[Therion] Problem with station names

2015-01-17 Thread Bruce
> The station names are there but the font is so small they are barely
visible. I'll customise the font sizes.

Try a bigger scale, say 1:1000

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[Therion] Magnetic declination meltdown

2015-01-19 Thread Bruce
A random discovery with the new tex variable\magdecl = magnetic
declination in degrees.

If one uses a defined coordinate system and forgets to provide a survey date
for all surveys, then there is some 'not very well trapped' undesirable

The log file produces something like this.

 "C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: warning -- unable to determine
magnetic declination for undated surveys

output coordinate system: EPSG:2193

meridian convergence (deg): -0.0696


which is appropriate behaviour, however it is followed by.


 end of metapost log file 

converting scraps ... done

making map ... done

 pdftex log file #

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (Web2C 2009) (format=pdftex
2010.1.2)  18 JAN 2015 20:21

entering extended mode


(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex

(c:/Program Files/Therion/texmf/tex/glyphtounicode.tex))

rogram Files/Therion/texmf/fonts/pdftex.map})


Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.)


Overfull \hbox (299.59392pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--12

[]\thfb gridnorth

.00deg |

\hbox(8.3+2.3)x330.05206, glue set - 1.0


.\thfb g

.\thfb r

.\thfb i

.\thfb d


) (./th_pages.tex)

 253 numeric registers used out of 32768

 [1] ) 

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

 1706 strings out of 95617



which is not so good, but at least it does produce a generally OK looking
pdf (with my experimental debug like header layout). 

In this case it might be better to set \magdecl to a more meaningful error

If it can take a string value then "unable to determine magnetic declination
for undated surveys" is probably good.


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[Therion] Magnetic declination meltdown

2015-01-19 Thread Bruce
It seems I was wrong about the cause of the problem, the problem is more in
Therion than in data entry.

Looks like Therion 5.3.15 cannot handle survey dates in 2015 (as implied in
the changes logs), and so 5.3.16 is required to use coordinate systems with
surveys dated from 2015 onwards.

That is OK, but what could be improved, is the reporting of the error to
something like.

magnetic declination not available for survey date

and also to improve the variable\magdecl in this circumstance.



From: Bruce [mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz] 
Sent: Monday, 19 January 2015 4:34 p.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Magnetic declination meltdown

A random discovery with the new tex variable\magdecl = magnetic
declination in degrees.

If one uses a defined coordinate system and forgets to provide a survey date
for all surveys, then there is some 'not very well trapped' undesirable

The log file produces something like this.

 "C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: warning -- unable to determine
magnetic declination for undated surveys

output coordinate system: EPSG:2193

meridian convergence (deg): -0.0696


which is appropriate behaviour, however it is followed by.


 end of metapost log file 

converting scraps ... done

making map ... done

 pdftex log file #

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (Web2C 2009) (format=pdftex
2010.1.2)  18 JAN 2015 20:21

entering extended mode


(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex

(c:/Program Files/Therion/texmf/tex/glyphtounicode.tex))

rogram Files/Therion/texmf/fonts/pdftex.map})


Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.)


Overfull \hbox (299.59392pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--12

[]\thfb gridnorth

.00deg |

\hbox(8.3+2.3)x330.05206, glue set - 1.0


.\thfb g

.\thfb r

.\thfb i

.\thfb d


) (./th_pages.tex)

 253 numeric registers used out of 32768

 [1] ) 

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

 1706 strings out of 95617



which is not so good, but at least it does produce a generally OK looking
pdf (with my experimental debug like header layout). 

In this case it might be better to set \magdecl to a more meaningful error

If it can take a string value then "unable to determine magnetic declination
for undated surveys" is probably good.


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[Therion] volume of a cave

2015-01-21 Thread Bruce
Some past discussion here.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Filippo Gregori
Sent: Wednesday, 21 January 2015 9:32 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] volume of a cave

Hello, I would like calculating volume of a cave. I made the survey and
I exported with therion loch the file in .vtk.
I'm using paraview now, it's a good software for modelling of a solid 3d
but I don't found a simple solution to resolve my problem. Have you ever
done this calculation? And how? Thanks

Filippo Gregori (Vicenza - IT)

[Therion] Magnetic declination meltdown

2015-01-22 Thread Bruce

Thanks for looking at this.

I tried on 5.3.15 and 5.3.16 and the effect is similar.

Note the shape of the survey legs differs between outputs - if the date
specified is beyond the geomag data, the angle between the survey legs is

I think the problem is characterized by specifying a date that extends
beyond the geomagnetic data range contained within Therion.

In this case the error reported should not be "unable to determine magnetic
declination for undated surveys" but rather indicate that a survey date
extends beyond the geomagnetic database in this version of Therion.

Have attached the thconfig file I used, and some outputs identified by the
survey date and Therion version used to create them.

Of the outputs, only the file cave2015-5.3.16.pdf has survey dates within
the range of the version of Therion used to compile it.

It is also the only output with the correct survey shape and valid /magdecl



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Thursday, 22 January 2015 4:45 a.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: Re: [Therion] Magnetic declination meltdown

Hi Bruce, 

I have tried to reproduce your error but without success.

Attached thconfig file gives me "unable to determine magnetic declination
for undated surveys" warning, but \magdecl is correctly defined

Are to able to send me some dataset, where this error occurs? Or does it
happen in previous version of therion?




cs lat-long

data normal from to compass clino tape

0 1 90 0 10

fix 0 48.14 19.99 230

date 2012.01.09



data normal from to compass clino tape

1 2 100 0 10



export map

On 19 January 2015 at 09:57, Bruce  wrote:

It seems I was wrong about the cause of the problem, the problem is more in
Therion than in data entry.

Looks like Therion 5.3.15 cannot handle survey dates in 2015 (as implied in
the changes logs), and so 5.3.16 is required to use coordinate systems with
surveys dated from 2015 onwards.

That is OK, but what could be improved, is the reporting of the error to
something like.

 magnetic declination not available for survey date

 and also to improve the variable\magdecl in this circumstance.



From: Bruce [mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz] 
Sent: Monday, 19 January 2015 4:34 p.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Magnetic declination meltdown

 A random discovery with the new tex variable\magdecl = magnetic
declination in degrees.

 If one uses a defined coordinate system and forgets to provide a survey
date for all surveys, then there is some 'not very well trapped' undesirable

The log file produces something like this.

  "C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: warning -- unable to determine
magnetic declination for undated surveys

output coordinate system: EPSG:2193

meridian convergence (deg): -0.0696


which is appropriate behaviour, however it is followed by.


 end of metapost log file 

converting scraps ... done

making map ... done

 pdftex log file #

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (Web2C 2009) (format=pdftex
2010.1.2)  18 JAN 2015 20:21

entering extended mode


(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex

(c:/Program Files/Therion/texmf/tex/glyphtounicode.tex))

rogram Files/Therion/texmf/fonts/pdftex.map})


Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.)


Overfull \hbox (299.59392pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--12

[]\thfb gridnorth

.00deg |

\hbox(8.3+2.3)x330.05206, glue set - 1.0


.\thfb g

.\thfb r

.\thfb i

.\thfb d


) (./th_pages.tex)

 253 numeric registers used out of 32768

 [1] ) 

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

 1706 strings out of 95617



which is not so good, but at least it does produce a generally OK looking
pdf (with my experimental debug like header layout). 

In this case it might be better to set \magdecl to a more meaningful error

If it can take a string value then "unable to determine magnetic declination
for undated surveys" is probably good.


Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

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[Therion] Survey of a levelled maze

2015-07-12 Thread Bruce
Me too!  I am very interested in resolving these issues.

> But when the Reads2M, Reads3M and Reads4M maps are offset the previews
are not shown.
Is this something to do with 'map level' as described in Therion Book? - I
have never been able to decipher or resolve however.

> ...and to get colour by map to work I need to select ReadsM -map-level 1
but then the previews are not shown ... how do I get the colours and the
previews, help! Even better would be to get the previews the
same colour as the maps...

Both of these would be nice to resolve.
Similarly perhaps, I have never ever managed to get;

colour preview-above  

to work.  I have a statement to make my preview above's magenta in my
standard layout since 2010 so I will notice if it starts working with a new
release. (colour preview-below works fine!)  If anyone has made colour
preview-above work, please let me know - maybe I have a silly mistake :)

> As a note; it turns out that [0 25 m] is in North/south and East/West
direction not X Y of the page, which I can overcome with a bit of maths,
but as this seems to be more of a page laying tool I would expect the

I sometimes use a variety (OK, two) map rotations for the same map
definitions, and so have noticed this as well.  However as my offsets are
often positioned to avoid neighbouring passages, it makes more sense for me
to offset using cs coordinates rather than page coordinates (notwithstanding
issues with label orientations and clashes).  This way the same map
definition and offset can be used regardless of the rotate specification
used for a particular export.
The maths can be frustrating though, so ability to specify page or cs
coordinates would be a nice touch.


[Therion] Revise command for previews

2015-07-12 Thread Bruce
> I cannot get preview/offsets to work for projected elevations, should
they, the thbooks seems to say any map!!

See this earlier discussion thread

Elevation offsets should work fine, as the link above suggests and elevation
previews have been problematic - I think I have had them working, but cannot
remember for sure, sorry, too many tasks stacked up to want to go looking
for examples at present.

As for using revise to add maps of higher level.
Since 2008 I have been searching for enlightenment!
This search might be helpful in starting out on your quest...

May the force be with you

[Therion] Revise command for previews

2015-07-12 Thread Bruce
> I cannot get preview/offsets to work for projected elevations, should

they, the thbooks seems to say any map!!

So yes, I checked a projected elevation.

Both offset and preview work OK, just like plan projections.

The difficulty I recalled may have been associated with 'map-level'.

In the diagram below, the shaded passage is 'preview below', and the outline
is 'offset 100m above'.

The definition is like this.

map AblutionInceptionElev020Map \

  -title "Greenlink System Elevation looking 020 deg" \

  -projection [elevation 020 deg]

   #in front

   JM-DigiPlusElev020 at MiddleEarth [000 100 m] above

   IK-LuckyCowboyElev020 at MiddleEarth [000 100 m] above 


   JG-TrainElev020 at MiddleEarth



   preview below IJ-CarpeDiemElev020 at MiddleEarth  



and in the th-config the map is invoked directly with 

   select AblutionInceptionElev020Map

Hope that helps


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[Therion] Additions To Pocket Topo Data

2015-07-15 Thread Bruce

I don't know the answer to your question.  I have always created a new .top
file for a new day or new survey segment (separated from previous survey
legs that day).  Hence I am careful not to leave any small or isolated bits
of passage unsurveyed, to avoid future tiny surveys!

Joining together is easy, and so it is a strength of the method that there
is no need to wait until you have finished surveying.  Complete your Therion
centerline and drawing at the end of each day!



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Nick Bairstow
Sent: Wednesday, 15 July 2015 6:42 a.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: [Therion] Additions To Pocket Topo Data

Hi, If I bring Pocket Topo data/sketch into Therion with Top Parser and draw
up the survey and then go back to the cave and add more stuff to the
original topo file using say the continue here option is it possible to
somehow easily get/replace the amended topo data into the original .th2 file
and retain the scrap work already done or do I have to create a new survey.
Obviously I can amend the .th with a text editor.

I sometimes find myself waiting to draw things up whilst I get time to go
back to get the last bits of the survey done so everything is in one file
and I don't have to join it all together.

Sorry if this is a bit of a stupid question but if you don't ask you never
find out.

Nick Bairstow

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[Therion] Projected Elevation Output

2015-07-19 Thread Bruce
Further to Xavier's comment...

All the (relevant) elevation scraps, maps and exports will need to have 

-projection [elevation 90]

as part of their definition.

(If you just specify "-projection elevation" then Therion will default to an
elevation looking 0 deg, or north for that object)

Many versions back I discovered that the direction must be specified exactly
the same way in each scrap, map and export definition, I presume it is still
the case.

ie -projection [elevation 90] is not recognised by Therion as the same as 

-projection [elevation 090], and so this can be a reason why some scraps or
maps are dropped from an export.


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[Therion] KML Issues

2015-07-28 Thread Bruce

Check this wiki entry



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Andrew Atkinson
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 4:46 a.m.
To: Therion
Subject: Re: [Therion] KML Issues

On 27 Jul 2015 5:34 pm, "Nick Bairstow"  wrote:

> I have checked for walls/pillars with the tick mark the wrong way round
and all look OK. I notice that other people have had issues with this a
while back and even noticed that Andrew stopped using kml output. In all
cases the compile runs with no warnings and the pdf output is fine.
I have not stopped, just googlemaps got rid of the easy way to put kml on,
by embedding the links. They are more fussy than pdf, bug looks like you
have checked for the right things. Sometimes you need to close the end of a
scrap with an invisible wall for the algorithm to work, this was a solution
to a previous email thread I started on loc models, but it seems to apply to
kml as well. Currently I am away with limited tech so cannot find the
thread, hopefully someone else  will help you with the rest, otherwise I
will in 10days or so


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[Therion] KML Issues

2015-07-29 Thread Bruce
Thanks for the feedback Nick.

I'll endeavor to update the wiki kml entry, as your comments would make it

Remind me in a few weeks if I haven't got around to it.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Nick Bairstow
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 11:26 p.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] KML Issues

Right, things I found.

Firstly I found a sneaky boulder which had been drawn with a wall line. I
now know about the search and select function in the map editor this is
clearly very useful for checking feature types and it will be in regular use
from now on.

I found a pillar without the -outside in option on.

With these two things corrected the kml output was nearly there I just had a
few strange shapes to certain bits of the map so next I looked at the open
passages. I put extra wall lines across the open ends one at a time and this
sorted the strange shapes but doing this showed that not all open passage
ends caused a problem some rendered fine with a straight edge between the
two wall ends. It was obvious which open ends caused problems as these were
the origin points of the strange additional shapes.

