Re: [PROPOSAL] Distributing the .jar files as binaries in release

2003-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez
In general, I like the idea because there are numerous
projects out there that use specific jars from tomcat
and this would greatly ease access.  There is some
discussion going on elsewhere in the community for
distributing jars with this kind of model.  The idea
is that an application's expressed dependencies on 3rd
party packages can include a URL to the specific jar
(including version specification).   Thus deployment
host platforms can automatically retrieve and resolve
dependencies without the application developer having
to be responsible for unpacking, repackaging a subset
of tomcat (or whatever) and then possibly having to
provide the subset on his/her own server.

The caveats are that I don't know if there is
consensus yet on versioning format, there definitely
are too many competing package dependency schemes and
I'm not sure what the impact of jar refactoring will

Overall, though, I like the idea.

My $.02


--- Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to start adding .jar files as part of
 the release process
 for tomcat - eventually even for 4.1.24 ( we just
 need to upload the 
 current jars as a separate download ). 
 The proposal is very simple:
 - jars will be placed in
 ( the standard location in the current mirroring
 scheme )
 - we include only the .jars that are part of tomcat.
 In time
 we should make sure that the projects we depend on (
 digester, etc ) start doing the same, and we can
 adjust the 
 build process to get only the jars and support the
 For example: 

 - the jar names should be fully versioned (
 otherwise we can't keep 
 more than a version in the dist dir ), and a
 symbolic link will point to
 the latest release.
 We would have:
   catalina.jar - catalina-4.1.24.jar
   tomcat-util.jar - tomcat-util-4.1.24.jar
 - in tomcat5 we should start including the _major_
 version number in the
 jar name: catalina5.jar. A version number should be
 used whenever we have 
 a break in backward compatibility.

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Patch: org.apache.catalina.util.RequestUtil

2003-02-12 Thread Mel Martinez
Hi folks!

I haven't contributed to tomcat in so long, I no
longer have a working password to!  :-) 
I.E. - my last commit predates the great break-in of
'01 and during that time I had moved, changed jobs,
etc. so I didn't get a new password back when they
were being reset.  It feels cool to be posting to
tomcat-dev again!  :-)

Well, sure enough, I have a change I need to commit. 
Attached is a patch to fix an obscure use of a
deprecated java.lang.String method
(getBytes(int,int,byte[],int)).  In this case the fix
is to simply use getBytes().

The patch I built applies the fix for 


The same problem is also in the same file in the
jakarta-tomcat-catalina module.  Are these sym-linked
together (i.e are they the same file?) or does the
change need to be submitted separately for identical
files in the separate modules?

I am working on a project that may require the removal
of the use of other deprecated API's and (among other
things) we are using an embedded form of tomcat that
may need to run on a VM that does not support
deprecated APIs.  If someone would tell me who I
should contact to reset my committer account access
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), it would be very helpful.



Dr. Mel Martinez

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RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19
--- RequestUtil.java21 Feb 2002 22:51:55 -  1.19
+++ RequestUtil.java12 Feb 2003 17:18:27 -
@@ -331,9 +331,7 @@
 throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
 if ((data != null)  (data.length()  0)) {
-int len = data.length();
-byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
-data.getBytes(0, len, bytes, 0);
+byte[] bytes = data.getBytes();
 parseParameters(map, bytes, encoding);
@@ -371,9 +369,7 @@
 if (str == null)
 return (null);
-int len = str.length();
-byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
-str.getBytes(0, len, bytes, 0);
+byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
 return URLDecode(bytes, enc);

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RE: [PLAN] New Jasper

2002-03-29 Thread Mel Martinez

  Enviado el: martes 26 de marzo de 2002 0:37
 Nice to hear that, one comment, there is a
 repository with code Costin and Mel did some time
 ago as an initial
 effort to refactor the 3.3 Jasper, i dont know which
 is the state of the
 code there but maybe it's good idea to use it for
 your effort..

Unfortunately, Mel has been COMPLETELY immersed in
matters unrelated to Tomcat or Jasper for many months.
 You know, silly stuff like earning money with new job
to pay for overpriced new house.  :-|

So the state of the Jasper refactoring has been pretty
much frozen for ages.  If someone wants to pick up the
ball and run with it, don't worry about my ego.  I'd
just like to see SOMETHING done to fix Jasper!

Kin-Man : If it helps, feel free to build on what we
started.  We did not get too far, unfortunately before
my job situation changed (like a lot of folks last
year, eh?).  There were a few goals of the refactoring
effort we started to keep in mind:

1) modularity (a) - able to use the result with
various servlet engines.  For example, it should be
able to support a Jasper implementation as servlet,
intercepter, command line or whatever.  We did not
want a Jasper that was tied to a particular Tomcat
implementation or even to tomcat at all, except as
barely required.  It should be possible to plug Jasper
into most any servlet container.  Done correctly, this
should STILL allow one to utilize optimizations
provided by the particular engine.

1) modularity (b) - nearly ALL functionality of Jasper
should be plug-replaceable in a clean, consistent
fashion.  This is necessary to support not just (1a),
but also to make it easier to improve Jasper without
proposing the annual rewrite from scratch.

2) able to support both jsp  servlet specs

3) able to support pre-jdk 1.2 systems

My scheme for this was to heavily utilize the factory
pattern via a highly extendable Toolkit metaphor. 
The toolkit would be driven by configurations in
.properties file.  The configurations would first of
all allow the toolkit to generate an extention of
itself appropriate for the particular container (for
ex., TC3 or TC4).  Then the toolkit would be used to
generate all the requisite pieces of functionality
required for Jasper such as class loaders, parsers,
compilers, caches, etc.  I had started with the base
toolkit with providing some base utility functions
(all replaceable through configuration properties). 
Basically, any identifiable functionality of Jasper
that can be represented with a consistent interface
could be implemented with a toolkit factory method. 
Because the pattern allowed for the toolkit to
generate extentions of itself, there is no limit to
the factory methods that can be supported.

The utilization of this pattern is pretty
straightforward.  A particular jasper implementation
would ask the toolkit to first generate an extention
of itself appropriate for the implementation, then it
would ask for the appropriate pieces needed to build
the functionality of Jasper into that implementation.

At the time, I thought the idea had a ton of merit and
wish I could devote the cycles to finishing it.  I
simply do NOT have the time necessary to do so.  Take
a look at it.  If you feel it is something you can
use, great!  If not, that's also great!  I would just
like to see SOME progress at improving Jasper once and
for all.  I would be a little sad if our modularity
goals were lost along the way, though.

You definitely should use the jakarta-tomcat-jasper
repository, though.

Cheers and good luck!


Dr. Mel Martinez
Extreme Blue/Cambridge

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Re: 4.0.1 ClassLoader breaks singletons on webapp reload.

2001-11-26 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Kevin A. Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 So what patterns do developers follow when the want
 to deploy webapps with
 singletons that have support for reloading?

You have a couple of basic strategies for having
'part' of your application persist as (a) loaded
class(es) through the reload of other classes during

One strategy is to save and restore your loaded state
based on life-cycle events (servlet destroy() and
init()) or using a ServletContextListener (if you are
using a Servlet 2.3 compliant container).  Before a
web app is reloaded, it must be destroyed so you can
use this opportunity to save the state, perhaps as a
serialized object for speed, and then on reload you
can check for the presence of persisted state
information and use maybe a semaphore of some sort
(i.e. a date threshold or a flag) to indicate whether
you want to load it instead of going through your
normal initialization routine.  Restoring using
serialized objects can often be much faster than a
full startup going through a complex initialization
cycle.  The negative with this route is that it may
require considerable rewriting of your application. 
Also, if you serialize data in classes that get
modified, make sure you use a Serial Version ID and
follow the rules for safely upgrading classes for
serializable objects.  See the serialization API docs
for details and tips.

Alternatively, and _possibly_ much simpler, you could
place the classes that must persist through the
dynamic reload of others into the 'shared' or 'common'
classloader space so that they are not reloaded except
on application server restart.  This will force those
classes to be loaded by the parent class loader of the
web application classloaders and so will remain loaded
and be referanceable from the objects created by the
classes loaded by the web-app class loader.  However,
the reverse is not necessarily true.  That is, objects
created from classes loaded by the 'shared' or
'common' class loader can not 'see' the classes loaded
by the child webapp class loader.  This could be a
problem if the long-lived part of your application
tries to use classes only loaded by the web-app
loader.  This can be prevented in design by using
interface classes that do not get reloaded and only
referencing dynamically reloaded class implementation
objects through those long-lived interface classes. 
Another potential negative about this strategy is that
the classes loaded in the 'shared' or 'common' areas
are visible to other web applications.  That may be an
issue if you are sharing use of the tomcat server with
other applications.

So either strategy MAY require significant rewrites to
your application, depending on how your code is

Good luck,


Dr. Mel Martinez
Extreme Blue/Cambridge

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Re: jasper34 - status

2001-06-20 Thread Mel Martinez


I just want to throw in that I think this is going
great.  I am tracking the list and watching the
changes as best I can via cvs web.  I am dying to get
my network and dev environment moved up here so I can
contribute a ton of ideas and code that are in my
head, but that is not going to happen for at least
several weeks now.  Sigh...


--- Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not planning any major changes in the near
 future for jasper34. I'm
 reasonably happy with the first round of cleanup and
 refactoring, and I
 think we are moving in a good direction with the
 toolkit-isation of
 jasper and the various optimizations we discussed. 
 I want to let the code stabilize a bit and get more
 feedback before I
 start the next step. I'll keep doing small changes
 and fixes, probably
 finish the line number mapping and start restoring
 what was broken during
 the first step ( jspc is one, jspservlet needs a bit
 more testing after
 the class loader changes ), plus some improvements
 in the runtime.
 I think the I/O changes, the Liaisons, the overal
 structure are 'under
 control', it's just a matter of finding the time to
 implement them. The
 big one is the internal API to be used for the tree
 and generators - it
 has to be as simple as possible in order to be able
 to move fast in 
 creating inline  versions for common tags and to
 allow various
 optimizations in taglibs. 
 I think we can start experimenting in the current
 version with generating
 special code for some tags - and use this to learn
 more about it. 
 ( I expect some more major jasper34 changes after
 3.3 beta ) 

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Re: New CVS Repositories

2001-05-09 Thread Mel Martinez

Hi folks,

Once again, I must apologize for my recent lack of
participation.  I've been traveling quite a bit (house
hunting - it is official, we'll be moving to the
greater boston area.) and so I have not been able to
keep up with the list except in spurts.

I've just now managed to catch up with all of the
discussion on this.  Craig did check with me via side
mail before starting the proposal and I was and am in
agreement with it.

Just a bit of comment...

--- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Per our discussion today, I have created two new CVS
 associated with the Tomcat subproject:
   jakarta-tomcat-connectorsFor development of
 web connectors
for various versions
 of Tomcat.
   jakarta-tomcat-jasperFor development of a
 next generation
Jasper (JSP)

I'm not sure if the proper repository name for a
servlet-engine-independent version of Jasper (which is
a primary goal of the jasper34 refactoring) should be
'jakarta-tomcat-jasper'.  Why not just

Also, regardless of the name, we will need to make it
clear to folks that the above repositories are
developmental for now and that users should continue
to use the tc3 and tc4 specific versions of Jasper
that are included in those respective repositories.

Regarding collaboration:  This is open source.  Let's
stop espousing on the exact reasons or motivations on
why anything is done by anybody.  Different folks have
very legitimate reasons for doing what they are doing.
 Otherwise, they would either not do them or they will
fail and stop doing it.  Thus, there are very good
reasons to continue support and development of not
only tc3.3 but also tc3.2, just like hundreds of other
open source projects, some quite obscure.  I am not
going to list my reasons, but they have been (and
still are) compelling to me and folks should just
accept that.  If this was not open source, and their
were corporate cost/benefit considerations, then
participation in a project might be questioned.  But
this is not, so it shouldn't be.  

In order to work together, we simply have to agree
(VOTE) on the objectives of a project and do it.  The
primary objective here is that we will develop a
version of Jasper that is independent of either
version of tomcat and that it will be extendable to
support JSP 1.2 spec (and hopefully beyond).  I'm not
going to worry too much on why other folks are
contributing towards those objectives.  And if other
folks are contributing towards other objectives (i.e.
projects) that I don't care about, I'm going to assume
they have their reasons.

Okay, I'm off my soap-box.

I will try to stay involved with this effort as much
as possible, but the truth is I am going to be deathly
busy with the move up north over the next few weeks. 
When I started the jasper34 proposal I did not
anticipate making such dramatic career/life changes so
soon.  Please be patient with me.  :-)  Or better yet,
feel free to run with your own ideas from what I
started.  I'll be glad to play catch up as soon as I
get my situation under control.  There is definitely
going to be an extended 'down' period though, during
which I will probably not have a development system



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Re: [VOTE] New Committer: Kevin Seguin

2001-05-03 Thread Mel Martinez



--- GOMEZ Henri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to propose Kevin Seguin as a new
 He make a great job in developping the ajp13
 for Tomcat 4.0 and this code will be a great help
 sites wanting to upgrade from 3.2.x to 4.0 while
 using mod_jk

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Re: [VOTE] New Committer: Bip Thelin

2001-04-23 Thread Mel Martinez



--- Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Kief Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 2:22 AM
 Subject: [VOTE] New Committer: Bip Thelin
  I would like to propose Bip Thelin as a new
 committer. He has made a
  of contributions of patches over the past several
 months, including SSI
  JDBCRealm, and most recently, is doing solid work
 on session persistence.

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Re: Jasper

2001-04-18 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While Mel is working on the JspServlet proposal, I
 thought it would be a
 good idea to send my notes on jasper. 
 I looked at both "branches" of jasper, with the idea
 of trying to merge
 them while preserving each "personality".
 As I expected, most of the code is still common,
 with only few variations
 that can be resolved by modularization.
 Unfortunately, the code requires
 some work in order to implement most of the
 optimizations I have in mind
 and before we can merge them.
 Some ideas are available at
 I don't know how much free time I'll have for that
 before 3.3 beta, but
 there are a lot of cool things that can be done in
 jasper ( and not only
 performance enhancements ).  


Thanks for the above thoughts (in jasper.txt).  Very
useful input.  I'm going to more fully ingest that and
merge aspects of it, where appropriate into my (really
'our') proposal.  In the mean time, I've decided to
get the current state of jasper34 checked in for you
and others to start to take a look at it.  Everything
is checked in to CVS in two folders:


Please peruse the above after you do an update and
give me your feedback.  Everything is in it's infancy
and subject to change, so be kind  :-)



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Re: Jasper

2001-04-18 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Mel Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While Mel is working on the JspServlet proposal, I
  thought it would be a
  good idea to send my notes on jasper. 
  I looked at both "branches" of jasper, with the
  of trying to merge
  them while preserving each "personality".
  As I expected, most of the code is still common,
  with only few variations
  that can be resolved by modularization.
  Unfortunately, the code requires
  some work in order to implement most of the
  optimizations I have in mind
  and before we can merge them.
  Some ideas are available at
  I don't know how much free time I'll have for that
  before 3.3 beta, but
  there are a lot of cool things that can be done in
  jasper ( and not only
  performance enhancements ).  
 Thanks for the above thoughts (in jasper.txt).  Very
 useful input.  I'm going to more fully ingest that
 merge aspects of it, where appropriate into my
 'our') proposal.  In the mean time, I've decided to
 get the current state of jasper34 checked in for you
 and others to start to take a look at it. 
 is checked in to CVS in two folders:
 Please peruse the above after you do an update and
 give me your feedback.  Everything is in it's
 and subject to change, so be kind  :-)

FYI: for those who don't have or want to have tc3.3
checked out, you can also access the proposal via
CVSWeb by using the link:
I expect this document to undergo rapid and dramatic
changes, so check back occasionally on it.


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Re: [jetty-discuss] Re: Jasper JSP maintainer required for Jetty project.

2001-04-10 Thread Mel Martinez
he toolkit is going to be
the access to the web.xml info.  Done properly, this
service could be provided by a Tomcat-supplied object
when running within tomcat, but implemented standalone
when running in some other container.  This will be
one of the next services we will try to abstract into
the toolkit model.  It seems obvious that it relies on
XML, though so it may be useful to solve the XML
service refactoring first, though.

Regarding Logging:  This one might be pretty easy to
decouple through the toolkit.  I'll look into it.

The beauty of this is it should be pretty easy to add
services to the toolkit (or to a subclass) one at a
time and then gradually adopt useage in the actual
adapter implementation.

I hope this is helpful.


Dr. Mel Martinez
Senior Software Architect
G1440, Inc.,

--- Greg Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The end result will be a more portable jasper -
 that will be usable in
  multiple containers with minimal pain ( and with
 enough hooks to allow the
  container to provide specific features and
 optimizations ). 
 Excellent - That sounds much easier for us to keep
 in sync with.
 Still, it would be good to have a maintainer to step
 forward and help
 us with the transition  It may be good for
 somebody on the development
 team to have another servlet container to test
  It is not an easy project - and it would be great
 to get help, feedback
  and sugestions from jetty developers. 
 Ok - I'll give  brief over view of the changes and
 ideas that we have at the
 The first change we made was to provide a logging
 facade class, so that the
 link with tomcat logging could be broken.  Jasper
 code makes logging calls
 on a Jasper class, which we have implemented to call
 the Jetty logging
 facility.This probably should be generalized so
 that a dynamically
 selected logging facade can be configured for JSP.
 Secondly we replaced the XML parsing with our own
 wrappers for a JAXP
 parser.   As Jetty is targetted for small memory
 footprint systems, we
 wish to avoid DOM as it is too heavy weight when you
 consider it is often
 only used only to read a config file (once loaded,
 the DOM classes stay
 in memory).  I think a generic jasper should
 probably only assume a JAXP
 parser in the environment and then only use the SAX
 elements of it.
 Another concern I have is that I don't think that
 jasper should be parsing
 the web.xml file itself.  Consider an deployment in
 an EJB container that
 uses JSP, the web.xml may be parsed 3 times, once by
 the EJB container looking
 for ejb-ref tags, once by the servlet container and
 then finally by the
 JspServlet.I think Jasper should be written to
 allow a deployer to push
 this configuration into it.  Initially it would have
 to have it's own pusher that
 did parse the web.xml file, but eventually it would
 be good to make a proposal
 to the servlet spec guys to come up with an API to
 allow a servlet container
 to export the parts of the web.xml it does not know
 how to handle.
 For example - the jetty/jboss integration module
 under development now registers
 for callbacks when the container parses ejb-ref
 The classloading configuration is a bit ugly.  I'm
 not sure how this
 can be cleaned up, but currently in Jetty we have
 hard coded detection of the
 JspServlet so that the context classloader can be
 set as an InitParam.  It
 would be better jasper could do a better job of
 trying to locate the context
 classloader itself.
 Finally I also have a few half formed ideas of how
 to improve the generation of
 web.xml fragments by the pre-compiler, so that it
 pays better attention
 to existing jsp mappings in the existing web.xml.
 Is there a jasper specific mailing list that we can
 tune into to monitor
 your jasper efforts?  or is it just the general
 tomcat dev mailing list?
 If nobody steps forward to help maintain
 jetty-jasper (I call it jesper :-)
 and transition to the new portable version, then it
 would be good to have
 a focused mailing list to monitor and contribute to.
 And just to end on a positive note... our users that
 have switched from our
 older versions to our jasper based version have
 reported positive
 feedback with regards to performance and stability.
  On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Greg Wilkins wrote:
  The Jetty project is in need of a Jasper
 maintainer for it's cut of the
  Jasper JSP engine.
  Jetty is a opensource java HTTP server and
 servlet container (see
  or It is
 intended to be small, fast, yet fully functional.
  For JSP handling, we have taken a branch of the
 jasper code.  The branch was required
  as we need to decouple the logging and XML
 parsing from tomcat.  However, this branch
  is now a little bit of an orphan and requires a
 maintainer to :
+ Keep it 

Re: SimpleSessionStore: NullPointerException

2001-04-10 Thread Mel Martinez


This sounds like the same error I ran into a couple of
weeks ago.  Do you have SessionIdGenerator enabled in
your server.xml file?  Unfortunately, if you don't the
default behavior is to barf because it (the sid
generator) never gets started and so the first time a
jsp page or servlet tries to getSession(), a null
pointer exception occurs.  We need to figure out some
way to have a default sid generator get instantiated
in the absence of an explicit server.xml entry (or at
least a decent error message).

