Malfatti
Ciao anch’io pensavo di andare sabato ma non mi sono ancora iscritto. Se mi 
lasciano iscrivermi dovrei esserci. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 20:14, Francesco Pelullo  wrote:
> Ciao,
> mi sto organizzando per andare a Padova sabato prossimo, per la giornata 
> conclusiva del FOSS4G-IT.
> Maggiori info qui: http://foss4g-it2019.gfoss.it/program
> Partirei da Rovereto al mattino. C'è qualcuno che vuole venire?
> Ciao
> /niubii/
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Da Rovereto al FOSS GIS Padova

2019-02-20 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
mi sto organizzando per andare a Padova sabato prossimo, per la giornata
conclusiva del FOSS4G-IT.

Maggiori info qui: http://foss4g-it2019.gfoss.it/program

Partirei da Rovereto al mattino. C'è qualcuno che vuole venire?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 20/02/2019 à 17:40, Julien Lepiller a écrit :

J'espère ne pas m'être trompé sur ma manière de cartographier ça :

C'est bien cela.


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Julien Lepiller

Le 2019-02-20 17:12, David Crochet a écrit :


Le 20/02/2019 à 16:31, Julien Lepiller a écrit :

Ça n'a l'air d'exister que dans certains pays non francophones, donc 

va être compliqué de trouver des références à ce truc en français :/

Au contraire, c'est relativement très répandu en campagne justement :




J'ai créé le bout de route et l'interdiction de tourner (à partir 
mappilary). J'espère ne pas m'être trompé sur ma manière de 
cartographier ça :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Julien Lepiller

Le 2019-02-20 17:12, David Crochet a écrit :


Le 20/02/2019 à 16:31, Julien Lepiller a écrit :

Ça n'a l'air d'exister que dans certains pays non francophones, donc 

va être compliqué de trouver des références à ce truc en français :/

Au contraire, c'est relativement très répandu en campagne justement :



Ah oui ! C'est exactement ça ! Ça s'appelle comment alors ?

Talk-fr mailing list

[talk-cz] Šablony v gitu

2019-02-20 Per discussione majka
Na *git * jsem vyexportovala
svůj pracovní repozitář.

*Pro revize* je to až zbytečně velké, je tam vše, co je plánováno používat
pro generování těch jednotlivých textů (pandoc,pp). Takže stačí koukat do
podadresářů out 
kde jsou hotové texty nebo sablony

Je ještě na rozhodnutí, *v jakém definitivním formátu* by pak šel ten dopis
a souhlas - tedy jestli vytvářet Word (to je víceméně hotové), konvertovat
do PDF odsud nebo přes LibreOffice , nebo rovnou vytvářet v PDF. Pro to
poslední se ještě musím prohrabat latexem, ta hlavička ve sloupci vpravo mi
dává zabrat.

Momentálně chybí šablona hlavičkového papíru, a to nezávisle na tom, v čem
to budeme provádět.

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 20/02/2019 à 17:12, David Crochet a écrit :
Au contraire, c'est relativement très répandu en campagne justement : 

Autre exemple avec le panneau de pré-information :



David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 20/02/2019 à 16:31, Julien Lepiller a écrit :

Ça n'a l'air d'exister que dans certains pays non francophones, donc ça
va être compliqué de trouver des références à ce truc en français :/ 

Au contraire, c'est relativement très répandu en campagne justement :



David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "marc marc" 
> peux-être que cela ne se traduit pas en français tout simplement
> vu leur faible existence en francophonie.

2 cas parmi sûrement beaucoup d'autres en région parisienne :

> Le 20.02.19 à 16:10, Julien Lepiller a écrit :
> > J'ai bien compris comment ça fonctionnait (j'ai lu l'article
> > wikipédia), ma question est de savoir comment traduire ça. On
> > pourrait remettre en question le choix d'iD d'utiliser ça, ou
> > l'intérêt de cet attribut, mais ce n'était pas le sens de ce
> > thread :)
> > 
> > Par contre, passage à niveau, c'est pas plutôt pour les trains ?
> > En tout cas c'est déjà utilisé pour autre chose, alors je préfère
> > éviter la confusion…
> > 
> > Le 2019-02-20 14:59, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :
> >> Passage à niveau ;-).

Croisement à niveau me paraît moins connoté "réseau ferré". Bretelle évoque 
l'absence de croisement à niveau habituellement donc parler de "bretelle de 
croisement" serait un peu bâtard. Mais en même temps ce sont bien les deux 
idées qui sont réunies dans ce type de configuration. 

À suivre

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Dominique Rousseau
Le Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 04:31:17PM +0100, Julien Lepiller [o...@lepiller.eu] a 
> >En traduction littérale ça donnerait un truc du genre "poignée de
> >cruche". En cherchant un mot correspondant à la geographie des machins
> >en question, y'a "anse" qui me vient a l'esprit.
> mh... pourquoi pas. Mais il n'y a pas de niveau : les routes sont toutes
> sur le même plan. 

