Re[2]: vampirex plugin naw ruz edition avalaible to download

2003-03-23 Thread Task Control
Hi tbdev at

In the past Alexey was post:

ANV> Hey! Remember me? I have translated an interface of PacSpam (aka
ANV> Vampire) some time ago...
if you make a translate of the actual files, i'm very happy.

ANV> Now  I  am  about  finishing  my own filter
congratulations, i woulfd like test it.

ANV> -  based  on  completely another principle of regarding spam. The
ANV> idea  is  baesyan  method. Good [...] the moment I collected only
ANV> 500 :(.
Yeah, i was read about this, i do not like it, because your collected
spam files are not my spam files, the method is great, but, each user
need have a spam collection.

ANV> I  just want to ask some question to you - because you also wrote
ANV> your  own  Vampire  and of course know what to deal with The Bat!
ANV> interface.

ANV> how  it  is possible to know EXACT size of a part? If I just call
ANV> the  function  with  NULL  as  a bufer and zero as a size - can I
ANV> receive a necessary size as result?

  procedure GetStr(Idx: Integer; VAR str_part: string;
 VAR size_part: integer);
I : Integer;
Result := '';
  I := GetData(MsgID, Idx, nil, 0);
  if I > 0 then
if I > Sz then
  ReallocMem(P, I);
  Sz := I;
I := GetData(MsgID, Idx, P, Sz);
size_part:=I; { < LOOK HERE }
if I > 0 then SetString(Result, P, I);
  Result := '';
  end; {GetStr}

ANV> And two other question - when you filtering a text letter by Vampire,
ANV> what are you doing with such things:
ANV> http://W%57%57.%42%49%4cET%49%4b.G%49S%49S.R%55 instead of real URL?

I'm looking for a external library that change valid html code to a
simple text code.

I'm waiting the complete interface with decoded body support.

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampirex plugin naw ruz edition avalaible to download

2003-03-21 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev at

  I wish you a happy Naw-Rúz and the best for the new year.

  today (160-01-01) i updated the plugin vampirex

  - new non-letters
  - save expert mode configuration
  - a picture of me :-)

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampireX 159-19-16BE avalaible

2003-03-17 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev at

  you can download it in

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampireX 159-19-10BE avalaible

2003-03-11 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev  at
   and tbbeta at

   in you can download
   the last version of this plugin.

   Thanks testers for your help.

   - New editor, to make filters easy.
   - New method to save the log.

   PD: tomorrow i'll take holidays, i'll back this sunday
Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

new beta of vampire-x to test

2003-03-09 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev at
   tbbeta at

  in you can found the
  last beta.

  more usefull editor.
  rewrited log files.

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampireX avalaible: 159-19-7BE and BETA 159-19-8BE

2003-03-08 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev at

  i  was published the last versions of vampire in the the web site of
  the proyect

  changes 159-19-7BE:
  - minimize probability of IO/32 error
  - minor size, firsttime.exe was dead
  - cosmetic changes in gui (interface)
  - new more readble format in log files

  changes BETA 159-19-8BE:
  - new editor to make filter more easy

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: VampireX beta

2003-03-07 Thread Task Control
Hi tbdev at

In the past Leif was post:

LG> - It's installed in my The Bat folder
LG> - I've created the rules (and tested my syntax with the rule tester
LG>   software).

LG> - I can't get a simple $9.00 when filtering as mbody=#$# to be moved
LG>   to the junk folder.
the mbody support *do not work* because the ritlbas interface for
plugin are not ready yet. see the faq.

LG> Also, is the RAW message the entire message, such as HTML code?
LG> Meaning someone sends me an HTML message is the BODY part of the RAW
LG> message?
auto send you a html mail, and next see the plugin.log.txt in the
vampire's folder. You can see the format of the raw messages.

And you see the attach and body empty :-)

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

feature request for the plug'ins interface

2003-03-06 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbbeta at
   and tbdev  at

  Anybody of ritlbas can see it?

  - When the score say to the bat "delete". The bat would mark the
  message as read and move it to the "Trash" folder.  All people have
  rules to automatic delete messages in the trash and always some *no
  spam* will be clasified like spam.

  - Two times filtering, the idea is:
# The Bat! download the header (like selective download)
# The Bat! ask to plug'in if it a spam (whit only sender, header,
subject information)
# If the score for it is delete: do not download mail and delete
it in the server.
# If the score for it is not delete, download the mail
# The Bat! ask to plug'in if it a spam (with all information)
# the process continue like 1.63 Beta 7

  -  The  method ShellExecute(path : string) in the button [configure]
  we can put in the string the path to a gui for the plugin.

