Re: memory leaks in thebat! ??

2004-05-03 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Thomas,

Chemists convened on Monday, May 3, 2004 at 20:21 GMT +0700 to watch
Thomas Fernandez synthesize:

> We're a philosophical bunch when there are no betas to dissect. ;-)
  I think you can omit this part and it
  would still be true.  ;-)

Z>> Although a leak as someone pointed out is something
Z>> that *shouldn't* be in a released product. It's just wrong.

> I agree with you here.

Perhaps I missed it, but I don't recall anyone noticing the issue
while they were still in the beta cycle...  Of course now that the bug
has been revealed, hopefully the issue will be resolved quickly.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Hyperlink bug?

2004-04-19 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Manuel,

On Monday, April 19, 2004 at 17:15 GMT +0200, Manuel Diaz heard voices

> That trick isn't working in TB! 1.53d under Win98SE, so ... I must have been imagining things.  Thanks for confirming my
eroding memory. ;-)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: View modes don't work

2004-04-19 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Matt,

On Monday, April 19, 2004 at 9:38 AM, Matt Thoene pressed random keys
until the following was produced:

> I have set the View |Global view mode to "(No view mode)" but when I
> make a change to one of my custom views, it changes all of them.

If the folders share a view mode, that is the expected behaviour.
What is the view mode selection in the Folder Properties?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Two new bugs

2004-04-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Starting on Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 2:22 PM, apparently I began
reducing crayon use by typing:

> What viewer(s) is this happening for?  I can't confirm with the PTV.

The bug does appear here for the HTML viewer.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.10.01 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Two new bugs

2004-04-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Allie,

As the 07:10 GMT -0500 on Sunday, April 18, 2004 deadline loomed,
Allie Martin madly pounded out:

> I was reading a message that I had to scroll downwards to read
> entirely. A URL was in the message towards the end.

What viewer(s) is this happening for?  I can't confirm with the PTV.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.10.01 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: delete msg in VF = delete msg in source folder -> why?

2004-04-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Allie,

On Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 14:27 GMT -0500, authorities charged
Allie Martin for writing:

> So, if you delete a message in a VF, what do you think will happen
> then?? :)

The only thing I find not obvious is that the message will be deleted
according to the deletion settings of the folder where the message
really exists. The only time it is sort of confusing is when your
search looks through multiple folders, each with different deletion
settings. As far as I know, there is no obvious way of browsing
"virtually deleted messages," is there?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.10.01 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Hyperlink bug?

2004-04-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Manuel,

On Saturday, April 17, 2004 at 20:57 GMT +0200, engineers were awed
when Manuel Diaz constructed:

> The problem is that ")" interpretation depends on the
> characters after it and that TB! doesn't take "(" as a valid
> character, so there's a lack of consistency.

Sort of veering off track a bit, but:
Am I imagining things, or has TB's link handling changed?  I seem to
remember that you could highlight the portion of the link you wanted
and use the right-click menu option "Open URL" to get just that
portion.  That doesn't seem to work now, so you can't even bypass TB's

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.10.01 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Favourite Contacts

2004-04-16 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello P,

On Friday, April 16, 2004 at 17:07 GMT -0400, crowds cheered as P S
Graham unveiled:

> Perhaps I am missing your meaning, but I already do this using the
> 'groups' functionality of the exisitng AB. Create a Group - Right
> Click - New - Group and on down.

That's what I do, but I think the wish would provide more levels of
organization.  I read the wish as a wish for "folders" for the AB.  If
I'm right, that would allow you to nest groups, which could be very
useful for some.

Right now, you can have two organizational levels, one by separating
into ABs, then within an AB you can have groups. But that's it. Plus,
if you put contacts in different ABs, they can't mix for a particular
group without duplicating some of the entries.

The other difficulty is if you use groups as a way of making lists,
like "Friday's Party Guests".  You may not want to *organize*
your contacts based on whether they are in a particular list.

I haven't found a scheme, nor can I think of one, that would organize
my contacts perfectly.  I guess the wish would just allow some to get
closer to their ideal.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is v2.10 RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Favourite Contacts

2004-04-14 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Carsten,

On Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 23:02 GMT +0200, Carsten Knobloch
heard voices say:

> What do you think about my wish, to see favourit contacts in the
> folder tree? Sure: With possibillity to enable or disable.

Doesn't it already exist in a slightly different format?  In the
main toolbar, select the arrow next to the new message button and you
get a list of your favourite addresses.  They're even sorted into
submenus based on AB groups.  See screenshot.

Or am I missing some functionality that is implied in your suggestion?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 Current beta is 2.05 beta 16 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: How about common virtual folder?

2004-04-03 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Greg,

On Sunday, April 4, 2004 at 00:40 GMT -0600, special agents were
informed that Greg Strong leaked:

> Peter was quite CLEAR.

I don't know how much more CLEAR I can be.  You didn't respond to my
example that I posted in my last message, so I assume you missed it.
The example discusses pretty much all of your questions.

I am saying that I would like to see a folder which can have search
results, individual pointers to messages that exist elsewhere AND real
messages.  From where I sit, that idea does *not* contradict use as
"pure" VF or "pure" regular folders.

Please re-read the example if that's not CLEAR.

> Let the user decide.

That's exactly the crux of MY argument.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.05 beta 12 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Deleting VF

2004-03-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello John,

On Sunday, March 28, 2004 at 20:05 GMT -0500, an infinite number of
monkeys posting as John typed:

> So a VF is not involved?

No, there is no Common Folder.

> I'm guessing you're deleting to a CF, no?

Nope, one POP3 regular folder deletes to another POP3 regular folder.
If it matters, the second folder is a subfolder of the first.  Ie:

POP3 Account
  |-> Folder 1
  | |-> Folder 2
  |-> Virtual Folder

The Virtual folder displays some subset of Folder 1's contents
(doesn't seem to matter what is in the subset). Deleted mail from
Folder 1 goes into Folder 2.  Unless otherwise stated, I'm viewing
mail using the preview pane.

When I view mail in the Virtual Folder, I can delete it (any method)
and the message count for Folder 1 goes down as expected.  Folder 2's
count goes up, as expected if VFs are treated only as *views* of the
message bases.

> Nothing but the general tab on the property page of my 'known'
> folder..

I didn't notice that special folders don't have that option.  However,
if I point my VF at my Inbox, deletion of a message while viewing
through the VF still sends the message to Trash, as expected.

> Are you referring to the deletion page on properties of a
> CF?

Not a CF, but yes.

> I'm either having a brain cramp or we're talking about different
> things. ?:-|

I hope that clears things up.

> Gots bugs. :-)

Certainly seems that way.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.05 Beta/12 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service
Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.05 beta 12 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! v2.05 Beta/12 is now available

2004-03-26 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Andreas,

Starting on Saturday, March 27, 2004 at 00:00 GMT +0100, Andreas
Schwartmann [AS] began reducing crayon use by typing:

JA>> Or "Message is unread but isn't time sensitive"
JA>> Or "Message is important/has useful information"

AS> But  in order to qualify the mail for either of these groups, you need
AS> to  read  it  before.  So  the  flagging is rather a manual thing, not
AS> something done by filtering, right?

Not necessarily.  I get some lists (subscribed advertising) that I
only occasionally care to look at.  So my filter marks it as read and
flagged when it gets moved to the appropriate folder.  Once I've read
it, then the flag comes off.

I don't do the following, but I've thought about flagging messages
from certain posters to mailing lists since I might want to read their
messages with some other priority than normal. I use a combination of
colour groups and folders to organize my mailing list mail. Flagging
(and parking) gives me an additional level of organization within that
general structure.

Parking has some meaning imposed (don't move/delete) which may or may
not be appropriate. But flagging, just like colour groups can be used
however you like. Just like colour groups, there isn't any predefined
use or benefit. The only advantage is that you can filter/view
messages more comfortably.  Oh, and I guess parking isn't ideal
because the parked status is usually* cleared when moving messages
across folders.

* There are exceptions, I just won't go into them here.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.05 beta 12 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: GMane - here we come

2004-03-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Peter,

Tuesday, March 9, 2004, 18:23 GMT +0100: Awash in controversy, Peter
Palmreuther [PP] proclaimed:

PP> Except senders address.

As I mentioned in my reply to Carsten, that's why my original message
said, "So if you use the X-No-Archive header..."

PP> And this is more secure than TMDA-GMane address encryption?

I don't do this for my messages, but if your messages aren't in the
archive, and any references in the replies are obliterated, yes.

PP> I know a way to make your address 'zero spam risk' leveled: don't use
PP> it. Else there'll be /NO/, I repeat: no! way to keep spam risk at
PP> zero. But the TMDA technique used on GMane is closest to this zero you
PP> can currently achieve.

A double opt-in mailing list vs. a newsgroup are hugely different. Now
that Marck (and others) have given more information about what is
special about Gmane, that concern is somewhat decreased. But look at
the info that was provided when I wrote my reply.

PP> But with TB*-groups being readable on GMane you still don't post to a
PP> newsgroup. It's only content made available on a different medium,
PP> with sensitive information (e-mail-addresses) being effectively
PP> protected. I for myself venture to say: better protected than on

It is starting to look that way, yes.

PP> obliterated addresses make it impossible to the archive reader to
PP> contact the author weeks, month or even years later


PP> The effort necessary to "decrypt" this "kind of one way encryption".
PP> The same that stops most hackers from "decrypting" Unix password
PP> files and other related stuff.

Like I say, with the replies that have been posted, this seems to be
less of a concern.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: GMane - here we come

2004-03-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Carsten,

On Tuesday, March 09, 2004 at 12:13 GMT +0100, clairvoyants were
mystified when Carsten Thönges conjured:

> Take a look at mail-archive's HTML source code and you'll see that
> you can easily harvest addresses of senders.

I remember your detailed analysis. That's why I qualified my original
statement with, "So if you use the X-No-Archive header...".  That way
your original message isn't in the archive and so there isn't any
sender information.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Importing Multiple E-mail Addresses

2004-03-07 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Joseph,

On Sunday, March 7, 2004 at 20:09 GMT -0600, crowds cheered as Joseph
N. unveiled:

JA>> I don't remember about the importing,

> That's a manual procedure that is of no use when importing many
> hundreds contact records,

Like I said, I don't know about importing.  My comment was about TB
not supporting multiple addresses for a single contact.  TB does
support multiple addresses, in fact it supports an arbitrary number of
addresses per contact.  It may not be the most convenient thing in the
world, but...

Have you tried exporting a contact with multiple addresses from TB and
comparing how that looks to the file you're importing? As a
work-around, maybe a short third-party script/macro could get you going.

> Different issue,

Call it thread drift...

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Importing Multiple E-mail Addresses

2004-03-07 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Joseph,

On Sunday, March 7, 2004 at 11:49 GMT -0600, an infinite number of
monkeys posting as Joseph N. typed:

> Other modern applications have multiple e-mail fields for different
> e-mail addresses.

> Is this something that is slated for development in the near future?

I don't remember about the importing, but TB can handle multiple
addresses. Just put them all in the one field, one address per line.

You can access them by using address picker when composing a message.
Just right click on a contact that has multiple addresses. Select "Add
Address" and you can select which one you want. It would be nice if
the address picker could use a tree view to display a contact's
multiple addresses. It would make selecting multiple addresses easier.