--- Bojan Smojver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is something I'm doing...
 Anyway, latest Tomcat 3.3
 from CVS gives me this:
 2001-04-10 20:23:06 - JspFactoryImpl: Exception
 initializing page
 context - java.lang.NullPointerException

 Basically, session remove around line 319 (don't
 worry about 421, I've
 been mucking around with it) attempts to stuff a
 null into
 sessions.remove and Hashtable goes nuts...
 I've changed the code of the method to this:
 if(session != null){
   String sessionId=session.getId().toString();
   if(sessionId != null)
 //  session.removeAllAttributes();
 but that doesn't work either (although it avoids the
 null problem). The
 code from AccessInterceptor, class
 FormSecurityCheckHandler, method
 doService, reports 'Form login without a session'
 (by the way this is
 misspelt in the source, it says: 'From login without
 a session') because
 the session is null (actually the URL gets appended
 with jsessionid=null
 when I hit the login form).
 The behaviour seems to be there even if cookies are
 Any ideas there?

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Re: [jetty-discuss] Re: Jasper JSP maintainer required for Jetty project.

2001-04-10 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The "toolkit" idea is perfect for what we need,
 and preferably with as little coupling/dependencies
 as possible between components.

That's the goal!

 For a "cooperating" container only the Jsp parser
 and generator ( and the runtime ) are relevant, all
 other packages are services to be used in JspServlet
 or to change the behavior.
 Having a "jaser.core" that acts as a repository for 
 jasper modules ( or JasperToolkit if it's only a
 is a good idea too.
 One important thing is to make sure the "runtime"
 services are clearly separated from the "compile"

The way I want it to work is for the base
JasperToolkit to only provide services common or
potentially used by all adapter implementations. 
Then, an adapter implementation can use a specific
subclass that provides any additional services
specific to that implementation.  Since this would be
an adapter-savvy toolkit, it can use runtime smarts
apropriate for that adapter.

Now, it is possible that the core toolkit will include
factory methods for services not used by a particular
implementation.  That's okay.  The penalty for
class-loading is only the interface classes used as
return types by the factory methods since the
implementation classes are only loaded when the
factory  methods actually get invoked.  That keeps the
toolkit pretty lightweight even if it has a few extra
unneeded factories.

That said, as soon as I get this posted, I'll be wide
open to suggestions on better partitioning of services
or adding ones I've missed.  Maybe multiple base
toolkits will be appropriate instead of one.  For
example, the one I'm designing is concerned with
supporting the runtime adapter implementations.  It
might make sense to have a separate factory for
generating the many classes used by the JSP parser
itself.  If so, maybe my current 'JasperToolkit'
should instead be named 'AdapterToolkit', reserving
the former name for the parser/compiler toolkit?  This
will be a good discussion to have.

Well, I'm going to get back to work on it.



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Re: [jetty-discuss] Re: Jasper JSP maintainer required for Jetty project.

2001-04-10 Thread Mel Martinez

I tried to respond to this earlier today, but
aparently my mail message got zapped into the

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
  I am writing the jasper34 refactoring proposal.  I
  late on getting it checked in because I have been
  distracted by other issues (job hunting, for one).
  am nearly ready to submit it though.  It is
  in the form of a UML class model generated with
  Together.  I will submit it in html form inside
  tomcat 3.3 proposals directory for review.
 Mel, could you bring me up to date on a couple of
 issues regarding this
 proposed proposal :-)?
 * Are you planning on supporting the new JSP 1.2
   If not, this isn't going to be of much use for
 Tomcat 4.0.

The toolkit refactoring strategy is agnostic as to JSP
1.2 or 1.1 features.  That is the point.  This model
should make it EASIER to replace existing features and
behavior with new implementations.  Thus, while not
aimed specifically at providing JSP 1.2 features, this
should help get there.

 * Are you planning on maintaining compatibility with
   JDK 1.1?  I don't personally like the idea of
 Tomcat 4.0's
   JSP environment being constrained by this --
 either in the
   internal code of Jasper itself, or in the
 generated code
   for the servlet associated with each page.

One of the benefits of the Abstract Factory pattern is
to remove dependencies on particular language version
or platform dependencies.  The toolkit itself must be
written to be compatible with jdk1.1, as required for
tomcat 3.x.  However, any given *implementation* of a
service provided by the toolkit can ignore jdk1.1 and
use nothing but the latest and greatest Java language
features.  Such an implementation could even be used
on tomcat 3.3 - but in that case, the factory method
that instantiates that service needs to be prepared to
supply an alternative in the jdk1.1 case.  Since it is
likely a tc4 version of this will use a specific
subclass of the toolkit to add new services, it can
just ignore this issue.  For overriding existing
services with new implementations, that is done simply
by setting a config property so again, tc4 would not
have to concern itself with backward compatibility at

The whole thing is analogous to the way AWT and JFC
factories work, except this is much smaller and
simpler.  :-)

I hope this is helpful.


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RE: [STATUS] Tomcat 3.2.2

2001-04-07 Thread Mel Martinez


Re: the problem with the fact that some jdk1.2.2
implementations may have the bug and others may not.

Could you possibly put a preamble in a static
initializer that explicitely tests the URL decoding of
some static strings?  If the bug occurs, set a (static
final) flag?  That would give you a simple (static
final) boolean test on whether to double the decoding
or not, which would be about as minimal a runtime
performance hit as you could hope for.

Just a wild thought from left field.


--- Marc Saegesser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As usual, the problem turned out to be deeper then I
 first expected.
 Here's what happened.  There was a bug in 3.2.1 that
 servlet paths and path
 info weren't being decoded as required by the spec. 
 This was fixed in
 It also turns out that there was bug in JDK1.2.2
 that caused %HH escape
 characters in file: URLs to not be decoded.  I
 originally thought the bug
 was in 1.3.0, but after re-reading the URL spec I
 accept that the bug was
 really in 1.2.2.  The bottom line is that the
 behavior of file URLs is
 different on different versions of Java.
 Context.getResource() constructs a file: URL by
 concatenating the context
 root with the servlet path.  On JDK1.3.0 systems,
 this now results in the
 servlet path getting decoded twice:  once in
 RequestUtil and once by URL.
 Decoding URLs more than once causes all kinds of
 security problems.
 So, given that file: URLs behave differently on
 different system, we have to
 adjust the input to the URL constructor in
 Context.getResource() so that the
 file names passed in on systems without the bug have
 been URL encoded so
 that the URL can then decode them and get the
 correct file name.
 So now the question becomes determining if the
 system has the file: URL bug.
 I don't think you can just look at the version
 number because not every
 vendor's 1.2.2 implementation may be broken and
 every vendor's 1.3.x
 implementation may not be fixed.  So it comes down
 to checking the behavior
 of URL to see what flavor you have.  I've tried all
 kinds of combinations of
 toString(), toExternalForm(), sameFile(), etc. and
 so far the only reliable
 method I have for determining which version of URL
 you have is to actually
 use it to open an InputStream and see if it works. 
 For example a simple
 routine could try to open file:%2e (i.e. the current
 directory).  If it gets
 a FileNotFoundException then it assumes that it has
 a broken URL
 implementation, if it doesn't get an exception then
 it assumes that the URL
 implementation is correct.  Context.getResource()
 can now check if the URL
 implementation is broken or not and do the right
 This fixes the security hole, but opens up a new
 kind of attack.  A
 malicious user on a JDK1.2.2 server could create a
 file called %2e in
 Tomcat's working directory.  This would cause Tomcat
 to not find resources
 that it legitimately should find.  This better than
 exposing the entire
 server to prying eyes, but it still doesn't feel
 I'm going to commit the fix as I have it now so that
 others can review it
 and maybe come up with a better approach.  I'm now
 planning to release beta
 3 Saturday morning (central US time).
  -Original Message-
  From: Marc Saegesser
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 11:29 AM
  Subject: [STATUS] Tomcat 3.2.2
  I've got a fix for the URL double decode security
 problem in Tomcat 3.2.2.
  I'm going to release Tomcat 3.2.2 beta 3 tonight
 to make this fix publicly
  available.  Because the only change in Beta 3 is
 the security
  fix, this beta
  cycle will only be one week long.  If no other
 security issues are found,
  I'll call a vote for 3.2.2 final late next week.

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Re: 'Just say no to JSP' Re: [Fwd: Tomcat may reveal script source code by URL trickery]

2001-04-05 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Nick Bauman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Read Jon's article about the problems of JSP.
 I read it and it made me rethink a lot of
 assumptions I had made about JSP.

Without getting into the larger debate - actually
agree with many of the article's issues - the
following paragraph, though, bothers me:
There are some fundamental issues that are being dealt
with in the generated .jsp template. The first one is
the class name. What happens is that the engine needs
to produce a name that is unique in order to work
around class loader issues that might crop up.
Therefore, each and every time one modifies a .jsp
page, a new file is created on disk in the temporary
directory. Unfortunately, this directory ends up
growing in size until someone decides to clean it up.
The engine could probably do this for you, except then
it might make the mistake of actually removing the
wrong file.

The above paragraph describes a 'fundamental issue'
that has absolutely nothing to do with the Java Server
Pages specification and, rather, entirely to do with a
particular implementation of the specification.  As
such, it has no legitimate argumentative value here
and seems quite gratuitous.  The statement 'The engine
could probably do this for you, except then it might
make the mistake of actually REMOVING THE WRONG FILE.'
(emphasis mine) is a blatant appeal to fear.  I highly
doubt this was intentional on Jon's part, but that is
what it is.

Jon - you do not need to do this to support your
arguments.  Please retract this paragraph from the
essay when convenient.

Also, in your discussion on error handling, the fact
that JSP's only catch Exceptions will be changed in
JSP 1.2 spec to include all Throwables.  And further,
it could be argued that many of your complaints about
poor compilation error messages are again, an artifact
of implementation (maturity), rather than
specification.  However, I (were I to argue such)
would have to concede that in that case the
specification is possibly incomplete (failure to
address standardizing the compile/debug part of the

All-in-all, though, I won't argue with the basic
point: Java Server Pages do NOT provide a tool-level
separation between View and Control.  And I wish
others would stop pretending that it did.  

With my team, I try to stress that JSPs can (and
actually should) be used to implement both View and
Control aspects of MVC and to address this we have
adopted (hopefully) strong standards for how we do JSP
development.  There is more to it, but basically we
conceptually separate JSPs into four basic roles:
presentation control, presentation content, request
filtering and pure business.  We then enforce naming
conventions and required strategies to development of
JSPs in these roles.  I don't claim this is ideal, but
it seems to work very well.

I am interested in template solutions like Velocity,
though and intend to look at it closely.


Dr. Mel Martinez

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Re: 'Just say no to JSP' Re: [Fwd: Tomcat may reveal script source code by URL trickery]

2001-04-05 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Nick Bauman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Read Jon's article about the problems of JSP.
 I read it and it made me rethink a lot of
 assumptions I had made about JSP.

Without getting into the larger debate - actually
agree with many of the article's issues - the
following paragraph, though, bothers me:
There are some fundamental issues that are being dealt
with in the generated .jsp template. The first one is
the class name. What happens is that the engine needs
to produce a name that is unique in order to work
around class loader issues that might crop up.
Therefore, each and every time one modifies a .jsp
page, a new file is created on disk in the temporary
directory. Unfortunately, this directory ends up
growing in size until someone decides to clean it up.
The engine could probably do this for you, except then
it might make the mistake of actually removing the
wrong file.

The above paragraph describes a 'fundamental issue'
that has absolutely nothing to do with the Java Server
Pages specification and, rather, entirely to do with a
particular implementation of the specification.  As
such, it has no legitimate argumentative value here
and seems quite gratuitous.  The statement 'The engine
could probably do this for you, except then it might
make the mistake of actually REMOVING THE WRONG FILE.'
(emphasis mine) is a blatant appeal to fear.  I highly
doubt this was intentional on Jon's part, but that is
what it is.

Jon - you do not need to do this to support your
arguments.  Please retract this paragraph from the
essay when convenient.

Also, in your discussion on error handling, the fact
that JSP's only catch Exceptions will be changed in
JSP 1.2 spec to include all Throwables.  And further,
it could be argued that many of your complaints about
poor compilation error messages are again, an artifact
of implementation (maturity), rather than
specification.  However, I (were I to argue such)
would have to concede that in that case the
specification is possibly incomplete (failure to
address standardizing the compile/debug part of the

All-in-all, though, I won't argue with the basic
point: Java Server Pages do NOT provide a tool-level
separation between View and Control.  And I wish
others would stop pretending that it did.  

With my team, I try to stress that JSPs can (and
actually should) be used to implement both View and
Control aspects of MVC and to address this we have
adopted (hopefully) strong standards for how we do JSP
development.  There is more to it, but basically we
conceptually separate JSPs into four basic roles:
presentation control, presentation content, request
filtering and pure business.  We then enforce naming
conventions and required strategies to development of
JSPs in these roles.  I don't claim this is ideal, but
it seems to work very well.

I am interested in template solutions like Velocity,
though and intend to look at it closely.


Dr. Mel Martinez

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Re: 'Just say no to JSP' Re: [Fwd: Tomcat may reveal script source code by URL trickery]

2001-04-05 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Jon Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please do not CC me directly as I'm already on the

Sorry - artifact of how I started the reply (from
browsing the essay).  Oops.

 I have filed your
 changes away for when I do my next revision of the
 site (there are several
 other people's comments that I want to integrate as
 well). I hear you and
 you made good suggestions.
 Also, I do have to say that those two nits are
 fairly minor given that the
 scope of the entire article is quite large. In other
 words, there is plenty
 of other valid reasons there to not use JSP and that
 those two nits are
 really minor in the grand scope of things. :-)

Oh yes, I hope I made it clear that I don't think my
two little nits in any way invalidate the larger
points.  I am simply offering them as constructive
ways to improve the argument.


Dr. Mel Martinez

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Jasper34 refactoring proposal status

2001-04-04 Thread Mel Martinez

Hi folks,

First, I want to apologize for how long it has taken
me to get this proposal done.  There have been
external factors beyond my control, but requiring my
time (more on that below).

The good news, is that it is almost done.  Also, the
level of detail should lend itself to rapid
implementation (by doing the high-level design in
Together, many of the classes are already coded and at
least stubbed).  Also, it should be possible to
develop this completely in parallel with no impact on
the current JspServlet.  Also, I should shortly have
lotsa time to devote to this.

The bad news is that the external factors are that my
company's equivalent of Daddy Warbucks (our funding
source) has gotten cold feet and I am about to become
a statistic of the fall of the dot-com economy.  :-| 
Hence the sudden 'free time'...

Should any of you know of an opening for a senior java
developer/architect/CTO/director of development
type-person, feel free to contact me and I'll be glad
to share my resume'.  My preference is for product
development and I have a high interest in building
development tools/frameworks and distributed
architectures, but I'd love to hear about any
interesting opportunity.  We currently live in
Baltimore, MD, but would consider relocating for the
right opportunity.

Also, if anybody can point me towards sites with info
and help on being an independent contractor, I'd
appreciate the tips.

Okay, sorry about the off-topic - I realize this stuff
better belongs on a Job-posting board.

I'll get back to the UML diagrams now.  :-)


Dr. Mel Martinez

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Re: I have got a query regarding PrintWriter,

2001-04-02 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Anil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been trying to intercept all the System.out
 and System.err request
 given in the tomcat. Here is the excerpts of the
 I wrote a class WSPrintStream that extends
 PrintStream and overided the
 commonly used println(..) statements.

[definition of WSPrintStream trimmed except
to note that it is implemented by overriding
each println() method to fire a PropertyChangeEvent.]

 now before the execution of tomcat server I added
 this code
 oldSystem_out = System.out;
 WSPrintStream wsp = new
 Now I can catch all the println statements in the
 public void  
 java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent evt){
 when ever the System.out.println() is used in

 This is a problem I  encountered
 If I use pw = new;
pw.println("helo try reading this");

Umm... just curious, but why not use 
instead of wrapping it here?  Since (according
to your use of System.setOut(), then the following
be true:

System.out instanceof WSPrintStream

and System.out.println() - WSPrintStream.println()

this is not the real, problem though (see below).

 I am not able to catch the message from going to the
 default out put 
 i.e my WSPrintStream does not get invoked.

Your WSPrintStream subclass needs to override the 
write(byte b) method.  When you wrap one OutputStream 
around another, the data is passed from one stream to 
another through the OutputStream write() method.  
The println() method is not part of OutputStream
and so as far as the wrapping PrintStream object is 
concerned they (your println methods) do not exist.

I hope this helps.


Dr. Mel Martinez
G1440, Inc.

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Re: Tomcat 4.0-beta-2 Security Vulnerability

2001-04-02 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I suggest that we create a revised version of beta
 2, clearly labelled so
 that people will know whether they have the
 corrected version or not --
 and we should do this immediately (like today) to
 minimize the number of
 people who end up downloading twice.
 I suggest we call the updated version "Tomcat
 4.0-beta-2-update-1" or
 something like that.
 Comments?  Votes?

I vote you just call it  "Tomcat-4.0-beta-3".  I don't
recall ever being told there were limits to the number
of betas one can produce.  :-)  I believe that a new
beta number is justified by any significant bug fix or
fixes and a security hole is definitely significant,
even if the code change may be tiny.

By labeling it 'beta-3' it is CLEARLY the latest build
and CLEARLY newer than beta-2.


Dr. Mel Martinez
G1440, Inc.

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Re: CGI support servlet (TC 4) -- feedback wanted

2001-04-02 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Bip Thelin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
2) Addition to default context
Would this CGI servlet be added to the default
 context similar to
  I would suggest that we do this, but leave it
 commented out.  The reason
  is that the potential for mischief is *much*
 larger when we are talking
  about executing outside programs instead of just
 displaying content back
  to a web browser.  I vote for making the Tomcat
 sysadmin have to enable
  this feature explicitly if they want it.
  Once we implement the #exec functionality in SSI,
 the same argument would
  apply here -- unless we added a config option to
 disable the #exec by
  default but left everything else alone.
 +1 on having CGI in web.xml but commented out,
 regarding SSI I suggest
 we add a configure property(like Apaches NoExec)
 that set's whether #exec is
 allowed or not. And if that property is not set it
 defaults to NoExec.
 So for a standard setup SSI would be allowed but
 you'd have to bug your
 Tomcat sysadmin to have the #exec option enabled.
 Sort of like a standard Apache setup.

+1 on what Bip said.


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RE: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-30 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Steve Downey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
   activities that should be orthogonal.  The only
   dependency should be that the Compiler is a
   of the products of the Mangler.
 If we treat the embedded implementation of Mangler
 as a separate class,
 which I think is a good idea, each style of JSP
 compilation works with a
 triad of somewhat dependant classes. An X-Compiler,
 an X-Context and an
 X-Mangler. If we're playing games with the name of
 the generated class, like
 decorating it with a version number, then some other
 part of the system
 needs to understand the Mangling scheme as well.
 ClassName does some of this
 work now, finding out what the 'real' name of the
 class is.
 Perhaps a Kit pattern is in order?