Thanks for reading,

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire X 159-19-4 avalaible

2003-03-05 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev at

  Is uploades the last version of plugin vampireX.
  News (002a reference):
  - logic filter language
  - new gui
  - software to make easy the migration (converter and tester of
  - external images filter
  - size of log feature
  - size of mail feature (no more big mails crash)
Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 C

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Vampire: vampireX big update in betas

2003-03-02 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev arroba

  In (in betas)

  you can find the 159-19-2BE Beta version of VampireX *do not* install
  VampireX in your Vampire's Folder.

  - new filters language, now you can mix the parts of the mail. See help in 
  - size of mail filter (prevent's big mail crash)
  - external images filter
  - vampire to vampirex automatic migrate software
  - software to check and edit your filters

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: vampire first X series avalaible... news: filter language tosearch mixed spam

2003-03-02 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Task en su momento posteó:

TC>   in clic in beta
TC>   you can find the first of the X series of vampire.
sorry for the language (english version uploades now)

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire first X series avalaible... news: filter language to searchmixed spam

2003-03-02 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev arroba

  in clic in beta

  you can find the first of the X series of vampire.

  test it and enjoy it.

  - language for rules
  - tester for the new rules

  working in:
  - external images filter
  - size of mail filter
  - software to migrate from vampire to VampireX


Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire 002 now ready

2003-03-02 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que David en su momento posteó:

DvZ> One quick question: in the previous versions there was a log file.
DvZ> That was a great way to test the plug-in. But now it's gone. Can you
DvZ> please re-introduce it?
It is here, i do not change this. Well, if you close and reopen the
bat, the log file will erased.

DvZ> P.S.: the plug-in now catches almost 90% of all the spam I get.
Thanks for the information.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: VampireX: logical filter language considerations

2003-03-01 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que NetVicious en su momento posteó:

N> Hello Task,

N> Well, I think if you use a strange character (or a group of it) in the
N> rules  files  it  will be better. If you make a good gui anybody would
N> need to edit manually the files.
I can make a better gui to use special characters, but the simplest
way to make a logical expresions freely is using Reverse Polish
Notation (RPN) in the gui, like HP48 calculator.

I'm happy with RPN, but i don't know if with this will be easy for
the end user.

N> If  someone  wants  to  send one rules file it will need to zip it and
N> send as attachment to the list.
yeah, is the best method, because is you send mail with words that i
can find in spam, the filters will be stop this mail.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

i need info about getdata and setstring procedure.

2003-03-01 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev arroba

  In vampire i'm working in the big mail crash problem. I need info
  about the workingo of the function "getdata".

  The code in the plugin to get the mail is:

  function GetStr(Idx: Integer): String;
I : Integer;
{J : Integer;}
Result := '';
  I := GetData(MsgID, Idx, nil, 0);
  if I > 0 then
if I > Sz then
  ReallocMem(P, I);
  Sz := I;
I := GetData(MsgID, Idx, P, Sz);
if I > 0 then SetString(Result, P, I);
  Result := '';
  end; {GetStr}

  I'm thinking in this modification
if I > 0 then
   if i>5 then SetString(Result, P, 5)
   else SetString(Result, P, I);

  My hope is: When this modification if the string is larger than
  5 bytes, the string will be truncated to 5 bytes.

  ¿5 is to big? ¿please sugestions about a better value?
Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

VampireX: logical filter language considerations

2003-02-28 Thread Task Control
Hellow tbdev arroba

  Now i'm working in the new version of my plugin, well, i'm
  developing a filters language, the details are:

  Filters language.
  The filter have 4 components:
  - record: snder, sbjct, mbody, attch, headr or rwmsg.
  - have the word?: = to say yes, - to say not.
  -  type  of  string:  "  for  complete, # for partial, % for regular
  - string to search: the word that you are looking for.

  for example:
  a. the subject must constain the complete word: 'porn'.

  b. the raw message have not the partial word: 'full'.

  c. the header have not the regular expression: 'b.b'.

  Logical language.
  You can use filters mixed with '(', ')', or '+', and '*'.

  reading  the  example:  (if  the  header  constain the complete word  OR  in  the  subject  the plugin can find the regular
  expression  fre+)  AND the header does not contains the partial word

  The  case  unsensitive  words:  'snder',  'sbjct', 'mbody', 'attch',
  'headr', 'rwmsg', are reserved words and can't be used in "string to

sbjct="my headr is good" < not valid

  Tip: you can use regex's to search this strings:
sbjct=%my hea{1}dr is good% < valid to search the same.

