Huge IMAP root folder

2006-10-05 Thread Miles Johnson
I just discovered while doing a backup that one of two IMAP accounts I have
with the same company (fastmail) shows a gigantic root folder size in
Windows Explorer when in fact the inbox only has 200 or so very small
messages (worth a few Megs at most)

The account that behaves properly has only one TBB and one TBI file in the
account's root folder.

The bad account shows that one huge TBB file (almost 440 Megs) a large
TBI file (29 Megs) and another FOUR smaller TBBs and TBIsone TBI files!

I'm not familiar with IMAP but this completely baffles me given that both
accounts have similar settings under properties. What would be a
good course of action to get this account back to a reasonable size and
clean up all these extra files?

Just upgraded to the latest version but I noticed no changes with this

Thanks for any help, I just don't get this.

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v3.85.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Bad crash... HELP!

2006-06-01 Thread Miles Johnson
 It looks like you've done almost everything that you could try.
 Last option with TB is to put the .tbb files in folders. (Forget about
 the .tbi, they'll only cause problems in this kind of situations.) And
 release folder maintenance on these folders.
 Folder maintenance might result in a valid .tbb file with one or more
 part000?.bin files, rename those to messages.tbb (in a safe location)
 and try to import from the renamed .bin file.
No go in both scenarii...

 When this doesn't help try a text editor. Both the .tbb as the .bin
 files are straight text, so with a text editor you might be able to
 retrieve something manually.
No go... The text shows the beginning of the first message's header then
is all garbled. That is NOT cool TB... What a disappointment.

I was able to re-import main inbox messages from a TB copy that was several
weeks old, looks like I'm out of luck for all the recent stuff but thanks
SO MUCH for your help anyway Roelof, it's very much appreciated.

And to those who were kindly trying to help with hard drive issues, that's
not where the problem was. It appears that the removable enclosure for one of
my drives went bad (rare!) which in turn messed up Diskeeper, which is turn
locked up everything... And no, Diskeeper had no business doing that, my
thinking is that its service is running at a way-too-low level on the OS.
Best regards,


Using The Bat! v3.71.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Bad crash... HELP!

2006-05-31 Thread Miles Johnson
Running XP Pro here... worse crash I've ever had with this OS. This morning
my PC locked up repeatedly and before things got really bad I was able to
determine that it was Diskeeper that was locking up as it was defragging
some drives in the background (never done that before) I tried to kill the
processes (Dkeeper and defragNTS) but they are at such low level that they
wouldn't budge. Seeing this I started trying to close my browser, TB, etc.
Both got hit pretty bad. Maxthon lost everything, I had to completely
rebuild all my settings, and it appears that the final lockup occurred just
as TB was processing the folders

Once I rebooted I discovered that the main inbox folders for my first four
accounts as well as, oddly, the outbox for account #2 only, contain 0
message. All sub-folders are intact. I have been unable to recover these
messages whether by trying to import them (before closing TB again I copied
the whole mail folder to another part of my hard drive), copying the TBB
and TBI file into the inbox folder over the new ones, or using the
CTRL+Shift+Alt+L key combo.

As luck has it I was JUST about to setup my data backup software to got on
automatic pilot so that all this kind of data is backup up to a brand new
drive... I do not have a very recent backup of these files, although the
TBB and TBI files appear to be intact for those accounts (at lest

I've got some really important mail in those folders... Is there any way I
can get TB to recognize and see its own files?!



Best regards,


Using The Bat! v3.71.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: What is a natural email system?

2004-09-07 Thread Miles Johnson
MLW What makes The Bat a natural email system.  Can someone please explain
MLW what this phrase means and why it is attached to The Bat?

Michael, IMHO it goes right along with some of the other stuff Ritlabs has
been doing and even publishing on their web site. Months and months ago
there was something else which at the time I thought would be quickly edited
but is STILL right smack near the middle of their home page. They claim
their software is going to extend our lives... You'd think they would have
corrected what is at best is poor, amateurish translation and at worst... well
do I really need to say it?

