Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-03 Thread indypants

vincey103 wrote: 
 thanks for the reply. I've done factory resets and reinstalled the app.
 i have  now reinstalled the original mdac firmware. all is working well
 again.  i might reinstall the  mdac update  but i don't think its meant
 to give any sonic  improvement -i might be wrong.i will probably wait
 for johns 'lake west' firmware.
 thanks for your app.i love it.

Hi Vincy, 
Just to echo Triode's comments, I've also installed the updated MDAC
firmware it and it works absolutely fine for me.
I'd be very surprised if MDAC firmware is the issue in your case, but in
case it's relevant, I am using a USB hub between the Touch and the DAC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-04-05 Thread indypants

Hi Triode,
Seems to be working like a dream.
I did a factory reset, then a firmware update, then I installed your
applet. Everything worked just as you described.

USB audio is still working brilliantly, and 24/192 still fine from the
optical/coax out.

I notice there is a Digital Output option in the audio settings. 
Is this new, or did I just miss it last time? I was going to ask for
this, so I'd feel a bit silly if it was there all along!

Not a biggie, but I take it it's not possible for all the outputs to
work at the same time? 

Great work, as always!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-04-01 Thread indypants

Sorry for the delay replying...

USB is now working fine, but I'm seeing problems with 192K over
optical/coax. MDAC has trouble locking on at all, and the CDQ locks on
but is suffering constant dropouts. I tried swapping back and forth
between kernel#5 and #6, and I could consistently get 192K to work ok
on #5 but not #6.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;698626 Wrote: 
 If using Triode's approach of a high speed hub in front of your async
 DAC do NOT use the isolator between the Touch and the hub, put the
 isolator between the hub and the DAC.

Thanks John. I must admit, it had already been my intention to put the
Isolator between the hub and the DAC, but probably for the completely
wrong reason. I was under the (false?) impression that the Isolator did
something to stop the power feed getting through, and that this might
stop the hub from working properly (it's powered, yes?). I'm not very
technical with this kind of thing, as you might have guessed!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread indypants

Triode;698629 Wrote: 
 Same isolator I have and I think you our ordering the Hama hub - I can
 confirm this combination is working for me. 

So what are your thoughts on the effects of the Isolator?
Placebo or not?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread indypants

Fair comment :-)

The Hama hub has just turned up and it's now in place with kernal#5
running absolutely fine. Tested into the MDAC over USB with 96K and
192K. I wasn't expecting the 192K to work, but it gets downsampled to
96K, which is cool.

Sounding good!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-31 Thread indypants

Just tried kernel#6 with the MDAC and CDQ and I' mnot getting anything
from the USB. 192 is working OK from optical and coax though.
Reloaded kernel#5 and everything is working again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-30 Thread indypants

For anyone interested, I've just been playing around with a USB galvanic
isolator between the SB Touch and the DAC (Audiolab 8000CDQ). Here are
the comments I posted over at Pink Fish. I'm wondering if this is
simlar to the effect that others have reported by installing the
soundcheck mods?

 My first impression when I put the isolator in was one of an immediate
 improvement, but being aware of the potential for a placebo effect i
 then went on to do a lot of swapping back and forth. However, because
 of the delay of rebooting the SB Touch between swaps (and not having
 the most golden of ears), it was not an easy comparison, and to be
 honest, after a while, I really was starting to think that any
 difference was in my head. 
 That all changed when I put on Titanium by Kraftwerk (Tour De France
 album). Playing the opening few seconds of this track has left me with
 a high confidence level that the Isolator is doing something to
 tightening up the bass to quite a noticable degree. The sound also
 seems slightly crisper.

I'm still not guaranteeing this isn't my imagination, but if you've got
£40 burning a hole in your pocket, I'd recommend giving it a try.

I used this one


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-28 Thread indypants

Hi Trode,
I've just got my SB Touch back from JohnW having been itching to try
out your modifications for weeks now...

Well, your kernal#1 is working brilliantly with 44/48K and HDCD
material into both the MDAC and 8200CDQ. I also had a quick try with
Kernal#4 and was able to get 192K over SPDIF with no noticable problems
(I only tried the MDAC for that). I listened carefully to a few tracks
and they seemed fine. What a super job you've done! 

To be honest, I'd have been happier than a very happy thing just to see
it working at all, but looking at how far you've bought this in terms of
ease of use  installation is incredibly impressive. We owe you and John
S a great debt of grattitude, you've clearly put a lot of work into this
which we can all now benefit from. Can't thank you enough!