  The  separators  '"',  '%',  '#'  can't be used in the same "string to

sbjct=#mi#string# < not valid
sbjct=#mi%string# < valid

  the simbols : '(', ')', '+', '*', '=', '-' can be used in "string to

sbjct="get porn (free)" < valid

  Warning: Spaces out of strings *are not* valid!.
   (headr = ""+sbjct = %fre+%)  <-- not valid
   (headr="" + sbjct=%fre+%)<-- not valid
   ( headr=""+sbjct=%fre+%) <-- not valid
   (headr=""+sbjct=%fre+ gift%) <-- valid
   In the plugin you will have only three files: secure, trash, and
   suspect, and each line in the file will be a filter.
   Some people says: If the mail returns true for 5 suspect filters,
   this mail is trash. ¿what did you think about?

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire 002 now ready

2003-02-28 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Marck en su momento posteó:

MDP> Yes.

MDP> 1) Only scan the first 50kb.
MDP> 2) Don't scan binary attachments.
When i recibed the parts of the mail, in the raw message, i recibed
the "complete mail", i'm seeking how we can recibed only a part of the
raw message.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: Ask on Vampire-Plugin

2003-02-28 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Thomas en su momento posteó:

TM> because i can't test it (running SpamPal ) a lot, can anybody now tell
TM> me if this Plugin is functioning well or not. In special the
TM> attachment filtering? I tested some parts, working sometimes,
TM> sometimes not.

The ritlabs the bat's interface for plugins are not ready yet: in
beta7 are not working attach, body filters, but we can filter it using
the raw message option.

Some people says: when recibed a very big mail (2 or more MB) the
plugin crash, i'm working in it.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire updated to 002b2

2003-02-23 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba next clic en "betas"

  "I/O 32 error" solved, thanks Arkadiusz Gawlik
  no more c:\some_file.ini now registry of windows.
  btn_seguro8 text bug solved (bug introduced in 002b1)

  Thanks for your comments.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Antispam filtering conception...

2003-02-23 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Alexey en su momento posteó:

i was read your concept about spam filtering, and i ¿how can i make
it? and the answer was: i don't know. whitout talking about the rules,
we need analize each phrase of the mail, to know is it a spam.

Today  i can't individualize each phrase (the support for decoded body
is  not  ready  yet), but when i can individualize it, to analize it i
need  a  powerfull  programing  language  (the traditional programings
languages  i.e:  pascal,  c, lisp, ada *do not* work for it) we need a
new programing language with A.I. (artificial inteligence)

If  you  send  me a ocx that analize a phrase and this say me if it or
nor  a  spam,  i make a plug'in uses your ocx to analice al phrases of
the mail, and statical define the score of the e-mail.

In  spanish  a  simple  regular  verb has 72 verbal forms (72 cases of
distints  words with the same verb), i can make rules to analize this.
*but* for the irregular verbs are *not posible* because i can't make a
rules  to  analize.  Maybe  in  russian,  german,  chinesse  or  other
languages the situation is similar.

how  can i make a machine that analize this, maybe a sis years old boy
can  tell  me  if  a  mail  is  spam or not. but a computer? we need a
software called human language interpreter, and maybe it do not exists

Remenber:  The  machine is used to automatize, the human brain is used
to think.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: Bayesian SPAM filtering

2003-02-23 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que James en su momento posteó:

JO> Bayesian  filters  need to be fed spam and good email messages and
JO> it  begins  to  learn  the  difference between the two. So, a user
JO> needs  a  way  to  submit  large quantities of both. This could be
JO> implemented  a  number  of  ways..  [...] "learn ham" function, of
JO> course  :)  [...]

The  easy  way:  Today  we  can select a lot of messages and we have a
secondary mouse button, with a lot of options... add two: "it is spam"
and  "it  is  a  good  mail", when a user select a mail (or a group of
mails)  and click (or hot-key) the options you export this to a folder
in a simple text format (whitout attachments please).

