[tw] macro to set or toggle a tiddly tag without displaying a checkbox?

2009-12-01 Thread Saverio
Does anyone know of a macro/plugin that allows a tiddler to set or
toggle a tag on another tiddler?  I have looked at Eric Shulman's
CheckboxPlugin (http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#CheckboxPlugin), which is
close to what I want.  However, I don't want to display the checkbox -
I want the tiddler to "algorithmically" set the other tiddler's tag.
So for example, something like


If TiddlerName was tagged with TagName, then "on" does nothing, and
"off" or "toggle" would remove the tag.  If TiddlerName was not
already tagged with TagName, then "on" or "toggle" would add TagName
to TiddlerName's tag list, and "off" would remove it.

Thanks is advance for any help or direction you can provide.


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[tw] Re: macro to set or toggle a tiddly tag without displaying a checkbox?

2009-12-05 Thread Saverio
Thank you!  I was aware of lewcid's TaggerPlugin and Eric Shulmans
CheckBoxToggleTag, but not of cycleTags.  Unfortunately, all of these
require user interaction to set the tags.  I was looking to set the
tags within code. Fortunately, I found the following method which will
work, though I found it is quite slow:



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[tw] how can you capture that a tag tiddler has been renamed?

2009-12-06 Thread Saverio
I would like to alert when a tag tiddler is about to be saved with a
new name in order to give the user the option to update all tiddlers
with that tag.


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[tw] Re: PartTiddlerPlugin : Concatenate rows from various tiddlers into a table ?

2009-12-06 Thread Saverio
Would this work?


On Nov 26, 4:31 am, julien23  wrote:
> I wish I could concatenate rows from various tiddlers in a single
> tiddler with ForEachTiddlerPlugin


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[tw] I can't get TaggerPlugin to work correctly

2009-12-06 Thread Saverio

Above is a link to an empty TiddlyWiki except for the following
1) copy/pasted SaqImtiaz's TaggerPlugin (http://tw.lewcid.org/
2) changed ViewTemplate to show the tagger dropdown
3) added TestTiddler with tags "test1" and "test2"

Can anyone tell me why the dropdown does not work?



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[tw] Re: I can't get TaggerPlugin to work correctly

2009-12-06 Thread Saverio
Thanks, that worked!

On Dec 6, 5:37 pm, Mike  wrote:
> Try Addinghttp://www.tiddlywiki.com/coreplugins.html#DeprecatedFunctionsPlugin


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[tw] javascript to display all of a tiddler's tags that are themselves tagged with a certain tag

2009-12-10 Thread Saverio
I am trying to develop my own simplified GTD solution.  I am trying to
write a script that will display an action item with a checkbox and a
filtered tag list.  So for example,

[ ] "action" depends on: ["action2", "action3", ...]

where "action1" is the title of the tiddler that contains information
about the action, and that is tagged with (among other things) the
names of the other actions which must be completed first ("action1",
"action2", etc.).  The checkbox will toggle the existence of a "done"
tag. And all actions are tagged with "action".

So far, I can only get as far as:

[ ] "action" depends on:

using the inline (wiki) syntax of Eric Shulman's CheckBoxPlugin
(http://www.tiddlytools.com/#CheckboxPluginInfo) as follows in a
tiddler named DisplayAction:

[x($1|done)] [[$1]] depends on:

I believe I can use Eric Shulman's InlineJavascriptPlugin (http://
www.tiddlytools.com/#InlineJavascriptPluginInfo) to do the last piece,
but I need the javascript code that will display a list of the current
tiddler's tags that are themselves tagged with the tag "action".  Can
anyone help?


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[tw] Re: javascript to display all of a tiddler's tags that are themselves tagged with a certain tag

2009-12-13 Thread Saverio
Thanks! That got me experimenting...I was able to do it in a single
tiddler as follows:

[x($1|done){}{}{}] [[$1]] 
var out=[], n=0, t=store.getTiddler('$1');
tids = store.filterTiddlers("[tag[action]]");
for (var i=0; i0?', ':'') +
if (out) return '[ @@color: #228B22; '+out+' @@ ]';

The only problem is that the color statement does not get applied to
the link that is generated.  Any ideas there?


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[tw] Re: javascript to display all of a tiddler's tags that are themselves tagged with a certain tag

2009-12-14 Thread Saverio
Thank you both Mark and Alex.  The inline class assignment worked!
For my own education, though, can you explain the significance of
".tiddlyLinkExisting" in the stylesheet?


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[tw] Re: ForEachTiddler modification to remove last "/n"

2010-01-13 Thread Saverio

>     write
>        (index>1?"\n":"")+'"*[["+tiddler.title+"]]"
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[tw] Re: ForEachTiddler modification to remove last "/n"

2010-01-13 Thread Saverio
Sorry, my suggestion is an edit of the quoted text, so it appears
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[tw] Re: Access for multiple users to edit wiki

2010-02-03 Thread Saverio

if (config.options.txtUserName != "Me" && config.options.txtUserName !
= "Another guy") {
readOnly = true;
showBackstage = false;}

For other users with edit access, simply keep appending

   && config.options.txtUserName !="..."

to the if condition

On Feb 3, 4:59 am, Claudio Li  wrote:
> Tried the following, but failed (both users cannot edit the wiki)
> if(config.options.txtUserName != "Me") {
>     readOnly = true;
>     showBackstage = false;}
> if(config.options.txtUserName != "Another guy") {
>     readOnly = true;
>     showBackstage = false;
> }
> On 3 February 2010 03:35, Mike  wrote:
> > An alternate method (albeit longer)
> > if (config.options.txtUserName!="SomeName") {
> >     readOnly=true;
> >     showBackstage=false;}
> > Each user with editing access would be a new line replacing SomeName
> > Good Luck !
> > Mike
> > On Feb 2, 11:13 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> > > Possibly you could try:
> > > readOnly="Name1;Name2;Name3".indexOf(config.options.txtUserName)==-1 ;
> > > As long as the names aren't subsets of each other
> > > ("Jon","Joni","Jonis"...)
> > > On Feb 2, 7:33 am, Dusty Jones  wrote:
> > > > I'm trying to make my wiki read only for everyone but a few users. I'm
> > > > currently doing it by using flagging it read only for everyone but
> > > > myself using the
> > > > readOnly=config.options.txtUserName!='My User Name'
> > > > in the loading options. But I want to make it so that more uses can
> > > > edit and have default read/write access. Is there a way to do
> > > > something like
> > > > txtUserName!='My User Name' OR 'This User Name' OR 'That User Name'
> > > > I'm not familiar with the syntax, but I gave that a shot and it didn't
> > > > work out too well :P
> > > > Any help on this is appreciated!
> > --
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> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki?hl=en.

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[tw] What are the advantages/disadvantages of tags vs fields vs slices?

2010-03-02 Thread Saverio
>From reading a number of posts over the last few weeks, I have learned
that there are multiple ways to embed structured information within a
tiddler.  These include tags, custom (or extended) fields, data
fields, slices, and form fields.  Have I missed any?  When is it
better to use one over another?

For example, I am constructing my own simple TW task manager. I
started with tiddlers that are tasks, tagged with "action".  Other
tiddlers are projects, which are sets of related and sometimes ordered
tasks, tagged with "project".  A task tiddler can also be tagged with
the name of a project to which it belongs, and/or also with the names
of any other tasks on which it depends.

The problem is that for a given task, there could be multiple tags,
one of which is the project to which it belongs, and the others are
other tasks on which it depends.  To distinguish whether a given tag
of a task tiddler refers to a project or another task requires looking
up that tag's parent tiddler to determine whether it itself is tagged
with either "task" or "project".