Euh, oui, on est d'accord :)

> Simplement, pour tourner à droite ou à gauche, il
> faut prendre « l'anse » à droite et s'insérer dans le trafic qui va vers
> la gauche ou vers la droite. Si on va tout droit, on traverse
> l'intersection, mais il est interdit de tourner à partir de
> l'intersection.
> Ça n'a l'air d'exister que dans certains pays non francophones, donc ça
> va être compliqué de trouver des références à ce truc en français :/

Je ne connais pas de nom pour en parler, mais je connais un exemple de
truc qui ressemble, ce n'est probablement par le seul :


Ce n'est pas représenté sur le rendu comme restriction, mais quand on
est sur la départementale, en provenance de l'est, il faut prendre le
"demi-rond-point" à droite pour aller vers la D10.
De même, si on arrive de la D10, il faut prendre le "demi-rond-point" en
face pour pouvoir se diriger vers l'ouest.

On a aussi couramment des cas comme ça :


L'accès à la petite route sur la gauche, quand on vient du sud doit se
faire en prenant une courte bretelle sur la droite, pour traverser la
nationale en perpendiculaire

Dominique Rousseau
d...@lee-loo.net - 06 82 43 12 27

A l'instant où l'esclave décide qu'il ne sera plus esclave,
ses chaînes tombent.  -- Mahatma Gandhi

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Experimentelles Öffnungszeiten-Webtool

2019-02-20 Per discussione Harald Hartmann
>> Wie geht ihr mit dem Thema PH (Feiertage) um?
> Wie meinst du das? Per default hängen wir (das Tool) das nicht hinten
> dran - dies auch wenn das Evaluation Tool [1] meckert und einen mit
> der Warnung geradezu dräng, PH einzutragent.

Genau das meinte ich, es gibt da ja im OSM Kosmus ein paar
PH-Zwangsneurotiker :-D
Mehr wollte ich dazu gar nicht wissen.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione marc marc
Les pages wikipedia en nl et allemand n'ont pas traduit le terme dans 
l'url, la page nl parle entre () de "poignée de théière allemande".
Ce n'est assurément pas un passage à niveau.
Je connais un carrefour de ce genre, si je dois en parler à d'autres,
ce serra "le carrefour avec une bretelle pour tourner à gauche" (dans 
osm la situation n'est pas à jour).
ou alors bretelle d'autoroute urbaine :) ce qui ne décrit pas
le carrefour, retour casse départ.
peux-être que cela ne se traduit pas en français tout simplement
vu leur faible existence en francophonie.
Je mettrais donc "jughandle" tout simplement plutôt que d'inventer
un terme pour osm qui n'existe pas dans la vie réelle.

Le 20.02.19 à 16:10, Julien Lepiller a écrit :
> J'ai bien compris comment ça fonctionnait (j'ai lu l'article
> wikipédia), ma question est de savoir comment traduire ça. On
> pourrait remettre en question le choix d'iD d'utiliser ça, ou
> l'intérêt de cet attribut, mais ce n'était pas le sens de ce
> thread :)
> Par contre, passage à niveau, c'est pas plutôt pour les trains ?
> En tout cas c'est déjà utilisé pour autre chose, alors je préfère
> éviter la confusion…
> Le 2019-02-20 14:59, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :
>> Passage à niveau ;-).
>> Je ne comprends rien à ceux qu'ils disent car ils disent que le
>> passage est à niveau mais ce qu'ils attribuent c'est la bretelle.
>> Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de taguer spécifiquement les bretelles,
>> les interdiction de tourner à gauche sont toujours nécessaires.
>> En fait c'est simple c'est un "tourne-à-gauche" (ce qui ne change
>> rien à ce que je dis au dessus).
>> L'article Wikipédia [1] est plus clair.
>> Jean-Yvon
>> Le 20/02/2019 à 13:56, Julien Lepiller - o...@lepiller.eu a écrit :
>>> Salut !
>>> dans les traductions d'iD, il y a le terme « jughandle » qui a
>>> été récemment ajouté. Ça correspond à cette page :
>>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:junction%3Djughandle
>>> Je ne sais pas trop comment traduire ça, des idées ?
>>> Merci !
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>>> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
>> Links:
>> --
>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jughandle
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Julien Lepiller

Le 2019-02-20 16:22, Dominique Rousseau a écrit :

Le Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 04:10:22PM +0100, Julien Lepiller
[o...@lepiller.eu] a écrit:

Par contre, passage à niveau, c'est pas plutôt pour les trains ?
En tout cas c'est déjà utilisé pour autre chose, alors je préfère
éviter la confusion???