When  a  plug'in  starts,  it  can analize the folder, learn about the
patterns,  add  it  to anti-spam plugin database and clean the folder.
(or two folders)

Maybe  you can make a similar function to capture texts from the spam,
the  user  mark  the word (or phrase) secondary-mouse-button, click in
two  options:  it's  a  bad  string, it's good string, and export this
texts  to a simple text file. - for vampire if you put a third option:
"it's  a  suspect string" my work (and the work of vampire users) will
be easier -

Thanks a lot.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Bayesian SPAM filtering

2003-02-23 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Stefan en su momento posteó:

ST> The  thing  stated  in  the subject can be supported if we provide
ST> some  additional  features for plug-ins like adding menu commands,
ST> am I right?
we  are  replacing  the  menu  commands  with a external configuration
utilities, today i need more information of the mail and the user from
the bat!:

- the size of the mail [KB]
- the decoded body and the list of atachments. (separed with ','
- a list of mails from the address book's.

in we was talking about a two times spam filter:

¿what  is  this?  if  we  have  a second method to know the score like
TBP_GetScoreBeforeDownloading, we can filter the mail with the sender,
the subject, and the kludges, the list of attachments, say to the bat!
the  score  and  with  this  you  decide if the mail was donwloaded or
deleted   in   the   server   whitout   downloading.  (like  selective

Next with the actual interface, the plug'in analizes the complete mail
to define a score, and now it's works like 1.63beta3 to beta7.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire with support to regular expressions uploaded

2003-02-22 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  a  beta  version  for  test,  this  time  with  support  to  regular
  expressions, you can get it, and test from:

  news in the version:
  - new way to make the international support
  - regular expressions
  - syntax check utility for regex's
Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: PACSPAM words list

2003-02-22 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

LG> BTW, I thought you had mentioned releasing the source for the plugin.
i was publishes the code of pacspam.

Did you remember pacspam 0.09c (the version that mark all to a spam) I
puted  the  old  code  in  the garbage, because, i could fix it. And i
rewrite all the plug'in.

LG> Are you still planning that?
maybe, i don't know.

LG> I would love to look at it. I don't know much programming, but I'd
LG> love to play with it.
some  people  are  help  me  with  the  the  plug'in, maybe you can do
something, i would like a website dedicated to (¿how can i say
"intercambiar"?) the filters list.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: PACSPAM words list

2003-02-22 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

LG> Hello users,

LG> Well, here again are my current list of words. These have been tweaked
LG> over and over since PACSPAM came out, and so far,

LG> the only ones getting through right now are the ones completely in
LG> Russian,  or  Korean.  Anyone  have  any thoughts on being able to
LG> filter those ones?
easy, capture the ascii chars that represents this words and put it's
in your list files.

LG> The problem I'm having filtering on those is trying to find "words"
LG> (quoted, because it all looks like garbage on my screen), which would
LG> be more or less common in all of them.
maybe you can filter using the name of the table of codification, i
think you can find it in the raw message.

LG> So, these words are in the UNKNOWN / BODY / COMPLETE WORDS list. I'd
LG> really like to see other people's lists too. Once I'm happy that
LG> nothing is being caught that shouldn't. I'll move this words list into
LG> the TRASH tab.

¿why you are not using "vampire"? i was abandoned the developed of
pacspam because, ... in the pacspam page you can find the explain.
You can use your pacspam list in vampire.

LG> :pacSpam - unknow list
LG> :
LG> :
if you put the list of words in the body, the plug'in can say: "it is
spam", you know, ¡a lot of words from spam! please zip it (or rar it)
when you send.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire updated now 0.01c

2003-02-22 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Luc en su momento posteó:


L>  Good evening Task,
L> It was foretold that on 22-2-2003 @ 16:50:28 GMT-0400 (which was
L> 21:50:28 where I live) Task Control would mumble:
TC>> the  firsttime  was  puted  in  the  same  directory  that we have put
TC>> vampire?  you see the correct directory in the title of the windows in
TC>> the  cionfioguration  utility?

L> Yes

TC>>including c:\vampire.ini

L> Question first: does the vampire.ini file need to be in the same
L> directory as vampire?
no, vampire only works is "vampire.ini" is it in "c:\", in the nexts
releases i move the information of vampire.ini to the register of

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire updated now 0.01c

2003-02-22 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Luc en su momento posteó:

L>  Good evening Task,
L> It was foretold that on 22-2-2003 @ 23:44:08 GMT-0400 (which was
L> 4:44:08 where I live) Task Control would mumble:
TC>> well, in
L>  i have installed version b and then version c in C:\Program Files\The
L>  Bat!\Spam plugin\Vampire\  and configured TB! to use the plugin.
L>  Vampire doesn't do anything. Firsttime.exe has been executed  and TB!
L>  has been closed and opened. Button save checked has also been
L>  clicked.

the  firsttime  was  puted  in  the  same  directory  that we have put
vampire?  you see the correct directory in the title of the windows in
the  cionfioguration  utility?  this  directory are the same directory
that the

L>  The first version of Vampire i installed in a separate folder and
L>  that did work.
The first version (a) and (c) are the same algorithm with minimals
modifications. Maybe if you install the 0.01c version in the same
place that you was installed the old version.
¿are you sure that you was executed the correct firttime.exe file?

