Re: Problem using realm to connect to a database

2003-10-15 Thread Martin Jacobson
Peter Ivarsson wrote:
I get this error.
Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Exception opening database connection:
java.sql.SQLException: twz1.jdbc.mysql.jdbcMysqlDriver
LifecycleException:  Exception opening database connection:
java.sql.SQLException: twz1.jdbc.mysql.jdbcMysqlDriver
Useing driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver version 3.09
MySQL version 3.23.38
Tomcat version 4.1.24
I have put the folowing rows into the server.xml:

Context path=/esadmin reloadable=true docBase=C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\esadmin
Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm debug=99
  roleNameCol=role_name /

Are you sure of your configuration? There used to be 2 jdbc drivers for 
MySQL, the twzl driver, and Mark Matthews mm driver. twzl stopped being 
maintained (IIRC), and the mm driver became the 'official' driver. Do 
you have both drivers visible to the classloader? If so, it looks as 
though it's choosing the wrong one. Delete (or move out of harms way) 
the twzl driver, and see if things improve.

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Re: tomcat and mac os 10.2.8 update

2003-10-13 Thread Martin Jacobson
Giuliano Gavazzi wrote:

was /usr/local a symbilic link? If so the installation might have 
replaced it with a directory. so you should copy the new content to the 
target and reinstate the symbilic link.

BTW Using JAVA_HOME:   /usr sounds wrong to me.

No, that's right for Mac OS X


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Re: Tomcat, MySQL JNDI: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

2003-09-15 Thread Martin Jacobson
Ilja wrote:
Ok, first some configuration information:

Tomcat 5.09
MySQL Driver 3.08 stable
OS: Mac OSX 10.2.6
J2SE 1.4.2
My config is not the same (TC 4.1.24, OSX 10.2.6, MySQL 3.07), and my 
parameters are different:
	ResourceParams name=jdbc/EuratomDB

This works for me! The main diffs are (i) I specify the factory, and 
(ii), the driverClassName is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

However, the exception seems to suggest that the correct factory is 
being used by default. Your driverClassName is the old name, and might 
not be in the jar file any more.

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Re: [Q] Extending a Realm

2003-07-24 Thread Martin Jacobson
Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
Is it possible to extend the standard Realms, or do
you have to re-do it from scratch by implementing the
interface again?
I want everything the Datasource Realm provides,
except when the authentication succeeds, I want to
update the user db table to indicate the date/time
this occurred.
Can it be done?   
You want to record the data  time of last login, right? I wouldn't 
modify/subclass the Realm at all - instead, I would write an 
HTTPSessionListener class, and do it in the sessionCreated() method.


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Re: JNDI: JDBC calss 'null'

2003-07-22 Thread Martin Jacobson
Try this:
The factory class you're using is not for JDBC DataSources.



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Context config - was Re: Pb with webapp admin

2003-07-11 Thread Martin Jacobson
Jacob Kjome wrote:
Put any Context specific stuff in a context configuration file.  See 
admin.xml and manager.xml in webapps for an example.  You must be using 
the manager app to upload a .war file since the server.xml is getting 
reloaded.  So, name your context configuration file context.xml and 
put it in the META-INF directory of your .war file.  Now do the upload 
and your context information should be there.

Currently, given an application called, say drs, I provide a file 
called drs.xml that sits in webapps. This contains the 
Context/Context part of server.xml. Does the META-INF/context.xml 
file do exactly the same thing? If so, which is preferred, if not, any 
pointers to where I can find out about it?

I cant find anything in the docs about this. (I run tc 4.1.14)

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Re: Tomcat: j_security_check: Form Authentication

2003-07-11 Thread Martin Jacobson
Muhammad Bilal wrote:
I want to have a synchronization between the authentication stuff. Like, 
I have a web site, and every user has some role, and every user can 
access some protected resource based on his role. Now I want to use JDBC 
realm for this purpose with Form auth. so that user logs into the site 
only once and use it according to his access rights, instead he requests 
for a protected resource and then he goes to login page. You see, its 
quite logical that user should have a leverage to go to login page first 
or to access a protected resource. If things work for him in latter case 
why not in former?

I believe there must be some thing to do it, after all tomcat's default 
admin site is doing the same thing.

It doesn't! The link to the admin app is /admin/index.jsp - this is a 
protected resource, so the user is redirected to the login page 
/admin/login.jsp. Once authenticated, he then sees the page he 
originally requested.
The problem is that if you enter /admin/login.jsp directly, you get an 
error when you submit the form. So, the general problem is that it is 
not possible to bookmark the login page, unless there is a subtle 
work-around that I haven't come across.

However, if a user bookmarks a protected resource (or is given a url to 
a protected resource), he will be asked to login the first time he 
accesses that page in a session. Thereafter, he can navigate directly to 
any page which matches (one of) his assigned role(s).

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Re: tomcat manager app

2003-07-09 Thread Martin Jacobson
Erik Weibust wrote:
Well, I have no problem using the admin tool.  Could
there be anything else causing this?
The manager app uses BASIC authentication, rather than FORM (per the 
admin app) - what happens if you close Netscape  re-start it? FYI 
Netscape 7 does not show this behaviour (on Mac OS X).


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Re: connecting Tomcat to apache

2003-06-12 Thread Martin Jacobson
Werner van Mook wrote:
Hi All,

Consider me stupid.

I have a Powerbook with Mac OSX 10.2.6
It runs apache out of the box.
Now I want to connect tomcat with it.
Could somebody point out to me the right way of doing this?
I can't consider you stupid - I run Apache + Tomcat on my Powerbook!
However, you will have to do some work: assuming you want to use mod_jk, 
then you'll need to install  compile Apache2, then you can pick up a 
binary for from For more details, go to 
John Turner's Howto site ( ?) and 'pretend' you're
running Linux.
I can't remember the exact options I gave to 'configure' when I built 
Apache2, except that I had to use the 'pre-fork' option.

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Re: IOException: failed to communicate with MySQL

2003-06-03 Thread Martin Jacobson
Mindaugas Genutis wrote:
a couple of days ago a post went by talking about MySQL default timeout
being set to 8 hrs for connections... betting this might be your problem...

Thanks for pointing this out. I've read the thread Tomcat problems every 
morning. However, no solution was suggested in that thread. One can 
assume the solution implicitly: increase default MySQL timeout from 8 
hours to say 48 hours. However, if my application stays idle for 48 hours 
during holidays, it will disconnect after that.

Does anyone else have a suggestion on how to improve on this?


add ?autoReconnect=true to the connection url.


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Re: DB Connection

2003-05-29 Thread Martin Jacobson
Munteanu Gabriel wrote:
Guys, this is very interesting discussion.
I have read all the posts.
I still have another problem.
What about VERY large Result Sets?
I have a portal with 1 000 000 records[books related].
When the user searches for romance, there are more than 200 000 records
I can't use CachedResultSet [I would have to hold all this in memory, in an
object registerd in the HTTPSession]
also I can't use the ArrayList.
I am also using a DB pool system and I want to return the connection.
Is there a solution? [better said an optimal solution].
If the ResultSet doesn't hold all the records in memory[RAM],
(setFetchSize(int) - sets how many rows to be brought into memory), where
is the rest? A concrete case:
select name from books - returns 850 000 records.
the rest of 849975 records are left in the database?, on the hard-disk? or
the database is making all this resultset
internally, and itself uses RAM and some swap? Does anyone knows all this
internal action, how it is going on?
Comments, URLs appreciated.
Info: I use Postgresql if it counts.
In the case that I will have to not return the connection to the pool, and,
because ResultSet doesn't hold in memory all the records I would save it int
the HTTPSession, HOW AM I going to know when to release it and return the
connection to the pool?
In this case, I would query the database initially, asking ONLY for the 
unique id of each row (or the master row if there's a join involved). I 
would then cache the entire result set, and then fetch the complete 
records subsequently, by doing something like:

SELECT whatever FROM mytable WHERE oid IN (oid1, oid2, oid3, ...);

Of course, you'd have to handle the case where a cached oid is deleted 
between the initial query, and the later one.

If the unique id (oid in my example above) is an integer, you can cache 
the entire database in 4Mb.

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Re: TOMCAT + MYSQL need help

2003-03-19 Thread Martin Jacobson
Anthony Roque Adriano wrote:
Sorry,  i meant JDBC,  all my configuration is default except for the
polling i've added at server.xml and set debug level to 9.
anyway here a sniff of the log file when i place the connector/j under my
APPLICATION/WEB-INF/lib directory or at $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib or at
CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib invalid END header (bad central directory
at Method)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.init(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.init(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Bootstrap: Class loader creation threw exception

Well, from here it looks like you have a corrupt jar file. You could see 
whether the jar command can read it (jar tvf your_jar_file.jar) - my 
guess is that it can't. If so, get a new copy.

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Re: TOMCAT + MYSQL need help

2003-03-18 Thread Martin Jacobson
Anthony Roque Adriano wrote:

I've been searching the mailist but can't seem to find a problem similar to what i'm encountering.

First here's a background of my setup

MySQL server = mysql-server-3.23.54a-3
TomCat = jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18
ODBC = Connector/J 3.0.6-stable
Base OS = RedHat Linux 7.3
JSDK = j2sdk1.4.1_02
$JAVA_HOME = /path/to/j2sdk1.4.1_02
$CATALINA_HOME = /path/to/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18
Im making a program which will need to get the data from MySQL, All TOMCAT documents i've read all said to put my ODBC Connector (mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable-bin.jar) under $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib, but if I put the file there, TOMCAT is not starting, don't even have anything on the logfile. I also tried putting the connector/j on my application lib ($CATALINA_HOME/webapps/MYAPPLIC/WEB-INF/lib), Tomcat runs but my application is not. I also tried playing with $CLASSPATH to no avail.

Anyone experienced this ? or am i just missing something ?

ODBC? Are you sure you mean ODBC, and not JDBC? How do you connect to 
the db? Via JNDI, or programmatically in the servlet? What DEBUG level 
do you have set in server.xml  elsewhere? Are you sure the logs are empty?

You need to post LOTS more information before we can help you!


