Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-27 Thread Jonathan Angliss
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, tracer wrote...

 As the foreign student found when taking a trip to the UK to
 improve his English ... and the first thing he saw when exiting
 the train station was HAIR pronounced SUCCESS ... and promptly
 gave up *ever* trying to understand the English language like a
 native of this crazy island  lol 

 grins and apparently American's spell Cheese 'KRAFT'... ;) So
 it's no real wonder people are always confused ;)

 Other people know that Kraft isnt cheese.. Like French isnt French
 mustard..(g). seems to be a matter of taste

Yes, there is nothing quite like a good English cheese ;)

 Sorry justt back from hospital as a pickup tried to drive me off the
 road and while I cannot remember what happened I am in better
 condition then my bike or the car from what I hear. Car took a
 runner... Anyway trying to work my way trhough the mail...

Ewww... sorry to hear that. Hope you recover quickly, and get back to
full health.

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Comment: Fingerprint: 676A 1701 665B E343 E393  B8D2 2B83 E814 F8FD 1F73


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-26 Thread tracer
Hello Carsten Thönges,
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 14:07:02 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Friday, November 22, 2002, 8:07:02 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Carsten Thönges wrote:

 * Thomas Fernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Simon wrote:

 In  a recent discussion with a friend I was _told_ ;) that 'Re:' used in the
 subject  line  of  an  email  was  an  abbreviation  for  'Reply'

 Anyhow,  after  thinking about it, I can understand that using Re: in a *new
 message* to mean 'Regarding' may be confounding to the recipient of it as it
 may be mistaken to mean a 'Reply', but I am still uncertain whether there is
 an actual proper or accepted usage of 'Re:' in email messages.

 Re: stands for Reply.

 No. As the RFC says it means res.

it stands as far as I know for 'reference'...


Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.60q 

C.C.S. Associates
FAX (USA): (208) 460-3753
pgp 6.5.3 : 0x909D9B10

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-26 Thread tracer
Hello Jonathan Angliss,
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:49:18 -0600 GMT your local time,
which was Saturday, November 23, 2002, 2:49:18 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Jonathan Angliss wrote:

 On Friday, November 22, 2002, Barry2 wrote...

 As the foreign student found when taking a trip to the UK to improve
 his English ... and the first thing he saw when exiting the train
 station was HAIR pronounced SUCCESS ... and promptly gave up
 *ever* trying to understand the English language like a native of
 this crazy island  lol 

 grins and apparently American's spell Cheese 'KRAFT'... ;) So it's
 no real wonder people are always confused ;)

Other people know that Kraft isnt cheese.. Like French isnt French
mustard..(g). seems to be a matter of taste

Sorry justt back from hospital as a pickup tried to drive me off the
road and while I cannot remember what happened I am in better
condition then my bike or the car from what I hear. Car took a
Anyway trying to work my way trhough the mail...


Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.60q 

C.C.S. Associates
FAX (USA): (208) 460-3753
pgp 6.5.3 : 0x909D9B10

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-23 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

1: Shavian is the adjective of Shaw; it is used specifically to name
an alphabet G.B. Shaw advised for the English language.

2: ghoti is - as was, despite a typo by me, correctly identified -
fish, the prime example of Shaw's why the English spelling needs a
reform. gh from tough, o from women, ti from nation.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wenn Ärger im Menschen ist, so macht er selten das Klügste, sondern
gewöhnlich das Dümmste. (Jeremias Gotthelf)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 6:19:31 AM you wrote:

 The author's assessment that res is a Latin expression meaning in
 the matter of is wrong, res is just a female noun meaning thing
 or matter. Whether Re: stands for res (in which case I wonder
 why we exchange the last s with a colon) or for Reply: is
 anybody's guess. I would say the latter, in the sense of: I am
 replying to your mail with a subject of: [followed be the original

Yes, res means literally a thing. From your clear statement in
this paragraph I am sure you are a Latin scholar with deep historic
knowledge, so forgive my following correction.