C'est un "passage" "à niveau" (c'est à dire pas "en dessous" ou "au
dessus"), et pas un "passage à niveau" connoté trains (même si ça a la
même signification)

En traduction littérale ça donnerait un truc du genre "poignée de
cruche". En cherchant un mot correspondant à la geographie des machins
en question, y'a "anse" qui me vient a l'esprit.

mh... pourquoi pas. Mais il n'y a pas de niveau : les routes sont toutes
sur le même plan. Simplement, pour tourner à droite ou à gauche, il
faut prendre « l'anse » à droite et s'insérer dans le trafic qui va vers
la gauche ou vers la droite. Si on va tout droit, on traverse
l'intersection, mais il est interdit de tourner à partir de 

Ça n'a l'air d'exister que dans certains pays non francophones, donc ça
va être compliqué de trouver des références à ce truc en français :/

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação de shapefiles da PBH

2019-02-20 Per discussione Thierry Jean
Muito bom que vc tenha esta competência técnica para fuçar e encontrar soluções 
e problemas. Vai ser bom vc poder participar da reunião.

Lembre que o qu está certo, é a realidade, não a Prefeitura ou o OSM. Talvez 
seja necessário ter uma verifcação com a posição GPS de algumas ruas. Você 
chegou a ativar a camada "Trilhas GPS" no OSM?


Thierry Jean
M. +55 11 99607 1319

De: Alexandre Oliveira 
Enviado: terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2019 17:16
Para: OpenStreetMap no Brasil
Assunto: Re: [Talk-br] Importação de shapefiles da PBH

Bom, resolvi fuçar mais um pouco e consegui importar os tiles do BHMap no JOSM.

Comparei com o OSM e com as camadas que a PBH disponibiliza e percebi
que há um certo erro em relação aos dados que a própria prefeitura
disponibiliza. Por exemplo, em [1] (escala 10,0 m), há uma diferença
de mais ou menos 6,7 m (em escala) de um ponto da borda do círculo da
rotatória (BHMap) até um segmento da rotatória (camada
TRECHO_CIRCULACAO do GeoPortal da PBH) [2]. Há também casos em que os
segmentos das ruas, fornecidos pela camada TRECHO_CIRCULACAO, obtida
no GeoPortal da PBH, "invadem" os limites do BHMap entre vias e lotes

Ambos estão usando a projeção SIRGAS 2000 (EPSG:31983). Espero que
estas dúvidas possam ser esclarecidas na próxima reunião com a

[1] https://i.imgur.com/V7kmxgZ.png
[2] https://i.imgur.com/1tjqvze.png
[3] https://i.imgur.com/MxmAUZd.png

Em 30/01/2019, Alexandre Oliveira escreveu:
> Opa, esqueci de mandar o link. Aqui vai:
> [1] https://geodadosbh.pbh.gov.br/
> Em 30/01/2019, Alexandre Oliveira escreveu:
>> Eu baixei as camadas que foram atualizadas em 2018 no portal da
>> PBH[1]. Tem sim um shapefile chamado ENDERECO_BH_SHAPE que contém as
>> numerações de cada imóvel de BH.
>> Eu comparei alguns imóveis do bairro Pampulha e parece estar alinhado,
>> porém acredito que esteja alinhado com as camadas de circulação
>> (vias), portanto pode haver algum desalinhamento com os dados que o
>> OSM já possui.
>> Em 30/01/2019, Vítor Rodrigo Dias escreveu:
>>> Prezados,
>>> Há um tempo, vi que a PBH também disponibiliza um arquivo com numerações
>>> de
>>> porta, mas não tive tempo ou conhecimento suficiente para trabalhar
>>> nesses
>>> arquivos e importá-los. Alguém se habilita a tal?
>>> Vítor Rodrigo Dias
>>> Revisor de textos
>>> Tradutor de inglês e espanhol
>>> Telefones: 31 99916-1719
>>> Em qua, 30 de jan de 2019 às 14:27, Thierry Jean
>>> escreveu:

 Que legal que você identificou isto e está na própria cidade de Belo

 Gostaria de apresentar você para Karla Borges, Superintendente da área
 Geo da Prodabel (Prefeitura de BH). Encontrei a Karla uma primeira vez
 evento MundoGeo, em Maio, e em Novembro, no evento sobre os 10 anos da
 que aconteceu no RJ (SBIDE). Eles estão interessados em se envolver
 com o OSM. Até troquei um WhatsApp com Karla, esta segunda-feira.

 Passe-me seu celular. Vamos conversar e alinhar.


