[tips] Fwd: Random Thought: Can't Stop Change

2010-11-09 Thread Louis E. Schmier

All this archaic, "fall backward" time change we did this weekend with 
our clocks and getting in the groove for the Lilly conference in a week got me 
thinking about change.  How many times have you said with a carved in stone 
defiant finality, "It's not me" or "that just me."  Well, I'd like to chip away 
at that block with a question.  Ever wonder who the real "me" really is that 
you're talking about?  Did you know that every seven years every one of the 
cells in our body has regenerated?  Every seven years we're biologically new 
people?  Every seven years, we're all completely changed.  Outwardly, we notice 
that change.  We call it "aging."  Yet, inwardly we so often act as it nothing 
has happened.  But, it does.  One night, while in Shanghai, I was telling some 
students about how Buddha, Rumi, Picasso, and the brain researchers all agree 
that we don't see.  We perceive; we interpret.  Our sense of self, sense of 
others, and sense of the world around us are in many ways illusory.  They are 
transitory perceptions, feelings, mental constructions, interpretations, 
selective awarenesses, picked through conscious or unconscious memories.  They 
are not permanent actualities.  It's a kind of daily rising from the ashes.  
It's a sort of perennial dying and being born each moment process while the 
succeeding moment is tied to and builds on the preceding ones.  There is no 
fixed you or me from which to be transformed; there is no precise and static 
"is;" there is only "becoming."   

We live a world of constant forward motion.  I mean, if I think about 
it, "me" when I was born is not the "me" when I was ten years old is not the 
same "me" when I was 20 is not the same "me" when I was 30 and is not the "me" 
now that I've hit 70.   Life is not stasis because life is change, and it 
changes us.  Each day we live in a world that combines greeting "hellos" and 
departing "goodbyes."  We morph each day of our lives.  We learn; we unlearn; 
we develop new habits and traits; we shed old ones; we acquire new memories and 
bury old ones.  Change is natural.  Time warping, skin deep Botox, liposuction, 
or face lifting that make you appear as someone you aren't are not.  So, when 
someone says "that's not me" or "I am," or "I can't do that," or "I know how" 
or any other way they fight against change, that's unnatural.  We can deny it 
all we want; we can resist this reality all we want, but in the end we cannot 
change it.  And, to think we can defeat change will only mean, we'll get bitten 
in the ass;  we'll be more troubled and beaten up, and thrown more off balance 
by the unavoidable reality of change.  Trust me, I've been there.  

Change, like life, is about constantly making choices.  It's 
understanding that arriving at the answers to one set of questions isn't where 
change and choice end.  It's where they begin with a whole new set of questions 
demanding a whole new set of choices.  It's about letting go of some things 
that were and grabbing hold of some things that are.  It's about leaving warm, 
cozy, and comforting things behind and going out into the cold of  the 
discomforting unknown.  There's no map; there's no compass; there's no guide.  
We just have to gulp, deeply inhale, maybe at times tightly close our eyes, and 
take a tentative step with belief, hope, and faith.  We don’t have to like it; 
it's okay to fear it, but we can't stop it from coming.  Our lives are about 
making choices.  How we handle them is up to us, and that shows us what we're 
made of.  We either adapt to change or we get left behind.  It can be a fearful 
drag or an adventurous high; it can be "sure death" or it can be an 
exhilarating rebirth; it can be paralyzing or it can be another shot at life.  
Sure, we want risk-free assurances, comforting guarantees, emotionally 
satisfying answers.  Sure, we want to ease the pain or, at least, the 
uneasiness, that comes with the unknowns of change and growth.  Anybody who 
tells you they don't isn't really being totally honest.  It's not a matter of 
erasing the slate; it's a matter of where we focus.  We each are really a "I 
was," "I am," and "I will be" all at the same time.  But here's the truth, from 
personal experience, it's never too late to dream; it's always too early to 
stop dreaming.  It is not enough to dream; you have to make that dream come 
true.  You don't know what's out there for you, but you wont find out until you 
just muster the courage to do something and practice doing it.  On any given 
day, if you can open your fingers, if you can loosen your grip, if you can let 
go, you'll have a better shot at finding your new and truer self by losing your 
older self.  And, when you do, when you give yourself the gift of life, painful 
and terrifying as it may be, you'll feel an adrenaline rush of rejunvenation 
that makes it worth it.  It's risky.  God knows, it's scary as hell.  Most us 
don't know how to do that, a

[tips] Colors affecting behavior

2010-11-09 Thread Pollak, Edward
Kimberly C. Patterson asked "Does anyone know of a study where colors of a room 
affect students?"