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Re: MySql connection pool difficulties

2003-02-14 Thread Martin Jacobson
Tom O'Neil wrote:

After scouring the mailing list and a few forums, I'm
still at a dead end attempting to get MySql connection
pooling working with Tomcat. I'm running the following
on Windows 2000:

Tomcat 4.1.18
MySql 4.0.10
JDK 1.4.1

I've tried using both the MySql 3.0.5 and 2.0.14
drivers. I've placed these in [tomcat root]\common\lib
(only one at a time - never both simultaenously). I
know my code and web.xml are pretty solid, because I'm
porting a funtional app from WebSphere 5.0. 

And the error I'm getting is:

Cannot create JDBC driver of class
'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' for connect URL

It seems that a fair amount of other folk have
encountered this same problem, but I have to stumble
across a solutions. Any help would be appreciated.

Your config looks OK - I compared it to mine (which works!), and could 
see nothing out of the ordinary.
But, is your error message complete? A problem I had to begin with was 
that since Java can only create 'proper' sockets (ie not UNIX_SOCKETs), 
mysql was actually receiving a connection request from, 
and NOT from localhost. Since I only had mysql authorisation set up for 
localhost, the connection was refused. The correction was obvious once I 
spotted it!
However, this was on a Unix Box (Mac OS X, actually), so under Windows, 
things may be different.



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Re: automatically redirect http to https in tomcat

2003-02-12 Thread Martin Jacobson

Is it possible to automatically redirect any http request to https in an
Apache + Tomcat environment? For example, If I enter , I would be
automatically redirected to

Yes, I do it!
What needs to be remembered is that since you are doing the SSL bit in 
Apache, you don't use the 'transport guarantee' thang in Tomcat (which 
is how Tomcat 'knows' it has to switch to HTTPS). SO, on my site, I have 
an unprotected home page .../drs/home with a link to the protected home 
page .../drs/private/home. Along the way, Tomcat authenticates the user 
via my login form .../drs/login. The login form (and every subsequent 
page of course) needs to be SSL-encrypted.

So, here's how I do this in httpd.conf...


	# Redirect Tomcat's http:.../login request to https:.../login
	Redirect /drs/login
	Redirect /drs/private/home

# Static files
Alias /drs /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/drs

Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/drs
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex web/index.html

# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
Location /drs/WEB-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Location /drs/META-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

JkMount /drs/home  ajp13
JkMount /drs/auth_error  ajp13
JkMount /drs/login_error  ajp13


	#  General setup for the virtual host
	DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache2/htdocs
	ErrorLog logs/error_log
	TransferLog logs/access_log
	SSLEngine on
	SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/macx.crt
	SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl.crt/macx-private.key
	Files ~ /drs/login
		SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
	Directory /drs/private
		SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
	SetEnvIf User-Agent .*MSIE.* \
			 nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
			 downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
	CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \
			  %t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \%r\ %b 

# Static files
Alias /drs /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/drs

Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/drs
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex /web/index.html

# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
Location /drs/WEB-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Location /drs/META-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

JkMount /drs/j_security_check  ajp13
JkMount /drs/private/*  ajp13
JkMount /drs/auth_error  ajp13
JkMount /drs/login  ajp13



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Re: Little system X Great architecture

2003-02-11 Thread Martin Jacobson
Jose Euclides da Silva Junior - DATAPREVRJ wrote:

i need to code a system in which there is no many business rules, but i need
data persistence in a database. Even if this system will have an enterprise
users scope, should i use EJB technology? What about only servlets/jsp?

The application I am currently developing seems similar to yours: I have 
persistant data in a relational database, with a Web-based client tier. 
I have abstracted the SQL-specific stuff into separate classes (this 
means I can easily switch between MySQL [development]  Oracle 
[production]. Business-level logic (including transactions) is in a next 
layer of code, while the servlets do the presentation-level work only.
I don't use JSPs, as I found that using an HTML template engine 
(Velocity) provides a cleaner separation of the HTML generation.

I did consider EJBs initially, but rapidly came to the conclusion that 
my app was *way* too small - the overheads are so great that you need a 
substantial application before you reach break even.



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Re: Tomcat - SSL Question .. Certificate problem

2003-02-07 Thread Martin Jacobson
Mufaddal wrote:


I have followed the instructions at: to enable 

when i try to access the jsp page using : 
https://locahost:8443/login.jsp ... a dialogue pops up saying:

Unable to establish a secure connection to 'localhost'. There is a 
problem with the security ceritificate from that site. (The identity of 
certificate issuer is unknown).

The information you view and send will be readable to others while in 
transit, and it may not go to the intended party.

Continue loading this page ?

Stop  Continue

When i hit continue i can still access my jsp pae and everything works 
fine. The only problem is that SSL is not being used since the 
connection could not be established as warned by the dialogue box that 
popped up.

The certificate i had generate was using keytool just like its explained 
on the howto webpage. I am using internet explorer 5.2 on Mac OS X.

Can anybody please shed some light on where i am going wrong. ?

Your problem is that you're using IE ! IE (on Macs, at least) will not 
accept a certificate unless it has been signed by an already-known 
certificate authority (eg Verisign). The quick solution is to switch to 
Netscape 7, which allows you to decide whether to accept the certificate 
or not. BTW Safari is as brain-dead as IE in this respect.


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Re: [OT]JSP defense - can you point me in the right direction

2003-02-06 Thread Martin Jacobson
Denise Mangano wrote:

Wow.  Thank you all so much for responding to this question.  Its getting
quite frustrating hearing them saying CGI CGI CGI...  especially since they
are looking for a 'quick' solution and haven't done any research to the
advantages/disadvantages of using one technology over the other.

This project is to design a system that will one day (hopefully) be
implemented in one of the largest hospitals in the area.  This is definitely
not child's play - it will not only be important for this project to be
maintainable, but also to be expandable to meet the growing needs of the
client.  Personally, when I think CGI, I think of some rinky dink site that
people put up to sell the useless items collecting dust at home.  Forgive me
if I am offending anyone, I am sure that CGI does have its good qualities...
PHP was suggested but the ones who were adamant about CGI tossed that out
the window... I would rather have to struggle through learning PHP then to
use CGI!

I would only add two things to all the good words already said:
1) If the site is to be 'secure', then you will have to worry about 
things like user identification and authorisation, and maintaining 
sessions - this comes 'virtually free' with servlets, and, in my 
experience, is a major hassle with CGI.
2) Try looking at HTML template processors, such as Jakarta's 'Velocity' 
project as an alternative to JSPs - I have found Velocity + Servlet a 
much 'cleaner' solution to my problems than JSPs (of course, YMMV!).

HTH Martin

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Re: tomcat, tyrex and mysql, and autocommit

2003-02-03 Thread Martin Jacobson
emiliano albiani wrote:

This is what I did with no success:

 mysql ise
 set autocommit=0;
but tyrex still have the same problem.

What am I missing?

Sorry, Emiliano, I don't use Tyrex, so I don't know how you'd do this :-(


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Re: Ant redeploy, Apache (mod_webapp) Tomcat 4.1

2003-01-31 Thread Martin Jacobson
Morgan Pyne wrote:

Hi all,

Is anybody on this list using Ant to redeploy war files to
an Apache(mod_webapp)-Tomcat setup?

I have several servlets already deployed, configured, and working 
correctly on the following setup:

Apache (1.3.26), mod_webapp (machine 1)
Tomcat 4.1.12 (machine 2)

The redeployment seems to work correctly, but unfortunately when I access
the URL I am often returned a blank page (no errors) instead of seeing my 

Restarting apache cures the problem.

It is occasionally possible (randomly?) to access the new servlet without 
a restart, but mostly not.

The symptoms seem to imply to me that only new WARP connections created
since the redeployment are able to access the servlet, whereas connections
that had been existing prior to it get confused and can't see the newly
redeployed servlet.

Has anybody else noticed this behaviour? Is it a bug in mod_webapp ?

This is what I would expect to happen; AFAIK, mod_webapp, mod_jk etc. 
all create socket connections to Tomcat. In order to re-deploy your web 
app, Tomcat stops and restarts the context, which closes one end of the 
socket. Therefore Apache has to be restarted in order to reconnect to 
Tomcat properly.


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Re: tomcat, tyrex and mysql

2003-01-31 Thread Martin Jacobson
emiliano albiani wrote:

HI, I'm trying configuring tyrex in my tomcat installation to use MySql 
xa driver.
I did it as described in tomcat documentation:,, 
but something is going wrong.


Error trace:

2003-01-31 12:04:24,631 ERROR [Thread-3]( - 
Error attempting to destory connection XAConnection: unused by 
connection pool iseDatasource
java.sql.SQLException: Can't call commit when autocommit=true
at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.commit(Unknown Source)
at com.mysql.jdbc.xa.XAConnectionImpl.close(Unknown Source)
at tyrex.resource.jdbc.ConnectionPool.discard(
at tyrex.resource.jdbc.ConnectionPool.release(
at com.mysql.jdbc.xa.XAConnectionImpl.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at tyrex.resource.jdbc.ConnectionPool.getConnection(
at tyrex.resource.jdbc.ConnectionPool.getConnection(

By default MySQL is in autocommit mode - you should turn it off to 
enable transactions.


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Re: servlet with Tomcat

2003-01-16 Thread Martin Jacobson
Steve R Burrus wrote:

 Hi Ralph, whoever the hell you are, or supposed to be! Why do you damned people
always have such a holier-than-thou attitude towards people like myself who want
nothing more or less than to have our questions answered!!! I'm quite sorry if I
didn't seem to ask the questions just the way in which you wanted me to ask them!!
You know what they say Different strokes for different folks!!! I wish that you
could believe me when I say that I have tried to ask the quesions in the most
civilized and dignified way possible, and I FEEL QUITE SORRY FOR YOU AND OTHERS if
you cannot find it in yer heart to forgive me one more time!

Hi Steve,

I haven't replied to your messages in the past, as I am not a Windows 
user, and not in a position to help you with your NT-specific problems, 
which you seem now to have resolved.
I'm writing now because you seem to be having difficulty *communicating* 
with this list (based on the reactions to your posts). Email is a 
difficult medium to convey anything other than information - even 
'smilies', and other artifacts only partially help. Peppering your 
postings with expletives is likely to offend, even if that was not your 
intention, as I'm sure it wasn't.

However, you recently asked what the servlet  servlet-mapping 
elements meant:

Here's an example from my web.xml file. The servlet class indicates the 
fully qualified class of the servlet, while the servlet name simply 
indicates a short (but unique) name that acts as an alias within the 
web.xml file. Hence...