 Thierry Jean
 M. +55 11 99607 1319

 *De:* Sérgio V. 
 *Enviado:* quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019 09:20
 *Para:* Alexandre Oliveira; OpenStreetMap no Brasil
 *Assunto:* Re: [Talk-br] Importação de shapefiles da PBH

 Bom dia Alexandre.
 Algumas considerações que creio podem ajudar:
 1- nas fotos seria útil manter a escala gráfica do JOSM, para poder
 avaliar o quanto é a diferença; não me pareceu muito mais desalinhadas
 que o comumente observado em outros materiais de OSM e prefeituras;
 existe algum desalinhamento entre materiais de fontes diversas, feitos
 sobre imagens diversas;
 2-o fato de ser WGS84 no OSM e SIRGAS2000 na prefeitura não deve ser em
 causa de alguma diferença, pois ambos são praticamente idênticos, o
 SIRGAS2000 foi uma padronização para ajustar ao padrão WGS84; a causa
 principal de diferenças costuma ser o fato de que o que é mapeado no
 é sobretudo sobre imagens (como BING principalmente), estas sim podem
 desalinhamentos, sobretudo no passado;
 3-para saber qual dos 2 está mais alinhado, a melhor forma é comparar
 traçados de GPS, ou com elementos de coordenadas exatas, como marcos
 geodésicos que possam ser visíveis em imagens. Com os GPS do OSM pode
 no JOSM mesmo.
 4-como exemplo, em Porto Alegre quando importei os prédios da
 em 2016, verifiquei um deslocamento médio de 6m para NE, um pouco
 em regiões diversas do município; confirmou comparando com os marcos
 geodésicos visíveis de coordenadas exatas oficiais; aí procedi com um
 realinhamento manual da cidade, rua por rua, onde mais necessário; sem
 ainda importar os prédios; deslocamentos 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Dominique Rousseau
Le Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 04:10:22PM +0100, Julien Lepiller [o...@lepiller.eu] a 
> Par contre, passage à niveau, c'est pas plutôt pour les trains ?
> En tout cas c'est déjà utilisé pour autre chose, alors je préfère
> éviter la confusion???

C'est un "passage" "à niveau" (c'est à dire pas "en dessous" ou "au
dessus"), et pas un "passage à niveau" connoté trains (même si ça a la
même signification)

En traduction littérale ça donnerait un truc du genre "poignée de
cruche". En cherchant un mot correspondant à la geographie des machins
en question, y'a "anse" qui me vient a l'esprit.

Dominique Rousseau
d...@lee-loo.net - 06 82 43 12 27

A l'instant où l'esclave décide qu'il ne sera plus esclave,
ses chaînes tombent.  -- Mahatma Gandhi

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-es] Presentación y ofrecimiento

2019-02-20 Per discussione Adolfo Gutiérrez Ocaña
Hola buenos días a tod@s, soy Adolfo Gutiérrez y llevo bastante tiempo
siguiendo vuestro canal y sois un grupo muy activo y preocupado por el
detalle de la información que se comparte libremente a través de OSM.

El motivo de dirigirme a tod@s vosotros es porque gracias a OSM e IGN, he
conseguido crear una base de datos con todas las carreteras de España, a la
que he añadido la información sobre señalización vertical geo-posicionada
de todas las carreteras (aportado por el Ministerio de Fomento y diferentes
Comunidades Autónomas), como límites de velocidad, carteles dirección,
salidas, etc, todo ello basados en
https://www.fomento.gob.es/recursos_mfom/norma81ic.pdf y me gustaría
compartirlo con tod@s vosotros.

Adicionalmente y a través de una App móvil (WavyDrive
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wavydrive) voy
actualizando como usuario autorizado, los límites de velocidad que veo por
cada carretera por la que circulo para mantener la bbdd actualizada y me
gustaría saber si estarías dispuestos a utilizarla ,para poder compartir
con todos, y volcar con la periodicidad que indiquéis, toda esa información
para poder seguir actualizando OSM, al menos la parte de límites de

Espero no haberos molestado, y para cualquier cosa estoy a vuestra

*Un saludo,*
*Adolfo Gutiérrez Ocaña*
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Julien Lepiller

J'ai bien compris comment ça fonctionnait (j'ai lu l'article
wikipédia), ma question est de savoir comment traduire ça. On
pourrait remettre en question le choix d'iD d'utiliser ça, ou
l'intérêt de cet attribut, mais ce n'était pas le sens de ce
thread :)

Par contre, passage à niveau, c'est pas plutôt pour les trains ?
En tout cas c'est déjà utilisé pour autre chose, alors je préfère
éviter la confusion…

Le 2019-02-20 14:59, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :

Passage à niveau ;-).

Je ne comprends rien à ceux qu'ils disent car ils disent que le
passage est à niveau mais ce qu'ils attribuent c'est la bretelle.

Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de taguer spécifiquement les bretelles,
les interdiction de tourner à gauche sont toujours nécessaires.

En fait c'est simple c'est un "tourne-à-gauche" (ce qui ne change
rien à ce que je dis au dessus).

L'article Wikipédia [1] est plus clair.

Le 20/02/2019 à 13:56, Julien Lepiller - o...@lepiller.eu a écrit :

Salut !

dans les traductions d'iD, il y a le terme « jughandle » qui a
été récemment ajouté. Ça correspond à cette page :

Je ne sais pas trop comment traduire ça, des idées ?

