FOLLOW-UP: Sharing the JSTL JARs and Classloading

2005-01-31 Thread Tony LaPaso
Hi all,
On Jan. 22 I posted a message to this group, ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and 
Classloading ??, where I described a problem I was having with the JSTL 
JARs. It seemed that when I put the JSTL JARs (standard.jar and jstl.jar) in 
Tomcat's shared/lib TC could not find them, contrary to the TC 

I know what the problem was. It turns out it was my fault. I was using a 
value of CATALINA_BASE that was not the same as CATALINA_HOME. Tomcat's 
documentation says that Shared/lib is relative to CATALINA_BASE. So, I'm 
sorry to all you who read my post and tried to help me solve the problem. It 
was all my fault after all for not having read the Tomcat documentation well 
enough. I am sorry to those of you whose time I wasted.

I'll be more careful in the future.

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Re: FOLLOW-UP: Sharing the JSTL JARs and Classloading

2005-01-31 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Thank you for posting the follow up. So often people solve their problems 
and don't post the solution. Then when you do a search you may find the 
issue you were looking for but not the solution.

Don't worry we have all goofed.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 9:21 PM
Subject: FOLLOW-UP: Sharing the JSTL JARs and Classloading

Hi all,
On Jan. 22 I posted a message to this group, ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and 
Classloading ??, where I described a problem I was having with the JSTL 
JARs. It seemed that when I put the JSTL JARs (standard.jar and jstl.jar) 
in Tomcat's shared/lib TC could not find them, contrary to the TC 

I know what the problem was. It turns out it was my fault. I was using a 
value of CATALINA_BASE that was not the same as CATALINA_HOME. Tomcat's 
documentation says that Shared/lib is relative to CATALINA_BASE. So, I'm 
sorry to all you who read my post and tried to help me solve the problem. 
It was all my fault after all for not having read the Tomcat documentation 
well enough. I am sorry to those of you whose time I wasted.

I'll be more careful in the future.
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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Mark Thomas
Tony LaPaso wrote:
Incidentally, in reading the Tomcat docs for Classloading, it seems 
that any classes in a web app's lib directory *should* be able to see 
classes in the shared/lib directory. Similarly, any classes in 
shared/lib *should* be able to see what's in common/lib.
This works as you expect. I just tested it with a clean TC5 build from 
CVS. That being said I noticed the following whilst I was testing which 
may help:
- I needed to clean out the work directory for my app between each test.
- I needed to restart Tomcat for each test.

If I didn't do both of the above then various caches (already loaded 
classes, JSPs that have already been compiled, etc) all contributed to 
weird results.

The crappy, incomplete Tomcat documentation strikes again. One of the 
bad things about these open source projects is that since no one owns 
them no one has responsibility to work on anything except what they're 
interested in. The result is often neglected, shoddy and incomplete 
You are as much of the Tomcat community as anyone else. If you know 
somewhere where the docs are wrong (which you must do to be able to call 
them crappy and incomplete - and by implication neglected and shoddy) 
why not redirect your energy from futile ranting into creating patches 
to improve the documentation and contribute to the community.

So, again, it seems weird that putting the JSTL JARs in common/lib 
works fine while putting them in shared/lib doesn't. When I put them 
in shared/lib I get the exception shown below. From the exception 
below it seems to me that the classes in common/lib (e.g., 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet) do not have access to classes in 
shared/lib (e.g., org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForEachTag) 
although the classes in common/lib *DO* obviously have access to 
classes in a web app's lib directory.

If only the classloader docs were better
In terms of the hierarchy, the docs are right. Perhaps what needs to be 
added is the circumstances where restarts (app or tomcat) are required 
for changes to take effect.

For the record, my own view is that the increased effort required to 
manage shared jars is rarely worth the disk space and memory it saves.

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Nikola Milutinovic
Wendy Smoak wrote:
You have some good points, Jake. Thank you for the response. If you 
happen to run across the statement from Craig M. regarding Struts I'd 
like to see it.
The struts.jar file MUST be in each webapp, and not in any common 

Disk space and memory are cheap, I'd rather each webapp be a 
self-contained entity than to have to bother with making sure each 
server has the right things in various places.  Not to mention that if 
I want to play with a newer version of some library, I don't risk 
breaking existing apps by replacing the common version, nor confusing 
the class loader by having both the old and new versions on the 

One other note - Tomcat gives you a framework contract, a contract 
defined by JSP/Servlet specification. There is no mention of JSTL in it. 
Thus, it is unwise to make it shared, since it involves making the JSTL 
more internal than external, from Tomcat's point of view.