Even after all these years of the core users asking (rather nicely) to be
treated right and asking for at least a semblance of professionalism,
Ritlabs STILL behaves like a bunch of fifth-graders who try to code (they
ARE pretty good at that), do their own marketing, do their own support
or lack thereof (how convenient to have a board like this one to take the
punches and do the work for them!) etc., etc.

Sad, real sad.
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: The Bat! v. 3.0 PATHETIC

2004-09-07 Thread Miles Johnson

JH you know I really pity the programmers, because I think they're doing a
JH great job, and they get kicked in their butts just as much as us users.

Jurgen I would agree IF this were the case, like it is for most of the
dozens of software programs I've owned.

HOWEVER, I highly doubt it. Even after all these years of the core users
asking rather nicely to be treated right and to have at least a semblance of
professionalism, Ritlabs STILL behaves like a bunch of fifth-graders who try
to code, do their own marketing, their own support or lack thereof (how
convenient to have a board like this one to take the punches and do the work
for them!) etc. etc.

One very small example which I saw months and months ago and couldn't
believe is still right smack in the middle of their home page. They claim
their software is going to extend our lives... You'd think they would have
corrected what at best is poor translation and at worst... well do I need to
say it? PATHETIC is the only word that comes to mind (I'm pretty sure others
wouldn't be quite that polite...)

Also, consider this. Even after the sizeable chunk kept by the various
credit card processing companies, etc. what has been coming their way for
years MUST amount to a veritable fortune in Moldavian money , according to a
reputable friend who's spent quite some time over there. Clearly the money
isn't re-invested in the company, if it were TB would have long evolved into
the mature, respectable product we all would love for it to be regarded as.

The whole thing reeks of AMATEURISM and GREED to me.

How sad, and how disappointing.
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Version 2.1?

2004-04-16 Thread Miles Johnson

MM no, but release date was delayed, as You can see in my signature, we
MM have Release Candidate version of 2.1.

One would think Ritlabs would have sent a correction with the new date. It's
as basic as it gets in term of professionalism and after all, it should just
be child's play, one or a few clicks away for them, right?

One would be wrong.

Once again.

Will Ritlabs EVER grow up and act as a respectable/reputable company? This
is getting old...

Oh well thanks for the update Marek. How lucky for RT to have people like
you doing their work for them!
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Bayesit working at all?

2004-03-29 Thread Miles Johnson

EC Dear Miles,

EC-- Samstag, 27. März 2004, 20:19:49:

 2) I have tried to configure Bayesit 0.4 g SE with the average
 and scores of 80 and 60 (pretty much default) ...

EC I've had the same problem at the beginning. Set your ... if score is
EC greater than to the value of 40.
EC To be found under the Main Menu: Option|Preferences|Ant-Spam.
Done. I kept move to trash if score is greater than to 80 does that sound
reasonable ir would you not even worry about that given that my common junk
folder is set to keep junk for only 1 day?

EC Did you set a mark to the Option Move message marked as Spam to Junk
EC Folder (also to be found under same Main Menu Option as above).

 ... but after manually marking as junk about 500+ messages, ...

EC I hope you didn't do it one be one ;))
I'm afraid I did, as they come in in various accounts and inboxes.

Thanks Eddie!
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2004-03-27 Thread Miles Johnson
Well I finally installed that V2 version recently and overall it seems a
little faster and still stable, so that's good. Two areas so far have
baffled me and I wonder if you good folks could help

1) I recently did a simple search for someone's email address in my 10+
accounts. I was ASTONISHED to find out that Ritlabs has apparently removed
the option for searching not only anywhere in the message but ACROSS ALL
ACCOUNTS IN TB. This has always been one my favorite features as it is so
incredibly useful. Why on earth would they remove this (what the @#%% were
they thinking...) and I know I can Control-A in that pane but it's a pain
g so is there a way to reactivate this somehow?

2) I have tried to configure Bayesit 0.4 g SE with the average and scores
of 80 and 60 (pretty much default) and direct the spam into the common junk
folder but after manually marking as junk about 500+ messages, including
many that were almost identical, Bayesit has still not directed a single
spam email there on its own. What am I missing or doing wrong?

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Yikes!