One thing that is completely missing (unless I missed its
announcement), is a way of inserting the alternate email addresses
using templates. The %AB macros will match any of the listed
addresses, but %ABnnnEMAIL inserts only the primary address.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Question

2004-02-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Marcus,

As the 16:23 GMT +0100 on Thursday, February 5, 2004 deadline loomed,
Marcus Ohlström [MO] madly pounded out:

MO> True. What about "Sort threads based on latest received message in each
MO> thread"?

Isn't that what I wrote originally? I was told that is wrong. So I'm
really confused about how the threading works with this option.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.03 Beta/53 | "Using TBBETA" information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! v2.03 Beta/33 is now available

2004-01-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Stefan,

On Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 22:37 GMT +0200, aliens probed Stefan
Tanurkov and found:

>   Here is a short list of changes:

Did you change how threads are sorted?  I sort by received time in
descending order.  Now the threads are sorted by the last received
message instead of the first received message.

Personally this would be best as an option in the view mode
configuration.  I can see a use for both sorting methods, though
generally I liked the old system better.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.03 Beta/33 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service
Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.03 Beta/28 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: another new feature, with the old ones still unfixed !?

2003-12-15 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Alexander,

On Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 00:54 GMT +0500, crowds cheered as
Alexander Leschinsky [AL] unveiled:

AL> It doesn't happen at all, misunderstanding from user's side is NOT TB
AL> bug

AL> Context menu change VM always globally, changing VM in folder's
AL> properties change only one folder, also always.

This one isn't a bug, but it is a rough edge.  In every other respect,
manipulating the column bar directly is a local change (well, it
changes the current view mode, but that is sort of local).  All of a
sudden, right clicking on the column headers changes global options.
That is counter intuitive.

If the discrepancy is desired, then it should be made clear by the
menu's wording. Otherwise it should change *local* settings. I suppose
the third alternative is to add options to the menu so that *both*
local or global changes can be made.

For a feature that is otherwise so nice and reasonably easy to use,
this is a huge stumbling block.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.03.6 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.03.6 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: another new feature, with the old ones still unfixed !?

2003-12-15 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Alexander,

On Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 00:54 GMT +0500, crowds cheered as
Alexander Leschinsky [AL] unveiled:

AL> It doesn't happen at all, misunderstanding from user's side is NOT TB
AL> bug

AL> Context menu change VM always globally, changing VM in folder's
AL> properties change only one folder, also always.

This one isn't a bug, but it is a rough edge.  In every other respect,
manipulating the column bar directly is a local change (well, it
changes the current view mode, but that is sort of local).  All of a
sudden, right clicking on the column headers changes global options.
That is counter intuitive.

If the discrepancy is desired, then it should be made clear by the
menu's wording. Otherwise it should change *local* settings. I suppose
the third alternative is to add options to the menu so that *both*
local or global changes can be made.

For a feature that is otherwise so nice and reasonably easy to use,
this is a huge stumbling block.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 2.03.6 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.03.6 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Embarrassed to ask, but..

2003-12-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Marck,

On Friday, December 5, 2003 at 13:35 GMT +, authorities charged
Marck Pearlstone for writing:

> If you want a paragraph to reformat automatically when you edit it,
> turn on auto-format!

Could the Windows editor[1] be another solution for Chris? ;-)

[1] Options -> Message Format

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.01.56 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Box Quote not working... or is it me...???

2003-11-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Carsten,

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 18:38:56 +0100, Carsten Thönges wrote

> > Perhaps this one works, I have it as a QT named bqw ["w" for wrapped :-)]
> This one's better, shorter and uses less voodoo to manage recursion:

But it doesn't do wrapping... ;-)

Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.01.26 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Box Quote not working... or is it me...???

2003-11-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Mark,

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:18:27 +0100, Mark Partous wrote

> Forgot to post QT wrap:

You should use the wrap QT in the macro repository (see link from message 
footer).  The version you have is more vulnerable when nesting complex 

Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.01.26 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: 2.01.03 - X-mailer header

2003-10-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Tony,

It was Monday, October 20, 2003 at 22:32 GMT +0100, when Tony Boom

SF>> There is currently no ability for you to customize what the text
SF>> of that Header is.

>   But that would be nice.

Don't hold your breath for that.  Stefan's position was made very
clear during the v2.0 beta series when they just introduced the
%SetHeader stuff.

My message which basically outlines their position:
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg28587.html>

Stefan's reply confirming:
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg28588.html>

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.00.22 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: TB 2.01 / PGP 8.0 Encryption does not work

2003-10-15 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Allen,

On Wednesday, October 15, 2003 at 11:09 GMT -0400, a witness saw Allen
[A] commit:

A> If  SmartBat  is so smart, why oh why must it remove my carefully placed
A> space from my template?!

I haven't tried it, but you could probably force the issue by adding a
comment to the end of the line.  For example:

-- %Rem="Sig Delimiter"

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.00.22 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: [BayesIt] Bayesit misses spam when The Bat! first opened

2003-10-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Leif,

On Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 08:40 GMT -0600, a witness saw Leif
Gregory [LG] commit:

LG> Well, I'm guessing it's about time to put this thread to rest.

Yes, please. ;-)  I know, I'm coming late to the party, but the
seemingly obvious and appropriate solution is yet again being

LG> I'd imagine that eventually, there won't be much differentiation to
LG> new users what constitutes the base TB software and what constitutes
LG> an add-on.

I agree.

LG> To them it'll be the whole package, and a problem with an
LG> add-on will be a problem with TB in their eyes. Therefore, I think
LG> that ultimately, things will be better served by keeping them on

Why not TBTECH and TBUDL?  Really, think about regexps.  When they
were first introduced in TB, they were discussed in immense detail in
TBUDL.  There were lots of complaints and so TBTECH was set up for
*advanced* discussions of TB related issues.  That doesn't mean there
is no discussion on TBUDL or TBBETA, just that in-depth discussions
get pushed to TBTECH.  Now regexp support is good enough that the only
time regexps need to be discussed on TBBETA is when the template engine
changes and major template overhauls are necessary.  How often does
that happen?

If you still don't believe that regexps and plugins should be treated
the same way, consider:
 - Both are for advanced users.
 - Both extend functionality.  Some may argue that the functionality
   should be included natively in TB, but:
 - Neither plugins nor regexps are necessary for a good chunk of
 - Many people feel they have no hope of understanding either, but
   want the functionality.
 - Not very many people are actively developing plugins or regexps
   publicly on theses lists. Although, privately, who knows?

The parallels are uncanny.

As I see it, plugin support is not a BETA issue anymore since the
feature exists in the official release. The plugin interface seems to
be stable, though I suppose Alexey or Stefan are about the only ones
who could say for sure. As such, it seems TBBETA is the absolute
*worst* list[1] for these discussions. *ANY* of the other lists[1]
would be more appropriate. Yes, the plugins themselves may be in beta
stages, but by that same token, so are many of the regexp based
templates that get developed on TBTECH.

Heck, even if you really don't want TBTECH to be "polluted", then why
was TBDEV created?  If it isn't for the discussion of the development
of plugins (which would include user feedback), it seems to be a
pointless list. 

I don't think it is reasonable for the moderators to delegate this
decision onto the members.  Sure, read the arguments, but then make a
decision amongst yourselves and let us know.  This is *not* a
democracy, it is a friendly dictatorship and you guys are doing a
fantastic job.  Don't forget though, the reason it has worked so well
is because you established clear rules and enforce them vigilantly.  I
don't see how this topic is any different.

LG> It just means that Marck, Allie, and I will have to come up with new
LG> trouting templates for people who post non-beta add-ons to TBBETA and
LG> vice-versa! ;-)

Just mutate the trout you use for regexp discussions that go too far on
TBUDL.  ;-)

[1] The lists referenced are the lists of course.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's
safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

 Current beta is 2.00.22 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: New Beta site is up! The Bat! v2.00.18

2003-09-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Thomas,

On Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 12:39 GMT +0700, engineers were awed
when Thomas Fernandez [TF] constructed:

TF> How did you add an address manually? I see that the AB pops up when I
TF> hit alt-F8 and I can add address from the AB, but don't know how to
TF> add them manually.

You need to use the unmarked text box below the recipient list, the
one next to the quick search box.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.00.18 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: New Beta site is up! The Bat! v2.00.18

2003-09-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Stefan,

On Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 00:13 GMT -0400, Stefan Tanurkov [ST]
heard voices say:

ST> If I understand you right, it'll be laid out the way you mean -
ST> changes will be listed by builds, with the latest changes on the top
ST> and earlier ones at the bottom... That's the plan :-)

Excellent.  That will be very useful.  Thanks.

JA>> This worked, but I must ask, why was my phone number required?

ST> I suppose, to call you and have a chat in case you have something
ST> interesting to say? :-)


ST> I would agree, it shouldn't be mandatory, I think we'll change it
ST> to optional. Again, this is just for some consciousness, as I
ST> mentioned in my previous reply in this thread.

I figured as much, but it seemed odd for some reason.

JA>> Very nice, though it isn't obvious what that text field is for.

ST> Should a big yellow label put somewhere to describe the meaning? ;-)
ST> Ugh, it reminds me about the need to update the help...

Big yellow labels are always nice.  Maybe it should be animated? ;-)
Seriously though, perhaps you could put some throw away default text
until the box is selected?

ST> Ha! I guessed somebody will as for that :-)  You are the first, my
ST> congratulations! ;-)

Excellent!  ;-)

ST> Yes, I'm thinking about this, it just needs some
ST> idea of how it can be done - currently, I'm thinking of two buttons
ST> (Add and Modify), but it doesn't look very nice to mee...

That would probably be clearer than my idea.  I was thinking more
along the lines of right clicking the address, selecting an edit
option which would then move the entry to the edit text box.  But then
you'd need a cancel or undo feature...

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.00.18 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Can't change the subject? -changed the subject -and so did I!

2003-09-07 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Richard,

Saturday, September 6, 2003, 10:55 GMT -0400: Awash in controversy,
Richard M. Newman [RMN] proclaimed:

RMN> I have exactly the same problem with 2.00 %SUBJECT

I seem to remember the suggestion that one should use the SetHeader
macro.  I could be wrong, but it should be something like:

RMN> Plus some other "standard" macros that no longer work. No one
RMN> else seemed to care!

What "standard" macros are you referring to?  If you're talking about
the templates in the macro repository, any recursive template will not
work in the current version.  However, soon after the first beta with
the new engine came out, the recursive templates were updated on this

I know Marck has been thinking about how to incorporate the new
templates into the repository.  I think he's basically decided how it
should look, now the only questions I see are: when it will happen and
how much help he needs to do it all.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.00.06 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Box Quote Macro

2003-09-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Peter,

As the 13:36 GMT +0200 on Thursday, September 4, 2003 deadline loomed,
Peter Fjelsten [PF] madly pounded out:

J>> Note the bq template as written above is not tested, but it should
J>> work.

PF> Hmm, it doesn't here.

Ok, well I tweaked my modification of the boxquote QT, and I have it
working as well as we can get at the moment.  It seems TB is smart
enough to recognize that a line with a quote prefix is in a different
paragraph than a line without one, even if they are not separated by a
blank line.