Res also stands for being or phenomenon; the term republic
stems from the Latin expression res publica meaning literally
something concerning all people (although those people actually were
citizens, therefore not at all all people).

For a very long time Latin has been the language of the literate
people - they spoke it deep into the Middle Ages, sometimes even up to
modern times, and they wrote in it. In *lettres* they used the used
the ablative re to show right at the beginning what the following
pamphlet was about. Thus it came into use in the sense of concerning,
regarding. It is pure coincidence that the prefix re- in the
English word reply (borrowed from Latin) is spelled the same.

Actually the term used by RITLabs Subject is a tell-tale sign for
the original meaning of re: being a translation of res. Even a
most basic Latin dictionary like *Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch
Lateinisch* gives a lot of meanings for res including the original
Schatz, Besitz (treasure, property, possession).

Thank you for your time.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Thomas Fernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Simon wrote:

 In  a recent discussion with a friend I was _told_ ;) that 'Re:' used in the
 subject  line  of  an  email  was  an  abbreviation  for  'Reply'

 Anyhow,  after  thinking about it, I can understand that using Re: in a *new
 message* to mean 'Regarding' may be confounding to the recipient of it as it
 may be mistaken to mean a 'Reply', but I am still uncertain whether there is
 an actual proper or accepted usage of 'Re:' in email messages.

 Re: stands for Reply.

No. As the RFC says it means res. 

Let's take a look at the Usenet. A subject of an answer to a Usenet article
starts with Re:  but it is *not* called a reply but a *followup. 

reply= answer to an E-Mails   = uses Re:
followup = answer to a Usenet article = uses Re:

 =  Re: != Reply 

  q.e.d. ;)

 And is one acceptable and the other unacceptable?

 It is acceptable (and quite common and sensible, but not absolutely
 necessary) to add Re: to the beginning of a subject line when
 replying. It is not acceptable in other cases.


Best regards, Carsten

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Thomas,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 12:19:31 +0700 your time, you said:

 but  I  am  still uncertain whether there is an actual proper or accepted
 usage of 'Re:' in email messages.

TF Re: stands for Reply.

Is that your assessment in relation to TB!? Or are you suggesting that your
answer is definitive?

 I looked up RFC2822...

TF This is a misuqoting. Here is the a more complete version:

Not at all. It was selective quoting.


TF RFC2822 therefore states that the Re: may be used when *in a reply*.

Yes,  of  course,  but  stating  that  Re:  MAY be used *in a reply* doesn't
necessarily  define  Re:,  and  that  is  probably  why  there  was  further
clarification  by  defining  'Re:'  as, from the Latin res, in the matter
of.  Even if the author's interpretation of the Latin 'res' is proven to be
inaccurate, as you believe, it stands that the sense being attributed to Re:
in  the  RFC remains. And as I read it, the sense is, in the matter of, or
IOW,  'regarding'.  However,  I  am  not  saying  that  this is the correct,
accepted, or common usage, as that is what I was attempting to establish.


TF TB and all other (RFC-abiding) clients use Re: in replies.

I  don't  dispute that TB! and other clients use Re: in replies, but I don't
believe  that  the  use  of Re: is clearly defined in the RFC to mean Reply!
Rather,  it  seems  to  me  at  least that the RFC is stating that Re: is an
optional string that can be used *in a reply* _to mean_ in the matter of.

TF Note  that  the  little word may means that it is perfectly OK to just
TF repeat  the  original  subject  without  adding  Re: in the reply.

Yes, well I interpreted the Upper Case word 'MAY' as in RFC2119. And yes, as
the  use of the string Re: is optional it would of course be perfectly OK to
leave  it out of the Subject: field in replies.

The  absence  of  'Re:'  then in a reply Subject line would seem to indicate
that the presence of 'Re:' wasn't necessary to indicate that a message was a
reply.  Therefore, adding 'Re:' to the subject line of a message must surely
only  indirectly signal that a message is a reply by the usage of Re: in the
sense  of  in  the matter of, or regarding? It's use in this sense would
mean 'regarding' but it would be indication of a reply?

