[TMIC] An update

2010-09-23 Thread j ra

Hi friends,
A couple of months ago I left Brasil to try to remember who I was before 
TM..as you all know. Do you remember the little child I found with TM who 
changed my life? Well if not, her name is Christa Brumant who also suffer from 
this disease of ours from Trinidad. She is presently in Kennedy Krieger 
Institute . finally recieving the treatment she needs after being diagnosed 
14 months ago. She is 10 years old and I honestly think she is a lot stronger 
than me and she taught me so much with just her smile. I know I put you guys 
through a hell of a lot worrying about me and now it is slightly ridiculous for 
me to ask you guys for a favour, but I must. Please spend some time to wish her 
well as she tries to get better. She is such a great kid and I love her so 
much, it hurts to know she suffers from this thing of ours. I'll update you 
guys as her treatment comes along.

RE: [TMIC] Memory Loss

2010-08-28 Thread j ra

Ok so I'm only 31, but this thing of ours sure does some tricks on me and my 
memory. I am sure that I have lost some of my most painful days as when I was 
in the hospital a few times are completely unknown to me now. My wife tells me 
a lot of stories about things that happened to me when I was out with MRSA and 
getting drugged up in the hospital. Apparently I had lots of conversations with 
her about all sorts of things, none of which I can remember. I guess it goes 
with the amount of horrific drugs that we all take just to make it through the 

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 06:17:05 +0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Memory Loss
From: malugss...@gmail.com
To: elbobber...@earthlink.net; kimr1...@bellsouth.net; revcross...@gmail.com; 

Message body

Absolutely, I have;

This short-term memory has me mumbling to myself and thinking I am getting 

I do not think and have not read that TM causes this, but the meds sure do.



Dalton H. Garis, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Economics

And Petroleum Market Behavior

The Petroleum Institute

P.O. Box 2533, Umm al Nar

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297

Mobile: +971-50-668-5760-- 

From: bobby jim elbobber...@earthlink.net

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 21:10:41 -0500

To: kimr1999 kimr1...@bellsouth.net, Rev. Craig Crossman 
revcross...@gmail.com, tmic-list@eskimo.com

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Memory Loss

Resent-From: tmic-list@eskimo.com

Resent-Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 19:11:02 -0700

discussion.???   what 


Bobby uh Jim   


From:  kimr1999 mailto:kimr1...@bellsouth.net  


To: Rev. Craig Crossman mailto:revcross...@gmail.com  ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 


Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010  20:32


Subject: Re: [TMIC] Memory Loss




all the time as a matter of fact I can't remember what we are  discussing




 From: Rev. Craig Crossman revcross...@gmail.com

To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

Sent: Sat, August 28, 2010 9:12:07  PM

Subject: [TMIC] Memory  Loss



Has anyone heard of, or  experience with, a loss of short-term memory as either 
a side effect of TM or  side effects from the meds we take for some relief?




Rev. Craig Crossman


First Baptist Church


615 W. Webster St.


Colby, KS 67701


W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154




www.firstbaptistcolby.org http://www.firstbaptistcolby.org/ 




RE: [TMIC] Update on Mike

2010-08-17 Thread j ra

I'm so sorry to hear thisall I can offer is the thoughts and prayers of me 
and my wife. I hope Mike knows how much people all over the world cares for him 
and he feels our love and prayers in his time of need.

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 10:13:55 -0700
From: rn11...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Update on Mike
To: 3jmhamm...@clearwire.net
CC: tmic-list@eskimo.com

 I'm so sorry to hear that. I will pray for your family.

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Jill Hammond 3jmhamm...@clearwire.net wrote:

From: Jill Hammond 3jmhamm...@clearwire.net
Subject: [TMIC] Update on Mike
To: Anna  Jim  jnawil...@roadrunner.com, Annie  
annielyman1...@yahoo.com, Becky  Steve mcsmi...@adelphia.net, Beth  
Greg g...@comcast.net, Bob  Beverly  b.doerfl...@gmail.com, 'Boyd' 
b...@boydbryant.com, Carole Matteson carolematte...@hotmail.com, Char 
Brower charsreti...@hotmail.com, Cheryl Hammond i...@todaydata.com, 
Cindy Dunn cdunn53...@aol.com, Craig  Candi bur...@comcast.net, 
'Craig Fiore' cr...@ultra6.eskimo.com, fi...@dhs.gov, 'David and Patty 
Brooks' blueba...@verizon.net, 'David Gay' raega...@yahoo.com, Dennis  
Pam burpee...@msn.com, 'Earl Fordham' earl.ford...@gmail.com,
 Elaine Boos elaineb...@bellsouth.net, Eric  Eri 
ericshamm...@hotmail.com, Fred  Susan graceann1...@charter.net, Gil  
Mari cdav...@dc.rr.com, 'James Fulmer' jedi...@gmail.com, Jan 
Hlavaty-LaPosa  janet.hlavaty-lap...@dhs.gov, Jim and Bobbi  
jimbobk...@msn.com, Johanna  mjber...@verizon.net, Judy  Karl 
romocharlo...@hotmail.com, Keenan kee...@seattlegeek.net, Kendra  
kwa...@comcast.net, Lenny Lisa len.l...@verizon.net, Lisa  
l...@lisalundt.com, Lynn  Jade lynn.mari...@pfpa.mil, Mari  Gary 
wordfromwis...@smtel.com, marie swanson swansonbythe...@comcast.net, 
'Mica Ward' m...@detech.net, Mike  Nancy mmccallis...@soundandsea.com, 
Nancy npurcell1...@yahoo.com, Noah  n...@noahconrad.com, Pat 
Allegretti paa...@gmail.com,
 Pat and Corky pjgren...@hotmail.com, Pat Doebele 
grandmap...@comcast.net, Pat Massey  patrick.mas...@dhs.gov, Paula  
paula.lazz...@attachmate.com, PJ  pjn...@yahoo.com, Ron  
ron.brook...@att.net, 'Sally' sa...@bsorenson.com, Sarah Bell-Schell  
maeb...@vandals.uidaho.edu, 'Scott Hamilton' scotthamil...@live.com, 
Sharon  Steve  pianica...@comcast.net, 'Sheri Meyer' 
sheme...@cisco.com, Steve  Gail  crescentc...@nwi.net, Steve and Jo 
stevejojohn...@msn.com, Susan  Ted Roth susanema...@mchsi.com, Tmic 
tmic-list@eskimo.com, Tom  Deb  t...@ddoel.com, 'vanessa Quinn' 
vanessa.qu...@dhs.gov, Wayne  wme...@ci.everett.wa.us, Zsolt  Patty 
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 11:16 AM

Hello Family and Friends,
Sorry to send this information over mass email, but it’s the fastest way to 
keep everyone informed.  Over the last couple of weeks, Mike has been very 
disoriented, sleeping a lot and losing weight. The MRI test that he had earlier 
this week indicates that the cancer has spread to the brain.  We are meeting 
w/the Oncologist today and hopefully get more answers and find out what our 
course of treatment will be. I’ll keep you informed as soon as we can.   Keep 
us in your prayers….Love, The Hammond Team  

RE: [TMIC] Fw: Fwd: FW: How to dance in the rain.....

2010-08-13 Thread j ra

Thanks, this is why I am so deeply in love with my wife.

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 15:49:04 -0700
From: jcs...@yahoo.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Fw: Fwd: FW: How to dance in the rain.






How to Dance in the Rain 
It was a busy 
morning, about  8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's arrived to have 
stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in
 a hurry as he had
appointment at  9:00 am. 

 I took his vital signs and 
had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would 
to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, 
since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On 
exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the 
needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had
doctor's appointment 
this morning. 

said no, he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast 
with his wife.


inquired as to her health. 
He told me she had been there for a 
while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.  


As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. 

He replied she no longer knew who he was, she had not 
recognized him in five years now . 


I was 
surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she 
doesn't know who you are?' 
He smiled as 
he patted my hand and said,  

 'She doesn't 
know me, but I still know who she 


 I had to hold 
back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and 

is the kind of love I want in my life.' 

True love is neither 
physical, nor romantic.  

 True love is 
an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not 

all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there is one that 
comes along that has an important message. This one I thought I could 
share with you.  


 The happiest people don't 
necessarily have the best of everything; 

they just make 
the best of everything they have.  

  I hope you share this 
with someone you care about. I just 

 'Life isn't 
about how to survive the storm,  
 but how to dance in the 




RE: [TMIC] arghhh!!!!!!!

2010-08-11 Thread j ra

I for one can't blame my lack of sleep on TM. I had Insomnia for 14 years now. 
I take sleeping pills everynight or else I get just around 15 to 20 minutes 
sleep, no more. I use a drug called Doxylamine Succinate 50 mg for my sleeping 
problems (it's highly restricted here in Brasil, but my doctors get them for me 
and bring them to my house). It doesn't provide any sort of pain relief 
ofcourse, but with my neurontin and tandrilax it works well to keep me out for 
the night. The burning legs situation is different for everyone I'm sure, but I 
use bengay ultra or A535 for that. Give those a try, they really aren't too bad.

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:13:59 -0700
From: jcs...@yahoo.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] arghhh!!!

bed at 8 up at 10 spasm city!

more pain meds.

now just burning legs.

gotta be up at 4.

slept 2.5 hours last night.

whats this?

getting sleepy.



RE: [TMIC] helpful hints

2010-07-31 Thread j ra

Ok, I'll give it a shot! why not...

From: suret...@sympatico.ca
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:00:17 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] helpful hints

good afternoon everyone (except those on the west coast where it is still 
morning) herein is an article that appeared in the recent Woman' World. yes i 
am an avid reader of said magazine for the following reasons 1) I enjoy the 
food recipes' why ( because I do all the cooking) I enjoy the helpful  hints re 
cleaning ( As I do all the housecleaning) and 3) because I am extremely 
domesticated. here goes :  Havin trouble getting past the little 
disappointments of the day? (quite appropiate for us tmers) Try glaspng  your 
hands and reaching them over your head for a count of 10 .. this move shifts 
your thoughts upward toward your successes, reports show. However moving your 
body down - like touching your toes (  like Right I haven't been able to do 
that since puberty) -makes you feel more negative.  WHY IT WORKS literature and 
movies teach us to literaly associate upward  movements with achievement- 
that's why we say things like  i feel on top of the world. Downward movements 
by contrast are linked to unpleasant experiences, such as  down in the dumps 
explains study coauthor Daniel Casasanto,ph.d.  hope this helps others as it 
has helped me between cooking and cleaning enjoy. Gerry in beautiful Montreal.  