Ah yes, the venerable ToolKit!

This is basically what I'm going for, with two tiers:

- a static, default layer of factory methods that is
independent of the runtime adaptor scheme.  This is
done via factories in a subclass of Constants.  This
layer has default behavior that is configurable via
standard configuration properties (both via -D and via
resource file).

- a run-time layer of factory methods that overrides
the default layer based on run-time options such as
init-params.  This is to be implemented in a subclass
of Options.

This pattern allows each adapter (i.e. JspC,
JspInterceptor) to adopt just the shared behavior that
is necessary by extending/re-implementing it's own
'options'-layer factories.

I must admit to not being totally sure whether
co-opting the current 'Constants' and 'Options' class
families is the best naming for this, but they do
clearly indicate the difference in scope.  I could
break the factory methods out into separate, new
'ConstantsToolkit' and 'OptionsToolkit'
class/interface types, but since they would parallel
the original, I don't see the real advantage.

 Refactoring Mangler is highly desireable from my day
 job point of view, too,
 since the current mangling scheme can cause problems
 on Windows. Although we
 might be able to move to Linux for developers
 desktops soon. 

I ran into that some time back (mangling issues) and
was one of my motivations for doing this refactoring
earlier in my day-job implementation of JspServlet
(tc3.3).  The result of that effort works very well
and I'm borrowing heavily from it for this effort, but
this time I'm trying to put more support for (and
steal ideas from) other adapter options.

 to be thorough, I took our worst behaved JSP page,
 which happens to be our
 home page, and benchmarked it under several engines.
 TC33 blew the doors off
 the competition, up to levels of 177 concurrent
 connections, at which point
 the benchmark tool starting melting down.] 

That is always good stuff to hear!  Costin deserves a
lot of the credit here, since that performance gain is
primarily (probably) coming from his JspInterceptor
implementation.  I know we can never get JspServlet to
be completely as fast, but we should be able to get it
much closer than it currently is.

  But in any case, should be independent of
  else - just a component that may be used by the 
  "container adapter" classes.
 DIP, the dependencies should be on interfaces, not
 on classes.

90% of the time I agree.  Some abstractions require
base or abstract classes, though, if part of the
specification fixes actual behavior.  This is often
the case when initialization must follow a fixed
pattern (i.e. a certain type of constructor signature
or other life-cycle methods must be supported).

This can sometimes be avoided if the interface is
well-thought out.  For example, the problem with the
current Mangler interface is that it does not support
any way to input the core parameters (the jsp URI and
the scratchdir) from which it's method must derive
their data.  In other words, we want a factory method
that works like so:

publc static Mangler createMangler(
String uri,String dir){..}

but we need a predictable way to communicate the
params to the created instance.  There are three ways
to fix this in order to support abstract creation
through factory methods.

1) rewrite the Mangler interface to have an
init(String,String) method or 'setJspUri(String)' and
'setOutputDir(String)' methods - this would be
optimal, but would break existing implementations of

2) create a default basic or abstract implementation
of Mangler (call it 'JspMangler' or whatever) and give
it a public constructor that takes the params.  The
factory method then becomes:

public static JspMangler createJspMangler(
  String, String){...}

The problem with this one is that it forces all new
Mangler implementations to subclass JspMangler.  This
is not necessarily a bad thing.

3) create a new interface called JspMangler (or
whatever) and adding the missing initializat

RE: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-28 Thread Mel Martinez

Wow! I go away for a day and there is some great
discussion on this thread!

I've saved everybody's comments and will incorporate
them into the proposal, which I will be working on
tonight to formalize.  When I've got it ready for
review, I will put a proposal doc and any related
files in html form into

From the discussion I think it is safe to say that the
goals of this refactoring are:

1) focused primarily with cleaning up the object model
of the org.apache.jasper.servlet package (i.e.
JspServlet) so that we can reduce coupling between
JspServlet and the core of Jasper.

2) we will try to increase separation between the
JspServlet entry point into jasper from the various
life-cycle services (class loading, mangling,
compiling, etc) to make those services both
replaceable for JspServlet and also reusable for
alternate entry points, such as JspC or

3) we will try to clarify classpath and init-params
configuration issues.

4) despite all this, we will strive to improve
performance by reducing the call stack and by
utilizing caching where possible.

5) fix more bugs than we introduce.

I should have a first-draft class diagram and probably
initial java code ready for the proposal tonight or
early tomorrow.

I tentatively propose to introduce the changes through
the package name 'org.apache.jasper.servlet33', unless
anyone objects AND has a better package name.  :-)


Dr. Mel Martinez
G1440, Inc.

--- Steve Downey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:46 PM
  Subject: RE: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring
  On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Steve Downey wrote:
   The second most common cause of bugs in Jasper
 is confusion 
  over when to use
   File.separator and when to use '/'. It's hard to
 keep track 
  of, since Jasper
   does deal with both files and URIs. And the File
 methods are used to
   regularize some URIs. 
   Another reason to refactor.
  I would say this is also part of interfacing the
 jasper with the
  container, and not core to the jsp parser and
  convertor ( which 
  in my opinion represents the "core" of jasper ).
  There is the problem of importing jsps ( and few
 other cases 
  where files
  are needed), but again that's related with the API
 that is 
  needed to plug 
  jasper into a ( cooperating ) container.
  ... importing jsp text, determining the file to
 write java to, finding tag
 library descriptors, finding the directory to direct
 the java compiler to
 write class files to...
 Files are inherent, at least as long as javac
 insists on having files. I
 would love to be able to compile a stream, or array
 of streams, but that's
 not happening near term. 
 Almost everything else uses URI's to refer to
 things. So, for the most part,
 jasper should not be looking at, or using, files.
 Streams, yes, as in
 getResourceAsStream, but mostly not Files. Most
 current uses of File are
 wrong, and other parts of Jasper try to compensate.
 Actually, I don't think that importing needs Files.
 It should be able to use
 getResourceAsStream. That may need to work with
 Files, but that's something
 that the container deals with, not Jasper. 
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RE: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-28 Thread Mel Martinez

I acknowledge your suggestion and am going to put it


That symbolically combines 3 and 4 while deferring
more towards an incremental change from 3.3, which is
the main focus.

I think your other points are well put and that
(commonality with tc4.0 jasper) will be a motivator
and influence, but the primary goal should and will be
to simply improve what is in tc3.3 jasper.



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Regarding the names and the scope of the changes.
 If we are going to do some refactoring ( and that's
 going to require 
 work and testing anyway), then we should do it on a
 slightly broader
 scope, not only local to the servlet interface.
 Instead of org.apache.jasper.servlet33, I would
 suggest something like 
 org.apache.jasperX.*, and have separate packages for
 the different
 components that we identify ( see my proposal for 5
 components - some of 
 them like the java-class compiler or even the
 mangler are
 general-purpose for any scripting system and could
 even be part of the
 an util package ). 
 What would be really great is to coordinate this
 with someone on jasper4.0
 side - we should be able to share most components,
 except probably few
 classes in the JSP generator ( and of course the
 runtime - which
 implements security and is heavily dependent on
 jsp1.2 ).
 Most of the parser and generator is identical, and I
 think we would all
 benefit by sharing as much as is possible. 
 In other words - it would be great to try to make
 this proposal not
 limited to jasper33 servlet, but a jasper7.3 ( 4.0 +
 3.3 ) proposal,
 refactoring and combining the 2 ( now divergent )
 versions ( while keeping
 and increasing the ability to have alternative
 implementations for all
 components - like the runtime and some of the
 generator ).
 Of course, it's your choice - I will support a
 limited refactoring if
 that's what you want, but I think we should at least
 try to combine our
 efforts and re-unite ( at least ) jasper. Then all
 the optimizations (
 like tag pooling ) and fixes and the sandboxing will
 be common for most
 part, with clear container-specific modules ( that
 would also prove and
 show how other containers can use jasper ), 
 On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
  Wow! I go away for a day and there is some great
  discussion on this thread!
  I've saved everybody's comments and will
  them into the proposal, which I will be working on
  tonight to formalize.  When I've got it ready for
  review, I will put a proposal doc and any related
  files in html form into
  From the discussion I think it is safe to say
 that the
  goals of this refactoring are:
  1) focused primarily with cleaning up the object
  of the org.apache.jasper.servlet package (i.e.
  JspServlet) so that we can reduce coupling between
  JspServlet and the core of Jasper.
  2) we will try to increase separation between the
  JspServlet entry point into jasper from the
  life-cycle services (class loading, mangling,
  compiling, etc) to make those services both
  replaceable for JspServlet and also reusable for
  alternate entry points, such as JspC or
  3) we will try to clarify classpath and
  configuration issues.
  4) despite all this, we will strive to improve
  performance by reducing the call stack and by
  utilizing caching where possible.
  5) fix more bugs than we introduce.
  I should have a first-draft class diagram and
  initial java code ready for the proposal tonight
  early tomorrow.
  I tentatively propose to introduce the changes
  the package name 'org.apache.jasper.servlet33',
  anyone objects AND has a better package name.  :-)
  Dr. Mel Martinez
  G1440, Inc.
  --- Steve Downey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:46 PM
Subject: RE: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Steve Downey wrote:

 The second most common cause of bugs in
   is confusion 
over when to use
 File.separator and when to use '/'. It's
 hard to
   keep track 
of, since Jasper
 does deal with both files and URIs. And the
   methods are used to
 regularize some URIs. 
 Another reason to refactor.

I would say this is also part of interfacing
   jasper with the
container, and not core to the jsp parser and
convertor ( which 
in my opinion represents the "core" of jasper

There is the problem of importing jsps ( and
   other cases 
where files
are needed), but again that's related with the
   that is 
needed to plug 

RE: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-27 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Steve Downey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 1:08 PM
  Subject: Re: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring
  Hi Mel,
  In my view, jasper is composed from at least 5 big
  1. The jsp-java translator. 
  2. The java-class compiler
  3. The Mangler ( managing name mappings )
  4. Runtime - that should be completely independent
 of all 
  other pieces, 
  since jasper-generated servlets should run without
 jasper ( as simple 
  servlets ) 
  5. Interface with the serlvet container (
  JspInterceptor and
  the associated classes). ( putting all other
 components togheter )
 Layer 5 has to include the JspC/CommandLineXXX
 components, also. They have
 to provide an environment that looks to the rest of
 the JSP compiler like a
 web context, while actually interacting more closely
 with the filesystem. 

I'm not going to make it a primary goal to fix JspC,
but I should be able to make the components reusable
so that a new version of JspC could be refactored to
use the same classes as this new version of

 Mangler needs some work, too. JspC and JspServlet
 have drifted in their
 implementations. The bane of code sharing by cut and

I will try to address this as well.


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Re: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-27 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have made some changes to the Jasper code in
 Tomcat 4 that
 you might want to look at.

I will definitely be looking at TC 4.

 1.  In general the Java SecurityManager
 implemenation in Tomcat 4
 and Jasper has significant improvements and is much

I copied some of this in my current implementation. 
Shoudn't be too hard to keep it in when I port.

 2.  Jasper class loading is much simpler in the
 Tomcat 4 version.
 It uses a single URLClassLoader for each JSP page,
 this allowed
 me to simplify a great deal how Jasper handles
 generation of class
 and package names (no more need to do incremental
 .java and .class files).
 And it removed alot of overhead at both JSP
 translation and runtime
 when Jasper tries to figure out which incremental
 class file to use/check.
 This sped up JSP compiles by 33% and runtime
 execution by 25%.

The refactoring I propose would indeed use one
class-loader per page.  My current implementation does
this leveraging a subclass of JasperLoader but I'll
explore using URLClassLoader.  I would need to make
sure that it is compatible with jdk1.1 (a tc3.3
requirement) so if I used URLClassLoader, I'd need to
provide a jdk1.1 replacement ala the way tomcat
startup does.  This actually should be pretty easy
since I'm getting the loader via a factory method.

 And before you ask, I just don't have the time to
 back port these
 changes in TC3.3.

Don't worry - I totally understand this!  :-)


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/share/org/apache/tomcat/modules/session

2001-03-27 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  However, this does point to the need for default
  behavior of tomcat session generation code (or any
  interceptor or module code) in the absence of
  configuration info in server.xml.
 That's a good point, but I'm wondering how could it
 be implemented.
 The whole idea of modules is that each can be
 replaced with a better
 version ( for example a more secure or more
 efficient scheme to generate
 the ids ), so we can't just check for specific
 Well, there is a solution ( I'm not sure how can we
 code it ) - have an
 automated way to run watchdog and sanity to validate
 the config files. If
 watchdog/sanity are passing  - then probably the
 config is valid :-)

I'm not sure exactly the best way to do it here, since
I have not had the time to follow all the code
involved with session management.  However, I do know
that request.getSession() is a fundamental method of
the API that should NOT crash just because the
deployer has not specified a configuration option.  

The implementation of a specification should ALWAYS
supply a default behavior that either works gracefully
with default options OR fails gracefully while
informing the deployment engineer or developer about
the missing/incorrect configuration settings.

If SimpleSessionManager/ServletSession can not work
with a 'null' value for the Session ID, then it needs
to fail gracefully or it needs to supply a default id


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Re: TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-27 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1) I don't off-hand know of any other generalized
 way to make a portable JSP
  compiler that can be plugged into any servlet 2.2
 engine other than as a
  servlet.  I'm not sure how that limits us
 feature-wise, other than the fact
  that it adds a layer of indirection between the
 request on the container and
  the actual ultimate jsp servlet.  A small
 performance price to pay for
 The only problem is that the price is much higher
 that that:
 - JspServlet must manage the servlet lifecycle - the
 container can no
 longer treat jsp-generate-servlets the same as
 regular servlets

This is a limitation of the servlet api and thus the
lack of access to a consistent set of servlet engine
features necessary for full servlet life-cycle
management that can be relied upon.  Besides, who said
that the container was guaranteed full-lifecycle
management of ANY servlet?  Any servlet could be
created/loaded dynamically and managed by some other
servlet without the container ever knowing about it
(assuming the SecurityManager allowed it, of course

 - initialization - how can you pass init parameters
 to the jsp ? This is
 one of the worst hacks and source of counteless
 problems ( AFAIK - I
 couldn't find any clean way to do that )

How exactly do you solve this with JspInterceptor? 
The specification doesn't really seem to cover
init-params for individual JSP pages.  The JSP
container has no responsibility to provide
individualized init-params for JSP servlets, only to
invoke jspInit() prior to service().  In the absence
of a specified mechanism, it is the responsibility of
the JSP page author to initialize his page by
implementing the jspInit() method (from which he/she
can optionally load params from whereever he/she sees

In other words, this is not a limitation of
JspServlet, but rather a limitation of the JSP

 - class loader problems - again, the JspServlet must
 duplicate and
 override the class loading decisions of the
 container - other problems and

This, again is more a limitation (or too much freedom)
in how servlet containers are implemented.

 My point is that the servlet abstraction may not
 provide enough API
 support for what jasper need - in order to make it
 work you have to
 duplicate services that should be ofered by
 containers ( class loading,
 init, reloading, admin, etc ).

The glass is half-full as well - because at least with
the servlet api it is _possible_ to implement those
services portably and thus provide a portable JSP

And yes, it would be great if the JspServlet didn't
have to implement redundant container services, that
in no way really limits JspServlet's ability to
fullfill all JSP specification features.

And again - what is the alternative?  I can't write a
JspInterceptor solution for WebLogic or JRun.

 I don't want to discourage you from doing that - any
 refactoring will help
 and we badly need that. I just want to give you an
 alternate view, based
 on my experience - before you repeat mistakes we've
 already done :-)

The mistakes aren't in using a servlet-based approach.
 This sort of feature (a plug-in to provid jsp
compilation and loading services to a web server) is
exactly what servlets are for.  This in itself in no
way limits what you can do with JSPs because all
features of the JSP spec should be attainable through
a servlet implementation.

This DOES limit the reliance Jasper can have on
value-added container features beyond the servlet API,
but hey, you have to draw the line somewhere.

The way to look at it is that a JspInterceptor-style
solution is a value-added feature of the tomcat
servlet engine.  That is a positive.  The portability
of JspServlet is also a positive.



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TC3.3 Proposal: Refactoring org.apache.jasper.servlet

2001-03-26 Thread Mel Martinez

As hinted at last week, I'd like to propose
refactoring some of the classes in Jasper to improve
the OO model a bit, make maintenance/extendability a
bit easier and hopefully help the performance a bit as
well for those of us using jasper as the JSP engine in
other servlet engines (other than tomcat, that is). 
There are problems with using the current Jasper in
other ServletEngines that do not show up with the
tomcat JspIntercepter that need to be addressed.

I'd like to refactor JspServlet, JspServletWrapper,
JasperLoader, JasperEngineContext and JasperCompiler
to better divide responsibilities along the following

JspServlet - entry point for JSP page (*.jsp),
initialize Jasper and maintain cache of jsp servlet
wrapper/handlers, otherwise do very little but pass on
the request to the handler.  I.E. represents the scope
of the jasper engine.  Possibly rename this to
JasperServlet or just 'Jasper'.

JspServletWrapper - rename as 'JspServlet/PageHandler'
(or similar) and make this a full class (i.e. take it
out of JspServlet).  This class manages the life cycle
of a single Jsp file, including methods to resolve
relevant file paths (i.e. to .jsp file, .java file,
.class file), package/class name mangling and
modification checking.  This class would be
responsible for managing dynamic reloading of an
out-of-date page.  Only one instance of this class is
created per page for the life JVM (or more accurately,
for the life of the JspServlet).

JspRequestWrapper/Handler/Context - encapsulate
information relevant to one request - this would
implement JspCompilationContext, since a compilation
would be one possible event during the request. 
However, we'd remove some of the current behavior in
JasperEngineContext that is really page-lifecycle
behavior that belongs in the JspServlet/PageHandler.  
 This class should be a lightweight information
payload used by the page handler, loader and compiler
for fullfillment of the request.  By reducing the
number of fields to only those that are
request-specific and possibly by object pooling, the
impact of instance creation (necessary for each
request) can be greatly reduced.

JasperLoader, Compiler, and a few other classes would
be refactored (actually simply extended slightly
through subclassing) to support these mods.  Some of
the current behavior would be refactored out to the
page life-cycle handler.  Compilers can probably be
pooled for reuse.

Along with the above class refactoring, we would add
recursive modification checking and dynamic reloading
to JspServlet, miscelaneous bug and performance fixes
(ex: mangled filename caching), and factory methods to
make it easier to  modify behavior by pluging in
replacement classes (such as the name mangler, loader
and compiler).  I'd like to improve the way classpaths
are handled to make things more apparent to the
developer using Jasper standalone how to set things

The beauty of this is that this can all be done
without rewriting much if any of the existing code in
TC3.3. We can simply create a separate implementation
of JspServlet, called 'Jasper' (or JasperServlet or
whatever) or place the changes in a separate package
and thus folks working with the current version would
not be impacted by API changes.  We can then deprecate
the current classes gradually.

It is imporant to note that this proposed refactoring
would be to the standalone JspServlet page and request
life-cycle management.  This does not address any
possibly needed refactoring of the actual Jasper
compiler, which will remain the common element used by
all three entry points: JspInterceptor, the current
JspServlet and the proposed new jsp servlet.