Merci !

Talk-fr mailing list

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jughandle
Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Usage of OSM URLs in combination with proprietary set of URLs

2019-02-20 Per discussione Brunner Gian
Dear Sir or Madam,

Our names are Gian Brunner and Sandro Santoro, we are Students in Systems 
Engineering at NTB Buchs (Switzerland).
At the moment we are working on our Bachelor thesis and have a request about 
using OSM data.

Our Case: We would like to extract URLs from OSM data, combine them with other 
URLs from a proprietary source, download and crawl sites from both groups of 
URLs, extract menu information and publish it together with the URLs (In the 
Future we might provide this service commercially).
Is it legal to use OSM data for this purpose?

Thank you in advance and best Regards,
Gian Brunner & Sandro Santoro

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Diversity-talk] Fwd: Arabic Translation Needed

2019-02-20 Per discussione Georgia Bullen
I'd recommend reaching out to Localization Lab and their community or
translators: https://www.localizationlab.org/


Georgia Bullen

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 8:02 AM Rory McCann  wrote:

> Maybe someone here is more multilingual than me.
>  Forwarded Message 
> Subject:Arabic Translation Needed
> Date:   Tue, 19 Feb 2019 15:17:42 +0300
> From:   Jessica Bergmann 
> Hi everyone!
> We are looking to support some of our corporate partners engaging in
> mapping activities for International Women's Day happening on March 8.
> One of our partners has requested a training document translated to
> Arabic that can be shared with staff who will participate in the mapathon.
> The translation would be needed by February 27 so we can finalize the
> design and share with offices. If you are an Arabic speaker who would be
> willing to assist, please email me directly and I can share the document
> with you. I anticipate the task in total shouldn't take more than one
> hour of your time.
> Thanks in advance!
> Jessica
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> ___
> Diversity-talk mailing list
> Code of Conduct:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Diversity/MailingList/CodeOfConduct
> Contact the mods (private): diversity-talk-ow...@openstreetmap.org
Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: 
Contact the mods (private): diversity-talk-ow...@openstreetmap.org

Re: [Talk-it] Aggiornamenti agli import

2019-02-20 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 3:01 PM Cascafico Giovanni 

>> Ti faccio alcune domande a cui non trovo riposta sulla wiki.
>> La conflation avviene prendendo in considerazione anche il ref:mise?
> Fa affidamento ancora sulla posizione, vedi il profile [1] ai parametri
> no_dataset_id = True
> max_distance = 80

Non conosco il tool di audit, ma non ci sarebbero vantaggi ad usare anche
il ref_mise? La mia idea è quella di trovare anche i distributori ad una
distanza maggiore di 80m dove però il ref:mise è già presente (perché il
lavoro di posizionarlo correttamente è già stato fatto).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aggiornamenti agli import

2019-02-20 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
> Ti faccio alcune domande a cui non trovo riposta sulla wiki.
> La conflation avviene prendendo in considerazione anche il ref:mise?
Fa affidamento ancora sulla posizione, vedi il profile [1] ai parametri
no_dataset_id = True
max_distance = 80

> Quale sarà la posizione dei distributori già presenti (sia con ref:mise
> che senza)? Quella in OSM o quella del MiSE?
In caso di match, la conflation non influisce sulla posizione dell'elemento
già in OSM, mentre sui tag solo se elencati nell'array master_tags,
lasciando aperta comunque la possibilità di scelta nel processo di audit
pubblico. In tale processo, l'elemento "matched" è
- blu opaco elemento già in OSM
- blu trasparente elemnto dal dataset

> Vedo che a Porto Nogaro c'è un nuovo amenity=fuel con ref:mise=42415 che
> però sembra un waterway=fuel. Non ricordo come era stato risolto questo
> problema per l'import precedente.
Nello stendere una procedura per la manutenzione. ho approfittato per
includere nella query OSM anche i waterway=fuel e alimentare la conflation
con una query overpass, più flessibile di quella eseguita dal conflator.
Non ho ancora controllato, ma per i waterway=fuel la conflation dovrebbe
taggarli anche con amentity=fuel, in quanto il dataset MISE non mi pare
abbia campi per discriminare.

> In Piemonte ci sono alcuni amici che stanno contribuendo in modo massivo a
> Mapillary e per questo tipo di import lo trovo utilissimo. Il link a GSV,
> però, sarebbe da eliminare per ovvi motivi.

Nessun problema a toglierlo. Confesso che l'ho usato per avere conferma che
la brand MISE è più affidabile del name OSM, generalmente vecchio di 2-5

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Passage à niveau ;-).

Je ne comprends rien à ceux qu'ils disent car ils disent que le passage 
est à niveau mais ce qu'ils attribuent c'est la bretelle.

Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de taguer spécifiquement les bretelles, les 
interdiction de tourner à gauche sont toujours nécessaires.

En fait c'est simple c'est un "tourne-à-gauche" (ce qui ne change rien à 
ce que je dis au dessus).