 Does Re: mean 'Regarding' or 'Reply' when used in the Subject field?

TF It means Reply.

I'm  not  altogether  convinced,  and  please  don't take that as a personal
remark  as that isn't what is intended. However, I do accept that in clients
like TB! the use of Re: means 'Reply'.

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#1628. Am Qed Swirly Sour ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your privacy with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966
Comment: Fingerprint: 851C F927 0296 FF1C 70A2  474F CB6E 6FFE 5C7E 8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 2:27:31 PM you wrote:

 I'm  not  altogether  convinced,  and  please  don't take that as a personal
 remark  as that isn't what is intended. However, I do accept that in clients
 like TB! the use of Re: means 'Reply'.

Thought my research presented here cleared the matter ... If not I
gladly post it again.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Be contend with what you get, and what you get will be contend with
you. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Dierk,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 14:38:37 +0100 your time, you said:

 I'm  not  altogether  convinced, and please don't take that as a personal
 remark  as  that  isn't  what  is  intended. However, I do accept that in
 clients like TB! the use of Re: means 'Reply'.

DH Thought  my  research  presented  here  cleared  the matter ... If not I
DH gladly post it again.

???  I  must  have  missed  your reply Dierk ??? Sorry. Yes, can you post it
again please?

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#2532. Qua Rod Less I'm Wry ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your privacy with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966
Comment: Fingerprint: 851C F927 0296 FF1C 70A2  474F CB6E 6FFE 5C7E 8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo DG,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 09:06:08 -0500 your time, you said:

DRS I  was  always  of  the  belief  that  RE:  in correspondence indicated
DRS reference.  I  am  probably  wrong  but  when I send a memo or business
DRS correspondence utilizing RE: it indicates that I am referencing a topic
DRS or past incident

Yes,  I  think  you  are correct, and 're' used to mean 'in reference to' is
obviously  correct  when  used formally to reference a matter/topic or past
incident. When used informally though I think it represents 'regarding', or
'in  the matter of' - from res -, or even of course signifying 'concerning',
etc.Nonetheless,they   still   all   carry   the   same   sense   of
'concerning/regarding/with  regard  to  a previous matter/subject/event', so
interpreting  Re: as 'reply' does not seem to be accurate, even if it is now
widely recognised as such.

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#12. A Qed I Loss Rum Wry ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your privacy with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966
Comment: Fingerprint: 851C F927 0296 FF1C 70A2  474F CB6E 6FFE 5C7E 8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Simon,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:27:31 + GMT (22/11/02, 20:27 +0700 GMT),
Simon wrote:

 The absence of 'Re:' then in a reply Subject line would seem to
 indicate that the presence of 'Re:' wasn't necessary to indicate
 that a message was a reply. Therefore, adding 'Re:' to the subject
 line of a message must surely only indirectly signal that a message
 is a reply by the usage of Re: in the sense of in the matter of,
 or regarding? It's use in this sense would mean 'regarding' but it
 would be indication of a reply?

I would think this interpretation is valid. Whether I say Re: means
I am replying to: or This is a message regarding your message with
the subject: has for me about the same meaning.

 Does Re: mean 'Regarding' or 'Reply' when used in the Subject field?

TF It means Reply.

 I'm  not  altogether  convinced,  and  please  don't take that as a personal
 remark  as that isn't what is intended. However, I do accept that in clients
 like TB! the use of Re: means 'Reply'.

The way I read the RFC, the abbreviation is only to be used in
replies. I think that is the whole point.

@Carsten: RFC2822 is about Email (Quote: This standard specifies a
syntax for text messages that are sent between computer users, within
the framework of electronic mail messages.) and it does not say
anything about the usage of Re: in usenet, which may well be

@Dierk: Yes, I did study Latin, but only for 4 years, so your
additional clarification is well appreciated.