The servlet mapping element allows you to map a url to a particular 
servlet, referred to by its alias (ie, the servlet-name). Hence...


So, given a host  a context of myapp, the url will be directed to the servlet 
whose name is logout, which is com.terma.martin.drs.servlet.Logout.



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Re: JDBC Connection pooling

2003-01-16 Thread Martin Jacobson
Nathan McMinn wrote:

When trying to get a connection pool set up, tomcat spits this exception
back out.  Nowhere in the code do I reference this class.  Can anyone point
me to a good HOWTO on connection pooling in tomcat 4.0.6?

TyrexDataSourceFactory:  Cannot create DataSource, Exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsql.jdbcDriver

I had the same experience: it seemed as though Tyrex had the hypersonic 
db hard-coded, so that any attempt to specifiy a different jdbc driver 
was simply ignored.
The solution was to move to TC 4.1.x, which uses the jakarta-commons 
DBCP stuff in place of Tyrex, and which works fine.



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Re: DTD for server.xml??

2003-01-09 Thread Martin Jacobson
Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Turner, John wrote:

Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 11:31:16 -0500
From: Turner, John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DTD for server.xml??

Hello -

I notice that the top of web.xml has:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;

yet the top of server.xml has nothing.

I'm very new to XML, so forgive me if this is a lame or FA question, but is
there a DTD for server.xml?  If so, why isn't it specified in server.xml,
and what is the URL?  Is server.xml real, official XML or just
convenience XML?

There is no DTD for server.xml because there cannot be.

The problem is that server.xml is extensible -- for example, the set of
attributes recognized by a Valve or Context element depends on the
implementation class of the internal component that corresponds to it.
The startup process uses Java reflection to match them up to property
setters on the corresponding beans.  There is no way to express this kind
of thing in a DTD.

Your server.xml is (and must be) well formed XML.  It just cannot be

There may be other good reasons, but this isn't one of them :-)
Here is an extract from my server.xml...
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
 prefix=catalina_log. suffix=.txt

This could be equally well expressed as
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger

or, more concisely as

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
  property name=prefix value=catalina_log./
  property name=suffix value=.txt/
  property name=timestamp value=true/

In both cases, the abstraction of property names allows a DTD to be 
defined that is inherently extensible, and thus would allow an XML 
parser to validate server.xml even if extended by an admin.

Or am I missing something?


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Re: JK2 and SSL

2002-12-20 Thread Martin Jacobson
Chris McCabe wrote:

This new release made no difference in the behavior of the JK2 connector 
with an https connection, so my question remains:

Does anyone know the secret formula to get a JK2 connector to work with 
both the http and https connection of the Apache2 web server?  I get a 
404 Not Found error when I hit the https part of the server.  Is this 
just a bug or do I need to configure it in some special way?

The VirtualHost element takes an optional port number - since SSL 
happens (usually) on port 443, you need a
section in hhtpd.conf

did you specifiy this?



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Re: CATALINA_BASE Error ContextConfig.tldScanJar

2002-12-12 Thread Martin Jacobson
Elisabeth Julg wrote:

Hi,  Bonjour,

- Root Cause - Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable
	at Method)
	at Method)

This looks like a file permissions problem - but I don't know much about 
NT, so I can't be much more help, I'm afraid!

A quand une liste en français ?

Mais à quoi ça servirait? Etant donné que le nombre de membres 
francophones de cette liste est petit, et probablement, ne comprend pas 
les développeurs de Tomcat, une liste en français risquerait d'être 
inutile. De surcroît: même si Craig, par exemple, parlerait courrament 
français, l'interêt de cette liste est que la grande majorité des 
problèmes rencontrés s'appliquent à tout le monde, et non seulement les 
Ceci dit, un grand nombre de messages proviennent de personnes dont la 
langue maternelle n'est pas celle de Shakespeare, et il est parfois 
difficile de comprendre ce qu'ils écrivent - même pour un Anglais, comme 
Si jamais tu penses qu'un message t'interesse, mais tu ne le comprends 
pas, n'hésites pas à me contacter, et j'essayerai de t'éclairer.


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Re: [classloading] How to use URLClassLoader within a servlet

2002-12-12 Thread Martin Jacobson
Ola Berg wrote:
 I have this problem with using my own (URLClassLoader) class loader
 in a servlet of mine.

 The thing is that I am writing a web front end to domain name
 services (automatic registration of .org, .com. .biz, .info etc

 Depending on the top level domain, I need to use different versions
 (jars) of the same API, since the protocol differs. So I need to
 dynamically load my classes at runtime. Just putting the jars in lib
 won't work since there are different implementations of the same
 classes in them. I have to decide in runtime.

 Using the URLClassLoader in a standalone app works perfectly, when
 using it in a servlet it just hangs. I suspect the problem lies
 within the different lookup order used in servlets (as dscribed in
 the classloader-HOWTO).

 I can't figure out how to do it.

 Has anyone experience in the field?

I have an analogous case, in which I have a single API for database 
access, with choice of database (Oracle, MySQL,...) made at run-time. 
The problem was simply solved using the 'Abstract Factory' pattern. This 
means that I have two packages (db.MySql,  db.Oracle), which 
both include an implementation of a DBFactory. I then use ClassForName() 
to load the appropriate implementation, and then call factory methods to 
 instantiate the appropriate classes.

Hence, you don't need to bother with custom classloaders, and your 
design is much 'cleaner' as a result.



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Re: query

2002-12-03 Thread Martin Jacobson
faisal shabbir wrote:

  I have just implemented ssl on tomcat4.0 by using jsse. Now
on running my application i found that ssl is working on all of the  
pages. Problem is that i want ssl to work on the pages that contains 
sensitive information. How can i turn ON and OFF ssl on jsp pages.

You really don't want to do this! Apart from securing the 'visible' data 
passing between the client and the server, SSL also secures the session 
id. Once a hacker has got the session id, he can masquerade as the 
client. Probably not what you want :-)


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Re: tomcat setup

2002-11-27 Thread Martin Jacobson
Mark Walker wrote:

I have 4.1.12 installed on a Wallstreet G3 Powerbook and it is running 

There's a document in Apple's Developer Forum 
( that covers 
installing Tomcat on the Mac. It refers to 4.0.1 but should work fine 
for you. Actually, it sounds like you may be past that part already. The 
one hurdle I had in the whole process (not in the article) was caused by 
StuffIt! when it unzipped the download. The filename for the class 
SetCharacterEncodingFilter.class is too long for StuffIt! so it drops 
the ss off the end. Now the JVM doesn't find it and you get an error 
page instead. I believe the file is in two directories (I'm not near the 
Mac right now). Look in 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/filters and
$CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/classes/filters. Just fix 
the file extension and you should be good to go.

The manager and admin applications should only require the following 
element in your tomcat-users.xml file:

 user username=your_user_id password=your_password 

You should get GNU tar - Stuffit, and Mac OS X tar have a path-length 
limitation which results in name truncation.


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Re: App Initialization question

2002-11-26 Thread Martin Jacobson


I need to store an object in the application context and this object has to
be instatiated when the application is deployed.

I am thinking about a solution but I would like confirmation that it is a
good practice to do :
  - declare a servlet that would have a load-on-startup element in
  - implement the creation of my object in this servlet
  - store the generated object in the application context

The point is that this servlet would be used only for that purpose
(initialization) and I guess there may have some more standard way to do
Can someone confirm that this is the way to do or point me to a better
solution ?

Generally, using a servlet with a load-on-startup element is NOT the 
best way to go about it - the servlet spec allows servlet containers to 
instantiate and trash servlets at any time. Hence, your servlet might be 
instantiated several times, and your initialisation code executed 
several times.
The preferred method is to define a class that implements the 
ContextListener interface, and to perform initialisation code in the 
contextInitialised() method. Cleanup can be done in the 
contextDestroyed() method.

I use this to load a bunch of application properties from an external 
file into a singleton class, MyAppProperties. The servlets then just do 
MyAppProperties.getInstance() to get the instance of the class. It works 


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Re: session startup

2002-11-21 Thread Martin Jacobson

Perhaps then a session is not what is required here. I wish to 
make available upon startup of the server, some simple string values. They 
must be accessible to all clients, auto initialised when the service 
starts up. This is something similar to a posting I made a while ago 
reagrding libraries. I want to load into memory these values when the 
server starts, that will be accessible to all clients.



You need to implement a ContextListener class. Here's a snippet of what 
I have:

1) Java:

package com.terma.martin.drs.util;

import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;

public class ApplicationInitializer implements ServletContextListener
	public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce)
		ServletContext ctx = sce.getServletContext();

		String propsFileName = ctx.getInitParameter(props-file);

... etc.

2) web.xml:




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Re: MacOS

2002-11-21 Thread Martin Jacobson
Felipe Schnack wrote:

  Anyone have experience with Tomcat on MacOS X servers? Or with java in
general? I would like to know if these machines are good options for
serving jsp or I should stick with PCs...

I'm running Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat 4.1.12 + OpenSSL + MySQL on Mac OS 
10.2 and it all runs just fine!

Check the archives - someone posted recently regarding probs with Mac OS 
X *Server* - IIRC, WebObjects is pre-installed, and generates some 
conflicts with Tomcat.


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Re: GIF images don't show up on first request, but show up fine after on 4.1.12

2002-11-20 Thread Martin Jacobson
Turner, John wrote:

Hello -

We have an app running on 4.1.12.

In stand-alone mode, this URL works perfectly: also works perfectly (myApp is the default app)

With Apache (2.0.43), using JK, the GIF images on the page show as broken
links the first time accessing this URL:

Refreshing the page, the GIF images show up fine, and on every page after

The only time the images do not show up is when the request runs through
Apache, and it is the first request of the session.  All other content on
the initial page (text, etc.) shows up just fine.  Only the GIF image links
are broken, and only on the first request.

The Apache error logs say the image files don't exist, but then they are
found on the very next request.

I've searched the archives, but haven't found any posts that seem related.

Any ideas what might be wrong?

I assume that you have JK configured such that Apache *should* be 
serving your static content, right?
If so, then surely, this is an Apache config problem, rather than a 
tomcat problem?

I'm no Apache expert, but if you post the relevant bits of httpd.conf, 
I'll take a look at it (It's the least I can do, having successfully set 
 -up Apache+jk+tc4.1.12 thanks to your HOWTO pages!)