L'article Wikipédia  est plus 


Le 20/02/2019 à 13:56, Julien Lepiller - o...@lepiller.eu a écrit :

Salut !

dans les traductions d'iD, il y a le terme « jughandle » qui a été 
récemment ajouté. Ça correspond à cette page : 

Je ne sais pas trop comment traduire ça, des idées ?

Merci !

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aggiornamenti agli import

2019-02-20 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane
Ciao Giovanni,

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 2:51 PM Cascafico Giovanni 

> Ho messo giù una bozza [1]: commentate pure nella sezione discussione
> oppure qui.
> [1]
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/ItalyFuelStations/maintenance

Ti faccio alcune domande a cui non trovo riposta sulla wiki.

La conflation avviene prendendo in considerazione anche il ref:mise?

Quale sarà la posizione dei distributori già presenti (sia con ref:mise che
senza)? Quella in OSM o quella del MiSE?

Vedo che a Porto Nogaro c'è un nuovo amenity=fuel con ref:mise=42415 che
però sembra un waterway=fuel. Non ricordo come era stato risolto questo
problema per l'import precedente.

In Piemonte ci sono alcuni amici che stanno contribuendo in modo massivo a
Mapillary e per questo tipo di import lo trovo utilissimo. Il link a GSV,
però, sarebbe da eliminare per ovvi motivi.


Talk-it mailing list

[Diversity-talk] Fwd: Arabic Translation Needed

2019-02-20 Per discussione Rory McCann

Maybe someone here is more multilingual than me.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Arabic Translation Needed
Date:   Tue, 19 Feb 2019 15:17:42 +0300
From:   Jessica Bergmann 

Hi everyone!

We are looking to support some of our corporate partners engaging in 
mapping activities for International Women's Day happening on March 8. 
One of our partners has requested a training document translated to 
Arabic that can be shared with staff who will participate in the mapathon.

The translation would be needed by February 27 so we can finalize the 
design and share with offices. If you are an Arabic speaker who would be 
willing to assist, please email me directly and I can share the document 
with you. I anticipate the task in total shouldn't take more than one 
hour of your time.

Thanks in advance!


*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91

Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: 
Contact the mods (private): diversity-talk-ow...@openstreetmap.org

[OSM-talk-fr] traduction jughandle

2019-02-20 Per discussione Julien Lepiller

Salut !

dans les traductions d'iD, il y a le terme « jughandle » qui a été 
récemment ajouté. Ça correspond à cette page : 

Je ne sais pas trop comment traduire ça, des idées ?

Merci !

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Experimentelles Öffnungszeiten-Webtool

2019-02-20 Per discussione Stefan Keller
Lieber Harald

Danke für's Feedback.

Du hast geschrieben:
> Wie geht ihr mit dem Thema PH (Feiertage) um?

Wie meinst du das? Per default hängen wir (das Tool) das nicht hinten
dran - dies auch wenn das Evaluation Tool [1] meckert und einen mit
der Warnung geradezu dräng, PH einzutragent.

> Und schon etwas gefunden:

Ist notiert!


[1] https://openingh.openstreetmap.de/evaluation_tool/

Am Di., 19. Feb. 2019 um 20:47 Uhr schrieb Harald Hartmann
> Und schon etwas gefunden:
> Mo - Fr
> 09:00 - 11:00
> Di
> 14:00 - 16:00
> Do
> 14:00 - 18:00
> Sa
> 09:00 - 11:00
> wird als
> Mo-Fr 09:00-11:00; Tu 14:00-16:00; Th 14:00-18:00; Sa 09:00-11:00
> ausgegeben, sprich danach ist am Dienstag und Donnerstag nur Nachmittags
> auf. Meiner Meinung nach, und des opening_hours evaluators, müsste hier
> aber mit Komma getrennt werden:
> Mo-Fr 09:00-11:00, Tu 14:00-16:00, Th 14:00-18:00; Sa 09:00-11:00
> Am 19.02.19 um 20:37 schrieb Harald Hartmann:
> > Wie geht ihr mit dem Thema PH (Feiertage) um?
> > War/ist zumindest im deutschen Forum öfters mal das Thema...
> >
> > PS: Offensichtliche Fehler habe ich bisher nicht entdeckt, also mache
> > ich mich mal auf die Suche nach versteckten Fehlern ;-)
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-de mailing list
> > Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de
> >
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Request clarification on access restrictions

2019-02-20 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 3:56 PM Erwin Olario  wrote:

> destination - temporary access is given, until destination is reached
> (shared roads, in gated communities/subdivisions/estates)

I actually have a quibble with access=destination when tagged for roads
inside gated communities. Technically, residents or those who otherwise
have vehicular stickers can pass through the gated community if there are
more than 1 exits. Given that there exists a sophisticated router software,
a resident or sticker-holder should be able to pass through the gated
community maybe to avoid traffic in external roads without needing to
actually stop inside the gated community, which is what is implied by the
"destination" access.