Feeling quite pleased with myself now, just the other 4/5 th2's to sort out
to get a nice Google earth image of the system so far.




From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Nick Bairstow
Sent: 28 July 2015 11:18
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] KML Issues

I will use my worst kml map export and trim it back to just walls to
simplify it. I will experiment with closing passage ends etc as there are
several on this map and see what happens. I shall report back.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Bruce
Sent: 27 July 2015 20:39
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] KML Issues


Check this wiki entry



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Andrew Atkinson
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 4:46 a.m.
To: Therion
Subject: Re: [Therion] KML Issues

On 27 Jul 2015 5:34 pm, "Nick Bairstow"  wrote:

> I have checked for walls/pillars with the tick mark the wrong way round
and all look OK. I notice that other people have had issues with this a
while back and even noticed that Andrew stopped using kml output. In all
cases the compile runs with no warnings and the pdf output is fine.
I have not stopped, just googlemaps got rid of the easy way to put kml on,
by embedding the links. They are more fussy than pdf, bug looks like you
have checked for the right things. Sometimes you need to close the end of a
scrap with an invisible wall for the algorithm to work, this was a solution
to a previous email thread I started on loc models, but it seems to apply to
kml as well. Currently I am away with limited tech so cannot find the
thread, hopefully someone else  will help you with the rest, otherwise I
will in 10days or so


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[Therion] Finding undated surveys

2015-07-30 Thread Bruce
Despite the message wording, I am pretty sure 'date' is a centreline
property, rather than an 'survey' property.  The surveys just inherit the
range of dates from their centrelines.
>From memory, which is often faulty, any centreline with survey shots ('data'
statements) will trip this warning if there is a cs defined (globally) but
there is no date in that centreline.

One that caught me out once was adding 
data  nosurvey etc
in a centreline of it's own - I had to add a date that the shot was not
surveyed!  (Also that nosurvey shots actually add their lengths to the
surveyed length) 

So to answer your question, I cannot think of an easy way, unless creating a
sql output and then querying that will work for you.

Not sure if Dave Clucas' project http://sarawak-caves.com/php/websearch.php
could be made to seek out undated surveys as it stands?
The 'Lengths' query has a field for dates, but I don't think 'undated' will
work.  I guess if the output had 'approx', 'date' and 'explo-date' columns,
you could scan down the table for blanks.


-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Andrew Atkinson
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2015 1:22 a.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: [Therion] Finding undated surveys


I am getting the message

warning -- unable to determine magnetic declination for undated surveys

Now I am reasonable sure that all the surveys are dated, as I use
topParser and it puts it in automatically. however I would like to
check, I cannot find a way of finding which surveys Therion finds to
be undated, Is there an easy/built in way, Maybe it would be good if
Therion listed them in the output log


Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Missing explored length in survey-list statistics

2015-06-01 Thread Bruce
Oops, I got distracted as I was writing this, and reported it incorrectly.


The continuation-lists are reported correctly.

It is the survey-list that is reported incorrectly.

As you can see below, the explored length 50m total is not supported by the
values below it.

The 10m is recorded in a centerline as described in my first message.

However there are plan and extended scraps that have 'point continuations'
with explored lengths which are included in the total for the cave, but not
recorded against the survey.

My recollection is that continuations in scraps used to be recorded against
the survey.

As in the image below, The continuation-list is still reporting scrap
continuations against the survey and station (The location of the
continuation point can be seen in the 'ref' column on the right).




From: Bruce [mailto:br...@tomo.co.nz] 
Sent: Monday, 1 June 2015 10:38 a.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Missing explored length in continuation-list statistics

Just studying an output from a recent project, and I noticed that 'explored'
lengths in scraps recorded against 'point continuations' are not reported
properly in continuation-list survey-list html exports. (I have only tested
html, plan and extended scraps in Therion 5.3.16)

'Explored' lengths in centrelines recorded against stations with flag
continuation are reported however.

A bug perhaps?  Or a quirk of my project?


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[Therion] Turn through angle data format

2015-06-10 Thread Bruce
>217.5531 means 217 degrees, 55 minutes, 31 seconds
for Therion change to established convention 217:55:31

[Therion] Forcing Therion to print centerlines only

2015-06-25 Thread Bruce

>If you put a survey in a map it will show the centreline...

Andrews suggestion is the only way I have done it to date, due to the
(generally helpful) behaviour of Therion whereby (for pdf exports) selecting
nothing selects all, and selecting any map object suppresses all selected
survey objects.

But it would be nice to be able to forcibly suppress scrap output, maybe
something like this in a layout would do it;

layout LayoutSurveyOnly

  symbol-hide group all 

  # hides all survey and scrap symbols except passage foreground and
background colours I think

  symbol-show group centreline #shows centreline related symbols

  debug station-names #shows all station names

  scale 1 1000

endlayout LayoutSurveyOnly

That layout in combination with no selections (which by default selects all
surveys and all scraps/maps in a source file) might do the trick.  

It worked for me, although it is slow to compile large projects due to
Therion having to process all the scraps. As written above the layout
generates centrelines with all the offsets and previews defined in maps, but
hides all other drawing symbols.

You can see below the effect on one of my projects.  The light grey shading
is the effect of the default white passage foreground colour overlying the
preview below shading.

Thanks for seeding the idea Michael


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[Therion] Missing explored length in continuation-list statistics

2015-06-01 Thread Bruce
Just studying an output from a recent project, and I noticed that 'explored'
lengths in scraps recorded against 'point continuations' are not reported in
continuation-list html exports. (I have only tested html, plan and extended
scraps in Therion 5.3.16)

'Explored' lengths in centrelines recorded against stations with flag
continuation are reported however.

A bug perhaps?  Or a quirk of my project?


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[Therion] german expression for depth-legend

2015-03-05 Thread Bruce

Top of page 49 in the Therion Book describes, but you need to download the 
source files to decode what it means.

The part of texts.txt that is relevant is;

therion: title color-legend-altitude

bg: Височинна скала

cz: Nadmořské výšky

de: Höhe des Titelfeldes

el: Υψομετρικά

en: Altitudes

es: color (altitud)

fr: Altitudes

it: Profondità

mi: Teitei, Tiketike

pl: wysokości npm

pt: Altitudes

ru: Высотная шкала

sk: Nadmorské výšky

sq: titulli ngjyra-permbajtja-lartesia mbidetare

So you want to add a statement to your th-config file (OUTSIDE of a layout 
block) something like this…

text de "title color-legend-altitude" "Markus’ version of Höhe des 



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf 
Of Markus Boldt
Sent: Thursday, 5 March 2015 9:31 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] german expression for depth-legend


if I let make a legend for the depth by color (colour map-fg altitude) the 
title of that legend is „Höhe des Titelfeldes“. That is nonsense for me. 
Is it possible to change that? May be with some TEX or METAPOST? 

In the wiki I have found how it is possible to make changes by myself. But in 
my installation (5.3.16/Win7) is no directory named therion/thlang ? AND I 
thing I`am too stupid for that…..

Many thanks for an answer 



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[Therion] german expression for depth-legend

2015-03-06 Thread Bruce
Not stupid Markus. Took me years to figure out how to change Therion’s 
‘text’s.  Then I wondered why it took me so long.

The cave depth that Therion reports is always positive, regardless of whether 
you have surveyed upwards or surveyed downwards.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf 
Of Markus Boldt
Sent: Friday, 6 March 2015 6:04 a.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Re: [Therion] german expression for depth-legend

Dear Bruce, 

thank you very much for your very fast answer. It is working!! … But that 
brings me to the question: What happens if there are a cave deeper than 0m 
(NHN)? Get I a minus before the numbers? 



Von: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] Im 
Auftrag von Bruce
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. März 2015 07:07
An: 'List for Therion users'
Betreff: Re: [Therion] german expression for depth-legend


Top of page 49 in the Therion Book describes, but you need to download the 
source files to decode what it means.

The part of texts.txt that is relevant is;

therion: title color-legend-altitude

bg: Височинна скала

cz: Nadmořské výšky

de: Höhe des Titelfeldes

el: Υψομετρικά

en: Altitudes

es: color (altitud)

fr: Altitudes

it: Profondità

mi: Teitei, Tiketike

pl: wysokości npm

pt: Altitudes

ru: Высотная шкала

sk: Nadmorské výšky

sq: titulli ngjyra-permbajtja-lartesia mbidetare

So you want to add a statement to your th-config file (OUTSIDE of a layout 
block) something like this…

text de "title color-legend-altitude" "Markus’ version of Höhe des 


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[Therion] cave depth

2015-03-07 Thread Bruce
>if there isn't entrance definition Therion calculates altitude difference
from bottom most or from upper most station.


And what if there is an entrance defined?  Or many entrances at various
altitudes?  Or many caves defined for that matter?  What does Therion do?
(I have not often checked, but any anomalies I found I assumed were my

Surely the best estimate Therion can make of cave depth is always the
altitude difference between the bottom-most and top-most station of the
caves selected for export?

(ignoring for now niceties of splays or up-down dimensions)


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[Therion] cave depth

2015-03-07 Thread Bruce
Hi Martin

My point was, what relevance does an entrance have to the depth of a cave
(from Therion's perspective)?

Entrances may occur anywhere in underground survey network, at end of branch
or mid branch (hole in roof of shallow cave).  Software should only take
survey network as being of relevance to the depth calculation.  The flagging
of entrances (or not) is quite an independent concept that should not alter
the way depth is calculated.


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[Therion] cave depth

2015-03-07 Thread Bruce
> Well the depth could become +15, -230, rather than just 245m if there
is one entrance 15m below the highest point. You may or may not prefer
that - just saying that they could be related in that way.

Yes I agree, there are other ways of thinking about definition of cave
depth, but not yet able or likely to be automated using Therion.  Although
the recent \cave[max|min]z variables are a step in allowing users to
customise in that direction.


[Therion] cave depth

2015-03-07 Thread Bruce
I had a thought!
Exported cave lists already report (among other things) station comments
with flag entrance set against the elevation, and grouped by cave.

I have already experimented with redefining the map header so that depth is
reported like;

Length: 1232m
Depth:  126m, from altitude 100m to 226m

What would it take to make the station comments for flagged entrances
available in the map-headers so that we could add entrance station comments
and elevations?

Like this?

Length: 1232m
Depth:  126m, from altitude 100m to 226m
Middle Earth Entrance   202m
Perseverance Cave   186m
Hobbit Hole Entrance150m


[Therion] -map-level with export map

2015-03-29 Thread Bruce
I would like a pdf map, that contains all the submaps on their own layers, and 
with offsets and previews visible.

I have been trying to make sense of –map-level as it relates to exporting map 
outputs, and referring to the Therion Book.

• map-level  ◃ valid only when a map is selected. Determines the 
level at

which map expansion for atlas export is stopped. By default 0 is used; if 
‘basic’ is

specified, expansion is done up to the basic maps. Note: Map previews are 

only as specified in maps in the current map-level.

So as documented it seems to apply only to atlas exports, however as discussed 
previously on this forum it is useful in map exports as it can place each 
submap on it’s own layer in the resulting pdf file.  This is what I would 
like to achieve, however doing so has the disadvantage of hiding offset 
passages (and their previews).  The preview hiding is hinted at in the Therion 
Book, but not the offset hiding.

So experimenting…

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 0 

…selects only the top level map for export and results in a pdf with 3 
layers, preview above, SpanishParrotPlanMap and preview below.  Because I have 
specified an offset below in one of the sub-maps, the preview below layer 
contains the shaded passage shape, and the map-connection points are displayed 
in the SpanishParrotPlanMap layer.

This seems to be exactly the same as the default behaviour resulting from…

select SpanishParrotPlanMap #ie no map-level specified.

The above are the pdf map characteristics I want, but in addition, sometimes, I 
want a layer for each submap.

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 1

… should perhaps achieve what I want, but I find I have no offset and no 
preview below.  I do however have a layer for each submap as well as empty 
layers for preview above and below.

So lets try selecting both flavours of the map…

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 0

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 1

Some improvement. I have an offset, and map and submap layers in the pdf, 
ordered according to the order of my select statements.  BUT the preview layer 
is empty and the map-connection point dashed lines to not display.

Other variants I tried…

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 1 -map-level 0 

…this only creates output based on the last –map-level statement.  So it 
should probably throw a warning or error.

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 0, 1 # causes error

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level 0 1 # causes error

select SpanishParrotPlanMap -map-level [0 1] # causes error

So is there a way to specify the creation of a pdf layer for each submap, while 
retaining the preview, offset and map-connection visibility?

As an aside, in 2011 I requested an easy toggle for offsets. 

It would seem that the current behaviour of –map-level can be used to achieve 
this for exported maps.  Not sure how it affects exported atlas, but I’m not 
going to worry about that until another day.



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[Therion] Idea: elevation projection surface panorama

2015-05-15 Thread Bruce
Seems like a good idea for the wish list Dirk.

'Panorama' seems like the wrong word to me however.

Conceptually, what you describe would compliment the 'surface' statements we
already have in Therion.

In layouts we already have;

surface [top|bottom|off] that is only really relevant to layouts used with
plan projections.

What you describe would be the natural extension to a projected elevation

So for elevations, your elevation-panorama [on|off] would be surface
[top|bottom|off] (ie do the surface profile drawing layers display over or
beneath the cave drawing), and elevation-panorama grid would be surface

As you suggest, some way of defining the grid spacing and or a profile trail
would be required.

If I were to use such a feature I would probably want to define sets of
way-points that I could call up at will.

I could imagine using them for extended elevations as well.  In that case
one would need to be able to set the profile to 'extend left' or 'extend
right', as, like extended centerlines themselves, the shape of the surface
becomes an artistic endeavor.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Dirk Peinelt
Sent: Friday, 15 May 2015 3:29 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] Idea: elevation projection surface panorama

Hi mappers!

I've an idea for a new Therion-feature. 

