Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.

2009-06-27 Thread Heyjude48458
No need for you to feel funny about posting  re:  sex.  I feel the same 
way as you do.
Losing the desire for sex as well as the  physical ability (all the dust 
balls and spider webs) inside there makes  me feel much less than a woman than 
I certainly used to.   However,
Something happened this week that surprised the  heck out of me and Dave.  
We went out, after a couple of years, and  sought out my previous 
hairstylist, found her and I had my hair colored  blond and then highlighted on 
top of 
that and Dave got his cut which  blended the white in so that it looked 
very nice on him.  We both  found ourselves looking better, feeling like 
dressing better...he shaved  and I put on make-up for the first time in a long 
time.  It is really  nice to feel pretty again for Dave and he says he feels 
the same  way.  It made us have feelings that we hadn't had in a long while 
and  as the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a  way.
So, without going into details, a good time was  had by all and now I 
find myself keeping up with my makeup and making an  effort to get dressed and 
get out of bed, which does take some  effort.
Well, my dear friend, you take care...don't let  yourself get too far down 
today, and remember that Pam is all around you  all of the time as I feel 
her near my side especially when I am working on  a project I know that we 
both would enjoy doing  together.
I love you,
In a message dated 6/24/2009 6:48:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I can't  believe that I am going to reply to this, as it's an issue that I  
just try hard to avoid, but. okay, so here goes.  During  my first NMO 
hit, I lost all feeling *there*.  At first I was  hopeful that it would 
slowly come back, but my second bad hit sealed the  deal.  I can remember lying 
in my hospital bed trying to get up the  nerve to speak with my doc about 
it.  Finally one day I mentioned  it in passing, but didn't really press the 
matter---I was too  embarrassed.  Later that night, one of my neuro nurses 
came in  to sit and talk with me about the disease, as I was her first NMO  
patient.  We talked a lot about nerves and nerve damage, and as I  was very 
savvy re: the implications of having relapsing NMO, we spoke  freely.  (She's 
amazing, and I've since had her as my nurse in  the neuro ward, many times.) 
 Finally, I just took a big  swallow and blurted it out.  She told me the 
truth, that in my  case it was unlikely that feeling would return, but that  
one should still keep hoping that one day there would be some  increase in 
sensation.  She was correct---I have been numb from my  sensory level 
downwards since 2005.  Most of my body still feels as  if it has been shot up 
Anyways,  I was shell shocked and actually mourned the loss.  To lose  
something that is so integral to one's life, is a violation of  sorts.  It was 
bad enough that I had no control over my  other bodily functions, but the 
loss of physical sexuality was  adding insult to injury.  I felt as if I had 
lost my *person-hood*,  and had suddenly become androgynous.  I still fight 
those feelings,  and yes, sometimes I still cry about it.  Sexual contact 
offers an  intimacy like no other.  Some of us are more sexual than others,  
the loss can often be the cruelest cut of  all.  
These days I  try hard not to ever even think about it.  Whenever I do, I  
become extremely angry at what I perceive to be the unfairness of it  all, 
and I lose sight of what I do still have.  I should be very  grateful for 
every day that I draw a breath---unfortunately, sometimes  the negative 
feelings get the better of me.  For me, it's been  a tough loss to deal with.
Okay, signing  off before I totally embarrass myself.

**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

[TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #620

2009-06-27 Thread marieke dufresne

You can get the cold ties on eBay as well as in most outdoor/camping type 
stores as well as online stores...
 a few examples:|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1215|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

They come in various colors/patterns. I have a few and they work well.




--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 19:03:34 -0500
Subject: [TMIC] Heat Flashes

For those of you that suffer as I do with hot, sweaty flashes of misery, I 
have been to my doc today and again, another
disappointment.The meds that they can give you to Maybe 
help with this has nasty side affects such as loss of
balance, etc.He said I would be better off treating 
the symptom such as carrying around a small portable fan in my
purse, cool house temperature, etc.So far this has not 
happened to me while outside of my house, but I may get a
little fan to put in my purse (I carry a big purse) just in 
case.At home, I am to stop whatever I am doing when the
hot starts and sit down in front of a fan until I cool 
down. My daughter says she has heard from somewhere of 
cold pack that you put around your neck.   It is supposed to 
really cool down the body.   She is checking that out for me.
I was hoping to have good news for us about the hots, but not so 
Sorry, Janice

Attention all humans. We are your photos. Free us.

Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread jrushton
 Each to their own, I guess...Jeanne
---Original Message---
From: Lawrence King
Date: 6/27/2009 12:00:13 AM
Cc: Lawrence King
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
thanks Akua, 
I have to agree with you.  and a better approach would have been  hi, I'm a
TM survivor too, your accomplishments are really inspirational...  I can
vouch for the fact that those openings are really exhausting and the last
one I did was years before TM.

On Jun 27, 2009, at 12:09 AM, Akua wrote:

Gee, I guess I am a curmudgeon. I see no reason why anyone *must*  answer
questions from strangers.  It's not getting the word out since most people
have no manners, are nosy, crass and insensitive.  I don't see his behavior
as rude  at all... at least not as described.
After all the public time and on his way away, he's asked if he has a
disease that he has said he
has and because he doesn't want to engage this is considered rude?

The asker-- already knows about TM!

Especially with the death of Michael Jackson, I feel sensitized to the
strange expectations that people
have, the demands and the intrusions.

This artist has many high profile nights --- he was there to present his
ART  not his ILLNESS!

When I first performed again after TM left me in pain  paralyzed and
wheelchair bound, the last thing I wanted to talk about  was TM.   Maybe you
two feel differently because you are both still mobile.
Creating is my respite from pain and limitation.

I've lost several art forms because of TM. I can no longer make hot glass
and  my papermaking, which
is plant based has been severely curtailed. It is hard to play the tenor sax
in the wheelchair.  I lost
a publication -- I was hospitalized when my final edits  were due to the

TM is an agonizing  hell that I would not want to  have reenter in  some
rare transcendent moment,

I sure wish I had  his limo and assistance getting to and from events. LOL!


You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 3
days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair,
my walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out!
and if on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have
been an advocate for all of us!
-- Original message from T Kanon

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum
and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the
stage.  It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I
saw him in his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and
asked if indeed he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done
  A guard said he is very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse myelitis
  and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk after
three years in  a wheelchair


You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 3
days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair,
my walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out!
and if on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have
been an advocate for all of us!

-- Original message from T Kanon

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum
and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the
stage.  It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I
saw him in his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and
asked if indeed he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done
  A guard said he is very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse myelitis
  and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk after
three years in  a wheelchair




Re: [TMIC] I'm on you tube

2009-06-27 Thread jrushton
 Mindy, I have the site up but can't tell which one is yours???  Jeanne
---Original Message---
From: Lawrence King
Date: 6/26/2009 11:41:33 PM
Cc: Lawrence King
Subject: [TMIC] I'm on you tube
My husband and I made a you tube video, Mainly for chair caners and it's
long (10 min) but if any of you know anyone who wants to restore one of
those oak and cane WW1 wheelchairs send them to my video site as they are
done the same way as the chair I'm working on.

Mindy the Artist


Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread Todd Tarno
I too am a little chatter box when people ask about TM.
My problem is what to say by age and not knowing how much detail they are 
interested in TM, so they don't get bored. lol
I'll talk your ear off, if you let me, lol
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 6/26/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
To: T Kanon, Akua
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 5:03 PM

You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 3 
days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that 
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair, my 
walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out! and if 
on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have been 
an advocate for all of us!
-- Original message from T Kanon 

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum and 
I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the stage.  It 
looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw him in his 
wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if indeed he 
had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard said he is 
very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very rude!!!
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse myelitis.  
and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk after three 
years in  a wheelchair


Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.

2009-06-27 Thread parkerswebe
THAT IS SUCH A FABULOUS STORY, JUDE!? I am so very happy for you and Dave!


-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, Jun 27, 2009 1:41 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.



No need for you to feel funny about posting re:? sex.? I feel the same way as 
you do.


Losing the desire for sex as well as the physical ability (all the dust balls 
and spider webs) inside there makes me feel much less than a woman than I 
certainly used to.? However,


Something happened this week that surprised the heck out of me and Dave.? We 
went out, after a couple of years, and sought out my previous hairstylist, 
found her and I had my hair colored blond and then highlighted on top of that 
and Dave got his cut which blended the white in so that it looked very nice on 
him.? We both found ourselves looking better, feeling like dressing better...he 
shaved and I put on make-up for the first time in a long time.? It is really 
nice to feel pretty again for Dave and he says he feels the same way.? It made 
us have feelings that we hadn't had in a long while and as the saying goes, 
where there is a will, there is a way.