I've just ordered the HAMA USB hub from Amazon (£6.49) so looking
forward to trying higher def material over USB once this arrives. I've
also got a USB Isolator (of the sort you've mentioned) that I want to
try once I get some time - I'll report back if you're interested. 

Forgive my ignorance/curiosity, but I wondered if you had ever worked
in an official capacity on this product? Looking at the quality of your
work and your depth of knowledge certainly gives me that impression...

All the best,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-10-08 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;657978 Wrote: 
 Sure it can be setup so that the USB and digital out run at the same
 time, just use the same scheme as in the normal file. The only problem
 is that you won't get anything out AT ALL, if the USB DAC is not
 plugged in.
 udev is the mechanism by which devices get named. By default your USB
 DAC can wind up with different names and card numbers making it
 difficult to write asound files, because the names are going to be
 different for everybody. There was a udev script posted here a while
 back which explicetly looks for any USB audio devices and  gives them a
 specific name so it's always the same and people can distribute asound
 files and have them work on anybodies setup. 
 Unfortunately it didn't go far enough, the presence of a USB device can
 cause the built in DAC or digital out to change THEIR name making any
 scheme to have output on two devices at the same time be rather
 difficult. This udev script needs to be extended so it names ALL audio
 devices, then its much  easier since the names will always be the
 John S.

Hi John,
I've been trying without any luck to get the USB and SPDIF running at
the same time.

To take this one step at a time, I tried the following asound.conf,
which works fine for USB (ignoring the clicks): {
type hw;
card TXRX;
} {
type hw;
card TXRX;

pcm.usb {
type hw;
card Series;
ctl.usb {
type hw;
card Series;

pcm.!default usb

However when I change the above to pcm.!default digital and reboot I
get nothing from the spdif outputs unless I unplug the USB cable prior
to rebooting. Not sure how I'm going to get them both working
simultaneously with this being the case :(

I've also tried the original asound.conf, as per (i think) your
suggesiton, replacing the ak4420 alias with the above usb alias but
when I do this, the squeezebox fails to boot up.

Am I doing something silly ? Any suggestions much appreciated.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-09-27 Thread indypants

mjensen;657512 Wrote: 
 3) Change the realtime priority of audio related processes (optional)
 The easiest way to do this is the put these 4 lines into
 /etc/init.d/rcS at the end of the file, just before the last line that
 initializes squeezeplay.
 I have
 chrt -f -p 93 `pidof 'sirq-hrtimer/0'` 
 chrt -f -p 91 `pidof 'sirq-timer/0'` 
 chrt -f -p 87 `pidof 'IRQ-25'` 
 chrt -f -p 59 `pidof 'IRQ-37'` 

Finally got round to getting the USB up and running again today
following a firmware update that wiped it all :(

I've now tried adding those 4 lines into the rcS file, but for me it
hasn't made any noticable difference, i.e. I still get about the same
number of clicks as before.

Oh well, worth a try, and I appreciate the tip. I'll be more than
willing to try any others as and when they come up :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-09-15 Thread indypants

mjensen;657782 Wrote: 
 Hi Tim,
 So you can have something like this in asound.conf.
 pcm.usbdac {
 type hw;
 card Series;
 ctl.usbdac {
 type hw;
 card Series;
 pcm.!default usbdac
 Pretty much, except I'm specifying card 0 rather than card Series. I'm
 trying to remember now why I didn't use the name...? I have a feeling
 there was a reason. I must make some time this weekend to go through
 all this again and have a bash at your suggestions.
 I'm curious as to what your and sections doing
 (if it can be explained in terms that an idiot can understand!).
 Getting ahead of myself, it would be really nice if the coax didn't
 deactivate when swicthing to USB. That way I could also connect it to
 my AV amp for playing DTS files or pro-logic. I see this as the next
 big challenge for you guys once the clicks have been resolved :-))
 BTW, I won't pretend I understand most of this... for the most part,
 I've just been following instructions !


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-09-14 Thread indypants

Hi Mjensen,
First of all, thanks for sharing that info, it is very much

I've already got John's updated jive_alsa and also own the 8200CDQ DAC,
but so far I still get the odd click coming through.

Looking through your summary of changes, the thing that stands out that
I've not yet tried is part (3), so I will be giving this a go when I get
some time (and once I've figured out why USB doesn't seem to work at all
since I downloaded the last official firmware upgrade :-( ). 

Your asound.conf updates also look quite different to the changes
recommended by John, but would I be correct that this just a different
way of achieving the same result?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-07-10 Thread indypants

Ok John, thanks for the reply. I didn't realise you had already tried
the updated driver.