I am wondering whether there is a simpler way, or whether it would
just be more efficient to use custom fields, such as
"belongsToProject", and "dependsOnTasks".  Another option is to record
this information in slices.

This question generalizes to how best to annotate tiddlers with
semantic tags which encode relationships, such as "isParentOf",
"isChildOf", "hasIngredient", "isMemberOf", etc., etc., etc.  I like
the simplicity and transparency of using just plain vanilla tags, but
I think they are not powerful enough.

I am interested in others' opinions and experiences.

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[tw] Re: What are the advantages/disadvantages of tags vs fields vs slices?

2010-03-03 Thread Saverio
On Mar 3, 8:15 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> Slices and sections are a convenient, natural way to enter tiddler-
> specific data. You don't need to modify your tiddler template (though
> you can) or get extra plugins for manipulating them (though you can).
> Slices are single lines of information. Sections can be whole
> paragraphs or documents. They can be accessed using the <>
> transclusion if you get Eric Shulman's WikifyPlugin. (I've added a
> patch to the plugin I use to access sections as well) Sections and
> fields can be hidden by /%...%/ if you don't want information
> cluttering up the tiddler display.

The idea of keeping the project a task belongs to and its dependencies
on other tasks in two different slices.  But how then can one modify
the values of the slices in a *controlled* way, ie. a dropdown of
available projects with an option to create a new project, or a
dropdown of other tasks, without just editing the tiddler and free
texting everything?

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[tw] Re: What are the advantages/disadvantages of tags vs fields vs slices?

2010-03-03 Thread Saverio
On Mar 3, 8:15 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> Tags are useful to show relationships (parent-child) between tiddlers,

I think tags are ideal for "attributes" of tiddlers.  To use them for
relationships, other than the simplest and most generic of
relationships, is stretching their functionality, unless you
supplement with your own code to disambiguate the type of
relationship. I think what is missing from TW is semantic tagging. Are
there any plans for a "semantic TiddlyWiki", just as Semantic
Mediawiki (http://semantic-mediawiki.org) extended vanilla Mediawiki?

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[tw] Re: What are the advantages/disadvantages of tags vs fields vs slices?

2010-03-03 Thread Saverio
On Mar 3, 9:54 am, Måns  wrote:
> > But how then can one modify
> > the values of the slices in a *controlled* way, ie. a dropdown of
> > available projects with an option to create a new project, or a
> > dropdown of other tasks, without just editing the tiddler and free
> > texting everything?
> As I mentioned - Eric's GridPlugin is very good - Chrck it out..
> Regards Måns Mårtensson

Thank you. If I am interpreting correctly, GridPlugin is a good way to
display and *free-text* edit slices of *multiple* tiddlers at a time.
I would like to display and *dropdown* edit slices of a *single* (ex.
the current) tiddler.  I think I will have to create a unique
EditTemplate for taska that utilizes ListBoxPlugin.

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[tw] Re: What are the advantages/disadvantages of tags vs fields vs slices?

2010-03-03 Thread Saverio
On Mar 3, 10:36 am, "Mark S."  wrote:
> Relationships *are* a type of attribute.

Very interesting! I see it from the other end - attributes are one
type of relationship, which I define as triads of ["source",
"relationship type", "target"] - ex. ["George H Bush" "isTheFatherOf",
"George W Bush"].  Tags are really dyads, or at least triads where the
relationship type is fixed and implied, "hasAttribute".  To bring it
back to my original problem of task management, if I have a tiddler
"A" with tags "task", "B", and "C", the only way to infer that "A"
belongs to project "B" and depends on task "C" and not vice versa is
to note that "B" is tagged with "project" and "C" is tagged with
"task".  You are right,

> So its all string manipulation, no matter how you get at it.

or at least tiddler manipulation.  But what if I could enhance tags to
explicitly define the relationship type.  Then I could have tiddler
"A" tagged with "isA(task)", "belongsTo(B)", "dependsOn(C)".  These,
in essence, are extended fields, but extended fields are more hidden
and obscured than tags.  I hope that a future version of TW combines
the best of both tags and extended fields to make it a truly semantic

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[tw] Re: Which TiddlyWiki adaptation do you like best?

2010-03-10 Thread Saverio
Can you expand on how you take advantage of tagglytagging?  Do you
mean the idea that a tag can also be its own tiddler?  Or do you mean
the viewTemplate in MPTW?  I guess I am asking, exactly what
functionality of tagglytagging (not of MPTW in toto) is not already
provided in vanilla TW?

On Mar 9, 3:35 pm, twgrp  wrote:
> For information management I use MPTW (tagglytagging is essential, to
> name one thing) and also one of the TreeView variants (not sure
> which...)

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[tw] How can tiddler titles that appear in custom fields be updated when the tiddler is renamed?

2010-03-11 Thread Saverio
Tiddlers are uniquely identified by their titles.  If I rename (or
delete) a tiddler that is the tag of another tiddler, I can use Simon
Baird's http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#RenameTagsPlugin to make sure the
tag is properly updated.  But what if the renamed tiddler is the value
of another tiddler's extended/custom field?

To avoid this problem, I was thinking instead to store in the custom
field a different tiddler identifier that is stable across name
changes.  Does one exist? If not, could someone suggest an approach to
creating (and maintaining) one?  Alternatively, (question to Simon
Baird) could the RenameTagsPlugin be changed to look at custom fields
as well as tags?


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[tw] Re: How can tiddler titles that appear in custom fields be updated when the tiddler is renamed?

2010-03-13 Thread Saverio

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[tw] Re: How can tiddler titles that appear in custom fields be updated when the tiddler is renamed?

2010-03-14 Thread Saverio
I have tiddlers which define tasks, and are tagged as such.  Tasks can
belong to other tiddlers which are projects, tagged with "project".  I
currently tag the task tiddler with the project to which it belongs,
as well as other tasks on which it is waiting. However, this makes it
difficult to distinguish whether a tag is referring to the project the
tiddler belongs to or the task on which it depends. If a task depends
on a project, then it would be impossible to distinguish the parent
project from the dependent project.  Therefore, I have been planning
to move this information into separate custom fields, "project", and
"waitingFor".  With the original approach, I could depend on
RenameTagsPlugin to ensure integrity if I happened to change the title
of a project or task tiddler.  But RenameTagsPlugin will not work on
custom fields.  Therefore, I was thinking to store a different unique
reference instead of the tiddler name, so that even if I change the
name of a project or task, the reference store in the custom fields
would not have to be updated.  I think that is what you mean by
storing the UUID in the custom field instead of the title.  Can you
elaborate on that approach?  Does TW define a UUID for each tiddler?
Thank you!

On Mar 14, 6:01 am, FND  wrote:
> Could you elaborate on your use case? It would help to know why you're
> storing tiddler references in custom fields in the first place.
> The obvious option is to use UUIDs as tiddler titles, but that of course
> makes linking inconvenient for users. Perhaps you could store a UUID in
> a custom field, so lookups later use that field instead of the title?
> -- F.

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[tw] Can ListBoxPlugin accept a tag expression to determine the list items?

2010-03-14 Thread Saverio
Eric Shulman's excellent ListBoxPlugin (http://www.tiddlytools.com/
#ListboxPluginInfo) does exactly what I want, except I would like to
define the list items with tiddlers that define a tag expression
rather than just a single tag value. Am I missing something obvious?
Or perhaps there is an "easy" workaround?

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[tw] Re: Can ListBoxPlugin accept a tag expression to determine the list items?

2010-03-15 Thread Saverio
I am enjoying! Works perfectly. Thank you!

By the way, have you thought more about what you proposed in the
following thread:


Would this be an extension of ListBoxPlugin, or another plugin

Thanks again!