The feature affects only the elevation view, in a stated view direction.

The target is, to get a map with a elevation projection and a reference to
the surface.

If a surface is integrated in the project, it could be used to generate
automatically a surface-panorama from the surface point-cloud, on the basis
of the elevation-view-direction. And this could be printed to the elevation

(like http://www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/panoramas.html)

With an layout option should it be controlled: e.g.:

elevation-panorama on|grid|off


no surface panorama (default)


One panorama piece, calculated from view direction and the middled object

Or serval panorama pieces, one per entrance reference or/and the panorama
was calculated by topographic prominence in the integrated surface.



serval panoramas (each calculated on the grid value, opaque on top of each


With a waypointlist in the surface block could be peak's or other interessts

Or with a new fixed station flag, e.g. "peak".

This would be a nice feature.

Is this possible? Or absolutely utopistic?


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[Therion] Idea: elevation projection surface panorama

2015-05-16 Thread Bruce
>a  waypoint-block per line in the surface statement should be
>enougth to create manually something and still control it free.
>I've attached an idea.

Your sketched idea looks nice.
Now for someone who can write the code!
I expect it is not a small task to write that and integrate it into Therion.

Of course there is a work around you could use, with current Therion

ie using GPS Visualizer to create a profile or create your own gps trail by
walking the route, then creating a surface survey as described on the wiki
link above.

Now you can draw scraps on the surface survey to create pdf representations
and label it as you wish. 

Maybe a new line type is needed, u:ground that would look similar to
wall:sand or wall:clay, to distinguish between 'above ground' and 'below
ground'.  That would go a small way to working around the problem you
mentioned of the background colour filling in the sky.


[Therion] Idea: elevation projection surface panorama

2015-05-18 Thread Bruce
I see I had a similar conversation a couple of years ago

Search for surface and profile to find related posts.


[Therion] update to NZSS symbol set

2015-05-18 Thread Bruce
I have a long overdue update for the NZSS symbol set that was added to
Therion in 5.3.10 back in 2012.

Who should I send it to?


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[Therion] \survexversion

2015-05-18 Thread Bruce

Something to do for the next release.

I'd like to request a new TeX variable to compliment the existing

\thversion = current therion version

\survexversion = current survex version if survex loop closure algorithm

= empty (or similar) if therion loop closure used.



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[Therion] Redefining PENA...PEND to draw lighter

2015-05-19 Thread Bruce
Thanks for asking that question Michael
I have the same problem, but I had not bothered to think about changing the
linework colour.

I just tried a simpler approach (that leaves the header and grid coordinates
black).  I will use this from now on.

   symbol-colour group all [60] #makes everything grey
   colour map-fg [97 86 38] #add some colour

And check out this code to make the grid grey
Code to change grid symbols from cross hairs to continuous lines

(I don't know how to change the pen colours)

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Michael Wasmund
Sent: Tuesday, 19 May 2015 12:00 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] Redefining PENA...PEND to draw lighter

Does someone have metapost code to redefine PENA...PEND to draw grey instead
of black?

Why I need this:

My survey consists of 80% scanned bitmaps and 20% drawn scraps.
The bitmaps are "grey", not black (can't make them better using image
 The drawn scraps then stand out and look ugly compared to the bitmaps.

I know how to redefine individual symbols (walls etc.) to be grey instead of
but rather than redefining a large symbol set I'd rather redefine the PENs -
if possible. 


Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Redefining PENA...PEND to draw lighter

2015-05-19 Thread Bruce
>It should be quite a simple job to adjust the black point for a bitmap to
make any shade of grey truly black. It you have a bitmap editor with a
levels control, you can adjust the end points of the black-white range of

My experience on many occasions is that the transformation by Therion makes
the resulting image appear grey.  I don't think it is a fault of the
original image (but I have not ever looked into it in detail).


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[Therion] Custom headers to distinguish between projections - plan, extended, elevation xxx deg

2015-05-19 Thread Bruce
I'm working on some custom headers, specific to the projection that is being
produced, however it would be more efficient to have a single custom header
that could automatically detect the projection and include or exclude text

Unfortunately my tex coding is not up to it, and so I would like some tips
as to how to test for the projection so I can selectively use the snippets
below.  What I am missing is the existing variable names and a little bit of
skill in conditional tests in tex.

For example, I would like to include, below the scale bar and above the

-"Extended Elevation" for maps where the projection is extended, 

{\the\legendtextsize\ss {Developed elevation looking generally
North} \par}

-"\outcsname Plan ViewArrow points to \northdir north" for maps where
the projection is plan

 \edef\tmp{\the\outcsname} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

 {\the\legendtextsize\ss\the\outcsname { plan


\edef\tmp{\the\northdir} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

{\the\legendtextsize\ss Arrow points to \the\northdir {
north }\par\par} 


I need to sort this out so it gives a sensible result if the coordinate
system is arbitrary, and hopefully figure out a way to detect if the
bearings are magnetic or adjusted by a declination (and hence grid or true
north), but first things first...

and  -"\outcsname Elevation looking XXX deg" for maps where the projection
is [elevation XXX deg]

\edef\tmp{\the\outcsname} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

{\the\legendtextsize\ss\the\outcsname { elevation looking
020 deg}\par}


As well as detecting that the projection is 'elevation', I need a way of
detecting what the elevation bearing is, rather than hard coding it as I
have done here

Ideas anyone?


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[Therion] Redefining PENA...PEND to draw lighter

2015-05-20 Thread Bruce
Thanks Martin

That is helpful, might even be a good wiki article.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Martin Sluka
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2015 4:45 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] Redefining PENA...PEND to draw lighter

There are special workflows to clean low quality BW or greyscale images,
used originally to clean fax messages.

Principle is to use in bitmap editor combination of setup of layers and
Gaussian blur. One or two times. And as last step a sharping. It works
better if you increase resolution up to 600-1200 dpi first.

I attached sample after and original and several screenshots. I'm sorry I
don't have English Photoshop but it should be clear any way.


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[Therion] How to mark a preferred way through a cave

2015-05-27 Thread Bruce
If I understand correctly Dave's suggestion of user defined lines will only
work if you draw scraps, and I don't think that is what you are asking for
(although drawing simple scraps with only station points and route lines to
overlay your bitmaps might be your best solution).

I hesitate to suggest this, but if you don't mind using a nasty hack, you
could, for example set...
flags approx
...on the route, and then redefine l_survey_cave to emphasise the approx
centreline and make recessive other line flags.
An example of the sort of code you could use is here

"Visualize cave centreline shot flags with colour for splay and duplicate,
and dash for approximate shot flags"

This will only work with pdf and probably svg outputs, and will have no
effect on 3d outputs.


-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Michael Wasmund
Sent: Monday, 25 May 2015 3:31 p.m.


If I want to mark a preferred way through a maze cave,
is there a way to "mark" or "flag" some centerlines, so that they appear
different from the majority in 2D / 3D output?
(Can't work with scraps, it's all bitmaps)


[Therion] Therion website down

2015-05-30 Thread Bruce
The Therion website and wiki seem to be down

At least at my end of the world

"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
to complete your request."

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[Therion] Scrap -flip horizontal extended anomalies

2015-05-04 Thread Bruce
I think I have mastered extended elevations, and have control of extended
centrelines using extend left/right statements within a single top-level
file for an entire cave.  This means that it is easy to simultaneously
create different extended elevation shapes from the same parts of the

So just because I could, I decided to reflect an entire cave elevation (300m
deep pitch series) after having finished all of the scrap drawings, using;

scrap -flip horizontal and swapping all extend left for extend right etc

Some aspects work nicely, for example;

*   Point entity (ie labels etc) alignment relativity is preserved, ie
-align bottom-left, when transformed by -flip horizontal, behaves as if it
is -align bottom-right, and
*   Whole scraps join perfectly, ie  join 01-SpanishParrotElevEXT-s3

However other aspects are not so good, as can be seen on the attached image;

*   Arrows are a problem, ie line arrow, when transformed by -flip
horizontal, ends up with the arrow-heads on the wrong end,
*   -text "." (ie justified text, whether explicitly specified or
implicitly inferred), is not transformed by -flip horizontal, so it ends up
looking wrong,
*   Joins of specific points on lines end up with undesirable distortion
join 02-s3-rockb:107-s1-wall:0   07-s1-rborder:0
#top of passage 3 waters apex
join 02-s3-rockb:end   07-s1-wall:end   07-s1-rborder:end
#btm of passage 3 waters floor

The arrows and text justification are easy, if tedious, to work-around,
however I have not as yet figured out how to fix the joins (the 'correct'
join example in the attached image was modified with Paint.net, not
Therion).  I thought it might be something to do with line point numbering
swapping around on transformation, but the lines in this example are only 2
and 3 points long, and combined with the shape of distortion, I think not.
Perhaps it is the bezier curve parameters that are twisting it up on
transformation?  Not sure how I could fix that.  I also notice that the
nearby but unattached rock is distorted as well.

I have not done an exhaustive test on all line types, so there may be others
that cause problems.  

Interested in people's thoughts on whether justified text should be

And actually I am not just reflecting the elevation because I can (almost),
I made a mistake at the beginning of the survey, so I really would like to
be able to get a clean reflection and produce a quality map.  Any
workarounds for the join issue gratefully received.



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[Therion] export continuation-list: Just one station decimal?

2015-09-02 Thread Bruce
That looks like a very frustrating problem.

I have used export continuation-list a lot since my first Therion days,
manual surveying and Pocket Topo disto surveying, and have never seen that.
I always get station names faithfully reproduced (presumably) as the text
string they were entered with, ie 20.68 always comes out as 20.68

Is this happening on just one machine or just one dataset?



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of torstein finnesand
Sent: Wednesday, 2 September 2015 3:39 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] export continuation-list: Just one station decimal?

Hi folks,

When drawing the scraps, I use the point symbol for continuation. We use
"export continuation-list -filter off" the get the list, normally in html.
Some observations:
- The html list below has stations with only one decimal. Bug?
- The txt list below has the same stations, but with several decimals, -
which is correct. The same happens for the dbf-format.
- One example is the station 5.78. It becomes 5.8 in the html-format.
- The problem occurs to all our projects where we use the full stop as the
decimal mark (PocketTopo surveying).

One problem with the txt-file (and the dbf-file): I can't know whether the
station named for instance 20.6 is station 20.6 or station 20.60.


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[Therion] Consecutive spaces in path crash pdf map-image

2016-08-04 Thread Bruce
My trusty team of testers has discovered what seems to be a bug.

Using 5.3.16 and 5.3.16 Vladimir's beta

If a Therion project folder, that is to contain an output file, has a name
that contains two consecutive spaces and map-image is used to insert one pdf
(in this case an extended elevation) into another, then we always get this
error.  Same if any folder in that folder further up the path has two
consecutive spaces.

writing ./Outputs/MapGrikePlan.pdf ...

### metapost log file 

This is MetaPost, version 1.209 (kpathsea version 5.1.0) (mem=mpost
2010.01.31)  1 AUG 2016 19:32

122 output files written: data.1 .. data.4015

 end of metapost log file 

converting scraps ... done

making map ... done

 pdftex log file #

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (Web2C 2009) (format=pdftex
2010.1.2)  1 AUG 2016 19:32

entering extended mode

!pdfTeX error: pdftex.exe (file C:/Users//

caving surveys/CAVING GRIKE 016 w10/././Outputs/MapGrikeExtendedElev.pdf):
cannot find image file   

 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

# end of pdftex log file #

C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error -- pdftex exit code -- 1

writing xtherion file ... done

The statement that appears to have triggered this is;

map-image 0 0 nw "./Outputs/MapGrikeExtendedElev.pdf"

Notice that the ./ in the statement is changed to ././ in the processing
log, and the double space seems to have been stripped out of the echoed name
in caps.

Was discovered when someone accidentally added two consecutive spaces to a
folder name.


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[Therion] GMANE link not working

2016-08-04 Thread Bruce
I notice the  <http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.therion> GMANE searchable
link at the bottom of the Therion wiki start page has not been working for a
few days.

It gives an error like this.

dir.gmane.org's server DNS address could not be found.

Has someone not paid their ISP or is there some other problem?

I find it a very useful resource, so it would be nice if we could get it


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[Therion] GMANE link not working

2016-08-05 Thread Bruce
Thanks Latislav

I had not figured out we could use Chrome like that.

Although it gives me search results, if I follow any of the links returned,
I get "404 url not found".

Is that something I'm doing wrong, or an unfortunate feature?


-Original Message-
From: Therion [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf Of Ladislav
Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2016 10:49 p.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: Re: [Therion] GMANE link not working

Therion list archive now contains all emails since beginning. So you can
just use Google with expression like:

site:https://mailman.speleo.sk/pipermail/therion/ metapost

Or we can switch to https://www.mail-archive.com

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[Therion] What means that or where is the fault?

2016-02-22 Thread Bruce
I think that warning can also mean that you do not have Survex installed.

(At least that used to be the case)

So not necessarily a problem, just a helpful reminder -except that you need
to be aware that Cavern is a part of Survex for it to be 'helpful' :)

(Survex is not required by Therion, but if Survex is present it can be used
as an alternative loop closure algorithm if so requested in Therion.ini)


Subject: Re: [Therion] What means that or where is the fault?

Or possibly you have incompatible versions of Therion and Survex installed?
Make sure you have a recent Survex version for the current Therion, or
Survex is called by Therion to produce a file which Therion is not able to
read (because the format changed in the Survex output).


On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 3:47 PM Martin Sluka  wrote:

On Feb 20, 2016, at 03:03 PM, Markus Boldt  wrote:

After compiling I get the error "warning -- can't open cavern log file for
input". Therion works well, but there is this error. 

What is wrong?

Cavern is part of Survex. It looks there is problem with user rights there.


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[Therion] New Therion tips on wiki

2016-07-19 Thread Bruce
Martin S

I like your tip on straightening out zig-zig survey legs in passages in
order to make extended elevations more realistic.