An example of this case is the huge BF Homes Parañaque subdivision. Most
residents and those who have stickers often pass through the subdivision to
avoid traffic along Alabang-Zapote Road or Sucat Road. If you tag these
roads as access=destination, a router would not route through the
subdivision unless the destination is inside.

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Data telefonich budek

2019-02-20 Per discussione Marián Kyral

Koukám, že já tam mám taky admina a můžu zakládat uživatele. Přidal jsem tě.
Heslo pošlu extra.


-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Jan Macura 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 20. 2. 2019 10:59:40
Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] Data telefonich budek

On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 10:52, majka mailto:majka.zem%2bt...@gmail.com)> wrote:


Zrovna jsem na to koukala, ale jak se tam přihlásím?


 tom.k ti zřídí účet.

talk-cz mailing list
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Request clarification on access restrictions

2019-02-20 Per discussione Michael Fast

Please see my comments below for clarification. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 Feb 2019, at 15:55, Erwin Olario  wrote:
> Currently, many highways within gated subdivisions are tagged as private. It 
> seems that the more appropriate tag is access=destination, where access 
> rights are granted every time a guest is allowed in, and is the most likely 
> case. access=permissive is not necessarily correct, where the visitor is 
> assumed to have been given casual access, without asking further permission.
> In summary, common access values for access for local roads:
> private - access to owners only (e.g, household driveways)
> destination - temporary access is given, until destination is reached (shared 
> roads, in gated communities/subdivisions/estates)
> permissive - nominally private, casual use are tolerated by the owners until 
> revoked (e.g. private subdivisions, without guards or barriers)
>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 3:35 PM grab osm via talk-ph 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> Request your help in clarifying a couple of questions related to access 
>> restrictions.
>> 1)**Incorrect segments assigned as access=private**
>> At this location, 14.6792514, 121.0568702, there is a gate with name(Gate to 
>> Pingki-an 2).

This is a gate to a footpath. In years past there was access here but the 
neighbouring subdivision has since closed the gate. I have updated the 
permission to “private.” I have also adjusted the gates position to make it 
clearer that it affects the footpath and not the residential street. 

>> Basis gate location and name, we assume segments to the north should be 
>> assigned as access=permissive basis poi's and surrounding landuse polygon 
>> names
>> Example way id's -
>> way 655215117
Changed to “destination”

>> way 655215119
Changed to “destination”

>> way 655215118
Changed to “destination”

>> way 129591536 
This is a footpath or eskinita. Access is from the north via a network of other 
footpaths or eskinita. 

>> However, access restrictions are given to segments towards south
>> Example way id's -
>> way 28296648
Changed to “destination”

>> way 23172246
Changed to “destination”

>> way 23172447
Changed to “destination”
>> 2)**Segments assigned as access=private should be changed to 
>> access=permissive**
>> Below mentioned example way id's are assigned as access=private, however 
>> basis the landuse residential polygons, we assume access should be changed 
>> to permissive.
>> Example way id's -
>> way 130960943
Changed to “destination”

>> way 22952874
Changed to “destination”

>> way 28296647
Changed to “destination”

>> way 22952900
Changed to “destination”
>> Alternatively we have created an issue in our github page.
>> Kindly take time to review and suggest. 
>> Thanks,
>> GrabTeam
>> ___
>> talk-ph mailing list
>> talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph
> -- 
> /Erwin Olario
> e: er...@ngnuity.xyz | v/m: https://t.me/GOwin | s: https://mstdn.io/@GOwin
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
> talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Data telefonich budek

2019-02-20 Per discussione Jan Macura
On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 10:52, majka  wrote:

> Zrovna jsem na to koukala, ale jak se tam přihlásím?

tom.k ti zřídí účet.
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Data telefonich budek

2019-02-20 Per discussione majka
Zrovna jsem na to koukala, ale jak se tam přihlásím?

On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 10:27, Jan Macura  wrote:

> Ahoj
> On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 18:26, majka  wrote:
>> Až bude definitivní, někam to vystavím. Průvodní dopis + ten souhlas pak
>> budu převádět do PDF. V mailu je zatím mail na spolek, jinak by to ode mě
>> šlo přes protonmail. Pokud máme někde místo, kam to nahrát, můžu dát ty
>> texty jako takové (je to markdown + šablony pro vkládání dat).
> Navrhuji udělat na to repo v OSMCZ Gitu: https://openstreetmap.cz/git/
> Tam bych si představoval jednak vzory pro různé účely a jednak archiv
> vyřízených/zamítnutých/probíhajících žádostí.
> Pak Ti do toho nasypu svých n+1 připomínek ;-)
> H.
> ___
> talk-cz mailing list
> talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> https://openstreetmap.cz/talkcz
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Data telefonich budek

2019-02-20 Per discussione Jan Macura

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 18:26, majka  wrote:

> Až bude definitivní, někam to vystavím. Průvodní dopis + ten souhlas pak
> budu převádět do PDF. V mailu je zatím mail na spolek, jinak by to ode mě
> šlo přes protonmail. Pokud máme někde místo, kam to nahrát, můžu dát ty
> texty jako takové (je to markdown + šablony pro vkládání dat).
Navrhuji udělat na to repo v OSMCZ Gitu: https://openstreetmap.cz/git/ Tam
bych si představoval jednak vzory pro různé účely a jednak archiv
vyřízených/zamítnutých/probíhajících žádostí.