When a student asks me such a question I tell them to do a Google or Google 
Scholar search. I try to help them [pick out the best key words but I much 
prefer they learn how to do it themselves. In this case I just searched for 
"colors mood psychology" and got a number of excellent hits. Give it a try. 
It's what we should be teaching our students to do. Frankly, it's a little 
embarrassing when a colleague has to ask such questions. 


Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Office Hours: Mondays 12-2 & 3-4 p.m.; Tuesdays & Thursdays 8-9 a.m. & 12:30-2 

Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, & bluegrass fiddler.. in 
approximate order of importance.

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[tips] Typology of difficult patients

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher Green
Gosh! I'm sure glad that students don't fall into the same categories as the 
neurologists give for their "difficult patients": dependent clinger, entitled 
demander, manipulative help-rejecting complainer, and self-destructive denier. 
Come to think of it, I'm glad that professors don't fall into these categories 
either! :-)


Christopher D Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M6C 1G4

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Re: [tips] Colors affecting behavior

2010-11-09 Thread Beth Benoit
I winced at your chiding of Kimberly, Ed.  I don't think the purpose of TIPS
should be to make someone feel embarrassed for asking a question, whether or
not they could find the answer themselves with some diligent searching.

Your reminder about googling and Google Scholar is a good one for all of us

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Pollak, Edward  wrote:

> Kimberly C. Patterson asked "Does anyone know of a study where colors of a
> room affect students?"
> When a student asks me such a question I tell them to do a Google or Google
> Scholar search. I try to help them [pick out the best key words but I much
> prefer they learn how to do it themselves. In this case I just searched for
> "colors mood psychology" and got a number of excellent hits. Give it a try.
> It's what we should be teaching our students to do. Frankly, it's a little
> embarrassing when a colleague has to ask such questions.
> Ed
> Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
> Department of Psychology
> West Chester University of Pennsylvania
> epol...@wcupa.edu
> Office Hours: Mondays 12-2 & 3-4 p.m.; Tuesdays & Thursdays 8-9 a.m. &
> 12:30-2 p.m.
> Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, & bluegrass fiddler.. in
> approximate order of importance.
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to tips as: beth.ben...@gmail.com.
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[tips] The frontal cortex excuse

2010-11-09 Thread michael sylvester
Undoubtedly tipsters are familiar with the "abuse excuse",the "lack of self 
-esteem" abuse.However, there are attempts to explain criminal and other 
immoral and risky acts of pre-teens and teens as  demonstrative of  
uncontrolled impulses and inconsideration of behavioral consequences because 
their frontal cortices are not fully developped to allow them  to inhibit 
destructive impulses.
So tipsters,how do you read that explanation?

Michael"omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
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Re: [tips] Fwd: Random Thought: Can't Stop Change

2010-11-09 Thread michael sylvester
Ok. Is there a conflict between the purported 7 year change cycles and 
Erikson's psychosocial stages  of development? It would seem that Erickson's 
differential stages encompass stage fixation for many years (at least more 
than 7).I am assuming that you are only referring to cell rejuvenation 
biology and not other aspects of development.

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida 

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[tips] Liberal arts revives (a little)!

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher Green
Check it out! Someone intends to open a new "old fashioned" liberal arts 
university. The good stuff doesn't begin until about paragraph #10.

Christopher D Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M6C 1G4

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re: [tips] Liberal arts revives (a little)!

2010-11-09 Thread Mike Palij
On Tue, 09 Nov 2010 11:58:32 -0800, Christopher Green wrote:
>Check it out! Someone intends to open a new "old fashioned" liberal 
>arts university. The good stuff doesn't begin until about paragraph #10.

I don't know, smells Fishy to me. ;-)  So, what would happen to 
the yet to be Ralston College if Mr. Blackwood got hit by a bus
tomorrow?  Shouldn't Prof. Fish and others wait to count their
chickens before they hatch (i.e., have graduates) or, more to the
point, have chickens?

And not to knock Savannah, GA  but why would one attempt to
start such a college there?

-Mike Palij
New York University

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[tips] question

2010-11-09 Thread Steven Specht
Dear Colleagues,
I did a little google searching with this one already and keep finding 
information about individual programs, so I need a little help. Can someone 
direct me to information regarding what courses are offered in the psychology 
major nationally? I thought I had a paper in my files concerning this; but 
can't seem to put my fingers on it right now. I have the APA guidelines; but 
what I'm looking for is something that indicates what percentage of programs 
require certain course (e.g., History of Psychology; Abnormal, etc.). Any help 
would be appreciated.

Steven M. Specht, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Utica College
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3171

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and 
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King Jr.