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[tw] Re: ImportTiddlers' control panel won't scroll

2010-03-16 Thread Saverio
When I try to import, such as from TiddlyTools, I correctly get a list
of tiddlers, and can choose a subset of them to import, but then it
"hangs" while importing.  When I click outside of the import box to
clear the window and "unhang", I find that the selected tiddlers have
NOT been imported.  Therefore, I have resorted to copy and paste.  Any
ideas of what may be going wrong?

On Mar 16, 9:29 am, Eric Shulman  wrote:
> If you attempt to import a non-TW plain text file, or if the selected
> file is not recognized as a valid TW file format and does not contains
> a valid "store area" definition (perhaps due to not being saved
> correctly), then ImportTiddlersPlugin will not find any tiddlers and
> will instead treat the entire file content as a single text tiddler to
> be imported.
> -e

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[tw] Re: ImportTiddlers' control panel won't scroll

2010-03-16 Thread Saverio
Great - this fixed my problem, too!  Thank you.

On Mar 16, 12:14 pm, Eric Weir  wrote:
> On Mar 16, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Måns wrote:
> > Just for testing - You could disable the ImportTiddlersPlugin in you
> > TW (from the backstage) and try to use it from the bookmarkletversion
> > on TiddlyToolshttp://tiddlytools.com/#InstantBookmarklets..
> Regards,
> --
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA
> eew...@bellsouth.net

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[tw] ToggleScrollingSidebars does not automatically refresh

2010-03-21 Thread Saverio
I am using Eric Shulman's http://www.tiddlytools.com/#ToggleScrollingSidebars.
The toggle does not immediately take effect.  It appears that I need
to open a tiddler before the new setting (either on or off) is
enforced.  This is not the way the plugin behaves on the tiddlytools

Please see: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4462381/example.html

for the minimal tiddlywiki file that shows the problem on Firefox 3.6.

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[tw] Re: ToggleScrollingSidebars does not automatically refresh

2010-03-23 Thread Saverio

I don't think this delayed behavior is "as designed", because toggling
the feature on the TiddlyTools website has an immediate effect.

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[tw] Re: Updating TW on startup

2010-03-23 Thread Saverio
Add to the bottom of PageTemplate:

Then add the LoadTiddlers macro to the tiddler SiteStartup.

This is courtesy of Eric Shulman (http://www.tiddlytools.com/

On Mar 23, 10:48 am, skye riquelme  wrote:
> OR can I sneak a LoadTidlers command into the MarkupPreHead 
> OR some other way to do it ???
> Thanks in advance

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[tw] Re: ToggleScrollingSidebars does not automatically refresh

2010-03-23 Thread Saverio
On Mar 23, 4:35 pm, Mike  wrote:
  I am usng 3.5 with no problems (winxp, 7, vista, 2k)

Mike, can I interpret your comment to mean that you downloaded the
Dropbox file above to your machine and did not observe the delayed
activation of the setting using Firefox 3.5?

I don't think it is a TW plugin interaction because the file above is
*completely empty* except for ToggleScrollingSidebars and the
GettingStarted tiddler.

I don't think it is a browser plugin interaction problem because the
tiddlytools.com website works properly on the same browser instance
(FF 3.6) that shows the problem with the Dropbox file.

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[tw] using a macro within the tabs macro

2010-03-24 Thread Saverio
I would like to use the tabs macro as follows:

   "tab2 label" "tab2 tooltip" "tiddler2"

Based on what seemed a promising discussion (http://groups.google.com/
d4f2ed179997e962?lnk=gst&q=tabs+macro#d4f2ed179997e962) [though the
request there was the opposite, to embed the tabs macro within
newTiddler], I tried enclosing the tiddler macro expression in quotes,
breaking up the closing >> into '>' + '>', and enclosing the whole
expression in {{ }}, but nothing has worked.  Can anyone help me out?

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[tw] Re: using a macro within the tabs macro

2010-03-25 Thread Saverio
Interesting suggestion, but I am unable to get it to work.  I've
posted a test TW here:

Basically, it consists of a tiddler [[project 1]] which is associated
with links, documents, tasks, meetings, and notes.  Links and
documents are defined within [[project 1]], but tasks, meetings, and
notes are independent tiddlers tagged with [[project 1]] and their

I defined a tiddler [[ProjectInfo]] with the "tabs" and "part" macros
that I hoped would bring all related information about a project into
one view.  It accepts a parameter which is the project name.  But as
you can see in [[TestProjectInfo]], when [[ProjectInfo]] is called
"with:[[project 1]]", the tabs are all empty, instead of displaying
what is intended.

On Mar 25, 12:20 am, Anthony Muscio  wrote:
> Try thehttp://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#PartTiddlerPluginplugin.

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[tw] Re: using a macro within the tabs macro

2010-03-25 Thread Saverio
I tried before using PartTiddlerPlugin, but was only partially
successful, hence my original post.  The tabs that reference the
slices correctly display, but not the tabs that are populated by the
matchTags macro.

I uploaded both versions for people to play with.  I removed
PartTiddlerPlugin from the slices example to rule out an interaction
with MatchTagsPlugin.  Could there be an issue with MatchTagsPlugin?


On Mar 25, 4:44 pm, Måns  wrote:
> Hi Saverio
> I would do this in tiddler [[ProjectInfo]] - however it doesn't seem
> to work in your tw??!! Maybe theres a conflict with the
> parttiddlerplugin - or we found a new bug in TW 2.6??
> I have an (overly complicated (I know - but it works)) example, where
> I use all kinds of macros in tabs 
> here:http://stormp.tiddlyspot.com/#Tr%C3%A6Manager
> < 'Tasks' 'Project tasks' [[ProjectInfo##Tasks]]
> 'Links' 'Project-related links' [[ProjectInfo##Links]]
> 'Documents' 'Important documents' ProjectInfo##Documents
> 'Minutes' 'Meeting minutes' ProjectInfo##Minutes
> 'Notes' 'Project notes' ProjectInfo##Notes
> /%
> !Tasks
> <>
> !end
> !Links
> <>
> !end
> !Documents
> <>
> !end
> !Minutes
> <>
> !end
> !Notes
> <>
> !end %/
> Regards Måns Mårtensson
> On 25 Mar., 20:13, Saverio  wrote:
> > Interesting suggestion, but I am unable to get it to work.  I've
> > posted a test TW here:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4462381/example2.html
> > Basically, it consists of a tiddler [[project 1]] which is associated
> > with links, documents, tasks, meetings, and notes.  Links and
> > documents are defined within [[project 1]], but tasks, meetings, and
> > notes are independent tiddlers tagged with [[project 1]] and their
> > type.
> > I defined a tiddler [[ProjectInfo]] with the "tabs" and "part" macros
> > that I hoped would bring all related information about a project into
> > one view.  It accepts a parameter which is the project name.  But as
> > you can see in [[TestProjectInfo]], when [[ProjectInfo]] is called
> > "with:[[project 1]]", the tabs are all empty, instead of displaying
> > what is intended.
> > On Mar 25, 12:20 am, Anthony Muscio  wrote:
> > > Try thehttp://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#PartTiddlerPluginplugin.

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[tw] Re: using a macro within the tabs macro

2010-03-25 Thread Saverio
Yes, but I am trying to make [[ProjectInfo]] generic for any project,
so I need to be able to send it a parameter. I think that's what
causes the macros to break down, because the sent parameter does not
get down to the level of the slices/parts, where they are needed.

On Mar 25, 6:19 pm, Måns  wrote:
> Ahaa - This works
> [[ProjectInfo]]
> < alpha one "ProjectInfo##Foo"
> bravo two "ProjectInfo##Bar"
>  >>
> /%
> !Foo
> <>
> !end
> !Bar
> <^^%5^^" "\n" sort:-modified ->>
> !end
> %/
> Please try it out
> Regards Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: using a macro within the tabs macro

2010-03-26 Thread Saverio
Thank you both, Måns and Anthony!!  The TW support on this Google
group is awesome!