Even so, do you think there would be any benefit in me trying it here?
Just clinging on to the last bit of hope that maybe my DAC would give a
different result to your own one.

Other than that, I guess I shoould give up with getting this working.

Thanks again though for all your work with this, and for championing
our cause with Logitech :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-07-02 Thread indypants

Hi John, 
I've recently been in touch with the designer of my Audiolab 8200CDQ
DAC and described the symptoms of the intermittent clicks. Below I've
pasted his comments (this is based purely on my description of the
problem of course). Is this possibly pointing at an out of date USB
If so, can this easily be updated? I'm certainly willing to give it a
try if you could guide me through it.

All the best,

 Yes the CDQ will be replaying USB from its DAC's internal Clock (Async
 USB), and the SB Touch will be streaming the Data, but the SB Touch
 will not be acting upon the CDQ's Buffer Flow control requests - i.e.
 it streams the Audio, but does not listen to the request from the CDQ to
 keep its USB buffer Half Full.
 The Clicking you hear is when the CDQ's buffer overfills or is
 allowed to empty - When this buffering error occurs, the CDQ resets
 its USB buffer pointers and the cycle repeats.
 Basically, I believe the SB Touch is not managing the Async USB flow
 Your listening to ASYNC USB, but with buffering errors (The Clicks)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-01 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;614536 Wrote: 
 Its very easy to modify the source for this program to take an
 additional value to support S24_3LE. I have the environment all setup
 to compile it. I will try and get this done sometime this week. If that
 works I can make it available to those that want to try it. I'll also
 see if I can get Logitech to add this to the next firmware version, it
 doesn't change anything that's already working, it just adds an extra
 The way the code in this program works it checks to see if the argument
 is 24, if it is it sets the driver to S24_LE, if not it sets it to
 S16_LE. So when I set it to 32 in the above post that actually set it
 to 16. I guess the HRT products will work with S16_LE as well as
 S24_3LE. So while it looked like the StreamerII was working, it was
 only working 16 bit. 
 John S.

John, This sounds really promising. I'll be more than happy to give
your recompiled firmware a try. Just let me know when it's ready.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-28 Thread indypants

So John, do you know which files to edit on the Touch, or is this the
part which needs more work ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-25 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;613773 Wrote: 
 I wanted you guys to try the aplay route because it lets you easily
 figure out what works and what does not with the specific hardware. The
 next step is to try and get squeezeplay to output the right format.
 Squeezeplay always converts to 24 bit so the playing 16 or 24 bit files
 is not an issue. Its just a matter of finding out how to get squeezeplay
 to output the right 24 bit format. It seems some DACs want S24_LE (24
 bit samples in 4 bytes) or S24_3LE (24 bit samples in 3 bytes). I'm
 pretty sure we can get squeezeplay to do either its just a matter of
 figuring out which options to use. 
 John S.

Hi John, Thanks again for your help here. I'm just wondering though, if
I still get clicks playing a 24bit file in the correct S24_3LE format
using aplay with HW, is squeezeplay likely to be any different ? This
might be a silly question, but as I say, I'm new to this :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-24 Thread indypants

Much appreciated Johann. I will try these out when I get home later
- Tim


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-24 Thread indypants

Still no luck getting rid of the clicks, but I think I may have found a
way to find the correct format for the dac... Use aplay with -v, for
example the display before seems to show that my dac requires S24_3LE

# aplay -D plughw:1,0 -v thexx.wav
Playing WAVE 'thexx.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz,
Plug PCM: Linear conversion PCM (S24_3LE)
Its setup is:
stream   : PLAYBACK
format   : S16_LE
subformat: STD
channels : 2
rate : 44100
exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
msbits   : 16
buffer_size  : 22050
period_size  : 5513
period_time  : 125011
tstamp_mode  : NONE
period_step  : 1
avail_min: 5513
period_event : 0
start_threshold  : 22050
stop_threshold   : 22050
silence_threshold: 0
silence_size : 0
boundary : 1445068800
Slave: Hardware PCM card 1 'Audiolab 8200 Series' device 0 subdevice 0
Its setup is:
stream   : PLAYBACK
format   : S24_3LE
subformat: STD
channels : 2
rate : 44100
exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
msbits   : 24
buffer_size  : 22050
period_size  : 5513
period_time  : 125011
tstamp_mode  : NONE
period_step  : 1
avail_min: 5513
period_event : 0
start_threshold  : 22050
stop_threshold   : 22050
silence_threshold: 0
silence_size : 0
boundary : 1445068800


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-15 Thread indypants

SHR;611149 Wrote: 
 At one point it even looped, booted then re-booted and kept on going
 until I cut the power.