2004-03-27 Thread Miles Johnson
MT Not sure what you mean...I can still search across all accounts and
MT folders in version 2.*. Hitting F7 brings up the search window where
MT you can check as few or as many accounts as you'd like...

In the former version you had checkmarks like search this account search
all accounts so in two clicks you were done.

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Yikes!

2004-03-27 Thread Miles Johnson
MDP Right click on the folder list - select all - done. Still two
MDP clicks. I don't see a problem :-).

Not as logical or obvious as before but it works. Thanks Marck!

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Bayesit working at all?

2004-03-27 Thread Miles Johnson
MJ 2) I have tried to configure Bayesit 0.4 g SE with the average and scores
MJ of 80 and 60 (pretty much default) and direct the spam into the common junk
MJ folder but after manually marking as junk about 500+ messages, including
MJ many that were almost identical, Bayesit has still not directed a single
MJ spam email there on its own. What am I missing or doing wrong?

MW Where were the 500+ messages when you configured Bayesit?
Those are all new, they came in since I upgraded. H. Am I missing
something as to how this is supposed to work?

MW BTW, your subject lines isn't very descriptive... and it would probably
MW be better posting two separate queries in future.
Agreed. Fixed. Thanks Martin!
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v2.04.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Fred Langa's email experiment

2004-02-02 Thread Miles Johnson
MJ Aside from Fred Langa's remarkable newsletter (
MJ which has saved our butts so may times over the years at my work
MJ (and is easily worth the $11 per YEAR subscription IMHO)

DW He's the one who claims that 40% of emails don't get to their
DW recipients, right? (But his test involved sending out emails from an
DW unknown name  address with the subject lines Hi and Follow-up -
DW maybe the people who volunteered for it are more sensible than he gave
DW them credit for G)
Deborah did you, yourself READ that newsletter and the one(s) that addressed
this from an unknown name  address issue?

What Langa did was just an experiment, and a very important one. Yes, the
results are scary, but they that's not his doing, it's merely a snapshot of
what's going on right now . People can argue over the percentages all they
want, but I can confirm that more and more of my email does NOT get
delivered. And it doesn't matter what software you use. TB is a lot better
than many others, but we are facing a very, very serious problem here with
BOTH the spammers and those idiotic challenge-based solutions. But this is
getting a bit OT, isn't it?
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: PC Mag Review Of The Bat!

2004-02-01 Thread Miles Johnson
 I use to get the magazine many years ago, but dropped the
 subscription because of the lack of objectivity.
C What, if anything, do you read now?
I second what Greg wrote. Same here exactly.

Aside from Fred Langa's remarkable newsletter ( which has saved
our butts so may times over the years at my work (and is easily worth the
$11 per YEAR subscription IMHO) I now read Maximum PC, quite possibly the
only print publication out there that really tells it like it is. A bit
geeky, but often funny, and if it sucks they don't sugar-coat it... Always a
pleasure to read. Don't buy it off the news shelf though, because it's 7 or
8 bucks, versus 12 bucks for a whole year subscription!
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: The Bat! Christmas Discount

2003-12-14 Thread Miles Johnson
mM We bought v2 even though we had no intention of actually upgrading the
mM machines until the little annoyances in v2 were worked out. The reason
mM we bought is because we had a deadline before the price increase. So,
mM we're still on 1.62r, with a pretty expensive v2 now that we're not
mM using yet. (!)  It almost sounds as if the corporate suits have
mM taken over RitLabs or somebody's gotten greedy. It's not nice to treat
mM your long-time customers suchly.

Maggie, we are on the same wave length. The more I watch and observe what
has been happening with Ritlabs over the past 1-2 years - or, as my boss
rightly would say in such situations what has NOT been happening - the
more I think the real issue here is HOW THEY TREAT THEIR CUSTOMERS.