So short of writing a macro plugin or making some rather complicated
recursive wrapping template system, I give you:

=[Begin bqa QT]=
%REM=' bqa - Modified "Paste as Boxquote"
original written by Carsten Thoenges, December 2002
June 2003 - use new features of v1.63 beta 9
Last modified: 2003-09-05
%_bqSide="| "%-
%_bqTitleFormat=" [ %CURSOR ]"%-
=[ End  bqa QT]=

This is not perfect and will "fail" in relatively common situations.
Perhaps the Strip QT should be modified to forcibly remove all newline
characters.  But I'll avoid that modification for now if the template
above does the trick for you.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.00 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Questions/problems with 1.63 and 2.0

2003-08-24 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Robert,

On Friday, August 22, 2003 at 07:06 GMT -0400, Robert Lansdale pressed
random keys until the following was produced:

> Is there a way to have files deleted from the Inbox without having
> them go to the Trash folder?

Your best bet is to create a manual filter with the "Delete Message"
action.  You have the option of assigning a Hot Key to the filter to
make life even easier.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.0b2 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Registration question and more...

2003-08-24 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Neal,

On Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 7:01 PM, Neal heard voices say:

> This another example of the "nerd mentality" at RitLabs

Um, what is the nerd mentality?
 - If you're talking about the registration policy, I won't discuss
 - If you found my reply rude or curt, then I apologize, but this
   subject has been beaten to a pulp and then some.
 - If you think I work for RITLabs, please be advised that except for
   a couple of people on this list, nobody can speak officially for

> I love TheBat!, but suffer with the inability to have all messages
> stored in the same directory if I so wish.

Why not?  Use a simple outgoing filter to filter your mail to the
Inbox and you'll have exactly what you want.  That's what I do for any
mail that doesn't have an obvious home in my folder structure.

> I seem to remember a promise from Ritlabs that 2.xx would support this
> feature.

I don't understand what feature is supposedly missing, but we are only
on version 2.0 beta 3, so they could have a number of releases before
the v2.xx promise is broken.

> So now I am stuck with an unregistered copy if I go past 2.0 Beta 1
> without any explanation?

The best post I've seen to date (granted, I haven't read them all)
is:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29632.html

And based on the content of that message, I'm not replying again to
this thread.  If you want to discuss your concern about that missing
feature, please start a new thread.

> At this time Thebat! is not a user friendly program.

I disagree, but then this topic has been rehashed a million times on
TBUDL, so again I won't comment on this point.  I have not
participated on TBUDL for quite some time, so I can't say when this
discussion has last been heard, but I'm sure a generous soul could
help us locate a thread or two in the archive.

> ? Why can't I just "clear the trash" ?? 

From the Beta 3 release notes:

,-- [ ]
| [-] The "Empty Trash folder on Exit" was ignored

Or is there some other problem?  Again, answer this question in a new
thread.  The subject on this one was moved to TBOT by the moderators.
See link above for details.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.0b2 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Registration question

2003-08-24 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Neal,

It was foretold that on Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 4:56 PM, Neal [N]
would type:

N> Sorry if old topic,

This is a touchy subject, so I'll only comment on:

N> but couldn't see this subject in the archives.

Hmm, I found a number of threads very quickly:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29569.html[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29561.html[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29498.html[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29486.html[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg29466.html

Those are only the first messages of the threads and I think I
probably missed a few.  They were all on the first page of the

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 2.0b2 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Another take on v2

2003-07-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Alexander,

On Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 14:55 GMT +0600, authorities charged
Alexander Leschinsky [AL] for writing:

JA>> Was the plug-in interface or sample code posted somewhere?
AL> AFAIK - stefan was done it in TBDEV after beta8

Ah, it appears I missed it in the archives[*].  Hmm, I could have
sworn I checked thoroughly.  The eyesight must be going.  Thanks.

* In case anyone else was wondering:
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00380.html>

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 1.63b11 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: %SETHEADER etc. macros

2003-07-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Greg,

On Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 10:23 GMT -0500, Greg Strong [GS] pressed
random keys until the following was produced:

GS> Download --> Filter --> Template --> Inbox

GS> Januk:

GS> New Mail (or QT) --> Template --> Outbox --> Sent Mail

GS> If my understanding is correct, then I feel there is merit with Bill's
GS> request due to threading problems with certain mail lists which preclude
GS> threading by reference.

Yes you understand correctly, and yes I agree, Bill's request would be
nice.  Especially the pre-Outbox filter.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 1.63b11 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: %SETHEADER etc. macros

2003-07-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Bill,

On Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 15:39 GMT -0400, engineers were awed when
Bill Mccarthy [BM] constructed:

BM> First of all, you are only addressing pre-Inbox (not pre-Outbox)
BM> filtering.

Very true, which is why I said it might not be elegant enough.

BM> Secondly, this approach, AFAIK, does not continue the filtering
BM> process - the reason I've been requesting a pre-Inbox filter in the
BM> first place.

You mean have a general clean-up filter then process the cleaned
messages through arbitrary other filters?  Then you're absolutely
right, the current filtering fails again.  And yet another reason why
I said my solution might not be elegant enough.

BM> These are the approaches I've considered and both are awful :-(

Very true.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Current beta is 1.63b11 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Beta 10 / Wrap Quoting QT

2003-06-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Carsten,

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 02:03 GMT +0200, a creature mimicking
Carsten Thönges wrote:

> Is it a good idea to take a %_wrap_limit "parameter" into account
> and do something like shown in the follwing pseudo code?

> if %_wrap_limit == "":
> else:
>%Wrapped(%_wrap_limit, %_Wrap_Paragraph_1)

Good call.  Of course, your pseudo-code is fairly close to real code,

=[Begin wrap QT]=
   Multi-Paragraph wrapping routine using features from TB 1.63b11
   Written June 2003 by Januk Aggarwal

  1. This template can be used alone to wrap clipboard
 contents or can be used as a wrapping engine by assigning
 text to the variable, %_Wrap_Text, in the driver template.
  2. Wrapping limit can be set optionally by defining the
 variable %_Wrap_Limit in the driver template
%%Wrapped(%_Wrap_Limit, %_Wrap_Paragraph_1)"

=[ End  wrap QT]=

And your addition to the driver template looks good with a very minor

=[Begin Driver Template]=
=[ End  Driver Template]=

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/11 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

 Current beta is 1.63b11 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: New "Smart Quote Prefixing" Not working

2003-06-11 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Greg,

On Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 08:59 GMT -0500, a creature mimicking
Greg Strong [GS] wrote:

GS> You were close on the AB entry, but not totally correct. After running
GS> the 'Full Name' QT the output received was "Strong, Greg (Rr-Ml)".

GS> I'll have to learn more about RegEx and macros to understand why
GS> the 'M' is being picked up.

That one is easy.  The regexp in the initials QT looks for a dash,
underscore, equals sign, at symbol, period or whitespace as the
delimiters for a word.  Additionally the initial must be a valid
alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).  So the parentheses are
treated as neither a word delimiter nor a valid initial, so the R is
skipped.  That leaves the M.  I could add parentheses to the list of
valid delimiters, but I don't think it is worthwhile.  After all, how
often does someone have a real part of their name in parentheses?

Now you could argue that I should ignore anything in quotes,
parentheses or some other marking scheme.  I could try to do that, but
it would add a tremendous level of complexity for very little gain.
That and it would be a lot of work to try and get such an expression
to be as robust as the current one.

GS> Any better ideals on how to differentiate my different email accounts so
GS> I don't mess up the macros?

You could modify the full name QT to better suit your needs if you
wanted.  You don't *have* to pull the name from the address book.  In
fact, it might be preferable to *not* do that.  That's personal

JA>> [1] Syntax may have changed slightly, but from a quick glance, they
JA>> look the same.

GS> Since Beta/8 things kind of went astray. So from posts to this list I've
GS> made changes.

Yes, but only in syntax.  From my quick glance, the structure and
logic appear to be unchanged.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/10 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

 Current beta is 1.63b10 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: 1.63 Beta/8

2003-06-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hi Marck,

It was Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 08:55 GMT +0100, when Marck
Pearlstone  [MP]  wrote:

JA>> Which one are you using?  The one in the repository seems to work as
JA>> before...

MP> Yes, but I wanted to update it like this ;-) :

MP>  __/ Full Name \
MP> | %CAPITAL(%ABofromNAME(%QINCLUDE("Full Name - No AB Entry")))
  |   |
Get rid of the quotation marks.  That's what is screwing up.  If you
notice, the initials generated were CfQ, which is the first 3 initials
of: Cannot Find Qiuck Template ...

It's a bit hard to reproduce, since if you make a test template with
just that line, it works as intended.

See my reply to Stefan's original message in this thread

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

 < The system cannot find the path specified (C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Cannot open file 
"D:\TheBat") >\Cookies\One-liners\index.dat)

 Current beta is 1.63b7 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: 1.63 Beta/8

2003-06-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Stefan,

Historians believe that Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 21:57 GMT -0400 was
when, Stefan Tanurkov  [ST]  typed the following:

The Beta looks very good, just a few questions

ST> [*] Completely rewritten template subsystem with possibility to add
ST> macros from plug-ins.

What is the format for these plug-ins?  Does any unknown macro in a
template get routed to the installed plug-ins?

ST> [*] New syntax for macros: it is now possible to use brackets instead
ST> of ="..." (in some cases it is now required - see below).

This doesn't always work.  For the %Cookie macro, with brackets, the
macro assumes the base directory is the directory that the program was
opened in.  With the old style, the absolute path is used.

For example:
%Cookie="C:\Temp\Oneliners" works as expected.
%Cookie(C:\Temp\Oneliners) gives error:
Cannot open file "C":\Temp\OneLiners)

The bracket system also fails on complex %SetPattRegexp macros.  It
looks like TB gets confused as to what part is the macro and what part
is the string if it is legal to have brackets as part of the string.
That's not really surprising, but should probably be documented.

Note: %Cookie("C:\Temp\Oneliners") also works as expected.

ST> [+] %VARnnn="..." (equal to %_nnn="...") macros to set variables, use
ST> %VARnnn (or %_nnn) to insert variable value. Variable name can
ST> contain alphabet characters, digits and "_"

This is really nice.  Please document the fact that the variables can
be passed back and forth between parent and child templates.  It
appears that you've made the scope of the variables global.  This is
fine, but should be documented.

Also, how long is the variable defined?  Is it as long as the macro
engine is running, or is it defined as long as the message is being
edited?  In other words, can I run one template which defines a
variable, then manually run a second template which accesses that

ST> [+] %SETHEADER("RFC Name","Value") macro to set a message header to
ST> the Value, use %ADDHEADER("RFC Name","Value") to add value to a
ST> header, use %HEADER("RFC Name") to retrieve value of a header
ST> (%OHEADER("..") retrieves header from the original message)

Here it looks like strings should be enclosed in quotes when using the
new bracket system.  However, this doesn't work for the %QInclude
macro.  There, the QT name *must* not be enclosed in quotes.   For
%OHeader, it seems the quotes are optional.  So is the necessity of
the quotes with the brackets somewhat arbitrary, or is there a method
to the madness?

How flexible is the quote character in the new bracketed syntax?  With
the old syntax, we could replace the double quote character with any
character.  Is that also true of the new syntax?

Also, how would one mix strings and macros with the new bracket

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

 Current beta is 1.63b7 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Weird sorting office goings on

2003-02-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Richard,

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 06:50 GMT +, a witness saw
Richard Wakeford [RW] type:

>> Another thing to check is: If your filters rely on address book
>> groups, make sure the address book group referenced still exists.