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Re: Startup classes in Tomcat.

2002-11-20 Thread Martin Jacobson
Justin Ruthenbeck wrote:

Write a servlet that calls each of the startup classes you need to run 
and set it up in your web.xml.  Maximum portability, minimum work.


At 06:23 PM 11/19/2002, you wrote:

Hi All,
I am using tomcat 4.1. I am a newbie to tomcat. We are
off-loading most of our stuff from weblogic to tomcat. In
weblogic we have some startup classes that are needed for
the JSPs. How do we configure the same startup classes in
tomcat? These are not servlets so cannot use web.xml. Any

Better would be to write a class that implements ServletContexTListener, 
and do your initialisation stuff in the contextInitialised() method.



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Re: Programmatic login

2002-11-19 Thread Martin Jacobson
Juergen Weber wrote:


we have a portal. Now the marketing people want that
on the portal page be a form with user and password
field. After submitting the user should be logged in.

First this looked like a very easy to do feature.

We use container managed security to protect some

So submitting the above mentioned form should simply
authenticate the user with the container.

As simple as that seems, I cannot find any way to do
this via the servlet API.

Two posts by Craig R. McClanahan

([EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=297658
and[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=297211)

suggest, that this is in fact not possible.

If that is indeed the case, this is a big deficiency
of the servlet specification.

Or is there another solution? 

I haven't tried this, but the following might work, and is probably 

You need to have two portal home pages, one with the login form on, 
/portal/login, and one without, /portal/home.
Make /portal/home the default page.
Put a security constraint on /portal/home so that users who aren't 
logged in are automatically forwarded to /portal/login. If they log 
in, they are authenticated, and go to /portal/home.
I don't know what happens if there are other links in /portal/login, 
but as long as they don't go to other protected pages, it ought to work.

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Re: MBeans exception and mod_jk

2002-11-06 Thread Martin Jacobson
First off, some encouragement — I have Mac OS X 10.1.5, Apache 2.0.43, (the latest), and Tomcat 4.1.12, and it works for me!

There may be differences with OS X 10.2, plus I installed Tomcat in 
/usr/local so my file looks like this:

# Setup for apache system
# (optional) make this equal to CATALINA_HOME
# (optional) make this equal to JAVA_HOME

# Definition for Ajp13 worker

# change this line to match apache ServerName and Host name in server.xml


I didn't notice any problem with your server.xml file, but anyway, 
here's the beginning of mine...

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN debug=0
  Service name=Tomcat-with JK
Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector

I don't use the auto-generation feature, as I am using SSL on some/most 
of the pages, so I have the following in httpd.conf for the non-SSL part...

VirtualHost localhost
ServerName localhost

# Redirect Tomcat's http:.../login request to https:.../login
Redirect /drs/login https://localhost/drs/login
Redirect /drs/private/home https://localhost/drs/private/home

# Static files
Alias /drs /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/drs

Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/drs
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex web/index.html

# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
Location /drs/WEB-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Location /drs/META-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

JkMount /drs/home  ajp13
JkMount /drs/auth_error  ajp13
JkMount /drs/login_error  ajp13

I should add that I was unable to build successfully (it built 
without error, but didn't work - probably my incompetance!), so I'm 
using the pre-built one from the jakarta site.

I hope this helps! Please feel free to ask for more info.


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Re: mod_jk - Apache 2.0.43 - Tomcat 4.1.12 config issues on Solaris 8

2002-10-24 Thread Martin Jacobson
Turner, John wrote:

On that note, there is no need to build the Java side of the connectors when
building.  All you need is the Apache side, and this can be done with
./configurethere is no need to run ant or anything else to get a
connector binary, as the JAR binaries of the connectors are already included
in the Tomcat package.

Actually, this was one of the things I had to change when setting it up 
(on Mac OS X) - I had to rebuild the Jars as, strangely, my 4.1.12 
didn't had the Config class(es).


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Re: tomcat and OSX

2002-10-24 Thread Martin Jacobson
John B. Moore wrote:


   I you like I would be VERY glad to review your howto...G  I'm 
working on setting this up on my iBook right now...

   Thanks much...


I shall write it up in more detail Real Soon... but, in essence, you 
will need to download the binary for Mac OS X from the jakarta 
site (I followed links from the Tomcat 4.1 Docs JK HowTo) - I tried to 
build it from source, and failed.
However, the download page (for Mac OS X) says it only works with the 
Apache 2.0.43 server, so if you don't have it, download and build it. I 
found that the --with-mpm=worker option (multi-threaded server) doesn't 
work, so reverted to --with-mpm=prefork (classic Apache behaviour). Make 
sure you specify --enable-so

That done, I then went to John Turner's web site and followed the Linux 
example. HOWEVER - I ended up having to re-build the connector Jar, 
because the one I had (with 4.1.12) seemed to be missing the classes 
used by the Listener elements to auto-build the JkMount stuff that 
gets included into httpd.conf.

Once I'd followed these instructions, It Just Worked!

If you're interested, my complete config also includes SSL (via Apache  

Now, all I have to do is to get all this working on the production 
platform (Solaris), too...



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SSL, JK redirect question

2002-10-24 Thread Martin Jacobson
I have tc4.1.12, Apache 2.0.43 mod_ssl and mod_jk set up and working 
successfully on my Mac (OS X 10.1.5), but tweaking the Apache config to 
get it to work was... involved, let's say :-)

Users enter the site (using http: protocol) at /drs/home. This contains 
a button labelled Login that takes them to /drs/private/home. Because 
/drs/private/* is under a security contraint, it triggers a redirect to 
/drs/login which POSTs to j_security_check, etc.

Previously, using tomcat-standalone, the 
transport-guaranteeCONFIDENTIAL/transport-guarantee triggered the 
switch to https: - however, this no longer works when Apache/mod_jk are 
in the loop.

Because /drs/private/* isn't accessible via http: I was getting an 
Apache-generated 404 error when the login button on the home page was 
clicked: the solution I found was to place a
Redirect /drs/private/home https://host/drs/private/home
in httpd.conf

Of course, this gives an extra redirect, and seems inelegant...does 
anyone have a better solution? [And no, I don't think mod_rewrite is a 
better solution!]


PS I don't want to hard-code the full URL in the button on-click 
handler, as I don't want to have Yet Another Thing To Change when I move 
to the production server.

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Re: mod_jk - Apache 2.0.43 - Tomcat 4.1.12 config issues on Solar is 8

2002-10-24 Thread Martin Jacobson
Yesterday was one helluva day - I lost count of the number of times I 
typed ./configure, make, make install. Consequently, I'm not excluding 
the possibility that I did an mv of the jar out of tomcat instead of a 
cp - that would certainly explain the ClassNotFoundException :-)


Turner, John wrote:
That is strange...the binary package is the same for all platforms.  If they
weren't in yours, they wouldn't be in any others.


-Original Message-
From: Martin Jacobson [mailto:martin_j;]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:33 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_jk - Apache 2.0.43 - Tomcat 4.1.12 config issues on
Solar is 8

Turner, John wrote:

On that note, there is no need to build the Java side of 

the connectors when

building.  All you need is the Apache side, and this can be 

done with

./configurethere is no need to run ant or anything else to get a
connector binary, as the JAR binaries of the connectors are 

already included

in the Tomcat package.

Actually, this was one of the things I had to change when 
setting it up 
(on Mac OS X) - I had to rebuild the Jars as, strangely, my 4.1.12 
didn't had the Config class(es).


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Re: tomcat and OSX

2002-10-23 Thread Martin Jacobson
John B. Moore wrote:


Cool, Thanks...  you are right that mod_webapp stuff is a pain..  I 
followed a HowTo I found for OS X and I could never to get it to work.. 
keep getting errors

I'll get the book !!


I *did* get mod_webapp to work on Mac OS X, but abandonned it when I 
discovered how brain-dead it is. I have managed to get mod_jk to work on 
Mac OS X (10.1.5), thanks to John Turner's HOWTO site [Thanks John!].

I used his Linux example, which *nearly* worked: as soon as I get 
mod_ssl to work too, I'll write it up and post it.

But, as another poster said, there seem to be very few OS X specific 
problems, hence the lack of posts.


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Re: Unable to use getGeneratedKeys() through dbpc

2002-10-22 Thread Martin Jacobson
shawn wrote:
 Thanks for the input Steve,

 I agree that it SHOULDN'T be dbpc, but it looks as if it is. Actually
 the driver does support it quite nicely.  Everything works great if I
 create my connection manually. Things only break if I retrieve the
 connection from jndi ( and thus dbpc ).

 //This can use getGeneratedKeys()
 Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver).newInstance(); Connection conn

 //This cannot.. javax.naming.Context ctx = new
 javax.naming.InitialContext(); javax.sql.DataSource ds =
 Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

 As things stand now I must either give up connection pooling ( not a
 good option )  or create a workaround through sql ( decreased
 performance through through additional queries ).

I don't think you need worry about the performance - even if the driver 
supports the getGeneratedKeys() method, it still has to make an sql 
query (SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() for MySQL) to get the information.
The only advantage is that getGeneratedKeys() is db-independent.


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Re: Defining methods in JSP pages

2002-10-14 Thread Martin Jacobson

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 The biggest problem with the general approach you suggest is that you are
 mixing Java logic into your pages, which means you need a Java programmer
 to maintain them.  A much better strategy is to use a
 model-view-controller (MVC) style architecture that has back-end business
 logic setting up the dynamic things your page needs in request attributes
 or session attributes, and then forward to the page (which can use things
 like jsp:getProperty to grab them.  An example of a framework for MVC
 style development is Struts
 An additional benefit of banishing scriptlets from your pages is that the
 JSP page compiler can generate better code, as well as handling bigger and
 more complex pages.  The general trend in modern JSP development is away
 from scriptlets.

Another solution (which I use) is to not use JSPs at all - just servlets 
with the Velocity template engine 
Velocity allows a very clean separation between the business logic and 
the presentation. No weird syntax, no Java in the HTML to confuse Web 
designers, no run-time translation/compilation.


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SSL used to work, now doesn't!