RE: [TMIC] Fwd: Do I like getting old?

2010-07-28 Thread j ra

Truely inspiring. Thanks Gunny

From: bgunny7...@aol.com
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:02:20 -0400
To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Fwd: Do I like getting old?


--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: lindalee5...@aol.com
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 08:26:10 -0400
Subject: Do I like getting old?
To: a.s...@frontiernet.net; annie_...@yahoo.com; avi2...@aol.com; 
rba...@rpbakerfoundation.com; bgunny7...@aol.com; bonbon.marz...@gmail.com; 
jeannec...@cox.net; ccarli...@hotmail.com; goldi...@vic.chariot.net.au; 
ado...@np.k12.mn.us; ericjschlan...@yahoo.com; zi...@fuse.net; 
mmlhendri...@hotmail.com; patj...@fuse.net; jknapp9...@aol.com; 
jddrummo...@btinternet.com; themn...@comcast.net; mary.e.lof...@wellsfargo.com; 
gabemichae...@msn.com; bobnew...@kc.rr.com; sskluza...@hotmail.com; 
sheila4...@yahoo.com; debskluza...@frontiernet.net; joe...@aol.com; 
littleo...@aol.com; sklu...@aol.com; swampygirl1...@aol.com; 
atalarcz...@yahoo.com; c_talarc...@hotmail.com; warhal...@aol.com; 

 I would never trade my amazing friends, 
 my  wonderful 
life, my loving family 
 for less gray hair or a flatter 

 belly.  As I've aged, I've become 
 kinder to myself, and 
less critical 
 of  myself. I've become my own 
 friend.. I 
don't chide myself for 
 eating  that extra cookie, or for not 

 making my bed, or for buying that silly cement 
 gecko that I 
didn't need, but  looks 
 so avante garde on my patio. I am 
entitled to a 
 treat, to be  messy, to be 

 I have seen too many dear friends leave 
 this world 
too soon; before  they 
 understood the great freedom that comes 

 with aging.
 Whose business is it if I choose to 

 read or play on the computer  until 4 
 AM and sleep 
until noon? I will dance 
 with myself to those wonderful tunes of 

 the 60 70's, and if I, at the same 
 time, wish  to 
weep over a lost love 
 ... I will.

  I will walk the beach 
in a swim suit 
 that is stretched over a bulging body, 
will dive into the waves 
 with  abandon if I choose to, despite 

 the pitying glances from the jet set.
 They, too, 
will get 
I know I am sometimes forgetful.  But 

 there again, some of life is just as 
 well forgotten. And 
I  eventually 
 remember the important 
 Sure, over the years my heart has been 

 broken. How can your heart not  break 
 when you lose a 
loved one, or when a 
 child suffers, or even when somebody's 

 beloved pet gets hit by a car? But 
 broken  hearts are 
what give us 
 strength and understanding and compassion. A 

 heart never broken is pristine and sterile and 
never know the joy of being 
  I am so 
blessed to have lived long 
 enough to have  my hair turning gray, 

 and to have my youthful laughs be 
 forever  etched into 
deep grooves on 
 my face.
So many have never laughed, and so many 
 have died before their 
hair could turn 
 As you get older, it 
is easier to be 
 positive. You care less about  what 

 other people think. I don't question 
 I've even earned the right to be 

 So, to answer your question, I like 

 being old. It has set me free. I  like 
 the person I 
have become. I am not 
 going to live forever,
 but while I am 
still here, I will not 
 waste time lamenting what could  have 

 been, or worrying about what will be. 
 And I shall eat 
dessert  every single 
 day(if I feel like it). 

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] Thank you!

2010-07-25 Thread j ra

Hey Rev. Craig,
Welcome to our little society! Just like so much of us, I'm sorry to meet you 
this way,  but please know we only do one thing here and that is support each 
other. I know for a fact that these TMers do so much for eachother that it 
borders on an other worldly experience sometimes. We've all been there before 
and all have some value to add in any situation that we may come across and I 
for one can welcome whatever insight you have in terms of how you choose to 
deal with this thing of ours called TM. This is a remarkable group of people, 
please feel welcomed!
P.S as our friend Gunny recently reminded us, it's not about our 
disability...IT'S ABOUT OUR ABILITY!
Welcome friend!

From: revcross...@gmail.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:49:59 -0500
Subject: [TMIC] Thank you!

Wow, what a response! I just
checked my e-mail and my laptop sort of hiccupped when it found all the

I appreciate all of you
responding so quickly. As I learn more about TM (and then teach my doctor about
it) I am sure I will have other questions.

Luckily, the church I serve
has been incredibly open and willing to work with me especially on the bad
days. They even put a tall stool behind the pulpit so I can sit while I preach.
The only thing they worry about is that I will be so comfortable sitting on the
stool that I will preach longer sermons!


Rev. Craig Crossman

First Baptist Church

615 W. Webster St.

Colby, KS 67701

W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154




Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [TMIC] short story

2010-07-24 Thread j ra

Good stuff as usual! What an amazing story. I am always glad to hear stuff like 
this, especially from a man like you. I remember the kick in the pants I got 
from you a couple months ago and how much it truely helped me. Now my wife and 
I are happy again and it only took a journey half way round the world and back 
to prove I can still be Jeron, just a Jeron with TM this time.
Thanks again my dear friend!

From: bgunny7...@aol.com
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 10:50:44 -0400
To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] short story

 I was just sttin here the other day 
lookin at something I got from another Marine. I had a though about lookin up 
old DI's. I typed in thier names in my search engine, and came up with only 
Sgt. Levesque. It was a story about what happened to him in Viet Nam. I called 
John Brown who is the commander of the VA, who also worked with me at the 
Sheriff's dept. yes, he's from Youngstown. It seems Sgt. Levesque works with 
blind veterans, as he lost his eye sight in Viet Nam. John told me how to get 
touch with him, so I called. He answered, Don Levesque, how can I help 
you?   Here's a man I haven't seen or talked to in forty eight years, 
and I got the feeling of needing to snap to, but I didn't . I said, Platton 
F Co. Parris Island. He said, yeah, my platoon. I said Pvt. Boyle, Platoon 
Guide. He said, son of a bitch, how the hell are ya. I said, the question is, 
how are you, I read a story about you and losing your eye sight. He said, ya 
know Boyle, I remember you, you had your head and ass wired together..After 
exchanging pleasantries, we discussed disabilities, and I told him my story. He 
said, remember one thing Boyle, it's ability, not disability, if I taught you 
anything, remember that. We talked a couple more minutes then agreed to stay in 
It got to me people, ability not disablilty. I had to hear 
that from an old DI of mine, so, I'm just passin it on. Semper 
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)

2010-07-23 Thread j ra

This is so touchingthis is why we need eachother. I too am thankful to have 
found you guys...all of you! Jude must know how loved she is. Let's all 
continue to wish her well and wait for a response from her.

 From: patticoole...@gmail.com
 To: pjv1...@chartermi.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: RE: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)
 Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 10:21:45 -0500
 -Original Message-
 From: pjv1...@chartermi.net [mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:23 PM
 To: tmic
 Subject: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)
 I talked with Jude's husband, David, this evening after receiving a message 
 from him that she is in a hospice program.   David said she went to a hospice 
 camp for ten days and came home feeling better last week.  Then she woke up 
 during her first night home with a headache and has gone down hill from 
 David said Jude has not been talkative lately, but I asked if I could visit 
 with her tomorrow just to sit with her.  I'm planning to visit in the 
 The last time I heard from Jude was the message that she sent Does anyone 
 remember Jude?  
 Patti - Michigan
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)

2010-07-22 Thread j ra

Pray for Jude

 From: jan...@centurytel.net
 To: pjv1...@chartermi.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)
 Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 22:43:11 -0500
 Tell her Janice, from Missouri, thinks about her and wishes her well.
 From: pjv1...@chartermi.net
 Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:23 PM
 To: tmic tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: [TMIC] about Jude (Hey Jude)
  I talked with Jude's husband, David, this evening after receiving a 
  message from him that she is in a hospice program.   David said she went 
  to a hospice camp for ten days and came home feeling better last week. 
  Then she woke up during her first night home with a headache and has gone 
  down hill from there.
  David said Jude has not been talkative lately, but I asked if I could 
  visit with her tomorrow just to sit with her.  I'm planning to visit in 
  the afternoon.
  The last time I heard from Jude was the message that she sent Does anyone 
  remember Jude?
  Patti - Michigan
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] OT - need prayers after seeing video will understand why

2010-07-20 Thread j ra

I am so sorrythis is so sad! Your family is in my prayers. Please hang in 
there, remember we are not only joined by this affliction, but also by the love 
and caring we have for eachother. We'll get you through this, please keep us 
updated with all of their needs and how we can help.

Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 03:03:23 -0500
From: bpe...@austin.rr.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] OT - need prayers after seeing video will understand why


Yesterday my ex wife and
daughters duplex went up in flames. It started in their
neighbors part, unknown origin as of right now as to the cause.
Please keep them in your prayers, Red Cross has them in a hotel
for 5 days and then they are on their own. It was a total loss,
and that was their car too that was melted to nothing. Both are
disabled; Sara has auto immune like me, Sally my ex wife lost
2/3's of her right lung and both breasts to cancer and they are
worried it is in her lymph glands. And now this... Life is


Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

[TMIC] I'm back!