RW> I know your reply was to Thomas but was answering my original
RW> question.

Well, I was really responding to you, but I only had an extension to
what Thomas already wrote...

RW> Some of the filters do and the address books do still exist.

You probably know this, but to be sure:
The address books exist, but do the groups referenced in your filters
exist?  You should confirm by trying to change the group referenced in
the filter.  If the group you really want doesn't live in that
listing, then you've found your problem.

Similarly, check colour groups, etc.

The only reason I'm harping on this point is that it has happened to
me, and the symptoms sound exactly as you describe.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

I simply wasn't cool enough for them (whomever they were) to offer
drugs to me.  Drugs were everywhere, that's what the TV said.  I 
could get offered drugs at any time.  Yeah, right. 
-- J. Sullivan

 Current beta is 1.63b6 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: 1.63 Beta/7

2003-02-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Jonathan,

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 13:16 GMT -0600, electricians were
shocked that Jonathan Angliss [JA] potentially scribbled:

JA>, if you look at the very top,
JA> there are separated columns, but no headers.

It must be XP or your XP skin.  On Win98 the headings do exist:

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

There is no such place as the University of Wis-cosine, and if there 
was, the motto of their mathematics department would not be 
"Secant ye shall find."

 Current beta is 1.63b6 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Weird sorting office goings on

2003-02-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal
Hello Thomas,

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 11:01 GMT +0700, a beagle known as
Thomas Fernandez [TF] barked:

TF> Seriously though, please check what exactly has changed. the order of
TF> the filters, or the filter string or what.

Another thing to check is: If your filters rely on address book
groups, make sure the address book group referenced still exists.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?

 Current beta is 1.63b6 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Can anybody made some additional tests

2001-12-19 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Alexander,

An archeological dig discovered that on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at
10:11 GMT +0500, Alexander Leschinsky [AL] typed the following:

AL>   Click Options, Preferences, System, Browse.
AL>   The focus is no longer on The Bat! Minimise by right clicking on The
AL>   Bat! icon in system tray and selecting minimise. The Preferences
AL>   dialog and directory tree window then appear.

Confirmed.  See footers for system details.

The Preferences dialogue and the folder selection dialogue both get
pushed behind the TB main window.  The focus is on the folder
selection dialogue, it is just pushed to the back.  Press Alt-F4 twice
to regain control of TB (ie, use the Windows shortcut to close both 
dialogues).  If you make the TB window very small and move it to the
side, what I'm describing can be seen very easily.

AL> I never can reproduce or construct reasonable opinion - "How it can be
AL> on single system" (I haven't same reports and see nothing here)...

Well, I for one don't change my mail directory very often, hence that
dialogue doesn't get tested.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/17 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 67766446 A

Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?

Archives   :
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Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/15
Wish List  :

Re: GnuPG again

2001-12-10 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Peter,

It was foretold that on Monday, December 10, 2001 at 18:11 GMT +0100,
Peter Meyns [PM] would type:

PM> How can I make the plugin leave a blank line between my text and the
PM> signature? I tried blank lines with and without white spaces, all are
PM> ignored... Is there a way?

If you're trying to insert blank lines at the end of a template, put
the %- macro on the last line.  It will act as a placeholder.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 67766446 A

Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?

Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/15
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Help-file command-line update

2001-10-16 Thread Januk Aggarwal


While trying to do some scripting on the TBUDL list, I discovered some
undocumented features that should be added to the help-file.  The
command-line parameter /Import can import to the address book as well.
The options for the parameter are: (Note: I basically copied these
word for word from the /Export command.  I haven't tested every
contingency listed, but the basics work as outlined.)

LDIFif  this parameter is specified, an address import
will  be  performed. The INPUT parameter specifies
the  name  of  an input file that holds data to be
imported in LDIF format.

ADDRESSBOOK=value   (only  for  use  with  the  LDIF  parameter) value
or AB=value or  specifies a name, filename or the full path of the
BOOK=value  address  book which is to receive addresses. If no
address  book  is specified, The Bat! will use the
default address book.

GROUP=value or  (only  for  use  with  the  LDIF  parameter) value
G=value specifies the handle of the address group which is
to  receive  addresses.  If  no  address  book  is
explicitly  specified,  The  Bat!  will search all
address  books  for  the  first  group  whose name
matches the specified handle.

FILE=value or   value  is  a  file  mask with the pathname for the
IN=value or input  files.  The  /IMPORT  command  can  have an
INFILE=value or unlimited number of FILE parameters.

There are some additional flags for the /Export command which have no
corresponding term in the /Import command.  Does anyone know if they
exist, what their function is, etc?  The ones I'm talking about are:

MAXAGE=value or AGE=value or A=value
START=value or S=value
END=value or E=value

I guess for an import command, the first 5 options would set the
appropriate message property, whereas in an export command, they act
as filters.  Also, now that we have colour groups and message flags,
are there corresponding filters from the command-line?
flags, does anyone know if there are filters for these criteria too?

 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54/10 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

I had a really great tagline to put here, but I can't remember what it

Archives   :
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Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/10
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Registry vs. INI (was: Re: Enough is enough..)

2001-10-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Alexis,

On Wednesday, October 10, 2001 at 22:42 GMT +0200, a creature
mimicking Alexis Haeringer [AH] wrote:

AH> And I wish, that you do not use the registry but ini file, because
AH> it's more safe if you crash your windows but not "mail directory"
AH> You are in the obligation to create key in registry. But for
AH> Secure Bat, There no possibility to retreive your account if your
AH> are not saved "RIT" section in registry (tools "backup" restore
AH> just old message)

Just an idea, but why not create a little batch file or script to do
the next best thing?  The batch file would do 2 or 3 things:
1. Restore TB's registry key. (optional)
2. Launch TB
3. On TB's exit, backup TB's registry key.

In a batch file, the second two tasks should take about 2 lines of

start /w "c:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe" [Options]
regedit /e "c:\Program Files\The Bat!\regbackup.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT"

You could customize this to be specific for each Windows account.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54/10 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

Ok, who is General Relativity, and what did he do with Sir Newton?

Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/9
Wish List  :

Re: Duplicate messages [was: Re[2]: Whishlist: TheBat for Linux :)]

2001-09-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hi Allie,

Historians believe that Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 23:14 GMT -0500
was when, Allie C Martin [AM] typed the following:

JA>> Then your %TO macro could look like:
JA>> %TO="""%QINCLUDE='Full Name' on %ABoreplyNAME"" <%OREPLYADDR>"

AM> Nice. However, to get the initial quotation, I had to change the last
AM> macro to:

AM> %TO=""%TO='"%QINCLUDE="Full Name" on %ABoreplyNAME" <%OREPLYADDR>'%-

Except for the %TO="" at the beginning, they should be equivalent.
Glad to see it is working for you.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.

Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/8

Re: Bug in macros

2001-09-14 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hi Marck,

On Friday, September 14, 2001 at 23:19 GMT +0100, a creature mimicking
Marck D Pearlstone [MP] wrote:

MP> Okay, I got it working like this:

MP> %Ucfirst='%SETPATTREGEXP="^((?is)[012][0-9]|3[01])?(.*)?(20[0-5][0-9])$"%-
MP> %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%Odate" %Subpatt="1" %Subpatt="2" %Subpatt="3"'

If you're doing that, why not simply use:

Or is something else being stripped that I can't see?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?

Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/8

Re: Bug in macros

2001-09-14 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Silviu,

On Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 00:54 GMT +0300, a creature
mimicking Silviu Cojocaru [SC] wrote:

>> You're doing something a little wrong. It's the nested quotes
>> that are messing it up.
>> Try:
>> %Ucfirst="%Subpatt='2'"
>> or
>> %Ucfirst="%Subpatt=""2"""
>> To compensate for the nesting issues.

SC> It aint working.

It won't work because no subpatterns are defined inside the %UCFIRST
macro.  You have to set the subpattern, do the match and then access
the subpattern *inside* the %UCFIRST="" quotes.  The way to think of
it is: the argument to any macro is like a mini-template[1].  These
mini-templates are almost completely independent of any other
template, including the main template.

This is useful when you want a regexp within a regexp, or if you have
more than one regexp in a given template.  Now a solution would be to
have a macro to define and access global variables.

[1] - This analogy does break down in certain cases.  But for the
  macro in question, it is a reasonable simile.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

Ok, who is General Relativity, and what did he do with Sir Newton?

Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Latest Beta: 1.54 beta/8

Re: The Bat! - bug report : Search results not displaying the right number of matches

2001-09-10 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello David,

On Monday, September 10, 2001 at 22:44 GMT +0200, a creature mimicking
David van Zuijlekom [DVZ] wrote:

DVZ> Hello The Bat! developers,

DVZ>   I'm using The Bat! Version 1.54 Beta/8
DVZ>   Serial Number E822B646
DVZ>   under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
DVZ>   and would like to report a bug

DVZ>   The bug description:
DVZ> Search results not displaying the right number of matches. When
DVZ> you search for e.g. a particular subject and there are two
DVZ> messages found that match, TB! says 'Found 7 messages'. See for an
DVZ> example <>.

I can't confirm.  Is it possible that the search window has some
advanced filtering on your end?  Check it under View -> Display... in
the search window.  Alternately, hit Ctrl-=

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.

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Re: what about a macro %GREETING% that...

2001-08-07 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Stefano,

Historians believe that Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 18:37 GMT +0200 was
when, Stefano Z. [SZ] typed the following:

SZ> ...put the right type of greeting in relation of the current time ?

SZ> It is a good thing also , that al this stuff is put on setting so i can
SZ> set any string to return related to time and user language.

You can do this already with the %IF macro.  But in order to help you,
can you show us the output of the %TIME and %TIMELONG macros?  In the
current beta series, we can specify the format manually, but you're
using the release version which doesn't have that option.

Also, there is currently a bit of a bug with nested %IF macros, so the
syntax might change when the bug is fixed.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?

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The Bat! - bug report - Menu navigation irregularity

2001-07-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.54 Beta/3
  Serial Number B2825D96
  under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:
The message menu has two items attached to the letter "c"
Redire_c_t and _C_opy in the Folder view.  In the preview pane,
Redirec_t_ uses the letter "t".

  Steps to reproduce the bug:
Open a folder view and Press Alt-M-C-C
Open the preview pane and Press Alt-M-T-C

  Januk Aggarwal

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Re: 1.54 Beta/3 - the show goes on :-)

2001-07-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Peter,

Historians believe that Sat, 21 Jul 2001 at 02:00 GMT +0200 was when,
Peter Palmreuther [PP] typed the following:

PP> Nice, also the even/odd quote differ in color thing,

Unfortunately, it only seems to work when using the HTML message
Viewer, not the Fixed Width only viewer.

PP> I'm not able to access the message with TAB from message list
PP> (main view + folder view) anymore, so no 'select' + F4 , copy or
PP> something similar :-(

Again, this is the HTML viewer only.  In fact, this has been around
for a long time.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

Ok, who is General Relativity, and what did he do with Sir Newton?

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Divide by Zero error in new HTML viewer (was: Re: 1.54 Beta/3 ...)