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[tips] student question about hallucinations

2010-11-09 Thread Rick Stevens
After pointing out that most hallucinations of schizophrenics were auditory,
a student asked if congenitally deaf schizophrenics had some different, but
analogous, type of hallucinations.  I have no idea and was hoping that one
of you might.


Rick Stevens
Psychology Department
University of Louisiana at Monroe
SL - Evert Snook

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RE: [tips] question

2010-11-09 Thread Marc Carter

I hope someone comes up with an answer for you; we just did an incredibly 
tedious process of looking at our peer and aspiration schools (yes, we yet 

Figure two days for 30 schools...  I wish there were a database somewhere!

Good luck,


Marc Carter, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences
Baker University

From: Steven Specht [mailto:sspe...@utica.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 4:05 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] question

Dear Colleagues,
I did a little google searching with this one already and keep finding 
information about individual programs, so I need a little help. Can someone 
direct me to information regarding what courses are offered in the psychology 
major nationally? I thought I had a paper in my files concerning this; but 
can't seem to put my fingers on it right now. I have the APA guidelines; but 
what I'm looking for is something that indicates what percentage of programs 
require certain course (e.g., History of Psychology; Abnormal, etc.). Any help 
would be appreciated.

Steven M. Specht, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Department of Psychology

Utica College

Utica, NY 13502

(315) 792-3171


"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and 
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Martin Luther King Jr.


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Re: [tips] question

2010-11-09 Thread Patrick Dolan
This should do it...
Stoloff, M. L., McCarthy, M., Keller, L.,Varfolomeeva, V., Lynch, J., Makara, 
Simmons, S. & Smiley, W. (2010). The Undergraduate Psychology Major: An 
of Structure and Sequence. Teaching of Psychology, 37, 1-15.

Patrick O. Dolan, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor and Chair of Psychology 
Drew University 
Madison, NJ 07940 
>>> Steven Specht  11/9/2010 5:04 PM >>>

Dear Colleagues,
I did a little google searching with this one already and keep finding 
information about individual programs, so I need a little help. Can someone 
direct me to information regarding what courses are offered in the psychology 
major nationally? I thought I had a paper in my files concerning this; but 
can't seem to put my fingers on it right now. I have the APA guidelines; but 
what I'm looking for is something that indicates what percentage of programs 
require certain course (e.g., History of Psychology; Abnormal, etc.). Any help 
would be appreciated.

Steven M. Specht, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Utica College
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3171

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and 
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King Jr.

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Re: [tips] Liberal arts revives (a little)!

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher D. Green
Mike Palij wrote:
> And not to knock Savannah, GA but why would one attempt to start such 
> a college there?

It is supposed ot be beautiful there. As I recall, it is the only major 
city of the Old South not to be destroyed in the Civil War (apart from 
New Orleans, which is a different world).


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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RE: [tips] student question about hallucinations

2010-11-09 Thread Lilienfeld, Scott O
Rick et al.  See:


for a review of this rather murky literature.

  BTW, Chris Green is correct about Savannah...a very pretty (albeit very 
unusual) city.  Quite unlike any city I've ever seen - a wild mix of classic 
Southern architecture intermixed with a decidedly bohemian flavor.  Not sure 
why they selected it for Ralston College (first I've heard of this), although 
it seems to have just the right amount of quirkiness for such an endeavor.  If 
I recall correctly, the John Cusack character in the film version of Midnight 
in the Garden of Good and Evil referred to Savannah as "Gone with the Wind on 
mescaline."  That's about right.


Scott O. Lilienfeld, Ph.D.
Editor, Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice
Department of Psychology, Room 473 Psychology and Interdisciplinary Sciences 
Emory University
36 Eagle Row
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
(404) 727-1125

Psychology Today Blog: 

50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology:

Scientific American Mind: Facts and Fictions in Mental Health Column:

The Master in the Art of Living makes little distinction between his work and 
his play,
his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his 
his love and his intellectual passions.  He hardly knows which is which.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does,
leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing.
To him - he is always doing both.

- Zen Buddhist text
  (slightly modified)

From: Rick Stevens [mailto:stevens.r...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 5:12 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] student question about hallucinations

After pointing out that most hallucinations of schizophrenics were auditory, a 
student asked if congenitally deaf schizophrenics had some different, but 
analogous, type of hallucinations.  I have no idea and was hoping that one of 
you might.


Rick Stevens
Psychology Department
University of Louisiana at Monroe
SL - Evert Snook


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RE: [tips] student question about hallucinations

2010-11-09 Thread Mike Palij
On Tue, 09 Nov 2010 16:07:45 -0800, Scott O Lilienfeld wrote:
>  BTW, Chris Green is correct about Savannah...a very pretty (albeit very 
>unusual) city.  Quite unlike any city I've ever seen - a wild mix of classic 
>Southern architecture intermixed with a decidedly bohemian flavor.  