I am sure I will use that.

Also notice you have added a link to an executable for converting maps to

Is there a page or some information about what it is and how it works?

Some might be nervous about downloading an executable directly without any
explanation about what it is and how it works (in case it is malware)


PS New look wiki looks good.

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[Therion] MetaPost/Tex: variable \magdecl

2016-06-05 Thread Bruce

I don't know much about this, but have managed to tweak the standard header
as below;

A bit long winded, and I have only copied the conventions in the standard
Therion code, but you may get some clues.

layout LayoutExperimentalHeader

#This code is experimental redefinition of map header

#Bruce Mutton   Therion 5.3.15 make use of new variables

#this one affects maps only

code tex-map

% start bruces addition

\newtoks\thversiontitleA \thversiontitleA={Compiled}

\newtoks\thversiontitleB \thversiontitleB={Therion }

\newtoks\datetitle \datetitle={on }

\newtoks\depthrangetitle \depthrangetitle={Depth range from }

% end bruces addition



  \color[0 0 0]\the\legendtextcolor 

  \ifnortharrow\vbox to 0pt{\line{\hfil\northarrow}\vss}\fi

%print cave map name

  \edef\tmp{\the\cavename} \ifx\tmp\empty \else



%print scalebar  


% start bruces addition

  # %CS

\edef\tmp{\the\outcsname} \ifx\tmp\empty \else



\edef\tmp{\the\northdir} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\ss\the\northdir north }


\edef\tmp{\the\magdecl} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\ss\the\magdecl deg \par}


% end bruces addition

%print comment

  {\rightskip=0pt plus 3em\parskip=3bp

\edef\tmp{\the\comment} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\the\comment} \par\medskip


%print cavelength and depth


\edef\tmp{\the\cavelength} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\si\the\cavelengthtitle: \ss\the\cavelength\par}


\edef\tmp{\the\cavedepth} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\si\the\cavedepthtitle: \ss\the\cavedepth\par}


# % start bruces addition

# %  altitude

\edef\tmp{\the\cavemaxz} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\si\the\depthrangetitle \ss\the\cavemaxz m to} 


\edef\tmp{\the\caveminz} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\ss\the\caveminz m \par} %above mean sea level


# % end bruces addition 

%print explorers names

\edef\tmp{\the\exploteam} \ifx\tmp\empty \else



%print surveyors names

\edef\tmp{\the\topoteam} \ifx\tmp\empty \else



%print cartographers names

\edef\tmp{\the\cartoteam} \ifx\tmp\empty \else



# % start bruces addition (compilation version and date modified to use
built-in 5.3.15 variables)

\edef\tmp{\the\thversion} \ifx\tmp\empty \else  %only write version and
date if version is not emplty

  {\the\legendtextsize\si\the\thversiontitleA: \ss\the\thversiontitleB

% \fi 

% \edef\tmp{\the\currentdate} \ifx\tmp\empty \else

  {\the\legendtextsize\si\the\datetitle \ss\the\currentdate\par}


# % end bruces addition

%print copyrights

\edef\tmp{\the\copyrights} \ifx\tmp\empty \else





  \color[0 0 0]



endlayout LayoutExperimentalHeader



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Dirk Peinelt
Sent: Saturday, 4 June 2016 11:05 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] MetaPost/Tex: variable \magdecl

Is there a way to handle the content of the \magdecl TEX-variable in
METAPOST? (Therion V5.3.16)

In a string or numeric? - I think, i've an syntax problem.

1.) string handling:

string dec;

%dec:="3.022"; % FINE!

dec:=\magdecl; % ERROR

p_label.top(thTEX(dec),(0,0),0,8); % >> string output

2.) numeric handling:

numeric dec;

%dec:=3.022; % FINE!

dec:=\magdecl; % ERROR

p_label.top(thTEX(decimal dec),(0,0),0,8); % >> numeric to string output

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[Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 126, Issue 5

2016-06-06 Thread Bruce

Sorry Dirk
I see I answered the wrong question!
It would be good to use tex variables in meta-post.
Could then create a North arrow with both grid and magnetic north, for
example.  I would like to know the answer also.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Dirk Peinelt
Sent: Monday, 6 June 2016 1:12 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 126, Issue 5

Hi Bruce,
what i mean is to use the values of the Therion Tex-variables in a MetaPost
symbol definition. To calculate some or to print it out. I don't no if there
is a special syntax to get them. 

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2016 13:05:12 +0200
From: "Dirk Peinelt" 
Subject: [Therion] MetaPost/Tex: variable \magdecl
Message-ID: <003b01d1be50$f7c6b130$e7541390$@t-online.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Is there a way to handle the content of the \magdecl TEX-variable in
METAPOST? (Therion V5.3.16)

In a string or numeric? - I think, i've an syntax problem.

1.) string handling:

string dec;

%dec:="3.022"; % FINE!

dec:=\magdecl; % ERROR

p_label.top(thTEX(dec),(0,0),0,8); % >> string output

2.) numeric handling:

numeric dec;

%dec:=3.022; % FINE!

dec:=\magdecl; % ERROR

p_label.top(thTEX(decimal dec),(0,0),0,8); % >> numeric to string output

[Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 126, Issue 7

2016-06-08 Thread Bruce
Nice North Arrow Dirk
Would you mind posting the code for that on the wiki?
Or even a plain simple version.

The ideal north arrow would annotate Nmag if there is no cs set, and show N
and mag separately if there is a cs set (only valid if declination is not
used I suppose).

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Dirk Peinelt
Sent: Wednesday, 8 June 2016 9:09 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 126, Issue 7

Ok, that works for me. I had not realised that there is also a metapost


[Therion] New complimentary software: PEAR PHP Class library File_Therion

2016-06-27 Thread Bruce
Link added

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Benedikt Hallinger
Sent: Monday, 27 June 2016 10:08 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] New complimentary software: PEAR PHP Class library

Hi there,
i just wanted to inform you that since some time i am working on a PHP class

framework to parse/generate therion files with PHP.
I initially need this to export data in therion format from the austrian 
SPELIX system, where austrian cave data is centrally collected.
Since i thought that a PHP class framework for therion file structures would

probably be of broader use, i made it public as a PEAR project.

Some days ago i released the second public release (0.2.0) with basic 
centreline and survey support and (i think) all important structures present

(however not all of them do something right now, thus the alpha state).
The rabbit example is parsable and writable again with core features (like 

I think it would be useful to list the packages home at the therion wiki 
page: http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/contrib:complimentarycaveapps

File_Therion package home: http://pear.php.net/package/File_Therion/
(contains link to sources and in the future documentation; APIdoc there is 
currently broken but will be fixed soon)

With best regards,
Beni Hallinger
Höhlenverein Hallstatt-Obertraun / Austria

Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] North Grid and Mag

2016-06-27 Thread Bruce

I have posted this on the wiki, but not tested.




From: Dirk Peinelt [mailto:dirk.pein...@t-online.de] 
Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2016 7:35 a.m.
To: 'Martin Sluka'; Bruce Mutton
Subject: AW: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 126, Issue 7

Hi Martin, Bruce,

the definition may be published to the wiki. 

I'dont know if the code is effective. (I've not used the A-D Pens.)

I combine this compass rose with a creation date in the map-header

A date variable is not present in metapost.

If the CS is not set, the declination is Zero.

Also if the declination is Zero, the northarrow is a Nmag arrow:

North grid/true rotate the whole plan with the north arrow. (merid. Conv.?)

A small change. (I hope i am not mistaken.)

def s_northarrow (expr rot) =

  valscal=1.2; % scale your north arrow here



  picture tmp_pic;

  tmp_pic = image (

pickup pencircle scaled .3;

thfill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor 1white;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 3.1cm;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 4.05cm;

pickup pencircle scaled .1;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 3cm;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 4cm;

pickup pencircle scaled .2;

thdraw (dir(45)*2.025cm)--(dir(45)*3.7cm);

thdraw (dir(135)*2.025cm)--(dir(135)*3.7cm);

thdraw (dir(225)*2.025cm)--(dir(225)*3.7cm);

thdraw (dir(315)*2.025cm)--(dir(315)*3.7cm);

pickup pencircle scaled .1;

for whereto=0 step 15 until 345:

  thdraw dir(whereto)*.65cm--dir(whereto)*.9cm;

  thdraw dir(whereto)*1.4cm--dir(whereto)*1.5cm;


for whereto=0 step 5 until 355:

  thdraw dir(whereto)*.65cm--dir(whereto)*.8cm;



for whereto=0 step 1 until 359:

  thdraw dir(whereto)*1.94cm--dir(whereto)*2cm;


pickup pencircle scaled 1;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 1cm;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 1.1cm;

thdraw fullcircle scaled 1.3cm withpen pencircle
scaled .3;



drawarrow(dir(vald)*-2cm--dir(vald)*2cm) withpen
pencircle scaled .2;

if (MagDecl <> 0): thdraw image(label.top(btex
$mg$ etex, (0,0)) scaled .5 rotated texrot;) shifted (dir(vald)*2.04cm); fi;


thfill (-.2cm,.2cm)--(0,2cm)--(0,0)--cycle;

thfill (.2cm,-.2cm)--(0,-2cm)--(0,0)--cycle;

thfill (.2cm,.2cm)--(2cm,0)--(0,0)--cycle;

thfill (-.2cm,-.2cm)--(-2cm,0)--(0,0)--cycle;

thfill (.2cm,.2cm)--(-0,2cm)--(0,0)--cycle
withcolor 1white;

thfill (.2cm,-.2cm)--(2cm,0)--(0,0)--cycle
withcolor 1white;

thfill (-.2cm,-.2cm)--(0,-2cm)--(0,0)--cycle
withcolor 1white;

thfill (-.2cm,.2cm)--(-2cm,0)--(0,0)--cycle
withcolor 1white; 

pickup pencircle scaled .2;


thfill fullcircle scaled .56cm withcolor 1white;

pickup pencircle scaled .1;


pickup pencircle scaled .4;


if (MagDecl = 0): label.bot(btex $Nmag$ etex,
(0,2.6cm)); else: label.bot(btex $N$ etex, (0,2.6cm)); fi;

label.lft(btex $E$ etex, (2.6cm,0));

label.rt(btex $W$ etex, (-2.6cm,0));

label.top(btex $S$ etex, (0,-2.6cm));



[Therion] Setting Scrap Colours

2016-03-14 Thread Bruce
Hi Footleg

I’ve been off line for a few days….

Colour by map works just fine, as does colour by scrap or altitude.

In the context of your question I thought you were trying to SPECIFY which 
colour a particular scrap (or map or altitude) would be assigned.

I don’t think this is yet a feature and the Therion Book text you extracted 
below tends to confirm that (maybe I’m wrong), but if it were being 
considered, then ‘colour by map’ would be my priority, followed by 
altitude, then scrap.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf 
Of Footleg
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2016 10:53 p.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: Re: [Therion] Setting Scrap Colours

Does colour by map not work? I thought it was an option specified in the 
Therion book in this section:

• colo[u]r   ◃ customize colour for special map items 
(map-fg, mapbg,

preview-above, preview-below, label). Colour range is 0–100 for grayscale, 

0–100 0–100] triplet for RGB colours.

For map-fg, you can use altitude, scrap or map as colours. In this case the map 

coloured according to altitude, scraps or maps.

For map-bg, you can use transparent to omit page background completely.

For labels, you can switch colour on/off. If on, labels are coloured using the 
colour of

associated scrap.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:21 PM Bruce Mutton  wrote:

I use colour by scrap quite often as a drawing aid. Random is fine for that. 
Colour by map would be the more useful to be able to specify for 'finished 

Colour by map has been discussed and requested from time to time.


Sent from my Samsung device, hence the typo's

 Original message 
From: Footleg  
Date: 11/03/2016 02:25 (GMT+12:00) 
To: List for Therion users  
Subject: [Therion] Setting Scrap Colours 

I've been doing some more work on my Therion Tutorial, which has led me to 
explore more options than I typically use. One of these is to colour scraps 
different colours. All I can find in the Therion Book is how to specify to 
colour map-fg by altitude or by scrap. If I do either of these then the colours 
are assigned automatically. I've searched my email history and seen that colour 
by altitude has been discussed before, but I can't work out if there is 
supposed to be a way to set the colour for a scrap?

If this isn't currently possible, then if would be ideally implemented in the 
layout so that if is not coded into the drawings of the scraps themselves. 
Perhaps a syntax to let you specify as follows:


Am I missing a way to do this in the existing release?


Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

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[Therion] Therion Tutorial Update - Data Structures and Layouts

2016-03-22 Thread Bruce

Had a quick skim through your tutorial today, one thing stood out as

"Note that you can only use one select statement in a thconfig file, and it
does not matter where in the file you put it. I always put it at the top so
it is easy to spot. If you put in select statements for more than one map
then only one of them will be used."

We routinely use thconfig files with multiple select statements for maps
with the same projection.

All of the maps are produced in the resulting pdf (and other) files.  As
with Therion's typical treatment of lists of drawn entities, the first map
listed is in the top layer of the pdf, and the last map is in the bottom


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[Therion] Symbols without map editor, polygon line filling?

2016-05-06 Thread Bruce

> First, I would like to know if I can get symbols like 'entrance' in the 

> station 0 "Mundloch" entrance
Information from station statement like the above is not, as far as I know,
able to be echoed in map exports (such as pdf outputs).  Both the text and
the entrance indicator is however present in model exports of type .lox, and
the entrance indicator only for .3d

>  symbol-show point station
This statement is referring only to the drawing point station symbol that
you might create in a scrap.  It has no effect on the model centreline
symbols. The components of the centreline (or 'model') are considered
differently to (scrap) drawing symbols by Therion. Martins suggestion is an
elegant way of including entrance symbols on a centreline with minimal scrap

It is possible to control how the stations are displayed in 'centreline
only' outputs, but I would consider it an advanced topic, and even the
experts have trouble with it. It is a fickle thing to attempt to control, in
my experience. See

> Second: The polygon draw leaves edges unfilled when two following, bending

polygon lines (centrelines) meet. Can these edges be filled via 
interpolation or such?