Pak Ti do toho nasypu svých n+1 připomínek ;-)

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Redundant admin boundaries in Ireland

2019-02-20 Per discussione Donal Hunt
The proposal makes sense (Ireland has reviewed and adjusted a number of
boundaries in the past 12 months).

Should the approach be codified in the wiki so there are clear expectations
on how to represent these changes over time? Adjustments are rare but will
probably happen every 10-20 years going forward as more people migrate from
rural areas to cities / towns.


On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, 11:16 ,  wrote:

> Sorry, list was unreadable:||
> | IRL | 5857133 | Athy Municipal District | 8 | 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL |
> 8449476 | Athy Municipal District (2019) | 8 | 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL |
> 5857135 | Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District | 8 | 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL
> | 8448661 | Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District (2019) | 8 | 8* |
> {2,6,8,8} IRL | 8448101 | Clane-Maynooth Municipal District (2019) | 8 |
> 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL | 5857136 | Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District | 8
> | 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL | 8449477 | Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District
> (2019) | 8 | 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL | 5857137 | Maynooth Municipal District
> | 8 | 8* | {2,6,8,8} IRL | 5857138 | Naas Municipal District | 8 | 8* |
> {2,6,8,8} IRL | 8449475 | Naas Municipal District (2019) | 8 | | 8* |
> {2,4,8,8} Walter|
> --
> My projects:
> Admin Boundaries of the World 
> Missing Boundaries
> <
> https://wambachers-osm.website/index.php/projekte/internationale-administrative-grenzen/missing-boundaries
> >
> Emergency Map 
> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
> Postcode Boundaries of Germany  >
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
> Talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [talk-au] [Talk-nz] Able to host a tile.osm.org CDN node?

2019-02-20 Per discussione Grant Slater
Hi John,

We have universities, internet exchanges, hosting companies and some
individuals which host servers for us.
The full list is here: https://hardware.openstreetmap.org/thanks/

We fully manage the software and operating system. All config is
managed via our chef https://github.com/openstreetmap/chef . We also
run a local firewall on each server. If physical hardware, we monitor
using it SMART, hp-health, etc and report any hardware issues back to
the hosting organisation.

AWS bandwidth is extremely expensive and is unlikely to be the most
effective way of improving OpenStreetMap. Most of the bandwidth used
by a regional tile cache is "local". We've had hosting and Internet
Exchanges who have appreciated hosting these caches, because they've
then been able to negotiate better peering agreements with others.

Kind regards,


On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 22:32, John Bryant  wrote:
> Hi Grant, it would be great to have something up and running here. What kind 
> of org usually provides this elsewhere? Unis, companies, individuals? Is 
> there a technical maintenance component required, or is this just hardware? 
> AWS has a Sydney location, would this be a viable option?
> Thanks, John
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 06:55, Grant Slater  
> wrote:
>> Hi OpenStreetMap Talk-AU,
>> Quick Introduction: I am part of the volunteer Operations team who run
>> the OpenStreetMap.org infrastructure.
>> Our tile.openstreetmap.org CDN would greatly benefit from having a
>> cache server in Australia and/or New Zealand. It would make the
>> default rendered map on OpenStreetMap.org much faster for Australians.
>> The live CDN Country -> Edge Cache Mapping:
>> https://dns.openstreetmap.org/tile.openstreetmap.org.html
>> Know anyone who could help?
>> We're ideally looking for a physical server or powerful VM with 8GB+
>> RAM and at least 146GB of storage.
>> More details here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Servers/Tile_CDN
>> Our current peak AU traffic is currently around 18,000,000 Bits per second.
>> Full breakdown here in bps:
>> https://git.openstreetmap.org/dns.git/blob/HEAD:/bandwidth/tile.openstreetmap.yml
>> Feel free to contact me off-list if you prefer.
>> Kind regards,
>> Grant
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
>> Talk-au@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au
> ___
> Talk-nz mailing list
> talk...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-nz

Talk-au mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] BAN(O): accompagnement des communes

2019-02-20 Per discussione Cyrille37 OSM


Proposition d'accompagnement des communes par l'Observatoire 41 (Loir et 
Cher) pour parfaire leur adressage :

"Adressage : l'Observatoire accompagne les communes"


Talk-fr mailing list