2010-07-05 Thread j ra

Hi guys,
A couple of months ago I left Brasil for the Caribbean to spend some time alone 
and try to rediscover life before TM. It's been tough, especially because I 
decided to quit meds. No gabapentin, no miosan (for the shakes, think it's 
called xanaflex elsewhere) no valium, just sleeping pills. I know most of you 
thought I was pushing my wife away, but she's been really understanding as to 
why I needed to regain some independence. I did all the things I said I was 
going to do and I proved that TMers still have a lot of life in them. I know I 
am lucky to be a walker, allbeit with a cane, but we are strong people. As a 
group, we can do anything and we are always going to be there for 
eachotherno matter what. I really think that without you guys, I could not 
complete my journey, so thanks!
Here's the weird part, I found a little girl with TM in Trinidad, my home 
country in the Caribbean. I saw an article about her in the newspapers and 
decided to contact her parents. I met them. The kid's name is Christa. She is 
10 years old and has been diagnosed with TM some 10 months now, but her family 
does not have the money for treatment and treatment is not available in 
Trinidad. So they've been battling with this thing of ours all the while 
without proper care, so I got involved. Christa, is the sweetest little kid I 
ever met, she makes your heart melt with her innocent smile and she's so upbeat 
all the time, despite being in a wheelchair. She has the strenght that I think 
I was looking for all along. Imagine, I actually thought that while I was there 
I was going to do everything in my power to help her, but all along she was 
helping me.
Her parents managed to raise somewhere near $12 US already and they plan to 
take her to Johns Hopkins. I got in contact with the doctors there and they are 
ready to accept her case.
So, I'm not sure what actually happened to me over the last few months, but I 
think I found what I was looking fornot in a selfish journey to the 
islands, but in the eyes of a child.
Now I'm home in Rio de Janeiro and I think I'm going to play with my cat for a 
bit then take my wife out for lunch, then take her to the FIFA World Cup finals 
in South Africa. Another journey perhaps, this time with my wife!
Bye guys,
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [TMIC] 2010 - Here we go again!

2010-06-29 Thread j ra

Hey Roger,
Hang in there buddy! Just when we think things can't get worse for us TMers, TM 
throws us a curve ball. I took the opportunity to read up on this disorder and 
I am in shock that there are so much things that are always going to be heading 
our way because of TM.
My thoughts and my prayers are with you friend...always

From: r.c.pr...@verizon.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 17:15:28 -0700
Subject: [TMIC] 2010 - Here we go again!

Here it is almost the 4th 
of July, 2010, I haven’t written in a long time, and here I am again at a major 
turning point in my life.
It all started in mid-February.  
While on vacation in Mexico, my right 
foot started hurting.  “More fun and 
after-effects from my Transverse Myelitis,” I thought, and I resolved to see my 
neurologist when we got home.  I had 
recently stopped a medication she had put me on for nerve pain that had 
side effects and also had what seemed to be a spider bite on my right leg.  
“Something minor,” I thought.  By the time I got to the doctor, my 
right foot started to swell.  She 
had an ultrasound done of the blood vessels in my legs to check for blood 
and then my left foot and ankle started to swell.  Then my right hand went numb 
and I lost 
use of two of my fingers.  As pain 
and swelling increased, I went through five MRIs of my spine and brain, a 
tap, other miscellaneous tests, and handfuls of pills (mainly pain pills that 
just made me sicker).  After much 
delay, my doctor sent me to an MS specialist in Seattle, who confirmed that my 
doctor was, as she had said 
before sending me, “clueless”, and that she (the doctor in Seattle) didn’t know 
it was either.  By this time I 
started having muscle loss in my right hand and was generally losing weight all 
over.  Finally on the 7th of June I 
was sent to a doctor in Walla 
Walla who specializes in peripheral nerve disorders.  He did a nerve 
conductivity test and 
diagnosed me as having a rare autoimmune disorder called Mononeuritis Multiplex 
that attacks 
peripheral blood vessels and nerves.  
I am now on steroid IVs once a week and am taking a drug called Imuran 
which suppresses the autoimmune system that should stop the progression of the 
disorder.  This will probably take a 
long time and may not reverse all the damage.  I may have to be on Imuran for 
the rest 
of my life.  For now it’s just wait 
and see.  
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home

2010-05-29 Thread j ra

Glad to hear you're back! It's amazing that you travelled so far! I'm sorry 
about the pneumonia bout though and I pray all is well now.
I myself have completed three legs of my journey. I'm off to Tobago to do some 
more scuba diving and some deep sea fishing out in the atlantic ocean. It's 
been exhilirating thus far, but the after effects are a bit too painful 
sometimes, but the good kind.the kind that reminds you that you're alive. I 
have to try to remember to push myself to my personal limit and no further, but 
I guess when the adrenaline is pumping nothinng really matters and TM 
disappears if even only for a few minutes.
I know your trip was worth it and I know you pushed yourself too, so good for 
you! Congratulations! There is life after TM!
From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com; balmat...@aol.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 22:02:15 -0500

Glad you are home and that you had such a fun and 
successful trip.   Will be expecting more from you now!

From: Barbara Alma 
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 6:35 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: [TMIC] forgot to say that I'm home

I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you all that I arrived safely home late on 
Friday, May 21st.  We managed to put 7608 miles on our van and 
enjoyed practically the entire trip.  It really was a great trip, and 
was almost without incident.  
With regard to health problems:  I fared really well, other than a 
bout of pneumonia and a night in the hospital in Colorado.  This sounds 
bad, but I have gotten pneumonia at 
home many times. It was worse getting it on the road, as it has 
taken me so much longer to recuperate than usual, so that's the worse 
part.  It also made the last week and a half of our trip a bummer, without 
much fun.  No gambling in Vegas since I couldn't handle the smoky casinos, 
but that probably saved me some money.  We managed to see 2 shows though. 
 I had about 7 days out of 46 of laying in bed, resting my back 
overall.  Not too bad, but they were spread out.
We managed to see family and friends that we hadn't seen in several years, 
did things that we didn't know existed, and went to states that we 
had planned on visiting, but didn't really know when we'd do it.  All 
this because our god-daughter planned her wedding.  So, right after this, 
I'm going to call her and thank her for planning her wedding and for us having 
the opportunity to push my inner thoughts into planning this wonderful 
trip.  She really didn't have any awareness of this when she planned it, 
but my mind started to wander, I only wondered if I could handle 
I wholehearted recommend to anyone who really wants to do any kind of a 
journey, whether it's a days drive or whatever, to give yourself the 
chance.  We stopped often, whenever I felt that I needed to, sometimes 
every hour, sometimes in 2 hours, but I did it.  We've done short trips in 
the past, and I did much better this time as it allowed for more relaxation 
since we had more time.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn 
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] Newly Diagnosed and Need Guidance

2010-05-28 Thread j ra

Hey Ruben,
I, as most of us here, can empathise with your situation. It is very costly and 
the burden becomes unbearable. We've all been there. I'm sure someone on our 
list must be able to help you get the financial support that you need. The rest 
of us can give you the emotional support that you need. That's what we do here. 
You have hundreds of shoulders to cry on anytime you need to.
With regards to your other queries I think we can all say that TM manifests 
itself in different ways and affects us all differently. My advice to you is to 
see someone about the depression and the anxiety. There are drugs out there 
that can help. We all have battled through the rough times, I myself was in a 
bit of a crisis recently and only with the help of my TM family I am managing 
to trudge on. I truely hope you find the help you need.

 From: rdtow...@southernco.com
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 06:16:09 -0500
 Subject: [TMIC] Newly Diagnosed and Need Guidance
 Hello everyone,
 I was just wondering if anyone out there knows if there is any foundation or 
 organization that can help people financially with TM.  I was diagnosed about 
 6 weeks ago, and my medical bills are piling up and with 4 children and a 
 wife, it is starting to really take a toll on my family.  Just wanted to 
 reach out to everyone and see if there was anything out there to help.
 Also, I also wanted to ask the question to everyone out there is anyone else 
 has experienced other problems besides TM, ie. chronic upper back pain, 
 memory loss, confusion, etc...  The reason I ask is I have been dealing with 
 chronic upper back pain for a couple of years now and I am having a lot of 
 mental problems as well, ie. a lot of anxiety, paranoia, depression, and a 
 lot of emotional outbursts.  All of this happened before I had my TM attack.
 Love this support group, really has given me some hope that I can go on and 
 deal with everything.  Thanks everyone in advance for your help.
 Mount Olive, AL
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [TMIC] music

2010-05-27 Thread j ra

Wow, simply awesomefound some of his stuff on youtube.

Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 13:38:49 -0700
From: hwyfli...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] music
To: bgunny7...@aol.com; Tmic-list@eskimo.com

Dang Gunny...I just pulled up his website and listened to some tracksthis 
guy straight out rips some blues...
He's good..!!
Pretty awesome that your brother taught him...

From: bgunny7...@aol.com bgunny7...@aol.com
To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 3:23:47 PM
Subject: [TMIC] music


Anybody on the list living in the Tacoma Washington area, 
there's a kid from my hometown named Nick Vigarino playing in your area. He's 
about the best blues guitar player I've ever heard. If you get a chance, check 
him out. My brother Mike who recently died of brain cancer, taught Nick how to 
play. Believe me, you wont be dissapointed.

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread j ra

well said Janicethe hell with TM!
live and then live with the consequences

From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: barbara...@gmail.com; rumc...@hotmail.com
CC: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 14:15:46 -0500

Barb, I do like you do.If I have a 
few days that I know are going to be busy, I do it anyway knowing that for a 
couple of days after I will have to sit a lot and will be
sleepy for good ole' vicotin.But, you 
just have to push and do what you want to do even though you know there will be 
consequences.   The hell with TM!!

From: Barbara H. 
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:57 AM
To: j 
Cc: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

Hi Jeron,

Thanks for the further insight. 
Though you don't owe any of us an explanation, this does help us understand 
more. I have known of people who did push loved ones away and close up within 
themselves, and that's what I thought you were doing from your first note, thus 
my response.

And I don't see it as a can of worms. For the most part it 
has been a great discussion, I've enjoyed reading the responses and the way 
TMers step up to support each other. There is no handbook and no one right way 
to deal with TM -- that varies with each of us according to how we're affected 
physically as well as personality type, family support, etc. Personally, I 
never have survived without faith in God and His Word to help me each day. But 
reading all these different responses helps each of us to gain more insight and 
encouragement in dealing with TM on our own terms.

I have to admit that 
diving and ziplining and such are not things that would appeal to me even 
without TM :-) But I am glad you're having the opportunity to experience them. 
And I do understand the need to challenge ourselves. The challenges I choose 
different, but if I don't keep some challenges in front of me I would be curled 
up in a little ball inside my house and never move.