A friend of mine who has been to their country and knows the cost of life
there, is of the opinion that even after the sometimes substantial cuts
taken by the intermediaries that process online software orders, and even
if it they had only 10,000 customers, the Ritlabs folks would have by now
made what amounts to a small fortune that would let them live the high life
at home for quite some time (I would think they actually have far more
customers than that.) Is he right? It's possible but I don't really care.
What they do with their money is after all none of my business BUT this
seems to affect the products and I do care about the way TB has been
evolving lately. Email is WAY too important nowadays for me not to take the
way my email software works VERY seriously.

So what do I see here?

1 - A company that, last I checked, does not even list or acknowledge on
their web site the fantastic TB support offered that has been offered by the
leaders of this message board for years AT NO COST TO RITLABS.

2 - A company which in spite of my and one of my colleagues signing up for
their customer email list several times has NEVER emailed us announcements
about updates, new products, bug fixes, etc. Oh and by the way, what kind of
software do they sell? EMAIL software...

3 - TB is the ONLY software I have ever owned for which I have paid for an
upgrade but not installed it just because I'm way too scared to have it mess
up things as simple as the way my files are recognized, the way my folders
are organized, etc. (I'm totally with those of you who think that
rearranging manually the way my hundreds of folders have been changed is

4 - IMAP implementation which has been promised for at least a year and
works fine in quite a few other products, appears to be at best a crap shoot
in the latest TB version. I'm still logging in and checking my IMAP accounts
online by hand months after upgrading in hope this would finally work
properly. Thank goodness we have these wonderful boards to give warnings or
I could be up sh*ts creek with no paddle...

5 - Still no real product history that I could find on their web site. Here
is an example of the way it can - and IMHO should - be done: Now THAT's a way of inspiring
confidence, getting tons of new customers and more importantly, keeping

6 - Yes, it's no for the few dollars difference but as a matter of principle
I agree that this 60% discount feels like nothing short of a stab in the
back of loyal customers. At best it's just a thoughtless business move that
shows immaturity and/or just plain greed.

I'll stop here, but you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE TB, I
use it every day and I certainly hope to be able to use it for years to come
but frankly, I'm starting to wonder. Is that realistic with a company that
is so uncaring and so unprofessional?


Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: TheBat and PowerPro ?

2003-10-30 Thread Miles Johnson
RSS Compress all folders: I used to be able to do this in one go
RSS with previous versions - but now with the maintenance centre
RSS it's too many keys/clicks --

Wait... are you saying the Compress all folders command is gone in V2?!
Best regards,


Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

TB does not shut down properly

2003-02-28 Thread Miles Johnson
When I shut down TB it *appears* to properly close but when I click on the
icon to re-open it nothing happens. I discovered that TB installed itself
under XP Pro as *both* an application and a service! The result is that I
can't restart it unless I go in Windows Task Manager and kill it there
first. I've downloaded and re-installed the latest version, did warm and
cold boots, to no avail.

No other program exhibit this behavior under XP (I recently had to rebuilt
my PC and have installed over a dozen so far.)

Any idea?

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: TB does not shut down properly

2003-02-28 Thread Miles Johnson

TF This has been reported by selected XP users now (not all XP users
TF encounter this), but I don't know whether it has made it into the bug
TF tracker yet. I suggest you report it.

Thanks Thomas, just did that.

I'm still curious to know if other users have found some kind of workaround,
or if perhaps the TB people are working on a fix.

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

TB and PC protection

2003-02-19 Thread Miles Johnson

I just had to rebuild my PC after a nasty crash and I'd love to hear
your preferences/votes as far as the following are concerned, ESPECIALLY
in  the  way  they interact with TB, which is central to my work. Please
vote for something you have actually been using!


#1 choice
#2 choice
#3 choice


#1 choice
#2 choice
#3 choice


Thanks so much for taking a minute to post your recommendations!

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: TB and PC protection

2003-02-19 Thread Miles Johnson

PP Hi Miles,

PP On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 10:54:59 -0500 Miles Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please vote for something you have actually been using!
 #1 choice


 #2 choice


 #3 choice


 #1 choice


 #2 choice


 #3 choice



PP If not already mentioned: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now THAT'S very helpful...

I'm afraid you missed the operative words, which were ESPECIALLY in the
way they interact with TB. One would think that this would be of great
interest to many TBUDL readers, who unlike me may not be familiar or
signed on with TBOT. That's why I posted here.