On Mar 26, 3:05 am, Anthony Muscio  wrote:
> I am doing something very similar.
> I achieved this using the inline tabs plugin

On Mar 26, 3:27 am, Måns  wrote:
> Hi again
> The 'with-argument' doesn't seem to work inside the tabs macro *but*
> it does outside - therefore you can do this*1 - and put it in the
> viewtemplate*2 to be shown in tiddlers tagged with project

On Mar 26, 4:38 am, Måns  wrote:
> Here's yet another one using autotabs and 
> forEachTiddlerPlugin:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3105342/TW/example4.html
> Regards Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: using a macro within the tabs macro

2010-03-26 Thread Saverio
Just for closure, I was able to simplify Måns's approach:


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[tw] Re: ToggleScrollingSidebars does not automatically refresh

2010-03-29 Thread Saverio

ELS, any ideas?

On Mar 23, 7:51 pm, Mike  wrote:
> I did try your tw2.6.0 and a vanilla tw2.5.3 and neither was working
> correctly with v2.0 of the transclusion.
> I have the old script (1.1.0) and it does work, but requires
> InlineJavascripPlugin.
> The best solution is to see if ELS catches this thread and has a
> moment to look at it and see what is going on.
> Mike
> On Mar 23, 5:17 pm, Saverio  wrote:
> > On Mar 23, 4:35 pm, Mike  wrote:
> >   I am usng 3.5 with no problems (winxp, 7, vista, 2k)
> > Mike, can I interpret your comment to mean that you downloaded the
> > Dropbox file above to your machine and did not observe the delayed
> > activation of the setting using Firefox 3.5?
> > I don't think it is a TW plugin interaction because the file above is
> > *completely empty* except for ToggleScrollingSidebars and the
> > GettingStarted tiddler.
> > I don't think it is a browser plugin interaction problem because the
> > tiddlytools.com website works properly on the same browser instance
> > (FF 3.6) that shows the problem with the Dropbox file.

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[tw] trying to use TaggerPlugin in EditTemplate

2010-03-29 Thread Saverio
I want to be able to restrict the selection of tags by group.  Saq
Imtiaz's TaggerPlugin (http://tw.lewcid.org//#TaggerPlugin) works
great in ViewTemplate, but when accessed from edit mode immediately
causes the tiddler to go into, and remain in, view mode.  The only way
to get back is to close and re-open the tiddler.  Any ideas of what is
going on and how to avoid this?

Alternatively, if you can show me to how to restrict tagChooser's list
of tags to only those tagged themselves with a certain tag, that would
be just as well.


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[tw] Re: trying to use TaggerPlugin in EditTemplate

2010-03-30 Thread Saverio
Looks intriguing. I think I will be able to modify to my needs, but
can you tell me exactly which tiddlers I need to import?  Just [[x-
tagger config]], [[x-tag]], and [[DeliciousTagging]]?

On Mar 30, 6:38 am, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> You could try my variation/mod of Jack's DeliciousTagging...
> http://tbgtd.tiddlyspot.com/#DeliciousTagging
> (Look at the tag chosers in edit mode).
> Beware that for using this, you'd have to be able to understand and
> configure a few lines of configuration in the sourcecode, especially
> the one which asks you to point to your custom tag-caegories (in my
> case that would be "x-tagger config##Tags"). Any tags/tag-tiddlers
> tagging to whatever you've put in the 'exclude'-array will not be
> displayed.
> Here are the minimal config parameters which you might want to
> adapted:
> catList:'ATiddlerWithAListOfTags##OrASectionOfATiddler',
> catsMore:[], //empty
> exclude:[], //or put something like...
> ['excludeLists','excludeDelicious'],
> Tobias.

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[tw] Re: tiddlywiki 5 and html

2010-04-01 Thread Saverio
Any thought paid to supporting semantically rich tagging in TW 5?
That is, being able to associate a relationship type with the tag
instead of just assuming generic "isA"?  Extended fields does this to
some extent, but they are hidden and not as easy to use as tags.  It
would be cool to combine the functionalities of both tags and extended

> Yes, I think that the core should provide better support for different
> tagging scenarios.
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> mailto:jer...@osmosoft.comhttp://www.tiddlywiki.com

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[tw] Re: tiddlywiki 5 and html

2010-04-01 Thread Saverio
I think "simply" (tongue in cheek)

1) extending the tag definition to optionally allow definition of the
relationship type as:

tags = "conventionalUntypedTag1 isA(tagA) conventionalUntypedTag2
belongsTo(tagB) dependsOn(tagC)"

2) then storing these under the cover as extended fields

isA = conventionalUntypedTag1 conventionalUntypedTag2
belongsTo = tagB
dependsOn = tagC

3) but enhancing or adding tag access methods that allow retrieval/
editing of the relationship type as well as the tag values would go a
LONG way...

Thank you for considering!

On Apr 1, 10:54 am, Jeremy Ruston  wrote:
> > Any thought paid to supporting semantically rich tagging in TW 5?
> > That is, being able to associate a relationship type with the tag
> > instead of just assuming generic "isA"?  Extended fields does this to
> > some extent, but they are hidden and not as easy to use as tags.  It
> > would be cool to combine the functionalities of both tags and extended
> > fields.
> I'm currently modelling tags the same as before: as a list of strings,
> with no internal structure.
> You could certainly imagine extending the core tagging to include a
> relationship type that defaults to "is a", as you suggest. I'd thought
> idly in the past about doing this in a lightweight way by supporting
> the convention of dealing with tags of the format
> :, like Flickr. It'd be interesting to explore
> what you think would be the smallest extension to classic TiddlyWiki
> that would unlock your desired functionality,
> Best wishes
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> mailto:jer...@osmosoft.comhttp://www.tiddlywiki.com

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[tw] Re: tiddlywiki 5 and html

2010-04-01 Thread Saverio
Oops, tagA would be stored under the isA extended field, as well:

> isA = conventionalUntypedTag1 conventionalUntypedTag2

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[tw] Re: GridPlugin - the missing piece ;-)

2010-04-09 Thread Saverio
I've advocated for combining tag functionality with custom field
functionality in order to support "semantic tagging" [1], but I may
need to wait for TW 5 [2].


On Apr 9, 12:51 pm, twgrp  wrote:
> Surely, many more must be interested in editing tags easily in tiddler
> lists? Or am I missing something, e.g do fields totally replace tags?

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[tw] freezing the title bar

2010-04-22 Thread Saverio
Any suggestions on how to freeze the title bar display so it never
scrolls out of view?

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[tw] Re: freezing the title bar

2010-04-22 Thread Saverio
Thank you. That is exactly what I want (see 
but I am not sure where to look for the code that implements the
frozen header. I don't think it is in PageTemplate.  Perhaps in

On Apr 22, 4:38 pm, wolfgang  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> Yann Perin's TweakedTW 1 usees a frozen header.

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[tw] Re: freezing the title bar

2010-04-23 Thread Saverio
Hmm, I can get the left and right sidebar menus to lock position, but
still can't get the title bar to freeze. I've posted my TW to:


If anyone can look at it and help, it would be greatly appreciated.

In addition to being able to freeze the header, I also am having
trouble having the blue gradient extend down to the bottom of the
title bar, and the togglesidebar controls on the left and right hand
side of the title bar to display as white.

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[tw] closing PopupMacro's popup window with a second click

2010-09-29 Thread Saverio
How can I make SaqImtiaz's PopupMacro (http://tw.lewcid.org/
#PopupMacro) close the popup window when the button is clicked a
second time?