In the early days of 
TM, any excursion or activity beyond just the function of daily living would 
leave me exhausted and with a flare-up of symptoms the next day. But, as you 
said, it is worth it, and for me, though it still happens, it is less direct. 
fact, sometimes I forget the correlation. I am coming up on my fifteenth 
anniversary with TM in September. Last weekend I was in charge of our 
annual ladies' luncheon. In the preceding weeks of preparation, I almost always 
tell myself, I am NEVER doing this again. Am I crazy, or what? But it is a 
to see it all come together. Then this week I was having some major back pain 
and elimination issues and could not sit still for very long without falling 
asleep, and I was wondering what in the world was going on. Then I had a Duh! 
smack myself upside the head moment of realization that all that pressure and 
stress, even though it was a good kind of stress, was exacting its payback this 
week, so then I could just relax and go with it and give myself permission to 
sleep a little more and not hope for a very productive week this 

Anyway -- I wish you all the 

Barbara H.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:23 PM, j ra rumc...@hotmail.com wrote:

  Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't 
  expecting the can of worms that I opened up! I got what you all said about me 
  being selfish and trying to go it alonepushing my wife away and all that. 
  When I came to the Caribbean it was for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to 
  deal with this thing of ours called TM, but away from everyone who knows me. 
  did this because I wanted to see myself in the mirror again and not the 
  that everyone feels sorry for because I have TM. So I moved here for a 
  while just to get some me time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like 
  most of you thought. Truth be told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to 
  be alone. 2. I am trying to relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do 
  the things I loved to do even though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone 
  of my loved ones are approving of this and are all worried about me going off 
  into the deep blue sea or jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's 
  better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today 
  was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I forgot 
  about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was amazing. 
  Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the work 
  under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did it! 
  Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
  I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, 
  zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in for some 
  serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My goal

RE: [TMIC] CYBER-thon to benefit TMA on June 8th

2010-05-22 Thread j ra

damn...this is so cool! It took me 6 months to learn to walk again, so I'm in 

Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 18:52:56 -0700
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
From: jlu...@myelitis.org
Subject: [TMIC] CYBER-thon to benefit TMA on June 8th

I am helping Sally Franz (a TM survivor) with her CYBER-thon
which will benefit The Transverse Myelitis Association. This is for real
and it’s worth checking out. See what you think… (more details at

On Tuesday, June 8th award winning humor author, Sally Franz is giving
away $200 of FREE cool stuff to everyone with her launch of her Amazon
Best Seller humor book (or Kindle), Scrambled Leggs...A Snarky Tale
of Hospital Hooey. It’s all a part of a huge Cyber-thon for
charity. Also, read to the bottom about a FREE Writers Workshop. But

A QUICK QUIZ: Say you’re going into a hospital. You need a great doctor,
good insurance and what other one thing to make sure you get out alive?
Answer: Mr. ‘T’ in scrubs (aka a Patient Advocate Ninja, someone to watch
your pills, your personhood and property while you are drifting off to
La-la Land). Wait until you see what goes on after Visiting

BOOK SUMMARY: Sally was paralyzed from the waist down and had to learn to
walk again. But that was the easy part. Dealing with the hospital staff,
that was scary. So she wrote it all down in a hilarious tale of ‘helpers’
who ranged from dangerous to delusional (picture Nurse Ratchet on
steroids). Funny, inspirational and a major lampoon on the health care
system; you will love this ‘laugh-out loud’ book. Don’t leave home
without it. 

CELEBRITY QUOTES: Comic genius Jonathan Winters says, “Sally Franz is
VERY funny.” Dave Barry sends, “Congrats on your (new) book, best of
luck.” Mark Victor Hansen, Jayne Meadows (Mrs. Steve Allen), Linda
Bloodworth-Thomason (Designing Women) all praise her writing. Doctors,
nurses and patients are raving about this book! Find out why.

FREE STUFF: Tuesday, June 8th go to
, buy “Scrambled Leggs” and 20% goes to charity. And to thank you there
will be a super-sized Cyber-Goody-Bag of downloadable FREEBIES with over
$200 worth of very cool stuff: 20 humor posters, “Rave Recipes” cookbook,
5 full e-books, tips on humor writing, interviews with top writers and
book excerpts. It all comes with the purchase of only 1 book (around
$15.00). I know! Go to
to check this out. 

2IT’S FOR CHARITY: Yup, it’s a Cyber-thon for charity! A full 20% of book
proceeds are going to 2 fabulous charities: 10% goes to “The Transverse
Myelitis Association” (education and research for rare neuro-immune
disorders) and 10 % of book proceeds go to “Operation First Response”
(helping returning Wounded Warriors)


FREE WRITERS WORKSHOP: Anyone can join this. JUNE 8th, come to the
FaceBook group Scrambled Leggs. (If you can’t find it go to
FaceBook: Sally Franz­she’s the one with pink, green and blue confetti
coming out of her head), she will get you over to the Scrambled Leggs
group. This all day workshop IS the real deal (not one of those cheesy
sales pitches thinly disguised as a seminar). It is a whole day of online
chatting about the process of writing from idea, to publishing, and
marketing. If you miss it the posts will be up for a while. Mark this on
your calendar. It starts 8am EST and ends 8pm EST. And of course there
will be a few challenges for Limericks, 55 word novels and more. TUESDAY,
June 8th. 


P.S. PASS IT ON! Would you share letter this with your entire e-list and
tell them to share it with their e-lists and so on and so forth. Help
raise thousands of dollars for these two Charities. TUESDAY, June 8th.

Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [TMIC] Living life on your own terms - accepting TM???

2010-05-22 Thread j ra

oh hell yeah, I'm there now! I can't feel anything under my feet, but I'm a 
walker. Somehow when the sand gets between your toes in the warm Caribbbean 
sand, you can actually feel it. It's amazing. Warm, wet and new.what we all 
TMers need. I'd like to walk barefoot in some snow soon though.feel the 

To: jan...@centurytel.net; tmic-l...@eskimo.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Living life on your own terms - accepting TM???
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 23:45:29 -0400
From: balmat...@aol.com

For all who love the beach: we have found that there are some beaches that have 
very large wheelchairs that have huge plastic wheels that go very well on sand. 
 We've seen these in San Diego, Florida and on private islands that the cruise 
companies have in the Bahamas.  It makes it possible to be at the beach at 
least, they can go into the water also.  Picture a Lily Tomlin chair made of 
PVC pipe, quite fun!  I loved it.  I have tried in the past walking in dry sand 
on my crutches and it moves too much for me so I couldn't do it.  I've walked 
with 2 men holding my arms and that's very hard, but once I get on the hard, 
wet sand I'm in better shape and can do better with help.  It only takes a very 
weak and I mean the weakest kind of wave you can imagine to knock me over 
unless I get into at least waist high water, but I love it.  The caribbean 
water is the best, nice and warm and clear.  It's worth it all to me to be able 
to experience the beach.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net

To: j.d...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com; Barbara Alma balmat...@aol.com

Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 8:58 am

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Living life on your own terms - accepting TM???

Janet, you are right on the money.  I, too, used to think is this really 
happening? Life is not the same, but it is life and I am surrounded with a 
great family

and great friends.  I am adjusting to the fact that we will not be doing 
any more beach vacations.Walking on sand would be too difficult and 
exhausting.  But,

we are thinking of other places that we can go. It took 3 years to get to 
where I could travel and I love it, but I have to be picky about what we do.

I hate this more than I can say, but I do still have a life and I still do 
things - dinner with friends, movies, etc.   Pain level is not so bad right 
now, but there is no

warning when the legs will give out on me.  Life is truly full of surprises.


Love you all,



From: Barbara Alma 

Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 2:05 AM

To: j.d...@shaw.ca ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: [TMIC] Living life on your own terms - accepting TM???

Janet, I have to tell you that for so many years, and I've had TM for 12 years, 
so I cannot remember exactly how many, I honestly thought that I may just wake 
up one morning and it could be all gone.  It was a very nice thought, but never 
happened.  It really felt like I was living in a bad dream for so long, so 
thought I'd wake up and I would be out of it.  Talk about not living in 


Jeron, I believe that you have a right to decide how you live your life, with 
or without medications.  I know that the brain fuzziness is no fun, but I enjoy 
the pain relief that it gives me.  Without it, I have absolutely no energy and 
I am a mental and physical wreck.  I personally cannot live without my family 
support, but you've decided the way you want to handle your life, which is 
between you and your family.  I couldn't handle it, although I do admit to 
hiding out in my room when I'm having a bad episode of spasms so nobody has to 
see me like that.  Still, they know I'm in there and can check on me.  I hope 
that you will be able to find a balance between what you want to do for 
yourself and how to include your family in your life as well.   


Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-

From: Janet Dunn j.d...@shaw.ca

To: tmic-l...@eskimo.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com

Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 9:10 am

Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

What I am really wondering is if one ever really gets to the point of accepting 
this thing?  It has almost been six years (August) and daily I have to decide 
whether to get up and work with it, fight it, or give into it.  


Most of the time I fight it.  Working with it would make my life easier I 
suppose, but darn it, I am with Jeron .  It has taken a lot away.