Maintaining runtime compatibility with JspInterceptor
is, of course, mandatory.  No changes should cause
JspInterceptor to break.  Maintaining consistency with
JspInterceptor in terms of how it might do some
ancillary things (name mangling, caching
optimizations, classpath resolution etc.) should also
be desired, but not required since, after all,
JspInterceptor represents value-added for the tomcat
servlet engine.

To facilitate development, I can donate the bulk of
this as finished code I've already written that simply
needs to have appropriate package and class renaming

This proposal should be considered a rough draft.  I
need feedback, especially from others also using
Jasper as standalone in other servlet engines (such as
WebLogic Server, JRun, Jserv, etc.) on what problems
they'd like to see solved.  I'd also like suggestions
on whether to put this into a separate package in
Jasper (ex: org.apache.jasper.embedded) or to simply
insert it into the existing org.apache.jasper.servlet
package using new class names.  I think I'm in favor
of the latter approach.  I don't think there will be
much conflict or confusion with the approach I'd like
to take.

That said, I will have actually some time later this
week to actually implement most of this.  So feedback
now is better than feedback later.

RE: apache 1.3.12 and tomcat 3.3-m2 connection problem ??

2001-03-26 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Jestin Jean-Francois
 here are 2 articles speaking about the pushlet
 here is a very simple sample pushlet :
 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)  throws
 ServletException, IOException {
 ObjectOutputStream out = new
 ObjectOutputStream (response.getOutputStream());
 String start = "Http connection opened";

 try {
 for (int cnt=1; cnt  0; cnt++) {
 String iter = "event=" + cnt + "\n";
 System.out.println("event=" + cnt +
 } catch (Exception e) {

This looks like a VERY bad idea - this will lock up a
connection to the server (and possibly a web server
process)!  This will definitely not scale well.  Also,
it is vulnerable to server crash, something likely to
happen if you had even a moderate amount of traffic
going to 'pushlets'.

It might be best to have the browser redirected over
to a separate, dedicated pushlet server (on a separate
box) for this.  I sure wouldn't want it sharing
resources with the rest of my 'normal' servlets.

NitPick: You should send error messages to System.err,
not System.out.  :-)



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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/share/org/apache/tomcat/modules/session

2001-03-26 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Temporary(?) fix to stop crashes when creating a
 new Session in
  embedded use of Jasper (i.e. as standalone
 JspServlet ).  Problem may
  occur in other situations as well, I'm not sure.

 I looked at that and I couldn't reproduce it - are
 you sure you have the 
 right configuration ( i.e. SessionIdGenerator
 included in server.xml ) ?

No, SessionIdGenerator was not included, I have a
customized server.xml because I need to test both
jasper with tomcat and then jasper in weblogic (as
well as other reasons).  I'll update my server.xml and
I predict that will fix the problem.  I now see that
server.xml was beeing updated in my cvs logs, but
failed to account for the change in my own version.

However, this does point to the need for default
behavior of tomcat session generation code (or any
interceptor or module code) in the absence of expected
configuration info in server.xml.


 getNewSession is calling setState( STATE_NEW ), that
 calls the
 sessionState callback that allows modules to
 initialize the new session
 object - and SessionIdGenerator is setting the id (
 using whatever
 I can't understand what's wrong - my only guess is
 that SessionIdGenerator
 is not included.
 I didn't had too much time this weekend ( to restart
 the nightly tests ),
 but I hope to resolve those issues soon.
  object, the .toString() method to get a string
 representation of the
  session id returns null.  When getNewSession()
 tries to use this value
  as a key into the sessions hashtable, a
 NullPointerException is thrown.

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TC3.3 - building javadoc

2001-03-23 Thread Mel Martinez

Currently, when you run the build script (for TC 3.3),
build.xml has 'dist' dependent on the 'javadoc'
target.  The 'javadoc' target compiles javadoc pages
for org.apache.tomcat.core and

I dunno about you, but this seems insufficient for
'dist'.  Shouldn't the javadoc set for distribution
include all or most of the packages?  

Also, it would probably be useful for dev
documentation purposes to have some secondary javadoc
targets like javadoc.tomcat.core',
'javadoc.tomcat.util', 'javadoc.tomcat.modules',
'javadoc.jasper', etc.  That way when you work on the
javadocs for a package you can rapidly compile just
that section.  This MIGHT encourage better documenting
of code than is currently happening... :-)

Anybody else think this is a good (or bad) idea?


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bug in SimpleSessionStore/ServerSession id

2001-03-23 Thread Mel Martinez

I posted on this earlier (last night), but the
tomcat-dev list is now so slow that I don't know if it
ever really made it to the list.

I'm encountering a bug now in SimpleSessionStore.  In
the inner class (gawd I hate inner classes :-))
SimpleSessionManager's getNewSession() method, a
NullPointerException is thrown when the method tries
to add the new session to the 'sessions' hashtable
because the newly created session ID is null.  This
happens because, as near as I can tell, it is never
set.  I'm not sure who is working on this code or why
it is not getting set, but it is very reproduceable -
every time I try to access any servlet it crashes! 

My app does not depend on sessions (we use a portable,
non-servlet API dependent session management system)
so it would be nice if this bit of code wasn't
crashing on me.

In my early post, if it ever made it, I proposed
altering the MessageBytes.toString() function to never
return a null (I think it is very bad form for a
non-null object to return a null value from it's
toString()) and instead simply return "null". 
However, I realize now that MessageBytes is a bit
special in that it has a type T_NULL and that this
could have larger impact if other code relies on this.
 Thus, I'd leave this for someone more knowledgeable
with how MessageBytes is used to make that change if
at all.

The only thing I can think of to do right now is to
modify the getNewSession() method to check the
returned String representation of the session's id to
see if it is null.  If so, use "null".  This fixes the
crash and shouldn't, I believe, cause any new problems
since the dang thing is null at this point anyway.

I'm going to go ahead and commit this change, if this
is bad, let me know or go ahead and change it back -
but if so, please fix the underlying problem.


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RE: TC3.3 - building javadoc

2001-03-23 Thread Mel Martinez

In the change I propose to make (I've already done it
locally and it seems to work well) we'd have the
following sorts of targets:

target name="dist" 
target name="dist.prepare" 
target name="javadoc" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat.core" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat.modules" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat.util" 
target name="javadoc.jasper" 
 ... etc...
target name="dist.war" 
target name="dist.nojavadoc" 

Thus, the changed behavior would be that when you
build 'dist' you would get ALL the javadocs generated.
 If you want to build 'dist' with no javadocs, just

 build dist.war  or
 build dist.nojavadoc

If you want to build just a subset of the javadoc
(with or without any other targets), just specify the
particular javadoc. target in your list of

 build dist.war javadoc.tomcat.core

At this point, the javadoc targets are somewhat
exclusive - generating one wipes the index.html of the
previous build, although the actual doc pages are not
wiped.  There are ways to address this, but not worth
the effort right now.

Is this cool with folks?  Note - I'll try to add a
separate javadoc. target for most of the major
tomcat packages but not all.


--- "Ignacio J. Ortega" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Normally i use a custom build that generates
 javadocs instead of the normal reduced set..
 I'm +1 on this change for release..
 Saludos ,
 Ignacio J. Ortega
  -Mensaje original-
  De: Mel Martinez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Enviado el: viernes 23 de marzo de 2001 18:44
  Asunto: TC3.3 - building javadoc
  Currently, when you run the build script (for TC
  build.xml has 'dist' dependent on the 'javadoc'
  target.  The 'javadoc' target compiles javadoc
  for org.apache.tomcat.core and
  I dunno about you, but this seems insufficient for
  'dist'.  Shouldn't the javadoc set for
  include all or most of the packages?  
  Also, it would probably be useful for dev
  documentation purposes to have some secondary
  targets like javadoc.tomcat.core',
  'javadoc.tomcat.util', 'javadoc.tomcat.modules',
  'javadoc.jasper', etc.  That way when you work on
  javadocs for a package you can rapidly compile
  that section.  This MIGHT encourage better
  of code than is currently happening... :-)
  Anybody else think this is a good (or bad) idea?
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RE: TC3.3 - building javadoc

2001-03-23 Thread Mel Martinez

In the change I propose to make (I've already done it
locally and it seems to work well) we'd have the
following sorts of targets:

target name="dist" 
target name="dist.prepare" 
target name="javadoc" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat.core" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat.modules" 
target name="javadoc.tomcat.util" 
target name="javadoc.jasper" 
 ... etc...
target name="dist.war" 
target name="dist.nojavadoc" 

Thus, the changed behavior would be that when you
build 'dist' you would get ALL the javadocs generated.
 If you want to build 'dist' with no javadocs, just

 build dist.war  or
 build dist.nojavadoc

If you want to build just a subset of the javadoc
(with or without any other targets), just specify the
particular javadoc. target in your list of

 build dist.war javadoc.tomcat.core

At this point, the javadoc targets are somewhat
exclusive - generating one wipes the index.html of the
previous build, although the actual doc pages are not
wiped.  There are ways to address this, but not worth
the effort right now.

Is this cool with folks?  Note - I'll try to add a
separate javadoc. target for most of the major
tomcat packages but not all.


--- "Ignacio J. Ortega" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Normally i use a custom build that generates
 javadocs instead of the normal reduced set..
 I'm +1 on this change for release..
 Saludos ,
 Ignacio J. Ortega
  -Mensaje original-
  De: Mel Martinez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Enviado el: viernes 23 de marzo de 2001 18:44
  Asunto: TC3.3 - building javadoc
  Currently, when you run the build script (for TC
  build.xml has 'dist' dependent on the 'javadoc'
  target.  The 'javadoc' target compiles javadoc
  for org.apache.tomcat.core and
  I dunno about you, but this seems insufficient for
  'dist'.  Shouldn't the javadoc set for
  include all or most of the packages?  
  Also, it would probably be useful for dev
  documentation purposes to have some secondary
  targets like javadoc.tomcat.core',
  'javadoc.tomcat.util', 'javadoc.tomcat.modules',
  'javadoc.jasper', etc.  That way when you work on
  javadocs for a package you can rapidly compile
  that section.  This MIGHT encourage better
  of code than is currently happening... :-)
  Anybody else think this is a good (or bad) idea?
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  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

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Re: bug in Jasper - bad lookups to Constants.getString()

2001-03-22 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
  StringManager's getString() currently deals with
  MissingResourceException by simply returning a
  consisting of a warning message about not being
  to find the particular key.  I don't think that is
  correct behavior.  I think it should throw the
  MissingResourceException or return null and that
  calling code should deal with it.  Otherwise the
 Ignoring exceptions is bad. Having to handle
 for trivial cases is bad too.

I think that in this case, the pattern is so similar
to a Collections retrieval that it makes sense to use
'null' as the return value in the event the String
resource is not found rather than an exception.  This
should have the least impact on existing client code
and is consistent with most other java usage of

The gain is that it will now at least be _possible_
for the client code to detect that a String was not
found (by simply checking for null).  If the code does
not do this check, in most cases all that would happen
is that "null" would be displayed.  In rare cases, a
nullpointerexception may be thrown (if they try to
invoke a String method without first checking for
null).  We'll have to track those down as they occur.

 My feeling is that this is not the biggest priority,
 but you are right - StringManager and the whole
 handling needs a refactoring. Go for it, if you want
 to do it - I'll do whatever I can to help.
 ( I think thread pools or jasper or the admin are in
 a much
  bigger need for fixes and cleanup )

I'll be starting to tackle tc3.3 Jasper refactoring
this week with a proposal and hopefully some
discussion.  Next week I'll have serveral days where I
can devote quite a bit of time to implementing it.

 I am hoping the "commons" will ease our work - this
 one of the things that are used in all jakarta
 and it would be a good thing to share it ( in which
 refactoring it and merging with the best out of what
 projects are doing  is worth the effort ) 

I'm only going to put this one tweak in the
StringManager.getString() and start to refactor jasper
to use StringManager for now.  I'll also look at
putting in a short-term fix for the standalone jasper
classpath problem mentioned in another thread.  Small


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Re: jasper tag handler cleanup during exceptions

2001-03-22 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Casey Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As I started to add some code to remove pooled tag
 handlers from
 the tag pool if an exception is thrown during tag
 usage, I came
 across an issue...
 To clean up tag handlers in the case of exceptions,
 I need to
 know when any exception is thrown.  So I figured the
 best way
 to do this is to catch it. :) Yet in Tomcat 3, I can
 only safely catch
 (and rethrow) java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Error,
 java.lang.RuntimeException.  If I simply added a
 catch for
 java.lang.Throwable (like I wanted to), I can't
 correctly propagate
 the exception under Tomcat 3.


How about if you simply nest your try{
}catch(Throwable t){} inside the 'main' try..catch
block, do your cleanup and then throw it outwards to
be handled normally, like so:

public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
// init jsp page stuff goes here
try {

// body of JSP here ...

}catch(Throwable t){
   //do tag pool cleanup here
   throw t;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {

Would that accomplish what you are trying to do?  You
should be able to do this by modifying
JspParseEventListener's generateHeader() and
generateFooter() methods.


 I can ignore other Throwables (besides the three
 types mentioned)
 but that means that tag handlers will not get
 removed from the pool
 if a different type of exception is thrown. -- I
 don't really like it.
 Alternatively, would it be ok to also catch
 Throwable at the bottom
 of the rendered code (below the java.lang.Exception
 catch) then just
 wrap it in a JasperException (or maybe just
 ServletException)?  If so,
 I can do everything with just Throwables -- same
 model for Tomcat 3
 and 4.  Would wrapping Throwables with
 JasperExceptions mess up any
 error propagation from the JSP?
 Thanks Jasper gurus.

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-4.0/jasper/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 remm01/03/20 16:08:53
   - Jasper should run from WARs (or any other
 repository which provides a directory
 context to access it).
   - All Watchdog 4 tests pass (servlets, JSP,
   - Of course, the classes and JARs are still
 extracted from the WAR until the
 compilation technology is updated (javac wants
 files :(( ).

:-)  But javac doesn't have any reason to deal with
the contents of the WAR directly.  JSP 'files' read
out of the .war are being converted to .java files
stored in the working directory (i.e. /tmp or
wherever).  Javac just has to deal with the latter

It should be possible to modify Jasper to work with an
unexpanded .war archive.  Not necessarily trivial, but
definitely possible, in principle, with no need for
new javac compilation tech.



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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-4.0/jasper/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Mel Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
- Of course, the classes and JARs are still
  extracted from the WAR until the
  compilation technology is updated (javac wants
  files :(( ).

 :-)  But javac doesn't have any reason to deal with
 the contents of the WAR directly.  JSP 'files' read
 out of the .war are being converted to .java files
 stored in the working directory (i.e. /tmp or
 wherever).  Javac just has to deal with the latter

Please disregard this stupid inaccuracy.  'Brain
momentarily dumped the fact that the compiler might
need to see inside the .war for imported classes used
in the compilation of the .jsp/.java file.



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Re: bug in Jasper - bad lookups to Constants.getString()

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

Would the following be an acceptable solution?

We change the
Constants.message(key,args,verbosityLevel) method
behavior so that if getString(key,args) throws
a missing resource exception that it logs using the
key itself as the log message. Note that this would
also require changing the getString() method to throw
the MissingResourceException instead of the Error
object that it currently throws.  

Looking at this, I am not sure why an Error is being
thrown here (in Constants.getString()).  If Jasper is
operating in JspServlet mode inside some other
container (i.e. WebLogic, JRun, whatever) then should
it necessarily throw an Error?  According to the spec,
Errors are reserved for conditions that are so serious
that they should normally not be caught by the
application.  I.E., they should bring the JVM down. 
The fact that Jasper (a servlet) is unable to find a
String in it's resource file sounds more like enough
error to throw a RuntimeException or even a
ServletException, but not an Error.  That would allow
the containing ServletEngine to handl the error to
Jasper without bringing down other servlets - without
having to catch 'Error'.

I think the right way to handle this is to change the
getString() to just throw the
MissingResourceException.  This requires no change to
the interfaces.

Then in org.apache.jasper.Constants change message()

public static final void message(
   String key, 
   Object[] args, 
if (jasperLog == null)
  jasperLog = Log.getLog("JASPER_LOG", null);

if (jasperLog != null){
  }catch(MissingResourceException e){

This should work 99% of the time the way you describe
with much less pain in implementation.

Feedback welcome.  If no one sends a -1 on this, I can
put this patch in fairly rapidly in tc3.3.


--- "Julien, Timothy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I believe there is a bug in Jasper when resources
 (such as web.xml's dtd)
 can't be loaded.
 The basic problem is that keys are getting passed
 into Constants.getString()
 which aren't keys in the message resources file. 
 This happens because of
 some exception handling, which basically constructs
 an invalid key - namely,
 a *value* in the message resources file.
 JspUtil.parseXMLDocJaxp(String, InputStream)
   catch(IOException io)
 throw new

 new Object[] {
 uri, io.toString()
 and then lower down the call stack:
 public TldLocationsCache(ServletContext ctxt)
  mappings = new Hashtable();
  catch(JasperException ex)
  Constants.message(ex.getMessage(), 1);
 The trouble is that ex.getMessage() here contains a
 *value* from the message
 resource file, (as looked up in the first caught
 Exception) not a *key*.
 One fix would be in JspUtil.parseXMLDocJaxp(String,
 InputStream) to pass
 only the key (jsp.error.parse.xml) as the
 JasperException's message - and
 delay the lookup.  But then you lose some
 information (i.e., io.String()).
 Maybe a better solution is to set a flag on
 JasperException which marks its
 message as being either key or value - so that
 Constants.getString can be
 called only when necessary.  I realize this would
 effect alot of code.
 anyway, I'm happy to help in any way with the fix.
 Tim Julien
 HP Middleware

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Re: Bugzilla issues

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Ignacio J. Ortega" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 There are so many Tomcat 3/Jasper bugs and the
 component itself assigned
 to Justyna Horward, it seems Justyna will not do
 much to help us with
 3.X, if nobody complaints, if nobody complaints i
 will make somebody
 responsible of that component...( myself as a last
 resort to contact
 reporters at least )
 Who wants to volunteer to own the Jasper component
 on Tomcat 3?
 Casey,  Mel or Marc perhaps? 


I will be glad to help as much as possible on tc3.3
Jasper, as that module is pretty important to The Damn
Day Job(tm) and i'm much more familiar with Jasper
than any other part of the codebase.  I'm a bit of a
newbie still with the tomcat project in general
though, so don't ask me to manage releases or anything
like that.  I'm also still learning bugzilla.

I guess that qualifies as a "I'll only own it if no
one else wants it".  I think I might be more valuable
as a #2 guy here for now.

mel (walking backwards ...)

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Re: bug in Jasper - bad lookups to Constants.getString()

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
  Would the following be an acceptable solution?
  We change the
  Constants.message(key,args,verbosityLevel) method
  behavior so that if getString(key,args) throws
  a missing resource exception that it logs using
  key itself as the log message. Note that this
  also require changing the getString() method to
  the MissingResourceException instead of the Error
  object that it currently throws.  
 +1 ( please check the tomcat side is doing the
 same - we never had the problem but you never know )
 Would StringManager be a better place for the fix ?