This is exactly what I get whan I use the new asound.conf file. I get
about 30 seconds where SSH is still working, and I have to get in quick
and restore the original file to get it to boot properly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-14 Thread indypants

SHR;610676 Wrote: 
 I had some initial problems to get it going but succeded at last. First
 I got it to work only with the alsa-plug config but after fiddling
 around with klaus' sw mods and Johns configs  I got it  working with
 the last asound.config and the increased buffersettings.

Hi, I just wondered... During your work on this, did you find that the
SB would sometimes not fully boot up? Just wondering if I'm
experiencing something abnormal. If it's normal, then I'll go ahead and
have a play around to see if I can get it working.  Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-08 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;609148 Wrote: 
 Make sure the card number is correct. Do
 aplay -l (thats dash el)
 find the card number for your USB DAC. 
 If that doesn't work try changing the sample size back to 24. One of 24
 or 32 should work.
 If none of that works post the results from aplay -l, it might help.
 John S.

Hi John, None of this works for me. I cant get it to boot up properly
with this new asound.conf, even if I restore the original
SqueezeboxFab4Meta.lua and SqueezeboxFab4.lua

# aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Series [Audiolab 8200 Series], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: fab4 [fab4], device 0: fab4-ak4420 []
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 3: fab4_1 [fab4], device 0: fab4-wm8974 []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
# cat /etc/asound.conf.usb
pcm.usbdac {
type hw;
card 1;
ctl.usbdac {
type hw;
card 1;
pcm.!default usbdac



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-08 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;609445 Wrote: 
 The audiolab uses 24 bit async interface as does the Streamer II, so it
 should use exactly the same setup. 
 The next step is to look at the /proc/asound area. Look in the card1
 dir and poke around for a file of the form stream0, it may be under
 another dir. This file will give the details of the interface, what it
 is, how many bits, sample rates etc. 
 John S.

This is what my stream0 file looks like

# cat stream0
Lakewest Audio Audiolab 8200 Series at usb-fsl-ehci.0-1, full speed :
USB Audio

Status: Running
Interface = 2
Altset = 1
URBs = 2 [ 8 4 ]
Packet Size = 582
Momentary freq = 44130 Hz (0x2c.2130)
Interface 2
Altset 1
Format: 0x20
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-07 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;608971 Wrote: 
 First the changes to the asound.conf file:
 pcm.usbdac {
 type hw;
 card 1;
 ctl.usbdac {
 type hw;
 card 1;
 pcm.!default usbdac

My SBT will not boot up with this asound.conf file :(
I went back to your first version of the modified asound.conf file, but
made the additional buffer ans sample size changes. It boots up, but sad
to say I still get the clicks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Remote Control Codes

2011-02-05 Thread indypants

For some reason, my Pronto NG refused to learn the IR codes from the SB
Touch handset. By going through the info in this thread, and doing a
bit of hex / binary conversion, I think I've figured out the full list
of clean pronto IR codes for the SB touch:

900B 006D  0001 6E91 19E6   0
900B 006D  0001 6E91 0FF0   1
900B 006D  0001 6E91 10EF   2
900B 006D  0001 6E91 11EE   3
900B 006D  0001 6E91 12ED   4
900B 006D  0001 6E91 13EC   5
900B 006D  0001 6E91 14EB   6
900B 006D  0001 6E91 15EA   7
900B 006D  0001 6E91 16E9   8
900B 006D  0001 6E91 17E8   9
900B 006D  0001 6E91 06F9   Add
900B 006D  0001 6E91 0DF2   Arrow down
900B 006D  0001 6E91 09F6   Arrow left
900B 006D  0001 6E91 0BF4   Arrow right
900B 006D  0001 6E91 07F8   Arrow up
900B 006D  0001 6E91 20DF   Brightness
900B 006D  0001 6E91 0EF1   Browse
900B 006D  0001 6E91 18E7   Favorites
900B 006D  0001 6E91 05FA   Fwd
900B 006D  0001 6E91 44BB   Home
900B 006D  0001 6E91 1EE1   Now Playing
900B 006D  0001 6E91 04FB   Pause
900B 006D  0001 6E91 08F7   Play
900B 006D  0001 6E91 02FD   Power
900B 006D  0001 6E91 1CE3   Repeat
900B 006D  0001 6E91 03FC   Rew
900B 006D  0001 6E91 1AE5   Search
900B 006D  0001 6E91 1BE4   Shuffle
900B 006D  0001 6E91 1DE2   Sleep
900B 006D  0001 6E91 01FE   Volume up
900B 006D  0001 6E91 00FF   Volume down
900B 006D  0001 6E91 23DC   Mute
900B 006D  0001 6E91 F10E   Power on
900B 006D  0001 6E91 E11E   Power off

