Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question/foods

2006-05-08 Thread Krissy Z
ok, along with this have you discovered that foods effect you differently now too?  LIke if I eat too many carbs in the afternoon I get very sleepy. Or the pasta sauces/mexican foods are giving me more gas that before too etc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Krissy: get set for mortification! If death came by emarrassment fromfarting in public, we'd ALL be DEAD. I, too, have the same problem: andif people are polite, they won't mention it. could explain,quickly, as if it weren't important-which it isn't--that sometimes thathappens, and you can no longer control that. Do it with a smile!Cora OK, maybe not so graphic and I am sure will make ya giggle or smile BUT I have this issue. I know we all have poop and pee issues and I have learned to deal with
 them. But I am also farting alot! I bend over, I fart. I lean , I fart. It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just noise, but it still can be loud sometimes and its damn embarrassing! So my question is, is there anything I can do? I am going away in June with friends and would rather not be farting around them...I'd be mortified! Krissy Zodda Tri State Support Group Leader ~I'm In pretty Good Shape For the Shape I am in~ - Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one click on Yahoo! FareChaseKrissy ZoddaTri State Support Group Leader'm In pretty Good Shape  For the Shape I am in~
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Re: [TMIC] Mr. Graves info?

2006-05-08 Thread Alan Junghans


I would say you are definatley a much needed and loved part of the group 
that has a demyelinating problem just like the rest of us no matter what the 

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Mr. Graves info?

Rosalie:  The neurologist gave me a tm diagnosis, but also noted that I
had a B-12 deficiency.  When I went to the 2004 Symposium, Dr Kerr noted
that a differential diagnosis (some other ailment that might look like tm
that might be present, and if found to be true, would supercede the tm
diagnosis)  is B-12 deficiency.  When I heard that, I asked him
specifically about it--subsequently became his patient, went to him, and
he confirmed that B-12 deficiency caused my spinal cord demyelination, at
L5/S1.  A classic case, he said.  Doesn't change the fact that the damage
I have causes the exact same symptoms, so I live with it like the rest of
you-  and I hang around this bunch because you all are the best thing
since sliced bread!  I love you all!


Of course so
far I have no diagnosis.  First thought it was Guilliane-Barre Syndrome,
TM, but my  neurologist says it was a spinal cord stroke and is quite 

about it.
   In any case I have most of the symptons that most of you have but
fortunately not alot of pain.  Some nerve pain that is like sciatic pain
but only
in the evening.
   Also, the more I lie around the worse I feel.  If I spend more 

walking (with a walker of course and using mostly hands) then I dont get
stiff and ill feeling.  I cant stand on my own yet but am working on it
and thats
because the muscles in my butt and my hamstrings are not working,
   Thanks, Rosalie

Re: [SPAM] [TMIC] More questions

2006-05-08 Thread Alan Junghans


I am just staring out on Lyrica and it seems to be 
helping better than the Neurontin. I will know more in 2 or 3 weeks when I 
am totally off of Neurontin and on the therapeutic dose of Lyrica. I also 
take Carisoprodol, but I am hoping that the Lyrica works well enough to stop 
taking this. I tried Baclofen and it didn't work for me, but everyone's 
body chemistry is different. Some of the things your husband is 
experiencing may be associated with age and the TM just makes them worse. 


  - Original Message - 
  Poonam Mahadev Thapa 
  To: TM List 
  Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 8:36 AM
  Subject: [SPAM] [TMIC] More 
  Hi Everybody
  A lot has been said about Lyrica and 
  before that about Baclofen. I would like to clarify these 
Those who are taking Lyrica are you 
on any other medication like Baclofen or Tizanidine or 
My husband Dev was put on Baclofen 
and Tizanidine. He started getting very tired. His left leg is very weak he 
cannot use it. He does regular physiotherapy but now he feels his right leg 
is getting weak. Is it fatigue? 
He is using a walker at the moment 
and all the weight is borne by his arms so his arms get tired and at times 
he gets blisters on his palms. Will it be harmful or dangerous to his upper 
body if this goes on? 
His back jams up at night. He is 
feeling a lot of pain lately. So he was put on Lyrica. Is this usual with 
  These symptoms are coming now. 
  Initially there was no pain (only burning), no spasms, his legs were almost ok 
  and his balance had come back 70% but now after 1 1/2 year it is getting 
  worse. Yet all the tests, MRI and scans prove there is no further 
  demyelination of the nerves and his VEP and BERM (sight and hearing evoked 
  potential tests) are normal so MS is ruled out. 
  I was under the impression that TM is 
  one time attatck it doesn't get worse, there is only residual effect of 
  So is his condition getting worse 
  because of 
  TM getting worse 

  or due to taking Baclofen 
  or overstraining of muscles 
  or what???
  Hope someone has some answers for 
  Dev's love of 
  from Kenyan 

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question/foods

2006-05-08 Thread Alan Junghans

Dear Fellow Farting TM'ers,

I feel (and smell) your pain. I am a Mexican 
food fanatic and I will not give it up. I also take Gas-X andhave 
addedBeano to aid in quieting this gastric symphony. 