@Gerard: Yes, this is valid only if you use English. I believe the
RFC's (which stipulate those words and abbreviations to be in English)
should be still applicable in other languages, but if you use a German
version of OE (the icon of RFC-compatibility), Re: will be
replaced by AW:, which stands for Antwort = Reply. Treat this as
an anecdote rather than a proof, if you will. ;-)

@DG Raftery: I also use the abbreviation Re: meaning Regarding in
office memos. It used to be done even in business letters with the
same meaning as Subject in email headers. However, I would never use
Re: in in carbon-based business contexts as meaning Reply. It is a
different environment.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are (usually) unnecessary.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62/Beta7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Jonathan Angliss
Hash: SHA1

On Friday, November 22, 2002, Simon wrote...

DRS I was always of the belief that RE: in correspondence indicated
DRS reference. I am probably wrong but when I send a memo or
DRS business correspondence utilizing RE: it indicates that I am
DRS referencing a topic or past incident

 Yes, I think you are correct, and 're' used to mean 'in reference
 to' is obviously correct when used formally to reference a
 matter/topic or past incident. When used informally though I think
 it represents 'regarding', or 'in the matter of' - from res -, or
 even of course signifying 'concerning', etc. Nonetheless, they still
 all carry the same sense of 'concerning/regarding/with regard to a
 previous matter/subject/event', so interpreting Re: as 'reply' does
 not seem to be accurate, even if it is now widely recognised as

Take a look at letter formatting, as stated in the RFCs, an Re: in the
body means in reference to, which is normally how a business (or
general professional) letter is written out.  As for it appearing in
the subject, it could see mean 'regarding' even when in the context of
a reply, or a new message.  A reply is still regarding the same
subject, otherwise the subject gets changed.  You end up seeing a
thread being built as such:

- - Regarding: Original
  - Regarding: Original
- New (was regarding: original).

I think in the case of replies, RE: can be used interchangeably as
'Regarding' or 'Reply To'.  As for starting new emails, I guess it is
up to personal interpretation of wordings, and syntax.

That's my personal view anyway ;)

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Version: 6.5.8ckt


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread James Senick
Hello DG,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, at 11:33:26 [GMT -0500] (which was 11:33:26
AM in NY, USA) DG Raftery Sr. wrote:

 Again, and I'm sure this subject will hit the dead topic instruction
 soon, I would not consider Re: being utilized in a business
 correspondence nor memo as Regarding. My reasoning?

 v. tr.
 To take into account; consider.

Regarding is not a verb; it's a preposition.  As a preposition,
regarding means in relation to or referencing.  As you see, the
term 'regarding' and 'referencing' are synonymous.  I'm not arguing
with you but rather proving you indirectly correct :)

However, as Dierk alluded to 'Re' is a preposition of it's own.
IOW, it is not an abbreviation--it stands alone.  I think many
people confuse it for an abbreviation simply because many people
confuse uses of the colon.  The colon in this case is merely a
break line of sorts between the preposition and the phrase,
sentence, or term following it.  It just makes the whole line
more complete.

Why did I bother writing this at all?  Just to say that I think
you are all very much correct.  Even Thomas who is closest to
being mistaken.  While 'Re:' is certainly not an abbreviation
for the word 'reply', Thomas's idea of 'in reply to' certainly
does have direct correlation to 'in reference to' which
correlates to 'in regards to' which is linked to 're'.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 2:47:14 PM you wrote:

 ???  I  must  have  missed  your reply Dierk ??? Sorry. Yes, can you post it
 again please?

Yes, res means literally a thing. From your clear statement in
this paragraph I am sure you are a Latin scholar with deep historic
knowledge, so forgive my following correction.

Res also stands for being or phenomenon; the term republic
stems from the Latin expression res publica meaning literally
something concerning all people (although those people actually were
citizens, therefore not at all all people).

For a very long time Latin has been the language of the literate
people - they spoke it deep into the Middle Ages, sometimes even up to
modern times, and they wrote in it. In *lettres* they used the used
the ablative re to show right at the beginning what the following
pamphlet was about. Thus it came into use in the sense of concerning,
regarding. It is pure coincidence that the prefix re- in the
English word reply (borrowed from Latin) is spelled the same.