2001-07-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Stefan,

Historians believe that Sat, 21 Jul 2001 at 00:19 GMT +0300 was when,
Stefan Tanurkov [ST] typed the following:

ST> [!] New HTML viewing engine

When I try to view the HTML portion of the attached message, TB
generates a ton of Divide by Zero error dialogue boxes.  The only way
to clear them is to kill TB by the Close Program Dialogue in Win98SE.

Note, the attached message displays perfectly well in 1.53l.

Oh, and this is also a test of TB's handling of attached .msg files.
In previous versions, when a .msg file was attached, it would be
encoded, but the message viewer would not decode an encoded
attachment.  In other words, you may need to first save the file
before viewing it.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?
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Title: 20010720 Lockergnome Windows Daily






  07.20.2001 GnomeREPORT

WHO'S IN CONTROL OF YOUR NETWORK? "I couldn't believe what was happening right under my nose. They were downloading huge MP3 files, surfing for porn, trading jokes... my network was out of control. If it weren't for SuperScout's reports, I would have never believed it." - Network Manager, Rothko Systems. Try SuperScout Web Filter FREE for 30 days and see what's REALLY going on!


Laptop for you
Delete the Dregs
Tricky Text Save
Easy Intranet
Flashy Titles
Complete the Delete
Code Red Worm
Take the quiz

Okay, are you ready for a whirlwind report that'll knock your 
socks off? Assuming, of course, that you're not already sitting 
there barefoot. In which case, might I suggest some odor eaters? 
Amy would appreciate it. Thank you. It's been 
three days since I last reminded you that I was human, so here's 
another example: 'FAX' actually stands for 'facsimile 
transmission.' I failed to recognize the latter part being 
represented by the letter X when I was on the air. Y, I'll B! 
Thanks to Michael Ballard for pointing this out to me; he 
scribbled: "Ya see, I was around when the darn things were new. 
You probably weren't even born then." No, but I was alive when Mr. 
Cerf (a recent GnomeHIGHLIGHT) visited the studios the other day! 
It was neat to give him an authentic handshake. Ha ha!

Alexey Pajitnov's signature joined my collection the other day as 
well. He's the guy who invented TETRIS -- one of my all-time 
favorite video games. I didn't see his interview on The Screen 
Savers, but I stuck around long enough to pass along my personal 
thanks. I think my dad would be getting a kick out of meeting all 
of these people, too. He's not a geek, but man... he can strike up 
a conversation with just about anybody -- on any topic. Today was 
my father's birthday, ya know? Blast your 
best wishes to him if you have a 
moment. I know it'd mean a LOT to him, since it's currently too 
humid in Iowa to ride his GoldWing. Bah. 

"Panda Software is warning users about a new virus called 
W32/Sircam, one of the main characteristics of which is the speed 
at which it spreads via e-mail.  This malicious code is received 
by e-mail with a variable subject line and message body." 
has more details. Okay, y'all -- for the next week or 
so -- do NOT open any weird attachments. Our editorial team 
received a few dozen of these today; some were in English and 
others were in Spanish. If in doubt, throw it out. Suggestion? 
Don't open it until you've CONFIRMED that the sender meant to send 
it. Even then, be leery of any PIF / VBS (et al) files. Break the 
chain, people. If you inadvertently opened it after this report 
was published, well... that'll teach you not to fall behind.

Another computer nasty took center stage today. The 
Code Red worm has 
knocked out quite a few servers, and may continue to cause damage 
for weeks (possibly months) to come. If you or someone you love is 
running IIS on Windows 2000 (or NT) Server, be sure to let them 
know that they could be vulnerable. M'kay? That I know of, 
Lockergnome's Lyris machine is safe and sound. I just hope that 
Craig's List survives the onslaught. Sprocket just posted our need 
for an 
apartment tonight. Dude, you should have seen him entering the 
information. It was hilarious! His poor paws weren't getting along 
well with the keyboard. He kept pressing the T and R keys at the 
same time. Wo... you had to be there. *wipes tear from his 

Chris Pirillo   

V v2001 Final Beta [1.1M] W9x/NT/2k FREE

Re: 1.54b3 - Folder property options missing

2001-07-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hi Allie,

Historians believe that Fri, 20 Jul 2001 at 19:00 GMT -0500 was when,
A Curtis Martin [AM] typed the following:

AM> I notice now that the nested folder properties are pretty much
AM> intact as you said. Most of my folders aren't nested and this is why
AM> it was immediately apparent to me.

One of my accounts has *all* folders nested under the Inbox, and
another has virtually no nested folders.  That's how I noticed the
refinement to your statement.  ;-)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

I had a really great tagline to put here, but I can't remember what it

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Re: 1.54b3 - Folder property options missing

2001-07-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hi Allie,

Historians believe that Fri, 20 Jul 2001 at 18:30 GMT -0500 was when,
A Curtis Martin [AM] typed the following:

AM> Has anyone noticed that in the folder properties, only the general
AM> tab remains. All the other tabs where you can configure templates,
AM> sound and identity parameters are missing??!!

Confirmed.  It looks like they are gone for all folders at the same
level as the Inbox, Outbox, Sent and Trash folders.  All other folders
are "normal".

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

This page intentionally left unblank.

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Re: The Bat! - suggestions

2001-06-03 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Andrew,

Historians believe that Sun, 3 Jun 2001 at 20:17 GMT +0400 was when,
Andrew K. Lovetski [AKL] typed the following:

TS>>   3.  I'd  like  to  have the keyboard focus in the message pane
TS>>   after having selected a folder in the folder pane.

AKL> This will make the selecting of a folder by keyboard IMPOSSIBLE.

Well, you could "select" the folder by hitting  or .  Of
course, that's not much different than hitting .

One bug that is especially annoying lately is the HTML focus bug.
The focus is lost when switching to an HTML message with HTML autoview
on.  This one bugs me a lot.

Oh, and I also wish HTML auto-view could be set on a per-folder basis.
But that's not an urgent wish.
Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.53 Beta/11 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

I had a really great tagline to put here, but I can't remember what it

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Re: Several problems using latest releases...

2001-05-26 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Lija,

Historians believe that Sun, 27 May 2001 at 05:18 GMT +0200 was when,
Lija [L] typed the following:

L> A *big* snip, actually. ;)

Well, I can't comment on the rest, so... ;-)

JA>> What about Daylight Savings Time, or Summer Time?  Doesn't that shift
JA>> you by one additional hour from GMT?

L> "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes" in Date/Time Properties
L> is checked since I installed the OS, and there is no other OS on my system, only
L> WinNT4.

Yes, but GMT doesn't include shifts for Summer Time.  So since you
went on Summer Time as of the last Sunday in March, you were +0200
from GMT.  See


Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.53 Beta/8 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

I should probably engage that largish, grey organ lurking inside of my
skull a bit more often. I think it's called a brain.   -- Simon

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Re: Several problems using latest releases...

2001-05-26 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Lija,

Historians believe that Sun, 27 May 2001 at 00:23 GMT +0200 was when,
Lija [L] typed the following:

L> The third and also very strange problem to me is incorrect GMT
L> timezone. If you take a look at 'Date' part of this message header,
L> you will see '+0200'. But, I am in GMT+1 zone - Krusevac, Belgrade,
L> Berlin, Stockholm, Vienna, Amsterdam, Paris... And my timezone is
L> correctly set in Date/Time Properties of Control Panel.

What about Daylight Savings Time, or Summer Time?  Doesn't that shift
you by one additional hour from GMT?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.53 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

This sentence lets you know this page was not a mistake.

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Re: Account/AB Template Differences

2001-05-23 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Nick,

Historians believe that Mon, 14 May 2001 at 10:55 GMT -0700 was when,
Nick Andriash [NA] typed the following:

NA> I cannot do that with an Account Level Template, as the extra blank line I
NA> try to include will have disappeared the very next time I check the
NA> Account Level Template. Any ideas on why the two behave differently?

I don't want to guess about the why, but you can always put the extra
blank line, then on the next line use just the %- macro.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.53 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

Have you ever imagined a world without hypothetical situations?

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The Bat! - bug report -> Old(?) Viewer Bug revisited

2001-01-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.49c
  Serial Number B2825D96
  under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:

Last two letters are cut-off when viewing messages that don't
terminate correctly.

The MIME-forwarding option creates such malformed files from TB
generated messages.  See the sample message below.

  Steps to reproduce the bug:

Mime-forward a couple of messages created in TB to yourself.  View
the messages in the Mime viewer.  Notice the last two letters are

Here is a sample message generated by MIME forwarding some messages
from my Sent folder.

 Begin Problem Message 
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 22:06:50 -0800
From: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.49c) Educational
Reply-To: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: UBC - Chemistry & Physics  Undergraduate
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Subject: Fwd: Recoton Website
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--85161F31A85C698"

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Test Message
Content-Type: message/rfc822; name="1.msg"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="1.msg"

Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:34:40 -0800
From: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.48f) Educational
Reply-To: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: UBC - Chemistry & Physics  Undergraduate
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: "snip" 
Subject: Recoton Website
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Content-Type: message/rfc822; name="2.msg"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="2.msg"

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 19:22:18 -0800
From: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.49) Educational
Reply-To: Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: UBC - Chemistry & Physics  Undergraduate
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: "Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris)" 
Subject: Re: Editing
In-reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Still learning new tricks I guess. :)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 End Problem Message 

  Januk Aggarwal

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Re: Multiple lists

2001-01-05 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Jason,

On  Fri, 5 Jan 2001  at  21:53:12 GMT -0500 (which was 6:53 PM
where I live) witnesses say Jason Gottschalk typed:

> Can I send to multiple lists by using a syntax like this?

> BCC: New ; Used ; Service 

Yup, try it.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48f
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: feature request - find source message

2001-01-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Graham,

On  Thu, 04 Jan 2001  at  13:55:29 GMT + (which was 5:55 AM
where I live) witnesses say Graham Foster typed:

> A different way of working which I do helps in this respect:-

> a) Create the last filter in the Outgoing mail which moves anything
> going from the Sent folder back to the INBOX folder

How about changing this to move it to the Trash and use a template to
add yourself as a BCC recipient. 

> b) Change my filters which move incoming messages based on sender, so
> move them based on kludges. That way they get moved into the same
> specific folder if messages are sent or received to a particular
> person

With the change above, both your replies and incoming mail would get
moved.  You can also play with the "Local Delivery" option to reduce
the load on your mail server.  I've found the "Local Delivery" option
is great for basic filters, but you can have problems with certain
filter actions (Run program, auto-reply).

> c) Occasional manual re filtering of the Inbox ensures that messages
> are correctly moved to their respective folders (it would be nice to
> automate this)

This step can be largely eliminated.

> Now when you do conversation threading, as your sent messages are in
> the same folder as your received messages..the threads all hang
> together nicely.. and you tend not to use cntrl backspace at all!

I use this type of technique as well.  But what I usually do is just
create a copy of the incoming filter and drag it to the outgoing
filter set.  The BCC method is probably better when simplifying
filtering between multiple accounts.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48f
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: TB opens thousands of messages

2001-01-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

On  Thu, 4 Jan 2001  at  19:13:01 GMT -0800 (which was 7:13 PM
where I live) witnesses say Januk Aggarwal typed:

> Cool, Fortran?