Just thought I would "run" that by 

  - Original Message - 
  Krissy Z 
  Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 7:19 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic 
  * question/foods
  ok, along with this have you discovered that foods effect you differently 
  now too?
  LIke if I eat too many carbs in the afternoon I get very sleepy. Or the 
  pasta sauces/mexican foods are giving me more gas that before too 
get set for mortification! If death came by emarrassment fromfarting in 
public, we'd ALL be DEAD. I, too, have the same problem: andif people 
are polite, they won't mention it. could explain,quickly, as if 
it weren't important-which it isn't--that sometimes thathappens, and you 
can no longer control that. Do it with a smile!Cora 
OK, maybe not so graphic and I am sure will make ya giggle or smile BUT 
I have this issue. I know we all have poop and pee issues and I have 
learned to deal with them. But I am also farting alot! I bend over, 
I fart. I lean , I fart. It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just 
noise, but it still can be loud sometimes and its damn embarrassing! 
So my question is, is there anything I can do? I am going away in 
June with friends and would rather not be farting around them...I'd 
be mortified! Krissy Zodda Tri State 
Support Group Leader ~I'm In pretty Good 
Shape For the Shape I am in~ 
- Get amazing travel prices for air 
and hotel in one click on Yahoo! 
  FareChaseKrissy ZoddaTri State 
  Support Group Leader'm In 
  pretty Good Shape For the Shape I am in~
  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make 
  PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or 

FW: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question

2006-05-08 Thread Trudy

From: Trudy
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 10:15
Subject: RE: [TMIC] OK, another
*graphic * question

I always carry Gax-X with me! I work in a
school and at times sit at the computers working with elementary
students.. as soon as I get up, I know Im in trouble.
and believe me, I have never met a kid whos eyes didnt become the
size of saucers with giggles galore to add to my embarrassment.

Isnt humility grand?


Clothes make the man!

Naked people have little or no

influence on society.

Mark Twain

Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OK, another
*graphic * question

I have problems with that, too. I take
Gas-X (or the store brand) when I need to be out and about, and it helps, but
it's still a problem. Especially when trying to teach three boys not to do it
in public. :-)

Barbara H.

In a message dated 5/5/2006 1:42:35 PM
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

OK, maybe not so graphic and I am sure
will make ya giggle or smile BUT I have this issue. I know we all have poop and
pee issues and I have learned to deal with them. But I am also farting alot! I
bend over, I fart. I lean , I fart. It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just
noise, but it still can be loud sometimes and its damn embarrassing! So my
question is, is there anything I can do? I am going away in June with friends
and would rather not be farting around them...I'd be mortified!

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape 
For the Shape I am in~

[TMIC] this might help your head ache, worth trying

2006-05-08 Thread Thenavigator10

Hello everyone

I thought I would pas this along to you. My best friend uses 
this stick and she has a lot of stress in her job lately and it has been helping 
her and I will post again once she has been on this for a few more weeks. I have 
seen this on tv and wondered if it worked. I pray this might help EVEN one of 
you, may be it will be Lyrica!! It was bought at Rite Aid. I call CVS and they 
have it for $7.99. Remember you have to use it before you get a head ache, if 
not it doesn't work, good luck.
Love you all

It's Head On..and I have 2 sticks. I don't know if it 
works or not..because I don't know if I would have gotten a headache if I hadn't 
used it!!! If I just think I might get a headache, I use it..and so major headaches..ask me in a month because I usually get at least one 
good one a month!