One of the things that I have discovered after fighting it so hard for five 
years – to get back to where I used to be before being struck with TM – was 
that either way, TM or no TM – I could not regain my former self.  It would be 
like suddenly becoming 30 again.  It isn’t going to be.  I would have aged 5 
years whether I had TM or not.  That made it much easier for me to realize that 
life is going to go on, I am going to grow older, and with age comes 

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread j ra

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used to, so it's better if I do it when they 
can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

[TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread j ra

Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've put 
so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels like. I 
haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so much pain 
and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia, vasculitis and 
TM.and I just quit pain meds one week agojust to see what it all feels 
like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of valium, nuerontin, 
cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just about given up 
hope.what's the use...I can't even feel the earth underneath my feet 
anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until death with the pain 
and the agonybe it alone or with my shadow. I love my wife too much to see 
her cry again for me in a hospital bed...so I've decided to go it aloneno 
cure...no questions...no more burden to my loved ones. I now live alone and try 
to get by each dayone day at a time, until the end.I give up!
Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me.
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-20 Thread j ra

I truely appreciate everything that you each said to me about this. I guess it 
killed me a little inside when I saw what I was doing to my wife and the 
pressure she was under. I live in Brazil and I have a lot of faith in my team 
of doctors, but being a 10 on a pain scale of 1-10 everyday is so hard. I 
do see a psychiatrist and don't believe I'm suffering from depression. It's 
just that before this I lived a really adventurous lifestyle. I Sky-dived, 
scuba-dived, spear-fished, hunted, rappeledlived off adrenaline. Now I 
can't even get off the damn bed without tipping over. So, I came up with the 
idea to move to the caribbean by myself, just to see if I can dive again or do 
anything with this level of pain and get by. I am forcing myself to pick up my 
old lifestyle, but I really want to do it without meds and the look of my 
wife's face as I try to live and feel alive again. I think the only time I ever 
truely felt alive was when I first jumped out of an airplane at 12000 feet or 
when I shot my first 50 lb Grouper at 75 feet below sea level. I miss that. I 
want that again so  bad. TM took everything I loved away from me, but gave me a 
remarkable appreciation for the life I once had.
Guys, I'm just trying to do this for a couple of months.challenge myself to 
go it alone, pretend it never happened. Use a cane and get around with my pain 
for a bit and sky-dive again, hunt againmaybe this is all very dangerous, 
but I have to do it for ME! 
I know getting off meds cold turkey was a bad ideaI feel it now as I type 
this, but I hate feeling so damned drugged up all the time. So, I selfishly 
chose adrenaline, at least for another 2 months or so..believe or not, my 
wife supports the ideabecause she knows that I miss being Jeron. I refuse 
to be just a  TM patient.
Pain level today, honestly, 9 out of 10. I'm going scuba-diving in Tobago 
tomorrow with pain and a spear-gunjust to feel alive one more time.
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

[TMIC] Mother's Day!

2010-05-09 Thread j ra

Happy Birthday to you May babiesand also
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers!! Enjoy your day! May it be pain-free!
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)

2010-04-26 Thread j ra

I used it too, didn't work out too well for meIt is called Amytryptaline 
here in Brasil. I still take gabapentin and neurotin, valium, cymbalta and 
miosan plus prescription sleeping pills. What a cocktail, but never had any 
depression or suicidal thoughts. I do see a psychologist every week though.

 From: cindymcle...@socal.rr.com
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:50:46 -0700
 I also had horrible blurred vision.  I went off of it because of that, but 
 my vision had changed so much my eye doctor couldn't believe it.  And the 
 dry mouth was miserable.  Rather deal with the bladder problems than 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Laura Beaudin laura.beau...@gmail.com
 To: Laurie Zissimos lziss...@aol.com
 Cc: pieterheat...@shaw.ca; regina...@sbcglobal.net; 
 Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
  Tried Ditropan and failed miserably with it...it works well, but boy, talk 
  about a dry mouth!!
You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who 
  can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles-
  http://www.bananga.com ...empowering ourselves! Buying a used wheelchair? 
  On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options
  On 26/04/2010 11:40 AM, Laurie Zissimos wrote:
  I take Elavil 25 mgs each night and I take Lyrica 150mgs 3x daily.  The 
  Elavil was prescribed for me for bladder control.  I also take Ditropan 
  XL 20mgs at night.  The Ditropan and the Elavil keep me dry all night.
  Laurie in Baltimore
  -Original Message-
  From: Pieter and Heather pieterheat...@shaw.ca
  To: Regina Rummel regina...@sbcglobal.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 1:35 pm
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
  OMG.I didn't realize that Amytriptilene was actually Elavil.
  I too was put on that for a short while back in the 70's for depression.
  I too felt 'right out of it' or 'stoned'.
  I couldn't take it then and guess I will just stick with the Neurontin.
  Heather in Calgary
  - Original Message -
  *From:* Regina Rummel mailto:regina...@sbcglobal.net
  *To:* tmic-list@eskimo.com mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com
  *Sent:* Monday, April 26, 2010 10:34 AM
  *Subject:* [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
  Hi Jill,
  I took it years ago for depression and OMG, it was awful!
  The best way I can describe it is that I felt stoned.  It was
  called Elavil then.  In those days, they gave it to people in
  nursing homes to keep them quiet.  But everyone reacts
  differently, so try it and let us know what happens, something
  good I hope.
  I take Neurontin but decided on my own to gradually decrease the
  dose, and eventually stop taking a medication that I
  believe bogus.  So far, I see no difference in the pain and the
  darned TM symptoms.
  Good luck with the Elavil.
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [TMIC] Suicide Inducing Drugs?

2010-04-14 Thread j ra

I for one have horrible side-effects with Lyrica. I actually turn near blue 
with this drug. I would say it works though. I am comfortable with neurotin and 
gabapentin together. I also take Seroquel and sleeping pills and my pain is 
reduced a bitenough to get by.

From: n_...@hotmail.com
To: we4king...@verizon.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Suicide Inducing Drugs?
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:41:49 -0300

I never seem to find time to write to the list these days but had to offer my 
thoughts on the issue of neurontin. I have had tm for close to ten fun filled 
years now and the best pain relief I have found has come from neurontin or 
lyrica. I took neuronitin for a few years before switching to Lyrica. They work 
very well for me and I haven't killed myself.not even once.



(in NS)

CC: we4king...@verizon.net
From: we4king...@verizon.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Suicide Inducing Drugs?
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 18:56:14 -0400
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

I found the articles refered to by NPR:
I have never been on Gababentin/Neurontin but the relief I get from Lyrica was 
worth the month of side effects I went through to get to relief (the makers 
acknowledge lyrica's temporary suicide risk and has information for patients 
and doctors). 

 Anti depressants also carry a risk of increased suicide until the user 
adjusts.  the suicide risk is also temporary and passes when the taker adjusts. 
 It is good to know that this is a possibility so that doctors, patients and 
their family's can monitor the patient for such a side effect but if you do the 
math the risk is very small and keeping an eye on it can lower the risk even 

more worrisome to me is the crackdown of off label uses of medications like 
these 2 drugs that so many of us off label users find so helpful.

Mindy  the artisan

On Apr 13, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Akua wrote:

neurontin and gabapentin (sp)  just on NPR didn't hear it all but something 
about suicide... for those on it, you might want to check it out.

I remember refusing Neurontin for my pain while in the nursing home, because of 
side effects and being chastised and derided for my decision repeatedly. I am 
so grateful I resisted the pressure.
With depression as an attendant  to TM,  suicide inducing chemicals are a 
burden we don't need.


Videos that have everyone talking! Now also in HD! MSN.ca Video.
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] Walk Aide

2010-04-05 Thread j ra

I'm doing physiotherapy again right now, one hour per day, I see little 
improvements, but notthing to shout about yet. I started aqua therapy and it 
really is enjoyable being in the water again as I was a Scuba diver.

From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: rumc...@hotmail.com; hwyfli...@yahoo.com; toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 22:15:18 -0500

Can you get into physical 
therapy? You have probably done that before, but maybe 
at this point more can be done.

From: j ra 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 6:55 PM
To: hwyfli...@yahoo.com ; toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net ; Transverse 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Walk Aide

Good night everyone,
I just out of the hospital for the 6th 
time in the almost 2 years of TM. I used the walk aide for some time when I was 
learning to walk again, but found it very difficult too, especially around 
corners. I'm using cruches now, but I still drag my right leg along. I have 20% 
of mobility in it, which for me is a God given gift considering all that has 
been taken away by TM. I find the crutches useful, but I still fell I should 
revert back to the chair because I have dizzy spells from time to time and 
are only so many places on my arms and hips left to bruise when I 
Does anyone have any advice as to how long I should keep trying the crutches? 
should I go back on the chair or should I just fo physio until I could walk on 
my own again.

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:41:22 -0700
From: hwyfli...@yahoo.com
Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To: toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net; 


I've found after talking with so many people, that the variances in each of us 
with TM is pretty large as far as what works for one and what 

I'm coming up on two years pretty soon and if the opportunity 
ever arises again I'll definitely give the Walk Aide another shot.  

Who knows how I may respond after two years of walking and using that 
muscle group, however slight it may be.

Quick story reverting back to my 
PT days...after the Walk Aide experiment, my neuro decided that it wouldn't 
to add electro stim to my PT regimen so for 15 minutes prior to my PT 
my therapist would wire me up to the electro stim machine. 
This was on my 
left lower half of my leg since that is what I am having the primary issues 
The very first time she started turning the machine up and told me to 
let her know when it got uncomfortable...and she kept turning it up..and 
up..and up..and up.and she kept asking me, are you okay...?
would respond, yeah, I'm fine. I could feel the stim, but it didn't hurt and it 
wasn't making my muscles contract at all...
Anyway, bottom lineshe ended 
up cranking up the machine all the way up and I still had no response from the 
Now, I'm assuming the big electro stim machine has the capability 
to go higher and make a larger contraction than something like the Walk 
Aideand I was still getting nothing from it.

Anyway, I did my electro 
stim anyway and just tried to make a conscious effort to make my muscles 
in conjunction the stim. 

Oh well
Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio 

From: Todd Tarno 
Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 3:42:48 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk 


  I'm so sorry that the 
  Walk Aide didn't work for you.  I know that each person with TM is 
  different, I too don't understand why you're able move your 
  toes a little bit, that's all I'm able to do also, but it didn't 
  Let me tell you a 
  little about my visit.
  She, the Dr., didn't 
  even bring in her computer into the room with her, because she didn't 
  think she would be able to find a working muscle on a person with TM for 
  eight years with a handheld electric unit.  She did see that 
  when I tried to move my toes, the muscles below my ankle was moving a 
  little bit and that was a good sign.  It showed that the muscle 
  signal was getting to the brain.  The muscle that's needed, need 
  to be very close to the skin.  My muscle that did work ( on my bad 
  right leg ), she said is in a weird place, is on the right side back 
  to the knee. It's two fingers up from one of my moles. lol  I would 
  need the next cuff side, next HALF side would be 
  perfect, because the unit needs to be in front of my leg, so it knows 
  where my leg is.  
  So, if when you try 
  to move your toes and the muscles below the outside ankle are moving, 
  that's a good sign.  This isn't an exact science, but I believe that 
  as our body heals itself, this unit could work for us.  I don't think 
  this unit would had worked a few earlier.  
  I hope everyone tries

RE: [TMIC] Walk Aide

2010-04-04 Thread j ra

Good night everyone,
I just out of the hospital for the 6th time in the almost 2 years of TM. I used 
the walk aide for some time when I was learning to walk again, but found it 
very difficult too, especially around tight corners. I'm using cruches now, but 
I still drag my right leg along. I have 20% of mobility in it, which for me is 
a God given gift considering all that has been taken away by TM. I find the 
crutches useful, but I still fell I should revert back to the chair because I 
have dizzy spells from time to time and there are only so many places on my 
arms and hips left to bruise when I fall/collapse. Does anyone have any advice 
as to how long I should keep trying the crutches? should I go back on the chair 
or should I just fo physio until I could walk on my own again.