Possibly.  I'll take a look tonight.  I have to run
home now to watch my daughter watch disney movies and
then run around the house carrying her while she
pretends to fly for a few hours.  :-)



  Looking at this, I am not sure why an Error is
  thrown here (in Constants.getString()).  If Jasper
  operating in JspServlet mode inside some other
  container (i.e. WebLogic, JRun, whatever) then
  it necessarily throw an Error?  According to the
  Errors are reserved for conditions that are so
  that they should normally not be caught by the
  application.  I.E., they should bring the JVM
  The fact that Jasper (a servlet) is unable to find
  String in it's resource file sounds more like
  error to throw a RuntimeException or even a
  ServletException, but not an Error.  That would
  the containing ServletEngine to handl the error to
  Jasper without bringing down other servlets -
  having to catch 'Error'.
  I think the right way to handle this is to change
  getString() to just throw the
  MissingResourceException.  This requires no change
  the interfaces.
  Then in org.apache.jasper.Constants change
  public static final void message(
 String key, 
 Object[] args, 
  if (jasperLog == null)
jasperLog = Log.getLog("JASPER_LOG",
  if (jasperLog != null){
}catch(MissingResourceException e){
  This should work 99% of the time the way you
  with much less pain in implementation.
  Feedback welcome.  If no one sends a -1 on this, I
  put this patch in fairly rapidly in tc3.3.
  --- "Julien, Timothy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I believe there is a bug in Jasper when
   (such as web.xml's dtd)
   can't be loaded.
   The basic problem is that keys are getting
   into Constants.getString()
   which aren't keys in the message resources file.
   This happens because of
   some exception handling, which basically
   an invalid key - namely,
   a *value* in the message resources file.
   JspUtil.parseXMLDocJaxp(String, InputStream)
 catch(IOException io)
   throw new

   new Object[] {
   uri, io.toString()
   and then lower down the call stack:
   public TldLocationsCache(ServletContext ctxt)
mappings = new Hashtable();
catch(JasperException ex)
Constants.message(ex.getMessage(), 1);
   The trouble is that ex.getMessage() here
 contains a
   *value* from the message
   resource file, (as looked up in the first caught
   Exception) not a *key*.
   One fix would be in
   InputStream) to pass
   only the key (jsp.error.parse.xml) as the
   JasperException's message - and
   delay the lookup.  But then you lose some
   information (i.e., io.String()).
   Maybe a better solution is to set a flag on
   JasperException which marks its
   message as being either key or value - so that
   Constants.getString can be
   called only when necessary.  I realize this
   effect alot of code.
   anyway, I'm happy to help in any way with the
   Tim Julien
   HP Middleware
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Re: jasper's -classpath

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Julien, Timothy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How does Jasper construct its Classpath when
 compiling jsps?
 From what I see it is:
 System class path + something from Tomcat + the
 directory containing the jsp
 Note that when running Jasper in another container,
 the 'something from
 Tomcat' part is null - an init-parameter
 for JspServlet, I think, is (obviously) missing when
 running in another

When running in another container, the class path
visible to jasper JSP's is like so:

0 - Classpath (via system class loader)
1 - classes visible to JspServlet's class loader (i.e.
the servlet class loader for the container)
2 - classes visible to JasperLoader (the class loader
used to load Jsp servlets after they have been

In general, you may or may not have control over 0
(depends on how the container starts up) and what is
available via (1) depends on how the container loads
servlets.  The control over (2) is a little shaky

The classpath available to JasperLoader for loading
classes is basically whatever directories, jar or zip
files have been added via the addJar() method. 
Unfortunately, as near as I can tell, this is not done

Now the classpath that is pulled out of the
JspServlet's init-params looks like it is _supposed_
to be added to JasperLoader, but if it is I can't find
where.  It IS appended to the classpath used by the
Compiler to compile the jsp's .java files into .class
files, but that doesn't help you load the classes and
run them.

Before I got involved with the tomcat project
directly, I solved this problem by extending a few
jasper classes to refactor it and fix this and a few
other problems specifically to address running Jasper
in a non-tomcat container (I need to run it in
WebLogic as well).  In my solution, I did two things.
(1) I outright added a system property to set a
classpath for the jsp loader.  (2) I calculate the
classpath for the JasperLoader using the above
property as well as the heretofore ignored init-param
and make sure to add it to the loader when I construct
the loader for the particular page (my implementation
uses a loader for each page to support dynamic

So somewhere between the creation of the loader and
the  attempt to load the class, which currently
happens in JspServlet.doLoadJSP(), the classpath needs
to be added to the loader.

I say 'currently' because Costin is right when he says
that jasper could use some refactoring.  I'd like to
propose some wholesale refactoring of the class model
for the JspServlet and it's supporting classes to
better partition responsibilities.  I'll make a more
formal proposal along these lines shortly.

 Question: Would Jasper be able to run out of a
 web-app, without hanving it
 in the system classpath?  Could I stick all of
 Jaspers relevant jars in the
 WEB-INF/lib directory and get it to work?  The
 behavior I am seeing says no.
 I would think that the classpath for compilation
 should include the jars in
 WEB-INF/lib directory.

If the container properly implements the spec, then
JspServlet and thus the jsp servlets should be able to
'see' the WEB-INF/lib classes for LOADING purposes via
the servlet classloader.  However, that classpath is
not made available to the compiler for COMPILATION
currently.  The compiler sees the classpath of the
JasperLoader.getClassPath() call (which as I've said
above, is not necessarily set because that is
initialized via missing addJar() calls) catenated to
the init-param classpath.
So the result is that currently, you can only LOAD
classes that the parent servlet classloader can see
and you can only COMPILE classes visible in the
init-param classpath.  If you know how the container's
classloader behaves, and also manually setup the
init-param classpath, you can work around this

However, this needs to be fixed.  I will try to take a
stab at first a short-term fix to get it working right
in the next couple of days and then as mentioned, I'd
like to propose some more wholesale changes.  Note - a
lot of these problems don't exist with the
JspInterceptor.  These problems seem to be solely with
the JspServlet as used separately from tomcat.


Dr. Mel Martinez

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Re: bug in Jasper - bad lookups to Constants.getString()

2001-03-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
  Would the following be an acceptable solution?
  We change the
  Constants.message(key,args,verbosityLevel) method
  behavior so that if getString(key,args) throws
  a missing resource exception that it logs using
  key itself as the log message. Note that this
  also require changing the getString() method to
  the MissingResourceException instead of the Error
  object that it currently throws.  
 +1 ( please check the tomcat side is doing the
 same - we never had the problem but you never know )
 Would StringManager be a better place for the fix ?

Yes.  After looking into this, it would seem that
there is no reason Jasper can't make use of
StringManager to handle getting it's resource strings
consistent with the way tomcat packages are doing so. 
This doesn't look too difficult to retro into Jasper.

However ...

StringManager's getString() currently deals with the
MissingResourceException by simply returning a String
consisting of a warning message about not being able
to find the particular key.  I don't think that is
correct behavior.  I think it should throw the
MissingResourceException or return null and that
calling code should deal with it.  Otherwise the
calling code really has no reason to suspect anything
is wrong (that the returned string is not what it
wanted).  If an exception were to be thrown and caught
(or a null is checked and found) then the calling code
wuld have the option to use the key to construct a
replacement String or whatever.  However, I am a bit
leary about changing code to throw an exception where
one has been incorrectly swallowed like this. 
Currently unsuspecting code may exist that relies
unknowingly on this swallowing of the exception by
blindly just using whatever string is returned.

Changing this may require a bit of testing to see all
the effects caused by missing resource strings.


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Re: [VOTE] Proposed Tomcat 4.0-Beta-2 Code Freeze Date

2001-03-20 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Clip and Return This Portion -
 +1  [ ]   I support the proposed release, and
 will work to support it
 +0  [ ]   I support the proposed release, but
 cannot work on it
   at this time
 -0  [ ]   I do not support the proposed release,
 but do not have an
   alternative to propose
 -1  [ ]   I do not support the proposed release,
 for reasons specified
 Craig McClanahan (who votes +1)



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RE: [PATCH] TC3.3 tomcat.bat doesn't pick up external CLASSPATH

2001-03-19 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, GOMEZ Henri wrote:
  It's a WANTED feature.
  With TC 3.3 there is a new classe loader system.
  a look at change3.3 file included in distro.
  A quick fix for your problem is to copy jaxp /
 crimson jars
  in TOMCAT_HOME/lib/common.
 Tomcat 4.0 follows the same philosophy (ignore the
 user's original
 CLASSPATH), for the same reasons.  The CLASSPATH
 variable is the second
 largest source of user questions and problems on the
 (after configuring web connectors), and this
 philosophy avoids nearly all
 of those issues.


In support of this, to make deployments more flexible,
we added the configuration properties :
-Dorg.apache.tomcat.apps.classpath and
-Dorg.apache.tomcat.common.classpath to Tomcat 3.3
which seems to help quite a bit at managing the
distinctions between the class loading spaces.  Is
there any chance someone working on TC 4.0 could add
support for those properties as well so we have
continuity in deployment configuration support?  I'd
be glad to do it, but I am currently not setup to work
on or test tc4.0 yet and due to That Damn Day Job(tm),
I'm not likely to get a chance to do so for a while
(working on TC 3.3 is easier because it is part of our
delivered solution).

The code to support these properties is entirely
inside org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main in tc3.3, and
probably could be ported to tc4.0 relatively easily.

If no one else can do it, I'll go ahead, but I've got
a pretty full plate and it probably won't get done for
at least a week or two.


Dr. Mel Martinez
G1440, Inc.

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Re: Tag names, Attribute Names and NMTOKEN values

2001-03-19 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Marc Saegesser wrote:
  This question comes a bug (387) against Tomcat-3. 
 The JSP specification
  defines tag names attribute names as containing
 NMTOKEN values.  The
  specification does not define NMTOKEN so I assume
 that the XML definition
  applies.  The XML definition of NMTOKEN allows
 strings that are not valid
  Java identifiers.  
  Attribute names, however, pose a different
 problem.  Attribute names map
  into Java method names and thus can't contain some
 of NMTOKEN characters.
  Either the specification should define a mapping
 of NMTOKEN values into Java
  identifers or state that attribute names must be
 valid Java identifier
 It seems to me that Jasper should be using the
 standard JavaBeans
 introspection mechanisms to decide what actual
 setter method to call
 (instead of just gluing "set" on the front of the
 property name and fixing
 the capitalization).  If it does so, the tag
 developer can use a BeanInfo
 class associated with their tag to map non-standard
 property names into
 the names of legal getter and/or setter methods.

I suppose this same could be said about our
interpretation of attributes in other places in the
code, such as for Intercepters, etc.  In tc3.0, we can
probably address this all at once inside the
org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils class.

I believe jasper already depends on tomcat_util.jar so
this shouldn't introduce any new deployment


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Re: [VOTE] New commiter - Casey Lucas

2001-03-16 Thread Mel Martinez


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please vote for Casey Lucas as commiter.
 Casey is working on various optimizations in Jasper,
 with some 
 very promising results ( tag pooling ). He is
 working on supporting
 both branches of jasper, and create
 container-specific adapters.

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/shell

2001-03-15 Thread Mel Martinez

+1 On putting it in the logs directory.


--- David Rees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 07:33:19AM -,
  costin  01/03/14 23:33:19
- added -noout option to redirect the
 stdout/stderr to a file
 Great, I've been modifying my tomcat scripts to do
 this by hand forever.
- save the PID of the java process in
 conf/ ( of course, you
don't need this because tomcat never hangs, but
 just in case :-)
 Shouldn't the pid file be saved in the logs
 directory as it seems to
 be customary to do so?  (Apache puts it's .pid file
 in the log dir)

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Re: [VOTE] New Committer: Amy Roh

2001-03-13 Thread Mel Martinez


Welcome aboard, Amy.

Dr. Mel Martinez
G1440, Inc.

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Amy has recently joined the JSP/Servlet team at Sun,
 and has contributed
 several documentation updates and new tests for the
 test harness.  She
 would like to work on bug fixes, as well as
 participate in the development
 of better admin tools, primarily on the Tomcat 4.0
 code base.
 Votes please?
 Craig McClanahan

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Re: [PATCH] fix for paths for unix

2001-03-13 Thread Mel Martinez


Thanks for catching this.  I tested assigning the path
attributes, but forgot to test the defaults on the
unix case.  I'll try to get your patch tested and
applied by the end of tomorrow.   I've been a little
side-tracked the last few days teaching client


--- Mike Braden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This patch is for the classes.  It
 changes the static
 (default) paths from
 absolute paths to relative paths.
 Without this fix, the paths are not configurable
 from the server.xml file as
 intended.  The conf paths
 also default to / - i.e. /conf/jk/ and /conf/jserv/.
  When using absolute
 paths, the TOMCAT_HOME is
 ignored as well as any prefix that you set in
 Tested on Solaris and Windows 2000
 # cvs diff -u 

 RCS file:

 retrieving revision 1.7
 diff -u -r1.7
 ---   2001/03/05 02:56:49 1.7
 +++   2001/03/13 16:32:59
 @@ -118,13 +118,13 @@
  // XXX maybe conf/
  /** default path to JServ .conf location */
 -public static final String
 +public static final String
  /** default path to mod_jk .conf location */
 -public static final String MOD_JK_CONFIG =
 +public static final String MOD_JK_CONFIG =
  /** default path to file */
 -public static final String WORKERS_CONFIG =
 +public static final String WORKERS_CONFIG =
  /** default mod_jk log file location */
 -public static final String JK_LOG_LOCATION =
 +public static final String JK_LOG_LOCATION =
  /** default location of mod_jserv Apache
 plug-in. */
  public static final String MOD_JSERV;
  /** default location of mod_jk Apache plug-in.
 Mike Braden

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

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Re: Problem with JspWriterImpl

2001-03-10 Thread Mel Martinez

Hi Oren,

--- "Oren Deri, Nice-Eye" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when printing in jsp some String that is null
 (String str = null;)
 the output html is the string "null". 
 Look at the code of JspWriterImpl.print(String s) 
 public void print(String s) throws IOException {
   if (s == null) {
   s = "null";
 why did you return "null"? I changed it to "" insted
 of "null" and it works
 just fine.

It may 'work' just fine, in that it is not crashing,
or anything drastic, but the change you made is not
correct.  The proper String representation of a null
Object reference is "null".  This is part of the Java
Language Specification [sec]:

 "If the reference is null, it is converted to the
string "null" (four ASCII characters n, u, l, l).
Otherwise, the conversion is performed as if by an
invocation of the toString method of the referenced
object with no arguments; but if the result of
invoking the toString method is null, then the string
"null" is
used instead."

The rational for this is very simple:  A null
reference is not an empty String.  An empty String is
not a null reference.  Consider the following case:

String s = null;
Boolean b = null;
Map m = new HashMap();
System.out.println("key1 = "+m.get("key1"));
System.out.println("key2 = "+m.get("key2"));

Now, in both cases, I have stored IDENTICAL values
(null).  (s==b)==true.  As far as the map m is
concerned, s and b are both of type Object and have
identical reference values of null.  Thus, they should
both print out identical String representations (and
they do: the characters n-u-l-l).

 public void print(String s) throws IOException {
   if (s == null) {
   s = "";
 My questions:
 Is my change can hurt the tomcat operation?

Yes because it is no longer in spec.

 Why did you return "null" and not "" 
 (the original software is on weblogic but we moved
 it to tomcat which have
 better performance,  in weblogic they return "" and
 not "null") ?

Unfortunately, the WebLogic JSP implementation is not
within specification.  It is broken.  While this
change provides a convenience for the lazy JSP
developer, this deviation results in the writing of
JSP code that is not portable to other JSP compilers. 

We were bitten by this same misbehavior this winter as
we ported a large body (several hundred pages) of code
from WLS to tomcat/jasper.  We were forced to rewrite
zillions of lines of code by our developers (despite
repeated warnings about this) who failed to do the
simple task of checking for null values in their code.

Basically, if you want to use an empty String to
represent a null value, you should do something like:


in your code.

Note - we HAD to move off the WLS JSP compiler for
other more fundamental technical reasons as well.

I hope this explains things a bit for you.


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Re: 3.3 build

2001-03-10 Thread Mel Martinez


Same sentiments as Nacho.  I don't like it, but I can
cave in to peer pressure with the best of 'em...  :-)

'Course this means I'll have to change all my own damn
customized scripts again... :-(


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm doing some fixes in the nightly build, and I was
 wondering about
 changing the default to what most other jakarta
 projects are using.
 I hate creating build in jakarta-tomcat - but since
 most other projects
 adopted this we should do it in 3.3 too. Now it's
 the right moment ( since
 we are preparing to build M2 - so we'll deal with
 all the build details
 and scripts ).
 Let me know what you think - I would be very happy
 to hear you strongly
 disagree with mixing the source and build result,
 but if no commiter -1
 it I guess we should do it.

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Re: [TC 3.3m1] New Bug in mod_jk auto config generation

2001-03-06 Thread Mel Martinez

This should be fixed in the nightly builds of tc3.3. 
As of last sunday, you should be able to explicitely
control the setting of all these paths in the
auto-generated files (and also where they get
generated to) using attributes of the ApacheConfig
... / element in server.xml.  If you get build the
latest source, the attributes are documented in
javadoc for
org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.ApacheConfig.  I'll
try to get mods into the user docs this week.


--- Mike Braden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It looks like there have been some new changes to
 the Tomcat auto config
 Now when you startup, TC3.3 says:
 2001-03-06 10:18:48 - ApacheConfig: Generating
 apache mod_jserv config =
 2001-03-06 10:18:48 - ApacheConfig: Generating
 apache mod_jk config =
 The jserv stuff is new.  This is OK, except that now
 the config files are
 put in /conf on the server,
 not $TOMCAT_HOME/conf
 # ls /conf
 jk jserv
 Could someone please fix this?
 The above is from last nights build of TC3.3m1 at
 It also looks like the mod_jk.conf-auto has been
 changed.  The paths are not
 LoadModule jk_module libexec/
 JkLogFile /usr/local/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
 now is
   LoadModule jk_module
 JkWorkersFile "/conf/jk/"
 JkLogFile "/logs/mod_jk.log"
 Mike Braden
 CNE, MCP+I, MCSE, CCNA, Sun Comp 2k Enterprise 
 808 Aviation Parkway
 Suite 1100
 PO Box 13479
 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

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RE: HTTP Status Codes and Error Pages

2001-03-06 Thread Mel Martinez


You missed some good discussions on this two weeks ago
between Costin and myself!  :-)

Not only is it (premature commit) caused by the
RequestDispatcher.include() calling flushBuffer() but
there are other out.flush() calls in jasper that
contribute to the problem.

I don't know if it will or can be fixed in the 3.2.2
release (Mark?).  The RequestDispatcher.include() bug
is fixed in tc3.3. 

Costin - were you going to make the changes
(out.flush() - out.flushBuffers()) in
JspParseEventListener.generateFooter() and
PageContextImpl.include() that we had discussed?  I
had thought that you implied you were going to do it
(that was before I was a committer) but I just noticed
that the out.flush() calls are still the same as

Send me a note and I'll do this if you can't get to


--- Ethan Wallwork [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Here is some more info on this problem.  I'm seem to
 be having some problems
 with the respnse getting committed too early.  It
 still seems wrong that an
 error page ever get returned with status code 200
 1) client makes request to Tomcat
 2) Tomcat calls service() on my main servlet
 3) servlet does an include() on some (possibly
 non-existant) JSP
 4) JSP file does not exist (expected)
 5) FileNotFoundException thrown from include()
 6) main servlet catches exception
 7) main servlet calls sendError()
 8) sendError throws IllegalStateException (response
 already committed)
 9) my error servlet gets called
 10) error page get generated and sent to client with
 HTTP status 200 OK
 The RequestDispatcher.include() method calls
 flushBuffer(), which commits the
 response.  This seems to mean that if you have a
 servlet which includes a JSP,
 any errors that occur can never be handled properly.
 Code comments indicate that this flushBuffer() is
 not required by the spec, but
 is instead there to work around a problem with the
 session interceptor (BugRat
 bug #316).
 -Original Message-
 From: Ethan Wallwork
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 1:03 PM
 To: Tomcat-Dev
 Subject: HTTP Status Codes and Error Pages
 I can't tell if this is a bug or intended behavior:
 I have a servlet that acts as the error page for my
 webapp.  Note that this is
 set up using the web.xml file, not the errorPage
 directive in the JSPs (if that
 makes any difference?)
 When there is an error (say 500 Internal Server
 Error), it returns a WML page
 saying things went wrong.   This page is being
 properly generated, but the HTTP
 response code being sent along with it is "200 OK"!
 The request attribute java.servlet.error.status_code
 is set to 500, as I would
 expect.  Calling response.setStatus(500) in the
 error servlet changes nothing.
 This is the response I get, headers included:
 HTTP/1.0 200 OK
 Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml;charset=UTF-8
 Cache-Control: no-cache
 Servlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server/3.2 (final) (JSP
 1.1; Servlet 2.2; Java
 1.3.0; SunOS 5.8 sparc; java.vendor=Sun Microsystems
 ?xml version="1.0"?
 card title="Error 500" id="error"
 do label="Back" type="prev"
 We're sorry, your request could be fulfilled.
 500 Internal Server Error

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Re: Assigning Servlets to different ports.