L>  Suggestions?
close  the  bat, open the bat, autosend you litle mail, that mail need
have  a  some  search  criteria,  send  me  the  ini files, (including
c:\vampire.ini) and a log.txt file to see and study it.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

help with regular expressions

2003-02-21 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  Hi, i'm working in a regular expresions (regex's) filter in vampire,
  i use the freeware TRegExpr, avalaible in

  The regex's are complete new for me. I discover it today :-) and i
  have the nexts questions.

  To procces the texts of the mails in vampire, i use first the
  uppercase function (i.e: uppercase(GooGLe) = GOOGLE), my questions

  - what happened if i applied uppercase function to a regular
  expression. ¿it's will work fine?
  - ¿what is better?
a. tell to plug'in user: your mails will be converted to a
"uppercase letters" to be processed. Make your regex's filters
accord this.
b. in silence convert the expresions and mail texts to uppercase.
  - did you like see a regex's filter in vampire?
  ¿anyone knows a good regular expresions guide? please reply with the

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[3]: Regular expressions in AntiSpam: is it possible?

2003-02-21 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Alexey en su momento posteó:

ANV>>> it possible to use the regular expression machine from
ANV>>>Tne Bat! in a custom antispam filter?..
ANV> I think this is not necessary now at all! I found the reference and
ANV> ready realization on (as the pcre.dll, size
ANV> 48kB).
can you explain what are your idea. i was read the pcre documentation
and I don't undertand: "what are you thinking men" please, explain

first question: what is a regular expression.

ANV> If  you want, you can also use it! It makes a life much more easy
ANV> :).  I  think  that  The  Bat  uses  the  same one but statically
ANV> linked...  If  it  is  possible to ask the developers to use this
ANV> library  as  dynamically linked (i.e. as DLL file), then it would
ANV> be possibly to use in a custom plugin without specially deploying
ANV> the dll.
we can make a plug'in that call a dll, and use the dll in the bat!

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire updated now 0.01c

2003-02-21 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  well, in

  minor bug solved with complete word search.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire "to do list"

2003-02-21 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

i  was  recibed  a  lot  of mails with extras to vampire, is we put it
here, it's to easy for me develop it.
The list begins with:
- use registry of windows and not c:\vampire.ini
- change the rutine to knows is a word really it is a complete word.
- learn about pcre.dll ( and investigate if it can
be use on a plug-in (maybe vampire, maybe another)

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire first release avalaible

2003-02-21 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Peter en su momento posteó:

I will use the registry of windows in the nexts releases, maybe in a

PP> I'm  just  curious  if  I  miss  something  when not understanding
PP> "Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba"
in english: hello users of tbdev at

well "Se despide" is "Say bye", "Usando" is "using"
Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[4]: i need better idea to know if a complete word *really it's*a complete word

2003-02-20 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Kevin en su momento posteó:

KJMJ> What about using UNICODE instead of ASCII?

  the "ritlabs the bat" interface for plugins export the records of
  the mail in ascii format. Sorry, but i couldn't change it.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: i need better idea to know if a complete word *really it's*a complete word

2003-02-20 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Kevin en su momento posteó:

KJMJ> Is there any reason you're not using toupper() or tolower() (or
KJMJ> some equivalent in whatever language you're dealing with)?
yeah, i use it: in delphi is uppercase() but the problem is other, the
problem   is  with  that  letters  that  changed  with  the  diferents
codifications of windows.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire first release avalaible

2003-02-20 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que ArekG en su momento posteó:

A> Hash: SHA1

A> Hello Task,

A> On Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 4:21:40 AM, you wrote in subject of
A> "vampire first release avalaible":

TC>>   - works in our directory
A>I've installed in directory 'C:\Program Files\The
A>Bat!\Plugins\Vampire\', added in TB! configuration but plugin seems
A>not to work...
¿Did you really install it or only copy files?
¿The firsttime.exe was been executed once time ago?
¿The   c:\vampire.ini   file  has  constains  the  string:  C:\Program
Files\The Bat!\Plugins\Vampire\?
¿did you close and open the bat!?
¿you click in the button save checked?

please active vampire, desactive another plugins, close the bat, open
the bat, send you a litle mail with a know subject, mark in vampire
list some word in this subject as suspect mail. Download it mail. Next
see your log.txt file. If the file is little please compress it and
send me.