[TMIC] LYRICA and Fibro interesting

2006-05-08 Thread Thenavigator10

Hi Everybody

I thought I would tell you about my nephew,he has Fibro, it 
been 13 years. He has started taking Lyrica, 75 mgs, just 3 days ago and after 
his first dose, at night, the next day his dull headache was gone. The second 
day he had a little bit of the headache but today he doesn't, he has these every 
day. He told me today that he thinks it has also helped with his joint and 
muscle pain too, some days are better then others.I will keep you up dated 
as he uses it longer and maybe this will help other with Fibro, he also has CFS. 
I hope his energy level will get better too, he said he seems more alert 
mentally, thinks that is cuz ofhis of headaches. He seems to feel better 
energy wise BUT will see if he feels better in a few more 

I hope this might give some of you a chance to think about 
asking to try Lyrica. I will let you all know in another 3-4 days how he 
feels.You all take care and hope you pain is just a little bit 
Love you all

Re: [TMIC] this might help your head ache, worth trying

2006-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"My best friend uses this stick" 
So just what is it that you DO with this stick? You didn't explain. Stick it in your ear, hit yourself over the head, or what??? I can't quite picture it - Please clarify.
Thanks, Sally
PS: Does anyone find they get more sinus type headaches after taking tranquilizing-type meds, like Xanax, Paxil, butalbital, etc?

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question/foods (Quite graphic, but not lewd)

2006-05-08 Thread HeyJude48506

In a message dated 5/8/2006 7:20:32 AM Central Standard Time, 

  ok, along with this have you discovered that foods effect you differently 
  now too?
  LIke if I eat too many carbs in the afternoon I get very sleepy. Or the 
  pasta sauces/mexican foods are giving me more gas that before too 
get set for mortification! If death came by emarrassment fromfarting in 
public, we'd ALL be DEAD. I, too, have the same problem: andif people 
are polite, they won't mention it. could explain,quickly, as if 
it weren't important-which it isn't--that sometimes thathappens, and you 
can no longer control that. Do it with a smile!Cora 
OK, maybe not so graphic and I am sure will make ya giggle or smile BUT 
I have this issue. I know we all have poop and pee issues and I have 
learned to deal with them. But I am also farting alot! I bend over, 
I fart. I lean , I fart. It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just 
noise, but it still can be loud sometimes and its damn embarrassing! 
So my question is, is there anything I can do? I am going away in 
June with friends and would rather not be farting around them...I'd 
be mortified! Krissy Zodda Tri State 
Support Group Leader ~I'm In pretty Good 
Shape For the Shape I am in~ 
- Get amazing travel prices for air 
and hotel in one click on Yahoo! 
  FareChaseKrissy ZoddaTri State 
  Support Group Leader'm In 
  pretty Good Shape For the Shape I am in~ 
  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make 
  PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or 

OK! OK! I'll 
admit to it too! Every time I move I fart...I change positions in bed, I 
fart. I transfer, I fart. I move in my chair, I fart. My 
husband picks me up to shower, to get in and out of the truck, to get in and out 
of the hairdresser's chair, I fart, fart, fart!!! In the dentist's chair, 
when the dentist asks me to open wider...I fart! 

The more I use my digital bowel 
program, the more often I pass gas. For some reason a lot of air must go 
in as my bowel program progresses. To be quite "graphic", I need to do a 
fair amount of digital stimulation to get things really moving. I cannot 
sit on a commode or anything; I have to lie on my side with one leg up and bent 
so that I can reach behind me. I use "chucks" to prevent soiling my 
bedding, and use lots of gloves, etc. Umm, lost my track of 
mind... Oh, anyway, I think that with all of the stimulation things 
open up pretty wide and that's when the air gets in. I wondered if 
GasX or something of the equivalent would help, but wasn't sure because it 
isn't regular "gas" caused by food.

There is a big difference between the 
two "gasses". One has no odor, and the other does...big time with some of 
us! Certain foods Definitely do cause 

Well, for what it's worth, that's my 
nickel's worth today. I hope I didn't gross anyone out too much. We 
are all adults here and I tried to be considerate of others as I 

Bless Us All,

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question/foods (Quite graphic, but not lewd)

2006-05-08 Thread Krissy Z
EXACTLY! Mine is odor free, and I also have to manually stimulate to is that why? Because I have opened up inside? yes there are certain foods now that do make me gas up more than they used tobut these odor free ones just sneak up on me! I would like to hope that gas x or mylanta gas would help that some..ESPECIALLY when I go away...[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oh, anyway, I think that with all of the stimulation things  open up pretty wide and that's when the air gets in. I wondered if 
 GasX or something of the equivalent would help, but wasn't sure because it  isn't regular "gas" caused by food.  There is a big difference between the  two "gasses". One has no odor, and the other does...big time with some of  us! Certain foods Definitely do cause  gas.  Well, for what it's worth, that's my  nickel's worth today. I hope
 I didn't gross anyone out too much. We  are all adults here and I tried to be considerate of others as I  wrote.  Bless Us All, JudeKrissy ZoddaTri State Support Group Leader'm In pretty Good Shape  For the Shape I am in~
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

Re: [TMIC] Hello from Oklahoma

2006-05-08 Thread ceckenberg
It is definitely your business, as a part of my support group!  Yes, I saw
a podiatrist today, got put on antibiotics, --again, and feel pretty good
about the decision to go to someone who could help with the feet.  He
picked up on the extent of the problems, and the causes, quicker than any
doc I have seen up to now (except Dr. Kerr, of course), and he also said
classic case when I ran down the exact extent of my symptoms.  He will
put me in diabetic shoes, after the infection is cleared up and he has
shaped up my feet.  Thanks, Jude for your concern and for your prayers!
We're all in this together.  Cora.