No. I think the usual way to think of centreline outputs is a temporary
debug-like output that is a precursor to drawing scraps that you collect
together in maps, ready for a final presentation. And so no, the polygons
generated by the LRUD information are not processed further by Therion.  If
you draw scraps, and the scraps do not join perfectly, you can use the join
statement to force a smooth join of scraps.

> PS. As I do not want to flood the list with beginner questions, I would be

happy if there is someone I could ask simple questions, perhaps via email?

I think it is better to ask such questions on the forum.  That way everyone
else gets to ponder how well they really know therion, and to learn possibly
unexpected ways of solving problems.  And maybe insight as to how to improve
the documentation.

[Therion] Symbols without map editor, polygon line filling?

2016-05-07 Thread Bruce
> according to http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/exportselectionformat 
this happens as centreline (polygon draws) and map drawings are 
fundamentally different, if I understand this correctly; is it possible 
there is no way to export them 'layered', I mean the map-scraps 
translucent over the centerline? I would like in some circumstances to 
have it printed within the resulting mine plan.

This is easily done.  You need to define a map with just scraps and define a
separate map with just centreline(s).  Then select both of those maps for
export (or combine those two maps, and select the combination map for

I see the table on that wiki page is a bit confusing and contains an error
on the map - map - centrelines line.  I will try to fix.

> Another question: I am putting line points over the background image 
centerline 'wings' (l+r). Is there, perhaps, a function I do not know of 
which sets the line-points automatically over the centerline left- and 

No, you have to draw the walls manually for pdf output (although Loch will
display the LRUD as smooth walls).


[Therion] Symbols without map editor, polygon line filling?

2016-05-08 Thread Bruce
> Then I used the "convert to curve" function and manipulated these little 
extending lines with squares (sorry, do not know how they are being 

=>Bezier control points (perhaps).

> until the now curved line fitted my expectation, and inserted 
(seldom) points a-new where necessary, so I could realign the adit walls 
according to my memory and photos. Now I will apply this knowledge to some 
other surveys we made.

This is the way to amend old drawings, but if you are drawing new lines,
then 'click-hold-drag' to create curves on the fly.  Much faster.

>PS. Would it be of interest if I write a story "How a miner learned to use 
simple Therion"? I would like to give something back to the Therion users.

I think you input would be valuable.  Writing good guidance can be a big
job. Probably best to have a look at the wiki, and make or suggest edits to
fill some gaps or misleading information on the existing pages that are
listed on the wiki front page.
Therion for cavers
Therion by examples
Footlegs drawing tutorial latest draft
Data organisation


[Therion] Mining symbols?

2016-05-08 Thread Bruce
> I remember faintly that some years ago, when I used Therion for a bit (but

did not progress further as centreline output) there was a discussion 
about mining symbols for Therion. I lost these Mails; archive says 2007. I 
think this would broaden the applicability of Therion to mine explorers.

I remember.

> Has, by any chance, work progressed in this field, as I could not find 
anything via web/wiki search? If not, how can I help? 

Not as far as I know.

> Until then, is there a possibility I can insert a free hand draw of, say, 
a shaft symbol (which would be more of an area)?

No, images can be inserted, but they are located relative to the page, not
to the survey.  And background pencil sketches can be displayed, so you
could redraw bits of your map in pencil (or another software package)and
insert the bitmap as a background sketch.  Both terrible hacks, lets just
say the answer is no.

You can take existing symbols and rename and change them to your liking.
Refer to
f for a list of built-in symbols
Refer to http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php/metapost for some other
symbols and guidance on how to make or adjust for your own use.

Perhaps there are other mine explorers who have done this already?


[Therion] Line label: Line printable? Are walls printable asdotted/dashed lines?

2016-05-09 Thread Bruce

- I would like sometimes to draw an Erzgang (ore load? lode? mineral 
vein?) into a mine survey. The line type Label (Beschriftung) would fit 
into that bill nicely. Is it possible to draw the line along to the label? 

You mean one line entity creating a parallel line and text? I have not seen
this, but I am sure it is possible with metapost.
Or do you mean an independent line, perhaps with arrow from text to the
subject of the label? For this see line arrow in by following the link

- And it is possible to draw the line and keep the label text together 
(instead of being distributed along the whole line)? Well, or is there a 
better way?

The line label shrinks or stretches the text to fit the whole length of the
line. See the heading 'Label' in
You have some control by adjusting the scale parameter for the line label.
Personally I generally use point label, with no orientation (this way text
is always 'horizontal', even after scrap morphing distortions).  I use line
labels from time to time for special effect or emphasis.


[Therion] Line label: Line printable? Are walls printable asdotted/dashed lines?

2016-05-09 Thread Bruce
Red output means therion thinks the symbol is undefined.
In this case you should correct your syntax and enter u:fault or u -subtype
fault for a definition like def l_u_fault

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Christian Rößler
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2016 10:49 a.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: Re: [Therion] Line label: Line printable? Are walls printable
asdotted/dashed lines?

Am Montag, 9. Mai 2016, 00:36:39 schrieb Christian Rößler:

>>> - I would like sometimes to draw an Erzgang (ore load? lode? mineral
>>> vein?) into a mine survey. The line type Label (Beschriftung) would

> thanks, then I know I haven't overlooked something in the interface. I
> searched and found the Example 'l_u_fault' on bottom
> http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=metapost, which I should be
> able to 'misuse'.
> But it dows not yield a dashed line (which would be perfect), but a
> thick, red line in the pdf output. This does not seem to be a problem
> of the matepost code snippet, as the strata example above (second from
> bottom) yields the same red line.

sorry, I forgot: Is this the correct way to access this metapost 
modfification: I choose 'line', 'u', type 'u', options: "-subtype 
l_u_fault"? (see attached screen shot)

Thanks again, and best regards,

[Therion] export more than one map?

2016-05-09 Thread Bruce

Pg 31 of Therion Book.  You can specify a survey when you define a map.  If
you do that then the reported map statistics are forced to match those of
the survey.  This would satisfy your second suggestion.

Alternatively you could 'preview below' the 'other caves' and then their
statistics will be automatically suppressed, and it would be clear what the
statistics refer to.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Henry_Bennett at Dell.com
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2016 6:51 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] export more than one map?

Trying to export a survey that is primarily one system but also show the
other smaller caves in the area.  Easy to do in a single map but then the
statistics reflect all the surveys.  Is it possible to export to pdf
multiple maps?  

Or is there a workaround? Such as telling therion to olnly pick up length
and team from a specific branch?

Thanks, Henry Bennett

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[Therion] export more than one map?

2016-05-10 Thread Bruce
Hi Henry 

Both the suggestions that Martin has just made are good ones.

Within a single th-config file, all select's are merged (as many as you
want) to produce composite outputs.  You can include any or all of 'model'
and various 'projections' (plan, extended, elev 0 deg, elev 1 deg, elev 2
deg .elev 359 deg) and I generally do (but limit myself to no more than 3
elevation projections).  The selections for one projection are of course
never mixed with other projections.  And so you would then export a map for
each projection (from a single th-config file)

And using Martin's technique you can get therion to insert a map of one
projection into the map of another.

Regarding my LayoutMapThisCave and LayoutMapThisCavePlan ,
LayoutMapThisCaveElev090 etc.

This construct allows modular usage of layout statements, ensuring
consistency across all th-config files,  all maps for a cave system and
avoiding need for typing the same layout statements in multiple places.

Cave wide parameters are put in LayoutMapThisCave

Projection specific parameters are put in the others (such as rotation,
header content and header position).



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Henry_Bennett at Dell.com
Sent: Tuesday, 10 May 2016 7:24 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] export more than one map?

Thanks Bruce, the "Survey" option in the MAP syntax is a really good place
for me to start.  

Ultimately it would have been great if I could use a different layout file
for different caves/surveys and then pull them all together in a single PDF.
I thought that is what may be possible with this 

export map -projection plan \

 -layout LayoutMapThisCave   \

 -layout LayoutMapThisCavePlan   \

 -output ../Output/MiddleEarthPlan.pdf


However this just appears to work with a single declared MAP.  In which case
I'm struggling to see the usage case for this construct.  What I'm looking
for is a UNION command to join two or more SELECT statements.  (or
confirmation that this can't be done).

From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Bruce
Sent: 09 May 2016 10:10
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Subject: Re: [Therion] export more than one map?


Pg 31 of Therion Book.  You can specify a survey when you define a map.  If
you do that then the reported map statistics are forced to match those of
the survey.  This would satisfy your second suggestion.

Alternatively you could 'preview below' the 'other caves' and then their
statistics will be automatically suppressed, and it would be clear what the
statistics refer to.



From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Henry_Bennett at Dell.com
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2016 6:51 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: [Therion] export more than one map?

Trying to export a survey that is primarily one system but also show the
other smaller caves in the area.  Easy to do in a single map but then the
statistics reflect all the surveys.  Is it possible to export to pdf
multiple maps?  

Or is there a workaround? Such as telling therion to olnly pick up length
and team from a specific branch?

Thanks, Henry Bennett

Dell Corporation Limited is registered in England and Wales. Company
Registration Number: 2081369
Registered address: Dell House, The Boulevard, Cain Road, Bracknell,
Berkshire, RG12 1LF, UK.
Company details for other Dell UK entities can be found on  www.dell.co.uk.

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[Therion] export more than one map?

2016-05-11 Thread Bruce
Henry, Christian also,

> Still don't totally get the use of multiple layouts in a single export
statement.  Surely if you are using plan and elevation they would be
different "maps".   (or am I just being think?  Wouldn't be the first time).

You can 'input' many layouts in one export and each layout can 'input' many

See the examples in 


And this one shows some layout templates I came up with ages ago

I think I have refined the ones I use these days.  Perhaps I should finish
and update the page one day.

And yes, the plan and elevation are different maps.  Therion will never mix
up projection specific information, that is why you can reference and mix up
many differing projection selects, map definitions and exports in one
th-config file, and Therion will behave well and only include the relevant
information in each exported output.


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[Therion] Metapost snippets out-source-able fromthconfig/layout?

2016-05-11 Thread Bruce
A Therion principle.  Write once, use many times.
Be cautious however and balance the 'centralised layout' idea against the
contrary advantage of having each mine or 'collection of mines' in self
contained folders that can be moved to different machines or environments
without breaking links to outsourced locations.

As most of 'my' cave systems are constrained to several square km in area, I
have a single master layout for those at the top folder level. If I want to
separate out just one cave from a sub folder and say give to someone else I
only have to copy the 'central layout file' to that folder and one or two
input statements to change to make the sub project work.
There is a balance between totally centralised and having each subproject
completely self contained if its folder is removed from its parent.  
A choice.  See the links in my reply to Henry just now.


> But as I just have finished the third therion mine 
map, and have many more I need to work onto stacked up during the last 
years (even such without shafts into them), I will outsource the layouts 
of the maps I made so far at once. Next step.

> Best of all: if I combine both methods of linking stuff in, layouts and 
metapost code, I can now change my shaft symbols easily and centrally. 
This will make it very easy to re-view them very fast in many different 
maps, easily scriptable, and even better, change them in all maps at once 
if I made a workable version. Which may take a while, I fear.

[Therion] A couple of Therion updates: KML and line-rope

2016-05-13 Thread Bruce
> For the kml I was wondering what else to put in the description field
besides the length and depth.

Possibly option to include 'map-comment' for export plan -o "cave.kml"

> The next feature I was considering is the option to add images inside of
scraps(with "point image [file name]..."), and not only in the layout with
map-image. I need to research some more about inserting images in TEX and
Metapost and how to position them.

A similar idea, perhaps, was discussed some years ago.

Refer to the first few returns of this search


My preferred implementation would be to have a 'link' property for most
point entities as described in here.

There could be another property that results in the destination file (if
image or plain text) 'printing' in the resulting cave pdf output (which is
more like what you describe).

Just ideas.


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[Therion] Modular Reuse of thconfig Layouts

2007-12-02 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho, works like a dream!

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Friday, 30 November 2007 10:58 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Modular Reuse of thconfig Layouts

Quoting Bruce Mutton :
> I have played around a bit, trying to save layouts in different files and
> using lines like;
> copy StandardLayout
> but 'StandardLayout' only seems to be visible from within the same file.
> Have had no luck with 'input', 'source' or 'select'.
> Probably I'm just missing out a bit of syntax or namespace visibility.
> Any suggestions

Your StandardLayout is not visible, probably because therion did not read
configuration file with this layout. To load layouts in some standard file,
need to input this file first, then use copy. Example:

Let file colors.thcfg contains:

layout standard-colors
  color map-fg altitude

To include this layout in your main thconfig file you write:

source my-data.th # to include data

input colors.thcfg # to include file

layout output-layout
  copy standard-colors
  ... other specific settings ...

export map -layout outpu-layout

Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Falling water symbol comment

2007-12-07 Thread Bruce Mutton
>From the Rabbit extended elevation example the vertical lines with type -
rock border look quite effective as stalactites.  (I almost thought they
were falling water)

Multiple vertical parallel lines with say their lower half dashed would look
quite effective, and I guess quite easy to code (not that I would know!) as
a line type with orientation to determine which end is dashed, but would
require some effort and artistic license on the part of the draftsperson. 

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2007 11:52 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] scrap help needed

Quoting marco corvi :
> by the way, is there a point for water_drop
> (ie, vertical water flow) ?

Not yet. I think it is a good idea to add this symbol. Have you seen
somewhere how this symbol looks like?

Regards, S.
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Hierarchy of Layouts, overiding symbol set symbols individually

2007-12-07 Thread Bruce Mutton
I have a standard master thconfig file that contains two layouts, water-blue
(copied from the rabbit cave example) and StandardLayout.