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[tw] Re: NEW: ColoredLinksPlugin

2010-09-30 Thread Saverio
What would be the css code to put in the tagcolor field for
strikethrough text?

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[tw] Re: closing PopupMacro's popup window with a second click

2010-09-30 Thread Saverio
99% there, thank you!!  However, re-clicking a *nested* popup button
closes the *parent* popup panel.  I have a tiddler as follows which
popups a list of notes, some of which are tagged with a particular
"topic", others of which are unassociated with a topic.  The intended
display is first to list the topics, which are themselves popups to
the list of notes tagged to that topic, followed by a popup button for
the unassociated notes:

\>"}} "" topic>>

   var topics = store.getMatchingTiddlers('topic');
   var tagfilter='note', out='';
   for(var t=0; t<topics.length; t++) { tagfilter += ' AND NOT ' +
topics[t].title; }
   var notes = store.getMatchingTiddlers(tagfilter);
   for(var t=0; t<notes.length; t++) { out += (t>0?'\n':'') + '*[[' +
notes[t].title + ']]'; }
   return out;


On Sep 30, 9:33 am, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio...
> I have modded PopupMacro and uploaded it to a dedicated tiddlyspace
> [1]. This Mod by default  works when hovering over a popup button,
> instead of clicking.
> You can find a working example in my MainMenu [2].
> If you want it to work 'old fashion style' via click, you have to
> either set the macro parameter "nohover" or put something like this in
> a zzConfig tagged systemConfig:
> config.macros.popup.hover=false;
> Cheers, Tobias.
> [1]http://popup.tiddlyspace.com
> [2]http://tobibeer.tiddlyspace.com

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[tw] Re: NEW: ColoredLinksPlugin

2010-09-30 Thread Saverio
Thank you!  Intersting, because before my post, I had tried

color: gray; text-decoration: line-through;

This makes the links gray but does not do the strike-through.
Dropping the color statement causes the strike-through to display.
Reversing the two statement also show strike-through, but no gray!
Can I conclude that the two statements are mutually exclusive, and
that the first statement takes precedence over subsequent ones?

On Sep 30, 10:14 am, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> > What would be the css code to put in the tagcolor field for
> > strikethrough text?
> Ask google ;o)
> {text-decoration: line-through;}
> Cheers, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: closing PopupMacro's popup window with a second click

2010-10-05 Thread Saverio
Sorry for the delay.  Here is an example: 

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[tw] Re: NEW: ColoredLinksPlugin

2010-10-06 Thread Saverio
Excellent.  Thank you!  Any thoughts about a methodology for combining
styles in tiddlers with multiple styled tags?

On Sep 30, 6:44 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverin,
> Great to see you use it! Actually, it looks like the blanks in your
> css were the problem, so I (hopefully) corrected the code to allow for
> blanks in css definitions.
> Get it from here...
> http://coloredlinks.tiddlyspot.com
> Cheers, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: NEW: ColoredLinksPlugin

2010-10-06 Thread Saverio
A real use case example is that I have tiddlers that represent tasks.
Tasks tagged with 'urgent' are red. However, tasks tagged with 'done'
should be displayed with strikethrough.  Currently, which style gets
displayed is the *first* tag in the tiddler's tag list, not the *last*
tag recorded, nor some other "semi-intelligent" algorithm for
reconciling. A sophisticated method would be to be able to define a
hierarchy of tags, and the system applies the styles sequentially from
low to high (higher tags overwriting the style of lower tags when they
are mutually exclusive).  In my example, completed urgent tasks would
be both red and strikedthrough.

Not an urgent use case that I need, but something for you to think
about in your free time. :-)


On Oct 6, 2:34 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> So you mean where the tags that a tiddler is tagging to have different
> styles attached?
> Mhhh... dunno if that's such a good idea in general ...but one could
> make it an option if it wouldn't require a plethora of code. I'll
> think about that.
> On the other hand what would you want that for? ...or are you simply
> being playful about what else could be done?
> Cheers, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: NEW: ColoredLinksPlugin

2010-10-06 Thread Saverio
A real use case example is that I have tiddlers that represent tasks.
Tasks tagged with 'urgent' are red. However, tasks tagged with 'done'
should be displayed with strikethrough.  Currently, which style gets
displayed is the *first* tag in the tiddler's tag list, not the *last*
tag recorded, nor some other "semi-intelligent" algorithm for
reconciling. A sophisticated method would be to be able to define a
hierarchy of tags, and the system applies the styles sequentially from
low to high (higher tags overwriting the style of lower tags when they
are mutually exclusive).  In my example, completed urgent tasks would
be both red and strikedthrough.

Not an urgent use case that I need, but something for you to think
about in your free time. :-)


On Oct 6, 2:34 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> So you mean where the tags that a tiddler is tagging to have different
> styles attached?
> Mhhh... dunno if that's such a good idea in general ...but one could
> make it an option if it wouldn't require a plethora of code. I'll
> think about that.
> On the other hand what would you want that for? ...or are you simply
> being playful about what else could be done?
> Cheers, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: NEW: ColoredLinksPlugin

2010-10-06 Thread Saverio
A real use case example is that I have tiddlers that represent tasks.
Tasks tagged with 'urgent' are red. However, tasks tagged with 'done'
should be displayed with strikethrough.  Currently, which style gets
displayed is the *first* tag in the tiddler's tag list, not the *last*
tag recorded, nor some other "semi-intelligent" algorithm for
reconciling. A sophisticated method would allow definition a hierarchy
of tags which ColoredLinksPlugin could use to apply styles
sequentially from low to high rank (higher-ranked tags overwriting the
styles of lower-ranked tags when they are mutually exclusive).  In my
example, completed urgent tasks would be both red and strikedthrough.

Not an urgent use case that I need, but something for you to think
about in your free time. :-)


On Oct 6, 2:34 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> So you mean where the tags that a tiddler is tagging to have different
> styles attached?
> Mhhh... dunno if that's such a good idea in general ...but one could
> make it an option if it wouldn't require a plethora of code. I'll
> think about that.
> On the other hand what would you want that for? ...or are you simply
> being playful about what else could be done?
> Cheers, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: closing PopupMacro's popup window with a second click

2010-10-07 Thread Saverio
I have not tried more than single-level nesting, but seems to work
perfectly so far!  Thank you!

On Oct 6, 12:56 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> Let me tell you, this was not pretty ...although the result is. ;o)
> After hours of pulling my hair out over infinite loops and rethinking
> on how to best rewrite Saq's code from scratch, I've got the baby
> working the way you initially hoped... meaning: click-toggle as deeply
> nested as you want.
> Now, I have changed the code quite a bit in that there no longer are
> any id's given to popups. Instead it's all (!) classes and what's
> more... they count up nicely!!!
> There are new parameters:'defaultValue' ...namely:
> arrow:'\u25BC'
> popClass:'popup'
> btnClass:'popbutton'
> When popups and buttons are created they not only get those classes
> assigned but depending on their nesting level they also get...
> level1: popup1 / popbutton1
> level2: popup2 / popbutton2
> etc...
> ...whereas if you defined popClass as myPopup, then it would be
> myPopup1, myPopup2, etc...
> That way you can have one nested popups thingy that is horizontal and
> another one being vertical and you can easily style the different
> levels via css as I have done in your document reuploaded here [1].
> The arrows are now in their own container floating to the right with a
> classname of "poplevel". Having those as a parameter allows you to
> have different arrows for different nesting levels.
> Note that all styles should be put into StyleSheetPopup.
> I will later on release the thing ... maybe with hover again, if I get
> that to work properly.
> Cheers, Tobias.
> [1]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2040050/group/2010.10.06%20popup%20saverio.html

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[tw] Re: closing PopupMacro's popup window with a second click

2010-10-09 Thread Saverio
By the way, what you have done here also should be applicable to your
TagSearchPlugin/QuickOpenTagPlugin combo (when you use the down arrow
to display a list of tiddlers with a certain tag).