Never been myself but I did see the movie "Midnight in the Garden
of Good and Evil".  I found the amount of drinking unusual.  And
the invisible dog.

>Not sure why they selected it for Ralston College (first I've heard of this), 
>although it seems to have just the right amount of quirkiness for such an 

Back in the 1960's, one would have expected to see such a college
in California or thereabouts.  I guess that that part of the country has
lost its charm.

>If  I recall correctly, the John Cusack character in the film version of 
>Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil referred to Savannah as 
>"Gone with the Wind on mescaline."  That's about right.

Yes, you recall correctly.  I recall there being problems with electricity,
an unhealthy interest in Alabama college football, and a cavalier attitude
towards firearms such as where a matronly type pulls out a pistol at a party
and says "I'm going to shoot me a man!".

Also, Cusack/Kelso's playing a tape of NYC street noises in order to
get asleep.  I've been there.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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RE: [tips] question

2010-11-09 Thread Annette Taylor
I think there might be something like this on the APA education directorate 
website but I don't have the time to surf around right now to put you closer to 
the answer. I know I have seen this type of information as well, but longer ago 
than the other suggestion for a 2010 published article; I think I saw it about 
2 years ago that is why I think it's on the education directorate website. But 
I could be wrong :(

if you do find it, can you get back and tell us where it was?

I think other folks want to know.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

From: Steven Specht [sspe...@utica.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 2:04 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] question

Dear Colleagues,
I did a little google searching with this one already and keep finding 
information about individual programs, so I need a little help. Can someone 
direct me to information regarding what courses are offered in the psychology 
major nationally? I thought I had a paper in my files concerning this; but 
can't seem to put my fingers on it right now. I have the APA guidelines; but 
what I'm looking for is something that indicates what percentage of programs 
require certain course (e.g., History of Psychology; Abnormal, etc.). Any help 
would be appreciated.

Steven M. Specht, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Department of Psychology

Utica College

Utica, NY 13502

(315) 792-3171


"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and 
convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Martin Luther King Jr.


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Re:[tips] tips digest: November 08, 2010

2010-11-09 Thread Kimberly C. Patterson
Thank you all - sorry when I wrote my question I had no sleep and was in
an all white room. ;) 

I work two full-time jobs practically and I have been drained.  

Thanks for the info - no matter how much it supports (or does not) my
future article for PTN.  

Respectfully yours, 

Kimberly C. Patterson, M.S., Ed.S.
Cypress Bay High School
AP Psychology Instructor
TOPSS Membership Coordinator 
WISE Coach

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
- BF Skinner

An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed
highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers,
but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum
is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the
growing plant and for the soul of the child. - Carl Jung

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Re:[tips] tips digest: November 09, 2010

2010-11-09 Thread Kimberly C. Patterson
Thanks Ed.  Sorry if someone put something in your coffee that may have
upset you but you simply could have skipped over my question and leaving
your nasty comment. 

Isn't this supposed for be a valuable source for colleagues who are
passionate about Psychology to help each other out?  Isn't this a place to
prevent the "wheel from being recreated"?  Or to help each other or
question topics? 

For a minute, I thought maybe in the high school we are more understanding
of co-workers and helpful.  Maybe all the AP teachers that work endless,
unappreciated hours understand the fine courtesy of sharing.  However,
thank you to the three TIPSTERS that sent me private e-mails excusing Ed's
bullying behavior. I am glad to see some people do have courtesy and

I do not post to TIPS often because I do not want to be chastised.  I am
saddened by this happenstance and it makes me reconsider for the future or
sharing this site with others.  I apologize for wasting anyone's time but
I figured to give it a shot, and get some quick info due to the fact that
I teach two jobs totaling 80+ hours a week, both as an AP Psychology
instructor and in a very unappreciated position - despite having a 100%
pass rate for the last two years on the National AP exam with every
student I teach taking the exam - and surviving as you can tell by the
hour of penning - with little sleep. First and foremost, I give my time to
my AP students to prepare them by teaching EVERYTHING required for the AP
Psych exam - every chapter, every definition, every concept -- multiple

I do not have time to teach about Google searches in a very limited time
frame.  Glad to know that you do. I would hope that you are not skipping
any chapter to "fit" this important psychological skill into your valuable

Kimberly C. Patterson, M.S., Ed.S.
Cypress Bay High School
AP Psychology Instructor
TOPSS Membership Coordinator 
WISE Coach

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
- BF Skinner

An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed
highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers,
but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum
is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the
growing plant and for the soul of the child. - Carl Jung

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