Peter I often agree with your posts but this time I think you're way off
the mark. I will take this subject to TBOT but I do not believe that
this should be OT at all (neither would you if you had spent the past
few days rebuilding a crashed machine, well, at least one would hope...)
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Automatic forward possible?

2003-01-31 Thread Miles Johnson
A quick question for the pros here.

One of my email accounts will be changed soon, from something like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Other than that everything will be the same
(reply templates, etc.) so I was thinking of just making minimal changes in
account properties and such. But I am worried that mail from the many people
who have been contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] might bounce. Is there a simple
way of automatically getting those forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in TB?

Best regards,


Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

FastMail + TB

2002-10-09 Thread Miles Johnson

Is anyone using FastMail? How do you like it?

Is it possible to configure it so that I can write and receive messages from
within TB?

Best regards,


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Forcing viewed messages to wrap

2002-09-11 Thread Miles Johnson

ACM Don't include the quotes in the names and be sure that the 'share
ACM with all accounts' option is toggled on for each quick template.
ACM This switch is at the top of the quick template editor.
No problem here.

MJ THEN replace %WRAPPED=%QUOTES with just %QINCLUDE=wq in my
MJ reply template?
ACM Yes.

I was really excited to finally fix the problem, did what you suggested that
on two of my accounts and... have been pulling my hair for the past 2 days.
What would happen is that every time I would reply to a message in these two
accounts TB would freeze, for good. I had to kill it and restart the program.
Updated to 1.61, same thing. Finally I figured maybe I should see what happens
when I revert from %QINCLUDE=wq to %WRAPPED=%QUOTES and the freezing just

What do you folks think might have happened? Did I misunderstand something?

In any case, many thanks for all the suggestions!

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Forcing viewed messages to wrap

2002-09-09 Thread Miles Johnson

ACM You can try the template set called 'ReWrap' found here:


Well Allie now I really feel like an idiot. How do I use this? Do I make TWO
different quick templates (never used those before), one called Begin wq and
one called Begin wrap2, THEN replace %WRAPPED=%QUOTES with just
%QINCLUDE=wq in my reply template?

Thank you all kindly for your help.
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Forcing viewed messages to wrap

2002-09-09 Thread Miles Johnson

PP You'd be a good model if you'd have set up your installation to
PP respect the common used values too.
PP 90 characters ain't that widely used, 70-78 is quite more common.

Point well taken. I usually have it at 78 but used 90 for a project and then
forgot about it...

PP Next is to avoid white spaces in front of punctuation, that avoids
PP results like in the former shown paragraph, last line, when rewrapping
PP is done.

 When I ask people to set up their email program or account properly
 most don't bother... All this wastes a lot of my time!

PP Than don't rewrap. Send them their stuff as it is received at your
PP side.

You missed the point. Scrolling to no end to your right (even on a 19 inch
monitor) is a huge pain for me and renders replying to SOME messages almost
unfeasible, but THEY don't care. I'm certainly not an expert but many people I
deal with are completely new to computer so they're totally clueless anyway.
As I mentioned most do NOT take action even when I request it. Hence my hope
for some kind of way to force the re-wrapping of endless lines for replies...

PP And last but not least: use a signature delimiter.

Forgive my ignorance, Peter, but what the heck is a signature delimiter?!

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Forcing viewed messages to wrap

2002-09-09 Thread Miles Johnson

TF How about a 5-kg sledgehammer, applied to their computers, for force? g

Beam me up Scotty, here I come with my sledgehammer! PERFECT!

TF Seriously, try AutoFormat and AutoWrap in the editor's Utilities menu
TF header. Does that help?

I've got autowrap turned on by default. Autoformat does things I don't like
but I did try it out of curiosity and it doesn't help with my problem. Perhaps
that feature has been changed/enhanced in new versions?

Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Inbox - Known Folder? WHAT ARE THESE FOLKS THINKING?