On Oct 6, 12:56 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
> Let me tell you, this was not pretty ...although the result is. ;o)
> After hours of pulling my hair out over infinite loops and rethinking
> on how to best rewrite Saq's code from scratch, I've got the baby
> working the way you initially hoped... meaning: click-toggle as deeply
> nested as you want.
> Now, I have changed the code quite a bit in that there no longer are
> any id's given to popups. Instead it's all (!) classes and what's
> more... they count up nicely!!!
> There are new parameters:'defaultValue' ...namely:
> arrow:'\u25BC'
> popClass:'popup'
> btnClass:'popbutton'
> When popups and buttons are created they not only get those classes
> assigned but depending on their nesting level they also get...
> level1: popup1 / popbutton1
> level2: popup2 / popbutton2
> etc...
> ...whereas if you defined popClass as myPopup, then it would be
> myPopup1, myPopup2, etc...
> That way you can have one nested popups thingy that is horizontal and
> another one being vertical and you can easily style the different
> levels via css as I have done in your document reuploaded here [1].
> The arrows are now in their own container floating to the right with a
> classname of "poplevel". Having those as a parameter allows you to
> have different arrows for different nesting levels.
> Note that all styles should be put into StyleSheetPopup.
> I will later on release the thing ... maybe with hover again, if I get
> that to work properly.
> Cheers, Tobias.
> [1]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2040050/group/2010.10.06%20popup%20saverio.html

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[tw] TagSearchPlugin error

2010-10-09 Thread Saverio
The [[TAG:xyz]] option in TagSearchPluginConfig##More is not working
-- the first tiddler which matches the xyz tag is repeatedly
displayed.  This can be seen on the website itself [http://

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[tw] Re: UPDATE: TagSearchPlugin

2010-10-11 Thread Saverio
I think the whole set of notions about slices, sections, fields, and
tags needs a careful re-evaluation. The pros and cons of each of these
alternatives should be enumerated and summarized. It may be that some
methods should be consolidated, and perhaps other ways be made more
robust, such as to support truly semantic tagging (see thread here


On Oct 11, 5:01 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> I would say, for quite a few properties, using fields is a much more
> native apporach as compared to tagging. That way, one could reserve
> tagging for keywords and meta-information ...instead of using tags for
> certain "logical properties".
> There are a few solutions outthere that make use of fields or allow
> you to to aggregate tiddlers that fulfil certain field criteria, such
> as "has-field" or "has-field-value" ...while the underlying
> information is somewhat hidden from the general UI, yet still
> accessible.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki / TiddlyWeb and semantic web

2010-10-12 Thread Saverio
> Let's think about: "A (task) depends on C (task/project/wahtever)"
> A contains:
> |Author:| pmario |
> |Description:| this is a task |
> |Dependencies:| C, D |
> lorem ipsum 100 times
> What I would do:
> *Tag A waiting
> *Tag every finished task with: done
> *A tagged: C
> *tag mission critical tasks with "critical"
> Q4: "List all tiddlers that have Dependencies, and ar tagged waiting?"
> A4: I am sure, that fET or a new macro can solve this. May be some
> other macros can solve it allready too.
> Q5: "Which tasks are waiting"
> A5: <>
> Q6: "display waiting tasks in project B"
> A6: <> klick the link and have a
> look at the text, why it is waiting
> Q7: "Which tasks are critical and waiting"
> Q8: <>

This is exactly the way I have implemented my own gtd paradigm within
TW.  However, in addition to the plugins you mention, this approach
requires building a set of *processes* that essentially encode the
relationship "depends on".  For example, when I click task A as being
done, I have to go and search all other tasks tagged with [task A] and
remove the [waiting] tag from themunless they themselves are
dependent on another task that is not yet completed.  If a task can
depend on more than one other task or project at a time, than this can
get very complicated very quickly.  This is a lot of overhead to
simply cross off a task from your todo list, especially if you are not
a programmer.

Of course, you can always download a ready made TW application with
all of these extra functions built-in, and give up on the ability to
customize, but then you give up as well a large part of the appeal of
vanilla TW.  Even then, an application for one use case is not
generalizable to other use cases - a completely different application
must be built.  This goes against TW's other major attractive feature,
the ability to re-using concepts and structures over and over again
for different use cases.

In my opinion, simple tags, which imply an isA relationship, go a
*long* way, but not as far as possible with semantic tags.  It would
be nice for the next version of TW to support a more powerful method
to relate tiddlers to each other.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki / TiddlyWeb and semantic web

2010-10-12 Thread Saverio
> I'm sorry I still don't know, what "semantic tags" means for you.
> regards
> Mario

Semantic tag is both the specification of the *relation* as well as of
the *value*.  Here is another (made up on the fly) use case - an issue
tracker.  Each issue is a tiddler, and issues need to be associated
with both the individual who initiated the issue (the "initiator") and
the individual who is responsible for resolving the issue (the
"resolver").  Each individual is its own tiddler, and an individual
may be both an initiator of one or more issues while at the same time
responsible for resolving one or more other issues.  With tags alone
(ie. not slices or fields), it is impossible to distinguish whether
the individual tagged to an issue is the initiator or the resolver.
For that, you need to also specify the relationship.  This *can* be
represented in TWs today with slices:

|Initiator:| individualA |
|Resolver: | individualB |

or with extended fields (using pseudocode):


The problem with slices is that you need to maintain the data within
the body of the tiddler, even though it is *metadata* like a tag.  The
problem with fields is that they are obscure to the casual or non-
programmer user.

I am only suggesting a "simpler" method which would accomplish what
slices and fields can do, but remains as transparent and easily
understood as tags.  Then, I could add tags such as
'hasInitiator(individualA)' and 'hasResolver(individualB)' as well as
traditional tags such as 'urgent' and 'resolved'.  This extends (but
does not replace) the current tagging mechanism because if no
relationship is specified, the "isA" or "is" relationship is assumed.
The current methods that access and set tags would need to be extended
to deal with the new types of tags, but hopefully would remain as easy
to understand and utilize as today's methods to access and set tags.
Tobias raised some good points above about how to reason over the
reverse of a semantic tag or the cardinality of relationships, and I
am sure there are other complicating issues that would need to get

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[tw] Re: Deleting a TiddlySpace so I can start over again

2010-10-13 Thread Saverio
Can someone explain this a little more? I am a heavy TW user, light
tiddlyspot user, and new TiddlySpave user.  I uploaded my TW to a
TiddlySpace as an experiment, liked it, but kept updating my local
version.  Now I am considering doing all my work on the TiddlySpace
version, but i want to replace what is currently there with my most
recently updated local TW.  I don't really understand the idea of
putting tiddlers in different spaces, how spaces work with other, and
the relationship of my spaces to other users' spaces.  Also, what is
the easiest way just to get my updated local TW onto TiddlySpace.
With www.tiddlyspot it was easy to simply upload and overwrite with a
new version.

On Sep 21, 1:52 am, dickon  wrote:
> this is a brilliant thought (to have a separate ambit-plugins space
> within my AMBIT Manual space) - I can see thattiddlySpace(like
> TiddlyWeb, only moreso) requires a different way of thinking - spaces
> within spaces within spaces.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki / TiddlyWeb and semantic web

2010-10-13 Thread Saverio
Yes! A set of functions for resolving relation and tag value would be
a great start.  A cached table of declared relationships in a shaddow
tiddler, updating it whenever tiddlers are saved or tags are edited,
might help address the performance concern.  Would continuing this
discussion, perhaps on http://semantic.tiddlyspace.com, to flesh out a
set of functional/technical requirements be a good next step?