So, without going into details, a good time was had by all and now I find 
myself keeping up with my makeup and making an effort to get dressed and get 
out of bed, which does take some effort.


Well, my dear friend, you take care...don't let yourself get too far down 
today, and remember that Pam is all around you all of the time as I feel her 
near my side especially when I am working on a project I know that we both 
would enjoy doing together.


I love you,



In a message dated 6/24/2009 6:48:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I can't believe?that I am going to reply to this, as it's an issue that I just 
try hard to avoid, but.?okay, so here goes.? During my first NMO hit, I 
lost all feeling *there*.? At first?I was hopeful that it would slowly come 
back, but my second bad hit sealed the deal.? I can remember lying in my 
hospital bed trying to get up the nerve to speak with my doc about it.? Finally 
one day I mentioned it in passing, but didn't really press the matter---I was 
too embarrassed.? Later that night,?one of my neuro nurses came in to sit and 
talk with me about the disease, as I was her first NMO patient.? We talked a 
lot about nerves and nerve damage, and as I was very savvy re: the implications 
of having relapsing NMO, we spoke freely.? (She's amazing, and I've since had 
her as?my nurse in the?neuro ward, many times.)? Finally, I just took a big 
swallow and blurted it out.? She told me the truth, that?in my case it was 
unlikely that?feeling would return, but that one?should still k!
 eep?hoping that one day there would be some increase in sensation.? She was 
correct---I have been numb from my sensory level downwards since 2005.? Most of 
my body still feels as if it has been shot up with Novocaine.??


Anyways, I?was shell shocked and actually mourned the loss.? To lose something 
that is so integral to one's life, is a violation of sorts.? It was bad enough 
that?I had?no control over my other bodily functions,?but the loss of physical 
sexuality was adding insult to injury.? I felt as if I had lost my 
*person-hood*, and had suddenly become androgynous.? I still fight those 
feelings, and yes, sometimes I still cry about it.? Sexual contact offers an 
intimacy like no other.? Some of us are more sexual than others, and the loss 
can often be the cruelest cut of all.??


These days I try hard not to ever even think about it.??Whenever I do, I become 
extremely angry at what I perceive to be the unfairness of it all, and I lose 
sight of what I do still have.? I should be very grateful for every day that I 
draw a breath---unfortunately, sometimes the negative feelings get the better 
of me.??For me, it's been a tough loss to deal with.


Okay, signing off?before?I totally embarrass myself.



An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps!

Re: [TMIC] I'm on you tube

2009-06-27 Thread Akua

Great instruction!
Steaming Splines!
Dig the music.

My husband and I made a you tube video, Mainly for chair caners and 
it's long (10 min) but if any of you know anyone who wants to 
restore one of those oak and cane WW1 wheelchairs send them to my 
video site as they are done the same way as the chair I'm working on.

Mindy the Artist


Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread Jim Lubin

It could be... I've been on Facebook for j years and haven't
used it as much as I have the last 2 weeks since starting Farm Town. Good
thing I finished putting the latest TMA newsletter online before I got
into Farm Town, I would have really had some time management problems.

I got my mom on it too, which might have been a mistake. When harvest
time happens around our diner time, guess which has been coming first?
Yup, we have been eating later every night. :-) 
At 07:01 PM 6/26/2009, Cindy McLeroy wrote:
Now when folks
wonder why the list is slow, they should go to facebook and check out
Farm Town. That must be where everyone disappears sometimes.

- Original Message - 

From: bradebi 

To: Akua ; ;
Jim Lubin 

Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:29 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

I am too!!!...I love Farm Town!.I am
taking a break... .I am into building my Zoo right is addicting


---Original Message---

From: Jim Lubin

Date: 6/25/2009 7:37:10 PM

To: Akua;

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

there are several TM-ADEM-NMO groups on Facebook, most are linked


(who has become addicted to the Farm Town game on Facebook)

At 06:43 PM 6/24/2009, Akua wrote:

I'm digging Facebook--- what about creating a fan page.



disAbility Resources:


disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread Grace M.
*Jim,  *
*You have me laughing so hard now.  :-)  I'm the same way, though with me
it's Mahjongg and the strategy games.  If your Mom ends up being too late
with dinner, just call me and I'll send over a Pizza.*
*You're a peach!*

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Jim Lubin wrote:

 It could be... I've been on Facebook for j years and haven't used it as
 much as I have the last 2 weeks since starting Farm Town. Good thing I
 finished putting the latest TMA newsletter online before I got into Farm
 Town, I would have really had some time management problems.