I have other thconfig files that refer to the master file with an input
command, as below;

input ../StdFiles/thconfig-StdLayouts.thc   

copy water-blue  # adopt blue water colour layout from 'input' file   

copy StandardLayout  # adopt standard layout from 'input' file

This works fine, except that when my StandardLayout contains, for example;

symbol-set UIS  # UIS, ASF, CCNP, SKBB  

then the symbol set always overrides and I don't get my blue fill colour.

I have tried changing the order of the two 'copy' commands above, to no
avail.  There maybe something about this in the Therion Book but I'm not
sure I understand it.

For now I'm happy to leave out the 'symbol-set' command, but I foresee the
day when I would adopt one of the other symbol sets and make personalised
changes (such as water-blue).

Any comments?


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[Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install Files?

2007-12-08 Thread Bruce Mutton
Is there a way to seek out the most recent Windows install file on the
Therion website?

The page http://therion.speleo.sk/download.php gives only the link to the
0.5.1 files.  (I imagine these are the most recent 'official' release)

More recently Martin directed us to
http://therion.speleo.sk/downloads/therion-update-20071114.exe, but I notice
that there appears to be no link to this on the Therion site, it has to be
typed or pasted directly to a web browser.

http://therion.speleo.sk/downloads just redirects me to the home page.

I suspect there is a more recent install file, based on previous posts, but
as I don't know the date, it is tedious to find by trial and error.  Perhaps
I am missing something obvious?



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[Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install Files?

2007-12-08 Thread Bruce Mutton
>See last line in the first section:
>Developer's snapshot update installer for Windows as of 2007-12-06, just
>click on the date, it is pointing to the snapshot installer.

>Developer's snapshot as of 2007-12-06 for testing purposes.
>Developer's snapshot update installer for Windows as of 2007-12-06.

Sorry Stacho, you've lost me.  None of the dates in you message or on the
website pages have links, nor can I find text that matches the above.

In any case, all of the dates are August 29, 2007, quite old.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Saturday, 8 December 2007 12:20 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install

See last line in the first section:

Developer's snapshot update installer for Windows as of 2007-12-06, just 
click on the date, it is pointing to the snapshot installer.

Regards, S.

Bruce Mutton wrote:
> Is there a way to seek out the most recent Windows install file on the 
> Therion website?
> The page http://therion.speleo.sk/download.php gives only the link to 
> the 0.5.1 files.  (I imagine these are the most recent 'official' release)
> More recently Martin directed us to 
> http://therion.speleo.sk/downloads/therion-update-20071114.exe, but I 
> notice that there appears to be no link to this on the Therion site, it 
> has to be typed or pasted directly to a web browser.
> http://therion.speleo.sk/downloads just redirects me to the home page.
> I suspect there is a more recent install file, based on previous posts, 
> but as I don't know the date, it is tedious to find by trial and error.  
> Perhaps I am missing something obvious?
> Thanks
> Bruce
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install Files?

2007-12-08 Thread Bruce Mutton
Funny Thing Stacho
The Therion download page looks the same as it always has, since I
discovered Therion a month or so ago, and viewed by three different
computers at two different physical sites.  I can follow the links you post
in your email, but there seems to be no way to navigate there via the
website, unless one knows the exact name and date to type in directly.

Ben may have been experiencing a similar issue a couple of weeks ago when
you had to post a link to an earlier update

As far as I am aware my browser(s) work perfectly, well not quite, but not
this sort of problem. :) IE7 on Windows XP, MCE & Professional.

Does anyone else find that these update pages are 'invisible', therefore
unattainable unless you are advised, say by forum post, of the exact


-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Martin Sluka
Sent: Saturday, 8 December 2007 8:18 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install

On 8.12.2007, at 8:10, Bruce Mutton wrote:

> Sorry Stacho, you've lost me.  None of the dates in you message or  
> on the
> website pages have links, nor can I find text that matches the above.
> In any case, all of the dates are August 29, 2007, quite old.

There should be something wrong with caches of your browser.

I checked it 5 minutes later.



Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install Files?

2007-12-10 Thread Bruce Mutton
Good tip Martin
Firefox solved the problem for me.

IE7 displays nothing more after the line "Therion for Windows [10MB]..."
(Except for
Updated: August 29, 2007")

All the useful information, including the line "Therion for Debian
GNU/Linux; Therion for Slackware linux" and below is missing.


-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Martin Budaj
Sent: Sunday, 9 December 2007 10:35 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] How to find most recent Therion Windows Install

> As far as I am aware my browser(s) work perfectly, well not quite, but not
> this sort of problem. :) IE7 on Windows XP, MCE & Professional.

Links to snapshots are enclosed in tags ... to
make text smaller. Maybe this causes problems to IE7? Try Firefox or
other browser.

Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Elevation Projected Direction? (and creation from Extended Elevations)

2007-12-13 Thread Bruce Mutton

I seem to have acquired more of a Therion mindset, and drawing plans is
going quite well.

Just trying to get the elevations sorted, and perhaps I'm trying too much at

Using Therion 0.5.2.

Have roughed up an extended elevation based on a scanned sketch (of a
projected elevation - the passage runs more or less from north to south, and
descends at about 30 deg, as surveyed).  

I notice I had to add an 'extend left' to the centreline data to stop the
passage plotting upside down and sort of inside out. (although interior of
passage was correctly rendered) I assume that this approach is the correct
way to address this issue??

The extended elevation looks more or less OK, vertical lines a little
slanting, no doubt due to the distortion caused by foreshortening as the
survey legs range diagonally from side to side across the wide passage.  I
guess I should adjust my survey technique!

The code below produces the map.

export map   -projection extended  -layout ThisCaveMapLayout \

  -output ./Maps/SystemExtendedElev.pdf  -fmt pdf

Now here's where I thought I'd cheat, to get a projected elevation from the
same sketch.

I copied my extended elevation.th2 file and renamed it projected
elevation.th2, then edited it to change the scrap name and projection type
from extended to elevation.  (It's not too different in concept to redrawing
it manually in another file, where the passage is fairly straight and runs
perpendicular to the desired projection direction)

The trouble is, this always plots as though it is extended (dashed
horizontal grid, no vertical grids) but with an obvious projection (of 000
deg- assuming 0 deg means looking towards the north(?)) that does not change
regardless of the bearing provided in the export command.  In other words
it's partially working. For example the code I used is below.

export map   -projection [elevation 270 deg]  -layout ThisCaveMapLayout \

  -output ./Maps/SystemElev.pdf  -fmt pdf 

(I have tried similar code for single surveys, individual caves and cave
system levels of detail with the same result)

These lines are all in the same thconfig file, and I had a few issues with
map structure as interpreted by the Therion compiler window, until I
realised that Therion seems to determine the hierarchy based in part on the
map titles.  Duplicate map titles seem to create trouble!

I realise there is not enough information here to properly assess, but is
there something fundamental I'm doing wrong?  When I just had centreline
data the projected elevations seemed to work OK for any direction.

Any hints or comments appreciated.


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[Therion] Elevation Projected Direction? (and creation fromExtended Elevations)

2007-12-14 Thread Bruce Mutton
Stacho wrote;

>So if you would like to have projected elevation scrap drawn when you are
>facing West (270 deg), you need to specify this not only in export command,
>but also in the scrap. Example:
>scrap xxx -proj [elevation 270]

Thanks Stacho
I wasn't aware of the requirement to specify the direction in the scrap, but
it is logical that it is required there!  (Answered a future question of
mine about how best to handle multiple elevation projections)

I haven't tried it yet, but am sure you have identified my problem.

[Therion] Scraps won't become maps (New User)

2007-11-07 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks for the offer Stacho, 
I think all my endcentreline's are in place, so I will send you a concise
set of files in due course.  Would you prefer that I send them to the forum
(I'm not sure if it accepts attachments) or direct to your address?

Thanks also to Richardo for posting.  My next question was to be about
printing the walls from the xvi image, because I had noticed they were
invisible in the pdf!


invalid length reading -> this means that your scrap command is inside
centerline object

Probably you are missing "endcenterline" command after your all your
data. But I am not sure - if you could send me your *.th, *.th2 and thconfig
files, I can tell you exactly where the problem is.

Regards, S.
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

2007-11-09 Thread Bruce Mutton
I tried Stacho's suggestion, and it worked fine, although I think he
abbreviated the syntax of the export command a bit much.  Here's my more
verbose version...

layout bruce-map-export
  north true
  scale 1 500
  base-scale 1 500 
  units metric 

  page-grid on
  grid-size 100 100 100 metres
#  layout-map-header 0 0 s  #causes error?
  legend on
  statistics explo all
  statistics topo all
  statistics carto all
  statistics copyright all
  debug on

export map -projection plan -layout bruce-map-export \
  -layout-color map-fg 90 \  
  -output SurveyPlan.pdf -fmt pdf  

Try this Ben.  The 90 gives a passage that is more lightly shaded than 50.
Good Luck

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Cooper, Ben
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 3:44 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps

Hi Stacho,
I've been wanting to get print-outs of XVI, too, so I am verry
interested in your recommendation, below.  I've tried it, but this is
the result I get: only the centreline is visible, not LRUD.
- Ben Cooper 

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On
Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: 06 November 2007 12:24
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps


Stacho's  Example:

map centerline-map

select centerline-map
export map.pdf -layout-color map-fg 50 -layout-scale 1 500

... where my-survey is the name of top-level survey. 


Regards, S.

[Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

2007-11-09 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks for tip No 3.  I was confused about that.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 8:53 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

Just few remarks:

1. Did you use latest version of therion (0.5.1)?  It is a new feature 
in that version.

2. You may also use other colors that gray. Just add
   color map-fg [100 50 50]
to your layout. Numbers mean intensities of red, green and blue.

3. Options in layout and export command are the same. In layout, you can use

color map-fg 50

and in export command option -layout-color map-fg 50


Bruce Mutton wrote:
> Ben
> I tried Stacho's suggestion, and it worked fine, although I think he
> abbreviated the syntax of the export command a bit much.  


[Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

2007-11-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi Ben
My first encounter with Therion was about two weeks ago, and the things that
work well for me just seem to keep getting better, but there are some
(rather critical) things that still escape me, like overlaying scraps onto
the centreline.  I thought I'd see what you had done in the hope it would
shed some light on my problems... 

Anyway, your query.  The email system scrambled your *.th listing, but I
think I patched it up OK.  (Perhaps it's better to attach the file, then we
can open it directly with just one double click.)

My understanding is that the LRUD data apply to the 'from' station, not the
'to' station.  But I see your point, your plots, and the plot attached seem
to indicate something different is going on.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Cooper, Ben
Sent: Monday, 12 November 2007 9:37 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

Well, I've now upgraded, but am getting strange results.  See attached
PDFs.  The raw XVI are OK, but in NewPassage_CL.PDF, each LRUD
parallelogram seems to be flipped over.  Below is the raw NewPassage.th
file.  Note that the centreline output of the entire cave (UF_CL.pdf)
handles NewPassage slightly better (but still not perfectly) than
NewPassage on its own.  

Am I doing something wrong?
- Ben

encoding  utf-8
survey NewPassage -title "New Passage"
equate 35 at Leg1 51 at Leg2
  survey Leg1   # From Boulder Choke to Walk The Plank
  flags duplicate # duplicate of Boulder Choke legs for reference in
th2 file.
extend right
data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
bc32 bc33   2.33201 -54 1.1 0.3 0.5
0.3 #33 (Through Easy Squeeze)
data normal from to length compass clino
bc33 bc34   3.07239 -39 
data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
bc34 bc35   2.49231 -57 0.9 0.3 0.5
0.6 #35
bc35 bc36   2.13194 -37 0.4 0   0.2
0.8 #36
bc36 bc37   2.5 141 +06 0.5 0   0.8
0   #37
bc37 bc38   3.74139 -09 1.6 0.2 0.7
1.5 #38
bc38 bc39a  2.75136 -10 0   1.151.6
1.0 #39
  bc39a 1   0.01136 -10 6   1.15
5   1.0 #1 LRUD Est
  flags not duplicate

extend left
data normal from to length compass clino
1 bc40  11  052 +43 

extend right
mark 1 painted
data normal\
fromto  length  compass clino   leftright   up
1   2   29.46   153 -25 4.3 2.4 4.8
1.4 #2
station 2 "Emergency Dump"
2   3   16.09   144 -04 3.4 3.0 2.9
1.4 #3
3   4   11.44   142 -11 4.2 2.0 0.9
1.6 #4
4   5   9.48142 -29 1.5 1.3 3.4
1.2 #5
5   6   6.08166.5   -18 0.2 0.4 2.2
0.8 #6
6   7   3.22154 -09 2.0 0.8 0.5
0.5 #7
7   8   1.75140 -04 1.7 0.6 1.1
1.0 #8
8   9   9.27178.5   -12.5   1.2 1.3 0.5
1.0 #9
9   10  1.6 159.5   -20.5   0.2 1.3 0.6
0.6 #10
10  11  2.95156 -11 0.9 0.3 1.0
0.2 #11
11  12  5.36131 +03 1.5 1.2 6.7
0.5 #12
12  13  8.17124.5   +06 0   0.7 6.2
1.6 #13
13  14  8.37132 +7.50.9 2.7 2.2
1.8 #14
14  15  8.81147 -10 0.8 2.1 5.4
1.4 #15
15  16  5.75235 -10.5   0   1.0 5.6
1.0 #16
16  17  6.54272 +2  0.7 0   5.1
1.3 #17
17  18  2.81245 -19 0   0.3 0.4
0.6 #18
18  19  7.54262 0   0   1.7 5.1
0.8 #19
19  20  6.03263 -2  1.0 0.6 3.6
0.7 #20
20  21  2.26205 -2  0   0.6 0.6
0.5 #21
20  20a 4   325 0   0   1   2
0.5 #20a estimated LRUD
21  22  4.58162 +9  0.7 0   5.2
1.3 #22
22  23  4.15144 -4  1.0 0.2 0.5
1.0 #23
23  24  13.68   140.5   -2.51.5 1.5 4.9
0.6 #24
24  25  8.61216 +6  0   2.3 1.5
1.8 #25
25  26  4.58304 -13 1.1 0.9 1.8
1.0 #26
26  27  12.65   281 +1  0.4 1.2 2.2
1.3 #27
27  28  5.5930

[Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

2007-11-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
I should have included the files used to create the pdf with my last post.

By the way, 'extensionless' files are not so convenient to use with Windows
OS and so I've taken to using a .thc extension for the thconfig files.
Windows and Therion seem OK with it, and now I can create output directly
from the OS by double clicking the thconfig.thc files.

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[Therion] New Zealand Therion Users

2007-11-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
Are there any forum members based in New Zealand?  Other than my friend
Michael B.

If so I'd be interested in chatting.


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[Therion] thconfig-.thc

2007-11-13 Thread Bruce Mutton
I guess it is OK to use both systems in the same filename, 
thconfig-* to match up with established Therion convention, 
and *.thc to match up with OS conventions.

[Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

2007-11-14 Thread Bruce Mutton
Ben Cooper wrote...
"...I then create passage-name.th2, insert th XVI, insert station points
over the centreline, and draw the walls over the LRUD with reference to any
sketches we have produced.  It's that simple."

Thanks Ben
Appreciate the explanation.  The way I have been working is pretty much the
same as what you describe, and apart from some confusion over the difference
between 'input' and 'source' commands, and LRUD data, it's been fairly
straight forward and successful.

Ladislav's reminder is helpful.  On reading the Therion Book I am not clear
on which station the LRUP data is supposed to apply to if only one set of
the number pair is provided?

Anyway Ben.  Your explanation stops short of the point where my difficulty
begins.  So once the scraps are produced, I'd like them to turn up in the
output files, pdfs, for example, so that our centreline plots become
cartographed maps as we progress through the drawing process.  I am sure
there is a simple misunderstanding I have that is tripping me up.  There
seems to be quite a good explanation at
http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=tbe:wiki3 but Therion keeps coming
up with errors.

Maybe I should try replicating exactly the example from the Wiki, or spend
some more time with the 'rabbit cave' example that comes with Therion...

[Therion] Formatting & Layout of .th and thconfig files

2007-11-14 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Ben
I've been looking for structured examples of how to layout larger systems
(and get the basics done)
I'll study the file supplied with interest.
I probably should have checked the LRUD conventions before entering 700

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Cooper, Ben
Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2007 12:17 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

Hi Bruce,
Yup - I remember struggling with the same problem, trying to understand
some of the basic description in The Book!  (One typical example: it
doesn't actually explain what an Extended Elevation is and its very
difficult to reverse engineer this from the explanations of how to
control extended elevations.)

I'm not sure I understand exactly where you are getting stuck, so
apologies if this is teaching you to suck eggs.  I create Maps in my
top-level UpperFlood.th file (the Source file), attached.  You will see
I have organised this into sections.  

You will see that I group the .th2 files against the associated .th
survey file.  So far, I have not added much detail within the cave, so
my "join" commands are very simple.  Therion's default interpretation
for joining scraps is excellent and it usually get's it right without
the need for complex join statements.  I haven't yet worked out how to
label particular points in a line for joining purposes!

The Maps section defines the maps that reference the scraps from the
various .th2 files.  I've struggled to understand exactly what Preview
Above / Below do; what Break does; when Surveys, Maps and Scraps can or
can't be included in a map.  So what you see here may not be "best
practice" but it works for me!  

The Map is then Selected in the thconfig file.  Each select statement
can have one map, but there can be multiple select statements.  Because
Therion is complex, there are often two ways of achieving the same goal.
You can create a higher-level Map that includes other Maps, so that you
only need one Select command in thconfig, OR, you can achieve the same
by Selecting all of the constituent maps in thconfig.

I've also struggled in the thconfig file with the Select command.
Unselect doesn't work for me, so I now have a number of different
thconfig files for different outputs, each of which selects particular
maps from UpperFlood.th.  

- Ben

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On
Behalf Of Bruce Mutton
Sent: 13 November 2007 18:38
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Printing xvi maps (done with pdf's)

Ben Cooper wrote...
"...I then create passage-name.th2, insert th XVI, insert station points
over the centreline, and draw the walls over the LRUD with reference to
sketches we have produced.  It's that simple."

Thanks Ben
Appreciate the explanation.  The way I have been working is pretty much
same as what you describe, and apart from some confusion over the
between 'input' and 'source' commands, and LRUD data, it's been fairly
straight forward and successful.

Ladislav's reminder is helpful.  On reading the Therion Book I am not
on which station the LRUP data is supposed to apply to if only one set
the number pair is provided?

Anyway Ben.  Your explanation stops short of the point where my
begins.  So once the scraps are produced, I'd like them to turn up in
output files, pdfs, for example, so that our centreline plots become
cartographed maps as we progress through the drawing process.  I am sure
there is a simple misunderstanding I have that is tripping me up.  There
seems to be quite a good explanation at
http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=tbe:wiki3 but Therion keeps
up with errors.

Maybe I should try replicating exactly the example from the Wiki, or
some more time with the 'rabbit cave' example that comes with Therion...

Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

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[Therion] Mining specific needs Duplicate Survey Legs

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
Christian Rößler (Roessler) wrote..

“So I have a piece of 'ghost 
centerline' I do not know how to get rid off that also counts in length of 
the mine, so to say. Any suggestions here would be most helpful as I have 
more surveying data involving such cases.”

Try the following within a block of centreline data...

flags duplicate

flags not duplicate


[Therion] Bens Upper Flood Example

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
Have just started dissecting your UpperFlood.th example.

Very nicely documented.  I assume it is what is described in 'the book' and
the wiki as an INDEX file, tying together the various survey and scrap files
for a single cave, prior to processing with a thconfig file.  

Order of Commands
I notice the centreline block of code with equate commands comes BEFORE the
input commands.  This implies that sequence of commands is often unimportant
in Therion?  (Logically the equate commands can not be actioned until AFTER
the input commands which parse the survey stations 'to Therion')

Similarly your map components come after the top level map definitions.

Or am I missing something?

Grid & Legend
I'm intrigued by the grid and legend input and map definitions.  Have you
done something more refined than that generated with the thconfig export

Location of Maps
Do you create all of your maps in the INDEX file, or are some defined in the
lower hierarchal level survey.th files?  My experiments so far have put my
single (unsuccessful) map definition in the lowest level survey.th file (to
keep it as close to it's source data as possible - and perhaps simplify my
INDEX file)  Does this make a difference? Perhaps it is my mistake?

Completely irrelevant to bens example.  But I just figured out why I could
not get projected elevations to work.
The syntax, complete with square brackets is;

export map   -projection [elevation 60 deg] -output cave.pdf

(I was assuming the brackets denoted optional arguments, and so I was
leaving them out!)


[Therion] Bens Upper Flood Example

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
Stacho wrote, 

"> Grid & Legend
> I'm intrigued by the grid and legend input and map definitions.  Have 
> you done something more refined than that generated with the thconfig 
> export command?
What exactly would you like to receive? Here we have a lot of things in the
TODO list."

Thanks Stacho, your comments appreciated, helps clarify my understanding of

Regarding the above quote, I was more wondering about the names used in the
code from Bens file (copied below).  Why would there be survey or scrap data
associated with Legend and Grid?  Unless Legend and Grid are names of a cave
passage and not the legend and gridlines produced on a finished output? 
Perhaps Ben can elaborate.

   input Legend.th
   input Legend.th2

   input Grid.th
   input Grid.th2

   map UF_m0

Or am I completely confused?

[Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
A breakthrough, thanks to Ben

"Create point station, and name it with a station name within your survey
(note that this is -name and not -id)."

My simple misunderstanding and error was to try to make scrap survey station
-id match survey centreline station numbers.

Very counterintuitive, due to the interface not having a dedicated -name
input box, and the object display area listing -id's but not -names. 

I guess that's why we help each other!

At the risk of asking the same questions as recently answered posts.

1. Why does my centreline disappear beyond the extent of the scrap plotted?
Whether I process just SurveyN.th or TheWholeCaveWithManySurveysINDEX.th I
only get my first ever little scrap.  I'd like to see it in context with my
centreline with passage shading in the same output document.  Loch seems to
modify the passage with scraps while retaining all the passage with only
centreline and LRUD data.

I get the feeling I need to include the survey within the map command
somehow, but no luck.

2. What is wrong with the following .th2 syntax created by the map editor

point 419.25 -243.0 label -orientation 0.0 Greenlink Entrance

It triggers an error "-- unknown option - Greenlink" when I had hoped that
it would plot the text on the drawing.  If I comment out the line it works
fine, just no labels!  

3. I do like the way the .lox model follows the walls drawn on the scrap!
Will it do the same if I create elevation scraps? Or only if I create
extended elevation scraps?

I have attached a complete self contained set of files that I using to
experiment with these concepts.



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[Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
Earlier I wrote;

I managed to answer my own question!

2. What is wrong with the following .th2 syntax created by the map editor

point 419.25 -243.0 label -orientation 0.0 Greenlink Entrance

The solution is to add -text and quote marks as below.

point 507.75 -154.75 label -orientation 0.0 -text "Greenlink Entrance"


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[Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
As with most drawing packages, it seems that one needs to have the final
presentation scale in mind when placing text labels within scraps.  Change
the output scale up or down, and the labels either move very far away from
the drawing, or overlap and over power the drawing.  This is a shame because
most of the other features are fairly scale independent.  I can use the
scale and basescale commands, and  and  etc to counteract this to
some extent.

Is there a way to place a text label, say ON a pitch line, and tell therion,
label this pitch "10 P" and left justify the text it out to the right-hand
side, just beyond the displayed passage wall, so that it always displays
just clear of the drawing?

Also I notice that text with orientation 0 degrees prints at an angle equal
to the declination, which is 22 degrees here abouts these days.  Is there a
better way to straighten the text than give it all an orientation of 338
degrees to compensate?

If I want to present two maps, say one at 1:500 scale, and one at 1:2000
scale, I would want many labels on the former and few labels on the latter.
Can this be done with one set of scraps, or would I have to create
duplicates and adjust the labels in one of the sets?

Again, thank you for your patience


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[Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

2007-11-16 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho,

"> 1. Why does my centreline disappear beyond the extent of the scrap
> Whether I process just SurveyN.th or TheWholeCaveWithManySurveysINDEX.th I
> only get my first ever little scrap.  I'd like to see it in context with
> centreline with passage shading in the same output document.  Loch seems
> modify the passage with scraps while retaining all the passage with only
> centreline and LRUD data.

It is not exactly like this. I think loch displays both - the centerline and
scraps I think. It is only in the TODO list, doing it like you suggested."

Yes you are right, it does display both, I noticed this where my sketch
deviated significantly from the passage.  I got two passages viewed with
Loch. Its OK, good for detecting errors.


[Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

2007-11-17 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho
I'm sure you are getting sick of my incessant questions by now, very
sorry...  This post is a bit longer than I would have hoped.

You quoted
To create such map, just add following code ...

source  # additional source data
map all_map # map that contains centerline and scrap map
  TestMap at n # the map with scraps
  n # survey centerline data below scraps
endmap  # end of map
endsource   # end of additional source data
select all_map  # select this all_map for output

... after ...

source surveyN.th

in your configuration file. You may create this map also in SurveyN.th file
after "endsurvey n" command. Only selection of output map needs to be done
in configuration file.

I tried this both ways you described with just a single surveyN.th, and it
works fine. (Refer thconfig--SingleSurveyTest.thc attached) I notice that if
the .th2 file reference is outside the 'survey n endsurvey n' block of code,
each survey station -name in the .th2 file requires a @n suffix. That's OK,
but not feasible to keep changing them if the .th2 file reference needs to
keep moving.

But I can not get it to work with my nice tidy hierarchy setup with INDEX.th
files that works when I only have centreline data and no scrap data. (Refer
thconfig-Greenlink.thc attached)

I ran Stellios' files and I get the following non fatal message
warning -- thconfig-ders-model [21] -- object not found -- "map_ders"
which relates to Therion not being able to 'see' map_ders @dersios (which
does not exist)  Still, quite a nice plan Stellios, better than my efforts
so far!)

Whereas I get a fatal error, 
error -- thconfig-Greenlink.thc [21] -- object does not exist --
or similar which relates to Therion not being able to 'see' the scrap
GreenlinkEntPlan_s1 (or the map, as the case may be) when referenced via an
INDEX.th file but works perfectly fine while referenced more directly.

Of the two thconfig files in the attached directories, the SingleSurvey one
works fine, and the Greenlink (whole cave) one does not.  You will see by
the commented lines the sorts of things I have tried to resolve this.

So, I am struggling to find a 'data layout template' that allows me to work
independently on low level detailed surveys and top level system data that
will in this case eventually contain three caves each with many surveys.  I
have it working for centreline data at survey, cave and system levels, but a
single scrap has brought it tumbling down. Is the hierarchy in my data OK?
It seems to match the recommendations in the Wiki.  Is there a(nother)
simple error I'm making? 

How to resolve this problem?
Thanks for your patience.  Despite appearances I feel I am making progress
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[Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

2007-11-18 Thread Bruce Mutton

Thanks Martin, Stacho, Ben, for your comments.  Your assistance much

I have located my problem, simply an issue of the scope of namespaces.
(The correct definition of a map object can be found in the Map Editor by
double clicking on the object in the map tree pane on the side of the
application window.  - This inserts a select command in the thconfig file,
so you may want to delete this to preserve the status of the thconfig file)

In case anyone is trying to solve a similar problem, I've attached the
previously submitted files, but with the errors corrected.