2002-06-14 Thread Miles Johnson

TM [+] The Known incoming mail filter for moving messages from known
TM senders to a special folder so the Inbox can be left for unknown
TM senders and spam :-)

Well I've been trying to figure this out ever since it was implemented, seen
all kinds of people upset about this... It boggles the mind that several
WEEKS after this (potentially very useful) feature is implemented there's
still NOTHING on the updated program's FAQ. This begs the question:
WHAT on earth are these good folks THINKING?
And please, please don't tell us that they don't have enough resources to
hire a full-time,. professional help/FAQ writer. If TB truly has millions
of users, by now Ritlabs is extremely wealthy, especially considering the
exchange rate of western currencies for theirs...

Lo and behold, this morning I also get a message from Ritlabs stating the
changes since 1.53. Wow, how many weeks has it been since the first
iteration of 1.60 and we're getting this NOW?

I'm sticking to 1.53... Do others feel the same way?

Call me crazy but in my humble, non-geeky opinion what WOULD have made sense
- and created a lot less havoc among TB users, AND generated a lot more
business in these spam-crazed times - would have been for Ritlabs to create
a folder called unknown for all the spam... and to implement an easy,
customer-friendly way to customize it.

Having been a Bat user for a while now I'm convinced that we are dealing
here with a team that is made not only of good code-writers but also of very
intelligent people. So, I will ask my question once again (not that I expect
an answer from them, but perhaps some constructive thoughts from other

WHAT on earth are these good folks THINKING?

Have a great weekend, everyone.
Best regards,

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53d

Current Ver: 1.60q
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports:

Re: Help File (was: Can I keep sent mail in same subfolder?)

2001-11-19 Thread Miles Johnson

Help / Helptopics opens a window with the index. I choose one item and
click on D(etails).

Yep, same here.

Now you have read this helpful text and want to go back to Contents
and cannot? I can.

No matter what I do, I can't!

The window that opened has five menues, which can be reached by
hitting the alt-key and your choice of F, E, M, O, H.

Doesn't work here...

Under that, you have four bottons with a title and the letters C, I,
B, P. When I click on the C button, I get back to the Contents.

Sorry to give you only the letters and not the full names, but my
Windows is in Chinese and it wouldn't help you anyway. ;-)

That's for sure. Thanks anyway, Thomas. I'm wondering what's wrong with my
machine or program...

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 


Archives   :
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Re[3]: Can I keep sent mail in same subfolder?

2001-11-18 Thread Miles Johnson

In  fact  just moving the message from outbox to the folder is enough as long as
the filter rule is met. No need to copy  dele...

Thanks, guys, but I realize that probably did not explain the issue very
well, sorry! I HAD noticed that I could go to Sort Office and filter sent
mail any folder of my choice, but I sort of had hoped that you smarties out
there would have some trick to apply that rule to ALL subfolders in an
account, or better yet all accounts, since I have literally dozens of
subfolders. This is a feature that would save me a ton of time. Is it the
same for anyone else?

And by the way, I did look in Help (to no avail) which brings another
interesting point. After I click Help Topics, whether I go to an item in
Contents or Find, after I have selected that item and the window has opened
for it, I can't go back to Contents or Index from that window, which is
frozen. I have to close it and re-open Help every time. This is a minor but
real annoyance. Is this happening to anyone else? I re-installed a fresh
version of TB a while back thinking that the Help file might have been
corrupted, but it still does the exact same thing...

Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 


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Can I keep sent mail in same subfolder?

2001-11-16 Thread Miles Johnson

I receive tons of mail. Much of it is directed to subfolders in my various
accounts via simple TB filters. When I go to a subfolder and reply to a
message, is there a simple way to have MY message, once sent, go into that
subfolder rather than in the sent folder?


Miles Johnson

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Getting weird multiples lines!

2001-11-09 Thread Miles Johnson

Is anyone getting this? Here is a copy of a recent TBUDL message... Why
several copies of that one line?  I've been getting a lot of those in the
couple days, On TBOT too...


On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, at 08:28:06 [GMT -0500] (which was 18:58 where I live) you

RS Open up a new blank email and click on the AB icon to the far
RS right of the TO: field. Do a quick search for your friends' name and
RS right click on it. Go to Add Address and choose the address you prefer
RS and put it into the TO: box to the right. Click OK and you're there.