TC>>   - only write one file out of directory: "c:\vampire.ini"
A>Why this file is located in root directory of disk C: (or any root
A>directory of any disk)?
The problem with the bat! are the execution directory of the plugin
some times are the bat directory, another times the plugin directory,
and others times a windows\desktop directory

In  this file i put your vampire directory. I need save this file in a
place that never change, and with next i use in the plug'in:
(example to read scores)

   root,f_scores: textfile;
   temp,rootdir: string;


Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

i need better idea to know if a complete word *really it's* acomplete word

2003-02-20 Thread Task Control
off-topic: Vampire 0.01b! is avalaible in

Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  well i have a question, i use a simple algorith to know if a word is
  a  complete  word,  for example i search the complete word "lion" in
  "animals: lion, cat, dog, mule"

  zero  step:
  "animals: lion, cat, dog" changed to "ANIMALS: LION, CAT, DOG"
  "lion" changed to "LION
  first step:
 ¿it the string here? YES

  second step
 ¿is not a letter? YES
  third step
 ¿is not a letter? YES

  Well  to  know  if a letter or number i use the next criterium: if a
  character  ascii  number  (is bigger than 65 and shorter than 90) or
  (is bigger than 48 and shorter than 57) returns true.

  Well if you use a non traditional ascii chars (for example Ñ in
  spanish or anothers in others languages) can pass it:

  "ANIMALES: ÑANDU, LEON, PERRO", search for complete word ANDU

 ^  (isn't a letter)
  ^ (isn't a letter)


  i need a better idea.
Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

vampire first release avalaible

2003-02-19 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  vampire is avalaible in

  changes (pacspam compared)
  - new name :-)
  - new code in the plug'in (i rewrite 90% of the code)
  - body, atachments support (but not supported by the bat 1.63beta5
  or earlier)
  - works in our directory
  - only write one file out of directory: "c:\vampire.ini" and this
  file it is for save the name of the directory where vampire it is.
  - partial and completed words support in senders
  - when you reinstall you *do not* lost your lists and ini files.
  - status bar (for tool tip texts)
  - fully tested

  my  apologies  for the bugs in the past, well, in pacspam i have two
  bug problems (solutioned yet):

  - the "execution directory" (aleatory it is the_bat.exe directory or
  the plug'in directory)

  -  i  do not know if a part of the the bat! ritlabs plugin interface
  are actives or not. ¿did you remember the attachment bug? it was be
  a the bat! problem and i was worked killing the bug (and it's not a
  bug) for four days.
  enjoy it!

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

pacSpam project is closed, vampire proyect is opened

2003-02-19 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

   pacSpam was be a great dream, but the proyect has a lot of

   -  another  software  company was taken the name "pacspam" earlier.
   :-( well, i was think that name was be "original"
   - the code have a lot of bugs, well win-dependant bugs.
   - the code have a lot of patches (hundreds), is not a clean code.

   pacspam proyect conclutions

   - it easy make a plug-in fot the bat!
   - the interface for plug-ins made by ritlabs is not complete now.
   - it's easy make a multilingual gui
   - the last stable version is 0.09, the last perfect version is 0.02

   all the knowledge of pacspam plugin will be used in a new plug'in:
   "vampire" (¿this name it's free?) this plug'in have the nexts
   "caracteristicas" now:

   - re-use pacspam gui, with a new code. ready.
   - re-use pacspam file method (save your pacspam files now). ready.
   - re-use of the pacspam language files. thanks a lot.
   - complete rewrite of the plug'in code. i'm working in it now.
   - inteligent installer (you do not lost your spam lists) ready.
   - full support for the "non ritlabs yet ready" plug'in interface.
   working in it now.
   - log support. ready.

   Maybe this nigth at 4am (GMT Time) i will upload all the ready
   components, maybe you can play with the interface whitout have the
   plugin ready.

   more info this nigth (4am GMT Time) at pacspam web page
   ( i will
   put in this site a link to Vampire! plug'in proyect page.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

anyone knows a fake pop3 server

2003-02-19 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  Hi, i use a dial-up high cost conection... i need a local emulation
  of a pop3 server to make tests a plug-ins

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: pacSpam 0.091c

2003-02-17 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que DG en su momento posteó:

i only change the method to know the actual directory.

DRS> Besides  any  install  issues,  that I have crept around, has any
DRS> core  component  changed  or  can  I remain with the 0.09a I have
DRS> working properly?