So now I have a simple, scalable, file structure to easily plot a single
survey, a cave composed of many surveys, or a system composed of many caves,
at least that's what I'm hoping.  (I've left the system data out of the

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[Therion] authors of scraps

2007-11-18 Thread Bruce Mutton
Martin Sluka wrote...

Try to add in options field of definition of your scraps something as  
-author 2007 "Martin Sluka". It will produce the line in map header:
"Drawn by: Martin Sluka 2007" so anybody may see who is responsible  
for that mess :).
If several mappers work together on large project it is possible to  
recognize later who drawn the particular scrap.

Great tip thanks Martin
Can add -copyright as well.

[Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

2007-11-18 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho, 

-align fixes the declination induced problem perfectly, but it doesn't shift
the text off to the side of the passage, it just aligns it from the point
where it is inserted, which I am sure is what it's intended function is.
Doing it this way means you have to be aware of the scale of the finished
product at the time of drawing.  Plot at much smaller scale, and the text
will be far from the drawn feature, plot at a much larger scale and the text
will tend to overwrite the cave map.  Using -align I can almost get my
desired effect by placing the text insertion points on the passage walls
near the feature in the cave to be labelled.  A good enough solution if
there is no specific feature for this.

Haven't tried the 'magic' code yet, but I'm sure it will come in handy. I
notice the -context option (Pg 21 Therion Book) would complement it.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Friday, 16 November 2007 11:14 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

Quoting Bruce Mutton :

> Is there a way to place a text label, say ON a pitch line, and tell
> label this pitch "10 P" and left justify the text it out to the right-hand
> side, just beyond the displayed passage wall, so that it always displays
> just clear of the drawing?

If you are using line label - there is no possibility, but if you are using
point label - you can use -align option as for any other point object. E.g.
may also place "stalactites" aligned left to passage wall.

> Also I notice that text with orientation 0 degrees prints at an angle
> to the declination, which is 22 degrees here abouts these days.  Is there
> better way to straighten the text than give it all an orientation of 338
> degrees to compensate?

Again - please use rather -align then orientation option. E.g.:

point 0 0 label -text "label above some feature" -align top

If map will be rotated due to orientation, this alignment should be
automatically rotated also.

> If I want to present two maps, say one at 1:500 scale, and one at 1:2000
> scale, I would want many labels on the former and few labels on the
> Can this be done with one set of scraps, or would I have to create
> duplicates and adjust the labels in one of the sets?

Currently, there is no straight way how to hadle this situation, but there
exists workaround using generic attributes and a little bit of magic
code copied from "mpost/thText.mp" file and modified a little bit.

1. Make sure to add some label importance flag to all labels. E.g.

point 0 0 label -text "Important label" -attr importance 1
point 123 456 label -text "Unimportant label"

2. Then use following magic :) code in 1:2000 layout:

code metapost
vardef p_label@#(expr txt,pos,rot,mode) =
  if ATTR_importance = 1:
  if (mode=1) or (mode=7): interim labeloffset:=(u/8) fi;
  lab:=thelabel@#(txt, pos);
  if mode>1: pickup PenD fi;
  if mode=1:
pickup pencircle scaled (u/6);
  elseif mode=2: process_uplabel;
  elseif mode=3: process_downlabel;
  elseif mode=4: process_updownlabel;
  elseif mode=5: process_circledlabel;
  elseif mode=6: process_boxedlabel;
  elseif mode=7: process_label(pos,rot);  % station name
  elseif mode=8: process_filledlabel(pos, rot);
  else: process_label(pos,rot); fi;

I hope this will help you.

Regards, S.
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

2007-11-19 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks for the comments Martin.  They helped me resolve some minor
I have been using an Output folder, but remove it for posting to the forum,
as Therion does not create non-existent folders.  (This avoids forum members
having to figure out what the error is)

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Martin Sluka
Sent: Sunday, 18 November 2007 10:27 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Getting Scraps into the plans and elevations

On 18.11.2007, at 9:07, Bruce Mutton wrote:

>  for your comments.


check the attached thconfig file with my comments. I only add the  
folder for outputs to your structure.


[Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

2007-11-19 Thread Bruce Mutton
Yes, more or less like that, except perhaps a bit trickier, in that the
'text' should detect how far offset it needs to be to just clear the
meanderings of any nearby cave walls or other lines.  It could be very
problematic with convoluted drawings I concede.

I would say that at this stage this should be quite a low priority.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 9:49 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

Quoting Bruce Mutton :
> Doing it this way means you have to be aware of the scale of the finished
> product at the time of drawing.  Plot at much smaller scale, and the text
> will be far from the drawn feature, plot at a much larger scale and the
> will tend to overwrite the cave map.  Using -align I can almost get my
> desired effect by placing the text insertion points on the passage walls
> near the feature in the cave to be labelled.  A good enough solution if
> there is no specific feature for this.

Well, as far as I understand - you would like to have another option in
to -align. Let's call it -offset and it would mean, how far from the desired
feature the label should be. And this offset would be scale independent. Is
really like that?

Regards, S.
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

2007-11-20 Thread Bruce Mutton
Second thoughts Stacho,
Perhaps -offset exactly as you describe in real world, unscaled millimetres
would be useful, especially with the additional option of a leader line
pointing to the text insertion point.

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 9:49 p.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] Scaling text and text orientation

Quoting Bruce Mutton :
> Doing it this way means you have to be aware of the scale of the finished
> product at the time of drawing.  Plot at much smaller scale, and the text
> will be far from the drawn feature, plot at a much larger scale and the
> will tend to overwrite the cave map.  Using -align I can almost get my
> desired effect by placing the text insertion points on the passage walls
> near the feature in the cave to be labelled.  A good enough solution if
> there is no specific feature for this.

Well, as far as I understand - you would like to have another option in
to -align. Let's call it -offset and it would mean, how far from the desired
feature the label should be. And this offset would be scale independent. Is
really like that?

Regards, S.
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] The letter 'm'

2007-11-27 Thread Bruce Mutton
>On 26.11.2007, at 21:08, Cooper, Ben wrote:
>> However, the scale-bar has the letter "m" with no numbers...?  Another
>> bug?
>Ya, but corrected in last snapshot. It was result of support of  
>another new language in therion.

Thanks Ben and Martin...
I was poised to ask the same question.

PS: Has nothing to do with the grids not being square when specified as 100
100 100 has it?

[Therion] There's Grids then and there's Grids

2007-11-28 Thread Bruce Mutton
>There are two grids on the map:
>1. coordinate grid - displayed via "grid top|bottom", size specified via
>2. map atlas pages grid - displayed via "page-grid on|off", size specified
>using page-setup
>Which one do you mean?

Ah, Stacho.  Two types of grids!
That explains part of my conundrum. Now that I know it exists I'm not sure
what the map atlas grid might be for?

The other relates to the co-ordinate grid; illustrated by the attached pdfs,
scaled at 1:1000.
When specified as 10 10 10 I get nice continuous grids, but when specified
as 50 50 50 or 100 100 100 (and no other changes) I get cross hairs, which
are not too my liking.

These two types of coordinate grids, continuous and cross hairs, are nice
options, but how do I control which type I get?

(The attached include 'map atlas pages grids' as well as 'co-ordinate
grids'.  I can get rid of the former, thanks to your previous post)
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[Therion] There's Grids then and there's Grids

2007-11-29 Thread Bruce Mutton
Thanks Stacho, Martin

Just goes to show how dangerous preconceived ideas can be.
I'll try out that code when I get a chance...

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 3:42 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] There's Grids then and there's Grids

Quoting Bruce Mutton :
> Ah, Stacho.  Two types of grids!
> That explains part of my conundrum. Now that I know it exists I'm not sure
> what the map atlas grid might be for?

To show atlas pages layout, when "export atlas" is used.

> The other relates to the co-ordinate grid; illustrated by the attached
> scaled at 1:1000.
> When specified as 10 10 10 I get nice continuous grids, but when specified
> as 50 50 50 or 100 100 100 (and no other changes) I get cross hairs, which
> are not too my liking.

You get 1cm cross-hairs also in 10 10 10 grid, but they are too close to
other :) Just redefine grid symbol to receive solid grid -- i.e. add
lines to your layout:

code metapost
def s_hgrid (expr xpos, ypos, xsize, ysize) =
  pickup PenD;
  draw (
if xpos < 0: 0 else: -xsize/2 fi, 0
  ) -- (
if xpos > 0: 0 else: xsize/2 fi, 0
  draw (
0, if ypos < 0: 0 else: -ysize/2 fi
  ) -- (
0, if ypos > 0: 0 else: ysize/2 fi

Regards, S.
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] Modular Reuse of thconfig Layouts

2007-11-30 Thread Bruce Mutton
I have three caves entered into a folder tree as a hierarchal system, that
can be plotted in a couple of variations for each individually or as a whole
system.  I find that I have two thconfig files for each combination that
produce all of the types of maps I would like at this stage.  This makes a
total of eight thconfig files, each of which is getting quite large, but
which are largely identical except in a few details.  It's becoming
difficult to manage these, and keep the bits that I'd like to be identical

I suspect that, like most of the rest of Therion, I can make use of a
standard thconfig file that contains most of my favourite settings, allowing
my eight specific thconfigs to be very concise.

I have played around a bit, trying to save layouts in different files and
using lines like;

copy StandardLayout

but 'StandardLayout' only seems to be visible from within the same file.

Have had no luck with 'input', 'source' or 'select'.

Probably I'm just missing out a bit of syntax or namespace visibility.

Any suggestions

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[Therion] Image scaling and layer position

2007-11-30 Thread Bruce Mutton
Is it possible to scale images inserted into the layout, short of saving the
original file to a different resolution before using it with Therion?

Is it possible to put the image on the bottom layer, as it is with grids and

Change its opacity?

(For example an indistinct image could be used as a watermark or background
to the finished cave map drawing -not that I really want to do this, mainly
just to get better control of the image)


map-image 0 0 sw ./sketches/logo.jpg  /

#image bottom

#image-scale 2x /

#image-opacity 5  # in case the image is on top of the cave for instance




PS: The continuous code grid works fine. Thanks Stacho

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[Therion] Scraps won't become maps (New User)

2007-11-06 Thread Bruce Mutton
Hi, newbie Therion user excited by the prospect of electronic maps.

My first steps have been successful, but I've got stuck.  I'm using Windows
XP and Xtherion 0.5.1

I can produce centreline plots of single or multiple surveys from multiple
*.th and thconfig files in multiple directories to *.pdf, *.xvi and *.lox
files.  That much I seem to understand.

I can scan *.jpg images of my surveys and trace them to produce *.th2 files
that look fine both in the map editor and the text editor.  I think I
understand how this works, it seems easy enough.

When I place the following in my surveyN.th file,

   input RBMtestplan.th2

   map m_plan_ent   -title "Map plan entrance"



and the following in thconfig.

source surveyN.th

select m_plan_ent at n

. I get one of two results; a) a line plot that ignores the scrap and
produces only a centreline as if the scrap did not exist, or b) an error;
Mostly I get the error; viz 

"D:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error -- RBMtestplan.th2 [7] --
invalid length reading -- -scale"

(Sometimes the error is -- invalid length reading -- -projection)

And the offending line is;

  scrap scrap1 -projection plan -scale [-128 -1296 880 128 0.0 0.0 25.60 0.0

This "seems" to follow the required syntax, and is generated automatically
by the map editor.

The samples I downloaded work fine, and I can not see my trial differs

Both results are unsatisfactory.  I would like a drawing of the cave.

I suspect I may not be scaling the sketched survey stations to the
centreline survey stations correctly(?)

Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?

Any suggestions how I can go about debugging the problem?


Bruce Mutton

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[Therion] new symbol for therion : a hammer

2008-04-06 Thread Bruce Mutton
Gilbert, Stacho
In New Zealand we would call it a "dig", probably in the UK as well, but
there will be many more experienced than I...

-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-boun...@speleo.sk] On Behalf
Of Gilbert Fernandes (mailinglist)
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2008 7:00 a.m.
To: therion at speleo.sk
Subject: Re: [Therion] new symbol for therion : a hammer

For English I don't know, may be an english speluncer can respond.
For French, you can put "désobstruction" (or "désob" which is shorter, 
it's a nickname).
Is there an english in the mailing list ?
How do we call a galery we have to dig, to remove stone, clay to pass 
threw a new gallery ?



Stacho Mudrak a écrit :
> Very good suggestion, but what keyword (in english) is used for such
> place? Could it be a "probe"?
> Regards, S.
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Gilbert Fernandes (mailinglist)
>  wrote:
>> hello,
>>  I would like to add a new symbol in my survey. A hammer. In France we
>> it to show place where we dig.
>>  I've wrote the Meta Post code, but I've not test it yet (I must first
>> the doc I have read on therion building to add a new symbol).
>>  Could you add it in the next therion release if my code is correct ?
>>  Thanks,
>>  code metapost
>> def p_entrance_MY (expr P,R,S,A)=
>>   T:=identity aligned A rotated R scaled S shifted P;
>>   thfill
>> enddef;
>> initsymbol("p_hammer");
>> let p_hammer = p_hammer;
>>   endcode
>>  PS : I sent an drawing of the symbol as a join image
>> ___
>>  Therion mailing list
>>  Therion at speleo.sk
>>  http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://www.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

[Therion] new symbol for therion : a hammer

2008-04-08 Thread Bruce Mutton
Another thought.

A dig is really just another type of possible continuation, so it should be
added to the "Point passage ends" types (page 20 Therion book)

And on a similar topic;

When exporting a continuation list, I only get continuations listed that are
entered in the survey data.  Should it be possible to obtain continuations
drawn in scraps, with Therion 'finding' the nearest survey station and
survey title to report in the continuation list?  

Probably this would need a command within each survey and each scrap similar
to the 'Walls [on/off/auto]' , but instead, 'Continuations [on/off/auto]',
so that control over what is exported is maintained.


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