2002-10-14 Thread Martin Jacobson


I'm running 4.0.4b3  4.1.12 on Mac OS X 10.1.5. I had SSL working 
correctly, but now, suddenly, it doesn't any more :-(

I suspect that there is something wrong external to tomcat, but this is 
the stack trace I get:

[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 80 Cannot recover key
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
[ERROR] Http11Protocol - -Error initializing endpoint Cannot recover key
Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization 
failed: Cannot recover key
LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Cannot recover key
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Catalina.stop: LifecycleException:  This server has not yet been started

I looked at the source of JSSESocketFactory, and the exception is being 
thrown from a rather big try{} block, and ALL exceptions are re-thrown 
as IOException, so it's difficult for me to identify where the problem 
might be.

The server.xml parameters are correct (they didn't change!), and keytool 
can retrieve the certificate. I suspect that the culprit might be a 
security upgrade I recently applied to Mac OS X, but before I post a bug 
report to Apple, I'd like to pinpoint where the problem is, and 
reproduce it in a simple test class, so any help identifying the 
offending method call will be greatly appreciated!



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Re: Help with test needed.

2002-10-01 Thread Martin Jacobson

Robert L Sowders wrote:

 I've just about completed a new site and I've been wondering about a few 
 things, specifically how does the public see it.  It's an ArcIMS site and 
 I know it will appear to load a bit slow, (that's just how ArcIMS works). 
 I'm hosting the front end in one place and the data at another.  I'm 
 wondering about the network latency that is built in.
 If you would go to, then zoom in 
about three 
 times and click on the orthophoto check box that comes up on the right 
 hand side, then hit the refresh button, this final refresh will give you 
 an idea of the network latency.
 I can't see it because I'm on the DOI backbone.
 Any help is appreciated.

I just tried it - I'm connected @ 10Mb/s to a fast backbone in Italy - 
and although it takes ~ 10 sec to display the page, the delay BEFORE it 
starts loading the image is only of the order of a second or two, so 
it's not too bad. I'm glad I'm not trying this at home via 56K dialup, 



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Re: SSL security contraint for just the login page.

2002-09-25 Thread Martin Jacobson

HAVENS,PETER (HP-Cupertino,ex3) wrote:

 I am using form based authentication on my Tomcat 4.0.4 server and I am
 trying to figure out how to set up a security constraint that would apply
 only to the login page.  My global web.xml has a security constraint that
 points to a login.jsp page as the form-login-page.  As I understand it, the
 global web.xml can only have one security-constraint.  What I want to do is
 configure this login.jsp page to be served up via HTTPS only.  This way
 users will not be submitting password as plain text.
 I know about using the user-data-constraint transport-guarantee, but I
 do not want to require SSL for all pages, just the login page.
 Is this possible?

I don't know whether this is possible - I tried for a while, thinking 
like you that it was sufficient to protect the login page, until I Saw 
The Light.
If you only protected the login page, then although the user's password 
would not be sent in clear, the session id on subsequent pages would be. 
Since a hacker only needs the session id to masquerade as your logged-in 
user, you MUST encrypt the entire session after login. This is what the 
servlet spec mandates, and what Tomcat does.


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Re: JDBC problem

2002-09-25 Thread Martin Jacobson

Ryan wrote:

 Thank you, this worked!
 However, now, the next line of code gives me problems:
 Connection C = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:mysql://localhost/tob,
 user, pass);
 Gives me the error :
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid authorization specification: Access
 denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
 When I run mysql --user=user -p
 with the same user/pass as in the getConnection() method, everything works
 -thanx, ryan

I had the same problem. The point is that tomcat passes 
as the host name, and NOT localhost. Therefore, you have to GRANT 
privileges to the user on this host in MySQL for the connection to work.


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Re: Tomcat 4.0 - SSL DOES NOT WORK!

2002-09-24 Thread Martin Jacobson

neal wrote:

 Thanks but this is actually specific to tomcat 3.  The configuration for
 Tomcat 4 is a bit different.  :(
 Some good overall SSL info though. I'll pass this to the SysAdmin to see if
 this tips him off to anything.

Hi Neal,

I'm using 4.0.4b3 with SSL working fine. Other than setting up web.xml 
(below), the only issues were
(i) downloading JSSE and installing it as a standard extension (ie in 
the /lib/ext directory under Java's home.
(ii) generating a self-signed cert with keytool (I don't have a Thawte cert)

I did try to upgrade to 4.1.10, but I couldn't get the Coyote connector 
to work for me, so I've stayed with 4.0.4.

Do you get any errors logged when you try using https ? Set debug to 9 
and see what you get.

Hope this helps - SSL DOES work - really!


 extract from web.xml ---

!-- Define an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 443 --
Connector className=org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector

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Re: So what database and script language do you use?

2002-09-24 Thread Martin Jacobson

Keith Pemberton wrote:

 Hi everyone...
  I have been trying to use MySQL and JSP,Servlets to interact with
 my tomcat server.  So far I have had a lot of frustration and little
 luck.  Anyway, I was just wonder what the majority of ppl are using as a
 database and scripting language.  Your input is much appreciated!

My set-up:
Development: Mac OS X + Tomcat 4.0.4 + Servlets + Velocity + MySQL
Production : Solaris8 + Tomcat 4.0.4 + Servlets + Velocity + Oracle8i


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Re: form-login-config

2002-09-10 Thread Martin Jacobson

Richard Chamberlain wrote:

 Hi Martin,
 We do have it on pretty much every page. Once the user is logged the
 form gets replaced with a kind of member control panel.
 If you look at they do a similar thing with a member login
 on each page in the right column - it's doesn't take up too much real
 When I figured out how the form-login-config worked I realised I could
 of course do it like you were suggesting, however I really would like
 to get it working as is ideally - as that's how the html designed it.
 Any other suggestions?

Hmm, tricky. Let's imagine that your login form posts to the member home 
page. Then, tomcat would re-direct to your login servlet. If this 
servlet had access to the user id  password fields already posted, then 
you could simply pass them directly on to j_security_check. The trouble 
is, I don't know whether this information is available, nor how you 
might access it, and I don't have time to RTFM for you. :-)
If that doesn't work, then I suggest you write a filter that goes in 
front of every member page; this would either check that the user had 
already logged in, or would validate the login parameters.


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Re: form-login-config

2002-09-09 Thread Martin Jacobson

Richard Chamberlain wrote:

 After I sent my previous message I played around a bit and it became
 clear that I was misinterpreting how to use form login.
 I'll explain what I want to do and perhaps somebody would be kind
 enough to point me in the right direction.
 I have a page that I only want members to be able to get to, member.jsp
 for instance.
 At the moment I've got it set up so attempting to access member.jsp
 will redirect you to the index page at which point you can login in and
 then be redirected to the member page. All works ok.
 However what I actually want is a form login on each page of the site
 and when a user logs in they get redirected to member.jsp. At the
 moment that gives me a invalid direct reference to form login page
 because tomcat wants me to go to member.jsp first and then be
 redirected to a form.
 Do I have to write myself some authentication code in this case?
 This was very easy in resin because you just mapped the
 j_security_check servlet and everything worked as I've outlined.

Do you mean that you actually have the login form embedded in every 
public page? Doesn't that clutter up your pages unnecessarily?
What I do is to have a Login button on every public page. The login 
button sends the user to the private home page. Since this is subject 
to a security restriction, the user is diverted to a login page first. 
Once logged in, he is automagically redirected to the private home page.
This works well!


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Re: getConnection() returning a NULL JDBC driver

2002-09-04 Thread Martin Jacobson

Robert Dunn wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am attempting to get a connection to the JDBC entry from the server.xml
 file and keep getting the error Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'. The
 error occurs when I attempt to call ds.getConnection();. I have placed all
 of the Interbase JAR files in the Common\Lib directory; Do I need
 to register these with Tomcat somehow?

 Entry from the server.xml file is:
   Resource name=jdbc/Transhub auth=Container
 description=Resource name for the interbase client connection/
   ResourceParams name=jdbc/Transhub
   valueResource Parameters for the Transhub Interbase DB/value


  nameuser/name -* change this to nameusername/name


   valuejdbc:interbase://localhost/C:/Program Files/Common Files/Insfin

Also, I've read somewhere on this list that folks have trouble with 
directory names with spaces in, so maybe you could fix that, too.
But it's the parameter name that's the 'gotcha' :-)


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Re: Index.html/default welcome file - OT

2002-09-04 Thread Martin Jacobson

garrett smith wrote:

 Still having troubles? 
 On Mac OS, the OS will add an extra extension based on file type. This is done
 to make the computer more user-friendly, although it is exactly the opposite:
 it is counter-intuitive.
 I had to check Show Info on right-click menu and remove the hidden extension.
 I don't know if your OS does this, but you may want to check it out.

Um, actually, no, it doesn't (we're talking OS X, right?). You can, if 
you want, hide the extension, but Mac OS X doesn't add one of its own. I 
suspect this so-called 'feature' was to make the Finder more like 
Windows for those making the upgrade.
A Mac doesn't need a file extension to tell it what kind of file it is 
(this is Windows behaviour) - Mac files have a 'resource fork' which 
contains, amongst other things, the file type, and the associated 

Sorry for the soapbox, but I'd like to reassure fellow Mac OS X users 
out there - Tomcat works really well - forget it's a Mac, remember it's 
running BSD4.2 !


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Re: Trouble configuring Tomcat 4.0.4 JNDI connection to MySQL

2002-08-30 Thread Martin Jacobson


 Good eye.  It use to be driverName but got changed along the way to URL.
 Probably when I started following the 4.1 how-to.  In any case, I changed
 back to driverName and, alas, same problem.
 Vance, do you get the same error?
 javax.naming.NamingException: Exception creating DataSource:
  at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
  at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
  at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
  at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
  at foo.DBTest1.init(
  at org.apache.jsp.DbTest1$jsp._jspService(DbTest1$

Hi, I had this problem for ages, and resolved it by retrofitting the 
DataSource factory ( connection pool) from tc4.1. The basic problem is 
that Tyrex is broken; it happened to work for some people, but not for 
me and many others :-(

At this point, Craig will probably come in and say to move to tc 4.1, 
and I'd say, 'fine, as long as you don't use SSL with a standalone 
tomcat, because the Coyote connector is broken in this respect.'

What you can do is download 4.1.9, remove tyrex...jar from common/lib in 
4.0.4, and drop in the commons-*.jar files from 4.1.