2001-03-05 Thread Mel Martinez

There might be a more 'elegant' way but a simple brute
force solution is to create a simple dispatcher
servlet (or JSP) that does the following:

String host = request.getHeader("HOST");
String port = "80";
 port = host.substring(host.indexOf(":")+1);
//assume getDispatchMap() returns a map of
//ports to servlets, probably loaded from
//a configuration file or whatever
String target = (String)getDispatchMap().get(port);
RequestDispatcher rd =

That is a simple dispatcher pattern that should work. 
The only thing you have to do is configure "/" to map
to the above servlet/jsp.  You can do that in a
variety of ways.

The usual caveates and disclaimers apply to the above
code...  :-)


--- William Wishon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My goal is to be able to have different servlets
 mapped to "/" on different
 ports.  I have not found any way to do this in
 server.xml, so I started
 grep'ing and groveling through the code to find out
 more.  Now as far as I
 can tell right now what I want to do is not possible
 using Tomcat 3.2.1.  My
 question to this list is if anyone here can either
 show me what I've missed
 and tell me how to configure Tomcat to do what I
 want.  Or if someone can
 help me out by pointing me in the right direction in
 terms of patching the
 3.2.1 sources to do what I want.  Perhaps this is
 now possible in the newer
 versions of tomcat and I could back port a change. 
 Or ???  Any help is
 greatly appreciated.
 An example of what I'm trying to do is to have a GET
 on "/" of port 8080
 return webapps/app1/index.html and a GET of "/" on
 port 8081 return

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[PATCH][tc3.3]Re: Proposed change

2001-03-04 Thread Mel Martinez

The attached PATCH modifies 
org.apache.tomcat.modules.config.ApacheConfig to add
some needed flexibility.  I need someone who is
running apache and tomcat3.3 using mod_jserv to test
it in that 
configuration and give their feedback.

I've tested it with mod_jk on winNT and linux 6.2 and
it seems to work fine.  I would of course welcome any
tests that would uncover things I may have overlooked.
 As soon as I have a reasonable amount of feedback to
resolve any such oversights, I will commit the

The nature of the changes is as follows.  First off, 
if you haven't been using the latest tomcat3.3, you
need to tell it to auto-generate the Apache config
files for jserv and jk. To do this, the only thing you
need to do is insert an ApacheConfig/ config
intercepter element inside the ContextManager tag like

ContextManager ... 
  ApacheConfig /

That will make sure that ApacheConfig is invoked.

In the absence of any attributes in the
tag the only difference in behavior should be that the
LoadModule statements will be wrapped in 
IfModule !mod_name.c
tags to make the loads conditional.

In addition to making the LoadModule
statements conditional, I've also added some
attributes to the ApacheConfig / tag that should
help setting up Apache and Tomcat deployments:

confighome - default parent directory for the
  paths. If not set, this defaults to TOMCAT_HOME.
  Ignored whenever any of the following paths is
jservconfig - path to write apache jserv conf file to.
  If not set, defaults to
jkconfig - path to write apacke mod_jk conf file to.
  If not set, defaults to "conf/jk/mod_jk.conf".

workersconfig - path to file used
  by mod_jk. If not set, defaults to

modjserv - path to Apache JServ plugin module file.
  If not set, defaults to
  "modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll" on windows, 
  "modules/Jserv.nlm" on netware, and
  "libexec/" everywhere else. 
modjk - path to Apache mod_jk plugin file. If not
   set, defaults to "modules/mod_jk.dll" on windows,
   "modules/mod_jk.nlm" on netware, and
   "libexec/" everywhere else. 

jklog - path to log file to be used by mod_jk. 

All of these attributes are optional.

Please try the patch out and let me know if you have
any problems.

Send me a +1 if you think it should be committed.



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[PATCH][tc3.3]Re: Proposed change

2001-03-04 Thread Mel Martinez
+   on windows, "modules/Jserv.nlm" on netware, and 
+   "libexec/" everywhere else./li
+ libmodjk/b - path to Apache mod_jk plugin file.  If not set,
+defaults to "modules/mod_jk.dll" on windows,
+"modules/mod_jk.nlm" on netware, and
+"libexec/" everywhere else./li
+ libjklog/b - path to log file to be used by mod_jk./li   
+@author Costin Manolache
+@author Mel Martinez
+   @version $Revision: 1.26 $ $Date: 2001/02/26 09:42:30 $
 public class ApacheConfig  extends BaseInterceptor { 
 // XXX maybe conf/
-public static final String APACHE_CONFIG  = "/conf/jserv/tomcat-apache.conf";
-public static final String MOD_JK_CONFIG  = "/conf/jk/mod_jk.conf";
+/** default path to JServ .conf location */
+public static final String APACHE_CONFIG="/conf/jserv/tomcat-apache.conf";
+/** default path to mod_jk .conf location */
+public static final String MOD_JK_CONFIG = "/conf/jk/mod_jk.conf";
+/** default path to file */
 public static final String WORKERS_CONFIG = "/conf/jk/";
+/** default mod_jk log file location */
 public static final String JK_LOG_LOCATION = "/logs/mod_jk.log";
+/** default location of mod_jserv Apache plug-in. */
+public static final String MOD_JSERV;
+/** default location of mod_jk Apache plug-in. */
+public static final String MOD_JK;
+//set up some defaults based on OS type
+String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
+   MOD_JSERV = "modules/ApacheModuleJserv.dll";
+   MOD_JK = "modules/mod_jk.dll";
+}else if(os.indexOf("netware")=0){
+   MOD_JSERV = "modules/Jserv.nlm";
+   MOD_JK = "modules/mod_jk.nlm";
+   MOD_JSERV = "libexec/";
+   MOD_JK = "libexec/";
 public static final String[] JkMount = { "ajp12", "ajp13" };
 public static final int AJP12 = 0;
 public static final int AJP13 = 1;
 public static final String AJPV12 = "ajpv12";
+private File configHome = null;
+private File jservConfig = null;
+private File jkConfig = null;
+private File workersConfig = null;
+private File modJserv = null;
+private File modJk = null;
+private File jkLog = null;
 public ApacheConfig() {
@@ -108,300 +183,664 @@
 public void contextInit(Context ctx)
throws TomcatException
-   ContextManager cm=ctx.getContextManager();
-   if( cm.getState() = ContextManager.STATE_INIT ) {
-   // a context has been added after the server was started.
-   // regenerate the config ( XXX send a restart signal to
-   // the server )
-   execute( cm );
-   }
+   ContextManager cm=ctx.getContextManager();
+   if( cm.getState() = ContextManager.STATE_INIT ) {
+   // a context has been added after the server was started.
+   // regenerate the config ( XXX send a restart signal to
+   // the server )
+   execute( cm );
+   }
+this method helps the context's XMLMapper to work when
+setting properties.
+public void setProperty(String name,String value){
+name = name.toLowerCase(); //case-insensitive
+if(name.equals("confighome")) setConfigHome(value);
+if(name.equals("jservconfig")) setJservConfig(value);
+if(name.equals("jkconfig")) setJkConfig(value);
+if(name.equals("workersconfig")) setWorkersConfig(value);
+if(name.equals("modjserv")) setModJserv(value);
+if(name.equals("modjk")) setModJk(value);
+if(name.equals("jklog")) setJkLog(value);
+set a path to the parent directory of the
+conf folder.  That is, the parent directory
+within which setJservConfig(), setJkConfig()
+and setWorkerConfig() paths would be resolved against
+if relative.  For example if ConfigHome is set to "/home/tomcat"
+and JkConfig is set to "conf/mod_jk.conf" then the resulting 
+path returned from getJkConfig() would be: 
+However, if JkConfig, JservConfig or WorkersConfig
+are set to absolute paths, this attribute is ignored.
+If not set, execute() will set 

TC3.3 build not generating javadocs?

2001-03-04 Thread Mel Martinez

I notice that as of a day or two ago (my last major
'update' from CVS) that now when I build tomcat 3.3,
even after a 'clean', that only a few of the javadocs
get generated.  Specifically, just those in

I realize that for some folks, they don't want to wait
to rebuild all the javadocs everytime they build.  So
maybe it makes sense to have the script not build them
by default.  However, I'd like for someone to tell me
how to modify the build.xml script to re-enable
complete generation of the javadocs for all the
packages.  I am an Ant newbie and the build.xml looks
strange and frightening to me!  :-)



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Re: Proposed change

2001-03-03 Thread Mel Martinez


I'm pretty much done with the mods I wanted to make (I
ended up adding a few extras) and am in the testing
and documenting phase.  Should be ready tomorrow.

BTW: I figured out soon after my last post that the
only thing I needed to do enable auto-generation of
apache config files was to insert an ApacheConfig/
config intercepter element inside the ContextManager
tag like so:

ContextManager ... 
  ApacheConfig /

That returned it to the default 3.2.1 behavior.
--- Dan Milstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would strongly vote for turning the auto-config
 back on by default for the
 following reasons (other than the fact that I
 explicity turned it back on
 when Keith fixed the ApacheConfig class):
  1) This is how 3.2 worked, and how the docs specify
 that 3.3 works.

I think that that is a strong argument in favor of
having it enabled.  The cost in startup performance is
negligible and runtime is essentially zero so I
advocate defaulting it to enabled.  At a minimum, the
ApacheConfig element should be present in the
server.xml file to comment/uncomment out to toggle.

  2) Configuration of mod_jk is notoriously
 complicated.  Giving people the
 auto generated file is a big, big win.

Aside from the proposed mod to make the LoadModule
statement conditional, I've also added some attributes
to the ApacheConfig / tag that should greatly help
setting up Apache and Tomcat together:

confighome - default parent directory for the
  paths. If not set, this defaults to TOMCAT_HOME.
  Ignored whenever any of the following paths is
jservconfig - path to write apache jserv conf file to.
  If not set, defaults to
jkconfig - path to write apacke mod_jk conf file to. 
  If not set, defaults to "conf/jk/mod_jk.conf".
  workersconfig - path to file used
  by mod_jk. If not set, defaults to

modjserv - path to Apache JServ plugin module file. If
  not set, defaults to
  "modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll" on windows, 
  "modules/Jserv.nlm" on netware, and
  "libexec/" everywhere else. 
modjk - path to Apache mod_jk plugin file. If not set,
   defaults to "modules/mod_jk.dll" on windows,
   "modules/mod_jk.nlm" on netware, and
   "libexec/" everywhere else. 

jklog - path to log file to be used by mod_jk. 

All of these attributes are optional.

  3) For the people who run it in standalone, we can
 provide a comment in the
 file telling them to "comment out the below".   That
 way it would work out
 of the box for both types (standalone + behind
 Apache), and be very easy for
 people to tune to their needs.
 Since the syntax has changed (and I've never been a
 server.xml master), I'm
 not sure where the AutoConfig stuff would go now.

Lemme know if you guys like/dislike the above changes.
 I should be able to have it ready early tomorrow
(Sunday).  I will post a PATCH version first so I can
get some feedback on test configurations I don't have


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Re: Proposed change

2001-03-02 Thread Mel Martinez

Hi y'all.

I'm in the process of making a small tweak so that the
mod_jk.conf-auto file uses IfModule conditionals
around the LoadModule statments.  As discussed
earlier, there should be a lot of deployment
configuration value in this tweak.

However, after upgrading to the latest and greatest
tomcat 3.3 version out of CVS (as of last night) I've
suddenly noticed that tomcat is no longer generating
the mod_jk.conf-auto or tomcat-apache.conf files

As near as I can tell, ApacheConfig.execute() is not
being called.

Is this a bug or do I need to configure something in
server.xml now to make this happen?  (With tc3.2.1 I
didn't do anything in particular to cause these to be

I look forward to some enlightenment.



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Proposed ApacheConfig tweak:Re: Bugzilla #512 is Bunk

2001-03-01 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Stephen Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In httpd.conf, you cannot do this:
 VirtualHost  blah
   normal config for VirtualHost ...
 There are three main purposes of including
 (1) To get the mod_jk Apache Module loaded, as
   LoadModule jk_module libexec/
 The first (1) Apache directive is the problem: the
 LoadModule directive
 is illegal within the VirtualHost context.

Without trying to change the fact that the LoadModule
call should not be inside a virtual host definition, a
simple patch that should fix this as a side benefit
(the main benefit is improved flexibility in deploying
tomcat and apache) would be to make a simple change to 

Specifically, ApacheConfig currently generates (based
on operating system type and other conditions) a line
similar to:

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll   or

LoadModule jk_module modules/

and so on.  It should not be too difficult to modify to generate the following
declaration format instead:

IfModule !mod_jk.c
LoadModule jk_module modules/

This would serve two purposes.  Obviously, if the
module is already loaded, then LoadModule would not be
called. Thus, if you simply make sure to use
LoadModule to load mod_jk prior to the VirtualHost
definition, then I believe that if you include the
mod_jk.conf-auto file it should not cause a problem.
I.E. step (1) would be ignored.

The more important benefit would be to allow the
deployment engineer freedom to put the (or
mod_jk.dll) module elsewhere than inside
${TOMCAT_HOME}/modules/.  Inside httpd.conf, you would
simply specify where you want to load
from prior to including mod_jk.conf-auto.  

Some examples:

#...inside a solaris version of httpd.conf...
LoadModule jk_module /path/modules/solaris/

#...while inside a linux version of httpd.conf:
LoadModule jk_module /path/modules/linux/

and so on.  This would make it easier to deploy the
same apache/tomcat configuration from CVS to multiple
platforms since you don't have to maintain a custom
mod_jk.conf for each platform.

The same fix should be applied to the other LoadModule
calls (such as for jserv).

I will try to put some time into creating this patch
later today.  I don't think I can get it done for a
day or two though.  Too busy with other things.  I do
need this patch for my own purposes, though, so I will
definitely pursue it.

Does anybody see a problem with this proposal?

If I don't hear any nay-saying I'll proceed.  I'll
post it first as a [PATCH] as I'll need folks using
jserv to test it out as well, but this looks pretty
straight forward.



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TC3.3-propose change to

2001-02-25 Thread Mel Martinez

Hi folks,

I'm still new here so help me with the correct
protocol here.

I'd like to propose a minor change to the Tomcat 3.3


to support two additional configuration properties:

  org.apache.tomcat.common.classpath  and

These properties, set using the -D option and then
made part of a ${TOMCAT_OPTS} block, would allow one
to specify additional classpath elements for the
'shared' and 'common' class loaders.

This is important for deployment flexibility because
it is simply not workable to have all needed classes
and jar files placed physically in the current
lib/shared/ and lib/common/ directories.

I have already rewritten Main locally and tested this
and it seems to work well.  The protocol I've adopted
at this point is that any classpath elements specified
in either of the above two properties to be _appended_
to the classpath URL arrays built with the classes in
the shared and common directories.  I.E. - the
physical directories take precedence during
class-loading.  I am open to reversing that if folks
feel that conceptually the properties should take
precedence over the directories.

The changes to support this were minor but the result
greatly eases deployment hassles currently involved in
using Tomcat with complex deployment situations.

I am not a committer and only have 'anoncvs' access. 
I will gladly email the file to someone who is.

Feedback encouraged.


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RE: TC3.3-propose change to

2001-02-25 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Ignacio J. Ortega" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola, Mel:
  Hi folks,
  I'm still new here so help me with the correct
  protocol here.


Thanks!  I'll follow that up.

 Basically send a cvs diff -u of the files or file
 involved in your
 patch.. to the list with a "[PATCH]" in subject..
 One more advice ( I will change the site shortly to
 add this advice )
 send your patch to the list as an attachment, not
 embedded in the

Sounds simple enough.

 Sounds good, and i think that if anybody takes this
 carefull measures
 before start tomcat, we can suppouse that he knows
 because he is
 starting in this way and why, the properties
 classpath should go before
 the tomcat internal lib directories..

That sounds reasonable too.  The administrator doing
this can always explicitely include 'lib/shared/X.jar'
files in the  classpath if he needs to flip the order.

I'll reverse the precedence to put the
property-specified paths first, then after testing it
a bit, I'll clean out my debug statements and post a
[PATCH] attachment for you.  Look for it later today
(I've got to run some errands right now).



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[PATCH]TC3.3 - org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main

2001-02-25 Thread Mel Martinez

The attached patch file contains diffs for adding the
following feature to startup.Main:

 - supports two new configuration properties:

  org.apache.tomcat.common.classpath  and

 - builds URLs to each jar and directory in the
   above two class paths and prepends them to
   the URL arrays used to initialize the 'common'
   and 'shared' classloaders.  This allows one
   to configure the common and shared ClassLoaders
   without having to physically place files into
   TOMCAT_HOME/lib/common/ and ../lib/shared

 - added some needed javadoc comments (not nearly

 - fixed a couple tiny bugs (nothing serious).