On Oct 13, 3:12 pm, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> Never looked at it that way... but doing a query against the store for
> such tags would be rather straightforward... provided one knew what to
> look for.
> Mapping...
> store.getTaggedTiddlers(resolver+':'+user)
> ...to some output list- or table-view seems rather simple.
> Not so simple would be to get all tiddlers with any resolver assigned.
> But then the author of such a system would probably know which
> tiddlers potentially are those that (might) have a 'resolver'
> attached, e.g. 'issues' ...and that the specified entity would be one
> of 'users'. However, one could always search for
> indexOf('resolver:')==0 in all tags of all tiddlers (or maybe just a
> preselected few that have a certain tag).
> However, I would still much prefer fields or slices for such a
> usecase. I would also presume that searching for a field (or slice)
> called "resolver" and the corresponding value for all tiddlers would
> be much quicker than looking through all tags of all tiddlers to find
> out which ones have a prefix of 'resolver:'.
> Usually, assigning resolvers to issues would probably not come with a
> standard Edit- or ViewTemplate. In such a case, dedicated templates
> seem much more appropriate. Thus, certain dedicated fields were no
> longer difficult to access or edit.
> Tobias.

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[tw] lost access to backstage on tiddlyspace

2010-10-14 Thread Saverio
After uploading my tiddlywiki to tiddlyspace, it seems I have lost
access to everything in the backstage except for the cookie "Upload
with options" page.  Any ideas of how to get back the other buttons?

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[tw] Re: lost access to backstage on tiddlyspace

2010-10-14 Thread Saverio
Solved!  I had to disable UploadPlugin (http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/

I wonder if there are other plugins that are no longer relevant or
that cause conflicts in TiddlySpace.

On Oct 14, 2:59 pm, Saverio  wrote:
> After uploading my tiddlywiki to tiddlyspace, it seems I have lost
> access to everything in the backstage except for the cookie "Upload
> with options" page.  Any ideas of how to get back the other buttons?

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[tw] Re: Extending TagSearch / Tagging

2010-10-18 Thread Saverio
I was reminded of one of Eric Shulman's plugins (http://
www.tiddlytools.com/#ListboxPluginInfo), in which list items can be
specified in a number of ways:
1) inline list definition (ie "value value value")
2) tiddler-based list definition ("+TiddlerName" to use a horizontal-
rule separated list in TiddlerName, or "*TiddlerName" to first process
TiddlerName through the TW parser before looking for the horizontal-
rule separated list)
3) tag-based list defintions ("=tagvalue" or "=tag expression")

Perhaps using a similar convention would be a way to implement Variant

On Oct 18, 3:23 am, Tobias Beer  wrote:
> This is in reply to Plausible's post [1] and I would appreciate some
> feedback as to whether or not you would want to see an implementation
> for this, too... and if so, which variant.
> Variant 4) would be to allow for all three alternatives, whereas...
> cats:@Tags -> lookup section 'Tags' in the category tiddler
> cats:%tags -> lookup field 'tags' in the category tiddler
> cats:TagSearchConfig -> look for a section corresponding to the
> category title in that tiddler
> default: Use tiddlers tagging to the category

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[tw] Re: parsing html from another site

2010-10-18 Thread Saverio
To do a search in YouTube, try:


where you replace xyz with your search terms

On Oct 18, 2:18 pm, Bob Paige  wrote:
> I have a TW of songs we perform at my church, one song per tiddler. So far
> I've been manually looking for youtube links for those songs, but I'm
> wondering if there is some way to do this more automatically, or at least
> without having to switch back and forth so much between browsers.
> My current solution (assuming you know the youtube url for the song) is a
> macro that takes the URL as a parameter and displays it with this:
> "+++[http://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico>] height='355'> name='wmode' value='transparent'> type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='425'
> height='355'>==="
> This gives me a youtube icon that, when I click on it, expands to show an
> embedded youtube player. Works well.
> What would be cool is to have a macro that, given the song title, queries
> youtube and parses the resulting html for song links, then display them as
> options for the user (they could be embedded youtube viewers similar to
> above). The user could select one and that URL would be placed in my
> videolink field (an extended field I have on the tiddler).
> I think the big part I'm missing is the html-parsing; is there any existing
> code to help me with this, or do I just need to roll my own in javascript?
> Or is there another elephant in the room I'm not seeing?
> --
> Bobman

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[tw] Re: Override Tiddler Creation

2010-10-22 Thread Saverio

On Oct 22, 3:16 pm, vcg3rd  wrote:
> I can't figure out how to override that so that when I write a name
> that has a capital somewhere besides the first letter (e.g.
> McDonald's) I do not create a tiddler.

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[tw] Re: using the toggleTag macro inside of MatchTags ?

2010-11-04 Thread Saverio
I implemented exactly this functionality using MatchTagsPlugin [1] and
CheckboxPlugin [2] as follows:


You could simply change the tag "done" to "completed" and replace my
tag criteria with your own.

[1] http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#MatchTagsPlugin
[2] http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#CheckboxPlugin

> On Nov 4, 9:51 am, Mad Scientist Jr 
> wrote:
> > I am looking to use matchTags and toggleTag to generate a numbered
> > list of unfinished tasks, with a checkbox next to each task that if
> > checked will add the 'complete' tag to that task.
> > By itself, the matchTags macro works, for example
> > >" "\n" sort:+myfield
> > (task AND mycategory AND someothertag) AND !(complete) >> > html>
> > Also, by itself, the toggleTag macro works, for example:
> > <>
> > However when I try embedding toggleTag inside matchTags, for example:
> > >"
> > "\n" sort:+myfield (task AND mycategory AND someothertag) AND !
> > (complete) >>
> > It doesn't work, I am seeing this output:
> > ""
> > " sort: +myfield (task AND mycategory AND someothertag) AND !
> > (complete)>>
> > Does anyone know if & how to make it work?

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[tw] Re: Collaboration using Dropbox - looking for investigators

2011-05-07 Thread Saverio
I like this idea. It is like a wikified and extremely configurable
Evernote or SpringPad application. It fixes the problems of both
classic TiddlyWiki (lack of ubiquitous availability across platforms)
and the shortcomings of Evernote (no linking between notes, no
extensibility, no configurability).  If any more work proceeds on this
front, I would be very interested in trying it out.