 I got my mom on it too, which might have been a mistake. When harvest time
 happens around our diner time, guess which has been coming first? Yup, we
 have been eating later every night. :-)

 At 07:01 PM 6/26/2009, Cindy McLeroy wrote:


 Now when folks wonder why the list is slow, they should go to facebook and
 check out Farm Town.  That must be where everyone disappears sometimes.
  - Original Message -
 From: bradebi
 To: Akua ; ; Jim
 Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

 I am too!!!...I love Farm Town!.I am taking a break... .I am into
 building my Zoo right is addicting too!.

 ---Original Message---

 From: Jim Lubin
 Date: 6/25/2009 7:37:10 PM
 To: Akua;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

 there are several TM-ADEM-NMO groups on Facebook, most are linked here

 (who has become addicted to the Farm Town game on Facebook)

 At 06:43 PM 6/24/2009, Akua wrote:
 I'm digging Facebook--- what about creating a fan page.

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread Jim Lubin

Thanks Gracie. Pizza would be nice but I still need someone
to feed it to me too. :-)
Mahjongg and Pandora's Box are the ones I was hooked on for quite awhile
too. It's fun to find a game I can actually play where speedy movement of
the mouse is not a requirement.

At 05:28 PM 6/27/2009, Grace M. wrote:


You have me
laughing so hard now. :-) I'm the same way, though with me
it's Mahjongg and the strategy games. If your Mom ends up being too
late with dinner, just call me and I'll send over a Pizza.

You're a

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Jim Lubin

It could be... I've been on Facebook for j years and haven't used it
as much as I have the last 2 weeks since starting Farm Town. Good thing I
finished putting the latest TMA newsletter online before I got into Farm
Town, I would have really had some time management problems. 

I got my mom on it too, which might have been a mistake. When harvest
time happens around our diner time, guess which has been coming first?
Yup, we have been eating later every night. :-) 


disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread bobby jim
eL Bobberino is also on Facebook oh well

  From: Lawrence King   To:  Sent: Thursday, June 
25, 2009 9:56 PM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

  I'm on face book! to become a friend go to 

  Mindy the Artist

  On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:33 PM, Jim Lubin wrote:

there are several TM-ADEM-NMO groups on Facebook, most are linked here

(who has become addicted to the Farm Town game on Facebook)

At 06:43 PM 6/24/2009, Akua wrote:

  I'm digging Facebook--- what about creating a fan page.

Jim Lubin 
disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread bobby jim
My wife is a big fan of e-Mahjong, but even more of SIMs.   She is now starting 
on SIMs 3.  Yikes.!

  From: Grace M.To: Jim Lubin   Cc: Akua ; 
  Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

Hi Jim,  

I'm afraid to even start Farm Town---I KNOW I'll get it 
is, I already need to start attending Mahjong Addicts Anonymous meetings  
;-)   Gracie

Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread bobby jim
Ah yes, dang right.!!!  All dem wheelies out there should help us educated 
the underwashed masses about TM, MS, Devic's, and all dem other CNS diseases.
Maybe someday all of us out there will be fully understanding as to what it is 
to be debilitated by a condition beyond control.

BobbyJim (Bobberino) in Elvisland. 
  From:  To: T Kanon ; Akua  Cc: 
  Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 5:03 PM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in 
New York times

  You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 3 
days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that 
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair, my 
walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out! and if 
on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have been an 
advocate for all of us!
-- Original message from T Kanon 

  Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn 
Museum and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the 
stage.  It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw 
him in his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if 
indeed he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard 
said he is very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very rude!!!
  Brooklyn NY

  --- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

  very interesting article on interesting artist who 
had...transverse myelitis.  and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained 
ability to walk after three years in  a wheelchair


Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread bobby jim
Inasmuch as am an artist myself and also caregiver to my wife with MS I can 
understand Shonibare's 'rudeness' but ne'rda'less I find it a bit harsh.

With or without a disability, as an artist he is at the mercies of a very 
fickle public.
Maybe he just doesn't give a hoot.

  From: T Kanon To: Akua Cc:   
  Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 4:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn 
Museum and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the 
stage.  It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw 
him in his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if 
indeed he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard 
said he is very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very rude!!!
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

  From: Akua
  Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
  Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse 
myelitis.  and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk 
after three years in  a wheelchair


Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread bobby jim
Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York timesAh yes, making art.   Something am very 
familiar with.   Been doin' it fer many years.