Actually the term used by RITLabs Subject is a tell-tale sign for
the original meaning of re: being a translation of res. Even a
most basic Latin dictionary like *Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch
Lateinisch* gives a lot of meanings for res including the original
Schatz, Besitz (treasure, property, possession).

Thank you for your time.

((This is a re-post of my answer to a message by Thomas Fernandez, not
being altered.))

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

You can't talk to a man with a shotgun in his hand. (Carole King)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Barry2
Hello Simon,

Friday, November 22, 2002, 1:57:04 AM, you wrote:

S Hash: SHA1

S 'Lo Chiropter Operators,

S In  a recent discussion with a friend I was _told_ ;) that 'Re:' used in the
S subject  line  of  an  email  was  an  abbreviation  for  'Reply'  and _not_
S 'Regarding',  and  that  Re:  _shouldn't  ever_  be  used  in  the  sense of
S 'Regarding'  when  used  in  email  message Subject fields. The reason I was
S given was that using 'Regarding', whether in abbreviated form or not, in the
S 'Subject:'  field,  was  tautological.  Although I can see the logic there I
S didn't think that was a good enough reason in itself.

This one certainly opened up a can of worms here  lol 

Perhaps the confusion can all be explained in the very flexibility of
the English Language that gives it such versatility and also the
source of the greatest problems ??

To say that Re: can only stand for *one* thing is just an invalid
argument - there can be as many different interpretations of the
abbreviation Re: as there are words beginning with Re... and all of
them will be valid within the context of use.

As the foreign student found when taking a trip to the UK to improve
his English ... and the first thing he saw when exiting the train
station was HAIR pronounced SUCCESS ... and promptly gave up *ever*
trying to understand the English language like a native of this crazy
island  lol 

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Jonathan Angliss
Hash: SHA1

On Friday, November 22, 2002, Barry2 wrote...

 As the foreign student found when taking a trip to the UK to improve
 his English ... and the first thing he saw when exiting the train
 station was HAIR pronounced SUCCESS ... and promptly gave up
 *ever* trying to understand the English language like a native of
 this crazy island  lol 

grins and apparently American's spell Cheese 'KRAFT'... ;) So it's
no real wonder people are always confused ;)

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Version: 6.5.8ckt


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jonathan!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 8:49:18 PM you wrote:

 grins and apparently American's spell Cheese 'KRAFT'... ;) So it's
 no real wonder people are always confused ;)

ghote = Shavian for ...

The answer I will publish later, for those not familiar with his
(another answer I provide later) famous fight against English

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Das Vergleichen mit anderen ist das Ende des Glücks und der Anfang der
Unzufriedenheit. (Sören Kierkegaard)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Daniel Hirning
In  reply to Simon's message '(SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line' on
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 01:57:04 + from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


S In  a  recent  discussion  with a friend I was _told_ ;) that 'Re:'
S used  in  the  subject  line  of  an  email was an abbreviation for
S 'Reply'  and  _not_  'Regarding',  and that Re: _shouldn't ever_ be
S used in the sense of 'Regarding' when used in email message Subject
S fields.

The  use  of Re: to represent 'Regarding' is, IMO, rather superficial.
The  field is a 'Subject' field, and hence, it is already implied that
whatever  is  in the field is what the email is regarding, hence, IMO,
having  Re:  in  the  subject field simply means Regarding Regarding:
insert subject here

What else is going to be in a subject field, if its not what the email
is regarding

Its a little pointless to double up.


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Dierk,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 20:55:33 +0100 GMT (23/11/02, 02:55 +0700 GMT),
Dierk Haasis wrote:

 ghote = Shavian for ...