Hope this is helpful, I could not find this info anywhere, and like
others, I found that my SB3 codes did not work with the touch.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-04 Thread indypants

John, I'm sure I'm not alone, but I just wanted to pass on my thanks for
all your hard work on this. You're selfless efforts are very much
appreciated. This will benefit an awful lot of people.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-01 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;595308 Wrote: 
 There is no guarantee that we can get it to work with the current
 firmware. I do have a firmware I compiled myself which has a later
 version of the driver, BUT it doesn't have MP3 or wireless capability.
 (the wireless code and MP3 code get linked in by Logitech, they have
 NOT made those publicly available) Its also based on an old firmware
 package so it won't have some of the latest fixes. If you are
 interested in trying that I'll see if I can find it and get it to you.
 John S.

Hi John, If you don't mind, I would really like to try your firmware
with the updated ALSA driver to see if this helps in my case. I'd be
really grateful if you could PM me with details.

Many thanks in advance


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] ayre QB9 + touch USB

2011-02-01 Thread indypants

JohnSwenson;602257 Wrote: 
 Some people have run a QB-9 with the Touch without any problems at all.
 So there has to be something DAC specific, Touch hardware specific or
 configuration specific. 
 What I would like people to try is different sample rates say 44.1 VS
 48 or 88.2 and 96. That should wind up exercising different crystals in
 the DAC. 
 With a USB interface the rate data is sent to the DAC is NOT determined
 by the audio crystals but by the processor crystal which may not be
 given as much care in initial frequency accuracy. The result is that
 the data rate might be fairly far off from what it should be and the
 feedback loop in the asynchronous interface may not have enough time to
 get the computer sending the data at the right rate before the buffer
 over/under flows.  
 I've been working with some others with async hardware and seeing some
 very strange things happening. The feedback loop IS working but
 sometimes the data rate gets set to something very bizarre.
 Unfortunately I can't get any of this to happen on my Touch so its hard
 to debug.
 John S.

Hi John, I've been in communication with the software engineer for my
async USB DAC (this one,
which is also getting the pops/clicks after applying your mod. He is
interested in contacting you to help resolve it. Would you like me to
put you in touch?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-01-31 Thread indypants

Hi cocamegadose, thanks for posting those extra tips.

I've just given them a try, and I do agree that the click  pops are
reduced, but for me even one or two is telling me the story that the
Async USB just isn't working properly - in which case there is no
advanage over spdif.

When I ran these symptoms past the designer of my DAC, the reply was

Sounds like the SB is not handling Async USB correctly – as if its not
handling the flow control and allowing the USB buffer to over-run /

Maybe this will mean more to someone here than it does to me?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-01-30 Thread indypants

Hi John, I've got a brand-new SBT and have just tried implementing your
mod in order to connect up to an async USB DAC (Audiolab 8000CDQ). I'm
getting no sound at all over USB, and it is still coming out of the
coax. Below is a dump of some of my files. I'm guessing the status of
stop in the stream0 file is not a good sign. My SBT firmware is 7.5.3
r9283 (it updated itself immediately that I turned it on).

Can you offer any advice as to a possible cause of my problem? I
wondered if it was worth me trying your modified firmware, if you could
point me to it.

Many thanks in advance,

# aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Series [Audiolab 8200 Series], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: fab4 [fab4], device 0: fab4-ak4420 []
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
# cat /etc/asound.conf
pcm.usbdac {
type hw;
card Series;
pcm.plugusb {
type plug;
slave.pcm usbdac;
ctl.plugusb {
type hw;
card Series;

pcm.!Series plugusb

# cd /proc/asound
# ls
Series   card0card2cardsfab4 hwdeppcm  version
TXRX card1card3devices  fab4_1   oss  timers
# cd card1
# ls
id oss_mixer  pcm0p  stream0usbbus usbid
# cat stream0
Lakewest Audio Audiolab 8200 Series at usb-fsl-ehci.0-1, full speed :
USB Audio

Status: Stop
Interface 2
Altset 1
Format: 0x20
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 1 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000


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