Here is what I have in /usr/local/tomcat/common/lib


PS: dont forget that the user parameter is username with DBCP

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Re: repost: tomcat's pooling

2002-08-29 Thread Martin Jacobson

Felipe Schnack wrote:

   I asked this one time in this list but no reply... let's try again.
   When we use the pool configuration indicated in tomcat docs, we use
 the javax.sql.DataSource interface to get the java.sql.Connection
   To have connection pooling we shouldn't use ConnectionPoolDataSource? 

The short answer is... No :-)

A longer answer is that the Connection Pool still provides objects of 
type javax.sql.DataSource. This is good, because it means that our 
servlet code doesn't change if we switch between no pooling, and pooling 
of connections.



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Re: Poolmam vs. Tomcat's JNDI (DBCP, Pool)

2002-08-29 Thread Martin Jacobson

neal wrote:

 Do you guys prefer Tomcat JNDI over PoolMan?
 It is looking like (from the multiple installs and the significant
 configuration details) that Poolman is a lot easier to setup and use that
 Tomcat's JNDI option.  Anyone have an opinion?

Last time I looked, Poolman was no longer being developed/supported, 
which rules it out as far as I'm concerned. When you refer to tomcat's 
JNDI, I suppose you mean the commons-DBCP connection pool supplied with 
tc 4.1?
I retro-fitted DBCP to 4.0.4 and it works fine.


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Re: help with apache tomcat webserver

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jonathan Zhang wrote:

 Everything is in default condition as provided by apache tomcat 4.0.  People
 in foreign countries such as hk and china can not view it while people in US
 can.  if it helps here's my ip addr:
 thanks for the help

I tried your link, and it returned me a 404 :-(
Ping succeeds.

I notice you said you're connected via DSL - are you sitting behind a 
DSL router that provides firewall facilities? Do you have a dynamic IP 
address (I guess not)?
You *might* have problems if your firewall blocks certain ports from 
certain ip ranges.

I am doing this from Italy.

best of luck,

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Re: Altering file extensions

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jim Bartram wrote:

 I'm using Tomcat 4.0 in a very simple way, hosting some straightforward
 .jsp files. Instead of the client seeing files served with the *.jsp
 extension, I'd like to be able to substitue anothe extension instead --
 like *.html :-). Is there a way to do that in Tomcat ? If so, how do I go
 about it?

This is what the servlet-mapping element does (I don't use JSPs, but 
it works fine for servlets).




So your user types hello.html, and gets served the output from hello.jsp.


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Re: BasicDataSourceFactory (dbcp)

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Jacobson

Marc Logemann wrote:

 i just read
 and saw that dbcp uses username as a property for their DataSource Implementation.
 I allways thought that the specs say that one should use user.
 Shouldnt this be consistent across all DataSource implementations?
 greetings from
 Marc Logemann
 Homebase @

I have posted several times regarding this! In answer to your question, 
it ought to be, but because there is no standard DTD for servlet 
containers, or EJB containers, everybody can do his own thing! :-(

I still think that there ought to be an DTD for server.xml, and maybe a 
way to map 'tomcat standard' parameter names to individual DataSource 
IMO, such a DTD (if documented!) would cut out a large proportion of the 
posts on this list!

Just my Euro 0,02


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Re: BasicDataSourceFactory (dbcp)

2002-07-12 Thread Martin Jacobson

Marc Logemann wrote:

I have posted several times regarding this! In answer to your question,

 sorry to bother you :)

I wasn't complaining - it was merely an observation; I 'discovered' this 
a month back, and have posted several replies to people in difficulty.

it ought to be, but because there is no standard DTD for servlet
containers, or EJB containers, everybody can do his own thing! :-(

 i dont know if a DTD would help out, i mean we cant define bean
 properties for a custom datasource in advance in an DTD or?
I still think that there ought to be an DTD for server.xml, and maybe a
way to map 'tomcat standard' parameter names to individual DataSource
IMO, such a DTD (if documented!) would cut out a large proportion of the
posts on this list!

 THe point is, SUN defined at least some property names in Paragraph: 5.3.1
 it would be nice if at least the common ones would be uniform.

Having read the doc (thanks for the link), I think you ought to post a 
bug report to the DBCP project for an incorrect property name... come to 
think of it, I might try to do that myself!

But, if there is a 'standard' set of properties for a DataSource, why 
can't they be expressed in a formal way - i.e. currently we write:

which means that an XML parser can only check that it is well-formed.

Instead, it would be nice to be able to write:

with parameter reserved for vendor-specific extensions. This would 
allow a validating parser to barf at most errors, instead of us all 
having to rely on examining the log files and interpreting stack traces!

Getting off soap-box, now!


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Re: Mac OSX

2002-07-10 Thread Martin Jacobson

Matt Preston wrote:

That's not the way to do it! :-)
All that was neccessary for me was to set two environment variables:
JAVA_HOME = /usr
CATALINA_HOME = path to tomcat

In my case, I have multiple tomcat versions installed, and I set a
symbolic link to the one I want to use in /usr/local/tomcat. Hence, I
CATALINA_HOME = /usr/local/tomcat

The only stuff I have in the standard extensions is some security 
encryption stuff - eq JSEE.

Hope this helps,


 I have the two environment variables set as
 but the classes are still not being loaded unless I put all the jars into
 the standard extensions directory.  Could this be a problem with the
 privileges of the user that I am logged in as? Although I am using an
 administrator account...
 Any ideas?

The permissions are OK? Tomcat (ie the user that runs it), must have 
read permission on all files, and also execute permission on all 
directories under it - being an administrator doesn't automatically 
solve the problem!

Otherwise, all I can suggest is that you make sure you are up-to-date 
with your OS X version (10.1.5)  JDK (1.3.1).

Hope this helps,


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Re: Mac OS X, Tomcat 4.0.4, MySql configuration denies access

2002-07-09 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jack Park wrote:

 Thank you!
 I've now got even more food for thought.  You used JDBCRealm.  Here is 
 what the Tomcat how-to on that says:
 This document describes how to configure Tomcat to support container 
 managed security, by connecting to an existing database of usernames, 
 passwords, and user roles. You only need to care about this if you are 
 using a web application that includes one or more security-constraint 
 elements, and a login-config element defining how users are required 
 to authenticate themselves. If you are not utilizing these features, you 
 can safely skip this document.
 I should say that I am doing this in a verbose fashion in the hopes that 
 other OS X users will be able to find it with google when/if they need 
 it. My similar query at 
 has had 3 hits (one of which is mine) in the same time span as this post 
 here; here there have been responses of great value to this inquiry, 
 there have been none elsewhere.
 Now,  do I need container managed security?  Did you? Or was that an 
 approach that happened to get your installation working in absence of 
 other considerations?  In a reply here by Steve Ahlstrom, he does not 
 appear to use JDBCRealm, but does use a greatly expanded Context... 
 entry in server.xml, and additional information (compared to what I use) 
 in his application's web.xml. Security in my program has, all along, 
 been handled by authentication routines built into my code (though I can 
 imagine handing that work over to something else in the future).

I configured container managed security simply because the application 
requires it. I used it as an example because my application code 
accesses the database via a connection pool and JNDI, so it's more 
complicated to explain.

In another (later) post, you describe your Unix accounts; mine are 
somewhat different. In case it helps, I'll describe them...
First, I'm an old-time Unix guy (SVR4, Solaris, Linux), but I don't know 
the ins-and-outs of BSD, nor NextStep, so I didn't know about sudo when 
I started hacking about.
I enabled root in NetInfo, and made sure that my user (martin) was a 
member of a group that root was also in. Hence, I was able to su root.
I created a login account for mysql, and installed mysql as per 
I created a mysql user 'tomcat' which can only perform selects on one 
database. Also, tomcat can only connect from 'localhost' or 'macx'.
I created another account which can do anything on the same single 
database when connecting from 'localhost', and this is the account that 
the application code uses.
To run tomcat, I cd to the base directory, su root, and type 
bin/ - this is because I use tomcat in standalone mode, and 
use ports 80/443.

I suggest (if you haven't already done so) setting debug=9 
everywhere(!), and then post the logs, with any relevant server.xml, 
web.xml and code snippets.


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Re: Mac OSX

2002-07-09 Thread Martin Jacobson

Matt Preston wrote:

 I have just installed Tomcat 4.0.4 on Mac OSX (10.1) and have had a hell of
 a time.  Firstly I had the problem with not using gnutar (documented on this
 list), but that was relatively simple to work around.
 The big problem was with the classloaders.  It proved very difficult for me
 to convince Tomcat that it's classes were actually present.  When starting
 up the application I got an exception about javax.http.HttpSession not being
 found.  I tried many ways to get the servlet.jar into the classpath (which
 it already was anyway) without success.
 In the end the only way that I could get Tomcat to start up was to copy all
 of the jars (common/lib  server/lib  bootstrap.jar) into
 Then everything works fine, except that the tomcat jars are now in the
 extensions directory, so I can't run another version of tomcat on this
 machine at the same time.  Obviously this is not the best or even right way
 of getting tomcat to run.  I felt very dirty doing this :)  Has anyone else
 faced similar problems with OSX and got a solution?  I am very new to OSX
 and this seems like pretty weird behaviour to me, I'm sure that I am doing
 something wrong, but I don't know what.

That's not the way to do it! :-)
All that was neccessary for me was to set two environment variables:
JAVA_HOME = /usr
CATALINA_HOME = path to tomcat

In my case, I have multiple tomcat versions installed, and I set a 
symbolic link to the one I want to use in /usr/local/tomcat. Hence, I
CATALINA_HOME = /usr/local/tomcat

The only stuff I have in the standard extensions is some security  
encryption stuff - eq JSEE.

Hope this helps,


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Re: Mac OS X, Tomcat 4.0.4, MySql configuration denies access

2002-07-08 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jack Park wrote:

 I continue to get the sql exception using the above software and
 mm.mysql 2.0.8 drivers.
 MySql is 3.23.51 downloaded from
 I have granted permission to the program for both localhost (a guess) 
 and localhost.localdomain (which I needed on wintel and linux).
 While roaming with google, someone 
 l+java) solved (I think) the same problem by making a new root user with 
 host = % (I confess: I have no idea how to do that!).  I tried making my 
 program (the name I use to open a connection to mysql) a Mac User.  
 Nothing changed.
 I see several candidate avenues of inquiry:
 tomcat 4.0.4 has problems with this configuration (I think very 
 mm.mysql 2.0.8 is the wrong driver for 3.23.51
 3.23.51 (being a very recent release) has some problem
 my configuration of the database with permissions is not consistent 
 with OS X needs (works fine on wintel and linux, however).