 The answer I will publish later, for those not familiar with his
 (another answer I provide later) famous fight against English

The suspense is killing me. I'll watch out for your next publication
on TBOT.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Auf Nytol Schlafmittel: Achtung: Kann Muedigkeit verursachen

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62/Beta7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Daniel,

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 12:14:13 +1100 GMT (23/11/02, 08:14 +0700 GMT),
Daniel Hirning wrote:

 What else is going to be in a subject field, if its not what the email
 is regarding

The internal file number of the sender. ;-)

Seriously, in my last company, this was the usage they had for subject
fields in outgoing messages. Luckily, they listened to me and changed
their system so that their business partners then received messages
with meaningful subjects.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

What? What the hell is a RFC? I _do_ already use NAV! - Peter
Palmreuther on TBUDL.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62/Beta7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread William Moore
 Hello Dierk

Thank you for your email dated Friday, November 22, 2002, 7:55:33 PM,
in which you wrote:

DH ghote = Shavian for ...

Fish. Or should it be trout?



Flying with The Bat! 
Windows 2000 Pro 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-21 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Simon,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 01:57:04 + GMT (22/11/02, 08:57 +0700 GMT),
Simon wrote:

 In  a recent discussion with a friend I was _told_ ;) that 'Re:' used in the
 subject  line  of  an  email  was  an  abbreviation  for  'Reply'

 Anyhow,  after  thinking about it, I can understand that using Re: in a *new
 message* to mean 'Regarding' may be confounding to the recipient of it as it
 may be mistaken to mean a 'Reply', but I am still uncertain whether there is
 an actual proper or accepted usage of 'Re:' in email messages.

Re: stands for Reply.

 I  looked  up  RFC2822 and from what I can gather the use of Re: is first of
 all optional as it states that:

RFC2822...the field body MAY start with the string Re: ...

 It then goes on to define Re: :

RFC2822...string Re:  (from the Latin res, in the matter of)...

This is a misuqoting. Here is the a more complete version:

 These three fields are intended to have only human-readable content
with information about the message.  The Subject: field is the most
common and contains a short string identifying the topic of the
message.  When used in a reply, the field body MAY start with the
string Re:  (from the Latin res, in the matter of) followed by
the contents of the Subject: field body of the original message.
If this is done, only one instance of the literal string Re:  ought
to be used since use of other strings or more than one instance can
lead to undesirable consequences.  

RFC2822 therefore states that the Re: may be used when *in a reply*.

The author's assessment that res is a Latin expression meaning in
the matter of is wrong, res is just a female noun meaning thing
or matter. Whether Re: stands for res (in which case I wonder
why we exchange the last s with a colon) or for Reply: is
anybody's guess. I would say the latter, in the sense of: I am
replying to your mail with a subject of: [followed be the original

 Well  the RFC would then seem to be suggesting the use of Re: in the sense
 of  'Regarding'. However, The Bat! (and some other clients) seem to be using
 'Re:' to mean 'Reply' and not in the matter of, as my friend is suggesting
 is  proper.

Your friend misread the RFC, and TB and all other (RFC-abiding)
clients use Re: in replies. Note that the little word may means that
it is perfectly OK to just repeat the original subject without adding
Re: in the reply. But creating a new message and starting the
subject line with Re: is not what is meant.

 Does Re: mean 'Regarding' or 'Reply' when used in the Subject field?

It means Reply.

 And is one acceptable and the other unacceptable?

It is acceptable (and quite common and sensible, but not absolutely
necessary) to add Re: to the beginning of a subject line when
replying. It is not acceptable in other cases.




Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-21 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 22, 2002, 2:57:04 AM, you wrote:
S So,  does  anyone know whether there is some email etiquette to settle this.
S Does  Re: mean 'Regarding' or 'Reply' when used in the Subject field? And is
S one acceptable and the other unacceptable?

Hi Simon,

Sometimes standard are created by the use of a product. I would never
interpret Re: as meaning regarding. I would therefore say that the
abreviation of Regarding as Re:, specially in the subject of an email
will not be interpreted as such and is therefore unacceptable.

All of this is only valid if you are using English ;-)

Best regards,
Universal Laws of Golf: A severe slice is a thing of awesome power and

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