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

pacSpam 0.091c

2003-02-17 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  0.091c uploaded at


  thanks a lot for your help.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: pacspam 0.91a avalaible for download

2003-02-17 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Marck en su momento posteó:

MDP> baseFolder := ExtractFileDir( ParamStr( 0));

yeah!!! works thanks a lot.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: pacspam 0.91a avalaible for download

2003-02-17 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

The code says '.\filename.txt' i think the the bat! executes the
plug'in in the the bat root folder, and pacspam.exe (the configurator)
executes in the directory that it is.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: pacspam 0.91a avalaible for download

2003-02-16 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Task en su momento posteó:

  some people say me: "pacspam do not work"
  another peoples says: "yeah, works! it wonderfull"

  well, now it not working for my ;-( but... for some people yes.

  i published the delphi code of pacspam, all of us can make it the
  first open-source plug-in for the bat!

TC> Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

TC> You can download and test version 0.91a

TC> New features of plug'in:
TC> - active/descative rules
TC> - a little bug fixed with stop processing
TC> - kludges filter
TC> - new interface
TC> - installer file

TC> the url is the same:
TC> Please test carefully attachment support.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: Hmmm, any ideas on this one?

2003-02-16 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que tracer en su momento posteó:

t> Capital first letter???
none, i use this code:
text_body := trim(uppercase(mail.text_body));

when mail.text_body are the interface of the bat of the text body
for plugins

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Hmmm, any ideas on this one?

2003-02-16 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

  i don'k know. maybe the problem is the size of the string, i use the
  tbtest model get the raw text ans it is puted in a string. ¿what is
  the maximun length of this string? in delphi i don't know.

  i'm waiting the plug-in interface from ritlabs to optimizing the

LG> Hello users,

LG> Ok, you've all seen my list of completed words, but this one
LG> (attached) still ended up in my inbox. The *only* filters I have
LG> active (no secured filters, no trash filters) is the Completed words
LG> for Unknown BODY.

LG> Matches should have been:

LG> Financial
LG> Money
LG> %
LG> $

LG> Anyone see why the attached text made it through?

LG> And I'm only testing Pacspam .91a right now, I don't have any other
LG> Anti-spam plugins running.

LG> Thanks.

LG> Cheers,
LG> Leif Gregory 

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: pacspam 0.91a avalaible for download

2003-02-16 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

lg> (which I assume overrides the trash and unknowns).
yeah, if a secure condition returns true *always* the score that
pacspam returns it's the secure score.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Forgot to ask on Pacspam

2003-02-16 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

  The  addresses  it's  only  about the sender (register FROM), if you
  need  search  another  register (TO, REPLY-TO, RETURN-PATH) you need
  put it in the header's list.

  The  bat's  plug-in  interface  do  not  provide  a direct method to
  analize  the  to, reply-to, and return path register. But i can make
  it analizing the header, it's not easy but it's posible.
  Maybe i need change the word "addresses" by "senders" to make more
  intuitive the interface.

LG> Hello users,

LG> The addresses portion of Pacspam, will that work on any address (FROM,
LG> TO, REPLY-TO, RETURN-PATH). I'm wondering if by putting the TB list
LG> addresses in the secured addresses section if they will be fine (as
LG> REPLY-TO addresses).

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

pacspam 0.91a avalaible for download

2003-02-16 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

You can download and test version 0.91a

New features of plug'in:
- active/descative rules
- a little bug fixed with stop processing
- kludges filter
- new interface
- installer file

the url is the same:
Please test carefully attachment support.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: plug-in atachment interafce

2003-02-15 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que NetVicious en su momento posteó:

  yeah, i use it, but *do not* work. :-(

N> Do the same using after this piece of code.
N>   S := Trim(UpperCase(GetStr(mpidMessageAttachments)));

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: second version of pacpsam now avalaible (english version now)

2003-02-15 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que tracer en su momento posteó:

t> Hello Task Control,
t> Any idea why the configure button doesnt do anything in the Bat when
t> selecting a plugin??

yeah, i do not have the The bat! plug-in interface, i whitout this i
can't use this interface.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

plug-in atachment interafce

2003-02-15 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

  Hi, i need a example of a filter the mail by the attach, the library
  TBPtest  (the  original  example  for  plug'in)  speaking  about   a
  "mpidMessageAttachments   =   12;   //  a  CR-delimited  list  of

  and  i  couldn't  work with this, well, i can woprk whith it but *do
  not work*

  i would like a version of:

S := Trim(UpperCase(GetStr(mpidMessageSubject)));
// this is just a sample, it is possible to use virtually all data from a message to
// analyze it!
if Copy(S, 1, 4) = 'ADV:' then Result := 70;
if (Pos('TEEN', S) > 0)  or (Pos('PORN', S) > 0) or (Pos('ADULT', S) >
if (Pos('TEEN', S) > 0)  or (Pos('LOANS', S) > 0) or (Pos('(GET CASH',
if (Pos('TEEN', S) > S) > 0)
or (Pos('ADV:', S) > 0) or (Pos('ENLARGE YOUR', S) > 0) then Result := 80;

but for atachments.