I am successfully using mysql (3.23.46)  Tomcat (4.1.4) with mm.mysql 
driver (2.0.14) on Mac OS X (10.1.5).

My normal db connection is via JNDI/Datasource, but I also use JDBCRealm 
user authentication, which is a simpler configuration to show :-)

I created a mysql user called 'tomcat' (no need to create a Unix 
account), with no password...

mysql select * from user where user like 'tomcat';
| Host   | User   | Password | Select_priv | Insert_priv | 
Update_priv | Delete_priv | Create_priv | Drop_priv | Reload_priv | 
Shutdown_priv | Process_priv | File_priv | Grant_priv | References_priv 
| Index_priv | Alter_priv |
| localhost  | tomcat |  | Y   | N   | N 
| N   | N   | N | N   | N 
   | N| N | N  | N   | N 
   | N  |

and then configured server.xml ...


In fact, I'm lying :-)
I (occasionally) had problems because mysql would refuse the connection 
with a message like user tomcat@macx has insufficient privileges (or 
something in that vein). To solve that, I simply added another line to 
the user table for tomcat, with macx as the hostname. I don't know 
why this happens - however, I use a Powerbook, both at home and at work, 
so I'm constantly changing my Location setting, with consequent change 
in IP address, and mysql may be getting confused.

Although I'm using 4.1.4, this also worked on 4.0.4b3, so your Tomcat 
version is not an issue. I suspect that the problem can be solved by 
fiddling with mysql's privileges, which are (IMHO) somewhat arcane!

Hope this helps,

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Re: New to Tomcat/Mac OS 9

2002-07-08 Thread Martin Jacobson

Aldo Bergamini wrote:

 Peter Werno is believed to have said: 
Hello Aldo,

this is more guessing than knowing, but the Apple MRJ / JDK isn't Java 
2. If tomcat 3.3.x uses some Java 2 commands then you'd need to 
upgrade to OS X (which runs any kind of Tomcat just fine)
You should probably post this on the Developer-List, maybe someone 
there is able to tell you if there are Java 2 elements in 3.3.x



 Thanks Peter,
 I'll ask the Developer-List.
 It seems that OS X is getting more and more unavoidable...

Don't avoid OS X! Developing Java Apps on OS9 and before was terrible, 
to say the least! On Mac OS X it's much, much better! I recommend that 
you get GNU tar as the standard tar doesn't handle long paths, and I 
don't like the standard tcsh, so downloaded bash. BBEdit as the text 
editor, and you're away!
And why use Tomcat 3, when Tomcat 4 is so good?

I love OS X!

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Re: Tomcat-4.1.6 and DBCP issue?

2002-07-02 Thread Martin Jacobson

Douglas, Rory wrote:

 Hi there
 I had some problems using the DBCP connection pool with 4.1.6 and the MS 
 SQL Server JDBC drivers. I couldn't get the pool to use the user 
 parameter specified in server.xml, I ended up having to include the 
 username and password as part of the JDBC URL.
 Oh, I've never used the built-in connection pooling before, so I can't 
 speak for 4.1.3. What's happening with your 4.1.6 setup??

DBCP expects the user to be identified by a parameter called username, 
not user :-)


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Re: Tomcat 4.0.4, jndi, jdbc and postgresql [long]

2002-07-02 Thread Martin Jacobson

Les Hughes wrote:

 Ignore the remove // comment - I was looking at my oracle notes :-)
 I really have no idea why it's trying to load the hsql driver if there's no
 ref in your
 Post your server.xml and web.xml and we'll both have a look.

I struggled for weeks (on and off) trying to figure out why Tyrex ALWAYS 
tries to load the hsql driver - in vain.

Don't bother trying to get Tyrex to work - it just doesn't! (And neither 
does it pool connections) - you should try TC 4.1, which uses the 
jakarta-commons DBCP. DBCP works, and pools connections!


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Re: TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-28 Thread Martin Jacobson

Remy Maucherat wrote:


I'm sure you're a busy guy, but I'd really appreciate an assist here; I
moved to TC4.1 in order to have a working implementation of a JNDI
DataSource, but in the process I have lost a working SSL implementation,
which is *vital* for my application (this is medical data, and I need to
demonstrate to the Authorities that the system is reasonably secure).

If there's a problem with TC4.1 (I know it's alpha), would you suggest
that I retro-grade to TC 4.0 ? I have an alternative (working!)
connection-pooling setup that I could use, so it's not a total disaster
for me.

 You can always downgrade. However, SSL works fine for me and others in more
 complex cases.

I *hope* it works for you - you wrote the thing! :-)
However, since it doesn't work for me, and since I'm 99.9% certain that 
I have everything set-up and configured correctly, this constitutes a 
bug (although it could be external to Coyote/Tomcat). I am willing to 
persue this, and I got a copy of the sources via cvs, with a view to 
tracking it down, but I'd like some advice:
1) Should I join the developer list? (Say no, I get too much mail already!)
2) Should I post a bug report to Bugzilla, or do you do that?
3) Any hints as to where I should start my search?

To re-iterate the problem: I use Coyote to configure a SSL connector, 
which *apparently* correctly initialises itself (I checked that 
something was happening by removing certain parameters, and it then barfed).
However, when I access a protected page, the re-direct to my login page 
(which uses ssl) fails with a, which 
indicates that there is no stream protocol handler registered for 'https'.

Many thanks,

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Re: TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-25 Thread Martin Jacobson

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 It mentions an sslImplementation as being null, but I don't find any 
 mention of such an attribute in the docs. Is this the problem? And if 
 so, what do I need to put?

 BTW, I didn't really want to be on the bleeding edge of development - 
 but I do need a JNDI DataSource that works, so here I am!
 You need JSSE for that to work (and put the JARs in common/lib, or use 
 JDK 1.4).
 There is a bug in that release recognizing the keystoreType attribute, 
 though (bugzilla 9676). This got fixed in release 4.1.4.

Well, I already had JSSE installed as a standard extension, but I copied 
it to common/lib anyway; there was no difference, I'm afraid :-(

I should point out that I have this working (not with Coyote) in Tomcat 
4.0.4, if that helps.

Where can I get 4.1.4? I hunted around, but I can't find it on the 
jakarta site. Is there a binary?

Best regards, and thanks for the help,

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Re: TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-25 Thread Martin Jacobson

Reynir Hübner wrote:

 You can get 4.1.5 though, 4.1.5 has issues regarding jasper2 (tag-pooling), so I 
would download 4.1.5 and use jasper2 from 4.1.3.
 on the other hand I dont know of any other problems with tc.4.1.5 (there might be as 
it's only in a test-release).
 hope it helps, 

I don't use JSPs (hate them!) so Jasper is not an issue... however, 
having downloaded 4.1.5 - thanks for the link - I still have the same 
problem. That is, Tomcat fails to initialize the Coyote connector for https.

My logs give me the same errors as previously posted - does anyone have 
a working Coyote https connector - maybe there are undocumented 
parameters I don't know about?


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Re: TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-25 Thread Martin Jacobson

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 Martin Jacobson wrote:

 My logs give me the same errors as previously posted - does anyone 
 have a working Coyote https connector - maybe there are undocumented 
 parameters I don't know about?
 With JDK 1.3, this works for me:
 - create a key with the default password (changeit) with keytool (see 
 SSL Howto)
 - uncomment the SSL connector in server.xml
 - put the 3 SSL JARs in common/lib
 - start Tomcat, and use the browser with SSL

As I said before, I already had this working in TC4.0, so I have a 
keystore with a valid cert in it - naturally, I changed the password 
from changeit!
I HAVE copied the 3 jars into common/lib (although they were already 
installed as standard extensions, so they should have been available 
already), I have uncommented the SSL connector in server.xml, and I have 
restarted Tomcat !!!
Oh, and I am using JDK 1.3.1.

As far as I can tell, the only differences are (i) I changed the 
keystore password (as you MUST), and (ii) this is all running on Mac OS 
X 10.1.5, which I don't suppose you use (although you ought!)

Any other ideas?

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Re: TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-25 Thread Martin Jacobson

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 Martin Jacobson wrote:

 My logs give me the same errors as previously posted - does anyone 
 have a working Coyote https connector - maybe there are undocumented 
 parameters I don't know about?
 With JDK 1.3, this works for me:
 - create a key with the default password (changeit) with keytool (see 
 SSL Howto)
 - uncomment the SSL connector in server.xml
 - put the 3 SSL JARs in common/lib
 - start Tomcat, and use the browser with SSL

Another thought - I have the connectors configured to bind to ports 
80/443, instead of 8080/8443 - this is perfectly normal, no? Oh, and 
this is standalone Tomcat, of course!


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Re: Tomcat 4.0.4 MyApp as default context - ClassNotFoundException: org.hsql.jdbcDriver

2002-06-24 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jakarta Tomcat Newsgroup ( wrote:

 Subject: Tomcat 4.0.4 MyApp as default context - ClassNotFoundException: 
 From: Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have an entry for my web-application in server.xml so I can use a
 JDBCRealm and a JNDI Datasource.  When I change my context's path from
 Context path=/myAppName docBase=myAppName ... /
 Context path= docBase=myAppName .../
 I get the following exception?!  And I never even refer to this JDBC Driver.
 I did some browsing on the mailing lists, and this appears to be a
 well-known error, but I couldn't find the solution.
 TyrexDataSourceFactory:  Cannot create DataSource, Exception
 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsql.jdbcDriver
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
 at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Class.forName(

I had this problem, and couldn't solve it using Tomcat 4.0 at all :-( It 
seems that Tyrex is broken (or, at least, cannot be successfully 
configured). Reading elsewhere, it seems that Tyrex doesn't provide any 
connection pooling, either, so it's a bit of a Waste of Space (IMHO).

I 'solved' the problem by moving to Tomcat 4.1, which uses the 
Jakarta-commons dbcp. This works!

This is the relevant part of my server.xml file:

Resource name=jdbc/RadiationDB
ResourceParams name=jdbc/RadiationDB

NOTE that the user is identified by username, and not user - this 
had me stuck for a while!