Woops, that was meant to be off list.  Sorry.
Januk Aggarwal

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Re: TB opens thousands of messages

2001-01-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Thomas,

On 1/4/2001 at 8:59 AM witnesses say
Thomas Fernandez at [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:
> How about this:

> IF NumberOfSelectedMessages = 1 THEN
>OpenViewFolder ( AllMessages )
>OpenViewFolder ( SelectedMessages )

Cool, Fortran?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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Re: Release 148 - Print Template Bug

2000-12-17 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Richard,

On  Sat, 16 Dec 2000  at  15:11:10 GMT -0500 (which was 12:11 PM
where I live) witnesses say Richard M. Newman typed:

>Not sure how to "post" my customized (if it matters).

Just copy (CTRL-C) and paste (CTRL-V) it into the editor.  For
example, here is my Print template.  Mine only prints the To: line if
an address exists in the To line.  Same thing for the CC and BCC
lines.  Oh, and I can't reproduce the bug you mentioned.  Very strange.

---Begin Template---
From: %FromName <%FromAddr>
Date: %ODateEn %OTimeLongEn %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is).*\@.*"%REGEXPBLINDMATCH="
 Subject: %Subj
  Folder: %AccountName\%FolderName


--- End Template---

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48d
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: The Bat! - bug report / mass mailing problem - 1.48e please

2000-12-17 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Marek,

On  Sat, 16 Dec 2000  at  18:55:24 GMT +0100 (which was 9:55 AM
where I live) witnesses say Marek Mikus typed:

>   Steps to reproduce the bug:
> - Select Contacts (or group) in Address Book
> - Select "File | Mass Mailing | template" menu item
> - Select "Open in Editor" checkbox and hit OK.
> - Cancel all Editor windows by Esc key
> - Watch Outbox folder

Confirmed.  Also get the same behaviour when cancelling with the
little X box in the top right corner.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48d
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: %ORG macro, (was Re: The Bat! - suggestions)

2000-12-16 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Quin,

On  Fri, 15 Dec 2000  at  11:34:54 GMT -0700 (which was 10:34 AM
where I live) witnesses say Quin Selman typed:

> I was mailing the messages to myself at another destination address.
> But I get the same results in the outbox, prior to actual sending, as
> I do after sending.

Right, the bug is that a NULL organisation gets replaced with the
account default when the message hits the outbox.  Enable the
Organisation field in the message editor and see what happens when you
apply the %ORG="" macro.  The organisation does get cleared.

> Here's something else I found: I removed the default organization from
> Account Preferences. Then %ORG="New Organization" will insert whatever
> you want from the template. And %ORG="New Organization"%ORG="" will
> give no organization in the message.

That makes sense given the above.

> Likewise, if there is a default organization in Account Preferences,
> the macros %ORG="New Organization"%ORG="" will yield the default.

Right, you're seeing the same behaviour.

> Not sure just what to make of all that. What are we saying is the
> "correct" behavior?
None of the above.  The macro works right, the account isn't accepting
what you're telling it.  There is a bug, it is just slightly different
than what you're thinking.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/12
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Bugs or not?

2000-12-16 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Peter,

On  Sat, 16 Dec 2000  at  01:40:27 GMT -0500 (which was 10:40 PM
where I live) witnesses say Peter Gannushkin typed:

>   6. This is just a curious bug, but... Sometimes red waved underline
>   is different from another one. Occasionally I misspelled the word
>   "immediately". I spelled it like "imediately" and "imediatelly". The
>   underline is not the same for these two cases. I wonder why.

There are two types of underlines, triangular waves and square waves.
When you get the square waves, TB knows the right answer (you supplied
it in the auto-correct dictionary.) A quick double right click on
those words corrects them immediately.


Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/12
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: %ORG macro, (was Re: The Bat! - suggestions)

2000-12-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Manfred,

On  Wed, 13 Dec 2000  at  16:41:02 GMT + (which was 8:41 AM
where I live) witnesses say Manfred Ell typed:

> organization gets filled with default when sending
> (while editing it's empty!)

Confirmed here.  When editing the organization can be blanked.  But when
placed in the outbox it gets filled in.  It doesn't matter if you edit
the message after placing it in the outbox.

As a check, this message should have no organization specified.  If it
is not blank, then the bug Manfred described has reared its head.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/11
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Beta/10

2000-12-08 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Rene,

On  Fri, 8 Dec 2000  at  10:36:41 GMT -0800 (which was 10:36 AM
where I live) witnesses say Rene Ertzinger typed:

MM>> [+] Backup/Restore/Sync is now available in the Tools menu.

> A scheduler would be great to do automated backups!!!
> It would be really great for office/business use!!!

All they need to implement is command line support for this feature
and you'll be able to do it using the Windows Scheduler.  Much more
flexible too.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/11
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Beta/10

2000-12-08 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Maxim,

On  Fri, 8 Dec 2000  at  15:18:31 GMT +0200 (which was 5:18 AM
where I live) witnesses say Maxim Masiutin typed:

> [*] More convenient way of setting encryption defaults from Message Editor.

Does this include the new PGP menu item in the Tools menu?  If so,
would you please consider having this item disappear when PGP is
disabled in the selected account's properties?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/11
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Kill Dupes and Alternatives

2000-12-08 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Peter,

On  Fri, 8 Dec 2000  at  13:28:07 GMT -0500 (which was 10:28 AM
where I live) witnesses say Peter Gannushkin typed:

>   1. In some mail lists people are sending copies to private addresses
>   too. As all my mail is filtered I don't really need them. The only
>   way to deal with them is to kill dupes manually. I wonder if there
>   is a way to put it into the filter or folder properties.

Well by manually, you mean you have to select the menu command once
every couple of mail checks?  If that's what you mean, then yes, you
have to do it manually.

>   2. It seems like Alternatives tab is useless in filter properties
>   because I can use "|" in the main tab.

Depends how fancy you want to get.  Suppose I want to look for
(januk AND OR (januk AND something else)

This will catch all mail with my address even if I put in some spam
blocking stuff.

The other thing you might want to do is search for one string in one
location or another string in another location.  This is most easily
accomplished using Alternatives.  For example, maybe you want all mail
that is not directly addressed to you and any mail you send yourself.
Then your filter conditions would be:

String   Location Presence
your address RecipientNo

String   Location Presence
your address Sender   Yes

TB's filtering conditions allow for huge flexibility, even without
regular expressions. Add regular expressions to the mix and you can do
*very* fancy things.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/11
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Mass Mailing

2000-12-03 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Assad,

On  Sun, 3 Dec 2000  at  23:21:31 GMT +0400 (which was 11:21 AM
where I live) witnesses say Assad Toorab typed:

> Do I have to
> edit   the  message  individually  in  the  Outbox  for  the  body
> content??? This does not make life easier, does it?

Try writing your message in your Quick Template, or in a separate
file.  Then use the %PUT macro in the Quick Template.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/9
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
 on a PIII 550MHz with 192 MB RAM

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Re: Filter question

2000-12-01 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Chris,

On  Sat, 2 Dec 2000  at  00:17:53 GMT + (which was 4:17 PM
where I live) witnesses say Chris Wilson typed:

>> Write an outgoing filter to move messages to Sent (i.e. not move) and,
>> as an action, copy the message to the required folder.

> Thanks Marck,  a typo there I think, you meant "write an outgoing filter
> to COPY messages to sent", right? Or do you mean move... ?

The filter will have your source folder as your outbox (That's where
the message starts out.)  Put the destination folder as the SENT
folder (If you put outbox your recipient will get *lots* of copies).
Under actions use the COPY function to put a copy in some other

You can interchange Sent and the other folder, it doesn't really
matter.  Just pick a convention and stick to it so that debugging
becomes easier.

> I have a lot of trouble with filters, they often spring a few
> surprises on me :-) Please just confirm this if you get a chance!

I highly recommend the FAQ tutorial on filters.  The Kill filter part
is a bit out of date, but the rest is still applicable.

Check it out at: <>

> BTW what is the Hash: SHA1 thing for, just curious, is it to do with
> PGP, something I have never really played with?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/8
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
 on a PIII 550MHz with 192 MB RAM

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Re: Mail vanished and other strange happenings

2000-11-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Susanne,

On  Tue, 28 Nov 2000  at  01:07:08 GMT -0800 (which was 1:07 AM
where I live) witnesses say Susanne typed:

> I had to first copy it to another folder and then into the one I
> wanted it in. For some reason I couldn't move it directly to the
> intended folder (the one it was originally deleted from by
> accident).

Confirmed.  Do you think it warrants a bug report?
Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
 on a PIII 550MHz with 192 MB RAM

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Re: Mail vanished and other strange happenings

2000-11-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Susanne,

On  Mon, 27 Nov 2000  at  23:35:25 GMT -0800 (which was 11:35 PM
where I live) witnesses say Susanne typed:

>>  If you don't compress your folders very often,

> I do compress on a regular basis.

Hmm, in this case that might not be a good thing.  Hopefully you
haven't compressed since losing the message?

>>  check under Folder ->
>>  Browse deleted items.

> I tried this and it opens up one random (or so it seems to me)
> mail. When I click "Next" nothing happens. Is this how it's
> supposed to be working or is there a shortcut I'm missing?

When you open this window, go to View and make sure Message List is
ticked.  This will allow you to see all the deleted messages quickly.
If you find your message, just drag and drop it onto the folder of
your choice.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
 on a PIII 550MHz with 192 MB RAM

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Re: Mail vanished and other strange happenings

2000-11-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Susanne,

On  Mon, 27 Nov 2000  at  15:04:10 GMT -0800 (which was 3:04 PM
where I live) witnesses say Susanne typed:

> Thanks for the hint, though.

 If you don't compress your folders very often, check under Folder ->
 Browse deleted items.  Check both your Trash and the other folder.
 See if that works.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
 on a PIII 550MHz with 192 MB RAM

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Re: Default value for %AB macros (was: AB Macro usage examples)

2000-11-20 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Peter,

On  Mon, 20 Nov 2000  at  20:00:42 GMT +0100 (which was 11:00 AM
where I live) witnesses say Peter Hampf typed:

> Hello,

JA>>  %TO=""%TO='"%ABofromNAME" <%ABofromEMAIL>'
> /.../

> afaics the %AB macros are returning empty strings, if there is no
> addressbook entry defined. Right?

That's correct.  I think this is good behaviour in most cases.
However, you point out:

> It would be useful to have a defined default for this case, for example:


> The part in the brackets would only be expanded, if the part left of the
> brackets returns an empty string... .

That would be nice.  The way you've suggested implies that the part in
brackets should be user definable, right?  If so, I agree.  There are
times when a null string makes more sense than anything else (eg. Name
Prefix or Memos, etc).  But the option would be very useful.

As it is right now, the %AB macros are only really useful in Address
Book templates, with any generality.  Your suggestion would make these
macros much more general, and useful in all the multitude of other

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: TB! and memory consumption

2000-11-14 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Susanne,

On  Tue, 14 Nov 2000  at  16:16:48 GMT -0800 (which was 4:16 PM
where I live) witnesses say Susanne typed:

>> This may seem like a silly question, but how do you monitor the
>> memory usage on your computer?

> Forget about my question, I should have read further!

> I guess I'll have to download one of the programs mentioned to be
> able to monitor the memory usage.

 Well, for very basic monitoring in Win 98, you can use the System
 Monitor that comes with Windows.  It doesn't give a detailed break
 down, but for the overall scheme of things it is better than nothing.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.48 Beta/6
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Re: CRC errors

2000-11-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Quin,

On  Thu, 9 Nov 2000  at  20:14:52 GMT -0700 (which was 7:14 PM
where I live) witnesses say Quin Selman typed:

>   I've used PowerArchiver to extract the RAR files of the last two
>   betas (1.48b3 and b4). In both cases, I initially got a messages saying the files
>   had CRC errors in them. I couldn't extract them except after several
>   attempts. What are CRC errors, why are they there, and what should
>   be done? Thanks.

Did you download them with Netscape?  If you did, try downloading them
with a different browser (eg, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc) or a
dedicated FTP program.  For some reason Netscape has a habit of
corrupting certain downloads.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

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Selection mechanism in new Mail Dispatcher Question (was: Re: 1.48 Beta/4)

2000-11-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Maxim,

On  Thu, 9 Nov 2000  at  23:29:30 GMT +0200 (which was 1:29 PM
where I live) witnesses say Maxim Masiutin typed:

> Hello TBBETA!

> [*] Improved Mail Dispatcher - it is now possible to select multiple
> messages and sort by clicking the column header. At last :-)

A very fine addition indeed.  What is the new quick way to toggle a
flag for all messages?  I see the menu item, but is there some
keyboard/mouse combo that will allow us to click on the column headers
any more?  I recommend enabling the right click to do this old task.

Oh, and I really like one additional feature that's been incorporated.
If you sort on any column, select the first message and hold the shift
key while resorting on that column, you can select all messages very
quickly.  Nice touch.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

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The Bat! - bug report

2000-10-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.47 Halloween Edition
  Serial Number B2825D96
  under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:

  Include macro does not work with other macros in the argument field

  Steps to reproduce the bug:

  I want to create a way of making cookies with macros in them.  To do
  this, I created a directory called cookies on my D: drive.

  1. In D:\cookies create templates in text files, one template per
 file.  Call them cookie001.txt, cookie002.txt, etc.
  2. Create a file called index.txt  It should hold the full path and file
 name for each template.  eg It should look like:

 ---begin index.txt---
 ---end index.txt---

  3. In TB create a Template (any template) with the line


  4. Invoke this template somehow.  The %Cookie macro is not evaluated
 thus causing the %Include to fail.

Now do a similar thing with quick templates.

  1. Create the cookies in QT's and give them handles

  2. Put the list of QT cookie handles in a file, one per line.
 Say the full path name is D:\QTCookies\index.txt

  3. Put the line
 in any template.

  4. Invoke this template

  5. Notice that the QT templates are included randomly as desired.

  Januk Aggarwal

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Folder Templates Rehashed (was: Re: AUTH-UNSUB qMrHhefGtOnYhdLT45HJ6OeBzN3pmseP25vhgdHY18bYyozNYOvG2eTYoMjTjQ==)

2000-10-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Marck,

On  Sat, 28 Oct 2000  at  19:15:57 GMT +0100 (which was 11:15 AM
where I live) witnesses say Marck D. Pearlstone typed:

> using %TO in folder reply templates is a *bad* *bad* idea.

Using %CC and %BCC also have these problems.  The *only* time they are
needed in your folder template is if you expressly want a *copy* of
all messages to go to a second address.  An example of this is
messages from work should be sent to your home address or something.
But this does not change the fact that mailing list addresses should
not appear in the %TO macro of templates.

> It is a matter of incautious use of a dangerous feature.

Dangerous?  Perhaps a little melodramatic?  It's not like anyone has
sent their personal love letters or plans to take over the world to
the list at this point.

> Whatever address you *want* the reply to go to (the list server, the
> original sender, someone completely different), that address is
> *immediately* removed and replaced by the one specified by the
> template.

Clarification:  The original address is only removed if you have the
%TO="" macro in your template.  If you only have %To="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
then you will *add* [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your list of recipients.

> Once it has happened, then it is further carelessness on the part of
> the user that allows the message to be sent out to the wrong address,
> because it could be manually repaired if checked.

Yup.  This is the drawback of automation.  People tend to get careless
after the system has worked well in the past.

> The message should be clear. Use of %TO macros in folder templates is
> dangerous. IMHO it is much safer to reserve their use for Address Book
> templates only.

Why do you need the %To macro in the address book?  If you're using
the Address Book, the message will already be addressed by the time
the template kicks in.  The only time one needs the %To macro in the
reply template is to do what you do:
To: "Marck D. Pearlstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Marck D. Pearlstone on TBBETA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

But even if you do this, a specific address *never* has to be hard
coded into your templates.  The example above is accomplished by the
well known template line:


This macro results in what you see in my To: line.  As some may
notice, no address is hard coded into this template.  This is much
better in the long run.

So to break down this full discussion one more time:
[Marck, considering the number of times this is coming up, perhaps
 this should go into the welcome letter or FAQ?]

Folder level templates:
 -should *never* have a main recipient listed in the template
  i.e. Your TBBETA folder level template should *not* have
   %TO="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in it anywhere.
 -have potential pitfalls
  i.e. Hard coded addresses in %TO, %CC or %BCC macros can and usually
   will cause more problems than they are worth.
 -good for folders where recipient addresses were previously unknown
  e.g. Tech support or Sales templates may be best handled by folder
   level templates.

Address book level templates:
 -Great for addresses you know previously
  i.e. the address for this list is a well known address.  It doesn't
   vary from message to message.
 -Provide flexibility
  i.e. these work in any folder.  This is good if your filter somehow
   misses a message and leaves it in your inbox, or if you decide
   to post a message to the list while viewing some other folder
   or account.
 -Avoids the misdirected mail problems being discussed here.
 -Avoids the mailto: link problem described by Nick
 -Works regardless of how many address books you have.
 -Only useful if you *previously* know the address.  However, the
  discussion is about templates pertaining to this list.  In this case
  the address is previously known.
 -don't need %To="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" since the messages will
  *automatically* be addressed by the address book.

For mailing lists, it is practically an inescapable conclusion that
Address Book level templates are the way to go.
If you want to change how the To line looks for your replies to this
mailing list, use:


[Some sample templates could be inserted here]

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Halloween Edition
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Halloween Edition: new TBMapi.dll?

2000-10-24 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Mark,

On  Tue, 24 Oct 2000  at  08:05:26 GMT +0100 (which was 12:05 AM
where I live) witnesses say Mark Aston typed:

> Not working with M$ Word 2000 here, Word tries to Send Mail and has
> to be shut down with the Task Manager.

Try unchecking "This account is default for mailto: links"
Then when you use Word2000 to send a message, click cancel when the
account chooser dialogue comes up.  It works in that case.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: suggestion and bug

2000-10-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Marck,

On  Friday, October 13, 2000  at  01:37:17 GMT +0100 (which was 5:37 PM
where I live) witnesses say Marck D. Pearlstone typed:

> By view the kludges you can clearly see all recipients. It's not
> pretty, but it's there.

I suppose, but there is so much other junk in there.  It can be a pain
to find the info.

JA>> I think the best solution would be for the Address Auto-view
JA>> dialogue to include a tab with a textbox containing the members of
JA>> the list one per line.  Also there should be some way to indicate
JA>> who in in the sender field, To field and Cc field.  Perhaps
JA>> colours or an icon could do this job.  Alternately, the dialogue
JA>> box could have 4 extra tabs, one for each field.

> Either of these implementations would be good.

The only additional request I'd like to append is to make the dialogue
resizeable.  There is no way to estimate what will be convenient for
even a majority of users.  But as long as the dialogue box is of user
defined size and has sticky settings, the RIT guys don't have to worry
about making that decision.

JA>> It would also be nice if this system ported to the message editor
JA>> window as well.  In the message editor, Netscape Messenger 4.5 has
JA>> best system.  If you've never seen how Netscape does this part,
JA>> let me know and I'll produce a screen capture.

> I haven't. Send it to me off-list.

I posted it on TBOT in the files section:

To be correct, this is for version 4.7.  It doesn't matter what the
exact version is though, see the picture for key details.

JA>> Perhaps another possible solution would be to create a temporary
JA>> address book with the various recipients and senders as entries.
JA>> I'm not entirely sure how this would work, but it is another
JA>> solution the developers might consider.

> Sounds a bit of an overkill to me .

Ok, I'll grant you that one. :)  I was just offering yet another idea.
I really don't know how much code and/or work would be required for
each of these ideas. By offering options to the developers, hopefully
they can synthesize an even better solution.  Case and point: Colour

> Let's hope that these ideas and thoughts make an impact on the new
> work being done towards V2. I don't think I'd like to see V2 slowed
> down to have modified functionality of this magnitude in V1.

Sure that's reasonable.  V1, V2, it's all the same to me.  TB in it's
current form is quite different from the TB I registered.  A lot has
been added, and a lot has been fixed.  I'm not going to insinuate that
my suggestion has any greater priority than other suggestions.

> I know they've been proving some of the new V2 technology in the
> latest V1 upgrades but it seems to me that these new technologies
> have all been brand new features rather than enhancement to existing
> facilities. S/MIME, MAPI, new mail-base structures, etc.

I agree.  I registered with v1.35 or 1.36 (I don't remember).  The
changes between that version and the current version would be worthy
of a V2 status if it were from any other company.  Just take a look at
the length of the version 1.42 update list and all the features
since then.  It is incredible.  I'm happy that I'm not the one doing the
coding.  :)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: suggestion and bug

2000-10-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Marck,

On  Friday, October 13, 2000  at  18:33:20 GMT +0100 (which was 10:33 AM
where I live) witnesses say Marck D. Pearlstone typed:

D>> - Is there a possibilities to change the order of folders (and
D>> accounts) in the left tree ? (actually, they appear in the creation
D>> order)

> Use Alt-Drag and drop to move folders. Use Ctrl-Drag to drop a folder
> /into/ another.

Um, slight correction, Ctrl-drag does nothing, Ctrl-Alt-drag moves a
folder into another folder.

D>> - When you receive a mail with a lot of "to:" people, it's not so
D>> easy to see the entire list. (you cab display the header of course)

> You can display the header (of course) ;-).

Um, Marck, if you display the header using View->Message Header, and
your message has lots of recipients, then you don't see all of them.
TB's scrolling of this field is also quite odd.  This is one aspect
that is rather annoying in TB.  Personally, only Netscape comes close
to dealing with this situation in a good way, but even that leaves
something to be desired.  In Netscape, a list is displayed in the main
message viewer with essentially one address per line.  Not all the
addresses are shown by default but there is a little arrow that will
show the rest.  This field is treated like normal text, so
highlighting and copying are easy.

TB has the Address Auto-view option, but here the drop down list width
is much too small to see an overview of everyone who received the
message.  Also all recipient fields (To, Cc, Bcc) are merged with the
sender fields (From:) into one list. (Obviously Bcc is only applicable
for messages you've created and sent).

I think the best solution would be for the Address Auto-view
dialogue to include a tab with a textbox containing the members of the
list one per line.  Also there should be some way to indicate who in
in the sender field, To field and Cc field.  Perhaps colours or an
icon could do this job.  Alternately, the dialogue box could have 4
extra tabs, one for each field.

It would also be nice if this system ported to the message editor
window as well.  In the message editor, Netscape Messenger 4.5 has
best system.  If you've never seen how Netscape does this part, let me
know and I'll produce a screen capture.  It is a very nice solution.
Don't get me wrong, when choosing addresses from the address book (the
little rolodex icon on the address line in the message editor), TB has
a very nice interface. What needs to be added is a way to add an
address in this dialogue box that does not exist in your address book.