 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: second version of pacpsam now avalaible (english version now)

2003-02-14 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que tracer en su momento posteó:

t> 1. readme is in spanish
and in german :) yeah, i'm working in a code, mi english is not good.

t> 2.  A  lot  of  spam  can  be  intercepted  by  the addressee being
t> checked... No button for it...
can  you explain it please. i don't understand this: "by the addressee
being checked... "

in the addresses list you can put complete addresses or only the
"server" it's valid for example:

--- begin of file
: <--- this is a comment
--- end of file

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Pacspam Plugin

2003-02-14 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que DG en su momento posteó:

DRS> ask you to incorporate a kludge detection
kldge is message RFC 822 header?

DRS> filtering  list  mail  is  a bit tedious as you must either enter
DRS> everyone's  mail  address (individually) as a sender or find some
DRS> common string in the body to properly filter the lists.

you can put only the server in the list, example:

DRS> Anyway, if you would consider this it would enhance your plugin 100
DRS> percent.
give me a week :-)

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: TBP filter - is it called at all?

2003-02-14 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

well, i can'yt not run this code from the plug'in, maybe is similar
 begin of code
var myfile: textfile;
--- end of code

ANV> Hello tbdev.

ANV> ...I  "played"  with  the  TBPtest  from  Stefan Tanurkov. When I
ANV> inserted WinAPI "MessageBox (0,'TBP_functionname',caption,MB_OK)"
ANV> into  every function and procedure of plugin - just as an example
ANV> of  how  it  must work and as trying to recognize when any of the
ANV> function  is  called  -  during  the  test running I received the
ANV> messageboxes  like  "Hello from TBP_Initialize" and so on. But...
ANV> even  when  a  letter  come  I'd  never  seen  any  messages from
ANV> TBP_GetSpamScore  although  I  inserted  "MessageBox (0,'Function
ANV> TBP_GetSpamScore',P,MB_OK);"   into   function   TBP_GetSpamScore
ANV> itself.  It  seems  that TBP_GetSpamScore is never called at all.
ANV> What does it mean?

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Regular expressions in AntiSpam: is it possible?

2003-02-14 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Alexey en su momento posteó:

  send the algoritm of your idea and i will make it!

  sorry for my bad english.

ANV> Hello tbdev.

ANV>Excuse me for so "mass mailing" today...
ANV> it possible to use the regular expression machine from
ANV>Tne Bat! in a custom antispam filter? It is sweet dream to use it
ANV>and I think it would be quite bad if it is necessary to include a
ANV>second regular expression machine versus one which included in
ANV>The Bat itself...

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: update and international support now avalaible

2003-02-13 Thread Task Control
Dear tbdev at

En relación a lo que Task en su momento posteó:

TC> in is now avalaible
TC> the second public version of pacspam
and the update for the second version
and russian and german files.

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: second version of pacpsam now avalaible (english version now)

2003-02-13 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Leif en su momento posteó:

LG> Ok, I'm playing with it. Could you maybe explain a little about the
LG> complete strings vs. the incomplete strings? It's missed a couple of
LG> SPAM that I thought it should have gotten, so I think I may have
LG> configured it wrong.

if the mails says: "a wonderfull world!"
the complete string "full" returns FALSE
the incomplete string "full" returns TRUE
the complete string "world" returns TRUE
the complete string "a wonderfull" returns TRUE
Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

second version of pacpsam now avalaible (english version now)

2003-02-11 Thread Task Control
Hi tbdev arroba

  in is now avalaible
  the second public version of pacspam

  now in english and with suport for multiple languages.

  please test it, and send my your comments.

Best Regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

pacspam plug-in avalaible for download

2003-02-02 Thread Task Control
Hi menbers of tbdev arroba

   My   first   plug-in   is   now  avalaible  for  free  download  in

   warning: the interface is in spanish.

   To do list: english versión ;)

Best regards,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

in my computer is running:
- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information: