Re: Integrating estimated+actual time + statistics + due dates in MonkeyGTD?

2010-01-28 Thread ike9898
Re: #2  In David Allen's GTD Ticklers aren't used for deadlines; you
use a calendar for that. So I simply use my Google calendar in
conjunction with mGTD.  It would be nice to have a really good
calendar built into mGTD, but that seems to stain the tiddlywiki

On Jan 27, 6:54 am, 4reigner wrote:

 I'm currently evaluating MonkeyGTD. I like it's adaptability very
 much, other desktop and web applications did not serve me well in the
 past. As I'm not a programmer, right now I feel a little helpless
 cksome of my requirements to my personal GTD-system.

 I would like to integrate estimated and actual time fields to actions
 and be able to do some statistics in project context (total time
 estimated total actual time for actions and subprojects). Reading the
 MonkeyGTD wiki, this group, the blog and checking google didn't help
 me out with that. The only thing in that direction I found was
 TaskMacro on Now I don't have
 any clou how to integrate that in MonkeyGTD. I would warmly welcome
 some hints or kind of a howto!

 Concerning due dates I read about the approach to use ticklers for
 reminding oneself of deadlines etc, but don't like that approach.
 Instead I would like to be able to set a due date for actions or
 projects via a calendar or via hand input. Is there any way to do
 this, that I - as programming greenhorn - might be able to handle? I
 don't fear modificating some system tiddlers like TiddlerButtons or

 Thanks a lot for suggestions and hints.

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Re: Integrating estimated+actual time + statistics + due dates in MonkeyGTD?

2010-01-28 Thread Andy
GTD isn't really a project management system to manage costs and
timesheets, it's a task-management system that is supposed to keep you
busy working on things that are important. Having messed around behind
the scenes with mGTD for a while now, I can tell you that option 1
could probably be done but no one will do it. It would be a huge time
investment because there isn't a structure for that sort of tracking.
If you really do have all of your Projects completely fleshed out in
mGTD with all the Next and Future actions, you could always just put
the Costs and Times in your actions and then add them up yourself at
the end of the Project. You'd do better with some project management
software specifically made for cost and time tracking. I use MSProject
but I work for a big company that can afford to buy it for me.

As for option 2, I agree with ike. Tiddlers aren't meant for
deadlines; they are meant for tasks that need doing right now/today.
For me, that task is one of either review this S/M project to see if
it's feasible now or do this quarterly report. I wouldn't dare use
a tickler to remind that something is due today. If my GTD is working
right, I should be doing all my Next actions until it's done; if my
calendar tells me (and ike is right, there isn't one in mGTD) that it
is due soon, then I need to re-evaluate some of my unrelated Next

On Jan 27, 6:54 am, 4reigner wrote:

 I'm currently evaluating MonkeyGTD. I like it's adaptability very
 much, other desktop and web applications did not serve me well in the
 past. As I'm not a programmer, right now I feel a little helpless
 implementing some of my requirements to my personal GTD-system.

 I would like to integrate estimated and actual time fields to actions
 and be able to do some statistics in project context (total time
 estimated total actual time for actions and subprojects). Reading the
 MonkeyGTD wiki, this group, the blog and checking google didn't help
 me out with that. The only thing in that direction I found was
 TaskMacro on Now I don't have
 any clou how to integrate that in MonkeyGTD. I would warmly welcome
 some hints or kind of a howto!

 Concerning due dates I read about the approach to use ticklers for
 reminding oneself of deadlines etc, but don't like that approach.
 Instead I would like to be able to set a due date for actions or
 projects via a calendar or via hand input. Is there any way to do
 this, that I - as programming greenhorn - might be able to handle? I
 don't fear modificating some system tiddlers like TiddlerButtons or

 Thanks a lot for suggestions and hints.

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Re: [tw] Re: Create multiple tiddlers simultaneously

2010-01-28 Thread Anthony Muscio

\n\n means that each entry is seperated by  on a new line


entry 2

entry three

If the correct option is set

entry tiddler title 1

entry tiddler title 3
entry 2

entry tiddler title 3
entry three

will create three tiddlers with the specified titles and associated content.

I have also altered the script to include $1 $2 and $3 and calling it with
when to pre-populate some values. A Copy below to read (dont use) -
customise your own.

I noticed I needed to edit the first field after invocation to make sure it

|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios - Customized version Tony Muscio|
|License| brand [[Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|]]|
|Description|use text pattern to split tiddler contents into separate

%/{{small smallform{htmlhide linebreaksform
table class='borderless' style='border:0;margin:0;'tr
td style='width:33%;border:0;'
source tiddler:br
input name='src' value='$1' onfocus=''
title='title of tiddler containing source material'
/tdtd style='width:33%;border:0;'
item separator:br
input name='sep' value='\n\n' onfocus=''
title='character sequence used to separate source items'
/tdtd style='width:33%;border:0;'
add tags:br
input name='tags' value='[[$3]] $2 [[.reference]]
[[NewProjectsteps]]' style='width:98%'
title='space-separated tags for target tiddlers'
/td/trtr style='border:0'
td colspan='3'  style='border:0'
table style='width:100%;border:0;margin:0;'tr style='border:0'
td style='border:0'
target title format:br
input type='text' name='titleformat'  value='$3 %1 step %3'
title='format for new tiddler titles'
/tdtd style='border:0;'
output format:br
input name='format' value='!!!New Project Step %3\n%4'
title='format for target tiddler content'
%0=source title, %1=first line of item, %2=first word of item,
%3=item number, %4=item content
/trtr style='border:0'
td colspan='2' style='text-align:left;border:0;'
input type='checkbox' name='warn' checkedconfirm overwrites
input type='checkbox' name='show'show tiddlers when done
/tdtd style='text-align:right;border:0;'
input type='button' value='split tiddler' style='width:100%;'
var f=this.form;
if (f.src.value==f.src.defaultValue)
{ displayMessage('Please enter a tiddler title');
f.src.focus(); return false; }
var start=new Date().getTime();
var src=store.getTiddlerText(f.src.value);
if (!src) { displayMessage('\u0027'+f.src.value+'\u0027 not
found'); return false; }
var tags=f.tags.value;
var parts=src.split(f.sep.value.unescapeLineBreaks());
var msg='Found '+parts.length+' items in
\u0027'+f.src.value+'\u0027.  Press OK to proceed';
if (!confirm(msg)) return false;
if (parts.length) store.suspendNotifications();
var tids=[];
var warn=f.warn.checked;
var fmt=f.format.value.unescapeLineBreaks();
var pad=parts.length.toString().length;
var srctitle=f.src.value;
for (var p=0; pparts.length; p++) {
var txt=parts[p];
var lines=txt.split('\n');
var firstline=lines[0];
var firstword=firstline.split(' ')[0];
var itemnum=String.zeroPad(p+1,pad);
if (f.titleformat.value.indexOf('%2')!=-1) /* if firstword
is in title */
lines[0]=lines[0].split(' ').shift().join(' ');
if (f.titleformat.value.indexOf('%1')!=-1) /* if firstline
is in title */
var content=lines.join('\n');
var exists=store.tiddlerExists(tid);
if (exists  warn 
!confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid]))) continue;
if (!exists) tids.push(tid);
var elapsed=(new Date().getTime()-start)/1000;

[tw] Change the colour of the background in a tiddler in edit mode

2010-01-28 Thread dickon
I am trying to change the colour of the background of my tiddlers when
they are switched into edit mode.  At present the background is a grey
that is too dark to pick out the cursor, so that typing/editing is

I am looking through the colorpalette designations, and can't see
which colour I am meant to be changing.

The tiddlywiki in question is my tiddlymanual at

Sorry this is an obvious question, but I can't find documentation that
identifies this element.


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Re: [tw] Change the colour of the background in a tiddler in edit mode

2010-01-28 Thread Alex Hough
Add this to stylesheet

.editor textarea, .editor input {


On 28 January 2010 09:51, dickon wrote:

 I am trying to change the colour of the background of my tiddlers when
 they are switched into edit mode.  At present the background is a grey
 that is too dark to pick out the cursor, so that typing/editing is

 I am looking through the colorpalette designations, and can't see
 which colour I am meant to be changing.

 The tiddlywiki in question is my tiddlymanual at

 Sorry this is an obvious question, but I can't find documentation that
 identifies this element.


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 TiddlyWiki group.
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Re: [tw] Using save changes

2010-01-28 Thread ken robertson
G'day Clay,
Do your 'save as' before you open the file.  Make a copy of empty.html
before you start playing.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:12, Clay wrote:

 I am brand new to TW and I'm really impressed with the capabilities of
 this tool!  As I am just getting started, I'm having a dumb new user
 block here that looks like it should be really easy.  I downloaded the
 empty TW to my hard drive.  I double-clicked to open it.  I created a
 few tiddlers and played around with it.  Then I used the save
 changes in the right menu to save it.  I was expecting to be prompted
 for where it should be saved, and for a filename. Instead, it just
 saved it back to empty.html.

 How do I get it to save a new TW under a new name and to a folder that
 I select?  I'm thinking of save as but that doesn't seem to be
 available.  What am I missing?  I'm using Firefox on WinXP.


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[tw] Re: Change the colour of the background in a tiddler in edit mode

2010-01-28 Thread dickon
Thanks Alex -I have tried this, but it doesn't seem to work! (I have
to use the Style sheet in the MPTW theme as the TW is based on the
Monkey pirate design) I have just posted it in at the top of thhe
style sheet section - should I put it in a particular place? is the
punctuation correct?

Very kind of you to reply so fast.


On Jan 28, 10:01 am, Alex Hough wrote:
 Add this to stylesheet

 .editor textarea, .editor input {



 On 28 January 2010 09:51, dickon wrote:

  I am trying to change the colour of the background of my tiddlers when
  they are switched into edit mode.  At present the background is a grey
  that is too dark to pick out the cursor, so that typing/editing is

  I am looking through the colorpalette designations, and can't see
  which colour I am meant to be changing.

  The tiddlywiki in question is my tiddlymanual at

  Sorry this is an obvious question, but I can't find documentation that
  identifies this element.


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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread twgrp
Thank you for taking this on cmari!

I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can make
(link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. Also
in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any names
of tiddlers tagged Group

Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

Thank you!

On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari wrote:
 I first thought that what you wanted was straight-forward:
 forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAny([B1,B2,B3]) 
 tiddler.tags.contains(C) ' 
 But your question sounds more complicated.  Can you give some more
 details about what you're trying to do?

 More generally, you can see examples of things that can be done with
 the where clause in fET 

 On Jan 27, 4:13 pm, twgrp wrote:

  I can't figure this out;

  I want to filter out;
  all tiddlers tagged with any of the tiddlernames B1,B2... that are
  tagged with C
  - or a concrete example -
  all pupils tagged with any of the shools (B1...) that are located in
  smallville (C).

  Those tiddlers are to go in as parameter input to a forEachTiddler.

  forEachTiddler where  'tiddler.tags.containsAny(HERE)' ...

  My pathetic attempts at putting a fET as argument to a fET did not
  work and I've done some sad attempts with MatchTagsPlugin with no
  result (I don't understand how to use it).

  Maybe it's possible to store the filtered string... if it, in deed, is
  a string... and somehow the appropriate format for fET... but how do I
  store it and then call for it at the right place...?

  I'd really appreciate any help.

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[tw] Re: Change the colour of the background in a tiddler in edit mode

2010-01-28 Thread dickon
Bingo - it is fixed - I was putting it in the StyleSheet section of
the MPTW Theme, but it needed to go into the main StyleSheet - trying
to be too clever.

Thanks Alex.


On Jan 28, 10:19 am, dickon wrote:
 Thanks Alex -I have tried this, but it doesn't seem to work! (I have
 to use the Style sheet in the MPTW theme as the TW is based on the
 Monkey pirate design) I have just posted it in at the top of thhe
 style sheet section - should I put it in a particular place? is the
 punctuation correct?

 Very kind of you to reply so fast.


 On Jan 28, 10:01 am, Alex Hough wrote:

  Add this to stylesheet

  .editor textarea, .editor input {



  On 28 January 2010 09:51, dickon wrote:

   I am trying to change the colour of the background of my tiddlers when
   they are switched into edit mode.  At present the background is a grey
   that is too dark to pick out the cursor, so that typing/editing is

   I am looking through the colorpalette designations, and can't see
   which colour I am meant to be changing.

   The tiddlywiki in question is my tiddlymanual at

   Sorry this is an obvious question, but I can't find documentation that
   identifies this element.


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   TiddlyWiki group.
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   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at


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Re: [tw] Re: Apple iPad

2010-01-28 Thread Jeremy Ruston
I'd wager that the iPad won't support Java (as you say, it's already
clear that it doesn't support Flash). Furthermore, it's unclear
whether it supports storage and opening of local files.

I suspect that the options will be the same as for TiddlyWiki on the iPhone:

- Have a little app wrapper around WebKit that provides local storage
services to TiddlyWiki documents
-- (This could be done around a local file, or around a locally hosted
serverside version. Unfortunately, Apple's refusal to countenance
other runtimes means no Python the device)

- Use TiddlyWeb on the serverside, and single file TiddlyWiki in
Safari, using local HTML5 storage to queue up changes on the device
during periods of lack of connectivity

The fun alternative would be to write a native iphone app that could
read and write TiddlyWiki files...



On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Mark S. wrote:
 Not enough known yet, but it probably uses Safari, which needs java to
 save TW. But preliminary reports are that it might not run Flash,
 suggesting it also doesn't run Java. So presumably you could use it to
 view your TW data, but would need to update it some other way.


 On Jan 27, 5:11 pm, AlanBCohen wrote:
 I guess I'm the first to post that I'll be waiting to find out if TW
 is fully functional on the iPad before I consider buying one.  I don't
 know if the hardware/OS producers care, but TW has become one of the
 items that are on my 'make or break' list for selecting hardware.
 Until then, I'm staying with my 2yr. old Asus 701 4G.  I am, however,
 looking into moving off the original Xandros to a newer and
 supportable version of linux.  I know firefox and TW make a good pair.

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Jeremy Ruston

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Re: [tw] Using save changes

2010-01-28 Thread FND

I used the save changes in the right menu to save it.  I was
expecting to be prompted for where it should be saved, and for a
filename. Instead, it just saved it back to empty.html.

Well, you should think of each TiddlyWiki file as a document - of course 
these documents come with the application already built in, so you don't 
need an separate entity to process and manage documents.
I hope this makes sense and helps explain why there is no Save As button 
by default.

How do I get it to save a new TW under a new name and to a folder
that I select?

-- F.

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Re: [tw] Re: Apple iPad

2010-01-28 Thread FND

- Have a little app wrapper around WebKit that provides local storage
services to TiddlyWiki documents
-- (This could be done around a local file, or around a locally hosted
serverside version. Unfortunately, Apple's refusal to countenance
other runtimes means no Python the device)


Personally, I'd rather boycott Apple's obsession with closed systems and 
centralized control[1][2] - but let's not get sidetracked here...

-- F.

[2] cf.

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Re: Integrating estimated+actual time + statistics + due dates in MonkeyGTD?

2010-01-28 Thread AG_Brazil
You didn't say how big are your projects, what is your aim. For a
little one,
I mean to group a few related Next Actions, use natural sorting
of mGTD; if you begin your task description with the due date, as
the actions in the project will appear sorted by date. And if you edit
the action
and write it's value, cost, whatever, as a note it will be shown as a
yellow post-it in the task line and you'll see it putting the mouse on

Otherwise I agree with Andy as mGTD is not MS Project or so, it
has capabilities for it.

Good luck

On 27 jan, 08:54, 4reigner wrote:

 I'm currently evaluating MonkeyGTD. I like it's adaptability very
 much, other desktop and web applications did not serve me well in the
 past. As I'm not a programmer, right now I feel a little helpless
 implementing some of my requirements to my personal GTD-system.

 I would like to integrate estimated and actual time fields to actions
 and be able to do some statistics in project context (total time
 estimated total actual time for actions and subprojects). Reading the
 MonkeyGTD wiki, this group, the blog and checking google didn't help
 me out with that. The only thing in that direction I found was
 TaskMacro on Now I don't have
 any clou how to integrate that in MonkeyGTD. I would warmly welcome
 some hints or kind of a howto!

 Concerning due dates I read about the approach to use ticklers for
 reminding oneself of deadlines etc, but don't like that approach.
 Instead I would like to be able to set a due date for actions or
 projects via a calendar or via hand input. Is there any way to do
 this, that I - as programming greenhorn - might be able to handle? I
 don't fear modificating some system tiddlers like TiddlerButtons or

 Thanks a lot for suggestions and hints.

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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread cmari
So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
be to replace
the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
!tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers without
itemizing them?


On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:
 Thank you for taking this on cmari!

 I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can make
 (link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

 The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

 Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
 groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. Also
 in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

 list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
 fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any names
 of tiddlers tagged Group

 Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

 Thank you!

 On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari wrote:

  I first thought that what you wanted was straight-forward:
  forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAny([B1,B2,B3]) 
  tiddler.tags.contains(C) ' 
  But your question sounds more complicated.  Can you give some more
  details about what you're trying to do?

  More generally, you can see examples of things that can be done with
  the where clause in fET 

  On Jan 27, 4:13 pm, twgrp wrote:

   I can't figure this out;

   I want to filter out;
   all tiddlers tagged with any of the tiddlernames B1,B2... that are
   tagged with C
   - or a concrete example -
   all pupils tagged with any of the shools (B1...) that are located in
   smallville (C).

   Those tiddlers are to go in as parameter input to a forEachTiddler.

   forEachTiddler where  'tiddler.tags.containsAny(HERE)' ...

   My pathetic attempts at putting a fET as argument to a fET did not
   work and I've done some sad attempts with MatchTagsPlugin with no
   result (I don't understand how to use it).

   Maybe it's possible to store the filtered string... if it, in deed, is
   a string... and somehow the appropriate format for fET... but how do I
   store it and then call for it at the right place...?

   I'd really appreciate any help.

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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread twgrp
Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will be
many (1000's ?) of pupils...

On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari wrote:
 So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
 be to replace
 the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
 !tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
 but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers without
 itemizing them?


 On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:

  Thank you for taking this on cmari!

  I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can make
  (link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

  The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

  Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
  groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. Also
  in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

  list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
  fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any names
  of tiddlers tagged Group

  Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

  Thank you!

  On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari wrote:

   I first thought that what you wanted was straight-forward:
   forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAny([B1,B2,B3]) 
   tiddler.tags.contains(C) ' 
   But your question sounds more complicated.  Can you give some more
   details about what you're trying to do?

   More generally, you can see examples of things that can be done with
   the where clause in fET 

   On Jan 27, 4:13 pm, twgrp wrote:

I can't figure this out;

I want to filter out;
all tiddlers tagged with any of the tiddlernames B1,B2... that are
tagged with C
- or a concrete example -
all pupils tagged with any of the shools (B1...) that are located in
smallville (C).

Those tiddlers are to go in as parameter input to a forEachTiddler.

forEachTiddler where  'tiddler.tags.containsAny(HERE)' ...

My pathetic attempts at putting a fET as argument to a fET did not
work and I've done some sad attempts with MatchTagsPlugin with no
result (I don't understand how to use it).

Maybe it's possible to store the filtered string... if it, in deed, is
a string... and somehow the appropriate format for fET... but how do I
store it and then call for it at the right place...?

I'd really appreciate any help.

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[tw] Re: Using save changes

2010-01-28 Thread Clay
Ok, that is an easy enough work-around.  But it leads me to another
question.  What is the difference between the save changes in the
right menu, and the save in the Backstage menu at the top?  When you
hover over the links, they are described as:
Save Changes (right menu): Save all tiddlers to create a new
Save (backstage menu): Save your changes to this TiddlyWiki

They sound a lot like Save As and Save in Windows.


On Jan 28, 2:18 am, ken robertson wrote:
 G'day Clay,
 Do your 'save as' before you open the file.  Make a copy of empty.html
 before you start playing.

 On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:12, Clay wrote:

  I am brand new to TW and I'm really impressed with the capabilities of
  this tool!  As I am just getting started, I'm having a dumb new user
  block here that looks like it should be really easy.  I downloaded the
  empty TW to my hard drive.  I double-clicked to open it.  I created a
  few tiddlers and played around with it.  Then I used the save
  changes in the right menu to save it.  I was expecting to be prompted
  for where it should be saved, and for a filename. Instead, it just
  saved it back to empty.html.

  How do I get it to save a new TW under a new name and to a folder that
  I select?  I'm thinking of save as but that doesn't seem to be
  available.  What am I missing?  I'm using Firefox on WinXP.


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[tw] query regarding a-pm

2010-01-28 Thread shavinder
I looked up but could not understand its
concept. Could anyone please explain what its about?

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[tw] Re: Apple iPad

2010-01-28 Thread twgrp
The tablet concept has been around for a while though, so unless
you're an iGeek I'm sure there are alternatives;

Does anyone have any experience with TW on any tablet device?

On Jan 28, 3:35 pm, FND wrote:
  - Have a little app wrapper around WebKit that provides local storage
  services to TiddlyWiki documents
  -- (This could be done around a local file, or around a locally hosted
  serverside version. Unfortunately, Apple's refusal to countenance
  other runtimes means no Python the device)


 Personally, I'd rather boycott Apple's obsession with closed systems and
 centralized control[1][2] - but let's not get sidetracked here...

 -- F.

 [2] cf.

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[tw] Tiddlyspot Upload Issue

2010-01-28 Thread Shah

I tried to download offline copy, made few changes then when tried to
upload, got an error message, unable to upload to web, access denied.

Could anyone suggest what could be the reason.


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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread Mark S.
I hope it was ok -- I uploaded a change on your checking script. It
adds a function participatesInGroup(pupil). It builds its
participant list from the top down (starting with Group). So Pupil1
is not a member of a group, even though there are pupils that are
tagged with it ... per your definition (its not a Group, and it has no
parents that are grouped).

The participant list is only 2 levels deep. If more levels are needed,
they can be added or reentrant code created.

If you don't like the code -- it should be easy to delete out the
'script' on the final FET block.


On Jan 28, 7:22 am, twgrp wrote:
 Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
 code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will be
 many (1000's ?) of pupils...

 On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari wrote:

  So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
  be to replace
  the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
  !tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
  but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers without
  itemizing them?


  On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:

   Thank you for taking this on cmari!

   I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can make
   (link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

   The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

   Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
   groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. Also
   in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

   list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
   fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any names
   of tiddlers tagged Group

   Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

   Thank you!

   On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari wrote:

I first thought that what you wanted was straight-forward:
forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAny([B1,B2,B3]) 
tiddler.tags.contains(C) ' 
But your question sounds more complicated.  Can you give some more
details about what you're trying to do?

More generally, you can see examples of things that can be done with
the where clause in fET 

On Jan 27, 4:13 pm, twgrp wrote:

 I can't figure this out;

 I want to filter out;
 all tiddlers tagged with any of the tiddlernames B1,B2... that are
 tagged with C
 - or a concrete example -
 all pupils tagged with any of the shools (B1...) that are located in
 smallville (C).

 Those tiddlers are to go in as parameter input to a forEachTiddler.

 forEachTiddler where  'tiddler.tags.containsAny(HERE)' ...

 My pathetic attempts at putting a fET as argument to a fET did not
 work and I've done some sad attempts with MatchTagsPlugin with no
 result (I don't understand how to use it).

 Maybe it's possible to store the filtered string... if it, in deed, is
 a string... and somehow the appropriate format for fET... but how do I
 store it and then call for it at the right place...?

 I'd really appreciate any help.

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[tw] ReminderPlugin (hack / expansion / other plugin or concept)

2010-01-28 Thread Mike

Here is my example . . .
I have 300+ reminders in my document (I am a little on the forgetful

an example would be
reminder year:2009 month:08 day:01 recurdays:60 title:Clean AC
Filters at Home 

Clean the AC filters every 60 days, from my start date (08.01.09)

and I use
showReminders leadtime:2 tag:!Completed
To show me any pending reminders in the near future that are not
tagged Completed.

So here is my question / problem . . .

If the reminder goes past due, I lose it or in better terms I do not
have a way to track if I have completed that reminder without
preventing it from firing in another 60 days.

I can look in the past via showReminders leadtime:-45...-1 tag:!
Completed !Trash

Theoretically I would love to be able to expand the macro parameter to
allow toggle of a checkbox to modify a field which removes it from the
list showReminders leadtime:2 tag:!Completed until next fire, or
if I go past the date, remains in my list until I toggle it done. All
of this without losing the basic functionality of my non-recurring

Beyond my understanding level to make the changes myself, so I am
hoping someone has already tackled this or has a better idea / script
to handle it.

Any Suggestions or ideas are welcome


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[tw] Re: Fun with Nesting!

2010-01-28 Thread Linck Atlanta, Ga
Mans, Thank you I have been working on this a while now, led by
your direction and ALMOST have what I want

 'tiddler.tags.contains($1)  tiddler.tags.contains($2)'
 '|+tiddler.title+|+++^10em^[More Information][hide] [X
( A)+)===||+++^10em^
[Comments][hide] [X(|\n\n'

THIS WORKS!!! But, it is not as pretty as I want as it lists a table
for each return with a big space and then another table with the next
return rather than all connected. I think it is a small syntax issue,
but I dont know how to fix it.  Thank you.

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[tw] for each tiddler table

2010-01-28 Thread Linck Atlanta, Ga
Mans, Thank you I have been working on this a while now, led by
your direction and ALMOST have what I want

 'tiddler.tags.contains($1)  tiddler.tags.contains($2)'
 '|+tiddler.title+|+++^10em^[More Information][hide] [X
( A)+)===||+++^10em^
[Comments][hide] [X(|\n\n'

THIS WORKS!!! But, it is not as pretty as I want as it lists a table
for each return with a big space and then another table with the next
return rather than all connected. I think it is a small syntax issue,
but I dont know how to fix it.  Thank you.

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[tw] Re: Fun with Nesting!

2010-01-28 Thread Linck Atlanta, Ga
Figured it out

I simply removed the second \n

Starting to figure this stuff out!  Thanks again.

On Jan 28, 1:21 pm, Linck Atlanta, Ga wrote:
 Mans, Thank you I have been working on this a while now, led by
 your direction and ALMOST have what I want

  'tiddler.tags.contains($1)  tiddler.tags.contains($2)'
  '|+tiddler.title+|+++^10em^[More Information][hide] [X
 ( A)+)===||+++^10em^
 [Comments][hide] [X(|\n\n'

 THIS WORKS!!! But, it is not as pretty as I want as it lists a table
 for each return with a big space and then another table with the next
 return rather than all connected. I think it is a small syntax issue,
 but I dont know how to fix it.  Thank you.

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[tw] Re: for each tiddler table

2010-01-28 Thread Linck Atlanta, Ga
Figured it out
I simply removed the second \n
Starting to figure this stuff out!  Thanks again.

On Jan 28, 1:23 pm, Linck Atlanta, Ga wrote:
 Mans, Thank you I have been working on this a while now, led by
 your direction and ALMOST have what I want

  'tiddler.tags.contains($1)  tiddler.tags.contains($2)'
  '|+tiddler.title+|+++^10em^[More Information][hide] [X
 ( A)+)===||+++^10em^
 [Comments][hide] [X(|\n\n'

 THIS WORKS!!! But, it is not as pretty as I want as it lists a table
 for each return with a big space and then another table with the next
 return rather than all connected. I think it is a small syntax issue,
 but I dont know how to fix it.  Thank you.

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[tw] Re: query regarding a-pm

2010-01-28 Thread Mike[[About%20%26%20Download]]

A presentation manager, IE Powerpoint via TiddlyWiki
Also some pretty detailed instructions for modifications 
Experimental plugins (seperate sites)


On Jan 28, 10:18 am, shavinder wrote:
 I looked up could not understand its
 concept. Could anyone please explain what its about?

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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread twgrp
Thank you Mark, that is very kind of you!
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, or maybe I misunderstand
something? In the listing of the ungrouped members, grouped members
still appear and when clicking the slider next to it, it says
forEachTiddler ...: ReferenceError: participatesInGroup is not
defined. I have studied the code but only partially understand it. I
would really appreciate it if you, or anyone, could have a look. It
seems promising :-)

Your assumptions is correct in that a pupil can be tagged with another
pupil without it beign a group. It takes a Group tag to make it a
group. (The reason is that there will be different types of groups
later on so a group-type specified tag is necessary.)

I played with MatchTagsPlugin. In a way I think the following
statement sums up the desired tiddlers;
[tag[Pupil  ! [tag[ Pupil  Group
but it seems I can't nest [tag] like this (correct?) and also it
assumes that the whole inner [tag] is evaluated so that the first and
second Pupil are not the same. If this doesn't make sense at all,
then I've misunderstood how the command works (very likely), but I
thought I'd mention it because it seems compact/elegant.

Thank you!!!

On 28 Jan, 18:53, Mark S. wrote:
 I hope it was ok -- I uploaded a change on your checking script. It
 adds a function participatesInGroup(pupil). It builds its
 participant list from the top down (starting with Group). So Pupil1
 is not a member of a group, even though there are pupils that are
 tagged with it ... per your definition (its not a Group, and it has no
 parents that are grouped).

 The participant list is only 2 levels deep. If more levels are needed,
 they can be added or reentrant code created.

 If you don't like the code -- it should be easy to delete out the
 'script' on the final FET block.


 On Jan 28, 7:22 am, twgrp wrote:

  Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
  code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will be
  many (1000's ?) of pupils...

  On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari wrote:

   So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
   be to replace
   the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
   !tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
   but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers without
   itemizing them?


   On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:

Thank you for taking this on cmari!

I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can make
(link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. Also
in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any names
of tiddlers tagged Group

Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

Thank you!

On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari wrote:

 I first thought that what you wanted was straight-forward:
 forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAny([B1,B2,B3]) 
 tiddler.tags.contains(C) ' 
 But your question sounds more complicated.  Can you give some more
 details about what you're trying to do?

 More generally, you can see examples of things that can be done with
 the where clause in fET 

 On Jan 27, 4:13 pm, twgrp wrote:

  I can't figure this out;

  I want to filter out;
  all tiddlers tagged with any of the tiddlernames B1,B2... that are
  tagged with C
  - or a concrete example -
  all pupils tagged with any of the shools (B1...) that are located 
  smallville (C).

  Those tiddlers are to go in as parameter input to a forEachTiddler.

  forEachTiddler where  'tiddler.tags.containsAny(HERE)' ...

  My pathetic attempts at putting a fET as argument to a fET did not
  work and I've done some sad attempts with MatchTagsPlugin with no
  result (I don't understand how to use it).

  Maybe it's possible to store the filtered string... if it, in deed, 
  a string... and somehow the appropriate format for fET... but how 
  do I
  store it and then call for it at the right place...?

  I'd really appreciate any help.

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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread Mark S.
The problem with the slider seems to be in the setup of the checkbox
plugin. One problem at a time ;-)

When I look at it, the pupils listed are:


As far as I can tell, none of these participate in a group per your
description. None of them are tagged as Group, and none of them are
children of pupils that are marked as Group. Which one(s)
shouldn't be on the list?

Good luck!

On Jan 28, 3:58 pm, twgrp wrote:
 Thank you Mark, that is very kind of you!
 Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, or maybe I misunderstand
 something? In the listing of the ungrouped members, grouped members
 still appear and when clicking the slider next to it, it says
 forEachTiddler ...: ReferenceError: participatesInGroup is not
 defined. I have studied the code but only partially understand it. I
 would really appreciate it if you, or anyone, could have a look. It
 seems promising :-)

 Your assumptions is correct in that a pupil can be tagged with another
 pupil without it beign a group. It takes a Group tag to make it a
 group. (The reason is that there will be different types of groups
 later on so a group-type specified tag is necessary.)

 I played with MatchTagsPlugin. In a way I think the following
 statement sums up the desired tiddlers;
 [tag[Pupil  ! [tag[ Pupil  Group
 but it seems I can't nest [tag] like this (correct?) and also it
 assumes that the whole inner [tag] is evaluated so that the first and
 second Pupil are not the same. If this doesn't make sense at all,
 then I've misunderstood how the command works (very likely), but I
 thought I'd mention it because it seems compact/elegant.

 Thank you!!!

 On 28 Jan, 18:53, Mark S. wrote:

  I hope it was ok -- I uploaded a change on your checking script. It
  adds a function participatesInGroup(pupil). It builds its
  participant list from the top down (starting with Group). So Pupil1
  is not a member of a group, even though there are pupils that are
  tagged with it ... per your definition (its not a Group, and it has no
  parents that are grouped).

  The participant list is only 2 levels deep. If more levels are needed,
  they can be added or reentrant code created.

  If you don't like the code -- it should be easy to delete out the
  'script' on the final FET block.


  On Jan 28, 7:22 am, twgrp wrote:

   Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
   code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will be
   many (1000's ?) of pupils...

   On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari wrote:

So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
be to replace
the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
!tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers without
itemizing them?


On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:

 Thank you for taking this on cmari!

 I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can make
 (link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

 The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

 Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
 groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. Also
 in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

 list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
 fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any names
 of tiddlers tagged Group

 Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

 Thank you!

 On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari wrote:

  I first thought that what you wanted was straight-forward:
  forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.containsAny([B1,B2,B3]) 
  tiddler.tags.contains(C) ' 
  But your question sounds more complicated.  Can you give some more
  details about what you're trying to do?

  More generally, you can see examples of things that can be done with
  the where clause in fET 

  On Jan 27, 4:13 pm, twgrp wrote:

   I can't figure this out;

   I want to filter out;
   all tiddlers tagged with any of the tiddlernames B1,B2... that 
   tagged with C
   - or a concrete example -
   all pupils tagged with any of the shools (B1...) that are 
   located in
   smallville (C).

   Those tiddlers are to go in as parameter input to a 

   forEachTiddler where  'tiddler.tags.containsAny(HERE)' ...

   My pathetic attempts at putting a fET as argument to a fET did 
   work and I've done some sad 

Re: [tw] Re: TiddlyWiki for the Rest of Us

2010-01-28 Thread Alex Hough

TW does work seamlessly with firefox. I run firefox with an array of
plugins too : delicious, zotero, firebug, ubiquity, colorzilla, addblocker

I have not had the problems you describe. i would raise the problem on a
separate thread. It might be worth re-installing firefox and check the
installation notes [1].


On 28 January 2010 21:54, iain wrote:


 I am surprised you didn't mention Foucault in your discussion as Kuhn
 only scratched the surface, Foucault tried to upturn the whole field
 of knowledge especially in the areas of medicine and psychology.

 Anyway in reply to Alex's comment I think the basic TW should be made
 to work seamlessly with Firefox or some other browser - at least one
 of them. It would seem an essential part of any software.



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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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For more options, visit this group at

[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread twgrp
Hm, I must have explained poorly. Sorry. The only pupils that should
be under the heading Not members should be;

The others, i.e 1,5,6 do appear in groups and should not be listed,
i.e they are tagged with 2,3 or 4 (and 2,3,4 are all tagged with

I realized your script should be in the first/outer fET and also that
it should be before the fET-write-command, so I did a little updating
- and now it almost works!
Only 7,8,9 are listed! least until one of those, i.e 7,8,9, is tagged with a groupname.
Take 7 for instance. If it is tagged with a groupname, it does then
correctly appear under that group, and it is tagged correctly, but it
erroneously stays listed in the 'Not members' list. And refreshing
does not help.
(Tagging 7 with Group though, causes appropriate behavior and it
vanishes from the Not members list)

Again, thank you so much! I (clearly) could not make this succeed
without your input!

On Jan 29, 2:57 am, Mark S. wrote:
 The problem with the slider seems to be in the setup of the checkbox
 plugin. One problem at a time ;-)

 When I look at it, the pupils listed are:


 As far as I can tell, none of these participate in a group per your
 description. None of them are tagged as Group, and none of them are
 children of pupils that are marked as Group. Which one(s)
 shouldn't be on the list?

 Good luck!

 On Jan 28, 3:58 pm, twgrp wrote:

  Thank you Mark, that is very kind of you!
  Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, or maybe I misunderstand
  something? In the listing of the ungrouped members, grouped members
  still appear and when clicking the slider next to it, it says
  forEachTiddler ...: ReferenceError: participatesInGroup is not
  defined. I have studied the code but only partially understand it. I
  would really appreciate it if you, or anyone, could have a look. It
  seems promising :-)

  Your assumptions is correct in that a pupil can be tagged with another
  pupil without it beign a group. It takes a Group tag to make it a
  group. (The reason is that there will be different types of groups
  later on so a group-type specified tag is necessary.)

  I played with MatchTagsPlugin. In a way I think the following
  statement sums up the desired tiddlers;
  [tag[Pupil  ! [tag[ Pupil  Group
  but it seems I can't nest [tag] like this (correct?) and also it
  assumes that the whole inner [tag] is evaluated so that the first and
  second Pupil are not the same. If this doesn't make sense at all,
  then I've misunderstood how the command works (very likely), but I
  thought I'd mention it because it seems compact/elegant.

  Thank you!!!

  On 28 Jan, 18:53, Mark S. wrote:

   I hope it was ok -- I uploaded a change on your checking script. It
   adds a function participatesInGroup(pupil). It builds its
   participant list from the top down (starting with Group). So Pupil1
   is not a member of a group, even though there are pupils that are
   tagged with it ... per your definition (its not a Group, and it has no
   parents that are grouped).

   The participant list is only 2 levels deep. If more levels are needed,
   they can be added or reentrant code created.

   If you don't like the code -- it should be easy to delete out the
   'script' on the final FET block.


   On Jan 28, 7:22 am, twgrp wrote:

Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will be
many (1000's ?) of pupils...

On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari wrote:

 So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
 be to replace
 the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
 !tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
 but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers without
 itemizing them?


 On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:

  Thank you for taking this on cmari!

  I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can 
  (link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

  The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

  Ref to the pupil analogy above, I have change from shools to
  groups so to emphasize that pupils can be part of many groups. 
  in the testcase pupils become groups by tagging them with Group.

  list all pupils that are not members of any groups =
  fET-list all tiddlers tagged Pupil that are not tagged with any 
  of tiddlers tagged Group

  Surprisingly tricky, eh? ;-)

  Thank you!

  On Jan 28, 3:53 am, cmari 

[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread twgrp
Just discovered that saving an reloading the whole page *does* correct
things. Somehow neither the refresh script in the tiddler updates
things fully nor the (even more desirable) automatic re-rendering that
does occur automatically when e.g 7 is tagged with the groupname 2.
Do you think it has anything to do with the script?

On Jan 29, 4:14 am, twgrp wrote:
 Hm, I must have explained poorly. Sorry. The only pupils that should
 be under the heading Not members should be;

 The others, i.e 1,5,6 do appear in groups and should not be listed,
 i.e they are tagged with 2,3 or 4 (and 2,3,4 are all tagged with

 I realized your script should be in the first/outer fET and also that
 it should be before the fET-write-command, so I did a little updating
 - and now it almost works!
 Only 7,8,9 are listed! least until one of those, i.e 7,8,9, is tagged with a groupname.
 Take 7 for instance. If it is tagged with a groupname, it does then
 correctly appear under that group, and it is tagged correctly, but it
 erroneously stays listed in the 'Not members' list. And refreshing
 does not help.
 (Tagging 7 with Group though, causes appropriate behavior and it
 vanishes from the Not members list)

 Again, thank you so much! I (clearly) could not make this succeed
 without your input!

 On Jan 29, 2:57 am, Mark S. wrote:

  The problem with the slider seems to be in the setup of the checkbox
  plugin. One problem at a time ;-)

  When I look at it, the pupils listed are:


  As far as I can tell, none of these participate in a group per your
  description. None of them are tagged as Group, and none of them are
  children of pupils that are marked as Group. Which one(s)
  shouldn't be on the list?

  Good luck!

  On Jan 28, 3:58 pm, twgrp wrote:

   Thank you Mark, that is very kind of you!
   Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, or maybe I misunderstand
   something? In the listing of the ungrouped members, grouped members
   still appear and when clicking the slider next to it, it says
   forEachTiddler ...: ReferenceError: participatesInGroup is not
   defined. I have studied the code but only partially understand it. I
   would really appreciate it if you, or anyone, could have a look. It
   seems promising :-)

   Your assumptions is correct in that a pupil can be tagged with another
   pupil without it beign a group. It takes a Group tag to make it a
   group. (The reason is that there will be different types of groups
   later on so a group-type specified tag is necessary.)

   I played with MatchTagsPlugin. In a way I think the following
   statement sums up the desired tiddlers;
   [tag[Pupil  ! [tag[ Pupil  Group
   but it seems I can't nest [tag] like this (correct?) and also it
   assumes that the whole inner [tag] is evaluated so that the first and
   second Pupil are not the same. If this doesn't make sense at all,
   then I've misunderstood how the command works (very likely), but I
   thought I'd mention it because it seems compact/elegant.

   Thank you!!!

   On 28 Jan, 18:53, Mark S. wrote:

I hope it was ok -- I uploaded a change on your checking script. It
adds a function participatesInGroup(pupil). It builds its
participant list from the top down (starting with Group). So Pupil1
is not a member of a group, even though there are pupils that are
tagged with it ... per your definition (its not a Group, and it has no
parents that are grouped).

The participant list is only 2 levels deep. If more levels are needed,
they can be added or reentrant code created.

If you don't like the code -- it should be easy to delete out the
'script' on the final FET block.


On Jan 28, 7:22 am, twgrp wrote:

 Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
 code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will be
 many (1000's ?) of pupils...

 On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari wrote:

  So, just to be sure I understand, the clunky way of doing this would
  be to replace
  the word GroupTiddlerNames in the tiddler [[CheckListwGroups]]
  !tiddler.tags.containsAny([Pupil1, Pupil2, Pupil3,
  but you're looking for a simpler way to exclude those tiddlers 
  itemizing them?


  On Jan 28, 5:03 am, twgrp wrote:

   Thank you for taking this on cmari!

   I have put up a testcase that is as simplified and clear as I can 
   (link mentioned previously in another thread, but now modified).

   The crucial bit is emphasized in red.

   Ref to the pupil analogy above, 

Re: [tw] Re: NestedSlidersPlugin: How to customize the look of the tool-tip

2010-01-28 Thread Claudio Li
Thanks Mans. Will give it a try.

On 24 January 2010 18:07, Måns wrote:

 Hi Claudio

 I don't know if this is what your asking for - but maybe you'll get an
 acceptable workaround?

 I do this: +++^[ButtonLabel]...{{outline{
 or: +++^[ButtonLabel]...{{menubox{
 or: +++^[ButtonLabel]...{{groupbox{

 You need to add the stylesheetaddon StyleSheetShortcuts to your StyleSheet
 tiddler like this: [[StyleSheetShortcuts]]

 Regards Måns Mårtensson

 On 20 Jan., 03:52, Claudio wrote:
  Hi all,
  Have installed the plug-in and love it a lot. I want to make the tool-
  tip that pops up to come with a solid-line border, like those athttp://
  If I remove from my StyleSheet the code below, tool-tips border appear
  .viewer table.borderless,
  .viewer table.borderless * {border: 0;}
  Yet this affects all borderless tables as well.
  Can borderless tables and tool-tip with border co-exist?

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[tw] Open TW in full-screen

2010-01-28 Thread Claudio
Hi All,

Is it possible to have TW open in full-screen by default? Then, I can
press a button to return to normal view.

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[tw] Re: Tiddlyspot Upload Issue

2010-01-28 Thread shavinder
Is it a browser message or does this error show up in a yellowish
message box on the top right corner of the tiddlywiki doc?

If its a browser alert then somebody might be able to help you out
better if you post which browser you are using. You ca lookup the
version from HelpAbout in the browser menu.

If it is a tiddlywiki message, I suggest you download a fresh copy of
your document from tiddlyspot and try again. I suspect there might be
some corruption in your downloaded file.

On Jan 28, 4:49 pm, Shah wrote:

 I tried to download offline copy, made few changes then when tried to
 upload, got an error message, unable to upload to web, access denied.

 Could anyone suggest what could be the reason.


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[tw] Re: Filter for input to a fET?

2010-01-28 Thread Mark S.