On May 7, 10:15 am, Jeremy Ruston  wrote:
> >> The interesting pattern for me would therefore be to explode the
> >> TiddlyWiki file into separate files for each tiddler, stored alongside
> >> the associated file attachments.
> > Could you explain a bit more.Do you mean separate files for each tiddler?
> Yes, so there would be the following differences from "classic" TiddlyWiki:
> - On save changes, the text of each modified tiddler would be saved to
> a separate file in the same directory as the HTML file. The metadata
> like modified date would still be stored in the TiddlyWiki file as
> usual
> - When the file loads, it would load the tiddler store from the
> metadata, meaning that all the tiddlers would exist with the correct
> metadata, but that the content of the tiddler wouldn't be available
> until it was loaded from the external file. The tricky bit would be to
> trigger the loading of the text of a tiddler just as it is first
> displayed or accessed. This is slightly easier than the server-based
> lazy loading situation because the local file APIs are synchronous.
> The point is that once the tiddlers exist as individual files, they
> can take advantage of DropBox's revision history storage.
> > Maybe you could make a demo? I'm  keen  to test.
> It was one of the modes of operation I was exploring with TiddlyWiki
> 5. I haven't done any work on it since then. I believe that Eric has a
> set of plugins that achieves a similar effect, however.
> Cheers
> Jeremy
> > best wishes
> > Alex
> >>The individual files would lend
> >> themselves to DropBox's own facilities for managing revisions and
> >> sharing with other users. The TiddlyWiki file would maintain pointers
> >> to the tiddler files (perhaps allowing the inclusion of individual
> >> tiddler files, or entire directories of files). Lazy loading could be
> >> used to defer loading individual tiddler files until required.
> >> Best wishes
> >> Jeremy
> >> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Alex Hough  wrote:
> >>> Hi Mario,
> >>> For me i think the advantage is that there is less complexity.
> >>> * closer to using traditional TW - less learning to do. No including
> >>> spaces, less plugins
> >>> * faster - i know the lag is small on TiddlySpace, but letting dropbox
> >>> sync in the background is quicker
> >>> * safer - i've lost data in TiddlySpace - don't know why, but with
> >>> autosave and backups with dropbox I feel safe.
> >>> !! Observations on TiddlySpace
> >>> I  followed your links to the April tiddlyspace and the
> >>> manefesto2. And tried to respond. I followed the spaces and replied to
> >>> the tiddlers - but i don't think i got far. There is not a  lot of
> >>> activity there, indicating -- to me - that despite huge enthusiasm,
> >>> the system is still not working for its intended purpose - as a
> >>> vehicle for social discourse. I found it hard to read.
> >>> !!   A really fast note-taking system
> >>> I liked Blane's comments - something like " i want a really fast
> >>> note-taking system" : this is what I want too.
> >>> But there seem a lack of discourse like activity from these spaces
> >>> purposed for TS metadiscourse [1]. Part of it - for me - is that there
> >>> is too much information and perspectives for me to process. After all,
> >>> TW is not my job (open to offers though) and I can't afford to spend
> >>> the time getting involved with the TS team more than I do. Many issues
> >>> are complex, i'd have to learn a lot before i could understand the
> >>> discourse and make a contirbution. But I do use TW for notemaking in
> >>> meetings, and exploring and developing ideas.
> >>> !! Lots of Tweets for Dropbox and TW
> >>> I use Tweatdeck to read twitter feeds. I have a search for TiddlyWiki,
> >>> and there are many messages talking about dropbox and TW. I remembered
> >>> Udo include plugin from way back, now we have dropbox i think it comes
> >>> into its own. Using a dropbox also helps if you want to share images
> >>> and other files - pdfs (I know they are bad ) but lots of accademic
> >>> papers are in this format. You can even host video in dropbox and use
> >>> Erics media player plugin. Its good when the vids you want to share
> >>> need to be private and you don't want to use vimeo or YouTube. TW and
> >>> dropbox is getting more attention that TS at the moment, so I thought
> >>> it would be good to investigate.
> >>> RSS reader works when the TW is local too. JayFresh wrote a nice
> >>> plugin that Bauwe discovered - it makes tiddlers from RSS feeds - very
> >>> nic

[tw] Re: Collaboration using Dropbox - looking for investigators

2011-05-11 Thread Saverio
I agree.  Standardize the back-end (tiddlers as independent files)
with DropBox, leveraging its version control and ubiquitous syncing.
Then built multiple/varied front ends for manipulating those files.
The simplest ones would enable a single user to access (create, edit,
view) their own tiddlers from any platform (PC, Mac, web, iOS,
Android, etc.).  More complicated ones could layer on view-only
sharing, first of individual tiddlers or whole collections of tiddlers
(ie. tiddywikis).  Even more complicated front ends could enable
actual collaboration (two-way sharing), either synchronously or
asynchronously.  But let's not lose sight of the benefit of even the
simplest use case.

On May 11, 1:56 am, HansBKK  wrote:
> My 2 cents:
> To me, Jeremy's tiddlers-as-independent-files is the core enabling
> idea, for the reason he gave - it exposes each tiddler as an
> independent entity for version control.
> Many people using Dropbox, that's all fine and good, but I'd hate to
> see a lot of Dropbox-specific work done when there are so many other
> version control systems out there suitable for enabling multi-user
> collaboration on TW-hosted content.
> IMO we should let people use the version control & distribution
> implementation they prefer - some are rabid Git'ers, others are
> already set up with a Subversion network, and so on. These solutions
> are very robust, both in features and reliability and IMO should be
> the basis for handling the distributed authoring side of things.
> TW's strength is in the presentation side of things, and if the TW
> developers focus on simply implementing that one key concept - TW
> dynamically pulling tiddler content from external files - it could be
> done pretty quickly.
> I don't think the TW code should be trying to overcome Dropbox's
> limitations as a "back end" file-hosting/version control system - it
> makes more sense for those users that need more than what Dropbox
> offers to then just swap over to a more mature and widely implemented
> platform for that side of things.
> To the extent developers do want to code to a specific back-end, then
> I would recommend a plug-in architecture, allowing for the same front-
> end code to talk to different file-hosting/version control systems,
> but of course that would be a much bigger project, and IMO premature
> at this stage.

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[tw] Re: Absolute path for backup folder

2011-05-12 Thread Saverio
I believe relative references work, ie. "../ADifferentDirectory"

On May 11, 2:28 pm, Jeremy Ruston  wrote:
> > Is it possible to define a backup folder that is not a subdirectory to
> > the one TiddlyWiki resides in?
> > How would one have to specify config.options.txtBackupFolder?
> > These do not work:
> > config.options.txtBackupFolder = 'file:///C:\BackupFolder';
> > config.options.txtBackupFolder = 'C:\BackupFolder';
> > Ir is it that filesystem access for TiddlySaver.jar is restricted to
> > subdirectories?
> It was an intentional design decision to restrict the backup directory
> to be a subdirectory of the TiddlyWiki directory. I was concerned
> about making it too easy for an errant TiddlyWiki to smash ones
> filesystem.
> As far as I remember, all three of the underlying APIs allow for
> absolute paths to be used, so I think it would be possible to make
> this modification to TiddlyWiki.
> Cheers
> jeremy
> > Cheers, Tobias.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> > To post to this group, send email to tiddlywiki@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki?hl=en.
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> mailto:jer...@osmosoft.comhttp://www.tiddlywiki.com

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[tw] Re: Collaboration using Dropbox - looking for investigators

2011-05-12 Thread Saverio
How about a new toggle "share" that does this fancy stuff, so you can
control what is uploaded to the Dropbox share, and what is not.  Could
you also untoggle, and the tiddler would be retracted from the share,
but still remain in your private tiddler?

On May 12, 12:04 pm, Bauwe Bijl  wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I started a new thread with the dropbox including and publishing on
> the Public dropbox folder:
> http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/browse_thread/thread/374e22...
> So we can continue on experimenting on this thread with other (?)
> solutions.
> Andrew
> > I am still
> > trying to create multi user environment without server and without dropbox
> > with just shared folders and I am almost there. I also need a lazy include
> > somehow.
> You might find some usefull things in 
> the:http://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki/browse_thread/thread/374e22...
> (dropbox or shared folders might be similar in this case)
> > I am wondering how difficult would it be to hijack <>  so that
> > it would create a new tiddler file with the title as the file name in pure
> > store format and then automatically add it to an include list in the include
> > pure store tiddler in the same folder. I only need it for IE7. I am still
> > trying to create multi user environment without server and without dropbox
> > with just shared folders and I am almost there. I also need a lazy include
> > somehow.
> That's interesting yes...
> However...the tiddler must be saved and the tw reloaded before the
> exporter will list the tiddler.
> Therefor I would like to see the "done" function does some loop for a
> spacial tiddler...(saving auto>refresh>merge to export)
> So that the tw where you write in will have a copy of the tiddler.
> Normal tiddlers saved "normaly"
> check:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9670094/DropBoxPublisher/publishnotes.html
> (the publish button should then not be neededjust a createnew
> button (that creates such "special" tiddler that also is saved to the
> export html)
> Bauwe

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