Before the moderators push me out let me push this thru G

Check  out the address book option. There is an option in the Beta version to send 
msgs to
the correct address.

Open  the address book and select the specific address, right click and select new 

Its an option in the Beta version and I see that you are using it and hence the reply.

Warm regards,

Any idea?


Miles Johnson

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Re[2]: Getting weird multiples lines!

2001-11-09 Thread Miles Johnson


Hello Miles,

On Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:17:05 -0500GMT (9-11-01, 15:17 +0100GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

MJ Is anyone getting this? Here is a copy of a recent TBUDL message... Why
MJ several copies of that one line?  I've been getting a lot of those in the
MJ couple days, On TBOT too...

I'm probably missing something, because I don't see any copies of one
line. Do you see them too when you're looking at the message source
(Press F9)?

Groetjes, Roelof


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Dear Roelof,

Those 4 lines were just under you wrote, but it' getting weirder... As I
looked at the message I posted, the 4 lines were missing. HOWEVER, when I
clicked on the right scroll bar to see further below, they reappeared! And I
thought Halloween was last week...

Thoughts, anyone?

Miles Johnson

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Re[2]: Getting weird multiples lines!

2001-11-09 Thread Miles Johnson

If you've done nothing special, your TB-setup might have gone awry.

Dear Roelof,

Well, I thought that I might have inadvertently just done that since the
problem only appeared in certain messages, so I did a cold reboot, just to
be on the safe side. The problem disappeared! Go figure...

Thanks so much for your prompt help.

Miles Johnson

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Re[2]: copy all account files and setup

2001-10-25 Thread Miles Johnson

A   I've just copied all my Bat folders from my laptop to my base PC. Is
A   there an easy way to have bat recognise all these accounts, filters
A   etc. The way I would normally do this is install bat, point it at
A   the directory with the bat files in it and the create new accounts
A   with the same name as the accounts copied to TB!. TB! then
A   recognises all the accounts... but this being TB! there must be a
A   much simpler route.

I do all the time as follows :
-  Suppose  your current TB! is c:\program files\the bat!\ and folders
   under directory c:\program files\the bat!\mail\Andrew
-  You  will  move  to  other  PC  and  copy  all  TB! folder to same
   directory, i.e c:\program files\the bat!\mail\andrews
-  Copy all account.* and *.abd to root directory c:\...\mail\andrews
-  Install  TB! to  c:\program files\the bat!, while install  do  not
   directly  point  to  your  TB! folder, instead create dummy account
-  After  finished the installation, create secondary account but now
   point   to   your   Real   Account   (the   directory   point   to

I just ran into the same situation as Andrews, followed your directions, so
far so good. But I must be be really clueless today because I can't figure
out out what you mean by point to your real account... I've got my test
account visible under folders, but my other accounts which I had copied
from my laptop aren't seen by TB. How do I make TB point at them when they
are already sitting in the same directory as on the other computer??!!!


Miles Johnson

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Re: PIM/e-mail solution

2001-09-13 Thread Miles Johnson

I am looking for a good PIM (personal information manager) and e-
mail combination.  I understand from many sources that TheBat is 
one of the best e-mail clients around.  Does anyone have a recommendation 
of a good PIM that will pass addresses over to TheBat?  I also need 
this PIM to have a robust conduit to a Palm device.  I understand 
that the only PIM that currently integrates all of these functions 
is Outlook, but I will not use that product for all of the reasons 
that you-all already know.

Stephen, I just started evaluating a product called Above  Beyond 2001 Pro
( that looks quite powerful. The download
is under 2 MB only and this product which up to recently cost $150 is now
free for download, with apparently no strings attached! [anyone inside the
business knows why/how such GOOD things happen? Just curious.]

I'm not sure yet how/if it will integrate with TB but I can already tell you
that I'm very impressed with the way it installed and immediately popped up
a terrific Help/Tutorials window. It also looks very customizable and quite

I'm gonna be tied up with other things for a while so you folks who try it
will probably get a head start on me, so please return the favor and let
everyone know what you think!


Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53bis on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 


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Calendar To Do program with the Bat?

2001-09-04 Thread Miles Johnson

Hello good Bat people,

We're looking for a good shareware program that:

- offers to do lists and calendar features with good flexibility
- is stable
- does not use large system resources
- ideally would integrate with The Bat in some way

Anything you like and/or use out there?

Best regards,

Miles Johnson


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Re[2]: Calendar To Do program with the Bat?

2001-09-04 Thread Miles Johnson

Are you looking for something to use in a professional/business
capacity or for personal use?

That's a hard question, since much of our personal and professional lives
seem to increasingly use the same type of communication tools. But we're
definitely not talking big business here!

I cannot help you with a business calendar, but if you want one for
personal use with a calendar, diary, tasks, address book capability -
plus a few extras, Digita Organiser is very useful.

Where do I find this? Got a URL?



Miles Johnson

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Re[2]: Some improvements

2001-08-31 Thread Miles Johnson

Perhaps this has already been mentioned -- maybe it's already in there and I
haven't seen it -- but I would LOVE a backup scheduler.

Dear Mike,

A backup scheduler inside the program would be a great addition, but it's a good
bet that most wise users can't afford waiting for that... (definition of a wise
user: one who has suffered some really serious data loss. We know, it happened
to our company...) The very best $30 we have spent on software recently was in
downloading and registering a gem of a program called Second Copy
( We back up all important programs and data,
including the full Bat folder (what the heck...) every day to CDRW and to a
second hard drive. Like The Bat, Second Copy is clearly written by brilliant
programmers. Unlike the Bat, their program is very logical to use and their
Customer Service is extremely responsive (don't mean to offend anyone here, just
a simple observation after a few months of use and reading posts.)

I hope this helps.


Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.53bis on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re[2]: ALT+L

2001-06-04 Thread Miles Johnson

No, I think I would classify that as a bad design decision, because
properly wrapped quoted text does not change the interpretation of that
text... only the appearance.

Could not agree more!

Unfortunately, the %Wrapped=%Quotes Macro combination only works on the
first paragraph. I agree with the originator that TB! should alter the
behaviour and reformat all quoted paragraphs if possible.

Yes. This feature is really annoying and is probably affecting the
vast majority of TB users, EXCEPT the gentle computer code meisters on
this list who evidently do understand and use these myriads of
unfriendly regex, templates-in-dire-need-of-plain-English-translation
(read wizard that would guide the user to making PROPER decisions in
using the software) and other bizarroid things and are willing to help
us poor humans.

Yes, TB seems very powerful, but what's the point if we can't use that
power? g


Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.52f on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Pop up screen forces user to enter User Name, Password and Domain for EACH account

2001-05-25 Thread Miles Johnson

Dear friends ,

Well, we've been using The Bat for a few days and are still attempting
to tame the beast... We DO like the program but find it most regrettable
to have to put so much work into learning how to use even a little bit
of its obviously great potential (we found CNET's comments in their
otherwise fair and positive 5/23 review of the program to be vast
understatements of a reality that seems to have plagued countless users
for quite a long time, as the TBUL archive shows. CNET says: lacks
wizards for creating filters menu structure is bewildering There's no
wizard to walk you through the chore, just a multitabbed dialog that you
must decipher on your own Tricky to configure etc. Tricky to
configure? No kidding! g The review is at
for those who are curious.)

Anyhow, I'm writing because something really strange happened yesterday.
There was no computer crash or anything but suddenly The Bat started
asking popping up a small new screen each time we tried to retrieve
mail. Absolutely nothing was changed in the settings, aside from the
check mailbox at start-up feature which was was turned on for each
account (Properties, Options.) Now, unless the modem is already
online, The Bat pops up a screen that forces the user to enter User
Name, Password and Domain for EACH ONE of our many accounts. An
incredible pain! We did cold reboots and checked the Dial-Up settings,
to no mention every possible pull-down menu in The Bat!, to no avail.

What happened? Can we fix this? There seems to be some wonderful people
on this list. I sure hope you can help!


Miles Johnson

Using The Bat! v1.52f on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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