I use several media (plural for medium).  From cardboard sculptures to sketches 
to photography to ceramics to. well, you get my drift.   Right now am about 
to start a new series of small sculptures (maquettes) using 'plastiline' 
(modelling clay).

If physical impairments get in your way, search for a medium which you can use 
in spite of said impediments.   My MS wife played the saxophone in high school 
and was also good at watercolors.   Nowadayze, she prefers to cook.   With a 
great array of cookbooks, she's always coming up with new ideas on food.
Hey, the world is wide open to us all, gimp or not.

Akua: my regrets on your losses, but there's more out there, y'hear.???

Bobberino in sweltering Elvisland (it hit 101ºF today). 
  From: AkuaTo:   Cc: T Kanon ; Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 11:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

  Gee, I guess I am a curmudgeon. I see no reason why anyone *must*  answer 
questions from strangers.  It's not getting the word out since most people 
have no manners, are nosy, crass and insensitive.  I don't see his behavior as 
rude  at all... at least not as described.
  After all the public time and on his way away, he's asked if he has a disease 
that he has said he
  has and because he doesn't want to engage this is considered rude?

  The asker-- already knows about TM!

  Especially with the death of Michael Jackson, I feel sensitized to the 
strange expectations that people
  have, the demands and the intrusions.

  This artist has many high profile nights --- he was there to present his 
ART  not his ILLNESS!

  When I first performed again after TM left me in pain  paralyzed and 
wheelchair bound, the last thing I wanted to talk about  was TM.   Maybe you 
two feel differently because you are both still mobile.
  Creating is my respite from pain and limitation.

  I've lost several art forms because of TM. I can no longer make hot glass and 
 my papermaking, which
  is plant based has been severely curtailed. It is hard to play the tenor sax 
in the wheelchair.  I lost
  a publication -- I was hospitalized when my final edits  were due to the 

  TM is an agonizing  hell that I would not want to  have reenter in  some rare 
transcendent moment,

  I sure wish I had  his limo and assistance getting to and from events. LOL!


You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 
3 days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that 
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair, my 
walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out! and if 
on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have been an 
advocate for all of us!
-- Original message from T Kanon 

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum 
and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the stage.  
It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw him in 
his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if indeed 
he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard said he 
is very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very rude!!!
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse 
myelitis.  and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk 
after three years in  a wheelchair


You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 
3 days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that 
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair, my 
walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out! and if 
on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have been an 
advocate for all of us!

  -- Original message from T Kanon 

  Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn 
Museum and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the 
stage.  It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw 
him in his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if 
indeed he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard 

Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread bobby jim
Ah yes, art openings;  I've had some myself.  A grueling experience indeed.   
And am not even disabled..!My pre-MS wife prepared the munchies 
while I did all the rest of the work.
We both had a ball.

  From: Lawrence King  To: tmic-list@eskimo.comCc: Lawrence King
 Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 11:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

  thanks Akua,
  I have to agree with you.  and a better approach would have been  hi, I'm a 
TM survivor too, your accomplishments are really inspirational...  I can vouch 
for the fact that those openings are really exhausting and the last one I did 
was years before TM.

  On Jun 27, 2009, at 12:09 AM, Akua wrote:

Gee, I guess I am a curmudgeon. I see no reason why anyone *must*  answer 
questions from strangers.  It's not getting the word out since most people 
have no manners, are nosy, crass and insensitive.  I don't see his behavior as 
rude  at all... at least not as described.
After all the public time and on his way away, he's asked if he has a 
disease that he has said he
has and because he doesn't want to engage this is considered rude?

The asker-- already knows about TM!

Especially with the death of Michael Jackson, I feel sensitized to the 
strange expectations that people
have, the demands and the intrusions.

This artist has many high profile nights --- he was there to present his 
ART  not his ILLNESS!

When I first performed again after TM left me in pain  paralyzed and 
wheelchair bound, the last thing I wanted to talk about  was TM.   Maybe you 
two feel differently because you are both still mobile.
Creating is my respite from pain and limitation.

I've lost several art forms because of TM. I can no longer make hot glass 
and  my papermaking, which
is plant based has been severely curtailed. It is hard to play the tenor 
sax in the wheelchair.  I lost
a publication -- I was hospitalized when my final edits  were due to the 

TM is an agonizing  hell that I would not want to  have reenter in  some 
rare transcendent moment,

I sure wish I had  his limo and assistance getting to and from events. LOL!