The situation with JDBC drivers, for instance, is slightly different. 
For use with DataSource mechanism, you have to place JDBC driver in 
shared area. But, on the other hand, DataSource, although not a part of 
JSP/Servlet specification, is not exactly external to the whole story.

I understand the desire behind the original idea. I build packages 
myself and that usually leads me to not placing one content in several 
places. How about placing the JARs someplace public, OUTSIDE Tomcat, 
and making symbolic links in the web application's area?

Again, that WILL make the web application in question dependant on some 
JARs not present in the package. If you're prepared to make your own 
RPMs no big deal. So, are you? :-)

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Tony LaPaso
When you cleaned out the caches (by deleting the work directory) were you 
able to move the standard.jar and  jstl.jar to shared/lib and then be able 
to use JSTL?

I did that -- I deleted the 'work' directory and then moved the JARs from 
common/lib to shared/lib and re-started TC. Now I have the exception below. 
Is the JSP compiler not looking using shared/lib classloader, I wonder?

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or 
the jar files deployed with this application
org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError( org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.dispatch( org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.jspError( org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.generateTLDLocation( org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.init( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseTaglibDirective( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseDirective( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse( org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.doParse( org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.parse( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile( org.apache.jasper.comp!
iler.Compiler.compile( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile( org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( Original Message -From: Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Tomcat Users List tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.orgSent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:21 AMSubject: Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ?? Tony LaPaso wrote: Incidentally, in reading the Tomcat docs for Classloading, it seemsthat any classes in a web app's lib directory *should* be able to seeclasses in the shared/lib directory. Similarly, any classes inshared/lib *should* be able to see what's in common/lib. This works as you !
expect. I just tested it with a clean TC5 build fromCVS. That being sa
id I noticed the following whilst I was testing which mayhelp: - I needed to clean out the work directory for my app between each test. - I needed to restart Tomcat for each test. If I didn't do both of the above then various caches (already loadedclasses, JSPs that have already been compiled, etc) all contributed to weirdresults. angry-rant The crappy, incomplete Tomcat documentation strikes again. One of the badthings about these open source projects is that since no one owns them noone has responsibility to work on anything except what they're interestedin. The result is often neglected, shoddy and incomplete documentation. /angry-rant You are as much of the Tomcat community as anyone else. If you knowsomewhere where the docs are wrong (which you must do to be able to callthem crappy and incomplete - and by implication neglected and shoddy) whynot redirect your energy from futile ranting into creating patches toimprove the documentation and contribute t!
o the community. So, again, it seems weird that putting the JSTL JARs in common/libworks fine while putting them in shared/lib doesn't. When I put them inshared/lib I get the exception shown below. From the exception below itseems to me that the classes in common/lib (e.g.,javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet) do not have access to classes inshared/lib (e.g., org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForEachTag)although the classes in common/lib *DO* obviously have access to classesin a web app's lib directory. If only the classloader docs were better In terms of the hierarchy, the docs are right. Perhaps what needs to beadded is the circumstances where restarts (app or tomcat) are required forchanges to take effect. For the record, my own view is that the increased effort required tomanage shared jars is rarely worth the disk space and memory it saves. Mark - To unsubscribe, e-mai!
l: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Tony LaPaso
- Original Message - 
From: Nikola Milutinovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

One other note - Tomcat gives you a framework contract, a contract defined 
by JSP/Servlet specification. There is no mention of JSTL in it. Thus, it 
is unwise to make it shared, since it involves making the JSTL more 
internal than external, from Tomcat's point of view.

You are right: Tomcat provides a contract via it's implementation of the 
Servlet/JSP spec and the JSTL has absolutely nothing to do with it. Tomcat 
*also*, however, provides an alleged facilty (shared/lib) for the sharing 
of JAR file across web applications. This capability is independent of the 
Servlet/JSP specs but it is supposed to work with Tomcat.