Hope this helps,

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TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-24 Thread Martin Jacobson

Since moving to TC4.1.3, I get this:

2002-06-24 14:48:22 HttpProcessor[80][4] process.invoke
 at java.util.Stack.peek(
 at java.util.Stack.pop(

2002-06-24 14:48:55 HttpProcessor[443][4] process.invoke
 at java.util.Stack.peek(
 at java.util.Stack.pop(

I haven't been able to track down exactly what provokes it - it seems to 
happen at random :-( but sure as eggs is eggs, it'll happen sooner or later.
It doesn't look like a user code error, but who knows!

Anyone got any ideas of where I should look?


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Re: TC 4.1.3 ExptyStackException

2002-06-24 Thread Martin Jacobson

Remy Maucherat wrote:

 The old HTTP/1.1 connector is unsupported (and apparently, a bug was 
 introduced in there). Try using Coyote HTTP/1.1 instead. You can look at 
 the default configuration file to see how to configure it.

Thanks for the quick response! Have tried that, but I now have a new 
problem! Coyote does not appear to initialize the SSL connection 
properly - or I've got something wrong: here's what I find in the logs:

[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute port: 80
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute maxThreads: 75
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute backlog: 10
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute tcpNoDelay: true
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute soTimeout: 2
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute timeout: 2
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute secure: false
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 80
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute port: 443
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute maxThreads: 75
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute backlog: 10
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute tcpNoDelay: true
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute soTimeout: 6
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute timeout: 6
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute secure: true
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute algorithm: SunX509
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute keystore: /Users/martin/.keystore
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute protocol: TLS
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Attribute sslImplementation: null
[INFO] Http11Protocol - -Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 443

2002-06-24 16:20:35 Authenticator[/drs]:  Subject to constraint 
2002-06-24 16:20:35 Authenticator[/drs]:  Calling checkUserData()
2002-06-24 16:20:35 Authenticator[/drs]:   Cannot create new URL unknown protocol: https

and here's my server.xml

Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
Factory className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory

It mentions an sslImplementation as being null, but I don't find any 
mention of such an attribute in the docs. Is this the problem? And if 
so, what do I need to put?

BTW, I didn't really want to be on the bleeding edge of development - 
but I do need a JNDI DataSource that works, so here I am!


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JNDI DataSource probs

2002-06-19 Thread Martin Jacobson



did anyone of you get any furter?

thanks anthony
I've posted a solution see Generic DataSource Resource Factory
Available. JDBC Data Source

and Les Hughes for your tutorials. I still could not succeed.

Did anyone try to figure out why we do not get a DB-Connection?
I do not find a point to start form with debugging.


'fraid not :-

I have installed Tomcat 4.1.3, and I currently get a different Exception 
thrown, which might be construed as progress...

When I've checked that I don't have any typos or other 'obvious' 
mistakes, I'll post details.


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Re: front controller pattern and security

2002-06-14 Thread Martin Jacobson

John Gregg wrote:

 Hi all.
 I've been thinking about how the j2ee front controller pattern (used by
 Struts et al.) does/does not take advantage of url-based authorization
 constraints in web.xml.  I want to avoid having to check roles in my own
 code as much as possible.  At first I thought I could declare a URL like
 /somewebapp/somerole/* to require the somerole role before being allowed
 access to my controller servlet.  Another URL would be
 /somewebapp/someotherrole/* but would map to the same servlet.  That servlet
 would then pick off the action at the end of the URL and execute it.
 However, while I can restrict access to the servlet, or whatever other
 physical resource I'm trying to protect, what I really want to protect is
 the action that's executed.  Am I just stuck with enumerating all possible
 actions in by web.xml (/somewebapp/somerole/someaction,
 /somewebapp/somerole/someotheraction, etc.)?  Should I instead make a filter
 that enforces this for me?  I'm facing the same problem with Apache SOAP's

Surely, the way you describe, using servlet-mapping  auth-constraint 
does exactly what you want?
In other words, you have one (controller) servlet declared, and you use 
servlet-mapping to declare all urls that invoke that servlet. In 
auth-contstraint you declare the mapping between urls and user roles. 
So, when a user invokes /app/manager/ac_details, the auth-constraint 
would trigger an authorisation check to make sure the user was in the 
indicated role. Then (if he's allowed), because the servlet-mapping maps 
this url to the controller servlet, the controller servlet is invoked, 
and, as you say, you can then determine what the action was (ac_details) 
by examining the url. This method does not restrict access to the 
controller servlet directly, but does protect the functions to be performed.

Or have I misunderstood?


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Re: Connection pooling doesn't work for me ... Help !!

2002-06-14 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jacob Kjome wrote:

 The definitive solution has been provided by Leslie Hughes 

 So, please, do yourselves a favor and ignore the docs for a bit on this 
 one.  Copy the configuration line for line that Leslie has provided.  
 Then, of course, change the values to match your setup.  I *guarantee* 
 this works and it is the standard way it is supposed to be done.  Maybe 
 this DataSource thread can finally be put to rest?

I'd *love* this thread to go away and die, but until JNDI DataSource can 
be made to work for all of us, it's gonna run  run!
As my previous post indicated, I am using Les Hughes proposed solution, 
and I *still* get a Tyrex exception, because it's trying to instantiate 
the mythical hsql driver.

Has anybody got any suggestions other than it works for me; I don't 
mind delving into the code, but it'd be nice to know where to start looking!


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Re: Connection pooling doesn't work for me ... Help !!

2002-06-13 Thread Martin Jacobson

anthony.dodd wrote:

 I've posted a solution see Generic DataSource Resource Factory
 Available. JDBC Data Source on the tomcat user maillist.
Yes, but...

Like many others on this list, I too have been unable to get the std 
JNDI DataSource thingy working; as an interim measure, I implemented a 
workaround (which does at least work!), but I refuse to be defeated!

My understanding is that the standard naming factory wotsit is Tyrex - 
if I implement Anthony Dodd's offering, do I chuck out Tyrex?

My latest attempt is based on the suggestions offered by Les Hughes, 
which uses the Jakarta Commons DBCP, collections, and pool libraries. 
However, when I run my application, I get the (by now, all too familiar) 
following exception thrown:
2002-06-13 13:37:15 static: Error!
javax.naming.NamingException: Exception creating DataSource: 
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
 at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
 at com.terma.martin.drs.StaticPage.handleRequest(Unknown Source)
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

It seems as though Tyrex is trying to use org.hsql.jdbcDriver, which I 
don't want - I'm using MySQL - or am I not interpreting the stack trace 

Here is the relevant part of server.xml:
Resource name=jdbc/RadiationDB
Resource-params name=jdbc/RadiationDB

My configuration is:
Tomcat 4.0.4b1
mm.MySQL 2.0.12
latest DBCP from nightly build
mySQL 3.23.46

running on Mac OS X (10.1.5) JDK 1.3.1

All suggestions gratefully received!


PS Sorry about the length of the post :-(

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Re: Please help me improve my question skills (number of tomcat a pps)

2002-06-12 Thread Martin Jacobson

Knutsen Jeffrey S wrote:

 YES! You've hit it!  I AM asking the question about how fast the car will
 go.  At this time, I DON'T care about the type of car or engine! My question
 is being analyzed far too deeply by the diligent developers on this mail

Well, although I agree with other posters that answering your question 
will not provide you with any useful information, here goes...

I am developing a REAL application using Tomcat. Development is on a G3 
PowerBook running Mac OS X 10.1.5, Tomcat 4.0.3 standalone, and MySQL 
something or other (recent, anyway!) with mm.MySQL JDBC driver. 
Performance is very good.
Production will be on some kind of Sun box which also runs Samba 
(masquerades as an NT server) for local workgroup. Production DB will be 
Oracle 8i, which will probably slow down the app somewhat, but still 
confident the car will go fast enough!

Now, apart from the information that the Mac is an excellent platform 
for Java apps, I don't know how this helps you, but hey... :-)


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Re: fyi: tomcat 4.0.1 examples on MacOS X (error 404)

2002-06-12 Thread Martin Jacobson


 I recently downloaded
 ta-tomcat-4.0.1.tar.gz but the servlet examples did not work (error 404).
 Looking at the files in the logs/ folder showed there was a problem with
 loading SetCharacterEncodingFilter class. I then came across a file called
 SetCharacterEncodingFilter.clas in webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/filters/
 When I renamed this file to SetCharacterEncodingFilter.class the examples
 were accessible!
 It's probably something to do with my OS X being on a Mac compatible partition
 and so filenames longer than 32 are truncated (?)

IIRR, the problem is either in Stuffit, or std Mac OS X tar - I 
downloaded GNU tar, and have had no problems since.

Hope this helps

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Re: Tyrex/Warp JDBC NamingContext problem

2002-04-05 Thread Martin Jacobson

Jakarta Tomcat Newsgroup ( wrote:

 Subject: Tyrex/Warp JDBC NamingContext problem
 From: Hermod Opstvedt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi all
 I have looked all over the place, and come across several people that are
 experiencing the same as me. When I access my .jsp's directly to TC, a
 lookup of the JDBC that I configured in server.xml works fine. When starting
 up Apache and hence warp, it stops working. I have stepped through it, and
 confirmed that the JDBC entry is in the naming context, but the cast
 (through Tyrex) doesn't seem to work so it returns null. Hasn't anybody come
 across a solution for this ?

My situation is slightly different, in that I'm using servlets+Velocity, 
and a standalone Tomcat 4.0.4b1, but I think we have the same problem: I 
can connect successfully to MySQL using mm.mysql JDBC driver, but 
configuring a Datasource using JNDI following the HOW-TO always results 
in a null pointer being returned from the lookup(jdbc/...). I suspect 
that Tyrex is broken; when I set the debug level to 99, I get an entry 
in catalina.out to the effect that Tyrex could not find the hypersonic 
driver - not surprisingly, since I don't have it or want it. Looking at 
the Tyrex source reveals that the hypersonic thing is a hard-coded 
default, which I suppose gets replaced by the name of the driver you 
configure in the server.xml parameters.

My question is this: is ANYBODY successfully connecting to any database 
other than this hypersonic thingy? If so, what JDBC driver are you 
using? Did you have to 'tweak' the configuration given in the HOW-TO?

Help please!


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