 Hi Cora,

 Maybe it's none of my business, but I am writing concerning the  problems
 are having with your mostly numb feet.

 As you know, I have been dealing with broken leg bones for almost 5
 and have recently been having numb feelings accompanied by pins and
 like they are falling asleep.

 I am wondering if  you have seen a doctor yet and if so, what  did he/she
 have to say about it?  Could it be related to deadened nerves  caused by
 moving enough, kind of like one would get from a pressure  sore?

 I'm so sorry to hear about the challenges you and your husband have  gone
 through as of late.  You are in my Prayers and if there is ever any  way I
 help, please let me know.


Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question

2006-05-08 Thread ceckenberg

Linda:  And I am 61.  And when I was a newby on this list, I asked about
what muscles controlled peeing, pooping, etc.  and was told that the same
muscles control both!  That's why we toot while we pee, and if one comes,
the other might also: particularly if you have nerve damage, etc.
This stuff is of such interest--it is how we deal with everyday things. 
It is called functioning.  I just find it easier to know why!
Thanks for the questions/comments: everyone's say helps someone else who
is afraid to ask.


 Oh my..I have been dealing with this issue for some time. I can't
 figure out what the problem is, age, TM, or both? I remember, when I was
 young, walking with older people, and they would toot as they walked
 along..I couldn't understand why they didn't at least try to control
 that!!! Now, I find myself in the same situation, and I can noit control
 it! I was in this duscussion at work the other day, talking to younger
 ones, telling them I can't figure this out, and for then to just wait!!!
 And of course, after sitting for a while, I get up and away I went, toot,
 toot, tootfor once, my face did not turn red! I decided it is just
 laughter from my back the way I am 59
   Linda Garrett in Ohio

 New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save

Re: [TMIC] More questions

2006-05-08 Thread ceckenberg
Hello Nima:  I am on Tizanidine and Lyrica. Both seem to work ok. 
Remember, I am not a doctor, so cannot give medical advice.
I see several factors at work here:
  All medicines have side effects. One of Tizanidine's is drowsiness. So
is Lyrica.  I take naps after medication time so I can function.

  As we deal with our cluster of symptoms, we have to compensate for our
deficiencies by overworking other parts, thus causing more problems.

  I see others on the list who regularly see a physiatrist to evaluate
their functioning and suggest exercises and ways to strengthen and
improve physical functioning.

  Be sure to let the doctor know about these problems!  Be an advocate for
him!  Don't take no for an answer.  And with everything else that is
going on--is he being treated for depression?  TM has the highest
coincidence of depression of any disease, including MS.

Hooray for you looking for answers!

 Hi Everybody

 A lot has been said about Lyrica and before that about Baclofen. I would
 like to clarify these points.

   a.. Those who are taking Lyrica are you on any other medication like
 Baclofen or Tizanidine or Zanaflex?
   b.. My husband Dev was put on Baclofen and Tizanidine. He started
 getting very tired. His left leg is very weak he cannot use it. He does
 regular physiotherapy but now he feels his right leg is getting weak. Is
 it fatigue?
   c.. He is using a walker at the moment and all the weight is borne by
 his arms so his arms get tired and at times he gets blisters on his
 palms. Will it be harmful or dangerous to his upper body if this goes
   d.. His back jams up at night. He is feeling a lot of pain lately. So he
 was put on Lyrica. Is this usual with TM?

 These symptoms are coming now. Initially there was no pain (only burning),
 no spasms, his legs were almost ok and his balance had come back 70% but
 now after 1 1/2 year it is getting worse. Yet all the tests, MRI  and
 scans prove there is no further demyelination of the nerves and his VEP
 and BERM (sight and hearing evoked potential tests) are normal so MS is
 ruled out.

 I was under the impression that TM is one time attatck it doesn't get
 worse, there is only residual effect of TM.
 So is his condition getting worse because of
 TM getting worse
 or due to taking Baclofen
 or overstraining of muscles
 or what???

 Hope someone has some answers for me

 Dev's love of life
 from Kenyan coast