Hopefully a committer (Ignacio?) will have no trouble
with this patch file.  Lemme know if you need any



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RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25
---   2001/02/10 19:17:28 1.25
+++   2001/02/25 21:53:07
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
+ * $Source$
+ * $Revision$
+ * $Date$
+ * $Author$
+ */
  * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
@@ -69,22 +75,101 @@
 import org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils;
 import org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.Jdk11Compat;
-// Depends:
-// JDK1.1
-// tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils, util.compat
- * Starter for Tomcat.
- *
- * This is a replacement/enhancement for the .sh and .bat files - you can
- * use JDK1.2 "java -jar tomcat.jar", or ( for jdk 1.1 ) you just need to
- * include a single jar file in the classpath.
- *
- * @author Costin Manolache
- * @author Ignacio J. Ortega
- *
+   Starter class for Tomcat.
+   p
+   This is a replacement/enhancement for the .sh and .bat files - you can
+   use JDK1.2 "java -jar tomcat.jar", or ( for jdk 1.1 ) you just need to
+   include a single jar file in the classpath.
+   p
+   This class creates three class loader instances: 
+   ol
+   lia 'common' loader to be the parent of both the server
+   container and also webapp loaders./li
+   lia 'shared' loader to load classes used by all webapps, but
+   not the servlet engine./i
+   lia 'server' loader exclusively for the tomcat servlet engine./li
+   /ol
+   Both the 'shared' loader and 'server' loader have the common loader as
+   the parent class loader.  The class path for each is assembled like so:
+   ul
+   licommon - all elements of the 
+ property plus all *.jar files found in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/common/./li
+   lishared - all elements of the 
+ property plus all *.jar files found in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/shared/./i
+   liserver - all jar files found in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib, plus the class
+ folder ${TOMCAT_HOME}/classes and finally also the utility jar
+ file ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar./li
+   /ol
+   After creating the above class loaders, this class instantiates, initializes
+   and starts an instance of the class 
+   p
+   @author Costin Manolache
+   @author Ignacio J. Ortega
+   @author Mel Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+   @version $Revision$ $Date$
 public class Main {
+   /**
+   name of configuration property to set (using the -D option at
+   startup or via .properties file) to specify the classpath
+   to be used by the ClassLoader shared amongst all web applications
+   (but not by the servlet container).  Specify this string as
+   normal file paths separated by the path.seperator delimiter for
+   the host platform.  Example (unix):
+   precode
+   * org.apache.tomcat.shared.classpath = /home/mypath/lib/mylib.jar: \
+   *  /home/mypath/classes/
+   /code/pre
+   */
+   public static final String TOMCAT_SHARED_CLASSPATH_PROPERTY =
+   "org.apache.tomcat.shared.classpath";
+   /**
+   the classpath shared among all web apps (in addition to any
+   jar files placed directly in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/shared/).
+   */
+   public static final String TOMCAT_SHARED_CLASSPATH;
+   /**
+   name of configuration property to set (using the -D option at
+   startup or via .properties file) to specify the classpath
+   to be used by the ClassLoader common to both the servlet 

RE: [PATCH]TC3.3 - org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main

2001-02-25 Thread Mel Martinez

--- "Ignacio J. Ortega" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some comments on format and condign conventions ( in
 not the most
 appropiate for this :) :
 .- Wrap lines on the 80 chars boundary..

Oops!  I did fine on the code - unfortunately went
on a couple of javadoc lines.  Another comment line
that's over was not mine.  I'll be sure to check this
in the future.

 .- Follow guidelines in

I'll assume you refer to the lack of guidelines
followed in the rest of the file (I didn't want to
sit there and rewrite everything).  I did fix several
if()'s without braces.

 .- do not use tabs at all

I didn't know this (no tabs) was a tomcat guideline
(many of the source files already have tabs in them)
but I'll gladly stick to it from now on.

 I Know , i Know , this little comments can suppouse
 a flame bait :),
 everyone has his opinion perfectly admitible, but a
 unique coding style
 is a must in a project like Tomcat.., and it's on
 the guidelines..

I'm fine with that - but I don't see any real
guidelines applied at all to the code I've looked at. 
Most notably, there is a noticeable lack of any effort
at javadoc comments throughout the code.

Not that I'm complaining.  We all can do better.



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Re: TC3.2.1 - response commit on included JSPs

2001-02-22 Thread Mel Martinez

Re: out.flush() sets the 'committed' state in the
response in tc3.2.1 JspWriterImpl.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Mel,
 First, JspWriter needs to be flushed at the end of
 the page - it has a
 buffer, and if the buffer is not commited the data
 will be lost.
 There is a method ( flushBuffer ) in JspWriterImpl,
 and that method should
 be called instead of flush().

Hi Costin,

Two points come to mind here.  First off, I totally
agree that at the end of the page the buffer should be
'committed' to the underlying ServletOutputStream -
but I also believe that the ServletResponse should not
be committed from within a dynamically included
servlet or JSP page - is that distinction not clear?

Second, while there is a flushBuffer() method in
JspWriterImpl, this method is NOT a part of the
javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter interface nor is it public
(it is protected).

An examination of JspWriterImpl.flush() shows that it
does it's own flushBuffer() before calling it's own
'out.flush()' (to cascade the flush to the underlying
ServletOutputStream) and then response.flushBuffer():

 * Flush the stream.
public void flush()  throws IOException {
synchronized (lock) {
if (out != null) {
// Also flush the response buffer.

(the above code is identical in both the tc3.2.1
version (JspWriterImpl rev1.4) and the latest in the
cvs web mainline branch (rev1.5).

Looking at JspWriterImpl.flushBuffer() it does indeed
look like it does all that you'd want it to do from
within an included request, as it simply writes the
current buffer to the underlying ServletOutputStream.

Where trouble is probably being caused is that when
flush is being called it also calls
response.flushBuffer() both directly as well as
indirectly (through cascaded out.flush() calls).  If
we can prevent that from happening in the 'included'
case, perhaps that would be enough to fix the problem?

So, it seems from this, that a simple fix might be to
do the following :

 * Flush the stream.
public void flush()  throws IOException {
synchronized (lock) {
if (out != null  !isIncluded) {
// Also flush the response buffer.

where we would redefine or create a new constructor:

public JspWriterImpl(
 ServletResponse response, 
 int sz, 
 boolean autoFlush,
 boolean isIncluded) {
this.isIncluded = isIncluded;

where isIncluded would default to false, of course.
And finally, the PageContextImpl would have to be
to use the new constructor.  It would set the
isIncluded flag based on the presence of the request
attribute "javax.servlet.include.servlet_path".

 In 3.2 we had a lot of problems with the buffers -
 changing that may be a
 bit dangerous. For 3.3, the whole buffering has been
 re-designed and
 refactored, and most problems we knew about in the
 servlet container
 are fixed ( but so far this issue hasn't been fixed
 - to be honest I
 didn't knew about it, I've been focused more on the
 servlet side ).

I believe the problem here is solely on the jasper
side.  This problem shows up whether running jasper
inside tomcat or inside weblogic server's servlet

 It shouldn't be difficult to fix it, and since it is
 a spec issue I think
 this is a must_fix bug.
 The best way to make sure it'll be indeed fixed is
 to send a patch or at
 least a test case ( a small war with some
 servlets/jsps and a gtest
 fragment that we can include in our nighlty tests ).

Are the above suggestions useful?  I can test them out
on my own because I have a framework for overriding
and extending most all jasper behavior through
subclassing, but I am not a tomcat cvs committer nor
am I well setup yet to put the changes directly into
jasper code.  I want to get more directly involved,
but I don't have the luxury of time just yet.  Just
researching this problem is costing a lot of money so

As for test cases, the problem should show up if you
try to include a .jsp file and then subsequently in
the calling page or servlet do something that requires
an uncommitted response (such as a redirect).

I'm  going to try to tackle this and verify if my
ideas above will help or not.  I'll report back later
on it.


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Re: TC3.2.1 - response commit on included JSPs

2001-02-22 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Second, while there is a flushBuffer() method in
  JspWriterImpl, this method is NOT a part of the
  javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter interface nor is it
  (it is protected).
 We can make it public - and the generated servlets
 already depends
 on jasper runtime.
 The problem is that flush() must still be executed
 as expected,
 i.e. if an included JSP or servlet is actually
 calling flush(),
 it expects the response to be commited. 

But does that necessarily mean to commit it to the
browser?  Or should it instead just commit it to the
buffer of the calling page (which is the actual
'client' here)?  I think it is the latter case that is

 It is possible to disable commit when a servlet/jsp
 is included,
 but then we disable a reasonable function (explicit
 flush() ).
 Or we can disable the commit just before the
 final/implicit out.flush()
 - but again we need an explicit API call.
  Where trouble is probably being caused is that
  flush is being called it also calls
  response.flushBuffer() both directly as well as
  indirectly (through cascaded out.flush() calls). 
  we can prevent that from happening in the
  case, perhaps that would be enough to fix the
 Then how do you distinguish explicit flush() calls ?
 And the spec for flush() is clear IMHO - it should
 and commit the response. 

This may be correct for streams in general, but if
adhered to in servlet-servlet communication, then we
have to re-think the way we use flush().

Aside from the question of what an explicit flush()
should do, one also has to worry about what should
happen when the buffer of the underlying stream simply
fills up, forcing an implicit flush.

 I'll try to commit some changes tonight. I'm going
 to try
 with the flushBuffer() - it seems to me this is the
 way to do it ( and you can still do explicit flush()
 inside an 
 included jsp and get the expected behavior )

I tried the change I suggested, which is to change
JspWriterImpl.flush() to (essentially):

 public void flush(){
   if(out!=null  !isIncluded){

which effectively makes this equivalent to your
suggestion of replacing the use of out.flush() in the
finally{..} with out.flushBuffer().  I'll grant that
if we accept that flush() must always propagate then
the above solution is not 'elegant'.  However, it does
work just as well.  And it at least tries to adhere to
the principal that included servlets should not commit
the response.

Neither solution completely blocks an included servlet
from flushing the parent stream because as currently
written flushBuffer() can still end up flushing the
stream if it writes enough bytes to the underlying
stream to overfill it's buffer, causing an implicit

This could be prevented by rewriting flushBuffer(),
but I can't do that in my scheme because for some
reason it is declared 'final' in the current code.

Before I go, I want to cast a light on some other
misbehavior in this area.  From the JSP 1.1 spec,
section 2.13.4, paragraph 6, on dynamic includes:

"If the page output is buffered then the buffer is
flushed prior to the inclusion."

The current jasper code in tc3.2.1 implements
jsp:include using PageContextImpl.include() which
simply does:

 String path =
  request, response);

As it stands, this will always commit the response
prior to the include.  This is not a problem for the
include, per se, but this is not what performing an
include should do because it alters the commit state
of the current page's response object.

In other words, the use of out.flush() (as currently
defined) just prior to the include means you can not
do something like so:

jsp:include page="/somepage.jsp" flush="true" /


This breaks even if neither the current page or the
included page have actually written anything to the
stream simply because out.flush() is committing the
response prematurely.

So the core problem remains that flush() should NOT
commit the response.

As before, replacing the use of out.flush() in
PageContextImpl.include() with just the functionality
of out.flushBuffer() fixes the problem with the same
exception of the case where the amount of output
written to the underlying servletoutputstream causes
an implicit flush.

The solution you seem to favor is to make
JspWriterImpl.flushBuffer() public and then changing
the generated servlet code to have:


and to similarly replace the out.flush() in

This still would allow an explicit flush() or a buffer
overflow to commit the response.

I guess I'd be okay with that solution, but I'm not
sure I'm convinced that even an 

Re: TC3.2.1 - response commit on included JSPs

2001-02-21 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Incze Lajos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe it's not correct in general but the JSP 1.1
 contains the flush="true" attribute - obligatory in
 of jsp:include. So, it's inconvenient but tomcat3 is
 jsp 1.1 implementation. Am I missing something?

The JSP 1.1 spec says that the current response buffer
should be flushed _prior_ to the inclusion.  In other
words, the flush="true" requirement is talking about
what should happen at level of the calling page.  In
normal java servlet code this is saying :

if(buffered  flush==true){ //JSP1.1 flush always

All this is saying is that, at least for JSP 1.1, we
are required to write everything we've put in the
buffer now before we add more to the buffer from the
included resource.  This requirement is supposed to
happen on the CALLING page, not in the INCLUDED page. 
I will note that TC3.2.1 does not actually do this
correctly and if it tried, it would break because of
the same root cause to the problem I am talking about

The problem I am talking about is independent of the
_calling_ page.  

The problem is caused by the nature of the JSP servlet
that is generated by TC3.2.1.  It cannot properly be
included (dynamically) from either a JSP *OR* a
servlet because when it exits, it always sets the
isCommitted() flag of the response.  It should not do
that if the page is processing a request as an
'include' action because only the parent, calling
servlet or jsp should Commit the response.

As explained, the reason it always sets the
isCommitted() state is due to the sequence:

1) Every JSP page generated by TC3.2.1 has a finally{}
block that invokes out.flush() and...
2) For some reason the TC 3.2.1 JspWriterImpl
implementation of out.flush() commits the response
even BEFORE it calls response.flushBuffer()!
3) Also, out.flush() ALWAYS calls
response.flushBuffer() even if processing an included

IMHO out.flush() should not commit the response.  Only
response.flushBuffer() should commit the response. 
And response.flushBuffer() should not be called from
an inside an 'include' request.

What probably SHOULD happen is the following:

1) Response.flushBuffer() alone should be used to set
the commit state.  But it should NEVER be called from
within an include action which can be checked with:

Obj incl = request.getAttribute(

2) It is probably fine for out.flush() to be called at
the end of every JSP page.  Optionally, a check like
(1) could be used to call response.flushBuffer().

3) MOST IMPORTANTLY - JspWriterImpl needs to be
rewritten so as to flush the output stream, but NOT to
commit the response and NOT to call

I'd say that I consider this a serious bug because it
makes it impossible for a JSP page to be included in
any other JSP or even a Java Servlet except as the
last committment to the response - which means that it
is essentially only a 'forward' action.

Also, the fact that out.flush() (incorrectly) commits
the response actually means that technically TC3.2.1
can not be made compliant with the very spec you cite
because if it DID enforce the flush="true" attribute
and then tried to include a resource (or do ANY output
or forward or redirect), an error would occur becuase
(as I've stated) the response would already be
committed as soon as out.flush() got called.

"Fortunately", tc3.2.1 is currently broken in this
regard and is NOT actually flushing the output before
the include.  If the above problem in out.flush() is
fixed, then this should be fixed as well.

This bug has thrown a HUGE wrench into my current
project and I'm not sure how I'm going to address it
in the short term. 

Hasn't someone noticed this before?  Is this problem
fixed in either of the later versions (3.3 or 4.0)?

If so, I may need to upgrade and I really hate having
to upgrade to non-release versions of software since
that entails a whole lot of risk/justification I have
to explain to my clients.

Sigh... if it ain't one thing, it's another...


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TC3.2.1 - response commit on included JSPs

2001-02-20 Thread Mel Martinez

Hi folks,

I've spotted what looks like a bug in the jasper
compiler of TC3.2.1 - if this is old news, just let me
know and I'll shut up.

There are two parts to this:

1) the _jspService() method generated by the jasper
compiler uses a try{ ... }catch{...}finally{...}
block.  The finally clause looks like so:


Q: shouldn't the their be a check to see if the
current request is the result of a dynamic include
before we flush the buffer?

2) Examination of
org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl and the
response classes shows that flush() has set the
response.isCommitted() flag of the HttpServletResponse
object before response.flushBuffer() has been called.

Q: JavaDoc for the ServletResponse.flushBuffer()
method implies that it should be the one to set the
'committed' state of the response object:

"Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the
client. A call to this method automatically commits
the response, meaning the status code and headers will
be written."

Without getting stuck on the details of either of the
above issues, the real issue is that as it stands
above, if you do a dynamic include of a JSP page then
the response object is committed upon the return of
the method.  I don't believe that is correct behavior.

Is this fixed in a later release?  If so, which one
should I upgrade to?



Dr. Mel Martinez
G1440, Inc.

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apache AliasRewrites vs tomcat?

2001-02-13 Thread Mel Martinez

I'm trying to assertain just how Apache and Tomcat
interact regarding aliases and rewrites.

I'm using Apache 1.3.14 and tomcat 3.2.1 with
mod_jk.c.  I don't know if the latter is the 'latest'

If I have apache configured to apply an alias or a
rewrite rule to a reqest, I can tell from the logs
that it is indeed getting applied:

 (2) init rewrite engine with requested uri
 (3) applying pattern '^/myapp/(.*)/common/(.*)' to
uri '/myapp/folder1/common/mypage.jsp'
 (2) rewrite /myapp/folder1/common/mypage.jsp -
 (2) local path result: /myapp/common/mypage.jsp
 (1) go-ahead with /myapp/common/mypage.jsp [OK]

The idea here is simple: the request


should result in a request for


The rewrite rule works great.  This works great for
static stuff served up by Apache.

The problem is that Tomcat is not getting the
translated request, it is getting the original one. 
Since no file in that path actually exists, naturally
it returns a file not found error.

Could someone please tell me if this behavior is
correct or if this is a bug in mod_jk?  Should I be
using apj13? (I just noticed that the mod_jk.conf-auto
has the contexts mounted to apj12 so I'll try changing

I seem to recall that JServ obeyed the results of
rewrites.  Should I try using tomcat with mod_jserv? 
'Would seem like walking backwards...

Please help clear this up so I don't spend too much
more time banging my head against this.



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Bug?[Tomcat 3.2.1] Or am I missing something...

2001-02-07 Thread Mel Martinez


I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but I'm running
into a strange bit of behavior in Tomcat 3.2.1.

I've got a jsp that uses classes in a jar file that is
placed in the WEB-INF/lib folder like so:


Early on one of the classes inside mylib.jar gets
handed a reference to the ServletConfig object (as
returned from
javax.servlet.Servlet.getServletConfig()).  At some
point further on (through a sequence too complex to
relate here just yet) this class invokes the
'getServletName()' method on the ServletConfig object
using reflection (i.e. Method.invoke()).

This results in an IllegalAccessException.  Details
are like so:

com.g1440.naf.reflect.SimpleDecorator: illegal access
attempt on :
 object = 
   org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletConfigImpl@5e83f9 :

 object class = 
org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletConfigImpl : 
 method = getServletContext : 
 modifiers = public abstract : 
 object class loader = 
   sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@404536 : 
 handler class loader = AdaptiveClassLoader(  )

 Nested Exception = java.lang.IllegalAccessException

In the above diagnostics, 'handler' refers to the
class that is simply calling (the equivalent of)

ServletConfig cfg = getServletConfig();

The 'ServletConfig.getServletName()' method is
declared public in the API.  Can anyone suggest to me
why the above might be happening?  I note that the
implementation class:
org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletConfigImpl is declared
package-level, (why?) but I wouldn't think this should
affect my access to a public method.  There seems to
be some mumblings about access protection in the
facade package but I'm not yet familiar with what is
going on there yet.

Any help is appreciated.  As usual, I'm sure this is
something boneheaded that I am doing wrong...


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-4.0/jasper/src/share/org/apache/jasper

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez

The package naming solution I've opt'ed for in my own
enhancement to Jasper (which I'll gladly share) is to
derive package names that are related to the location
of the jsp relative to the server context.  This is
simple, flexible and should avoid collisions.

Some implementation details are:

Configurable properties (loaded at startup and
available through an extention of the Constants

 - default JSP_PACKAGE root (i.e. 'jsp_servlet')
 - PACKAGE_PREFIX string (i.e. '_')

I've then created an extention of JspCompilerContext
that adds method for deriving fully-qualified class
names for the generated classes.  Among these are
assertion methods that force conformance with java
naming conventions (allowed letters, disallowed
keywords, etc) as described in the Java Language
Specification.  These two methods are:

  public static String manglePackageName(String s) and
  public static String mangleNameLetters(String s)

Using these utilities and the above configurable
properties I then have methods that actually derive
the package and file names I need given a Jsp File.

  public static String buildPackageName(File file)
let ifile/i correspond to the path
"foo/somedir/myfile.jsp", JSP_PACKAGE="jsproot" 
and PACKAGE_PREFIX="x".  In that case the return
value would be "jsproot.xfoo.xsomedir".

  public static String buildClassName(File file)
let ifile/i correspond to the path
"foo/somedir/myfile.jsp", JSP_PACKAGE="jsproot" 
and PACKAGE_PREFIX="x".  In that case the return
value would be "xmyfile".

  public static String buildJavaFileName(
String srcDir, String clsName)
 calculates the absolute filename for the .java
 file corresponding to the class clsName residing
 under the directory srcDir. For example if
 srcDir = "/opt/myapp/work" and 
 clsName="jsproot.xfoo.xsomedir.myfile" then
 this returns the string


  public static String buildClassFileName(
String clsDir, String clsName)
 like buildJavaFileName() except result would be:


  These static methods are used by the JspContext
(which extends JspEngineContext) to derive the
instance methods:

   public String getServletClassName()  
   public String getServletPackageName()
   public String getFullJavaClassName()
   public String getServletJavaFileName()
   public String getServletClassFileName()

The result is that you have a lot of control over the
naming used by the generated classes.  Further, the
resulting .java files are much easier to find and look
at when debugging.