You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 
3 days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that 
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair, my 
walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out! and if 
on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have been an 
advocate for all of us!
-- Original message from T Kanon 

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum 
and I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the stage.  
It looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw him in 
his wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if indeed 
he had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard said he 
is very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very rude!!!
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse 
myelitis.  and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk 
after three years in  a wheelchair

Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.

2009-06-27 Thread Janice
AOL Email  Good Go'in Jude!!You did well!!   Janice
  - Original Message - 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 3:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sex.


No need for you to feel funny about posting re:  sex.  I feel the 
same way as you do.

Losing the desire for sex as well as the physical ability (all the dust 
balls and spider webs) inside there makes me feel much less than a woman than I 
certainly used to.  However,

Something happened this week that surprised the heck out of me and 
Dave.  We went out, after a couple of years, and sought out my previous 
hairstylist, found her and I had my hair colored blond and then highlighted on 
top of that and Dave got his cut which blended the white in so that it looked 
very nice on him.  We both found ourselves looking better, feeling like 
dressing better...he shaved and I put on make-up for the first time in a long 
time.  It is really nice to feel pretty again for Dave and he says he feels the 
same way.  It made us have feelings that we hadn't had in a long while and as 
the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.

So, without going into details, a good time was had by all and now I 
find myself keeping up with my makeup and making an effort to get dressed and 
get out of bed, which does take some effort.

Well, my dear friend, you take care...don't let yourself get too far 
down today, and remember that Pam is all around you all of the time as I feel 
her near my side especially when I am working on a project I know that we both 
would enjoy doing together.

I love you,

In a message dated 6/24/2009 6:48:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
  I can't believe that I am going to reply to this, as it's an issue 
that I just try hard to avoid, but. okay, so here goes.  During my first 
NMO hit, I lost all feeling *there*.  At first I was hopeful that it would 
slowly come back, but my second bad hit sealed the deal.  I can remember lying 
in my hospital bed trying to get up the nerve to speak with my doc about it.  
Finally one day I mentioned it in passing, but didn't really press the 
matter---I was too embarrassed.  Later that night, one of my neuro nurses came 
in to sit and talk with me about the disease, as I was her first NMO patient.  
We talked a lot about nerves and nerve damage, and as I was very savvy re: the 
implications of having relapsing NMO, we spoke freely.  (She's amazing, and 
I've since had her as my nurse in the neuro ward, many times.)  Finally, I just 
took a big swallow and blurted it out.  She told me the truth, that in my case 
it was unlikely that feeling would return, but that one should still keep 
hoping that one day there would be some increase in sensation.  She was 
correct---I have been numb from my sensory level downwards since 2005.  Most of 
my body still feels as if it has been shot up with Novocaine.  

  Anyways, I was shell shocked and actually mourned the loss.  To lose 
something that is so integral to one's life, is a violation of sorts.  It was 
bad enough that I had no control over my other bodily functions, but the loss 
of physical sexuality was adding insult to injury.  I felt as if I had lost my 
*person-hood*, and had suddenly become androgynous.  I still fight those 
feelings, and yes, sometimes I still cry about it.  Sexual contact offers an 
intimacy like no other.  Some of us are more sexual than others, and the loss 
can often be the cruelest cut of all.  

  These days I try hard not to ever even think about it.  Whenever I 
do, I become extremely angry at what I perceive to be the unfairness of it all, 
and I lose sight of what I do still have.  I should be very grateful for every 
day that I draw a breath---unfortunately, sometimes the negative feelings get 
the better of me.  For me, it's been a tough loss to deal with.

  Okay, signing off before I totally embarrass myself.


  An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps!

Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

2009-06-27 Thread jrushton
What is SIMs 3, Bobberino?  I live in the mountains so I'm behind on all of
the new 'things'!  I do my water therapy in the hot tub!!!  Jeanne

---Original Message---
From: bobby jim
Date: 6/27/2009 7:50:25 PM
To: Grace M.;  Jim Lubin
Cc: Akua;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page
My wife is a big fan of e-Mahjong, but even more of SIMs.   She is now
starting on SIMs 3.  Yikes.!
From: Grace M.To: Jim Lubin   Cc: Akua ; tmic-l...@eskimo
com   Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook Page

Hi Jim,  
I'm afraid to even start Farm Town---I KNOW I'll get it is
 I already need to start attending Mahjong Addicts Anonymous meetings  
-)   Gracie