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:41:22 -0700
From: hwyfli...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To: toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com


Yeah, I've found after talking with so many people, that the variances in each 
of us with TM is pretty large as far as what works for one and what doesn't..

I'm coming up on two years pretty soon and if the opportunity ever arises again 
I'll definitely give the Walk Aide another shot.  

Who knows how I may respond after two years of walking and using that muscle 
group, however slight it may be.

Quick story reverting back to my PT days...after the Walk Aide experiment, my 
neuro decided that it wouldn't hurt to add electro stim to my PT regimen so for 
15 minutes prior to my PT exercises, my therapist would wire me up to the 
electro stim machine. 
This was on my left lower half of my leg since that is what I am having the 
primary issues with.
The very first
 time she started turning the machine up and told me to let her know when it 
got uncomfortable...and she kept turning it up..and up..and up..and 
up.and she kept asking me, are you okay...?
I would respond, yeah, I'm fine. I could feel the stim, but it didn't hurt and 
it wasn't making my muscles contract at all...
Anyway, bottom lineshe ended up cranking up the machine all the way up and 
I still had no response from the machine. 
Now, I'm assuming the big electro stim machine has the capability to go higher 
and make a larger contraction than something like the Walk Aideand I was 
still getting nothing from it.

Anyway, I did my electro stim anyway and just tried to make a conscious effort 
to make my muscles respond in conjunction the stim. 

Oh well
Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Todd Tarno toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net
To: TMIC tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 3:42:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide

Hey Kevin,
I'm so sorry that the Walk Aide didn't work for you.  I know that each person 
with TM is different, I too don't understand why you're able move your toes a 
little bit, that's all I'm able to do also, but it didn't work.
Let me tell you a little about my visit.
She, the Dr., didn't even bring in her computer into the room with her, because 
she didn't think she would be able to find a working muscle on a person with TM 
for eight years with a handheld electric unit.  She did see that when I tried 
to move my toes, the muscles below my ankle was moving a little bit and that 
was a good sign.  It showed that the muscle signal was getting to the brain.  
The muscle that's needed, need to be very close to the skin.  My muscle that 
did work ( on my bad right leg ), she said is in a weird place, is on the right 
side back close to the knee. It's two fingers up from one of my moles. lol  I 
would need the next cuff side, next HALF side would be perfect, because the 
unit needs to be in front of my leg, so it knows where my leg is.  
So, if when you try to move your toes and the muscles below the outside ankle 
are moving, that's a good sign.  This isn't an exact science, but I believe 
that as our body heals itself, this unit could work for us.  I don't think this 
unit would had worked a few earlier.  
I hope everyone tries the Walk Aide at least once, but if it doesn't work then 
maybe try again in a couple / few years.
Todd in CC, TX  TM @ T-4 to T-8 on April 1, 2002

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, kevin weilacher hwyfli...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: kevin weilacher hwyfli...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To: Todd Tarno toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net, TMIC tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010, 3:51 PM

While I was going to outpatient PT, I was notified by my therapist and neuro 
that someone from Walkaide was going to be at the hospital doing demonstrations 
on people with different disabilities (ie:stroke, spinal cord injury, 
neurological etc..) and they requested me to be the one that they tried it one 
with a neurological disability.

I was the third person to be demonstrated on and the woman right before me had, 
had a stroke and she had great success with the walk aide. I was kind of 
excited but wasn't getting my hopes up...


RE: [TMIC] Still in the Hospital

2010-04-01 Thread j ra

Thanks Catherine, I needed that. May I ask, does your pain come when it's very 

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 01:24:16 -0700
From: camoa...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Still in the Hospital
To: jan...@centurytel.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com


You are
 in my thoughts and prayers.  I am in Massachusetts with all the flooding and I 
too, am in terrible pain!! 

God Bless You,
Feel better soon,

  Life is short, Break the rules sometimes, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love 
truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
To: j ra rumc...@hotmail.com; hwyfli...@yahoo.com; rp...@neillsupply.com; 
Transverse Myelytis tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 5:12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Still in the Hospital

You got it!

From: j ra 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:51 PM
To: jan...@centurytel.net ; hwyfli...@yahoo.com ;
 rp...@neillsupply.com ; Transverse 
Subject: [TMIC] Still in the Hospital
Hey guys, It's 10 days now and I'm still stuck in an ICU. It's 
confirmed that it is recurrent TM. Right now they are just treating pain and 
trying to manage symptoms. So say a prayer for me, or keep me in your 

 From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: hwyfli...@yahoo.com; rp...@neillsupply.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: 
[TMIC] Weather
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:44:40 -0500

I am used to definite changes of seasons, but I could 
really be tempted by a place that I would find comfortable 
physically.  Hope you get
there soon.

From: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:36 AM
To: Janice Nichols ; Robert Pall ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]


me, it is an ideal place and as I said, I WILL be moving there someday. It is 
the desert, so you have to like the desert, which means that there isn't as 
greenery for those that are used to it and of course the change of seasons 
as evident. If you can get past those kinds of things...it's a pretty great 
placemy opinion of course..

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

 From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
To: kevin weilacher hwyfli...@yahoo.com; Robert Pall 
Sent: Wed, 
March 31, 2010 10:12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather

Kevin, Alamogordo sounds wonderful!I 
didn't know they had places like that.

From: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:42 AM
To: Robert
 Pall ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather

other thing too, I notice that you are in NJ Rob, and as you can see I'm in 
Ohio. Many of us are in the cold part of the country and have these 

I am, as soon as I possibly can, going to move back to the 
southwest. I lived in a town called Alamogordo New Mexico back in the 80's and 
it had the most ideal weather of anywhere I've ever seen and I've lived in a 
of places after spending 20 years in the Air Force.

Average annual high 
temp of 76 degrees, average annual low temp of 47 degrees, 11 inches total 
precipitation per year and 4 inches of snow per year.
Humidity averages only 
about 50% year around and also about 80% days of sunshine a year.
elevation is about 4,000 feet and within a 20 minute drive you can go into the 
mountains and be over 9,000 feet and have all the snow you want and it is 20 
 cooler. Plus, I love southwest style cooking.

As much as Ohio 
and PA are home to me because this is the part of the country where I was 
and raised and where my family is, they can keep it. I'm tired of cold, snow 
all the rest of the mess that goes with it.

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio 

 From: Robert Pall 
To: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 9:08:11 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] 

Thanks Kevin...just one more lousy side effect of 

 From: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:06 
To: Robert Pall; Transverse Myelytis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] 

Hi Rob 
and all,

Yes, I think all of us TMr's should band
 together to become 
meteorologists. I think we could probably be better weather predictors than the 
weather folks on TV.

What I have found now in the close to two years of 
TM, in the summertime I can tell even the slightest change in humidity and 
barometric pressure. In other words, if there is a storm brewing, my legs will 
let me know because they ache like no tomorrow. The humidity drives me nuts 
because now with TM the only part of me that sweats is my head and it sweats 
profusely, probably to make up for the rest of my body not sweating 

In the winter with the cold, the pain level multiplies many

RE: [TMIC] April birthdays

2010-04-01 Thread j ra

Happy birthday April TMers!
Jeron, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

[TMIC] Still in the Hospital

2010-03-31 Thread j ra

Hey guys, It's 10 days now and I'm still stuck in an ICU. It's confirmed that 
it is recurrent TM. Right now they are just treating pain and trying to manage 
symptoms. So say a prayer for me, or keep me in your thouhgts.

From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: hwyfli...@yahoo.com; rp...@neillsupply.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 11:44:40 -0500


I am used to definite changes of seasons, but I could 
really be tempted by a place that I would find comfortable 
physically.  Hope you get
there soon.

From: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:36 AM
To: Janice Nichols ; Robert Pall 
; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather


me, it is an ideal place and as I said, I WILL be moving there someday. It is 
the desert, so you have to like the desert, which means that there isn't as 
greenery for those that are used to it and of course the change of seasons 
as evident. If you can get past those kinds of things...it's a pretty great 
placemy opinion of course..

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
To: kevin weilacher hwyfli...@yahoo.com; Robert Pall 
Sent: Wed, 
March 31, 2010 10:12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather

Kevin, Alamogordo sounds wonderful!I 
didn't know they had places like that.

From: kevin 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:42 AM
To: Robert Pall ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather

other thing too, I notice that you are in NJ Rob, and as you can see I'm in 
Ohio. Many of us are in the cold part of the country and have these 

I am, as soon as I possibly can, going to move back to the 
southwest. I lived in a town called Alamogordo New Mexico back in the 80's and 
it had the most ideal weather of anywhere I've ever seen and I've lived in a 
of places after spending 20 years in the Air Force.

Average annual high 
temp of 76 degrees, average annual low temp of 47 degrees, 11 inches total 
precipitation per year and 4 inches of snow per year.
Humidity averages only 
about 50% year around and also about 80% days of sunshine a year.
elevation is about 4,000 feet and within a 20 minute drive you can go into the 
mountains and be over 9,000 feet and have all the snow you want and it is 20 
degrees cooler. Plus, I love southwest style cooking.

As much as Ohio 
and PA are home to me because this is the part of the country where I was 
and raised and where my family is, they can keep it. I'm tired of cold, snow 
all the rest of the mess that goes with it.

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio 

From: Robert Pall 
To: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 9:08:11 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] 

Thanks Kevin...just one more lousy side effect of 

From: kevin weilacher 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:06 
To: Robert Pall; Transverse Myelytis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] 

Hi Rob 
and all,

Yes, I think all of us TMr's should band together to become 
meteorologists. I think we could probably be better weather predictors than the 
weather folks on TV.