This mangling scheme does not do any incrementing
because a new JspLoader is used each time a JSP gets
reloaded dynamically.  This package also provides a
mechanism for recursively detecting changes to
statically included JSP files.

I would like to make this code available for
integration into the jasper scheme but I will need to
rename the packaging to something acceptable.  As I
mentioned before, the whole thing is implemented as an
extension to Jasper, not a rewrite.  Implementation
should be as simple as re-registering the server to
send *.jsp files to the JspServlet class in my
extended package.  A simplest option would to simply
put the seven classes involved into a separate package
like "org.apache.jasper.jspx".

I've tested this thoroughly using the WebLogicServer
as the servlet engine (bypassing their JSP compiler)
and also New Atlanta's ServletExecDebugger.  I am
still setting up using the Tomcat Servlet Engine to
try and test it there.  I am having some unrelated
difficulties there and will make a separate post on

I've been working so far by extending the Jasper API
as it exists in the tc 3.2.1 release.  How mature is
the 4.0 build?  Should I 

I welcome queries on this code (I will share snippets
in lew of the whole thing for now, if necessary) and
suggestions on how to become more involved with the
Jasper effort.  Like all of you, my time is very
tight, but this subject area is very important to my
projects so I'd like to be involved as much as


Dr. Mel Martinez
Senior Software Architect
G1440, Inc.

--- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
  Glenn Nielsen wrote:
   "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
 When Jasper is run in a servlet
   container it no longer puts the class
 files in a package, they are now
   in the default package.

As was discussed earlier on TOMCAT-DEV, this
 is going to cause
portability problems for people who use beans
 that are not in packages.
  That's true, but Steve Downey also found the spec
 reference I couldn't find (in
  Section 8.2 of the 

Tomcat Setup and configuration

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez
use my class as indicated above for servlet.  However,
it does not.

At this point, I try making a variety of changes to
the web.xml file, including registering my servlet
class under a different name, changing url pattern
servlet mappings and none of them seem to have any
affect!  I also tried putting the web.xml file into
TOMCAT_HOME/conf instead, but that too does not seem
to have any affect.

Q: How do I get Tomcat to recognize the changes I make
to the default web.xml file?  Basically, I need to be
able to change the servlet class used for *.jsp.

Question #3 above is the most important to me.

If anyone can help me out here, I would greatly
appreciate it.  Am I running into bugs already fixed
in Tomcat 3.3 or 4.0?  I will move to one of those
builds if necessary, but that is not a preferred path
because I don't like to tell my customers I'm
deploying them with experimental code!  :-)


Dr. Mel Martinez
Senior Software Architect
G1440, Inc.

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Re: Tomcat Setup and configuration

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez

Costin - Thanks a ton for your reply.  Very helpful.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The intention ( in tc3.3 ) is to make all the
 configurations "explicit",
 instead of using conventions like "webapps will be
 in home, libs in
 install, etc". 

This sound great.  I am a big proponent of explicit
configuration (with implicit defaults, of course).

 For issue #1, it's a bug - logs are "special" in 3.2
 and they were not 
 made relative to the home. The workaround is to use
 explicit paths.
 In 3.3, the logs are corectly set relative to

Shouldn't they be by default set relative to the
application home?  I.E. if we have one install of
tomcat on the system, (TOMCAT_HOME =
/opt/local/tomcat) and we have two different
applications on the box (using, perhaps different
ports) with different server.xml files and
ContextManager 'home' attributes), the log output
should be consider 'of the application' in each case
and should be implicitely written to paths relative to
the application 'home', not into TOMCAT_HOME.   This
is simple OO partitioning of responsibilities.

 If nobody objects to the config changes I'll also
 add the ant-style syntax
 for ${properties}, so you'll have more flexibility.

No objection.  Sounds like a good idea.  The
${property} syntax is consistent with the Security
Manager policy file format as well.  I've implemented
it in my own application's configuration file scheme.

Down the road an include mechanism would be a good
idea to add as well (i.e. add a server.xml element
server-include which could take a path (or even a
URL) to an external config file that could be imported
into the DOM).  Having built this sort of thing
before, I realize this not trivial (recursion,
protocol for conflict resolution, etc.) but the value
is high.

 Issue #2 ( conf dir ) - again, in 3.3 most if this
 is configurable via 
 individual module options. For example the
 apache.conf is generated by a 
 module - and you'll be able to set the location to
 anything you want
 ( or any other properties that affect its behavior )

Is this available in the current 3.3 milestone or
nightly builds?

 Regarding Issue #3  - the web.xml is not used in
 and will not be used in tomcat3.3. All the server
 is done using server.xml ( and the new context.xml )

That sounds great.  At least I now know what is (not)
going on!  :-)

Q1: Why does it say in the documentation that
conf/web.xml is used as a default?  Needs to be

Q2: More importantly, I'm still left with:  How do I
configure the use of a different servlet to handle
*.jsp requests?

 Server.xml sets server behavior. For example, the 
 conversion between .jsp and java is a server
 The static interceptor is a server property.
 that is not defined in the web.dtd belongs in
 and it's specific to tomcat. What is defined in
 and the spec belongs to WEB-INF/web.xml. 

Okay, so it sounds like I need to reconfigure the
StaticInterceptor module.  And I would do this... how?
 Is this possible on 3.2.1 or do I need to go to 3.3
for this?  Could someone point me in the right
direction here?

Thanks again for your help.


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Re: Tomcat Setup and configuration

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, this is a clear example of what's wrong with the
 status - there are 2 directories that can be set on
 one is "home" and the other one is "installDir". 
 The env. variable is used to set home.

Where is this stuff documented?  There doesn't seem to
be a DTD for server.xml.

 If one is set and the other not - both share the
 same value.
 InstallDir is the one used for jar files ( and all
 "shared" files ).
 home is supposed to be used for the local instance.
 ( the model is again a shared installation -
 /usr/local or /opt/tomcat
 and each user having it's own config and set of
 applications ).

so you seem to be saying that one would set InstallDir
- TOMCAT_HOME and home - APP_HOME.  I'll test that

 By using explicit paths we can accomodate more use
 cases and be 
 very clear about what goes where.


  Down the road an include mechanism would be a good
 No need, it's already done ( and in 3.2 too ).

Luv it.  Thanks for pointing that out.

 One of the goals for 3.3 release is to have all
 small things that makes configuration easy ( as 
 usability enhancements ).

These issues directly affect configuration management
and are critical for managing complex deployments.  I
don't think enough people take this area seriously
enough (code features now, worry about deployment

  Q2: More importantly, I'm still left with:  How do
  configure the use of a different servlet to handle
  *.jsp requests?
 In 3.3 - in JspInterceptor you have "useJspServlet"
 "jspServlet" that allows you to specify it on a
 level ( or per context ! ).
 This is strongly discuraged - as it'll be much
 slower than
 using JspInterceptor's optimizations. 

Why exactly would it be 'much' slower?  Does that
presume that a custom JspServlet would be inherently
slower or that the default
org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet is somehow
accellerated by something JspInterceptor does?

Hypothetical:  If I were to modify
org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet (or make a
replacement and pre-load it in the CLASSPATH) would
that be 'much slower' (even though it should not
require setting the 'useJspServlet' tag since it would
appear to be the regular default class)?  Just curious
about your statement.

 If your jsp processor does something special, you
 bundle it with your application and use the web.xml
 ( from WEB-INF ) to set it. Then your app will work
 on any container the way you expect.

This may be suitable for some situations, but I have
other situations where I need to have complete control
over what JSP compiler is used by the servlet engine. 
This sort of configuration (specifying what servlet to
route a request to) is easy with JServ, WebLogic
Server and other servlet engines.  I'm not sure why it
shouldn't be just as simple on Tomcat.  Especially
since fundamentally Jasper is a standalone servlet
package that runs fine on other servlet engines than
Tomcat.  One should be able to plug-in a different JSP
processing servlet (or any default servlet) with no
more work than changing a line in a configuration
file.  It sounds like 3.3 brings this ease in the

I'm pretty intimate with the Jasper API, but still
learning the Tomcat API.  I'm still working on
understanding how the Connector and Interceptor
patterns are implemented.

Thanks again for the help.



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Re: Common Session code 3.3/4.0 (was: [VOTE] New Committer: Kief Morris)

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IMHO it would be a mistake to write a session
 manager using the same
 abstractions as in a servlet container  -  after all
 the task is to store
 data and the requirements are pretty specific )

I'd like to poke my $.02 in and say I totally agree
with Costin.  The only 'connection' required between
the servlet container apis and persistent session
management is state maintenance, which can be
encapsulated in some sort of session identifier (i.e.
cookie typically) which can be built independent of
the actual container by using the standard servlet
APIs (v 2.2 is sufficient).  Other than that, the
actual implementation of a persistant session
managment API does not have to have anything to do
with the servlet container or even the servlet API.

I have built such a  beast and it is, as Costin
advocates, independent of servlet container.  It is
proprietary, so I can't give it to the project, but
the basic principal is simple:

1 - Use the standard servlet API's to establish a
'session identifier' (cookies work fine for 90% of the
browser world out there).
2 - use this as a key into your persistant session

Naturally, there are some other details involving
assertaining the 'active' or inactive state of the
session, time out of session ids,authentication
controls, etc., but even all that does not have to
depend on the servlet container.  You should come up
with a scheme that is pluggable as to where the actual
data is stored (i.e. disk files vs (shared) RDBMS vs

Just my $.02.


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Re: Tomcat Setup and configuration

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, the overhead of using a servlet to invoke the 
 jsp page is significant ( at least in my tests 
 is shows a big difference ).
 JspInterceptor does a simple thing - after the 
 jsp page is compiled to a servlet, the servlet 
 will be "registered" to tomcat ( as if it was
  declared in web.xml ) and after that all 
 invocations to the jsp page are identical with
 invocations for servlets ( with one exception -
 jsp_precompile param must be read on each request 
 and if present, the request shouldn't be
 executed - that's the spec ).

This almost implies some special behavior on the part
of the base HttpJspPage class (i.e. 'JspBase') used to
build the jsp servlet.  Is that so?  Is there any
problem for jsp pages that use the %@page
extends=... tag that don't extend
org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspBase but rather instead
(as per spec) simply implement

One of the things that really gripes me about the
WebLogic JSP servlet engine and JSP compiler is that
it has dependencies on the proprietary base class used
to generate JSP servlets. There are a lot of problems
with this so I hope that we don't send tomcat/jasper
down that road.

 Try it yourself, send back the results :-)
 ( ab -n 1 -c 80 http://localhost:8080/foo.jsp 
 with JspInterceptor in both modes ).
 ( useJspServlet means JspInterceptor will do
 just return ).
 ( of course, you can compare 3.3 with JspInterceptor
 3.2.1 without it - but there are other factors in

It looks like I'll need to get the 3.3 version to try
this out! :-)

Thanks again, Costin.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-4.0/jasper/src/share/org/apache/jasper

2001-02-06 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is no need for all this complexity to generate
 a package name
 in the new Jasper.

Hmmm... compared to the gobbledy-gook that was being
done before, I'd hardly call what I did complex. 
Aside from options, all it does is very simply asign
the JSP page a package name based on it's directory
hierarchy and place the .java and .class files in same
- this is consistant with strict java naming

 The way jasper now loads jsp
 pages, each page is
 completely isolated from all other pages.  Every jsp
 page compiled 
 could be a class named "org.apache.jsp.MyJSP"
 any concern whatsoever about conflicts because each
 individual page
 has its own class loader. 

Ah, I see, you avoid file-level conflicts by placing
the generated code into separate directory paths, even
though the package names (currently) do not reflect
the directory locations.  Yup, that should work,
although i wouldn't say it is any less complex and I
don't think it is consistent with standard java
package/directory naming conventions.

 The new jasper makes it very easy to find and view
 the java source for
 a translated jsp page, it is located in 

Does it not seem logical to assign a package to the
MyJSP class based on all or part of the above path?

This may seem like esthetics, I suppose.  Not
something we should get stressed about.

What you've done is a great improvement over what was
there.  Does it work with tc 3.3?


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Re: Tomcat 4 SecurityManager and Jasper ClassLoader changes

2001-02-02 Thread Mel Martinez

--- Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have completed the changes necessary to implement
 the Java SecurityManager
 in Tomcat 4.  I have also completed switching Jasper
 over to using the


Could you describe (briefly) the nature of the change
in terms of the API?  I.E. Did you just reimplement
JasperLoader to extend URLClassLoader or did you
create a new loader class entirely?

I am currently using the tc3.x jasper API by extending
it (to add a variety of needed features) and am going
to have to make the plunge to tc4.x eventually.  Up
till now I am pretty sure I've avoided any dependency
that would preclude using the tc4.x version.  Just
staying on my toes here.



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Re: Tomcat 4 Jasper ClassLoading changes to support SecurityManager

2001-01-29 Thread Mel Martinez

I have done some work in this area that may be of
interest.  I've created a package of 8 classes that
extend the Jasper compiler (as of Tomca 3.2.1) to

 - dynamic recompiling/reloading of jsp pages
 - recursive detection of changes to static includes
 - support for inner classes
 - customizable name mangling (giving finer control
   over the package and class names of .java and
   .class files generated
 - configurable top-level package name

and a few other features.  The result seems fairly
robust and not dependent on the any particular servlet
engine (I'm running it as a servlet to replace the jsp
compiler in WebLogic Server which has some design
problems that interfere with my project goals).

I achieved these features by simply extending the
existing API as of v 3.2.1, although from what I can
tell, there should be no problem using tomcat 4.0 as

Motivation for doing it this way instead of rewriting
the jasper classes directly and submitting changes to
the project is chiefly time-constraints.  I needed the
features for my own projects and I did not have time
to go through becoming more properly involved.  My
reasoning was that at this point, I could count on
certain aspects of the API that are common to both
v3.2.1 and v4.0 to be fixed so it was safest and
quickest to simply extend from there without having to
risk conflicts with any internal changes other folks
might be making.

The total amount of code is small, only about 17k
lines across the 8 files in the package which are :

package com.g1440.naf.j2ee.jsp;

JspBase - extends HttpServlet implements HttpJspPage
JspCompiler - extends Compiler implements Mangler
JspConstants - extends Constants
JspContext - extends JspEngineContext
JspLoader - extends JasperLoader
JspOptions *
JspPageHandler - replaces JspServletWrapper
JspServlet - extends JspServlet

* - original intention was for JspOptions to extend
EmbeddedServletOptions but for some reason that class
is final.  Not a major problem in reality.

The result needs to have some proprietary code (mostly
debug and configuration related) removed and perhaps
given a package rename to be generally useable.  I'm
open to suggestions on how best to manage this.

The key point for my own self-interest here (and why
I'm piping up with this at this point) are that no
changes should occur to the existing Jasper API that
would conflict with this extension.  Other than that,
the above does not have to be 'merged' with Jasper's
current codebase but could continue to exist as a
separate entity.  However, I would like others to
share in the benefits.  The code quality is good, with
extensive javadocs.  Some effort would need to be put
into repackaging to pull it out of my current project,
so I can't turn it all over on a dime (I'm pretty
freakin' busy these days), but it was written with
that eventual goal in mind.  If it is just considered
a distraction, I can disappear quietly back into the
darkness... :-)

While I've got your attention, btw, I'd like to toss a
design question out there:

Currently, the java code generated by the JSP compiler
places the scriptlet code inside _jspService() inside
a try{...}catch(Exception... block.  The catch passes
the caught Exception to the page context
handlePageException() method.

Although I believe this is within the JSP spec, I kind
of object to indescriminant blockage of the Exception
class like this.  It interferes with one's ability to
use custom RuntimeExceptions that one needs to
communicate up to a parent HttpJspPage base class.

I would like some mechanism to override the page
catch() block to not process certain exception classes
and simply toss them up like they were meant to be. 
This could be handled by a configuration property that
lists the Exception types to ignore or some other
configurable mechanism.  I suppose one can override
the handlePageException() but this does not seem

Looking forward to feedback,

Dr. Mel Martinez
Software Architect
G1440, Inc.

--- "Craig R. McClanahan"
 Glenn Nielsen wrote:
  In order to make it easier to integrate the
 SecurityManager into Jasper
  for Tomcat 4 and to change some of Japsers
 annoying behaviours, I have
  been working on switching Jasper over to the
  I have the class loading changes in place and
 Jasper passes all watchdog
  tests.  I wanted to run these changes past
 everyone before I finish
  cleaning up the changes and committing it.  (I
 still have some work to
  do on JspC and still need to add support for the
  Jasper now creates a URLClassLoader for each JSP
 page and defers any other
  class loading to the web app context class loader.
  Using a single class
  loader per JSP allowed me to remove all the code
 that increments the
  class version number, i.e. the work directory no
 longer has multiple
  *.java and *.class files for the same JSP page. 
 These changes also made
  it e

RE: An alternative to JSP

2001-01-26 Thread Mel Martinez

Brad Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 At 11:03 AM -0800 01/25/2001, Mel Martinez wrote:
 That presumes the line termination
 character of choice for the output is a linefeed

 Good point. Will fix when I get a moment.

 Another issue is that the example creates catenated
 String literals.  I would hope that the actual code
 produced would use appropriately initialized
 StringBuffers or performance could be a problem.

 I've been assuming that concatenation of constants is collapsed
 at compile time. I'm sure this is true for SOME compilers but
 less sure this is true across the board. Could you elaborate
 on this point?

 Concatenation of non-constants is, of course, a different
 matter. I do use StringBuffers for these.

Dangerous to put too much faith in compilers, eh?  :-)

In general, for any code that is catenating strings, als

msg = "some string" + param + "some other string";

it is usually faster to use a StringBuffer like so:

msg = new StringBuffer();
msg.append("some string").append(param).append("some other string");

However, that in itself does not necessarily improve performance.  The
StringBuffer class defaults to a size of only 16 chars.  Thus, as soon as
the catenation result exceeds 16 chars, it has to reallocate the internal
buffer.  If you then exceed the new size (it will double in size or go to
just large enough to hold the new data, whichever is larger) on a subsequent
append, it will have to reallocate again, and again.  Adding 10 chars at a
time to a StringBuffer will cause 3 reallocations by the time
you get to a hundred characters.  Actual performance impact will depend on
your particular application and the nature of the data.

So basically operations that add lots of small chunks adding up to a much
larger whole, will force numerous reallocations up until you've catenated
just over half the data at which point it will finally bump up to enough
room for the entire result.

Given this tidbit of knowledge, you should try to anticipate how large the
final StringBuffer needs to be to hold the entire result.  You don't have to
hit it exact, and if you make it too large, you may run up against memory
constraints (depends on your application and runtime).

My suggestion is to try to guess the halfway mark.  That way, you won't be
wasting too much memory, but will significantly reduce the number of buffer
reallocations (which cost a call the System.arraycopy() each time!).

So in the above example, suppose I can anticipate that the non-constant
Strings are going to be on the order of ~25 chars and that the constant
strings add up to about 75 so that my final String will be around ~100
chars.  If I initialize the StringBuffer to about 64 chars, I can be sure
that it won't resize more than once.  If memory is not a problem, then I
might go for the fastest situation and just do something like

msg = new StringBuffer(128);

so that I can be fairly sure I won't be reallocating.

I hope that this is helpful.  Actual mileage may vary.

I'll defer for now on the relative merits of JSP versus other schemes.  I've
got too many other things to worry about.


Dr. Mel Martinezmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Architect  phone:410-423-3931
G1440, Inc.

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