There's a more important issue at work here than whether or not I have to 
put the JARs in common/lib or shared/lib: When writing code it's 
considered a bad practice (and I think, rightfully so) to copy and paste 
the same code to various locations. Instead, we factor out common behavior 
into separate classes or methods. There's an analogous idea involved here --  
instead of copying and pasting the same JARs across many web applications 
it makes more sense (to me, anyway), to factor out these JARs and make them 
centrally available. Having said that, I also realize the code within the 
JARs must be written such that the classes can be shared.

Think of .so files or .DLL files. With .DLL files, for example, Windows will 
share the library's contents across several processes rather than load the 
same DLL each time for every process. I think this is a good strategy, 
again, assuming the classes in the JAR were written so as to be shared. It's 
not a matter of disk or memory space, per se, it's more a matter of 
administrative convenience.

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Tony LaPaso wrote:
There's a more important issue at work here than whether or not I have 
to put the JARs in common/lib or shared/lib: When writing code it's 
considered a bad practice (and I think, rightfully so) to copy and 
paste the same code to various locations. Instead, we factor out common 
behavior into separate classes or methods. There's an analogous idea 
involved here --  instead of copying and pasting the same JARs across 
many web applications it makes more sense (to me, anyway), to factor out 
these JARs and make them centrally available. Having said that, I also 
realize the code within the JARs must be written such that the classes 
can be shared.
The flip side of that of course is that you'll potentially run into the 
same problem as Windows: DLL Hell, although it'll be JAR Hell now :)

The point about administrative simplicity is well-taken, but I've always 
been of the mindset that I'd rather have the JARs repeated in each 
webapp because then if I have to change a JAR version for a particular 
app I don't have to go and make sure all the other apps work with that 
version too.

Same problem with DLLs... how many times have you had a version conflict 
with MS Common Controls?  Maybe not recently because some work has been 
done to alleviate this situation, but certainly in the past is arose all 
the time.  The same could happen if you make JARs shared across webapps.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Mark Thomas
Tony LaPaso wrote:
When you cleaned out the caches (by deleting the work directory) were 
you able to move the standard.jar and  jstl.jar to shared/lib and then 
be able to use JSTL?
I did that -- I deleted the 'work' directory and then moved the JARs 
from common/lib to shared/lib and re-started TC. Now I have the 
exception below. Is the JSP compiler not looking using shared/lib 
classloader, I wonder?
It is working for me (but I am using the latest CVS code for 5.5.x). 
Maybe a configuration problem? Not sure what could cause this though.

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-23 Thread Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas wrote:
Tony LaPaso wrote:
When you cleaned out the caches (by deleting the work directory) were 
you able to move the standard.jar and  jstl.jar to shared/lib and 
then be able to use JSTL?

I did that -- I deleted the 'work' directory and then moved the JARs 
from common/lib to shared/lib and re-started TC. Now I have the 
exception below. Is the JSP compiler not looking using shared/lib 
classloader, I wonder?

It is working for me (but I am using the latest CVS code for 5.5.x). 
Maybe a configuration problem? Not sure what could cause this though.
Just to be 100% sure I built 5.0.30 from CVS and ran my very simple test 
case. The test case passed. This now looks very much like a 
configuration problem, although I still don't have a clue what would 
cause the behaviour you are seeing.

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread Edoardo Panfili
Tony LaPaso ha scritto:
Hi all,
I'm using TC 5.0.30.
JSTL Is working fine -- I have the standard.jar and jstl.jar files in my 
WEB-INF/lib directory.

The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and 
therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the 
aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather 
put them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web 

I use $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/
ad it's works. I hope that this is also formally correct
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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread QM
On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 01:24:54AM -0600, Tony LaPaso wrote:
: The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and 
: therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the 
: aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather put 
: them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web 
: applications.

Webapps are supposed to be self-contained, and as such, it's considered
a best practice to pack up a webapp with all the JARs it needs.  

If it's a hassle to copy the JARs around by hand, why not fold that into
an automated build process?