What I have found now in the close to two years of 
TM, in the summertime I can tell even the slightest change in humidity and 
barometric pressure. In other words, if there is a storm brewing, my legs will 
let me know because they ache like no tomorrow. The humidity drives me nuts 
because now with TM the only part of me that sweats is my head and it sweats 
profusely, probably to make up for the rest of my body not sweating 

In the winter with the cold, the pain level multiplies many 
times. I can hardly stand to go outside for more than a few minutes and a ride 
in the car, even with the heater on, is sometimes almost unbearable. Also the 
cold makes my legs stiffen up like boards. A short walk to the end of the 
driveway to get the mail and then back to the house and I'll have a hard time 
stepping up the two small steps into the house. My knees will not want to bend, 
I'll literally have to grab ahold of the door frame and pull myself up into the 

Oh, and by the way, I use a cane to get around. I have pretty bad 
foot drop on my left foot but wear a brace for that.

Now, right now 
during this time of the year I'm not noticing too many issues other than some 
the normal pain and also in the Fall when the weather is decent, I don't have 
too many problems then either, other than the normal ones.

So, I guess 
to answer your question, as far as I'm concerned, the weather does raise some 
problems with TM. 

Best to you,
Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio 

From: Robert Pall 
To: Transverse Myelytis 
Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 8:29:31 
Subject: [TMIC] 

We are getting a huge 

RE: [TMIC] Hospital

2010-03-26 Thread j ra

Those were my thoughts exactly. My first onset of TM was in September 2008 then 
being officicially diagnosed with TM in October 2008. I walked out of the 
hospital in April 2009, and was fine up until February 2010. The material given 
to me was just research material to get me to understand what we could be 
dealing with, I just wanted to share with you guys the stuff about us!
Thanks again for your love and support.

Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:06:24 -0700
From: dca...@earthlink.net
To: rumc...@hotmail.com; jan...@centurytel.net; rp...@neillsupply.com; 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hospital

Hello Jeron, 

I can't explain to you why you have had a recurrence of TM, if that is what you 
had, rather than an increase of symptoms due to an infection that you are 


But I would like to suggest that your doctors do a little bit more research 
before giving you those websites.  Only one of them, from the TMA, has the 
important information that should be read about transverse myelitis.  The other 
two websites are about research of transcendental meditation, rather than 
transverse myelitis.  Although it might help to calm your inner soul, or 
whatever relief that this does provide for you, it will definitely not give you 
any answers as to why you have been diagnosed with recurrent transverse 


Hope this info helps you to understand that these ten doctors just might not be 
actually READING those websites before passing on the information to you, their 

Take care,


-Original Message- 
From: j ra 
Sent: Mar 25, 2010 5:29 AM 
To: jan...@centurytel.net, rp...@neillsupply.com, Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hospital 

Dear Friends,
Last night I had a couple of bad episodes. Pain spasms running from my skull to 
my inflammed spine down to my right leg. The neuro-electric shocks lasted a few 
minutes each time, sometimes 10 minutes. I was treated with several drugs 
intraveniously, but valium finally did the trick in a large dosage. I have this 
onset of the TM recurrence and for the life of me, I can't figure out why? 
Maybe I tried to rush back to work too early last time, or maybe I just 
pretended to be normal when I clearly wasn't. Maybe I should have not lied when 
I kept telling people I'm fine.
Now, I had my doctors up all night doing research, all 10 of them, this is some 
of the material they gave me:
1. http://fairfield.freehosting.net/97sept/tm-research.html
2. http://www.myelitis.org/abouttma.htm (these are you, my friends!they 
laughed because I always told my doctors about you guys)

So, if you're up to having a read, please cut and paste each in a browser.
I literally just did an ECG and I am hooked up to a automated dripper 
machine, Fentanil, Ringers and another drip that is unfortunately in code so I 
can't tell what it is. I also have an automated blood pressure kit attached to 
my right arm that comes on every 50 minutes. I'm on a 5 point (chest) Dixtal 
Monitor Portal for heart complications (last time my heart stopped for a minute 
and 47 seconds) as well.
A catherter has also been inserted now for 4 days, so I can't wait to start 
educating it (clamp and release every 3 hours).
No bowel movement for 5 days, which in itself is nonsense because as I remember 
3 days was pushing the envelop of danger. So, I preparing now for an enema.
I'm back on high dose cortisone for 7 days, weaning off slowly after that, so 
let's see if it works this time. 
The big worry is my right leg as i have a motion/force scale of 2, with 
inability to stand and lean on it when sitting, which causes pain scale 10 on 
my herniated discs. One of these discs being responsible for my inability to 
I am going to listen to you Rob as well as all you TMers. I lucky to have you 
and even luckier to have the kind of wife to get me through all this once 
Thanks for always listening,

From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: rp...@neillsupply.com; rumc...@hotmail.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hospital
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 22:00:08 -0500

Listen to Rob, he is right that there is absolutely NO blame that can be put on 
ourselves for TM or recurrences of it.Just do as the doc's say and remember
that you got better the first time and you will improve again the second time.  
   Just remember you have all of us here wanting you to get better, 
which you will with time and, assuming, therapy. Remember, we have all had 
our times of being really scared and wondering what the future will bring, but 
you need to ask your family for strong support and help to get you through 
this.   With your strength and faith, your TM family will help you get 
through this as well as your biological family. Please
keep us informed of your progress on good days and your mindset on bad days

RE: [TMIC] Hospital

2010-03-25 Thread j ra

Dear Friends,
Last night I had a couple of bad episodes. Pain spasms running from my skull to 
my inflammed spine down to my right leg. The neuro-electric shocks lasted a few 
minutes each time, sometimes 10 minutes. I was treated with several drugs 
intraveniously, but valium finally did the trick in a large dosage. I have this 
onset of the TM recurrence and for the life of me, I can't figure out why? 
Maybe I tried to rush back to work too early last time, or maybe I just 
pretended to be normal when I clearly wasn't. Maybe I should have not lied when 
I kept telling people I'm fine.
Now, I had my doctors up all night doing research, all 10 of them, this is some 
of the material they gave me:
1. http://fairfield.freehosting.net/97sept/tm-research.html
2. http://www.myelitis.org/abouttma.htm (these are you, my friends!they 
laughed because I always told my doctors about you guys)

So, if you're up to having a read, please cut and paste each in a browser.
I literally just did an ECG and I am hooked up to a automated dripper 
machine, Fentanil, Ringers and another drip that is unfortunately in code so I 
can't tell what it is. I also have an automated blood pressure kit attached to 
my right arm that comes on every 50 minutes. I'm on a 5 point (chest) Dixtal 
Monitor Portal for heart complications (last time my heart stopped for a minute 
and 47 seconds) as well.
A catherter has also been inserted now for 4 days, so I can't wait to start 
educating it (clamp and release every 3 hours).
No bowel movement for 5 days, which in itself is nonsense because as I remember 
3 days was pushing the envelop of danger. So, I preparing now for an enema.
I'm back on high dose cortisone for 7 days, weaning off slowly after that, so 
let's see if it works this time. 
The big worry is my right leg as i have a motion/force scale of 2, with 
inability to stand and lean on it when sitting, which causes pain scale 10 on 
my herniated discs. One of these discs being responsible for my inability to 
I am going to listen to you Rob as well as all you TMers. I lucky to have you 
and even luckier to have the kind of wife to get me through all this once 
Thanks for always listening,

From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: rp...@neillsupply.com; rumc...@hotmail.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hospital
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 22:00:08 -0500

Listen to Rob, he is right that there is 
absolutely NO blame that can be put on ourselves for TM or recurrences of 
it.Just do as the doc's say and remember
that you got better the first time and you will 
improve again the second time. Just 
remember you have all of us here wanting you to get better, which you will with 
time and, assuming, therapy. Remember, we have all had 
our times of being really scared and wondering 
what the future will bring, but you need to ask your family for strong support 
and help to get you through this.   With your 
strength and faith, your TM family will help you get through this as well as 
your biological family. Please
keep us informed of your progress on good days 
and your mindset on bad days.Hopefully we can 

From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:43 PM
To: j 
ra ; Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hospital

I know you are terrified and I don't blame youbut 
please remember you are not alone. When did you have your first onset? What 
tests did the Dr. give you in determining his diagnosis? How old are you? And 
finally how are they presently treating you (are they giving you steroids?). 
Keep your head upthings will get better!
All the best!
Rob in New Jersey

From: j ra [mailto:rumc...@hotmail.com] 

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:10 PM
To: Transverse 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hospital

Good day my friends,
Got some bad news today. I returned to the 
hospital a couple of days ago because I was feeling some pain and with TM, 
precaution is imperative. 
My neurologist just confirmed recurrent TM. I was 
doing so good, I was doing everything right, why me?
I hate this, I have to 
start all over again. I am scared. I don't know what to do. My wife is 
and my family is traumatised and it is all my fault..
help me 

Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:32:11 -0700
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hospital


  Sorry to hear that 
  you're in the hospital.  
  Herniated discs is 
  got to be very painful on top of TM.
  The drop foot will 
  get better with exercises and the
  pin  needle will 
  get better with drugs. lol
  Please keep us 
  updated on your stay hospital.
  We are thinking 
  of you,
  Todd in Corpus 
  Christi, TX

--- On Tue, 3/23/10, j ra

RE: [TMIC] Hospital

2010-03-24 Thread j ra

Good day my friends,
Got some bad news today. I returned to the hospital a couple of days ago 
because I was feeling some pain and with TM, precaution is imperative. 
My neurologist just confirmed recurrent TM. I was doing so good, I was doing 
everything right, why me?
I hate this, I have to start all over again. I am scared. I don't know what to 
do. My wife is terrified and my family is traumatised and it is all my 
help me please...

Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:32:11 -0700
From: toddtm2...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Hospital
To: rumc...@hotmail.com

Hey Jeron,
Sorry to hear that you're in the hospital.  
Herniated discs is got to be very painful on top of TM.
The drop foot will get better with exercises and the
pin  needle will get better with drugs. lol
Please keep us updated on your stay hospital.
We are thinking of you,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Tue, 3/23/10, j ra rumc...@hotmail.com wrote:

From: j ra rumc...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Children
To: jan...@centurytel.net, pieterheat...@shaw.ca, Transverse Myelytis 
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 3:14 AM

Hey all,
 Firstly, I'm in the hospital again for more treatments (severe back pain due 
to herniated discs and dragging right leg, pins and needles etc). I asked Prof. 
Ivan about the connection and he disagrees based on many things he started to 
explain that I may have been too drugged up to understand. So, I asked him for 
medical journals on said topic and he reckons he has got some. I will get back 
to you on this.
Also, stem cell research is still probably the only help for TMers with chronic 
pain and disabilities directly attributed to TM and MS.
my 2 cents at 4 am at Clinica Sao Vincente Gavea, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: pieterheat...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Children
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 22:30:22 -0500

Jeepers!   You do have a lot of autoimmune illnesses in your family.Kind of 
scary.  I really don't understand insurance companies.   They would 
really happy if they only had to insure very healthy people that have no 
accidents of any kind.What a crock.