Perhaps another possible solution would be to create a temporary
address book with the various recipients and senders as entries.  I'm
not entirely sure how this would work, but it is another solution the
developers might consider.

However the developers choose to do this, I would really appreciate a
better visualization system to see addresses in the messages.  TB has
excellent tools available, so I'm sure it won't require much extra
code to make reading and manipulating mail just a little easier.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: unsubscribe

2000-10-13 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Giamma,

On  Friday, October 13, 2000  at  13:48:49 GMT +0200 (which was 4:48 AM
where I live) witnesses say Giamma typed:

> how about read what is written at the end of every message?

Chances are the person had folder templates defined with

So if this person clicked the mailto link below, then the list would
get a copy too.  But speaking of that, perhaps a simple filter could
be created to remove messages being sent to both the list and the
unsub address?  Create a filter with the following:

String:  Location  Presence
TB(UDL|BETA)  Recipient Yes
unsubs?c?r?i?b?e?Subject   Yes

Enable Regular Expressions and have it moved to the trash.  The '?'
characters are there so that typos would be caught.  Can anyone think
of a better way to catch typos?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Bug in %signcomplete macro

2000-10-09 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Ming-Li,

On  Monday, October 09, 2000  at  09:10:18 GMT -0700 (which was 9:10 AM
where I live) witnesses say Ming-Li typed:

> It appears that any "setting-oriented" macros (in contrast to macros
> that input text) like %Account, %From, and %signcomplete, ...etc.
> used in the default new message template are applied, unless they
> are specifically overwritten by address-book or folder templates.
> Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to overwrite the
> %signcomplete macro (is there?).

I wonder if the %clear macro would help here?  I don't have any of
this security stuff installed to test it, but it might be worth a
shot.  I wouldn't expect that it would work, but given some of the
strange macro behaviour being described, who knows?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/7
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: SOT: Browsers (was: Re: tb147b5)

2000-09-21 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello István,

On  Thursday, September 21, 2000  at  09:03:25 GMT +0200 (which was 12:03 AM
where I live) witnesses say István Szendrõ typed:

> If you want to know how secure IE is, read this:


 That article is about privacy, not security.  If you want to discuss
 it some more, let's take this to TBOT.


Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: CJK (again)

2000-08-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Assad,

On  Monday, August 28, 2000  at  23:17:24 GMT  +0400 (which was 12:17 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> Hello Thomas,

> On  28  August 2000, you wrote and made these points on the subject of
> "CJK (again)":

> Is  it  possible to view messages in other languages besides Latin
> characters with TB! even though I am using Win98 English version?

 Sure.  I had a few messages in Hindi.  It was great until I realised
 I can't read Hindi.

> Actually,  I  occasionally  receive some emails in Arabic and I am
> never  able  to  read  them  :(

 Do you have any Arabic fonts installed?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Lift bar

2000-08-19 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Er, hit the send button too quick...

>> For me the scroll-bars appear as soon as I start typing after moving the
>> cursor down or sideways.

>  That's the key, as soon as you start typing.  I think TB should
>  calculate the scroll bars based on cursor position (much like
>  spreadsheet programs do).  This shouldn't be hard since TB knows and
>  displays the cursor position anyway.

 Let me clarify.  I think TB should calculate scroll bars based on
 cursor position in addition to the existence of text.  Right now all
 this message fits on one screen for me.  If I hit page down, it is
 not immediately obvious that I still have text higher up.

 I just did a test.  I hit page down, no scroll bars.  I typed one
 character, and the scroll bars appeared.  I then deleted that
 character (backspace), scroll bars were still there.  I then hit page
 up, and the scroll bars still indicated that there was something
 further down.

 I think what is happening is that TB doesn't define the white area
 until you type something, although you can navigate to any point.  So
 when you type something, any preceding white space is then defined.
 But TB doesn't strip it again until the message is sent.  It appears
 that scroll bars are calculated on the defined space in a message.
 But this causes problems when the defined area fits completely into
 the window, and the scroll bars disappear.

 This complaint for the scroll bar behaviour is simply to reduce
 ambiguity.  With this free caret interface, the need to use the Home
 and End keys is much more prevalent.  On a keyboard like mine, that
 means the Page Up/Down keys are often hit simply due to slight
 overreach, (aka typist error).  Let me tell you, it is a bit
 unnerving to hit what you think is the End key, and find that all
 your text magically disappears.  It takes a while to realize that it
 still exists, especially the first few times it happens.
Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Lift bar

2000-08-19 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello A,

On  Friday, August 18, 2000  at  22:57:13 GMT -0500 (which was 8:57 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 18:33:45 -0700, Januk Aggarwal wrote:

JA>> 2. Something very similar. Create a new message, (or a reply, it
JA>> doesn't matter) type a couple of lines so it all fits into one
JA>> window. Now use the arrow keys, page up/down keys or scroll wheel
JA>> mouse to scroll down (or horizontally). The scroll bars do not
JA>> appear.

> For me the scroll-bars appear as soon as I start typing after moving the
> cursor down or sideways.

 That's the key, as soon as you start typing.  I think TB should
 calculate the scroll bars based on cursor position (much like
 spreadsheet programs do).  This shouldn't be hard since TB knows and
 displays the cursor position anyway.

JA>>  3.  If %Cursor is *after* %Quotes in your reply template, scroll bars
JA>>  will not appear.

> I have tried this and the scroll-bars appear. :-/ The plot thickens. Is
> this an OS specific problem? I'm using Win2k. Could be a Win98 issue.

 To tell the truth, I haven't noticed this either.  I have my reply
 template in a quick template and use the %qinclude macro.  I wonder
 if it is different if one uses the folder level or account level

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Mailto forms from Netscape

2000-07-28 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Javier,

On  Friday, July 28, 2000  at  04:50:08 GMT +0200 (which was 7:50 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

>I have no problems getting the mailto links to call up The Bat!
> from  IExplorer,  or  even  Opera, i.e., I think The Bat! is correctly
> configured  as my default mailer, and it should be used for the mailto
> URLs;  however,  I have been unable to get this to work with Netscape,
> it always uses the Messenger. Do you know if there is any way to avoid
> this (as I'm currently copying & pasting the addresses in The Bat!)?

  Leif Gregory maintains this information on his FAQ site.  A direct


  Or if that link doesn't work, go to  and select Mailto

  For more FAQ fun,

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.45 S/MIME
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Delete behaviour (Was: Re: The Bat! 1.45 Beta/5 is now available)

2000-07-02 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Ipswitch,

On  Saturday, July 01, 2000  at  13:43:35 GMT -0400 (which was 10:43 AM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> It's kind of weird in that, when I delete a message from my Inbox,
> TheBat then zooms up to the top of the list. If I'm working halfway
> down the list, the program shouldn't lose my place.

 Are you sure it happens when deleting only a single message?  This is
a known behaviour when deleting a thread or multiple messages at once.
Also, where are you deleting from?  Are you deleting from the message
list in the main Bat window or are you deleting from the message
window (the window you get when you double click on a message)?

> Maybe I just didn't notice this behavior before...

 It existed in all previous versions that I've used as I mentioned

> I have sort by received time, display all messages, and thread by
> references enabled.

 Same as me.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.45 Beta/1
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Weird GIF display???

2000-06-21 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello MaXx,

On  Wednesday, June 21, 2000  at  01:30:02 GMT -0700 (which was 1:30 AM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

>  I can not confirm.  If I use the tabs in the preview pane or in the
>  opened message, the file is not really viewable, but it as Allie
>  described.  With 'Options->Use External Viewer' deselected, double
>  clicking on the attachment gives me a pop up TB window with the image
>  displayed correctly.  With 'Options->Use External Viewer' selected,
>  double clicking on the attachment launches my default image viewer,
>  IrfanView.

 I noticed that I wrote the previous message from v1.44, but the
 behavior is the same in 1.45 Beta/1 here.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.45 Beta/1
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

I have an imaginary friend who refuses to play with me.

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Re: Weird GIF display???

2000-06-21 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello MaXxX,

On  Tuesday, June 20, 2000  at  08:20:18 GMT +0200 (which was 11:20 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> Hello Jast,
> Tuesday, June 20, 2000, 8:33:26 PM, you wrote:

J>> Morning MaXxX,

>>> Just look at how The Bat displays the attached file...
>>> Seems to be in a very strange language, doesn't it? :)

J>>  English is indeed a very weird language. For ancient egyptians ;)

> Okay, wise guy, just take the file to any graphics editing application
> and do a total Vertical Flip. NOW try to read those words!
> That's how my Bat displays the file with its own internal viewer:
> upside down!

>>> Now save it and view with, let's say, MSIE.
>>> Yup! This particular file was displayed topsy-turvy! :)

J>>  Try not viewing it in the tab preview. Seems like that's your
J>>  problem. In windowed image viewer of TB it displayed just fine.

> And with mine it's upside-down  :(

 I can not confirm.  If I use the tabs in the preview pane or in the
 opened message, the file is not really viewable, but it as Allie
 described.  With 'Options->Use External Viewer' deselected, double
 clicking on the attachment gives me a pop up TB window with the image
 displayed correctly.  With 'Options->Use External Viewer' selected,
 double clicking on the attachment launches my default image viewer,

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.44
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Bug: Adressbook selecting with CTRL

2000-06-01 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Thomas,

On  Thursday, June 01, 2000  at  11:07:26 GMT +0200 (which was 2:07 AM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> Hello TBBETA,

> I'm using The Bat! Version 1.44
> under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 4
> and would like to report a bug

> The bug description:

> While sorting my addressbook I stumbled over this little Bug:

> If you are selecting Addresses using the CTRL key you cannot de-select
> the last entry you selected you first have to select or de-select
> another entry to to this!

> Steps to reproduce the bug:

> 1) go to addressbook
> 2) select some addresses using CTRL key
> 3) try to de-select the last address you selected

 Confirmed.  Did you notice that when you select an address you get
 the line highlighted, but then you get a second "selection
 highlighting" that highlights just one column of that line?  I can't
 describe it any better than that, since I've never seen anything like
 it before, except maybe in a spreadsheet program.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.44
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

I have an imaginary friend who refuses to play with me.

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Re: Spell checker query

2000-06-01 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Chris,

On  Wednesday, May 31, 2000  at  20:14:36 GMT +0100 (which was 12:14 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> Can I alter the English language spell checker to automatically
> coorect lower case i to upper case I ? It is a bad habit I have not
> pressing the shift key hard enough to always capitalize the letter i,
> and an auto correct of the single letter would be neat.

 Un/fortunately no.  TB's editor has an option for autocorrect, but
 what that does is underline the misspelt word with a square wave
 instead of the triangular wave.  Then you can just double right click
 on the word to fix it.

 So it doesn't do what you suggested exactly, but it is kind of
 convenient.  For example, I have some common contractions in my
 autocorrect list.  Usually, I like to expand 'btw' into 'by the way'
 but not always (like right now).  So I don't have to fight with the
 editor to get things to be the way I intend.  This is a mixed
 blessing, so it's hard to have strong feelings on this one.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.44
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

How many  does it take to change a lightbulb?
 And you think  are stupid?

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