I'm still confused why, for instance, pupil 1 should be considered
part of a group. You could say that it forms a group for the two
pupils that it has as tags, except that it is not tagged as a group.
So it just happens to have a relationship to the students (a tag
parent of), but isn't a group.

Yes, there probably needs to be a button or something that will allow
the list to refresh. What it does is build a list of group-
participants the first time the function is called. Then it uses that
list the rest of the time as  the FET loop calls it over and over. If
it didn't cache the partcipants, the list would build very slowly. Not
so bad with 8 students, but its going to hurt if hundreds.


On Jan 28, 7:22 pm, twgrp wrote:
 Just discovered that saving an reloading the whole page *does* correct
 things. Somehow neither the refresh script in the tiddler updates
 things fully nor the (even more desirable) automatic re-rendering that
 does occur automatically when e.g 7 is tagged with the groupname 2.
 Do you think it has anything to do with the script?

 On Jan 29, 4:14 am, twgrp wrote:

  Hm, I must have explained poorly. Sorry. The only pupils that should
  be under the heading Not members should be;

  The others, i.e 1,5,6 do appear in groups and should not be listed,
  i.e they are tagged with 2,3 or 4 (and 2,3,4 are all tagged with

  I realized your script should be in the first/outer fET and also that
  it should be before the fET-write-command, so I did a little updating
  - and now it almost works!
  Only 7,8,9 are listed! least until one of those, i.e 7,8,9, is tagged with a groupname.
  Take 7 for instance. If it is tagged with a groupname, it does then
  correctly appear under that group, and it is tagged correctly, but it
  erroneously stays listed in the 'Not members' list. And refreshing
  does not help.
  (Tagging 7 with Group though, causes appropriate behavior and it
  vanishes from the Not members list)

  Again, thank you so much! I (clearly) could not make this succeed
  without your input!

  On Jan 29, 2:57 am, Mark S. wrote:

   The problem with the slider seems to be in the setup of the checkbox
   plugin. One problem at a time ;-)

   When I look at it, the pupils listed are:


   As far as I can tell, none of these participate in a group per your
   description. None of them are tagged as Group, and none of them are
   children of pupils that are marked as Group. Which one(s)
   shouldn't be on the list?

   Good luck!

   On Jan 28, 3:58 pm, twgrp wrote:

Thank you Mark, that is very kind of you!
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, or maybe I misunderstand
something? In the listing of the ungrouped members, grouped members
still appear and when clicking the slider next to it, it says
forEachTiddler ...: ReferenceError: participatesInGroup is not
defined. I have studied the code but only partially understand it. I
would really appreciate it if you, or anyone, could have a look. It
seems promising :-)

Your assumptions is correct in that a pupil can be tagged with another
pupil without it beign a group. It takes a Group tag to make it a
group. (The reason is that there will be different types of groups
later on so a group-type specified tag is necessary.)

I played with MatchTagsPlugin. In a way I think the following
statement sums up the desired tiddlers;
[tag[Pupil  ! [tag[ Pupil  Group
but it seems I can't nest [tag] like this (correct?) and also it
assumes that the whole inner [tag] is evaluated so that the first and
second Pupil are not the same. If this doesn't make sense at all,
then I've misunderstood how the command works (very likely), but I
thought I'd mention it because it seems compact/elegant.

Thank you!!!

On 28 Jan, 18:53, Mark S. wrote:

 I hope it was ok -- I uploaded a change on your checking script. It
 adds a function participatesInGroup(pupil). It builds its
 participant list from the top down (starting with Group). So Pupil1
 is not a member of a group, even though there are pupils that are
 tagged with it ... per your definition (its not a Group, and it has no
 parents that are grouped).

 The participant list is only 2 levels deep. If more levels are needed,
 they can be added or reentrant code created.

 If you don't like the code -- it should be easy to delete out the
 'script' on the final FET block.


 On Jan 28, 7:22 am, twgrp wrote:

  Well, pupils come and go arbitrarily så it is not possible to hard
  code it like that, if I understand you right. Plus that there will 
  many (1000's ?) of pupils...

  On Jan 28, 4:08 pm, cmari 

[tw] Re: Tiddlyspot Upload Issue

2010-01-28 Thread Shah
It is a tiddlywiki message, I tried with a fresh copy, even that gave
me the same error...

Finally found out that it was something to do with my browser setup.

Now I'm able to upload,

Thanks for your help.


On Jan 29, 9:05 am, shavinder wrote:
 Is it a browser message or does this error show up in a yellowish
 message box on the top right corner of the tiddlywiki doc?

 If its a browser alert then somebody might be able to help you out
 better if you post which browser you are using. You ca lookup the
 version from HelpAbout in the browser menu.

 If it is a tiddlywiki message, I suggest you download a fresh copy of
 your document from tiddlyspot and try again. I suspect there might be
 some corruption in your downloaded file.

 On Jan 28, 4:49 pm, Shah wrote:


  I tried to download offline copy, made few changes then when tried to
  upload, got an error message, unable to upload to web, access denied.

  Could anyone suggest what could be the reason.

  Shah.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: [tw] Re: TiddlyWiki for the Rest of Us

2010-01-28 Thread Neil Olonoff

In retrospect I felt my post was too abstruse as it was. To go into
Foucault, Derrida, and the whole postmodernist turn felt way too off-topic
for this forum. But if you want to correspond in the back channel I'd be
happy to chat.

Since my dissertation is about the relational dimension as concerns
knowledge management, I unfortunately must tackle the whole question of
what is knowledge? This hasn't been settled in thousands of years and I
doubt that I will come to a clear conclusion.

Part of the problem is that deconstructionists come at the world as a text
to be deconstructed.  The average business executive comes at the world
with a largely objectivist, naive view of knowledge. Since knowledge
management is supposed to be a practical discipline, we have to mediate
between those extreme views, and I've chosen the word relational to
provide a teeter-totter between them.

I'm afraid that's as much as I can say without a cup of coffee!



Neil Olonoff
Lead, Federal Knowledge Management Initiative,
Federal KM Working Group hosted at
Office:  703.614.5058 (US Army HQDA, G-4/Contracted by Innolog)
Mobile: 703.283.4157 (Disabled during working hours)
Personal profile:
Blogging at

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:54 PM, iain wrote:


 I am surprised you didn't mention Foucault in your discussion as Kuhn
 only scratched the surface, Foucault tried to upturn the whole field
 of knowledge especially in the areas of medicine and psychology.

 Anyway in reply to Alex's comment I think the basic TW should be made
 to work seamlessly with Firefox or some other browser - at least one
 of them. It would seem an essential part of any software.



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