From: Pieter and Heather 
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 12:57 PM
To: Janice Nichols ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Children

I'm not sure about TM being passed on. 
However, there are a lot of autoimmune illnesses in my immediate family.
I'm eldest of 3 girls (I'm going on 65).
My father had rheumtoild arthritis. 
My sister 3 yrs younger has MS (was diagnosed in 1991 but figures she had it 
much longer)
My sister 7 yrs younger was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at age 19 and had 
large bowel and rectum removed then. 
My daughter has none of the above.  However, this past year she signed up for 
extra medical insurance coverage and was denied MS coverage should she get it 
in the future.  She had to include on her application any illnesses in her 
immediate family, mother, father, sibling.  She had to declare that I have TM. 
So that tells me that insurance companies anyway figure there could be a 
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: Janice Nichols 
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 6:29 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Children

Good Morning.  It is the first day of SPRING!
I have a question for you smarter than me TM'ers.   
In the future, do we have any information on chances for our children ending up 
with TM also? 

Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now. 
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] Children

2010-03-23 Thread j ra

Hey all,

 Firstly, I'm in the hospital again for more treatments (severe back pain due 
to herniated discs and dragging right leg, pins and needles etc). I asked Prof. 
Ivan about the connection and he disagrees based on many things he started to 
explain that I may have been too drugged up to understand. So, I asked him for 
medical journals on said topic and he reckons he has got some. I will get back 
to you on this.

Also, stem cell research is still probably the only help for TMers with chronic 
pain and disabilities directly attributed to TM and MS.

my 2 cents at 4 am at Clinica Sao Vincente Gavea, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: pieterheat...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Children
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 22:30:22 -0500

Jeepers!   You do have a lot of autoimmune illnesses in your family.Kind of 
scary.  I really don't understand insurance companies.   They would 
really happy if they only had to insure very healthy people that have no 
accidents of any kind.What a crock.

From: Pieter and Heather 
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 12:57 PM
To: Janice Nichols ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Children

I'm not sure about TM being passed on. 
However, there are a lot of autoimmune illnesses in my immediate family.
I'm eldest of 3 girls (I'm going on 65).
My father had rheumtoild arthritis. 
My sister 3 yrs younger has MS (was diagnosed in 1991 but figures she had it 
much longer)
My sister 7 yrs younger was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at age 19 and had 
large bowel and rectum removed then. 
My daughter has none of the above.  However, this past year she signed up for 
extra medical insurance coverage and was denied MS coverage should she get it 
in the future.  She had to include on her application any illnesses in her 
immediate family, mother, father, sibling.  She had to declare that I have TM. 
So that tells me that insurance companies anyway figure there could be a 
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: Janice Nichols 
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 6:29 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Children

Good Morning.  It is the first day of SPRING!
I have a question for you smarter than me TM'ers.   
In the future, do we have any information on chances for our children ending up 
with TM also? 
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [TMIC] OT My Mom

2010-03-20 Thread j ra

Your TM family is here for you.

Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 09:27:30 -0700
From: jmh1...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [TMIC] OT My Mom
To: wolft...@optonline.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com

It looks like by bringing her home you allowed her to see that you
were ok, to share time with you, and then you let her go in the quiet
comfort of her own home.
I'm sure this is tough! But I believe you did the right thing and as
time passes you will be at peace with your loss. 

My thoughts continue to be with you.

My Mom passed sometime during the night Friday night.

I am struggling to absorb this.

At least I had a few hours with her before she passed
because she was brought home from the hospital during
the day Friday.

I told her I loved her many times. She was in such a
weakened state she could barely nod, but she knew who
I was and what I was saying.

I thought..hoped I'd have a little more time with her,
but at least she is not suffering anymore.

Thank you all for your kindness during this difficult

It is painful.


Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: [TMIC] OT Hospice

2010-03-17 Thread j ra

Hi Kevin,
Please allow me to add my experience to this, maybe it would help. Around the 
same time I was diagnosed for TM, my dad fell ill with ALS or Motor Neuron 
Disease (in the US it's called Lou Gehrigs Disease). He was in and out of 
Private hospitals for more than a year and he, like your mom decided to stop 
eating. We took him home and got him a home-care helper and redesigned much of 
the house for him to make him more comfortable. At this point he is barely 
audible and is paralyzed from he neck down, but he eats now. It's been almost a 
year since he was home and he survives everyday. We are lucky to still have him 
around. So, hang in there, she'll get better. My trick with my dad was to get 
him to smile all the time, watch TV with him, talk about when I was a kid 
(rotten kid) etc. It would ending up helping you too. The bond between a son 
and a parent is beautifulenjoy every moment left my friend!

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 10:12:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT Hospice
From: barbara...@gmail.com
To: wolft...@optonline.net
CC: tmic-list@eskimo.com

Hi Kevin,

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I do think, as you and others 
mentioned, that it might revive your mom a bit to be home. My mom was in the 
hospital a number of times her last few years and got more depressed each time 
she had to go in, but she was fine once she got home.

Since moving my mother-in-law nearer to us, I've been subscribed to a site 
called ElderCareABC Blog at http://eldercareabcblog.com/. This morning it 
listed a link to an article titled How To Choose a Hospice here: 

I thought I'd send it along in case it might have something useful for you in 

I am praying for you both.

Barbara H.

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net wrote:

Has anyone had hospice for a family member in the home?

We want to try and bring my Mom home from the hospital with

hospice and a 24 hour nurse. She is refusing to eat and we are hoping

her being home will help comfort her.


Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [TMIC] Re: Hope

2010-03-12 Thread j ra

Hi everyone,
I have to ask a favour. This is a case that I'm personally getting involved 
with and I need some help. It's a pediatric case and I need some advice as to 
the best place for the child to receive care. Please read the article.



  Paralysed girl needs $1.9m for surgery
  Julien Neaves
  Monday, March 8th 2010








Brumant at her home in Tunapuna last week. -Photo: ANISTO ALVES

   ON SEPTEMBER 19 last year then nine-year-old 
Christa Brumant awoke at about 6 a.m. with terrible abdominal pains and 
was taken to hospital. Five hours later Christa was paralysed from the 
waist down.

’She said ’mummy I can’t walk’,’ her mother, Ramona Eligon, recalled.

Christa spent 47 days at Mt Hope Paediatric Hospital where doctors 
diagnosed her with a condition called transverse myelitis, a rare 
neurological disorder caused by inflammation of a segment of the spinal 

Her family is attempting to raise $1.9 million for medical treatment 
and rehabilitative therapy at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Kennedy
 Krieger Institute in Maryland, USA for May 4.

When the Express visited their Tunapuna home last week, Christa, now 
10, was sitting in the wheelchair that she has been confined to since 

   She was checking out a Barbie Girls website 
and later raised her hands in triumph that she was a ’VIP’ on the site. 
She was not in any visible pain during the interview.

Eligon said her daughter has no feeling from the waist down but 
suffers from painful muscle spasms daily, at times so severe that she 
would stiffen and fall off the chair.

Her other symptoms include daily headaches, back pain so severe that 
it keeps her awake for hours, nausea and acute bladder and bowel 
dysfunction. Eligon is extremely worried that her daughter is unable to 
defecate for days sometimes, which could lead to a build-up of toxins 
and further complicate her medical problems. 

She said if her daughter’s condition remains untreated paralysis 
could become permanent and in a few cases transverse myelitis has been 
fatal, travelling to the upper body and paralysing the heart, lungs and 
other vital organs.

The family has been able to raise $35,000 so far and has applied for 
the Health Ministry medical grant of US$10,000 for children requiring 
medical treatment abroad. The Education Ministry has provided a personal
 aide to assist Christa as she attends classes at Tunapuna Girls’ RC, 
and her mother noted she is an ’A’ pupil.

Eligon has had to take leave from her job as an administrative 
assistant to help care for her daughter and was thankful for the support
 of her husband, Evris. To help raise funds the family is hosting a 
cruise on March 26 aboard the Treasure Queen and ’An Evening of 
Elegance’ on May 1. For more information call 777-5080 or 395-5727.

’I really convinced that if everyone in the country opens their 
hearts and makes a small contribution not only my daughter can be helped
 but others needing assistance can be helped.’

As the Express left the home, Christa wheeled herself outside, smiled
 and queenly waved good-bye.


From: jan...@centurytel.net
To: j.d...@shaw.ca; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 08:50:25 -0600
Subject: [TMIC] Re: Hope

Love to hear that stuff!!!

From: Janet Dunn 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:36 AM
To: 'Janice Nichols' ; 'tmic' 
Subject: Hope

did forget to mention something:  my right leg/foot has been the afflicted 
one.  The one that I struggle to make move.  The one that causes the 
pain.  I thought it would be forever.
One day as I was listening 
to the radio, I had an “aha” moment.  A wonderful catchy song was playing, 
and I looked down and saw that my foot was tapping in time to the music.  I 
had not been able to do that for a long time.  I could have cried.  So 
– yes, never give up.  The positive changes are sometimes such a part of 
our life that we fail to recognize them for what they are.

From: Janice Nichols 
Sent: March 10, 2010 7:28 
To: Janet Dunn; 'tmic'
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lesions and 
Myelin Regeneration




From: Janet Dunn 

Sent: Wednesday, March 
10, 2010 12:06 PM

To: 'tmic' 

Subject: RE: [TMIC] Lesions 
and Myelin Regeneration

I think 
that the improvement happens.  For everybody?  Depends.  I have 
found a few improvements in areas, and some worsening in other areas.  I 
take it one day at a time, because as we all know, anything can 

[TMIC] TM and Me

2010-03-09 Thread j ra

I'm so glad to have found this site. I was diagnosed with TM in October 2008. 
My battle continues.
Jeron o'Hara Rampersad
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