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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread Jacob Kjome
Not all libraries are written in a way that allows for them to be used from 
different webapps.  Struts has a statement on this written by Craig 
McClanahan, but I can't find it at the moment.  The gist of it is that 
Struts (at least with 1.1) cannot be guaranteed to work properly if placed 
in a shared classloader.  One example of where this might be problematic is 
with non-final static variables.  If it they get changed by one app, the 
other app sees the change.  Usually, this is not the desired behavior as it 
will make each app using the shared library behave in unpredictable ways.

Anyhow, what error are you getting when you add the library to the shared 
classloader?  I haven't looked at the classloader hierarchy in Tomcat for a 
little while, but it is possible that shared/lib cannot see common/lib, and 
if there are libraries that standard.jar and jstl.jar depend on libraries 
that exist in common/lib, then you might get the error you are seeing.

At 01:24 AM 1/22/2005 -0600, you wrote:
Hi all,

I'm using TC 5.0.30.

JSTL Is working fine -- I have the standard.jar and jstl.jar files in my
WEB-INF/lib directory.

The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and
therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the
aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather put
them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web

According to the crappy Tomcat documentation that's never updated, I should
be able to put the JARs in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib.  Unfortunately, that
doesn't seem to work with these two JARs for some reason. Instead, I have to
put them in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (which seems to work, for some

Why can't I just put these two JARs in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib and have
them shared across all web applications, as the Tomcat documentation on
Classloading indicates I should be able to? It seems very odd that I can
either copy the JARs to every WEB-INF/lib directory *OR* put them in
$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib, but not put them $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib.


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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread Tony LaPaso
Call me a minimalist but I don't like the idea of having the same JAR file 
duplicated if I don't have to. It takes more memory since each web app's 
classloader needs to have the same classes in memory. It seems much cleaner 
to have the JARs in one central location.

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 01:24:54AM -0600, Tony LaPaso wrote:
: The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and
: therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the
: aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather 
: them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web
: applications.

Webapps are supposed to be self-contained, and as such, it's considered
a best practice to pack up a webapp with all the JARs it needs.
If it's a hassle to copy the JARs around by hand, why not fold that into
an automated build process?
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tech news --
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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread Tony LaPaso
You have some good points, Jake. Thank you for the response. If you happen 
to run across the statement from Craig M. regarding Struts I'd like to see 

Incidentally, in reading the Tomcat docs for Classloading, it seems that 
any classes in a web app's lib directory *should* be able to see classes 
in the shared/lib directory. Similarly, any classes in shared/lib 
*should* be able to see what's in common/lib.

The crappy, incomplete Tomcat documentation strikes again. One of the bad 
things about these open source projects is that since no one owns them no 
one has responsibility to work on anything except what they're interested 
in. The result is often neglected, shoddy and incomplete documentation.

So, again, it seems weird that putting the JSTL JARs in common/lib works 
fine while putting them in shared/lib doesn't. When I put them in 
shared/lib I get the exception shown below. From the exception below it 
seems to me that the classes in common/lib (e.g., 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet) do not have access to classes in 
shared/lib (e.g., org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForEachTag) 
although the classes in common/lib *DO* obviously have access to classes 
in a web app's lib directory.

If only the classloader docs were better
   org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(Unknown Source)

root cause
   org.apache.jsp.index_jsp.class$(Unknown Source)
   org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspx_meth_c_forEach_0(Unknown Source)
   org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(Unknown Source)

- Original Message - 
From: Jacob Kjome [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

Not all libraries are written in a way that allows for them to be used 
from different webapps.  Struts has a statement on this written by Craig 
McClanahan, but I can't find it at the moment.  The gist of it is that 
Struts (at least with 1.1) cannot be guaranteed to work properly if placed 
in a shared classloader.  One example of where this might be problematic 
is with non-final static variables.  If it they get changed by one app, 
the other app sees the change.  Usually, this is not the desired behavior 
as it will make each app using the shared library behave in unpredictable 

Anyhow, what error are you getting when you add the library to the shared 
classloader?  I haven't looked at the classloader hierarchy in Tomcat for 
a little while, but it is possible that shared/lib cannot see common/lib, 
and if there are libraries that standard.jar and jstl.jar depend on 
libraries that exist in common/lib, then you might get the error you are 

At 01:24 AM 1/22/2005 -0600, you wrote:
Hi all,

I'm using TC 5.0.30.

JSTL Is working fine -- I have the standard.jar and jstl.jar files in my
WEB-INF/lib directory.

The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and
therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the
aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather 
them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web

According to the crappy Tomcat documentation that's never updated, I 
be able to put the JARs in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib.  Unfortunately, 
doesn't seem to work with these two JARs for some reason. Instead, I have 
put them in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (which seems to work, for some

Why can't I just put these two JARs in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib and 
them shared across all web applications, as the Tomcat documentation on
Classloading indicates I should be able to? It seems very odd that I 
either copy the JARs to every WEB-INF/lib directory

Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread QM
On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 04:43:20PM -0600, Tony LaPaso wrote:
: Call me a minimalist but I don't like the idea of having the same JAR file 
: duplicated if I don't have to. It takes more memory since each web app's 
: classloader needs to have the same classes in memory. It seems much cleaner 
: to have the JARs in one central location.

Try not to think of it as duplicated; it's more along the lines of,
making each webapp independent and portable.  The more you share
amongst webapps, the more you leave yourself open to version skew
(several webapps needing different versions of the same file).


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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread Wendy Smoak
You have some good points, Jake. Thank you for the response. If you happen 
to run across the statement from Craig M. regarding Struts I'd like to see 
The struts.jar file MUST be in each webapp, and not in any common location.
Disk space and memory are cheap, I'd rather each webapp be a self-contained 
entity than to have to bother with making sure each server has the right 
things in various places.  Not to mention that if I want to play with a 
newer version of some library, I don't risk breaking existing apps by 
replacing the common version, nor confusing the class loader by having both 
the old and new versions on the classpath.

Wendy Smoak 

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Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-22 Thread Larry Meadors
Call me a realist, but the jars you are talking about are only
375k...if 375k of memory kill your web app, go to ebay, and pick up
another gig of ram, and it will be fine. :-)

Seriously, I have been down the path you are describing (I only want
one copy of my jars, so when I upgrade, I only have to do it once!),
and trust sucks.

The first time you upgrade one and it breaks 3 others, you (not to
mention your customers) will be very, very unhappy. And no, I thought
it would work! will not be an acceptable response.

In addition, jars in the shared/lib classloader may or may not use the
appropriate classloader to load configuration resources - it they your
this.getClass().getClassloader(), it just plain will not work if it
is not in the WEB-INF/lib directory. Ever.


On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 16:43:20 -0600, Tony LaPaso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Call me a minimalist but I don't like the idea of having the same JAR file
 duplicated if I don't have to. It takes more memory since each web app's
 classloader needs to have the same classes in memory. It seems much cleaner
 to have the JARs in one central location.
 - Original Message -
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:57 AM
 Subject: Re: ?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??
  On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 01:24:54AM -0600, Tony LaPaso wrote:
  : The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and
  : therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the
  : aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather
  : them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web
  : applications.
  Webapps are supposed to be self-contained, and as such, it's considered
  a best practice to pack up a webapp with all the JARs it needs.
  If it's a hassle to copy the JARs around by hand, why not fold that into
  an automated build process?
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?? Sharing the JSTL JARS and Classloading ??

2005-01-21 Thread Tony LaPaso
Hi all,
I'm using TC 5.0.30.
JSTL Is working fine -- I have the standard.jar and jstl.jar files in my 
WEB-INF/lib directory.

The problem is that I have several web applications that use JSTL and 
therefore several WEB-INF/lib directories. Rather than copy the 
aforementioned JAR files to *every* WEB-INF/lib directory I'd rather put 
them in one central location and have them available for *ALL* web 

According to the crappy Tomcat documentation that's never updated, I should 
be able to put the JARs in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib.  Unfortunately, that 
doesn't seem to work with these two JARs for some reason. Instead, I have to 
put them in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (which seems to work, for some 

Why can't I just put these two JARs in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib and have 
them shared across all web applications, as the Tomcat documentation on 
Classloading indicates I should be able to? It seems very odd that I can 
either copy the JARs to every WEB-INF/lib directory *OR* put them in 
$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib, but not put them $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib.


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